#momma caroline
caretaker-moony · 24 hours
How long have we actually interacted? Its... Not even 3 weeks, right? Maybe less...
Yes, and tell me dear, what feeling is it that you've pushed away?
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qteeclown · 1 year
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got my chip n' dip and froggie tea light holder back from the kiln :-)
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
World Cup III
Magdalena Eriksson x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Sweden vs USA
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Usually, you go with Momma to her camp for international break or back to Denmark to spend time with Momma's parents. But, this year, it's the World Cup and you're with Morsa.
Sweden camp is a little strange, a lot stranger than Denmark camp. At Denmark camp, Momma lets you have free reign so long as you're within eye line of one of her teammates.
Morsa, on the other hand, doesn't let you wander. She keeps your hand tight in her own as she introduces you to everyone.
You know a lot of them already though from your visits but this is the first time that you're actually been around them a lot.
Much to Morsa's annoyance, you stick quite firm to the Arsenal Swedes and then to Amanda when you find out that she's now signed for Arsenal.
If you're not with them then you're with your moster (aunt) Frido, who shares you room in Sweden with Morsa.
"There she is," Captain Caroline says one morning as you hold Frido's hand tight as you wait for her to fill your breakfast plate," Future Captain of Sweden, my little protégé."
You don't quite understand what that means but you know it kind of means that you'll be like her when you're older.
"Don't let Pernille find out you've said that," Johanna says from further down the line," She almost slapped me when I told her that y/n will be a Swedish international."
"That doesn't sound like Pernille," Filippa says, frowning as she moves to take your plate from Frido and put some grapes on it before passing it off to Nathalie to add more to.
"Momma says that I have forever to choose the right team," You say as you go up on your tiptoes to see what juice options there are. Morsa and your aunties usually have weird-tasting protein drinks but you don't like that so the cooks have started to leave juice out in the mornings for you.
"And that Morsa should stop trying to convince me to play for Sweden just because she's ego-eg...er, just because she's tistical...no...er...Because she's got a big head."
"Who's got a big head?" Morsa joins you all now, looking freshly showered.
"You, apparently," Linda scoffs.
Morsa looks confused, brow furrowed in a way that Momma likes to joke you do too. She feels her head. "I don't get it. Who said that?"
You smile, skipping away from Frido to hold her hand. "No one."
"You're up to something, princesse."
You shake your head. "No!"
Morsa gives you a long, considering look before deciding to drop it. "Who's got your breakfast? You need to eat if you're going to grow up big and strong like me and play for Sweden."
She goes back to looking confused when the whole team starts laughing at her.
She doesn't get the joke through the entirety of camp and all through the flight to Australia. The World Cup beginning takes her mind off of it and you flip-flop between staying with her and staying with Momma.
The highlight of your World Cup so far is meeting Keira Walsh and getting her and Mary Earps' shirts. It's a feeling like no other and you ride that high all the way back to the Swedish Camp and all through the rest of their group stage.
You only really tune back in to what your Morsa is doing when she goes up against America.
The day starts like any other. You're carted into breakfast by Nilla, who proclaims you the team's good luck charm (and they'll need all the luck they can get going against the US).
"If you win today, Zećira," You say, as Frido wipes your mouth" Can I have your special gloves?"
"If we win," Zećira says," Then you can have absolutely anything you want."
You arrive at the stadium in the coach and Morsa changes you into your special Eriksson shirt and lets you go around the locker room giving everyone hugs and kisses - you take extra care to give your favourite Arsenal girls, your moster Frido and Zećira the biggest ones.
You return to Morsa and hug her tight. Just like all her World Cup matches, you walk out as her mascot and give her a big kiss before kick off where you scamper off to the bench.
Lina isn't starting today so you stick close to her side on the bench as she sits you on her lap so you can see everything. She tells you that the US are the reigning champions and are very good so this match means a lot.
America rains down on your team and you crane your head to watch as Zećira pulls off another amazing save.
You want to be like that one day, playing as the first keeper for your country. You want to be just like Zećira and save all the goals that come your way.
It's nearing the end of the first half and there's still no goal on either side. The US continues to attack Morsa's defence and Zećira's goal but can't quite get it passed.
A few times Lina covers your eyes when she thinks America is going to score but they're all false alarms.
The game falls into half-time fairly quickly and you're relegated back to the locker room to regroup.
"Come here, princesse."
Morsa seems a bit sad and down and you ragdoll to let her pick you up and squeeze. When she lets you go, she cups your cheek. "I'm going to get you another medal," She says," We're not going out here."
"I don't need another one," You say softly," I'm happy with my one now."
Morsa shakes her head. "No, no. I will get you another one. You're going to get a medal in every World Cup I play until you're old enough to earn your own. We aren't letting them knock us out."
Morsa's determined now and you just nod.
You weave your way through the group of girls until you're in front of Zećira. You don't say anything, just crash into her arms and give her the best hug you can manage.
The second half goes much the same as the first and you have to let go of Lina for her to go onto the pitch so you end up attached to Johanna who's just come off and holds you so tight that you almost can't breathe.
That feeling persists in your chest as the game ends in penalties.
The team lines up by the edge of the pitch. You stand in the very middle as you watch on.
Zećira goes the right way for the US's first shot but misses out on the save. But moster Frido keeps Sweden level with her own goal. Horan gets the next goal but Elin scores back.
You shift anxiously on your feet, scuffing your shoes on the grass.
Kristie, who you know dates Sam, scores one past Zećira and you have to hold your breath as Nathalie misses her shot. You only release it when the US also fail to score their next goal but then suck in another one when Naeher saves Rebecka's.
With Smith missing her own and Hanna scoring, you feel more content again.
Naeher scores then it's Morsa's turn.
You bite at your lip and play with your Eriksson jersey as Morsa does her little runup.
The ball flies into the top corner of the goal and you smile.
O'Hara misses and then Lina...Maybe scores?
You don't understand what's going on.
"They're checking VAR," Caroline says as she crouches by you," Because Lina's goal might have already gone over the line before Naeher saved it."
The whole stadium is silent as the ref listens to what they're saying in her ear.
You grab hold of Caroline in one hand and Johanna in the other.
The ref makes an odd gesture and suddenly you're being thrown into the air and Johanna's running with you in her arms.
Everyone converges on Lina and then on you, giving you kisses and spinning you around. You slip away before Morsa can trap you with her own love and run to your favourite goalkeeper in the whole wide world.
You skid to a stop as Naeher wildly gestures to the ref.
Zećira pulls a glove off her hand and claps her palm against Naeher's before lifting you up so you can do the same.
She throws you into the air like Johanna did and catches you. You're placed safely on the ground again as a cameraman catches the moment Zećira kneels in front of you and pulls her gloves onto your hands.
"We won," Morsa says to you.
"You had a good goal," You say, easily falling into her embrace.
"I sense a but?" She teases and you look down at the gloves still on your hands.
"But Zećira was the best today. I'm going to be the best like her one day too."
"Of course you are."
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c0wgurlz · 1 year
Trouble On My Left, Trouble On My Right
Chapter 1: Sweet Caroline
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Kayce Dutton x Reader/OC - Friends to Lovers
He grabs ahold of the belt loops on either side of my hips. “I just-” he shakes me, “I’m tired of people treating me like some wounded animal or-or like some bomb just waiting to go off. You’re the one person who-,” he licks his lips, “you’re my person. Please don’t do that to me.”
I'm a long-time fic writer and an even longer reader, but this is my first attempt at writing for Yellowstone. If ya'll have any notes on characterization or just anything in general, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thank you for reading xx.
As always: I do not own Yellowstone (2018) or any of its characters. This work is not monetized.
THIS FIC IS CROSSPOSTED TO AO3. It is not posted to any other site. I am lookingcold on AO3 and that is all. I do not give permission for my work to be posted by others to any other platform.
I was no stranger to the Yellowstone Ranch, but bumping my way along its seemingly never-ending dirt drive, I still couldn’t help but feel out of my depth - like a little kid made to ride a bike with no training wheels. Its sprawling pastures surrounded by the towering mountains, standing at attention like century guards, intimidated me, and I had spent nearly every day of my childhood gallivanting around the property. I can only imagine how outsiders feel the first time they dare to mosey onto the ranch. Now, all this isn’t to say that I wasn’t looking forward to returning to Yellowstone, I undoubtedly was, but being there at the (somewhat) wisened age of twenty-seven felt significantly riskier than it had at the naive age of seventeen. The Yellowstone was trouble, and I had spent the last ten years of my life trying to stay out of it. Putting myself right back into its clutches went against every instinct I have.
Still, I was excited to see the people I had come to know as family. When my daddy died when I was only twelve, Mr. John treated me like one of his own, and when my momma remarried a man who was known for his fiery temper and love of the drink, he took me in as his own. My daddy and Mr. John had been best friends, so truly I think he felt as though it was his duty to care for me, but I like to believe he loved me all the same. And I loved him back. He taught me everything I could ever need to know - plus some. Helped put me through college. Even supported me when I wanted to take on the pageant circuit - although I don’t believe he minded the extra bit of shine my winning of Rodeo Queen added to his reputation. Hell, I even loved his ragtag group of kids, Jamie included if you can believe it. They were my family, and I wouldn’t have traded them for the world. Except I did, because Yellowstone was trouble, and I couldn’t let myself get caught up in that. And neither could Mr. John.
Sneaking up on Rip was somewhat of a talent I had cultivated over my long years spent on the ranch. I’m proud to say that I’m still the only son of a bitch who can do it. And that’s why I park my truck a good half mile down the road from the corrals. There’s a small hill in the dirt drive that obscures the shoulder of the road as you approach the house, one that Kayce and I used to hide away in, smoking or drinking, trying to stay out of trouble while getting into it. I park my truck on that hidden shoulder, closing my door as quietly as I can before approaching the road. As I walk, I stick as close to the fence line as possible, relying on the looming fence posts to provide me with cover. I know that if I can make it past the corrals unseen and circle around the back of the barn I’ll have Rip jumping a foot in the air before he can even catch a whiff of me. Lucky for me he’s locked in on what I can only describe as clownery, supervising some gangly kid as he works to stay on a bronco. Taking my golden opportunity, I creep through the barn, hushing whinnying mares as I go, before sidling right up to Rip’s left side.
“Now that kid has got balls of steel,” I comment, hands splayed across my hips, head nodding in appreciation.
I wish I had the words to appropriately describe Rip’s reaction. With a little hop and shout, Rip whirls on me, hand splayed across his chest, breath thundering in shock. “Jesus, what in the fuck do you think-” And that’s when he realizes who exactly he’s about to chew out. His eyes go wide and a grin starts to stretch across his weathered face. “Well as I live and breathe, if it isn’t sweet Caroline herself, gracing us with her beauty.” He takes a step towards me. “Come ere ya little menace!”
Before I know it I’m wrapped up in the warmest, most comforting bear hug on earth. If Mr. John had been like a father to me, then Rip had been like a big brother. My protector and confidant - and the target of my and Kayce’s many pranks.
“Where have ya been?” He jostles me around. “Haven’t heard from you in over a year, and haven’t seen you in well over that. Too busy for us old cowpokes?”
I hold onto his hands, squeezing them. “Well I haven’t been ignoring ya’ll on purpose, I’ve just been a bit busy. I -” And that’s when Mr. John comes ambling down the lodge steps, casual and collected as ever.
“She’s been in Oklahoma, working PR for the rodeo circuit. And based on what I hear, she’s pretty damn good at it.” Before I know it I’m embraced in a fierce hug, and if I didn’t know better I’d say I heard Mr. John sniffle. “It’s good to see you, honey. Welcome home.”
Rip looks between myself and Mr. John, confused. “You mean Caroline’s back working the ranch? We ain’t got any beds left in the bunkhouse.” At this, he turns to me, “Not that I’d expect you to sleep there but I know how stubborn you can be about doing what’s right.”
Mr. John cuts him off. “No.” He responds gruffly. “She’s not here as a ranch hand, she’s here as my PR specialist.” Casting Rip a pointed look, he murmurs, “Ya know with all the problems we’ve encountered lately I thought we should call in an expert to help with damage control, and who better than family.”
Rip nods gravely, a closed expression covering his face that I don’t particularly like the looks of. “Well if that’s what she’s here for then I’ll leave you two to talk privately. I’ve got wranglers to wrangle and supper to check on.” He turns to walk away, but pauses, angling his body towards me. “If you need me, Caroline, for anything, don’t hesitate to shout.”
He looks so serious, so grim, I feel the small, unsure age of eleven all over again. “Ok.” I nod, my voice coming out thin and reedy. “I will.”
“I mean it.” He’s firm. “Anything.”
“I know Rip.”
With that, he gives a final tip of his head to Mr. John and I, stalking off to holler at the gangly kid - Jimmy.
“What was that all about?” I turn to Mr. John, big-eyed and pale.
Looking resigned he says, “You know Rip, he’s just protective of you is all, and he knows I’m about to ask a lot of you, get you involved in stuff we normally would try to keep you out of.” He shakes his head, knocks one of his boots against the other. “But you’re my last resort honey, you have to know that. I wouldn’t drag you into trouble if I thought I could help it. Honest.” His voice is so sincere, soft in a way it rarely is. I would have believed him anyways, but now there’s no doubt in my mind. I have to do right by Yellowstone, by the Dutton family, by my family. I have to stay, wade through the trouble, and bring everyone out on the other side.
“Tell me everything I need to know.” It comes out harder than I expected, harder than I’ve ever heard my own voice. It makes Mr. John look up. His features turn steely, matching mine. We’re in this together now.
“Walk with me, let me show you where you’ll be lodging. I’ll fill you in.”
Ten years of keeping clear of trouble down the drain, but I owed Mr. John, owed Yellowstone, a debt, and I wasn’t about to not repay it.
To say that what Mr. John had shared with me was shocking would be an understatement. Land and cattle disputes I had expected, helping Jamie and Beth campaign - sure, I figured (well maybe not Beth), but murder? Can’t say that was anywhere on my radar, or anywhere in my wheelhouse. If I’m being honest with God and myself, if it weren’t for my love for Mr. John and the Dutton family, I would’ve turned the job down. Any PR specialist with a brain would because what the Duttons needed was a criminal defense lawyer, not some cowgirl who’s good at turning nasty scandals into marketable flattery. But I do love the Duttons, and I love Yellowstone, so from the looks of it, if this ship goes down, I’m going with it.
Mr. John must think it wise to give me time to mull over the absolute bomb he’s just dropped on me, because after he breaks the news and confirms that I’m still willing to stick around, he goes silent, his face settling into a contemplative furrow, the same as mine. It isn’t until the foreman’s house comes into view that I break the silence, slightly bewildered.
“We making a pit stop or something?” I gesture to the house in the distance, halting my gait.
Mr. John breezes past me, only turning his head back to answer my seemingly stupid question. “No darling, I’m showing you to your lodging, like I said I would.” Darling is reserved for when I’m being a moron, honey as a term of endearment, and cowgirl for when I’m about to get what’s coming to me. I’ve not even been back an hour and I’ve managed to collect two of the three, and I’m not too keen on collecting the third.
I wait until he looks away before rolling my eyes. That would’ve earned me a ‘cowgirl’ for sure. “Well, who died and made me foreman because I sure as hell don’t have the beard or buckle to pull it off.” I hustle to catch back up with him, bumping his shoulder against my own, knowing I’m toeing the line between a chuckle and a swat. Thankfully I’m gifted with the chuckle.
“You know I keep waiting for your beard to come in, but I remain disappointed.” He shoots me a wink. “But no, I don’t want you as my foreman as much as you don’t want to be my foreman. No worries there.” He side-eyes me. “Kayce’s taken over from Rip, so this is his place now. I just thought you’d want to be out here with your partner in crime rather than cooped up in the lodge with an old fart like me.” I know he’s aiming for casual as he explains my living situation to me, but if my many years spent living at Yellowstone had taught me anything, it was how to read John Dutton. And right now, I can tell he’s up to no good - more so than usual.
“Right, because living in that big snazzy house would be so terrible. I think you’re just trying to keep me and Beth apart. Too scared to live under the same roof with us both. Can’t say I blame you.” And while I really wouldn’t blame him for not wanting to live with me and Beth - if she’s a terror alone, with me she’s a terror and a half - I have a sneaking suspicion Beth and I’s potential reign of terror isn’t the true cause of his decision. But I sure as hell can’t let him know I’m onto him.
He chuckles again, in an almost relieved sort of way. “You’ve got me there. I’d rather keep my sanity, thank you kindly. So no, I quite frankly don’t want to live with you and Beth at the same time. And truly, I just thought you’d be more comfortable out here.” He sighs. “You’ll be wrapped up in our mess during all your waking hours, I don’t want to take away the little bit of peace you’ll get during your sleeping ones too.”
I frown. “Mr. John, I-” I begin to protest.
“No, I don’t want to hear it. You’re in the foreman’s and that’s final.” Mr. John’s swinging the door open now, and the house is everything I thought it would be growing up.
High ceilings reveal exposed wood, and the humble home is lined with windows, letting in ample natural light. In a way I feel like I haven’t left the outdoors at all, the house is simply an extension of the forest that looms behind it. As kids, one of the few places Kayce and I weren’t allowed to wreak havoc was the foreman’s house. Mr. John always berated us whenever we’d beg to go inside, saying, “A hard-working man deserves some privacy, some peace and quiet. You better leave him and his home well enough alone or I’ll skin both of your hides.” For once we listened, neither of us too keen on getting our butts busted.
“Plus, I imagine Kayce will be mighty happy to learn he’s got his best friend back. It always was ya’ll’s dream to set up camp in here. Now you get to live it.” His statement breaks me out of my reverie.
“I’m sorry, you ‘imagine’ Kayce will be happy? He doesn’t know I’m here?” And so the other shoe drops. Mr. John always did hold out hope that Kayce and I would end up together. Said we’d be a power couple. Combine my business sense and charming small talk with Kayce’s grit and knowledge of the ranch and we’d be unstoppable. Let’s just say he was never too shy about his meddling. And while I did have a small crush on Kayce growing up, and I’d like to think he had one on me too, we were always both too awkward to entertain anything other than a close friendship. Naturally, we experimented the way kids do, having had a drunk kiss or two and having done our fair share of skinny dipping, but by the time we were in our late teens all romantic feelings had fizzled. That doesn’t mean we weren’t closer than we’d ever been though, thicker than thieves and troublemakers to boot. We practically lived in each others’ pockets. You wouldn’t find one of us without the other. I was crazy about Kayce and he adored me, but it was never anything other than platonic.
“Mr. John, I can’t live here if Kayce doesn’t know about it. You said so yourself, the foreman’s house is his getaway, a place for peace and quiet. I’m not taking that from him.” Hands planted firmly on my hips and lips pursed, I shake my head adamantly. “I’ll find myself a place in town or-”
“Caroline, no, you’re staying-”
“Or I’ll see if my cousin Amy has a spare room, we were always close and-”
“Caroline.” His voice is firm, if not a little irritated. “I said no. Kayce needs you here, you hear me? You’re staying here and that’s final.” This last part is spoken a bit softer, but firmly all the same.
Now Mr. John might not be my real daddy, but I’ve spent my whole life obeying him all the same, and this time is no different, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to plead my case. “Mr. John, I’ve missed Kayce too and I know he’s going through a lot right now, but he doesn’t need me.” I sigh. “And I couldn’t possibly put out his family. I mean, this place is small enough as it is. And Tate’s what, nearing eight now? He needs room to play and run around, I’ll only be taking up already limited space.” Giving a half-hearted shrug, I turn to head back toward the door, but Mr. John’s heavy sigh has me doubling back.
“Caroline honey, I wasn’t going to tell you this because I don’t feel like it’s my place, but when I say Kayce needs you I mean it. He and Monica split a few weeks ago, and with everything else going on he’s in real bad-”
Back turned to the door, I hear Kayce before I see him. “Dad, for the last time I’m not interested in meeting who you’ve got running for AG, so if you could kindly show her out I’d greatly-”
I know I said Kayce and I had never been anything other than platonic, but you’d have to be blind not to see what a looker the boy is. God damn is he beautiful. I mean he always has been, but the years have been more than kind to him. Seeing him now damn near takes my breath away. The last time I laid eyes on Kayce he had just returned from the navy, eyes weary and hair cropped close. He had looked exhausted, almost dead in the eyes. Now though, he looks like a field set ablaze by the setting sun, all bright and aglow with something unnameable. Almost dangerous in his beauty. He must get over seeing me for the first time in five years before I get over seeing him because before it feels like I can even blink he’s across the room and I’m a foot off the ground, wrapped tight in his arms. I never knew I was missing part of myself until this very moment, with Kayce’s face pressed into the crook of my neck and my hand fisted in his hair. I swear I feel more settled in myself than I have in years, like I’m sinking into my bed after a long day, or eating a warm meal after I’ve spent all day working out in the cold.
“Caroline.” It’s a soft whisper in my ear. It almost sounds reverent, like a prayer.
“Kayce,” I murmur back, something private only he can hear.
I suppose he remembers we aren’t alone because before I know it my feet are planted firmly on the ground once more and I’m no longer wrapped in his embrace. Instead, he lets one gentle hand linger on the small of my back, almost hesitant and unnatural in its hovering. Grinning, he turns to Mr. John. “Dad what is-” his gaze shifts to find mine. “Caroline, what are you doing here?”
My lips part preparing to answer, but no sound comes out, just a whisper of an inhale followed by a beaming smile. I think it’s important to say once again that my feelings for Kayce are strictly platonic, but my God if a woman can’t get lost in his whiskey-brown eyes.
I’m broken out of my trance by an awkward cough. Both Kayce and I turn to face Mr. John, who looks a bit too pleased for my liking. Smiling wryly he drawls, “Well I think I’ll leave you two to catch up. Caroline, I’ll have one of the boys bring your truck up. No sense in you hauling yourself all around sundry.” Making his way outside, he pauses on the porch. “I expect to see both of ya’ll at supper. Don’t be late.” He saunters down the porch and down the path, not looking back when he hollers, “And Kayce, wash up! You smell like shit.”
“So, you’re here to clean up the fucking mess I made then.” Kayce looks the most dejected I’ve seen him in years. Like a puppy dog that’s been kicked and put out in the cold. “Dad dragged you back to this godforsaken place because of me.” His fists shake where they’re clenched atop his knees. He tosses his hat onto the coffee table and rakes his hands through his sweat-dampened hair. “You know, I was so relieved when you got out of here. I was so scared this place would ruin everything good about you, set you up in flames like it does everything else.” His calloused hand clasps mine. “Why would you come back here? After everything that happened, after-” He takes a moment to collect himself, teeth gritted together, shoulders tensed. “After what Caleb- after what he did-”
“Kayce don’t.” I know what he’s trying to get at, and I won’t have it talked about. Not on my first day back. When I said I loved Yellowstone, that I was happy to be back, I meant it. But there are memories that this place carries that I’d rather forget, and I’m not about to let my reunion with my best friend turn sinister over one of those memories - over the mention of some asshole cowboy that belongs to the past. I want that memory to die with him. Placing a comforting hand on his back, I try to console him. “I’m a big girl. Believe it or not, I’ve grown into my britches and I know what I can handle. Plus,” I give his back a hard pat, “you really think I would let this place ruin me? I’d like to see it try.”
“Caroline..” He shakes his head, eyes glassy. “You-”
I cut him off with a quick rap of my knuckles against the coffee table, rising off the couch with an air of finality. “As for why I came back, well that’s simple. I love you Kace.” I lick my chapped lips, find a spot on the wall to focus on. “And I’m- I’m never going to abandon you when you need me.” I extend my pinky in the form of a promise, a relic left over from our childhood. “Come hell or high water remember?”
He straightens up, gaze ungluing itself from the floor only to meet mine. Kayce was always taller than me, but I don’t remember having to crane my neck up to meet his eyes the way I do now. His pinky wrapping around mine is a distant sensation in the back of my mind. “Come hell or high water.” He steps back, scratching his temple awkwardly. From a man to a boy with one simple gesture. “Uh, there’s only one bathroom so we’ll have to take turns. I don’t know if you need to shower, but you can go first, everything you need is in there, but I mean- you probably brought your own stuff so never mind.” He mutters below his breath, “God Kace,” and picks invisible lint off his shirt.
I laugh, bright and airy. Growing up Kayce was known for his ruthless pranks, and when I wasn’t his accomplice I was his primary victim. So to miss such a golden and rare opportunity to make fun of him would be a crime, his emotional turmoil aside. “No need to take turns bud, I don’t need to shower. Just got to freshen up a bit, throw on some makeup, brush my hair.” I start a slow saunter down the hall, sporting a feline grin. Kayce follows close behind- my shadow. Turning to walk backward, I poke him sharp in the chest. “How about you, Manure Man, hop in the shower while I do my makeup. We can keep each other company, catch up on each other's lives.” My back hits what I assume to be the bathroom door. I sigh. “After all, we don’t want to keep your daddy waiting. I for one don’t want a smack upside the head and I reckon you don’t either.” Angling my body so it faces the door, I reach for the nob and look at Kayce imploringly, my eyebrows raised, daring him to chicken out.
He suppresses a grin, tongue poking at his cheek. “Now you know that’s not exactly proper and I know that you’re trying to embarrass me, so you can go ahead and drop the act Miss Caroline.” Calling me on my shit, he leans into the door frame, his arms boxing me in on both sides.
Of course he knows I’m trying to embarrass him, anybody with eyes could see that. What he hasn’t caught onto is that I’m appealing to his competitive nature. If I keep poking at him long enough, there’s no way he won’t cave. If I know Kayce, he’ll take being excruciatingly embarrassed over losing against me any day. “Not proper? Sweetheart, I’ve seen you in your birthday suit more times than I care to think about, I don’t think standing in the same room as you while you shower will be the thing that sends me to hell.” I duck under his arm, grab my makeup bag from where I’d left it in the living room, and duck back under, swinging the bathroom door open as I go. Throwing my hair into a ponytail, I lock eyes with him in the mirror. His skin is flushed pink all the way down to his chest and he gnaws at his lip. Like I said, from a man to a boy with one small gesture. “Unless you’re too much of a chicken.” I shrug. “Then I guess we can take turns.” I aim for nonchalant, fingers crossed that he’s not catching on to my instigating.
Kayce’s eyes immediately narrow. Good, he’s taken the bait. “I know you’re not calling me a chicken.” His arms drop and he closes the door behind him.
Snickering, I breathe, “I’d only call you a chicken if you were acting like one, so tell me Kayce - are you being a chicken?”
He turns the shower on in lieu of an answer, eyes never leaving mine in the mirror. “I wouldn’t even know what a chicken acts like Caroline, having never been one, so no I don’t reckon I am.” At this, he flings his shirt off, and I hear his belt buckle clink shortly after, and then a thud as his pants hit the floor. The only thing that remains are his underwear and I hold his gaze steady, daring him to lose our little game. I can’t hear his underwear hit the floor, but I see the hunch his shoulders form as he bends to take them off. When he stands back up straight, he must see the devious gleam in my eye because he drawls out a suspicious, “What?”
“Nothing.” I shake my head, pressing my lips together. I fiddle with the hem of my blouse. It’s a frilly white thing with thin straps and a gathered waist. One of my favorites truly. Too pretty to risk getting makeup on. I pull the shirt gingerly over my head, not worried about appearing sexy, knowing my plain bra isn’t much to look at. I begin to sort out my makeup, lining products up along the counter. “I was just thinking about how I don’t want to get makeup on my blouse. That’s all.”
The rustle of the shower curtain opening and closing is Kayce’s only reply. Check and mate Dutton.
Despite my reasoning for us sharing, Kayce and I don’t catch up with each other in the bathroom, in fact, he doesn’t speak a word to me until I’ve completed my makeup and he’s finished his shower.
Brushing my hair slowly and methodically, lost in my own thoughts, I almost miss the sound of the shower turning off and the rasp of the curtain as Kayce steps out. He’s wrapped in a comically large towel, but his hair still drips steadily onto the bathmat, saturated with water. The embarrassment has leached from his face and his downtrodden expression from earlier has returned. “So dad told you about me and Monica?” He perches on the closed toilet, sagging into himself, sniffs. “Old bastard.”
“What makes you think that?” Laying my hairbrush down, I turn to prop my hip against the counter and cross my arms, face as neutral as I can make it.
Kayce looks at me from under long, damp lashes, his jaw set. “Caroline, we’ve pushed a boundary or two in our decades of friendship, but I know that if you thought for one second that you’d be stepping on any toes or be disrespecting my marriage in any way, you wouldn’t have started whatever all of this,” he gestures around the bathroom, “little game was. So what did he tell you?” His hands are shaking again, but rather than clenched shut, this time they lay open, palms up, almost pleading.
“Kayce.” I kneel down, encasing one of his weathered hands with both of mine. “All he told me was that you and Monica had split not too long ago, nothing more. And he didn’t even really want to tell me that, I kind of forced his hand. I promise you.” I stand back up and ruffle his still-damp hair, trying to bring some levity back to the situation. “Although I really don’t understand all the secrecy bud, you had to hear all about my messy divorce- and over facetime of all ways. I’m not- I would never judge you Kace.”
Rising to his full height, Kayce fidgets with one of my belt loops. “I know you’d never judge me, Caroline, it’s not your judgment I’m worried about.”
“Then what are you worried about,” I murmur.
He grabs ahold of the belt loops on either side of my hips. “I just-” he shakes me, “I’m tired of people treating me like some wounded animal or-or like some bomb just waiting to go off. You’re the one person who-,” he licks his lips, “you’re my person. Please don’t do that to me.”
“Oh Kayce, you really think-,” I laugh, “I just gave you shit in the most ridiculous way, knowing well and good you’ve been put through the wringer, and you think I would treat you like some wounded thing.” I bend down to retrieve my shirt, toss it onto the counter behind me. “I realize I have a bad habit of babying you, and I don’t plan to stop any time soon, but if you think for one second that I won’t give you hell any and every time you need it, well then you’re mistaken sweetheart.” Propping his hands on his hips, Kayce looks down, kicks his bare foot against my booted one.
“Now, nobody said anything about me wanting you to stop babying me.” He grins shyly at me. “Every good cowboy needs a pretty lady to soften him up a bit, ya know.”
I feel my breath hitch as his fingers wrap loosely around mine, I’m suddenly hyper-aware of the damp towel that seems to slide lower down his hips by the second. Have I mentioned how beautiful this man is? Have time and space away from him turned my brain into scrambled eggs? Why in the hell do I feel a flush creeping down my neck? Dear God, and I have to live with this man.
I smack his chest, like any sane woman who suddenly finds herself attracted to her best friend would do, and try to hide my nerves behind a too-loud laugh. “Well as long as you don’t expect this pretty lady to harden you up too, I think I can manage that.” Slipping my hand out of his hold, I grab my blouse and make to leave, but not before I catch sight of the scarlet blush that paints his face and ears. One foot in the hallway, I call back, “Now hurry up and get dressed cowboy, wouldn’t want to keep daddy waiting.” Closing the door all I hear is a muttered, “Jesus,” in response.
I wait out on the porch while Kayce gets ready, slouched down on one of the steps, elbows resting on my knees. The absolute quiet that surrounds me, save for the chirp of a bird or the rustle of leaves as the breeze blows, feels like a balm on my soul. I’d forgotten what it was like to feel this way. Content, at peace, like the whole world could be falling down around me but I’d still be alright, because this place, this land, will cradle me, protect me, like a momma does for her baby. I spent so long, years of my young life, running from one thing or another. Running into the arms of the wrong people, the wrong places. Yellowstone wasn’t the only place I found trouble, and while I was able to make a name for myself, to come out on top, the years I spent fighting for myself, fighting myself, have taken a toll on me. Never really thought the ranch would be my respite, but fighting for the Duttons feels like a goddamn breath of fresh air compared to what I’ve had to claw my way through in the last decade. This is my home, trouble or not.
The door creaks open, then shut, and I crane my head back to greet Kayce. “Took ya long enough, beauty queen.”
Unphased Kayce shoves his hands into his pockets. “Your face looks goofy upside down. And I can see into your nose.” He swaggers past me, down the steps, and onto the path. “Might want to invest in a nose trimmer.. beauty queen.” Fantastic. We’re back in familiar territory. No more warm damp skin, or slouchy towels, and thank god no more tugging at my belt loops or crowding me against the counter.. abs on display, broad shoulders at eye level… Yeah no, childish insults are great! Much more comfortable, way less confusing. I’m more than happy to engage in some lighthearted bullying with my completely platonic, non-romantic, best friend.
I must take too long to respond because Kayce doubles back, coming to stand at the base of the stairs below my feet. Looking at me funny, eyebrows scrunched and lips upturned, he asks, “You good? Wasn’t even that good of a burn to be honest. You’ve taken worse.” Actual concern begins to creep into his features, so before he can get himself worked up into a spiral of guilt I hop up from the stairs, dust off my backside, and punch him square in the gut.
“Oh don’t you worry ‘bout me, I’m fine. I was actually just thinking that I probably should buy a trimmer, keep things ship shape. And you know,” I glance back at him deviously, “now that we’re living together, there’s bound to be quite a few spa nights in your future. I could use it on you as well, really get my money’s worth.” As he falls in step with me, I expect him to protest immediately. When we were kids, I asked to pretty him up practically every day, told him I did boy activities with him so it was only fair he did girly things with me. In all our years of friendship he only caved once, the night I got my first period, told me I shouldn’t have to become a woman alone. He let me put a full face of makeup on him, paint his nails, and even braid his hair. No complaints, no making fun, just supported me in the only way he knew how.
So he surprises me when he inquires, “What exactly would a spa night include? Like what are we talking here? Fancy robes, overpriced lotion, cucumbers on our eyes?” His face is entirely serious, sincere in its curiosity. Man, it's easy to forget how much growing up changes a person.. how much marriage changes a person.
I stutter. “I- I mean, it can really include whatever you want it to? I normally take a bubble bath, shave my whole body- not that you’d want to do that, and then I go ham with some lotion, put on a face mask and hair mask, maybe whiten my teeth or trim my nails. Just depends.” I shrug. Kayce and I have talked about everything under the sun, but I never thought in a million years we’d be discussing my self-care routine.
He looks at me, eyebrows furrowed, contemplating. He kicks at the dirt a bit, tips his head to either side and then with an unexpected air of finality says, “Okay. I think I’d like to try all of that. I’ve never done masks or whitened my teeth before.” He stops, looking suddenly reluctant. “Wait, none of this hurts right? Like it’s relaxing?”
I place my hand on his back, half to prompt him to keep walking, half to comfort him. An easy laugh escapes me. “No, none of it hurts. And it is very relaxing, especially when you have a good bottle of wine on hand.” I wink, trying still to reassure him.
Worries assuaged, he winks back. “Well if there’s good wine involved, I’m in. Do you have the stuff with you already? Could we do it tonight?”
This time I stop in my tracks. If I was shocked before, now I’m flabbergasted. “You really want to do all that tonight?” He starts to look self-conscious so I clarify myself. “I mean, I’m more than happy to host a spa night, don’t get me wrong, but I just figured you’d need to warm up to the idea.”
Kayce walks a half step in front of me, avoids making eye contact. “In all honesty, tomorrow’s going to be a rough day. I don’t know if dad told you, but we’ve got to negotiate with the rez, the governor, and the sheriff tomorrow. Try to find some way to sweep everything under the rug, not let my fuck-ups tarnish the ranch’s reputation.” He removes his hat, runs his hand haphazardly through his hair. I know he asked me not to treat him like some wounded thing, and I won’t, but boy does he look it. “So, yeah, I just need something to take my mind off of the impending shitstorm I’m about to deal with. And I know you’re dying to gussy me up.” He flashes me a smile. “And if you’re happy, I’m happy, so a spa night it is.”
I sigh, feeling out of my depth. In all our years of friendship, I so rarely had to be the strong one. That was always Kayce. And while I’ve certainly toughened up in the time we’ve spent apart, I still feel so unprepared to tackle all of this. I’m scared I’ll say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing, misstep in an unfixable way. More than anything, I’m scared I’ll let Kayce down. “Your uh- Mr. John did tell me all that actually, but I hadn’t thought about how emotionally draining it’ll be. A spa night sounds good Kace. And we can even put on a horror movie, even it out.” I shrug, still feeling out of my depth.
Kayce doesn’t reply, but he does show me the barest hint of a smile, just the slight upturn of the corners of his lips. His smile says, “we’ll make it through this, we have to.”
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lewmagoo · 2 years
the blessed dawn of christmas day | b. bradshaw
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description: in which you give your husband the most precious gift of all
warnings: mentions of pregnancy, no smut but still 18+ because all my works are rated as such
pairing: bradley "rooster" bradshaw x f!reader (no use of y/n)
notes: oh no, another work i recycled from my old blog. anyway, i love the thought of bradley as a girl dad. you're welcome. also, this is the beginning of my holiday series. who knows how long or short the series will be, but you can expect at least a few more holiday pieces from now until christmas
Christmas morning was a morning that brought with it many different and unique sounds. Familiar sounds, sounds that made your heart swell with love and your lips curl into the biggest of smiles.
This morning, in particular, your ears were picking up on a few things. First was the sound of your husband snoring softly beside you, still sound asleep after a late night of wrapping presents with you. Second, was the sound of not-so-hushed whispering coming from outside your bedroom door.
"Mm, sounds like the littles are awake," a sleep-laced voice murmured against the back of your neck, followed by soft lips ghosting over the skin. You shivered from the contact, but at the same time, it warmed you from your head to your toes. 
"I'd say you're right," you replied, shifting to face him. There lay Bradley, in all his messy-haired, rosy-cheeked, skin-wrinkled-from-the-sheets glory. His face broke into a smile before he leaned in to kiss you sweetly, his mustache biting at your upper lip.
"Good morning, darlin’," he hummed against your mouth.
You snuggled deeper into his chest. "Good morning." You glanced at the door then. "Suppose we should let the beasts in," you teased.
“What if I don’t want to let you go?” He mumbled, tightening his grasp on you.
“They’ll probably head to the living room and start on the presents themselves,” you said.
He squinted at the door before nodding. “You’re probably right. Guess we should let them in.”
As you rose from the bed, Bradley closed his eyes, pretending to remain sound asleep as three very excited little girls bounded into the room.
Bradley began to dramatically snore, and squeals of laughter filled the room. "Daddy, Daddy, wake up!" Daisy, your youngest, exclaimed as she jumped onto the bed, roughly shaking his shoulder.
At that point, Bradley had all three of his girls piled on top of him. "You're pretending!" Caroline, the oldest, huffed, folding her arms over her chest.
Suddenly, their father cracked an eye open, and then gasped theatrically. "Wow! What brings you three to my bed so early in the morning?!"
Another fit of giggles, followed by the middle child, Grace, shouting, "it's Christmas!"
"Is it really?! Since when?" Bradley asked in surprise, dark eyes widening in shock.
"Since right now!" Daisy yelled, climbing into his lap and cupping his face in her little hands. Bradley smiled brightly at her, his own much larger hands coming up to rest over her own. 
The entire time, you silently watched the exchange, your heart warming at the sight of your family. Watching Bradley interact with his babies would never get old.
"Can we open presents now?" Grace questioned, nearly head-butting her sister as she jumped into Bradley’s lap.
Umber eyes flickered up to your own. "What do ya say, Momma?" he asked you.
"Give me a few minutes, let me make sure everything is set up," you mused, stopping to grab your robe from the bedpost, pulling it on as you headed out into the hall, strolling into the living room.
You paused to turn on the tree lights before making sure all the gifts were set out properly, all while listening to the over-excited laughter and talking that came from down the hall. You couldn't help but grow a little overcome with emotion.
Since your children had come into your lives, Christmas had gained a new meaning. It was no longer about you and Bradley. It was about them, seeing Christmas through their eyes. The joy and excitement it brought them made everything all worth it. There was something so innocent and pure about the way a child experienced Christmas, and even more so with your own kids.
Snapping yourself out of your slight daze, you carried on with your project, spreading out last-minute presents, and stopping to smile to yourself when you came across a small, neatly wrapped box, with a tag that read Bradley’s name. Your tummy fluttered with butterflies. Or maybe that was the little life that now dwelled there. Either way, you couldn't wait to present him with the gift, because you knew it would be the best gift he'd receive this Christmas.
Placed so carefully inside the box was a pair of baby slippers. You'd gotten them when you'd first found out that you were having another baby. They were the first present you wrapped, and the little package had been tucked away in your closet, and you’d been teeming with excitement ever since, so eager to give it to him.
There had been so many moments when you'd wanted to cave and just tell him already, but you'd forced yourself to keep your lips sealed. You wanted this to be special. It was unexpected, after all. You hadn't been trying for a baby. In fact, you hadn't even been talking about it at all, you’d decided you were done having children after Daisy was born. However, you really hadn’t taken any serious measures to prevent it, aside from taking birth control. So you weren’t entirely shocked when the pregnancy test you’d bought at the drugstore came back positive. 
But the news, when you'd received it, had been welcome. And you knew Bradley would be overjoyed, just like you were. He loved being a father, and would happily welcome another little one into your family.
"Mommy, can we come in yet?!" Came the voice of Daisy. Quickly, you knelt down to shove Bradley’s present to the very back of the tree before standing up and heading to the hallway.
"Yes you may," you announced, and within all of five seconds, the living room was overrun by squealing little girls. Your husband came strolling in behind them, smiling at you and hugging your waist as he kissed your forehead before joining the girls around the tree.
"Okay," he said aloud, "let's see who these presents are for."
As he began handing them out, you took a seat on the couch, watching fondly as he read the name tags dramatically. "To Caroline from Mommy and Daddy," he started, handing the oldest her gift, "to Grace from Mommy and Daddy…to Daisy from Mommy and Daddy…to Grace from Mommy and Daddy..." And so it went.
Once every present was passed out, save for the presents that you both would exchange together after the children opened their own, Bradley came to sit next to you and said, "alright, youngest first. Daisy, go ahead and open your present, baby doll."
With a musical laugh, she eagerly tore into the present that had once been neatly wrapped, discarding the paper carelessly and gasping in surprise when she saw the contents. "A baby!" She cried, holding up the packaged baby doll, a wide grin on her little face. "It’s what I always wanted!"
You laughed at her dramatic exclamation, settling into Bradley’s side as you watched your girls unwrap their presents. Grace was next, opening up a box of Disney princess themed crayons. She beamed, gasping out a "thank you!" Always the little artist, she loved coloring, painting, and everything of the sort.
Caroline was next in the rotation, opening her present of a holiday Barbie, at which her face lit up and she grinned up at you and Bradley. "This is the best! Thanks!"
“You’re welcome, baby,” you replied with a smile, your heart swelling at the sight of your children’s delight.
You cuddled up into your husband's side, humming softly as he wrapped his arms around you and pressed a kiss to your forehead. You watched your girls tear into the rest of their presents, giggling and shouting and making a mess of the living room. The sight was beautiful, though, and you wouldn't trade it for anything in the entire world.
The morning carried on, present after present opened and strewn across the floor. And once they were all opened, Bradley finally stood, stepping around the tree, where one last present was hidden, covered in a large throw blanket. "Girls, come help Daddy with this," he said, not bothering to hide the smile on his face. 
You immediately reached for your phone, intending to photograph this moment that the girls would likely remember for the rest of their lives.
Three little ones came rushing to help their father, and when the blanket was pulled off of the large object, more shrill exclamations of delight erupted, spurred on by the sight of an elaborate dollhouse that your sweet Bradley had spent hours putting together over the last few days, losing sleep in the process. "It's worth it for them," he'd said, when you expressed concern over his lack of sleep.
You watched it all unfold, and laughed in delight as Bradley was nearly tackled to the floor as the girls attacked him with hugs and kisses and thank yous. Once he was finally able to escape the small dog pile under which he’d been trapped, he rose to stand, and glanced over at you, a beam on his handsome face.
“Your daddy built that for you all by himself,” you informed the girls, which only further impressed them.
“You’re the best daddy in the whole wide world!” Grace exclaimed, wrapping her arms around his waist. Promptly, she pulled away to join her sisters as they explored the creation their father had given them.
You sauntered over to Bradley and leaned in to kiss him sweetly. "You did good, Daddy," you said, placing your hands on his chest. His own hands came to rest over yours, warm and familiar.
"Thanks, Momma."
"Want some coffee?"
"I think you know the answer to that question," he mused with a laugh, the smile lines around his eyes crinkling.
"That I do," you replied, soon pulling away from him to stroll into the kitchen. As you did so, Bradley was then bombarded with little girls wanting their toys taken out of their packages. Moments later, he came ambling into the kitchen in search of scissors and box cutters before disappearing back into the living room. He most certainly had his work cut out for him.
Shaking your head, you started on the coffee, setting out two Christmas mugs while it brewed. You didn't worry about starting on breakfast, because Bradley would do that a little later, as he always did on Christmas morning and had since you'd known him.
Minutes later, you came back into the living room with two cups of hot coffee, with yours fixed as you liked it, and Bradley’s black. You laughed at the sight you were met with as you set his coffee on the end table beside him. He was seated on the couch, fumbling with Daisy’s baby doll box as he tried to free the doll without damaging it.
There was garbage all around his feet. Boxes and zip ties and instruction papers. He was extremely focused on the task at hand, tongue sticking out in concentration as he cut and tore at the box.
"Why do they make these things so damn hard to open?" He grumbled.
"Daddy said a bad word!" Grace exclaimed, concern written over her face.
You tried to hide your smile, looking down at your husband as he paused what he was doing. "You're right, I'm sorry," he apologized. Grace immediately forgot about the offense as she began playing with her toys again.
Finally, Bradley got the doll out of its packaging and handed it to Daisy, who promptly hugged it to her chest happily and went to play with her sisters. Bradley let out a breath, falling back against the couch once the last package was finished, but not before grabbing his warm mug of much-needed coffee.
"Always forget how much of a pain in the you-know-what packages are to open," he huffed out, and you only smiled.
"At least they're enjoying their toys." You curled into his side again, coffee clasped in your hands. For a few moments, you sat together, enjoying your coffee and watching the girls play.
"Well, guess I should go start on breakfast," he mused, reluctantly pulling away from you in order to head to the kitchen. As he did so, Caroline came rushing up to you, sitting in Bradley's previous spot.
She held her Barbie in hand, showing it to you. "Look at the pretty headband she has," she softly spoke, marveling at the intricate tiara in the Barbie’s hair.
You reached out to run a finger over the doll's head. "It's beautiful."
"Thank you for the gifts, Mommy," she reiterated, kissing your cheek. Always the polite one, and always the momma's girl.
You kissed her forehead, brushing some of her sleep-mussed hair aside and gazing into her beautiful face. Oh, how she looked like her father. "You're welcome, baby girl."
"I am hungry!" Daisy suddenly announced, standing in the middle of the living room. Directly following, you could hear her stomach growl.
Giggling softly, you stood, lifting her into your arms. At four, she was still small enough to be carried. But you knew in a few months you would no longer be able to do so, because a pregnant belly would get in the way.
"Let's go see what Daddy is making." You flounced into the kitchen, bouncing Daisy on your hip as you went, finding Bradley dutifully putting breakfast together, topped off with a red apron tied around him that had a Christmas tree embroidered into it.
Right at your heels were Grace and Caroline, curious as to what they would be having for breakfast. "Daddy, I wanna help," Grace announced, skipping up to him. Bradley smiled down at her, his eyes twinkling.
"Pull your stool over to stand on and you can help me all you want, baby doll."
Happily, she rushed to the corner of the kitchen, where a little red stool was placed, for occasions such as this. She carried it over, and once it was in place, stood proudly on top of it, eager to help her daddy with breakfast.
"Can we turn on some music?" Caroline asked as she sat at the kitchen table.
"We sure can," you told her, setting Daisy down before leaving the room. The record player Bradley had insisted you get when you were first married, sat in the living room, and beside it was a collection of vinyls. Your Christmas rotation was out currently, and you decided on a classic Nat King Cole Christmas album.
Once the music was playing, you rejoined your family in the kitchen, and the relaxed morning commenced, filled with more giggles, the sounds and scents of food cooking, and impatient children asking when breakfast would be ready.
You set the table while Bradley put the finishing touches on breakfast. You owned a special set of Christmas china that had belonged to his mother, used annually for this particular morning.
Once everything was set up, the five of you sat around the table to eat. The girls, anxious to resume playing with their toys, ate fast, so much so that you had to tell each of them to slow down.
"Mommy, can I go now?" Daisy asked you from across the table, eyes wide with anticipation.
"What do we say when we want to get up from the table?" Bradley asked her, raising an eyebrow. You were still in the process of teaching her proper table manners.
"Um..." She thought for a moment before a lightbulb went off. "Oh! May I be excused?"
"Yes, you may."
Then she was darting away from the table, dashing right back to the living room. The older girls both minded their manners, asking to be excused before running after their sister. Bradley looked at you then, a glimmer in his eyes. "You alright?" He asked, out of habit.
"Never better," you responded, rising from the table and pausing to kiss the top of his head before you began the project that was cleaning off the table. You left the dishes in the sink for later before heading to the living room together, ready to exchange gifts while the girls played.
You sat across from each other on the couch, legs crossed beneath you. A silly little tradition you'd started a few years back was writing cute nicknames on each name tag. Things like To: Mister, From: Missus, To: Beautiful, From: Handsome, and so on. It was cheesy, you knew, but you loved doing it.
The gifts he gave you were wonderful. A perfume you loved, a beautiful necklace with the birthstones of each of your children on the charms, a cozy sweater, and little bits and baubles he'd picked up in his travels with you in mind. You'd spoiled him with just as much, if not a little more.
Once all your gifts were exchanged, and thank yous spoken, you stopped him before he could clean up all the wrappings. "Wait, I have one more present," you murmured, gently grasping his wrist.
His eyes twinkled with curiosity as you rose from the couch. "One more? You've already spoiled me so much, darlin’," he stated, watching you flit across the living room, kneeling down to reach way behind the tree.
You emerged with that small box, wrapped so neatly in metallic paper. Bradley didn't miss the excitement in your eyes or the knowing smile on your face. He eyed you as you placed the box in his hand. "What did you do?" He asked, playfully suspicious.
You sat down across from him again, nodding at him. "Open it."
Gaze lingering on you for a moment longer, he then began tearing open the paper, a little too slow for your taste. In fact, you were certain he was opening it slowly on purpose.
But then, he lifted the lid, and the contents inside were revealed. He was silent as he tossed the paper aside. He looked down at the little box in his hand, and his fingers gingerly traced over the fabric of the little shoes.
You watched him, waiting for his reaction. When he finally looked back up at you, there were tears shining in his beautiful eyes. It was clear that he knew what it meant. “You’re pregnant?”
You smiled, your own eyes welling with tears. “I sure am.”
He glanced down at the shoes again before looking back up at you. "We get to have another one?" He whispered in awe. It made your heart clench in your chest as you nodded, your own eyes glossing over at how precious it all was.
He laughed then, airily, though the knot in his throat hindered it. "Another one." It was as if he couldn’t believe it.
"Yeah," you whispered, letting the tears slip down your cheeks then, freely and unabashedly. "Another one."
You watched this strong, beautiful man grow overcome with emotion in front of you, and he took you into his arms, crying quietly against your neck. However, the precious moment was interrupted by a little voice, riddled with concern.
"Mommy, Daddy, why are you crying?"
Together, you laughed and parted to look at a very fearful Grace. "Come here, baby," you said, patting your lap. At this point, the attention of Daisy and Caroline had also been called, and they both came wandering over quietly.
You wrapped your arms around Grace, turning slightly to face the other two girls as Bradley spoke. "We're crying happy tears. Mommy is going to have another baby."
At his words, the faces of your daughters lit up. "A baby?" Caroline whispered, eyes wide as saucers.
"Yes, a baby."
She began clapping in excitement then, while Daisy climbed up onto the couch, taking a spot in Bradley’s lap. "Where is the baby?" She curiously asked. Her father smiled, leaning down to rest his chin on her little shoulder.
"The baby is in Mommy's tummy."
It was her turn to grow wide-eyed, and she gasped, crawling over to you. She touched her hand to your stomach, not even showing yet. "In here?"
"Yes, safe and warm," you gently said.
"When will it come out?"
"In about nine months."
You sat there for a while, talking to your three awestruck daughters, and answering their childlike questions. You glanced up at Bradley in the midst of it all, and you found him gazing at you with such adoration, you were almost brought to tears again.
"I love you," he sincerely spoke over the hushed voices of your children. He couldn't imagine a better person to be the mother of his children. He would never understand how he'd gotten so lucky. If only his mom and dad could see him now. They’d be so proud.
"And I love you."
That Christmas went down as one of the sweetest Christmases you'd ever experienced as a family. You knew you would never forget the joy it had brought, and you were eternally thankful that you had been so blessed with a wonderful husband and three, soon-to-be-four, precious daughters. You would never take those blessings for granted, that was for certain. 
(As it would turn out, you would soon find out that you were expecting another girl, giving Bradley the permanent title of Girl Dad.)
@halfway-happyyy @natasharomanoffisbaebby @oliviabelova @robertbobfloydlover @supernaturaldawning @marrianena @mys2425 @n3ssm0nique @ice-mans-world @lovemesomevesey @straightforwardly @mochi-de-bisou @christinafaucher @emmmaturtle @fantasias-creativebubble @worldmadeofmemories @tarohemianrocketmanapsody @m0chac0ffee @not-leaprvt @i-simp-much @soaharleys @colorfultyrantearthquake @obxsuperfan07 @juniebugg @marchingicenotes7 @airedale17 @jamiedontbeacracko @monosjoons @dilfsandtherapy @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth @unluckymonaghan @utterly-in-like @chxosunbound @thesewordsareallihavetogive @unordinare @currentlybradshaw @elevens-strangerthing @the-hottest-lieutenants @glodessa @peachiestkeen @alexxavicry @cherrycola27
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theferricfox · 1 year
Here's a cute little drabble for Momma Kuchel's birthday. I don't even know how I managed to punch this out so fast considering I've had so much writer's block lately that I could build a damned house with it.
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“Hey, Ma?”
“Yes, darling?” Kuchel responds from the small bathroom adjoining their room. She brushes out her long, dark hair with an old horse-hair brush – the handle crumbling into splinters.
Levi sits on the edge of the bed, his chubby little legs dangling over the edge. He rocks them back and forth, leaning back to balance himself on the flat of his palms. He looks pensive – so serious for so small a face that it’s laughably adorable – as he watches his mother sort out her tangles. 
“When’s your birthday, Ma?” Levi asks.
Kuchel pauses and sets down her hairbrush. She turns and walks to her son, kneeling on the half-rotten floor so she can be near eye-level with him.
“Why do you ask, angel?” she cups his cheeks and playfully squeezes, making giggles erupt from his lips.
“Well, we celebwate my birfday,” Levi says through the squish she’s made in his face. “But we neveh celebwate yoahs.”
Kuchel smiles softly and stands, picking him up along the way. She sways, humming a song as she thinks. She remembers that she was born in spring, but days bleed together down here. She wouldn’t know when the first of the month was if she didn’t get harassed to pay her room fee.
“Well,” she sings with a smile. “I am pretty sure it’s today.”
“Today?!” Levi nearly jumps from her arms at the news. “We gotta get you a sweet!”
Levi wriggles in her grasp eagerly.
“Down! Down!” he calls out. 
When she sets him down, Levi rushes to the door of their room, standing on the very tips of his toes to pull at the handle.
“Levi, where are you going?” Kuchel chuckles as she pulls open the door and watches him shoot down the hallway, his bare feet slapping against the wood of the hallway.
“I’m gonna get you a sweet!” he calls back, halfway down the hall.
“Not without your shoes, mister man!” she calls back. 
When Levi turns, she bends down to pick his shoes up and dangle them in front of her. He rushes back, twisting his feet into the tattered shoes as she slips her own on and stuffs a small wad of bills into her bra. The pair ready to go, Levi tugs on his mother’s dress.
“C’mon c’mon!”
Kuchel lets Levi lead her out and into the street, and although he clambers clumsily over the deep wheel tracks in the dirt roads, he resists being picked up and carried, wanting instead to guide her to the market. She has to gently remind him of the next turn a time or two, and when they arrive at the market street, he darts forward, his destination apparently firmly in mind. 
She follows him to a small bakery stall where they usually buy their bread. 
“Miss Caroleeeene!” Levi shouts, holding onto the table of the stall. His mop of black hair barely peeks over the edge, despite him standing on the tips of his toes.
“Caroline, darlin’,” Kuchel corrects gently as she approaches.
“Miss Caroleene,” Levi says, ignoring his mother. “I need a sweet please!”
Caroline, with bright golden hair and brilliant green eyes, leans over to smile at Levi.
“Well, hello, Levi dear. You need a sweet you say?”
“Yeah! It’s Ma’s birthday! I need a sweet to surprise her with!” Levi says eagerly, seemingly heedless of the meaning of a surprise.
“Well, that is a cause for celebration!” Caroline says warmly. “I just so happen to have this little cake that I think has your Momma’s name on it!”
Caroline leans over the counter to Kuchel and says, “I couldn’t get any milk, but I did get some eggs. Sugar’s kind of scarce right now too, so it’s not very sweet, hun.”
Kuchel waves her off and smiles.
“It’s no problem.”
“Ma!” Levi shouts. Kuchel sees him holding up one tiny hand, palm up. “Can I borrow some money real quick?”
Kuchel laughs and pulls a few bills out and hands them to Levi. He spins around and hands the bills to Caroline. The baker adds a few rolls of bread to the bag with the cake, takes the money and gives most of it back to Levi.
“That’s your change, darlin,” Caroline says. When Kuchel looks up at her with questioning look, she winks and says, “Happy birthday, Kuchel.”
Kuchel can’t help the small tears that come to the edges of her eyes as Levi spins around, money in hands and says, “That’s your change, Ma!” She whispers a quiet thank you to Caroline as Levi takes the bag and starts back to their room.
“What’s in the bag, honey?” Kuchel asks, playing along with Levi’s game from the stall.
“It’s a secret surprise!” Levi declares, hugging the bag close. 
“Okay, then,” she says with a laugh.
She watches as Levi navigates them most of the way back to their room by himself, needing a gentle push in the right direction only once. Once back indoors, he scuttles down the hallway, calling behind him excitedly.
“Ma! Ma come quick I have a secret surprise for you!”
“I’m coming, angel!” she calls back. She tries to ignore sounds of moans, cries, and creaking beds from the other rooms as she passes by them on the way to her own.
Once back in their room and their shoes off, Levi urges Kuchel to sit on the floor with him, where he has already pulled out the small crate they use as a table, the bag sitting next to it. She does, a smile pasted onto her lips.
“Happy birthday, Ma! Happy happy birthday Ma!” Levi sings. He digs into the bag and places the small cake – the appearance of which resembles a large cracker more than a cake, onto the small cloth that serves as a plate. “Ta-da! Surprise I got you a sweet!”
Kuchel reaches over and pulls Levi into her lap, showering his face in kisses.
“Oh, thank you, my darling. What a wonderful birthday surprise you’ve given me.” She holds him close, tears in her eyes. “I have the very best son in the world.”
Levi squirms in her arms, reaches down and picks a piece off the cake and holds it against her lips.
“You gotta make a wish when you eat it okay?” Levi says, suddenly very serious. “And you gotta wish really hard or it won’t come true.”
Kuchel makes a show of closing her eyes and scrunching her face up, thinking of a wish before she opens her mouth wide and grabs Levi’s whole hand in a big, playful bite. The act makes him squeal in surprise and they fall into a fit of giggles as they finish off the cake together.
“What did you wish for, Ma?” Levi asks as he licks crumbs from his fingers.
“Now, that’s a secret just for me,” Kuchel whispers into another hug.
I wish for my boy to live long and in the light.
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fanfreakinfiction · 8 months
Listen to the Music
Chapter One: Should've Been a Cowboy
Masterlist 🖤
7.3K Words // Joel Miller x f!southern Reader
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Pairing: Joel Miller x younger/southern!reader (Could be video game Joel or HBO Joel. I like the 2003 timeline though, so we’ll just pretend the 2003 timeline is canon for both.) 
One - Should’ve Been a Cowboy 
Summary: Jackson gets a jukebox which mean’s Joel has to install it! Annoying for him, but exciting for one certain someone who loves music. 
Tags: Multipart, SUPER slowburn, eventual smut, FLUFF, age difference, M/F, canon type violence, drinking, smoking, alchol, reader gives off innocent vibes but isn’t, Joel is grumpy, reader is southern, corny ass music transitions bc i love it, slight mention of religion (reader is from the bible belt), some mentions of smut.
A/N: Set in Jackson - probably a little out of canon but just rollll wit it. This is also a split POV! Also if you love 90s country music you will like this. I made a Tipsy Bison Playlist for you guys to check out where none of the music was made past 2003. 
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Jackson was buzzing, quite literally. Every corner you turned, someone was eager to share the latest news.
"Y/n! Did you hear? Jesse and Astrid brought back that jukebox from the ski lodge! They’re gonna fix it up and put it in the Tipsy Bison!" Olivia shouted breathlessly from the stables' entrance, her jet-black hair falling in disarray around her face.
"Hell 'liv, you ran all the way here to tell me that?" You chuckled, taking a break from shoveling muck in the stables. Your Southern drawl emerged breathy and unusual from not conversing with anyone for the past hour. Wiping your forehead with the back of your hand, you greeted the teenage girl with a warm smile as she rushed to embrace you.
"Well, yeah! Mom said you liked music! Told me to come tell you! Said to meet her and Ginger there at 7:00 sharp!" Olivia exclaimed with contagious excitement.
You laughed, returning the embrace and appreciating the bond you'd formed with the young girl over the years.
The first friend you'd made upon arriving in Jackson was Caroline, a slender woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, and a mouth that matched yours. Hugging her hip was a young girl, Olivia, with jet-black hair and the same blue eyes. At the time, Olivia couldn't have been more than seven. In the four years since, Caroline had become like a sister to you, and Olivia like a niece. It was bittersweet watching her grow up, but you’d protect that little girl with your life.
"Well, your momma is right about that," you said, tucking a strand of hair behind Olivia's ear. "And I hate to tell ya, darlin', but Ellie beat you to it. I heard about the jukebox from her this morning." You turned Olivia towards Ellie, who was busy in the back of the stables, hunched over a worktable, oiling an old saddle Mike had found during a recent patrol.
"Ellie’s here?!" Olivia squealed, running off to join Ellie at the back of the stable.
Shaking your head with a laugh, you turned back to your work, the girls' excited chatter filling the stables.
As 6 pm approached, Ellie abandoned the saddle for a conversation with Olivia. Although it irritated you slightly, it also warmed your heart to see Olivia making friends her age. In this post-apocalyptic world, friends were a rare commodity, especially outside of safe havens like Jackson.
You were only five years old when outbreak day happened. Your parents were at work, and you were at daycare. You vaguely recalled your daycare teacher trying to stay calm, but panic eventually overtook her as she locked all the children in the bathroom. Your grandparents, miraculously, arrived to rescue you. Your grandfather, a Vietnam Vet who’d served two tours before leaving the military, was also a grizzled cowboy. He owned a ranch where he boarded and broke horses.
The most vivid memory you had of outbreak day was your grandfather bursting into the daycare with a .308 Winchester in hand, calling for you frantically. You recalled him nearly pulling your arms out as he scooped you up, then handing you over to your crying grandmother. Your grandfather reprimanded the daycare teacher sternly, instructing her to get the kids to a military outpost at the airport and then evacuate Tulsa. The exact words had faded from your memory.
You remembered the scent of your grandmother's perfume as you clung to her while she carried you out of the daycare. Fighter jets roared overhead, and you covered your ears as your grandmother hurried to their old Jeep. Your grandfather opened the passenger door for your grandmother, and she kissed your head. During the two-hour drive from Tulsa, Oklahoma, to his ranch, your grandmother had you play a game called "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus," where you'd focus on the silver cross necklace she always wore. That day marked the end of your life in the city and your chances of making friends. Your childhood died on the daycare bathroom floor.
"Helloooo, earth to Miss Y/l/n?!" Ellie's voice suddenly snapped you out of your thoughts as you continued to organize bridles, leads, and cinches.
You turned abruptly. "Hmm?" was all you managed as you met Ellie's gaze.
Ellie pointed to her empty wrist, giving you a knowing look. “It’s 6:20,” she said, her tone almost teasing.
"Shit," you murmured, quickly shoving tack items back into makeshift storage bins. Ellie laughed as she headed out of the stables with Olivia in tow.
Joel was exhausted, bone-deep tired. His knees ached, his back throbbed, and a relentless headache pounded behind his eyes. All this fuss over a damn jukebox.
Now, don't get him wrong; Joel loved music as much as the next person, and he understood why the whole town was buzzing with excitement. But he felt like people were acting as if they'd found a cure for the infection, not an old jukebox.
And yet, there he was, in the Tipsy Bison, helping to secure the wiring for the ancient contraption. A small crowd of men gathered around, drinks in hand, watching him work. Not a single one offered to help, and Joel knew why, but it still irked him to have the entire town gawking at him.
"You got time for leanin', you got time for cleanin'," Joel's dad used to say when he and Tommy were watching him work.
"Will it work?" Seth's voice interrupted his thoughts from over the bar.
Joel responded with a grunt as he connected two wires, causing the jukebox to spring to life. The bar fell silent, and Joel felt a wave of annoyance—or perhaps embarrassment—wash over him as he sensed everyone's eyes on him.
Slowly, he stood up from his crouched position on the dusty floor, his knees cracking in protest. He examined the jukebox, its lights aglow with a soft, white hue. However, the interior glass was so filthy that the song list was barely readable. His gaze fell on a doorbell wired to the coin slot. Joel pressed it once, his eyes scanning the various lettered and numbered buttons.
"S2," he mumbled to himself, thinking of Sarah as he hovered over the letter. With all eyes in the room on the back of his head, he slowly pressed the buttons into the old metal board of the machine, each button emitting a satisfying 'click.'
Silence enveloped the room, followed by a whirring sound.
Please don't make me look like a fool in front of the whole town, Joel silently pleaded, not caring to whom he addressed his thoughts—God, Satan, or Buddha.
Another click, more whirring, and then the old jukebox started singing like a canary.
"I'm in a hurry to get things done 
Oh, I rush and rush until life's no fun 
All I really gotta do is live and die 
Even I'm in a hurry and don't know why…"
The room erupted into cheers and hollers as the song "I'm in a Hurry" by Alabama filled the space. Joel released a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. A hand clapped his shoulder, followed by another pat on his bicep, as various townsfolk expressed their gratitude. He grunted in response, uncomfortable with the attention. He couldn't help but think he preferred it when the town treated him like some cryptid.
"Joel... drinks are on the house tonight. I think this'll be the busiest night since we found that Bud Light truck," Seth said, crossing his arms and standing next to Joel to admire his work. Joel shifted uncomfortably but nodded his thanks to the man.
"So, uh, how does it work with no coins, I mean?" Seth asked, looking at the old doorbell attached to the wiring coming from the coin slot.
Joel let out a soft huff. "That there is the 'coin,' per se. Push it however many times for however many songs, but… I'd maybe limit people to three," he quipped, attempting dry humor.
Seth smiled crookedly. "Yeah, I'd hate to hear the same shit twenty times in one day."
Joel sighed. "Yeah, let me see what I can do about the glass, and it'll be nearly new."
With that, Joel carefully worked the glass out of the jukebox, his eyes widening slightly as he pulled back the grimy cover. He didn't know what he had expected, but this jukebox seemed like a unicorn. As he pulled back the filthy glass, a list of songs greeted him—mostly country music, some '80s hits, and a few oldies like Frank Sinatra. Seth whistled softly behind Joel's right shoulder as the music filled the cozy bar.
"Can't be late, I leave in plenty of time 
Shakin' hands with the clock 
I can't stop 
I'm on a roll, and I'm ready to rock…"
The snow crunches beneath your boots as you speed walk through the snow towards your tiny cottage on the outskirts of Jackson. It was a modest two-bedroom, one-bathroom house, but it had a porch with a breathtaking view of the mountains. The unusual emptiness of the streets at this hour suggested that most of the town's residents were either at the Community Kitchen or the Tipsy Bison.
Almost slipping on your porch steps, you chuckled to yourself, attributing it to the icy snow. Unlocking your front door, you immediately shed layers of clothing in a trail leading to the bathroom. Excitement pulsed through you as you started the shower, envisioning the possibilities that the jukebox might hold. Maybe it would play Johnny Cash or some new Alan Jackson track you hadn't heard before. Alan Jackson held a special place in your heart.
Thoughts raced as you hurried through your shower, eager to join the buzz of the town. Drying your hair hastily, you searched for your special occasion jeans. They were a pair of dark-washed Levi's, the kind you'd nearly sold your soul for at one of the general stores. They hugged you perfectly in all the right places and, most importantly, were clean—devoid of stains or blood.
Pulling them up over your hips and buttoning them up, you checked yourself out in the mirror. A dark red sweater with a v-neck and your patrol boots completed the look. You adjusted the silver cross necklace around your neck, a memento from your grandmother, and heard her voice echo in your mind.
"Just keep your eyes on Jesus, baby… we're almost to the ranch."
Breaking your reverie, you felt ready to head out for drinks and music. Slipping into your coat, you ventured out into the sunset-lit, snow-covered streets of Jackson. The Tipsy Bison came into view after a short walk, and your excitement threatened to burst from you. The line outside the bar, however, crushed your spirits.
"No way..." you muttered, coming to a halt. The entire town seemed to be here. You watched from a distance, scanning the crowd until your eyes landed on a blonde-haired woman nearing the front of the line. She turned and made eye contact, flashing a wild smile as she waved you over.
There was a hint of apologetic awkwardness as you joined your friend. Some people in line shot you dirty looks for cutting, but it’s not like the bar’s gonna grow legs and walk away. 
"About TIME!" Caroline exclaimed, enveloping you in a warm embrace as you met her outside the bar. "Ginger's already inside; she got us a spot at the bar!" Her excitement was contagious.
"Sorry! I had to go home and change. I didn't wanna come out smellin’ like a horse," you apologized, returning the hug.
"Oh honey, a shower doesn’t change that," she teased, playfully elbowing you.
"Caroline!" You gasped, feigning offense, and lightly elbowed her in return.
Curious, you peered into the bar, attempting to glimpse over the tall men in front of you. Music wafted out, and you heard the buzz of chatter as people walked in and out.
“It’s a shit ton of Country music," you overheard someone say as they walked away, "Well, what’d you expect from a ski lodge in Wyoming in 2003?” came the retort. Caroline shot you a knowing look, and you suppressed a smile.
The line gradually moved forward, and you stepped into the warm atmosphere. Caroline hung up her coat, and you couldn't help but shoot her an envious glance at her overly dressy top – a pink silk halter tied tank top that accentuated her figure beautifully.
“The hell’d you find that?!” You asked, a mix of curiosity and a hint of jealousy in your voice. It made her cleavage stand out, and it seemed perfectly timed as an unfamiliar song started playing from the jukebox, capturing everyone's attention.
“Her hair was Harlow gold 
Her lips a sweet surprise 
Her hands were never cold 
She had Bette Davis eyes…”
Being on your own for so long after your grandparents had passed had made you lose a sense of pride in your appearance. But being in Jackson, surrounded by other women again, ignited that desire to care once more. Caroline had been instrumental in helping you rediscover your femininity, teaching you how to braid your hair and transform dull button-ups into something more womanly. Caroline had been a high school senior when the outbreak happened, with a life and dreams you couldn't relate to. She aimed for Harvard, wanting to be like Elle Woods from a movie called "Legally Blonde." Those aspirations had seemed foreign, considering your upbringing on the Ranch, where your grandfather taught you to care for animals, garden, hunt, fish, and, of course, how to shoot – and shoot well. 
Caroline was the first person to make you question your beauty, to make something seemingly frivolous in the apocalypse feel essential.
"I believe that caring for myself isn’t self-indulgent, but rather an act of survival," Caroline had told you when you questioned the worth of bartering for old Avon makeup from the general store.
Caroline took your hand, pulling you toward where Ginger had miraculously saved some standing room at the bar. You hardly noticed as your gaze fixated on the Jukebox, where a line of people awaited their turn to pick a song. Your heart sank a little; you didn't think Caroline or Ginger had the patience to wait for you to choose a song.
Stepping up to the worn wooden bar, you were greeted by Seth's crooked smile. "Be back with ya in a minute, ladies," he said, his old hands moving as fast as they could to serve the bustling crowd.
"Bout time!" Ginger exclaimed as you turned to her. "I didn't think Seth'd let me save space any longer," she added with a laugh, her eyes scanning your and Caroline's outfits with admiration. "Damn girl! What'd you have to sell for those?!" She playfully ran her hand over the material of your jeans.
You rolled your eyes dramatically. "Oh, you have NO idea!" you began, but before you could continue, Seth returned.
"Two whiskeys, please," Caroline ordered for both of you, prompting you to resume your story. "You wouldn't believe it, okay..."
"Here we go..." Caroline rolled her eyes, and you playfully nudged her. Ginger hadn't heard this story before, and you were eager to share.
"I was rummaging through a house right after I'd left the ranch, and I found a Walkman! Battery-operated and a whole box of cassettes," you explained as Seth brought the whiskey back. Ginger listened intently as you continued. "I picked up some of the names I recognized from the pile. I ended up with like 10 tapes and a whole pile of batteries!" You took a swig and leaned on the bar top, facing Ginger, while Caroline leaned on your shoulder, clearly having heard this story many times before.
"Who were the tapes of?" Ginger asked, taking a swig of her dwindling beer.
"So I had an Alan Jackson cassette, I had a Shania Twain cassette, hmm oh! Johnny Cash's greatest hits, which were technically four tapes, one Journey cassette, George Strait, and then I even found a Marty Robbins tape!" You listed the tapes off, trying to recall them all.
"Sooo? What's this got to do with those Levi's?!" Ginger asked, laughing.
"Well, damn, hold on, sister, I'm tryna set the story up!" you retorted with a laugh.
"Anyways," you continued, "one day I'm navigating some thick woods. My headphones are around my neck, and I still have the music goin'. Well, I clipped the Walkman to the hip of my pants, and this fuckin' infected came outta nowhere!" You gestured dramatically with your hands. "This thing fuckin' leaps on me and pushes me up against a tree—"
"—crushes the Walkman!" You and Caroline said in unison, and all three of you burst into laughter, drawing the attention of others in the bar.
Tears welled in your eyes from laughing as you recounted the memory. "I'd never been so fucking mad in my life!" you recalled, trying to catch your breath. "I also haven't cried as hard since the day I lost that thing," you said dramatically as you took a drink. "Almost wish it'd bitten me instead of killin' my fuckin' Walkman," you added bitterly.
"Well, what did you do to it?" Ginger asked curiously.
"The infected? Oh. I fuckin' stomped that thing's head in," you deadpanned, throwing Ginger and Caroline into another fit of laughter. "Like... a lot," you repeated, deadpan again as you took another drink. "Fuckin' thing destroyed my Alan Jackson tape...anyways, I held onto the tapes, maybe out of bitterness. But once I got to Jackson, I traded the tapes for the jeans." Ginger made an "Oooh" sound, nodding as if she now completely understood.
Caroline tapped you on the shoulder, about to say something, when the sound of a very familiar song filled your ears, and you had to bite back the squeal that threatened to escape.
"It's Alan Jackson," you said, your eyes gleaming with a serious excitement that caught Ginger's attention.
"Come on," you said, pulling Caroline with you onto an opening in the bar floor as the chorus hit. You pulled her into a two-step, a dance you had seen your grandparents do every year on their anniversary.
"I should've been a cowboy 
I should've learned to rope and ride 
Wearin' my six-shooter, 
ridin' my pony on a cattle drive 
Stealin' the young girls' hearts 
Just like Gene and Roy 
Singin' those campfire songs
 Woah, I should've been a cowboy…"
You sang unabashedly, as if you, Caroline, and Alan Jackson were the only ones in the bar. Your head threw back in laughter after Caroline begrudgingly tried to match your steps. After a moment, you were so engrossed in your dance that you didn't even realize other people had joined in, dancing to the music. Ginger laughed from her spot at the bar as she watched your and Caroline's forgotten whiskeys.
Seth had been right. This was the busiest Joel had ever seen the Tipsy Bison. Brooding in the corner of the bar, tucked into a dimly lit table, Joel sat, nursing his fourth glass of free whiskey.
Shit. If Seth was offering, he wasn't gonna say no to free drinks.
Joel's tired eyes scanned the room as he tried to determine who he recognized and who he didn't. His gaze landed on a particularly familiar set of eyes. Tommy.
He watched as Tommy approached the secluded table, offering a crooked smile to the man.
"Big bad Joel fixed the jukebox?" Tommy teased as he sat down across from Joel.
"Did it for the free drinks," Joel retorted, attempting to deflect the sudden unwanted attention, his face flushing as he averted his brother's gaze.
"Well… you may have just earned some points with Maria," Tommy said with a genuine smile.
Joel smirked back. "Guess something good did come from this after all." He could feel the whiskey settling deep in his chest as he spoke to his brother.
Tommy glanced around at the crowd, but a roar of laughter snapped both of their heads toward the bar. Three women stood a few feet away, listening to one woman tell a story.
Joel narrowed his tired eyes. He didn't recognize the woman engrossed in her story. However, he did recognize the blonde with the revealing pink blouse. She scanned the patrons of the bar like a hawk, looking for her next prey and obviously uninterested in her friend's story.
The woman had approached Joel two days after he arrived with Ellie, asking to bum a cigarette and then bombarding him with a thousand questions as she batted her eyelashes at him. Her name was something like Karen, he couldn't quite recall. But when another bout of laughter reached his ears, his gaze locked onto your form, now less hidden behind the woman with her back to him.
He watched almost mesmerized as you laughed and smiled. Pretty, was the only thing his brain could manage. Suddenly, your face became very serious as you said something that made the two girls howl in laughter.
Tommy cleared his throat after an awkward silence, and Joel realized he had been completely caught staring at you. Their eyes met, and his little brother looked like he was about to say something smart, but Alan Jackson's music broke Tommy's focus.
"Holy shit! I forgot this song existed!" Tommy exclaimed with a nostalgic laugh.
Joel's attention was drawn back to the bar by another bout of laughter. Except, now, you had migrated to the middle of the room. Your arms were placed perfectly on the blonde chick as you began dancing. The blonde appeared obviously embarrassed by the sudden change, making a face of disdain. You laughed, the sound caressing Joel's ears, and he felt something stirring in him. Maybe it was the whiskey, but deep down, he knew it wasn't.
He and Tommy watched carefully as more patrons began to crowd the space, joining in the dance. Tommy let out a huff of laughter, his eyes now focused on the scene. As the song ended, everyone clapped, and Seth, the bartender, felt it appropriate to make an announcement.
"Everyone, thank Joel on your way out! He fixed up the jukebox," Seth declared, and a wave of applause and stares washed over Joel.
Joel could feel a flush creeping into his face at the attention. He cringed inwardly as all he could manage was a stupid smirk while looking down at his whiskey glass.
"Jukebox Joel!" someone in the crowd cheered, and Tommy choked on the beer he was drinking. Joel delivered a swift kick to Tommy's shin.
"Haha! What? Come on… it's better than Jackass Joel," Tommy laughed with a smirk as he teased Joel.
Joel actually let out a soft chuckle at that and shook his head as he looked back down at his empty glass. "Prick," Joel muttered softly as he glanced up at his little brother. "I'm gonna go get another." With a sigh, he pushed himself up from the table and made his way toward the bar to get another drink.
"I'm gonna go have a cigarette. Save me a spot!" Caroline swiftly moved to grab her coat, leaving you and Ginger at the bar.
Ginger looked at you. "So how's the stables?"
"Mmm, they're fine. I've recently gotten some help from this teenager, Ellie," you replied as you finished off your whiskey, paying no mind to the man who muscled in on Caroline's vacant space behind you.
"Is she a good help?" Ginger asked as she also finished off her beer.
"Depends on the day," you said with a soft laugh. "She's a great listener, just a little poor on the completion side of things. Like today, I asked her to oil this saddle Mike brought in from a patrol. Olivia stopped by to see me, and sure enough, Ellie just ended up talking with her for the last hour of the day. It's like she won't shut up. I swear, these outbreak babies are somethin' else," you added with an exasperated sigh. "She's a good kid, though. Smart as hell. I'm just mad I'll have to get up early to finish oiling the saddle before patrol." You finished with a final smile as you looked up to make eye contact with Ginger, who appeared as if she'd seen a ghost. She wasn't even looking at you but over your shoulder.
"Ginge?" you asked worriedly, placing a hand on her shoulder to shake her a bit.
"I'm gonna go grab a cigarette," she said hurriedly, shaking your hand off her as she all but ran out of the bar, leaving you standing there stunned.
In an instant, your senses tingled with the presence of an imposing, commanding figure emanating a cocoon of warmth from the shadows behind you. A shiver of anticipation raced down your spine, and a cascade of goosebumps rippled across your skin as you executed a deliberate, almost theatrical pivot to meet the piercing gaze of none other than Joel Fucking Miller.
If Joel had a dollar for every face he'd seen turn away from him in fear, he would've been a millionaire twelve years ago. But nothing felt as satisfying to him as watching your little friend scamper off to leave you with him.
He waited patiently for you to turn around before he spoke. His eyes drifted from the back of your head, tracing the contours of your figure, to rest on the soft curve of your ass. The sight made his breath hitch, and his gaze locked onto a familiar little red tag that stared back at him—Levi's.
Fuck  he thought to himself. Those must've cost a pretty thing like you a whole lot.
After what felt like ages, you finally turned to meet his gaze. Your soft, youthful face surprised him. You were young, younger than him, maybe even younger than Sarah would've been.
Your lips parted slightly as you gazed up at him with your fucking doe eyes. His eyes traveled south from your lips to the silver cross around your neck. He cringed internally, his gaze shifting away from your neck as he signaled to Seth at the bar.
"Mr. Miller..." Your voice fell warily from your lips, carrying a soft southern accent that caught his ear.
Joel grunted softly. "Mhmm," he replied, waiting for Seth to bring his last whiskey of the night. He had to force himself to look away from you.
"You're… Ellie's dad?" Your voice sounded sheepish, not in the usual "I'm scared of you" kind of way he was accustomed to in this town, but in a "I messed up" kind of way. He spared a glance at you, noticing how you fidgeted with your hands and struggled to make eye contact, trying to look up at him apologetically.
"Mhmm," was all Joel settled for after a long pause. Your face paled, and he had to look away to keep from laughing.
"I am so sorry, Mr. Miller!! Ellie has been a great help, and I'd love for her to st—" You sounded panicked, and he didn't like it.
"Kid's got ADHD or somethin'. Can't finish anything she starts…unless it's food or a sentence," the words flew from Joel's mouth before he could process what he had just said. Seth rounded the bar at that moment and handed Joel his whiskey.
Joel took the glass and was about to take a sip when your giggle froze him in his tracks. It wasn't a laugh or a chuckle, but a full-blown giggle.
"Haha! She is very food motivated! Sometimes I catch her going for the sugar cubes that are meant for the horses," you laughed as you spoke to him. Joel looked down at you with a crooked smirk, sipping his whiskey as he turned his attention back to his glass.
"Well… uhm, I should probably..." Your voice trailed off with a hint of uncertainty, and from his peripheral vision, Joel could make out a flush on your cheeks as you tried to awkwardly excuse yourself from his presence.
"You let me know if she gives you more trouble..." What the hell was he doing? Was he actually talking right now or was it the whiskey? Slowly, he turned to look at you, his left arm resting on the bar as he slowly set his glass down, shoving his right hand in his belt loop. You were flushed, perhaps you'd had too much to drink? Or maybe it was... nah. He looked into your eyes, his gaze searching yours for a moment before dropping to that stupid silver cross on your neck. He wanted to rip it off your neck while burying himself deep inside you. Your voice brought his attention from your neck and his thoughts to the present, where he stared into your eyes.
"Yeah… I, uh... I will." You almost sounded confused and curious. You were biting your lip, your face still flushed, your hair framing your face perfectly. He had to stop himself from grabbing you by the back of the head and forcing himself on you. "Thanks for fixin’ up the jukebox..." Long gone was the shy demeanor as your words came out like sultry silk. You stared back at him seriously, and he could tell you were being genuine. He tried to swallow the sudden dryness the whiskey had left in his mouth. His aching back and throbbing knees from fixin’ the damn thing long forgotten as he rolled your thanks around in his head.
He grunted in response and, with a white-knuckle grip on his whiskey glass, he forced himself to walk away. He passed by you, his form squeezing around yours in the crowded bar as people danced. He forced himself to look straight ahead when your left shoulder grazed his chest as he nudged past you gently. He slinked his way back to his table in the corner, where Tommy and Maria now occupied two of the four chairs.
As soon as he approached, they eyed him and stopped talking almost immediately. Tommy spoke up first with a smirk. "So uh..."
"Shut it," Joel snapped, his words coming out harsher than he had intended, and Maria huffed.
"Be nice. You're on my good side for the night. Don't make that change before I've even had a chance to enjoy it," she glared at him. Leave it to Tommy to pick a hardass for his wife.
"She's nice, Joel, but... she's young," Maria said with a sigh.
He felt angry heat flicker in his belly, replacing the momentary desire. He glared at Maria, who stared right back at him, and he felt his jaw tighten, his teeth grinding.
"Hon, why don't we go dance... enjoy it while we can?" Tommy's voice rang out, and for once, Joel was thankful for his baby brother.
He watched carefully as Maria reluctantly agreed and let Tommy lead her away. Tommy shot Joel a knowing look as he disappeared into a sea of people. Joel settled back into his seat from before, his eyes scanning the now dancing and raucous crowd.
Unconsciously, he found himself searching for you, scanning the spot where you'd stood with your friends, but it was now occupied by some other men.
"What the fuck, Ginger?!" You spat harshly as you confronted the two girls who were practically shivering outside, puffing on a shared cigarette.
"What do you mean 'what the fuck'? You were runnin' your mouth about the scariest man in town's daughter!" Ginger retorted, a mischievous laugh escaping her lips. "I wasn't about to stand witness to you getting your teeth kicked in!" she added, taking another drag.
"Wait, you saw Joel Miller?!" Caroline chimed in as she put out the cigarette.
"Saw him?! She damn near insulted his daughter in front of him!" Ginger laughed, and you could feel your cheeks redden.
"I didn't know he was behind me! You could've said something! I had to apologize, standin' there like an abandoned idiot!" You playfully frogged Ginger on the arm, your accent growing thicker with anger.
"Ow!" Ginger winced as she rubbed her skinny arm through her leather coat.
"Wait, you actually talked to him?!" Caroline asked as if it were an impossible feat.
"Well, yeah. I felt kind of bad… Ellie is a good kid, she's just very talkative," you explained, crossing your arms to ward off the cold.
"And he talked back?" Caroline continued her interrogation.
"I mean if you can call a couple of pig-like grunts talking, then yeah, I guess," you replied with a shrug.
"Hmm…" Caroline offered as she gave you a once-over. "Come on, let's get back inside." She headed into the bar, with you and Ginger following behind.
The night passed fairly uneventfully, save for a few men asking for a dance. Caroline, as usual, was the star of the night, charming most of the men into buying her drinks and joining her on the dance floor. Ginger cozied up to a man you recognized from the kitchen, someone she had been with before. You were starting to feel the fatigue kick in when you realized the line for the jukebox had drastically shortened. Excitedly, you made your way to the magical machine, your eyes scanning the list of songs. You were in awe of the extensive selection: Journey, Patsy Cline – one of your grandmother's favorites, Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, and some you didn't recognize at all, like Linda Ronstadt, ABBA, Earth, Wind & Fire…
You didn't even notice a presence near the bar, watching as you scanned the list in awe. Your fingers guided you, pressing the doorbell button connected to the coin slot, as you had watched so many people do all night. 
Your fingers grazed over the letter "J" for Joe—Jesus. "J" for Jesus, you mentally reprimanded yourself. Then you moved to a number, "5," your age on outbreak day. You listened to the machine click and whir in amazement. Unsure of the song title or the artist, you waited to hear the first chords.
"Came in from a rainy 
Thursday on the avenue 
Thought I heard you talking softly 
I turned on the lights, the TV, and the radio 
Still, I can't escape the ghost of you..."
Leaning on the jukebox, you listened to the foreign song by a band called Duran Duran. The lyrics suddenly made you feel melancholic as you absorbed each word.
"What has happened to it all?
 Crazy, some'd say 
Where is the life that I recognize? (Gone away)"
Joel couldn't help himself. He wanted to blame the whiskey, but deep down, he knew he wasn't even close to drunk. From his spot at the far end of the bar, he watched as you walked up to the damn jukebox. You looked like a kid on Christmas, that twinkle in your eye, just like Sarah when he threw her a surprise birthday party with all her friends, or like Ellie at the Museum…
He watched you hesitate when it was your turn to pick a song. His eyes drifted to those Levi's, like they had been poured onto you. The way they clung to your curves made his mind wander. He imagined himself coming up behind you in his kitchen while you prepared to cook something that he had hunted. His chest tucking into the curve of your back while he pressed his hips into the curve of your ass. The thought shot an arrow of fire straight to his groin. Fortunately for him, Maria's voice echoed in his head. "She's nice, Joel... but she's young." He knew Maria wasn't bullshitting him about that. You hardly looked the same age as the women you hung around with.
His gaze shifted from the curve of your hip to the profile of your face. From this angle, he could watch your eyes scanning the song choices. He wondered what you would choose and, for a fleeting moment, told himself that if you picked a slow song, he'd have to ask you to dance. He watched your face crinkle slightly as you read through the songs, likely because you didn't recognize most of them. Sipping his whiskey, he waited to see the outcome.
He observed as your fingers grazed the buttons until making their final destination. He couldn't help but imagine what those fingertips would feel like grazing his body in the same tender way. Your smile lit up when the jukebox whirred to life, and he released a breath he hadn't even realized he was holding when the song "Ordinary World" by Duran Duran began playing. It was an odd choice, he thought to himself.
The semi-familiar song filled the now-dwindling bar. Couples still danced, others nursed their beers, and some chatted. His eyes remained locked on your face as you listened intently. He could tell you had chosen the song on a whim, not knowing it. He sat and watched as the once-childlike wonder on your face slowly dissolved into a heartbreaking frown, one that he had seen a hundred times before on different women's faces.
Heat rose on his cheeks as he watched the blonde from earlier drunkenly sling her arm over your shoulder. Suddenly, he felt like a creep for watching you for so long. He turned his gaze back to his now-empty glass as Seth came over to offer him another. Politely declining, Joel stood up slowly, adjusted his coat, and, feeling a pang of regret, he slipped out the side door of the bar.
"But I won't cry for yesterday
There's an ordinary world
Somehow I have to find
And as I try to make my way
To the ordinary world
I will learn to survive"
"Come on, kiddo… time for you to walk me home," Caroline hummed in your ear, her arm slung around you. Her alcohol-laden breath pulled you out of your self-wallowing music session. You slid your left arm around her waist, providing some balance as she leaned her head on your shoulder.
"My dad loved Duran Duran…" Caroline slurred into your neck, and a shiver ran down your spine. She had only mentioned her father once before, and it had been followed by a request never to bring it up again. Hastily, you changed the subject and led her to the entrance of the bar to retrieve her coat.
You grabbed her dark purple barn coat and draped it around her shoulders, making sure she was bundled up, then zipped up your own coat tightly. Caroline took your hand as you began to walk, leaning heavily on you. It had to be late because as soon as you stepped outside the Tipsy Bison, you felt your hair freeze. Both your and Caroline's breath fogged up the space in front of you as you surveyed the mostly empty streets of Jackson. Caroline's house was on the other side of town, and you mentally prepared yourself for the chilly walk ahead when Caroline made a mumbled noise into the crook of your neck.
“‘S lookin at you all night..” she murmured as you helped her navigate the snow-covered streets.
"Hmm, darlin'?" you asked, guiding her carefully.
"He was lookin' at you!" she repeated, a bit louder this time.
Confused, you adjusted your hold on her to prevent any accidental slips that could bring both of you down in the snow. "Who was lookin'?" you inquired, but she didn't reply. Suddenly, she went limp in your arms, and you let out a soft yelp at the abrupt change in weight.
"Carol?!" you called, trying to stifle a laugh as she put her full weight on you. "Shit. How much did you drink, darlin'?" you groaned, realizing that you were going to have to carry her home.
The walk across town to Caroline's house had left you wide awake. After taking her shoes off and tucking her into bed alongside a peacefully sleeping Olivia, you left the house quietly, ensuring the door was locked behind you. Stepping back out into the night, you were greeted by the sight of the quiet town, blanketed in snow with darkness settling in. A shiver ran down your spine as you took in the serene atmosphere.
You began your journey toward your own home, which lay on the opposite end of town. However, as you walked, your thoughts wandered back to the saddle that Ellie hadn't finished oiling. Despite your tiredness, you knew that if you went home now, you'd simply lay in bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep. With a sigh, you turned on your heel and headed back towards the stables, your hands shoved deep into your pockets to ward off the cold.
As the stables came into view, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of your stomach. The door was ajar, and a soft light spilled out from within. You knew you had closed up for the night, and the thought of leaving a kerosene lamp burning in a barn full of hay and the town's most prized mode of transportation was, unthinkable.
An uneasy thought crossed your mind; maybe it was Maria or Tommy, someone needing to head out for a late-night patrol. However, such occurrences were rare unless there was an emergency. With cautious steps, you entered the stables as quietly as you could, your senses on high alert.
To your chagrin, you found the horses calmly chewing on the hay you had left for them hours ago. The pit in your stomach deepened as you scanned the area, trying to discern any signs of an intruder.
"H...Hello?" you called out, your voice sounding uncharacteristically shaky even to your own ears. You couldn't help but think sarcastically, Oooh, very threatening. In that moment a thought crossed your mind that maybe Jackson was making you soft. You stood there, waiting for a reply, but there was none.
Confused and still on edge, you carefully followed the source of the soft lantern light. It led you to the back of the stables and into the tack room, your footsteps echoing softly in the enclosed space.
There, almost right where Ellie had left it, you saw the saddle that Mike had found on his patrol. However, what caught your attention in the dimly lit room was the unmistakable sheen across the leather. It gleamed in the lantern light, catching your eye immediately. It had been fully oiled, a stark contrast to the untouched condition it had been in earlier when Ellie had been working on it.
Confusion wracked your body; did Joel make Ellie come back to oil the saddle? Your fingers gingerly rubbed the leather between your fingers. No, this wasn’t Ellie’s work; this was oiled to perfection. Ellie was a good kid, hell, a great kid considering all the other children who’d grown up in this hellscape, but she oiled saddles like she was pouring syrup on pancakes. No, this had been done by someone with skill and experience.
A soft smile crossed your face as you reached for the lantern. Maybe Joel Miller wasn't the monster your friends had told you about after all. You'd have to ask Ellie in the morning. 
As you stepped out of the barn, relocking everything up for the night, you couldn’t shake the warm feeling in your gut. A feeling you hadn’t felt since you’d eaten your last meal with your grandparents... a feeling that scared you.
Unbeknownst to you, a dark figure across the street watched from the shadows, illuminated only by the orange glow of his lit cigarette as he leaned against a column under the roof of the general store. Joel took a drag from his cigarette as he watched you relock the barn for the night. He tried to tell himself the warm feeling in his chest was from the cigarette he'd been puffing on, but he knew better.
Joel took one last drag from his cigarette, flicked it to the ground, and crushed it beneath his boot before heading home, maybe something good came from that damn jukebox after all… he thought to himself as his eyes followed your form walking off into the snowy darkness of Jackson.
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callsign-dexter · 5 months
Whisper in the Wind: 6 Months AU
Request: for the angst starters may I humbly request these two for Ben and Natasha? 🙏🏻
‘hold my hand if you need to.’
‘don’t panic.’
Starter: 'Hold my hand if you need to.' and 'Don't panic'
Pairings: OC!Benjamin Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader, Natasha Trace x Daughter!Reader, Benjamin Bradshaw x Natasha Trace, Bradley Bradshaw x OC!Wife!Leah Bradshaw
Warnings: angst, inaccurate hospital talk, car crashes, pregnancy
Whisper in the Wind
miscellaneous angst starters
A/N: thank you @justabigassnerd for giving me these angst prompts so that this AU piece could come to life.
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Natasha and Ben have been engaged for about 6 months now. They had decided to wait until their little girl was born and a few months old before they even talked about getting married. Natasha had 3 months to go and then they would be holding their baby girl in their arms. Originally, they talked about not knowing the gender of their soon-to-be bundle of joy but they just couldn’t help themselves and broke down and found out the gender. There were some rough patches in the pregnancy but with both parents being in the military they handled with control and ease. They still hadn’t decided on a name but they did have several picked out and they knew for sure that they wanted her middle name to be Caroline a tribute to Ben and Bradley’s mother.
It was finally the weekend which meant that they had a whole two days by themselves. Natasha wasn’t allowed to fly but she still had to go in to work on paperwork and get things settled for when she and Ben went on maternity leave. Since Ben didn’t want her driving, he had taken it upon himself to drive both of them into work and back home. He doted on her the very second, she found out she was pregnant, he already doted on her but when he found out that she was carrying his unborn child he stepped it up big time, then again, his mother raised him to treat a woman right and he was also so much like his father.
Ben and Natahsa had just arrived home and he helped her get out of her Nissan Xterra and grabbed their stuff as they made their way into the house. When they got in, he was quick to bend down and take off her boots and then when he was done, he stayed on his eyes that was he was eye level with her stomach and held it in his hands and kissed it and smiled. Natasha smiled at the action he had done every day to the point it had become a ritual; he was really going to be a great father. “Alright, Jellybean. No, giving your mom a hard time tonight, we want her well rested.” He said and their baby moved into his hands and voice, Natasha had come to the conclusion that she was going to be daddy’s girl through and through. She brought her hands to his hair and ran them through enjoying the moment. “Now it’s time to get you and momma fed.” He said and gave one more kiss to her stomach and then stood up and kissed her. Then he got to work. “How about some homemade mac and cheese and some pork chops and yes there will be hot sauce.” Ben said and Natasha smiled, one thing about Ben was that he was an excellent cook and she was too but after becoming pregnant some smells got to her and it just made her exhausted and she left all the cooking duties to him.
“Sounds absolutely perfect.” She said and then she felt a kick and chuckled and he looked at her with a raised eyebrow “Eaglet agrees.” She said and he chuckled.
“Now go and sit down I’ll bring it to you when it is ready.” He said and she nodded and went and sat down in a kitchen chair that way she could still talk to him and be with him. She was just happy to take the pressure off of her feet. They talked about work and the plans about when their daughter was here and most importantly names. As they were talking her phone began to ring and she got it out of her pocket and looked at the caller id and it was Bradley and she answered it and put it on speaker.
“Hey you’re on speaker.” She said and she heard a chuckle.
“We’ll I guess I can’t tell you about the deep dark secrets of Ben then.” Bradley said and they all chuckled but Ben rolled his eyes but smile appeared on his face.
“Just remember that I know a lot of secrets about you little brother that Leah doesn’t know about.” He said tending the food as he heard a gasp from him.
“You wouldn’t dare.” Bradley said
“Try me.” Ben said and Natasha just smiled at their bickering.
“The reason I called was because we wanted to know what you were doing and how Birdie was doing.” He said, he had given the baby that name because Ben’s callsign was Eagle and so was Natasha’s was Phoenix, they were truly keeping the bird callsigns in the family.
“Well Ben is cooking some pork chops and homemade mac and cheese and Eaglet has been pretty much cooperative during the day until we got home and her daddy had talked to her.” Natasha said rubbing her belly and Ben looked at her watching her has he flipped the pork chops and could take his eyes off of them.
“Oh, what I wouldn’t do for some of his homemade mac and cheese.” Leah said “Wanna send us some?” She asked and everyone chuckled.
“You got it.” Ben said fully joking the food was pretty much done and now it was resting and cooling off. “What’s your plans for the weekend?” Ben asked them.
“Nothing huge. Maybe go down to the beach. You guys?” Bradley asked
“Nothing really, just gonna spend some time with each other and stay off my feet.” Natasha said
“Well, we don’t want to keep you guys. Have a good night and enjoy your homemade mac and cheese. We love you.” Leah said full of jealously.
“We will. Goodnight, guys. We love you too.” Ben said and Natasha hung up and Ben began plating her plate and then he brought it over with her glass of water and set it down in front of her.
“Why thank you fiancée.” She said and bent down and kissed her.
“You’re welcome my soon to be wife.” He said after breaking the kiss and then he went and got his food and glass of water, he would’ve gotten a beer or something sweetened but when Natasha had to quit drinking and was advised to not drink anything sugary, Ben had made it his choice to go along with her because he loved her so much and it was heathier in the long run.
Supper came and went and now the were finding themselves sitting on the couch snuggled together as they watched a comedy. Natasha was cuddled into Ben and he had his arms around her and one set on her stomach. Every now and then their baby would kick and they both smiled, she seemed so active while Ben was around.
Midnight rolled around and they finally decided to go to bed. Ben helped his pregnant fiancée up and helped her walk up the stairs making sure she wouldn’t fall backwards once all 3 of them were up safely he let up on his protectiveness. They got ready together and then they were slipping in to bed for a, hopefully, a goodnight’s sleep and not a lot of getting up to go pee.
Morning came around and thankfully she had only had to get up twice during the night and both times she had succeeded without waking Ben up, which was a surprise. Naturally they were early risers but they could get away with sleeping until 10 AM on most weekends. Ben had actually gotten up before Natasha and was getting breakfast ready. She was just about to get up when he came through with a tray with two plates of food, fruits, and drinks of their choice. “I figured we would have breakfast in bed and then go out and spend sometime out on the town.” Ben said and she smiled.
“That sounds perfect.” She said and he smiled then he walked into the room the rest of the way and sat down on the bed and put the tray in between them and then he turned on the TV. Nothing interesting was on so they switched to their DVR and watched some saved shows that they wanted to catch up on. Natasha started to get restless and this caught Ben’s attention almost immediately.
“What’s wrong?” He asked moving the try so he could have better access to her.
“Nothing worrisome. Your child is just playing soccer with my bladder and making me need to pee.” She said and he laughed.
“Always my child when she is doing something.” He chuckled but got up and began to help her get up and to their connected bathroom. When she was done, she flushed and washed her hands and then joined her fiancée back in bed.
“So, what do you have planned for us today?” She asked and he looked at her.
“Well, we need to run to the store and grab a few things and then I figured we would go baby shopping for a little bit more stuff.” Ben said and she smiled, he was always thinking of her and their baby always putting them first.
“That sounds perfect.” She said and then they started to get ready to leave. As always, they got ready together and then walked downstairs together. Ben helped his fiancée get her shoes on and then he got his shoes and they were heading out the door. They had decided to take Natasha’s vehicle since it had more space than his truck, he helped her get in and then he got in and opened the garage. Ben started the car and backed out of the garage and they were on their way and pulling out of the neighborhood.
The car ride was filled with laughter and music. Nothing could bother the happy couple. They had just come to a red light. He kept looking over at his perfect pregnant fiancée and she was glowing and he smiled. “Have I ever told you that you’re the most beautiful pregnant woman ever?” He asked and hung her head smirked.
“Every single day and I’ll never get tired of it.” She said and then he turned back to the road as he saw the light turn green in his peripheral view. Just as he was starting to go and cross an intersection and car from the left side came barreling at them and the only thing, he heard was a honk and metal crushing against metal and then the pain came. The other car was going at such a high speed that it pushed them to the other side of the road and flipped them and then they were crashing into a telephone pole. Both of them were knocked unconscious. Ben had slumped onto the wheel and on the horn making it blare and Natasha was knocked into the back of her seat.
The blaring horn is what woke him up and then the pain came to him everywhere. It took him a few minutes to figure out where he was but when he figured it out, he started to panic, he slowly lifted his head and he groaned in pain and then laid it on his headrest. He needed Nat so all of his attention turned to her and when he tried to move his body protested. “Nat?” He asked in a hoarse voice but got no answer “Baby.” He said and found some strength to move his hand and to her. But yet again no response.
Natahsa didn’t know where she was but she was waking up in the bar Carole, Bradley, and Ben they had visited when they went to see Goose and Maverick. She just looked around until she heard music and then Carole and Goose laughing together, she recognized them from the pictures that Bradley and Ben had laying around and on the wall. “Carole? Goose?” He asked and they turned to her and smiled and she got up from the table as Goose started to play the familiar tune of Great Balls of Fire. “What’s going on?” She asked and they looked at him sadly.
“You were in a car accident baby.” Carole said and stroked her cheek and she leaned into it; her touch felt so warm.
“Ben. Our child.” She said and began to panic.
“Ben is alright. He’s trying to wake you up and it is not your time so we don’t have long.” Goose said as he played the tune.
“Our baby?” She asked moving her hand to her stomach.
“They’re ok for right now. Help is on the way but you need to wake up.” Carole said
“I wish you both were down there with us. It would mean the world to us.” Natasha said and they smiled softly at her.
“We are with you. Just look around. We’re a whisper in the wind.” Goose said and that made Natasha smile.
“Gosh, I’ve always wanted to meet you but not like this.” She said and they chuckled.
“We’re always watching. We’re just happy we can meet you now and can’t wait for your wedding and seeing our grandchild be born. May I?” Carole asked and Natasha nodded and she put her hand on her stomach and then she felt a kick and she smiled that was the first time she felt her kick since the accident. Goose stood up as Carole took her hand off of Natasha’s stomach and pulled her into a hug.
“I’m so glad that Ben has met you. You both are perfect for each other.” Goose said and she melted into his touch it reminded her off Ben’s. All too soon the warmth was gone and then being replaced by Carole.
“Now, get back down there to our son, your fiancée, have this sweet little girl, get married, and help Leah keep our boys straight. Who knows where they would’ve ended up if they hadn’t found you both.” Carole said and released.
“Now don’t keep Ben waiting. He’s getting panicked. Tell the boys and Leah that we love them so much.” Goose said and she nodded.
“It was nice meeting you even if the circumstances weren’t great.” She said and they all laughed and then they said their goodbyes and she was waking up to Ben’s gentle touch.
“Baby?” Ben said and she slowly opened her eyes and looked over at him and he sighed in relief and then the pain hit her and she wanted to scream. She must’ve made a face because he was taking her hand “Hold my hand if you need to.” He said and she took it and squeezed it and he didn’t complain.
“I think something is wrong with the baby.” She said as more pain hit her.
“What do you mean?” He asked worrying.
“It hurts.” She said
“Don’t panic.” He started “Help is on the way.” He said and about that time sirens could be heard and then someone was rushing to them. The window was smashed so it was easy to talk to them “Help her first. She’s 6 months pregnant and in a lot of pain.” He said and they nodded.
“How are you feeling sir?” One paramedic asked.
“Everything hurts but I’ll be fine just help my pregnant fiancée, please.” He said
“We understand sir, we also need to help you. My partners are helping them.” They said and he slowly nodded. With controlled chaos they got them out and they were heading to the hospital. They were rolled into the hospital and they had taken him to an emergency room and then he saw her being wheeled passed him and he panicked.
“Where are they taking her?” He asked trying to get up but was pushed down by nurses and doctors and he let them due to the pain.
“Sir, just lay down.” A doctor said and he started to struggle.
“No, I need to know where my fiancée is being taken.” He said and tried to get up again and struggle and then they were pushing a sedative into his IV that was set in the ambulance and he was out like a light muttering that he needed to get to Natasha and their unborn baby.
Ben didn’t know how long he was out for but when he woke up Bradley and Leah were there and that confused him. “Bradley?” He slurred and that caught Bradley and Leah’s attention.
“Hey. How you feeling?” Leah asked putting a comforting hand on his hand.
“I’m fine. Nat and Jellybean?” He asked
“They’re in surgery.” Bradley asked and Ben’s heart monitor was starting to spike.
“What?” He asked starting to panic again and Bradley stood up and was lightly pushing Ben back as he tried to get up.
“They said they were both doing fine. There was a placenta tear but they’re fixing it. They’re both going strong. You’re going to be released once thy are out of surgery and when you woke up.” Bradley said and he nodded and settled down and the heart monitor settled, Bradley released him. He didn’t know Leah had left the room until she came back with a nurse and his doctor.
“Captain Bradshaw, you were lucky. You just had a dislocated shoulder and a cracked rib. We did have to sedate you after you starting resisting but we understand. Your wife and baby are doing well from the last I heard and should be out and in recovery in a few minutes. We’ll start your release process and get you to their room as soon as possible.” He said and Ben nodded.
“Thank you.” He said and the doctor nodded and then left as the nurse had him sign releasee forms and take the IV out.
“We stopped by the house and got some clothes for both of you.” Leah said holding a bag up and he smiled.
“Thank you, guys. Thank you for getting down here so quickly.” Ben said and slowly got up and Leah walked out of the room while Bradley helped his older brother then she got the all clear to come in.
“Anything for my older brother and future sister-in-law and niece.” Bradley said and Ben hugged him and then they released and Leah brought him in a hug.
“You guys scared us. We’re just glad you’re ok. We got the call and then were on the next flight out to here.” Leah said as she released him from the hug. About that time a nurse came in to grab them and take them to Natasha and their baby, Y/N. They followed in silence and when they got there and Ben saw his fiancée laying there, he almost broke down but when he heard his baby’s heartbeat he broke down and almost collapsed, he would’ve if Bradley wasn’t there to catch him. They walked in and Ben sat down on the chair not having his full strength back and Bradley hugged Leah. The doctor turned to them and smiled.
“Both of them are just fine. She was lucky to have only sprained her wrist and there was a placenta tear but we repaired it and everything was successful. She should be waking here in a few minutes since we didn’t want to use much anesthesia on her and the baby. The nurse and I will be back in a few to check on them both.” He said and they nodded and then left and that is when Leah and Bradley took their seats.
10 minutes later Natasha was waking up to bright lights and to her sleeping fiancée with his hand on her stomach and Bradley and Leah, who were awake. Leah was the first to notice “Hey.” She said softly and Nat smiled.
“How long has he been asleep?” Nat asked referring to Ben.
“Not too long. Want me to wake him?” Bradley asked and she shook her head.
“No, I will.” She said and they nodded and then she slowly turned to him and brought her right hand to his face and began to stroke it and started to speak softly. Once she saw him show his signs of waking up, she smiled and after a minute or two he woke up confused but then he saw her awake and was awake in an instant.
“Baby.” He said and got up and kissed her forehead his hand never leaving her stomach. “You’re ok.” He said and she nodded.
“We’re both ok.” She said and it was quiet for a minute. “I saw Goose and Carole while we were in the car.” She said and everyone was silent. “They told me to tell you that they love you and that I needed to come back to help Leah keep you boys straight.” She said and they chuckled.
“Yea that sounds like dad.” Ben said and Bradley nodded. The nurse and doctor walked in and checked on them and told them that they wanted to keep her in the hospital for a few days just to be sure and they agreed. Bradley and Leah would still be there they told work that they had a family emergency and had to be gone for a few weeks and they understood.
After a few days Nat got the all clear to go home and that is exactly what they did. It was really nice having Bradley and Leah there and they never got in the way and if Nat and Ben wanted space, they gave it to them. The doctor’s told them to take it easy and that is exactly what they were doing and why Bradley and Leah stayed.
Goose and Carole were looking down on their children and smiled. All of them were alive and healthy and their granddaughter was active but not too active sensing that her mother had something done and didn’t want to injury her further. “They’re going to be ok.” Carole said as she snuggled into Goose and he threw an arm around his wife. He kissed the side of her head and smiled.
“Yes, they are.” Goose said “Our granddaughter is going to be one spoiled little girl and is going to be one little fighter.” He said.
“Yes, she is. I can’t wait to watch her grow up.” Carole said
This accident just brought everyone together and they formed a stronger bond because of it. Ben, Natasha, and Y/N were safe. They were under careful watch of Bradley, Leah, Goose, and Carole. Nothing could bring them down they were a strong family and nothing was going to break them. They loved each other and were going to take care of each other no matter if their sick or just having a bad day. They're family and to them family sticks together no matter what unless you pull their Naval Academy papers then that’s a whole different story.
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starry-hughes · 1 year
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recent production: blurring the lines (matt rempe x reader)
requests: open
nhl zodiac sign distribution
about me!
blog rules
star’s birthday bash
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works & who i write for
prompt list
star’s 2023 ficmas
field of daisies (au masterlist) quinn hughes x reader
daisy's au (quinn hughes and y/n 'momma')
kasey tkachuk and mackie samoskevich
sawyer tkachuk and quinn hughes
caroline hughes and kent johnson
charlie and trevor zegras
dakota and mark estapa
eden lee and matt rempe
brooklyn barzal and luke hughes
kendall and elias pettersson
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maxverstappensflatbrim · 11 months
Show Me Yours | Matty Healy [20]
chapter twenty, act three: so far (it's alright)
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May 30th 2014
“Is this Catholic enough?”
“We’re Chrsitian.”
“What's the difference?”
He raises a brow and she nervously tugs on the long skirt of the dress while apologising under her breath.
She shifts uncomfortably in the outfit, she has on a pair of heels (a mistake with her two left feet), and a dress that makes her feel like she’s in an old movie about the sixties, not in 2014 meeting her boyfriend's family.
The door finally opens, “Oh, my baby.”
His mother’s hands are pushing his cheeks together, swaying them from side to side, “Hi, momma.”
He grins hugging her tightly as she rubs his back through his shirt, Tommie practises her smile in the reflection of the window a few times as the mother-son duo reunite. When she’s finally happy with one, a little lift of her lips, showing little to no teeth, her eyes just crinkling a little, she turns to get their attention without rudely interrupting.
“Momma, this is my girlfriend, Caroline.”
“Caroline,” He interrupts quickly, side stepping the hand that reaches for his waist and taking her hand gently instead, “This is my momma.”
“Hello, dear, the table is set already, why don’t you two come on in?” She asks, stepping inside to hold the door open.
Tommie squeezes Caleb’s hand tightly and watches her step inside his childhood home, she looks around, smiling softly at pictures of him and his siblings.
“Evelyn! Evelyn, your brothers here!”
She can hear a pair of rushed footsteps come tumbling down the stairs before a small blonde girl is throwing herself into Caleb’s arms, “Caleb!”
“Hey there, stranger.” He grins ruffling her hair and kissing her forehead, “How’s school?”
“Well, my science fair was last week but my magic milk project didn't do that good, but, remember that boy,” She lowers her voice looking back to see their mother walking in and out of the kitchen, “The one from Choir?” Caleb nods, “Well he’s asked me to the face we have at the end of the year.”
Caleb stands a little taller, “Do I need to have a word-”
“Caleb.” The teenager giggles, shaking her head, then her eyes widen when she catches sight of Tommie standing behind him.
“Eve, this is my girlfriend Caroline.”
“Tommie is fine-”
Her eyes widen, “You’re Tommie McDuff,” Tommie smiles and she bounces excitedly on her feet, “Holy-”
“Evelyn Rose Kidwall.” Their mother gasps, “Do not use those kinds of words as vulgar language.”
“Sorry, mom.” She turns back to Tommie quickly, “I love your music, it’s just amazing…” She trails off blushing suddenly, “Do you uh… do you know a lot of celebrities?”
Tommie shrugs a little, “Um, a few I guess.”
“Do you know five seconds of summer?”
Tommie trails off as she thinks, “They the one from X Factor?”
“No, that's One Direction, 5sos are the Australian one.”
Tommie shrugs, “Um, then maybe?”
Eve nods, muttering a quite ‘interesting’ before leaving to help carry the dishes out of the kitchen.
The four settle around the table and when Tommie goes to sit Caleb quickly shakes his head and gestures for her to stay standing.
Miriam, his mother, apologises for Andrew not being there, something about being a pastor or something, Tommie doesn't listen, she’s silently conversing with Caleb as he tells her to wait for his mother to let them sit.
She says a prayer, making them all hold hands and Tommie awkwardly smiles when the woman's eyes fall upon her.
Then after three uncomfortable minutes they’re sitting, Caleb and Tommie on one side, Eve and Miriam the other.
“So, Caroline, what is it that you do?”
“I’m uh…” She hesitates and takes a sip of the wine in front of her, “In the music industry.”
Miriam pauses slowly, “What is it that you do?” She laughs gesturing to Caleb, “I hope you’re better off then Caleb and his whole band idea-”
“Actually I’m in a band,” She tells her, “I play guitar.” It’s silent for too long, so she fills it with some extra information, “There’s uh, five of us, my cousin Adam- that’s kind of how I’m in the band, he plays guitar too, he’s lead and I’m rhythm. Then there’s our lead singer Matty, he plays guitar sometimes, depending if we need three or not. Then Ross, he plays bass and George is on drums. I’m the backup bassist and drummer, like, if anything was to go wrong I’d fill in, then Matty would play guitar to cover for me… I sing sometimes too…”
“What else do you do?” She questions.
“That’s it.”
“But, just being in a band isn't going to pay the bills, set you up for a future-”
“They’re on the radio, mom.” Eve tells her, “You know that one song from the other day? The City, that's her band.”
“You’re on the radio?”
Tommie nods quickly, sending a smile to the fourteen year old who grins back. Miriam hums, then moves onto her new topic, “What about your family? What do they think of it?”
“Uh…” She adjusts her posture, sitting with her shoulders rolled back a little more, “My mother died a few years ago, so that’s when I joined the band, I moved up to Manchester where the rest of the band are from to live with my cousin. So, I don’t know, I mean I hoped she’d be proud of me but… we didn’t exactly see eye to eye everyday. My grandparents though, they’re a whole different story, they couldn’t be more proud.”
“And your father?”
“Oh, I’m not sure, we don’t speak.”
“Why not?”
“Momma.” Caleb says quietly.
Miriam leans back, “Sorry,” She smiles at Tommie, “I tend to be a little too nosy for my own darn good some times.”
Tommie smiles politely, “It’s alright, I mean, I don’t exactly ignore loud voices in the street, you know what I mean?”
Miriam smiles again, picking at the food on her plate, “What about this band of yours? It’s all men?”
“It’s my cousin and his school mates, yeah, they’re all guys. But they’re like my big brothers, they're my family, my real one.”
She smiles, her cheeks hurting and she purses her lips to try and control it. “Caleb tells me you used to study English Literature?”
“I did it for my A Levels- College,” She quickly corrects, “I could’ve gone to university, but then joined the band instead.”
“You blew off school?”
“Not necessarily, I mean, I already completed my A Levels, and if I want I can always go back to uni, age doesn't stop me.”
She hums, then asks, “How old are you, Caroline? You look young.”
“Nineteen,” Miriam pauses, “I turn twenty on Tuesday.”
Eve grins, “Are you going to spend your birthday here?”
Caleb sits up straighter too now, “Uh, no she’s performing, so, we’re leaving tomorrow.”
“Already?” Caleb shrugs at his mother, “You just got here.”
“I know, momma, but, we have jobs.”
His mother scoffs, “I’d hardly call them jobs Caleb, you stand on stage and make noise. It’s pathetic, quite frankly. It’s time you grow up and get a real job, before it’s too late and you end up like your father.”
Caleb’s head ducks down and Tommie turns slowly, her brows furrowed as she stares at the blonde woman across the table.
“What do you do, Miriam?” Tommie raises an eyebrow, pushing the food on her plate around with her fork, “If you don't mind me asking.”
“Well… nothing. I was a housewife.”
“Was? What are you now?”
“Tommie.” Caleb says quietly.
“Tommie?” His mother says slowly.
“That's my real name.”
“It’s a nickname.” Miriam says.
“No, I go by Tommie, it’s my preferred name.”
She scoffs, “You sound like one of those… those-”
“Mom.” Eve warns under her breath.
Tommie raises an eyebrow, “One of those what?”
“One of those confused gender people on the TV. Your name is your name, Caroline. That’s how God intended it to be. He gave women wombs and men hard working hands.”
“Yeah, he also gave men the most dangerous weapon on the planet.”
“And what’s that?”
“Well, it’s a tough toss up between their audacity and their dick-”
Miriam’s hand slaps the table, “Enough with the language. Enough with the insults, my God created this planet. I shall not listen to you insult him.”
“And I won’t stand here as you insult and belittle your son.” Tommie stares right back, eyes squinted, “Caleb is an amazing man, I came here hoping to meet the reason he is that way. Seems to me he’s become the person he is despite you, not because of you.”
“He is my son-”
“Then act like it.” She snaps back, “Compliment him, tell him he’s doing good, tell him you like his music, his band, say one goddamn nice thing about him. Smile at him, look at him.”
“Tommie.” Caleb says quietly again.
“No, Caleb, I’m not going to let this bitch speak to you like that.”
Miriam scoffs, “Please, Caroline, you can say what you want to me. You’re just another lonely common whore who is insecure enough to sleep with my lousy unemployed son who can;t get over the one girl who was worth something.” She turns to Caleb, “You never should’ve left Emmie go.”
Tommie sighs slowly, eyes moving over to Caleb who’s eyes remain fixated on his untouched food.
She moves the napkin he’d laid out over her lap, tossing it onto the table and clears her throat, “I think I-” She looks at him again, still, no movement, “I think it’s best if I leave now. Thank you for dinner.”
Miriam says nothing, eyes focused on her son too, “I would say it was lovely to meet you, but my mother didn't raise a liar like you did,” She says bitterly, she looks to Eve, smiling softly, “Good luck with your Choir, Eve.”
“Thank you, Tommie.”
“Evelyn.” She sits up straight quickly, eyes moving to her mother across the table, “Go upstairs.”
Tommie watches the young girl move across the room, then her eyes fall to Caleb once more.
“Cal?” She wiggles her jaw, watches him contemplate, close his eyes, then finally meet the eye of his mother. 
“Yes, mom.”
“See her out.”
Claeb nods quickly, rising from his chair, its scrapes loudly causing all three of them to flinch, “I can see myself out.” She says harshly, he reaches for her hand but she hits it away.
He jumps back, hitting the table causing the glass of red wine to fall and spill, staining the horrid dress she’s wearing.
She steps back but his mother screeches, “Look what you’ve done-”
“I want her out, Caleb, she disrespects us-”
“You’ve brought that upon yourself,” He says, turning harshly to her, “God, nothing I do is good enough for you, mom. You hate that I’m in LA, that I’m in a band, that I’m- that I am fuckign happy, you can’t stand that, because it’s not you. It’s not you that’s making me feel this way. Tommie, she is a wonderful, amazing gorgeous woman, who may not fit your standard of the American Christin woman, but fits my standards. Hell, goes above my standards, because she’s better than I could’ve ever dreamed of a woman to be.”
He grabs her hand shakily moving it to rest behind their backs, hoping his mother doesn't notice his anxieties as Tommie squeezes.
“Is that how you feel?”
“No it’s not, she’s-”
“Doing nothing. I feel this way because I do, I can’t help it.”
He watches her carefully, “Mom, please, I’m your son, and I just want you to accept one thing in my life, if not the band then my girlfriend.”
Miriam turns her head away, “You stopped being my son when you chose your father’s side over mine.”
Caleb sucks in a deep breath, it’s always the father's comment, always. That’s her go to in arguments with him. The fact he moved to live in the shitty caravan park with his dad so he wouldn’t be alone.
He sighs, “Let’s go, Babe.”
“That’s right walk out and leave us again,” His mother comments from across the dining room table, “This time, when you finally come crawling back, I won’t be welcoming you with open arms. You chose another person over me, Caleb, and you’re never back here, you understand me?”
Caleb pauses, swallows the rising lump of anxiety and then mutters a quiet, “Goodbye, momma.”
Once the door is slammed closed he drops Tommie’s hand and walks on ahead at a pace too fast for even Tommie ‘McSpeeder’, a nickname George gave her in her younger years as she always seemed to speed walk everywhere.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologise.”
She bows her head, straightened hair covering her face, “I shouldn't have said anything.”
“You stood up for me.”
“I’ll apologise, I’ll beg for forgiveness. You can’t walk away, Cal, what about Ev-”
“Don’t apologise.” He says again, harsher, his tone leaving no room for her to jump back in.
He picks up his speed and she finds herself jogging to catch up with him, “Wait, wait, Cal, please-”
He finally stops his march down the street, letting go of her hand and furiously unbuttoning his shirt before running his hands through his freshly styled hair.
“Please, don’t- don’t abandon your sister, you’ll regret it.”
“What like you-?”
He turns away quickly, regretting it the moment he had said it but she nods, “I- every day, every single day I regret what I did. Leaving my little brother behind, I haven't talked to him in years, two years, I have no idea where he is, what he’s doing. That little girl, she idolises you, Caleb, thinks you’ve hung the stars in the goddamn fucking sky, please… please. Don’t abandon her.”
He shakes his head, gesturing back up the street with one hand behind him, his breath stuck in his throat, “She- mom, I just-”
He turns away and she gently steps forward. Hand on his back, he turns quickly falling into her arms, head in her neck as he sobs.
“I know-”
“I just want her to be proud of me.”
“Doesn’t matter,” She tells him softly, “Eve’s proud of you. I’m proud of you.”
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚
It’s late, three am, Caleb’s asleep beside her and she doesn't want to wake him to talk over her anxieties. Last time she did he was annoyed and it ended in an argument.
So instead she pulls on her hoodie resting on the chair, slips on her crocs and walks out from the front of their tour bus to the back where the second living room/studio is.
She knows Matty will be awake, so she creeps from where she and Caleb have been staying out the front on the pull out sofa, past the other band members who all snore away as if in some kind of competition.
Then she finds Matty, wide awake, glasses on, hair a mess with music playing from his laptop quietly.
He pauses it the moment she steps in, closing the door behind her, “Sorry,” He winces, shoulders pulling towards his ears, “Did I wake you up?”
She shakes her head, “Can’t sleep.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Thinkin’ about Caleb’s sister.” She admits, “He hasn't spoken to any of them, and I… guess I feel responsible or something.”
Matty’s brows furrow and he sets his laptop on the table, tapping the sofa beside him with a quiet ‘sit’.
“It’s not your fault, Tom.”
She nods, “I know… I guess, I just- the guilt of leaving JJ behind is getting to me.”
He wraps one arm around her, pulling her down to rest on his shoulder, “Junior understands, I know he does-”
“I miss him.”
She sniffles, turning to hide her face in his hoodie and he sighs kissing the top of her head, “And now I’m putting Caleb through the same pain, and I can’t help him and-”
“Hey, hey-” Matty shushes her as she hiccups, “Wait, actually, let me go grab something. To distract you, make you feel better.”
He gets up, wrapping a soft blanket around her in replacement of his warmth. She sighs as she waits for him and notices her book again, now sitting with even more book markings.
Glancing to the closed door she sighs and reaches for it, flicking through until a piece of paper falls into her lap. She catches the page by putting her thumb there before she can lose it and picks up the little napkin.
‘You look so cool x’
She smiles to herself then flicks open the page to the very last poem of her book, she pauses, it’s a poem she wrote about her feelings towards him. The one she entered into the competition, the one that got her first place.
There’s load of little annotations of the poem, most of them his little comments of admiration, a few with funny comments.
Emotional affair Overly sincere Smokin' in the car, windows up Crocodile tears, run the tap 'til it's clear Drift off on the floor I drag you to the shore Sweating through the heat You're gonna drown in your sleep For sure
Wake up and start a big fire In our one room apartment But I'm too tired To have a living contest All the bad dreams that you hide Show me yours, I'll show you mine
                         -Tommie McDuff
What catches her eye is the little paragraph he’s written on the next page, the one with only four little words reading ‘the end, thank you’.
Call me when you landI'll drive around againOne hand on the wheel, one in your mouthTurn me on and turn me downBaby, you're a vampireYou want blood and I promisedI'm a bad liarWith a saviour complexAll the skeletons you hideShow me yours, and I'll show you mine
                      -Matty Healy
He’s added his own part to the poem, giving his response to the poem, she giggles at the fact he even wrote his name beneath it just like how her name is beneath all of her poems in the book too.
The door opens, she throws the napkin back in and tosses it back over to the side of the table she grabbed it from as she looks to the laptop instead.
“Here, the song, I finished it.”
He places the laptop between them, handing her the tea he’d gone to make for her as he places some headphones over her ears. Grinning as the large ear muffs swallowed her whole.
“What’s this song called again?”
“Hasn’t got a name, was thinking something twatish… like love me.”
“Very you.” She agrees.
He smiles, watching her facial expressions as she reacts to the song.
“Is it good?” He asks, “I was thinking in the second verse I co-”
“It’s perfect, I like it.”
“Yeah.” She nods, “Love it.”
“Love me.” He grins again and he nudges him, leaning against him to support her tired body.
She sighs, staring at the door, hoping Caleb will realise she’s not there and come looking for her. He doesn’t.
“I’ve been writing again.” She tells him.
He closes the laptop and leans back, taking her with him, “Anything I can look at?”
“Not yet, got one I think could work for the band, a few I’ve decided to shove up my sleeve for myself for a while.”
“What’s it called?”
“Haven’t decided,” She says, “Something religious.”
-let me know if you want to be added :)
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mydarllinglover · 10 months
Alone || Bed-Time Tales
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"How are my poorly babies doing?" Natalia asked, carrying soup into the twins room, Archie was tucked up with Bambi, in her bed, Daryl was sat beside them, making sure they were all cosy, whilst Evie was laying cold flannels on their foreheads, Dog layed his head on the end of the girls bed.
"They're fighting it." Daryl told her. "Kids are Dixons."
“They’re also Moores, thats what scares me.” She muttered, chewing her nail.
"It seems pretty easy to pass through." Evie explained. "The main concerns are their fevers and considering they've never even had a cold before, their immune systems are gonna be pretty weak, they need to gain their strength and stay hydrated."
"That's okay, you can both eat your veggies, and Mommy's gonna find out what special remedy's are gonna make my angels feel better." Natalia shoved Daryl off the bed, taking his spot, giving her kids kisses on their cheeks.
Evie grimaced at her father, who just rolled his eyes with a shake of his head.
"I've been gone for days, they get a lil sniffle, and all this?" She grumbled.
"Mommy, I don't like green food, it's yucky." Bambi pouted, holding tight to her bunny.
"Yuck." Archie stuck his tongue out.
"Yeah, they might be, but they're gonna make you big an strong, an' Daddy'll make them taste so good you can't even notice that they're veg." Daryl bypassed Evie's comment.
"That's okay, Daddy, you're not the best at cooking, but Mommy is." Bambi patted his hand, letting him down gently.
"Yeah, you weren't around when she wasn't." Evie grimaced.
"Alright, I want you two to get some rest, and stay in bed, Mommy is gonna take some soup to Auntie Ro's and make sure she's okay, and Daddy is gonna stay here and make sure my sick babies are taken care of when I'm away." She then turned to Daryl, her smile dropping and her brows narrowing. "Aren't you."
"Y-yeah, yes." He cleared his throat. "I got it, alright, ain't nothin' gon' happen to 'em."
"Bye-bye." She kissed their heads, again. "Mommy loves you, I'm gonna be right back, okay? I love you."
"Love you, Mommy."
"Bye-bye Momma." Archie waved his little hand, twirling his hair in the other.
"Aunt Nat, Daisy's trying to use the stove, again!" RJ called from the kitchen.
"Daisy Caroline, get your ass out of that kitchen!" She shouted down, pointing at her husband before talking to him. "Daryl, don't let him do that, it'll tangle into a huge knot, and he's not gonna like it when I have to brush it out. I'm gonna swing by the cell, too, make sure they're actually feeding Lydia, hopefully convince her to leave, too." Natalia told him, as she got up from the bed, and heading out of the room, ignorant to the huff and puff her husband let out as he resumed his seat, gently pulling his son's hand out of his hair.
"Wait, why's Lydia in the cells?" Evie asked Daryl.
"Your boyfriend attacked her, that woman yer mom kept arguing with, she was killed by Negan when he was helping her, an' she's beating herself up about it." He explained, in a low voice, trying not to raise suspicion from the six year old.
"Who, Gage?" She gasped.
"Yeah, that prick." He scowled, leaning his chin on his fist, as he ran his thumb along his youngest kids cheeks, as they fell back asleep.
"Daddy, Mommy told us to come up here so you could watch us, but she said we're not allowed in the room." Daisy stood at her doorway, staying beyond the door, RJ was stood beside her.
"Yeah, stay away from yer brother an' sister, you don' wanna come in here and catch this nasty bug." He nodded. "Yer Mom leave yet?"
"Yeah, said not to follow her." She rolled her eyes.
"Alright, Eve, why don' you-"
"Can't, gotta go handle something." Evie stood up from the chair in the corner of the twins room, rushing out to leave.
"Eve?" He hissed after her, but she was already out of ear shot.
"She's a wild one." Daisy shook her head, folding her arms.
"Says you." RJ looked at her.
"Daisy, shush or I'll puke on you." Bambi fluttered her lashes as she failed to sleep, with all the noise. "Daddy, can you tell us a story, please?"
"Don' you wanna go sleep?" He asked, picking at his nails.
"No she doesn't, Daddy I want a story too, remember me, your other kid."
"My Mommy tells me stories about the brave man."
"Yeah, and our Mommy never tells us stories about her, I want to hear about Mommy." Daisy pitched in, again.
"Alright, alright, how 'bout I tell you a story about both of yer Moms."
"Okay." The three cheered, though, Bambi's was a lot weaker.
"Back at the prison."
"The one in Georgia." Daisy added.
"Shush." She was hushed by not only her twin sister, but also the boy sat beside her.
"Dadda." Archie outstretched his arms, per usual, wanting a cuddle, cause he didn't know what else was going on, but his father obliged, picking the boy up and resting him on his lap.
"Alright, so, it started out with this one kid, Patrick, me an' yer Mom, we spoke to him, only that morning, he thanked us both for this huge feast we brought back, that we kept palming the thanks off to each other, this was before yer Mom took a liking to me."
"Did you have a crush on Mommy?" Bambi asked.
"Yeah." He chuckled, untangling Archie's hair with his fingers. "I hadda big crush on Mommy, the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen on the planet, an' for a while now. Anyway, so whilst we were all asleep, Patrick, the illness had started, and he died in his sleep, an' you know what happens when you die, right?"
"Yeah! You become a walker." Daisy answered.
"Right, an' the bad news was that, cause it was at night, and everyone was asleep, no one knew, so he just went about feasting on the people around 'im, and no one knew to stop him, until the next morning, when the other people woke up to the walkers coming at 'em. So they started screaming, me, Momma/ Aunt Nat, Uncle Rick, Uncle Glenn, an' Aunt Sasha, we raced over to check what was going on, the whole area was under attack, but it was all people who didn't have a clue what ta do, an' It was yer Momma that was saving all the kids, she was, she's incredible, faster than me and Rick, she had it, we were just back up. Anyway, we eventually found out what had happened, that an illness was breaking out around the prison. We had nothing to help these people, and they were thinning out, we had a murder case on our hands, our fences were falling down, people were dropping like flies, it was a mess."
"What happened with the fences?" RJ asked.
"'Cause of the gunshots, attracted a whole buncha walkers, they were clinging onto the fences, tryna tear them down, an' it was already bad before that, we were struggling to keep 'em up, when Nat, she had the idea of using the sick piggies, luring them out, letting the walkers go after them, whilst they fixed the fences, so me an' Uncle Rick, we rode out and did that, see, she don' think Rick gave her any credit for that, but he did, he told me, he always gave yer Aunt credit." He spoke to RJ. "They loved each other a lot, respected each other, but Jesus did they argue, like a pair of siblings, just as bad as these two." He nodded to the twins. "Well, anyway, Uncle Glenn and Aunt Sasha got sick, an' they were in quarantine."
"What's Quaran tin?" Daisy asked.
"Its uh, it's a place that very sick people go, so that they don't get other people sick." He told her, slightly loosing attention when something out of the twin's bedroom window caught his eye.
"Then what happened?" Bambi asked, when he got up from the bed, staring out the glass now, his brows furrowed.
"Uh, how 'bout I finish this story later." He said, putting Archie back down on the bed. "Think Aunt Carol's up to somethin' stupid, again."
"But, Daddy, you haven't finished the story" Daisy complained.
"I know, sweetheart, I will later, need ya to all wait here for yer Momma or sister, 'kay, tell her Daddy had to take care of something important."
"Mommy says to not leave us unattended, we're only little." Bambi told him.
"When I was yer age, my old man left me at home for weeks on end, ma mom was always at work or asleep, you'll be fine, just sit still an'... talk about Math, or something. Dog, come on, boy." He told them, stepping over the kids at the door, and jogging down the stairs, only thinking about what the hell Carol could be doing, wanting to leave Alexandria, Dog excitedly followed behind him.
"We're six, what the hell do we know about Math?" Daisy asked the other two kids.
"I don't think Daddy knows what we do in School." Bambi shrugged, shaking her head as she gently led Archie to lay back down with her.
"Your Dad's not very responsible." RJ told them.
"At least we have a dad, RJ." Daisy snapped back at the poor boy.
"Daisy, I'm gonna throw up again." Bambi warned her.
"So pass me the bin!"
"Okay!" She rolled her eyes, covering her mouth whilst she entered her own bedroom, reaching for the bin.
"I feel like utter shit." Rosita groaned, sitting up, after barfing into her own bin for the past five minutes straight. "it's making me feel worse knowing the kids are going through it, too."
"We all get a stomach bug, they'll live." Natalia told her, letting go off the ponytail of hair she had been holding, for her friend.
"Thanks, by the way, Nat." Rosita told her, giving her a weak smile.
"Hey, its fine, I got you, always, remember how you helped me when I was pregnant with the twins?"
"You were awful." She laughed.
"Yeah, I was." Natalia agreed. "But hey, at least you don't scream and shout at me, like I did to you."
"You were so mean, kinda glad you were in the woods when you had Archie."
"Oh, I think I was much better when I was Pregnant with him, I only had one baby, and I had the kids constantly around me, couldn't do much to lash out on anyone."
"I missed you, when you were gone, so bad."
"I missed you, too."
"You never came to visit." She leaned against her headboard, Natalia climbed in beside her. "I thought that you might, y'know, to see Maggie, to see me and Tara, but you never did, I really wished you would."
"I know, I'm sorry." Natalia brushed through a strand of Rosita's hair, beginning to braid it.
"I never came to see you, because I thought you wanted to just be left alone, Tara said that if you wanted to be around people, you would be around people, that the both of you just needed space, time to mourn, not just Rick, but everyone and everything, take off all the weight you both been carrying this whole thing."
"I wanted to see you, I did..."
"But you never came."
"I know." She sighed, "I was just so fucking busy, and with Daryl, I just... I couldn't leave, not at that point, he needed that break, I needed to be around just my kids, it was selfish, but I just... I didn't know how much more I had left in me."
"Yeah, I get that." Rosita Whispered.
"Eat your soup, before it gets cold." Natalia told her.
"Yes, Mom." She teased, dipping her spoon into the soup Natalia and Daisy made together, but when she brought it to her lips, sipping the liquid, she pulled a sour face, desperately trying to neutralise it though. "Oh, wow, oh wow, can I guess who added the salt?" She wheezed, accepting the glass of water Natalia passed her.
"Daisy insisted Auntie Ro loves her salt, and Daisy knows Auntie Ro so much more than Mommy." Natalia recounted, in air quotes. "Let's just say Bam and Arch will be having something else for dinner, to make them feel better."
"Oh, yeah, but I can have this." Rosita scowled.
"Hey, I couldn't get away with leaving it, and you need at least something. Daisy'll be asking you how much you liked her soup, when you're better."
"And I'll be telling her it's the best damned thing I've ever eaten, in my life."
"Good girl." Natalia nodded approvingly.
"Y'know, I always wanted a little girl, a daughter, since I was little." Rosita told her. "Obviously that was before I realised I was in love with a woman, Tara and me, we were talking about it, only a few weeks before..." She started to choke up. "Said we'd have dibs on the next orphan, I don't think she really wanted a kid, guess she only agreed with it because that's what I wanted. I miss her, so much."
"I know." Natalia rested her head on her friends, holding her comfortingly. "We all miss her, she was amazing, she was... she was Tara."
Natalia eventually went home, letting Rosita sleep, but made sure to let the woman know that she'd return every few hours to make sure she was okay and on the mend.
"Kids? Daryl? I'm home!"
"Mommy, we're up here, still." Daisy called down to her.
"Where's your father?" She called up, heading up the stairs, spotting Daisy and RJ looking rather bored as they sat in front of the Twins bedroom.
"Daddy said he had to go stop Aunt Carol from doing something stupid." She answered.
"So he left the four of you unattended to go do something stupid?" She clarified.
"He told us to sit and think about math." RJ added.
"You're babies, what the hell do you know about math?" Natalia furrowed her brows, stepping over the two kids to check in with the other pair, who were sound asleep.
"That's what we said!" Daisy threw her hands up in the air, frustrated.
Natalia swept back Archies curls, feeling his forehead, that still felt rather hot, Bambi's was the same.
"Where's Evie?" She asked, stepping over the two once more, heading towards the bathroom to fetch two freshly cold flannels.
"Said she had to go deal with something."
"Wait, wait, hang on, let me get this straight." Natalia paused.
"Not only did Daddy, who said he would watch you, kids, his kids, his sick and young kids, decide to leave, but your sister did, as well?"
"No, Mommy, Evie left first." Daisy answered.
"Ho!” Natalia scoffed loudly, heading back towards the bedroom. "So he purposefully left you guys alone?"
"Is Daddy in trouble, is he gonna be grounded?"
"Yes, your father is in deep, deep trouble, do you know where he went, when he'll be back."
Daisy shook her head.
"Uncle Daryl said he would finish his story later." RJ let her know.
"Uncle Daryl might not be alive to do that, honey."
"Why isn't Daddy gonna be alive, Is Aunt Carol going to kill him?" Bambi, who had stirred awake, only moments ago, asked.
"No, baby, I'm going to kill him, go back to sleep."
"My mommy's actually killed people, she's so gonna kill my dad." Daisy whispered rather loudly to RJ.
"I wouldn't wanna be Uncle Daryl when he gets back."
"Daisy Caroline, you and Richard are going to be sleeping in your sister's room, tonight." Natalia turned on them.
"But, Mommy-"
"Go make yourselves comfortable, I'll be starting dinner in an hour, oh, and I'll be bringing your bedtime things down in a bit, I don't want to catch you going through their things, Daisy."
"I wasn't gonna." The girl rolled her eyes, folding her arms as the two young children stomped down the stairs.
Natalia was chopping vegetables when the front door sounded, the tapping of paws against the floor told her who it was.
Dog greeted her excitedly, jumping at the counter to see what she was doing, whilst Daryl strolled in.
"How's Rosita?" He asked.
Natalia ignored him, but her knifework got more aggressive, the carrot she was chopping was getting tinier and tinier.
"She okay?" He pushed, approaching her side.
She slammed the knife down, the hilt of it stabbing into the chopping board, staying upright on it's own, she then moved away, tossing a bowl of pasta into a pan of boiling water.
"You ain't talking to me?"
The next job was squeezing up tomato's blending them up for the sauce.
"Daryl, you fucking- don't, just piss off, okay, go." She turned to him, glaring daggers, pouring her anger into her sauce.
"What's yer problem?"
"I can't believe you." She shook her head.
"Hey, talk to me." He took the tomato's away from her.
"Our children are up there, sick. Ill, very, very ill. I asked if you could do one thing, just one thing! Be with our kids, stay with them, so I could help our friend." She pointed between the both of them. "And you couldn't do that! I have to come home to all four of them, alone, by themselves, because you wandered off! What the hell is wrong with you, Daisy and Bambi are six years old! They are babies, Archie is a literal baby, you left a one year old alone with his sisters, that can't even tell their lefts from their rights, and RJ, he's not our kid, Daryl! Which means, we can't make decisions, like leaving him unintended, if something were to happen, that is our responsibility and we, who we have to explain to Michonne if anything happens to him, do you not understand any of this? You are a father? It is your job to protect those kids, and as my husband, it's your job to do as I say! Not go gallivanting with your best friend whenever you feel like it! What if something were to happen, what if- what if our sick children, what if one of them were to have dropped dead-"
"Natalia!" He warned.
"No, Daryl! I am still talking. Our child drops dead, then they come back, they start on the other one, heading for the next, do you think Daisy could kill her own siblings, that a six year old can do that? Do you, cause I don't think she can, and I definitely know for a fact that RJ couldn't. Here's another scenario, the man, that had it out for us, kept me and you as prisoners, treated as dirt, because he wanted us as his "pets." he's just escaped, no one can find him, what would happen if I came home, and he was stood over our children with a knife, with a gun, with a pole. Or, his bat? Because, y'know, we are the ones who helped defeat him and his people, and had him locked up in a cage! Oh, yeah, we're at war, right now, with a crazy person and her clan of crazy people, who have been witnessed to do crazy shit, she knows us, she knows our faces, she knows we have kids, you especially know she's not above killing kids-"
"We took one of her people." He interrupted her.
She blinked, then again, then her face morphed into confusion.
"Carol was sneaking off to go look for her horde, couldn't let her go by herself, stuff went down, now we got one of her people in the cell, Nat, I'm sorry, I had ta go."
"Oh, I'm aware of how high you have Carol on your list of importance, I just didn't realise where your kids were, till now."
"She lost her kid, Nat! You have no idea what she's going through, she's unstab-"
"There is no fucking way you just said that to me, right now." She cut him off. "I can fully understand and sympathise with her pain and her loss, and I get why she is so hellbent on this, but it's not your job or your place to act like her damn babysitter, dropping everything to run to her side, you have your own children you should be babysitting. If Carol's so determined on killing Alpha and finding this horde, that is her decision and her mission, not yours! So leave the damn woman alone and let her grieve."
"Is Aunt Carol in trouble?" A small croaky voice came from the hallway.
"Bammy, what are you doing out of bed?" Natalia asked the little girl, her bunny was in her lazy grip, a sad expression on her small face.
"Daddy said he would finish his story when he got back." She stated.
"What story, lovey?" Natalia asked her.
"About the sickness at the prison, and how you saved everyone's lives, and the piggies, and that Daddy had a huge crush on you, too."
"Bam-" He tried to cut her off.
"We got to the part about Uncle Glenn and Aunt Sasha getting sick, but then you left, what happened?" She then started having a coughing fit.
"Honey, honey just let it out, alright, don' force it." Natalia told her, rubbing the girls back, as she fell to her knee's.
Daryl was moving to get her a glass of water, but Natalia stopped him.
"No, Daryl, I boiled some, up there, get her that." She told him.
"On it." He said.
Bambi was still coughing when he also dropped to his knee's beside her, helping her slowly drink out of the glass.
"Hold on, baby, don' breathe and drink at the same time." Daryl told her, waiting for Bambi to stop catching her breath.
"Did anyone ever mention to you the special remedy Hershel used whilst we were at the vets?" Natalia asked Daryl.
"Nope, we were too busy being under attack."
"And everyone who was around are either dead or gone." She grumbled. "Carol would probably know, right? She knows shit like that."
"Mhmm." He nodded.
"Mommy... you said "shit" was a bad word..." Bambi whispered in an hoarse voice.
"I did, didn't I? Well, Mommy's a hypocrite."
"Does that mean we can swear?" Another voice asked.
"No." Daryl and Natalia both told Daisy.
"Bebe, are you okay?" She asked, half hiding behind the wall. "Mommy?"
"Yeah, baby, she and your brother are gonna be okay, speaking of which, I'm just gonna go find Aunt Carol, which also means that Daddy is definitely going to stay here and finish his story, aren't you."
"Yes, I will." He pressed.
"You should know, I do love you, but the love I have for my kids is more stronger than the self restraint I have from killing you If you put them in danger, again." She told him in a low voice.
"Ain't nothing gonna happen to them." He replied, in the same serious tone.
"Good." She nodded, getting up from the floor.
"Bee, get back into bed, your fathers gonna finish the story, Dase, you and RJ can go listen, as long as there's a window open and you stay away."
"Okay, Mommy." They both answered.
She went to walk towards the front door, but it had already opened, Carol coming through it, bits of food was stuck in her hair, also on her face, and neck, and clothes.
"The hell happened to you?" Daryl asked.
"Kids, go upstairs, I think this might have something to do with what Daddy and Aunt Carol snuck off for." She told the twins, still staring at Carol.
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caretaker-moony · 24 hours
She's embarrassed to ask. Yes nebula i am very smug about this.
[Nebula curls up, hiding her face]
I have a feeling we need to have a talk about trust and emotions..
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viavolterra · 6 months
Nate Buzz (Kol), Candice King (Caroline), Claire Holt (Rebekah), Phoebe Tonkin (Hayley), are also pro Israel. Paul Wesley (Stefan) is pro Israel as well. Nate Buzz has repeatedly harassed Michael Malarkey (Enzo) by tagging him in islamophobic Insta posts and by tagging him in anti-Palestinian propaganda as well and he calls him a terrorist. Malarky has Palestinian ancestry (Grandfather was a Palestinian who left for Lebanon), and Malarkey is pro Palestine. Leah Pipes (Camille) is pro Palestine and Malarkey follows her on Insta, he unfollowed the others.
Malarkey and Leah are the only ones I like anyways
the rest are just….. nope for me
some ppl can say “well I’ll still like them” idgaf
like genuinely who tf are you, get out my inbox u little knob, stop begging it, go to ur momma for attention bc ur not getting enough here
but yeah Leah and Michael are the only ones with any common sense and no cowardice
the rest were deleting posts and tryna backtrack
Nate buzz can rot
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Pernille Harder x Hardersson!Reader
Caroline Graham-Hanen x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: The vending machine incident
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The day of the incident begins like any other.
Momma wakes you up and dresses you in your you-sized green Harder jersey. She brushes your hair and serves you breakfast around getting ready for training.
You get bundled into the car and driven to practice where you have a second breakfast and essentially have free reign so long as you're in Momma's eyeline.
Practice is cool today and you get to run after stray balls, catching them in your hands and kicking them back to the nearest girl.
It's during one of Momma's media thingies that you wander off. She's sitting in front of a camera with a man speaking to her. You're sitting behind it, playing with your soft toys.
You're still very little, unable to do most things except walk and sometimes make noise. But you still have your opinions and you know that you passed one of those big black things that you press and get food out of.
You're half-dressed, having wiggled out of your shoes, socks and shorts so you manage to slip through the door in just one of Momma's long Wolfsburg jerseys and your nappy.
You stand in front of the big black thing, staring at all the snacks waiting for you. You're not tall enough to press on the buttons that Momma lets you do when she holds you so you try to stretch to reach.
You turn at the mention of your second name. Momma and Morsa always call you 'princesse' so you suppose that y/n is your second name like how Momma's is Harder.
It's Caro.
Momma says she's from Norway which is kind of near Denmark but you can't like her in the same way that you're not allowed to like Morsa sometimes because she's from Sweden.
You think Caro's cool though because sometimes she wears a different jersey that's a colour that you don't know the name of yet but know you really like.
You blink up at her.
"Where's Pernille?" She asks you, knowing that you can understand her.
You ignore the question though and point at the big black thing. "Want."
"This one's broken."
You recognise that word and stamp your foot. "Want!"
She sighs, glancing back around before scooping you up. Caro's one of the people who's always a bit stiff holding you but you're happy in her arms, sucking at her shirt collar.
She carts you off up a set of stairs and down another corridor before you end up in front of the next big black thing. She fishes something out of her pocket and feeds it to the machine.
"What did you want?"
"Dat!" You say, pointing at a packet of crisps.
Caro lets you press the right buttons before sitting on the floor next to the big black thing and holding you between her legs.
You munch happily on your food, offering some to Caro which she graciously declines.
"Princesse!" There are calls of your name.
It sounds a bit like Momma so you grunt and go to move away.
Caro catches you around your stomach to keep you in place. Momma comes careening down the corner, tears dripping down her face as she crashes into you.
She does a silly kind of knee slide thing that crushes you between her and Caro - who looks just as surprised about the impact.
"Where did you find her?" She asks Caro before turning to you," Did you get lost, princesse? Did somebody take you?"
You don't answer, more preoccupied with kicking your legs out as Momma tries to slip your shorts back onto you.
"She was just by the vending machine," Caro says calmly," She wanted a snack. The one she was at was broken. I didn't want her to start crying."
"And no one was around her? Nobody took her?"
"Not that I could see."
Momma breathes out a deep breath, pulling you firmly into her body as soon as she's wrestled you back into your shorts. "You can't wander like that," She tells you though she knows that you're either not listening or not comprehending her," You could have gotten hurt."
You ignore her, staring up at the big black thing again and then back down at your empty crisps packet. You point. "Want!"
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tvsiredx · 2 years
His unannounced Queen
Just an fyi I don’t own tvd or the originals (one because I’m broke) and (two because I don’t live I California) the people who own it are on Netflix or hbo max so yea just saying so DONT SUE ME IM TO YOUNG TO GO TO JAIL,thank you and good day
Another thing the gif is from Pinterest don’t really know who I have a lot of klaroline gifs saved so I would have to double check. If it’s yours please let me know and I’ll put you name down. Thanks
IJS: Cami Bashing, Hayley bashing(if that’s what you wanna call it)
Requested by:@riyap279
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It had been 8 years since carolines the last encounter in the woods with klaus but when he showed up at her graduation and told her that he would wait for her however long it takes it made her heart jump. Nobody has ever said anything like that to her, not matt, not Damon, and never Tyler. Klaus was always there for her when she needed him, after they walked away from the graduation ceremony he told her that his door would always be open if she ever needed him or wanted to take him up on his offer on showing her all the amazing things the world had to offer.
Caroline was in her car driving to New Orleans to see klaus and take him up on his offer, she was excited she knew that he would always be there for her whether it be good or bad he was there in less than an hour. As she passed the "Welcome to New Orleans" sign she wondered if he had moved on or if he was still waiting for her. There was that tiny voice in the back of her head that was telling her that he didn't want her anymore and that she should just turn back.
But Caroline ignored it she was going to find out for herself and even if he did find someone else she was still going to stay a while to spend time with her favorite girl. Hope Mikaelson was the magical loophole baby that happened between klaus and the were-slut hayley. When caroline first heard about klaus having a baby none the less with hayley she was hurt but then came along the weird Gemini coven who magically implanted Lizzie and Josie inside of her womb.
When rebekah needed someone to help take care of hope she called caroline because she was the only person that her brother wouldn't kill on the spot. When caroline had met hope she was just barely a newborn, it was like the motherly instincts kicked in and she loved and cared for hope as if she were her own daughter. When hope turned about 2 years old she started to call caroline mama, her being the sweet person she was she showed pictures of hayley and said that she was her momma.
But baby hope wasn't having it, instead, she would use her baby magic to throw the picture away and crawl into carolines arms repeating how she was her mama. When it was time for hope to go home rebekah made a promise to not let hope forget her real mama and that it should have been caroline instead of hayley who got pregnant with hope. Caroline is pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of loud jazz music playing as she drove closer to the mikaelson home.
If Caroline knew anything she knew that the mikaelson's had to live in extravagant houses, looking at her phone to get the address for the house she put it in her GPS and drove in that direction. Caroline might have forgotten to mention to klaus that she was coming to visit so she was just going to surprise him in her own fashion. As she pulls up to the Compound she sees lights, and people dancing and enjoying themselves and she can't help but be excited for that to be her.
Caroline parks her car in the parking space that she now just reserved for BMW and grabs her purse and phone before locking the car. Caroline fluffs out her hair before applying just a bit more lip gloss before walking up to the door and opening it not bothering to knock on it. Who's gonna hurt her? If they tried they had a death wish so it wouldn't really be smart.
Caroline listened for sounds and heard talking in the living room so she headed that way, as she walks in she sees some blonde-haired girl who weirdly looked like her but cheaper, a tall dark-skinned man with a large cocky smile on his face. Looking more she saw The Mikaelson's, the were-slut, and then her klaus who seemed to be arguing with the dark man. Before she could make her presence known she heard tiny footsteps, so instead of watching the argument which was entertaining she followed the tiny steps.
Making her back to the foyer she sees a small light red-ish brown-haired girl coming down the steps, noticing the scent she walks in front of the steps with a bright smile on her lips. Hope was coming down the stairs to get a snack when she saw her mommy standing in front of her with a bright smile, not thinking about if anyone heard her she bolted down the stairs "MOMMY!" she jumped into caroline's arms as she was spun around in circles "Hi jelly bean" caroline chastened as she felt whole at this moment.
Everyone who was in the living jumped up and ran to hope who screamed mommy, making it to the foyer they saw hope hugging a blonde woman tightly. Rebekah smiled brightly because she knew that caroline would come eventually and hope had missed her so much. Klaus thought he was seeing things thinking to himself that she was here in his home with his daughter who called her mommy. Hayley was confused as to whom her daughter called mommy, hope never even called her mommy.
Hope would always call her hayley, Hayley was never really there for hope she was always in the bayous with her pack. There was one time she let mommy slip but that was because of Camille who she thought was her mommy but soon realized that she was wrong and went back to her room crying at not being able to see her mommy. Now at this moment, she was here in their house, holding and telling her how much she missed her and that she was sorry.
Camille, marcel,kol,elijah, and Freya looked very confused and scared, they didn't know if this was another one of Klaus's crazy ass exes. They looked at klaus and rebekah who seemed to be in pure bliss at the mother-daughter reunion. elijah was about to say something to the pair but hayley spitefully beat him to it "who the hell are you, and why are you holding my daughter" she spat as she walked closer to the two, but rebekah wasn't having it her niece was finally happy and she wasn't gonna let hayley ruin it.
caroline simply ignored her and let go of her daughter who had tears in her eyes, she bent down and rubbed her long hair out of her face "I've missed you so much jelly bean" caroline spoke softly as she pulled her close to her, hope was now letting the tears fall from her face "I missed you more mommy, are you gonna leave again?" hope said scared of what the answer might be caroline let go of the hug and frantically shook her head " No I'm not leaving, never ever again" she said as she wiped the tears streaming down hopes angelic face.
Hope wanted more than just her say she wanted her promise "do you promise?" she kissed her pinky finger and lifted it so caroline could mimic her, caroline smiled and kissed her pinky as well before interlocking them "I promise, I'm not going anywhere" hope smile and hugged her mom tightly before letting her pick her up and put her on her hip. Rebekah seemed to break out of a daze and went to hug caroline "it took you bloody long enough" she smirked before standing beside her.
hayley looked furious, her eyes were glowing and her fists clinched together, she looked like she was about to pounce but caroline ignores her and everyone else. She turns to walk up the steps with hope in her arms and rebekah standing there smirking she turned around to rebekah "come on bekah, I gotta re-arrange his closet, I'm gonna need lots of space for my shoes" she giggled before going up the steps with hope in her arms and rebekah hot on her trail.
Everyone was standing there stunned at what just went down, hayley was pissed, Elijah, Marcel, And Freya were lost at who the blonde was, and Camille was trying to wrap her head around why klaus looked at the girl with such love in his eyes. Kol seemed to have the same smirk on his face as rebekah did before she left the room, "klaus aren't you going to say anything she just took our daughter" hayley asked still furious klaus just shrugged and followed upstairs to where the girls went leaving his family and others alone.
klaus made his way upstairs to his bedroom where he heard laughing and hope talking to her mommy, he walked into the room and leaned up against the door watching Caroline take down his clothes and move them over but let out a frustrated sigh at her not having enough space. "ugh how many henleys does one man need" she groaned as she ran he hands through her hair before turning to hope who was sitting on the table that was in the closet "why does your daddy have so many shirts?" she smiled and pointed towards the door.
Caroline looked at the door to a smirking klaus who had his arms crossed over his chest as he was staring at her and hope, rebekah had left to go and stir the pot up with hayley and Camille since she wanted to see their reactions. "To be fair love I don't share a closet with anyone," he said with his signature smile as she blushed a bit but rolled her eyes, "well I need more space for my shoes and clothes" she pointed to the lack of space in his closet, klaus walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, she guessed what he wanted to she kissed him softly.
"well whatever the Queen shall want, she shall have," he said in his low British voice, caroline blushed and lightly bit her lip at the nickname. Hope was watching and decided to go in between the two she pushed her way into the middle of the two and reached up with her bright smile. Klaus picked her up and kissed her cheek "do you need to break the wall down so you can have more space?" he asked caroline as she was making funny faces at hope who was giggling "Yes please and I need a designer in here pronto" she said with her miss mystic falls smile before taking hope and walking out of the closet.
Caroline and hope climbed into Klaus's bed and turned on his tv scrolling through the movies, they didn't really care for what was happening downstairs. klaus had caroline and his daughter the two most important things in his life and nobody was going to take them away from him again ever. They turned on Disney plus and picked princess and the frog, Hope was happy she got her mommy back, and now her family was whole.
rebekah had left once klaus had gotten there so she could go and pick at hayley and camille, she made her way to the living room and saw hayley standing in the corner angry still, camille slightly jealous and the guys just stuck. Freya noticed rebekah and asked the obvious question "who was that girl who hope called mommy" she asked rebekah completely ignoring the growl that came out of the were-sluts throat "Oh her, Yea that was Just Caroline Forbes a good friend of Nik's" rebekah tried to sound nonchalant.
Camille smiled maybe she did have a chance with klaus, he was interested in her and not the other blonde, right? If they were just friends then that meant that she didn't mean anything to klaus and that she had nothing to worry about. but kol crushed her little fun thoughts "I wouldn't get too happy camille" he said with a smirk as he and rebekah were watching her excitement show on her face.
Camille's smile dropped as she looked at the two smirking originals "Caroline is way more than just a 'friend' she's Queen of New Orleans" rebekah put air quotes on her sentence camille was upset at her not being the queen it was supposed to be her and klaus ruling side by side, not some dumb blonde bimbo who didn't know him as she did. "I know you've always wondered who that crown in his office on the shelf was for!" kol said as he leaned in slightly "yea it was for caroline, and you're not even worth the dirt that she walks on" kol said in husky whisper
Rebekah and Kol broke into a fit of laughter when they watched Camille's face drop, hayley was still mad and the men were still confused as to why she just walked in like she owned the place "Hope called caroline mommy because she is her mommy, caroline was there when I took hope away and she grew attached to her so she calls her mommy" rebekah said as she leaned back onto the couch watching closely at hayley's face.
hayley was at a loss for words now she knew why rebekah would always take hope away to mystic falls, she needed help raising hope so she called caroline whose neck she happened to snap once. "but it doesn't matter now, Hope has her mama and her papa also known as the king and queen" rebekah said as she turned on the tv and finished watching supernatural with kol.
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darkseraphscorner · 6 months
Jin is sad. Momma went to do fun explosions, but left him at home.
He is angry and sad.
He lets all know his displeasure!
Caroline sighs. "Look, calm down, she will be back soon."
"WANNA GO!" Jin screams.
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