wordofprophet · 16 days
There is nothing that is impossible for ALLAH, His "Kun" will change Your life. His "Kun" will heal your Soul.
Trust Him.
. . . #islamic#islamicpage#explorepage#hijab#muslimgirl#islamicquotes#madinah#muftimenk#explore#islam#eid#ramadan#lailahailallah#muhammadsaw#love#hope#sabr#tawakkul#faith#halallove#imaan#alhamdullilah#allahuakbar
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repentingxnafs · 7 months
We need to educate the Muslims that the only flag we stand, fight, and die for is the flag of Lailahailallah.
Every other flag is a flag of nationalism and a flag of Jahiliyyah (pre-islamic ignorance).
It was these flags that divide the Ummah, dissected the Muslim lands, and broke the brotherhood Islam built!
So we say nationalism is under our feet, just as the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “ All matters of the Jahiliyyah (pre-Islamic period) are abolished beneath my feet..”. (From the farewell sermon of the Prophet of Allah)
Drop the flags of Jahiliyyah and pick up the flag of Islam!
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-Ustadh. Abu Ousayd
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penulisbuta · 1 year
Seandainya kamu tahu bagaimana Allah mengatur hidupmu di belakang tabir,pasti air matamu tidak henti mengalir,pasti dahimu sujud lebih lama dihadapan tuhanmu kerana mengetahui betapa luar biasa hebatnya cinta Allah kepada hambaNya.
Saat itu kata bismillahirrahmanirrahim akan menyentuh dan menyejuk kalbumu dan mengguris hatimu yang sering kau zalimi dengan perbuatanmu sendiri.
Saat itu kalimah lailahailallah akan menggetarkan hatimu dan menggerakkan seluruh tubuhmu untuk terus akur,taat dan redha akan setiap takdir Allah,yang penting hidupmu ketika itu hanya untuk Allah,mencintai Allah yang terlebih dahulu menuntunmu dengan kedamaian cintanya yang luar biasa.
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#الله #اللهﷻ #الرحمان #رب‎ #اللهم #سبحانالله #اَلحَمْدُلِله #اللهأكبر #القرآنالكريم #ذكرالله #لاإلهإلااللهمحمدرسولالله‎
#allah #islam #lailahailallah #rasulullahﷺ #quran #subhanallah #alhamdulillah #allahuakbar #astagfirullah #almightyallah #mercifulallah #worshipallah #fearallah #praiseallah #glorifyallah #allahisgreat #thereisnogodbutallah #praytoallah #loveallah
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haziylhasan · 3 months
Salah satu sifat 20 Allah. Allah SWT berhak menentukan nasib hamba hambanya.
Bukan hak kita untuk menentukan tempat seseorang di sisi Allah.
Janganlah senang senang mengadili seseorang sebab dia tidak beriman seperti para sahabat di zaman Rasulullah SAW.
Di zaman tu seorang yang berperang bersama Rasulullah SAW pun dimasukkan ke neraka kerana mengambil sehelai selendang dari mayat musuhnya. (Hadis Riwayat Muslim)
Betapa ketatnya hukuman pada zaman tu kalau difikirkan pada masa sekarang.
Tapi dalam hadis Rasulullah SAW juga bersabda apabila datang tanda kiamat besar ke-7 nanti. Umatnya pada zaman tu bergelumang dengan dosa, tak mempunyai ilmu Islam langsung melainkan satu ayat yang diwarisi iaitu LailahailAllah.
Golongan ini akan dimatikan serentak oleh tiupan angin yang merentasi seluruh dunia, dan mereka dikurniakan Husnul Khotimah.
Bertapa sayangnya pula Allah pada mereka ni, dikurniakan syurga hanya dengan bersyahadah.
Benarlah Allah adalah hak yang hakiki.
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themercyofislam · 11 months
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#Subhanallah #Alhamdulillah #Lailahailallah #Allahuakbar 💫🌴
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realita-lampung · 1 year
Menuju Bakauheni, Kapal Ferry dengan Ratusan Penumpang Terbakar di Selat Sunda
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LAMPUNG SELATAN - KMP Royce 1 terbakar Kapal Motor Penyebrangan (KMP) Royce 1 terbakar di Selat Sunda, saat perjalanan menuju Pelabuhan Bakauheni, Lampung Selatan, (06/05/2023), sekitar pukul 15.45 WIB. Akibat kejadian itu, ratusan penumpang panik. Apalagi, kepulan asap juga masuk ke dalam kapal. "Kapal yang dinaikin mengalami gangguan, kebakaran! Lailahailallah," teriak salah seorang penumpang yang merekam kebakaran di kapal. Kapal penumpang itu kemudian berhenti untuk meminta bantuan. Tim BPBD, ASDP, dan Basarnas kemudian mengevakuasi para penumpang ke Pelabuhan Merak, Banten. Corporate Secretary PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero), Shelvy Arifin, mengatakan saat ini api telah berhasil dipadamkan. "Dilaporkan sebelum melintasi Pulau Tempurung, Merak, kapal kebakaran," jelasnya dalam siaran pers, yang diterima media ini. (Red) Read the full article
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yasirmurjani · 2 years
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Bersegeralah menjemput pengampunan Rabbmu, dan menuju surgaNya. Karena Allah membuka pintu pengampunan seluas-luasnya untuk hambaNya. Dan janganlah menjadi hamba yang meninggalkan dan ditinggalkan Allah dan rasulNya, yaitu orang-orang yang berbuat kesyirikan. Kenapa kesyirikan? Karena dosa syirik itu menghapuskan amal yang telah dilakukan.. Penting skali menjaga diri dari kesyirikan, Agar lidah ini ringan mengucapkan LAILAHAILALLAH jelang kematian... https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg70HpSPl_Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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katagupita · 2 years
Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Lailahailallah Allahu Akbar. Perjalanan saat haji. Soo memorable. Ini adalah foto temen-temen aku, seneng & bahagia banget bisa ketemu mereka. 🥺
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gromvas · 5 years
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"Ночь предопределения" "لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ" 77х42 см Холст/масло 2019 🌠 بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ إِنَّا أَنزَلْنَاهُ فِي لَيْلَةِ الْقَدْرِ وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ خَيْرٌ مِّنْ أَلْفِ شَهْرٍ تَنَزَّلُ الْمَلَائِكَةُ وَالرُّوحُ فِيهَا بِإِذْنِ رَبِّهِم مِّن كُلِّ أَمْرٍ سَلَامٌ هِيَ حَتَّى مَطْلَعِ الْفَجْرِ 🌌 #لَيْلَةُ #الْقَدْرِ #laylatulqadr #lailahailallah #ночьпредопределения #громвас #громвасарт #современноеискусство #арт #живопись #маслохолст #мастерская #современнаяживопись #портрет #gromvas #gromvasart #art #artist #oilpainting #oilportrait #portrait #comntemporaryart #contemporaryportrait #modernart https://www.instagram.com/p/BySWN6UnbHa/?igshid=5li137d59ns0
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hidayatuna · 2 years
Makna Kalimat Tauhid "Lailahailallah"
Makna Kalimat Tauhid “Lailahailallah”
HIDAYATUNA.COM – Kalimat tauhid “Lailahailallah” hini adalah pondasi utama dalam ajaran Islam. Semua wajib tahu maknanya dan lumrahnya semua muslim yang berakal sehat memang tahu. Kalau Anda tanya ke muslim paling awam sekali pun, bahkan ke non-muslim semuanya tahu. Kalimat tauhid itu maknanya adalah penafian ketuhanan dari selain Allah sehingga penyembahan terhadap selain Allah dianggap kufur…
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#الله #اللهﷻ #الرحمان #رب‎ #اللهم #سبحانالله #اَلحَمْدُلِله #اللهأكبر #القرآنالكريم #ذكرالله #لاإلهإلااللهمحمدرسولالله‎
#allah #islam #lailahailallah #rasulullahﷺ #quran #subhanallah #alhamdulillah #allahuakbar #astagfirullah #almightyallah #mercifulallah #worshipallah #fearallah #praiseallah #glorifyallah #allahisgreat #thereisnogodbutallah #praytoallah #ramadan2023
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jihandumam-ag · 6 years
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I don't understand why people assume a person sharing Islamic knowledge is seen as "pious" or "arrogant". They're not gonna sit here and expose their sins to make you feel better about your sins nor are they claiming to be sinless. Benefit from what they post and move along. #islamicknowledge #share #pious #arrogant #muslim #allah #subhanallah #allahuakbar #alhamdulillah #lailahailallah https://www.instagram.com/p/BnOTCOsnUMG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pfielww1uhty
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khutbahs · 2 years
Believing in Allah's Oneness (Tawheed) will lead to Paradise.
Tawhid refers to the Nature of God: The Oneness of God, in the sense that He is One and there is no 'True Deity' but He. Tawhid reminds Muslims constantly of the Oneness of Allah. In Islam, Tawhid is used to describe this belief in the absolute Oneness of God. Muslims believe, above all else, that Allah, or 'True God', is the Sole Divine Deity, Who does not share His Divinity with other partners.Belief in Tawheed brings people success in the hereafter. No one can enter Paradise without believing in Tawhid. Belief in Tauhid leads to liberation and success in all areas of human life.
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themercyofislam · 3 years
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Sha'ban is tomorrow In Shaa Allaah! So if you need to make up for days missed from last Ramadan, do it fast. You can't fast the second half of Sha'ban (exceptions apply). It was proven that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: “When Sha’baan is halfway through, do not fast.” [Narrated by Abu Dawood (3237); Ibn Hibaan (1651); classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi] One who has a habit of fasting, such as a man/woman who habitually fasts on Mondays and Thursdays, which they may do even after halfway through Sha’baan. The evidence for that is the words of the Prophet (ﷺ) “Do not anticipate Ramadaan by fasting one or two days before it, except a man who fasts regularly, who should observe his usual fast.” [Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1914; Muslim, 1082] A person who started fasting before halfway through Sha’baan, and connects what comes after the halfway point to what came before. This is not included in the prohibition either. The evidence for that is the words of ‘Aa’ishah (رضي الله عنها) who said: “The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used to fast all of Sha’baan and fast all of Sha’baan except a little.” [Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1970; Muslim, 1165. This version narrated by Muslim] Al-Nawawi (رحمه الله) said in al-Majmoo’ (6/399):  Our companions said: it is not correct to fast on the “day of doubt” just before Ramadaan, and there is no difference of scholarly opinion on this point … But if a person fasts it to make up a missed day or to fulfil a vow, or as an expiation, that is acceptable, because if it is permissible to observe a voluntary fast on that day, it is more likely to be permissible to observe an obligatory fast… and if a person has to make up a day from Ramadaan, then he has to fast it, because the time left for him to make it up has become very short. #Shaban #Shabaan #Fasting #ReadyforRamadan #Subhanallah #Alhamdulillah #Lailahailallah #Allahuakbar 💫🌴 https://www.instagram.com/p/CMYhUKBBbQz/?igshid=1vwyxmh6v48f9
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princeofjannah · 4 years
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