#man they're just adorable i love them
beanghostprincess · 1 month
The erasure of the Usopp Pirates in OPLA is quite literally the worst thing they could have possibly done and I will forever be resentful for that.
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pantsaretherealheroes · 8 months
i love snw so much except for how it's deathly afraid of kirk/spock and has like three different female love interests for spock (jesse james keitel seems to use she/her pronouns, it's not specified as of the end of s1 if her character uses different pronouns)
and when they finally bring kirk in for a cameo they make sure that the characters barely interact (on a star trek show. they were like, you know what people are sick of? seeing kirk and spock meet in a new scenario with new actors. that's boring no original or new fans are interested in that.) and that their interactions bear no tension whatsoever, good or bad. they are indifferent to each other.
even if you don't ship it, and i can't claim to be the world's biggest spirk shipper or star trek fan, their FRIENDSHIP is literally the cornerstone of this whole thing! it's been famous for sixty years, it's one of the (if not THE) most well known elements of this very well known property.
making sure they barely interact or have any memorable moments, making them indifferent?? insane to me. sweaty behaviour. so obviously betraying a fear that anyone might see it not the way THEY want. akiva goldsman i'm coming for you, you've done enough film and tv crimes.
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Sometimes i just think about about the way Allen lied to every single person he has ever met, BUT he has such a feral wet cat energy and WILL try to help you even if he’s falling apart
That both Kanda and Link who very explicitly was said are able to see that he’s lying, went from “i could not care less for the little clown” to “i will rise back from the dead for him and will follow him to the end of the earth” is so insane
They have no business simping that hard but i love it for them
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willowser · 6 months
willow!! How are you? ✨️ i hope you're having a lovely friday!
I had a Thought and i just HAD to share it – imagine older bakugou (stronger, more settled and mature) taking in a UA intern just like best jeanist did for him 🥺 he'd be so steady and reliable, kinda like aizawa! Pushing the student to do better while always being ready to step in! 🥺🥺 i wonder how he'd agree to do it though 🤔
Oh and he can also bring the student over for dinner where the kid meets us and is promptly baffled by how domestic mr. dynamight is at home LMAOO 😭😭
omg.....this is sooooo cute 🥺🥺🥺 i love it so much !!! he'd be a bit of a grouch aizawa hehe and !! he wouldn't take any shit !! any slacking !!! any chatting up on the job !!! he'd be a bit of a hardass but 🥺 i think he'd eventually get pretty attached to the kid 🥺 would be proud to see the hero they could grow up to become 🥺 oh oh oh this idea is so CUTE tysm for sharing your Thought !!!! 🩷😌✨️
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fav golden girl 👁️👁️
You do realize this is like asking me to choose my favourite hand, right? Or my favourite leg? It's like choosing my favourite eye, my favourite strand of hair, my favourite organ, my favourite --
Blanche. It's-it's Blanche.
#it's painful because i really do love them all so much ;-; and i *especially* love their interactions!!! i adore them when they're together!#but if i *had* to choose one then it's blanche.#and this is not (just) because of my big big crush on rue mcclanahan i swear lmao#(especially since i also adore both bea arthur and betty white)#i think she's just the one that surprised me the most!#i *immediately* loved dorothy as soon as she appeared on scene in the pilot. *immediately*. and i only loved her more as i watched#i thought sophia was *hilarious* from the moment she walked in as well#(and she had some *great* interactions with dorothy that endeared her to me even more very early on)#and it took me a bit more to fall in love with rose but i found her very funny and charming from the start too (possibly bc of betty white)#but blanche? i *liked* blanche at the start. but i didn't *love* her#i found her funny! i found her pretty! and i loved her interactions with the girls as a whole#but it took me a while to really grasp her character bc she's so different from me#but man. once i started to figure her out... hit me like a train#idk how to explain at some point i was watching and it just hit me that 'oh wow. i really *really* love her.' you know?#now i go back to the pilot and the first episodes and i *see* all those subtleties i missed the first time around and i *adore* her#but she did catch me by surprise and i think that's why she's my favourite!#i could write a whole essay on all the things i love about her lmao but there's already enough tags on this post#(if you'd like to tell me which girl is *your* favourite i'd love to know!!!)#the golden girls
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telemna-hyelle · 9 months
is it so hard to believe that Julius Caesar was wrong?
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sciderman · 8 months
we need to see more non dp spidey pairings
just read the comics man! they're everywhere!
(also, please, be the change you want to see in the world, anon.)
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problemswithbooks · 3 months
More Dain Stuff
So I'm still thinking about Dain and more so, who he might end the story with.
Now, I'm 98.9% sure Violet will stick with Xaden. Not saying it couldn't be interesting if, after the whole Venin thing and their already rocky relationship they broke up, but at the same time that's not how romance novels are written. The story might have dragons, but it is primarily a romance book. Xaden has always been the main focus of Violet and they got together in the first book--just like other fantasy/romance books; think Edward/Bella or Alina/Mal. Plus, most of her audience really like them together; not having them as end game would be alienating her readers.
So Dain's not ending up with Violet. To be honest he could end the story single if he survives, but I'd be a little surprised. Many authors even outside the romance genre have a habit of pairing up their characters at the end. It would be nice if the series didn't go that route, especially if it didn't have a time-skipped epilogue, but I'm expecting at least the main side characters to get paired up to some extent since it is a romance book.
That leaves the question of who he could be paired up with. It's hard to say at this point because he hasn't had many interactions with anyone besides Violet. The few times other characters mention him, most don't really like him. They're are Violet's friends or Marked, so they already have a poor opinion of him or hate him for Liam's death.
I'm not saying that Yarros couldn't have those characters change their opinion of Dain in later books (I really hope they do) and then pair him off with one of them. The issue is that I think most of Violet's close group have been given hints already to who they'll end up with. Sawyer is crushing on Jesinia, Imogen on Garrick. Rhiannon is with Tara, who will hopefully get better established as a character in later books. Though brief Sloane and Cam have some flirtation and in a lot of ways it would make a lot of sense to have them end up together, particularity if Cam becomes King. It would fully show the Marked ones are apart of the kingdom again and fully trusted.
Now, Ridoc is a possibility, but only if Dain is established as bi (which isn't impossible). The biggest hurdle there is that Ridoc is the exact opposite of Dain in a lot of ways. He's the goofball, while Dain is portrayed as a strict. Ridoc doesn't like him. It's really doubtful they'd get along. That could change as the series goes on; Ridoc could show a more serious side, while Dain could lighten up. Violet said he used to smile and laugh a lot, be less of a rule follower. Maybe Ridoc could bring that back out. I think it could be pretty cute and honesty it'd be cool if Yarros put an end to a love triangle by pairing up the spare with another guy.
One possibility though that I really find interesting and I could see is Cat.
First of all she also needs paired up as that failed third wheel of a love triangle with Xaden. There is a man in her Gryphon Flier group that likes her, so that might be who she gets put with in the end, but if that does happen I hope he gets a bit more screen time given how important Cat has been at least during Iron Flame.
Second, their powers complement each other. Dain can see memories (pretty much read minds to an extent) while Cat can manipulate emotions as long as they're present. I could easily see these two using teamwork to get stuff done. Cat could get someone upset enough that they lower their shields so Dain can read them, or Dain could read someones memories and give Cat the best ammunition to get them into the state of mind she needs to manipulate their emotions. Physical fights wouldn't change much but in intelligence work they could be really good as a team.
Third, I want a Flier/Rider romance and Cat's the most prominent Gyphon Flier we have as of Iron Flame. She's third in line for the throne which is interesting and could mean she ends up as Queen. Giving her a dragon Rider partner could be a good way of showing that even once the Venin are gone Navarre and Poromeil are still allies. Also would be interesting to see how a relationship like that was seen by the dragons.
Fourth, it'd be a bit funny. Cat is Xaden's ex, while Dain was Violet's first crush and childhood friend. I doubt Xaden would care much, since he never cared about Cat, but I think Violet would have many conflicting feelings about it which would be fun to see her stress over. By the end of Iron Flame she seems to have grown to respect Cat and Cat respects her in return, but I it wasn't that long ago she hated her. Meanwhile, although she was furious at Dain, he was her best friend for fifteen years.
It'd just be funny to see Violet struggling with that sort of roller coaster of emotions and perhaps catching herself thinking similar things Dain said to her about Xaden. I mean I could see her first thought being Cat is getting close to Dain to mess with her, since she can't get to Xaden anymore. Having her catch herself and realize she's making snap judgments could lead to some interesting conversations with both Dain and Cat or even Xaden talking to her more about his past with Cat. Just cool character interactions all around!
Fifth, character development. Dain is seen as Mr. By the Book, and although there probably isn't some rule against Flier/Rider relationships (because they've never worked together before) it could still be seen as wrong. They might be working together but they were enemies for hundreds of years. Dain picking Cat despite it being seen as against the spirit of the Codex continues his growth as getting over his issue of putting rules before people he cares about.
Meanwhile Cat, although tackling her anti-Dragon Rider hate and working with Violet has another flaw the one that was probably the biggest reason her and Xaden broke up. She wanted a crown. Now, I actually don't think this is a terrible thing for her to want given what we know of her and her situation. Poromeil has been essentially left to die by Navarre for hundreds of years. Frankly it makes sense Cat would want political power so she could use it to form an alliance with a Kingdom that might be strong enough to save her home.
Still the story makes it appear to be a flaw--that she wanted a crown over love. So, in that sense picking Dain, someone who isn't a prince or king, and has very little sway with anyone with power (Xaden hates him, and he deserted the army so he doesn't have any allies on that front either--dude is not getting a good job no mater whose in charge) shows she'll pick over over a crown. Even if afterwards she still gets the throne of Poromeil for whatever reason, it'd still prove she picked Dain over power.
So, that's my essay on possible end ships for Dain. I sort of still think he'll die--I'm always prepared for a character I like to die. But if he does live and get paired up I'd say it'd be Cat, with Ridoc as a runner up.
#fourth wing#iron flame#iron flame spoilers#Dain Aetos#Catriona Cordella#I actually forgot Ridoc had a hook up with a guy#until I started writing this post#and i think it would be cute actually#goofball with serious partner who has to keep them inline sometimes is adorable#and it would be cool for Yarros to end a love triangle with the dumbed guy getting together with a man for once#but I don't think it's as likely as Cat#Yarros doesn't seem super good writing lgbt+ couples since both queer couples she has are flings/ with partners who are not fully introduce#so id be surprised if we got two decently fleshed out characters in a queer relationship in the end#I mean I'm just hoping Rhi's girlfriend gets more fleshed out by the end#and from a writing perspective Cat/Dain has more to offer in way of compelling story-lines#mostly because they're both connected to Violet and Xaden in interesting ways then Ridoc is#And I've seen people think Cat will be with Cam (cuz he's the prince) but I think Sloane is a better choice there#Even if Tyrrendor becomes independent it'd still be nice to have Cam/Sloane to show the Marked Ones are fully excepted and safe in Nararre#Also I think it makes more sense since Cat being third in line is brought up alot#so I sort of expect she'll be queen of Poromeil by the end#which make Cam being a prince unneeded#unless the book ends with the two kingdom's uniting#which it could i guess#but sort of doubt#frankly id still like violet/Xaden/Dain as end game--u could even shove Cat in there
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lotus-pear · 2 years
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girlboss/malewife duo, hydro edition😤💧
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allofthebeanz · 1 year
Hats off to Ray Kowalski for being able to sexually and mentally frustrate Benton Fraser, congratulations sir for being the Most Annoying Person in the World
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annasvinyl · 1 year
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i hate them i love them <3 costelloselby core <3 cruel to be kind needle drop..... u know shit's about to go down between them while everyone watches on as they come to blows Again. tears. blood. and then they're like please come here and comfort me and never ever leave me...... 🥴🥴🥴 insanely toxic self-destructive behaviour on selby's end. i don't think i've seen a relationship on tv quite like theirs. like when it's Bad it's hard to watch but you also can't look away.
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merrilark · 4 days
The tragedy of Daenerys' marriage and overall relationship with Drogo is not lost on me, I get it, I see the red flags and the issues and the glaring sexism and inherent abuse of it all.
But consider: They're not real and the way they look at each other is cute as heck, Your Honor.
#sgldgkslgk#the way he's so protective of her??? and the way she's so protective of him????#and the way when he's dying???? and she touches his face his brow softens?????? hello???????????????????????? i'm unwell#likewise there are obvious ''this is survival'' problems with daenerys becoming khaleesi. she clearly had no choice in the matter.#but like?? idk i find her story extremely comforting and empowering actually.#the fact that she flipped a horrific fate on its head and reclaimed power not only over drogo but his entire khalasar AND#AND!!!!!! used the power she earned to show mercy toward others even those who she owed no mercy (lookin at u viserys).#i don't precisely know how her writing gets ruined i just know it happens so i get that saying this is prob gonna bite me#but as it stands now just finishing s1... i really adore daenerys and i think this is an interesting way to write a strong female character#it's not perfect obv but idk. i just. i think she's great. i love her resilience and i love watching her find her footing.#fate gave her a bad hand and she said ''alright. but i will do it my way.'' and she DID. she refused to break. she's getting her agency bac#i suppose it's yet to be seen if she succeeds but i am watching her v closely and i love her i love her i love her.#i also love her and drogo but i'm willing to accept that as my problematic otp skgslgkslksdl they're just. so soft. he's so proud of her an#idk man don't look at me. i like them a lot. they are my guilty pleasure and i'm sad drogo is dead.#there's no love between them at first but no one can convince me that there was no love by the end.#merri watches game of thrones
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kakusu-shipping · 4 months
Platonic f/o asks my beloved,,
Anyway, dogwood, cottonwood, and palm for Team Rocket!!
Thankyou very much the Squad!!!!! We love the (no so) Evil Crew!!
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Dogwood - You've been quiet for a week or so- do they reach out to ask what's wrong, or do they let you have your space?
I can't imagine a situation where we're not physically right next to eachother that long, but if it did happen they'd reach out. They're a very clingy, prone to think the worst kind of crew.
Jessie's the least likely to reach out as she's pretty use to people just vanishing from her life, so she wouldn't be that worried. But Wobbeffet and Meowth worrying would eventually get her to cave and call me.
Cottonwood - If you took a vacation together, where would you go? What would you do?
Back to Alola! We'd visit Beware and Stufful, chill and play on the beach, plan to stay in a nice hotel just to have Beware INSIST we come home with her and rest in the cave... and honestly that is much better than any fancy hotel could be.
I'd also probably visit my brother Molayne while we're there, maybe finally introduce them to him.. but also probably not skdjkfsk They're shy and anxious around Gym Leader types.
Palm - If they did something you didn't agree with, would you call them out on it or let it slide? Would they call you out on something?
Jessie does whatever she wants and calling her out on it is a risk I'm not willing to take. Meowth maybe it depends on what he did, he's pretty reasonable. Wobbuffet has never done anything wrong in his life he is perfect.
Oh but they'd call me out for sure, especially Jessie. She eats Meowth's special dessert he was saving in the fridge? She did nothing wrong. I ate Meowth's special dessert he was saving in the fridge? I owe the entire hideout dessert now for such a heinous crime. Heaven forbid I actually do something to her she doesn't like...
I feel like following a crew of thieves around watching them attempt to steal some kid's Pikachu for years kind of lowers your standard for what's worth picking a fight over, but that's just me.
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i watched five minutes of the character swap special and i’m now absolutely consumed with thoughts about a) how much of a whore pete could be in s2 and b) how absolutely insane he and macau could drive vegas on a daily basis
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spikemxths · 1 year
GOD how i love the pokemas dialogues <3
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la-cocotte-de-paris · 11 months
I also saw the sweetest video of the César awards in 1984 and skfkdodkdoo Jean Marais and Edwige Feuillère's friendship is GOALS omfg 🥺🥺🥹🥹💞❣️💞❣️😭💖✨️
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