fashionbooksmilano · 2 years
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Mantero 100  Anni di Storia e di Seta
Guido Vergani
a cura e fotografie di Massimo Pacifico
Ricerche archivio tessile Enrico Redaelli
FOS Editoria e Comunicazione, Firenze 2002, 202 pagine, 29x29 cm., cartonato rigido, testo italiano e inglese
euro 45,00
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
Mantero, 100 anni di seta.L’azienda comasca festeggia il suo primo secolo di vita con un libro che racconta competenze, professionalità e ricerca: dal telaio a mano alle tecnologie più avanzate L’azienda comasca festeggia il suo primo secolo di vita con un libro che racconta competenze, professionalità e ricerca: dal telaio a mano alle tecnologie più avanzate Non sono molte le aziende che possono vantare cento anni di storia. E un cammino sempre in ascesa, sapendo fare dei momenti difficili i punti di forza, lo stimolo per continuare e fare meglio. Forse questo è stato possibile perché l’azienda di cui parliamo è una di quelle solide realtà familiari che lega imprescindibilmente il lavoro con gli affetti, la creatività con la responsabilità verso se stessi e verso i clienti, l’amore per il lavoro con la passione, la tenacia con la voglia di portare avanti un progetto per le generazioni future.
Una monografia che racconta cento anni di competenze, professionalità e continua ricerca di tre generazioni che già veleggiano verso la quarta. Il volume, opera del giornalista e scrittore Guido Vergani, ripercorre la vita dell’azienda dalla fondazione (1902) a oggi e, con una ricostruzione molto accurata, rende partecipe il lettore di curiosità, vicende, aneddoti di questo importante secolo, con attenzione particolare ai personaggi che animano la storia. «Perché senza conoscere il carattere dei protagonisti, senza valutarne la forza emozionale, non si può conoscere un’azienda», ha sottolineato Vergani. A supporto del testo, un vasto repertorio iconografico con immagini di grande impatto artistico. Moltissime le foto inedite, alcune tratte dai preziosi archivi interni. Protagonista del libro è ovviamente anche la seta, tessuto privilegiato del distretto comasco, che costituisce il cardine della crescita aziendale della Mantero: dai telai a mano alle tecnologie più avanzate.
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gacougnol · 4 months
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Manolo Mantero
Le Refuge
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henk-heijmans · 3 months
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The shelter - by Manolo B. Mantero, Spanish
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sonimage1965 · 20 days
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Rodrigo Manero
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afnews7 · 7 days
Viaggio nella Fabbrica dei Sogni: l’albo speciale della Segio Bonelli Editore per Comicon Napoli 2024
L’anno scorso, in occasione dell’edizione 2023 di Napoli COMICON, Sergio Bonelli Editore diede alle stampe, al prezzo speciale di 1 euro, “Benvenuti nella Fabbrica dei Sogni”, un albo con nove, ormai introvabili, avventure brevi di altrettanti eroi bonelliani. Visto il successo dell’iniziativa, in occasione dell’edizione 2024 della fiera partenopea, la casa editrice milanese proporrà “Viaggio…
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lunamarish · 1 year
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Review of Classical Art http://bit.ly/2vGe6Md by @IbanezMantero
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cento40battute · 2 years
La natura come stile di vita
La natura come stile di vita
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The Shelter - by Manolo B. Mantero, Spanish
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afrouif · 2 months
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Manolo Mantero
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lionfloss · 1 year
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by Riccardo Maria Mantero
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gacougnol · 1 month
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Manolo Mantero
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henk-heijmans · 2 months
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Unknown - by Manolo B. Mantero, Spanish
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Stubbornness and unicorns
I did something, or rather this post made me do it.
I blame @prahacat 💜
I'm actually grateful, because it finally got my stubborn muse in gear to work on a story that has been haunting my brain for some time.
This is shameless fluff, mpreg, pregnant Obi-Wan (Anakin is the father), and Obi-Wan and Dooku having a moment in Serenno's castle garden.
And maybe there are unicorns. 🦄
Obi-Wan walked slowly along one of the many well-landscaped paths in the sprawling park surrounding Castle Serenno mindful of his condition. His stately dressed companion graciously matched his speed to his slow pace, mercifully ignoring the small sighs of frustration that escaped him, kindly lending him an arm to lean on as they made their way.
Only when they stopped in the shade of a large tree did he speak while Obi-Wan rested a hand over his bulging midsection, rubbing reassuringly over the spot where one of his children was eagerly kicking at his taut skin.
"While I'm sure it would be hopeless to tell you once again that I don't think these long walks will benefit you when you are this far along, I'm sure my words will be ignored as always," his stern-looking companion declared with an undertone of resignation.
“You are correct in that assumption,” Obi-Wan replied, flashing him one of his most charming smiles.
"As I am sure you are fully aware of, it is a well-known truth that stubbornness is an inherited trait in your lineage, Count."
"It seems so," the older man admitted with a heavy sigh, "and please, Obi-Wan, how often may I ask you to call me Yan?"
"At least a few times more."
Count Dooku of Serenno let out a small frustrated sigh. His lineage was a constant headache that he was convinced would be the end of him one day soon.
Sensing that it would be fruitless to try to persuade his grand padawan to return to his comfortable chambers, determined as he was to wander, he chose not to argue further as they continued.
They walked in pleasant silence under the bright autumn sun who cast its glow over the wide expanse of the castle gardens that was laid out in the imposing shadow of Castle Serenno. The high, already snow-covered mountains rose in the background and in the pale blue sky above them, both moons were clearly visible, Mantero almost full where it stood low above the horizon.
The park was an oasis of green and lush life, where plants native to the planet and imported species were tastefully arranged in a well-organized style with clean lines that reflected the planet's ruler. Paths and small streams ran between tall trees and bushes, creating intricate patterns and a pleasant background sound with their muffled gurgling. In some places, large open lawns were replaced by small groves of trees, both evergreen and deciduous, in their golden, red and orange fall splendor. Beds of late flowering herbs gave off a pleasant spicy fragrance that mingled with the ripe scent of malum fruit.
Obi-Wan and Yan had just stepped into a small clearing surrounded by tall spruces when a group of slender and elegant creatures surrounded them, only slightly shy to get close to the bipedal creatures.
They were an extremely rare species, reminiscent of equus in their appearance, and thought to be extinct. But a small group still existed, their existence a well kept secret. The beautiful creatures with their gleaming pearly white skin and long elegantly twisted horns had long been sought after prey, not so much for their beauty or rarity, but because they were highly force sensitive and were believed capable of healing and granting eternal life.
Gently they nudged their soft muzzles against Obi-Wan's bulging belly, neighing low in greeting to the unborn children resting there, attracted by their innocent but already powerful signatures. Honored by their closeness and trust, Obi-Wan gently stroked his hands over their soft ears and smooth horns.
Yan also got his share of attention, though more hesitantly, as some darkness still lingered like shadows around him. But the largest stallion, his horns gleaming golden in the sun, allowed him to stroke his neck in a gesture of trust offered to the one who had originally prevented their final extinction.
Against the wishes of his former Sith Master, Dooku had chosen to save these magnificent creatures when he had tracked down the very last of their kind, starved and scared. Under the influence of his former padawan and his young apprentice, he had brought them to Serenno where they now thrived and multiplied.
Five slender foals romped playfully among the adults eagerly seeking Obi-Wan's attention.
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count-doodoo · 4 months
dooku: jedi lost: part 4: liveblog part 3
ok. new post now that that banger scene is done
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i love sy so much and i love the mantero funeral moon concept and i love that obviously sifo and dooku remain friends FOREVER AHEM
(and yeah @charmwasjess you are 100% correct that being sucked out into orbit around coruscant is BASICALLY the same thing.)
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ahhh, this has gotta be rough for jenza. because the protestors are right, the ruling family sucks ass. or at least gora sucks, and anya was complicit, and jenza has no grasp of the scale of serenno's suffering. but that doesn't make her a bad mother, and it doesn't change that this is her funeral.
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star wars really is all about weaponizing the word "father" huh? ANYWAYS GO OFF DOOKU LET'S GOOO
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fuck count gora 2kforever :)
(dooku kills him later right???? as he should anyways)
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ughhh he is Such A Good Boy and i am LIVID about canon. LIVID. FOAMING AT THE MOUTH.
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sorry i just. [clenches fist] sowing distrust of the jedi into dooku is possibly the Worst decision made by any of the jedi (excluding dooku and anakin because they decided not to be jedi). like. are we certain she's not a secret sith? is she palpatine's secret daughter? i am just. flabbergasted by these terrible parenting choices.
AND. WHERE EVEN IS YODA IN ALL THIS. obviously he can't magically know things he's not told, but where is he in the first place????? PAR 👏 ENT 👏 ING 👏
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screaming crying throwing up LENE STOP DOING THIS. PLEASE. the council is conservative sometimes but "don't fuck with dark side artifacts" is a reasonable precaution! AND YES KEEP THEM AWAY FROM THE BABY PADAWANS!!!! GAHHH
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i'm not fucking kidding is she a sith lord. is she. you don't understand i'm dead ass about to pin the entirety of dooku's fall on this.
(yes yes dooku needs to take responsibility for his own actions and lene isn't responsible for all the atrocities of tyrannus. but she was a strain on dooku's relation with the jedi and his master, she encouraged fucking around with the dark, and she wouldn't even let him admit his mistakes to the council. this is comparable to chancellor "have you ever heard the tragedy of darth plagueis the wise" palpatine. this is TERRIBLE parenting and i am SCREAMING.)
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i... also don't love this. WHAT THE HELL MAN??????? RED FLAGS RED FLAGS RED FLAGS
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jartitameteneis · 3 months
Loquillo dice que matamos a Lorca Otro artista millonario, de esos que dicen que antes había más libertad, despotricando. Loquillo, en un encuentro sobre la industria musical, relató cómo amenazó a dos manteros de Barcelona por vender sus discos. Vamos a usar las palabras de Willy Toledo, calificándolo de "miserable" por atacar a los más vulnerables en lugar de enfrentarse a las grandes discográficas, para no tener que hacerlo nosotras. Además, comparó la situación de los derechos de autor en España con el asesinato del poeta Federico García Lorca, diciendo que en este país matamos a Lorca. ¿Quién mató a Lorca, Loquillo? ¿Quién?
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