#la boc
llamagirl28 · 3 months
Submission text: I drew my Mordred and Morgana well, drawing under a tree. Both of them love art stuff, so this is a regular mother and child bonding experience!Mordred is drawing their best friend :,)
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THIS IS SO CUTE ❤ Thank you so much for sending it in, I love it!
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boysbeloving · 2 years
don't think about porsche's mouth....
don't think about porsche's mouth on kinn's nipples...how porsche would lick, suck and bite one of the nipples to make it hard while rubbing circles on the other one....how he would lap at the nipple like a cat and watch it bounce back and forth...how he would take the hard nipple lightly between his teeth and tug at it...how he would breathe hot air over the wet hard nipple (and the way it takes the wind out of kinn's lungs)...how he would squeeze kinn's boob to make the nipple rise and then take it in his mouth...how his tongue would go around in circles around the nipple...how obscene the sound would be when he pulls his mouth off of kinn's nipple to look at his blissed out expression...how he would just not stop even if the nipple has become red, wet with spit and soft again...how his soft tongue and hard stubble would make kinn feel contrasting sensations on his boob...how he would continue to do this for 9 minutes to the left nipple...how he would gently kiss the mole on kinn's chest...and then move to the right nipple and repeat this (for 11 minutes)
but don't think about it okay 🙃
(other things not to think about x x )
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sambuchito · 7 months
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punchlove-blog · 2 years
What is Chay doing about school?! Did Kim fix that? How did Porsche react. What is happening with his music???? I need to know. BoC Season 2 please.
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benimco · 2 years
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syrena-del-mar · 1 year
I was watching a live today and the hosts were discussing the JeffBarcode ship and, naturally, they started discussing the age gap and Barcode's age. At one point, the discussion veered to a few statements that I found myself not agreeing with. Essentially, that Barcode is a childish 18-year-old (how if they were that age, they couldn't find themselves interacting with someone like him) and that he comes across as more childish than other actors that are of the same age. An example brought up in the comment section was how Barcode's 'coconut' being continuously supplied showing his 'childishness'.
Now, everyone is entitled to their opinion and I usually agree in most of their opinions that these hosts share, so it's not like I'm mad at what they're saying nor do I think that they were intentionally ill-meaning. I'll be transparent and say I enjoy JeffBarcode (as a friendship/mentorship, as they have presented it) and I enjoy their chemistry as KimChay, so maybe I'm more invested and biased. I can definitely see where the discomfort in the age-gap comes from, and that's a whole other discussion.
I think it's easy to write Barcode off as "childish" and not give him a second thought, but I find this statement to be a bit disparaging when its coming from adults.
When it comes to Barcode, the interview that Jeff did with WoodyFM comes to mind. "I feel that he's a very pure living thing. Suppose that we've been through any toxic situation, after I look at him or talk to him, I would be able to release [my emotions/stress], it's like I get to talk to something that's very pure."
Barcode has an aura of positivity and a penchant for looking on the bright-side of a situation, it's something that he's been known for and has been mentioned by different KinnPorsche cast members. From what I've observed, he's also prone to showing his emotions when it's an intense moment, a la 'Jeff breaking the news that he's leaving BOC' when he couldn't stop crying on the last concert date, but hell everyone was crying that night.
He's wholesome, he's young, and when KP first aired, he was new to the industry. He was learning to navigate the industry with every interview he went on and at times that was very apparent.
I don't necessarily agree that it makes him childish. I think as adults, when we look at people younger than us, we tend to come from a more jaded point-of-view, in which there is a guideline that we subconsciously expect people to act according to, even when we think we don't subscribe to those expectations.
When it comes to Barcode, we need to look at him as an individual in the context of the company, and work he came into, as a whole, before we can write him off as 'childish'.
He came into a project, as a 16-year-old (the youngest), that had already had a previous cast. The second and third-youngest of this cast were 4-7 years older than him. He physically looked young, and was young, compared to all his other castmates [and everyone in BOC, at the time, by default]. He's essentially a younger brother to most of the cast. He plays that role well, with the cute way he acts and speaks to them, and has built that chemistry with the cast.
Being 'pure', as Jeff put it, does not signify that he is naïve, dewy-eyed, or childish. He's experiencing a lot of 'firsts' of the world while under BOC, many that are being captured and shared, his first snow, his first flight, etc. His excitement and awe is palpable in comparison to his more well-traveled and well-experienced coworkers. He was the greenest of all of them.
Coming into a room as the youngest, who is quite a bit younger than even the second youngest, can only be nerve-wracking [at minimum]. Especially, when you're coming in filling in the shoes of a previously casted role. Even worse, when you're taking the role as the counterpart of someone that already had a rather established semi-permanent ship. Barcode already had pressure from coming into a project that already had fan-support, then he had more pressure from the constant negativity that he received when KinnPorsche first aired for being paired with Jeff. He still made that role his.
But he's also grown into an 18-year-old that has undergone some degree of sexual harassment, which was made publicly known, by the writers of the sole project that made his name. He's gone through anti-fans. He's had projects announced and then abruptly cancelled by his management. To some degree, he has been side-lined by his management company, with much of his recent promotions coming from SOS.
With everything that he has gone through, rather than labeling him as childish, I would argue it goes to show his mental fortitude and emotional intelligence that he possesses. Jeff has said as much. Barcode has a positive outlook in life even in some of the roughest of times. He isn’t one to anger easily. Jeff stated that it’s healing a refreshing to be with him and that he hopes Barcode never loses that pure outlook. It’s apparent that Jeff tries to guide and take care of Barcode as much as he can, but it’s equally apparent that he also depends on Barcode.
His youth and age will always be something that is prominent, in comparison to his BOC co-stars. It will continue to be so apparent until BOC hires others that are around his age. His youth, his fun-nature, his positive outlook does not mean that he is childish.
It seems a bit unfair, as an adult, to just simply label him to be 'childish' and it seems further dismissive, when comparing him to other actors of his age. Other actors, such as Fourth and Gemini [who are his same age], have co-workers that are either their same age or around their age, their 'youth' doesn't stand out. Several of actors around his age slowly built up their careers and were not as immediately thrust into a ship, making them less inexperienced with the industry. Not to mention many of the projects that they're in has that more 'high-teen' vibe, rather than the darker tone that KinnPorsche had, which only emphasized how young Barcode was in comparison.
Whether you love or hate the JeffBarcode ship, Barcode stepped up to the plate and, in my opinion, held his own in KinnPorsche. Despite his age, he was able to create great chemistry as Porchay with Kimhan and as Porchay with Porsche.
He seems young, because he is young. He's exuberant and shows that side a lot, especially with the rest of the BOC-gang. He's being mentored and looked after by Jeff and the rest, so he doesn't have to undergo even worse treatment like they did. That doesn't make him childish.
Barcode is growing into himself and the scrutiny that surrounds being in the entertainment industry. That's commendable and deserves more than just an, albeit incidental, disparaging anecdote of who he is an actor and as a person.
This turned out much longer than what I initially meant to. I also don't think that the people who made these comments meant it in any harmful way. Sometimes, as adults, we forget what it was to be that age or we romanticize who we were as teens. Conversations regarding JeffBarcode will always be controversial on either side, but in general, I'm not a fan of discrediting young stars, especially in regards to who they are as a person or in terms of their personality. This was a bit all over the place, but I just needed to state my opinion on this. I'm Bible's age and I found it a bit regretful to hear this take on Barcode. Barcode has undergone a lot since joining KinnPorsche and I don't think it's fair to him, even if it's meant with good intentions.
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gunsatthaphan · 11 months
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: June 2023 ~  
⛱️ Happy July!!! 👗
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Youtube and other platforms. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post!
New breakdowns are coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff!  -> previous breakdowns
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What came out this month? (green = seen/currently watching)
🌟 Let’s Eat Together - June 2nd (Japan)
🌟 Ever After - June 3rd (Philippines)
🌟 Tin Tem Jai (Special Episodes) - June 3rd + June 4th (Thailand)
🌟 Twins - June 6th (Thailand)
🌟 Love Tractor  - June 7th (South Korea)
🌟 Stupid Genius - June 9th (Vietnam)
🌟 Moonlight Armour - June 10th (Philippines) 
🌟 Aedan - June 12th (Philippines) 
🌟 Tokyo In April - June 15th (Japan)
🌟 The Internship (movie) - June 22nd (Thailand)
🌟 His Man Season 2 (dating show) - June 23rd (South Korea)
🌟 A Story to Remember - June 23rd (Philippines) 
🌟 Tie the Not - June 24th (Philippines) 
🌟 Dinosaur Love - June 25th (Thailand)
🌟 One in a Hundred (international release) - June 29th (China) 
Monthly likes/dislikes
❣️ ø
👎🏻 La Pluie - Sadly I had to drop this one because I got super bored by it. It had a very interesting premise and the first 2-3 episodes were solid but then it deflated. Them revealing Pat as the soulmate so soon was a fatal mistake imo, they should have leaned more into the mystery of who he is to Saengtai etc. The story with Lomfon and Saengtian had an interesting start as well but then went nowhere. It’s a pity because I thought they were onto something with this show. oh well. 
New series & movie announcements
🎥 Beyond the Star - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 The Rebound (produced by AllThis Entertainment) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 My Imaginary Boyfriend (novel adaption) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Choco Milk Shake Season 2 - Date TBA (South Korea) 
🎥 The Only One (novel adaption) - Date TBA (Taiwan) 
🎥 So-And-So (novel adaption) - Date TBA (Taiwan)  
🎥 Beyond the Duo (movie) - Date TBA (Myanmar) 
🎥 The Bartender - Date TBA (Myanmar) 
🎥 Kiseki: Dear to Me - Date TBA (Taiwan) 
🎥 Dear Dopamine - Coming 2024 (Thailand) 
🎥 90's Boyfriend - Date TBA (Philippines)
🎥 Jazz for Two - Date TBA (South Korea) 
🎥 My Dear Gangster Oppa (starring MeenPing) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Spirit Reborn - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 My Momentary Wish - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Mr. Cinderella Season 2 - Coming September 2023 (Vietnam) 
🎥 Love of the Sea - Date TBA (Myanmar) 
Other news from the BL world
❗️ The upcoming GMMTV BLs Dangerous Romance, Only Friends, Last Twilight and Cooking Crush as well as the WabiSabi production Absolute Zero have started filming.
❗️ Actor Build Jakapan announced his withdrawal from the upcoming BL 4 Minutes due to the events that have occured over the last few months and his resulting departure from BOC. It’s unclear whether or not his co-star Bible Wichapas will remain a part of the project and get a new acting partner or if the project will get cancelled altogether. 
❗️ The upcoming Domundi BL Love Upon a Time released its pilot trailer. 
❗️ A second season for the Korean BL Choco Milk Shake was announced. Further details are unknown. 
❗️ The members of the kpop group OnlyOneOf will star in the upcoming Korean BL Bump Up Business. Further details are unknown.  
❗️ Actor Frank Thanatsaran announced that he will not be reprising his role as Itt in the upcoming sequel Love Syndrome: The Beginning. His role will be recast. It was announced that instead, he will star in the upcoming BL The Rebound, where he will be paired with Nammon Krittanai. The series will be produced by AllThis Entertainment and will be directed by Golf Tanwarin. (The Eclipse, 609 Bedtime Story)  
❗️ A spinoff for the Korean BL Unintentional Love Story was announced. Further details are still unknown. 
❗️GMMTV has announced the following cast changes for their upcoming BLs:
Only Friends: Piploy K. will be replaced by Lookjun B. (role of น้ำเชื่อม) 
Cooking Crush: Mark P. will be replaced by Aungpao O. (role of Dynamite) 
❗️ Y MOMENT Entertainment Thailand has announced their lineup for 2023/2024:
Low Frequency - Coming July 2023
Venus in the Sky - Coming September 2023
Kiseki - Coming 2024
Time - Coming 2024 
Lovely Addict - Coming 2024
Beyond the Star - Coming 2024
❗️ Actor Ja Pachara has decided not to renew his contract with his agency 888 Entertainment. He will continue to work as a freelanced artist. 
❗️ The upcoming horror/fantasy BL movie After Sundown released its official trailer. The movie will star ZeeNunew and will be released in Thai cinemas on July 20th. 
❗️ The Thai BL A Boss and a Babe won in the category “Rising BL series” at this year’s Asia Top Awards.
❗️ The ongoing filming for the upcoming Special Edition of Chains of Heart has been suspended due to intractable scheduling conflicts of the main actors. The project has been cancelled. 
❗️ The long awaited Thai remake of the Japanese BL Cherry Magic (starring TayNew) will air in 2024. According to cast + crew, after a long struggle with copyright issues, the trailer will be released shortly. Filming will start at the end of the year. 
Upcoming series & movies for July:
👉🏻 Be Mine SuperStar (starring JaFirst) - July 3rd (Thailand)  
👉🏻 Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 - July 5th (Japan)  
👉🏻 Stay by My Side - July 7th (Taiwan) 
👉🏻 Stay With Me - July 7th (China) 
👉🏻 Low Frequency - July 8th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Hidden Agenda - July 9th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Club Friday: Moments and Memories - July 9th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Laws of Attraction - July 15th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Wedding Plan - July 19th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 After Sundown (starring ZeeNunew) - July 20th (Thailand, cinema-release)
👉🏻 Jun and Jun - July 20th (South Korea)  
👉🏻 Stay Still The Series - July TBA (Hong Kong) 
👉🏻 The Star Season 2 - July TBA (Myanmar)
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discluded · 8 months
👀 did Srichand drop Mile?
omg I saw this and went to look and am going to reply REALLY quickly now because if I don't and someone else notices, I wouldn't be surprised if things escalate between the toxic solos
My consultant-type opinion (which is not a fact!) of this is: I think Mile's contract with Srichand ended.
The announcement about MileApo's ambassadorship was released circa August 28, 2022, which would imply, given some things, that it started in September 2022. The last post the Brand Twitter made featuring Mile was October 1, 2023. They retweeted some fan photos of people buying the sunscreen with Mile's picture attached, but that can be taken as engaging with people who liked their products. A 13 month contract is - to be fair - kind of weird, but this might also have to do with the uncertainty of the Man Suang release date. Since Man Suang would be released late August, it would make sense to extend the contract by a month to cover it.
I think three different contracts were signed: one with Apo, one with Mile, and one with BOC in collaboration with Man Suang (a historical Thai movie where Thai makeup would be featured). Bill, who is the Chief Marketing(?) Officer of Srichand still has the Man Suang promo slot on his header that includes Mile.
So you might be wondering, if Mile (and BOC) have a good relationship with Srichand, why might the contract end?
The other possibility turning in my head is that all of them had signed a contract that would cover until the end of 2023 BUT, drumroll, Mile got a significantly more lucrative offer.
And what offer would that be? What other makeup/beauty brand is he now a friend-of that could easily afford to buy out the rest of Mile's contract with another company, and probably Srichand wouldn't begrudge Mile for, since business is business?
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Hopefully you guessed it.
From fan reports, the Guerlain store in Bangkok had sold out of the perfume scent Mile endorsed the most, and likely moved other product from fans who didn't like the scent but wanted to support him by buying another perfume. Mile endorsed the L'Art & La Matière, where 100mL is between $285-380 USD. These brands do not drop their prices for the Asian market*, and even conservatively estimating that he sold like 100 bottles of 100mL perfume and no other residuals like the Guerlain lip stick or the 200mL sizes, that's about ~$33k USD in product. Comparatively, for the first Srichand live they did, MA moved about $112k USD in product, which we can only attribute half the value of to Mile... $62k. Howevr, that took selling ~8000 units of makeup, (4000 attributed to Mile here, let's just say.)
If selling 200 units (~$66k USD) of product grosses more than selling 4000 units of product ($62k), I think both Guerlain and Srichand can see eye to eye on the value each would get from buying out the rest of Mile's contract. (Another way to add up to ~$65k+, 100 units of 100mL perfume at the $285-380 range, 150 units of perfume at the $110 range, 100 units of meteorites - Guerlain's best selling highlighter, 200 units of their $40 lipstick that Mile promoted - 550 units vs. 4000 units of product to make the same amount of money)
If anything, the weird 13 month length was likely negotiated to accommodate the release of Man Suang with MileApo marketing push to move product associated with their joint ambassadorship AND the release of the movie (their last Srichand live was Sept 19). It would be weird if Mile's face appeared on the movie makeup stuff but he wasn't appearing in the lives.
I think Mile still likely has a friendly relationship with Srichand as a company, it's just that business is business, and I'm sure whatever happened, if it was an extension or a contract buy-out Srichand likely got more than a sweet deal out of the relationship they had.
again, just my opinion. I could be wrong. But I doubt it was any sort of bad-blood reason that Mile got dropped for. The business case speaks for itself.
*luxury brands actually often have a luxury brand price increase in Asian markets. US brands are usually the most affordable in the US, and European brands most affordable in Europe due to import taxes the companies have to pay to ship product.
** also the other possibility is that they're focused on promoting the translucent powder now, which Apo is attached to but Mile is not...
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likealarryqueen · 2 years
The Runner - Larry Stylinson Oneshot 💘
Descrição: Onde Louis fica com ciúmes do seu namorado e eles resolvem se resolver de uma forma mais prazerosa.
Essa foi a primeira oneshot que eu escrevi, mas resolvi cortar algumas partes para postar aqui. Espero que aproveitem! ✨
Ltops / Hbottom
"Caso alguma dessas tags te incomode, sugiro que não continue a leitura!"
Quando o filme acabou Harry e Louis já estavam bem embolados um no outro. Harry estava parcialmente deitado em cima do namorado com a perna direita por cima do corpo do de olhos azuis e estava com a cabeça em cima de seu tórax. Louis estava apoiado em alguns travesseiros e tinha suas mãos por cima do cacheado.
- Amor, o que acha de irmos dormir agora? Já está ficando um pouco tarde e temos aula amanhã cedo. - Styles esfregava suas bochechas no tecido da camiseta de Louis e o apertava com os braços.
Louis da uma leve risada e logo abaixa seu olhar para Harry que o encarava. Tomlinson leva suas mãos até os cabelos cacheados do menino de olhos verdes e os puxa levemente que o faz levantar um pouco mais o olhar para vê-lo.
-Quem disse que você vai dormir hoje? Não terminamos ainda nossa conversa.
- Como assim? - Styles tenta se arrumar na cama, mas sente a mão de Louis apertando ainda mais os seus cabelos e isso faz com que sou corpo inteiro responda com arrepios.
-Ora, você acha mesmo que eu ia deixar nossa briguinha de lado sendo que podemos resolvê-la de uma forma mais prazerosa? - Louis da um sorriso malicioso e morde os próprios lábios enquanto vê Harry extasiado por ter os cabelos puxados, ele sabe que o mais novo ama quando ele faz isso. - Eu pensei em você o dia todo de quatro pra mim enquanto eu te fodia bem fundo para te dar uma lição. Você acha mesmo que eu não fiquei com ciúmes por achar que você está com outro por aí? Harry, você sabe que eu sou o único que te faz gritar de prazer por estar gozando várias vezes somente com o meu pau dentro de você. E é isso que eu quero fazer de novo. Talvez o meu ego esteja um pouco ferido por causa daquela situação, mas não consigo parar de pensar em você tão entregue a mim. De ver as suas bochechas e lábios vermelhos todas as vezes que você engole o meu pau tão bem ou quando fica com a voz mais rouca por eu tee fodido bem fundo essa sua boquinha linda. Você quer isso, meu amor? Fale para mim.
Harry não sabia o que responder. Só ele tinha aquele efeito sobre si. Toda vez que Louis dizia aquelas coisas para ele, ele não conseguia raciocinar de primeira. Só com aquelas palavras já sentia seu pau começar a endurecer e a pulsar dentro de sua boxer.
- Faça o que você quiser comigo, Louis. Eu sou todo seu essa noite.
Harry estava ansioso. 
Das últimas vezes que eles transaram tinha sido algo mais íntimo. Cuidadoso. Louis tinha percebido que Harry estava mais manhoso por conta da gripe, então sempre acabavam fazendo amor lentamente, tudo cheio de sentimentos carinhosos, arfadas, gemidos mais silenciosos. O tempo parecia não passar, era somente Louis&Harry.
Essa noite ele sabia que seria diferente. Louis o empurrou até que estivesse com as costas sobre o colchão, olhou diretamente em seus olhos e começou a desabotoar seu shorts.
- Harry, diga para mim. - Ele fez uma pequena pausa enquanto terminava de puxar os shorts do namorado para baixo e viu que o mesmo não usava uma boxer por baixo. - O que você quer que eu faça agora? - O de olhos azuis aperta seu pau com uma das mãos e começa a fazer movimentos lentos de cima para baixo. - Você já esta tão excitado, amor. Isso tudo só por eu ter puxado o seu cabelo? Você é uma putinha mesmo, se derrete todo só para mim. 
Louis abaixa sua cabeça até que estivesse perto suficiente da glande de Styles, que nesse momento já se encontrava bem vermelha, deu uma leve lambida na mesma e quando começou a chupa-lá continuou a fazer contato visual com Harry. O cacheado não conseguiu responder às perguntas do namorado, não quando ele subia e descia rapidamente a boca pelo seu pau que já estava latejando. 
-Harry, quando eu te faço perguntas, eu espero que você me responda. - Louis parou seus movimentos e elevou seu corpo para ficar de frente a Harry. - Fale para mim.
- E-eu quero que você acabe comigo hoje, Lou. Quero que você me foda fundo e forte até eu não conseguir mais raciocinar. Me coloque de joelhos para você, eu estou com saudades dos seus tapas. Eu gosto tanto quando você faz isso. De me sentir tão apertado quando você me fode com os seus dedos. Eu preciso de você, hoje e agora. - Harry puxa a mão do namorado e coloca dois dedos do mesmo em sua boca enquanto o olha, Louis arfa com a imagem que tem em sua frente. Styles sabe muito bem em como provocá-lo, mas essa noite quem está no comando é Tomlinson. 
- Muito bem, meu amor. Eu vou te chupar agora. Você irá gozar pela primeira vez enquanto eu estiver com a minha boca no seu pau, mas não vai ser a única. Você vai ser um bom garoto e gozar mais vezes para mim essa noite, Harry?
- Sim, amor. Eu vou ser um bom garoto, faça isso. Por favor, Louis. Ah- O cacheado não termina a sua fala pois Louis volta ao seu trabalho de lamber todo o comprimento do namorado. Louis gostava tanto de provocar o mais novo, ele descia lentamente por toda a extensão e depois lambia toda a cabecinha só para ouvir Harry gemendo manhoso por todas as sensações que passavam pelo seu corpo.
-Você todo entregue desse jeito para mim me deixa tão duro, amor. Você já esta tão duro e já consigo sentir o seu gosto na minha boca. Você não tem noção de como eu quero me enterrar nesse seu cuzinho. Te deixar todo lambuzado com a minha porra e continuar te fodendo até você chorar. Você consegue imaginar isso, Harry?
-Oh, sim, Louis. P-porra. Não pare, amor. Me engole até o fim, eu estou tão perto. A sua boca é tão quente, não sei se vou conseguir aguentar por muito mais tempo.
Tomlinson não perde tempo em respondê-lo de volta e abre a boca para colocar novamente o pau do namorado até o fim de sua garganta. Começa a fazer movimentos lentos e fundos e sente as bolas do namorado batendo em frente ao seu pomo de Adão.
Quando Harry começa a gemer em um ritmo desconexo, Louis percebe que ele está perto de gozar e aumenta o ritmo que estava fazendo.
-L-Lou, amor. Caralho. Eu estou v-vindo. A sua boa me engole tão bem. - Harry vem em jatos longos na boca do namorado, esse que geme e envia mais vibrações que estimulam ainda mais o cacheado. - Ah, amor, você é tão bom nisso. Eu quero tanto te chupar agora, eu também quero sentir o seu gostinho na minha boca.
- Você está ficando muito guloso pelo meu pau, não está? Fique de joelhos para mim e com a boca aberta. - Harry desce da cama e apoia os joelhos no tapete felpudo do seu quarto e espera ansiosamente por Louis.
O mais velho termina de tirar suas roupas e fica inteiramente nu na frente do cacheado. Harry sempre fica hipnotizado pelo corpo de Louis. Todas aquelas tatuagens que eles tem em comum, as coxas grossas que ele gosta de sentar quando está cavalgando, o corpo banhado pelo sol que parece que foi esculpido pelos deuses. Harry era um homem de sorte.
- Não cansa de me observar, não? - Louis deixa um sorriso ladino aparecer e fica de frente para o namorado. Segura o próprio comprimento em suas mãos e começa a bombear um pouco para espalhar o pré gozo. - Você vai me chupar até eu estar bem fundo na sua garganta? Quero que me deixe bem molhado para quando eu for te foder ser bem gostosinho. - Ele esfrega o seu pau nas bochechas pálidas do namorado e rodeia a boca vermelhinha do mesmo que parecia tão acolhedora, ele amava ser chupado por Harry.
- Acabe com a minha boca. Faça o que quiser.
Louis arfa somente com essa fala e segura fortemente o cabelo de Styles. Coloca o seu pau até o fim da garganta do maior e sem esperar que esse se habituasse, começa a foder a boquinha avermelhada que o acolhia tão bem em um ritmo acelerado.
Harry amava estar naquela posição, sentia um prazer imenso por ter a própria boca fodida pelo namorado e acabava gemendo por conta do prazer que sentia.
O mais velho tirou seu pau da boca do namorado e o puxou para ficar de pé. Colocou a mão esquerda em seu pescoço e o puxou para um beijo apressado e quente. Os dois estavam com os corpos quentes por conta do tesão acumulado.
- Sente-se na minha cara, Harry. Vou te preparar e depois quero ver você quicando no meu pau.
Styles volta para cama e espera Louis buscar o lubrificante que estava na cômoda ao lado. Seu estômago se embrulha por conta da ansiedade. Louis sempre consegue surpreendê-lo. 
Tomlinson se deita na cama e deixa o tubo ao seu lado, chama Harry com o olhar e o mesmo vai em direção de ficar perto do rosto do mais velho. Harry tinha um pouco de vergonha de sentar no rosto do namorado, mas dessa vez decidiu deixar as suas vergonhas de lado e resolveu aproveitar. Deixou suas coxas bem abertas e Louis se acomodou bem no meio delas.
-Oh, babe. Você está tão apertadinho. Quero te sentir nos meus dedos agora. Quero sentir você espremer os meu dedos, mesmo eu colocando eles cada vez mais fundo.
- Faça isso logo, Louis. Quero ações e não especulações. - Harry termina de falar e sente um tapa em sua nádega direita, logo em seguida um aperto em cima de onde sentiu a batida.
- Acho bom você ficar bem quietinho agora. Você sabe muito bem do que eu sou capaz. Ou vou ter que te lembrar disso? - Louis começou a intercalar alguns tapas em sua bunda e apertava as duas bandas possessivamente, como ele gostava de fazer aquilo.
Harry geme com a sensação de ardência e revida os olhos. Em um ato de ilucidez, ele rebola sobre o rosto do namorado em busca de contato e Louis começa a chupar sua entrada que estava pulsando pelo tesão que o consumia.
-Sim, amor. Eu prometo ficar quietinho, mas não demore muito. Eu quero tanto sentir o seu pau dentro de mim, por favorzinho. - Harry já não se segurava mais e rebolava sem pudor algum contra a língua do namorado.
Louis contornava o buraquinho rosa várias vezes e logo começou a pressioná-lo para penetrar a ponta da língua. No mesmo momento sentiu Harry enclinar o corpo para trás e se segurar na cabeceira da cama para ter mais estabilidade.
Com a mão direita ele puxou o frasco do lubrificante, abriu a tampa e espalhou sobre os seus dedos o líquido gelatinoso. Começou a penetrar com o dedo indicador o ponto apertado do seu namorado e foi indo bem devagar para não machucá-lo na preparação.
Não demorou muito e Harry já estava se fodendo em três dedos do namorado. Como ele gostava de sentar para o moreno. Ele sempre acertava o seu ponto de prazer com precisão e essa noite não estava sendo diferente. Toda vez que os dedos entravam na entrado do cacheado, Louis curvava seus dedos para alcançar a próstata de Styles.
- L-Lou, se você continuar fazendo isso eu não vou a-aguentar. Me fode de uma vez, por favor-r. - Harry já tinha o cabelo todo bagunçado e seu corpo já tinha gotículas de suor por toda parte. Se Louis continuasse a lhe dedar daquela forma não iria durar muito novamente.
-Tudo bem, amor. Vou te dar o que você tanto vem me pedindo. - Ele empurra o quadril de Harry para atrás, até que eles estivesse em cima do seu quadril e começa a pincelar seu pau pela entrada do namorado. - Você quer que eu foda o seu cuzinho bem forte agora, Harry? É isso que você tanto quer?
- Sim, amor. Faça isso logo!
Louis entrou de uma vez na entrada de Styles e começou a fode-lo forte e fundo não dando um tempo para o mais novo se acostumar. Ele gostava tanto de sentir o seu pau sendo engolido quando metia sem dó o namorado, parecia que estava no céu.
- Isso, Louis. Ah! Eu precisava tanto disso. Eu gosto tanto quando você me fode bem fundo desse jeito. Vou começar a te provocar mais vezes. - Harry começou a descer sobre o pau do moreno no mesmo ritmo que Louis de enterrava na sua entrada.
Tudo era muito quente.
A cama fazia um barulho alto e os dois corpos se chocando faziam os barulhos ecoarem pelo quarto. Com certeza os vizinhos iriam ouví-los, mas nada importava mais naquele momento.
Louis voltou a beijar Harry e no meio dessa junção de corpos, o mais velho começou a apertar os mamilos do namorado que choramingou entre seus lábios.
- Você gosta que eu te foda assim, não é mesmo? Você é uma vadia, Styles. Olha como você está gemendo tão alto, com certeza o prédio inteiro deve estar sabendo que sou eu que te faz ficar dessa forma. Todos eles vão estar sabendo amanhã que eu te fodi tão bem que você não conseguiu nem calar a porra da sua boquinha.
Harry nem raciocinava direito, estava perdido em sua mente por causa do prazer avassalador que sentia. Sentir o pau do namorado tão fundo e forte o fazia viajar para outro lugar. Era como se tivesse se transportado para outra dimensão.
Louis continuava a apertar seus mamilos e dava beijos em seu pescoço. Por estar sendo estimulado de várias formas já sentia sua barriga se repuxar novamente. Ah, como ele amava aquela sensação. Sabia que estava perto de ter outro orgasmo novamente. 
Prendeu as pernas de Louis abaixo de si e começou a quicar no seu próprio ritmo. Louis gemia na mesma sequência que ele e o ajudava com os movimentos.
- Oh, amor. Mais rápido. Se acabe novamente no meu pau. Goze de novo pra mim, eu estou perto também. Quero melar o seu cuzinho com a minha porra e depois te foder de lado até você chorar pra mim. 
Louis voltou a dar tapas na bunda branquinha de Harry até ficar toda avermelhada. Ele gostava tanto de ficar apreciando o estrago que fazia na bunda do cacheado depois. O contraste do vermelho sangue com a pele fria do namorado o deixava com uma satisfação imensa.
Os dois ficam nesse ritmo incansável até gozarem juntos. Harry ainda continua rebolando sobre o pau de Louis em uma velocidade baixa. Há vários gemidos, arfadas e toques da parte de ambos. Louis sempre tenta guardar as feições que Styles faz quando goza. Com certeza não havia nada mais bonito que aquilo. 
Eles ficam parados por bons minutos naquela mesma posição. O mais novo se aninha sobre o corpo do mais velho enquanto recebem carinhos em suas costas.
-Haz? - Louis pergunta quando termina de se recuperar do orgasmo que acabou de ter.
-Hm? - Harry já começa a ficar sonolento. Ele sempre acabava ficando molinho depois de gozar mais de uma vez.
- Vamos mais uma vez, sim? Ainda quero te comer de ladinho, amor. - Tomlinson faz desenhos imaginários pela pele do maior. Seu pau não tinha amolecido e estava dentro de Harry ainda, queria tê-lo mais uma vez naquela noite.
- Não sei se vou conseguir gozar mais uma vez, Louis. Já estou muito sensível. - Ele tinha uma feição tão angelical enquanto falava com o namorado, nem parecia o mesmo que a pouco tempo atrás estava sentando na cara do mesmo.
- Você consegue sim, amor. Já fizemos isso várias vezes. Você não quer eu entrando em você de novo? Vou bem devagarinho. Você está cheio da minha porra agora, deixe eu te encher mais uma vez.
Harry se arrepiu só de imaginar.
Saiu de cima do colo do mais velho e ficou de lado pro mesmo, se virou levemente para puxar os braços do outro para apertá-lo e se encaixaram novamente.
Desse vez tudo estava mais devagar. Eles estavam curtindo mais o momento. Louis dava estocadas mais leves e apertava a cintura do mais novo. Eles arfavam em cada movimento e Louis se arrepiava por Harry estar mais apertado por conta da posição. Tudo era muito íntimo e quente.
Tomlinson passou a lamber perto da orelha de Harry e rodava o quadril para atingir a próstata de Harry repetidamente. Toda vez que acertava o cacheado o apertava ainda mais.
- Lou, eu não estou aguentando mais. Por favor, me faça gozar. Isso tá muito gostosinho. - Harry se empurrava contra o pau do namorado. Seus olhos já começavam a lacrimejar de tão bem que ele se sentia. Louis não parava de acertar o seu ponto, ele estava indo à loucura daquele jeito.
- Venha pra mim mais uma vez, amor. Vou gozar em cima de você dessa vez.
Louis deu mais algumas estocadas enquanto masturbava o cacheado e logo ele se desmanchou mais uma vez tremendo por conta da onda de prazer que sentiu.
O mais velho saiu de dentro de Styles e começou a se masturbar de forma rápida, logo acabou gozando pelas costas alvas do maior.
-Ah, amor. Você me faz tão bem. - Virou Harry de frente para ele e deu um singelo selar sobre os lábios vermelhos do outro. - O que acha de mais um banho agora?
- Soa bem pra mim. Mas você vai ter que me carregar até lá.
- Sempre, meu corredor.
Se você chegou até aqui, não esqueça de deixar um coraçãozinho e dar reply para mais pessoas conhecerem essa oneshot. 💘
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jackhkeynes · 2 months
Introduction to a Recipe
excerpt in translation from acclaimed 1880 mealbook Pasti Mezziterreni (Middlesea Meals), written by world-traveller Giosforo Sant'Angelo.
Farrago a Pot Cypriot Cypriot Pan-Farrago
Preðauc vos seyað feliç aðief a un orin ny rimot Masrecq broucar Unless you have the good fortune to hail from the Masreck coast
(degnant par boc y staddenzan d'Arcabil ain un kes cosvour, la fait quippe des laið a vacq), (although I hear the Arcabil staddenzen have a similar cheese, there made of course with cow's milk),
vos stoura se contentar an kes Cypriot quidam conservað sou salmoir oc, ja pos ragostant cos immachiabr nell'oc mistur pouvler, you will need to content yourself to brine-stored Cypriot cheese which, while perfectly appetising in this traditional mélange,
noc incaint vars y repasc deliçous attegndr meyon pris a cost y mar posc un jorn passað ny ruin a Knossos. is unlikely to match the exquisite meal I took by the sea after a day spent among the ruins of Knossos.
Se pos reclamar ig jo no fos cos forçað for souvolant ne souc de grantað, emmenað lonc y mesur par y gra d'asc reðr mey; One might object that I must simply have been swept up in grandeur, carried along by the weight of aeons behind me;
de my sgart jo vil aglon y cociner reconnoscr. for my part I am inclined to credit the chef.
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shippingcontacts · 2 years
Vegaspete ep 12, how are we doing?
I had a 10 hour shift that absolutely demolished me. I crawled up my stairs (on my hands and knees) with only one thought "vegaspete are waiting to be unhinged on my screen" and I was not disappointed.
First things first, this:
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Im obsessed with this scene. A depiction of VP dynamic. Vegas being placed higher than Pete in the frame, fully clothed and Pete having no issue seeing through it all. I tried to picture how this scene would play out with Tawan, ken Or one of kinn's boy toys and I couldn't because none of them got past vegas' masks. In fact, they all seemed quite taken with his falsesonas. That is the fundamental difference between them and pete.
And I lost it when vegas rolled his eyes at pete😂
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This scene has no right being this charming
There's something about seeing a man we know to be manipulative, cunning (and willing to torture someone) sat on the grass like a literal 5 yr old cradling his deceased pet. He seems so child like here. He probably never really got to be childish or enjoy his childhood.
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But I also have to wonder.
Being upset at losing a pet is one thing and being upset because he 'failed' a task (taking care of the hedgehog) given to him by his father is another. And of course it could be a mix of both.
And obviously, the hedgehog being a stand in and representation of every thing he loves eventually leaving him.
I've also seen a few post pointing out how...peculiar it was that Vegas happend to drop the key right after telling pete there was no one there. And I completely get those, cuz THIS:
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Is not a face that says "how did you get out again *cue frantic search of his pockets for his keys *cue reslization" this is more "but why are you still here?" But you could also argue he's still in a bit of shock from losing his hedgehog to go down that line of thought. Also we all saw Vegas just get up and walk without holding onto or guiding pete 👀 Like he just expected pete to follow him (which he did)
Internally screaming
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Speaking from experience pete?
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Vegas theerapanyakul what is your hand doing? Grasping a fist full of Pete's ass ah la temple scene? or is he just holding Pete's whole dick and balls in his hand😂 cuz that would be hilarious. Either way, somethings going on here. This leads me to the music...which I really liked. I think it's fitting for them. I was snap chatting with a friend while I frothed at the mouth over the pure hotness and intensity of this scean and she said it sounded like what she thought a hypnotic trance felt like. Then it clicked. VP ARE in a trance. Away from anyone else they are in a trance with one another. Good for them.
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Vegaspete now OWN the body worship tag. Vegas was having a whole religious experience right here and I wouldn't blame him (also Pete's waist) but seriously, this scene was so passionate and reverent but also felt like it wasn't real. All my thanks to Bible and Build's acting skills, dedication, professionalism just everything and boc for creating an environment where their actors feel comfortable enough to challenge themselves with such difficult scenes. Their efforts are not unnoticed or unappreciated.
Vegas is also, obviously an ass kind of guy😏
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Pete was crazy for this
I could really go on but ill end here with this
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VP own me at this point. Like I really don't know what ide do without them. Im excited for how the rest of their story will play out in these next two ep I know no matter what it'll probably hurt :')
P.s I was gonna write my thoughts on kp's scenes this ep as well as the kittisawasd brothers (I had a lot of feels for Porsche dropping chay off) but I think I used up all my brain cells for vp annnndddd I just saw the behind the scenes for this ep drop,im gonna go watch it.
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mirabella96 · 1 year
BOC during the weekend: screaming crying throwing up, It's the final countdown, goodbye forever, we will never see each other again, we are going to life on different planets (I cannot believe how funny I am), time to say goodbye (Chiudi dentro me la luce che), Farewell, Bye Bye Bye (Baby byebyebye), .... there is no more KinnPorsche
BOC today: Hey, we have this FIRST (so there will be more???) photobook in Japan "KINNPORSCHE THE SERIES JAPAN PHOTOBOOK" to sell, wanna buy?
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whispeyrains · 1 year
New PV is officially out! Some thoughts:
New 4 star op is a reaper guard, so very 🤔 on what he can do compared to La Pluma and the yet to be released to global Highmore. He is a very dilf Forte though with his tits out for, reasons? Anyway thank you ak artist <3
Morgan! Yay! Hypergryph real said you can get everyone free but Siege lol
The skins are all very pretty! But it is very interesting that Skadi is getting a new skin for the Stultifera rerun instead of Lumen (seemingly) it breaks the well established pattern of welfare units getting their skins with their event reruns, what does this meannn (Lumen BoC skin in an Inquisitor outfit would be rad, but maybe he'll get his chance in the upcoming anniversary, or based on some fan speculation of the silhouettes chasing after W in the concert PV, and Ambience Synesthesia skin? Plz plz plz copium)
Lumen skin better be gorgeous, the wait is hell :'( JUSTICE FOR MY BOY
I feel like we also need more male character skins in general. I know the ratio of female to male characters in this game is like, 5 to 1 but if 3 female characters to date can get 3 skins, why can't units who don't have any get one 😭
Happy for all Ines lovers those who are ungodly dedicated to AK NPCs getting their faves released from jail is always a treat.
CEMENT <3 lmao what if her base skill is like Shaws or smth. Match made in factory production 🙌
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shortpplfedup · 2 years
BOC missed a trick not making Sprite the World Tour Emcee a la Cabaret.
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brofisting · 2 years
Can’t say all or even ANY of my KinnPorsche feelings because I have too many of them but for people who’re here from my background info post (blows u a million kisses). Here are some KinnPorsche FAQs based on tags from that post.
Q: I don’t care if any of that post is true, I want to believe!
A: Don’t gotta take it on faith, bro!!! Check back, I added sources! It’s true! And my sources are only a fraction of the available behind the scenes material and interviews that talk about the process and the actors and the studio. There is soooo much cool background info!! Go nuts!!
Q: Okay, so it’s true, except that Mile didn’t have a crush on Apo, you’re exaggerating.
A: Mile didn’t specifically remember the hot guy from his college/gym who looked like his favorite childhood TV character and had beautiful eyes for 10 years and then tell everyone about it at every opportunity for you to doubt him like this. 😔
Q: I’m fascinated, where do I watch KinnPorsche? Can I pirate it?
A: Look, I know it’s not the fun answer, and I am usually pro-theft, but I am really encouraging you guys to just get an iQiyi account for a month. You can watch the full show within that time easy, it’s only $9USD, and you can watch it in sexy sexy 1080p. And if you’ve got buds who are interested you can do what I did and pay $10 instead and go splitsies with 3 other people! You just learned all about how it got made, and how hard the people who made it worked to make it a good show and a good experience. I think that a way to get more shows like that made (either by Mile & BOC, or elsewhere in the industry!) is to show you’re willing to support them if you can. If you can’t, I’m sure there’s links floating around, but I hope if it’s possible, you’ll give ‘em some walking around money. (No matter how you get it, remember to watch the “La Forte” version, not the TV cut, unless you want it censored!)
Okay I’m back to being a pile of goo. I love them, your honor. Bye.
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guirandanadelay · 2 years
A brief introduction to Aragonese Witchcraft
greetings to all! First of all i would like to point out that i don`t speak english so maybe my writing has some strange issues, also i i’m new in tumblr so i don`t how to make beautiful posts. Have patience with me please. Anyway.
Basque witchcraft trials and galician folklore are very well known, but its remarkable that the spaniard witch hunt begun in the northeast area (due to the conecction to France, where the Inquisition was founded). Catalonia and Aragon were the regions in which more witch trials took place, and they share the very rich and old folklore of the Pyrenees.
I would like to make a simple introduction into aragonese witchcraft, but before it i think that i should do a tiny presentation of Aragon.
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Aragon is a region located in the northeast of the Iberian peninsule, bordering with France and other iberian regions like Catalonia, Navarre and Valencia. This is the land of the famous painter Francisco de Goya, and of other personalities like Catherine of Aragon (the first wife of Henry VIII), Michael Servetus, Baltasar Gracián, Joaquín Costa or Luis Buñuel (filmaker).
 During the Middle Ages it was a reign of its own, but because of the marriage of the spanish catholic monarchs (Queen Isabelle I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon) the Aragonese Crown started to mix more with Castile originating the future concept of Spain. This map is a representation of the Crown of Aragon during 1492: 
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The Witch Hunt started in the peninsule in 1424 due to a pyrenean law that punished “those who go with witches” with death penaltie. In all the Pyrenean area the rumors about a devilish group of people that consorted with Satan weren’t new. The bloody prosecution of cathars influenciated the Crown of Aragon, bringing here not only the ideas about heretics and devil whorshippers but a bad fame to the french foreigns and a growing sensation of insecurity too. In 1461 on Villanua (Bellanuga in aragonese) a woman named Guirandana of Lay was accused of being a sorceress, and after being carried to Jaca she was found guilty and burnt at the stake. Studies tell that she was probably of Béarnaise origin, and that she worked as a healer before her arrest. In her confessions Guirandana explained that she was the "cap e bordon" (leader) of a local group of poisoners (ponzoñer@s in aragonese), they would met on each other houses to concoct toxic potions and powders and teach the younger members about their making. Later, allegedly, they would poison townfolk because the Devil have told them to do so. Guirandana gave a recipe of a powder that she throwed to the ground in which her victims were stepping to cause the illnes, it was a grinded mix of toads and snakes' bones. Obviusly her confessions are very debatable because torment was presumably used. Altought Guirandana wasn't accused of witchery at all, her trial set precedent to aragonese witch trials. With Guirandana some other people were likely carried to Jaca and burnt, but in the same area (Cenarbe, a dissapeared village very near) and only 37 years after her polemic a new hunting arosed. Three siblings were suspected of being witches, two of them (Maria and Juan) escaped, but one remained and was chased. She was Narbona Dacal, firstly interrogated by local judges (it was the secular judges and not the Inquisition who more witch hunts started on Spain) but afterwards some inquisitors that had have notice of devil whorshipping and heresy carried she to Zaragoza. In Zaragoza she was tortured and interrogated, her confession depicted a secret cult to the Boc of Biterna (the he-goat of Biterna). Elements like the pact with the Devil and the sacrilege associated with the term "witch" appeared for first time in Aragon with this case. She was burnt at the stake, and on later months other women like Gracia la Valle burnt on september of the same year or Maria (unknown surname, "wife of Garcia Biessa") burnt in 1499 were prosecuted under the witchcraft charge. Since Guirandana in 1461 up to 1645, the aragonese witch trials took place. 
Simultaneously as the witch trials were developing, they were arrested also those accused of practising sorcery, divination, necromancy or folk healing. Commonly their penalties were less harsh than those of witches supects, being very rare death and more frequent flagellation, public repentance, humiliation and exile. In a lot of cases witchcraft charge was accompanied by sorcery or poisoning accusations, specially cause "ponzoñería"/"metzinería" (the term in aragonese, and in catalan) was not only considered poison making but specifically witch poison making. The catalan word "metzina" came from the latin and remained the antique ambiguity of poison and medicine.         That made easy the witch accusations to healers and midwifes.                           
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if you like this post perhaps i will write about specific aragonese witch trials or about the figure of the Boc o Biterna. Finally i have to warn you that the vast majority of bibliography is in spanish.
·         “Abracadabra Omnipotens. Magia urbana en Zaragoza en la Edad Moderna” by María Tausiet Carlés. (this is available in english on the internet).
·         “Brujería e Inquisición en Aragón” by Ángel Gari Lacruz.
·         “Eros y Tánatos. Brujería, hechicería y superstición en España.” by Juan Blázquez Miguel.
·         “Europe’s inner demons” by Norman Cohn.
·         “Guirandana de Lay, hechicera, ¿bruja? y ponzoñera de Villanúa (Alto Aragón), según un proceso criminal del año 1461” by José Antonio Fernández Otal.
·         “La bruixeria a través de les Ordinacions D’Àneu” by Ángel Gari Lacruz.
·         “La brujería en los Pirineos (siglos XIII al XVII). Aproximación a su historia” by Ángel Gari Lacruz.
·         “La Mala Semilla. Nuevos casos de brujas” by Carlos Garcés Manau.
·         “Las brujas en la historia de España” by Carmelo Lisón Tolosana.
·         “Nuevos datos sobre brujería y superstición en Sobrarbe. Siglos XV-XVII”  by Manuel López Dueso.
·         “Origens i evolució de la cacera de bruixes a Catalunya (segles XV-XVI)” by Pau Castell Granados.
·         “Ponzoña en los ojos. Brujería y superstición en Aragón en el siglo XVI” by María Tausiet Carlés.
·         “Procesos criminales en el arzobispado de Zaragoza” by M. I. Falcón Pérez y M. A. Motis Dolader.
·         “Sanar y dañar en la Baja Edad Media: la medicina, la magia, la brujería y su relación con la sociedad cristiana occidental” by María Pilar García Romano.
·         “Vienen de noche. Estudios sobre brujería y la Otredad” by Júlia Carreras Tort. (Co-founder of OccvltaCrafts).
·         “Wine vat witches suffocate children. The mythical components of the Iberian Witch” by Pau Castell Granados.
·         “Witch or Demon? Fairies, Vampires and Nightmares in Early Modern Spain” by Fabián Alejandro Campagne.
In addition, I have read and reviewed some of the original manuscripts of the trials. Some (very few) are available to read and download online at https://dara.aragon.es/opac/app/results/?p=0&q=brujeria&ob=re:1&vm=nv
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