#like i had a breakdown in shower
bidisasterevankinard · 10 months
So sad and anxious (and I guess touch starved) I literally felt sick being not in one specific hoodie (good thing it's not hot today) and for hours I don't want to take it off
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i think it’s really interesting how ritsu is just as big of a conman as reigen is. like, reigen is a financial conman and ritsu isn’t, but they both put on masks and they both hide who they really are. reigen tricks everyone into thinking he’s psychic and that he’s this charismatic, has his life together, happy guy and he fools a lot of people. and ritsu tricks everyone into thinking that he’s the perfect loving brother and student, that he’s got everything together, that he’s just the kindest most normal middle schooler. and it works. and i find it interesting how it... it doesn’t really seem to work on each other? like, ritsu sees right through reigen even with “proof” that he may really be psychic. he knows it’s all a lie. and i honestly feel like reigen can see through ritsu’s whole facade and knows that he’s hiding who he really is. and in a way, they both resent each other for it. ritsu doesn’t want to turn out like reigen, but he’s scared and is so used to suppressing everything about himself that he doesn’t know how to be himself. and reigen sees ritsu and sees bits and pieces of himself when he was younger and sometimes that makes it hard for him to be around ritsu. and sometimes he just wants to throttle ritsu and tell him to stop and not to do what he did, but he Knows that won’t be enough to convince ritsu and he’s also scared.
they’re both just two conmen fooling everyone around them because they’re cowards and are scared that they aren’t lovable unless they are their mask
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sparkles-oflight · 4 months
Tomorrow I'm cutting my hair again. This is your chance to mourn my small curls
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mrpenguinpants · 4 months
crying mr pengu how are you T T
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squidthechaotickid · 4 months
everything will be ok :) https://www.tumblr.com/sonic-voices/164562137054/everythingll-be-okay?source=share
I am literally going to cry thank you tails
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indigo · 9 months
living with other people really fucking sucks sometimes
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bitchapalooza · 11 months
Do you ever have moments where your period is like a week late and you’re not having any pms symptoms or whatever and so you panic about it but then you remember you’re both a virgin and asexual? Yeah…. I’m not always the brightest….
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chaelinsbitch · 9 months
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izzy-b-hands · 8 months
Ongoing PTSD breakdown trauma stuff below the cut, pls ignore, just need to spew it somewhere that like. I know my feelings will be safe to have and type up and whatever. Also, sorta? mild our flag spoilers under the cut bc my brain is a mess and I use characters I love to help metaphor out and explain my own shit so. yeah. that's also a thing here.
Motherfucking random traumatic memory abt Mum fucking. Randomly hitting me while I'm writing fic (for no apparent reason, no idea what triggered my brain to throw this at me when I WAS NEARLY DONE WITH THE FUCKING FIC NO LESS)
So goddamn rude. I'm off my track on the fic now, so I'm setting it aside for the night (we have Ren Faire today (it literally just hit midnight lol), but after that I want to get back to it) and realising I should really write this memory down.
Like. all of the little details about it, the bits of Mum and I and our relationship surrounding it. Both because my brain does tend to shutter some of those things away and makes them hard to get to without it being stupid lengthy a process involving talking out every feeling I'm having with someone else(unless it pulls some shit like tonight, then suddenly it's no fucking problem throwing it all over the place apparently) and because like
I don't know if I could say this one out loud to anyone, but I think I should. Probably a therapist, but it's one of those stupid trauma things of you just Want Someone, Anyone To Know, Now. To acknowledge it and say if it was as fucked up as it feels (bc I will never deny the possibility that I'm being dramatic and it isn't, and I should just. chill the fuck out about it.)
But every time I start trying to type it out I get hit with this wave of a physical response where my arms and wrists and fingers feel like they're clenching up and I Can't type it. And there's a part of me that doesn't want to because if I can see it in letters on a page, then it's real. It's real and it happened and maybe it was as fucked up as it feels like it was and if that's all true then like. it fits with everything else about our relationship that's already fucked up, from the severe (better than it used to be, but I'm sure it's very clear to y'all that it's still Not Good even though I've moved away from her) co-dependence to the emotional incest (fun fact: that term feels like a gut punch every time I hear it, and I've heard it from my therapist more than a few times now over the past 9ish years of treatment.) So I shouldn't be shocked by that or like, upset, right?
Yet I'm here typing this out to put off typing it up, and I'd bet money I don't necessarily have that I'll wind up putting my laptop away, showering, and going to bed without getting it typed. For better or for worse.
Part of the reason I worry so much abt Frenchie this season (aside from that I love him and he's one of my faves and I want nothing but good and happy for him) is because I also subscribe to his 'shove all the fucked up shit you've seen/experienced in a box in your mind and just. Never open it unless you're putting more in there' method of coping (have all my life, it was so weirdly validating to see it onscreen like that explained so plainly) and like. This is me when the box somehow pops open when I didn't mean it to, and I both want Frenchie to be able to process the things that have happened to him but also don't want to see a character I love so much hurt like this. Because it feels like a big stupid gaping open wound in my chest that I'm being entirely too dramatic about, no matter how valid feeling that way abt it might be.
Kind of hope I can just shut the lid on the box so I can get done and go to sleep after I post this. Should I actually type out the memory and everything? I hate to think that the answer my therapist would have given me, if I could afford to be seeing her rn, would be yes. But the thing is, I have fucking Ren Faire tomorrow in my Izzy cosplay (that Housemate says I look good in, which I'll vainly admit I'm rather happy about, even if it is a very inaccurate and homemade cosplay that's missing certain details I can't yet afford to buy), and I don't want to be dealing with any of this for the rest of the night/into tomorrow. I need to sleep so I can go have some fucking fun, for once. I even feel ok to bring my cane with folded in my bag, just in case I need it, bc that would still be in character if I wind up needing to use it. I can count on one hand the times I've had a fun experience where I also felt safe admitting when my body was hurting and using a physical aid to help it get by; I'm not losing this one.
It's not getting typed out, and I need to duct tape that fucking box shut for now.
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#there are nicer weys to tell someone the need to go take a shower that you know yelling at them that they stink and it is unpleasant to be#around them#like just yelling at me that i need to go shower literally doesn't motivate me to#especially bc i was planning on doing it on Monday bc i had already showered yesterday#maybe she could have sed to me : hey you took a shower yesterday but still smell like sweat ( is everything okay)#the answer is no#i am on vacation but i am so fucking stressed i keep sweating bc of it#but she just wanted to yell at me so i guess it doesn't matter#she is angry and as always i am her punching bag#i told her that the magnifying glass made no difference since i can already see the flowers clearly i get yelled at#i tell her that i prefer to stey home and do hw i get yelled at#i didn't do my hw bc she made me go out i get yelled at#and after all that i get out of the shower and she asked me if i want to let her blowdry my hair like nothing happened#no ofc i don't want#to#i just had a breakdown on the shower that she triggerd i h*rt myself and i am now in pain bc of that#i don't want you anywhere near me#i honestly feel like i am going insane#how can she do that to me#and i literally ahave no proof except that i go on record mode anytime she speaks but it's always her word against mine#i am pretty sure in a few hours i will be blaming myself for everything#one moment she screams at me and the other she pretends that nothing happened#but yeah i am sure i am just making it up#/s
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loveofastarvingdog · 1 year
deeply upset rn but upset about being upset. god loves to give trans guys complexes
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victory-cookies · 9 months
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unimportantweirdo · 1 year
it's an odd feeling when you realise you've actually been doing pretty well like there's been a couple hiccups but nothing drastic and it kinda feels like the other shoe really should be dropping
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I've been trying to get myself to revise all weekend but im clearly burnt out and clearly struggling with my executive dysfunction so I know I should just give myself a break, but I left my revision till the last minute again, so if i don't revise now then I'll have to go into a test having done no revision, so I'll probably fail, and like, yeah it's only finance, but thats the problem, it's only finance, and its gonna make me sound like a stuck up bitch but thats why i can't fucking fail it, like failing any of my subjects already makes me want the ground to swallow me up, but failing finance??? Failing arguably the easiest fucking subject i do, the one thats nowhere near as important and difficult as the others? I think I'd throw up, I'd cry and I'd throw up and I'd be so mortifyingly embarrassed, but now i don't know if I'll pass or fail or what because i didn't do any fucking revision because I'm burnt out because I've had so many fucking tests for no reason and I'm so fucking tired and fuck
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picturesque-score · 1 year
i am a failure
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hi so uh what kind of God looked at me in all my littleness and decided that eternity would be incomplete without me
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