#like idk how to react i just don't wanna talk to her anymore tbh
venusssssssssss · 10 months
My childhood friend is legit meeting with a mysoginistic man who told other women they are not supposed to wear short skirts and sheer clothes and that they are ugly bitches (to their faces and i was a witness) 😭😭😭 i literally can't trust anyone anymore. And she's like "well he was nice to me". Until he won't be anymore.
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having anxiety bcuse mom's giving me my phone back after school
ik i'm too far behind and am so close to getting an f/n on a couple subjcts but im just drained and struggling to care but also
ik i need to keep up, or at least do what i've been doing
the same thing over and over again, just keep it together
i can't cry when i need to and seem to want to cry at the worst times
i don't want to ask for help bcuse i've been gone for so long now why just show up only when i need help? idk i'm trying to get things back together
somethings wrong with cousin and mom wont tell me but i walked inside after walking max to hear her say "teenagers are assholes" like duh ik that and ik she was addressing her dad on the phone and kk but also something tells me its about cousin and whatever happened between them
idk what to make of life anymore and i keep telling myself it will get better but tbh i don't think improvement will be happening anytime soon and i wanna be so so strong for everyone else but it's starting to become noticeable ig sister keeps asking if i'm okay and gets mad when i say i'm fine or act "off" like what do you want me to act like??
keep going from normal talk to "professional" and like. i picked up a dictionary and it's helping me word and string sentances along and idk it's upsetting everyone else but idk how to make it stop either
siste(t) is upsetting me like she isn't bothering to like idk. i'm upset as is and she isn't helping ig. she's just idk it doesn't make sense and it might sound bad? she says she's hopeful she gets a phone before i get mine back but doesn't have an answer as to why. i've managed to be calm about everything but she just seems hellbent on pushing buttons like. she's not minding my personal space and i'm getting rather uncomfortable with the "suggestive" talk and shit just.
idk i don't want to deal with life anymore i'm so tired all the time and i either can't eat or eat too much cant sleep or sleep too much just mmmm
i dont want to burden anyone with my faults and flaws
and ofc sister apparently wants me to get with someone like. can she not stop? no. she cannot. she keeps talking about me having children in her dreams and ik its just dreams but i'm not parent material ik that much and i've never wanted to have kids but also babies are adorable?? like ik i dont want it. but im allowed to say that babies are adorable and i'd be fine with babysitting but never having one as my own like?? idk i dont make sense.
i cant tell if i'm spiralling downwards but this feels like a repeat of 13. functioning based off what ik emotion to feel and reacting how i see necessary/based on context clues and what i "should" feel while i'm either numb or upset. idk tbh just. want it to stop. my head doesnt feel right either. cloudy and like someone pulled the curtains over my windows and now i cant do anything
idk anyways rant of the day!
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magic-human-bean · 2 years
OKOOKOK SO saw the thing about earth bread being an island in the middle of the ocean SO you know what I’m just thinking about a human who got stranded there one day finding a way to get back home and having a few cookies they’ve befriended consistently pestering them to take them to the human land because 1) they’re SUPER curious about what it’s like and 2) they think that knowing how the human world works is a good way to understand the witches because witches are essentially humans with magic [but tbh with those old witch hunts and the complete absence of magic ANYWHERE, those cookies won’t find anything witch related at all]
Anyways knowing almost everything can crush these little guys (and that they’d certainly be horrified at the discovery of sold baked goods), the human would obviously deny them such an adventure, but I get the feeling if these cookies are super determined they’ll sneak onto the human’s method of escape anyways and only make their presence known once the human makes it back to land, which leads me to this question AND the purpose of this ask:
How would a cookie react to the scale of a human city? Or basically anything in a human city idk your choice (and you can decide on who specifically is reacting in this scenario if you want, could even do multiple cookies!)
*Cue a live-action movie like Alvin and the Chipmunks and the Smurfs, where whacky tiny creatures are dragged into the modern city world*
But seriously though, the Cookies would NOT be safe in a human city. Raccoons, pigeons, rats, they all wanna eat the Cookies.
Not to mention other humans would lose their mind and blah blah blah the usual "scientists will want to catch them and experiment on them to study them" trope when it comes to supernatural creatures in the real world.
So all the cookies (except a tiny few) will be very intimidated and will make sure to stay close to their human friend and follow their advices.
Under the cut I'll talk about the main 5 and some ancients maybe?
Gingerbrave would be a good boy though. He wouldn't stray too far away from his human friend, especially if their human friend clearly tells him that he MUST stay close for safety. He's brave but not 100% stupid, and listens to the people he trusts. He's really excited and mega curious! Curiosity WITHOUT ANY limit. But he would be cautious and manageable still. Please take him to see the view from a skyscraper, he'll love it so much, very enriching to him. But don't let him watch the news.
Strawberry Cookie would stick to their human friend like glue! She didn't even want to come!! She just came along because she wanted to be sure her friends would be okay...
Wizard Cookie is really fascinated, but he also finds it weirdly sad and creepy that there isn't any magic in human cities... Like it all feels... dystopian to him... He's pretty perplexed, and a little uncomfortable. He wants to learn more about witches and the origin of magic, but of course everything is gone... He'll have to do researches on the witch hunts on google (with adult supervision).
It will take DAYS to explain to Custard Cookie III that royalty doesn't exist anymore. It will take WEEKS for him to wrap his head around it... This one you should keep your eyes on, he could get into trouble from his stubbornness.
Chilli Pepper Cookie kinda loves it! She's sneaky, quickly adapted to navigate the city without letting anyone sees her. She steals people's wallets when they sit down, even though she can't use this currency, but that's just how far her greed goes. Do NOT show her your jewelry box, do not even mention it. And don't take her to a jewelry shop.
Pure Vanilla Cookie, he came along hoping to act as some kind of ambassador for Earthbread, because he'd love to have humans and cookies live in peace, as friends! Maybe it's too early for official contact, but he wants to learn more about humans and human culture, hoping one day this knowledge could help him establish an alliance/friendship with humans. He will make sure to follow his human friend's advices and stay safe during his stay, and keep the other cookies safe too!!
Hollyberry Cookie came along to check out what kind of entertainment and fun humans can have! She'll want to try all the wines, listen to all the music genres... To her it's like an adventure/vacation, and she's not afraid of shit, therefore she will CONSIDER her human friend's advices, but she will mostly do whatever she wants.
I don't think Dark Cacao Cookie would come, sorry. It's just not in character for him to leave Earthbread when he has the responsibility of keeping the Licorice Sea in check. I don't think he cares for other lands, unlike Earthbread.
If Dark Enchantress Cookie comes to human land, it would be to burn it to the ground :)
(Send me other asks if you want me to talk about other cookies in this situation (but do mention the context please))
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liliansun · 11 months
Relationship investigator anon here! 😃 allow me to dive into (you) why JENO is terrible for sal. I know what you're thinking - i'm CRAZY. And i am 😭 i'm reading too much into this. I genuinely like their little interactions so far but DAMN boy. Okay so what i glean from these girls' personalities, first of all, is that sal is honestly quite sweet and takes care of the others. So do the others but idk i think you showed that side of sal more?? Like neowa and mal are the savage little devils and we love them for that (sad girl hours for neowa and mal??? GOD PLEASE DONT LET HEM BE SAD) but like sal is sweet and i feel like her having him as a lockscreen is proof that she is falling too fast??,, and she's gonna get hurt bc jeno is quiet and silent and maybe he just don't know what he's feeling until she's sad :((
MAL on the other hand. Like that girl is gonna get so soft for jaemin and then it'll be a push and pull until she gives in and lets him in. Love how he flirts with her tbh and her reactions are everything?? I can't waot fkr their storyy, and I know jaemin will treat her well.
Joy and mark,, do i have tk say anymore?? Like they're already a thing and it's gonna be super sad seeing joy be upset and lonely without her man around BUT THEN SHE and MARK find a way thrpugh it bc mark is a man who solves issues and he wouldn't want his girl to be suffering alone ykwim
And then neowa and renjun. Theirs is gonna be such a finale?? You got renjun who's in love with yn and then neowa who's been pining fkr him for a while and they're both going to hurt esp when he has to face yns rejection to get over it and realize that neowa was right there for him?? Short king stand UP
And haechan and yn , tbh atp i think yn just needs tk have a talk w him and she'll realize she likea him and he does too and that it was all bc he was afraid of letting her know about the personality his frienda knew about. Renjun might be the little bastard causing little uncertainties i think but the love is there.
Jeno though 🤨 he's a dark horse and i KNOW he's gonna hurt sal 😤
I am so psyched for your new stories?? Like actually excites bouncing off my seat and the walls and you're def gonna deliver as always FR i LOVE YOU (im so sorry for the long ass post wtf is wrong with me)
baby. lemme start off with this was so long and i was at work like 😧 well i still am at work but anyways😭
okay i get where you’re coming from w jeno BUT PLEASE TRUST HIM. they’re all gonna get hurt, both parties and it’s gonna suck and you (and i) might cry but it’s gonna be worth it in the end :( and i think i said it in another ask or something but jeno is gonna show how he feels more in jaemin’s story bc they’re like this 🤞(i spent too long looking for his emoji HELP)
omg jaemin’s story i’m too excited to write like y’all thought i was excited to write hyucks but DEAR LORD AM I READY FOR YALL TO SEE HOW THEY PLAY OUT.
joy and mark are already so cute but i just wanna be the first to say they gonna be going THROUGH IT. like y’all thought y/n and hyuck were going through it..just wait 😁😭
AND JUN AND NEOWA,, there is a reason theirs is last and you’ll know the more we progress through the others stories bc like rn we’re (me) hinting at it but they are gonna be so lowkey about it until BAM their story comes to light and it’ll all be like OOO AHH GASP
hyuck and y/n,, i can’t say anything bc it’s still wip rn 👀 but as these chapters i’m writing rn,, it’ll get better for them. y’all just don’t know what i know and it’s kipling me bc i’m like on ch 29? about to write 30? and i think y’all are on 25 😭
and jeno will or will not hurt sal (unintentionally) but it’s gonna be vice versa and i’m already saying too much y’all got me talking about things i’m NOT SUPPOSED TO BE TALKINF ABOJT
AND IM EXCITED FOR YOU TO READ THEM,, you and the other anons and everyone just make my heart so full y’all don’t even know and i love y’all’s feedback and seeing how y’all react it just brings me happiness AND I LOVEYOU 😁😚🫶🤭
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i know that there are rinharu shippers that exaggerate interactions and read too deeply into them, but ngl mh shippers take it to a whole new level. Like, yeah we all know Haru cares about Mako, he's his best friend, but they take soooooooo many things and twist it out of context and then try to claim it as canon. i don't get it. it's fine if makoharu is your deal, but then they use it to attack rinharu and its like not. even. canon???
Every shipper exaggerates their otp moments, I mean, it’s a normal thing. But there’s a huge difference between taking an existing moment and overemphasizing it and taking this moment and turning it completely upside down, you know what I mean? Take a canon moment and go ahead and exaggerate it, but don’t create something that didn’t happen and exaggerate it, and don’t take a canon moment and make it the complete opposite of what happened.
I think it’s perfectly okay and understandable, when you like see your ship smile at each other or smth and freak out, for example. Or like when Rin said that maybe he and Haru also gonna be in one bed together next year, like I think, I deserve to make a big deal out of this, cause... I mean, it’s right there. He said it, not me.  
Or take me, for example, after the new bnha ova, when I went like “tododeku flirted and forgot bakugou under the rocks”, which was like a hilarious scene. I’m of course exaggerating, cause I just found it funny that they started talking about getting out without even looking around for the third party, that could be crushed under rocks, but I’m just joking. I mean, you can’t help but joke at scenes like this, when it’s your otp.
Now imagine if todobaku fans for example were watching that scene in ova and be like “Todoroki only ran to Midoriya because he thought Bakugou was buried under him, and then Midoriya threw a magic dust at him so he couldn’t remember anything.” Can you even imagine such madness? Now that’s how most Makoharu fans are watching Free!
And I just want to say, that I’m normally in many fandoms are so good with people who ship something that I don’t. I mean, I absolutely love bakudeku and todobaku fans, like 90% are so sweet and they even write comments under my tododeku vids like “this is amazing, respect from bakudeku gang” and KNB fandom is very nice no matter what they ship, and etc.
But.. but makoharu, I mean Makoto fans, I in all seriousness cannot talk to. I mean, these bunch... most of them don’t even like Makoto for who he is. They sell him as some protective and secretly very dangerous dude. It’s like if I said that Haru is my favorite, cause he’s so good at communicating with people.
I mean, to create something that’s completely OOC and claim that it’s there is just utter nonsense to me. Like when someone wrote that Haru is unrequitedly in love with Makoto, I almost peed myself from laughing, but honestly at some point it all got to the point where it’s not funny anymore, cause when you read their posts, you realize that they’re serious.
I mean you gotta realize that when you change characters to the point that they’re not these characters anymore, it’s not called “all ships are valid”, it called “pure stupidity”. Because it’s not the said ship already. It’s some other characters.
And when you constantly post not in your tag and get jealous of a rinharu post that got 20k notes and screenshoot it on insta even tho it has nothing to do with your ship and wasn’t even tagged no by makoharu no by makoto, there’s clearly something not okay with you, just saying.
And I’ve seen some fandoms/ships who twist everything to the point where it gets histerical. 
Like when, for example, when Eren told Mikasa that he always hated her because she behaves like a slave without her own will, and they interpreted it as “he said it because he loves her so so much” and I’m not joking there’s a whole tumblr post dedicated to this.
And I’ve seen some fandoms/ships who twist everything to the point where I’m genuinely worried for people’s sanity.
Like when V had a live translation and someone wrote him about getting on with Jungkook (1stly, are u even ok???) and he addressed this and asked to stop being delusional, and that they’re friends. I legit thought maybe it’ll stop people, until next day I saw a post on YouTube about how Bighit tries to cover vkook with jikook and Jimin is an asshole who always hangs on Jungkook... I’m like I do not know how to react to this. I mean, do I wanna ask why Bighit would want to cover one gay BTS ship with another one? Or should we just skip to the question “are you okay?” lmao 
But I still think Makoharu fans take the cake tbh.
I mean it’s not about the ship wars, because I normally don’t mind anyone shipping anything, since everyone has their own tastes and some people, like in real life, see love in all kind of crazy shit. Like someone thinks “he treats you like shit and yells at you, means he loves you”, someone think that it’s if you’re with somebody all your life or grateful for something... ppl mistake this for love too. And hey, to everyone love means different things. Someone just settle for things, some dream big and wants to live a life. No judging. 
But like if you ship makoharu, accept it for what it is, not for something it’s clearly not. But once again, it’s mostly makoto fans, cause it’s all going from twisting a character, and pretending he’s not what he is.
But then once again, many people do not understand characters in anime in general. Like if you think Momoi is really Kuroko’s love interest and do not see what author intended, you probably need to broaden your horizons a bit.
Or like if you think that, idk, Alois is a villain, Lance is really this cheerful and Kuroko is an angel. I mean, it’s hilarious how even in some obvious situations people do not get things. Like seriously, maybe put just a tiny bits of brains into work when you’re watching, this is all I ask.
And don’t get me wrong, I won’t  generalize and say that all makoharu shippers are like that, but there are some ships and sometimes even whole fandoms whose most fans are just dumb, and makoharu is in top three of those for sure. I’m sorry, but it’s true, you saw it. I just can’t even have a normal conversation or a healthy argument with them, cause the logic doesn’t exist there.
And ones again, don’t get me wrong, you can be the smart one in the dumb fandom, too. Sometimes fandoms embarrass nice people, it happens.
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Oooh can I ask your thoughts on Avengers Endgame?? What did you think of everyone’s endings?
Thank you, dear.
So I have a complicated relationship with Endgame. Like most of the Avengers movies, I like them a lot more right after seeing them in theaters, but as time goes on I get more critical of them. I wanna start off by saying that there were some things I enjoyed in the movie. There were some funny moments and some cool, action-y moments I liked. I also liked all the callbacks and cameos to previous movies and characters who had died earlier. But there was so much more that I was very unhappy with, especially concerning the endings of some of my favorite characters. Here's some of them:
Female characters: I didn't like the way the female characters were treated in this movie. From being sidelined, having their independent storylines changed bc of a man, or being killed off without so much as a proper funeral, this movie did not sit well with me here.
Natasha: All feelings about Scarlett aside, I hated what they did to her. Making it seem like she was more expendable because she didn't have a biological family. Killing her off halfway through the movie, and having barely anyone even react to her death. And this was the second time Marvel killed off the original female in their respective teams (Gamora from GotG in Infinity War). Then she didn't even get a proper funeral service like Tony did. It was just disappointing all around.
Thor: I hated that they just made him this big joke and belittled everything he'd gone through for some cheap laughs at his expense. I like that he got to talk to his mom during the heist. And I'm happy that he's getting another movie with Taika directing so he can give him a proper sendoff.
Tony: I love RDJ and Tony as much as the next person, and I get that he was this big deal who got the franchise started with Iron Man, but everything had been getting so Tony Stark-centric to me. For me, it was time to move on to some other characters and let them get some focus now. But I did hate that they killed him off to do so, especially since he left behind Pepper and his young daughter. Idk how else they could have gotten him out of the action in future movies while keeping him alive, but I didn't like him dying.
Steve: I'm saving the biggest disappointment for last. Steve (and Chris Evans) has been my boy from day one, so I had the most to be upset about when it came to him. Going into this movie, I had been so worried they would kill him off, even if I didn't feel that was the proper ending for his character. But I think I hate what they did actually do to him more than if he would have just died. Having him go back in time to be with Peggy was so incredibly regressive to me and did not fit with the character arc they had going for him in his individual movies. He was learning how to move on and live in this new time he found himself in. He didn't know his place in it yet, but he was figuring it out. He had Bucky, Sam, and Sharon now who were gonna be by his side. He could have just gotten out of the action and finally gotten to live the quiet life he deserved with the help of his friends. But nope, they have him just leave all those people and go back in time for a woman he barely knew in the first place. It didn't make sense to me, it completely threw off any individual development Peggy had from her own show (I didn't watch it, but I know she had moved on with her life there), and tbh I didn't care about Steggy anymore. Maybe I did back in 2011-12, but he woke up in the future while she aged, had her own life, and died, which I had accepted. He also had Sharon now, who was his canon love interest, and I liked her. Plus, I don't really like Peggy's actress or fans anymore after their awful behavior and poor treatment of Sharon's actress from the second Cap movie and on. When I think about the fact that the same directors responsible for this crap also did Winter Soldier, which is one of my all-time fave Marvel movies, it makes me really sad and confused. The only good thing that came out of this was Sam taking on the Captain America mantle, which I loved.
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