#like the only reason for them to follow me is my art and it's my responsibility to make you art
Why is everyone so biased toward One Piece? Literally every character from One Piece I see is the ugliest creature I've ever had the discourtesy to lay eyes on and they're winning by a landslide against genuinely attractive characters.
Oh boy, we've gone over this a couple times but it's been probably a month or two. It's not so much biased as it is a large and organized fandom. Plus good writing can make anyone hot even though the art style can take some getting used to.
Let me explain some fandoms have dedicated blogs that do nothing but reblog polls so that fandom can vote in random fandom related polls all in one place. Now in tournaments it is very unfair sometimes because they can organize themselves and rally to sway a vote quickly. Now I know one piece and bleach do have dedicated blogs when it comes to anime fandoms. Other non-anime fandoms that I know have blogs are Star Trek, Star Wars and Ninjago. I only know this because I used to be really big into voting in tournaments poll.
Plus I do normally share the Fandom overall week in review list and the anime and manga list. This shows the most popular Fandom related trends of the past week by Tumblr's own data. And as someone who's been following that page just for fun since probably 2012, one piece frequently is in the top 20 on the overall chart and I don't think I've ever seen it not in the top five on the anime and manga chart. The fandom is just that large and active. I mean one piece frequently trends when a new chapter or episode drops. It's just how it is.
And as someone who used to despise one piece, I did give it a shot after I watched and enjoyed the live action. Now it's actually one of my favorite animes. However, the manga is so much better due to the less than stellar pacing of the anime. The only reason I'm looking forward to the remake so much is for fixed pacing then maybe more people would give one piece of chance. Because the story and the writing is so good. However, the art style is not everyone's cup of tea and I do understand that and that is probably the number one complaint.
Fun fact, at one point there was a group of you campaigning to get one piece characters banned from my polls because the art style was misogynistic. Luckily that was short-lived because I was about to start blocking people. So let's not start that up again.
Now I will concede that the one piece fandom does like to do cursed polls And definitely request ugly characters on occasion just to watch the world burn. You know who you are. But we're talking about a show that has furries and fish people and characters that can turn into dragons and snake hybrids and dinosaur people. So there's a lot of variety in your humanoids not all of them are hot
I know it bothers a lot of people that one piece wins so many polls but I see this as a case of don't hate the player. Hate the game. So if you can't beat them, join them. So I would recommend if this really pisses you off so much start your own blog dedicated to reblogging polls for whatever fandom you think needs one. So you can start rallying and organizing your fandom against the one piece fandom so you can try to take them down. Don't know if it'll work but it's a start. Again, learn from them and use their tactics against them
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ultrainfinitepit · 16 hours
Hello!! I return with more pin making questions :]
In my first ask you mentioned that you'd be willing to go into detail about your favorite social medias, and as I have basically only used Tumblr that would be super useful!
It would also be wonderful if you'd be willing to talk about your experiences with the different shopfronts that you've used, but I understand if you can't due to partnership stuff.
And the last question for now, Newsletters! How did you go about setting one up/what program you use/how long does it take to write an update/etc.
Thank you so much!! You're awesome!!!
Hi again :)) sure I can answer this, this is going to be a very long post so I'll put my answers under the cut.
Same disclaimer as last time that all this is just what has worked for me or what I've personally observed, that doesn't mean this is all objectively correct or factual. Others will have different mileage or find other things that work even better.
Social Media
The three platforms I prefer the most are Tumblr, Instagram, and Twitter.
General recommendations:
Respond to people's comments, even with something as simple as a "thank you" for a compliment. This will help build engagement and foster a good relationship with your audience.
Take nice product photos: keep your pin in focus with a nice background and good lighting. Often you only get one chance for your product to leave a good impression!
Pick only a few social media profiles to manage. Don't stretch yourself too thin such that you can't engage with your audience on all your social media.
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Posts have a long but sporadic lifespan thanks to the queue (sporadic means, they will exhibit random bursts of activity). And you can post large image sets and long text posts with links, for this reason it is my favorite platform.
Getting a following on Tumblr is largely luck-based. Users rebel against posts being pushed into their feed by the recommendation algorithm or boosts. Users find posts via other users and not so much the tags, although the tagging system is leagues better than Instagram's (which no longer shows most recent posts and only shows popular posts).
On Tumblr I get the most traffic from:
Responses to user submissions - for example, drawing people's angel requests.
Tag yourself posts
Silly or cute doodles and comics - especially if people can overlay their fandom darlings onto these posts.
Compilations of Pride-related designs, particularly of popular flags
I have noticed over the years, people do not reblog as much as in the past, so it's harder to get your posts noticed.
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In my opinion this is the easiest platform to grow an audience on. Instagram has a very predictable set of criteria for showing your posts to other users, through personal experience it is something like this:
Post once a day.
Post one Reel a day.
No more than three Story shares.
If you deviate from this for too long, or post too many times in a day, Instagram will deprioritize showing your posts to other users. This schedule can be a lot, so if possible I recommend having a buffer of saved up posts and Reels.
Instagram users are pickier about what they like to see. I recommend keeping your profile looking neat and professional; WIPs don't seem to do well there. Instagram users like illustrations and heavily-visual posts; they do not respond well to slides with text on them unless it is a tutorial or tag-yourself post.
Some users like to put memes or other silly images at the end of their posts. I personally don't do this, but I've been told the reason for it is: people share the silly images and that gains more traffic for the post even if they are not sharing the main content.
On Instagram I get the most traffic from:
Fanart of recently popular characters
Tag yourself posts
Pride-related art for popular flags
Cute, colorful illustrated creatures
Anything that asks for audience feedback in the comments. More comments means more engagement, which means it's bumped up in the algorithm.
Hosting monthly art challenges such as Angeltober
Bare chested men
And I have noticed DTIYS challenges are popular and a great way for people to find your profile, although I haven't hosted one of these yet.
Tags on Instagram appear to matter less than in the past, but I still think they are worth using. Try to tag for the content in your post (such as "#biblically accurate angel") instead of using tags for artists or small businesses (such as "#smallbusinessstrong"). Everyone else is using these tags so you have lots of competition, but no one is trawling through those tags so you have less engagement from them. Users are looking for specifically the content they like, they don't care who is posting it.
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The most arcane out of these three platforms. Getting noticed on Twitter seems to be largely luck-based as well. I had my Twitter profile for a while with little traffic on it until I started posting the new Pride Angels, then it blew up. Hashtags are pretty useless on Twitter and I didn't have many followers before then so I'm not sure why those got popular at that time.
On Twitter I get the most traffic from:
Pride-related art for popular flags
Other relatable art such as for astrological signs
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Dishonorable Mention: TikTok
I have a TikTok but I just use it to crosspost my Instagram Reels. I do not have many followers on TikTok, I do not put effort into it, and I dislike the interface. That being said, I have heard from other creators it is way easier than Instagram to grow on if you are willing to make videos and post every day.
A note on blacklisted words
On Twitter, Instagram, and possibly Tumblr too: words like "shop" "link" "commission" etc. may cause your post to be deprioritized. This is because social media platforms do not want you going off of them to some other site to spend money elsewhere. That's why you'll notice people censoring these words ("shop" to "sh0p").
Personally I dislike doing this, it just makes me feel silly, so I don't bother. But I will admit, it hurts my posts. So this is something to keep in mind if you want to do shop promotion on social media.
The shops I run are, in the order of making them:
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The lowest possible barrier to entry for a merch artist: they literally do everything from production to shipping for you, and all you do is provide the artwork. The trade-off is that it's very hard to make any significant money from Redbubble (I make maybe a few cents at most from each sale), and you have no control over the quality of the products.
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My referral link here.
While Etsy can be imposing at first, it is probably the easiest out of all the marketplaces to start out on. There is a lot of information to fill out to get started, so take it slow so you don't get overwhelmed. It does get easier after the first listing. Once you make one listing you can just keep duplicating and changing it a little so you don't have to keep making listings from scratch.
Etsy claims you need ten listings in your shop before you open it, but you can ignore that.
Once you've gotten started, there's lots of little tricks to learn such as letter mail shipping, all about VAT, improving listings, sections, and so on that I could go into more detail on if anyone is interested. For now I'll just focus on the platform itself.
I like that Etsy has a marketplace search, as a customer it is really nice to use. I like that it has one big cart for all the items I am looking at, and that it has a favorites system. I also like as a customer how each shop is uniform; I know exactly how to search through each shop and what format to expect. I do enjoy artists' custom shops but, sometimes their interfaces are tough to navigate.
Etsy is reasonably good at showing your items to people, which is the number one reason I recommend it for beginners. Just make sure to put effort into your listings such as tagging them, adding nice photos, and videos.
They have protection features built-in such as covering refunds if an item is delivered but the customer claims to not have received it. Etsy also enables international shipping with VAT which is great for EU/UK customers. My biggest gripe with Etsy is the fees, which I've already complained about.
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Not much to say about Gumroad really. I only use it to list digital items such as PDFs of my lineart. I think it's saved me a few inquiries from people looking for my art for tattoos. Since all that art is for free on social media anyway, I don't charge for purchases on Gumroad. That's just a personal choice though.
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Not much to say about Mercari either. I use it to list pins from my personal collection, though I've seen a handful of pin makers use it for the pins they've created. I think the Mercari listing creation is atrocious: they like to recommend titles for your items when you upload new images, and will overwrite existing titles.
I've been considering moving away from Mercari, they recently switched their fee model so now buyers pay fees instead of sellers. This means while sellers can lower their prices, buyers get sticker shock and then ask for discounts on top of already-discounted items. I'm only on there because it's the most popular place for second-hand pin selling.
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So far I've really enjoyed Shopify. The setup was nightmarishly hard, not to turn anyone off of it but it took me literal months. You can import your listings from Etsy to Shopify but then you have to redo all the SKUs, link up photos to variants, and so on. If you have a ton of listings like me it takes a while. If you only have a few it is more worth it or, might even be worth starting out on if you can do sufficient promotion.
The major advantage of Etsy over Shopify is the marketplace feature: if you don't need the help of Etsy to promote your items then Shopify might be the better option to start out on.
I like that Shopify has significantly lower fees vs. Etsy. However, they do payouts differently and in a way I dislike. Etsy will deduct your shipping fees before calculating your payout balance, while Shopify will payout your balance and then charge you for shipping as part of your monthly bill. So you need to make sure to set aside some of your funds always to cover the Shopify shipping charge.
Additionally, to enable certain integrations or features you will need to pay for them monthly, which can add up. To sync my inventory between Shopify, Etsy, and Faire I use Trunk Inventory, which charges me a monthly $60 fee. That's in addition to the monthly Shopify fee.
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I actually hate Faire despite using it. I was going to use Tundra but Faire drove them out of business (lawsuit pending). Now Faire is the only game in town for wholesale so I'm forced to use them, not that it's done me much good since I haven't had any sales there.
I can rant for ages about Faire's horrendous fees and outdated product import. But if you're a beginner you don't have to worry about wholesale selling, so I'll leave that discussion for another time. If anyone wants to hear more from me about Faire they can send another ask.
My stockists
It's quite hard to give honest reviews of my stockists here, since they might see them so, I'll just share my Linktree for them and you all can investigate on your own and inquire privately.
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I used to use Tinyletter but it shut down, so now I use Email Octopus. Here's a referral link, and you can check out my newsletter sign up page here.
Email Octopus doesn't have a newsletter archive, and the interface is more complicated than Tinyletter's, which I dislike; but I like it better than Tinyletter's replacement Mailchimp.
You can try these out for yourself and see which you like better, it really is personal preference. All newsletter services are essentially the same: all you need is a sign up page, a way to store emails, and an ability to send a newsletter to them.
To get people to sign up for your newsletter, I personally recommend always offering it as a choice. For example, if you run a pin campaign, send an update where you share a link to your newsletter to your backers so they have the option to sign up. Do not export their emails and add them to your newsletter without a choice. I have been on the receiving end of this as a backer/customer and it makes me feel bad: it's extra emails in my inbox I didn't agree to and it feels like the creator misusing my information even if technically they are not. As a fellow creator I totally get why others might do this, it's an effective way to get lots of new newsletter signups at once. I just don't personally like it.
Shopify has a built-in newsletter feature you can use as well if you make a Shopify storefront. From your dashboard you can go to Marketing > Create campaign.
I like to send out a shortened newsletter via Shopify. Usually what I do is copy my full newsletter from Email Octopus to Shopify, and remove any bits not directly related to my Shopify, such as news on crowdfunding campaigns.
Writing your newsletter
Writing a newsletter doesn't take much time, and I think it should be a low effort task. In fact, if you make it too long people will not read it.
Throughout the month leading up to a shop update I will update my newsletter with whatever new items are ready, taking only a few minutes here and there. I include a few photos and I make sure to link to the items once they are listed (truncated example below).
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I will also alert people to any sales or other special offers, news about stockists, and crowdfunding campaigns: anything a potential buyer would be interested in.
I have seen other artists share much longer newsletters with impressive graphics, sections on their art process, personal updates - but for myself I usually skip over that stuff in my inbox, so I don't do it as a creator. For others it might be worth the effort!
Final Thoughts
If you read all this, thank you! I know this was a very long post. I hope it helps at least one of you. I won't keep you much longer: you can find links to everything I mentioned in my Linktree and if you have more questions you can send an ask.
One day I'd like to make a tutorial series for making and selling merch, so this was useful as a draft for that. I would also include manufacturer reviews. If that's something you'd like to see someday you can let me know.
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deoidesign · 10 months
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Coming in hot with a my little pony au of my niche webcomic ocs
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batri-jopa · 9 months
Take this letter... what's your name?
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Fanart of Maurice (1987), dir. James Ivory with Mrs pigeon-Durham and Alec sparrow-Scudder
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Oh no, not #bird version Maurice now! It's not my fault, voices made me do it!
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@morulezopelforever happy now?
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sysig · 2 months
What are some rare characters you love that you think people don’t draw or write about enough
Do Max and Dex count I love them and I feel like I'm approximately 80% of the Helix fandom rn lol
Doug Peterson and Russ Frushtick from Law Abiding Citizen - the fandom has gotten real quiet over time but I still love them so much ♥ There's a lot you can read into or leave silly with their dynamic, I still wholeheartedly recommend the emerge, transformed series as one of my favourite interpretations of Russ especially 💕
The Editor from Jazzpunk - he's just a silly little guy! It's honestly such a shame that he's only really in the last chapter, I would love to see him explored more, he's the worst ♪
Tatsumi Souichi from Koisuru Boukun - genuinely one of my all-time favourite characters, and The Only Good Tsundere as far as I'm concerned lol. I'm gonna write about him! I've got my fanfic and video essay sitting in my drafts, but like agh!! He's so interesting!!! So beautifully flawed - he's internally consistent which is my Favourite - and watching him grow and change while still being himself over literal years has been a truly unparalleled experience as a reader 💖
Luke Wigglebig and Florette from Pajama Sam: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet - I joked before about being the only person on the internet who ships them but like, I'm pretty sure that's actually true lol. Even just more fanart of them by themselves would make me happy, they're so cute!! Especially Luke, his design is adorable
And then probably a more well-known one but I haven't been following his fandom popularity lately haha, Fai D. Flowrite from Tsubasa - him, Nova, and Watanuki move in and out of being my CLAMP faves, though Fai is probably the most complex of the three of them. And he's a trash man! A garbage fire of a wizard ♥ I love him
#This also made me realize I didn't have a Jazzpunk link in my taglist over on Drabbles lol - fixed now!#And also that I apparently have a fairly wide margin for ''Characters who I want to see more of'' and ''Characters I want to make more of''#How rare are we talking here 'cause uhhh#If you wanna get into fancharacters/OCs/etc. I have perhaps Too Many of those as well lol#That's literally the only reason Max and Dex are a strikethrough because otherwise 10000%#And y'already know about my big feelings towards many others - I wouldn't have a whole Vargas blog if not lol#I have other OC faves as well :D Cheerybot jumps out to me haha#As well as when smol shares her characters with me <3#There was this one story that I was told by an artist as context for a commission and I was enthralled but never followed up on - a shame!#I ended up making a little extra art out of inspiration haha ♪#Anyway lol - these are just the ones that immediately spring to mind since I've drawn them :D#I almost certainly have more who just haven't made it to my paper yet lol#Not enough girls in this list - tossing in Wendy (and Jennifer) from Rule of Rose as well ♥#I could probably talk about several of these at even further length lol - I already have for some!#There's also specific dynamics I rarely see - my favourite rarepairs are probably Krillin/Vegeta(/Bulma/18) and Thranduil/Bilbo lol#There is too little appreciation for polyships!! So many of my faves have two hands!!#And to be fair Nova is probably rarer than Fai - there's definitely not enough fanfic about her dynamic with Hikaru!#I kept almost including other faves but I was like No Wait this about rare characters lol#I'm delighted to see all of my faves! But I would doubly so to see these get the love they deserve hehe <3#Can you tell that I really enjoy ahem Interesting Personalities lol#All my faves are disasters I love them <3
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femmeroi · 6 months
kill yourself faggot
Our relationship is rough right now, but in a few episodes we will be married.
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#Pretty sure I know who sent this considering... everything#If you manage to see this even after I blocked you heres a list of reasons why I blocked you- since you want to know so bad#1.) Your views on sex work are regressive- I don't like how you demeaned that line of work simply because a of model was mean to you#2.) I am not comfortable with the way you talk about trans people- you are casually mysgonistic and transphobic when talking about them#You being trans does not give you a pass for this imho#3.) For all the posturing you do about the ZeXal skirts you and your friends are weird about under age characters + the post about#Edo being “apparently legal” was just gross to me. Your friend being weird about Yuri is how I originally found and blocked you.#4.) I don't like how you called someone a bitch just because they blocked you- you said you gave their art “nothing but support”#Before they blocked you. People do not owe you kindness or time or patience just because you liked their art.#You are not entitled to friendship or courtesy or anything at all just because you rebloged someones art.#5.) You hate Yu/ bel so much you call them a “child predator” I REALLY don't think you'd like following me considering they're my angel#When I have time again I want to dedicate more of my posts to Judai/Yu/ bel/Jun content and you'd fucking hate your life seeing that#So I blocked you before that became an issue.#I had you blocked for a while but when the VRAINS discourse happened I unblocked you so I could easily see what was up#Unfortunately I forgot to reblock you and I only remembered about your whole existence after you interacted with me#Usually I say shit like “Not everyone is going to like you and you just have to accept that as okay”#But in your case- there's a reason so many people have you blocked.#It's not because you have a “problematic fave” like you claim- it's because you have rancid fucking vibes#I'd rather people not interact with or acknowledge this post btw- I'm going to ignore anything further because idgaf about it all#I just wanted to annoy mr deranged by yu/beling all over their ask lol
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raeygina-george · 9 months
Tumblr is so mean to me
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cimicherrychanga · 1 year
SO fucked up that when u study languages they also make u study architecture history and ant biology and economy and european politics hierarchy so by the end of the semester i still cant tie a proper sentence in any language but sure i can differentiate the neo gothic style from rococo or tell you what a bull market is
#shut up dave#im tired im tired im tired i dont care abt any of this#i mean i do enjoy architecture and art periods. i dont want to be required to know all of them#i have an exam tomorrow and one on sunday and one on wednesday and one on next saturday#then on monday and tuesday and the following saturday and monday too#and frankly. im only confident i can pass 3 maybe 4 of them#for the rest??? idk ill need to study and im very bad at that#but hey we got the grades back from the first exam!! the one i took last week and i got a 9 yippeee#that is out of 10#it was in german interpreting n like. genuinely. im good enough at consecutive interpreting that i dont think theres a way 4 me to fail#like even if i mess it up i cant do THAT bad#i had to do it 4 english today and i think i fucked up sooo big it was so embarrassing. but then we got to the critique of my performance#and. it was all the usual nitpicks? like few word choices#the occasional discordance with adjectival conjugation. few points that 'havent clearly come across'#in my mind i had missed like a whole half of the speech but apparently it was p good still#now the problem is. same prof who teaches that subject also teaches specialized languages#and im. very bad at that one for simple reason that i have not processed any information all year#um maybe next time dont make your class about the stock market? idk just a suggestion. i dont care for wallstreet or whatever.#tho to b fair i didnt care for the european parliament last year either so ig u just cant win me on those terms#but if we get to specializing on the judiciary field i think i wouldnt be able to keep ignoring it. because of the circumstances#i have two more shirt designs to finish before the month ends but as u can see school wants me dead at the same time#one of said designs is a full 7 character thing :/#and the other. well ive already made 3 thumbnails for it and nothing rly clicks the way i want it to
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wall-e-gorl · 11 months
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i said this yesterday and its been a while since i mentioned it and even longer since i explained what it means and why? basically a primary/intended audience is the people that will care about what youre putting out the most, first and foremost. ive centered my art's intended audience around myself, as a way to make sure i dont cloutchase or pin self worth on other's approval or get burnt out on things i dont want to draw. i know myself and how my brain works and none of those would be a good situation for either of us, so i make sure that i like the art i draw myself before i post it, and while i do consider what others think, i dont prioritize other's approval or attention over my own approval or attention on my art. its always appreciated but its never like. the main sole initiative to post whatever ive drawn next
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disownedbytiime · 10 months
The worst take I’ve seen about tumblr ‘rules’ for refugees is “if you only like stuff, people will think you are rude”
Like ??? Who tf would think it’s rude to like posts? Are you dumb? Sure, reblogs are nice and depending on the posts it helps them more, but who in their sane mind will think it’s rude to like posts. Who? Like ffs don’t tell people how to use their blog
I’d prefer someone who only likes my posts than someone who reblogs 1000x posts a minute and only because they feel obliged to do so. Like let people use their brains and decide what they want on their blogs, don’t make them feel guilty for fucking liking a post.
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lethbians · 1 year
had a bad dream and now im in a bad mood. hate how that accidental cranial self-sabotage works
#had this dream where it was like 10 years in the future#and i had become a recluse and never went on social media#but memo and i still talked and we had by this time written like 50 aus together#and one day they stopped responding in chat for weeks and i was so worried#that i went and registered for a new facebook account and looked them up#and for some reason found that there were like a million fan pages for them#turns out theyd been spending the whole 10 years getting famous off our au content#like posting art from it and even writing bits#and as i scrolled down i found like exact jokes or whatever id made too#and there was never any mention of me like… memo had built this empire from Our work#and back when we were dating that was one of the things that pissed me off the most#like their refusal to acknowledge me in general but specifically like#posting either My Literal Joke (they eventually gave me credit but atp i didnt want it i was mad it happened at all)#or like art that only existed bc of our aus and sometimes even art where eddie was wearing an outfit i picked out#and theyd pretend like i just straight up didnt exist in relation to it#and i remember trying to talk to them abt it and said literally even just mentioning its from an au w a friend u dont have to even tag me#just stop pretending like i dont exist ykwim#anyway they were doing that but got EXTREMELY famous like#millions of followers. unrealistic amnts like the kind only billionaires who buy them get#and they were rolling in money. and when i dmd them about it and commented on the fb posts they got deleted n i was blocked#and when i went to our messaging app (it was like discord but not? it was like a mix of discord and google docs)#i found theyd blocked me and deleted our server#the dream changed after that and i was like in my college editing lab but#PISSED ME OFF AND NOW IM IN A BAD MOOD and i HATE when stupid ass dreams make me angry like#bro its a fucking dream 😭😭😭 grow up 😭😭😭#im blaming my lack of sleep. whtv.#i think the thing that makes me so angry is that while this dream wld never happen#well i mean memo will likely be a famous artist but not like this#WHILE this dream would never happen i bet u a million dollars if i redownloaded twitter n went to their page id find a bunch of art#from our aus that do not mention the fact theyre from aus with me LOL
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roadsaltedpretzels · 2 years
Hello world I’m still alive I think I’m gonna start posting here again
I’ll explain where I’ve been in a readmore if anyone is curious for some reason but anyway hi folks I can finally draw again and I think I might finally be back
So to keep the very long, tedious story short, about 2 years ago I started having constant pain in my arms and hands that eventually became intolerable and I completely lost the ability to draw (or do Most Things) for months. Turns out I have a herniated disc in my cervical spine, probably from a really bad car accident I was in. The pain has since gotten much better (tho still more or less constant) but the depression it contributed to didn’t really get better with it, especially with a bunch of other stressful things that have been happening. I was also feeling really uninspired in general and kind of hated my art at the time, so all that compounded resulted in a total loss of art drive. I legit have barely drawn anything in 2 years. Which worsened the depression, since drawing was the most important thing in the world to me. It’s been a bad spiral.
Well, last month, one of the worst things that could happen to me happened and now I’m out of a job and somehow, some way, I’m actually starting to bounce back up now. I’ve been playing a lot of pokemon in my ample free time and it’s actually been giving me the inspiration and drive I’ve been missing for so long. I’ve drawn more in the last 2 weeks than I have in the entire 2 years since I stopped posting here.
So yeah, I think I’m gonna start sharing some art again. I don’t have a ton of it but out of what I have, a lot of it’s going to be pokemon. I also have some dnd character art I managed a while ago. I was always too shy to share ocs since I figure no one would care about them, but that’s about all I have now, so it’s going to have to do.
I’ll also be opening commissions here pretty soonish, so keep an eye out for details if you’re interested! I don’t have any other source of income right now so it would be a big help!!
Thanks for sticking around if you did! No idea how active I’ll be from here on out or what I’ll be sharing primarily but I want to get back to creating. I’ve missed it very badly. 
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trans-p03g · 2 years
Not the final design so it won't be included in the future post but I still felt like showing this
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Little bastard man in the GaP AU
#spooky arts#i have so many issues with this design#first off. he looks nothing like p03. aside from the freckles or the specific way i draw his eyes/brows (but youd have to follow my art to#know this) theres nothing that tells you who it is at the first glance.#secondly. he looks too young. baby faced motherfucker. i mean these fickers dont age normally on the account of not being organic but#COME ON. HE LOOKS LIKE A TEENAGER.#the colours are. eh? i think my biggest mistake was giving it a blueish tint meaning i couldnt make its eyes blue or the design would be#too monotone. next attempt i'll use more greyish colours or some other timt.#i do like the eyeshadow and freckles and the two tone hair though. will include that in the revision#hate how the hair looks like normal hair though. ill have to figure out how to make it look more like itd belong on a being made of rock#design aside the implications of making them a Crystalian royalty keep hitting me. like somebody periodically throwing bricks at my face.#first off. motherfucker's a sibling to my bestie's oc. wild to think about.#secondly. i didnt even considered this when making this decision but motherfucker is distantly related to a literal god#his family pledged loyalty to the equivalent of a fucking Cthulhu. and the only reason he wasnt immediately fucking murdered upon ending up#on earth was because he could be useful in finding where his family is. fucking wild.#accidentally making this au into a political drama which seems oddly fitting considering the source material#'gods and pawns' is. a very accurate title for this au huh
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Sometimes I don't want to create anymore
#♡ - Rosie is emotional#ive been creating for years art and writing wise and have tried commissions for both multiple times after building a platform#it always fails#and when i ask for support its rarely if never done#i only get likes and follows everyday and when i ask for reblogs i get nothing#the amount of reblogs i get each week are 10 or less#im giving my kofi time but i literally have no one supporting me despite my heavy boosting#i rarely get interactions and the reoccurring anons i have havent been around for a while#my moots interact and i love them for it tbh theyre the only reason i have a will to stay#it feels as though im only here to give free pieces of hard work and am to always be ignored when i ask for a smidgen of support to let me-#know ive done well or that i should keep going#ive tried instagram tiktok twitter and quotev#no one wants art and creativity when its not free#and that hurts yk#i want to pursue my art and writing so badly#i want to become an author and publish books about all sorts of genres#i have hopes and dreams but in constantly proved that theyre nearly impossible- only a slim chance to succeed#sometimes i think i should just give up and get a retail job cuz ill have more success there than i could anywhere else#i have over 1k posts on here and majority are pieces of writing#theres well over 10 thousand words all together#is it really too much to ask for author&reader interactions and low costing support??#its so tiring giving all of the time just to recieve crumbs#my writing has been available to the public since 2016 and my art has been as well#yet here ive been making small reminder posts to interact or garner some support#what am i doing wrong? is my work truly valued?#its just so much work and im constantly spending all day writing and writing for others for absolutely free#i want to make people happy and secure with my writing- and ive done well from what little feedback i recieve#but i cant keep going without proper support and more feedback#it all feels lost and i want to give up
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knifeslidez · 2 years
currently stuck between the thought that either my art sucks shit or the instagram algorithm is fucking me over. fun times. definitely enjoying life rn
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cherry-shipping · 2 years
so awesome me and sans date idea we just get high together
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