#karelian language
okaima · 11 months
Karelian language - Gender and sexual identities
Homo, homoseksuallińe - gay man Lesbo, lezbijanka* - lesbian, gay woman Biseksuallińe, bijanka - bisexual person Panseksuallińe - pansexual Aseksuallińe - asexual
Transsugupuoline - trans person Intersugupuoline - intersex person Muunsugupuoline - nonbinary person Cissugupuoline - cis person
Seksuallizus - sexuality Sugupuoli-identitietta - gender identity
Sugupuoli - gender or sex
*In Republic of Karelia, the word lezbijanka has negative connotation and lesbo is more commonly used
In modern times most karelians use these loanwords based on anglosphere views on gender and sexuality.
Traditionally speaking the views on gender and sexuality have been somewhat different, and words used have been more poetic and descriptive in many ways. Gender is seen as one role among others and as such, "mother" and "man" for example are not roles that contradict each other in any way, even if it is less common than being "woman" and "mother".
Without going into too many details here are few examples:
"On ukonvembelehes aliči käynnyh." - lit. "has walked under the reinbow*" - person who has changed their sex and role (gender) in which they live. Roughly speaking a trans person.
Example sentence: "Ozutat ilokkahambale nygöi gu olet ukonvembelehes aliči käynnyh." - "you seem happier now that you've transitioned." "Olen ukonvembelehes aliči käynnyh," - "I am trans person."
(*the association of rainbow is rooted on Karelian belief system in which person who passes from under rainbow has their sex changed, and the fact that rainbow is western lgbt+ symbol is coincidence.)
"eule yksis ruutois" - lit. "isn't in one (set of) traditional clothes" - person who travels between and beyond two genders, a "nonbinary*" person.
Example sentence: "En ole yksis ruutois." - "I am nonbinary."
*"gender binary" should be used in very loose relation to karelian traditions as "man" and "woman" are not seen as opposite ends of binary (or any other) scale any more than birch and spruce are only trees in existence or opposites to each other. Traditional views of karelians are rarely if ever linear.
Kaksńeuvoni* - lit. "person with two/many of advice/guiding/ instruction/ tools". A (visibly) intersex person.
*Please note that some people find this term offensive due to its similarity to old Finnish slur for people with ambiguous genitalia.
Example sentence: "Rodivuin kaksńeuvozenna." - "I was born intersex." "Olen kaksńeuvoni briha." - "I am intersex man."
Miehii suačii mies, brihoi suačii briha - lit. man who loves men
Example sentence: "Miun velli on miehii suačii mies, vai miehii suačou." - "My little brother is gay man, he is only interested in men." "Olen miehii suvaičii mies, a dai naizii suačen." - "I love men, but I'm also interested in women."
Buzaniekka - Man who wears pearls, man who loves men.
Akkoinpaimoi, akkoinpäiväińe - lit. wives' herder, wives' sun. "Feminine" man, man who prefers working with and spending time with women
Ristivellet - lit. cross brothers. Men who have exchanged their neck-crosses or other similar tokens. Can mean deeply close friends or male couple
Naizii suačii naińe, neidizii suačii neidińe - lit. woman who loves women
Karžuniekka - woman who loves women. Has also meant unmarried woman with implication she doesn't wish to marry a man.
Lepänakka, tabakka-akka - lit. alder's wife, tobacco-wife. "Masculine" woman, woman who prefers working with and spending time with men
Rističikot - lit. cross sisters. Women who have exchanged neck-crosses or other similar tokens. Can mean deeply close friends or female couple
"Kävelöy kahtel puolel." - lit. "One who walks on both sides." - person who loves others regardless of gender, roughly bi- or pansexual.
Example sentence: "Kävelen kahtel puolel, ollou mies, naine libo ei yksis ruutois." - "I am bi-/pansexual, I don't care about gender." "Häi on kahtel puolel kävelii, kaikkie suačou." - "They are pan-/bisexual, they don't care about gender."
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huijutoi · 11 months
Karjalan paikkua kuvailijat adverbit Spatial adverbs in Karelian
alahal down al below ylähäl up yl on top of ies in front of tagan behind hural left oigiel right
loitton far away lähäl near vierel next to ulgon, pihal outside sydämes in
kus where sie there tiä here tuol over there sie da tie here and there nikus nowhere kustah somewhere kudakus wherever kusliene somewhere I don't know kaikkiel everywhere
yläh up alah down edeh forward tuakse behind hurale left oigiele right
loitos, loitokse far lähäle near viereh next to ullos, pihale out sydämeh, pertih in
kunne where sinne there tänne here tuone over there sinne-tänne here and there ielleh-järilleh back and forth nikunne nowhere kunnetah somewhere kudakunne wherever kunneliene somewhere I don't know kaikkiele everywhere
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nurmesiandesign · 1 year
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mapsontheweb · 1 month
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Karelian languages and dialects in early 20th century
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Sketches (from February 2023 to February 2024)
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sovamurka · 2 months
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oodlenoodleroodle · 10 months
There was a weird bullshit AI article about tumblr that claimed that you can post in 18 different languages on tumblr, and I started to think: which languages have I seen posts in on tumblr? So for me its at least:
Mandarin Chinese
I might be forgetting ones I have seen, and there probably are languages I've seen and didn't even recognise what the language was. Like I genuinly don't remember if I've ever seen a post in arabic? Surely though - it's an enormous language?
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guiltycrunch · 6 months
Finnish is a stupid language, use Karelian
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discoshhtick · 6 months
Silly ask tag/ask game.
Thanks for the tag @okaima
English under the cut!
1: Oletgo nikenen periä suannuh nimen?
Miun kolmas nimi tul miun äijöltä da ompi vanha nimi miun perehesä.
2: Konza jälgimen itkevyit?
Egläin, moailman mänöt kattšuou.
3: Ongo siul lasta?
Eule ga voisin halata yhen jällespäin.
4: Mittusta sportuo kižuat libo olet kižannuh?
Vot vain! Mie kižuasin Taekwondoa, ratšastoamista da lassetteloa.
5: Pagizetko pilkoi?
Kovasti panen pilkoi pagizten kuha sille mielelle alan!
6: Midä tarkait edizih kenestah?
Sovat da ruutat pištäy šilmään enzimmäsenä!
7: Min värizet siun silmät ollah?
Miul on muzavan bruunit!
8: Sroastikinot libo hyväozani loppu?
Mie suvaičen sroastikinoloi da sroastia! Ga hyväozani loppu on i moločču.
9: Ongo neruo?
Käziruadoa maltan da taidua maltan!
10: Kuspäi sie roit?
Roin Suven Suomes.
11: Mittustu himoruaduo sinul on?
Vot on, mie panen taidua, kirjuttoan, peluan kompuuterilla da panen käziruadoa.
12: Ongo sinul elättiä?
Ga on! Miul on kaksi kažia, kiärmes da toukka! Halasin kans pöpököitä elättilöiks.
13: Kuin on sinul pitkys?
Miul on 158cm
14: Mieluzin školaruado?
Taidu, rodnoi kieli, käziruado da engelska.
15: Hoavehruado?
Mie halasin rubieta taiduolijaksi.
Tagging my karjalane velli @drowsy-teddy !
1: Are you named after anyone?
Got my third name from my great grandfather and it's an old name in my family.
2: When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday, world situation is stressing me out.
3: Do you have kids?
No, but I might want one later on
4: What sports do you play/have played?
A lot! Taekwondo, horseback riding and downhill skiing.
5: Do you use sarcasm?
I do very much once I get in the right mood for it.
6: What's the first thing you notice about people?
The way they dress usually sticks to my eye first.
7: What's your eye color?
Dark brown!
8: Scary movies or happy endings?
I love scary movies and horror, but happy endings are great too.
9: Any talents?
I can do handcrafts and art!
10: Where were you born?
Southern Finland
11: What are your hobbies?
I do art, handcrafts, write and play videogames
12: Do you have any pets?
I do! Two cats, a snake and a snail. I'd also like bugs as pets.
13: How tall are you?
14: Favorite subject in school?
Art, finnish language and literature, handcrafts and english.
15: Dream job?
I'd like to become a professional artist.
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cikkocikko · 1 year
"Šinne ei ni korppi luita kanna."
Vienankarjalaini šanonta.
"Where even ravens don't carry bones."
Viena Karelian idiom meaning a distant location.
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languagesperkele · 13 days
The other day a customer asked me where I'm from because how I speak sounded so ~kotoisa~. Turns out she's lived most of her life in Joensuu and her family is from Suojärvi~Suistamo... 😅
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okaima · 4 months
Karelian words - Fur And Leather Clothes
Tal'l'a - treated animal pelt Miehha - fur used for clothes making, especially coats and jackets Nahka - treated leather Kaža - leather or pelt that has dried hard Keččinä - rawhide Kenkäš - leather used for making shoes Šafjan - dyed decorative leather, most often blue or red, worn at the edges of children's boot shafts, collar and chest of fur jackets, married people's leather mittens and married women's shoes
Čäbry - curly haired pelt Hoveh - sheep pelt Jenotovoi - raccoon dog pelt Kalankettu - fish skin used for decorating clothes and items Kažinnahka - cat pelt Kettu - fox pelt Koirannahka - dog pelt Matikka, maehvoi - burbot skin Sagarvonnahka - otter pelt
Bašmakat, vašmakat - low-shafted or sometimes shaftless, heeled women's shoes
Belkkalakki, belkkatreuhka - fur hat made from seal skin, usually worn by village elders in white sea Karelia
Belkkakan'kat - traditional shoes made from seal pelt
Čiebalo, šiebalo - neck and chest warmer made from reindeer, bear, moose or sheep skin
Čubit - traditional leather boots worn during winter
Čuikka - fur coat, usually with cover of wool fabric, that reaches halfway down to wearer's calves and can be worn under another jacket
Čuikku, belkkačuikku - anorak or parka style jacket made from seal skin, usually worn by fishers
Hodakat - russian style dark leather shoes reaching to about knee or bit below
Holoppa - loose sheepskin fur coat
Joarat - traditional boots with shaft made from reindeer leg pelt and foot made from reindeer head pelt
Jänöihattu - winter hat made from white rabbit fur worn especially at Suojärvi area. The more decorated hats were mainly privilege of elders and married people.
Kan'kat, upokkahat - traditional shoes with low shaft. Depending on area worn with colourful weaved bands or with leather ties
Karva-alazet - fur mittens with fur facing outwards. Often made from dog fur
Kateturkki - fur jacket made from dog, sometimes sheep pelt in which the hairless side is covered with fabric
Koivikkahat - fur shoes made from reindeer, sometimes moose leg fur. Dark and white ones were traditionally most valued
Košeli - money pouch made of leather
Lippozet, stupnit - low traditional shoes worn inside during winter and outside during summer
Mahilan'e - sewing pouch
Moaličča - anorak type fur pullover with hood. Usually made from reindeer or sheep pelts. In Karelia, most if not all furs are worn with hairs inside.
Palttoturkki - straight, unpleated fur coat that is closed with buttons
Peäköt - traditional boots made from sheep's, reindeer's or cow's stomach or leg leather and which do not have the beak at the tip.
Poršnit, kurppuzet - traditional leather shoes made from single piece of leather
Prätti - fisher's leather apron
Puolisoappoat, puolruojuset - russian style leather boots with shaft that is just below calf or above ankle
Purkat - boots with shaft made of felt and foot made of leather
Pälsyt - women's fur vest with decorated fabric cover, usually worn inside or under jacket outside
Revokkahat, ketukkahat, reboikengät - shoes made from fox pelt, hair outside
Rukkazet - fur mittens with fur facing inwards. More decorated ones were privilege of married people
Sietka - tobacco pouch
Šoapka - men's winter hat, the more decorated ones were worn by grooms and married men.
Šupka, šuupa - long women's fur coat with wool fabric cover and pleating on the waist
Šäpäkkähät - leg warmers made from reindeer or deer, rarely sheep pelt. Worn mainly in reindeer herding area in Viena karjala.
Toopurat - over the knee reaching boots made from cow skin.
Treuhka - fur hat. Worn either by only women or all genders depending on the area. In later times it was mainly worn at weddings.
Tuluppa - russian style men's long fur pelt. Can have fabric covering or not depending on the wearer's wealth
Tušurkka - women's half-length fur coat. Can be covered or uncovered with fabric depending on wearer's wealth
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huijutoi · 11 months
Hairehehvedäjät verbit karjalan da suomen kielen välil
Täh postavukseh olen kerännyh ylehizii hairehehvedäjii verbilöi karjalan da suomen kielen välil.
I have gathered common misleading verbs between Karelian and Finnish in this post.
karjala suomi
havaččuo: havačun herätä huijata: huiguan pilkata, häväistä huijustella: huijustelen hävetä jaksua: jaksan riisua kaimata: kaimuan hukata kielastua: kielastan huijata, valehdella kižata: kižuan pelata maksua (3.prs) kannattaa, olla kannattavaa maltua: maltan osata mieldyö: miellyn rakastua muata: maguan nukkua (myös maata) murendua: murendan rikkoa opastua: opastan opettaa opastuo: opastun oppia oppie: opin yrittää opitella: opittelen kokeilla ozuttua: ozutan näyttää panna: panen mattii kiroilla puhuo: puhun puhaltaa sellitä: selgien pukeutua suvaija: suvaičen rakastaa syndyö: synnyn mahtua šuorita: šuorien pukeutua šuuttie: šuutin pilailla tarreta: targien uskaltaa tirpua: tirpan sietää, malttaa tostavuo: tostavun huomata uskaldua: uskaldan luvata uinota: uinuon nukahtaa varata: varuan pelätä voimattuo: voimatun sairastua
Da sit vie, ku oppiu kiändiä midägi suomespäi karjalah, ei voi vallita sidä sanuo, mi enzimäi mieleh juohtuu.
suomi karjala
havaita čusvuija, tundie huijata pettiä, muanittua, kielastua jaksaa voija, olla vägie kaivata kyzyö, igävöijä kisata kimpuija, vojuija, kilbailla malttaa tirpua, olla tirpačču, pyzyö tirpaččunnu mieltyä kiindyö maata muata, viruo murentaa muroittua, häilyttiä opastaa nevvuo oppia opastuo paistaa pastua puhaltaa puhuo puhua paista selvitä selletä, piästä suvaita hyävksyö, kaččuo hyväkse syntyä roija suorittaa piästä misgi läbi, suavuttua midägi tarjeta kestiä viluu uskaltaa tarreta varata tilata, ostua
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nurmesiandesign · 2 years
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mapsontheweb · 1 month
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Word for "universe" around Europe.
by danielogiPL
All of the languages are color coded by the roots of the word, which I have done research on. All the yellow areas use the "omni/whole/all/entire" + "world" combination, hence they are grouped together but with slightly different shades. Please note this is only the case for the yellow areas; the blue areas all differ from each other. The Belarusian etymology is different from the yellow areas, as "cy" does not mean "whole". Also note that I was not able to find the etymologies for all of the translations (like Baltic, Breton/Cornish and Slovene; I tried really hard to find the one for Slovene). Please let me know whatever is wrong with the colors or translations, and I might re-upload the map with a few corrected mistakes.
There are a few languages where I couldn't find the translation, most notably Ossetian, Karelian and all the Sami languages. Please let me know any missing translations. Austria is colored the same as Germany; I keep having people commenting on Austria being empty, except it isn't, it speaks the same language as Germany does.
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Veps and Karelian 💙
(These are not traditional clothes, just winter outfits inspired by old photos taken around the area in mid 20th century).
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