mirroball · 8 months
your sweaters are incredible, i thought they were from an independent high fashion brand at first :o are you planning to sell any that you make at any point? i wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to keep them for yourself, they’re so 🌟✨💫 you must get so many compliments when you wear them !!!!!
omg stop it you’re too sweet 😭 that means so much thank you for saying all of that!! <3
i’ve thought about selling them but i feel bad for asking for money lmao i just do this as a hobby and to be completely honest i have never worn any of my pieces (i just try them on once when they’re finished) because of body issues sooo i’d love to actually have someone wear them and for them not to just collect dust in my closet..
i think maybe one day if i feel confident enough in my skills i might sell them but for now they’re more like practice pieces that my friends could have if they wanted to (which they don’t lmao)
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gingerteaonthetardis · 3 months
nine people i'd like to know better
i was tagged by the lovely @thatfragilecapricorn30! thank you, dear!
last song: cherry-coloured funk, cocteau twins
favorite color: green!! specifically warm green with a bit of yellow in it, like a more mellowed out chartreuse
currently watching: the most maligned season of buffy the vampire slayer. only i'm having a great time with it, i hope spike and buffy break every bed in town and she turns into a vampire so they can keep breaking beds forever and i especially hope she squishes those little geek boys like bugs. that said, justice for tara and willow, holy SHIT
spicy/savory/sweet: sweet sweet sweet with a sizeable dollop of savory and the tiniest pinch of spice
relationship status: married <3
current obsession: nitpicking buffy fight choreo with my partner and then watching martial arts films when we can't take it anymore. last night we watched house of flying daggers to cope and let me just say. gorgeous gorgeous stunning
for funsies, i'll be tagging my nine newest followers (who don't look like bots) just to say hi! (but no pressure if you don't wanna participate): @angelqueen04, @4mic1oud, @fancyflautist, @write-on-me-forever, @lepetitchemin, @the-wolf-among-the-roses, @gillian-anderson-in-the-tardis, @jaynenyaj420, and @baby-on-the-net <3
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Tumblr shipname for Ava Daniels/Deborah Vance from Hacks HBO:
Reblog to spread the word!
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It was a close thing in the end between Avorah and AvaDeb, but while AvaDeb currently seems to be used a bit more frequently on tumblr, Avorah has also been tagged a lot, and is apparently the most popular option on other sites - and it won the poll of course!
Why decide on a shipname at all?
First of all, to name this blog! I'll try to collect all art and edits of the two, if you have any I haven't reblogged yet, feel free to send them over/ @ the blog, if someone wants to help mod, just send an ask!
But also, it's a lot easier to find new posts when everyone uses the same shipname, so you won't have to enter ten or more variations until you're sure you've seen all posts! So it's clever both for those of us who just want to look at and reblog them, and for the artists it's of course neat to know which tag will get most people to look at their posts!
You can of course still use other shipnames in your posts and use other tags as well and no-one can be forced to use a particular tag at all, but using #Avorah as one of the searchable tags (20 tags per tumblr post) on posts you make for the ship would be cool :)
List of Avorah artists and more below the cut!
@mercutao @byutyful @suika28 @angel-march @makingeachotherfunnier
@lush-retina @nakedmonkey @anabruni @nightsh6de @luckywedgewood
@skullyday @fleaflofloyd @draftboat @lovingume
@sapphicscholar @shesnohack @lilolilyr @emeraldorchids @naturalxselection @jennamacaroni @nakedmonkey @skatehepburn @catelyngrant @bumblebear30
@mouthybroad @stardustinpassing @paperclipbracelet @hannaheinbinderfans @memphiswright @l-kieranluthor @for-southendgirls @izzymulder @avaxdeborah @actualhumancryptid @wise1rabbity @rayms416 @lepetitchemin @trying-to-get-somewhere-real @cecret-with-a-c @catelyngrant @mastrantonio @rainespells @strangesmallbard @hashtagtheyfucked @mollrat101 @final-cut-bro @villanelle-ve @queerofdenial @xenafan @alicespieszecki @dkc2017 @hellpopgroove @lesbianlovelife @lesbiangracehanson @sapphicscience @alicemorgans @mmbopjen @nicollekidman @starflowersearching
If your tag is missing or in the wrong category reply to this post!
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bethanyactually · 1 year
Tagged by @feeisamarshmallow--thanks!
❥ name: I am actually Bethany
❥ sign: Pisces
❥ height: short
❥ time: where I am it's 1223 EST
❥ fav band/artist: Barenaked Ladies, Sara Bareilles
❥ last movie: Star Wars! The 18yo realized that although the 12yo had seen the Star Wars movies when she was little, she doesn't remember them, so we decided to watch them for our New Year's Eve tradition of watching a classic movie. Only we thought watching all three in a row would be too much, so we watched ANH last night, and tonight we'll watch Empire and Jedi.
❥ last show: Fringe, which we're rewatching with our kids (it's their first watch)
❥ when I created this blog: 2011
❥ what I post: whatever crosses my dash that I think is neat
❥ other blogs?: yeah but I never use them
❥ do I get asks?: occasionally!
❥ average hours of sleep: 7-8 per night
❥ instruments: voice, piano, violin, flute--roughly in order of expertise from 'I can do this in front of other people no problem' to 'I haven't touched one of these in ages'
❥ what I'm wearing: black Unsleeping City t-shirt, suffragette purple Snag leggings, purple and blue 'what's happening?? where am I??' socks, black Skechers
❥ dream trip: still haven't been to Aotearoa or Saint Petersburg
❥ fav songs right now: honestly no particular songs come to mind except songs that have been my favorites for months or years. I find a song I like and stick with it. But I have been listening to the Rivers of London books a lot lately and Kobna Holdbrook-Smith is an AMAZING reader.
low-key, no-pressure tagging some folks from my recent activity: @knowlesian, @lepetitchemin, @ohsilverplease, @fitzawkwarddarcy, @hartlins, @imelda72, and anyone else who'd like to do this.
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allamericansbitch · 2 years
would you mind sharing the name of the podcast + episode that you mentioned in the tags?:) (the one where they discuss taylor promoting and endorsing where the crawdads sing)
Yes! It’s called ‘but am I wrong?’ They bring it up around 1 hour and 2 minutes into the podcast:
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rorigilmore · 3 years
favorite flower 🌻
favorite song in general 🎼
favorite taylor song 👸🏼
favorite drink ☕️
favorite food 🍽
hope you feel less anxious soon!! <3
Flower: daisies 🌼
Song: I wanna get better by bleachers
Taylor song: this is me trying
Drink: water lol
Food: pasta
Thank you for the questions!💗
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mrsroryhuntzberger · 3 years
I saw your thoughts in the tags on the Jeff+Annie through the years (yes I read the tags, they’re just as good as your posts if not better) and I have to say I agree !! As much as I’d love a Community movie like in an ideal world,,in reality I don’t actually want one because you *know* Dan would make some wack ass decisions. Idk I’m still pissed at Repilot (and wtf was that with everyone being friends with Britta’s parents???) so even though he obviously understands the characters better than anyone..I wouldn’t put it past him not to fuck some (or all) of them over:’)!
First, aww thank you!! 
Second, I agree completely! Some of the choices he made with the characters seemed so weird and out of character especially in the later seasons. I feel like there are some plotlines or character developments he just can’t fully commit too. Like with Jeff and Annie, even if he wants them together I just don’t trust him to fully commit to them being together and not give us another series of stolen glances, long looks, flirting, and open-ended endings. Not only is that seriously frustrating as a jeffannie fan its also pretty sad that the characters haven’t advanced their relationship at all over however many years it might be.
I agree with you about repliot and the whole thing about everyone being friends with Brittas parents. It’s such a weird and specific retcon that doesn’t make any sense and the whole plot felt out of place and full of plotholes and kinda messed up implications (there’s a whole thing about Britta’s background apparently hinted at in the show and maybe confirmed by Dan in a reddit thread. I’ll find the link and post it in the replies but it makes that episode so much worse). It doesn’t line up with what any of the characters would actually do and I could see him pulling something similar if there was ever a movie. 
I’m also a huge fan of gilmore girls which had its own “and a movie” in the form of a four part revival a few years ago and I’m still bitter about how most of the characters were treated. the creator almost seemed to treat the revival as a go ahead for all the stuff she didn’t do in the original series (she wasn’t involved in the last season of the show) and didn’t bother to consider 1) what fans actually wanted and 2) updating the plotlines for characters 10 years older than when she first came up with the ideas and it made the characters look like people who never planned anything or were still naive and immature or never had serious conversations with their partners. I know there’s been a lot of stuff behind the scenes of community and with dan harmon personally and i can see a bit of that in how he writes jeff (jeff gets darker and more sad as the seasons progress) and i don’t want that in a movie.
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alltoosam · 3 years
How do you feel about your birthday? And how do you usually celebrate?:)
honestly kind of indifferent lol it’s fun to celebrate but my birthday is very close to christmas so it sometimes gets overlooked as there’s a lot going on and not everyone is around to celebrate. I usually just do dinner w my family and then try to do something w friends!
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witchmd13 · 3 years
I’m so glad I found your blog. Taylor is my favorite artist and I’m getting so emo over all your Merlin/Taylor edits 🥺 I never realized how many of her songs fit so well with the series
thank you! sorry for making you emo haha
I think her recent songs go so well with merlin because they represent her best storytelling of yet, IMO at least. They’re whimsical and reflective, filled with stunning magical imagery, so naturally they’d go well with a fairytale-esque kind of story like Merlin. 
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happy happy birthday!! 💕💕💕
thank you so so much!!
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prideandprejudice · 2 years
good luck at your interview!! 😤😤
THANK YOU SO MUCH <3 i'm a little nervous but i'm trying to think things will work out! i REALLY want to be able to afford my studies!
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ahsokamybeloved · 3 years
starting this side blog bc my main is far too crowded !!
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lake-lady · 3 years
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Blog fit for @lepetitchemin 💜
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sunnydaleherald · 3 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, June 10
Giles: To forgive is an act of compassion, Buffy. It's, it's not done because people deserve it. It's done because they need it. Buffy: No. James destroyed the one person he loved the most in a moment of blind passion. And that's not something you forgive. No matter why he did what he did. And no matter if he knows now that it was wrong and selfish and stupid, it is just something he's gonna have to live with. Xander: He can't live with it, Buff. He's dead.
~~I Only Have Eyes for You~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Crossover Bunnies - Primeval and BtVS (Faith/Connor Temple, T) by SCWLC
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Impression, Sunrise, Chapter 1 (crossover with Star Trek, Buffy, G) by Energybeing
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Grace, Chapter 9 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Soulburnt
Meet Me at Midnight, Chapter 9 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Dusty
Getaway, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by chaoz
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Clandestine, Chapter 1-2 (OC & Scoobies, eventual Spike/OC) by MJtheSlayer7
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Comic: quickly everybody make fun of the old british man (Giles, Scoobies, worksafe) by crabuncle
Drawings: happy pride to the canon LGBTQs of buffy the vampire slayer! (Andrew, Willow/Tara, Buffy, Dawn, Xander, Spike, worksafe) by reelbigchip
Sketches: Giles/Jenny, Angel and Lorne (worksafe) by punksouthie
Drawing: Slayer girlfriends (Buffy/Faith, worksafe) by monsoonhazard
Artwork: BtVS headers (Scoobies, Willow/Tara, Spike/Buffy, Buffy x Willow, Spike, Buffy/Angel, Spike/Angel, Buffy and Cordelia, Buffy and Dawn, worksafe) by milkymickeyway
Drawing: Spike (nude) by malvymary
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy comics (season 8) by milkymickeyway
Normal Again would’ve been better had it been... by siriuslymooned
Re: You didn't like how Angel ended? Part 1 and part 2 by nancylou444, persephones-journey, chiazu
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S4E16 'Who Are You' speaks volumes in regards to SMG's acting talents by ndork666 and others
What is one thing that makes BtVS one of the best TV series of all time for you? hosted by Excellent-Durian-509
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PODCAST: The Watchers' Diaries Episode 12: If a Dream is a Wish, What's a Nightmare? [“Nightmares”]
PUBLICATION: Indie Comics Review: Buffy the Vampire Slayer #26 by Tony Farina, dccomicsnews.com
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Buffy Summers ficlet "After Life" by badly_knitted recced by petzipellepingo
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Rec request: royaltybane seeks Spuffy fic recs that are low on the angst and high on the touchy feely feels
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Reacting to Reactions! AtS Season 1 (cont'd) by Stoney, Priceless
Two Spuffy stories by SummerFrost recced by flow
[Fandom Discussions]
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Headcanon: So…Spike and Angel, the souled versions, get dropped on a sunny island. (the "Day 9" part of the post) by nyctanthes
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[Re: events set in motion because Darla went 'it's boytoy o'clock'] by mygreenknittedsweater, sunnydalebimbo, chasingfictions
In seasons six and seven,,,what in blue blazes is going on with [the excess of] redemption arcs/forgiveness????? by lepetitchemin
[Yes, Xander is the worst, but his response to Spike assaulting Buffy is the most appropriate] by lepetitchemin, lucky-foxface
I think Doyle might actually be my favorite person for Cordelia now by oveliagirlhaditright
[Buffy and Xander going to Cassie’s dad’s house and accusing him was unsafe] by lepetitchemin
Faith Lehane - Type cp6w7 by tvandenneagram
Headcanon: [BtVS starts airing when Dean Winchester is 18 and he absolutely watches it] by clairenatural
The problem... is that I’m completely obsessed with the Jenny and Faith dynamic by space-sheep08
I'm gonna talk about Spike by sarahthelameturtle
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What happened to Kate? (cont'd) by Stake fodder
Anya with Dark hair or Blonde? hosted by spikenbuffy
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Changing perceptions with ‘fly on the wall moments’ (cont'd) by American Aurora
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I just finished watching the show for the first time ever as a 29F by dontshowup
Who would win in a fight: Angel or Angelus? hosted by verysimilartude
Does anyone know what would be the reason for Buffy to go to Cleveland instead of Sunnydale in the alternate universe? hosted by KaBatching
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rorigilmore · 3 years
finally seeing progress on an edit i’ve spent ages on 😤😌
That’s great I’m so happy for you!!
anonymously or not, tell me about something that made you happy today
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