#made two different Amity outfits because I really like her style <<
hplonesomeart · 1 year
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I’ve been having fun remaking some iconic outfits in Animal Crossing :))
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ordinaryschmuck · 2 years
Okay but imagine: AU where the Owl House is in the MCU and due to the multiverse breach, variants of Luz start appearing resulting in an army of Luz's from different timelines even dimensions with different goals and personalities but there's one thing that keeps them united, they all love Amity, except for that one Luz who has no idea who's Amity and unfortunately was jumped by a bunch of Luz's who said you don't trust a Luz who doesn't know who Amity is.
(For this one, I borrowed characters form AUs by @wiccsstuffs, @yogurthoopsart, and @moringmark...you can probably tell where this is going)
Into the Luz-verse
"What if she got kidnapped by the Emperor's Coven?!" Amity panicked as she, Gus, and Willow walked to the Owl House. "Or worse, what if she's sick and needs constant tender love and care!?"
"Then Eda will undoubtingly take care of her," Willow dryly told Amity, "Besides, don't you think you're overreacting? I mean, Luz missed one day of school. It's no big deal."
"It is a big deal! Luz loves school! She wouldn't miss it without reason!"
"She makes a good point."
"You're not helping, Gus!" Willow shouted.
At long last, they made it to the familiar old house out in the woods, with the ever familiar annoying house demon guarding its front door.
"Hi, Luz's friends!" Hooty greeted the young witches, "What brings you here--"
"Is Luz alright!?" Amity cut to the chase.
"Oh, yeah, she's fine! All of them are, in fact!"
"You see, Amity? Luz is--" But Willow blinked, finally catching on to what Hooty said. "I'm sorry, did you say all of them?"
"Yepperoni! See for yourself."
Hooty then swung the door open, revealing...something no one would have expected.
Because inside the living room of the Owl House were eight versions of Luz Noceda, each with their unique outfit, style, and even features.
"...Did you wish really hard?" Willow asked Amity.
"Shut up."
"Friends!" shouted one Luz in a Hexide uniform. "And awesome girlfriend. What brings you here?"
"...You didn't show up to school, and we got worried," Gus explained, "Er, well, Amity got worried."
"Oh, yeah, sorry about that. We've been dealing with a bit of an issue over here."
"Clearly," Willow nodded, "My question is...what are these...versions of you?"
"Well, it's like you said. They're versions of me. But from different universes. Pretty cool, right?"
"So cool..." Amity said, stupified.
"Titan's Elbow..." Willow muttered out of annoyance.
"And they're all totally different, too."
Luz pointed at a version of her sitting on the couch, arms crossed, expression indifferent, wearing a green jacket, ripped black jeans, and a red beanie with two strands of hair sticking out.
"That one's from a universe where everything's pretty much the same," Luz explained, "The only real difference is that everyone's, like, two or three years older and a lot ruder. I call her Hipster Luz."
"Up yours!" Hipster Luz growled, "I'm not a hipster."
"Then why are you dressed like one?"
"Ha. Great comeback, Pipsqueak. Now here's mine."
She then proceeded to give a crude gesture involving one of her fingers.
"Yeah, you see what I mean about the whole rude thing?" Luz Prime asked her friends. She then pointed at the Luz sitting next to Hipster Luz. "The one in the purple striped t-shirt and black jeans is Dark Luz."
"Hello!" Dark Luz waved.
"Why is she called Dark Luz?" Gus asked, "She doesn't seem that dark."
"I'm called that because, where I'm from, the Boiling Isles is in Hell!"
"Ok, yeah, that'll do it."
"You seem pretty chipper for someone who's, you know, in Hell," Willow pointed out.
"Eh, it's not like making a bad situation any worse is going to solve anything."
"...I oddly respect that."
"Ooh! Also, where I'm from, humans can do natural magic! Watch:"
Dark Luz then closed her eyes and clasped her hands. After concentrating really hard, a light yellow ora soon enveloped her hands. Once it dissipated, Dark Luz opened her palms, and a ball of light came out.
"Woah!" Shouted one Luz in golden armor and a white cape as she ran up to Dark Luz. "How did you do that?! Also, can you PLEASE teach me that?!"
"That's Golden Luz, by the way," Luz pointed out, "She comes from a universe where Emperor Belos raised her and made her a golden guard alongside Hunter."
"...I'm sorry, what?"
"It's not that big of a deal," Golden Luz brushed off the insanity of her origins. "Uncle Belos is actually pretty sweet...sometimes."
"Did you just say 'UNCLE?!'"
"Pretty sure Belos is the devil in my universe," Dark Luz said, ignoring Willow's outburst.
"Well, that's you're universe," Golden Luz argued, "As we can tell, people from different universes can have drastically different personalities. Like Hipster Luz."
"I'm not a hipster!"
"Or Swap Luz," she then pointed to a Luz in a black hoodie and orange hair. "She looks a lot like the rest of us. The only difference is that she basically has Amity's personality."
"Your versions of Amity," Swap Luz said, "To me, she's basically the same as all of you."
"And mine's definitely not like any of yours," Hipster Luz, "Seriously, if Fwippy is anything to go by, then the rest of you girls are all on easy street. Believe me when I say that the bite marks I got from that witch weren't exactly pleasing...Ok, some were. But most weren't."
"First off, gross. Second, don't call me 'Fwippy,' you Hipster!"
"Why is she called Fwippy, anyway?" Willow asked.
"Because of her ears," Luz Prime said, "When she gets embarrassed, they make a cute little fwip-fwip."
And it was then that Willow, Gus, and Amity noticed the pointy ears on Swap Luz.
"Wait, she's a witch?!" Willow exclaimed.
"Yup, that's why we call her Swap Luz," Luz Prime explained. "Not only is she and her Amity's personalities are swapped, but also their races. In Swap Luz's universe, she's is the witch, and Amity is the human. Isn't that neat?"
"But why do her ears go fwip-fwip?" Gus asked.
"Look, it's just a thing that witches do in my universe!" Swap Luz exasperatedly told him. "I don't understand why it's exclusive to mine, but it is! So don't judge me for it!"
And, because she felt a little embarrassed, Swap Luz's ears actually did a little fwip-fwip.
"Aw, that is cute!" Amity cooed, making the fwipping worse and forcing Swap Luz to pull her hood over her head.
"But why call her 'Swap Luz?'" Willow asked, "Why not call her something simpler like 'Witch Luz?'"
"Because there's already a 'Witch Luz.' And it's her."
Luz Prime pointed to a Luz in a purple cape with some of it covering the bottom half of her face and the rest of her attire looking similar to Luz's casual look but seeming like it came from the Boiling Isles.
"And why is--"
"Because I'm also a witch who came from the Boiling Isles," Witch Luz answered the question before it was asked. "Except my situation is that I'm trapped in the human world where I became what is basically a superhero that fights against monsters from my world while also trying to find a way back home."
"...That sounds awesome!" Gus exclaimed.
"Doesn't it!?" Luz Prime joined in, "I keep telling her that if her life was a series, I would absolutely binge it non-stop."
"And I still have no idea what that means," Witch Luz confessed. "Besides, it's not like I'm the only superhero here."
"Oh, yeah, that's right. There's also a version of me that's Spider-Man...somehow."
On cue, a Luz in white and purple spandex with pink webs hung upside from the ceiling, holding on to a strand of webbing.
"For the record, I'm not a Spider-Man, whoever that is," she said, "My name is La Arácnida."
"I thought you said your name was La Araña?"
"No, it's La Arácnida. La Araña is taken...apparenlty."
"How do you know that?"
"I just do."
"Well, what if La Arácnida is taken too?"
"Then I'm open to suggestions!"
"I have one last question," Gus raised his hand. "Who's that?"
He pointed over to one Luz in the corner, tied to a chair and looking very pouty.
"Oh, that's Evil Luz," Luz Prime simply said.
"I'm not evil!" Evil Luz protested, "Seriously, Golden Luz is raised by Emperor Belos! How is she not Evil Luz?!"
"Hey, Uncle Belos isn't evil!" Golden Luz defended, "Sure, he has a few sour spots, may or may not have abused Hunter, petrifies witches who don't join covens, kills palismans--Oh, my Titan, is Uncle Belos evil?"
"Yes!" everyone in the room responded.
"But the reason why Evil Luz is Evil Luz is simple," Luz told her friends, "You see, she comes from a universe where almost everything is the same except that it's a universe without Amity. Which is horrifying to think about. And when we told her all about you, guess what she said."
"All I said was that I didn't see the appeal!" Evil Luz exclaimed, "How does that make me evil?"
"It makes you a monster is what it does!" Swap Luz yelled at her. "How can you not see the appeal of someone so pure of heart?!"
"Again, that's your Amity," Hipster Luz pointed out. "Ours is actually a lot less pure. Especially mine."
"I don't know. Mine's a little nice, actually," said Dark Luz. "I even drew art of us as best friends the first day we met because she was nice to me."
"Look, I just don't understand it, alright?" Evil Luz spoke again, "I mean, don't get me wrong, looking at her, she's cute. But I don't know how Amity can be the irresistible goddess that most of you call her as."
"Because we have hearts, and you don't, you evil scourge!" Luz Prime yelled.
"I'm not evil!"
"What I still don't understand is how did all these...yous came here, Luz?" Willow questioned her best friend.
"You know as much as I do, to be honest," Luz Prime shrugged. "I was just about ready to head to school when, suddenly, all these versions of me started to appear out of nowhere inside the living room."
"If I had to wager a guess," said La Arácnida, "I'd say someone in the multiverse messed up really bad and caused a convergence of people from different worlds to show up at the same place in the same time."
"...But why is it all versions of you?" Willow asked, "And why was it all in this universe?"
"That's why I called it a guess, not an answer. I honestly have no idea."
"So...what now, then."
"Well, we figured we'd all hang out until one of us figure out a way to get all the Luzs back to their universes," Luz Prime said, "Seems to be going great so far. Eda's definitely into it."
"The more kids, the merrier, if you ask me," Eda said, bringing in a tray of drinks. "Who's thirsty?"
"I am!" responded all the Luzs.
"Can I have a straw for mine?" Evil Luz asked. "I'm kind of tied up at the moment, pun not intended.
"Of course," said Dark Luz, "Because, unlike you, we're not evil."
"Sure you're not."
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thegoodgayshit · 3 years
Luz’s mother really doesn’t want to send Luz to camp. She knows once she leaves, there is no going back. But Luz has a knack for getting into trouble, and one day she stumbles into the same type of people her mother would have preferred she avoided. After helping Luz dissolve her high school bully into dust, Eda and Lilith know right away that this kid is just like them - a child of the gods. So Luz hops on a Pegasus and heads to Camp Half-blood, where she embarks on a dangerous quest that makes her both friends and enemies... and she might even save Olympus along the way.
Chapter Eighteen: We Crash Hexside High’s Junior Prom
Amity left the café in a more than sour mood. She practically stomped the whole way back to the hideout. Luz watched her warily, not really knowing what to say. She had thought Aphrodite had been really nice, all things considered. She had no idea why Amity was so upset.
Eventually, she tried to talk to her. “Your mom was pretty cool, Amity.”
Amity spun around, her anger now directed onto Luz, and she flinched. Her eyes were murderous.
“Uh…” Luz held up her hands, terrified. “Or not?”
Something changed in Amity’s face, and she deflated. “Sorry, Luz. I’m not angry at you. I just… I didn’t realize how much my siblings were like my mom. That whole conversation was a little overwhelming.”
“It’s alright, Amity,” Luz said with a smile. “You haven’t seen your mom in like seven years. It makes sense that you didn’t know what to expect.”
Amity scoffed. “That’s an understatement.”
Luz nudged her with her shoulder, unable to keep the grin off her face. “But hey, on the bright side, this could be a pretty fun side quest.”
Amity looked at Luz with something that read somewhere between disbelieving and amused. “A side quest?”
Luz nodded eagerly. “Yeah! Like Azura and Hecate. They go on side quests all the time. It’s what makes an adventure an adventure!” She leaned lower to the ground, waggling her eyebrows playfully.
“Luz and Amity, joined by their fearless demigod friends tackle another impossible mission: The Heist of the High School Prom! Will they succeed, and continue on their great quest to save Olympus? Or will they be unable to recover the artifact and be forced to continue their quest empty-handed?”
Amity rolled her eyes, but she was unable to keep the smile off her face. “You’re ridiculous.”
“But am I wrong?” Luz teased, and Amity laughed. Luz felt her stomach swell as she watched Amity chuckle to herself. But then she was reminded right away of how similar Aphrodite’s laugh had been to Amity’s.
Luz swallowed nervously. She had a feeling she had missed something really obvious during the chat with Aphrodite, and she was starting to think she knew what, but every time she started to consider them she was painfully reminded about what happened last time. Clearing her throat nervously, she felt relief wash over her when she realized they were back at the workshop.
“Guys!” Gus greeted them gleefully as they entered. He was holding up a suit bag, his face split into a wide grin. “My mom sent us formal wear!”
“Not your mom,” Luz said, unable to mask her own excitement. “Aphrodite. We’re going on a heist!”
“What?” Willow asked, frowning. She had opened the fridge and had been working on fixing up some dinner for the four demigods, (it looked pretty good: she wondered if being the goddess of the harvest boosted the quality of her cooking, those sweet potatoes looked fantastic) and waved for them to sit down at the table. Luz popped the top of a lime soda, sitting down next to Amity and Willow while Gus practically threw the suit bag on the worktable to sit down.
Luz launched into the story about meeting Aphrodite while they ate, skipping over a few details, like how she wasn’t able to focus, or the weird things Aphrodite said about Amity and Luz. She wouldn’t even know how to start that conversation normally, and since she was still trying to piece it together herself, she just cut to the mission.
“Awesome!” Gus said when she finished, “Peleus’ shield is supposed to be magical as well. So if that’s what we’re going after, then Luz’s sword is probably the other magical item that Aphrodite said goes with it.”
Luz blinked. She hadn’t thought of that. Her hand reached over to hover over Aletheia. While she loved her sword, she had never been good at using a shield at camp. Maybe it would be different when they found the sword.
“We’re going to need a plan, and Aphrodite gave us a good cover story,” Amity said, her face pinched in annoyance at the mention of her mother. “But that’s not going to be enough to get to the shield.”
Gus hummed. “I’ll work something out when we get there. Until then, everybody should just pretend this is a normal prom.”
“Gus is right,” Willow added, reaching into the wardrobe to pull out a dress bag. It had a sticky note that was labeled with her name. “Blend in, mingle, act like the other kids. It’s our best shot at keeping our real mission discreet.”
“Alright!” Luz cheered, pumping her fist in the air. “We’re going to prom!”
The four of them broke off on their own to get ready. Willow and Amity called first dibs on the bathroom, which suited Luz and Gus just fine. Luz walked toward the wardrobe and picked up the garnment bag that was labeled “LUZ” and tentatively brought her hand to the zipper.
It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Aphrodite to pick out something good for Luz, after all, she was the goddess of beauty. And she had seen what Luz always wanted to wear to a dance. Luz had just always struggled to pick something to wear that she liked. Her style was pretty hard to shop for.
When she peeked inside the garment bag, she practically squealed in delight. It was perfect. She couldn’t wait for her turn to use the bathroom to change. Like, well, magic, a changing curtain appeared immediately around her, with a full-length mirror and end table to her right.
Gods bless Athena.
Luz didn’t think she had ever changed so fast in her life. Once she buttoned up her clothes, Luz used the conveniently placed workshop mirror to get ready, her back to Gus, who got ready on the other side of the room. She used her brush and some gel to slick her hair back and she rummaged around the drawers until she found an unopened mascara and blush. She didn’t love makeup, but she figured this was just the right amount for her to wear to a prom.
Taking a deep breath, she looked in the mirror. Once she caught sight of her reflection, she couldn’t look away, a huge smile spreading across her face.
At first glance, she had thought her suit was black, but now that she looked at it she realized it was actually a midnight blue, that had been altered to fit her like a glove. Her dress shirt was silvery-white, and she had a dark maroon suit vest button up and paired with a matching bowtie. Aphrodite had even given her an additional matching set of black leather oxfords (with a bit of a heel to add about an inch of height) and a belt. She did a spin, her heart hammering in excitement. She looked so regal and mature… she easily could have passed for sixteen or seventeen.
It was so, so, perfect. Aphrodite was right: she hadn’t needed the tutu after all. She could get used to this.
She looked over to the garment bag to make sure she didn’t miss anything when she saw something at the bottom and frowned. She reached in and pulled out two little boxes, and gently opened them. She gasped, her eyes widening.
A matching corsage and boutonniere, in the same dark maroon as her vest and bowtie. The flower She opened the boutonniere and carefully pinned it to her jacket. Aphrodite must have made a mistake, there was no reason she needed both. She stuck it into the pocket of her suit pants, deciding she would worry about it later.
Once she had decided she was done, the makeshift changing room melted away around her, disappearing. She turned around to see Gus dressed and ready as well. He was wearing a perfectly fitted deep green suit with a silver dress shirt, and he had tucked his camp necklace under his shirt collar and was fiddling with a bow tie around his neck. His tongue was sticking out of his mouth in focus, but when he saw Luz he stopped in his tracks and whistled.
“Woah, look at you.”
“Look at you!” Luz replied, but her face was pinking in delight. She fiddled with the cuffs of her jacket, and Gus chuckled.
“Aphrodite must have known our sizes because these are practically tailored to us.”
Luz couldn’t help but agree. She wondered if Aphrodite could size a person’s… well, size… just by looking at them.
“Guys! You can use the bathroom now… oh, never mind,” Willow popped her head out of the bathroom, and her face split into an ecstatic grin when she saw them, and she made her way towards them. “You two look fantastic!”
Aphrodite had given Willow an off the shoulder green mid-length dress that puffed out at the hips, the waistband wrapped in a color that was an elegant gold. She had never seen Willow wear makeup, but she was wearing dark green eye makeup and pink lipstick that Luz thought suited her well. She had kept her camp necklace on, and had been given a pair of small gold hoops that matched the gold band. She was also wearing gold flats, with a supportive band at the bottom. Perfect footwear for a heist.
Luz’s grin returned, “Thanks! I love your dress. Green really is your color.”
Willow blushed, waving her hand embarrassingly. “Aw, shucks.”
“She’s right, Willow,” Gus said with a grin. “Look, we’re even matching.” He snapped his fingers like he had just figured out a puzzle, and reached into his garment bag. “Here, I have a corsage that matches our outfits. We must be each other’s prom dates as a cover story.”
Willow awed and took the corsage from him. It was a green and white flower that matched both their outfits perfectly. Willow put hers around her wrist, and Gus pinned his right where Luz had pinned hers. When they finished, they beamed, giving each other a thumbs up.
“Looking good!” Gus cheered, and Willow laughed.
Luz, however, had been frowning and watching the whole interaction, one hand reaching up to touch her own boutonniere, the other touching the corsage in her pocket.
“Wait, I don’t understand… why did I get both-”
“Luz? Gus? Are you guys not going to use the bathroom?” Amity’s voice called from the door, and when Luz looked up her heart just about leaped out of her chest.
She had changed into a deep maroon off the shoulder dress that came to just around her knees. It had lace sleeves that came to just above her elbows, and Luz saw her amethyst pendant hanging around her neck, sitting right between her collarbones. She had leather heeled shoes to go with her outfit, giving her at least two inches of height. Her mint hair was pulled up in its usual style, with a couple of loose pieces framing her face.  She had even done her makeup, like Luz and Willow, but it was a lot more neutral. Though she did have eyeliner wings so sharp it could cut glass and dark lipstick that was a perfect match for her dress.
For a couple of moments Luz couldn’t do anything but stare, and she was painfully aware of the awkward tension growing around the as Willow and Gus exchanged a confused look. Amity was blinking at Luz as well, her cheeks pinking as she took in Luz, and she realized she was probably making a scene and should definitely look away. Or at least answer her question.
But when she tried, all that came out was “Uh… your dress… wow.”
Amity’s cheeks reddened, somehow making her look even prettier than she already did, and Luz swallowed hard.
Willow started laughing hysterically.
“What?” Gus said, turning to her in annoyance. “What’s the problem? Did I miss a joke?”
Luz pinched the inside of her arm hard. Tearing her eyes away from Amity, she forced herself to look at Willow and Gus instead. “Right, so I think we’re all good here. Everyone looks… prom-ey. Should we start making our way to the university?”
Willow, who was still chuckling to herself, nodded. “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Gus and I were checking the map earlier, it should be a thirty-minute bus ride.”
Amity scoffed, “my mom would come down from Olympus and murder us if we voluntarily took the bus in these clothes. She gave us money earlier for a cab there.”  
“We should bring our stuff,” Gus said seriously, finally managing to tie his bowtie (even if it was a little crooked). “We don’t know if we’ll be able to come back here after we take the shield.”
“That’s true,” Amity added. “The local authorities will probably be looking for us.”
Something moved next to them, and when Luz looked over, she saw their backpacks, fully restocked and sitting ready to go. One had even been added for Amity, a maroon one that when she saw, she winced.
“I guess I know for sure now my backpack got destroyed by Achilles,” she said with a grumble, slinging it over her shoulder. “I’m going to kill that guy.”  
“What about our weapons?” Willow asked, holding her kopis in her hand. With her dress, she didn’t really have anywhere to put it.
“My spear is here,” Gus said, opening his jacket to reveal the retracted spear strapped to his side.
“I have my ring…” Luz said unhelpfully, her hand hovering over it.
“Mine’s under my skirt,” Amity said causally, and Luz’s mouth dropped.
“It is?” She asked, shocked.
The demigod blushed, and she crossed her arms. “Yeah, it is. Your sword is shorter than mine Willow, it’s not totally comfortable, but it’ll fit.”
Once that issue was sorted out, they were ready to go. They left Athena’s workshop, and Luz pulled out her phone and called a cab. Willow and Gus walked down the street to patrol the area for monsters and make sure they weren’t going to be followed.
While she got the chance, Luz checked her phone for texts from her Mami, finding one from the day before.
How is your field trip, mija?
Luz typed back a response.
It’s great, Mami. I’m going to a dance tonight with my camp friends.
“Who are you texting?”
Luz jumped, turning to Amity who was watching her with interest.
“My Mami,” Luz admitted, feeling terrible for using her phone. She stuck it in her pocket and felt it brush against something. The corsage.
“You don’t need to feel guilty,” Amity said slowly, running her hand up her arm nervously. “I’m glad she wants to make sure you're ok. It’s sweet how much you care about her.”
Luz felt that thumping in her heart again while she listened to Amity talk. She found herself starting again, and Amity’s cheeks pinked at the intensity of it. Luz mentally hit herself. She had to stop freaking her out like that.
“Luz, there’s something I wanted to ask you…” Amity said, her blush deepening. “I… I know this isn’t a real Prom… but since we’re using it as a cover story and we want it to be realistic… would you want to maybe… I don’t know…”
She had no idea what compelled her to interrupt Amity, but she reached into her pocket and pulled out the corsage, extending it to Amity slowly.
“I found this in my garment bag. Would you want it?”
Amity blinked, taken aback. “What?”
“It’s a corsage, and it matches your dress,” Luz said stupidly. What was she doing? Why did she need to interrupt Amity like that to say something so dumb?
Amity reached out slowly and took it. “Oh, thanks.”
She opened it and put it around her wrist, and Luz realized with a jolt that Amity was disappointed. Why was she disappointed? Had Luz done something wrong?
There was that jolt in her stomach again. It was getting stronger and stronger every time it happened around Amity. She didn’t want to disappoint her. She racked her brain, trying to think of why she would have hurt Amity’s feelings just now.
Then, she remembered what Aphrodite had said to Luz, and the fluttering got so strong she was amazed she didn’t pass out.
“You'rere affected by my charms. This is good news for you, daughter.”
“I’m sorry, my lady. I don’t understand.”
“You will, daughter of Hermes.”
Oh. Oh. Oh.
Luz understood, and the weight of it almost flattened her. GODS, how was she so dense? Amity hadn’t been uncomfortable around her. Well, maybe she had, but it wasn’t because Luz was scaring her off. It was the exact opposite. And she… well. She hadn’t gotten off on the best foot with Amity when they’d met, but they’d come such a long way and Luz was so confused. Her tongue tied in knots, and she was starting to sweat. But she couldn’t mess this up. She wasn’t going to give herself the opportunity to. So, she hesitantly smiled at Amity who wasn’t looking at her.
“It… it matches my suit too,” she added awkwardly sticking her hands in her pockets nervously. Amity looked up quickly in surprise, her gold eyes widening. That was a better response than disappointment. Luz figured she should just go from there.
“Maybe we could be each other’s like… dates? To help with the cover story and everything.”
Amity blinked for a couple more seconds in shock, and Luz felt herself begin to panic.
“I mean… we don’t have to if you would rather just stick to the original story-”
“No!” Amity said quickly, and Luz jumped at the volume of it.
“Sorry,” she added, lowering her voice. Despite the awkwardness of the whole conversation, she was beaming. “I mean, yes. That sounds perfect.”
Luz laughed nervously, but she was also smiling. “Alright, great. You’re my date then.”
“Yeah,” Amity said, her cheeks pinking. “I’m your date.”
Luz wasn’t quite sure what she was going to say next, but it didn’t seem to matter because the cab was suddenly pulling up, and Willow and Gus were back at their sides.
“Ready to go?” Gus asked them, and Luz nodded, letting gesturing for him to get in the cab. Willow turned to look at Amity and Luz suspiciously.
“Why do you two look like that? Did you get into a fight or something?”
“No!” Luz said quickly, and Amity also shook her head. “No, of course not.”
Willow hummed, unconvinced, but shrugged, getting into the cab next. “Okay.”
After she got in, Luz gestured for Amity to go next. “After you.”
Amity pinked, but slid in after her, and Luz got in last, shutting the door with a bang. The cab driver looked at them in his mirror.
“Where are you kids headed dressed so nice?”
“The University of Denver,” Luz said, “for our Prom.”
The cabbie raised his brows. “What, you can’t afford a Limo?”
The four of them looked at each other, and Luz wasn’t really sure what she was going to say next.
“We had one,” Amity replied, feigning a look of hurt. “We paid our deposit but the driver never showed. We won’t let that stop us from enjoying our prom though.”
“That’s terrible customer service,” the driver said with a gasp, tisking. “What kind of company scams kids? Tell you what, I’ll take you there for free.”
“You don’t need to do that, sir,” Amity said quickly, “we appreciate it, but it’s a long drive.”
The driver shook his head. “No, I insist. You’re only teenagers once. Here, I have an aux cord for customers. Play whatever you’d like.”
So Luz plugged in her phone (he’d already offered, and why not?) and the driver blasted her guilty pleasures playlist all the way there. When they were about ten minutes away, Luz heard her phone buzz, and it was a reply from her Mami.
A dance? How fun! I’m so happy you’re making friends, mija. Do you have a date for this dance???
Luz usually would have gotten upset at this question, especially since her Mami knew what had happened at the last dance she went to. But instead, she smiled. Because she did have a date, even if it wasn’t exactly a real one.
“Guys, could we take a picture to send to my Mami?” Luz asked, and everyone around her nodded, and Gus even whooped in excitement at the idea of a group picture. Making sure she didn’t get too much of the cab in the background (her Mami would ask way too many questions) Luz and her friends huddled around and smiled. Luz snapped a couple, before humming and shaking her head.
“Cute, but it’s not really us. Let’s do a group hug!”
Willow and Gus laughed and reached around to hug everybody’s shoulders. Luz extended her left arm around Amity, pulling her close. Amity’s cheeks pinked furiously, but she was laughing too when Luz grinned and took the picture. When she looked at it, she couldn’t help but let herself enjoy the moment. It was perfect.
She showed her friends the picture, and then she sent it to her Mami, along with a follow-up text.
I do :) This is Amity, and my two friends Willow and Gus.
When the cab pulled up, and the driver let them out, Amity discreetly slipped the cash Aphrodite had given them into the passenger seat. The driver wished them goodnight, and then they were there, outside the hall at the university that was hosting the event. It seemed to be one of the main buildings, and it was decorated outside with flowing magenta and silver balloons. Above the door was a huge banner with the words “Hexside Highschool Junior Prom”. All around them, teenagers just a little older than them were making their way inside, but nobody seemed to pass them any kind of look.
Perfect, they were blending right in.
Gus lead them to around the side of the building, away from the prying eyes of the prom guests.
“Right,” Gus said, and the four of them got into a huddle. “I used the workbench earlier to plan our heist and I have a plan. Right now, we’re two buildings over from the classics department where they keep the shield. We should stay here for a little bit, keep up the face, and then as pairs leave inconspicuously out the back exit and head across the yard to the building. We break inside, take the shield, and regroup at the prom entrance.”
He took off his backpack, pulling out a black cloth from inside.
“There are masks to hide our identity. The place has cameras everywhere except the back exit. The second you leave, put them on. We don’t want to get followed by mortal police.”
They each took their masks out, and Luz and Gus stuffed them into their pockets. Amity and Willow frowned, holding onto them.
“I can take that,” Luz said, extending her hand out to Amity. “I’ll give it to you later.”
“But we haven’t decided how we’re splitting up yet!” Gus said, and Luz frowned.
“What do you mean? It’s obvious to split ourselves up by our prom dates. It’ll look less suspicious. You and Willow go together, and I’ll go with Amity.”
Next to her, Amity flushed and handed Luz her mask, and Willow’s eyes lit up in excitement. Gus just shrugged.
“Alright, that works. Let’s ditch the rest of our stuff here in this bush until we come back for it later.”
Once they’d concealed their backpacks, the four of them walked up the steps and tried not to draw any attention to themselves. When they walked inside, Luz’s heart sank. It lead to the main room, clearly where the party was, but there was a security guard outside checking tickets. Luz’s heart sank.
“What are we going to do?” Luz hissed to Willow and Gus, who shrugged their shoulders helplessly. Next to her, Amity sighed, and Luz turned to look at her. Her eyes were narrowed in determination.
“Don’t worry. I’ve got this.”
The three of them shared a confused glance, but they didn’t have much time to question it before the couple in front of them walked in, and they were next.
“Tickets?” The security guard, a buff dude with blond hair, asked.
Amity’s shoulders slouched, and she ducked her head. “I’m so sorry sir, but we left them in the limo and don’t have them anymore! I swear we bought them though. Can you please just let us in?”
Luz bit the inside of her lip. There was no way that was going to work! Security guards had to deal with kids like them all the time, there was no chance-
The guard’s shoulders slouched to Amity’s level, and his eyes grew watery. “Oh, how terrible is that! On the night of your junior prom and everything… that’s no problem, miss. You and your friends head right inside.”
“Thank you so much, sir. You really are too kind.” Amity said quickly, grabbing Luz by the arm and dragging her inside with Willow and Gus trailing them. “Have a fantastic night.”
Luz struggled to pick up her jaw. “How did you just do that?”
“I didn’t know you could use charmspeak,” Willow added, looking quite surprised herself.
Amity sighed rubbing the back of her neck. “I can’t. It’s not charmspeak.”
“It’s Aphrodite’s Passion!” Gus said gleefully from behind them. Once they had walked inside the dark room lit up by flashing lights, they headed to a corner where they could talk privately.
“Aphrodite’s what?” Luz exclaimed, shocked.
“It’s a skill some of my mom’s kids have. It’s not as overpowering as charmspeak.” Amity explained quietly.
“Aphrodite’s Passion is when a person is inclined to listen and sympathize with the user. It doesn’t force anybody to do anything they wouldn’t otherwise do, but it does incentivize the target into acting out of empathy,” Gus added.
“How is that different from charmspeak?” Willow asked, confused.
“Charmspeak is foolproof and often results in loss of memory or confusion. It comes from the more manipulative side of Aphrodite, and is superficial at heart” Gus added, and then grimaced, turning back to Amity with an awkward smile. “No offense.”
“None taken,” Amity said with a shrug. “I can’t use it all the time anyway, I have to be in a certain mental state to get it right… I just had a feeling it would work today and well, I guess I got lucky.”
“What mental state do you have to be in,” Luz asked curiously, and Amity cleared her throat.
“I… It’s hard to explain…”
“It doesn’t matter right now,” Willow said quickly, regaining everybody’s focus. “What matters is the mission.”
The four of them nodded.
“Right,” Luz said seriously. “Let’s split up and enjoy the party.”
“I’m going to the free food,” Gus said excitedly, and Amity laughed.
“I wouldn’t mind some free stuff. I’ll go with you.” She turned to Luz with a smile. “Do you want me to get you a drink?”
Luz grinned. “Yeah, sure!”
The two demigods walked away, leaving Luz and Willow to themselves. Willow turned to Luz with a wide grin.
“So you finally asked Amity out then? Good for you, Luz!”
Luz’s stomach clenched hard. “What do you mean asked her out?”
Willow’s brow furrowed, and she frowned. “Well, she’s your prom date isn’t she?”
Luz felt her cheeks heating up. “I… I mean yeah…”
“And you gave her the corsage that matched the boutonniere?”
“And I’ve seen the way you two look at each other. You like her, right?”
What a question. She wasn’t sure she wanted to answer that just yet. Not when something else big had pushed itself to the surface.
“Willow, what is Aphrodite supposed to look like?”
Willow blinked in surprise. A small smile started to pull on her lips. “Well, there are lots of rumors about what gods and goddesses look like by those who’ve seen them. They’re supposed to encompass the things they are known for and reveal secrets to demigods about things they may not have previously understood. So Aphrodite, who stands for beauty, passion, and love… well, you would see those qualities in yourself reflected in her.
Luz swallowed hard. Aphrodite’s smile… her laugh… gods, she’d even smelled like Amity.
Luz knew she thought Amity was beautiful, she’d accidentally told her enough times. But did Luz… love her? Luz certainly felt a lot of things about Amity. With everything between them going on, and the way this prophecy had intertwined them, was there something more to them than Luz had even realized yet?
As much as she refused to acknowledge it, the prophecy did call for something tragic. Could this be what Aphrodite had been talking about? The passionate story fueled by love in Luz’s heart? Was this love more than just her new love for camp, and for her friends? Luz's face was getting so hot, she was sure she was sweating right through her new dress shirt.
Who was Luz kidding? She had never been this important, or this special. She had certainly never warranted any kind of attention from somebody as incredible as Amity. In fact, people like Amity had been the reason she was hurt in the past. Was this worth trying? Worth pushing just to see what happened? Every fiber in Luz wanted to run, to protect herself.
But this… this wasn’t about Maya. This was about Amity. And they had already been through so much together, she had to at least try. She had to at least take the leap of faith.
Willow smiled, nudging Luz with her shoulder. “Luz, if you ever want to talk, I’m always ready to listen.”
Luz turned to Willow gratefully. “I know, Willow. And I’m probably going to take you up on that soon.”
“I figured,” Willow said her eyes training onto something behind Luz. “But how about for right now, you just focus on making the magic happen?”
Luz turned her head and saw Amity coming back towards her, with two cups in her hand and a big smile on her face. Luz’s breath caught in her throat. Gods, Amity was just so pretty when she smiled. She felt that surge of panic come back, and the realization that this was happening hit her like a truck.
For whatever reason, in the middle of her panic, she remembered Eda, right before she accepted the prophecy.
“ You do have a choice. You’re allowed to look out for yourself if you need to. If this seems too much, you can take a moment to breathe.”
“Here you go,” Amity said, handing the cup to Luz. “They had lime soda. I saw you drinking it at the workshop so I figured it was a safe bet.”
Luz felt her heart jolt with affection, and the combination of that and Eda’s words in her head filled her with the same rush she had felt back when she’d accepted the prophecy.
Luz knew what she needed to do, and she was going to make sure she made the right choice. The sound of upbeat music filled the room, and with that so did her courage.
She reached over and took Amity’s cup from her, and handed them both to Willow. She turned back to a surprised Amity and extended her hand, smiling as confidently as she could.
“Amity, would you like to dance with me?”
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anneapocalypse · 4 years
RWBY 7.01 - 7.02
There is so much to talk about here. Spoilers!
(Please note that I’m not currently a FIRST member, so please don’t spoil me, thanks!)
We’re in Altas now! I love the aesthetic of Mantle, and I like that they didn’t go for the kind of full-on steel-and-glass futuristic aesthetic you might expect for all of Atlas. Instead, it’s more of a Victorian-futuristic look, with brick buildings and cobblestones and narrow streets.
Qrow’s new voice actor is killing it. Jason Liebrecht delivers a performance that is virtually indistinguishable from old Qrow if you aren’t listening closely for it. akisawana pointed out to me that he’s emoting more, which I think tracks for his character growth, but his voice and inflection is spot-on Qrow.
Themes of distrust build immediately, with Qrow uncertain if they should take to Ironwood. Weiss is concerned about the increased military presence in Mantle. We see the face of Winter Schnee on a screen, apparently the public face of Atlas military, and perhaps despite Weiss’s confidence we wonder if our heroes can trust her.
There is a fair amount of talky exposition in these first two episodes and some of it is rather on the nose, as the story quickly tries to get us up to speed with the situation and the general atmosphere in Mantle. People don’t love the surveillance state—we see some children throw a rock at one of the camera bots. But people love Atlas, and they’re proud of their city, even if difficult times.
And we meet Giapetto—I meant Pietro! Something of a convenient character, as he’s both high up in Atlas security and living and working down among the common people; he knows Ironwood, and Maria Calavera, and of course, his daughter has told him all about Team RWBY.
And as many of us probably suspected as soon as we laid eyes on this man, our sweet Penny has returned! I loved it through and through. “I thought you were dead” is one of those tropes in fiction that just always gets me, so Ruby’s face when she realized her friend was a live, and Penny’s face when she saw Ruby and recognized her… I needed a minute. It was just a truly delightful moment, made even more so by Penny’s exuberant tackle-hug.
I’m curious how it is that flightless Grimm are getting into Atlas, since I would think part of the appeal of a floating city in the first place is to keep them out. It wouldn’t stop flying Grimm, of course, but these monsters weren’t flying. EDIT: They weren’t in the floating city, they were down in Mantle, that’s my bad. Anyway, it was a fun battle to watch, as Oscar has learned a few things, and Blake backing up Yang and giving her that little nod was very sweet.
I am still banking on Oscar becoming the official new leader of Team JNR, making them Team ORNJ. Oscar’s outfits even have orange in them, and for nothing directly to do with his name. It’s a sign, I tell you!
Sadly, Qrow’s optimism must never go unpunished! and our heroes are promptly taken captive by the Aesop’s—er, I mean, the Ace Ops. ;) This feels more for drama than anything else, and it’s kind of reminiscent of Wash, Donut, Sarge, and Lopez being taken captive by the Feds in season 12 of Red vs. Blue. But there’s a valid reason: the did steal a ship.
I love how Weiss says, “Ironwood’s Ace Operatives” like they’re a big deal, but as soon as someone else acts impressed by them, she’s like, “They’re not that big a deal.” Oh Weiss! Some things about her never change, and the way she throws shade is one of those things.
I also think it’s pretty obvious that Weiss is still influenced by her upbringing, both as an Atlesian and as a Schnee. “Tyranny” honestly isn’t that much of an reach from what Ironwood’s doing. It’s easy to sympathize with him, because he’s just so goshdarn likable and he make a sadface and we do kind of know his heart’s in the right place—but he’s misguided as hell and even the people close enough to give him the benefit of the doubt can see it. Ironwood puts his faith in technology, and when his tech failed him he only doubled down, trying to make it stronger. And now that we know who the leak is from Atlas security, we can pretty much assume it’s only going to backfire on him harder next time.
“Robyn Hill and her Happy Huntresses” sounds very intriguing, and I’m always excited to meet new female leader characters! I’m also thrilled to hear we have an old Winter Maiden, and I can’t wait to meet her. Really appreciating the introduction of cool old ladies in recent volumes.
I love Blake’s expression of trust in Ruby’s leadership, which seems representative of everyone present. Ruby really is the reason they’re all here—it was her journey to Haven with team JNR that brought them all to where they are. She is not just the leader of Team RWBY but the leader of this whole expedition, especially with Ozpin having lost the trust of so many of them, and now absent entirely. They all trust her.
Ruby, by contrast, is not sure if she can trust Ironwood. I really like this. I like Ruby learning to be cagey and not bestow her trust and optimism on everyone she meets. This feels more like character growth than frankly anything we’ve seen before, and I will take it!
Ironwood has brought Penny and Winter into the inner circle. That alone I don’t really question; they’re both loyal and responsible. What I do question is his decision to tell the Ace Ops, given that… well, I know they’re supposed to be the best, and they did capture our heroes, but it’s also been kind of hard to take them seriously thus far and I question that their discretion and judgment is up to the level required.
But Ironwood doesn’t just want to tell them. He wants to tell everyone. And this is where we’re reminded, not just of the constant threat of Grimm, but that they’re drawn by negative emotions. This is a world where fear brings literal monsters, and in a world like that… the rules are just different. It’s easier to understand Ironwood’s protective instincts, I think, in that context. Managing the emotions of the public is a question of national security. It doesn’t make him right, but… it’s important context.
And here we come back to Ironwood’s reliance on technology and military might. He believes the Atlas military can keep the Grimm at bay and keep people safe. I think he’s vastly underestimating how little anyone outside of Atlas trusts the Atlesian military anymore. They won’t feel safe under his protection, especially in Vale—they might even actively resist his aid. And the more afraid and angry they are, the more Grimm will come.
There is something comical about the fact that Ironwood’s grand plan is… to rebuild Amity Arena. Oh, with a comm tower. That latter part makes perfect sense! Why it needs to be attached to a colosseum, less so. Style points, I guess? Morale booster? Sure.
It’s also comical how much our heroes buried the lede on Oscar being the new Ozpin. And here, we get confirmation that Oz is still gone. Not present, not communicating with Oscar. I thought maybe they’d come to an understand, but… nope. He’s just gone. Which feels ominous, but also makes me wonder: what if Ozpin really is gone from Oscar? What if he’s in someone else? We’ve kind of assumed that couldn’t happen, but we don’t really know for sure. It’s a far out theory, and I don’t really think it’s true, but wouldn’t it be wild if he was now in Ruby—if Ozpin’s presence were at the heart of her reticence, her keeping Ozpin’s full story from Ironwood.
Of course, it’s probably better character development for Ruby if she just did that on her own.
But that leads me to another point, which is that it just kinda seems foreshadowed at this point that Ozpin will probably, somehow, be removed Oscar. Everyone’s been thinking of the aura transfer machine from volume 3, and at this point I’d say it’s likely that’s what the machine was always for in the first place: Ozpin, who after so many lives might be tired of having to inhabit the bodies of unwilling hosts. Ironwood, with Pietro’s help, was probably trying to find a way to free Oz from the cycle of death and rebirth, by transferring him permanently into a synthetic body. It seemed like a possible solution when Amber was attacked. But the machine had to have been in development before then.
When Ruby tells Ironwood that according to Ozpin, all the lamp’s questions were used up, Ironwood says “Right… right” in such a way that makes me think he either knows, or suspects, that this isn’t true. Probably suspects. He walks to the window and says thoughtfully, “Oz told us that too, a long time ago.”
So Ironwood no longer fully trusts Ozpin. And Ruby can’t fully trust Ironwood. Even Qrow is uncertain. I think Leo’s betrayal was a real blow to him.
But the moment that I think truly cements Ironwood’s character is that despite all that, he returns the relic to Ruby for safekeeping. It is a gesture of good faith that I think is pretty unlikely to be anything but genuine. I cannot imagine him parting with that relic if he truly only wanted power for himself.
The Ironwood and Qrow hug was beautiful. Whether friendship or romance, there is definitely some kind of deep connection between the two of them. Enough that Ironwood needed to tell Qrow, personally, that it was good to see him, and underscore his sincerity. And Qrow, when James hugs him… he smiles. He looks affectionate. It’s honestly really sweet.
Our heroes are about to get weapon upgrades! I do think it’s interesting the way Winter says this: “While assisting the military, we will provide you with the best equipment our scientists can devise.” And if they are no longer assisting the military…? Yeah, I do highly suspect our heroes will fall afoul of Atlas military again at some point.
This feels a strong opening to the new volume, and it’s laying out these themes of trust and distrust quite heavily, which I think will be very interesting to watch play out among all the characters involved. Most of all I’m looking forward to more of a character arc (read: any character arc) for Ruby, but there is a lot going on here in this new Atlas-centric part of the story. I’m excited to see more.
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bellamygateoldblog · 4 years
​The 100 Aesthetic/Preferences Tag
Tagged by: @blodreina-noumou ty babe!!
This is a tag game about AESTHETICS, not content, plot, characterization, etc. Just keep that in mind.
Rank the seasons from favorite to least favorite:
2 > 1 > 3 > 5 > 4 (me, petty: *won’t even put 6 on the ranking*)
2 - I think 2 has Octavia’s best look, very ‘Grounder In Training’ which was really really cute lol. Then there was the beginning of Clarke’s desent into grime, from pristine princess to getting weighed down with the dirt of her own emotions and percieved obligations and I liked to see it.
1 - everyone is clean and baby-faced and it reminds me of a simpler time. Was a fan of guard!Bellamy hair gel and all, it really brought out the douche in him. This season has my favourite Raven (she GLOWS) and Clarke Sky Babe looks. Jasper’s goggles. Dropship site was iconic.
3 - I appreciated the grimy aesthetic of season three because they really committed to the Goin’ Thru It.
The drastic shift in Jasper’s look was something I really liked. His boyish features are gone and now merely a ghost of innocence remains, in it’s place we have a more mature, hardened demeanor in the form of facial hair and a lack of cute, floppy hairstyle.
5 - we got the spacekru ‘clan’ look! In previous seasons we’ve seen clans have markers indicating who they belong to, Trikru with their earthy colours and wearing leaves, Azgeda with their furs and white paints, and Floukru with their ocean imagery, and now we see the survivors of apocalypse in their bluish-grey space tones styled in a way that makes it absolutely clear they’re all apart of the same group. We see a new headscarf for Emori, still very much herself but refashioned. And no glove! She’s completely comfortable with her new family. The scarf was very unique to her character so someone tell me why after all this they completely threw it out for season 6? Oh yeah it’s because season 6 isn’t real, it didn’t happen, I do Not See It.
All the boys glo-ed up. Loved that. All the girls started wearing their hair looser, Raven has her two strands sneaking out of her signature ponytail- she still very much looks like ‘Raven’ but everyone just in general looks more relaxed, like they’ve had a breather. In terms of the world, I loved the stark differences in the three main locations, and every one of them felt haunting but in different ways. Ghost lands. The wasteland of 5 was almost reminicent of the desert back in season 2, now devistated. The bunker was suffocating and chilling. The valley felt weirdly sinister in all it’s colours.
4 - eventually everyone looked peak skaikru, no longer delinquents in their various multi-coloured bomber jackets, marking their youth, but fully-fledged members of their group. I liked the way s4 almost paralleled s1 in look, they’re all wearing the same colours, but while they are all technically clean, they still look less presentable and exhausted compared to S1. Bellamy, again, like in season 1, is in his guard uniform but it’s more an upgraded and more mature version. In a way it looked like we came full circle. And Clarke and Octavia both going back to a more skaigirl hairstyle was the cherry on top. Luna’s costumes are probably my favourites on the entire show. I have no idea how we went from costumes of such intricasy and consistency to...’what in the name of halloween store clearance sale is that?’ in season 6.
6 - sanctum’s costumes were literally so ugly i don’t even wanna talk about it please don’t make me do it...
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ok i go
1) Controversial ik but Emori’s Prime dress missed the mark. I liked the addition of the cape, but, again, it was so bare otherwise. There was no embroidery, no jewels, and the accessories they did give her were clunky and looked cheap. It looked too prom night. She was supposed to be royalty. And she didn’t look like it at all.
2) Absolutely hated the fact they put a pound of makeup on each of the space sisters’ faces. And the fact they gave them all unnaturally curled hair. Meanwhile Clarke and Octavia still somewhat look natural and ordinary so...what’s going on? And why?
Rank Clarke’s hair each season from best to worst:
1 > 6 > 2 > 4 > 5 > 3
some thoughts;
Not a fan of her season 4 hair, and i can’t articulate my dislike very well but why’d her roots get so dark? She never had dark roots in season 1, this character is a natural blonde, and yet over the seasons they became progressively darker and tbh? It started to irritated me. Also I don’t think the cut framed her face quite right? SOMETHING okay? Something about it......
Rank Bellamy’s hair/beard each season from best to worst:
3 > 1,2,4,6 < 5
The real debate: Bellamy in the blue shirt or the tan?
They both look the same to me. lol. Blue.
Clarke’s blue dress or pink dress?
Neither. Both weren’t very good looking. If you were holding me at gun point I’d say blue, but the cut did the opposite of help. And if they were gonna have a moment where Clarke, oblivious to her own *ethereal beauty* and not like the other girls, walks down the stairs ready to throw her hair into a messy bun and get sold to One Direction, they could’ve at least put her in a more suitable dress. Something a bit more glamourous, sophisticated, something to justify the 10 people in the room staring up at her in awe. It’s such a casual, tasteless dress? And she isn’t even wearing shoes? She isn’t wearing anything shiny, she didn’t do anything to her hair. We saw what other dresses and accessories Delilah had in her closet, the yellow and pink soft-flowing, feminine classy dresses and the pretty headwear she wore in her own short time in the season. But you give Clarke, your protagonist, that unflattering one? One that she so clearly hastily threw on and headed out in? She got two outfit changes, while none of the other main girls got any at all, and they were both ugly LIKE what was even the point?
Favorite Raven season: Her season 1 baby face just cannot be beat, she looks beautiful. And I only use that word very particularly.
Raven’s ark vest or red bomber jacket?
how about that red popper shirt from season 4
Raven’s ponytail or her s6 look?
Ponytail. It’s Raven. S6 look betrayed what her character was about.
Favorite Octavia season: 2! I love the baby grounder look.
Octavia’s hair in s2 (the braids) or s4 (the ponytail)?
The braids just because they were more interesting to look at.
Blodreina or Skairipa?
Blodreina. Like I said somewhere up there ^ that whole costume was a breath of fresh air.
Favorite Murphy season: S5!
Murphy with long hair or short hair?
I appreciated the rat boy look while it lasted, but the short hair makes him look good, while his other hairstyles pretty much were just there to contribute to the climate of his character.
Favorite Monty season: 5. Bout time they made him look grown. He’s actually a pretty ruthless and passive aggressive kid, the fact he looked so sweet in previous seasons really tricked a lot of the fanbase into believing he was some tiny cinnamon roll.
Favorite overall episode: I’m awful at seperating episodes. I just can’t do it lol
Favorite scene of all time: I just don’t have the best memory for these things. I quite liked the reveal of Blodreina, the transition is takes from Cooper in the very first arena fight to current day, and it switches from blue to red, and slowly reveals Blodreina. The music change gave me chills. Everything about the scene just felt really dark and eery. I was uncomfortable. And I loved it.
Biggest wish for s7: Visually/aesthetically, decide which style you’re going for. I’ve said this before somewhere but Sanctum was a confusing mess of sci-fi, royal, prom night, and divergent amity. Pick one and get back to me.
I want a better designed world. I want all the set and costume designers to actually communicate and work together to make the world look like something professional and not a cosplay convention on a cheap set with a big paper mache castle.
Also I’d love for all the girls to not be all dolled-up. Give Raven her ponytail back, I’ll even settle for the low pony. Give Emori her headscarf back. And go get them all some face wipes. Maybe give someone other than Clarke an oppurtunity to wear something besides their murder gear. And maybe make that something actually good looking. Put some effort in. Sheesh.
I don’t follow many people and most of the ones I do are hibernating lol. I fully encourage someone to steal this. But in the meantime: @johnmurphysreddit​ @awesomenell65​
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