aryap · 2 years
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Departure and Arrival
Setelah deg-degan nungguin selama tujuh minggu, pengumuman bahwa visa gue dikabulkan baru nongol hari Kamis, 6 Oktober 2022, malam hari sekitar jam 20.00 WIB. Fyuh, lega banget. Padahal beberapa jam sebelumnya, gue udah batalin booking Airbnb sebelum kartu kredit kena charge. Takut visanya beneran nggak terbit tepat waktu dan gue harus bayar buat 7 malam kan rugi bandar banget. 
Ya sudahlah, untungnya visa terbit tepat waktu dan berlaku untuk multiple entry hingga akhir Maret 2023. Gue langsung cari-cari penginepan yang harganya jelas udah nggak murah. Akhirnya dapat hotel kecil di deket Stasiun Paddington buat tiga malam pertama. Gue milih tempat yang deket sama tengah kota karena berdasarkan pengalaman ngetrip di NYC tahun 2014, meski naik kereta/subway nggak macet, tapi kalo sekali jalan butuh 30an menit, tetep aja repot dan males. Gue juga melanjutkan persiapan packing yang sebenarnya nggak banyak. Memastikan nggak ada yang ketinggalan, termasuk beberapa bawaan buat temen-temen yang tinggal di UK.
Selain itu gue juga mengonfirmasi pembelian tiket pertandingan Manchester United vs Newcastle United lewat seorang teman. Pertandingannya berlangsung hari Minggu tanggal 16 Oktober sore hari, jadi gue juga langsung arrange tiket kereta dari London ke Manchester lewat Sheffield (mampir rumah Renny dulu semalam) dan Manchester-London direct.
Tanggal 9 Oktober sore, gue berangkat ke bandara naik KA Bandara dari Dukuh Atas. Niatnya mau makan dulu di sana sebelum ke bandara, tapi kecele karena ternyata semua toko, kafe dan restoran di stasiun KA Bandara masih tutup semenjak pandemi. Sampe di konter cek-in Turkish Airlines, nggak ada antrean. Kayaknya sebagian besar penumpang flight TK57 yang akan gue naikin udah cek in di awal karena mereka berupa rombongan umrah. Bagasi gue juga ringan, cuma 15kg dari batas maksimal 30kg. 
Berangkat dari Soekarno Hatta sekitar jam 21.40WIB, TK57 terbang selama 12 jam buat nyampe di Istanbul sekitar jam 6.00 waktu setempat. Bandara ini masih anyar banget karena baru dipakai bulan April 2019. Terminalnya besar, bersih, nyaman, banyak tempat duduk-duduk dan colokan, kafe-kafe penjual makanan dan minuman juga banyak. Jadi jangan takut bosan sih kalo naik Turkish Airlines dan transit di Istanbul. Selain itu, di sana juga udah nggak berlaku aturan buat pake masker. Sebagian kecil yang masih tertib pake masker biasanya orang-orang berwajah Asia Timur aja.
Setelah hampir tiga jam transit, gue naik penerbangan lanjutan TK1979 rute Istanbul-Heathrow jam 8.55 waktu setempat. Kalo di TK57 kebanyakan penumpang adalah WNI, dengan sebagian besar di antaranya jamaah umrah, maka TK1979 sepertinya banyak dinaiki oleh warga negara UK. Indikasinya sih dari diversity orang-orangnya yang sering diliat di berita-berita, film atau acara TV dari Inggris. lol. 
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Setelah 3 jam-an terbang TK1979 mendarat di Heathrow sekitar jam 9.55 waktu setempat (beda waktu Istanbul dengan London adalah dua jam). Langit di atas Heathrow mendung, tipikal banget cuaca Inggris, tapi nggak ada hujan dan pendaratan berlangsung mulus.
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Melewati border control UK sempat bikin gue nervous. Teringatlah pengalaman beberapa kali melewati border control Amerika yang sangat ketat, galak dan diskriminatif, gue takut ada kejadian serupa. Antrean panjang, tapi majunya lumayan cepat. Gue beruntung karena petugas imigrasi yang melayani gue ternyata ramah. Dia menyapa mengucapkan selamat pagi dan nanyain keperluan gue berkunjung. Gue jawab bahwa gue mau sightseeing, nonton bola dan ketemu sama beberapa teman. Pas gue bilang gue mau nonton bola, dia tersenyum. Mungkin paham lah bahwa emang ada orang-orang yang harus terbang belasan atau puluhan ribu km buat nonton bola. Kemudian, setelah menanyakan apakah gue udah punya return ticket atau belum (jawabannya tentu saja sudah), maka gue diizinkan lewat. Sungguh cepat, kurang dari 3 menit. 
Di London
Setelah top up Oyster Card buat naik transportasi, gue naik Tube Piccadilly Line buat ke tengah kota. Kereta di line ini ukurannya kecil dan pendek dan keliatan banget udah tua. Nggak cuma berisik, tapi juga nggak berpendingin udara. Untungnya suhu bulan Oktober udah cukup dingin jadi masuk ke dalam kereta nggak kaya masuk ke oven. hahaha.
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Sampe ke Paddington, ternyata cuaca cerah nggak kaya di Heathrow. Suhu udara sekitar 13 derajat celcius. Masih enak buat pake kaos pendek aja buat jalan-jalan. Setelah titip koper ke hotel, gue cari makan siang di sekitaran Paddington dan balik lagi ke hotel buat cek in. Habis itu mulailah gue mengeksplor London. 
Sebagai anak kota, gue seneng banget naik turun Tube dan bus merah yang ikonik tersebut. Ke mana-mana enak karena pasti ada transportasi umumnya. Gue sangat kagum dengan bangunan-bangunan di London yang punya ciri khas tersendiri. Banyak bangunan tua, bahkan yang dari era medieval, yang masih berdiri kokoh dan memperkuat identitas London sebagai salah satu kota tertua di Eropa sekaligus pusat ekonomi, budaya dan pendidikan di masa lalu dan masa sekarang.
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Gue memprioritaskan untuk mengunjungi tempat-tempat bersejarah, museum, taman, pasar dan city landmarks lain. Gue gak akan berpanjang lebar tentang itinerary gue dan buat yang penasaran dengan tempat-tempat yang gue kunjungi, bisa diliat di sini. Selain itu, gue juga memposting tempat-tempat yang gue kunjungi di feed dan story highlight di Instagram gue. Jangan lupa berkunjung dan follow ya!
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Oh iya, beberapa teman sempat bertanya juga tentang jet lag. Kenapa bisa gue begitu mendarat bisa langsung bepergian sampe malam. Lalu malemnya bisa langsung tidur dan bangun pagi. Apa nggak ngantuk di siang hari dan melek di malam hari? 
Jadi, gue cukup aware bahwa ternyata kemampuan mengatasi jet lag itu nggak dimiliki setiap orang. Kuncinya sebenarnya adalah ketika masih di perjalanan, gue menyesuaikan jam tubuh gue dengan waktu di kota tujuan. Jadi misalnya saat masih di pesawat malem, tapi di tempat tujuan udah siang, sebaiknya jangan tidur banyak-banyak. Anggaplah lo udah di zona waktu kota tujuan dan seharusnya pada saat itu badan lo lagi bangun. Demikian juga sebaliknya. Cara ini mengeliminasi kebutuhan badan buat beradaptasi saat sudah nyampe. Bayangin aja kalo waktu tripnya cuma tujuh hari, tapi dua hari dipake buat beradaptasi dengan zona waktu setempat, jadinya banyak waktu terbuang sia-sia kan.
Lalu, gimana dengan perjalanan ke Manchester dan nonton MU di Old Trafford? Nantikan di tulisan ketiga, ya.
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tour-travel-world · 1 year
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𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬
☑️ 𝐆𝐞𝐭 the 𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 on 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝. ☑️ 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 can 𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬, 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐬 with 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 to 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞. ☑️ 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐬 in 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧 to 𝐭𝐚𝐱𝐢 in 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 can 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 to 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐫 on 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥. ☑️ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 help 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 in 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧, 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 have 𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝.
🌐 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐄𝐧𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐲:- https://www.tourtravelworld.com/packages/london-holiday-packages.htm
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arwenisnthere · 2 years
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londonlocalguide · 7 months
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10 Must-Know Tips Before Your Travel to London
A melting pot of culture, art, and history may be found in London, the vivacious and ancient capital of the United Kingdom. There are some crucial suggestions that can improve your experience and guarantee a straightforward vacation if you're thinking about visiting this famous city. Ten things you need to know before visiting London are listed below:
Pack for Variable Weather: Packing clothing for all seasons is vital because London's weather may be erratic. To be ready for unforeseen weather changes, bring layers, a waterproof jacket, and comfortable walking shoes.
Use Oyster Cards or Contactless Payment: The public transit network in London is effective and well-connected. For use on buses, trains, and the London Underground, choose an Oyster card or contactless payment options such a credit or debit card. You'll save time and get better value out of your money by doing this.
Mind the Gap: The statement "Mind the Gap" is displayed at the platforms of the London Underground (Tube), therefore be aware of it if you plan to ride it. It advises travellers to exercise caution when getting on and off trains.
Free Attractions: Numerous free attractions are available in London, including the British Museum, National Gallery, and Tate Modern. Profit from these cultural treasures without paying any money.
Book Attractions in Advance: It's a good idea to reserve tickets in advance for famous sights like the London Eye, Buckingham Palace, and West End performances to prevent disappointment and lengthy lines.
Stand on the Right: On the London Underground, stand to the right of the escalator to allow passengers who are rushing to ascend or descend to do so on the left.
Tipping Culture: In London, tipping is customarily accepted but not required. Although a service charge is frequently tacked on to restaurant bills, feel free to add one for exceptional treatment.
Emergency Contact: Keep the emergency phone numbers for the police, fire, and ambulance services in your phone in case something untoward happens.
Time Zone: In the winter, London observes Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), while in the summer, when the clocks advance an hour, it observes British Summer Time (BST).
Stay Safe: London is a safe city, but just like any other big city, it's important to remain alert and follow the usual safety precautions to protect your belongings.
Consider the length of your trip and the locations you want to visit when organising your London tour. Plan your itinerary carefully to get the most of your trip to London, a city with a rich history and a variety of attractions. Every traveller can find something to do in London, whether they wish to explore the cultural icons of the city, shop on well-known streets like Oxford Street, or enjoy West End theatre performances. You're prepared for an unforgettable trip to London with these essential advice and a thoughtfully designed tour itinerary.
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tripruby · 1 year
The 5 Best Hotels In London With A View
Are you planning a trip to London and looking for the best hotels with a view? Look no further! In this blog post, we'll be counting down the top 5 hotels in London that offer stunning views of the city. Each of these hotels provide breath taking views of the iconic skyline that makes your stay in London unforgettable. So, let's get started and take a look at the 5 best hotels in London with a view.
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Shangri-La Hotel, At The Shard
Located on the 34th to 52nd floors of the iconic Shard skyscraper, Shangri-La Hotel, At The Shard offers sweeping views of London. Enjoy breathtaking panoramas from the hotel’s comfortable rooms and suites, all of which have floor-to-ceiling windows. Not only does this give guests an unmatched view of the city, but the light that pours in is truly spectacular. With a stay at this 5-star luxury hotel, guests can explore all the luxury of London while also enjoying some of the best views the city has to offer.
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The hotel’s signature restaurant, TĪNG, offers modern British cuisine with a twist from award-winning chefs. The menu is inspired by local ingredients and flavors, and guests can enjoy a meal with a stunning backdrop of the River Thames and Tower Bridge. From the restaurant, guests can take an elevator to one of the highest bars in London - GŎNG – where they can relax and sip cocktails while enjoying breath taking 360-degree views of the city.
The Shangri-La Hotel, At The Shard is not only well known for its incredible views, but also for its attentive service and luxurious amenities. Guests can enjoy 24-hour room service, spa treatments, a well-equipped fitness center, and more. Whether you’re looking to explore London or just want to relax and take in some of the most amazing views around, you won’t be disappointed with the Shangri-La Hotel, At The Shard.
Room Price Per Night: $700 To $1200 Per Night
2) Corinthia Hotel
Located in the heart of London, the luxurious Corinthia Hotel offers spectacular views of the River Thames and the city skyline. With its elegant décor and award-winning restaurants, the Corinthia is the perfect place to stay while exploring London.
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The hotel offers a variety of room options, all of which feature comfortable beds, flat-screen TVs, and marble bathrooms. Guests can also enjoy complimentary access to the hotel’s on-site spa, as well as a fitness centre.
Enjoy a meal or drinks at one of the hotel’s many restaurants or lounges, including the Bassoon Bar & Restaurant, and the Crystal Moon Lounge. Additionally, guests can take advantage of the nearby attractions, such as The London Eye, The Tower of London, and Westminster Abbey. Whether you’re looking for a romantic getaway or a luxurious business trip, the Corinthia Hotel is the perfect place for you.
Room Price Per Night: $800 To $2000 Per Night
3) Four Seasons Hotel London at Park Lane
Experience some of the best views of London from the luxurious “Four Seasons Hotel London at Park Lane”. This hotel offers guests the opportunity to stay in a unique part of London, as it’s situated just off Park Lane and close to Hyde Park and Buckingham Palace. Guests of this hotel can enjoy views of some of the city’s most iconic landmarks, such as Big Ben, Westminster Abbey and St Paul’s Cathedral.
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The rooms are designed for maximum comfort and style, with the highest quality beds, crisp white linens and deluxe furnishings. The rooms also offer amazing views of the city, with floor-to-ceiling windows that offer breath-taking vistas. If you’re looking for something even more special, opt for one of the hotel’s suites or penthouse suites, which offer luxurious features such as large terraces with private hot tubs and panoramic views of the city.
Guests of the Four Seasons Hotel can dine on classic British fare at the Park Room Restaurant and Bar, or enjoy a light snack at The Garden Lounge. There is also a heated pool and spa, so you can relax and take in the views in complete comfort. The hotel’s attentive staff are always on hand to make your stay as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.
The Four Seasons Hotel is also an excellent choice for those looking for a luxury stay with unparalleled views of London. Whether you want to take in the sights or just relax and enjoy all that the hotel has to offer, it’s sure to be an unforgettable experience.
Room Price Per Night: $800 To $2000 Per Night
4) The Soho Hotel
The Soho Hotel is a `contemporary hotel located in the heart of London's Soho neighborhood. The hotel boasts stunning city views from its prime location, making it an ideal spot for visitors looking to take in the sights of the bustling city.
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The hotel is designed with modern elegance in mind, featuring luxurious suites with cozy furnishings and amenities such as flat-screen TVs and complimentary Wi-Fi. All of the rooms offer views of the city skyline, allowing guests to take in the sights from their private balcony.
The hotel also features two on-site restaurants, Bar Sofia and Refuel, which serve up modern takes on classic Italian dishes. Guests can enjoy al fresco dining at the terrace bar, or indulge in delicious cocktails at the hotel's vibrant lounge bar.
The Soho Hotel offers a unique experience for visitors looking for a convenient base with a spectacular view. With its chic and modern design, luxurious accommodations, and excellent dining options, it's no surprise that this hotel is one of the best in London.
Room Price Per Night: $600 To $1500 Per Night
5) Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park
Bang in the middle of central Knightsbridge  and Royal Parkland, Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, London is a timeless heritage hotel with unmatched service. Millions of pounds was spent for the restoration of the hotel, in order to maintain its history. Famous designer Joyce Wang, design new looks of the of all the rooms, suites and public areas.
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The hotel boasts three restaurants, and collectively has a two Michelin star rating. According to most locals the Mandarin Oriental is one of the finest culinary destinations in the city.
The Mandarin Oriental offers a special “London Audio Tour”. This tour, takes guests through the hotel’s historic neighbourhood of South Kensington & Knightsbridge. This tour will help you explore everything from the Natural History Museum to the Royal Palace ( including other major sights, scenery & shops )
Unfortunately the only drawback of this hotel is that not every room comes with a view (some rooms can literally just have the view of the parking area outside). So if you are looking for a view, you will have specifically request for a room with a view.  
The Mandarin Oriental is truly one of the best heritage hotels in the city of London and If you manage to get a room with a direct view of Knightsbridge, then you are in serious luck as it does not get better than this.
Room Price Per Night: $1000 To $2200 Per Night
London is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and staying in a hotel with a view of the city can make your trip even more special. Whether you’re visiting for business or pleasure, there are a variety of hotels that offer stunning views of London city. From our experience, the 5 hotels that we have touched base on are truly the best of them all. Whether you're planning a romantic getaway or just looking for a luxurious staycation, these 5 hotels offer unparalleled views that will leave you completely speechless
As for every vacation, always remember to plan your vacation wisely, and once at your destination always remain alert, street smart and most of all…don’t forget to “HAVE FUN”…😊
Read The Original Post @ https://tripruby.com/the-5-best-hotels-in-london-with-a-view/
 To book cheap & discounted hotels in LONDON: Visit our HOME PAGE : Compare Prices Of over 1000+ Hotels In London.
Book Your Vacation With tripruby.com : Get UPTO 70% Of On Hotel Bookings !!
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tiklacars · 1 year
The best places for travelling in London .Book Your Minicab
 Here https://bit.ly/tiklacars.
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gyurmafater · 2 years
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That’s not what it seems like. It’s better!🤩 #dayoff #londontrip #camdenmarket #camdentown #coulinarytourism #skater #newera #newera59fifty #couplegoals #loveislove (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChA4TH3MkKw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vivamundoreisen · 2 years
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Was für ein schönes Feedback unserer Fußballfrauen ⚽️ vielen Dank dafür 🙏 Liebe Michaela, Wir sind gestern aus London zurückgekommen. Alles hat Bestens geklappt. Das Hotel können wir nur empfehlen. Gute Lage in ruhigem Viertel. U-Bahn- und Busstation sehr nahe gelegen. Die Zwillingsbrüder die das Hotel betreiben waren sehr zuvorkommend, humorvoll, aufmerksam und haben einen großen Anteil am positiven Eindruck unseres Wochenendes. Zimmer und Badezimmer sind etwas klein, aber gut ausgestattet. Kein Fahrstuhl. Das Frühstück wird am Tisch serviert, gute Auswahl an Beilagen. Das Finale war sehr spannend und voller Emotionen. Ich war noch bei keinem Fußballspiel mit 87000 Zuschauern. Die Disziplin der Zuschauer und der gegenseitige Respekt von englischen und deutschen Fans war schon einmalig. Keiner verließ das Stadion vor der Pokalüberreichung, keine betrunkenen Zuschauer. Die nächste EM findet 2025 statt. Die Länder, die sich gemeldet haben sind Polen, die Ukraine, Frankreich, Schweiz und die skandinavischen Länder (Schweden, Norwegen und Dänemark) zusammen. Wir haben fest eingeplant ,auch zu diesem Finale zu fahren. Der deutsche Fussballbund hat seine Kandidatur eingereicht für die Frauen WM 2027. Vielen Dank für Eure Bemühungen zu diesem Event. Anbei ein Foto von den Betreibern des Hotels mit unserer Gruppe. Mit sportlichen Grüßen PJ ⚽️ London ist nicht nur zum Fußball-Finale eine tolle Stadt, gern organisieren wir auch Eure Reise nach London, sei es zum Shoppen, zum Musicalbesuch oder einen Junggesellinnenabschied, Ideen haben wir reichlich 🤩 Meldet Euch gern bei mir: [email protected] oder per WhatsApp +49 173 687 37 19 #frauenreisenweltweit #frauenreisen #frauenreise #frauenreisengemeinsam #frauenaufreisen #frauenunterwegs #frauenurlaub #frauenwochenende #frauenauszeit #mädelswochenende #mädelsreise #londontrip #londonladiestrip #frauenfussball #frauenfußballem2022 (hier: London, Unιted Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg9omWWMJWm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sukhjitdhaliwal99 · 2 years
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@maharajasweetsandcaterers_uk 📍 serve you Bread Pakora, a popular food and teatime snack from Indian cuisine, is a perfect snack to serve with a cup of tea in cool relaxing winter evening or rainy afternoon. Bread pakora:£1.00 Maharajasweetscateres_uk Now available at both store: 📌Slough-8 Grasmere Parade-SL25HZ 📌 Reading -227 London Road, RG1 3NY 📌 Orders for private parties & events booking can be made via DM #uk #ukblogger #rdguk #universityofreading #ukparty #readingbuses #food #sloughuk #londonbylondoners #londontrip #readinguk #londonuk #maharajasweetsandcateres_uk (at UK) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgtLv7urLt3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chloesdiaries · 2 years
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Tried scrapbooking to remember our London travel ❤️
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aryap · 2 years
Akhirnya ke UK
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Bagian 1 dari 3 Tulisan
Sebenarnya udah agak males ya buat nulis blog perjalanan beginian. So last decade banget nggak sih? Tapi akhirnya ditulis juga karena katanya kan, “verba volant, scripta manent” alias kata-kata itu sementara, tetapi tulisan itu abadi. Tsailah. Apalagi, bisa dibilang ini adalah perjalanan terpenting buat gue pribadi; perjalanan lintas benua pertama sejak 2014 dan perjalanan lintas benua pertama yang gue keluar biaya sendiri.
Perjalanannya sendiri udah selesai lebih dari dua minggu lalu, tapi beneran baru sempat buat nulis sekarang. Awalnya malas, lalu ketabrak agenda ngetrip ke Semarang juga. Lame excuses, but now, let’s do this!
Gue udah memutuskan buat pergi ke UK sejak akhir tahun 2021. Gue merasa ini waktu yang tepat karena restriksi Covid-19 sudah banyak dilonggarkan. Masuk ke UK udah nggak perlu karantina dan waktu pulang kembali ke Indonesia juga udah nggak ada karantina. 
Selain itu, dengan ultimate goal gue adalah nonton Manchester United, maka menurut gue ini adalah momen yang tepat karena musim depan bakal ada pelatih baru dan Cristiano Ronaldo kemungkinan masih bertahan. Meski jadwal baru akan keluar di bulan Juli 2022, tekad gue udah bulat. Apa pun jadwalnya, siapa pun pelatih barunya, gue harus jalan.
Hal pertama yang gue pikirkan adalah tiket pesawat. Jadilah, mulai awal 2022 itu gue udah mulai pasang alerts di Skyscanner buat rute Jakarta-Heathrow. Selain itu juga mulai mengamati agenda-agenda promo app tiketing kaya Traveloka dan Tiket. 
Beberapa minggu, berbilang bulan, harga tiket terbilang masih sangat masuk akal. Lalu di sekitaran Maret (kalo nggak salah), jumlah orang travelling mulai picking up. Gue mengamati terjadinya revenge travel; sebuah fenomena yang wajar karena selama dua tahun, manusia terkungkung larangan bepergian. Makanya, setelah pelarangan udah banyak dilonggarkan, banyak yang buru-buru buat bepergian.
Bulan April 2022, momennya datang. Gue memutuskan beli tiket buat tanggal 9-17 Oktober. Waktunya ideal karena masih musim gugur di mana cuaca udah nggak panas tapi juga belum terlalu dingin, serta cahaya matahari juga masih cukup lumayan panjang alias gelap nggak datang terlalu cepat. Saat itu pas banget lagi ada promo dari Tiket.com, jadi tiket Turkish Airlines Soekarno Hatta-Heathrow vv seharga Rp9,5 juta bisa gue tebus dengan harga Rp8 juta pas!
Oiya, seperti yang gue udah singgung di atas, gue berangkat tanpa tahu jadwal MU main kapan, di mana dan lawan siapa. Gue cuma taunya minggu itu nggak ada jeda pertandingan internasional. Nah, kebetulan banget tiket yang gue beli itu ternyata kategori yang bisa di-reschedule. Jadi gue pikir, kalo misalnya di tanggal-tanggal itu nggak ada pertandingan MU di Old Trafford, gue bisa ganti tanggal aja.
Paspor dan Visa
Di atas, gue belum cerita bahwa paspor gue habis masa berlakunya di bulan Agustus 2022. Hanya saja, urusan paspor ini gue cukup santai karena meski saat beli gue input nomor paspor lama, gue tau gue bisa ganti nomor paspor di Tiket. Maka di bulan Mei, abis Lebaran, gue mengurus paspor baru di Imigrasi Jakarta Selatan. Dalam seminggu, paspor udah jadi. Cukup cepat walau pun dalam proses pembuatannya bisa dibilang nggak lancar-lancar amat karena banyak banget printilan syarat-syarat yang ngerepotin dari Imigrasi.
Setelah paspor jadi dan gue berhasil meng-update nomor paspor yang terdaftar di Tiket, gue mulai riset buat ngurus visa UK sendiri. Ada sih yang nawarin jasa agen buat ngurusin visa, tapi ngeliat tarifnya yang Rp2,5 juta, sayang juga duitnya ya kan. Bisa buat beli tiket pertandingan. LOL. 
Di bawah ini beberapa poin penting yang harus disiapin kalo ngurus visa UK sendiri:
1. Visa diajukan paling cepat 3 (tiga) bulan atau 90 hari sebelum tanggal perjalanan. 
2. Pengajuan visa dilakukan melalui agensi mereka, yakni VFS Global.
Untuk pengajuan visa, dokumen yang diperlukan sebenarnya nggak banyak ya. 
1. Paspor yang masih berlaku
2. Rekening koran dari bank selama tiga bulan terakhir
3. Surat keterangan kerja dari kantor yang menyatakan bahwa pemohon bekerja di sana dan dijamin akan pulang setelah kunjungannya berakhir. Surat ini harus dalam bahasa Inggris.
4. Fotokopi akta kelahiran
5. Foto terbaru, berwarna, latar belakang warna putih, ukuran 4,5cm x 3.5cm sebanyak 2 (dua) lembar.
Semua dokumen dan permohonan diajukan melalui halaman resmi Pemerintah UK di sini. Biaya yang harus dibayar adalah £100 untuk visa kunjungan multiple entry dengan durasi 6 bulan. Nanti setelah semua proses di website di atas terpenuhi, pemohon akan dibawa ke website VFS Global untuk membuat janji temu dan wawancara. Ada beberapa tempat yang bisa dipilih, kalo gue memilih wawancara di VFS Kuningan City, Jakarta Selatan.
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(btw, foto di atas sebenarnya salah karena itu VFS Global untuk permohonan visa Schengen, bukan UK)
Sebagai catatan, karena UK sedang kebanjiran aplikasi pengungsi dari Ukraina, maka proses pengurusan visa jadi lebih lama, yakni jadi sekitar 7 (tujuh) minggu. Nah itung aja tuh kira-kira mepet apa nggak dengan jadwal keberangkatan. Jangan sampai permohonan visa baru diajukan kurang dari tujuh minggu sebelum berangkat (meski sebenarnya ada rute fast track tapi karena gue nggak coba jadi gue kurang paham detailnya).
Gue sendiri membuat janji untuk wawancara pada tanggal 19 Agustus 2022. Sebenernya ini udah terlalu mepet sih. Tapi gue agak kerepotan pas ngurus cetak rekening koran karena harus ke kantor BCA (yang mana sebenarnya bisa lho dilakuin lewat klikbca) jadi baru sempat bikin janji di tanggal itu. Gue itung-itung, tujuh minggu dari 19 Agustus akan jatuh di tanggal 6 atau 7 Oktober 2022. Padahal, gue berangkat tanggal 9 Oktober. Mepet banget ya? Banget. Gue sendiri juga deg-degan pol.
(Bersambung ke bagian 2)
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shaneaur · 2 years
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AMICI'S ONE WORLD Lyric Theatre Hammersmith London @amici_dtc @turtlekeyarts @alikingturtlekey @lyrichammersmith @adobe @adobeuk @canonuk @royalphotographicsociety #musicaltheatre #travelphotography #portraitphotography #canonphotography #Photography #londontrip #london🇬🇧 #autismmom #cerebralpalsyawareness💚 #downsyndrome #motorneuronedisease #blindness #deafness @autismspeaks @cerebralpalsytrust @downsyndromeinternational @mnd_aware @blindness_official @codie.riv #theatredirector #travelers #instatravel #londontheatres @guardian @thetimes @the.independent @timeoutlondon @bloomberg @reuters https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf5tYP_KHw9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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arwenisnthere · 2 years
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londonlocalguide · 8 months
哈哈哈, 我自己也好期待哦
🎃欲參加大英博物館的2H 深度導覽,
10月10日揪團-- 巨石巴斯一日遊(確定會走)
10月11日 揪團—牛津科茲窩一日遊
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chrisryanspeaks · 2 years
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Valiantly standing at #buckinghampalace putting on my best stoic “look” 😆 #chrisryannyc #londontrip #eurotrip2022❤️ (at Buckingham Palace) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfEV_u0MGOU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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