finding-my-inner-peace · 11 months
Learn with me! 📖Minor Arcana (Witches Tarot) - Six of Pentacles 🌱
"A kind gentleman dressed in elegant earth-colored clothes of green and bronze appears to be showering poor children with six golden pentacles. [...] The six pentacles spill out from the man's generous hand and into children's outstreched ones. "
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You may be like the wealthy man in this card, sharing your wealth and abundance with others. You have accumulated great wealth and are now in a position to offer financial assistance to those in need. You give generously through charitable donations, tithing or fundraising and enjoy the good feelings associated with helping others. Even if you are not financially wealthy, you offer up your time, energy, love and support to those who are in need, knowing it will be appreciated. Giving of your time or your wisdom is often just as spiritually fulfilling as giving away money or gifts, and the intangible gift of your presence is received just as well, if not better. There may be times when you wonder if you can truly afford to give generously to others – and the wise advice of the Six of Pentacles is to trust that every contribution you make is valued and will come back to you threefold.
You may have lived long enough in the darkness of the Five of Pentacles to be able to see the light. You are thinking about giving to charities or helping someone who could need your support and was in the same position you were before. The Six of Pentacles does not have to be about material gifts or money, it can also mean your time and presence.
If the card is showing you are one of the beggars, you could be receiving someone else’s charity. This could help you recover, so take the help - you will be able to repay the kindness in the future. You may also be able to find ways of becoming self-sufficient in the future. Despite this situation, you should be mindful that you should not become desperate or submissive during this time.
+Gifts, generosity, charity, donations, money, community, assistance, support, employment, sharing, kindness, wealth, prosperity, power, authority, control, investors, giving/receiving, gratitude, being valued, being well paid, rewards for hard work, fairness, equality
-Lack/abuse of generosity, abuse of power or position, gifts with strings attached, subservience, inequality, lack of charity, scams, fake charity, extortion, unemployment, lack of investment, underpaid, undervalued, bad debts, poor financial decisions, greed, meanness, gullibility, kiss-ass 
sources: labyrinthos.co, biddytarot.com, thetarotguide.com, alittlesparkofjoy.com
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finding-my-inner-peace · 11 months
Learn with me! 📖Minor Arcana (Witches Tarot) - Five of Pentacles 🌱
"Five golden interwoven pentacles hang upon a barren tree. It is winter, and there is snow around the base of the tree and the hillside. The leafless branches stand out dramatically against the winter landscape. "
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More often than not, the Five of Pentacles is a bad omen. However, do not fret, as it can change depending on where it is placed in the reading.
The Five of Pentacles is a card of financial loss and poverty. You have hit hard times, especially when it comes to your work, career, finances, and material possessions. You may have recently lost your job, your home, or your financial security. You no longer feel safe because it has all been stripped away from you in one blow. Your ego may also be bruised, especially since success often correlates to financial wealth; losing either can be a humbling blow to your self-esteem and sense of self-worth. The upside is that this is a Minor Arcana card with temporary effects (rather than a Major Arcana card which has a longer-term impact). This, too, shall pass.
Whenever the Five of Pentacles shows up in a reading, it suggests a time of hardship and insecurity. The meaning of this card can be deep loneliness, illness, poverty or loss. Your status might take a turn for the worse in the near future. There is a chance that you will lose something significant, whether it is financial wealth or an important item. Deterioration of your health might be already ongoing or be very sudden.
At times, the Five of Pentacles highlights a ‘lack mindset’. You are sabotaging your ability to create abundance because you only focus on what you lack. All you can see is what is going wrong. To shift this energy, look for evidence of what you do have, even if it’s very small or seemingly insignificant, and express your gratitude for those blessings in your life. Over time, the positive aspects will continue to grow and soon, ‘lack’ and ‘not having’ will be a thing of the past.
Similarly, the Five of Pentacles suggests that you fear you don’t have ‘enough’ or you may lose something important to you – even if it hasn’t happened yet or is unlikely. For example, you may live in fear that you will lose your job and will be left in the streets with no home and no support. If you stay focused on all the negative things that might happen, then be careful, because your manifesting powers may start to create the outcomes that you don’t want. Instead, redirect your attention to what you have now and what you want in the future, so your manifesting powers get used for good.
+Temporary financial hardship, negative change in circumstances, feeling left out in the cold, financial loss, recession, feeling the world is against you, adversity, struggle, hardship, bad luck, homelessness, poverty, unemployment, financial ruin, bankruptcy, outcast, alienation, illness, divorce, breakups, scandal, disgrace
-Improvement in finances/luck, end of hardship, positive change, becoming financially secure, recovery from losses, making progress, overcoming adversity, paying off debts, forgiveness, health improvement/ treatment, being welcomed/accepted, becoming employed, improving/letting go of relationships,
sources: labyrinthos.co, biddytarot.com, thetarotguide.com, alittlesparkofjoy.com
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finding-my-inner-peace · 11 months
Learn with me! 📖Minor Arcana (Witches Tarot) - Four of Pentacles 🌱
"An older man with gray hair and small round glasses sits alone. He is dressed in elegant, rich green and gold clothes. The man looks little suspicious as he hugs a golden pentacle to his chest. [...] His body language cleary shouts: "Mine!" But it makes you wonder... is the man jus an old, penny-pinching miser? Could he simply be insecure and afraid? Or did he sacrifice his personal relationships in order to be succesful and is now alone?"
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In a general context, the Four of Pentacles Tarot card can indicate that you are holding on to people, possessions, situations or past issues. It can be an indication that there are deep seated issues affecting you that you need to process and let go of. This Minor Arcana card can indicates that you may be trying very hard to cling onto the people or possessions that give you a sense of security. You may be holding onto things in an unhealthy, possessive, controlling or toxic way or someone may be holding onto you in such a manner.  It can indicate that you need to establish your boundaries or respect the boundaries of other people. The Four of Pentacles can also indicate a lack of openness, blocking or obstructing progress, keeping to yourself or a sense of isolation. It can represent wealth, greed, materialism and penny pinching.
The Four of Pentacles asks you to examine your relationship with money. Are you accumulating wealth and investing your money wisely while still enjoying your day-to-day life? Or are you desperately clinging to every coin, afraid to spend your money for fear that you do not have enough or could lose it forever?
The Four of Pentacles can also suggest that you are placing too much value on money and material possessions. You may be attached to material things, allowing possessions to become your life. You assess your self-worth based on how much you earn, the car you drive, how expensive your home is, and where you take your holidays. But, it’s a Catch-22 because as your standard of living increases, so too will the need to work hard to generate income to sustain this kind of lifestyle, leaving you with little time to enjoy your wealth.
The broader lesson with the Four of Pentacles is to honour and respect money and wealth but don’t become so attached that you lose sight of what’s most important to you: friends, family, happiness and love.
+Holding on to people/possessions/ issues, deep seated/past issues, hoarding, stinginess, control, possessiveness, financial stability, financial security, saving for big purchases or retirement, greed, materialism, wealth, penny-pinching, isolation, boundaries, keeping to yourself, lack of openness
-Shedding the old, letting go of people, possessions or issues, generosity, sharing, giving to others, making large purchases, openness, generous to a fault, financial insecurity/ instability, financial loss, losing something valuable, reckless behaviour, lack of control, gambling, theft
sources: labyrinthos.co, biddytarot.com, thetarotguide.com, alittlesparkofjoy.com
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finding-my-inner-peace · 11 months
Learn with me! 📖Minor Arcana (Witches Tarot) - Two of Pentacles 🌱
"A young man is juggling two golden pentacles. He is dressed in earthy shades of green and brown, visual link to the element of air. The golden pentacles he juggles are in mid air and above his outstretched hands. The two pentacles are inside the loops of a horizontal infinity symbol. "
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When the Two of Pentacles appears in a Tarot reading, it’s safe to say you are juggling your priorities, roles and responsibilities. For example, you may be a working parent, a general manager of a business, an administrative assistant in a busy office, or someone who works multiple jobs. In the upright position, this card notes you are doing an excellent job of balancing these different priorities, and you can take on whatever life throws at you; but this Two reminds you that the line between coping with these demands and losing control is thin. You need to manage your time, energy and resources carefully so you do not lose your balance.
You've done a good job keeping things stable, for you seem to be able to adapt well to all the changes that ask you to continually re-balance.
This card calls your awareness to the concept of balance and those parts of your life where you have it (and those where you don’t). While you can strive for equilibrium, nothing ever stays in perfect harmony. For example, stabilising your work and family commitments sounds fantastic, but in reality, your family might be more high-priority one week, and work the next. So, when the Two of Pentacles appears in a Tarot reading, see it as a reminder to be patient, flexible and adaptable as you try to juggle your responsibilities with your family, friends, work, finances, health and new challenges. Be ready to swap around activities or accommodate last-minute requests.
+ balance, trying to find balance, resourcefulness, ups and downs, adaptability, flexibility, juggling life, juggling money, balancing books, transferring money, profit and loss, income and outgoings, financial decisions, financial stress, partnerships 
-Lacking balance, lack of organisation, poor financial decisions, overwhelmed, overextending yourself, biting off more than you can chew, too many balls in the air, financial losses, no contingency plan, financial mess
sources: labyrinthos.co, biddytarot.com, thetarotguide.com, alittlesparkofjoy.com
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❗Special Post❗: Tarot - The Swords suit meaning
The Suit of Swords deal with the problems in your life, your mental processes: learning, writing & speaking. Logic rules here with facts, decisions & intelligence all informing your life.
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+Keywords for the Suit of Swords Decisions, worries, problems, issues, tension, communication, intelligence, disagreements; arguments, logic, reason, cognition, ideas, inspirations, balance, equilibrium, the mind, mentalism, thinking, facts and figures, definition.
-Reversed Keywords Vicious, ruthless, manipulative, cold, unemotional, spite and malice, accidents, inertia, indecision, confusion, mental blockages, biased, illogical, mental health issues, negative life changes.
The Suit of Swords Tarot card meanings are associated with action, change, force, power, oppression, ambition, courage and conflict. Action can be constructive and/or destructive.
The negative aspects of the Suit of Swords include anger, guilt, harsh judgement, a lack of compassion and verbal and mental abuse.
Swords Tarot cards often represent the astrological signs of Air – Aquarius, Libra and Gemini. When you see a Swords Court Card in a Tarot reading, it often relates to a person with a Aquarius, Libra and Gemini star sign. Generally, Swords people are intelligent, thoughtful, rational, logical and excellent communicators. They are rational beings and like to experience the world by understanding and analysing what is occurring around them. On the flipside, Swords people can be ruthless, domineering, confrontational and rigid.
Suit of Swords Strengths
This suit's strengths are all in the realm of thought, intelligence and communication. It is how we structure our world, organize and analyze data. This provides us with knowledge and clarity. People that are connected to the suit of swords, are curious, logical, disciplined, moral and fair.
Suit of Swords Weaknesses
Within the tarot, the suit of swords can also be a problematic one. Think of the swords being able to be used for both good and evil; it has the power to save, sever, or to hurt. Therefore, this element is also associated with conflict, aggression and violence. At its worst, the suit of swords can use logic and words to bully and intimidate. Reversed swords cards usually have to do with feelings of ruthlessness, coldness, and confusion.
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The Element of Air and the Suit of Swords
As one of the four elements, air is seen as the intellect, logic and reasoning. An active element, Air circulates and so cleanses. Combined with the Suit of Swords, it carries your thoughts and dreams; is also expansive when hot and is said to be expressive. Your mind or thoughts can be seen as clear or clouded; speech requires breath, which requires air.
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Learn with me! Minor Arcana (Witches Tarot) - King of Swords
“The King of Swords is a handsome middle-aged man with brown hair, moustache and beard. [...] This king announces his associations to the element of air with yellow tunic ang golden cape trimmed with feathers.”
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+ Structure, routine, intelligent, rational, logical, power, authority, strength, manners, conversation, discerning, detached, cool, honesty, integrity, ethics, morals, clinical, stern, methodical, self-discipline, head over heart, use your head, military, law enforcement, legal matters, judge, father
- Lack of structure/routine, intelligence used in a bad way, irrational, illogical, power-crazed, dictator, oppressive, inhumane, aggressive, brutal, violent, intimidation, controlling, cynical, cold, ruthless, weak, powerless, rude, dishonest, lack of integrity/morals/discipline, losing your head, judgemental, absent father 
In a general context, the King of Swords represents structure, routine, self-discipline, power authority. It is a Minor Arcana card of being methodical, using your head, mind over matter and the head over the heart. This card signifies logic and reason, integrity, ethics and morals. The King of Swords can represent legal matters, law enforcement, military, police and judges. As a person, the King of Swords is a mature male who is cool, self-disciplined, intelligent, honest and strong. He is rational, logical and a deep thinker. He may be an air sign such as Aquarius, Gemini or Libra. He does not like to publicly display his emotions and prefers to use his intellect over his emotions to deal with situations. He is a great conversationalist and fiercely loyal and protective of his loved ones. He does well in structured environments and needs to have a routine to operate at his best. He can be clinical and stern. In the extreme negative, he can be a bully or a tyrant and he can be cold or distant if someone is too irrational for his liking. But generally he is analytical and fair-minded. He takes his responsibilities seriously, is dependable and plays by the rules 
If you have not engaged the help of an expert, the arrival of the King of Swords suggests that it may be worthwhile getting legal or financial advice. If you are expecting changes or particular circumstances that will require an expert opinion, you can be on the front foot by seeking help before they happen. That way, when they do roll through, you are ready to demand your rights and find an outcome that benefits you. You may also benefit from finding an advocate or mentor who can provide you with smart advice. 
biddytarot.com, labyrinthos.com, thetarotguide.com
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Learn with me! Minor Arcana (Witches Tarot) - Queen of Swords
“The beautiful Queen of Swords sits at the top of high mountain, and bright white clouds are billowing in the wind. “
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+ Honest, truthful, candid, protective, independent, chatty, communicative, witty, funny, principled, fair, constructive criticism, strong, quirky, realistic, objective, discerning, problem solver, sceptical, intelligent, sharp wit, self-reliant, open-minded, sophisticated, mother, repressed pain or sadness, divorced, hard knocks
- Overly critical, pessimistic, lack of empathy, rude, malicious gossip, manipulative, harsh, bitter, spiteful, vindictive, nasty, cruel, deceitful, cheater, unforgiving, scatter-brain, mental fogginess, poor communication, dysfunctional, obsessive, dependant, not learning from past, absent mother, repressed trauma, infertile 
The Queen of Swords is an archetype of an older, wiser feminine intellect. She could be thought of as the most masculine of the all the queens, and may come off as quite stern and emotionless. This card represents the importance of making judgments without relying on emotion alone. The Queen of Swords beckons you to look at all the facts before making a decision. This queen does have compassion, which is why she has her hand reaching outwards in offering, but she wants to connect to people using an understanding that is intellectual. 
This card represents the importance of making judgments without relying on emotion alone. The Queen of Swords beckons you to look at all the facts before making a decision.
As a determined, independent and resilient person, you have established clear boundaries, and you are quick to call out someone who crosses them. People do not mess with you, not because you threaten them or inflict violence, but because you set expectations up front about how you want to be treated. Some people might be intimidated by you, but once they get past your tough exterior and develop a sense of trust and respect, they see your softer side.
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Learn with me! Minor Arcana (Witches Tarot) - Knight of Swords
“The handsome young Knight of Swords and his war horse are leaping into battle. [...] He is in control and at his best. The Knight of Swords is dangerous, magnificient, and a daring warrior. “
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+ Big changes/ opportunities, seize the moment, jump in, arrival/departure, assertive, direct, honest, quick-wit, talkative, impatient, impulsive, intellectual, daring, rebellious, brave, courageous, focused, single-minded, perfectionist, ambitious, risk-taker, forward-thinking, champion, hero, soldier, go against the flow, leader
- Missed opportunities, out of your depth, out of control, left behind, rude, tactless, hurtful, sarcastic, insincere, forceful, bully, aggressive, vicious, dangerous, know it all, follower, go with the flow, unfocused, coward, criminal, self-obsessed, arrogant, leading others to danger, heading for a fall, inferiority complex 
Once the knight sets forth towards his goals, there is absolutely no stopping him. He doesn’t see - and he doesn’t care - about any upcoming challenges. He is filled with sheer ambition, strength and determination to succeed with his quest no matter what. However, this determination could also blind him to see the potential consequences of his actions on others as he makes his way to success. He may charge forth into a very dangerous territory without preparation or actual foresight, and this could lead him to great danger.
When this card appears in your Tarot reading, it can indicate that you go against the flow and have great leadership qualities and that you are a perfectionist and a risk taker. If representing a person, the Knight of Swords is an adult (20-35 years of age and usually male) who has a strong personality, is quick-witted, a fast talker, intelligent, daring and rebellious. He may be an air sign such as Aquarius, Gemini or Libra. The knight is assertive and rational but can be impatient and impulsive. He has a very direct manner and this can sometimes make him seems a little insensitive. However, he is also exciting and adventurous which draws people to him. Champions, heroes and warriors charging into battle are signified by this card and as such, it can represent a soldier or someone in the military.   
The Knight of Swords suggests that you are quick to take action and tend not to plan ahead, instead preferring to dive right in. You thrive on high levels of energy that propel you forward and inspire you to take action to manifest your goals.
The Knight of Swords reminds you to be assertive in getting what you want. He doesn’t hang back and wait for something to happen. He is always making the first move and actively pursuing his goals. You can harness this energy in your life too by being proactive and forward-thinking. See yourself as the creator of your future and be ready to take the necessary steps to make it happen.
The downside of the fast-thinking, quick-acting Knight of Swords is that sometimes you act too quickly and haven’t thoroughly thought things through. You may be unaware of potential challenges and issues that will stand in your way, or the unintended consequences of your actions. You may be prone to rushing things or cutting corners to get a job done. Or, you may pursue a specific goal, thinking it is what you want, but later realise that it’s out of alignment or a dead-end. Sometimes a little planning and preparation can go a long way
biddytarot.com, labyrinthos.com, thetarotguide.com
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Learn with me! Minor Arcana (Witches Tarot) - Page of Swords
the“A tall, thin teenage boy stands on a green plain. {...} in both hands the Page of Swords easily holds a sword aloft. Will he strike out ang defent himself or will he put the sword down?”
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+ Delayed news, patience needed, ideas, inspiration, planning, vigilance, protective, guarded, fairness, think before you speak, don’t get drawn into arguments, mental agility, using your head,  inquisitive, curious, quick-witted, chatty, communicative, education, petty gossip, being truthful/ direct, speaking out, fighting injustice,
- Bad/disappointing news, lack of ideas/planning, defensive, player, mind games, paranoid, lack of mental agility, having your head in the clouds, scatterbrain, dim-witted,  nothing to say, cold, sarcastic, cynical, malicious gossip, being blunt/ abrasive, not speaking out, delinquent, lack of education/ learning difficulties
The Page of Swords is full of energy, passion and enthusiasm. When this card shows up in a Tarot reading, you are bursting with new ideas and plans for the future. You may be excited about starting a new project, pursuing a new approach or learning something new. You have so much energy that you feel as though you could do almost anything – and you can! The challenge, however, is whether you can keep it up. As with all Pages, the beginning always looks promising, but you need something else to follow through and keep up the pace. 
Because this card stands for honesty, you will find yourself in positions where you’re required to speak up–for yourself and others. This might feel uncomfortable at first, but doing so will lead to empowerment and accomplishments in every area of your life. 
The Page of Swords can indicate mental agility, learning or getting an education, being quick-witted, curious and inquisitive and using your head. This card can signify being chatty, communicative, truthful and direct. However, it can also signify being blunt or abrasive or engaging in petty gossip. As a person, the Page of Swords represents a young person, child or person who is young at heart, who is chatty, lively, quick thinking, analytical, logical and cool and possesses a sharp mind. This person abhors injustice and is a deep thinker but at the same time can come across as blunt, insensitive or a bit of a loner sometimes. In the negative, they can also be a bit of a gossip or deceitful but they do not intentionally cause harm. They like to stick to the rules and may be an air sign such as Aquarius, Gemini or Libra. 
biddytarot.com, thetarotguide.com, alittlesparkofjoy.com
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finding-my-inner-peace · 11 months
Learn with me! 📖Minor Arcana (Witches Tarot) - Three of Pentacles 🌱
"A sorcerer's apprentice wearing an earthy green patterned shirt sits thoughtfully at an old wooden desk. Behind him, set in a stone wall, is a large colorful, arched stained-glass window featuring three pentacles worked into the design of the glass. The pentagram that the young man is drawing is a representation of the forces used for the manifestation of his magick and is a symbol for his spiritual development."
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The threes in the tarot represent the successful completion of a goal - it takes the sources of energy in the ace and the twos and adds a foundational factor, and usually involves a group of some sort. In this scenario, the upright three of pentacles meaning is that there is a successful achievement of all the requirements to pursue your business, deal, venture or any other kind of endeavor. Successful projects usually require different kinds of expertise, and at this moment, the Three of Pentacles means that all the skills required are coming together. In short, you are enjoying enjoying working together as part of a team, and also in the initial success of this bigger project.
In a general context, the Three of Pentacles is a positive card to get in a Tarot spread. It represents learning, studying and apprenticeship. It also signifies hard work, determination, dedication and commitment so whatever you are doing at the moment, you are likely to be giving it 100%. It also signifies building on success or foundations. You have worked hard to overcome your challenges and the effort you have put in should be paying off. This Minor Arcana card can also indicate that you may be collaborating with others to achieve your goals.  
As you implement your plans, you will realize that you have the skills, capabilities and resources you need to accomplish your objectives. See the Three of Pentacles as an encouragement that you are on the right track. You are competent at what you do, and you are making progress. Keep going! Adequate preparation, management and organisation are also integral components of the Three of Pentacles. Achieving significant goals, such as building a grand cathedral, requires detailed planning. This card, therefore, tells you to create a comprehensive plan and to follow a schedule.
+Apprenticeship, learning, studying, growing, hard work, commitment, building on success, collaboration, teamwork, determination, goals, dedication, quality, attention to detail, tradesperson, achievements, recognition, reward, hard work paying off, effort, motivation​  
-Not learning from mistakes, unwillingness to learn, lack of growth, poor work ethic, lack of commitment, mistakes, lack of effort, lack of teamwork, apathy, no determination, no goals, no dedication, no motivation, poor quality work
sources: labyrinthos.co, biddytarot.com, thetarotguide.com, alittlesparkofjoy.com
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finding-my-inner-peace · 11 months
Learn with me! 📖Minor Arcana (Witches Tarot) - Ace of Pentacles 🌱
"A large, golden, upright, interwoven pentacle hovers in midair. The sky in the background is a rosy color of dawn, and golden and pink clouds are behind the pentacle. The precious golden pentacle has a leafy pattern on its surface, and the pentacle itself is surrounded by intertwined and blooming honeysuckle vines from the garden."
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In this card, there is a single mysterious hand that comes out of the clouds. In the hand is what looks like a gold coin with a pentagram engraved on its surface. This pentacle is associated with the element of earth, and seen as a sign of wealth and all things material and earthly. Below the hand is a garden which appears to be flourishing with flowers and other kinds of vegetation - giving off the aura of fertility, growth and prosperity. The mountain represents the ambition required to drive one's search for the pentacle. The flowing creek seem to indicate that emotions are flowing towards this ambition.
The Ace of Pentacles, like the other Aces of the Tarot, represents new beginnings, opportunities, and potential – and as a Pentacles card, these new beginnings correlate to the material world: finances, wealth, career, physical health and manifestation of your goals. You may receive a new job offer, an unexpected sum of money, a new business or investment opportunity may come your way, or you’ll have the chance to bring an idea to fruition. No matter the occasion, the Ace of Pentacles heralds a sense of prosperity and abundance in the material or financial areas of your life. It undoubtedly comes as a welcome invitation – but it is not a free ride. As with all Aces in the Tarot deck, this card illustrates the possibility of a new endeavour but does not guarantee its manifestation or success. That piece is up to you.
+ Financial new beginning, new financial opportunities, new job, new business, money, investments, savings, prosperity, security, stability, abundance, manifestation  
-Lack of money, poor financial control, lack of opportunities or lost opportunities, financial delays, excessive spending, scarcity, deficiency, instability, insecurity, lack of planning, greed, stinginess, penny pinching
sources: labyrinthos.co, biddytarot.com, thetarotguide.com, alittlesparkofjoy.com
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Learn with me! Minor Arcana (Witches Tarot) - Ten of Swords
“A man’s body lies facedown in the grass. There are ten swords stabbing him in the back. He has brown hair, and his cloak is gray. Behind him the sun is setting, and in a tree’s gnarled and twisted branches an owl with bright yellow eyes sits and watches over the body.”
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The tale of the suit of swords is a powerful metaphor, one that ends in tragedy. The swords are a symbol of the intellect, of intelligence and logic, and yet we find the final culmination of this suit a complete and total defeat of the spirit. We must realize that the swords are a weapon that can have immense potential for destruction or for good. The story as it unfolds from the ace to the ten is one where an untrained individual uses this weapon for faulty reasons - makes many mistakes, and then spends an entire lifetime attempting to run away from the power that he misused.
Pick yourself up off the ground and reflect upon what happened to you and why, and what you can learn from the experience. When you do this, the hurt and pain will fade, and you will soon see why all of this needed to happen so that you can evolve into your fullest potential. The pain and hurt you have endured have not gone without purpose. Use the positive power within you to learn from your pain and draw wisdom from defeat. 
+ Backstabbing, betrayal, enemies, bitching, badmouthing, bitterness, doormat, failure, ruin, collapse/breakdown, exhaustion, inability to cope, curses, rock bottom, hitting a wall, dead end, severing ties, goodbyes, nail in the coffin, exaggeration, overly dramatic, martyr, attention seeker, playing victim, attack, violence 
- Rising above problems/haters/bitchiness, over the worst, surviving disaster, being saved, things getting better, escaping ruin, pulling yourself together,  learning from past hardships, fears coming true, being beyond help, worst is yet to come, despair, total ruin, relapse, problems coming back,  
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Learn with me! Minor Arcana (Witches Tarot) - Eight of Swords
“A woman in a mauve gown is bound and blindfolded. A breeze blows her brown hair and the tails of the blindfold off to the side and away from her face. Around her, eight swords are stuck in the grass at various oints in a loose circle.”
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The general meaning in the Eight of Swords is that of a feeling of being trapped and victimized. You may feel powerless because, in your mind, you feel that changing the situation might be beyond you. This feeling of helplessness that you have, the feeling that you have no agency in your life, has played a major role in making your situation worse.
However, the overall theme of this card is that you are the one keeping yourself in this situation through negative thinking and allowing yourself to be paralysed by fear. The swords depicted in the card are surrounding you but you can take the blindfold off and walk away at any time! This card also represents consequences and judgement which may take the form of trial by jury, imprisonment and punishment.
+ Feeling trapped, restricted, backed into a corner, hands tied, victimised, paralysed by fear/terror, anxiety, feeling pressure, hopeless, helpless , powerless, silenced, crisis, dilemma, drama, imprisonment, punishment, slavery, persecution, judgement, trial by jury, consequences, negative attitudes, psychological issues, major weight-loss 
- Escape, freedom, release , finding solutions/ options, relief, taking control, standing up to abuse, self-belief, survivor, facing fears/ truth, releasing anxiety, hopeful, empowered, healing, mental strength, clear mind, overcome obstacles, prison release, end of punishment, severe depression, paralysis, oppression, surrender,
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Learn with me! Minor Arcana (Witches Tarot) - Nine of Swords
“A woman wearing a nightgown lies dramatically in her boudoir at night. She has the back of her hand on her forehad, in swoon from being either emotionlly or physically drained. She is clearly overhelmed, and her other hand trails limply to the floor. “
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The Nine of Swords suggests that dark thoughts and disturbing feelings are weighing you down (and keeping you up at night). You are worrying excessively about a situation, and your negative thoughts are getting the better of you, leaving you stressed and anxious. The more you associate with your fears, the more they will rule your life. As you obsess over what’s not working, the more anxious you become and the more you will worry. It becomes a negative cycle where one awful thought leads to another, and another, and another until they overwhelm you. Just as the nine swords are stacked upon each other on the wall, so too are your negative thoughts.
When the Nine of Swords appears in a reading, it is time to reach out for help. You don’t need to do this alone – enlist the support of others to help you get through this dark period of your life. Others will help you to see the light at the end of the tunnel and lead you towards a solution or a sense of peace despite your troubles. You are struggling to look at your situation clearly, as you are plagued by negative thoughts, so having an objective, third-party perspective will help you find your way out.
+ Fear, anxiety, terror, negativity, deep unhappiness, stress, burden, overwhelmed, at breaking point, inability to cope or face life, mental anguish, guilt, regret, remorse, focusing on past, subject of gossip, isolation, making mountains out of molehills, joylessness, despair, nightmares, insomnia, hormonal, menopause, migraines 
- Light at end of tunnel, recovering, improving, letting go of negativity/stress, learning to cope, facing life, opening up, accepting help, extreme guilt/regret/ remorse/shame, scandal/malicious gossip, night terror, total collapse/breakdown, hallucinations, giving up, depression/ problems/fears escalating, self-pity/loathing  
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Learn with me!📖 Major Arcana - XVII The Star🌟 (Witches Tarot)
“The Star Goddess stands nude at the water’s edge. One of her feet is on land, while the other is in the water. Her arms are held out over both the water and the land. She holds simple pottery jugs in each hand. [...] A large star shines in the nightime sky, surrounded by seven smaller stars.”
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The Star Witches Tarot is a card of hope, inner peace, creativity, and healing. When this gorgeous and peaceful card appears in a Tarot spread, it is a sign that material and emotional healing is about to occur. Let’s hope and follow your dreams, your wishes will be fulfilled. This card is about inspiration. Your creativity will flow faster than ever. Let it permeate you and see where it takes you. The Star Witches Tarot depicts calmer, gentler charm and indicates that you will successfully cooperate with your intuitive gifts. Similarly, astrologically correct timing is required to perform miracles at this moment. 
You may also want to find or rediscover a sense of meaning, inspiration, or purpose in your life. You are making some significant changes in your life, transforming yourself from the old you to the new you.
The Star also suggests a generous spirit. You want to give or share your wealth with others to help transform their lives. Yours is an open heart, and you now want to give back the blessings you received so that others may benefit. 
+healing, inspiration, hope, peace, wishes granted, wisdom, renewal, astrological magick, purpose, spirituality.
-delay, doubt, spiritual blocks, pessimism.
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Learn with me! Minor Arcana (Witches Tarot) - Seven of Swords
“ A man carts off five swords with satisfied smirk on his face. He is leaving two more swords behind but is very pleased with what loot he has managed to obtain. “
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The Seven of Swords in general, is said to be about betrayal and deception. When you get this card, it may imply that you or someone else in your life is having difficulty getting away with something. There are instances when we are forced to be sneaky, hoping that we will not be discovered. When we are found out, we have to face the consequences - whether it's embarrassment, punishment, or worse. Sometimes this happens when there are instances when you had to think on your feet, and did something that was somewhat shrewd and out of character. Now there is a danger of the secret coming out. 
The Seven of Swords could also imply that you are trying to escape from a situation that is not working for you anymore rather than dealing with it head-on. You may attempt to run away from commitment, responsibility, hard work or love. You may procrastinate, letting problems slip and become worse because you do not want to deal with them. Sometimes you just have to face what has to be faced.
+ Deceit, lies, trickery, cheating, theft, underhanded, scheming, dangerous/risky behaviour, enemy masquerading as friend, spying, lack of conscience, strategy, resourceful, flexible, escaping detection, getting away with it, adaptable, courage, daring, sharp wit, mental manipulation, cunning, overly rational 
- Confessing, coming clean, turning over new leaf, conscience kicking in, ignoring warnings, pathological liar, serial cheat, slander, dangerously two-faced, malicious, con artist, blackmail, unworkable strategy, being outsmarted, getting caught, running away from consequences, coward, no backbone, stealing credit, military,
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