rachi-roo · 1 day
THE ART QUEEN HAS OPENED ART REQUESTS-- (Insert meme 'WOOOO'). Can I please request lee! Sigma from Bungou Stray Dogs (I just wanna give him a hug, mannn) and ler... your sona! (Ps you literally have such a cool sona, like damn she looks so soft but so devious). I am wayyyy too shy to reblog your stuff (Because this site won't let you reblog shit anonymously :D), but I can offer spamming you inbox with messages of me going feral over your art instead LMAO- Remember, take as long as you want and decline if you need, no worries! Bye byeeeee!
Uwaaaaa! A big kith for you, dust bunny!!! ♪(´ε`*)💗 That's so sweet of you to say! Aaaand here's your little Sigma!
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He guessed wroooong, oh deary me 🤭
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Gambling man had a lot on the line today, uh oooh~ He's quite the wriggler, but he's such a well behaved lee, he got all the hugs and snacks afterwards 🥰
6 hours of work! I love how this one turned out SO much! Bro got me looking up gow to open commissions! 🤩 I definitely should be charging for this kind of work XD I got so into it!!!!
Click for quality and please reblog fellas! Love you dust bunny, shy little creature youuuu~ 😚💕💗💕💗💕
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stopiteatpopcorn · 5 months
The Casino managers weakness
Fandom: Bungo Stray Dogs
Characters: Ler!Nikolai x Lee!Sigma
Words: 1488
It was a typical early morning in the sky casino, the guests were still fast asleep in their rooms, most of them completely passed out from a previous night of drinking and gambling. The owner, Sigma, had been sitting in his office, reading over every guests profiles once again, psyching himself out and maybe getting a little too stressed. Suddenly a very familiar man slipped his way inside, a cheery, overly excited grin on his face. “Well well well, looks like you’re already wide awake huh~? Oh, are you busy? Meh whatever- How are you today, my dearest Sigma~?!” Nikolai asked teasingly and poked his side, to which the tired man beside him flinched, before rolling his eyes and hoping he didn’t notice. Oh but this was Nikolai, he definitely did. 
“I’m just fine, Nikolai. But it’s too early for your shenanigans, so please give me a moment in silence.” Sigma muttered, eyes focused on the documents in front of him. This simply would not do for the clown like man.  “Oh, you wouldn’t happen to be a little…Ticklish, would ya~?” He asked, to which split haired man blushed, ignoring the question and moving on with his work. “…Hey~ It’s not very nice to ignore your friends, right~? It can’t hurt to pay me a little attention!” Nikolai cried dramatically, leaning over Sigma's shoulder, however Sigma couldn’t care less to shove him off.                                                                           “It very much can, I have a lot of guests and a lot of work. So once again, please just give me some quiet.” Sigma snarled slightly, giving Nikolai a look of annoyance. However, Nikolai noticed that Sigma hadn’t slept at all, he could see the dark circles under his eyes. Although he couldn’t care less- or maybe he could- that Sigma was tired, he still wanted to mess with him at least a little bit!             “Okay, okay. Fine. I’ll back off…~” The man then swung his coat and disappeared. Finally, Sigma could go back to his peace and quiet. Or at least that’s what he thought. But maybe he spoke too soon….
Not even half an hour later, a gloved hand suddenly snuck it’s way through a glowing portal and reached towards Sigma's waist from behind. The man let out an undignified squeal when it squeezed at his side, squirming away. “Eep-Hehey! What the-?!” He giggled, whipping around in his seat to see nothing but the wall behind him. He knew what was going on. So Nikolai wanted to play that game, huh? Fine. But he wouldn’t win. Sigma went back to his work and skimming over the papers slowly, before he felt Nikolai's other hand at his left side, spidering up it and making him squeak. Sigma quickly grabbed his hand in one of his however this unfortunately backfired, as the floating hand quickly wormed its way out of his grip, but grasped tightly onto his wrist instead, lifting up his arm. Crud. Before he could pull it back down, Nikolai's free hand was back, tracing it’s way up his ribs towards his raised arm.
Sigma felt the giggles bubbling in his throat, the rest of Nikolai's body appearing in front of his desk. “Nawww~ Is someone getting distracted? But I thought you were supposed to be focused on your work!” Teased a handless Nikolai, grinning playfully. This made Sigma blush. Madly. He opened his mouth to protest at him but all that came out was stutters and small giggles. “N- Nikolahai-! Dohon’t- Ehehe-!”                                                              “Don’t what, Sigma~?” He asked, feigning innocence.                      “T- Tihickle mehehe!” Sigma giggled, eyes widening when he saw Nikolais grin get even more teasing, and the hand spidering up his ribs began to circle a single finger around his underarm. “W- Wahahait- I dihidn’t-”  “Well, if you wanted it so bad, you could've just said so~!” And suddenly all five fingers were scribbling at his unprotected armpit, making Sigma let out a high pitched squeal, throwing his head back with laughter.                                                                                   “Wahahait-i! Nahahaha!” He giggled, a smile worming its way onto his red face. It didn’t help when Nikolai's other hand which was previously holding his wrist let go, only to begin digging into his tummy, making him kick and nearly fall off his chair. “Nikolahaihihi! Plehehehease!”  “Please, what? Please continue? Why of course I will~!” The man in question teased, smirking when it made Sigma giggle harder. Eventually, he slowed it down ever so slightly to let the poor man breathe. “Was that enough to get you all tired out, Sigma~?” He asked, to which sigma answered with the most annoyed voice he could muster- Which didn't sound even slightly annoyed at all.       “I’m nohot that weak Nikolai, whahat doho you take me for?” He said quietly, a couple giggles still escaping him as he tried his best to glare at the magic man above him, who simply smirked. 
“I dunno, it seems you’re pretty sensitive to me~! But I’ll tell ya what…I’ll stop if you promise to take a break!” Nikolai offers, letting go for a moment as his hands came back to his own body again. Sigma thought, and he thought hard. To be perfectly honest he quite liked the tingly feeling all the tickles gave him, and even more so how he was just able to laugh so freely rather than stress for a moment. But it was too embarrassing to admit, especially to Nikolai- he’d hold it above his head forever. But maybe that wouldn’t be so bad. Or maybe it would. Knowing him, he was unpredictable like that. Though…Sigma was willing to take the shot.                               “I….Fine I’ll take a break…” He sighed, to which Nikolai surprisingly nodded.             “Alright! Then I’ll leave you be, it looks like you need the rest!” He said, about to raise his coat and disappear again, however he heard a but, which stopped him in his tracks. 
“But…Could you- Maybe- Do it again..?” Sigma asked, looking away nervously and blushing once more. Nikolai turned to face him again, a confused look on his face, before he realized what the man meant and smirked slyly.                                                                               “Do what again, Sigma~?” He asked, slowly leaning down to face him. Sigma was smiling nervously.                                                          “Y- You know-! Just-” He stuttered, face going bright. Nikolai's hands disappeared once again, reappearing beside Sigma, fingers wiggling in the air teasingly as he hid his face with an embarrassed squeak. 
“Nawww, What’s wrong? Why are you hiding~? I’m sure you can tell me what you want~!” He teased as his fingers got closer, nearly touching him, before retracting again. Sigma pouted behind his hands, peaking through his hands. It was now or never.                     “Just- Please tickle me again!” He blurted out quickly, shutting his eyes. But nothing came. He lowered his hands slightly, nervous that maybe he’d finally found something that even shocked the clown. However almost as soon as his hands uncovered his face, Nikolai's hands were squeezing at his hips, making him buck and screech. 
“Ahahawww~! Well isn’t that just the cutest request~! Did you think I’d say no?” He asks, to which Sigma nodded as he squirmed and giggled relentlessly. “Really? What kind of monster do you take me for? How could I possibly deny you this when your reactions are so interesting! And look at that smile~ I’m sure your casino guests must melt at just the sight of it~” This made Sigma blush and squeal again, shaking his head.                          “Nahahaha! I- It ihisn’t cuhuhute!” He giggled, but Nikolai was having none of it as one hand began spidering up and down his back, making Sigma arch with more giggles.                 “Oh yes it is! In fact- It’s absolutely adorable~! I’m sure these guests of yours would love to find out about just how sensitive you are, let alone how much you love it!”           “NOHOHO!” He yelled out through his laughter, shaking his head wildly. “Dohohon’t say a wohohohord!” He squealed, tears pricking his eyes.                    “Alright alright~ I won’t tell them…For now~!” Sigma whined, but nonetheless was still giggling loudly. This lasted for a while longer, the two bickering back and fourth while Sigma laughed and laughed.                                                                                                           
By the end of it all Sigma had fallen off his chair, face bright red, hair disheveled. Nikolai smiled down at him.                                       “Alright, I think you’ve had enough now.” His hands came back to his body, one taking a while longer as it came back with a glass of water which he placed on Sigma's desk. “How was that~?” He asked teasingly.                                                                                             “It felt good to laugh like that I guess…’ Sigma mumbled in embarrassment, to which the clown laughed.                                    “You guess? We both know you loved it~! Now, take a moment to rest up!” He said, however before he disappeared, he whispered in Sigma's ear. 
“...Oh by the way…I’m so telling Dos- Kun~!” Before Sigma could grab him, he was gone. He got up to his desk, before burrowing his face in his arms. Damnit Nikolai!
A/N: Hey Everyone, apologies for the late post but this is my @squealing-santa gift for @strawberry-mushrooms!! Merry Christmas and happy new year, and I'm so sorry your gift has arrived a lil late! I added way more than expected, but I hope you enjoy the fic!
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tricks-tickles · 5 months
merry (late) christmas and a happy new year to @blue-little-angel! trust me to finish this one singular day before the deadline haha, thank you to @squealing-santa for bearing w me. anyway here is your fic! i may have misread your prompt a little and so this is only sigma and nikolai but i hope you’re still happy with it. This is also my first bsd fic so sorry if the timeline/characterisation/vibes are off haha
word count: 1228
pairing: Lee!Sigma & Ler!Nikolai
He stayed very quiet. Focus on work: read over that paperwork… sign on the line, okay looking good-
Maybe if he was quiet enough Nikolai just wouldn’t see him. Like a T-Rex, if it’s not moving it can’t see it.
‘Ah! There you are~.’
Out of all the members of the Decay of Angels, Nikolai was Sigma’s least favourite. He was far too unhinged, occasionally visiting Sigma just to threaten him as a joke, or play around with him. Never really hurting him though, Sigma suspected that Fyodor had ordered him not to.
That was another thing. Nikolai hated any time Sigma spent with Fyodor. Few as it was, in Nikolai’s opinion it was time that should have been spent with him instead. Nevermind that they were only discussing their great plan, or giving meagre updates on the Casino, according to Nikolai that was time that ought to have been spent with him, Fyodor’s best friend or boyfriend or whatever.
Sigma truly did not wish to be a part of either of their schemes. All he wanted to do was run his Casino. And yet.
“Sigma!” Nikolai pouted, “Why were you ignoring me?”
Sigma took in a long, measured breath.
“I did not mean to ignore you, I was just focussed on my work.” Which I would love to get back to, he thought bitterly.
“Oh, okay!” Nikolai said, taking a seat on his desk, scattering papers to the floor. Sigma leaned down to pick them up.
“It’s just… what were you up to today?” Nikolai said, seeming earnestly curious.
Sigma leaned back up, shuffling the stack back together and setting them down neatly on the desk. “I had breakfast with my head of staff, then had a brief meeting with Fyodor-”
“See,” Nikolai interrupted, “That’s what I heard, but I thought it couldn’t be true because Fyodor was meant to meet with me this morning and I thought ‘There’s no way my best friend Dostoy would blow me off for you!’, But now you’re telling me he did? Why would Dostoy do that?” He leaned in closer, kicking his feet childishly, “I think you must have done something… forced him.”
“I can assure you,” Sigma put on his best ‘Manager’ voice, “That I did in no way force Fyodor to meet with me, nor did I have any idea of your plans.”
“Hmm…” A mischievous grin broke out on Nikolai’s face, “If you say so~!”
For a second, Sigma hoped that would be all. For a second, he turned back to his desk and lifted his hand to the paper on top of the stack, when all of the papers were suddenly lifted away from him. He looked up, mouth open in protest as Nikolai tossed the papers into his cloak.
There was a beat of silence.
Then, a fluttering noise at the end of the room as the papers scattered out of Nikolai’s portal.
He did not turn to look, did not sigh, or even blink. Nikolai’s face was stretched into a massive, wobbly grin, as though he was trying not to laugh. It did not last long, as he burst into a loud, maniacal laugh. Now Sigma did sigh, as he raised from the chair and walked to the mess at the end of the room.
Apparently Nikolai did not deem this punishment enough, for as soon as he had turned his back he felt a heavy weight flop on top of him, arms wrapping around his core.
“Oh Sigma~.” Nikolai sang in his ear, and began prodding at his sides.
He tried to keep his composure, but Nikolai’s fingers were relentless, working their way under his blazer and pinching gently at his sides.
“Nik- Nikol- Nihikolahai! Stop!”
But it was too late, from his first laugh he knew he was a goner. Nikolai was like a shark, once he tasted blood (giggles) he was relentless. See, he may not have harmed Sigma, at least not physically, so his new favourite way to extract revenge came in the form of… tickles. Oh the humanity.
“Tickle tickle, Sigma~” Nikolai whispered, wiggling his fingers along his sides. Sigma felt his legs begin to give out as he fought against the laughter blooming within himself.
“I prohohomihihise! Ack- I did nohohohot fohohorce Fyodohohor to mehehehehehet mehehehe.” Sigma choked out, falling to his knees as Nikolai grew heavier on his back.
“Oh I know that, as if you could have any influence on Dostoy~.” As he spoke Nikolai’s hands worked up his body, pinching at his ribs and making him writhe.
Sigma squealed, his hands jumping up to weakly push Nikolai away, “Thehehen whahahat dohoho yohohouhu wahahahant!”
“You work too hard, Sigma. I’m just helping you relax.” Nikolai pouted.
“No yohohouhuhu aren- Hey!” Sigma’s arm slammed down as his quick fingers began to flutter under his arm.
“Sure I am. You don’t believe me?” Nikolai grinned, before putting on a hurt voice, “Are you calling me a liar?”
“Nohohohohoho!” Sigma called, even though that was exactly what he was doing. One of Nikolai’s hands was attempting to wriggle into his armpit, while the other was wrestling with his wrist, clamped tightly against his chest.
Nikolai rested his head on Sigma’s shaking shoulder. “I think you are~,” He cooed, “I don’t like liars.”
Sigma began to protest weakly, as Nikolai gripped his wrist and slowly forced his arm up, and into his cape.
It disappeared. There was a soft glow in front of them as his hand reappeared on the floor in front of them, and the portal tightened until he couldn’t pull it back through. He twisted till he was looking at Nikolai, still crouched over him and beaming.
“Noo, Nikolai please- just let me get back to work, you could see Fyodor now! Don’t waste your time on me, please.”
“Hmm,” He appeared to be considering it, but Sigma knew better than that by now. He braced himself.
“Nope~!” Nikolai called, and his fingers came skittering under Sigma’s arm.
He shrieked, pulling as hard as he could, but to no avail. He could do nothing but fall into hysterical cackles as his worst spot was clawed at mercilessly. He fell to the side a little, practically slumped in Nikolai’s arms as he half-hugged him to get at his spot, his other hand holding his cloak open.
“Is something the matter?” Came his shit eating response.
“YEHEHEHES, IHIHIT TIHIHIHICKLEHEHES!! PLEHEHEAHAHSE!” Nikolai’s response was to dig deeper, the tips of his fingers scratching into the divot under his arm while his thumb dug into Sigma’s ribs. He tipped his head back and laughed, now fully boneless against Nikolai.
After a long moment, he realised that Nikolai had stopped. He released the portal and Sigma’s arm came crashing through. For a second he lay there, panting, until he realised he was lying in Nikolai’s lap and shot up.
Nikolai followed him up, snickering, “You looked so comfortable~.” He teased.
Sigma blushed. “Yes well- is that all?” He really had no idea how to end these ‘sessions’.
“Mhm!” Nikolai said, skipping away, “I think I’ll go see if Dostoy wants to have tea with me, bye!”
And just like that, he was gone. Sigma turned around and sat heavily at his desk, still somewhat short on breath.
There was silence, then another fluttering of paper. He looked up, confused and blinked at the messy stack that had appeared on his desk, only catching the last golden glimmer of a portal. Sigma swung round in his chair, but Nikolai was gone.
One single piece of paper drifted from the top of the stack towards the floor.
Sighing, Sigma picked it up and got back to work.
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pink-tk-a-latte · 1 month
PYPYPYPY! (That is how I shall summon thee. Like a cat's PSPSPSPSP- HEHEHE-)
If you feel inspired by my prompt, can I please request lee! Sigma and ler! Dazai? (Tone, romantic but not established relationship (YET LMAO-). I really don't have a coherent plot idea, I just woke up to the thought of Dazai *geeeently* fluttering his digits against Sigma's ears, sides, etc, being extra soft as Sigma desperately tries to crawl away, only to get pulled back into Dazai's lap (He loves it, he just refuses to LET himself love it XD). Sigma bby needs some softness after the last 3 years of his life tbh... And Atsushi is now experienced enough to predict Dazai's tickle attacks so his new victim is Sigma XD.
Have an awesome dayyy~!
-🫧 Anon~!
So I’m a cat girl now? (PYPYPYPY is hilarious from now on I will respond only to that) /j
ANYWAY THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE REQUEST!!! You’ve been such a pal bubble anon!! Genuinely I’m so sorry for how long this took :((( I’ll blame it on end of school year busyness but I’ve also just been generally waffling (I have no reference for how long it should take to finish a request… uhhhhhh…)
Warning for,,, a spattering of tildes (there’s like three)? I know it’s cringe but I think they’re fun~~~~~ lmaooo
Regardless!!! On with the Sigzai!!!!!
Sfw tickle fic!!!!!!! Pre-Relationship Sigzai 💜🤎
Gypsophila, Baby’s Breath
In his mind, Sigma felt weightless. As if he and gravity had become estranged, acquaintances who’d fallen out of touch over time. As if he were drifting, floating, falling through the sky.
But then there were clowns with sharp teeth and dove wings, and strange, pale men offering their hands, and sands and seas of red and orange, and pages, and elevators, and flooding ballrooms with classical music—
And he was riding a giraffe, for some reason?
Then Sigma awoke, gasping as though he'd been ripped from a freezing ocean, to a warm and fluttering breeze blown against the back of his neck. He slapped a hand against his nape, a shabby attempt to hide his reaction.
“Wakey wakey, sleeping beauty!”
Sigma whipped his head around, still achey and foggy as he tried to remember who he was and where he was and what universe this was supposed to be.
A dream? Sigma twisted his face and rubbed his bleary eyes. It felt so real.
Granted, he had no idea why he would think that.
“Come back to reality yet?” He thought he recognized that voice. It was bright and entirely unserious and brought a sinking sensation to his stomach. “It’s rare to see Sigma sleeping on the job~!”
“Huh?” Sigma surveyed his surroundings. The lights were off, the room lit solely by the tangerine rays stretching from the windows. He glanced down at his desk.
His desk. At the ADA. His not-quite-yet home, only because he had nowhere else to go for now.
He looked up. Dazai was leaning over him, eyes a soft and welcoming brown in the rusty sunlight.
The rusty sunlight…
How long was I asleep for!?
Dazai laughed in his frothy-bubbly way. “Don’t worry, you were only out for an hour or so. It was almost the end of the day already.” Pulling up a chair, he scooted beside Sigma. “Although I’m impressed you lasted that long! You were practically falling asleep at the wheel the whole day!”
I was? Abashedly, Sigma frowned and rubbed his forehead. He eyed Dazai from the corner of his vision. “How did you—?”
“—Know what you were going to ask?” Now, Dazai was leaning his chin on his hand and staring up at him. The tender, charmed amusement those coffee brown eyes fixed him with was too intense to stare at directly, like a solar eclipse. “It’s because you’re easy to read, Sig-ma.”
“Wh- You- I am not!” Sigma huffed. “I can’t help that I’m no superhuman.”
Suddenly quiet, Dazai hummed and smiled, brown eyes closer to black now that they were out of the light. “Is that so?” He reached for the long locks of purple and white that weaved around Sigma’s shoulders. “But you treat yourself like a work machine!” He twirled his hair around his fingers.
Sigma had noticed that — Dazai was always reaching to touch, whether it be patting Atsushi or Kyouka on the head, leaning on Yosano’s shoulder, stealing Kunikida’s glasses or Ranpo’s hat, or pinching Sigma’s cheeks (???). He was simply tactile, as though he did it without purpose or logic.
The accused work machine crossed his arms. “I like work, though.”
Dazai made a comically disgusted face, then smoothed his expression back into untouchable levity. “You’re strange.”
Sighing, Sigma ran a hand through his hair, peeved to find it frizzing in all directions. He adjusted the strands that clung to his cheeks and tangled in his earrings, tucking them behind his ear.
Dazai’s fingers followed immediately, curious toward his adornments. Feather-light, they brushed against the back of his ear.
Sigma’s disproportionate flinch did not go unnoticed.
He grabbed Dazai’s wrist. “Hey— Hands to yourself.” He couldn’t help how his tone wavered.
“Aww, but why?” he whined. “Your earrings are so shiny. I just want to see~ them, Sigma.”
Really, Sigma didn’t mind being touched, but the memory of Dazai’s fingers skirting the shell of his ear sent a crack of hot lightning down his skeleton.
Sigma nibbled on the dry skin of his lip. “I just don’t want you to pull them out or something…” His gaze trailed up.
When Sigma met Dazai’s eyes, his stomach dropped at their impish glint.
He should’ve known he’d been caught the moment he woke up.
“Your reactions are always so curious.” Dazai grinned, and then his arms were around Sigma’s waist.
"Wait!" While Sigma yelped, Dazai pulled him out of the chair and into his lap, skittering blunt nails into his sides. "WAIHAIhahait! StahaHAP!"
Dazai was being so darn soft, digits just barely making an imprint in his skin, that Sigma was embarrassed by how loud he was. It was more of the surprise than anything, but the gentleness and the premonition of it felt like colorful beams of energy erupting from his brain.
"Shh shh." Dazai's chin rested on Sigma's fluffy head. "Just relax. Don't fight it." Said hushly, as though he were speaking to a rowdy critter.
“Whahahat do you mehehehEAN?” He shoved at Dazai’s shoulders, gripping restlessly at the other rolly chair for succor, but it insisted only on rolling away.
Cheek squished against Sigma’s elbow, Dazai babbled placatingly, “Just that I think you would like this if you calmed down!” He wrapped one arm around the desperate man to secure him in his lap, then flurried his fingers in between his shoulder and neck. Sigma squealed and curled into himself, drive to escape lost.
It was as though all his thinking had floated away in a toasty bubble of mirth. All notions of his duties, his past, the wants of other people, erased and overpowered by touch in the guarded swaths of his skin.
“DAhahahazai! Ehehehieek!” Sigma rocked side to side uselessly. “NoHOhot thehehere!”
“It’s such a fun spot though!” Dazai sang. “You’re just so perfectly shaped for grabbing, hm?”
Sigma shook his head, hair swirling around his figure. “WHAhahahat the heheHE—!?” His face was euphorically warm, even at the affronting statement.
He felt moisture bead on his lashes from the force with which he lidded his eyes. Somehow, he’d turned to face Dazai, burying his face in his collar. Sigma noticed that Dazai’s skin was as acutely hot as he felt.
Easy access permitted, Dazai blew on his ear, then laughed at how Sigma bristled and shrieked. Sigma cursed him through loopy, frantic giggles; even so, Dazai put in the effort to look offended.
“It really hurts me that you still push me away!” He sniffled theatrically. “After the secrets and promises we shared? Don’t you trust me?”
Ridiculously, Sigma felt just a tad guilty. “IhihI dohoho, buhut- !”
“Aww, that’s nice of you.” Dazai leaned in close to his neck. Sigma felt those lips curl into a smile… and shivered. “Probably a mistake, though.”
Scritches at the spot beneath his ear and pinches at his hip fried his nerves until Sigma lost his mind. Such clement touches, such violent sensations. Confusion only made him more frantic: Did he want to run from the feeling, or melt into it?
Questions for another time. Right now he just wanted a break.
“OhohokAHAY! Thahahat’s ehehenough!” Sigma pushed weakly against Dazai’s shoulders.
“Fine, fine.” Dazai stopped shortly after, taking Sigma into his arms as all the tension evaporated from his limbs. He settled Sigma back in his own chair without separating. Though he flinched at the contact, Sigma stayed.
As Sigma wheezed and puffed, Dazai’s nose dug into his shoulder. “See? I’m only human too.” He trailed off. Then, cheekily, “I’m mere prey to my desire for you~!”
Sigma sighed and patted Dazai’s cheek, ignoring the flare of heat in his own. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that you were beyond human.” His mouth quirked oddly. “You told me yourself there’s no such thing.”
Dazai chuckled. “I don’t know, you’re pretty extraordinary.”
The pats turned into a (fond) slap.
“Ow!” He lifted his head and nursed his cheek. Sigma knew that pout was fake. “Mean, mean, mean! And I was just about to ask if you had fun.”
“What?” Sigma did not like how often he was becoming flushed.
That irritatingly brilliant mind waggled his eyebrow. “It’s nice, isn’t it? For a fleeting minute, you don’t have to think about anything. It’s bliss.”
Sigma played with his sleeve. “I… guess.” The admission made him warm all over again.
Dazai clapped and cheered and Sigma hit him again. There was a gasp from the man he was leaning against. “Oh, speaking of! Chuuya was asking how you were. He wanted to make sure you were taking it easy.”
Ah, well that was nice of him. Sigma grunted, still slumped against Dazai’s chest. “And here you are, holding me at work overtime.”
"Then let’s start heading back, shall we?" Dazai slid from his seat and halfway knelt on one knee, offering his hand (the same hand that a moment ago had been— nevermind). Sigma shook his head in exasperation but took it anyway.
Through the door and into the hallway, Dazai pulled Sigma by the hand, wrapped firmly but tenderly around his fingers. He met his eye with a smug, reminiscent look. "You know, this place is like a ballroom..."
"I swear, if you start dancing again, I’m leaving you here,” said Sigma, staring down the idea forming in Dazai's head.
"But our lives aren't in danger this time!" Unheeding, Dazai had flourished his free hand, ready to tango.
Against all odds, Sigma’s brow relaxed. He was right. There was no imminent doom in this moment, just the ADA's halls leading to nothing but stairs and an elevator that wasn't rigged (not that he was inclined to use it). Just Dazai, his warm, satiny, playful hands, and his invitation.
With a breath, Sigma loosened his shoulders. He let Dazai pull him into twirl, then a wrap, then a dip, and they began their dance once again.
༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝
Baby’s breath symbolism: Purity, innocence, everlasting love and devotion, and new beginnings.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 8 months
Tickletober day #21: New discovery
So someone had req this, although they had changed it to lee Kuni cause at the time I wasn't sure how to write Sigma but now I do so I'll do the og prompt
Wherever you are, I hope you enjoy :D
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Dazai x Sigma (interpret as you wish)
Lee: Sigma
Ler: Dazai
Warnings: Tickles!
"Dazai, what's tickling?"
Well, he surely didn't see that one coming "Pfft, you really don't know?"
He shook his head "Nikolai keeps saying how he tickles Fyodor, but I'm not sure what he means by that, so what is it?"
"Well umm..." the brunnette thought for a moment before getting a mischevious idea. "I think it's better if I just show you. Lay down?~" Dazai motioned over to his lap, making Sigma tilt his head like a confused kitten, but he did so anyways. "Now let's see, does this feel funny to you?" he asked while his nimble fingers gave an experimental squeeze to Sigma's sides.
"HAH?!" his body instantly jolted at the weird sensation, arms quickly retracting close to his torso as a defense mechanism.
"Look at that, seems you're ticklish~" the suicidal maniac replied with a playful grin.
"Ticklish? I don't- PFFT! AHAHAHAHAHA! D-DAHAZAHAHAI?!?!?!" poor Sigma squealed and his limbs flailed all over the place as Dazai had started aimlessly scribbling all over his torso.
"Yup! It means when I touch a certain body part, you'll laugh!~" he emphazised with a poke to Sigma's navel, earning a squeak.
"Ihi don't lihihike this- Wahait! Dazai nohoHOHOHO!" legs went kicking wildly as the brunnette wormed his fingers under Sigma's arms.
"You sure you don't like it? You haven't told me to stop, and we still have your lower half to explore~"
Sigma's face went bright red and he gulped, this was going to be a long night for him.
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blue-little-angel · 7 months
Hiya! Can you please write a little something about Nikolai absolutely WRECKING Sigma with his overcoat (BSD)?
•°|Hope your day is as great as you are|°•
Fandom: boungo stray dogs
Lee: Sigma
Ler: Nikolai Gogol
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A Devious Scheme
Sigma sighed as he reviewed the casino numbers, rubbing tired eyes. It had been a long day. When he felt something brush his foot, he glanced down, startled. But there was nothing there.
Shaking his head, he returned to the paperwork. Only a moment later, he yelped as his foot was gripped from nowhere, disappearing. Twisting around, he spotted Nikolai across the room, a mischievous smile on his face.
"Gogol, what is the meaning of this?!" Sigma demanded slightly blushing. But even as he spoke, the clown's fingers darted to his sole, scribbling with maddening precision, a sadistic smile on Nikolai's face. Sigma couldn't hold back a snort of laughter.
"Nikolai, s-stooohhhop!" Though he tried to sound stern, it was difficult when his body refused to stop squirming and giggling under the disembodied tickling. His foot thrashed helplessly in Nikolai's magical grasp.
The white haired trickster chuckled darkly. "Apologies, little dove, but your work has weighed too heavily on your mind. This mischief is prescribed to lighten your spirit!" With that, he redoubled his efforts, mercilessly scratching every spot he knew could break Sigma's composure.
It wasn't long before the casino manager dissolved into howling giggles, falling from his chair in desperation to escape the wiggling fingers. Only when tears streamed down his red face did Nikolai finally grant mercy.
Sigma lay there, catching his breath with a rueful smile. Though he would never admit it, the playful torment had done much to ease his mind. And if Nikolai's scheming brought this kind of laughter more often, perhaps he didn't mind so much.
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fucking-michaell · 1 year
A/N: IM DOING REQUESTS AS WELL I PINKY PROMISE I just already had this one half done!!!
Warnings: none!
Could be interpreted as romantic or platonic but I wrote it with romantic undertones!!
It was Sigma's own fault really. He should know better than to stretch like that, in such a way that made him so vulnerable. That's what the two on either side of him would attest, Anyhow.
"St-stohop it right this instant! Noho—!" The dual haired man twisted back and forth. On either side of him sat Fyodor and Nikolai, each keeping a grip on one of his wrists, leaving both arms high in the air.
"This is your faaaaault~" Sang the jester, hand climbing up Sigma's side. Sigma's skin twitched under the contact of Nikolai's bright red fingernails against it. He could swear nikolai had some sort of magic that made them tickle more. (He didn't, Sigma's just that ticklish.)
"Stretching like that while sitting in the middle..~" tsked the man on the right, one finger scratching right in the center of Sigma's underarm. "You're practically asking for it."
Sigma yipped out in complaint. He'd meant it to sound more like a grumble or a growl, to threaten them into letting him go, but…
"G-gogol–!" He gasped out as The jesters fingernails tip tapped across his bare stomach, fluttering in such a way that would drive him insane, if he kept on for too long.
"Oh look, Dos-kun, I think I'm winning! Listen to the way he's gasping! Oh isn't it cute?~"
"Very cute." Fyodor smirked, bringing his own hand down to knead at Sigma's hip. The latter gave a shriek in response. "But I dare-say its me who's winning~"
Sigma's feet pounded against the floor. Thoughts flooded his head of how unfair this was, not only two versus one but two sadists versus one very ticklish victim. His cheeks flushed pink as the two began to speak again.
"Which is worse, Sigma?"
"Or Dos-kun?~"
Sigma whined out in protest. On one hand, Fyodor had a way of finding exactly where it tickled most and zeroing right in on it, leaving him shrieking and kicking. But on the other, Nikolai's nails just lightly fluttering against his bare tummy drove him up the wall, and the teasing, he thought to himself. Both were unfairly good at this.
"I think he's ignoring us, dos-kun!" Nikolai gasped.
"Well then, if he doesn't want to answer.." a sinister chucked escaped the black haired man, both locking eyes for a moment before leaning in against his ears, speaking together.
"We'll tickle it out of you~"
Sigma's eyes widened. Suddenly, both mens hands moved from where they were. Fydors thumb pressed itself into the soft spot between Sigma's hip and his thigh, squeezing mercilessly. Gogol, on the other hand, moved to circle one finger around the rim of Sigma's bellybutton. The purple and white haired man gave a loud shriek. He tugged and twisted every which way as incoherent babbles fell from his lips through helpless giggling and cackles.
"F-FYoHODor! N-nAHa! I c–AhaNt—"
Mercifully, fyodor ceased. Well. Sort of mercifully. His hand instead grabbed onto the wrist Nikolai was holding prior. Sigma wondered when he'd let go?? Though his thoughts were quickly stifled by the sight of Nikolai's fingers wiggling inches from his stomach.
"Fyodor, hm? I'll change that for you~" In an instant, both of Gogol's hands explored around Sigma's bare tummy. One fingernails dipping into his tummy button, while the other hand spidered all around the sensitive skin. The poor man immediately fell back into stitches.
"N-nOho plEHEASE GET OhOuT! KyOHolA!" Sigma's torso flinched and twitched under each touch, his arms desperately fighting to get free with no success.
"Well? Is it worse than what dos-kun was doing?~"
"I told you~" giggled the jester at the dark haired man, who tsked as Sigma took shallow breaths. He felt a sense of relief.
Until he felt Nikolai take his wrists and pull them back up.
"Allow me to prove otherwise~"
Nikolai felt a giddy sense of dread as that pink spread across his cheeks again. He was going to be here for a long, long time.
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pepperthebepper · 10 months
HI!! A SIGZAI SHIPPER omg this makes me so happy
May I request tkl headcanons for Sigzai? I rarely see content for them </3
No pressure, take your time, have a nice day!!
Of course and you too!☺️
Also I suck at spelling sorry
Where their least to most ticklish spot
Thighs: 4.5
Hands: 5
Waist 6.5
Ribs: 7.5
Armpits: 7.5
Feet: 8.5
Neck: 9.5
Knees: 11
Feet: 1
Armpits: 3
Thighs: 4
Knees: 4
Ribs: 6.5
Hands: 7
Neck: 9.5
Ears: 10
Lee Sigma
I feel like Sigma would probably be more ticklish than Dazai, not by a lot cause their both very ticklish
Very easily flustered like just ticking would fluster him to to the bedrock to the sky limit in Minecraft
To please most of the lee sigma fans (and myself) I must say I would enjoy being ticked and would hate if people found out
Ler Sigma
Would be a very gentle ler and if anyone said stop he would amidiatly stop
Would get flustered by the lee laughing which is hilarious to witness
To shy to tickle someone
Lee Dazai
Love's being ticked for to actually feeling happy and not acting for once
As much for liking it he can not handle it for the life of him lol
Not as easily flustered as Sigma though he is easily flustered as well
Ler Dazai
BIGGEST LER NO ONE CAN ESCAPE. Like the first time he tickles sigma, sigma nearly passed out
He is the biggest teaser in the world like not even people who can't get flustered get that title revoked from them
Mean ler and would not give their lee a break unless necessary
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italeean · 10 months
Hello! Congrats on 350 followers! You're imcredibly talented, so good on you! May I please request an entry for the event?
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs.
Role in the tk community: Ler (I've been blessed with not being ticklish.
Romantic/platonic: Platonic (unless it's Fyodor, Dazai, or Sigma😂)
Gender: Male.
Here's a little about me :)
Age: 23
Gender: male.
Introvert/extrovert: introvert.
Hobbies: playing the cello and piano (habe played both since I was 10), playing chess, and reading (I got a whole mini library in my house XD).
Likes: Stargazing, strategizing, books, instrumental music, listening.
Dislikes: Rude people, those who don't listen, dogmatic people, loud/crowded places.
Random facts I thought I'd include: Like a certain Russian rat, I'm anaemic. I'm also a bit of an insomniac, though I take meds for both. I speak MUCH more formally in person, though I tend to use slang or more laxed language online as a tone indicator (the struggles of ASD😅).
Feel free to decline if you get to busy. Your well-being comes first! Have a fantastic day and I wish you luck on all future endveavours!
Hello fellow INTJ, thank you for participating!!! I had lots of fun writing your request, it was genuinely cute 🥹❤️ Btw you remind me a lot of Fyodor haha but I didn't match you with him... anyway, I hope you'll enjoy your match! Let me know if you do, my dear Fyodor-anon ❤️🍡 *some dango to enjoy while reading*
🔮 So for my event, your match is... SIGMA
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🔮 Why did I choose him for you?
• Okay first, Sigma is an absolute sweetheart with 100% lee energy, which matches your ler vibes • I feel like he'd be amazed by how many talents you have! He's the kind of guy who'd sit down and watch you play an instant for hours • He'd always take you with him at the casino, but he wouldn't make you stay in the middle of the crowd... he'd probably let you watch the cameras and see how people are playing. He'd love to hear your sarcastic comment's about the lack of brain of some people • I feel like the perfect date for you two would be an indoor date or exploring hidden gems where you can be almost alone and admire the landlord • I feel like his laughter goes from extremely high-pitched to silent... you'd probably tell him "Now I can play another instrument" just to see him blush • He'd be ✨️hopeless✨️ in a chess match against you, which would lead to him pouting at you... and obviously it would mean cheer-up soft tickles!! (I feel like he'd prefer a softer touch in this context) • HOWEVER... he'd be a great match against you in card games because he can memorize the cards so he'd have a big advantage to match your superior strategizing abilities! • I'm sure you'd annihilate him at Risiko, and he'd destroy you at Memory hahaha (if I had a game night with you two, I'd have to get ready for a major humiliation /hj) • I can imagine you two having a window on your ceiling to fall asleep while stargazing, although sometimes you'd also go out • I'm positive that Sigma would close the casino for one night just to do stargazing with you from such a high and secluded spot! • I feel like you'd enjoy reading together sometimes, and then you'd comment on the books you read at night... Sigma would LOVE your more formal speech style • Thanks to his amazing memory, Sigma would remember to make sure you follow a diet full of iron and take iron integrators... he'd do his best to take perfect care of you
🔮 Tickle scenario
Note: "мой ангел" means "my angel"
Fyodor Dostoevsky and Nikolai Gogol probably weren't the best guys around... to be honest, they weren't even close to being good, but they actually did the best thing when they introduced you to Sigma.
He was an angel to you, even if he couldn't see it. How he both listened and opened up to you, watched you play instruments as if you were a music deity, how he showed appreciation towards you and the quality time you spent together... you two were a match made in heaven. Different enough to complete each other and similar enough to be compatible.
You were thinking all of this as you watched your little angel asleep on the couch, breathing deeply but without making a sound. He looked like he was having a peaceful dream.
You had asked him if he could listen to a cello piece you were practicing on. It was an extremely relaxing piece, some critics even said it was probably a lullaby written by the composer for his children, but you didn't really think it would work on your boyfriend.
However, you had to interrupt that blissful moment for Sigma's sake. It was almost dinner time and sleeping at that time was surely going to mess up his sleeping schedule. You chuckled, glancing at that sleeping angelic face once more before tracing his back lightly to wake him up softly.
A smile formed on the dual-haired guy's face and it got wider and wider until it turned into a sleepy, groggy giggle. "Good morning, мой ангел~" you smirked while he looked up at you, still giggling as the last traces of sleep left his eyes.
"I wanna sleep... just keep playing your cello..." he tried pointlessly to swat your hands away. "No can do," You sing-songed "It's dinner time, and you need to get up if you want to sleep tonight." Your words made him groan, but he knew you were right.
"Go awayyy" He whined, and then he made the worst mistake. "Did you... just throw a pillow at my face?" You asked, showing playful indignation, and decided to make him regret that choice.
"5... 4... 3..." You started counting, and Sigma knew what was coming. You ignored his pleads and neutralized every attempt he made to get away, "2... 1..."
"Gyahahahahaha Ihihi'm sohohorryehe pleheheahase nohohohot thihihis!!!" He kicked with his legs and punched the couch, as if doing that would give him any relief or protection from the tickling he was receiving on his back, sides, ribs and underarms. "I'm afraid I have to decline your request, dear... you had your chance to listen to me, and now you have to face the punishment for not doing so." You solemnly scolded him. You didn't know why but that kind of tone always flustered him.
"YohOHOu're meHEahAHan..!" He complained while you drew little circles in the hollow of his underarms. "Says the one who threw a pillow at my face..." You quickly retorted, and then you decided to go for the kill without any kind of warning.
"NAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOT THEHE NEHEHEHEHEHEHECK!!! I'M SOHOHOHORRY IHIHI'M SAHAHAHAHARRYEHEHE IHIHI'LL GEHEHET UHUHUHUHUP!!!" He immediately caved in. It was adorable for you how he could've handle even two fingers tracing his neck.
"I didn't even get to use my whole hands there... but I got what I wanted and I'm getting quite hungry, so I'll let you off the hook this time." You decided to be merciful and helped him sit up, giving a couple of minutes to recover.
You noticed how late it was, and noticing that Sigma was fully recovered, you got up and walked towards the door of the living room. "Come on, let's go to din-" You tried to say before getting interrupted by two hands squeezing your sides.
"Hahaha I got you!" Sigma exclaimed proudly, eager to finally get his revenge on you... only to find out, to his dismay, that you weren't even twitching.
"Nice try, мой ангел~"
"H-how can this- No! Nononono wait wait wahAHAHAHAHAIT..!"
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jamesleecult · 1 month
James lee x gn!reader : In case you come back one day.
The reader rants about their past relationships experience on a song comment section they recently listened to.
note: James kinda ooc(?), attempted to angst. I was planning to make it like the reader view, like their feelings then what happened(flashback or smthg idk) but I’m lazy. Not proof read, I’m bad. Reader kinda still hung up, if you squint enough I’m kinda listening to a sad song rn. Bold font for the typing and the italicized for flashback. (Plottwist dg wrote the song and saw the comment lol) with the help of Grammarly.
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During the midnight hour, their finger danced across the keyboard, each keystroke echoing in the quiet room. Blending with the faint whirr of the glowing screen with melody’s in the background.
The sounds of the faint tapping on the keys stopped, few moments later - a sound of clicking can be heard as they began to typed again.
I've met it fresh and hot, it was years ago, yet it felt like yesterday. Actually, I've been walking so far that I can start again with someone else, but in my heart I secretly ask a question. Do I really still have a spot left for him?
In their distant and hazy memories, They shared soft whispers and laughter, the gentle breeze carrying their words like secrets through the air. With each stolen glance and faint smiles.
Or always ask myself that do I love the person in front of me equally to that person. Until now.
In the dimly lit ambiance of their favorite spot, he sat across from them- on the side, his demeanor cool and composed, concealing the turmoil within. They sensed a distance growing, a chill settling in the air.
“We need to talk,” he began, his voice steady, devoid of emotion, easily making their pulse quickened, a knot forming in the stomach.
"I met a lot of people, but in the end, no one can replace you." Right into the hook. I realized, I didn't intend to hurt the person infront of me.
“What’s wrong?”
I just want myself to try and start again, but now I understand that.
“This,” the red haired boy, he gestured subtly between them, “isn’t working anymore.”
“What do you mean?”
I did never stop loving or stop missing him at all.
Confusion etched across their face, so many questions left unanswered. He met their gaze, his eyes holding a depth they couldn’t fathom.
“I’m leaving.”
I wanna say something in case, even if I never get the chance to tell him.
“Leaving? Why?” Panic rising within them making their heart skipped a beat.
“I can’t stay,” the tall boy stated firmly, his tone unwavering. “It’s not safe for you.”
They searched his eyes for answers, finding only resolve. “Not safe? What are you talking about?—That’s not true. We love each other. We can work through whatever it is!”
I got so many questions that was never answered, you left with no room for me to ask further more. What’s happening? Did I do something wrong?
As they spoke, he looked away, sighing at their persistence. Unable to meet their gaze. “No, you don’t understand. I’m.. I’m dangerous.”
Their brows furrowed in confusion and annoyance. “What do you mean, dangerous?”
“I can’t explain” he said, his voice barely a whisper in disappointment. “But you need to trust me. You need to let me go.. there are things you don’t know about me. Things that could put you in danger if I stay.”
Their mind raced, trying to make sense of his words. “But I don’t understand. We are together, we love each other- why are you leaving me with just.. short explanations?”
Then you just disappeared for no reason. I couldn’t find you, as if you were gone.
And with that he just walked away, coldly stood up- leaving them sitting there, alone with nothing but unanswered questions and a heart heavy with sorrow.
I still have a spot left for you in my feelings, always will be the one for you, In case you come back one day.
After hours of uninterrupted typing, they finally halted, their hands hovering over the keyboard as they took a moment to gather their thoughts. Pressing the final key—
The soft click of the laptop lid echoing in the now silent room.
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idwsonicnews · 2 years
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Preview Pages for Sonic the Hedgehog: Scrapnik Island #3
Script: Daniel Barnes
Line Art: Jack Lawrence
Colors: Nathalie Fourdraine
Letters: Shawn Lee
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pink-tk-a-latte · 24 days
hellooo!! i’m back :D
may i req siglai (ler!nikolai, lee!sigma)? maybe a bit of silly romance because i ♡ them, (and i feel like making sigma twice as flustered just for fun. haha)
for the scenario/vibe, maybe nikolai decided that sigma looks too “grumpy” or stoic all the time, so he tries makes him laugh by tkling him? it’ll be funny if nikolai accidentally tkled him and decided to continue after sigma reacted. but that’s just a silly “what if” you don’t need to put it in the fic if you have other ideas!! /gen
also i’m so happy to see an atsulucy fan here. i love them so much they make me explode
- 🎀
I love Siglai and Atsulucy an UNHEALTHY amount so thank you so much for the request, bow anon!!!! EXCITEMENT!!!!!
I thought this one would be a bit quicker to write since I already have so much Siglai written LMAO— except I didn’t use ANYTHING that I’ve already written and instead wrote a FERRIS WHEEL SCENE FOR SIGLAI (bc I read a fic recently and I love Ferris wheel scenes…) 🎡
AGAIN I’m sorry for how long this took. AGAIN I don’t have any reference for how long it should take. I’m seriously in love with this prompt so I feel bad for not getting it done right away 😭😭 I hope it is to your liking!!! Siglai anthology date— I love you, it’s ruining my life
Disclaimer for heights, possible claustrophobia, and getting stuck on a Ferris wheel (but it’s okay cuz abilities)
Sfw tickle fic!!!!!!! 1.5k words. Romantic (Pre-Relationship?) Nikosigggggggg
you can be alice, i’ll be the mad hatter
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ ˚₊‧ ꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
“It’s nice to be back up in the air, isn’t it?”
Nikolai chirped as he turned to his companion. He hoped to see that normal-ish wonder and glee in Sigma’s eyes as he gazed out the window of the Ferris wheel box, watching the hustle and bustle of the fair below, neon lights and neon colors and the screaming of ride-goers fearing for their lives.
Instead, he found Sigma watching him, frowning as if in contemplation.
“Sigma~!” Nikolai waved a gloved hand in his face. “Sum Sum! Cookie! Siggy-my-Siggy!”
“Hm?” Sigma snapped to attention, mirror-like eyes clearing as he shook his head. Nikolai squealed internally as the braid in his hair flicked about (the one that he’d plaited). “Sorry, could you repeat that again?”
Nikolai pouted theatrically. “You’re not even looking at the view!” He put his hands together and looked up at Sigma with widened eyes. As Sigma chewed his lip guiltily, Nikolai held back a grin. “Do you not like it? Are you not having fun? Are you secretly plotting my demise?”
“What!? No! What even…” Sigma sighed and shoved Nikolai’s face. “I just had… stuff on my mind, I guess.”
Nikolai pulled closer to Sigma in response to being pushed away, now flush against his side. “Always in your head, hmmmmm?” He sandwiched Sigma’s cheeks between his hands, relishing the warmth of skin. “But I dragged you here to cut you free from all that! Look at your face! You’ll have wrinkles from sulking so much.” Nikolai squished and kneaded his face until his hands were batted away.
“It’s because you dragged me here that it’s hard for me to enjoy it! We’re supposed to be on a mission.” Guilt faded, Sigma crossed his arms and rumpled his brow. “And people keep giving us strange looks.”
Nikolai put a finger to his lips. “Have they? I didn’t notice! Why ever would they do so?”
“Because you’re wearing that.” Sigma eyed him up and down.
Obediently following his stare, Nikolai looked down at his full clown ensemble, a mishmash of patterns with a huge, frilly collar and balloon-like pants. Compared to Sigma’s lavender turtleneck and star-patterned slacks, Nikolai was dressed as though he were part of the carnival.
“But this is my normal date attire!” Nikolai wrapped himself around Sigma’s arm, winking. Framed by azure and white cotton clouds, the sky shifting behind him as they rose gradually through the air, Sigma’s face glowed pink.
“This isn’t a date!” Ah, Sigma’s flustered scowl and oh-so-cliché reaction — truly something to behold! His pretty eyes were narrowed and his perfect nose creased. It was a face that gave Nikolai impish butterflies, but he still found himself unfulfilled.
“So close! This isn’t a date… yet! Can you guess what’s missing?” Nikolai’s voice became grander, like a pop quiz host; before Sigma could respond, he continued. “I haven’t seen you smile once!”
Sigma frowned. “I have smiled.”
“Not enough! Oh, how I have failed you! What a sad, sorry, pitiful tragedy.” Nikolai pulled his lips into a grin of manic glee. With a flourish of his Overcoat, he stood, the clank of his boots on metal echoing in the bright red car. Sigma yelped, paranoid of it swinging.
He tapped a finger to his chin. “I’ve decided that I’m going to make you laugh! I bet it’s like waking up to angelic birdsong ♡.”
Sigma huffed, even as poppy red bloomed across his face. “I can laugh just fine without your help.”
“Oh? I’ve never heard you laugh before.”
“I’ve never heard you say anything funny.”
Gasping, Nikolai threw himself at Sigma’s feet, squeezing at his knees. “Cruel, cruel, so utterly cruel!”
Like that, he’d stumbled upon a windfall.
Sigma jolted, face freezing in a wobbly smile and pool-sized eyes. With a garbled yelp, he kicked at Nikolai’s chin and slapped a hand over his mouth.
Blinking, the jester squeezed again. And again. And again until Sigma, red in the face, was yanking his wrists away and shouting at him to cut it out.
Nikolai grinned.
“Whoopsie-daisy! Have I just discovered the key to Sigma’s smiles~ ✩?” He pulled himself up and leaned into Sigma’s space, forcing the other to peer up at him, fearful.
He swallowed. “I- I don’t know what you’re— WAHAhaha NOHO!”
Twisting his own arms, Nikolai had freed himself from Sigma’s grip and captured his wrists in one hand. His other kneaded circles into the top of Sigma’s knee. Sigma shook his head desperately, his cheeks curved, his lashes glued together in giddiness; Nikolai’s heart somersaulted.
“AHEAha STAhahaHAP! NAHakoholahai!”
“Yes, Little Red?” The color in Sigma’s face grew more radiant, and Nikolai trilled proudly. “Ooh, I know, you’re wondering if my theory was correct? Let’s see, let’s see… Your laughter is certainly a melody! Not quite birdsong though, perhaps more like a squalling pigeon!”
In Nikolai’s hand, Sigma’s fists clenched and unclenched. Cute. “ShuhuhUT AHAhahup!” Sigma shrieked and protested and headbutted his shoulder, attempting to push him away. Nikolai just nuzzled into his hair’s poofy, jagged part. His fingers found the contour of Sigma’s hip and exhumed a squawk and a lurch.
Like a capricious explorer, Nikolai’s mitts darted around the map that was Sigma’s figure. Fingers crawling, spidering up his thighs. A hand worming between his arm and his ribs despite how tightly he squeezed them together. Nikolai imagined Sigma’s nerves must be audibly fried, like so many hay bales after catching a spark.
“I rather like that you fight back, you know?” hummed Nikolai. “A little birdie born in a cage doesn’t know to be free, yet here you are!”
“STAhahap tahahalking about freeHEHEedom!” Even through squeals and giggles, the exasperation in his order was obvious.
Nikolai pouted. “You don’t wish to listen to my philosophy? But you’re my muse! The sight of you simply brings such marvelously poignant prose to my mind.”
He dropped Sigma’s hands, which thwacked Nikolai on his shoulders, then dug into his sleeve. “Dohohon’t youHEEhee stAHahart! PftahahaHEY!”
As he pinched at his hips, Nikolai found himself swaying to Sigma’s laughter. Rolling, euphonious, sprinkled with light, like the cosmos. Like stargazing, his joy felt pacific and snug, blanketing.
Nikolai would keep this memory locked in his vanity. With a hazy forlornness, he pondered if he would miss this sound when he was finally free.
Or perhaps he was merely losing his mind.
As suddenly as he’d started, Nikolai concluded his mischief when Sigma had burrowed into his arms, screeching muffled nonsense and beating his chest. The magnificent finale found Nikolai supporting the man by his shoulders as he wheezed and wiped away tears.
“Youhou’re such ahaha nuisahance…”
“Thank you!” Nikolai dodged the blow thrown his way.
In the end, Sigma’s meticulously sectioned hair had fallen into disorder, lily and lilac confused and astray. Out of the kindness of his heart, Nikolai began guiding the tufts back in place.
“So, is this a date yet, diamond? Is it is it!?” Nikolai fished for attention.
“You’re ridiculous,” Sigma puffed. His voice was warm and giggly, his nose buried in Nikolai’s ruff. Nikolai could feel the suppleness of Sigma’s cheek against his neck and pretended not to lean into it.
“I guess… it could be a date, but—”
Sigma wrenched his head away as the Ferris wheel cart bumped and swayed. Against his wishes, Nikolai let him go.
“What happened? Did the wheel stop!?” Sigma, finally, mushed his face against the window. Indeed, they were at the peak, and the shifting of the scenery and gentle pull of the mechanisms had ceased. “We’re trapped! We need to call someone!”
Contrarily, Nikolai cackled. “Don’t worry about it.”
“What do you mean ‘don’t worry about it’?” Sigma whipped around to glare at him, frantic.
He beamed. “I mean we’re not trapped!” Brandishing his Overcoat, Nikolai stuck his hand through to boop Sigma’s nose. “Don’t work yourself into a tizzy, silly!”
“Oh.” Sigma’s posture opened in realization, coupled with a bashful sideways glance. “You… You’re right. Sorry to panic.”
“No need! It’s what I like about you.” Before Sigma could ask what that meant, Nikolai pointed to the window again. “And now you can admire the view! Isn’t it astounding?”
Relaxing in his seat, Sigma gazed at the cloud-covered sky and the flurry of the festivities below. He pressed close to Nikolai, and the pair curled around each other, like two turtle doves. “It’s nice.” He smiled his aloe vera smile. “It’s familiar.”
“Right!?” Nikolai took Sigma’s hands in his own. Sigma laughed freely, breathily. “I had a hunch you would fancy it!”
Sigma met his stare. “Thanks.” His moon-toned eyes crinkled and shone. Nikolai’s chest clenched to have such a face trained on him for once.
If he were standing, he would’ve spun around. Instead, he bowed. “Only my dearest pleasure!” He kissed Sigma’s hand just to feel his skin warm.
Then Nikolai pulled Sigma’s hands over his shoulder, so abruptly their noses bumped. Surprised and suddenly nervous eyes locked with Nikolai’s. He simpered. “But we still have so long before we’re rescued. It would be a shame to waste it.” Roguish, he rested his hand on the other’s waist. Sigma, despite his apprehensive gape, was already smiling. “Why don’t we have some fun?”
Thus, the pair made good use of their free time, and not much of it was spent enjoying the fair below.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ ˚₊‧ ꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
IB this fic <33 kiss kiss get stuck on a carnival ride
I am what they call an EmuKasa truther, I see a Ferris wheel scene and my heart explodes
Also I continue to not know WHAT COLOR SIGMA’S EYES ARE
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rainydrawstuff · 1 month
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6 characters to make fanart of:
Castiel from Supernatural
Mattea Murdock from Marvel Comics (Daredevil from Earth-138)
Beelzebub from Good Omens
Sigma from Bungo Stray Dogs
Grimm from Hollow Knight
Lee Yeon from Tales of the Nine Tailed
Opening commissions soon. (Twitter/X)
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blue-little-angel · 2 months
Heya, Cloudy-Cloud! Hope your day is as great as you are (HA! Beat you to it- HEHEHE-)
If you're feeling up to it, can I please request a soft, cuddly lee! Sigma ler!Nikolai drabble? I don't have too much of an idea for a prompt, I honestly just want to see the overworked casino man curled up in bed and covering his mouth, trying not to giggle himself to sleep . Also, *SOMEHOW* Siglai has crept its way into my brain 🤣 (But if you're more comfy writing it platonically, do that!). Feel free to decline, as always and have a super awesome day!
-Cutie-patootie anon (Nope, never subscribing to that name, tell Aiden I'm coming for him for that😭)
Hope your- wait a sec.
Aiden's response, I quote "GOTTA FIND ME FIRST. And how would we recognize our favorite anon?? Without a suitable nickname!!"
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Fandom: BSD (Boungo Stray Dogs)
Lee: Sigma
Ler: Nikolai Gogol
Tw: lots of tickles (surprising isn't it?) Nikolai and Fyodor themselves are a whole tw (Fyodor is only mentioned)
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Sigma groaned as he rubbed his tired eyes, staring down at the pile of paperwork in front of him. There was always an endless sea of documents, budgets, schedules and forms to fill out. He had been at it for hours, long past midnight, and his vision was starting to swim from exhaustion.
Just a few more minutes, he told himself, struggling to focus on the tiny print. But his eyes refused to cooperate, drooping lower with each passing second. He knew if he didn't get up and move around, he would surely pass out at his desk.
"my favorite little dove~~" a voice rang, comically loud, making the exhausted man snap his eyes open.
It was then that Nikolai materialized out of the shadows, as if summoned by Sigma's sleepy state. "Still working, I see." His voice was smooth as silk, but held an undercurrent of menace. As one of Fyodor's "friends", Nikolai took great pleasure in tormenting others. "I had the time to finish everything Dos-kun told me to do and here you are, still working on boring papers !"
Sigma replied with an incoherent mumble, too tired to muster a proper retort. Nikolai tutted, prowling closer. "You won't be any use if you work yourself into an early grave. I think it's time for a break."
Before Sigma could protest, Nikolai swept him up into powerful arms. Sigma squawked in surprise, flailing weakly as Nikolai began carrying him from the office. "Relax. I'm taking you to rest, not to torment you. At least not yet, my dove" His chuckle sent a shiver down Sigma's spine.
Nikolai deposited Sigma onto a plush chaise lounge, joining him and pulling the casino owner back against his chest. Despite his earlier plans of escape, Sigma found himself melting into the contact, warm and solid. Nikolai's fingers began tracing teasing circles over Sigma's sides, eliciting unwilling giggles. "See? Isn't this better than slaving away?"
As Sigma was near falling asleep , the silver haired one gazed down at the man in his arms with an uncharacteristic softness. His facade of cruelty hid a deep fondness for his loved one, one he was loathe to show.
But Sigma looked too adorable snuggled against his chest, lips parted in almost peaceful slumber. Nikolai couldn't resist the temptation. His fingers began delicately skimming Sigma's sides once more, lightly scratching in the spots he knew were most ticklish.
Sigma snuffled adorably, squirming in his embrace. "Nn, stop..." he mumbled, still trying to lose himself in dreams. Nikolai chuckled, increasing the pace of his tickling. Soon breathy giggles escaped Sigma as he drifted back to full wakefulness.
"Nikolai...please..." Sigma gasped between peals of laughter. His eyes fluttered open, bleary with mirth. "You're cruel..."
"Only to you, my sweet dove," Nikolai purred, leaning down to nuzzle Sigma's cheek. His fingers slowed their attack to gentle caresses. "How else would you stay on your toes around me, hmm?~"
Sigma huffed, relaxing against Nikolai's chest. For once, he didn't argue. The feeling of being ensconced in these arms, safe from the outside world, was too comforting to deny.
"Get some more rest, my darling. I'll watch over you." Nikolai pressed a soft kiss to Sigma's temple, holding him securely. "But I can't guarantee your ticklish little tummy being safe" he grinned, poking said body part eliciting a squeal out of Sigma
Against all logic, the sleepy one had to admit perhaps Nikolai was right. Just this once, a break was what he needed most. He drifted to sleep in Nikolai's embrace, the safest and most comfortable he had felt in a long while.
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therealjohnstewart · 3 months
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Angela Bassett and Sheryl Lee Ralph
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intheticklecloset · 6 months
Heyo! I love your Peppermint Mocha event! It's so perfect for the season!
If I may, could I ask for some Lee!Sigma, with the ler of your choice? You know that thing where someone's been outside and their hands are cold and they go "Hey feel my hands?" before pressing them into another's face or neck or whatever? I think that would be really cute with tickles hehe!
Have a great winter and thank you in advance! If you don't wanna write this one, that's alright aswell! :3
❄️ Peppermint Mocha Special Order ❄️
Disclaimer: This fic is spoiler free, BUT I had to use some creative liberty since we don't know how certain things unfolded post-S5.
Sigma was not at all used to Dazai’s shenanigans yet, though it gave him some small comfort to know that even his coworkers at the ADA were only barely used to them, and they’d known him much longer.
So when the brunette in question snuck up behind him in the hall one day and pressed his cold hands to Sigma’s neck, the taller man was only mildly embarrassed to have let out such a loud shriek in response.
He whirled around, putting his back to the wall and glaring daggers at the detective, who was bent over at the waist laughing, still bundled up in his bulkier outerwear for the winter. “That’s not funny. And highly immature.”
“Oh, come on, don’t go Kunikida on me,” Dazai replied through a wheeze, reaching out to jab his ribs playfully. “I get enough of that from the man himself.”
Sigma didn’t understand the sharp jolt that shot through his body in response to Dazai poking him, but he gasped and shrunk back all the same.
Dazai’s eyes lit up, and all of a sudden the other man had a terrible feeling he was in trouble.
“W-What?” he stammered, pressing himself against the wall as much as possible as Dazai approached him. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You could have told me you were ticklish~”
“T-Ticklish? What…what does that mean?”
For a moment, the detective stopped in his tracks, looking utterly stunned. But it passed quickly, and he smirked instead. “Ah, right. I bet you didn’t get many people trying to tickle you at the casino.”
Sigma had no idea why that word was making his stomach do flips, but he couldn’t say he entirely disliked the feeling. “Ti-ckle?”
Without another word or warning, Dazai began rapidly and sporadically poking his ribs and belly, and – inexplicably – Sigma let out a squeak, followed by a spew of giggles he had absolutely no control over whatsoever. He was mortified, but the detective didn’t seem surprised in the least. In fact, he seemed…excited?
“W-Whahahahat? Whahahahat are you – D-Dahahahazai, wait!”
“Aww, you are ticklish! How cute~”
“B-But whahahahahat does that mehehehean? I cahahahahan’t stop—” At that moment Sigma let out another squeal and instinctively twisted away, only to be followed by Dazai pinching along his hip on the opposite side, effectively forcing him to squirm in place against the wall, still giggling helplessly.
“Can’t stop laughing? Good.” Dazai grinned, winked, and kept up the gentle assault. “That’s the whole point.”
Part of Sigma felt like he should be fighting back – pushing the brunette away, calling for help, something – but there was a larger part of him that really didn’t want to get away at all. He was laughing, after all, and he couldn’t remember a time he’d been able to giggle so freely.
Besides, Dazai looked like he was having fun, too. And if that were the case, why shouldn’t he let it continue?
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