#lw freaking out but
mermaidsirennikita · 11 months
I know there are going to be a lot of Feminist Thinkpieces on how Ryan Gosling's Ken is getting the most hype in early reactions to the movie, and arguably has taken up a surprisingly big part of the promo....
But, the entire concept of the girlboss Barbie mythologizing Mattel is going for and Diablo Cody being.... right.... about the issues surrounding that (and tbh, very tame in her critique) aside, I can't help but wonder about how much of the centering of Ryan and Ken has to do with a mercenary evaluation of how Margot Robbie's career trajectory and the public perception of her changed in between her being cast as Barbie and the movie's promo actually beginning
which sure does undermine the FEMINIST FILM MADE BY FEMINISTS promo vibes
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meeenx · 2 months
(please understand this was after a day) but omg yall pickle juice.
pickle juice is kinda an acquired taste. i love pickles. the juice ain’t my beverage of choice.
if you like it, and/or don’t mind because you are struggling with appetite/b!nges.
take some sips during the day/during a fast and let me know if you also aren’t feeling any hunger at all - so i’m 20 hrs in, normally i feel a little hunger and want to eat, and i have been just drinking water and after, sipping a little pickle juice (approx. a tablespoon) from a non-expired jar in the fridge i had and i have had a delta 9 edible, i had a smoke on a second walk (w33d) and i’ve exercised, period is about to start, i am still not hungry. not even a desire to think about it even…
i want to try this again tomorrow and get high again, but yall im freaking out because this is working???
there was a girl that go t-w0rded on here and reblogged the fact that she lost the ability to gain weight because her bf said “drink some pickle juice” and she’s been maintaining her lw since and not even by choice - she recovered months ago so i looked it up online that it has some appetite suppressant qualities but to be safe and not drink like jars and shit of it because the sodium content is so high and bad in the long run, but i’m planning (and you should to) to just have it when i have cravings during a fast and want to go longer on a fast, not eat as much, etc. and im not gonna be one of those girlies to gatekeep shit if it works for me, because it could work for someone else and if you are safe, as i’ve asked you all to be…do with what this info what u will
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bitchcakegreen · 22 days
I finally watched all four episodes of season 3 part 1 and I have thoughts, as a fan and as a screenwriter/former romance novelist, and professional director. I didn’t have netflix but I got it for this season. I did this kinds of analyzations and such during Game of Thrones. Hopefully people enjoy reading. Full disclosure, I have not read any of the Bridgerton books. (I’m about three chapters into Romancing Mr. Bridgerton)
First off, give me all the Pen and Colin all the time. I’ve been hoping they get together from season 1 and I’m so happy Shondaland didn’t make us wait another season, as the books go in a different order. There’s a lot of subtle nuance to Pen and Colin’s scenes, Colin always seeking out Pen wherever they are, the tent pastry scene followed by Colin clearly eating the same pastry as Pen did. The tent scene was freaking hot. I said what I said. Things of this nature make their love affair so lush. It’s that journey to getting to the carriage scene that’s so thrilling.
I didn’t mind Francesca’s subplot or the Mondrich one but I do agree with many I’ve seen here that the subplots almost took over. There was a lot of emphasis placed on things other than Pen and Colin which annoyed me somewhat. Hopefully when we get to part 2 there will be more intense focus on Polin and the subplots are just rotating around them because right now, with the pacing of these first four episodes, it’s the opposite. Polin feel as if they are somewhat an afterthought.
The Cressida redemption movement I don’t think will last into part 2. I think all this work is to try and make the audience sympathize with her and then when she goes after Pen, Pen as Lady D, and so forth we are supposed to think “OH! But she was being so nice.” Hopefully I’m wrong and they follow through on her storyline because if they don’t…they wasted a lot of time and storyline on her instead of focusing on Polin.
I’m ambivalent about Lord Debling, so meh. Sorry about it.
Anthony and Kate - absolutely unnecessary but I know why they brought them in. One, he is the Viscount so he would be around. Two, they are fan favorite. I get it. I accept it. It was just wasted real estate for me. But to each their own.
I love Mr. Finch and I LOVED he got to be such a beaming brother-in-law for Pen in the green dress. I do wish they hadn’t shown us the dress reveal in the trailer. It would have been such an awestruck moment for us to see it first in the show. Sweeping cape removal and glittering loveliness.
Pen’s sisters and their race to get pregnant. It’s all a setup for Pen to be pregnant first or with the male heir by the end of the season. Cute but really long winded in getting there. There is a now since deleted promo clip of Pen, with Colin standing behind her, where she takes his hand and places it on her stomach. So we’re getting a pregnancy nod somewhere next part. May even be why she faints in whatever scene they show in the trailer for part 2.
Eloise needs to get her head out of her butt. I don’t think she’s angry Pen is LW but more angry that she didn’t figure out Pen was Whistledown sooner. She’s mad that Pen didn’t try to see her during the offseason, yet she tells her at the end of season 2 to get the fuck out of her life. Get it together Eloise. I love Eloise, don’t get me wrong, I adore her. I just want her to stop acting like an ass and TALK to Pen.
There is discourse about the second Colin threesome scene, but there really shouldn’t be. There’s a reason for it. It showcases that Colin is done with the charade he’s been playing all season. He isn’t the bon vivant, dashing rake he’s supposed to be. It’s jarring but it’s a scene with a purpose.
All the Polin scenes are delightful. The balloon scene might be my favorite - the pastry scene I include in this. And of course the first kiss and the carriage scene (which lives in my head on repeat) but I have to say, I wanted more Polin screen time. I think if we spliced all the Polin scenes together we see that out of four hours of film, they have maybe a cumulative 1 hour of screen time. Which isn’t much for a couple that is the lead of the season. Hopefully the ratio will be better in part two.
Merit badges and raises to the Featherington coachmen and to Pen’s maid Rae. They are MVPs and are totally gossiping about Polin. You know that tea was flowing in the servant’s quarters about the carriage ride…
Scenes I hope we get in part 2.
1. Full on sexfest with Pen and Colin, the likes to rival Daphne and Simon.
2. Whistledown reveal to Colin. First I want him angry - that passionate angry we use in romance novels. The kind where the hero is always “I’m so mad at you right now I can’t see straight but I need you writhing with passion underneath me screaming my name RIGHT NOW!” kind of angry. I want ripped corsets and torn skirts. If you know you know.
3. Pen and Eloise make up.
4. Big stupid lavish wedding.
5. More unhinged Queen Charlotte wigs. Because reasons.
Sorry this was such a long post, but I needed to get my thoughts out. Thanks for reading if you made it this far. Now excuse me while I go watch part 1 elevenity million more times.
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audiblehush · 9 days
Y’all, I don’t know how to tell you this, but characters have to make mistakes and have flaws in order for conflict in a plot to happen.
When it’s a couple’s season of Bridgerton, it means multiple fuckups by those characters to varying degrees. That’s how narrative conflict WORKS.
Penelope not telling Colin she’s Lady Whistledown is WRONG. It’s understandable why she’s freaking out, but Eloise is absolutely in the right by telling Penelope she needs to tell him… I don’t know, JUST like Penelope tried to get Marina to come clean to Colin? Like, I’m sorry, but it’s SO OBVIOUS that this is an intentional parallel; I’m begging people to pay more attention.
Eloise has her own flaws and has made mistakes (and she’ll continue to do so until her own season), but this ISN’T ONE OF THEM. NOT EVEN CLOSE. Penelope is lying, out of deep seated fear of rejection, probably partly due to Eloise’s own reaction, yes, but Eloise is right that Colin can’t love every part of Penelope if she CHOOSES to hide it from him; that is NOT the way to start a marriage.
Colin and Penelope are beautiful because they eventually remove the masks and THEY CHOOSE EACH OTHER ANYWAY. Honesty is a required component of love, and they’ll get there, but Eloise is right to expect Penelope to tell Colin about LW - why wouldn’t you??? Penelope needs to learn to trust other people with her whole, contradictory self - that is the whole part of her journey to love: from others and to HERSELF!!!
I’m so tired of the bickering!! These conflicts should have been EXPECTED! ALL of these characters have made mistakes and been bad friends in some capacity since S1 - that is LIFE, and seeing how these characters work through that is part of the beauty of this show!
Ugh, I’m tired… character development requires conflict, both internal and external; that’s how it WORKS!!!
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torchwood-99 · 22 days
So big, big spoilers, and a Creloise theory that has me spiralling.
Cassandra Morann 💕 | Bridgerton Season Three Episode Six SPOILERS Part 1 of 6! Seeing Cressida deal with the fallout of this choice is one of the biggest… | Instagram
This instagram account has been recapping episode 5, and has just started 6.
Now, things aren’t going great between Cressida and Eloise. Cressida’s dad is threatening to marry her off to an old guy (who wants kids) and Eloise is too busy freaking out over Penelope marrying Colin under a falsehood to be there for her when Cressida reaches out to her over it. They also have a falling out over Cressida deciding to get the bounty, and Eloise says she couldn’t find LW so Cressida certainly couldn’t.
All pretty bad right, and I imagine after the fake LW reveal things will get worse.
However, there is a ray of sunshine!
Cressida’s dad opens episode 6 telling Cressida off, saying that he will send her off to live in Scotland with her aunt.
Why is this so promising? (Other than Scotland being quite lovely and a nice place to stay.)
Because there are leaks of Eloise getting into a carriage with John and Fran. Where is this carriage going? Well, considering John’s estate is in Scotland, the general expectation has been that Eloise will be travelling with them to their Scottish estate.
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Which means, if these theories are true, and Cressida does end up being sent to Scotland (the fact they specified Scotland of all places is certainly interesting) then could it be both our girls end up in Scotland? Does Eloise follow her, to offer company, comfort, an apology?
(Also interesting thing to note. Scotland was where forbidden couples used to run away to in order to elope. Just saying.)
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thekatebridgerton · 10 months
Today on another episode of stories I'm too sleep deprived to write: past life reincarnation au. But it's just a universe where the Bridgertons fall in love but they never quite get their happy endings
Daphne saw a betrayed Simon chose to willingly get shot by Anthony and leave England in shame rather than marry her.
Anthony married Edwina and lived to know Kate died of a horseback riding accident shortly after the wedding
Benedict was rejected by Sophie, who chose to take the next ship to America instead of accepting his offer to be his mistress
Colin discovering her secret scared Penelope enough she vanished from his life without a trace.
Francesca never saw Michael again after he confessed he loved her.
And Eloise never took a chance on Sir Phillip, once she found out that he had children, she went back home with her brothers and tried to live her spinster life. Reason for which, he simply married another lady soon after his mourning period was over.
Hyacinth fell in love with Gareth, who chose to marry the next heiress he met rather than indulge her in her adventures
And Gregory was too slow and too late to Lucy's wedding. Knowing he was most likely the father of her and Haselby's only child
So, what happens when all your life you live to regret one mistake that cost you the love of your life. Wondering if you could have done anything different, then maybe you could have been happy.
And then a freak accident happens in Aubrey Hall and all the Bridgertons wake up on the morning of Daphne's debut.
Gregory and Hyacinth, rightfully horrified at having to go trough puberty again. Just want to see where young Gareth and Lucy are holed up and bring them to London, so at least growing up for a second time will be less terrible.
While Anthony is plotting exactly how to begin courting Kate Sharma despite knowing his disastrous marriage to Edwina left him jaded and broken in the romance department. And that he never got over Kate's death
Daphne has to tread the thin line between flirting with Simon and spooking him into running from her. Without resorting to a fake engagement
Benedict has the dubious mission of catching Sophie without tarnishing her reputation knowing she's wily enough to slip away from his grasp with whatever method he chooses. Even if he offered marriage, he would still need to take her out of Araminta's grasp and earn her trust. And his lady in silver is stubborn enough to resist him
Colin has to get close to Penelope without letting her find out he knows her secret while at the same time officially courting her like a gentleman and protecting her from the unsavory parts of her work. At the same time that he tries to infiltrate the steadily growing network of connections she built as LW that allowed her to disappear from his life in his first lifetime
Eloise has to live with the knowledge that she is now inlove with a very married man and worry about the moral implications of visiting Marina and befriending Phillip so soon after their marriage. After all, if Eloise intervenes Marina could live, but she'd lose Phillip again
And Francesca has to figure out quick, how to choose between her two great loves. Michael and John. Both of whom she never got over. Before it's time for her debut in society
If one mistake could cost you the love of your life, what mistakes exactly would you be willing to make? Well, the Bridgertons sure are going to find out
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bobbys-not-that-small · 5 months
Well, lovely tumblr gang, if you haven’t had your fill of meet-up (I mean, i haven’t and I WENT), my asks are open!!
SO MUCH content on the Save LW&Co discord - if you aren’t on there, you should join! And tonnes on twitter (lots of freaking out). The hashtags are #LockwoodandCoAnniversary and #LockNationMeetDebrief and there are all the photos and vids popping up now everyone has had a chance to recover!!
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thequietesthing · 27 days
Bridgerton S3 Part 1 REVIEW!!!
Gentle readers, the time is finally upon us…
SPOILERS AHEAD - books and tv show 
Read at you your own risk
let’s go storyline by storyline
Polin: I LOVE THEM YOUR HONOR. they are great. the first episode you wanna smack CB up and down bc he behaves like an ass. Pen my darling i love you but some of your scenes give me second hand embarrassment and i had to watch them thru my fingers lol. I enjoyed the insertion of the character of Lord Debling; he was there, he did his part, which was basically making Colin more evidently jealous. In the books there is no need for that because we follow the thought process of the characters, but in a visual adaptation they have no way to do that so they used the old fashioned jealousy trope, that never disappoints. Confession time, I’m really not a big fan of friends to lovers because a lot of times there is the risk of falling into a series of banalities, BUT in the series, like in the books, it was really really well done. I like how they showed the progressive obsession that Colin has with Penelope, (and I feel like the best is yet to come), because of one thing you can be sure is that that man is OBSESSED with his (future) wife. Scene in the carriage: NAILED IT. Personally I’m also really fond of the scene in the book when he follows her and finds out that she’s LW, which from the promo for the second part I assume will happen (yey!). ALSO THE MIRROR SCENE. I’M WAITING.
Moving on
Francesca: my beloved. Not only do we share a name, but also a core deep awkwardness and the inability to be at the center of attention for more than two minutes straight; not to mention a deep appreciation for silence. I’M LOVING her storyline, I think it has great potential, and we’re finally discovering something more of the mysterious Bridgerton. The way I SCREAMED when John presented himself at Bridgerton House!!!! He is also a sweetheart and they are absolutely lovely together (this characterisation is needed as it will serve as a counterbalance for Michael later). Also Hannah Dodd is just the sweetest tootie-patootie and has such an angel face (which makes me really eager to see her in her season, IYKYK). Idk if you can tell that her book is my favourite lol.
Eloise: my girl, I cannot blame you. Like, let’s be honest, when a friend keeps something from you, especially of such magnitude, you can’t help of being a bit mad. I do think that she still has a great love for Penelope and it shows during these first four episodes. Also, only Eloise can make Cressida Cowper nice apparently. I think it’s going to be very interesting in the second part see her trying to protect her brother from Pen’s secret, but I do believe that in the promo that they showed us there are mostly scenes from episode 5 and 6. She has embraced the mentality if you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em, which makes her less “contrary” to society but she still has her quirkiness and wit that distinguishes from the rest.
Kanthony: they are happy, they are in love and they are enjoying their marital bed, and honestly who can blame them?! I love that they are happy and that they are showing us them being happy. I feel that is something that lacked with Daphne and the Duke because of actors unavailability, but I’m happy that both Johnny and Simone decided to continue. Especially Johnny because I have to say I’m a sucker for Anthony as “father-figure” for the youngest siblings, so I’m hoping for a scene with Frannie/Eloise/Gregory/Hyacinth and Anthony, even in future seasons.
Benedict/Violet: I really think that the next season will be Benedict season, and I will elaborate later why, because my man here needs a change of scenery. 3 seasons, every single time the same freaking storyline for my beautiful Benny that is a precious soul and could do so much more than to shag the first person that comes across his path. Violet is really sweet. She worries for her children a lot, like it’s normal for any mother but she’s learning, with a trial-error approach, how to let a bit go. I’m not entirely convinced of this Marcus guy. I think that Lady Danbury needs to sit Violet down and come clean of why she and her brother are estranged because she (being me) needs to know. 
Mondrich family: they are so cute, but I feel (and hope) that we will be able to close their story this season because it’s starting to feel a bit dragged on.
All in all, the first part of S3 gets 4,5/5⭐️
Now, my predictions: like I said before I do think that the next season will be Benedict turn, and not Francesca or Eloise, for the following reasons
1.They don’t know what to do with the poor guy anymore, every season a different person but his story arc feels a bit incomplete. They did something last season with the whole art school debacle but we are mostly back to square one.
2.Eloise has not given any indication that she has started writing to Mr.Philip. I think she will start at the end of this season or beginning of the next one.
3.Since we don’t have anymore debutantes for a while, I think next season will begin with Francesca and John’s wedding, and as a secondary storyline they will start to show more of their relationship + they will introduce Michael and all their dynamics. 
4.If they continue, I believe Eloise will have the fifth season , with her running away after Benedict (her favourite brother) gets married. 
ALSO, and this is more a personal curiosity, I wonder what they will do with LW. Technically, in the books Penelope is discovered and LW dies out; in fact in E/F/H/G we don’t have any LW at the beginning of the chapters but extrapolates of letters from the main character to other characters. It’s interesting I think because, if they do decide to cut her out completely, it will change the format of the series quite a bit as it has become such a core part of how the show is perceived by the audience. Which leads me to a reflection on how they decided to promote/present the show. If Benedict is actually next, I think it will be a bit of a transitional season. Let me explain myself; I don’t think that the queen (and the court in general) will have a big role like she’s been having for the past seasons because the next Bridgerton debutante will be Hyacinth, which is quite a few seasons away. We won’t have anymore LW (technically) and also the stages set in the books, especially for E, but also for F partially, takes place far way from London. If they actually manage to get to H/G seasons (which I hope because I want to see Garrett and Lucy), they will bring back the entire London setting. OBVIOUSLY ASSUMING THAT THEY FOLLOW WHAT IS WRITTEN IN THE BOOKs AND DON'T DECIDE TO SWITCH IT UP AND MAKE EVERYTHING HAPPEN IN LONDON (honestly, I hope not)
All this to say that I think that they split this season for two reasons: one of purely economical nature; being the fact that they have been absent from the screens for very long and in order to keep the people talking about the series more (and for longer) and to regain all the money spent, is very strategic to split it in half, keeping engagement high for all the time before/in between/after. The second reason I think is of narrative choices, if we assume that I’m right and Benedict is next, for the reasons I told you before. They want to show a bit of a detachment between the Bridgerton we have known until know and the one that will come later.
Ok I’m done. Gosh, how I ramble.
I have a sixth sense that I need to add this, just to be sure: these are my opinions, feel free not to share them just please be nice if you want to manifest your disagreement.
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brynnsasha191 · 15 days
Why I don't like Cressida and Eloise's friendship, and why I still don't like either character: A freaking novel.
For some context: I don't like Eloise. Ever since S1, I found her to be incredibly annoying and invasive, constantly shoving her own opinions down people's throats (Daphne, Pen, Violet). And of course, I never liked Cressida for obvious reasons. But disliking Eloise felt like the greatest crime a Bridgerton fan could commit so I kept my mouth shut about it, when the trailer came out I felt like I finally had a valid reason to dislike Eloise because of her friendship with Cressida. But then they hit us with Creloise being actually...cute. (okay, back to getting to the point)
I think we were supposed to end up drawing parallels between Pen and Cressida, and feel like they're both girls who have families that are mean to them...yeah I'm not buying that, because the difference is Cressida is mean and cruel, whereas Pen is kind and compassionate (yes, even with/as LW). S1-S2 Cressida is a miserable human being who makes a game out of hurting people, seeing such a strong 180° change gave me severe whiplash. She didn't even change between the seasons, she changed between episodes 1-2. One minute she's destroying Pen's dress and the next she's keeping Pen's secret for Eloise?? But regardless, she changed for the better, logically I should be happy about it. So why am I not?
Because I truly don't understand why every single generic mean girl needs a redemption and sad backstory. Some people are just miserable people to be around, some people are just narcissistic without a sad backstory and no hope of a "redemption". And to most TV shows there's one character that everyone is supposed to hate, I love hating that character lol.
Despite my dislike of Eloise, I tried to put it aside and be completely fair to her on the falling out. I completely acknowledge that Pen deeply hurt her and I completely understand why she would need distance, but Pen was trying to protect her. But here's something I noticed, Eloise completely sold out on all her values this season. Eloise has never taken cues from anyone, and here she is almost entirely at Cressida's beck and call. Pen really notices this, El does too *insert the moment they look at each other in EP 3*
"I lost the battle and I have no appetite for war, so I simply joined the winning side" is regency speak for "I sold out". And let me make something clear, Eloise is not a victim in S3. She's so, incredibly fine. She's clearly struggling with her falling out with Pen and she doesn't want to revisit the past. Respectable. But she is not nearly the victim that Pen and Cressida are. As Cressida said, not everyone is lucky enough to have a supportive family.
"I simply cannot understand why people don't see things the way I do" I physically recoiled at that line. Harsh eye roll as well. If that line isn't the mark of a selfish character I don't know what is.
That being said, I truly can't wait for Eloise's season. Her and Phillip will GAG us, I know it. They're my favorite book couple.
Creloise claiming to be nice to Pen while simultaneously being horrible to her
I can't count how many times Creloise is rude to Pen this season. Tearing her dress, faking an injury to take her only suitor away (Eloise was complicit in these things), saying Pen isn't worthy of their attention, pretending she's dead/a ghost. I don't blame Eloise for Pen and Colin's secret because everyone is entitled to support and she apologized for it, I don't blame Cressida because she didn't tell anyone but she seems weirdly amused by it, she comments on them almost mockingly. They both have a right to not like her, they however don't have a right to destroy her dresses. Eloise saying that LW might just make something up for her colum irks me because Pen has never once made something up for LW. She nevers trades lies or misinformation. Eloise should know this.
Peneloise was one of my favorite parts of this show and I have no doubt they'll be friends again by the last episode's end, but part of me can't help but wonder if they're better as just sisters in law and not best friends.
Part two Cressida
I know that in part two Cressida pretends to be LW and seems to cause Peneloise a lot of headaches. I'm wondering if Cressida will revert back to her old, mean self for the LW prize and it will lead to the end of Creloise. I'm really scared for El's ultimatum in EP 5 (she's right for it though) and since Cressida seems to be the one who makes Pen faint, I'm anticipating making a part two to this post.
I hope this was all coherent. And if you're still here then you are an incredible human being, I've tuned myself out. If you have opinions I'd love to hear them, please share them kindly and with respect. ❤️
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devastatinglygreen · 19 days
If im being completely honest there’s a big part of me that is afraid that the fallout from LW reveal will damage them to a place I won’t find myself rooting for them anymore. I mean what if he goes back to fake take Colin and there’s a whole Friends-esque ‘we were on a break!’ situation of him being with someone else? What if they call off the engagement entirely and all we end up with at the end of episode 8 is reunited Polin but nothing more? No wedding or babies or anything? I know it’ll be real bad and hurt and I know it needs to happen, I’m concerned about the journey they’ll take from the reveal to reconciliation. How bad do you see it getting? Broken engagement? Estranged until the last bit of episode 8 as other seasons have done? Would love to hear your thoughts!
i spent a while trying to figure out how to answer this without a bunch of spoilers and truthfully, the only thing i have is do you trust the story you're watching? what about the first part of season 3 made you think that's going to happen?
or did a bunch of the sky is falling blogs/twitter users/reddit threads give you anxiety?
and i mean that sincerely. even if they do something you don't particularly like, is your idea of the story stronger than the story itself and it hinders your overall enjoyment? those people are the ones who seem to be the most unhappy with season 3 so far.
also, i am pretty sure i know where the original freak out of the ross and rachel thing came about but luke newton said this:
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i don't think he was talking about being on a break.
also they're following the book pretty well, or at least adding a good amount of it in there, and there's a whole plot/character growth for them happens after the wedding. a pretty important one at that.
i meant what i said in that i think the LW fight is going to be painful but i actually don't think the conflict will last all that long, tbh. not to bring up the book like it's gospel but seriously, colin is very aware of how society treats her and it colors the way he thinks of society because of it. he knows he's privileged and well liked and life is easier for him because of it.
eloise is still convinced that her every thought is the right one and overlooks penelope in a lot of ways which gives her sense of betrayal almost a prideful feel to it. colin is both in love with penelope and aware of her in a way that eloise isn't. i'm sure their fight will hurt and be angsty but love isn't a black and white proposition, it's got a lot more layers than that and colin's understanding and love of penelope would play into that i assume.
i suppose i'm just not worried about it. i don't have to like every part of a story to love the end result. i also don't think, after seeing how badly people reacted to every overblown spoiler/rumor, that people should take someone online on their word over the show itself and the people who worked on it.
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theblackdandelion · 12 days
my theories for Bridgerton S3 pt2
might be a bit spoiler-y, so don't read if you want to be 100% in the dark (which is fair, i wish i had that kind of self-control)
my guess on what's gonna happen based on the teaser for pt2 and some photos that were released and then deleted from different ig accounts (about which i know thanks to Sammy Bates's videos):
afer Colin announces the engagment, Eloise and Pen have the arguement where El asks "does he know?" - Pen tells her she's gonna stop, that she will write her last column where she will say goodbey, she'll maybe even use a line from the books - "i cannot make heads or tails from a world where Penelope Featherington will marry a Bridgerton" (i'm paraphrasing). Eloise isn't happy but is willing to accept this for the time being
Queen is gonna be displeased with this - one of her few entertainments is going away? no way! we're gonna hunt her down using the ton and 5 grand!
Cressida gets on the train, El refuses to help her (saw this here, sorry, don't remember the user, but their friend from Ireland is a reporter and saw the whole season an told her what happened, apparently; plus one of the photos in Sammy Bates video is of what Cressida has written as LW), and this fake Whistledown is what gets delivered when Colin is looking scared or whatever around the 0:32 mark in the teaser for pt2 (see attached picture). Also, i think this whole scene is happening during their engagement ball or something similar, but also might be on their wedding, but i hope it's before the wedding
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Pen gets angry, because no way is she letting Cressida of all people take her work, and decides to publish one more time. Colin finds out (one photo from Sammy's video is of Colin seein Pen in the printer shop with her blue cloak on), que Carriage Scene 2.0 (i heard there might be another one, but i don't recall whether it was just a someone saying "if only" or if it was someone who said they knew it was gonna happen). They fight, they take time apart, they'll make up. Sometimes during this Colin starts to figue oout "shit, i wanna be a writer", and Pen releases her pamphlet about Cressida not being LW
Cressida figures out Pen is LW and starts to blackmail her. Pen freaks out, Colin tells her to chill, he's got it covered (he loves to save Pen, this is basically another of his wet dreams coming true), he plans to tell everyone so Cressida won't be able to hold it above their heads, he tells Anthony and the rest of the family (at this point i'm just following the book's plot)
Pen has no idea wha Colin has planned, is very stressed, faints, everything ends up well. Her faintin was because she's pregnant (another user pointed out that in regency era stories fainting often meant that that chracter is pregnant and she doen't know yet), she's the one to give birth to a boy (her sisters have daughters), and she's the new Lord Featherington's mama
Bridgertons' reaction to who LW is
i also read somewhere that different people will find out who LW is and there's gonna be an array of reactions to the news. So, here are my guesses at he reactions:
Anthony - shock, just shock. He'll be looking at Colin for 5 minutes and just asking what??! with question marks instead of pupils
Benedict - he's gona laugh his ass of
Colin - anger, betrayal, jelaousy, acceptance, pride
Daphne - no Daphn this season, so no reaction. shame
Francesca - calm surprise
Gregory - he won't care that much, he's not that interested in gossip
Hyacinth - she's gona be over the moon. Her new sister is Lady Fucking Whistledown?! Fuck yeah!!! (she won○t be too happy about having to imitate glue, though. IYKYK)
Violet - she'll try not to lose her cool, and will be mostly perplexed. It's a depth of Penelope she never expected to exist, but at the end of the day, Colin loves her and that's all that matters to Mama Bridgerton
Kate - Kate's gonna be probably happy there's another person with more than half a braincell in this family, and won't be angry (there wasn't that many bad things Pen wrote about the Sharmas)
Also, I very much hope for bi!benedict to happen this season. if it doesn't i'll survive it, but it would just make sense if it did
If you read all the way here, congratulatons. Sorry for the typos and me giving up on upper case somewhere in the middle of this. Have a nice day. Get yourself a coockie, you diserve it.
All of those things are just my theories and nothing more. I don't know anything about the production of this or any other TV show. I am just an obssessed 25yo
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butt0nzz66 · 24 days
Part 2 theories
So like everyone I have been brain rotting over part one and the trailer for part 2! I am firmly in the living for the season camp, although would never so no to more Polin lol.
As an anxious girlie (who is equal parts dreading and excited for the LW fallout) that preview gave me heart palpitation's 🫡. So I have been scouring all four corners of the web for spoilers and I have a theory for part 2, leave now to not be spoiled!
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I don’t think this clip from the promo is the mirror scene and they are faking us out…. Shocking I know.
So we also see this dress here:
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Which some internet sources report is from episode 5 when Colin has a major bust up with Portia and then he takes Pen to see their new house. At which Pen is very emotional because nobody has ever stood up for her before and they ahem… finish what they started in the carriage. 😱😱
Also before anyone says I know the hair is different, however you show me anyone who’s hair stays perfectly in place after having their shit rocked by their sexy pirate fiancé who just ripped ya mum a new one.
This is all supposedly before their wedding and before Colin discovers LW and I don’t think the mirror scene will happen before this point. Which would also make sense as the most anticipated scene I don’t think Netflix would want to spoil it in the trailers, baring maybe the carriage scene which was also noticeably absent from all P1 promo (maybe even more anticipated seeing as it doesn’t happen in the book and is only referenced as boob man Colin’s fantasy (can you blame him)). As well as the connotations of what the mirror scene represents, it doesn’t make narrative sense to put it before she reveals every part of herself to him and he reaffirms that he adores every part of her. At the very least I am manifesting this because I’ll cry if it is before 🙃.
So that being said I think this is a fake out showing their first time in their new home in ep 5 that ISNT the mirror scene which would come in maybe ep 7 or 8 following LW Fallout.
So thanks for coming to my ted talk or better described as a theorising ramble so I don’t loose my actual marbles over the next 4 weeks (I’m at a big old age of 8 and twenty and I can’t be doing with this stress hun okay I have a full time job and responsibilities, I can’t be obsessing like I’m 16 again).
Basically I see you Netflix and if I’m right you are honour bound to let meeeee seeeeee now or pistols at dawn! Or if someone has seen it just dm me a thumbs up so I can at least be smug for the next 25 days.
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Thoughts, comments, concerns come freak out with me .
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justlarkin · 4 months
i dont go here but why was everyone freaking out over that Jurassic park event?
Welcome. LWs burst into our home like a drunken bull, destroyed all of our furniture, kicked dear grandma in the head, shat all over the place, and then fucking died. That's what happened.
They managed to decimate two characters' backstories and motivations with a single killing blow in such a nonsensical way. I'm shedding tears just thinking about how they massacred my boys.
The original version we were given was that Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl fought against Cipactli and that battle resulted in El Dorado's belief in sacrifice, but with the recent addition of Cipactli himself, it's revealed that Cipactli and Quetzalcoatl were actually friends and the whole fight was staged, so he could escape the monster persona he had developed. Which is all well and good besides the fact that it ruins the motivations of Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl that were previously set up.
Their battle with Cipactli being real was actually extremely crucial to both of their characters. It was the sacrifice Tezcatlipoca made that day that caused a pained expression to come across Quetzalcoatl's face. That expression and the elation he felt, knowing that he was the one who could get his brother to react in such a way, was what pushed Tezcatlipoca on the path of sacrifice. It was the beginning of Tezcatlipoca's self destruction and the beginning of Quetzalcoatl's disdain for sacrifice. The conflicting views eventually leading to Quetzalcoatl's exile. You just can't get the same effect with the current narrative. Yeah sure, Tezcatlipoca still casually chops off his leg to go along with the ploy, but the aftermath of the battle and that reaction he got from Quetzalcoatl was really where it was at.
And it was just a really sloppy and blatant retcon in general. Like, we've had a flashback of the fight from Tezcatlipoca back in Chapter 10 and it was presented as a real battle. It's not like he would've had any reason to construe the facts to keep up the facade since he wasn't retelling the events to anyone. He was just reminiscing.
Very unfortunate because, as I've said 100 times, they totally could've made the friendship plot twist work if they made Cipactli get too greedy with the sacrifices and Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca were forced to take him down. Would've kept their sacrifices geniune and would've added more fuel to Quetzalcoatl's motivation ughh.
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atouchofireland · 2 months
Since I want some things to really change, and I know many other things have to within an adaptation, I have been trying to predict rather than speculate for s3 of Bridgerton after having read book 4 a while ago and following s3 of Bridgerton recently.
I just want to speculate on information from the book & show, using photo stills, the trailer and their book. And I really can't tell if the "unmasking LW" plot will be part of the story, or if that drama with Cressida and Colin knowing was shifted to Eloise entirely. I do really want the Pen & Lady D bonding to still happen though!
Ep 1: Colin returns from abroad, Pen is snubbed by Eloise at an outdoor occasion (and possibly Colin). She sets up her whole new wardrobe she debuts at the ball. Colin asks her to dance and Pen says no (rmb), Penelope is mocked by Cressida (possibly dress torn) after seeing her buddy up with Eloise, Pen heads outside leading to the famous sneak peek. After that ball, Pen feels alone and more determined than ever to marry.
Ep 2: Colin goes to the Featherington garden to apologize to Penelope and she remains sure of herself, let's him know she needs to take a husband and he offers to help. Then (the succession of these events are kinda fuzzy) the two promenade for suitors, Pen is embarrassing/embarrassed, they go to that fair where he reassures her in the tent, then she asks for "dating help" basically. They're in the B family drawing room... in the middle of the day... ALONE, practicing flirting- Hence the freak out at the end of the sneak peek. He gets her to hide/to the study and the HAND INJURY SCENE occurs in some capacity. Important things that would transfer: Colin is thinking "Why am I so desperate to kiss this hot woman in front of me??" and Pen asks for a kiss.
Now, here's where I think it differs based on all the promo: Pen immediately takes it back/Colin refuses on account of her honor. THEN, they go to the ball where Pen is wearing the cute snowflake necklace and they're laughing. Colin realizes suitors still aren't really courting Penelope/maybe he is accidentally scaring them away. SO, in his guilt, he agrees to kiss her but it has to be later that night in private. (He might not tell her this, but just decide this then show up and tell her, then kiss her) This would be the chin-hold in the garden still.
Ep3: Oof so here's where things take some turns, based on spoilers of sequence of events and certain scenes. In my head, the episode starts with the confirmed dream of C & P in the garden, and instead of the more chaste kiss he most likely gave her in Ep 2, he goes a little... more feral. And that leads to the clip of him shooting up in bed. There's an event in one of the houses where Pen meets Debling. Then, the outdoor festival where the boys are pulling ropes and something goes wrong leading to the Pen & Debling super close in public still. From screeners, this ep is apparently another time Colin is with sex workers BUT this time is different and he can't get it up. The is a ball (of course) and Pen dances with Debling, Colin's sad and broody.
Ep4: Gotta be honest, feel like this episode was shown the least in the trailer, obviously for good reason. So, in the book Pen doesn't have a suitor so this narrative shift a lot of the Polin stuff I think. I believe this is the episode with the scene of Colin asking his mother if friendship is the best foundation for love. And my kind of out-there prediction is that: Colin confesses he has some feelings, Debling tries to propose, Pen is overwhelmed and doesn't accept, Colin rushes out after her and..... the CARRIAGE SCENE happens and the cliffhanger is him proposing.
I believe the second half will be a lot about the tension with Eloise, the families learning of and accepting the engagement, Colin maybe finding out about LW, and Colin finding himself and his passions.
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I think some of the accuracy critiques of 2019 LW are totally legitimate (the hair, my god), but Jo wearing men’s clothes has never flown for me as something “wrong” with the movie. She generally does so around her family and apart from what the actors said (actors are....actors) it would make sense that she had some access to men’s clothing through theater costumes and Laurie and would want to wear them. I think it’s a perfectly legitimate interpretation of how her character would dress and I’ve never understood critiques of it. (I know Abbie Cox has said this is well—in her “not like other girls” video (where she. wildly misunderstands that term) which makes me extremely uncomfortable in general. So that may bias me but.)
I don't think it's WRONG exactly; I do think it's lazy and belies their claims of historical authenticity. because she doesn't just wear those clothes in private- she wears them while working as a governess AND in her freaking publisher's office
would that have worked for an already-famous author? yes. look up George Sand; she pulled it off splendidly. for a young woman just starting out in the professional world, c. 1870? hell no. she'd have been hewing much closer to the line of respectibility- in an accurate setting, which again is a standard they set for themselves
it would have been more Authentic, in my view, to dig into how a woman like Jo would actually have incorporated masculine elements into her clothing to feel at ease while still maintaining baseline Respectable Female AttireTM. but, you know. that would have required effort and a respect for the lived reality of Victorian women's experiences, neither of which this movie's team had
also...I liked that Abby Cox video. I think a lot of viewers wildly misunderstood her meaning- she was talking about tropes used in historical fiction and a tendency going back centuries for writers to use androgynous or masculine presentation- or simple disinterest in clothing -as "proof" that a woman is more clever/innovative/generally interesting than her feminine peers. not whether GNC women existed in history- which is, of course, indisputable. so there's that
(don't even get me started on the How Dare You Criticize Perfect Infallible Saint Mary Wollstonecraft discourse that said video sparked. or the misogyny and professional invalidation leveled at Cox herself by many of those responses)
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andthebubbles · 27 days
bridgerton 3x01 spoilers under the cut obv
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lmao god i'm watching this slowly bc now i'm GONNA REWATCH THIS SCENE
the temptation to skip through to the next a&b scene is real lemme tell you
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lmao help i'm watching this so slowly atm
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why is benedict like skjfkjfgfkg
oh my god CRELOISE
why did we miss prudence's wedding 😭
pen/genevieve!!!! so many possible ships
omggg more a&b!! more family stuff!!!! WHY ISN'T ANYONE TALKING ABOUT THIS
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anthony and benedict sprawling on the sofas and they BOTH LOOK SO GOOD
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actually fucking dying here, i need more siblings shenanigans; when they all yeet off with gregory aaakjfgfjkggh and sfjgnfkgfg anthony being big bro aaaah
okay, third rewatch and moving on i swear lol
omggg... yeah i forgot, people would've been nasty to eloise after the theo stuff, and cressida was the only one kind to her?????!!?!?!?!!?!? OMG I NEED TO KNOW MORE
the peneloise is electric too
omfg MORE A&B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is the slowest watch of an ep ever lol bc i already have my faves
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how much giffing do i have to do?? bc all i've seen on my dash so far is decidedly NOT a&b and i've already unfollowed all the blogs i don't want to follow anymore and i'm just following the general bridgerton ones and WHY NO MASSES OF A&B HAHA godddd do i have to do everything myself skjfnkfjgk
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also this does all really give me that s1 vibes of anthony at the club which i have missedddd
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like, anthony sprawling with his gay!sit like that, i've not seen that since s1 awwww
anthony's fluffy hair in bed...... 🥺
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fluffy fluffy fluffyyyy (i will always miss his s1 hair)
also, slut:
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ohhh the cressida/eloise/pen going onnnnnnnnn
ohhh this is very s1 anthony lol
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awww the anthony and francesca bit
cressida being delightfully evil but what if she did it for eloise bc she would know eloise has some animosity towards pen :3 hahahaa halp
(the ~you would never court me is so a/b!anthony coded (except he doesn't think he's worth being courted at all :3))
OMG I WAS RIGHT, CRESSIDA DID IT FOR ELOISE AND SHE WAS LOOKING FOR HER APPROVAL omgggggggggg "i thought we did not like penelope" ohmygod cressida <3
omg where are all the creloise gifsets??????????????????? this is beautiful
"let us only think of ourselves" CRESSIDA "we are far more interesting"
"i am inclined to agree with you" OMG SHIPPING THEM
am actually happy crying here ahaha
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interesting that violet is delaying moving out of bridgerton house. sounds like some fics i've read lol (thinking of A Thousand Cuts, actually)
violet??? piano duets??? vulnerability????????
why is colin coming across as dumb and slappable (just like anthony i guess (runs in the family lmao))
ohhh the eloise and colin interaction ehehe lovely, and then the LW talk between them and eloise being like skjfgkfgfkfg inside
all right am i making a&b gifs first and those select anthony bits i screencapped, or am i watching ep 2-4 first....
ETA: in a way it's good that anthony's not in the next few eps or else i'd be watching ep 2-4 soooo slowly
anyway i guess i better watch the eps first, then make gifs. after all, by then perhaps someone else will have made a&b and creloise gifs!!
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