#mort weinerman
cunningweiner · 15 days
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You are not immune to old man yaoi🫵
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dietleucine · 2 months
Chat do you guys see the vision
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They'd be cute together PLEASE
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mrfartpowered · 1 month
Word Count: 1,628 | Chapters: 1/1 | Rating: Teen and Up
Relationship: Randy Cunningham/Howard Weinerman
Characters: Howard Weinerman, Randy Cunningham, Heidi Weinerman, Mort Weinerman
Tags: Hanahaki Disease, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV Second Person, Growing Up, Pre-Canon, Post-Canon, Unrequited Love
Anybody who says crushes are fun to have is a fucking liar. You've never had the luxury of butterflies in your stomach, or the simplicity of sweaty palms. No, you've got roots in your lungs and stems wrapped around your heart. And if your best friend keeps acting the way he does, they're only gonna get worse.
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iceangelsimon · 1 year
Este é um AU crossover entre Randy Cunnigham e She-ra, eu escrevi e meu amigo @bergzerkzhang fez a arte de cada personagem.
This is a crossover AU between Randy Cunnigham and She-ra, I wrote it and my friend @bergzerkzhang did the art for each character.
Portuguese (PT-BR) https://www.spiritfanfiction.com/historia/nin-ja-23280460
English https://archiveofourown.org/works/43898001/chapters/110373399
Princess Mermista - Debbie Kang
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Scorpia - Heidi Weinerman
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Princess Entrapta - Viceroy
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Princess Frosta - Bucky Hensletter
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Double Trouble - Julian
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Princess Netossa (Flute Girl) and Princess Spinerella (Stevens)
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Wrong Hordak - Terry McFist
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Horde Prime - Sorcerer/Peddler
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Mara - First Ninja
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Micah - Mort Weinerman
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ladylynse · 2 years
Mort Weinerman, dealing with his two fighting kids
Just for the record, Anon, I ask for the three sentence prompts to be fairly vague--fandom(s)/AU, word/phrase prompt, pairing if it's a pairing prompt--so something like this would be 'RC9GN, family squabbles'.
Mort sighed as Heidi’s shriek pierced through the sizzling of the stir-fry he was making, her incoherence finally resolving into the words, “—through my stuff one more time, I’ll—!”
He’d thought the fighting might die down once they were teenagers, but he’d been wrong.
“Heidi,” he called, figuring he could sort out the specifics of the fight after they’d all gotten some food into them and had (hopefully) calmed down, “please come in here and watch the stir-fry; Howard, if you haven’t folded the laundry yet, do it now.”
see more fics
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fluffatron9001 · 2 years
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pov: howard's mom deciding on who will be the father of her children
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turboemmy · 3 years
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happy pride :-) !!
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trashisstillhere · 2 years
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I’m very bored and I think I have art block right now so I decided to try to draw some characters for the first time. Stevens hair was kinda hard to draw tbh
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theangrycomet · 3 years
Hey since you have Zak as Randy’s cuz, does Howard have any crossover cousins?
Well I always liked the idea of these two being siblings.
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Granted, I don't imagine them particularly close, between disagreements on parenting styles and Mort thinking Honey could have done better than Harold (BIG argument there).
One of the things they still have in common though is their methods of stress relieve: extreme piloting.
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Honey had her speedboats and Mort had his planes.
Mort (always the more anxious one of the two) generally found his confidence when flying. It still is one of his passions that he seems to practices given how well he piloted the Scare-a-Dactyl.
Honey's go to was her boats, but her injury prevented her from staying in the speed-boating game though as seen in canon. Part of why she gets in her funks like she does when she's distress is because she hasn't really found a replacement outlet.
(Rudy totally had a crush on her when they were kids and helped her steal her first speedboat)
Despite their distance, they still meet up either in Mellowbrooke or Norrisville every few years to begrudgingly keep in touch.
Neither is particularly happy about this.
Did I mention Mort doesn't like Harold?
The cousin's feelings towards other range from indifference to I-will-snap-your-neck-if-you-even-breathe-near-me.
No one really likes Brad, but Howard can always be counted on to trick him into doing something stupid.
Brad hates Howard and can't really stand Heidi, but she has hot friends soooo.
Heidi gets along with her littlest cousins best- but since she's almost always put on babysitting duty, their relationship is a bit strained.
Kick actually likes Heidi overall and tries not to get her in trouble, but there are stunts to be done.
Howard's laziness on the other hand drives Kick up a WALL- like how the heck can you sit still and do nothing for HOURS at a time???
Briana frankly could care less- Howard will at least do make up with her. (Heidi doesn't trust an 8 year old with eyeliner)
Gunther (since of course he comes to these things) gets along with everybody.
When they are at Norrisville- Howard tends to bail at Randy's house until the cousin's leave.
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cunningweiner · 1 month
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They came to me like a vision in the night
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dietleucine · 3 months
Mort Weinerman you precious angel I love you so much
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sucka-dicu · 3 years
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I start to question my bisexuality at this point. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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ranginald--bagel · 6 years
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bryancroidragon · 7 years
I noticed one of your planed RC9GN stories is titled "Ninja '66." What is it about?
It is basically just going to be a AU set in 1966 going for the campy feel of the Adam West Batman series but there will be some minor serious moments such as Mort being a holocaust survivor and enforcing a strict curfew on his household to make sure his kids are safe. Ken’s father Rick will also, instead of being a veteran of the Vietnam War, a veteran of World War II, in which he lost his eyesight. Aside from the serious things I’m planning to reinvent some of show’s villains more in the vein of something you’d expect from a campy super villain with the Sorcerer taking some cues from Gorshin’s Riddler for instance, McFist from Meredith’s Penguin and Viceroy from Romero’s Joker. I may even give Bash some elements of Sander’s Mr. Freeze. As the Ninja Randy will talk very slowly and Howard will even go “Holy X, Ninja!” It is all going to be great fun to write.
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skatoonyfan1234 · 7 years
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do they always wear swimsuits under their clothing
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