#might make the rest of these a weekly series we'll see
addledmongoose · 26 days
Good Omens Fanfic Friday (05 Apr 2024)
Almost everything this week is canon-compliant/adjacent. For a change there's only one human AU.
Nice And Ominous: a reluctant eschatology of the Second Attempt (series) (84K currently; Rated T/E)
Every so often there comes along a week where I'm absolutely ecstatic to recommend something. I spend all week in anticipation of sharing it with everyone in the hopes they'll love it as much as I do. This week, it's this series, a three-part post-S2 that definitely deserves way more kudos and attention than it currently has.
Part I (rated T) is from Crowley's POV and focuses on him slowly healing from the heartache of losing his angel. He learns to be friends with Maggie and Nina, becomes like a big brother to Muriel, and even gains an almost-friendship with Eric. The story isn't as angsty as it sounds, though Crowley doesn't always have the healthiest coping mechanisms (a tendency to drink and drive across the world). The author does a great job of not putting all the breakup blame on Aziraphale. You can always tell the difference between Crowley blaming Aziraphale in a story and the author blaming him.
Part II (rated T) is from Aziraphale's POV. This story is definitely more angsty that Part I. Aziraphale's up there doing is best, but with only one real (human) friend back on Earth to rely on and trust, he's mostly on his own. Just as with Part I, the author doesn't put the entirety of the blame for the breakup on Crowley any more than he does Aziraphale. Be warned that it ends in a cliffhanger.
Part III (mostly rated T but some E) is still incomplete, but the author posts weekly and the story is already written, so I feel confident we'll see the end. I can't say much about the plot of this one without serious spoilers, but if you read the first two parts you'll definitely want to read Part III. It hurts at times. A lot. If you need mostly fluff right now, this isn't the one for you. (The rest of today's list is pure fluff, though, because I needed it after obsessing over this story).
If you don't like to be left hanging on a story, read Part I, but hold off on Part II until Part III is complete. It won't be too long; the author has already released two chapters since I started writing this note (7 of 14).
This series is incredibly well-written. It's almost certain to make my year-end best-of list, as it's easily one of the best "what happens next" after Aziraphale leaves for Heaven. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it all week.
Break the Rules (1.4K; Rated G)
Aziraphale has a beard. Crowley loses his mind.
In Love We Rise (11K; Rated E)
One of two AJ_Constantine stories on my list this week filled with fluff and gorgeous writing. It's Easter Sunday and Aziraphale is feeling a little down about the holiday. Crowley decides to cheer him up.
Bad Communications (series) (15K; Rated T)
Funny post-S2 three-part series where Crowley and Aziraphale are made to realize (by Nina/Maggie and Muriel respectively) that they might not have communicated with each other as clearly as they thought during the Final 15. I particularly love how Muriel is written here.
Heaven On Wheels (3K; Rated M)
Aziraphale buys a Scoopy moped and convinces Crowley to go for a ride. The author, CopperBeech, describes it as "a sappy, happy, old-fashioned s1-compliant (and s2-defiant) post-Nopocalypse getting-together fic."
Caramel Delight (16K; Rated E)
Human AU. Another wonderful bit of fluff from AJ_Constantine. Crowley is delighted when his terrible neighbors move out and even more delighted when he sees his new neighbor is a gorgeous blond man. The neighborly thing to do would be to bring over a jar of his Nan's caramel sauce as a welcome to the neighborhood gift, of course. Crowley is really dense here; hilariously so. The "they share one brain cell" tag would be appropriate, but Aziraphale is the only one using it.
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iviarellereads · 2 months
Wheel of Time full series spoiler thoughts on EOTW 39-43
A probably semi-regular weekly bonus to my reread blog, since sometimes you realize things on reread that just make you need to yell in a full spoiler space.
I'm hesitant to say it outright in the main chapter, but I believe Gill's men think Rand would be good to have on their side in a fight precisely because his past life is starting to leak through. We've seen some of the stray thoughts Rand can't trace the source of, it wouldn't surprise me at all if RJ thought Rand might start comporting himself like a real blademaster, especially with the influence of ta'veren over him.
The Warders with the Reds still bother me. Sure, not all the Red Ajah are fully man-haters, but why are there so many Warders with them in this when none of them take Warders? Are there just unattached Warders hanging around to guard the Red on these trips or did RJ just not have the world hammered out yet? Another thing I'm glad the show is smoothing over a bit.
Logain's laugh, as Rand sees him, and as he sees Rand and knows that he's not the Dragon, but that he's about to see the world burn. So chilling.
ELAYNE! And Gawyn and Galad and the rest of the Caemlyn Crew, but ELAYNE! Cinnamon roll princess. The show has her EXACTLY right, brewing illicit beverages under her bed and dressing like a Disney princess in hiding. I'm a little sad that her first meeting with Rand was so abrupt at the end of season 2 of the show, but I'm fascinated at how it's under similar context but completely reversed circumstances: she's busting in on him and introducing herself for the first time in the show as just "Elayne" no Daughter-Heir or title or family name.
I don't think we ever get a real, like, confirmation that Gawyn takes up his role as First Prince of the Sword after her coronation, do we? Like, the world kind of rolls right from her accession war to the Last Battle, and we know he Travels back and forth from her to Egg a couple of times, but he's all Egg's at the end, not hers. Galad's off leading the Whitecloaks. Which leaves… who? as her First Prince.
Gawyn saying Elayne should marry someone from the Two Rivers, and then the narrative describing him as "babbling". Someone just got hit by ta'veren to give us that hint.
I still find it so fascinating that SO MANY PEOPLE take Elayne's side totally unthinking about Galad, though. Like, we're so primed to hate a goody-two-shoes as a whole-assed society that we just hate him with her the whole way, for the most part. It wasn't until my last reread that he really grew on me. (Gawyn… SIGH. I have a lot to say about Gawyn, but like Mat, he never grew on me, though unlike Mat I think Gawyn's potential was entirely wasted by the lack of any single conversation with Egwene about the bloodknives. We'll get there, someday, but MY GIRL WOULD UNDERSTAND, DUDE, JUST TELL HER.)
The rest of this week is mainly just catch-up, but there are a few fun moments. Egg being SO JEALOUS of Elayne is funny when she'll give Rand up to her willingly in a couple of books. Moiraine sitting in the chair by the fire, seeming to be in a throne, when she was first in line to the throne of Cairhien as the Aiel War ended.
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dvar-trek · 1 year
wip weekend
everything's fine i am just having multiple consecutive hell weeks at work it's fine. anyway, here's 87 pictures of what i've been up to.
mitts: bizarre problem encountered when i got to the end of the first mitt. pattern said to pick up stitches along the cast-on edge and use the three-needle bind off to join the edges, but drop 8 of the picked up stitches for the thumb hole. and then.... never says what to do with the yarn from those dropped stitches.
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sent it to my cousin, the family's reigning pattern queen, who agreed that there's just. a step missing from this pattern or something. so i cast off as normal, and i'm going to block them flat and seam them.
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behold! mitts!
i do desperately want to know what i was SUPPOSED to do though. after many experiments, this is the closest thing i could come up with, and it involved 3 working yarns, 4 needles, and 6 ends to weave in (plus more when i add the wrist strap on the real thing).
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and the resulting hole seems.... not that stable ? the white tail that emerges from the thumbhole really REALLY wants to let loose and unravel.
now taking suggestions for 3N BO that leaves a functional thumbhole, if any of you are so inclined. i so dearly want to know what the designer had in mind.
bag: hurts my hands 😭
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i might be stuck knitting flat for the rest of my life tbh.... i'm going to try moving up a cable length (16" to 20") to see if that helps at all, but it's been a significant strain on my grip and wrists so far. not as bad as on DPNs, but. not good. also not loving this yarn. i'm using Lamb's Pride bulky in Prairie Fire, which is a great color, but the yarn itself is sooooo slippery and splits sooooo easily that it's not really. the most fun i've ever had. switching from rosewood tips to bamboo tips helped a bit in this case, but. we'll see!
slippers: i started these at my dad's house, and finished them this past week.
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i used Lang Snowflake in 1072.0087 (aka pink) and the pair took less than the full skein. had to restart twice because i wasnt compensating enough for my tiny stitches. ultimately CO 42 st, including 3 st garter border on either side. with so many stitches, i split the decreases into 3 rows (one row of k1, k2tog and 2 rows of k2tog. straps are 4 st across.) (<- boring notes for future nyx that could go on ravelry, but i don't have the patience for that).
very happy with the finished slippers! they came out a little long—if i make another pair in the future, i'll have to go down a half to a quarter inch—but they're warm and cozy, and the straps keep them from falling.
ALSO! this week at work was a conference week, so while listening to speakers i got a fair amount of knitting in. i wasn't the only one knitting, but i still fielded sO many judgemental questions and comments about my slippers.
a few of my favorite students want to learn to knit now though, so i might be starting a weekly lunch series with them! they spend so much time in class, and hopefully being able to knit during lectures will keep them from a) falling asleep and b) going on twitter. currently brainstorming how to execute this, but cautiously excited about the possibility.
just started: an experiment combining two patterns.
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if it works out, i'd like to use it on what's left of the yarn i made the mitts with.
bonus content:
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comrade boris is ready to be adopted! tell all your friends!
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fountainpenguin · 8 months
Blog Stuff
^ Like, "FYI if you want to block tags" stuff
Little announcement here: Factor It In is on hiatus for now, probably for the rest of 2023. I know where the story is going overall and I know where the next chapter's going, but I struggled more than expected with the "Torus" voice (took like 6 weeks longer than the other chapters and all of it painful :'D)
I don't want to face a timecrunch struggle with TJ and Rose POVs (two characters who will be new to me), so I'm taking the bi-weekly update stress away and putting the 'fic on hiatus for now. But I wrote 77k before a hiatus was needed so I'm proud of that <3
We've got some 130 Prompts coming up as well as "Unicorn Years" for Origin in September (and hopefully a special Friday the 13th piece in October). In other words, FOP stuff is still bi-weekly as usual.
-> As a reminder, the 130 Prompts are posted in the order they are for a reason. You don't have to read them all if you don't want to, but extra context is always nice. If you've been dragging your feet on "Looking Back" by any chance... I might recommend that before the next update, which is "Sentry" ;)
On the "off" Friday I'm planning one-shots for various fandoms, especially shorter character studies. Really want to practice capturing a variety of voices, some quicker one-shots, and maybe I'll try some characters I don't use a lot. Or I'll be self-indulgent and focus on my faves... who knows.
Hoping to post more Come What May as well since you guys were excited to see it back <3... and it would be nice to actually finish a non-one-shot 'fic for the first time in. 7 years.
It's probably been obvious, but I also took a long hiatus from digital art. Traditional art is more comfy for me and I've been trying new digital programs, but haven't fallen in love with anything (i.e. I've been a vector artist for 10 years and moving from my safe space to different programs and styles is... painful).
I think I'm ready to start pushing my comfort zone, but be forgiving of my digital style because I'm playing around with new tools and this is a big jump for me, ha ha. I think I'm going to do some silly, low-stress fanfic doodles with very little attempt to make them look good, just testing stuff out.
I miiiiiight have a few PMV / animatic ideas, so we'll see
By nature of me posting art for my own 'fics, spoilers be upon ye if you're not up to date with my writing. Relatively recent stuff and/or stuff I consider "big" will get the #ridspoilers tag, but stuff I wrote 6+ months ago is less likely to get the tag, so that's how that goes.
-> #Dog's Life spoilers will get a unique tag because the weekly updates and drama make me say "Yeah, a special tag makes sense," so if that's a 'fic you think you want to read someday without spoilers, consider blocking that sooner rather than later :)
-> I'm also adding a #Pixels Imperfect tag to stuff from that universe (and I'll go back and add it to the chapters I already posted). "Pixels Imperfect" is the series name on AO3 for my digital gremlin Traffic SMP content (Everyone can freely wander around New Star Station outside the game and just puts on their roleplay hats when they go in, everything under this series fits under one umbrella of universe canon, etc.)
-> #Neighborhood Watch is the series name for "we take the roleplay lore seriously, this is their life, no digital world and no roleplay hat to take off" Traffic SMP content. I haven't posted anything for it yet, but I've got stuff in the works (I'm playing with a couple "making every season as canon as possible in one storyline" pieces and </3 it's big divorce speedrun hours for Clocker fam rn)
As for the other 'fics, I've been posting stuff like Origin, the 130, and Knots for 7 years and I feel okay about how that's going- I don't normally get spoiler Asks, but my general rule is to wait 1-2 weeks before I say anything spoilery on my blog. I think that's been working fine and we've got a good system, so I'm not changing anything there.
Lastly - and this is also part of the reason Factor is going on hiatus - it sounds like Traffic SMP Season 5 is just around the corner. For my followers who don't know much about this Minecraft deathmatch series, the creators only play for a few weeks - I think the shortest season was 6 weeks and the longest was 8 - and each creator puts out one episode a week (usually Friday).
So, it's a pretty short chunk of time and I don't want to be juggling too many things while it's coming out. I think this year I want to jump in and create some nice content while it's ongoing instead of just doodling off to the side and keeping it to myself... I need to dig up my old liveblog doodles I never shared, hm.
-> The traffic story canon gets reset every season (i.e. it's unscripted play, there's no continuous plot, and each season starts relationships from scratch), so if you've been enjoying any of my Traffic SMP reblogs, consider looking into it and riding that wave while episodes come out for a couple weeks and we can be hype together <3
-> Stuff for that season will be tagged #traffic spoilers, which is the tag I use across all the seasons, and I'll make a new post with my Season 5 spoiler tag once we get the name reveal.
-> As is traditional when I liveblog, I'll also use the tag #Riddle watches Traffic so you can block that too if you like. Just wanted to let people know in case I have any Traffic SMP followers who want to go in blind and don't want to risk seeing my posts before they have time to block my spoilers tag. #traffic spoilers still covers everything, including new season.
-> I also need to look into maybe switching from Traffic Life SMP as my blog tag to Traffic SMP because I think that's. the right name and it would probably be smart to tag properly... hm.
I think that covers everything I wanted to say. I'll add a list or link to my pinned post as well so people can figure out what to block for spoilers and stuff.
Thanks for enjoying my blog!
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darkpurpledawn · 4 years
For @racketghost 's 13 Days of Halloween, prompt "costumes"
The Dowling residence was perfectly sober, exterior-wise. It was not fitting for an ambassador, even an American one, to deck the halls with boughs of yew and spools of polyester spiderweb. But if the outside showed the same dour pomp as it did the rest of the year, the inside was filled with what seemed like four pop-up Halloween shops worth of assorted merchandise. Nary a doorway stood that did not have spiders dangling from its arch, plastic bones littered the playroom, and the dining room was covered in tiny gourds and glitter in the shape of bats. 
The decor was a compromise. Aziraphale had reluctantly allowed the roomful of bones and the mechanical severed hand that was currently being mauled by the cat in the laundry room in exchange for nixing the recirculating fountain of fake blood and promising to enact revenge at Christmastime.
Aziraphale was just adjusting one of his rubber horns when Warlock careened into the room waving a Bean Baby (surely that was the name?) shaped like a black cat and holding what was hopefully a Jello eyeball and not a sign that the young Antichrist was growing into his calling at the tender age of five.
“Warlock, what did we say about taking dessert from the table? You know your mother worked very hard on those eyeballs.”
Warlock attempted to shield his face with the Bean Baby for a moment, but then he jumped up and cried,
“You can’t be mad at me today Francis! Not for, for stealin’ stuff. You’re the bad one today!” He pointed at Aziraphale’s horns and beamed at this unassailable argument.
Aziraphale evaluated his evilness in the part of the hall mirror that was not covered in cling decals of skeletons dancing in a conga line. He was wearing his only dark suit, and had swapped Brother Francis’s humble smock for a brocade waistcoat and smart trousers. A devil’s tail he’d clumsily constructed from ribbon and felt swung from the waistcoat, and in addition to affixing his rubber horns he’d drawn on a small curling mustache with one of Crowley’s less-favored eye pencils and worn a second set of fake teeth (glow in the dark vampire fangs, to be precise) on top of the first.
“You’re even scarier than Nanny when she just woke up,” Warlock proclaimed triumphantly. “I bet you’re even meaner.”
“He’s so much worse,” Crowley’s voice drawled from the next room. “You don’t know Brother Francis like I do, he can be a real That Word Your Mum Told You We Can’t Say Out Loud when he wants.”
Warlock’s eyes grew almost as big and round as the Jello version he was holding, as he looked at Aziraphale with a mixture of fear and respect.
“Really now Crowley you can’t just--” he began, and then stopped when she stepped in the hall.
Crowley was wearing a sequined white dress with a slit that seemed to go all the way up to an area Aziraphale wasn’t sure he knew this century’s polite terms for, and a neckline determined to meet the slit in the middle. A set of mesh-and-wire wings was affixed to what back the dress possessed, and to Aziraphale’s amazement, heart-shaped sunglasses and a choker necklace with a rhinestone cross rounded out the ensemble.
“And what are you supposed to be?” Aziraphale asked.
“I’m an angel,” Crowley said, and pointed to a headband with a fluffy halo. “Duh.”
Aziraphale almost let out several Words Warlock’s Mum Would Have Certainly Disapproved of Saying Aloud when the Antichrist interrupted.
“Nanny you can’t be an angel, you just told me to steal an eyeball!” He giggled into the scruff of the Bean Baby.
“Oh I assure you, even the angels have their moments,” Aziraphale sputtered.
Crowley grinned and a gleam of yellow shone for a moment above the heart lenses.
“Now that you’re a devil, Francis, can I eat the eyeball?”
Aziraphale sighed. He looked from the adorable face of the Antichrist to Crowley, who seemed to have become an endless line of inner thigh, and hurriedly back again.
“Well.” He hesitated. “I don’t suppose your mother will want it back now that it’s been squished like that.” He glanced at the distorted sphere of Jello.
“Gonna be horribly farsighted, that one,” Crowley muttered.
“But you do owe your mother an apology,” Aziraphale said, attempting to be stern underneath several layers of false dentition.
Warlock pouted. It was an expression he’d picked up from Crowley, who had picked it up from somewhere Aziraphale refused to ponder.
“But you’re a devil, what do you care if I apologize to mum?”
“You would be surprised,” Aziraphale said, and wondered why his throat felt suddenly full, “how much we devils can care for others. Just because I’m, er, evil today doesn’t mean I can’t be kind as well. Now why don’t you go find your mum?”
Warlock wandered off, chewing thoughtfully on the cat’s polyester paw.
Crowley was staring at Aziraphale. She looked suddenly bashful under all the sequins.
“Erm, you look nice,” she said. “Haven’t seen that waistcoat in ages, what was that, Venice, beginning of the 19th?”
“Oh, something like that,” Aziraphale said, as if he couldn’t perfectly recall the pistachio gelato they shared or how the light had reflected off the canals as they strolled to the shops.
“Gotta say, the horns leave a bit to be desired. You’ve got a standing army of hair grips and they don’t seem to be keeping those things on your head.”
“I could have miracled, I suppose, but it didn’t seem, well, appropriate.” Aziraphale felt a strong urge to brush the sequins on Crowley’s dress so the all fell the same way, a thought motivated entirely by a desire for order and not at all by anything else whatsoever. “Crowley how are you wearing that?” He gestured to the rhinestone crucifix.
“Oh that reminds me what I had to tell you,” Crowley said, smoothing out the sequins herself in a manner that in no way alleviated Aziraphale’s desire for order. “I’ve taken a heap of allergy pills, don’t let me near the Poltergeist Punch.”
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
𝕴'𝖉 𝕽𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝕭𝖚𝖗𝖓 (𝕶𝖎𝖒 𝕳𝖔𝖓𝖌𝖏𝖔𝖔𝖓𝖌) 𝕽𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖉
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐍𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐧! 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠 (𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳)× 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞)
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐲 𝐀��, 𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐠𝐞 𝐀𝐔.
𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: "𝐈'𝐝 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞. 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞, 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞, 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞... 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐥𝐥 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐧.."- 𝐈'𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧- 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐫
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 6.2K
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐬, 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬, 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐦/𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐭, 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐬, 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬, 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐞, 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 (𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠), 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲, 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐯𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧! 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐱 (𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧),
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @little-precious-baby @yunhofingers @yunhoiseyecandy @hanatiny @galaxteez @deja-vux @brie02 @a-soft-hornytiny @daniblogs164 @multidreams-and-desires @rvse-miingi @couchpotatoaniki
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The crowd trailed behind the entourage that was passing through the streets, all of them dressed in black mourning clothes as the priest leading them recited solemn verses in the Latin language that hardly any of the villagers understood. The only other sound besides the collective steps of their feet was the heart wrenching wailing coming from the grief stricken mother who clutched tightly onto the casket that held her deceased daughter's body, the corpse pale as snow while the darkened black lips struck out in sharp contrast. The bystanders looked at the now childless parents with pity, some of the men taking off their caps and draping it across their chest to show respect, while some of the women clutched their own children closely to them, fearing that perhaps one of their own might become the next victim in the series of horrific and unnatural deaths that were suddenly spiking up out of nowhere. The skies had been a smokey gray for quite some time, sunshine hadn't hit them ever since these horrible misfortunes started happening. The town was swept by death, causing a somber and haunting atmosphere that sent chills down the spines of even the bravest of men.
Some distance away from the funeral mass, a gloomy looking nobleman watched from on top of his horse as they marched towards the cemetary, the loud ringing of the church bell behind him adding a more dark effect to the event. He took a deep breath at the scene, these types of things no longer affecting him, he had become quite numb to them after having seen and witnessed so many of them. Still, he felt bothered by the fact that they had yet to find a solution to the problem. Ever since he and other nobles from the area, and even some from neighboring towns, were tasked with the mission of finding the root of the evil sending doom upon the towns and villages, they had hardly gotten any rest from the endless crying demands for answers from the peasants, from the king and parliament putting pressure on them to get things fixed and their own minds starting to crumble from seeing death everywhere.
Hearing the rattling of chains being scraped across the stone pavement, he turned his head to see 4 armored knights dragging a poor young woman. The tiny and frail thing already had scrapes across her body, her tired and sore limbs could barely stand up as she was being led to her execution. Her pleading and cries stating her innocence fell upon deaf ears, just like her predecessors. No matter how much she begged to be spared or asked for help, she was only met with disdainful and hate filled stares from anyone that saw, some even going as far as cursing or spitting at her direction. That was another scene that had become weekly thing, but unlike the other which didn't faze him, this was the one that still affected him greatly:
The burnings at the stakes of the supposed witches.
The galloping of another horse signaled that someone else was approaching him. Tugging gently at his trusted steed, he shifted to the right so he could welcome the person coming up to him, their horse neighing loudly as it came to a stop.
"Any reports Hongjoong?" He recognized the male as one of the noblemen he was closer to, though he wouldn't necessarily call him a friend.
Shaking his head, the raven haired male drew out an exhausted sigh.
"Not since the last one I sent, Chan. There's nothing much to detail right now. We either have to wait until the next child dies or until the next person is captured and tried for witchcraft." He gulped as he feared that the latter would be the case.
"I take it you saw the one we just caught?" Chan asked.
Hongjoong merely nodded, his partner seeming satisfied.
"Hopefully that's the last of them bloody pagans. Causing nothing but trouble in the kingdom, I wish they all died."
He wasn't surprised to hear his comrades or otherwise talk so spitefully against so called witches. He was very well aware of their hatred for them, blaming them for all the bad things that occurred to them such as famines, bad weather, plagues and other misfortunes.
"Are we even certain that it truly is them to blame for all these things?"
Chan looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Oi mate, don't tell me you're actually softening up to them? Everyone knows witches are the devil's workers sent out to strike us with all sorts of evils. If we get rid of them, we'll finally have some peace around here."
Hongjoong resisted the urge to roll his eyes or say something else. He knew how dangerous it was to voice out anything that went against the population opinion, and his status as one of the elite ranked nobles wouldn't spare him either. So instead he just kept quiet, and tried to do his job as best he could without having to point fingers or arrest anyone in the process. He definitely didn't want anymore innocent people burned just to satisfy the sadistic and twisted desires of others.
"I best be going now. I'm going to take one last look around the outskirts of town and see if I find anything unusual."
Chan commended his partner and wished him good fortune, he himself turning the other direction to oversee the burning that was about to happen. Kicking his horse's abdomen gently, Hongjoong raced through the streets, passing all the houses and farmlands, carefully making his way into the dense and eerie forest that was a few miles away from the town. Not one pious person dared to enter there, for there were rumors that it was the dwelling place of evil spirits, the few people who had gone in swearing on their lives that supernatural events occurred there.
But Hongjoong believed no such things nor paid attention to any of the talk such simple minded folks spewed out. Though he could not outwardly say it, he was opposed to the witch trials, believing the so called pagans to be harmless people who simply had different religious views and beliefs from the holy catholic church that predominated across the country. He was thoroughly convinced that they used brute force and drastic measures to eradicate anyone who dared present a challenge to their authority and thus strike fear into people, forcing them to stay in their churches, ruling over them with a tight iron fist.
Of course there was a time where Hongjoong himself believed in them just as the others still did. He used to be a very religious and righteous person, making sure to follow through on the customs and traditions laid out by the church and which were taught to him since infancy. There was a time he too was fervent in his endeavor to rid the country of all the heretics and pagans and hated them with a burning passion......
That is until he met one, not only seeing them up close, but he actually was saved by them when he accidentally slipped by a riverbank and nearly drowned. But he was caught and rescued. When he regained consciousness, he found himself staring up into the most beautiful [insert color] eyes that he had ever seen in his life. The kind stranger had taken him back to what he assumed was her temporary home, given that witches hardly stayed at one place for a long time. She treated the gnashes on his body that were caused by the sharp rocks and fed him some strange but delicious soups that helped him regain energy and his strength. Seeing and receiving her kindness and generosity even when she knew very well who he was had him questioning everything he was ever taught. He found himself going back into the woods, his only goal was to see her again. He visited her every time he could, growing fond of the exotic woman and developing a deep affection for her, which was more than welcomed by her as she reciprocated his feelings.
Slowly guiding his horse through the vast trees, he let out a smile as he finally spotted a familiar head of [insert color] hair. She had her back turned to him, the woman busy as she played with raven that had perched itself on her arm after being offered berries and other nuts. She whistled at it softly, giggling when the bird finished up its last morsel of food before spreading its wings and soaring high up on the sky.
"Beautiful." She couldn't help but say as she admired the way it flew across the heavens.
"Yes you are."
She was startled by the voice that suddenly spoke up behind her, but when she saw who it belonged her, her face brightened up. Quickly getting off his horse, Hongjoong ran over towards his lover who was equally sprinting over to him, careful not to stumble on her long emerald green dress. They embraced each other tightly, having gone weeks without seeing or hearing from each other.
"Thank goodness you're ok." Hongjoong whispered, placing a strong kiss on her cheek.
"My lord, I missed you." She brushed a hand across his face as she often did to feel his aura and warmth, something he learned long ago not to question. He simply allowed her to finish before taking her hand and placing kisses all over each of her fingertips.
"And I you. I missed you terribly Y/N. I thought I was going to be driven mad if I didn't see you again."
Thumbs caressing her jaw, his eyes looked into hers, silently asking for permission like they always did whenever he wanted a certain thing. Nodding enthusiastically, she pulled his body against hers and allowed him to kiss her. His kiss was desperate and full of emotions, as expected from someone who had been kept away from his love for too long. Once he got his fill of stealing more than a few kisses from her, he pulled away but still kept her at an arm's length, refusing to be separated from her.
"Are you well my love? You seem pained and agitated." She pointed out.
Hongjoong never felt any qualms about sharing his problems or thoughts with her. She wasn't oblivious to what was going on back in the town, which is why she stayed hidden, far away from prying eyes.
"Another child died recently and with that.... another trial."
Y/N shuddered slightly at the mention of the trials, not because she feared for her own life. But because she knew very well most if not all of the people who had died were all innocent and did not participate let alone knew anything about the practices she indulged in.
"It's not stopping anytime soon is it?"
Hongjoong shook his head in a defeated stance.
"Unless we find a reason as to why there are countless mortalities in the infants, they won't stop until they eliminate half of the population."
Feeling frustrated, Hongjoong walked over to one of the trees and punched the trunk, not caring that his knuckles were now scraped and had blood on them. Wanting to comfort him, Y/N wrapped her arms behind him, pulling him tightly against her body as she began singing a soft and oriental style lullaby that she'd often sing to him. He did not understand the words nor got a hint as to what the language was and he didn't dare ask. But it was soothing and healing to hear. He closed his eyes and felt himself drift off into a lucid dream in which no one else but him and Y/N existed. He began to forget about reality and instead enjoyed that moment of being with the person he loved and cherished the most. He was so enchanted by her voice he didn't even realize she had turned him around and trapped him between the tree and her body until he felt his back hit against the trunk.
Awakening from his trance, he gazed down at his lovely enchantress, his eyes lowering down to take in her curves that stood out in that tight and fitted dress she was wearing. He began to have impure thoughts and imagined what would she look like without those garments, no doubt majestic and gorgeous. Her silhouette was very desirable and he'd often fantasise about having her nude body pressed against his own. As if reading his thoughts, Y/N pressed her chest against his, rubbing her breasts against his torso which had Hongjoong inhaling sharply as he stared down at her cleavage.
"I shouldn't feel like this.." He admitted rather embarrassed, having always prided himself in being able to restrain himself from such sinful and tempting desires.
Chuckling softly, the young witch pressed open mouth kisses across his jaw, making him fall deeper into her charms, unable to resist her touches. Another thing about Y/N: she awakened some very unwholesome and carnal feelings that had been buried deep down for years. He had never looked nor thought of a woman like he did with her. Never did he feel an intense want to own her, claim her body and fill her up with his seed so they could be connected as one. But he always shyed away from fully releasing his earthly desires, afraid of not being able to satisfy her given his lack of experience.
"Oh God-" Hongjoong muttered when her mouth nibbled across his neck, teeth raking against his soft skin.
"Do you really think it's wise to call out to him when we're doing something that's completely unholy?" She teased, lightly sucking on a particularly sensitive patch of skin.
Hongjoong tensed up when he felt her hand brush along his pants. Instinctively, he stopped her hand, effectively making her pull away from his neck to make sure she didn't cause him any harm or unpleasant feeling.
"Remember I'm- I'm a virgin..." He said that last part very quietly, cheeks turning a faint red tone.
Smiling kindly at him, she pressed a chaste kiss on his lips.
"I'm well aware my love and I promised I wouldn't force you to do anything you're not ready for. So trust me, I will wait until you're ready." She assured him.
Hongjoong felt blessed to have her, she was so caring and understanding with him, not to mention patient and reasonable. He felt safe when he was with her and he felt truly free to be who he really was and not someone society expected him to be.
"That being said..... I can't let my lord leave with a problem in his trousers. So just relax and trust me for a moment ok?"
Hongjoong watched carefully as she sank down on her knees, her eyes looking up at him with such lust and fiery passion. Although stiffening when she palmed at his tent, he relaxed and let himself enjoy the feeling. He didn't blink at all when he saw her take out his member from its confinement, her eyes graced at seeing his well endowed length for the very first time. Hongjoong couldn't do anything but gasp and moan when her wet and hot mouth was suddenly taking him in, his head hitting the very end of her mouth. He swallowed hard and threw his head against the tree behind him, getting addicted to this new and unholy sensation that was building up inside him. A seemingly wrong yet wondrous stirring began to form on the pit of his stomach, piling up and threatening to break loose very soon. Clasping the back of her head to steady his trembling legs, he shook harshly as he felt his release spurt out of him and run down her throat. Y/N hummed in approval and satisfaction as she tasted and gulped down the creamy and delectable flavor of her lover, making sure not to let one drip go to waste.
When she pulled back and dressed him back up, Hongjoong was still in shock, eyes wide as he tried to comprehend what had just taken place. Flashing him a mischievous smirk, Y/N kissed him one last time, slipping her tongue inside his mouth to let him get a taste of himself.
"It's getting late my lord. You best be getting back before the evil spirits come out and claim your soul."
They both bursted into laughter at her teasing words, embracing each other one last time as the sun set behind them.
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Returning back from a week's journey from the capital, Hongjoong got off his horse and handed the reins over to one of the lackeys that tended and watched over the horses while the masters tended to serious matters inside the castle. The guards paid their respects, welcoming Hongjoong back and opening the doors up for him. Stepping into the foyer, he acknowledged all the other men that wandered through the halls, bidding them greetings and overall studying the atmosphere. Everyone seemed to be in confusion and full of anxiety, which made him wonder what on earth had happen while he was away.
He turned to find none other than Chan striding over to him, his face illuminated with a brilliant and triumphant smile. Although Hongjoong extended his hand so it could be shaken, Chan went the extra mile and actually draped one of his abnormally long arms across his comrade.
"I think we finally did it mate."
Hongjoong raised an eyebrow at him, letting Chan guide him down one of the staircases that led to the torture chambers and cells they used for criminals.
"Did what?"
Chan seemed eager to share his findings.
"We might actually be on the brink of solving this long time problem that has been plaguing us with sorrow and grief."
"You mean to tell me the doctor's have finally found a cure for this disease?" Perhaps he was hoping for too much, after all, this was Chan he was speaking to.
"No! Even better mate! We captured someone-"
Hongjoong immediately tuned him out, it was too early for him to start hearing another sermon on why pagans and witches were evil and deserved to die. Besides, Chan always swore anyone he captured was the one who caused all the distressing situations they had thus encountered, but of course, there were still children dying. So Hongjoong refused to hear him gloat about finding the 'leader' of the cult. It seemed as though Chan could read Hongjoong's expression.
"I know you think I'm crazy Joong, but trust me. This time....it's for real."
Ushering the guards to let them pass through the iron barred doors, Chan and Hongjoong stepped inside the dimly lit dungeon, the crackling noise of the fire torches hung across the stone walls and the faint sound of water dripping being their only companions.
"She herself didn't even deny the fact that she's a witch. She proudly identified herself as one."
"But has she admitted to causing this plague throughout the land?" Hongjoong interrogates him.
"She adamantly denies that, but it doesn't matter. She's a professed witch and thus must receive a proper execution just like the rest of her kind. It's actually scheduled for tomorrow."
"If that's the case and her fate is sealed, why are you bringing me down here? I'll witness her death in the morning anyhow." Hongjoong had a mind to turn around and go back home, irked at the fact he had been summoned for this foolishness without even getting a chance to rest at his home.
"Well no need to get upset mate. I just thought you'd want to see her that's all. I'll tell you this, she's one of the prettiest pagans I've ever met. Her darling face could be mistaken for an angel's actually."
Crossing a corner and finally standing in front of the cell that held their captive, Hongjoong froze when the prisoner lifted her face and he saw who it was.
"No....it can't be.." His worst fear had come true as it was none other than Y/N who was being kept locked away in the prison.
"Told you she was very pretty? Took your breath away did she?" Chan let out a hearty laugh, but Hongjoong wasn't amused in the slightest bit. He peered with sorrowful and apologetic eyes at his secret lover, who throughout all this remained calm and collected, not letting a single facial muscle give away anything.
"Such a pity to know she'll die though."
Hongjoong clenched his hand into a fist, determined to punch Chan but when he met Y/N's eyes, she silently warned him not to think about doing something so foolish.
"Well now that you saw her, we best be going back now."
"No...... let me talk to her for a moment." Hongjoong stated.
Although confused, Chan didn't think too much about it.
"Suit yourself, but be careful. Don't want her putting a curse on you or something."
Waiting until the clanking of the doors signaled that they were bolted and making sure no one was within earshot of them, Hongjoong pressed himself against the bars that held him back from embracing his lovely maiden.
"Are you all right?"
Y/N looked around at her surroundings, humming softly before standing up from the wooden chair.
"Not exactly the most comfortable of places, but I've slept in much worse conditions than this. At least they're decent enough to bring me a meal every few hours." Her light chuckle and unworried demeanor was startling Hongjoong.
"Y/N, I don't know how but I'll get you out of here. Just let me run back to my place and-"
"Hongjoong." She interrupted him and stepped right in front of him, her fingers touching his hand as much as she could despite having an obstacle between them.
"You won't be successful. We'll be captured in no time and not only will I still be burned, you will suffer an even worst fate than mine. I can't...I absolutely forbid you to do anything about my situation."
Hongjoong began breathing heavily, cursing the heavens for being powerless in tearing the iron bars down and taking her away from him.
"I can't just let you die. I can't..... I love you." He sobbed, nails desperately clawing at the metallic wall as if he could tear through them.
"And I love you my lord. I always will...... but I need you to trust me now more than ever. You do trust me right?"
"With my entire soul, heart, mind and existence." He replied with no hesitation.
She smiled fondly at his answer.
"Then I need you to do one final thing for me."
Sliding up the sleeve of her dress, she pulled off a flower from the makeshift bracelet she often had on her.
"See this flower? This is called a valerian officinalis. I'm sure you've seen many of them grow near my cottage."
Recognizing the small yet sweet smelling flower, Hongjoong immediately nodded.
"I'm going to need you to go back to my place and gather about 6 of them. Boil them in a pot of water and drink its contents."
Hongjoong listened to each of her instructions, engraving them on his mind.
"And then?"
With lips curled into a wicked smile, Y/N responded:
"And then just wait for me to return to you."
Hongjoong was about to say something, ask about how it would be possible, but Y/N hushed him.
"I told you to trust me my lord, so please trust me when I say that we will see each other again. I will make sure of it. You have nothing to fear."
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The young woman took careful and meticulous steps across the dirt road she was being left upon. Her bare feet were covered in dirt and grime, matching her hands which were outstretched in front of her, wrists bound with iron cuffs that had various chains attached to it, each being pulled by 4 different men who wore black robes with hoods covering their heads. She held her head up high, refusing to lose her dignity as she trailed through the marshland around her. Her eyes were fixed on the pole that stood near the end of the road, a crucifix nailed at the very top while a pile of hay and and wood was gathered at the base of it. Her guides themselves were bearing torches that were already blazing in flames, soon to be consuming her body.
Finally coming in front of the stake, she didn't hesitate to step up and press her back against the wooden pole, further confusing the men in charge of escorting her there. Still they just opted for finishing their task as they began to tie her body to the stake with ropes, the harsh material scratching against the exposed parts of her skin. She nearly rolled her eyes as one of them began reciting some holy repertoire that was probably said at every execution. One of the men stepped up in front of her, placing his torch near the base.
"Any last words?" He asked as they always did before lighting the victims on fire.
Closing her eyes, Y/N took a deep breath, gathering all her strength before uttering out her next words:
"Ex inferno, et incendent civitatem hanc oriri me cinere."
The 4 men looked at each other in confusion, wondering what she said, but ultimately failed to comprehend her words. Following as the man in charge was doing, they all lowered their torches onto the hay and wood, immediately setting it ablaze. Stepping back from the flames, they watched as the smoke began to cover the young woman's body, the last thing they saw through all the dense fumes was the young witch's haunting face, an evil grin staring back at them, sending shivers down their bodies as they wondered if they were hallucinating or did they in fact watched her eyes shift to a dark crimson color. Before they could even ask each other if they saw the same thing, they all began screaming in agony as their bodies suddenly began burning with great intensity, raging fires consuming their flesh and bones in mere minutes until nothing but a pile of ashes were scattered about.
At a distance, back in the quiet and unsuspecting town, the villagers went about their business, all of them happy at the news that the so called leader of the cult that had plagued and tortured them for so long was finally being put to death. They began to think that finally they would no longer live under the fear of having heathens roam around disrupting their lives. All of them had jolly and gleeful smiles on their faces, the town booming with laughter and celebration.....
Their laughter was soon replaced by their frantic and terrified shouting, smiles transforming into crying and fear stricken expressions as fire began to sprout out from the ground in all directions, starting with the holy church that was the center of their town. One by one, all of the houses, from the most humble to the most luxurious and extravagant ones of them burst into flames. The raging fire showed no mercy as it consumed man, woman, children and livestock with no discrimination. All of them soon fell victim to the excruciating fiery death that they had inflicted against countless innocent victims that deserved no such fate.....
Now they had to paid for their sins, pay them in full until their ashes laid scattered all around, leaving absolutely no soul spared.
All of them burned to the ground.
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Violently sitting up, Hongjoong gasped sharply as he woke up from a very deep and dark sleep. Looking around, he realized he was still inside Y/N's quaint and exotic cottage. Seeing a sliver of light pour in, he realized he must have been knocked out for hours.
Remembering that she was to be executed that morning, he dashed out of her home, running as fast as he could through the forest in the direction of the village. He hoped he wasn't too late. He knew she told him to trust her, but he was only human and he was desperate to go investigate what had happened. Through clenched teeth, he pushed past his tired state and made it past the last monumental trees that stood near the end of the forest. He halted when he caught a glimpse of the town from where he stood:
The air was all gray, a dense cloud of smoke covered almost the entirety of the town. Through the blackened ruins he could still spot a few orange and red flames that refused to die out until it had completed its mission of destroying every last stone and brick in the area. He was completely awestruck at the scene, unable to say anything as the sun started to set behind him.
Realizing how dangerous it was to stay there, he turned back and ran inside the forest once more. He ran around as if he were a madman, with no clear direction in mind. He just went wherever his legs seemed to carry him. He finally stopped right in front of the creek that ran through the forest. He leaned against one of the sycamores that grew throughout the woodland. His panted deeply, trying to catch his breath. He was on the verge of combusting into tears when he suddenly distinguished a familiar tune echoing through the forest. He knew that eerie and haunting melody anywhere, and even blind he'd be able to follow that sweet voice right to its owner without a guide. Looking around, he searched in hopes of finding where the singer was hiding. Hongjoong began to wonder if perhaps his mind was just being delusional, but the rustling of leaves behind him let him know it wasn't the case.
"You're an awfully difficult person to find my lord."
He let out a sigh of relief at finally hearing Y/N's voice again. Turning around, he was about to hold her in his arms but he stopped himself when he saw the state she was in: there his lover stood, hair completely down while her body was completely bare to him. He swallowed hard as he found it difficult to look away as his eyes took in her perfectly sculpted breasts, slowly trailing down her body and fixing their gaze in between her legs, admiring her lady mound. His mouth was agape, his whole body stunned as he saw Y/N in her most vulnerable state for the first time. He could faintly distinguish a few gnashes on her wrists and ankles, no doubt brought upon due to the scraping of bounds that was she was subjected to. And although she cleaned most of it off, there was still some leftover soot staining parts of her body, mostly on her shoulders, knees and elbows. And yet she still looked as ethereal as ever, perhaps even more so now.
She couldn't hide her smirk as she was not oblivious about him gawking at her figure. She simply and calmly walked closer to him, taking in each reaction he made. She could feel him get aroused the closer their distance got.
"I hope the sight doesn't fall short from what you had imagined." She teased him, her hands wrapping around his neck.
"Oh trust me..... you're even more beautiful than I imagined."
Hongjoong lifted up one hand so it could caress her arm, though his movements were rather awkward and hesitant. She knew he kept questioning whether it was all right for him to touch you. Wanting to assure him it was not a crime, she pecked his lips before taking one of his hands and placing it on her chest right where her heart was.
"Do not be afraid my lord. I'm all yours and you're free to touch me as you please." She was actually longing for him to touch her, feel his hands on her most intimate parts.
Looking back into her eyes, Hongjoong pulled her against him, one arm around her waist while the other kept her chin tilted up so he may devour her mouth, using all the tongue movements he remembered her doing on him. His hand that was innocently holding her waist moved to a less chaste position as it cupped one of her tender breasts. He squeezed and pressed against her soft flesh, playing around and familiarizing himself with the outline of her erect nipples. His other hand followed suit and dropped to apply the same treatment on her other breasts, not wanting it to feel neglected from his gentle groping. Y/N gasped softly when Hongjoong pulled his mouth away from hers so he could kiss along her jaw and the top of her neck, catching her breath.
Meanwhile Hongjoong continued his exploration of her body. Slowly he inched a hand in between her legs, hesitating when it was inches away from her most intimate place, but eventually curiosity got the better of him and his fingers delved deep into her slit. He found it wet and warm, and it was fascinating to him. Dragging his fingers along her folds, he found that he could part them and touch an even softer and silky lining. Whenever he brushed or touched a certain tiny nub, he could feel her body becoming more responsive. Indeed, as he began to rub and press against that tiny organ, her lewd sounds were becoming more frequent and higher in pitch. The more he touched and probed around the forbidden parts of her body, the more his desire grew to become one with her, lust starting to take over his senses, slowly crumbling the last shred of self control he had.
"Take me." He finally said.
Being so dazed from having him touch her, Y/N fluttered her eyes open in confusion.
"I'm ready my love. Just take all of me and make me yours. I want you to defile me." His eyes burned with determination, not one shred of doubt in them.
Grinning at him, Y/N reached over to unclasp the cape that he was wearing and laid it flat on the earth beneath them. Starting with his silk shirt, she began to strip him out of his noble attire, refusing to let him help her out. She wanted to undress him as she wanted. More than satisfied with his bare body in front of her, Y/N guided him to lay down on the makeshift blanket, making sure to be as gentle and caring as possible. Hongjoong gasped when she climbed on top of him, her wet heat ever so slightly grazing upon his erect member. Taking one hand into her own, she made sure he was looking at her.
"I love you." She confessed.
"And I you." He replied in complete earnest.
Hongjoong groaned and threw his head back as his breathtaking enchantress sunk herself down onto him, effectively connecting their bodies together. It was the most intoxicating and thrilling experience he had ever felt. He didn't care if it was a mortal sin that would condemn him to an eternity in hell. He happily and gratefully allowed himself to be plunged deeper and deeper into damnation. He closed his eyes as on overwhelming wave of pleasure began to take over his body, numbing all other senses, the only thing he felt was how wonderful and bewildering Y/N's body felt on him. She too was enjoying herself, the look of amazement and passion on Hongjoong's face making her feel a sense of pride as she slowly stripped his last shred of purity from him. She loved him so dearly, she had never wanted someone as much as she wanted him. And now....she finally had him. He was all hers and only hers. He willingly and wholeheartedly gave all of himself to her with no regrets.
Feeling a fiery sensation form on the pit of his stomach, Hongjoong gasped violently as his body began convulsing and out from his member a load of semen poured out until it thoroughly coated his lover's velvet walls which had also began to tighten and constrict around him as a pool of heat rushed down Y/N's body when she felt the handsome man underneath her fill her up to the brim. Unable to resist any longer, she arched down and latched her mouth on his neck, suckling and nibbling against his petal like skin before sinking her teeth down, penetrating deep in his flesh. Hongjoong cried out softly at the stinging pain that felt so delicious at the same time.
"There now my sweet and darling lord..." Y/N lightly purred against his neck, her hot breath sending more shudders down his body.
Hongjoong felt like he was in a daze and he didn't want to come out of it. He did not feel frightened even as his gorgeous enchantress sat up once again and stared down at him intensely, her previously [insert color] eyes now a bright crimson color that burned like the depths of hell.
"You belong to me."
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af1899 · 2 years
FEH - Calendar for Dec/2021
The calendar of the month was finally revealed, here it is:
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(Link to thread)
And as usual, I share these with my own dump of thoughts and plans, feel free to read these right below.
Highlights and thoughts
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The first thing that comes to attention is this, although this still means the trailer is comming 52 hours before the banner, it gives us the guarantee we'll see it at [Dec. 14th, 12:00 a.m.] (GMT-3). By then, our next seasonal units will be revealed, and there's a certain one I've been hoping to save for if it's true they'll be there. I won't say who they are though, while it's a possibility, it's still a potential spoiler.
But if they're here and the backup looks good enough, I'll pull for them and ignore the rest of the banners to allow for recovery.
The other Special Heroes banner comes the night of New Year, but that's a global tradition, so this is guaranteed to be here and live at the same time, we'll get news at the usual 52 hours of anticipation with the trailer.
The first batch will give us winter seasonals as per usual, while the second will give us seasonals of Heroes celebrating the New Year.
Oh, and with the first batch of seasonals, the last [Tempest Trials+] event in the {Ice & Flame} series will come to an end (event starts the same day as the banner), you can expect Ascended Laegjarn on it, as well as possibly, who's the winner between the champions of the two dragon gods: Fjorm (from Nifl) and Laegjarn (from Múspell). Of course, I'm looking forward to see how this side story will conclude.
Also, look at this:
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We're getting the New Heroes announced kinda soon-ish, while that'd normally come out as quite the surprise, the Special Heroes are still coming out in the update for late-Dec/2021 in the Pacific, while the New Heroes are designated for the 6.1.0.
My best guess would be a The Binding Blade banner with no centered location thematic this time, but I'm personally hoping to see Ellen and Murdock! Otherwise, we might actually hear about our second TMS#FE banner.
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This time, the Legendary Hero will be announced unusually early, expecting the trailer to be out at [Dec. 23th, 12:00 a.m.] (GMT-3). This is good though, the earlier the better for us.
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This is the only skill banner of the month I feel would have at least some value to me, the rest don't feel as threatening to my savings, but who knows.
So far, in the regular pool we have: Laegjarn, Helbindi, Loki, Erinys, Marianne, Valentian Palla and Yuri. But 3 out of the last 4 will likely comprise the whole banner, because they have the Lv.4 skills, and Yuri is the most likely to be there.
...If Erinys and Valentian Palla somehow make it here, it's difficult to say I won't drop at least a few [Orbs] for these lovely pegasus knights, but we'll see depending on who's on it and anything revealed before, I'm still deciding as the banners are revealed.
The weekly at 12/26 (with Young Tiki, Linde and Deirdre) is also a possibility.
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In the not too farfetched possiblity all the above is a skip, I might pull a little in either of those (out of all the revivals shown here), for Winter Altina+Sanaki or New Year Azura (both for collecting for now), but it's hard to say on which one I'll end up going for, the former feels more likely though because a Harmonized Hero with two likeable purple-haired girls is perfection... but actually speaking, I'd love to collect the Harmonized Hero because of personal attachment, and get some juicy fodder for my Sara or Valentine's Silque if possible, from Winter Sephiran... I'll have to settle with one copy if I somehow get him though, because I'd need two for all his fodder, but he's not so necessary to get anymore.
The rest of the banners aren't of my interest, so I'll move onto events:
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Now, these two days until the reset of the 13th will be rather dull, today in less than an hour, the AFK rewards "game mode" will start for us, and the next of the weeklies tomorrow... yes, only these two things.
The weekly banner will have: Nailah, Keaton and Velouria... I'mma just free pull colorless I hope, otherwise blue>green>red.
Díthorba/Deet'var will finally rerun, after the long wait of... ~10 months since her debut, and we can get the free extra copy from there, I'll fodder her because, out of the Four Angelical Wings of Silesse, I only have attachment for Erinys and Annand, and [Flier Formation 3] could somehow see use... if I pick that, but I might actually promote her for a different combo.
Also, is it me or is this the first time I see two instances of [Limited Hero Battles] announced in one calendar? Huh... neat I guess, guess there's a first time for everything... but while I'm not particularly excited about these (mainly because of the slightly lacking rewards), I always look forward to test my favorites from each entry in the series, and end up being a fun challenge.
The next batch of Forma will also be revealed with the next datamine in four days, as [Hall of Forms] comes in a little over a week from here, I'll actually try to save my Forma until the Jugdral batch comes around to see if there's any seasonal I want to get as Forma or Sara somehow gets a Forma version so that I can finally give her a crazy kit... hopefully.
Other than that, [Frontline Phalanx] will also run in two days, not too exciting but the rewards are nice, and the rest of the month is pretty average. Celebrational quests for New Year (like in past years) will also be out around the start of 2022, these might be interesting and more useful this time around, here's what we got last... at that time, we got some pretty good rewards, including extra free summons on the New Year seasonals around the time.
But otherwise, the rest of the month is shaping up to be mostly average, with quite a bit to look forward to.
The End
Thanks for checking out my post, I hope it's been an entertaining read but most importantly, that you found something of use.
Take care and good luck in your goals.
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starlit-serenade · 4 years
Dance With Me | Chapter 1
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💙 Summary: After visiting the members of ONEUS during their dance practice, you find yourself inspired to learn to dance. You ask your friend Kim Geonhak to teach you.
💙 Chapter 1: 2,386 words
💙 Pairing: Reader x Kim Geonhak (Leedo) / Characters: GenderNeutral!Reader; Kim Geonhak (Leedo); Son Dongju (Xion); Yeo Hwanwoong (Hwanwoong); Lee Keonhee (Keonhee); Lee Seoho (Seoho); Kim Youngjo (Ravn);
💙 Rated: T for some minor swearing / Warnings: Minor Swearing, Jealousy (Later in the fic) / Genre: Fluff, Minor Angst (Later in the fic), Friends-To-Lovers, Happy Ending;
《 Series Masterlist // ONEUS Masterlist // Boy Group Masterlist 》
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You knock on the door of the dance studio, carrying a bag of take-out in one hand and your phone in the hand that knocked on the door. You had earlier texted the group chat to alert the boys that you were on your way with lunch, and Youngjo responded with an "okay" and series of emojis.
The door opens, and you are met with Youngjo, smiling brightly at you with his phone in hand. You can see the other five members behind him, all staring in your direction while sitting on the floor. 
"Hey Y/N!" Dongju calls out before Youngjo can say anything, waving at you.
Dongju is the closest to your age in the group, the member you had befriended five years ago, before ONEUS's debut. He had been the one to introduce you to the rest of the group.
"Hey Dongju," you say, waving back. "Hey everyone!" Youngjo opens the door to let you enter the practice room. Keonhee grabs the plastic bag of takeout from your hand, sets it down on the floor, and starts taking the food out, while Geonhak, who was sitting closest to the door, quickly stands up and helps you get your coat off and folds it to set it aside for you.
"Thank you," you say to Geonhak. "It's raining outside."
"I can tell," Geonhak says, laughing. "Your hair is dripping. I should come with you next time to help you bring us food."
"What song were you guys practicing?" you ask, sitting down between Dongju and Geonhak. Geonhak sits down in his spot, helping Keonhee set all the food up.
"We were practicing A Song Written Easily," Seoho says. You sigh, smiling softly, thinking of the pretty song, which came out about three months ago. You've always admired the music, the raps, the vocals, the choreography of the song. It might not be your favorite song, but it is still a masterpiece.
"Oh, I've always wanted to learn that choreography," you say dreamily. "It's always so pretty to watch and rewatch your performances."
"You watch our performances?" Geonhak asks, turning to face you with an eyebrow raised, and you nod.
"Of course. I watch them almost every day, when I have time. I'm your friend, I want to support my friends," you say.
"Y/Nie, that's so sweet," Youngjo says.
"The choreographies are so pretty, I've always wanted to learn them," you continue.
"We could teach you sometime!" Hwanwoong says cheerfully. "Which choreographies do you want to know most, Y/Nie?"
"Oh gosh, I don't know. A Song Written Easily or Valkyrie, probably," you say. If you were to be honest, you would have listed every single one of their songs with choreographies, but that would be unrealistic.
"We still have practice for another two hours after our lunch break, you can watch us practice if you want," Geonhak suggests.
You nod, unable to stop yourself from smiling.
After the boys have finished eating the food you brought them--Dongju gave you a bit of his food--you hang out with them for half an hour.
"What choreographies do you know already, Y/N?" Seoho asks.
"Mostly girl group choreos," you say shrugging. "Especially because TWICE's and SNSD's songs are so catchy. I know a few Pentagon and BTS choreos."
"Oh? Do you know the choreo of Pentagon's Shine?" Seoho asks, and you nod. "Show us."
While he plays Shine from the speaker, the two of you do the choreography together while the others watch, laughing, clapping and singing along. After you've finished, you're sweating and panting. Seoho  as a K-Pop idol, is used to this workout. You, on the other hand, are not a K-Pop idol. You can barely call yourself athletic. Of course you're out of breath from doing the shoot dance.
"Good job," Seoho says, patting your back as you sit back down next to him. "You would make a good trainee."
Geonhak nudges you, and offers me an unopened plastic water bottle.
"Thank you," I say, taking it and downing the water.
"Y/N, what other choreos do you know?" Hwanwoong asks. An idea pops into your head, and you stand up on achy, tired legs.
"Just one. Let me get my phone out," you say, opening your phone and opening YouTube. You start typing in the search bar, 'Leedo 5G'.
The music starts playing, and the members except Geonhak and Youngjo start laughing, before getting to their feet and joining you in the dance. Hwanwoong and Seoho imitate the deep voice while Dongju, Keonhee and you just imitate the dance. Geonhak is pretending to cover his eyes as he laughs in embarrassment. Youngjo is laughing while watching, mouthing along with the song.
After the song ends, you all sit back down in your spots next to Geonhak, laughing off your joy and amusement.
"I should have quit all those years ago," Geonhak murmurs, but he can't hide his smile from you. "I hate you all."
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The boys resume their practice of A Song Written Easily. They move in sync, their footsteps echoing off the walls as they dance. You're seated with your back against the wall, your computer on your lap for work.
After about half an hour, you set your computer aside and watch the boys practice. They move so beautifully, you can tell it takes years of hard work and passion.
You've sat in on many of their practices within the past few years, but they still never fail to make you smile. It's like watching a painter work on their work in progress. You know it's going to be a masterpiece in the end, but there's a strange joy or honor in watching them create and perfect the piece. You see the piece when it's nothing, when it's a masterpiece, and everything in between.
After they've finished practicing, they all wander around the room, wiping sweat off of their foreheads and grabbing at their water bottles, talking about plans for after practice. Youngjo, Keonhee and Seoho are talking on the other side of the room, while Dongju and Hwanwoong are messing around in the corner. Geonhak, sweating, walks toward you. You grab Geonhak's bottle, the closest to you against the wall, and hand it to him as he approaches.
"Ah, thank you," he says, smiling gently as he sits down next to you. You admire his figure. He’s so large. His dark hair sticks to his forehead, and his skin glistens with sweat. He dabs away at his neck and cheeks with a towel. "What?" he asks you, eyebrows furrowed in a frown.
"You're staring," Geonhak murmurs, just barely loud enough for you to hear, but not loud enough for the others to hear while milling about the practice room. You blink before looking away, but you can hear him laughing gently.
"Hey Geonhak," Youngjo calls out, drawing Geonhak's attention away from you before you can even think of a response. "The rest of us have to quickly help Seoho re-record for a song, come with us."
"Okay. We'll be back soon, Y/N," Geonhak says, waving goodbye. You wave back, smiling as he closes the door behind him.
You stay in the room alone, glancing at yourself anxiously in the large mirror, which stretches from floor to ceiling, end to end of the wall and curves somewhat to the adjacent walls. It probably helps the members watch their stance from more than one angle when they practice. 
After a moment of considering what you can do to fill the silence, you push yourself to your feet and stand in the center of the room, in front of the mirror. You think back to the start of the A Song Written Easily choreography, and absentmindedly stand sideways in Geonhak's position.
You sigh, walk over to your computer and place it in front of the room, so that it’s set up against the mirror with the Weekly Idol Leedo clip of A Song Written Easily playing on full screen as you clumsily attempt to copy Geonhak's movements. You find it's not as easy as he always makes it seem, his movements confident and intentional and elegant, while your movements are stiff, clumsy and awkward, and you almost fall over several times.
How does he keep his balance? you wonder, frustrated as you restart the song for the fourth time, despite having only gotten twenty seconds into the song.
This time, you clumsily make it all the way up to the start of Geonhak's rap verse, about thirty seconds into the song. At the sound of his voice, you freeze up, watching in awe. His moves aren't elegant and flowy during his rap, but they're intentional and beautiful nonetheless. His body control is impressive.
Because he's a dancer.
"Wow . . ." you murmur. You wait until after his verse has ended to restart the song and try again.
You follow his moves as closely as you can, but you end up stumbling getting lost.
"Ah, damn it . . ."
"You're a bit ahead of the beat."
Startled, you whip around at the sound of a familiar deep voice, and Geonhak is standing at the back of the room. He’s leaning against the wall, a pleasant smile on his face as he watches you.
"I, uh, what? I mean--I'm sorry?" Your words come out in a jumbled mess as you bend down to pause the music.
"During Dongju's part, you lose your balance and move a bit too fast. You get lost right before Keonhee's part. I recommend you slow the song down to half speed when you practice at home."
You stare at him blankly.
"You're doing my part," he remarks.
"Yeah," you reply dumbly, ducking your head. Hopefully he hasn't noticed you blushing and smiling like an idiot. You're not used to people watching you do things, and you're not much of a dancer. You wonder how long he's been watching you. "Aren't you supposed to be with everyone helping Dongju record?"
Geonhak shrugs. "Thought you might be lonely. So I thought I'd check on you."
"Do you want help with the choreo?"
You shake your head. "That’s okay. You must be tired from practice. Maybe some other time, Geonhak."
"I'm not that tired. Try it again, I can direct you." He moves to sit in front of you, back against the mirror with your computer on his lap so you can see the screen. He starts the song over again.
You try the dance again, feeling how his eyes follow you as you move as he plays the song for you. He calls out to you as you dance, firmly but gently so as not to distract you too much. "You're rushing, slow down a bit. Step. Step. Step. There you go."
His deep voice is calming, you think. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t. But right now, it is. You follow his instructions, going through the first half of the first verse twice. You stop just as his rap begins, and he pauses the music, standing up from where he sits.
"Good job, you're improving. You need to relax your muscles. And bend your knees a bit more at the beginning, like this." Geonhak demonstrates, humming the song as he moves. You watch him dance, mesmerized, not paying as much attention to the moves as you should be.
"Y/N, are you even paying attention?"
You blink, coming back to your senses. "Oh, yes. Your dancing is amazing," you say, and Geonhak smiles shyly, glancing around the room. He is easily made shy.
"Ah, thank you."
He looks back at you, face serious once more, but he's still smiling a bit. "Yes?"
"Could you . . . could you please teach me how to dance?" you ask. "I've wanted to dance so much, but it's so hard to in my free time, plus I'm not good at teaching myself this stuff. I know you're a busy man, so you can say no, but would mean a lot if you could teach me."
Geonhak blinks at you, brow furrowed. Not in anger but in confusion. At the same time, his eyes are wide and his cheeks are a bit pink. "Me? Y/N, I'm not the best dancer on the team. I'm a dancer but . . . maybe Hwanwoong or Seoho would be better teachers?"
You shake your head stubbornly. "Other than Dongju, you're the member I'm the closest to. I'm much more close to you than I am to Hwanwoong and Seoho. I'm kind of too nervous to ask them. Besides, when you were guiding me earlier, it really helped me."
After a moment, he smiles. "Alright, I'll teach you to dance."
You look up happily. "Really?"
Geonhak laughs, nodding. "Yes, I'll teach you to dance. But not today, I'm too tired. Here's a plan. What if I teach you twice a week, after ONEUS practices. You can use this practice room whenever you need, though."
You nod. "Yes, absolutely."
"I'll also be giving you 'homework' too. You need to exercise and stretch, you need to practice on your own. Alright?"
The door bursts open, and in walk the rest of the members. Youngjo, Keonhee and Hwanwoong are discussing something about the recording, while Dongju and Seoho are play wrestling, Dongju trying hard to bite at Seoho's finger.
"Oh, there you two are," Youngjo says, smiling.
"How'd the recording go?" you ask.
"It went well. It's hard to get it just right, but I think we might have gotten it right this time. If not, it was definitely close."
"That’s good to hear."
Youngjo glances from you to Geonhak, then back at you. "What were you two up to?"
"Geonhak was helping me try the A Song Written Easily choreography," you say. Youngjo opens his mouth to speak when a yell pierces through the air, echoing off of the walls, startling you, Youngjo and Geonhak. You turn to find that Dongju has finally managed to bite Seoho's finger, and you laugh.
How lucky you feel, that you befriended Son Dongju and Dongmyeong all those years ago. Otherwise you wouldn't be friends with all of the people in this room with you. And your joy isn't because you're friends with all these famous idols. No, it's because you're friends with all these silly goofballs.
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
I've only got the first issue of batman who laughs and I haven't read up to that part yet in dark nights but he is so awesome!!! I wanna get the rest of batman who laughs and then dark nights heavy metal after I finish but my ass is broke so we'll see hahaa (there's a freakin soundtrack for dark nights overall I don't really like it but they got me with Maria brink I like the two songs she's on and the red death song cuz the red death batman is woah, although the lyrics make more sense once you've read the comics buutt they should totally make metal animated movies and use the soundtrack)
I haven't read anything with Tim and from what I've seen in comic panels of him on tumblr is that he is a disaster lol I'm pretty sure there was a panel of him straight up eating food (pizza? I think?) out of a dumpster in an alley boyyy no
I haven't read any DCeased yet but I'll defo get around to that at some point it looks pretty cool
Ohhh shit I'm gonna have to rewatch titans I think I'll watch one episode tomorrow cuz I dunno if they're releasing all the episodes at once or weekly or however and I wanna watch them all at once but I'll watch the first new episode cuz I know I won't be able to resist, poor jason it's not fair 😢 with the age they made bruce they could have included all his kids tbh like we could have talia and damian I know it's titans not a batfam show but I can't help but want talia and damian! (I'm stuck between wanting to marry talia and raising damian with her or marry dick and helping him raise damian 😅 I think dick would be the safer option cuz that'd keep the freakin league of assassins away from me but then again TALIA, why must I get this attached to people who aren't even real)
You should go to your local library's website and see if they are connected/have hoopla! It's this awesome app that partners with libraries and basically let's you rent online books and comics for free!(they have TONS of batman graphic novels!!!) Unfortunately your library puts a limit on how many you can borrow a month (mine is 8) but still, free legal comics!(that's the main way I've been reading comics! Tho I did go to a comic hook store while in nyc the other day and got some Bat graphic novels and a new one where I saw Damian doing casual rock yoga with Ra's and like needed it obviously xD ), another way is the app/website DC Infinite, it is a per month subscription but compared to buying comics individually it is really worth it!(I also just got that cause Hoopla didnt have the Red Robin series or this one Jason todd series haha)
Omg they made a soundtrack for it?! I need to check that out! Well I should probs read it first tbh xD but yes omg they NEED to make an animated movie of it! Tho they already went so hard with Justice League Dark Apokolips War, I'm worried they wont wanna do another one so dark so soon🤔 but they really need to! It would make such a good movie omg
Omg I def reccomend Tim one, he is SUCH a relatable disaster omg, I love him so much xD like his narration for the Red Robin comics literally says stuff like "Can you please find my common sense? I seem to have misplaced it" and "except for everything I'm perfectly fine", like he is the most relatable xD
Okay so I wouldn't mind/really want them to make a spin off of Titans of the Bat world and bring in damian and stuff cause they made this bat universe so dang interesting and the cast is great and gah. But also just have Gar in it cause he is my other fav xD
And yas! I have no idea if they are releasing them all at once or not!!! I kinda like having something to look forward to each week tho tbh!
Bro this season is gonna kill me if I'm already crying rewatching the scene where jason almost comits suicide omg. Oh man, you can see the build up to all the red hood feels and the direction they might take it with these dif scenarios.
Lmao I love it and the chaotic vibes you give so much 😂 but bro, I feel you about getting annoyingly attached to fictional character omg xD they make them way too interesting and attractive in fiction lmao. Lately im always switching between the 3 older batboys of who I'm obsessing over at the moment xD (right now its tim but I think it's about to switch to jason again after titans )
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