#lovely redacted
ollieneedstherapy · 1 month
Solaire clan headcannons
-William when he was first turned could not stand the smell or taste of blood
-Bright eyes LOVES to make Twilight jokes, Fredrick also does it but not as bad
-Lovely, when they found out coconut can be used as an emergency blood transfusion they tried to just drink that but it did not work
-Alexis hates it when anyone reminds her of Sam’s turning, she doesn’t feel bad but she pretends too
-Darlin’ and William meet up once a month to talk about things, it started out political but has just turned into Darlin’ getting drunk and William feeling like he’s young again
-Sam sometimes watches cartoons from when he was kid, his favorite is ATLA
-When it’s one of the vamps birthday’s. William will come over with wine or soda and whatever their favorite cake is
-Sam and Vincent tried to do it for him but no one knows when his birthday is (William doesn’t remember when it is either but he knows what month)
-When Sam was turned William came over to his apartment ever day, to make sure he was drinking, because Vincent was turned he didn’t eat for days and he didn’t want it to happen again
-Lovely is insanely good at Uno, to the point that Vincent thinks they’re cheating
-None of them are straight. None.
-Bright has walked into the sun more then once, Fred had to pull them back
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piffany666 · 28 days
OK just one more punk progeny won't hurt ~
Chapter 8: exceptions
(Ftm trans Bright eyes - uses he/him pronouns)
(Lovely demi girl - uses they/she pronouns)
Fred's eyes lingered on the door that was closed behind Bright and Porter.
He had so much to think about after that meeting, and yet he couldn't distract himself from the interaction he had just witnessed.
Fred's pov:
Well...those two seemed to...get along.
Wait. What am I doing? Some crazy stuff just happened and I'm more focused on who Brights...associating with!?
....this is all.....a lot.
We don't talk for a few months and suddenly he's on his way to become a Prince!?
I know how stubborn he is but you'd think he'd at least tell me SOMETHING
Actually no. I know that no matter what Bright would've kept this from me for as long as he could. But Sam. Sam should have said something. Hell he's the one who apparently gave William permission to take him in! And since when did Bright get so close to William anyway?!
.........no. dont think that. Thats not-
"You alright kiddo?"
End of Freds pov.
Sam interrupted his spiraling thoughts.
"I'm...no i-i don't know"
Sam sighed, then sat beside him.
"Thought so. Listen, I'm sorry I didn't say anything about this sooner. It's just....you know Bright, he would've been pissed off to high heaven if I'd told you his business, and besides, it wasn't a definite dissension. Hell, I only just found out that he'd made his choice. I would've thought he'd have told you by now, if only to claim bragging rights"
"Nah, we stopped talking after we had that arrangement, and when Bright wants to avoid someone -"
He stopped himself for a moment, collected his thoughts then sighed.
"Let's just say he wouldn't brake the silence, even if he had something to brag about"
For a moment, the two just sat there. There was never much talking whenever they were together. Sam always showed his feelings best through actions, and while Fred was actually the tipe to believe talking is the best road to success in any relationship, they managed to maintain a fairly healthy one. The same couldn't be said for Bright and Sam, who, despite having many things in common, such as communication skills, couldn't stand each other.
The thought that almost made its way into Fred's head sat threateningly at the gates of his subconscious.
Sam sensed there was something Fred wanted to say. In the past, he would have let him be and allowed Fred to come to him when he felt comfortable to do so. However.
"Hey, whatcha thinking about ?"
"I-it just"
Fred tried to tell himself that what he wanted to say was wrong and, to an extent, cruel. Then he remembered the way Bright looked at Porter just now.
And he let it out.
"It just doesn't seem fair! He gets us both killed, he's disrespectful towards you, he ignores me and how is he punished? By becoming royalty!?"
As Fred said this he shot up from his seat.
Once he had finished he exhaled heavily as if holding that thought in was the equivalent of holding his breath.
"......your right. It's not fair"
Replied Sam after a moment.
"Believe me when I say I do understand, but you have to understand that William is a better fit for Bright. He'll be able to handle him better than I ever could, him being a Prince as a result of that is just an....unfortunate catch"
Freds outburst caught the attention of Vincent and Lovely.
Alexis didnt seem to care, or at least thats what she made it seem like.
The room was silent however Vincent could feel a disturbance in Lovely's emotions.
"Hey, Lovely, are you ok?"
He asked as his hand sliped into theirs.
"Im. Fine."
They said through their teeth.
Their tone seemed almost stern...?
Vincent took their word for it but noted that this conversation seemed to have an....effect on them.
He took their hand and squeezing it for a moment.
Suddenly, after retreating for a short while, William returned to the common room.
He began to adress alexis.
"Alexis, i know i said i wanted Bright and Porter to get more acquainted, however, it completely slipped my mind that i have a meeting scheduled with Porter in less than 20 minutes, could you at some point retrieve him and bring him to me?"
She gave a nonchalant hand gesture that suggested that she would do so whenever it best suited her.
"Good, the rest of you are permitted to disperse you know?"
"We're aware we were just trying to asses the situation"
Replied Sam.
"Fair enough, however, its getting early, so please try and be conscious of time, if it comes down to it, you could spend the day here?"
"Nah i appreciate it but i gotta get back"
"Alright, then keep an eye on the time Samuel"
"Yes your highness"
At that, his majesty dispersed and retreated to his study.
The remaining vampires paused for a moment, silently debating whether or not they wanted to continue the precious topic of conversation and subconsciously arguing over who would be the one to continue if they were to do so.
Fred was still being taunted by the image of Bright's eyes and the way he looked at Porter.
He had only ever seen that look on very specific occasions and he was far from the only one to be greeted with such a look.
And by the way they left together Fred was met with the reality that he wouldn't be the last.
His fists gripped the fabric of the couch.
"Bright should at least have to apologise to you before being made prince..."
Sam spent a few minutes hesitating between whether or not to answer that. Then he replied.
"I agree"
Once sam had responded, fred took that as a sighn to continue.
"After everything hes done, he think he can just up and leave?"
Sam sighed. There was no point in trying to maintain some sort of moral high ground and pretend like he didnt agree with him.
"I dont know what i expected, but yeah, showing me at least some gratitude would do him some good. He didnt even havd the decency to tell me himself, we havent talked in God knows how long, ive had to get all my information on this whole mess of a situation throught william"
Sam felt the same weight leave him as fred felt when he finally let his true feelings out.
"I-im sorry Sam, but i dont think William is right for Bright. I get that hes the king but what has Bright eyes ever done to get a promotion this big?! Ive had to suffer so much because of him and the only person to console me has been you, not my supposed best friend, you"
Sam looked around for a moment to check to see if alexis was still there but to his relief, she had silently disappeared. Despite this he still lowered his voice as he said.
"We all know how good william is at picking his progeny, not you vincent! You know i dont mean you"
He said this as soon as he saw Vincent gering up to say somthing.
Vincent slumped back into his seat, he notice again how tense Lovely looked.
"Do...do you think hes going to end up like alexis?"
Fred asked with trepidation.
Sam winced after hearing this. Then answered.
"Alexis is the way she is for a number of reasons. Bright and Alexis are very diffrent people, no matter how similar their....behaviour might be, however, that dosnt mean i dont think this...promotion will change Bright for the worst. Because i KNOW that it will"
He chose his words very carefully.
Lovely's face had gone dark by this point, Vincent was really begining to worry.
"If William were to allow him access to any of his possessions or any of the privileges that come with being his progeny it would make even worse of a reckless monster out of him"
Sam knew that alexis and Bright eyes are different people, but adam and alexis where both testaments to what this kind of power could do to a person, so Fred's concerns began to cloud Sam's mind.
"What do those 'privileges' entail exactly?"
Fred was naturally curious as to what kind of luxury would be at Brights disposal.
"Just the same as whats available to Vincent and alexis, money, real estate, just general expensive sh*t he dosnt need"
Another disapproving glance from Vincent, who was begining to question the implication of what sam was saying in regards to his 'privileges'.
"Oh great because thats exactly what he needs"
The irony and sarcasm in his tone dripped from every word that came out of his mouth.
Right before he was about to continue, he was interrupted by Lovely, who stood up as she said.
"I have a question"
Vincent's hand sliped out of hers as she made a fist.
"Why don't talk about me the way you do Bright eyes?"
This question baffled Sam and confused Fred. Vincent's mouth parted slightly in shock.
Sam asked coldly.
"Why. Dont you. Talk about me. The way you do. Bright eyes?"
She shortened her statement but started it just as bluntly as she did previously.
She didn't give Sam a moment to respond when they turned her attention towards fred.
"How old is Bright eyes?"
"W-what? What dose that have to do with-?"
"Answer the question. How old is Bright eyes?"
What Lovely was really asking was 'how old was he when he was turned' but its not like he'd aged since then. Or will age from then on.
"19.....same as me"
He answered while looking up at lovely, Fred had never considered Lovely to be an authority figure but he certainly did now.
"Right. You wanna know how old i was when i went to wonder world?"
Fred flinched at the mention of the place of his turning.
"24. I was 24. I went there and was given a warning and you know what i did? I went back there. Im an adult and i didnt know better, so what? Should Bright have known better? And if thats what you think then why. Dont you treat me. The way you treat. Him?"
Everyone was silent. This was a side of Lovely that neither sam nor Fred had ever seen before.
Vincent knew better than to make Lovely mad for this exact reason.
"Whats your point?"
Asked Sam, who immediately came to regret asking.
"My point is you need to give Bright some damn slack! From the moment he was turned you blamed him for what happend. He's a babby! Im a grown ass adult!"
They bellowed at Sam then turned their attention towards Fredrick.
"And look, i know you blame him because he peer pressured you into going into wonder world that night, i appreciate that, but you cant act like you where the only one hurt by his mistakes"
Vincent was begining to consider stepping in.
Lovely once again addressed Sam.
"He made a mistake! A stupid, life changing mistake! No one in this room can say they haven't done that, and yet you wasted no time making sure he knew it was his fault! Would you have done that to me? Imagine if somone did that to you when you where first turned. Imagine if somone told you to have known better? Imagine if somone told you to drive safer!
Vincent finally stepped in, interrupting her explosive rant, not entirely on purpose, he simply shouted at her out of shock.
This seemed to cause Lovely to realise the severity of what they just said and she began to blush out of embarrassment and shame.
Their head bowed as she tried to avoid facing Sam.
"I-im sorry i-i have to go"
She rushed out of the room, vincent tried to go after her but stopped himself.
She just needed time to cool off.
"I should go"
Sam said as he stood up.
Vincent didn't want him to feel like he needed to leave, but he knew he couldn't convince him to stay any longer.
Besides, the sun was bound to come up soon.
"C-can i go with you? I dont wanna have to spend the day here"
Fred's room was directly next to Bright's.
He wasn't an idiot. He knew from that look Bright gave Porter that Bright didnt intend to spend the day alone.
"Yeah, come on kiddo lets go"
Sam replied, fred stood up and they made their way out.
Lovely was aimlessly wandering around the manor.
She wanted to talk to Bright eyes. Ever since he got here sam discouraged everyone from talking to him, saying he wasn't 'sociable' or 'particularly friendly'.
But what would she even say?
She thought,
'Hello i know we've never had a real conversation but i just defended your honour. Could we be friends now?'
Lovely groaned.
Then she turned a corner and immediately bumped into alexis.
"Ah! Oh! S-sorry i-"
"Ugh its fine i was actually looking for you anyway"
Lovely couldn't name a time alexis had even had a real conversation with her, let alone activly seek her out.
Lovely asked hesitantly.
"I just ran into Bright eyes....and Porter"
Her lips curved into a smug smile.
"Lets just say i caught them at a....bad time~"
"Oh? OH"
Lovely had a good idea of what alexis was refering to.
At first they were suprised, then worried.
Lovely knew how much Vincent hated Porter, hell she hated him arguably just as much and Vincent had taken a huge liking to Bright eyes. Lovely found it adorable how happy Vincent was at the prospect of a little brother, so how would he feel about this?
"Aha~ Porter told me hed rather not lose his head telling vincent himself but he knew i couldnt just keep this to myself, so im on my way to tell him in his sted, i suggest you dont bring this up with Vincent, he's got enough on his mind, he most likely would want to avoid this information as much as possible, at least until after the summit"
"Yes of course"
Lovely knew how much pressured Vincent was under, they didnt want to add to it by bringing this up.
And besides, if alexis was going to tell him anyway then hed talk about it with her when he felt ready.
"Alright then, where are you going?"
"Oh! I was on my way to see Bright but if he's....busy i-"
"Oh dont worry, when i walked in on them Porter chased me away as opposed to staying with Bright eyes, my best guess is that Bright got sick of waiting for him to come back so he went back to his room"
Lovely was suprised by her intuition.
"A-alright then, ill go see if he's there"
Alexis hummed then made her way past them.
Lovely still didnt know what she'd say to him.
Once she had turned the corrner that she had previously attempted to turn before bumping into alexis, her eyes where met with something she believed to be the answere to her dilemma.
@darlin-collins thank you for proof reading!
@anexistingexistence thank you for the dialog recommendations
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plaqying · 7 months
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angelbabby · 2 years
Lovely has braces:)
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I’m just your problem with Vincent and lovely send tweet
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restlesshush · 1 year
I was thinking about this and got curious
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halcyon-autumn · 9 days
The bad kids are insane this episode. It's crit city. It's tactical genius. They are blowing through the kinds of monsters that make most dnd parties shit themselves. They've come SO FAR from the scared kids who died to cream corn and I am LIVING for the sheer competency on display here. No one is doing it like the bad kids are doing it.
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majunju · 3 months
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sharpibees · 1 year
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REACTION SPEED [Challenging: Failure]
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rirupadg · 11 months
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soranker · 2 months
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tomorrow :)
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rendevok · 10 months
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“Take my hand” a comic for NaruMitsu Week 2023
day 1 - lies & secrets - 2 - 3 - 4
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puppetmaster13u · 1 month
Prompt 261
“So is no one going to talk about the eldritch space child or…” 
“I mean, do you want to get between a child and Batman? I think the only one who could even get close right now is Superman…” 
“No you’re right, I think- oh my god the eldritch space child is playing with batman’s bat-ears and he’s not doing anything about it what the fuck I thought only Robins could get away with that-” 
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willowcrowned · 2 years
the nature of tumblr is that every so often a beloved mutual will reblog a horny picture of a middle aged man and you just have to grin and bear it
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fuckyeahisawthat · 1 month
The thing about Paul is that he is legitimately kind of unhinged in his willingness to throw himself into physical danger and risk getting hurt or killed in a fight that matters to him.
The way he goes NYOOM the second he realizes that Duncan is about to fight a fuckton of Sardaukar. No shield no weapons no plan no hesitation, ready to take on the most fearsome soldiers in the known universe in his pajamas. And he would have if Duncan hadn't locked the door.
Fly through a sandstorm because it's the only escape route? Never done it before but sure. Crawl under a moving harvester the size of a building with chompy bits on the end? Worst plan ever, let's go. Bait the ornithopter gunship into shooting at him so his crush can blow it up? It was his goddamn idea. Hide quietly when the Harkonnen soldiers show up during the eclipse? Oh hell no, he is looking for a way to escalate that situation immediately. He just killed someone for the first time like yesterday and did not enjoy it. But as soon as the Harkonnens are there he is ready to throw down.
The absolute trapped raccoon energy of him just grabbing the knife blade when Feyd's trying to stab him the second time, because it's probably over but he's not gonna make it easy, and maybe that gives him the extra second he needs to pull his own knife out. That teeth-gritted look he gives Feyd when he is on his knees, beat to shit, two stab wounds, blood all over his face, and is still like bitch you THOUGHT you could out-crazy me.
Like many things about him, it's a double-edged blade. Because it's what wins him respect among the Fremen, that he's willing to go to the front lines and not afraid to take risks. It's the most potent expression of his fierce protective streak, that he'll jump into danger to defend those he loves. And it's also fucking terrifying. It just adds such a chaotic energy to all the other ways that he is scary, that he doesn't just command armies of fanatics and have the power to make the Emperor of the Known Universe bow at his feet, but that this blood-streaked feral little gremlin might show up personally at any moment and stab you in the neck.
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dizzybizz · 2 months
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cute date idea: feel a bit homesick while watching aurora borealis for a bit before absolutely destroying yourselves on black sand
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