#lil darkie fan art
crabpeopleart888 · 5 months
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I drew lil darkie !!!!
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spaceclownn · 1 year
•The usual, racist, homophobic, zoophile, etc
•Proship/Comship, ur a weirdo.
•A part of any sh tumblr or TCC
•Anti Neoprounouns/Xenogenders
•"You can't separate art from artist" mfs
•Flag discourse mfs, i'll use whatever flag i want :3
•Under 13, what r u even doing on here silly
•Hates Cis, Het, White, basically any non minority just bc they aren't one
•Dsmp fans, Most FNF, BlueyCapsules, Kpop, The Digital Circus, & Bluey fans....sorry u guys are pretty annoying.........
•If you use typing quirks (if you don't use them around me idc but they annoy me and hurt my brain)
•if u say or believe in KAM (k¡ll all men), stfu
• IF YOU SHIP ALEXANDER AND DANIEL FROM AMNESIA. idgaf if you 'aged daniel up', get the hell away from me and my page
•if ur anti 'problematic' fandoms/music; i like alfreds playhouse, ranfren, msi, and lil darkie. i will probably not post about them much if at all because they're not main interests or anything but that is a fair warning for u :P (i don't support the people behind the works listed; separate art from artist ppl!! lil darkie did nothing wrong tho lelz)
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sendhelpmydudes · 2 years
welcome to my shithole.
my name is justin. i use he/it pronouns. thingz i like / fandoms im in: mcr, hermit crabs, salad fingers, south park, punk rock, punk rap, spider gang, lil darkie, healing crystals/chakras, funko pops, 2000's emo, painting, art, music listening, korn, nu metal, chunky boots, being a massive homo DNI IF: homophobic, transphobic, ybc supporter/enjoyer, dream smp fan/stan, ablest, non-ukraine supporter. things i post: shitposts, rambaling, stimboards, headcannons, opinons of mine, roleplaying
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myriadsystem · 7 years
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Some Anti fanart w filters
…Hope I’m not too late for that art event
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potuzzz · 3 years
AWAL Submission
Firstly, to address the suggested info: I have never been covered by a blog, radio, etc. I have yet to do a live show but I have several shows planned for this upcoming June in Charlotte, NC, as well as at the 3 Rivers Festival in Fort Wayne, IN in July. My main collaborator is a new one, osbVoren (who has little online presence), we are working on an EP, which I can provide links to--it's definitely some of our best work as individuals. Other than that, I have a best friend who occasionally works with me (usually on non-music related things, but sometimes music). I am my team. I am my PR, my marketer, my social media manager, my cinematographer, my producer, my cover art artist, my writer, my photographer, my sound engineer, my coach, my cheerleader, & my ever-unsatiated stockholder. I have a very clear vision for what I want all my social medias, my music, & my related enterprises to look like & how they all coincide & branch out; I have had neither the clout nor the money to get help from anyone else. I am completely self-taught, from rapping to producing/using DAWs to much else.
So, yeah, to point out the elephant in the room: I have little social media numbers. My biggest platform is YouTube & I just recently hit 100 subscribers over years of work (though I will say, it has been (relatively) exponential the last ~6 months). I'm here for the long game. I'm not a dime-a-dozen "in in June, out in October" 15-seconds-of-fame interchangeable rapper, I am an artist that is aiming for the long game, & I know I have both the arsenal of skills, the ocean of creativity, the agile versatility, the raw passion, the unsleeping ambition, & the stony perseverance to get it & hold it. I have the personality to stand out once I bloodily carve out my spot through years, if not decades of uphill battle. I will die a nobody or a household name. I am a risk. I refuse to compromise in sickly ways, to temper myself in unnecessary ways, to play it safe & follow all the rules & step on zero toes & jump on the next trend in an increasingly desperate gambit to fuel ego or pocketbook. I am not desperate. I am not here to beg; this long, rambly novella of myself is but a grain of the energy I exert on a daily basis. I respect your company & WANT to be a part of it, but if you say no I will succeed without you.
I am KiG V2. I make music, most of which falls under the vast blanket of rap/hip-hop. It is dark, but not "grimdark"; I am not excessively dark, I am not the usual trapmetal artist or the like. I have joy, sadness, and much else. It is conscious, it is lyrical, but it can also be plastic & frivolous. Appreciating my catalog in its fullness reveals a definite, concrete form of what I am & what I hope to accomplish, but for many, at a glance, it will seem alien, incoherent, insane. I am not easy for new listeners that are biased against numbers, but I am the type of the person that gets told in person & online regularly by the fringes of society how much my music means to them. I know I have potential. I am a pill that is hard, even scary to swallow, but which provides unfathomed ecstasy to those that dare.
I have a myriad of inspirations & people who I rub shoulders with sonically that are not part of any well-defined subgenre. XXXTENTACION, Kendrick, Lil Darkie, Cole, Earl Sweatshirt, Aesop Rock, Brockhampton & SOAD are my most overt, though a lot of what I do is truly unique to myself. While I can appreciate better than anyone else that I am at a disadvantage in trying to achieve large success, I also know it is not impossible; I have the ability to be an alternative icon. I have depths that cult-like fans could sink indefinitely into, & I have an eye and taste that if fully enabled could catch the most occupied in our attention-based Coliseum.
I am running out of space--I'm not one for brevity--but just know that what I lack in numbers I make up for in all else. Want the next X? The choice is yours. Either way, bless. 137 💙
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crabpeopleart888 · 23 days
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brahman / lil darkie fan art >:]
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