#long may he reign | mollymauk tealeaf
notyetfixed-a · 5 months
@proelio-procusi asked | read .   silently  read  a  book  alongside  my  muse
Molly had entered the library of the shared little safe house and paused briefly to look within. They grinned a bit to themselves as they saw one of two people they expected to see. Their tail wiggles with a bit of delight, and with their book in hand, Molly does a little saunter over before they climb onto the couch, depositing themselves on the opposite side, tucking their legs underneath them in a cross legged position. They open up their little book on manifesting magic and learning like the wizards do. They felt like they needed to study more like the others. They couldn’t rely on their blood magic forever.
Every so often, the tiefling’s tail would flicker a little too closely, almost subconsciously drifting towards their companion. They would realize moments before that they were about to swat them, so Molly ended up wrapping their spaded tail around their own ankle as if to keep their ‘hands to themselves’. They couldn’t help it. They just enjoyed Essek’s company. Even if it was just silently reading like this…it was comforting having someone around. It was more than enough for Molly.
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bittershroom · 3 months
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mintt-tea-2 · 8 months
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you guys really need to stop letting me get invested in new things, it’s getting too much
anyway MOLLYMAUK 💥💥💥💥
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calenthee · 2 years
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i was thinking of making this into a stand, but, it's gonna be so many pieces, it might be too expensive
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euchariis · 5 months
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Long may he reign
ending off 2023 with a bang!! woopee.!!
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mafwaff · 4 months
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"I'm always ready to make a damn fool of myself."
Pretty proud of how this one turned out tbh ◆
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railroad-migraine · 8 months
Hey Poet ♥️ I had to put my bird and companion of 12 years to sleep earlier today... I was hoping it would be okay to request Molly, Kingsley, Ashton and Caduceus comforting a Ranger SO (friend in Cad’s case) who had their beast companion pass away? I hope it’s not too grim of a prompt, thanks a lot either way! And thank you for what you do, your lovely writing brings joy to many people :)
Oh darling I'm so sorry. We also recently had a family pet put to sleep and it is very hard, but know that you provided your lil friend a wonderful life and that's something to make it easier as time passes 🩶
Comforting Ranger!GN!Reader
Ashton 💚
Is the shoulder to cry on that you've always needed. They're a strong presence, someone reliable to lean on, something physical and real to keep you grounded and help you not lose yourself in feelings.
They say they have difficulty with words, but Ashton surprises even himself with the soft tone and even softer things he offers you. Little phrases of encouragement, of how things will get better, and how you're not going to carry this alone. You have him and friends who care about you - he ignores the hot feeling in his face when your teary eyes meet his upon the confession - and pulls you into their side with a soft "I got you."
Caduceus 💜
Arguably the best person on the list to console you after losing someone you held dear. If it's something you'd like, he'll organise a little ceremony - allow memories of the good and fun moments shared with your companion to take centre stage. It's a happy occasion, with friends in attendance, a celebration of their life, their love, and how they made a home in your heart.
Cad takes time out of his day to sit with you, share tea and treats and the quiet tranquility of his porch, content to give you silent support but even more eager to offer counsel if that's what you seek. He understands how you're feeling, and guides you through them with careful, attentive ease.
Molly 💜
He knows what it's like to mourn a life, be that of a friend's or the past that he will never truly know. He makes sure that as you're processing this change in your life, that you continue to look after yourself. He ensures that you eat, even if you don't feel hungry. He washes your hair and cleans your face, helps you change into fresh clothes, coaxes you outdoors to feel warm sunlight on your skin. He wants to remind you to keep living, to enjoy it just as your pet beast did.
Life moves on. It always will. Your animal came into your life unexpectedly, just as you came into Molly's life. He's there for you, to get you through the day, the week, the month, and beyond. It happens gradually, as all wounds heal, but eventually he sees you smile at him more and he knows it hurts a little less. He smiles back, all teeth and pride for you.
Kingsley 💜
He's still discovering the big emotions that come with experiencing life. Grief is one of them. He fumbles in the beginning, and is scared to say anything in the fear of hurting you further, but he feels more confident after you melt into his arms and let him hold you for who knows how long. He realises later that a distraction can help further along healing.
So that's what Kingsley does. He spends more time with you, takes you sailing and has you steer the ship (with his professional supervision of course). He drags you into dances along the deck and sings you songs before bed. He holds your hand as you fall asleep, and tells you how grateful he is that you're there with him. Thanks you for giving him that - just as you had given your familiar that.
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ktechnicolour · 1 year
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I am your god, long may I reign, eat of my fruits
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dent-de-leon · 7 months
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"I am your god, long may I reign." I'll never be over Mollymauk Tealeaf being fairytale royalty, the kind of happy life Lucien always dreamed of when he clung to childhood stories--"once upon a time," and the fantasy of a happy ending. The Moonweaver telling Molly a story from the place she calls home, singing a song of a King who was loved so much he came back from the dead. The way Molly latches onto that image even in another life, how he sees himself as royalty reincarnated. The Somnovem telling Lucien he is a king and a god--but one who is doomed to suffer terribly, still chained even in his dreams and even after death, never to be free. The Moonweaver spinning a tale where Molly is finally free, a king so beloved by his people, who will one day live and find happiness again. One day, one time, one life--he'll get his happy end. "Once upon a time, twice upon a time...thrice upon a time..."
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feralmamaofthevoid · 1 year
I just watched Campaign 2 ep 18 Whispers of War... and it nearly broke me. Sam and Liam are just so amazing!!
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I just had tears running down my cheeks until Molly made me laugh. LONG MAY HE REIGN!
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notyetfixed-a · 7 months
@proelio-procusi asked | “ i deserved worse.”
Molly wasn't usually caught this off guard by the wizard, but that was...unexpected. "Essek...look here, darling." Moving over, they do the motion that previously has worked with Caleb when he feels down on himself. The lilac creature would reach out and pull him close, pressing their foreheads together for just a moment, eyes closed as they think of what to say next.
"...I deserved worse when I as that...fiend. That killer. I did terrible things to everyone. To you. And yet you all saved me. I deserved to stay dead. To not ever become that person ever again. And you all took that chance." Pulling away, Molly searches his features looking for some semblance of understanding why he felt this way. "Chin up, dear one. You deserve the world. Just like the rest of us."
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" Long may he reign "
It's my first painting on an actual canvas so it was a bit of a challenge but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out !
It was also the first time I was drawing Molly and he's my favorite little bastard his design is so good I loved doing it in my style :)
Some details :
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mochizuke-creates · 1 year
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I did it! I finally made a Critical Role fanart. I should not have started with this guy, haha. 17 hours later and the coat was done. 😂
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astridellejo · 2 years
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Mollymauk Tealeaf
I've been making Critical Role fan art since October 2021 when I finished watching the Mighty Nein campaign. I had to paint Molly first because ... two percent.
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detect-undead · 1 year
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Lil Mollymauk
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mafwaff · 4 months
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Currently comfort rewatching CritRole C2. I forgot how great of a character Molly is. Not done yet, but wanted to show my progress so far~
Guys...I think I might have a problem stan-ing pointy-faced, ostentatious, fictional men... ◆
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