#maudy ayunda
ranah-upaya · 8 months
Krisisnya Nalar Kritis
Pergolakan dalam hal kurikulum pendidikan di negeri kita, menjadi hal lazim bagi seluruh lintas generasi. Bukan hanya bagi pendidik dan peserta didik, tetapi keresahan dan permasalahan ini juga sangat mendominasi para orang tua, yang sangat berharap akan keberhasilan anaknya di masa depan. Terhitung, hampir 11 kali mengalami pergantian kurikulum pendidikan sejak tahun 1947 hingga kini. Adapun kurikulum yang sedang diterapkan saat ini adalah Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar yang diusung oleh Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Nadiem Makariem.
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Banyak kritik dan saran, kesan dan pesan terkait kebijakan mendikbud ini. Belum lagi, permasalahan yang menjamur di setiap lini lapisan masyarakat. Kompleksitas permasalahan ini tidak merata, saling tumpang tindih, ketimpangan. Belum selesai memahami, memaknai, mengimplementasi, dan mengaplikasikan kurikulum pendidikan yang diusung sebelumnya, lalu dipaksa untuk menerima dengan legowo kebijakan selanjutnya. Baiklah, mungkin terbilang mudah bagi sekolah yang notabene sesuai dengan kualifikasi yang diperkirakan Mas Menteri; fasilitas tercukupi, SDM yang memadai, lingkungan yang mendukung, para orang tua yang mampu dan suportif dan masih banyak lainnya. Lalu, bagaimana dengan kami yang harus beradaptasi dengan hal tidak serupa? Tentu jomplang, berat sebelah dan tidak seimbang.
Hadirnya teknologi, memang tidak bisa terus disalahkan. Teknologi memang hadir untuk memudahkan segala pekerjaan manusia. Mereka menciptakan, mereka yang mengatur, mereka yang memfungsikan. Hadirnya teknologi, memang sudah tidak asing seharusnya. Apalagi semenjak pandemi merebak, teknologi dan kecerdasan buatan sudah menjadi sahabat. Sayangnya, tidak semua memahami dan kemudian memfungsikan dengan bijak. Misal, hadirnya Chat GPT sebagai alat untuk mempermudah diskusi dan menuangkan ide untuk ranah kehidupan. Faktanya, kita semua sudah terlalu percaya bahwa AI (Artificial Intelligent) bisa menggantikan tugas guru di sekolah. Anak-anak sudah tidak perlu membaca dan sibuk mencari referensi sumber, sibuk mendengarkan penjelasan guru yang membosankan, tidak menarik. Belum lagi harus berhadapan dengan karakter dan pribadi guru pengajar yang menakutkan, menyeramkan, pemarah, suka mem-bully para siswa yang tidak mengerjakan tugas atau melanggar. Ini bukan hanya sekali dua kali saja. Sejujurnya, para siswa tidak pernah berfikir dan merindukan gurunya saat mengajar di sekolah. Mereka hanya ingin bertemu sahabatnya di sekolah, karena juga malas dan tidak betah di rumah.
Problematika seperti ini, memang tidak pernah disadari oleh individu pendidik sendiri. Padahal, komponen utama dalam kegiatan mendidik itu sendiri adalah kesamaan resonansi antara pendidik dan peserta didik. Tetapi, pada realitanya. Pendidik hanya berfokus pada tujuan utama dirinya sendiri; hanya mengajar dan menyampaikan ilmu di buku. Urusan pembentukan karakter, kematangan mental, nalar yang kritis untuk bisa menghadapi permasalahan yang lebih kompleks, menjadi nomor sekian. Ya, pada akhirnya mengajar yang juga sebagai kegiatan mulia seorang guru, dimonetisasi dan hanya dijadikan ladang penghidupan bukan menjadi ladang amal.
Nalar kritis yang selalu digaungkan sebagai harapan pelajar pancasila itu, hanya berwujud sebagai jawaban hitam putih saat ujian. Walau tugas-tugas dalam lembar kerja siswa tertanda sebagai soal HOTS. Apakah kualitas nalar berfikir kritis juga serupa? Rasanya tidak. Mengapa? Karena penyampaian materi di kelas, jarang bahkan tidak pernah sama sekali mengajak para siswa berfikir kritis, menggunakan kemampuan berfikir yang luar biasa, memfungsikan logika yang sudah Allah karuniai pada setiap hamba. Ketakutan para siswa dengan jawaban yang salah, sangat mempengaruhi kemampuan berfikir mereka yang bebas. Mereka memikirkan jawaban yang umum, jawaban yang tertulis di bukunya, dan juga jawaban tepat pada pilihan ganda.
Belum lama ini, Maudy Ayunda sempat ditanya oleh konten kreator, tentang kebijakannya bila dinobatkan sebagai menteri pendidikan. Maudy menjawab, bahwa ia akan menghapuskan asesmen pilihan ganda, dan menggantinya dengan soal esai berbasis critical thinking, ia juga menyampaikan bahwa ingin mengajak anak bangsa untuk punya hobi belajar dan mencintai ilmu seperti dirinya. Lalu, apa kabar hari ini? Bila memang hal itu terjadi setelah kebijakan Mas Menteri yang telah lama menghapuskan UN, meniadakan skripsi bagi mahasiswa dengan mengganti tugas yang sepadan, kemudian disusul dengan kebijakan-kebijakan yang hampir serupa di masa yang akan datang. Bagaimana dengan kondisi lapangan hari ini yang masih sangat lemah dalam hal bernalar kritis? Semoga pendidikan anak bangsa, kebijakan pemerintah dan urusan mengenai masa depan sebuah peradaban semakin membaik dan juga bermanfaat untuk agama, nusa dan bangsa.
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madeintrinafchelp · 10 months
❁ click on each tag to find the faceclaims resources ❁
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teshaswriting · 1 year
Don’t forget to see any change as an opportunity. An opportunity to recreate yourself, your dreams, and your destiny. An opportunity to improve on your previous status quo. You will struggle, because you will have to adapt. If it’s easy, then it’s not a change at all.
Dear Tomorrow: Notes to My Future Self by Maudy Ayunda
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deeptalkind · 8 months
Tips and Trick by Maudy Ayunda
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barudaksesa · 1 year
Maudy Ayunda - Perahu Kertas | Rina Cover
Bantu dukung channel kecil kami ya gaess Teimakasih
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owlshellr · 1 year
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@maudyayunda 🫶🏻✨
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pega-chan · 2 years
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borobudurnews · 2 years
HEBOH !! Artis Cantik Maudy Ayunda Dikabarkan Telah Menikah
HEBOH !! Artis Cantik Maudy Ayunda Dikabarkan Telah Menikah
BNews-NASIONAL– Maudy Ayunda dikabarkan telah menikah dengan kekasihnya pada Minggu (22/5). Dalam sebuah unggahan di Instagram, Maudy memamerkan sejumlah foto prewedding dan dirinya yang mengenakan kebaya pernikahan. Maudy Ayunda sebenarnya tidak secara langsung menyinggung pernikahan tersebut. Namun ia mengungkapkan tanggal yang diduga sebagai tanggal pernikahannya yaitu pada hari ini, Minggu…
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mooncleaver · 2 years
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warnings: the battle of manhattan basically, one mention of g*be, loosely canonical
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"she's just- agh! i don't even know why im so frustrated!"
his voice leaked with worry, cracking at its seams with barely contained panic that etched his dialogue, utterly maddened at the thought of you being separated from him. he didn't even have time to react properly when you'd disappeared from his sight to help the others prepare for the imminent battle, leaving like a breeze that left him a tangled mess thinking of how he wouldn't be able to protect you if something—gods forbid—ever happened to you. there was simply no time to act on his thoughts; there were so many lives at risk if any single mistake was made in these fragile moments.
much to percy's deathly relief, he got the chance to visit sally one more time before everything went down. though, it was not as joyful as a trip to his mother's would usually be. his movements were frantic, furiously trying to contact you and not attract any monsters at the same time. he paced around the apartment at least twice in a circle, muffled footsteps thudding like the the ones emanating from his heartbeat, a thousand thoughts whirring in his mind faster than he could comprehend.
“percy,” his mother’s distant voice buzzed in his ear but he was too preoccupied to think it wasn't just a figment of his battered imagination. 
sally frowned at her son's condition. he looked out of breath, eyes moving wildly with a burden far too heavy weighing on his shoulder. of course, she knew the perils of the demigod life, already experiencing it first hand when she was held hostage by the god of the underworld. even after she was set free, knowing her son had gone through all of that danger—dangers that a 12 year old should not have to confront, ever—still made her heart palpitate wildly with anxiety and unease. back then.. he was still so innocent to the true cruelty of this world. 
all her life sally had done everything she could to protect him, shouldered the rain for him and took bullets life aimed at them. she believed with her whole heart that he was the greatest blessing to her, a ball of happiness contained into this wonder of a boy. he was her light in the darkness, borne of ardor and genuine adoration between her and a man that seemed to be a myth on earth. and that was what their love story felt like: a golden myth between two lost souls looking for solace. but the world was a wicked thing sometimes, slipping through a back door and carving out a person as it took and took from them. when he left, her salvation came in the form of her son with the brightest eyes and the purest of hearts; sally would be damned if something happened to him. 
but some things were just.. simply meant to be. things like going through a hurt that would mar someone physically and mentally, but also to come back with a love that allowed one to forgive cruel fate. that didn't mean that she wouldn't fight tooth and nail trying to defy it for her only boy. it was a hard pill to swallow but as the saying goes, if you love something, let it go. with time she learnt to let go, to let him experience the life he was meant to live—all the good and bad, the ones that shaped him to be the valiant boy he is now. in the end, he always came back. her baby boy always came back to her with the same heart that was too big for the world.
and to think that dreadful year was just the beginning of it. now, he was preparing for war with a titan. gearing up with armor that looked as if it’d crumble at the sight of an ill-intent heart, with will power that was only just forged, too fragile to be hurt. absolutely no mother in this world would want to see their child off to war—he was just a boy for goodness sake, only fifteen. although he was a teenager already now, grown and mature for his age, in her eyes he'd always be her baby that would munch on her blue cookies, so small and ingenuous as he sat on the marble counters. her baby who was her driving force, her reason and her motivation to give the both of them a better life, even if it meant marrying someone as vile as gabe ugliano. it pained her deeply to see percy so distressed.
she finally reached out to him gently, trying not to surprise him as she hooked her arms over his elbows. "hey, hey, look at me,"
"what's going on?" percy looked up at her, eyes filled with glassy frustration and cavernous fear for the one he was talking about. sally brushed the stray hairs that lamented his forehead after his relentless messing of it, revealing those ceruleans that she adored so much.
"y/n, she- she just left! didn't even tell me where.. just said that she'd go help the rest and that we'd meet in the battlefield.. we were supposed to go there together but.."
oh.. so it was about her. his best friend that he met at camp, his best friend that he would subconsciously ramble about whenever she asked about how life away from home was going. the one that he always seemed to deviate to, even if the conversation wasn't about her in the first place. the same 'best friend' that was clearly brewing into something more at its seams. sally couldn't help but smile at the way her son was fretting over your safety.
"calm your heart, darling, take a deep breathe. everything's going to be okay." and by the gods, there was absolutely no better place in this world than a mother's embrace. he felt the trepidations disappear the moment he succumbed to her allaying scent, eyes closing as the present finally found clemency in his mind. 
she always smelled like milk and honey to him. sometimes with a hint of jasmine or bergamot in fleeting flashes that lingered in his senses, but always milk and honey prevailing. it reminded him of the scent of sweet salvation and oh did he hope that when he dies the promised land was in the arms of his mother.
maybe it was the way sally was caressing his back so tenderly that it reminded him of the way she would do that whenever he felt upset, or maybe it was the way he could feel her heartbeat as he laid his ears against her chest; a heart that beat so passionately with love that it was the sole thing anchoring him in this moment. whatever it was, he knew that it was because she was simply his mother, and a mother's love transcends even words and time.
after letting him come back to his senses for a whim, she cupped the side of his cheek onto her palms, guiding his head to face her with a certain benign only one so passionately loving would show, "it's alright to feel angry or upset. you care about her safety, don't you? care manifests differently in people, percy. and it's okay to feel so vehemently about protecting her. that’s what love does to people.”
percy felt his heart skip a beat.
"i don't-" and she gave him a look that dared him to deny her words once more. percy quickly shut his mouth after, scrunching up his brows. there was so much to say and yet, there was nothing needed to be said. she already understood his heart from a single glance at his face, maybe understood him more than he understood himself. 
"i guess.. you're right." he eventually let out, honestly unsure of himself. what did she mean, love? surely it was a kind of familiar or platonic love.. right? like loving a sister. but his heart painfully protested otherwise.
"of course i am." she smiled cheekily, nudging her elbows onto his side as he looked away, clearly embarrassed.
sally pressed a chaste kiss to his forehead, resting the pad of her thumb on the bags under his eyes and it felt like pure magic; as if her mere touch could heal him. "now you just keep a clear mind and go out there to find her, okay?"
"but what about you, paul-" percy panicked again, now thinking about the safety of the two of the most important people in his life.
“don't worry about us, baby. we're gonna go find somewhere safe to stay. besides, if any fool ever tries me, you know i do have quite the experience with the.. ehem, defense tools." defense tools might sound like a little bit of an understatement. his mother knew how to defend herself well of course. hades, he even convinced her to take on taekwondo lessons at some point. not to mention that she does in fact know how to use a gun—only for emergencies, of course. you can never be too safe from potential danger.
percy let out a breathy chuckle at her words. even in the most dire situations, sally would always manage to spark up a happy light inside of him. with a new-found resolute, he took a deep breathe and steeled his heart, now even more determined to find you and protect the people he loved.
“okay. okay.. i'm gonna leave now. please, please be safe. i love you so much, mom.” he almost jumped into her arms again, squeezing his eyes shut at the crook of her neck so he could burn it in his mind her familiar scent, the feeling of her hug.
sally smiled fondly, replying to him in the gentlest of tones. “i love you too percy.”
and just when he was about to leave out the door he felt her grab onto his arm again, now faced with a scarily sudden threatening look that he did not want to fall prey to again, "and no funny business out there, you hear me young man?" percy didn’t need to be told that twice. she really meant it with the way her eyes earned a sharp gleam to them, ready to pounce if anyone were to disobey her.
"yes ma’am."
and maybe percy didn't understand what this 'love' his mother was talking about before, but when you took that poisoned dagger meant for him, willingly risking your own life for the sake of him, he finally knew what it meant to love someone. to have your heart resting on the tip of their fingers, so easily broken if they were to make a single detrimental shift. to love someone so much that it made him afraid to lose. that notion alone turned his fears into a burning passion, a burning passion to care about you with such devotion that would one day be venerated in the stars, glittering so brightly as if his love refused to falter.
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ok but like let me just rave about how much i love my mom and how much i love sally jackson through this fic pls
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 9 months
What's with this Twitter ass interface...
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padangboelan · 1 year
Radar Semesta
Perahu kertasku 'kan melaju...
Kamu sangat tahu lagu favoritku, atau mungkin bosan karena berpuluh-puluh kali aku menyanyikannya untukmu.
Kujadikan lagu itu lagu kebangsaan kita, karena lagu itu perwujudan bagaimana radar semesta bekerja.
Kita yang sebelumnya tak saling tahu, kemudian tiba-tiba bertemu dan langsung senyambung itu.
Kita yang sebelumnya entah, kemudian jadi saling percaya.
Kok bisa ya?
"Sejauh-jauh ikan di laut, dan sayur di pegunungan keduanya akan tetap ketemu di masakan ibu"
Ternyata oh ternyata, takdir memang semenakjubkan itu.
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haloohalooo · 1 month
halo Maudy Ayunda! Satu malam iseng nonton obrolanmu bareng Merry Riana, komenmu yg kurang lebih “aku belajar, aku usaha, eh aku bisa ternyata & itu jadi cycle” terngiang terus di pikiranku. Simple, sederhana but somehow it makes me keep going no matter how crazy things might be going on now. It refined my belief, makasih ya :”)
@asramaNTU 01:27 am sg time. *balik pahamin semua angka2 statistik
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unknowns-room · 2 months
Tak perlu seseorang yg sempurna, cukup temukan orang yg selalu membuatmu bahagia dan membuatmu berarti lebih dari siapapun.
~B.J. Habibie
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yuliratnasr · 4 months
pingin deh bisa lancar baca buku berbahasa Inggris kayak orang-orang, yang bacanya gak usah lihat kamus. kemarin sudah mencoba buku berbahasa Inggris. buku Dear Tomorrow-nya Maudy Ayunda. tapi baca se-kalimat lihat kamus. se-kalimat lihat kamus. bukan berasa baca buku malah berasa lagi ngerjain soal ujian
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dinisuciyanti · 2 years
Sekolah tinggi
Lagi rame banget “campaign” soal perempuan jangan takut sekolah tinggi karna case nya Maudy Ayunda. Yo bener, gausah takut. Tapi tetep be prepare untuk segala kemungkinan soal pendidikan mu yang “tinggi” itu haha. Realistis-nya ini mah.
Aku gak tau ya kalo di era 2022 sekarang. Yang pasti, untuk 5-7 tahun lalu, aku sering menemukan yang memang “takut” dengan yang pendidikannya lebih tinggi. Bukan cuma case ku, tapi juga case teman-teman ku, yang sama-sama berpendidikan master. Ya, mungkin circle ku kurang luas, bisa banget. I admit it. Mungkin juga, belum banyak anak-anak usia 24-25 yang sekolah master kala itu.
Mungkin kamu memang tidak masalah dengan laki-laki yang pendidikannya tidak sama dengan mu. Tapi ada orangtua atau calon mertua, yang punya ekspektasi lebih juga, tidak semua sih, tapi ya ada. Be prepare aja.
Semoga era sekarang memang lebih “ramah” dengan perempuan berpendidikan tinggi di usia 25+. Semoga kaum adam-nya juga punya pemikiran yang kurang lebih sama dengan suami-nya Maudy Ayunda wkwk. Anyway. 
Yang mau sekolah, silahkan sekolah lagi, asal gak impulsif dan udah tau mau ngapain abis lulus. Menjadi lulusan master tidak serta membuat gaji mu langsung naik ke 2 digit, ya tergantung institusi dan jenis pekerjaan apa.
26 Mei 2022
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Siapa bilang zona nyaman itu selalu menyenangkan?
Nyatanya berada di zona nyaman terus menerus itu bisa mengikis kecerdasan seseorang secara perlahan-lahan.
Kondisi 1: Awalnya seseorang yang berada dilingkup sekolah dengan tuntutan akademik tinggi pasti akan banyak tugas tiap harinya, dikelilingi oleh orang-orang ambis,orang-orang yang lebih cerdas dari pada dia, dan ia menjadi sangat termotivasi untuk giat belajar agar bisa menjadi juara kelas.
Kondisi 2 : seseorang yang kini berada di lingkup sekolah "zona nyaman", sekolah yang tidak menuntut tinggi pada akademik,yang mana ketika memberikan tugas hanya seadanya dan sesekali saja,dikelilingi orang-orang yang tidak banyak anak ambisnya atau tidak banyak yang lebih cerdas dari pada dia
Apa yang terjadi dengan dua kondisi diatas?
Kondisi pertama : Menjadi cerdas beneran
Kondisi kedua : Menjadi bodoh secara perlahan
Mengapa demikian?
Karena pada kondisi pertama dia terus mengupgrade kecerdasannya melalui pertemanan dan tugas-tugas sekolah. Ia mau keluar dari zona nyaman dengan cara giat belajar agar bisa menjadi juara kelas
Namun pada kondisi kedua,akibat dari pertemanan yang tidak banyak anak ambis dan sekoalah dia yang tidak banyak menuntut pada akademiknya hal tersebutlah yang mengakibatkan dia malas belajar dan menjadi seseorang yang terjebak dalam zona nyaman yang dia kira dia sudah benar.
Dari kedua kondisi diatas pasti kita bisa menyimpulkan sendiri bagaimana lingkungan bisa mempengaruhi kecerdasan seseorang jika ia tidak mau keluar dari zona nyaman bukan?
Seperti kutipan buku Dear Tomorrow by Maudy Ayunda :
Baru-baru ini saya menyadari bahwa tetap di tempat saya dan merasa puas, dapat berubah menjadi rasa puas diri yang berbahaya. Dengan kata lain, memilih untuk tetap berada di zona nyaman saya bisa menjadi risiko tersendiri—risiko di mana saya melepaskan diri dari potensi saya, melepaskan diri dari pengalaman baru dan peluang baru untuk berkembang.
#Dear Tomorrow Terus terang, saya pikir kurangnya pertumbuhan jauh lebih menakutkan. Ambil risiko, sebagai gantinya.
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