#life science real estate developers
blrdistrict · 8 months
Things to Consider When Leasing a Lab Space
The COVID-19 pandemic propelled a whole round of research labs, and this isn’t some random fact pulled out of thin air. In fact, according to the reports by The Wall Street Journal, more than 31 million square feet of life-science spaces were under development by the fourth quadrant of 2021.
Source: (https://www.wsj.com/articles/demand-for-science-lab-buildings-soars-during-covid-19-pandemic-11646139601)
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The need for persistent and competitive scientific research is nothing brand new. Although two years of a global pandemic under our belts skyrocketed the demand for quality life science lab space, the need for science lab rental was always on the rise. However, finding the perfect space to complement your R&D objectives is no easy feat. Wondering how to find the perfect lab for your next big project? Here are some tips for you!
Location and Accessibility:
When it comes to leasing a lab space, location is of utmost importance. Consider the proximity of the lab space to other research institutions, universities, and industrial hubs. A location that fosters collaboration and provides access to resources, expertise, and potential partnerships can be invaluable in advancing your research. Additionally, ensure that the lab space is easily accessible for your team and any visitors, considering factors such as transportation, parking, and proximity to amenities.
Infrastructure and Facilities:
A well-designed and equipped laboratory infrastructure is essential for carrying out life science research effectively. Evaluate the layout and functionality of the lab space, ensuring it is adaptable to your specific research requirements. Consider factors such as the availability of fume hoods, safety features, temperature, and humidity control, waste disposal systems, and adequate storage space for chemicals, reagents, and equipment. Furthermore, assess the availability and quality of utilities, such as electricity, water, and ventilation systems, as they directly impact the reliability and efficiency of your experiments.
Compliance and Regulations:
In the life sciences field, adherence to regulatory guidelines and compliance with safety standards are paramount. Before leasing a lab space, familiarize yourself with the relevant local, state, and federal regulations that govern research facilities. Ensure the lab space meets these requirements and has the necessary certifications, permits, and licenses. Compliance with regulations not only ensures the safety of your team but also safeguards the integrity and validity of your research.
Scalability and Flexibility:
As your research progresses and your team grows, it is crucial to consider the scalability and flexibility of the lab space. Assess the potential for expansion or modification of the space to accommodate future needs. This could include the availability of additional rooms, benches, or office spaces. Flexibility in terms of lease terms and the ability to customize the space according to your research requirements can be advantageous in the long run.
Supportive Ecosystem:
Consider the ecosystem surrounding the lab space. Are there opportunities for collaboration, networking, and knowledge sharing with other researchers or companies in the area? An ecosystem that fosters innovation and provides access to resources, funding, and mentorship can significantly enhance your research capabilities. Look for nearby academic institutions, incubators, or technology parks that can offer support and create synergistic relationships.
Reconfiguring biotech labs for concise R&D results worked in the past, but now it’s simply time-consuming and expensive. As life science companies increasingly eschew conventional lab design to keep up with the pace of innovation, finding the best life science real estate developers for agile lab spaces has become imperative.
The need to shorten product pipelines and cost pressures have become the changing definition of a desirable laboratory facility, and leasing a science lab can open new doors for innovation, technology, and top talents to be dynamic and accommodate the change in their life science research facility. 
Blog Source Url:- https://blrdistrict.in/blog/things-to-consider-when-leasing-a-lab-space/
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zvaigzdelasas · 3 months
[RFA is US State Media]
China’s economy improved in the first two months of the year buoyed by a 7% rise in industrial output despite the ongoing decline in the beleaguered real estate industry, a major economic driver.
The two-month increase in industrial output from enterprises above designated size was also a 0.2 percentage point increase from December, according to data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on Monday.
A 5% jump in retail sales – a gauge of consumption – also boosted growth in the world’s second-largest economy[...]
[The] numbers surpassed market expectations, according to a Reuters poll of economists, which forecast a 5% increase.[...]
The state’s investment push would also have boosted overall growth. Fixed asset investments, including those in infrastructure projects, expanded 4.2% to 5.08 trillion yuan (US$706 billion) in January and February from the year-earlier period. Investments in real estate continued to be a drag as, minus property investments, the increase was 8.9%.
On the other hand, investments in property slid 9%, underlined by a 20.5% drop in the amount of newly built floor area compared with the first two months of 2023. In tandem, sales of new homes plunged 29.3% to 1.05 trillion yuan ($145.9 billion).
Still, Liu conceded that the worst is over.
She said industries and companies continue to suffer operational pressure due to rising costs and insufficient orders.
But she was quick to add that a “new leap forward” to modernize the industrial system and accelerate the development across sectors like electric vehicles, hydrogen power, new materials, life sciences and commercial spaceflight would revive growth.
It is also part of the domestic consumption drive under Chinese President Xi Jinping’s latest mantra to unleash “new productive forces,” [...]
To support the domestic demand policy, Beijing will issue 1 trillion yuan of special long-term bonds this year, and more in the next few years.
Externally, China continues to face a complex and difficult global trade environment, even though exports edged up 10.3% in the first two months of this year, compared with the previous year.
Seething lol (18 Mar 24)
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hareofhrair · 3 months
A hypothetical
In the future, technology is developed that allows one to upload a "backup" of their memories and personality, to be downloaded into a cloned body at the moment of your death, making you functionally immortal.
Because of this, the legal definition of death becomes contingent on continuity of consciousness and not brain death. Ie, if your conscious experience of life is interrupted for x reasonable amount of time, you are considered legally dead. Therefore, if you somehow found the cryogenically frozen head of Walt Disney below Space Mountain and were able to upload his consciousness to a cloned body today, he would not, legally speaking, be Walt Disney and would therefor have no claim to his estate. This avoids a number of tricky legal hangups.
To circumvent this, it's necessary for your clone to be "woken up" as quickly as possible after death, to guarantee continuity of consciousness meets the legal standard to allow you to resume your life. Therefore, the process is triggered by the cessation of brain function.
A man is in a dreadful accident, and dies. A doctor manages to revive him, but he was dead just long enough to trigger the automatic process to wake his clone.
The man's consciousness was not interrupted long enough to meet the legal definition of death, so he is still legally himself. But what about the clone? Is it also legally him? It also has the same uninterrupted experience of life within the same legal limits. It's also a whole ass person in no way meaningfully distinct from any other, so you can't just euthanize it. Do you just give it a new identity and send it on its way? From the clone's perspective, he is still the man who died in the accident. He wants to go home to his family. Do you simply tell him that's not his family anymore? Not his career? Not his pets, his record collection, his half finished painting, his half written novel? He has no legal right to any of it?
So you have to fold him into his previous life, right? It's the only thing that's fair. It gonna be a confusing mess but you can't just tell the man his life isn't his anymore just because, by an accident of science, there's two of him now.
It's difficult on the family. Do they consider the first man the "real" one, and treat this new one like some kind of long lost twin brother? Well that's not going to go well. The clone wants to kiss his spouse and parent his kids. It's a good thing monogamy went out of fashion in the 30's. The spouse tries to accept they just have two husbands now. After being reasonably freaked out, the kids are optimistic about having two dads.
What about the first man? He's still recovering from a traumatic accident. He might never be the same. He might be disabled for life. And here's this perfectly healthy doppleganger taking over his life, kissing his spouse, holding his kids, working his job, living in his house. Logically of course he understands the man is him, that in his place he would, almost by definition, be doing the exact same thing.
But resentment is inevitable. What if he doesn't want to share his life? What if he wants his spouse here with him while he struggles through physical therapy to try and put his ruined body back together, instead of out to dinner with his clone as they try to build new romantic memories without him?
Maybe he starts to feel like he should have died in the accident. Like he's the problem here, the fact that he's still around. It's not a happy thought.
The clone is having problems too. He's not blind, and he knows himself. He knows how the other man must feel. The guilt keeps him up at night, lying in his familiar bed in his familiar house. His empty bed. His spouse is still at the hospital, sleeping in an uncomfortable chair at the other man's bedside. The clone took the kids home to get a decent night's sleep. It warms his heart, in a strange, strangling way, to see how devoted his spouse is to the other man, to the old him. They really loved him. Not everyone would be so steadfast in a situation like this. It doesn't stop him from wanting them here, next to him.
Should he do something, some gesture to separate himself from the other man? To bow out gracefully from his own life, and leave his old identity to someone else, and let the official record state he is not the man who died in that accident? Could he give up his name? His professional and personal achievements, his paternity of his children? What else would the other man expect him to give up, once he started to back down? He can he see himself being slowly edged out of his own life, one claim at a time, slowly erasing the connections to who he was before the accident. When he does sleep, he has nightmares about dying.
Things come to a head when the first man comes home from the hospital. It's different here, being reduced to an invalid in his own home, struggling just to get to the bathroom on his own, while the clone smiles and effortlessly takes out the trash and plays with the kids, and finishes that painting.
He shouldn't have finished the painting. The clone realizes what a mistake it was the second he sees the other man's face. It was just that he'd woken up next to his spouse for the first time since the accident, and he'd gotten out of bed in the quiet of dawn, and looked out the window at the brightening sky, and realized he was alive. He'd survived something that should have killed him, that had killed him. And he was here, seeing the sunrise again. He'd felt inspired for the first time in ages. He'd been picking up the brush before he knew what was happening.
But now the other man is in the door, looking at the canvas, and the clone knows this face better than anyone. He recognizes the rage and the grief and the miserable jealousy and the guilt.
They both come to the same decision at exactly the same moment.
And somewhere in a medical facility across town, a man wakes up.
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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Waste not, want not
By HRH The Princess Royal | Published 29 July 2020
EVERY year, month and day, I realise how fortunate and privileged I am to have grown up and spent most of my life in the countryside. It’s not only the space, appreciating the seasons, the wildlife, the plant life, the arable crops and the livestock, but, most importantly, it’s the people who live and work there and understand the complexity of their environment. I was equally fortunate that both my parents had a love and understanding of the natural world through their own experiences. Perhaps even more so for my father when, during his rather disjointed young life, he ended up at school at Gordonstoun and was introduced to the wilds of Scotland, both land and sea. Scotland had its influence on my mother, too, as did the big skies of Norfolk, and the huge fields and marshes of the Sandringham Estate. Windsor’s Home Park and Great Park were a constant presence for her, as they were for all of us. They had horses, dairies, hens, pigs—you could never be bored as a child. Windsor was and is a haven of peace, although not so quiet since the growth of air travel—until the lockdown.
Superficially, not much has changed since I was young; the Jersey herd is still there, although the cows now enjoy a robotic parlour. There are Sussex cattle in the Great Park and the crops are a different mix, but the forest is still there, as are ponds and wet areas, the Savill Gardens and Frogmore House Gardens. Buildings and skills that the Prince Consort would have recognised.
Prince Albert’s influence is seen so often at the forefront of research and practical application, not least in agriculture and building design. His model farm at Windsor, for instance, and nearly all the buildings at Balmoral improved the use of space and integrated more efficient use and better distribution of water. My father was impressed by Prince Albert’s approach to forward-thinking and sustainable developments and has added his own understanding to encourage others to build on the knowledge of their predecessors. The Royal Commission of 1851 was set up by the Prince Consort after the Great Exhibition to build on its success of creativity, innovation and trade. When my father was its president, he oversaw an extraordinary investment in talent across the whole spectrum of research, including the science and practice of agriculture and sustainable land use. I now have the privilege of being its president, which also reminds me of the wealth of knowledge that I have been exposed to throughout my life and the part my family has played in growing that knowledge.
Prince Philip has added his own unique talents by being very well briefed, then engaging and bringing together all interests that are part of the countryside. He is a very hard act to follow, but I’m grateful for the time he gave us and the example he set us.
It is only later in life that you realise how much you have been exposed to and how much you have absorbed from your early years. We were taught to observe and question, to be open minded, to understand differences, to treat every person as an individual with their own skills and to remember there is very little that is completely new under the sun. We are where we are because our ancestors not only survived by living off the land, water and air, but also innovated ways of doing so more easily and successfully; so successfully that a shortage of food seems a distant threat for much of the western world. However, although we may be growing more, the access to and distribution of good-quality foods is still a challenge.
We are living through a real global pandemic that is affecting literally every person’s life in some way, even if they and their countries have barely suffered directly from Covid-19. The effect on global food supplies through the restrictions on transport and logistics (see page 124) should raise our awareness of the vulnerability of the modern—just in time—demand-and-supply approach and highlight the strengths of local production and markets. Change will require all land users to work even more closely together to understand the most appropriate and least damaging way to increase production of crops and livestock that best suit our ground conditions and weather. It also means finding the right space and access for those who wish to enjoy the non-producing areas.
The restrictions that Covid-19 has placed on the entire population have accentuated the pressure between town and country. However, it has also shown that, thanks to historic houses, caravan parks, national parks, forestry enterprises, riding and cycling trails, rambling routes and assorted types of accommodation, access was quite well catered for already as an important contributor to the rural economy. The pandemic has highlighted the number of people and jobs that are crucial to that economy, too, be it the hospitality sector, conservation projects or the farming sector, such as the harvesting of many crops, fruit and vegetables and the care of livestock, especially sheep-shearing. Those jobs are still hard physical work that also need skills to achieve the standards that the buying public expect.
Technology is already making an impact in these areas and will make a bigger impact as the innovators and practitioners work out what is adding value and efficiency, without doing any more damage to the environment. Education and training play a big part in the shared understanding, success and enjoyment of the countryside. Our knowledge is derived from experience, evaluation and development and we need that information to be readily available. The royal agricultural societies, the county agricultural shows and societies (see page 120) —which are often the gatekeepers to public enquiry and understanding—the further-education colleges and universities that still maintain links with the rural economy (see page 128) and the people who live and work in the countryside are more important than ever, especially as there is no such thing as an unskilled job.
Research has made progress, but single-issue research must never lose sight of the overall subject. I mean that, for instance, one type of crop, with very specific qualities, may not be the best crop for every environment. Nature’s ability to adapt is, on the whole, better than humans or, indeed, computer-model-driven versions. How do we combine the best of both, the single-issue expertise and the need for a holistic view? Hopefully, by recognising that practitioners, residents and consumers can all access accurate information, education and training so that they can contribute to the debate and the research on best practice for the countryside.
How do I define best practice? Understanding how to work better with local conditions and working with Nature, which could be by using very traditional methods. Yet also using technology to support farming and related jobs, as well as extending the employment opportunities to those who would rather stay in the countryside. Not everybody does, which is just as well, as there is already a shortage of affordable houses in most areas (see page 118).
One of my pleas for best practice is quality, appropriate housing of the right type and the right numbers in the right places. Housing for local families that are priced out of the market; for young, single people who would like to stay and work in their home village or area; young families; and retired people who were born in the village and would like to return home. All of them could make the difference to having a viable school, shop or pub in the village. Importantly, these housing developments should be small and remain in the control of the local parish council, either for rent or shared ownership—preferably small because of two other best-practice issues: waste and energy.
Waste—produced by humanity and the way it chooses to live—that is not dealt with appropriately is up there with not understanding the value of small housing developments built to last as a major irritation to me! If you want to help the planet, controlling our waste is something everyone can do and it will make a difference. We will always produce waste, however efficient we become, so we must get better at reducing it at every stage and dealing with it better at the end. That means making things such as clothes, furniture, vehicles and supermarket trolleys that can be recycled safely and economically and not dumped on someone else’s ground. Did I mention that fly-tipping is another major irritation to me?
There are some perfectly good waste and recycling systems out there already, including anaerobic digesters and waste-to-energy plants. I would hope we can be more innovative and local in the way we deal with our rubbish to encourage everybody that it is worth making the effort to put waste in the right places, recycle more and have the confidence that it will make a difference.
Everything about life today seems to be about convenience and waste is seen as inconvenient; we must help make it more convenient to deal with. Raising the profile of the country code might help, especially as the post-coronavirus getaway to the country seems to have resulted in an increase of littering and vandalism.
Reliable energy supplies are critical to everybody and renewable energy created by innovative and local solutions will be a crucial part of the networks. Rural areas could be even more self-sufficient, especially if much of the equipment is to be electric. Replacing fossil-fuel generators has not been easy, but covering the countryside in solar panels and windmills isn’t really the answer, either. Using water better, using waste from crops, using waste from woodlands and the ability to store energy, possibly as hydrogen, can all help, but will require a more flexible grid and, therefore, the technology to make that work. Small nuclear reactors could have their place, but perhaps there is not the space to pursue that now.
In order to make rural life less isolated, even 5G coverage will not solve the problem of transport for farmers, shops, schools, pubs and the people who want to live and work in or from the rural environment. You need logistics to travel, to distribute, to deliver and to collect. Many businesses, good ideas and ambitions have failed because there are too few of any of the above and they are too expensive.
The need for appropriate vehicles and qualified drivers has not made it any easier to service the rural areas. I gained my HGV licence in 1974 after, I think, a two-hour test, all driving, starting with the handling test, which meant that, if you touched a cone, you were unlikely to pass. Then you spent the rest of the time driving—in my case, mostly in Reading. There was no theory test and, in relative terms, it didn’t cost very much. Now, it is a serious commitment in terms of time and money, which has resulted in a real shortage of HGV drivers. This, and the requirement for qualifications for nearly every other sort of vehicle, has made it even more difficult to maintain services. The needs of the rural communities during the coronavirus lockdown has underlined the importance of those people and their roles. We would do well to build on that experience.
I have lived at Gatcombe for more than 42 years (see page 80). We were not looking for a farm, but it has been a real privilege to try to work with what we have. Ours is an organic, extensive grass enterprise, usually complicated by running the horse-trial championships in early August. The woodland is a real mix of trees—mostly beeches, but huge numbers of ash of all ages. Who knows how many will survive, but I feel the naturally selected mix could be an important part of the answer.
Perhaps mix is the key. I write as a classic ‘Jack of all trades’, who has the opportunity to listen and engage with the masters of their subjects. Does the little knowledge I pick up make me dangerous or well informed?
Well, some of my information comes from COUNTRY LIFE , a publication that continues to reflect and promote all aspects of rural existence. This week’s edition has generously reflected some of my interests and those of people I believe are making a real difference. I hope the edition will leave you positively optimistic about our country’s country life.
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rockislandadultreads · 9 months
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Nonfiction Thursday: Space Exploration
Off-Earth by Erika Nesvold
Can we do better in space than we've done here on Earth?
We've pinpointed the destination, refined the technology, designed the habitat, outfitted our space residents. Are we forgetting something? A timely reminder that it's not just rocket science, this thought-provoking book explores the all-too-human issues raised by the prospect of settling in outer space. It's worth remembering, Erika Nesvold suggests, that in making new worlds, we don't necessarily leave our earthly problems behind. Accordingly, her work highlights the complex ethical challenges that accompany any other-worldly venture—questions about the environment, labor rights, and medical ethics, among others.
Space settlement is rapidly becoming ever more likely. Will it look like the utopian vision of Star Trek? Or the dark future of Star Wars? Nesvold challenges us to decide.
Hubble Legacy by Jim Bell
Looking deep into space, by definition, means looking back in time—and the Hubble Space Telescope can look very far back, including at stars, nebulae, and galaxies that are millions, even billions, of years old. If there is a single legacy of Hubble as it turns 30 years old and nears the end of its useful life, it is this: It has done more to chronicle the origin and evolution of the known universe than any other instrument ever created. Hubble has also captured an astounding collection of ultraviolet images that include geysers of solar light, Mars’ famous dust storms, exploding stars, solar flares, globular clusters, and actual galaxies colliding. As for scientific milestones, Hubble has helped us learn that the universe is 13.8 billion years old, that just about every large galaxy features a black hole at its center, and that it's possible to create 3-D maps of dark matter. 
Hubble Legacy will not only feature the most stunning imagery captured by the telescope, but also explain how Hubble has advanced our understanding of the universe and our very creation.
Worlds Without End by Chris Impey
Planet Earth, it turns out, may not be the best of all possible worlds—and lately humanity has been carelessly depleting resources, decimating species, and degrading everything needed for life. Meanwhile, human ingenuity has opened up a vista of habitable worlds well beyond our wildest dreams of outposts on Mars. Worlds without End is an expertly guided tour of this thrilling frontier in the search for planets with the potential to host life.
With the approachable style that has made him a leading interpreter of astronomy and space science, Chris Impey conducts readers across the vast, fast-developing field of astrobiology, surveying the dizzying advances carrying us ever closer to the discovery of life beyond Earth—and the prospect of humans living on another planet. Since the first exoplanet, or planet beyond our solar system, was discovered in 1995, over 4,000 more have been pinpointed, including hundreds of Earth-like planets, many of them habitable, detected by the Kepler satellite. With a view spanning astronomy, planetary science, geology, chemistry, and biology, Impey provides a state-of-the-art account of what’s behind this accelerating progress, what’s next, and what it might mean for humanity’s future.
Alien Oceans by Kevin Peter Hand
Where is the best place to find life beyond Earth? We often look to Mars as the most promising site in our solar system, but recent scientific missions have revealed that some of the most habitable real estate may actually lie farther away. Beneath the frozen crusts of several of the small, ice-covered moons of Jupiter and Saturn lurk vast oceans that may have been in existence for as long as Earth, and together may contain more than fifty times its total volume of liquid water. Could there be organisms living in their depths? Alien Oceans reveals the science behind the thrilling quest to find out.
Kevin Peter Hand is one of today's leading NASA scientists, and his pioneering research has taken him on expeditions around the world. In this captivating account of scientific discovery, he brings together insights from planetary science, biology, and the adventures of scientists like himself to explain how we know that oceans exist within moons of the outer solar system, like Europa, Titan, and Enceladus. He shows how the exploration of Earth's oceans is informing our understanding of the potential habitability of these icy moons, and draws lessons from what we have learned about the origins of life on our own planet to consider how life could arise on these distant worlds.
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anarkissm · 2 months
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in continuity with claudette's CP2K77 verse.
jake park is a lone, wandering nomad that was formerly the son of one of the wealthiest businessmen in night city. the prodigal son & heir to an increasingly wealthy multi-national packaging company (Park Industries) that developed packaging for various industry powerhouses in the americas and south korea. with subsidiaries in landscaping and real estate. at the age of 20, he was infamously disowned by his father and went "missing" to the public eye for more than 5 years. at 26, he returned to civilization, welcomed back & supported by his mother; trying to restart his life with a new goal in mind: helping the Tolowa Dee-ni’ and jodes & thelas nations to broker a lucrative, world-changing contract with biotechnica, and a brilliant botanist: dr. claudette morel. within the first decade of the jodes nomads settling throughout california, conducting salvage operations and brokering construction contracts with megacorporations, they allied with Indigenous Tribes primarily operating out of the Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation’s territory in the Tahquitz Canyon, wherein various neighboring Indigenous Nations worked together, surviving peacefully beyond NUSA’s reach ever since the USA dissolved. Indigenous people and their sovereign territories were ignored or outright abandoned by the federal government and Free States after the collapse. as america’s national forests and rivers began to burn,  dry up,  NUSA chose to prioritize urban redevelopment, americentrism, military inflation and corporatism in the city-states. corrupt news outlets failed to report on the government’s racist neglect suffered by America’s Indigenous peoples.  western civilization quickly forgot about the true "americans." many Indigenous nations across the americas (and the world) anticipated this, as the previous US federal and state governments had historically enforced a genocidal apocalypse upon Indigenous peoples and colonial victims for centuries. they began organizing, networking, and brokering alliances with Indigenous organizations globally, before and after the collapse. resources, technology, datashards, and skill shards were distributed among all Indigenous peoples, sharing knowledge over the course of more than a century (between 1989 and 2077), with the aid of nomad nations like the jodes and pro-indigenous independent companies like biotehnica and metacorp. they continue to nurture and protect the americas’ growing wilderness with the assistance of nomad nations, cultivating environmental science and agroecology, as the jodes search for old knowledge and valuable salvage that were lost after the collapse.   the contract with biotechnica would allow for a new era of industry handled by indigenous nations and nomads. the potential for seaweed and aquatic algae as a cheap, bountiful food and energy source that would be able to grow one billion tons of resources in just 6 months; including dry food, biofuel, bio-plastics, carbon-capture, and fertilizer. undersea agriculture can potentially be commercialized to provide a cheap alternative food source to the insects raised in protein farms, and aid with marine restoration to rebuild the local fish population. it would change canada and NUSA's energy industry. royalties mass-distributed to the tribes. jake park became involved because he wanted to support their cause, returing to night city in order to ask his family's blessing to retake his place as the heir to their entire legacy. on one condition: they help him see this contract through.
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anniekoh · 5 months
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Two books on the pathological optimism of mainstream American discourse. 
Ehrenreich begins with her experience with breast cancer and the ubiquitous infantilizing teddy bears. One breast cancer foundation distributed gift totes that included rhinestone bracelets and a pink journal with a box of crayons. “Certainly men diagnosed with prostate cancer do not receive gifts of Matchbox cars.”
Bright-sided: How Positive Thinking is Undermining America by Barbara Ehrenreich (2009)
A sharp-witted knockdown of America's love affair with positive thinking and an urgent call for a new commitment to realism.
Americans are a "positive" people -- cheerful, optimistic, and upbeat: This is our reputation as well as our self-image. But more than a temperament, being positive is the key to getting success and prosperity. Or so we are told. In this utterly original debunking, Barbara Ehrenreich confronts the false promises of positive thinking and shows its reach into every corner of American life, from Evangelical megachurches to the medical establishment, and, worst of all, to the business community, where the refusal to consider negative outcomes--like mortgage defaults--contributed directly to the current economic disaster. With the myth-busting powers for which she is acclaimed, Ehrenreich exposes the downside of positive thinking: personal self-blame and national denial. This is Ehrenreich at her provocative best--poking holes in conventional wisdom and faux science and ending with a call for existential clarity and courage.
This reminder of how horribly wrong the economists were in the lead up to the 2008 mortgage/financial crisis from Ehrenreich.
Professional optimists dominated the world of economic commentary, with James Glassman, for example, a coauthor of the 1999 book Dow 36,000: The New Strategy for Profiting from the Coming Rise in the Stock Market, winning a job as a Washington Post columnist and showing up as a frequent news show guest. Escalating housing prices were pumping up the entire economy by encouraging people to use their homes “like ATMs,” as the commentators always put it -- taking out home equity loans to finance surging consumption -- and housing prices were believed to be permanently resistant to gravity.
David Lereah, the chief economist of the National Association of Realtors, published a book in 2006 entitled Why the Real Estate Boom Will Not Bust and How You Can Profit From It and became “the most widely cited housing expert” at peak of housing bubble.
And how self-help culture nestles into Christian frames
As sociologist Micki McGee writes of the positive-thinking self-help literature, using language that harks back to its religious antecedents, “continuous and never-ending work on the self is offered not only as a road to success but also to a kind of secular salvation.” The self becomes an antagonist with which one wrestles endlessly, the Calvinist attacking it for sinful inclinations, the positive thinker for “negativity.”
Never Saw It Coming: Cultural Challenges to Envisioning the Worst by Karen A. Cerulo (2006)
People—especially Americans—are by and large optimists. They’re much better at imagining best-case scenarios (I could win the lottery!) than worst-case scenarios (A hurricane could destroy my neighborhood!). This is true not just of their approach to imagining the future, but of their memories as well: people are better able to describe the best moments of their lives than they are the worst. Though there are psychological reasons for this phenomenon, Karen A.Cerulo, in Never Saw It Coming, considers instead the role of society in fostering this attitude. What kinds of communities develop this pattern of thought, which do not, and what does that say about human ability to evaluate possible outcomes of decisions and events? Cerulo takes readers to diverse realms of experience, including intimate family relationships, key transitions in our lives, the places we work and play, and the boardrooms of organizations and bureaucracies. Using interviews, surveys, artistic and fictional accounts, media reports, historical data, and official records, she illuminates one of the most common, yet least studied, of human traits—a blatant disregard for worst-case scenarios. Never Saw It Coming, therefore, will be crucial to anyone who wants to understand human attempts to picture or plan the future. 
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msclaritea · 11 months
The Great Reset is not a button in the hand of Klaus Schwab, but a lever that elites have pulled for 122 years.
An early manifestation of the concept is found in the 1901 non-fiction book 'Anticipations' by science fiction writer H.G. Wells. In his boom, Wells said society was historically and properly split between the “superior class” and the “working cultivator, peasant, serf or slave.”
That changed with the Industrial Revolution and “the appearance of great masses of population” who enabled “an entire disintegration of that system.”
“[W]ithout a total destruction and rebirth of that fabric, there can never be any return,” he warned.
Wells called the common people usurping power a “bulky, irremovable excretion of vicious, helpless and pauper masses … drifting down towards the abyss.” He deemed them “inferior in their claim upon the future … [which] cannot be given opportunities or trusted with power…. To give them equality is to sink to their level, to protect and cherish them is to be swamped in their fecundity.”
Anticipations said the “increase in population” fueled by better living standards was “the greatest evil in life.” Therefore, the “ascendant or dominant nation” would be one “that most resolutely picks over, educates, sterilizes, exports or poisons its people of the abyss.”
He called for a “new republic” that “can prevent the birth of just the in-adaptable, useless or merely unnecessary creatures in each generation.”
Wells predicted governments would “hold life to be a privilege,” guiding it with eugenics and imposing death “with little pity and less benevolence.” Instead, “[T]hose swarms of black, and brown, and dirty-white, and yellow people, who do not come into the new needs of efficiency … will have to go.”
Book publishing would be restricted to “intelligently critical men … of the new republic… developing the morality and education system of the future.”
Open markets, denigrated as “the region of the scramble,” could not last either. A true competitive environment threatened the elites’ economic hegemony, just as a real democracy threatened their political power.
“The emergent new republic will be attacking that mass of irresponsible property that is so unavoidable and so threatening under present conditions … [with a] scheme of death duties and heavy graduated taxes upon irresponsible incomes,” Wells predicted.
While the “competent” elite could protect their wealth in foundations and leverage it to transform the world, taxes would “expropriate and extinguish incompetent rich families” — the wealthy who didn’t share Wells’ vision. “[W]hether violently as a revolution or quietly and slowly, this gray confusion that is democracy must pass away inevitably… into the higher stage — the world-state of the coming years,” Wells said.
Through “elements of technical treason,” elites and leading officials in governments would form “a new republic as a sort of outspoken secret society” of “a confluent system of trust-owned business organisms… universities and reorganized military and naval services” that mimicked a state.
Did politicians distance themselves from this radical? Sadly, no.
After 'Anticipations' was published, Wells had a public audience with U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt who Wells later called, “the creative will in man” he admired. Before 'Anticipations,' Wells named Woodrow Wilson among the “intelligently critical men of the new republic.” His 1913-1920 presidency fulfilled Wells’ vision as the Federal Reserve Bank, graduated income taxes, and estate (death) taxes were introduced. An academic advisory group Wilson formed in 1917 later reconstituted itself as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR.)
In the 1920s, Wells had an affair with Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood who later advanced the birth control pill. Wells called her “the greatest woman in the world” and predicted “the movement she started will grow to be, a hundred years from now, the most influential of all time in controlling man’s destiny on earth.”
Wells met three times with President Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930s. He called Roosevelt “continually revolutionary” and “the most effective transmitting instrument possible for the coming of the new world order.”
Although Wells died in 1946, his ideology did not.
In 1991, the late David Rockefeller said, “The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries.”
Until his passing in 2017, Rockefeller was part of the enormously influential CFR, Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission, which he founded in 1973. In a 2003 interview, he said he knew more heads of state than anyone, except possibly Henry Kissinger.
Kissinger eulogized his “friend” Rockefeller in the Washington Post. The former U.S. Secretary of State has been a CFR member since 1956 and was a mentor to his Harvard University pupil Klaus Schwab. Schwab founded the European Management Forum in 1971, and rebranded it as the World Economic Forum in 1987. From the beginning, Schwab’s organization gathered hundreds of executives annually in Davos, Switzerland to shape the direction of corporate influence. He founded a mentorship program in 1993 called the Global Leaders of Tomorrow, rebranded as the Young Global Leaders in 2004.
An excusive and influential list of political and economic leaders have been mentored by the WEF or participated in its events, including Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, who sits on its board of directors. A comment by Schwab at Harvard University on Sept. 20, 2017 was telling.
“We penetrate the cabinets. So yesterday I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau and I will know that half of this cabinet or even more … are from our Young Global Leaders.”
In 2020, Schwab proposed a “’Great Reset’ of capitalism” that would “revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions.”
Citizens worldwide should be wary. It's not a new idea...
Rule by the elites would be for the elites and leave government by the people for the people an expired 250-year experiment.
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covecornerarchive · 1 year
Modern AU Ideas!
Been seeing some people post about their modern au's and I thought I'd throw my hat into the ring. Also like 85% of the inspo for these came from @thedivisionbell1994 's own modern au so credit to them.
Janice and Melrose are adopted by Poppy, who is their god father in the au, when their actual dad wasn't found fit to care for them after their mother died. They don't change that much other than the fact Melrose while in an actually loving household genuinely becomes a better sister and the two are genuinely happy. Janice is chaos incarnate and the both of them cause crimes.
Percy and Poppy are roomates! Because the whole Red Mary thing didn't happen (in the way it did in canon) Percy is much more like his rowdy "fuck around and find out" Tarantula crew self than the one we know him as on the Laughingstock crew. He actually works in ceramics and sculpting and runs a small business on etsy. This part belongs to @thedivisionbell1994 but Poppy is the bouncer for a few night clubs in the area.
Milo....he's a fucking streamer is twitch. But like, he doesn't make shit so he's always mooching off of Poppy, Percy, and Sariah. Sariah is a dance instructor and while she and Milo are together in the au as well it's kind of a shit relationship so eventually she leaves him and ends up with Susen, who works at the local aquarium. I'm debating whether or not she's a marine biologist or a performer for one of those cool mermaid shows. Maybe she's both :0
Thade. Oh boy howdy do I think about Thade the most in this au. I think he's the professor at a mortuary school, teaching mortuary science (why? because if I don't have him as an extremely burnt out yet chill college prof I'm going to die). After a lot of drama and hardships involving his relative Mary, he's ended up as Auburn's legal caretaker and raises her with Lillian and Percy's help (Percy: If I had a nickle for everytime someone important in my life got custody of a kid and I ended up as their older brother figure, I'd have three nickles. Which isn't a lot but it's weird it's happened three times right?)
Also, I don't know if I want this as a concrete part of this modern au or keep it as a spin off of it, but I have this idea where after bringing in a certain set of skeleton remains for a lesson in his class Thade gets cursed to turn into a skeleton every now and then. Basically because I also want Skin-taker in here somewhere but I don't want him to be evil. I just like imagining Thade getting stuck in situations where he has to figure out how to get through life without people finding out he's secretly a fucking were-skeleton, and him slipping up a few times so there are just sightings in the small town where all of this takes place of some scary ass skeleton and people start calling him "The Skin-taker," and it becomes a moth man situation where the town starts monetizing it for the tourism business and then Thade is just over here trying to keep his job and raise a kid like "hhhhhhhhhh." Idk, I like it I might develop it later.
Im stealing all of this from @enkiiper but Horace? Horace is a fucking cryptid all on his own. No one knows where he came from, what he does for a living, none of that. He's just this really weird ecentric guy who doesn't do anything that makes sense ever and for some reason has a worryingly large amount of money. He and Thade are besties and in the were-skeleton au Horace is the first to find out. He's a crime grandpa. He commits crimes and is the local cryptid. End of discussion.
Stealing from @thedivisionbell1994 again but Lillian is a real estate agent who sells haunted houses and properties with extremely sketchy history and she fucking kills at it.
Red Mary is still a dangerous fellon with several arson and homicide charges. She and Thade have a fucked history (gotta put the trauma in there somewhere) and is the reason Auburn was orphaned in the first place. She's in prison still but Thade is always paranoid about her and worrying over her getting out and hurting the people in his life again.
Thade and Poppy are actually on rather good terms. They still have the occasional moments but it's nowhere near as bad as in canon. Thade is definitely Janice and Melrose's weird uncle and whenever Janice is over she gives him hell, which is often since she and Auburn are besties.
Calvary and Sea Dog (which is just his nickname since Sea Dog isn't actually a dog in this au just a scruffy little man) are family friends and Nathan is their adopted kid. He Janice Melrose and Auburn cause chaos together it's great. Sea Dog works as a deck officer and so did Calvary before an injury that caused him to retire. Nathan is Calvary's grandson and after Nathan lost his parent's Cal took him in.
I feel like the Rubber Fishes are a local gang but like...they're not really a threat. They're just these chaotic teens who spray paint private property and fuck around in abandoned buildings. Kurt has fucking cat ear headphones I bet. Horace is their unofficial dad. They're all fucked up kids but they're his fucked up kids. He gives them rides when they're running from the police.
I feel like the small town this all takes place in isn't Ironton, Ohio (where Janice and Mel are originally from) but probably a sea side town.
(April 24, 2022)
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hardmoney123go · 8 months
Exploring Boston, Massachusetts Real Estate: A Strategic Investment Landscape with Hard Money Loans
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Boston’s Proximity and Climate
Proximity to Nearby Cities: Boston’s strategic location offers easy access to neighboring thriving New England cities such as Cambridge, Somerville, and Quincy. This geographical advantage expands the scope of investment opportunities for discerning investors.
Climate Diversity: Boston experiences a diverse range of seasons. From warm and humid summers to snowy and picturesque winters, the city’s climate caters to a variety of lifestyles, adding to its overall allure.
Major Employers in Boston
Boston’s economic landscape is characterized by a diverse array of major employers across various sectors:
Harvard University: As one of the world’s most esteemed educational institutions, Harvard University significantly contributes to the local education sector by employing a diverse range of faculty and staff.
Massachusetts General Hospital: This prominent healthcare institution plays a pivotal role in the healthcare sector, offering an extensive array of medical services.
State Street Corporation: A leading financial institution, State Street Corporation, provides numerous employment opportunities within the financial services sector.
Biogen: Headquartered in nearby Cambridge, Biogen, a renowned biotechnology company, has a significant presence in the Boston area, contributing significantly to the biotech and life sciences industry.
Technology and Innovation Hub: Boston’s innovation ecosystem fosters the growth of numerous tech companies, startups, and research institutions, creating a thriving technology sector with ample employment prospects.
Why Invest in Boston Real Estate?
As of the last update in September 2023, several compelling factors rendered Boston’s real estate market particularly attractive to investors:
Strong Demand: Boston’s historical charm, world-renowned educational institutions, and abundant job opportunities generated robust demand for housing. This heightened competition among buyers.
Escalating Home Prices: Like many urban centers, Boston experienced a surge in home prices. A combination of high demand and limited housing inventory transformed it into a seller’s market, at times leading to competitive bidding.
New Construction Boom: The city witnessed sustained growth in new residential developments, especially in urban neighborhoods. This expansion addressed the demand for modern housing and diversified options for buyers.
Cultural and Economic Allure: Boston’s status as a cultural and economic hub attracted a steady influx of residents, contributing to population growth. Its rich historical tapestry and thriving job market further enhanced its appeal.
Low Mortgage Rates: Historically low mortgage interest rates in 2020 and 2021 stimulated home buying, making homeownership more attainable for Boston residents and investors alike.
COVID-19 Influence: The pandemic underscored the importance of home office spaces and outdoor amenities. Buyers and renters sought properties that could adapt to evolving lifestyle needs driven by remote work.
Inventory Challenges: A limited housing inventory posed challenges for buyers, sometimes resulting in bidding wars and driving up home prices in specific neighborhoods.
These factors collectively painted a compelling picture of Boston as an investment hotspot with potential returns for discerning investors.
The Synergy of Hard Money Loans and Boston Real Estate
Speed and Accessibility: The Boston real estate market operates at a brisk pace, with opportunities arising and vanishing swiftly. Hard money loans come into play due to their reputation for rapid approvals and swift funding, enabling investors to seize properties promptly.
Flexibility Rules: Unlike traditional lenders, hard money lenders are more accommodating when it comes to financing unconventional projects. They prioritize the property itself as collateral, widening the financing options even for investors with diverse backgrounds.
Investment Versatility: Many Boston investors turn to hard money loans to acquire properties that don’t align with conventional financing criteria. These loans facilitate the purchase of fixer-uppers, distressed properties, or those requiring significant renovation — a prevalent strategy in this historically-rich city.
Short-Term Strategic Advantage: The transient nature of hard money loans seamlessly aligns with Boston’s real estate dynamics. Investors can swiftly acquire, renovate, and sell for profit or opt to refinance with a traditional mortgage once improvements are made.
Customized Solutions: Hard money lenders often work closely with investors to craft tailored loan structures. This collaborative approach can yield unique financing solutions that are often elusive through traditional lending channels.
Diverse Hard Money Loan Types for Boston Investors
In Boston, diverse types of hard money loans cater to a wide spectrum of investor needs:
Fix-and-Flip Loans: Ideal for investors looking to purchase properties, renovate them, and quickly sell for a profit. The short-term nature of these loans aligns seamlessly with this strategy.
Bridge Loans: Investors seeking fast financing to bridge the gap between acquiring a new property and selling an existing one find bridge loans invaluable, especially in this competitive market.
Construction Loans: Tailored for those interested in constructing new properties or undertaking extensive renovations, construction hard money loans offer funding for the project’s entire duration.
Buy-and-Hold Loans: Investors planning to acquire rental properties and hold them over an extended period often opt for buy-and-hold hard money loans, which offer longer terms.
Commercial Hard Money Loans: Given Boston’s thriving commercial real estate market, investors seeking to acquire or develop commercial properties have enticing opportunities. There are many hard money lender massachusetts are available to discuss your real estate project.
Trending Real Estate Investment Opportunities
As of my last update, several real estate investment opportunities were trending in Boston:
Residential Properties: Boston’s historical charm and cultural richness create opportunities for residential real estate investments, including condos, townhouses, and historic homes.
New Construction: Given the demand for modern housing, investing in new residential developments, especially those emphasizing sustainability and energy efficiency, can be a strategic choice.
Rental Properties: Boston’s high student population and abundant job opportunities make rental properties, including apartments and multifamily units, attractive investment options.
Commercial Real Estate: Boston’s status as an economic hub provides opportunities for commercial real estate investments, including office spaces and retail properties.
Life Sciences Real Estate: Boston’s thriving biotech and life sciences industry make life sciences real estate investments, such as lab spaces and research facilities, an emerging trend.
Historic Property Preservation: Boston’s rich history encourages historic property renovations and preservation, catering to those interested in heritage real estate.
The Boston real estate market remains in a state of constant evolution, offering diverse investment opportunities for those willing to explore its dynamic landscape. To make well-informed investment decisions, it is essential to consult with local experts, stay updated on market trends, and conduct thorough due diligence. Additionally, consider how changes in major employers and economic developments may impact Boston’s local real estate market, ensuring your investments align with the city’s ever-changing demands and opportunities.
Article Source- https://www.hardmoney123.com/navigating-boston-massachusetts-real-estate-market-with-real-estate-investors
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vishal0713 · 10 months
"Unveiling the Future: How Data Science is Revolutionizing Upcoming Industries"
Data science continues to have a substantial impact on various industries, and its scope is expected to expand as new technologies emerge and businesses realize the potential of data-driven insights. Here are some upcoming industries where data science is likely to play a significant role:
Healthcare and Life Sciences: Data science can aid in personalized medicine, drug discovery, predictive analytics for patient outcomes, and healthcare operations optimization.
Financial Services: Financial institutions use data science for fraud detection, risk assessment, algorithmic trading, customer behavior analysis, and credit scoring.
Retail and E-Commerce: Data science helps optimize inventory management, pricing strategies, recommendation systems, and customer segmentation for targeted marketing.
Energy and Utilities: The energy sector benefits from data analytics for smart grid management, predictive maintenance of equipment, and energy consumption optimization.
Manufacturing: Data science improves manufacturing processes through predictive maintenance, quality control, supply chain optimization, and demand forecasting.
Agriculture: Precision agriculture utilizes data science to optimize crop yield, resource allocation, pest control, and environmental monitoring.
Transportation and Logistics: Data science plays a role in route optimization, fleet management, demand forecasting, and autonomous vehicles.
Telecommunications: Data science assists in customer churn prediction, network optimization, and personalized service offerings.
Media and Entertainment: Content recommendation, audience segmentation, and analyzing viewer engagement are areas where data science is making an impact.
Real Estate: Data science helps in property price prediction, market trend analysis, and investment decision-making.
Environmental Conservation: Data science aids in monitoring and analyzing environmental data, including climate patterns, pollution levels, and habitat preservation.
Education: Data science can personalize learning experiences, assess student performance, and optimize educational resources.
Government and Public Services: Data-driven decision-making is becoming increasingly important for optimizing public services, policy formulation, and resource allocation.
Insurance: Insurers use data science for risk assessment, claims processing, fraud detection, and customized pricing.
Travel and Tourism: Data science enhances traveler experiences through personalized recommendations, pricing optimization, and destination insights.
Pharmaceuticals: Data science plays a role in drug discovery, clinical trials optimization, and pharmacovigilance.
Smart Cities: The concept of smart cities involves integrating data science for efficient urban planning, traffic management, energy consumption, and public services.
Cybersecurity: Data science helps in identifying and responding to cyber threats by analyzing patterns and anomalies in network data.
As technology continues to advance and businesses recognize the value of data-driven insights, certybox is creating a difference in providing the top professional courses along with job assistance. It's essential for professionals in the field to stay updated with the latest developments and tools to make the most of these opportunities.
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blworldzone · 11 months
"Tul Pakorn, On His Official Exit From The Entertainment Industry and Journey to Real Estate World"
After finishing his masters, Tul Pakorn has decided to pursue the path of real estate business and announced his withdrawal as an actor. As an online entity and supporter of BL we congratulate him for his success and new journey. #Tul_Pakorn #OctoTyler
By: Nojh Suradet “BL makes you the real you, fuel the inner truth within you, and letting you to live the life you have chosen too” Recently, on his official social media account, the Thai BL star “Tul” Pakorn Thanasrivanitchai officially announced his official exit from the industry as he achieved a new milestone by earning a degree of Masters of Science in Real Estate Development program at…
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Scientology's Fundamental Concepts
Understanding the practice and getting the most out of your experience requires a solid understanding of Scientology's essential concepts. The four core beliefs are the essential facts of life, the ARC and KRC triangles, the mission to clean the earth, and the operational thetan levels. These beliefs have the potential to transform you and your life.
Scientology is a new religion that emerged in the twentieth century. It provides a way of life that assists individuals in increasing their intelligence and spiritual consciousness. It also gives skills for comprehending the Divine-Man connection.
Scientology's basis is built on two essential facts. First and foremost, all guys are good. Second, sin is defined as something that makes survival difficult. Third, death is the penalty for sin. These two realities are encapsulated in a collection of logic and axioms. These Logics and Axioms explain the solution to life.
Hubbard began studying Man as a kid. He has seen civilizations with immense intellect, but he also witnessed poverty. He desired to discover a science of the mind.
He learned that he might do this by delving deeper into life riddles in search of Axioms. He eventually published these concepts in his book Dianetics in 1950. Scientology has evolved into a religion with several missions and thousands of Churches.
Despite the controversies surrounding Scientology, its principles are scientifically sound. Its adherents believe that Operating Thetans are spiritual agents at work in the physical realm rather than human beings. Thetans have existed for countless lives before their current incarnation and will continue to exist for many more.
Scientists believe that the Operating Thetan helps restore one's natural condition and helps cleanse the planet if given the opportunity. The role of a Scientologist is to control the process by utilizing Hubbard's technologically sophisticated methods. Its proponents think that humanity will one day reach ultimate enlightenment.
Hubbard's proprietary "spiritual technology" has effectively cured the plague of human unhappiness. The "Most Effective Attraction" approach, developed to lessen and eliminate the need for a second marriage, is one of its many legacies. One significant disadvantage is the rising expense of courses.
Regardless of your religious beliefs, if you want to understand more about Scientology and its ilk, you should look into its missionary efforts. This provides continuing enrichment for the organization and its members.
Despite its stern exterior, Scientology has a few oddballs among its members. The group has amassed several one-of-a-kind real estate sites, many of which are vacant hallways with no foot activity.
The organization also boasts an extensive list of humanitarian projects. The human rights program is a wonderful example. The organization also provides a fantastic Human Development program that teaches the skill of coping with addiction and conquering life's aberrations.
Miscavige, the church's newest and most powerful CEO, has amassed a substantial fortune for the organization. This money will last Miscavige and his narcissistic gang for a long time.
The ARC and KRC triangles are two fundamental Scientology principles. Every area of life in Scientology is dependent on the other two components. When one point on the triangle is increased, the other two points are immediately increased. This allows for better interactions and communication.
The ARC triangle is divided into three sections: Affinity, Reality, and Communication. It depicts the interdependence of the three characteristics. Affinity is the triangle's initial corner. It refers to the level of affection shared by two people. Communication might be hampered if the degree of affection is reversed.
The lower triangle represents reality. It denotes that man is a spiritual creature. He has boundless potential. It also describes the immortality of man.
The higher triangle signifies understanding. It refers to the notion that man can comprehend and manage anything. It also describes the reality that man is accountable. Gaining information gives you more power.
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geminiblackout · 2 years
//hc dump
It wasn’t that Jackson didn’t have a trigger, Holt never manifested until Jackson was able to form conscious opinions about being able to tell good from bad. Holt’s personality was formed off of both conscious and subconscious opinions on what is socially acceptable and unacceptable.
The next trigger switch happened around the same time Jackson would have been able to think more critically of others and their choices, around age 14. While the skill is still undeveloped, this is the point where Jackson can really gain understanding of others, gauge that others may have differing opinions from himself and engage in abstract thought.
The final trigger switch (as canonically stated will occur) in my HC will happen around age 24-25, after Jackson graduates from undergrad as this is when the brain develops fully. 
I headcanon that their switches come directly from aspects of their personality and where they are found most often. As a toddler, Jackson was more active during the daytime and so their trigger became day/night. Growing up, Holt found the most comfort in music, especially as a way to escape from the frustration and confusion he felt towards his own mother and towards not being accepted within society while carrying subconscious memories of what it is like to have friends and gain acceptance. This lead to their next trigger switch being music. (Sydney also probably rejected Jackson showing interest in the arts, leading to Holt showing more interest in it. Jackson thought “hey that’s cool, but Mom said I’d be better off focusing on science kits and legos so I’m not gonna get into it” and Holt said “It’s free real estate”)
The final trigger switch that will happen in their early adulthood has to do with heat, coming directly from Holt generally being placed in hot clubs and studio lights, where Jackson spends a lot of time in cooler areas, like laboratories. This comes from heat directly (Generally, I put over room temperature (72 degrees) being a trigger for Holt and under being Jackson’s trigger, as it is ambiguous enough that both get a chance to exist equally), not sweat as is stated in the books. This is the body’s direct reaction to the temperature, so both boys are able to try and maintain their current state by cooling down by using ice or fans or capturing heat by using heavier clothing (like leather). This works really well for them as again, Holt is going to spend most of his adult life in clubs and other areas with a lot of heat, and Jackson is going to spend most of his adult life in research facilities. With the income of a research mad scientist and semi-famous DJ, affording decent temperature control for their living space is pretty easy.
Holt is directly manifested from Jackson’s subconscious and conscious beliefs about what is acceptable as well as the traits he wishes he could have, but rejects as he views them as distasteful. Sydney also played a major role in forming Holt’s identity in this sense, as the pieces of Holt that she tried to change or punish would become a subconscious memory in Jackson’s mind, building that behavior in Holt. 
Although Jackson and Holt are one in the same being, Holt also formed his own identity far seperated from Jackson. I really operate the two in that they are both one monster, seperate monsters, and family members, and often their opinion of the other will change as they learn to live together (as well as in-the-moment disagreements they may have, or internal turmoil related to identity). 
While Jackson was often coddled by Sydney, Holt was often rejected, and he never got to form the same safety net that Jackson did. He never learned emotional expression, and this resulted in a lot of the toxic independence and difficulties with agression and anger we see in canon media. This is also a direct symptom of his depression, as adolescent boys often display symptoms of aggression, especially within Western society where men showing emotion is heavily discouraged. 
Jackson will get angry from time to time, but never to the extent that Holt does, and we certainly never see Jackson try to start a physical fight. A lot of this anger and emotion that stays in the subconscious goes to Holt, which is where we see canon events like Holt getting into a fight with Manny. Part of this is to protect Jackson as well. As time goes on, the two do form a relationship more similar to brothers and care for each other more strongly as family. It takes a lot of time to unlearn hatred towards the traits of the other, and the unfairness towards how the other is treated compared to themself. 
i could write more about their subconscious memory and how that operates but i think i rambled on enough maybe another time gamers
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philadelvia · 1 year
The Dream
In my 40s, I want to wake up every morning in a healthy family, prepare breakfast for my husband and kids. Having breakfast together, giving them affirmation that will boost their confidence to conquer the world, then performing our each given role on Earth daily. My husband drives me to office, takes the kids to their schools, then goes to his work.
He has a secured and progressive career in the field that actualizes his competence and benefits many people. As a top university graduate, he leads the team wisely. Growing a big and bigger team, and improving their lives as well as his. He's a natural born leader whose brilliance is adored by not only his family, but also many people who's impacted by his work. A responsible man that has no reluctance to go extra mile for his family, and for many people who trust him. A man of his words. A visioner and exceptional father figure. A loving and loyal husband of mine. 
And I live my life as a Vice President in Corporate Real Estate Department in a multinational corporation. Managing a team of more than 20s people who is responsible for the whole premises of the corporate. A leader who masters Project Management and Property Management strongly. As well as a career mentor that is capable to develop both technical and soft skill of her team members. A social person who has excellent social skill with the line managers, the peers, and the subordinates. Living my dream career as well as my dream as a loving mother.
We have 2 children, 1 boy and 1 girl who grow as smart children with good personality, as well as good skill of critical thinking and problem solving. The kids' blue prints and talents are revealed during the first years of their lives, so me and my husband as their parents could prepare the best support for them during their early stage of life. They grow with excellent academical competence and also special skill in art. The boy is good at math, sport, and music. He loves to play guitar and sings a song together with me, his mother. The girl is an awesome science enjoyer, as well as a great artist. She loves to hunt sunset photographs with his father, then paint it on canvas beautifully.
On the weekend, we all (father, mother, son, and daughter) love to cook together our favorite dish and spend quality time together. A grateful family with great bonding which the parents are willing to do whatever it takes to make the kids happy and succeed in life.
We also love to spend dinner together. The moment that the kids could casually talk about daily matter and share their daily struggle. Then the listening parents will help them brainstorming the solutions. And on the other days, we will go travel the world to know life better from different perspectives. This habit is made since both me and my husband are lifelong learner who loves to find the answers during the journey. 
Me and my husband are soul connected. We choose each other at the age when we don't even need each other. We're both fully functioning as human being on our own. We're together because we love each other and want to continue this life together. Because after the day we meet, sky gets brighter, life burden becomes lighter, future doesn't look as scary as it did, hence we know that we no longer want to live this life alone anymore. We vibe on the same frequency. We find 'home' and peace in each other. We literally can talk about everything, from random meme we found online, to in-depth discussion about countries' history. We are the ideal and equal match for each other. We're compatible in almost every aspects of our lives, especially in the way of worshipping Allah, in becoming the best parents our kids deserve to have, and in being beneficial human being. We choose to be together because we admire each other since day 1, and spending the rest of our life with this specific person would be such an honorable opportunity that we simply do not want to miss. And choosing each other turns out to be the best decision we've ever made in life. Because both of us never stop growing to be better everyday, and consciously choose to stick together for the rest of our life.
What a beautiful way to live life gratefully.
May Allah grant my wishes.
Aamiin Ya Rabbal Alamiin.
29 Ramadan 1444,
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syre-stane16 · 1 year
Sooo… I got some ideas on what the DiU cast does when they grow up.
Josuke becomes a cop, like his grandfather. While he will get Joseph’s inheritance, he doesn’t get the real estate company nor the speed wagon foundation. The title for family patriarch/matriarch will go to either Jotaro or another member(coming soon). He also deals with stand business ( He’s still a Joestar after all), but Jotaro takes all the life-threatening jobs so…
Koichi works as a speed wagon agent.
Okuyashu becomes a chef, he enjoyed working for Tonio and decided to go for culinary school.
Yuya becomes a judge , because;
1) his neck cloth thing reminds me of Miles Edgeworth.
2) a delinquent turned law person is CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT and also funny
3) like imagine he has a case where this kid gets caught doing the same thing he did, and the kid calls him out on it on court!
Mikitaka becomes a well-known science fiction author. I just feel like the kid isn’t an alien, just a maladaptive daydreamer.
Yukako opens a beautique in honour of Aya.
Shigechi is dead.
Rohan is still a Mamga writer and Artist.
Reimi is dead
Shizuka will have an interesting life, I’m gonna make another post for her.
❤️ thanks for your time!:)
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