#beginner tarot
transdruid · 4 months
How to Get Better at Tarot (and other divination)
If you often find yourself stumped with a reading, or you're just getting started and are totally lost, this post is for you! I'm using tarot as a base, but this guide will help you learn how to improve your reading skills of any divination. I'm basing the points in what I've struggled with in the past, as well as stumbling blocks I often see other people get stuck on.
Step One: Practice. You hate this advice, I know, but it is the only way to actually get better. You have to fuck up. You have to try again, that's just how the world works. Sorry. Getting good at anything, but especially something as amorphous as divination, takes years. I have been practicing tarot for nearly five years, for less than half that time have I felt the click of confidence. Tarot is an investment!
Okay. You get it. You have to practice, but how do you practice? What can you do to make your practice more beneficial? How do you get the most learning you can out of every reading? Let's dig in!
Use Smaller Spreads
Simplification is your friend. If you draw too many cards, it muddies the water. Think of your reading as a bowl of water, and each card you draw as a drop of color. If you add one drop of red, and one drop of blue, the answer comes through as a clear purple. But if you start adding more and more drops of every color you can think of, the colors get all mushy and gross. If you frequently find yourself drawing more than four or five cards for a spread, chill! Your don't need that many, I pinky promise. As you gain confidence, you can add more cards. The goal here is to get clear answers, and pulling twelve cards is not going to get you there. I recommend sticking to one, two, or three card readings. Remember that tarot decks typically have 78 cards; when you get up to ten or more cards, you're pulling a significant portion of the entire deck. No wonder it doesn't make sense!
Ask Better Questions
There are good questions to ask your cards, and less good ones. For a start, tarot is not good at yes/no questions. If you are expecting a yes/no answer, turn to something like a pendulum or a coin toss.
Okay so that one is a bit obvious. Let's dig a bit deeper. When you pull out your cards, take the time to sit and think about why. What do you want out of this reading? Think about what cards are in the deck; do any of them actually work to answer the question you have? For example, if you're doing a deity confirmation, simply asking "who are you?" and drawing a card isn't going to work very well. There isn't a card in there with "Dionysus" written across it, and there are infinite possible answers. Instead, think about what could point you in the direction you need. "What's your vibe?" works a bit better. Then we could get a card such as The Devil, to stand for the indulgence and physical delights of wine. If this were the first question (who are you?), your first instinct would be 'ohmygoditsthedevilhimself! This spirit must be evil!' Instead, you know that the vibe is about something maybe a bit mischievous (taboo, even), or someone that was cast as the devil somewhere in history. Combine that with something like the Three of Cups and it's practically a neon sign saying "Hey! My vibe is about having a good time! Let's drink and party!" which leads right to my homie Dionysus.
Question phrasing is important. When you go into google and type in "Tarot Spreads" you get a lot of junk that tries WAY too hard to sound super smart and spiritual. "What part of myself do I hide from observation out of fear and/or shame?" Can be boiled down to "What am I ashamed of?" When I started tarot, I got most of my spreads by googling "tarot spread for ---". This works, but I often found myself pulling the cards, looking at the questions, and realizing I didn't actually know what the question was asking. If you find yourself in the position, try boiling down the question to it's essential parts.
Align Your Expectations with Reality
This ties into the above step, but I feel it deserves its own section. Tarot and divination are a tool we use to gain understanding of ourselves and those around us. Tarot is good for this! Play to this strength. Tarot can be used for practically any question, but there are some things that work better than others. Start with the things tarot is best at, then branch out to the more challenging questions! Think about what the cards themselves are able to say.
You should also be careful to consider if you should even be asking this question with divination. I have strict rules in place for what types of readings I accept. I do not use my cards to read the future. The future is ever changing, with infinite possibilities. I prefer to just let it happen. I do not do readings about school or tests (you're at school to learn! Not be told!). I do not do readings about medical problems. Those should be asked of a doctor. Morally, mixing the spiritual with physical health is not acceptable. When you turn to divination, ask yourself if divination is really the best way to get what you need.
Do Not Doubt Your Card Draws
Okay. So you've now thought about what you want from the reading, you've picked your questions, and now, finally, it's time to pull some damn cards. You shuffle, you draw, you flip, and --- wait a second, that can't be right?! Why did I get that card for this question?! I must have shuffled wrong, or picked the wrong cards!
Nope! You didn't! (Trust!)
Look at the cards. Observe them. Open your guidebook (I swear to god you need to actually use your fucking guidebook do not try to go without it oh my god--) and read the entire entry for every card. Sit with them some more. What jumped out at you in the descriptions? Trust your instincts! Meditate on them. If you don't get it, don't fall into the trap of drawing additional clarification cards. Remember the first tip? More cards equal a muddier reading.
Fine, you say, but what if the cards are really weird? What if they make less than no sense actually for real? Write that shit down in your journal, and wait until it makes sense. I'm serious about this. Sometimes readings only make sense months down the line, and sometimes it's above your current skill level. Interpret it to the best of your ability, and check back in six months later. If you're super impatient, try reaching out to someone who's ability you trust and ask their opinion! Just don't be offended if they say no. Interpretation is a lot of work!
If you (like I used to) continuously struggle with doubt about how/where/when to draw, how much to shuffle, and if you picked the right cards and maybe you should just scrap it and start over... Stop yourself. Come up with a routine and rules for the draw! Tell your deck "okay, one more shuffle, then I'm pulling!" and do that. You gave your deck the notice it needs to get its shit together, trust it!
Do Not Take the Cards Literally
You've heard this one. Everyone says it. But what does it mean? How do you not take the cards literally?
Let's start with the example everyone knows.
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XIII. Death
Whoa! You say, scary! Well, not really. Death indicates the ending of something, but not necessarily a life. Perhaps you're graduating school, and saying goodbye to that part of your life. Perhaps you're ready to move on from an outdated way of thinking. It depends on the context! Death is about cycles, about closing one door so you can open the next. This is really where the practice is going to set in.
Let's take a look at another one that tends to really ruffle peoples' feathers.
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"Oh shit! It's XV. The Devil!"
Is Satan himself in the room with you right now?! Probably not. Does this mean something evil or bad is going to happen?! Is this a sign that everything is cursed?! Also no. I've seen plenty of people balk and backpedal as soon as The Devil turns up in a reading, but really they're balking at nothing. The Devil does not mean some evil spirit is trying to trick you. The Devil asks you to interrogate the taboos in your life and in the society around you. The Devil says "hey, wanna buy some Deathsticks?" Sometimes the answer is hell no, and sometimes it's "Fuck yeah Obi-wan wants to party!!!" Remember back a few sections ago, and I used The Devil as an indication of Dionysus? That's because Dionysus is the god of wine, of the party, the physical indulgences that society tells you are wrong.
Learning to Not Take The Cards Literally is hard, and takes practice. But that's why we gotta practice!
Be Not Afraid (of your guidebook)
The guidebook loves you. The guidebook wants to help you. The guidebook is there to guide you! Use it!! Too many readers place too much emphasis on doing readings without the guide, on being independent, and not using the "cheat sheet". Look into my eyes. That's bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit. Memorization is a completely different skill from interpretation. Memorizing will leave out the details, the little things you forgot (and unless you have a photographic memory, yes, you will forget things). Sometimes all I need for a reading to click is one word in the guide, something I wouldn't have thought of without reading the book. Every deck is different. That's why they give you the guide. Someone put so much effort into the design of the cards, into the meanings behind the art. When you skip the guidebook, you're ignoring all the hard work that went into it. Don't make that writers work go to waste. Don't make them sad :(
How To Make Your Interpretation Better
Okay. You're trying not to think literally, you've read the guidebook, now what? "Good" tarot readings are incredibly subjective, and everyone will have a slightly different metric. But this is my post so we're using my metric!
Good tarot readings give you more questions. Good tarot readings ask you to interrogate yourself, and look at the real and true answers. Good tarot readings make you learn about yourself and the world around you. Good tarot takes into account the symbolism of the cards and melds it with the words of the guide. So let's take a look at some symbolism.
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The Ten of Sticks and the Seven of Sticks. Starting with the ten, what do we see? Some dude with some sticks. But wait -- he's holding all ten sticks by himself. His back is bent, his arms are full, and we can't see his face. The ten of sticks is about carrying burdens, about responsibility.
Now the seven. Some rando just holding a stick, right? Take a second glance. He holds the stick like a staff, a weapon, in a defensive position. He stands on a hill, and we see him fending off all the other sticks. The seven of sticks is about taking a stand for what you believe in, having the conviction to stand up on a hill and fight for it!
If you draw the ten of sticks, ask yourself if you're overburdened anywhere. Think about the responsibilities in your life, if they're enough, if they're too much. If you draw the seven, think about the things you believe in enough to climb that hill. Why do you believe those things so strongly? What drives you to the defensiveness behind your position?
Symbolism is another one of those skills that will simply come with practice and time! If you don't get it, don't beat yourself up. I highly recommend getting your hands on an app or book that breaks down both the meaning and symbolism of the cards for you to reference (Galaxy Tarot is my favorite).
Something else you can do to increase your understanding is to study readings other people do. I learned so much from watching my partner interpret readings (@knightofhylia <333). Look at the cards and the interpretation, can you follow along, or do you get lost? If you're lost, pinpoint what threw you off track and focus in. Pull the cards out of your own deck, lay them out, read the guide. Did you come to the same conclusions, or something completely different? Why? How? Which interpretation do you like more? Why do you like that one?
Divination will always be a highly personal experience. To know your cards is to know yourself. Tarot was not designed to be easy, it's an esoteric skill. By definition, the esoteric is difficult to understand and grasp to beginners and outsiders. The esoteric is supposed to leave you pondering, wondering, and asking more questions. With perseverance, you too can learn to understand the mysterious!
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hiddenhearthwitch · 10 months
💫🔮New Moon Tarot Spread🔮💫
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The New Moon Tarot journey, focused on harnessing fresh beginnings and untapped potentials that accompany the phase of the New Moon. Within this three-card spread, each card holds a unique message. The first card represents the seed of potential, symbolizing the opportunities ready to sprout in your life. The second card guides you in setting powerful intentions that align with your deepest desires. Finally, the third card provides insight into nurturing and manifesting your intentions, empowering you to bring your dreams to fruition during this lunar cycle. Please enjoy the journey! 🤍
1. Seed of Potential: This card represents the new beginnings and opportunities that the New Moon offers. It symbolizes the seed of potential that is being planted in your life. It can provide insights into what you should focus on or what areas of your life are ready for growth.
2. Intention Setting: This card guides you in setting your intentions for the lunar cycle ahead. It reveals what you should direct your energy towards and what goals or desires you should focus on during this phase. It can help you align your actions with your intentions.
3. Nurturing and Manifestation: This card signifies the energies and actions needed to nurture the seed of potential planted during the New Moon. It offers guidance on how to bring your intentions to life, what actions to take, and how to manifest your desires in the coming weeks.
🧹🌙You can find the sister Full Moon tarot journey on my patreon Hidden Hearth. Click me!🌙🧹
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sierraissleepy · 3 months
A Message for the Collective
Hi loves,
First, thank you so much for your interest in my private readings. There is much higher demand than I anticipated. This is such a blessing. Thank you for trusting me with your energy.
Repeated messages in the private readings have been:
Oracle card: the deer and oat – healing
Aura Healing
I sense that the collective is embarking on or needs to embark on a healing journey. This is some advice from spirit:
connect with nature - go on hikes or visit parks
Eat healthier food - an emphasis on grains
Explore aura cleaning meditations - for some of you this could help speed up your manifestations
Focus on finding the root of some of the key issues you face - try journaling or speaking aloud to yourself - finding your independent voice is so important
Give yourself the time and space to heal - healing is not linear, nor is it instantaneous
Be kind to yourself and those around you
Sending you peace, love and light,
Sierra xx
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seventies-arcana · 10 months
so you got your first tarot deck ... now what?
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getting your first tarot deck can be an overwhelming experience, especially if you haven't done much research into whats next. fear not, i am here to help!
cleanse, cleanse, cleanse. the deck you hold has been through many travels and has likely picked up lots of energies. i like to deep cleanse my cards with smoke by burning some lavender or rosemary. pass the smoke through the deck until it feels right. (10 seconds should do the trick)
take some time to look at the cards. one by one, hold a card and see the imagery, numbers, and/or words. see what pops out to you. get familiar with them.
shuffle the cards. there's a few ways to shuffle tarot cards, i go for the overhand method to avoid bending them, but do whatever feels best for you. notice how the cards act. are you able to keep a steady control over them? do some cards fly out while you shuffle?
look at some methods for picking cards. every tarot reader is different. i intend on making a post about this soon.
ask a question to get to know your deck. here are some of my favorites: how would you (the deck) describe yourself? what topics do you want to help me with? what are you hoping to accomplish with me?
get a box or velvet bag for your cards. i like to see this as gifting your deck a proper home. this also helps with keeping the cards in a safer storage space than the box they came packaged in.
keep the tarot deck beside you. personally, i keep all of my decks inside my nightstand. this is a good way for yourself and the deck to get comfortable with each others vibe.
hold the deck in your hands and meditate. feel the energy the deck radiates. ask for your spirit guides/gods/ancestors/the universe/positive energies to help answer your questions through this deck. i recommend doing this before each reading.
of course, you don't have to do all of these pieces of advice. however, i strongly recommend each and every one of them! let me know if you have any questions ♡
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thegildedgrave · 1 year
Beginner Tarot Tips #1
“Tarot is a journey, and and it takes time, trust and intuition,"- Nancy Hayes
1. Use a deck You Like!!!
•There’s a huge misconception that you can’t buy your own deck,That’s not true. You can and you should buy your own deck(s), you’ll find a deck you connect better with that way. (You can even create your own)
2. Find a way to make the cards unique to you.
• Put them in a special pouch or box, or put them in a prominent place in your home. Spend 10 minutes a day just shuffling and getting to know your deck, there’s no “right” or “wrong” way to bond with your deck
3. Calm down
• You’re learning a new skill, give yourself room to make mistakes, you can’t memorize everything in one day
4. Learn the cards meanings but leave room for your own interpretations
• everyone sees cards a little differently, see what meanings/interpretations stick out most for each card and write them down
5. Learn a simple spread and go from there
• big spreads are harder and more confusing to interpret, so stick to small 3-4 card spreads while learning!
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6. Read for yourself before giving other people readings
• get accustomed to your deck and reading for yourself regularly, it’s the best way to learn!
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emdelphi · 1 year
Beginner Tarot Question ✨✨✨
How often do you guys do a tarot reading? Do you do it when the vibes are right? Or follow some kind of calendar?
I feel drawn to doing readings that correspond with the different phases of the moon - am I on the right kind of track?
Maybe it’s a stupid question, but I’m feeling overwhelmed!
Thank you in advance!!!
Omg also does anyone have any experience using the AstroMatrix app for tarot readings?
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nymphia-tarot · 5 months
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Hi 🩷 I'm Nymphia, a budding intuitive 🦢 and this is a blog for my spiritual journey with mostly tarot and other forms of divination for your enjoyment and guidance.
✧ masterlist here
✧ paid readings here (Closed)
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1. Please make sure to follow basic etiquette during interactions and BE RESPECTFUL to everyone. Do NOT bring any sort of negativity here as I want to make this a safe space for everyone.
2. Some of my readings occasionally contain NSFW messages so if you're uncomfortable with those topics, please read the appropriate tags and curate your experience.
3. Feel free to suggest topics for future PACs in asks. I might select whatever seems interesting.
4. Tarot is a spiritual tool for guidance and reading current energies, not a definitive answer to your solutions. So please do keep in mind that ultimately it is you yourself who is responsible for your own fate and decisions.
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divider credits: animatedglittergraphics-n-more, anitalenia
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matlalihuitlbrujo · 2 years
PAC - What is Your Soulmate Like (Edition 3)
Tools used: Chakra cards, intuition
How to choose: take a deep breath and close your eyes, open them and let your intuition guide you to a picture that calls to you the most. The piles are in order from left to right with the forest being Pile 1
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Hello Pile 1! Your soulmate seems to be a psychic like myself and many others, although they may not realize it. They have a parental or teacher-ly aura to them. Maybe they do know and are a witch! They are very wise and strong willed (maybe physically strong instead). They’ve gone through some things but they’re flexible and have learned to heal.
Pile 2:
Pile 2:
Cards: Spiritual Awakening, Visualisation, Creativity, Grounding
Hello Pile 2! Your person seems to be an ambivert, likely a nature enthusiast who enjoys planting or other such activities. They’re a bit scatter-brained, but creative and passionate. Also, they seem to maybe play the piano or dance? They’re excellent with manifestations!
Pile 3:
Cards: Play, Holistic Health, Peace, Clarity
Hello, Pile 3! Your soulmate is very balanced! They love being able to balance work and play and as a result are very optimistic. They also seem to have a streak of good health, rarely getting sick or out of shape. They’re clairvoyant and may be a healer of some sort (perhaps they work in the medical field or are a witch).
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By the way...
I can do:
But what I can't do:
Celeb readings.
If any questions, just DM.
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hiddenhearthwitch · 9 months
✨The Lovers When Reading with Freyja✨
Recently did a tarot reading with Freyja and it was the second time I pulled The Lovers with her. I thought I'd share my interpretation of the card; especially in relation to Freyja. Remember the cards hold different meanings for all of us!
🤎Symbolizes profound connections, unity, and harmony in various aspects of life, including romantic relationships, friendships, and choices.
🌹Represents the power of love and attraction, encouraging individuals to follow their hearts and make choices driven by authentic emotions.
🪽It connects to the Norse goddess Freyja, who embodies love, fertility, and beauty. Like Freyja, the card celebrates the joy of romantic love and the enchanting connections between souls.
🍓Just as Freyja embraces her passions and desires, the Lovers card reminds us to embrace love fearlessly, cherishing the moments of deep connection and affection.
💒The Lovers card emphasizes the magical journey of romantic love, where two souls find each other and experience growth and discovery together, strengthening their bond.
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sierraissleepy · 3 months
Choose the Next Pick A Card Reading !!
Comment any other topics you would like me to discuss !!
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widow-tarot · 2 years
Tarot Tip #1
If you're new to tarot (either a reader or a person that purchases readings) it's very important to remember one thing.
Tarot is not all-knowing and it doesn't predicts future in a way you think it does.
Tarot speaks and informs of current energy and the possible outcome BUT the energy is like a fluid, constantly changing and going in different directions. If you don't like the outcome of a situation, you can change it through your actions. Nothing is fixed.
It's very important not to depend on the cards too much. Take the information the tarot gives you and use it, but don't base your entire future on a reading!
I've seen both clients and readers who made this mistake - they blindly followed the cards without critical thinking. If you have to ask the cards about every single thing, maybe the tarot is not for you.
It's very important to be grounded and use reason when dealing with divination in general. We are earthly beings, after all.
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thegildedgrave · 1 year
Beginner Tarot Tips #2
Connecting with your deck
1. Cleanse your tarot deck
There’s a number of ways to cleanse your deck such as; Sound, smoke, the moon, shuffling or knocking on the deck
2. set an Intention
Hold them and consider what intention you’d like to set for them within your personal practice
3. Shuffle
Shuffling is a form of cleansing and generates a new system for the deck based on what guidance you need
4. Do a connection spread with your deck
What do you want me to know about you?
Your strengths?
Your limitations?
What kind of relationship can we have together?
Which card can be my teacher right now?
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thedressagedraft · 1 year
So very, very recently I started playing with the idea of getting into Tarot.  Just thinking about it casually, considering trying it as a part of my mindfulness this year.  Well, I ended up buying a deck that I instantly was drawn to, and today I did an interview with it. 
And y’all, I feel like the read went so well and was so positive?  Like I wasn’t sure how much I would feel anything serious with this, I mainly want to use it as a tool for mindfulness and self-reflection, but in the “interview with my deck” after looking at the cards and reading and meditating on the interpretations in the guidebook, it seems like I have a really nice deck that will help me trust my intuition and become more inspired.
Obviously this is just a tool, but I didn’t expect to feel a connection.  I am looking forward to learning more about how to read and seeing where this takes me.
My deck is The Haunted Cat Tarot from ShadowArtFinds on Etsy, in case anyone was wondering, and it is gorgeous:
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(picture from Etsy)
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Tarot Tip/Advice🔮❣️
“I don’t feel connected to my cards/I feel like it’s not working”
If you’re having difficulty feeling connected to your cards, one tip is to try creating a “container” for when you’re working with tarot. This will help shut out the noise, distractions and physical world and allow you to bring peace, mindfulness, connection, and focus to the tarot reading.
What is a Container?
A container in this context is a practice/ritual (often found in trauma therapy) that allows a person to create a symbolic container for storing certain feelings, events, memories, sensations, etc. It has various uses and benefits.
Creating A Container
There are a few different ways to create a container. The main method I suggest for tarot reading can be thought of as bookends or sandwiches. To create a container for tarot reading, try incorporating other short practices for the beginning and end of the session. These can include:
Closing your eyes and talking to the universe
-beginning: channeling the universe; end: thanking the universe & reflecting
Setting up and breaking down your workspace
-beginning: lay down a cloth, burn incense, etc. ; end: breakdown your workspace and put everything away together in a specified box or space
Journaling before & after
-beginning: date, time, any topics/questions you have; end: sign your name or a quote relating to the reading or sign off phrase
Bookend mantras
-beginning: “I call upon those forces/spirits that are bigger than me to guide me” ; end: “I thank you force/spirits for your time and guidance”
There are of course plenty of other ways to create your container and I encourage you to explore the various ways to discover what does and doesn’t work for you. Feel free to add and share your methods here with others too!
Hope this helps💜
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