#madé (star wars)
madsthecreator · 4 years
Doris: 1, 2, 3, 6, 42; Ellie: 7, 8, 11; Elizabeth: 1, 2, 3, 18, 34; Isabella: 5, 7, 8, 15, 25; Jean: 11, 12, 21, 26, 28; Kitty: 1, 9, 16, 29, 31; Madison: 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 34, 38; Mads: 42, 43, 44, 45; Madé: 1, 4, 8, 9, 18, 20; Skylar: 22, 23, 24, 25; Sophia: 29, 35, 36, 39; Willow: 42, 43
Thank you so much! This is pretty long, so I put a “keep reading”. If this breaks the app since it’s so dysfunctional smh, please let me know! Also, please excuse the different types of formatting throughout the answers, MDR.
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1. Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
Doris is a demigod, so she is bound to have some siblings! Her father is Hades so while he does not have too much offspring, they’re still there. She is very close to Nico and Hazel, who are both slightly younger than her. Her Big Three (Zeus, Poseidon, Hades) cousins are all close to her in age, too. She respects Percy the most, for he never really took a hostile attitude towards her like many people do with the children of Hades.
2. What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
I’m still somewhat developing her backstory/family life, but like all heroes and children of Hades: dead mother. Unlike her other siblings (and most people), Doris can still communicate with her mother. I like to think that even with her mother technically being dead/a ghost, Doris has a good relationship with her. Her mother is also motherly towards Nico and Hazel, too, which is lovely.
3. What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
Somewhat paternal and somewhat professional Doris does find herself hanging out at her dad’s place a lot, but she also runs a lot of errands for him. (Nico does it, too.) While they may not have a close, warm relationship, it is not hard to find that Hades does care for his children, and that they would defend him against the others. BTW, there is also a lot of banter between Hades and Doris, and I dig it.
6. Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
Not really but like many demigods, her dreams often hold significance. Dreams tend to help guide what is needed to be done next, or there may be a message she needs to hear.
42. Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them? 
I haven’t really thought about this. Technically, everyone in the Greek world is related but I like to think that Doris has a positive relationship with Persephone, her stepmother. Perhaps she also gets along with Mr. D, lol.
7. Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?
Events of Raccoon definitely affected her, especially for the first couple of years. This has faded away (as nightmares of different outbreaks took over, lol) but it still lingers. It will never really go away.
8. Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
Yes. Her boyfriend, who was training to be a cop at the time, kind of showed her the ropes which was good in hindsight.
11. In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
Raccoon City comes to mind, but specifically when she thought she was going to lose Leon. The initial outbreak, however, was quite terrifying because she was all alone and had to navigate her way to RPD all by herself.
1. She’s an only child. She has cousins on her maternal side, but she never sees them.
2. & 3.
I’m combining these two. Liz has a very strained relationship with her parents. They can both be described as deadbeat. Liz’s mother also never aspired to be a mother and after her relationship with Liz’s father dissolved, she went off the radar. No one really knows where she is. Liz’s father (Lara’s brother) is also not in the picture. The reasons are not fully known, but he and Lara have bad blood with each other. (Specifically, the issue of their parents but there is more to it.) Let’s just say that Liz’s hates both of her parents. They abandoned her. They never come to visit. Why should she care about them?
18. Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
I definitely believe that she admires ambition over wisdom. However, she sees value in both…she just discards advice from those who are not her family. (She even discards Winston’s wisdom at times!)
34. Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?    
Depending on context, she may retry a solution/method once or twice, thinking she made a mistake but after that, she’ll figure out a new solution/method.
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?    Before she fully rehabilitated, traces of cocaine. There may be a few coins and a knife. She can’t afford to not have protection on her. Maybe some condoms, because the people she used to live with made her go on condom run so they wouldn’t get…busted. It became a habit to have them.
7. Her nightmares consist of her family meeting their ultimate demise and her (former) addiction ruining her.
8. I like to think that her first target was at her dad’s boss (who had him sent to jail) but more realistically, the first time she fired a gun was a warning shot for a rival family to step back, or someone trying to assault one of her family members (specifically, the people who raised her).
15. Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?
She was raised to think money first. Materials are good (especially for business/merchandise), but money is the ultimate power. That’s what people care about the most.
25. How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?   
Pretty quickly. Mafia is supposed to be about family, but Isabella definitely trusts no one. Especially not the Forelli Family after her father was sent to prison. Like her father, she takes loyalty seriously and therefore, do not cross her.
11. This is a hard one. I think one of the scarier moments of her life is when her father was no longer in the picture. Her mother did her best to raise Jean and her brother by herself but at the beginning, it was hard. Jean’s mother fell into a depressive episode. She was active with her children, but Jean could tell that her mother wasn’t entirely there, and it scared her.
12. In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
Hard to say. Jean is generally a calm, laid back type of girl. However, when she is too calm, that shows how angry or afraid she really is.
21. If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?
It depends on that situation. For example, if something happened to her family or friends, she blames herself. She could have protected/save them. Why couldn’t she? However, if we are dealing with the supernatural side of her life, she blames the people responsible for that and claims that she will kick their ass.
26. How does your character behave around children?   
Pretty well. Dustin is her younger brother and while they are super close, they would also probably try to choke each other or have really heated banter. That’s just how siblings be! She also finds herself around the Party a lot, often having to drive them to places since none of them have their license lol. El and Max often go to her, asking for advice and having “girl time”, since they like and trust her. She doesn’t mind, though. El and Max are cool and when Billy was harming his sister? Watch out: Jean’s about to throw hands.
28. How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?   
You would have to get Jean really, really pissed off if she resorts to physical violence.
Kitty has a sister who is about seven years older, but they have a good relationship. Her sister also has children who close to Kitty’s age (Kitty was around ten when her niece was born). She’s close to her sister and family, even while she’s enlisted in Starfleet. If you count in the Enterprise family, Kitty is also one of the younger ones. She’s around Chekov’s age, so they have a close and developing relationship :)
9. Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?   
I don’t doubt it. The best way I can describe Kitty’s family is lower middle class. However, since joining Starfleet, she’s been making money which has lifted the family socioeconomic class up a bit. (She sends money back to help support her family, whether they like it or not.)
16. Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?    Happiness. She can find success very easy, but being happy is harder. Much harder.
29. What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
Okay tbh, I’m kinda still deciding on what the dream is specifically but I can confirm that Kitty’s dream did come true :)
31. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable. 
On the Enterprise, she likes to wear comfortable clothing (yoga pants and large t-shirt), hair pulled up in a ponytail, and she’s streaming media (tv, movies, youtube; stuff like that) while reclining on her bed and eating junk food.
On Earth, she feels comfortable with being reunited with her family. She loves her home base, and family is important to her.
4. Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
Uh…yeah. She survived Yamatai, and she also goes to Siberia and Peru later on (yes she’s in all the reboot trilogy games don’t @ me). She has seen a lot. Others do know about this. Her fellow Yamatai survivors know and her family has a concept of what happened to her, but not really. The only ones who do understand is Lara and Jonah.
5. Pockets. What pockets? Madison does carry a purse, and a lot can be found in that. Her wallet, pads, pens, snacks, a hairbrush when needed, earbuds, keys. When she’s on expeditions, the purse is replaced with a backpack and has more stuff in it, like first aid and research supplies.
7. Nightmares are definitely PTSD-related. Events from Yamatai, Siberia, and even Taititi have all affected her the most. Yamatai definitely struck her; it was horror on that island. She may also have nightmares of her loved ones either haunting or being killed (because of her).
8. Her first target was at one of the Solarii Brotherhood members on Yamatai
11. Yamatai is probably the most traumatic experience she’s ever endured (haha). There’s also this one time where a Trinity member attacked her at her university, when she was on her own home turf, and that was pretty terrifying itself.
34. She’ll quickly move on to find a new solution/method but if she’s tried everything, she’ll rebound to the original or may combine certain aspects of everything she’s tried.
38. Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?  
She will try her damn hardest to remove a problem/threat. She’s not the main player for it, she’s more side-kicky. She knows when she needs to take a step back, removing herself from the situation.
42. Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them?
It depends how she views it. She had a really good mentor for her job post-Raccoon City. English teachers from high school could count, haha.
43. Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them?
Yes. She’s kind of a kid magnet. She’s also one of the more feistier and protective type of person, so this could apply to her friends too.
44. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
Difficult. She can say “I love you” to her brother easily but with other family members it’s hard. I don’t think she wouldn’t say it without meaning it because she realizes that it is correlated with strong responses, both with her and with other people.
45. What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
She doesn’t like to think about death. She’s dealt with numerous “zombie” outbreaks over the years since Raccoon City, and has a big fear that she’ll turn into one of them. She’s also not a big believer of heaven or hell, but she does wonder what happens after life on Earth.
1. Madé is the oldest out of four daughters. She’s not really close to any of them, but it doesn’t mean that she loves her sisters any less! She lived in Naboo’s capital and later moved to Coruscant, so her visits were somewhat sparse. Then she moved to a desert planet, when contact was even more rare. I will say that the sister she is closest to is the sister who had Paige and Rose Tico. (Still trying to decide if Madé is their aunt or great-aunt, haha!)
4. I would say so. The Fall of the Republic, Order 66, and the death of Padmé were some of the biggest events that affected Madé. After all, watching something you fought so hard for crumble (she never liked Palpatine, let’s be clear on that right now), as well as a group of people slaughtered (she can’t help but think of the padawans and younglings the most), and watching someone she cared so much and dedicated her life to dying right in front of her? And then having to figure out how to keep her children safe? That would be hard on anyone.
I would say Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Bail Organa and the Skywalker OC I have yet to develop/name, lol are some of the more prominent people who know about these traumas.
8. She was Padmé’s handmaiden and bodyguard, so yes she has fired a gun. (Blaster would be the more appropriate term.) The first target? Someone who was trying to harm the Queen of Naboo or one of the other handmaidens.
9. Hm….no. Madé didn’t come from a rich family and while she had a better economic/social status when she became a handmaiden, it depleted after the fall of the Old Republic. Actually, her status now might be lower than she originally started out with.
18. She has seen a lot of ambition in her lifetime, so wisdom is always a welcoming change. (However, fuck the Jedi Council. lmao.)
20. In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
This is hard! I would have to say her age somewhat concerned her as she was at Padmé’s side. She is one of the oldest handmaidens, and on Naboo they valued youthfulness in their monarchy. It kind of worried her how the Naboo governors viewed her (Palpatine didn’t particularly like her, because she saw his true character). A lot of people also judged her for staying with Padméfor all those years. Shouldn’t she move on? Have her own life? (Ouch.) So, I guess she would have compared herself to the other handmaidens but she really didn’t let the criticisms affect her. She knows what she wants in life.
22. What does your character like in other people?
She likes those who have integrity and stand up for themselves and for their loved ones. She likes reliability and stability, too. While she needs someone serious, she also likes to kick back and have fun, too!
23. What does your character dislike in other people?
Those who harm others just for the hell of it; bullies. People with big mouths AKA those who don’t know when to mind their own business. She doesn’t like those who think that they are better than others, especially those who are of upper class. Fuck them.
24. How quick is your character to trust someone else?
Hm. She’s not one to trust quickly but she doesn’t take awhile in trusting someone. I would say, especially after the death of her parents, she can be wary of others. Not only for herself, but for her family too. She wants to keep them safe as much as she can. Honestly, in order to gain her trust, you have to prove yourself to her and to her friends/family.
25.Suspect can be quick if something has been brought to her attention. She will give the benefit of the doubt but she can also read people pretty well. She doesn’t like to be paranoid but she has to keep her guard off for her family.
29. What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
Sophia doesn’t remember what her childhood dreams were, so she can’t really say if her dream came true. However I can say that while she grew up, she really didn’t know what to do. She did always want to save people so technically, in that way, her aspiration came true.
35. How does your character behave around people they like?
In general, she gets super nervous. Butterflies in her stomach, blushing, the whole nine yards. She would also try to be as interactive as she can with her crush.
36. How does your character behave around people they dislike?
She makes it very clear. She’ll scowl at them and when they insult her friends, she throws clap-backs that are either very eloquent or very brash.
39. Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)?
She’s been nipped by dogs, but it never affected her. However, she remembers Pennywise’s rows of sharp teeth, and that stirs uneasiness within, even if when she couldn’t remember why. (She always associated with not liking sharks thanks to Jaws.)
Also, I just imagined as a kid, she got bitten by a raccoon or something while she and the rest of the Losers were in the woods LMFAO
42. Yes. Her stepfather. We can even argue that Stan and Patty (who she and her brother refer to as their uncle and aunt) have been parental figures to her, too.
43. No one I can think about. Maybe like, the Marshcom (is that the ship name? idk lol) baby or a small pet, but that’s about it.
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thecamilarivera · 6 years
I, too, DREAM America
Here is a little known fact about me—my parents never named me. That honor belonged to my dad’s niece Madé, and when my parents were an ocean away she took care of me like I was her own. If I closed my eyes I could recall her vividly; The long hang of her dark curls, the blood red of her lips stretched out over her brilliant smile. She was such a natural beauty she never wore anything other than lipstick. I could recognize her face anywhere, but only because I grew up with a picture we took together right before I came to America by my bedside. I only know how much she loved me through stories. 
I never got to truly know my cousin because she was gunned down in the street in front of my grandmother’s house the year I left Colombia or the year after by two men on a motorcycle. From what I understand, no one was ever held accountable but my family has always had an idea about who was responsible. In the end, the only truth is this: my cousin was not an exception, she was the rule. Colombia’s history since the turn of the last century had been a violent one that set the stage up for what had occurred throughout the 80s and 90s- conflict between the Colombian government, paramilitary groups, crime syndicates, and left-wing guerrillas like the FARC. A conflict that is still ongoing and is the longest running civil war in the Americas’ history. This conflict bred an unstable society, one where it’s police force and government officials are easily pocketed by the cartel kings of the city. It made the new normal anarchy, as if drive-bys and kidnappings were just every day news and my friends- it was. My parents couldn’t live like that any longer, and couldn’t see their children live like that either. So they did what they could and brought me and my older brother to the United States, one-by-one. I was the last to leave Colombia, a full year after everyone else had left. I was three. I’m considered one of the lucky ones. I was naturalized a citizen in 2010 under President Obama so last month’s breaking news that 45 moved to end the DACA—or the Deferred Action for Childhood arrivals—didn’t send me into a panic, but it did send me into a rage. There is a quote by Mandela that wandered into my head that morning, he said “Freedom is indivisible; the chains on any one of my people were the chains on all of them, the chains on all of my people were the chains on me.” I was safe, yes, but what about the 1 million undocumented people in the United States, 78% of which had applied for protection under the DACA? The median entry age for DREAMers is six. Oftentimes they come younger than that; too young to remember the country of their births, too young to remember the language they had spoken once upon a time, if they ever even did. The only flag they’ve ever pledged allegiance to is the American flag, the only anthem they’ve ever sung is one about a star spangled banner. To exile DREAMers back to a country where they are foreign and misunderstood, to a land they haven’t seen in ten, fifteen, twenty years, is cruel. To leave a child nationless is cruel. Yet, the Trump administration means to do it regardless. Why? The only answer is a hard one to swallow. To call a spade a spade, the only unhyphenated group in America is white people. Everyone else is hyphen-American. African-American. Asian-American. Latin-American. This creates the illusion that America is: white, when it is so much more than that. It’s hot dogs at a baseball game just as much as it is $1.25 tacos from your neighborhood taco cart. It’s blue jeans just as much as it is hijab. Honestly, I’ve been wildly depressed this year by the state of the union. The rise of Trump’s radical brand of conservative racism and the fusion of the KKK and the Nazi party to form the “Alt-Right” has been a rude awakening that there is still so much work left to be done. I felt a little defeated at the idea that bigots had the power to make me feel uncomfortable in my home but I’m officially through playing the world’s smallest violin, both in my personal and public life. And the best part? I think everyone else is too. Yesterday was election day, and it was a day of hard fought wins. Kathy Tran became the first Asian American woman elected to the Virginia House of Delegates. Charlotte, North Carolina elected their first black woman mayor, Vi Lyles. Danica Roem, a trans* woman, defeated Bob Marshall, the man who wrote the anti-trans bathroom bill, in Virginia to become the first trans* state legislator. And Virginia, New York, and New Jersey all went blue. Last year was a set back, but not a defining one. I know all my peers are willing and ready to defend freedom, and those who once marched against us will march with us. The revolution will be televised. 
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madsthecreator · 5 years
can find the shoes they want: esther kamski, elizabeth croft, madé, martell oc, stark oc, dbh oc,
can’t find the shoes they want: nicole, sophia, mads, ellie, madison, louise, unnamed pjo oc
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