#my hobo (oliver)
opals4hearts · 4 months
Happy 2nd birthday dialtown!! Idk why i made this
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ratgingi · 1 year
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slot your pennies in the vending machine of love !!
a bunch of valentines cards i did for the dt anniversary + valentines day!! the last four are of some of my dt ocs! karen signed bigfoot's card for him. click for better quality ofc :-] <3
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applesauce322 · 8 days
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very small dialtown doodle things i did to get ready to do some of a june of dialtown
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teafourbirds · 3 months
Just Ollie Queen, singing the classics no matter the situation.
Smashing medieval alien monarchies:
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Green Lantern (1960) #92
Perry Como and The Fontane Sisters - Hoop-Dee-Doo (1950)
Serving some time in jail:
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World's Finest Comics #275
Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen - African-American spiritual dating back to the early 1800s, but here is Louis Armstrong in 1962:
Burying the hatchet (at least temporarily) with an antagonistic teammate:
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Justice League (1960) #145
The Happiness Boys - Show Me the Way to Go Home (1925ish)
Stranded and making his way home via dogsled:
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Green Arrow (1988) #8
Alaska's Hobo Jim - The Iditarod Trail Song (1982). This one would have been quite modern at the time!
Overcome by the musical he and Dinah just saw together:
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Green Arrow (1988) #57
Gene Kelly - Singin' in the Rain (1952)
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m-o-n-o-c-h-r-o-m-e · 5 months
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dove-dust · 2 years
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D og
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avid-idiot · 2 years
As soon as a I add 'my' to your nickname, it's game over
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didyoutrydynamite · 5 months
Jaune/Emerald: *Currently scouting some abandoned sewers as part of an op they are on.*
Rat: *Scuttles by*
Emerald: *Jumps* Ew! I goddamn hate rats!
Jaune: You know my sister Olive had one when we were growing up. It was kind of cute actually. She named him "Churro."
Emerald: Well I saw one chew up a hobo's face once. I named it "Fucking Face-Chewing Rat."
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atsadi-shenanigans · 2 months
Something Full-Bodied and Red
Did a thing. Here's period smut!
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It hits you right as he says, “No need to bleed by yourself, my love.” Your jaw drops. You stare at him, in his words, all agog. “You… are you saying…?” “Offering my companionship during your trying times? Yes, I believe I am. You smell delicious, Eleanor. I’ve been thinking about devouring you all day.” No mistake as his gaze slides down to the extra padding beneath your trousers. Or the way his pupils eclipse the red irises.
Or: Aunt Flo comes to visit. Astarion is delighted to make her acquaintance.
You really should a known when Gale made an—objectively-speaking and you even knew it at the time—simple statement about the best path to take. The day is hotter than Satan’s ass crack, y’all are sweating and miserable, and the rage surges up in you like goddamn Plinian eruption.
You say something along the line of, “No one asked your opinion, and yet here we are, listening to you talk anyway.”
It’s too far. You know it. Knew it before you even opened your mouth in that split second judgment call.
Gale’s face falls before he picks it back up and resettles his blasé mask.
Shit goddamn fuck.
Everyone hears it, too. Even Astarion gives you a Look.
“I’m sorry, Gale,” you say. “I really am. I’m…that was an asshole thing to say.”
His smile is still a couple shades cooler than usual. “It’s alright. The heat is getting to us all, I believe.”
An olive branch, when you’re the one who snapped.
“I mean it. Heat or not, that was rude of me. ‘Specially since you’re right.”
Cause he is. Heat melts your brains to pudding, and you were about to stomp y’all past the correct intersection to take y’all back to the inn.
His smile thaws a touch. He inclines his head.
“Now you’ve done it,” Astarion says. “He’s going to be insufferable all day.”
“Being correct is not being insufferable,” Gale says, one finger held up, the spitting image of some college professor. “Especially when it saves all of us time and effort in this truly insufferable mugginess.”
Poor man don’t know muggy. That’s when the backs of your hands sweat. Muggy is when the air’s so wet it’s almost hard to breathe. It’s one-hundred-and-thirteen goddamn degrees Fahrenheit with ninety-five percent goddamn humidity.
But you keep that shit to yourself because you fucked up and he’s owed a dunk on you.
As y’all turn up the (correct, this time) road, Astarion sidles in. Gives you a glance and the smallest line creases his brow.
“’M okay,” you say.
He nods. Bumps his hand against yours in his totally-not-a-stray-cat way of asking for attention. You thread your fingers through his gloved ones, and the both of you pretend that don’t soften his entire posture.
The inn is only half full. They got alcove beds along the walls, so you and Astarion decide to share. The two of you set up the privacy screen, and he changes into sleep pants while your back is turned.
Cazador McFuckface is dead. Astarion is a free man, and y’all have been intimate. But you still give him his modesty, always; it seems to please him beyond words. You can tell in the soft sigh as you turn away and leave him to it. In the languid movements of his limbs as he finishes and slides onto the mattress (only grumbling a little at the poor quality of the linens). In the roundness of his eyes as he stretches out and waits for you to join him.
He's still a murder hobo and a thieving, snarking, asshole gremlin. But there’s more to him, now.
You fiddle with your trousers. It really is too hot to sleep in clothes; back home, you always slept bare. It’s how you landed on an alien ship buck-ass naked.
He seems to sense this dilemma. Murmurs, “I won’t tell if you don’t.”
And then gives you a saucy little wink, the dork.
So you shuck off all but your smallclothes (that he sewed for you; nothing says “You’re fine I guess” like a man sewing you some drawers) and scooch in after him. He shuffles closer to the wall while you reach up to untie the cord holding the bed curtain open.
It’s only the illusion of privacy—Lae’zel murmurs to Shadowheart across the room and Karlach’s familiar snores already fill the air. But it’s a mental thing, and you turn and Astarion snuggles into you.
“God that’s nice,” you say.
One benefit of him being undead is the man don’t produce body heat. Which means he’s nice and cool against you. Which was real weird at first (something air temperature shouldn’t move or speak), but it’s him and he’s safe, so this feels like him, like safety.
He groans in response—the downside of undead is the man don’t produce his own body heat. Which means his joints get achy unless he’s fed within the last day, or he’s got a nice, large lover blasting him with her own furnace heat.
You’re tired and vaguely hurting. Astarion likes to be the little spoon, and when he’s facing you, he koala’s onto your front. Face tucked in against your neck (or your cleavage; “you make a fantastic pillow, darling”), arms wrapped around your middle, legs all tangled with yours.
But it’s so damn hot, and the walking was too damn long. Your body thrums. Bastard won’t settle. You become too aware of his habitual breath fanning your skin. Of his coolness against you. The arm slung over your ribs.
It’s easy to imagine that mouth of his opening. Tongue snaking out to lap at you, blunt front teeth nipping up and up. Until he finds your lips and—
You shift.
His crotch is right there. Ain’t nothing going on, but you know now what he feels like when he presses against you. When he ruts against you, eyes closed to slits, forgetting to breathe. His hand around yours on his cock as he shows you how to pleasure him. The salty, bitter tang as he comes in your mouth—
“Shit,” you say and shift your legs. Astarion nuzzles against your neck but otherwise says nothing.
Y’all’ve had sex in public. Had sex in an alley. In an inn. But none of those was this close to y’all’s friends. Curtains muffle sound about as well as tent fabric, but they been pitching their tents away from your shared one for some time and for a damn reason. You always thought you were quiet. Turns out, with a partner, not so much (it’s the shit he says; his pick-up lines were so over-the-top they was kinda funny, but when he means it? Who-wee).
You sigh. It’s been a long day. Y’all need to sleep.
You try to shift your hips without dislodging him, hoping to find the right angle to ease the general achiness—
“That’s going to make it more difficult for me to trance, darling,” Astarion says against your skin.
(You don’t shiver. That would be too desperate. And even if you did, he don’t mention it.)
“Sorry,” you say. “Kinda restless. You wanna sleep in separate beds?” Then he looks up and even in the curtained gloom, his eyes pick up that red shine like a monster in the woods come to lurk.
Okay, so you absolutely shiver. You feel his smile, slow and syrupy, against your collarbone.
“Who said anything about leaving?” he says.
This man. What he does to you. You try to run your fingers through your hair, but it’s dark, you’re human, and you catch his ear instead.
Now he shudders. Presses a kiss to where your neck and shoulder meet.
“Are you…?” you say, because you ain’t always good at reading people and this man in particular is real good at getting himself misread on purpose.
His cool fingers slip down your belly to tease along your smallclothes as his mouth opens to suck on your neck (it’ll bruise). His fingers trace lower, lower…
You clasp a hand over your mouth.
“Offering to help you work through whatever has you so bothered?” he says.
Heat rushes between your legs. You are so horny for him it’s ridiculous. His hand lifts so he can trace along your outer thigh. Then his knee slots between your legs.
“Be a dear and bring this up over my hip, hmm?” he says, tapping a pattern on your thigh. “Open your legs for me, my love.”
“But everybody’s so close.”
He sucks at the damn love bite. He loves leaving marks on you. You think you like him leaving marks on you.
“So long as you stay quiet,” he says, voice gone soft and lilting as his fingers tease under your smallclothes to stroke lower.
The rest on AO3.
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AS PER REQUESTS, ive added my new pin designs to my shop!!! in WAVE 2 ive included : fake 60s voting pins, along with hobo, roger, and stabby&shooty- on TOP of randy, karen, oliver, mingus, gingi, norm, jerry, and bigfoot
also reshot images for my etsy page, and im SUPER happy with how they turned out :-)
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(pssst... dont tell anyone, but... you can use promo code LIMEAIDTRINKETS for 15% off...)
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milaisreading · 1 year
Hello! It’s my first time ever requesting in tumblr and i really really love your works! I was wondering if you could do a scenario about manager who’s bad at playing soccer and players ( u-20/BLLK/neo-egoist…) got into argument about who will teach her xd
Author: Hello! Happy to hear that I am your first request and I hope you like this! Thank you for the support and have a great day🩷
Warnings ⚠️: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"Come on, (Y/n)! It will be fun!" Bachira urged the girl, who simply shook her head, looking at the football he was holding in disgust, then nervously laughed.
"I... I don't think that's a good idea..."
"Why? Come on, we will go easy on you!" Isagi said, wanting to play football with her. It was a relatively peaceful day at Blue Lock anyways, aside from Kaiser pissing Isagi and Rin off, it was peaceful.
"That's not a good idea because..." (Y/n) gulped, a little embarrassed to admit she was downright horrendous at the sport.
'They will probably make fun of me for it!'
"Come on! Just relax for the day." Kunigami and Chigiri urged. (Y/n) looked around the place nervously, trying to find some saving grace. Most of the Blue Lock members were in their room, using today as a rest day. The ones who were here: Isagi, Kunigami, Bachira, Chigiri, Reo and Nagi were essentially trying to get her to play with them. Rin was out with his brother somewhere, while Kaiser and Ness were with their team, so there was nobody she could use as a scapegoat... well, except...
'Fuck my life!' She cringed and looked over at the U-20 captain.
"Aiku said he might need my help with... something! What was it again?!"
Oliver looked at the girl, startled that she even addressed him. The others were in disbelief too, knowing that (Y/n) didn't have the best of relationship with him, but she was now looking at him like he hung up the moon.
"What dream is this?" Bachira muttered and pinched his cheeks.
Oliver watched with a raised eyebrow as she escaped Nagi's grip and ran to him.
"So... ready for me to help you with that... thing?" (Y/n) asked the dumbfounded captain, who recovered pretty fast and nodded his head.
"Of course, come on."
Oliver smiled and pulled (Y/n) along, sending the group a smirk as they were glaring at him.
Once gone, Bachira kicked the ball in rage and grinned at the door.
"When did he get so close to (Y/n)? Didn't we keep him away from her?"
"Apparently not good enough... Why my dear (Y/n), why pick that hobo over me?" Reo sobbed as Nagi cracked his knuckles.
"We should have beat him up instead of playing bowling." The albino said.
"Maybe... maybe (Y/n) would rather play football with him instead of us..." Isagi whispered, hurt and panic lacing his tone.
"What?! This is a tragedy, I am way better than that womanizer freak! Why?!" Chigiri cried out.
"You all... do you think that (Y/n) might have a thing for Aiku? I mean... did you see the way she looked at him?" Nagi questioned, causing everyone to look at him in horror.
"Nonono... she hates him. I am sure we just saw shit." Kunigami protested the idea, there is no way their sweet manager would like him.
"Well... you know what they say... the line between love and hate is thin." Isagi gulped, causing silence to fall on the group.
"Why are you guys so down?" Rin raised his eyebrow as him and Sae approached the panicked group.
"(Y/n) wants to marry Aiku and play football with him!" Bachira yelled, causing Sae to spit out his drink.
"The hell are you guys talking about?! Why would (Y/n) want to play with a lukewarm hobo?" Rin asked, already getting agitated.
"We tried to get her to play football with us, and she picked Aiku." Reo answered solemnly.
"You all are dumb, for 2 reasons. One that you think lukewarms such as yourselves are worthy of asking (Y/n) that." Rin started, ignoring the glares he received from his teammates, and then continued.
"And 2nd for believing (Y/n) would like Aiku."
"You didn't see the way she looked at him." Kunigami said.
"What do you mean by that?" Sae spoke up, already pissed at his teammate.
"She looked like he hung up the moon and stars... like he is a God or something." Chigiri explained.
'That little piece of shit!' Sae and Rin thought.
While the group was plotting Oliver's death, the captain himself was over the moon as he talked about thr various places he visited in Italy. (Y/n) would chime in with a question here and there, finding him surprisingly pleasant to talk to... well unless he tried to flirt. They were now in the training area designated for the U-20 team, with (Y/n) doing some check-ups on equipment.
"Say, why did you pick to hang out with me?" Oliver suddenly asked, causing (Y/n) to look away from her clipboard and at him.
"Oh... I'm... no reason!" She said as Oliver got up and moved closer to the girl.
"I don't believe you. Now tell me what it is about, Cutie?"
'Kill me, what are these nicknames?!' (Y/n) cringed and contemplated on if she should tell him or not.
"I am very much open and transparent with you, shouldn't you be the same? Seems only fair." Oliver said, leaning down.
"Rin, don't start a fight no- did you just bite me?!" Isagi flinched as him and Kunigami held back the two brothers from starting a fight. Nagi sighed and opened the door to the U-20 training hall, only to choke on his spit at the scene he was seeing.
"That piece of shit..."
"What is it?" Reo raised his eyebrow and peeked inside too, only to shriek away right after.
"What?" Chigiri and Bachira asked.
"Aiku is trying to kiss (Y/n)!" Reo exclaimed as the others froze for a moment.
"Nevermind about peace, I am beating him up first." Kunigami said, letting go of a seething Sae.
"No way, I will!" Bachira added, grinning maniacally as Nagi and Reo walked into the room, ready to pull their manager away.
"Ah... I just don't know how to play football... and I was too embarrassed to admit it." Nagi and Reo stopped in their tracks and looked at each other.
"Sorry for using you like this! I was just embarrassed to say anything... it sounds rediculous."
Oliver hummed and nodded his head, then put his arm around her shoulders and grinned.
"Then I will teach you the basics. What better way than to learn it from a captain-"
"Hold it! You are not teaching anyone anything!" Reo yelled, pulling (Y/n) away from Oliver and glared up at him.
"What are you guys doing here?!" (Y/n) asked, horrified that Reo and Nagi heard her.
"We came to get you! Don't listen to anything he tells you!" Reo said and pointed at the offended boy.
"Yeah, we can teach you how to play." Nagi yawned, sending a glare to Oliver.
"We? You mean me! I am the best ranked one in Blue Lock." Rin chimed in.
"Cut the crap! I can do a way better job!" Bachira said as he smiled at (Y/n).
"I am the fastest and most patient one of you all. Please, I will do that." Chigiri said calmly, earning an eyeroll from Isagi.
"Not as patient as I am."
'Good God... over football of all things.' (Y/n) groaned as she watched the group argue.
"Come on, let's do something else. Ego-san will hear the commotion soon." Reo whispered to (Y/n) and pulled her out of the training room, Nagi following them close behind, satisfied that the girl was away from Oliver, who was getting scolded by Sae and Rin.
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sscrubberhose · 2 months
Ya got any dialtown headcanons? :3
hooo boy. ive been chewing on this all day and I think i have a decent amount to say!
Spoilers for Dialtown!
Tw for mentions of suicidal ideation and religious guilt
-Is aware of everything that happens in my fics but forgets
-is more aware of how people perceive them than people give them credit for, wants to make everyone happy
-has a strong fear of being alone, which is why they bother people so relentlessly. if they were to be fully ignored for an extended period of time they would have a breakdown
-Has both the phone and the typewriter head and can change them out at will, dont ask where they keep them.
-has bitten theoroar many, many times and will do so again. is even more fearful and hateful of him after the zoo explosion
-has a lot of love to give and genuinely prefers being around their friends
-has a level of intelligence that is genuinely sort of surprising sometimes. this intelligence is used at random
-is surprisingly easy and hard to kill at the same time
-the narrator is actually a separate entity to them who cares about them very much
-seems to be passively suicidal but no one can tell if theyre joking or not
-roger rabbit rules, whatever biology is funniest is what they have
-perceived height changes based off of this rule as well. no one notices.
-breaks into town hall once a month for funsies
-enjoys sweet things quite a bit
-autistic beast
-is actually a decent cartoonist, but rarely draws due to hand pain. likes drawing gingi and oliver the most
-has a lot of religious guilt due to growing up catholic with a very very strict, religious father, left home as soon as he could. also why he is afraid to talk to God.(hobo)
-father harped on him his entire childhood about being a burden, now feels that he owes the world for existing. this is slowly healing.
-due to his upbringing hes still learning how to function as an adult, i.e cleaning, cooking for himself, things like that. hes working on it!
-has sensory issues, has ASD
-fear of cgi animals comes from having to watch weird religious propaganda films for kids when he was young. he is getting over it thanks to oliver.
-extremely observant and notices things a lot of people don't, but usually doesnt say anything for fear of being annoying
-knows shooty and stabby on a first name basis(not that he knows whos who)
-sees Norm as a father figure but would never admit that
-has a long list of phobias that hes working on recovering from, but is too nervous to go to therapy for
-has a LOT of plushies in the ticket booth that Oliver and Gingi have given him, refuses to get rid of any of them
-taking the bandage off wont instantly kill him, he doesn't know this.
-can skateboard, does not do this often
-gets sick very easily, has to be forced to rest as he tries to insist hes not sick
-is roommates with Oliver, they have a bunk bed
-got his number changed so the hotline wasnt tied to him anymore
-is actually a good singer, never sings due to thinking he sucks. Will hum to himself while working at the ticket booth
-Has actually gotten fairly close to the other datables since the conclusion of the game, doesnt know how to express this
-Visits Dialtown for a few months out of the year to catch up and spend time with her friends
-part of her contract with helping rebuild was better wages for those who worked at the bank. It took a lot of arguing but she felt that no one should suffer like she did.
-expresses her love for her friends by making them ponysonas. Is a huge pegasister. will infodump about it for hours to anyone who will listen
-enjoys botanical illustrations the best, next to drawing horses
-draws horses with normal horse heads as a form of abstraction
-puts capsaicin oil in her paints so Gingi will stop drinking them. This did not work.
-enjoys vintage movies and game shows and talks at length with Oliver about them when they go out for coffee or dinner together.
-she and randy doodle together sometimes
-also has severe sensory issues and has safe outfits she wears. will cry if she has to touch certain fabrics. (LOOKING AT YOU CRUSHED VELVET)
-safe foods are microwave dinners and pasta, but she keeps her diet balanced.
-her and Norm get along now and will sometimes go for hikes and chat about life(and ways to wrangle gingi)
-allergic to shrimps
-can play piano
-Got a new therapist who doesnt think hes weird or annoying(it didnt phase him but thats not groovy to say to someone)
-has POTS, often needs to sit down at work so he doesnt faint.
-is a HUGE horror fan, could tell you everything about the behind the scenes of every major and minor horror movie to come out in the last decade.
-works as a haunt actor for the Dialtown Haunted House every single Halloween, wants to run it someday
-has a log of every new thing he notices about Gingis biology, the log is three books long now.
-Really wants to run a youtube channel where he does amateur ghost hunting with randy, has yet to convince randy that this is a good idea
-is very physically affectionate, though he does ask permission first before touching anyone!
-Has had top and bottom surgery and is comfortable where his transition is, thankfully his insurance under Mr. Dickens covered it! (Mingus isnt a TOTAL monster)
-has a digital scrap book of all his favorite memories with his friends
-makes rage comics unironically.
-favorite color is actually black, red just seems to be his thing!
-has been legally adopted by Mr. Dickens but decided to keep his last name as Swift because "it was rad."
-is actually friends with most of the ghosts and poltergeists that live in the cinema/scareshack
-kept the popcorn and soda dispensers, but got the soda dispensers to dispense SODA and not...whatever the fuck it was doing before.
-helped renovate the basement of the cinema into a haunted maze that he helped design, the theme changes once a year!
-got those unicycle lessons and knows how to juggle as well!
-likes rollerskating, has Heelys on all the time
-allergic to peanuts
-can play guitar
-Is aware that Gingi sees the face on the sticky note change and thinks its sort of funny
-Is actually good friends with God and the two go out to lunch once or twice a month
-enjoys fishing and will take Randy and Oliver on fishing trips, Gingi usually follows regardless of invite.
-Sees himself as a father figure to most of the dateables, and is willing to fill in that role.
-apologized to Karen for his behavior by baking her fresh bread. is actually an extremely good cook
-irises and pupils are both void black due to exposure to the wormhole. He has not noticed this. Eyes used to be honey brown.
-Has to stop Mingus from doing a new evil scheme once a month, has a spray bottle for this purpose.
-does actually have other outfits for when the space suit needs to be washed, is never seen outside the house when this happens
-Oliver, Karen, and Randy have seen his real face, they were like "cool" as Gingi is just...far weirder.
-i imagine him as strawberry blonde. Short hair, either buzz cut or just short. maybe some stubble. I dont have a good image of what his face looks like, it is just bag to me
-not great at public speaking but REALLY good at pretending to be
-is actually very good at using technology but will sometimes pretend not to be just to tease Oliver.(it works every time)
-can also play guitar
-okay okay i have one. You could use his fur to make yarn IF you washed it. You will never be able to get close enough to brush him though.
Misc headcanons:
-heads can be repurposed after death, like cadaver bones!
-the more popular headtype for modern business men and women is a laptop
-after what happened to Callum Crown, the answering machines function was completely separated from memory storage
-Snakes have syringes for heads
-peter and his wife are poly and want roger to be their third, but roger is as dense as a brick and peters too formal to just say it out loud.
-Harry and Jack are a couple in this universe, Jack is just a very odd boss to work for regardless
-Billy is Abel's kid. The mother is unknown. probably a one night stand.
-the swans miss randy :(
-there are a few headtypes that are banned for various reasons, one of which is having a megaphone AS your head.
-Roger is autistic and has a stutter, and sometimes has to use ASL to communicate. Peter knows ASL for this reason
-The Narrator could talk to the others, but only if it was an emergency
-all Dialtown OCs are canon. theyre in town somewhere, having fun and living their lives!
-Dialtown is bigger than shown in game, including the town square which has a fountain and a park surrounding it, as well as a skate park, rec center, arcade, a pizza place, etc.
-all the dateables have met satan at least once, they just didnt know thats who that was
-shooty and stabby are dating, theyre just very bromance about it. good for them...
-rotery phone heads are coming back in fashion as a sort of 'retro' vibe.
-getting prosthetics/emergency plastic surgery and medical care is actually quite accessible.
-jerry and his wife come visit dialtown every christmas soley so that gingi doesnt run all the way out there to visit them and get hopelessly lost. theyre doing quite well!
-there are competent members of the dialtown mob but they dont really do much other than hang out at the bar
if i think of anymore Ill let you know!! thanks for askin!
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ratgingi · 8 months
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i havent (properly) drawn a dialed town character in way too long. happy birfday oliber my best friemd oliber
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catsburgers · 8 months
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chat this MIGHT be dialtown! (closeups under the cut!! ft. their songs and why i paired them w/ the ones i did)
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randy - today today (jack stauber)
the lyrics fit him heaps and it actually makes me a little sad. i didn't write out the entire verse bc i ran out of space but the full part is
"Today, today, is one of those days That carries you slowly into next time And as folks walk by, you see with your eye "Hold me" is repeatedly given
and by GOD is that him. pathetic sad sopping wet man who just needs a hug please give him one oh my god
norm - chemical overreaction (will wood) (you'll notice a pattern later on)
that song has a very midwest cowboy feel to me (the line "Nettles on my saddle and a badge on my vest" is a very big give away), and yeah he IS a chemical overreaction like.. yeah. the line i picked was just the one that stood out to me the most
"My mouth is dry and my eyes are red I’m chewing on sand ‘cause the desert���s in my head" uhh yeah
typegingi - popipo (lamaze-p)
i honestly couldn't think of a song for them because they are just So. if you asked me to make a playlist it would be full of vocaloid bc i feel like theyd listen to it. it plays 24/7 in their mind
"ぽっぴぽっぴぽっぽっぴっぽ (x11)"
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oliver - things to do (alex g)
oliver was someone i struggled with admittedly, i was gonna go for a lemon demon song bc honestly he gives those freak vibes (he IS two trucks and i stand by that) but i feel like things to do fits too. like read the lyrics its so him (or i have a very skewed view of these characters idk sorry)
"Hold on tight to this time, this place cause Everything you know will be erased You were born inside your head and That is where you'll be when you are dead"
karen - willard! (will wood)
please listen to willard! its so her pretty please pls pls plssss. tired bank worker thats so so tired but wants to see the world. plss...
"You know I couldn't hurt a fly, my friend I'm not the type to step on ants I've nearly cried for moths that die at porchlight lamps More for the plights of mice than men See, I myself have been stepped on so many times It's started to feel like my place I've failed to fit in into those nests that scrape the sky Is there room for me in your cage?"
i did his route over a year ago and didnt do it again during my replay sorry bigfoot fans love you :(
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god/hobo - mr capgras
"What you feel and what you do Are those things really you? And if not, then what is? (Never never never) So, my God, what’s wrong with you? And I’m still asking who that is"
roger - i bet on losing dogs (mitski)
hes so mitski coded its insane. we havent got much from the dialtown teaser but we DO have his dsaf personality to go off, and he was a complete mess in that.
"I bet on losing dogs I know they're losing and I'll pay for my place By the ring Where I'll be looking in their eyes when they're down I'll be there on their side I'm losing by their side"
peter - a pearl (mitski)
all dsaf holdovers are mitski coded bc it was born into their body the moment they became a phone guy. once again not much to go off in dialtown and ik he seemed rlly chill in what interaction we had but god he is my fav and you can pry my mitski from my cold dead hands. also yeah i reused his art from my dsaf drawing sorrry i didnt think it was worth it redoing the exact same ref
"It's just that I fell in love with a war Nobody told me it ended And it left a pearl in my head And I roll it around every night"
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mayor mingus - everything i wanted (billie eilish) / laplace's angel (will wood)
ok i couldnt pick between these two, theyre so different but so similar
everything i wanted is rlly her, like even the title is so mingus. she's dialtowns mayor, she has everything she wants, except her grandfathers recognition and she'll never get it.
"They called me weak Like I'm not just somebody's daughter Coulda been a nightmare But it felt like they were right there And it feels like yesterday was a year ago But I don't wanna let anybody know"
laplace angel is also her to a lesser degree, the song is about the difference between good and bad, and UGH we know mingus is evil but she's also hurting and thats not an excuse and [explodes]. the little (hurt people? hurt people!) that's officially in the song title is also her. like the term "hurt people hurt people" arehghks. the repeated "if you were in my shoes, you'd walk that mile/you'd see i wear the same size as you" like. shit if ppl were in her shoes WOULD they do the same thing?? probably not!! but she feels like she HAS to do these things and assumes that everyone else would do it too. yk. i love mayor mingus so much
"You, could you take a look at me? (Man no more than animal is made of moral chemicals) Am I bad, am I bad, am I bad, am I really that bad? (Any form mechanical, thank you God) Ooh, whatever you think of me (From the hordes of cannibals, to psych wards of hospitals) If you were in my shoes, you’d see I wear the same size as you (It’s a small world after all) Oh oh right!"
billy - ???
demons dont get songs.
jerry - half decade hangover (will wood)
hes sooo. even the title is him. like yeah he WOULD be hungover on the job if i was jerry id be pounding vodka by the litre. 12 german shepards each with different illnesses. yeah pass me the margarita (i have never had an alcoholic beverage in my life).
"Wonder how I didn’t die This is not my life, I’m no survivor, I only happened to survive Wonder how I sleep at night Well I count pink elephants, blessings, and skeletons"
if you read to the end, thank u so much (and please go seek therapy). if you have any other song suggests lmk in the replies!! but dont tell me songs wont fit i MIGHT cry. these designs r mostly canon but i added my own flair to them (namely typegingis entire design, god/hobo having dog ear antenna (inspired by my own dt oc having cat ear antenna), peters springlock scars, mingus being way more cat then orignally and also making rogers suit just a LITTLE too big for him, showing how he really isnt fit for this position in his job. he'll grow into it eventually <3)
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randy-jade-4ever · 10 months
Dialtown Party Game Concept
Hello friends. you might know me as the randy jade ask blog but I had something cooking in my brain for a bit and it was for a hypothetical Dialtown party game spinoff called Dialtown Party! Do note I don't really have any drawings but I might add some later if I feel like it so here we go!
The plot: It's Callum Crown's 100th birthday and Mingus is still trying to reform after the incident last February so in order to celebrate the big 100 for his peepaw, Mingus holds a festival in his name to get hip with the town. Everyone in Dialtown is welcome to participiate including someone who just moved in... you!
Basic Premise: In Mysims Party you would go through sets of minigames called Festivals with a certain number of characters per player in order to progress the "story" so I would think that the same can apply here. Example being something called an opening festival which has 3 minigames and then you unlock a festival after that which has 6 minigames. etc. etc. After every minigame you get points based on how well you perform in the minigame. In Mysims Party each festival was held by a different character, but in Dialtown Party Mingus hosts every festival, but she will say different things each festival to keep it fresh. I would think between these festivals you experience various conversations with the whole Dialtown cast and their thoughts on the festival and shenanigans ensue! This would also be a great chance to show interactions not in the original game like say... Abel and Bunny.
Every major and minor Dialtown Character is playable!: From Phonegingi and Oliver to cameo characters like Harry and Peter, everyone you know and love from Dialtown is now playable and has their own minigame to call their own! There's even some secret characters too! Later in this doc I'll explain every minigame and what you do to win in each of them. Mid-Festival Events!: Sometimes between minigames in a festival Madame Mediocre will appear and initiate a surprise event! Every player will pick a card from 15 or so cards and various things will happen. Here's the list of effects:
-An Enc0unter protection card. Nullifies negative effects from Enc0unter one time. (See the next section.) - A players party will recieve an item that temporarily increases a stat to the max for one minigame. (You can hold up to 3 of these items per player) - One character in players party has their lost stats restored - Every character in players party has their lost stats restored - The character used in the last minigame will have all their stats lowered by 1 - The character used in the last minigame will have all their stats boosted by 1 - A character in someone's party will be unavailable for 3 minigames - Nothing
Mid-Festival Events!(2): Sometimes between minigames... Enc0unter will appear! This mysterious figure could do all sorts of things. Change everyone's stats, add an unexpected minigame, lower everyone's stats to one, or max out everyone's stats.
Playable roster in no particular order: Phonegingi, Typegingi, Randy Jade, Oliver Swift, Karen Dunn, Bigfoot, Sgt. Norm Allen, Mayor Mingus, Jerry Gould, Abel Brannigan, Bunny, Nathan Hanover, Peter Kennedy, Roger Jones, Harry Fitzgerald, Hobo, Little Billy, Pierre, Curie, Zimothy Bunsen, Craig, Lorraine Deere, Terrence "Tango", Theoroar Rustlebelt, Stabby, Shooty, Gabby, Narrator, Frank, Ebenezer Dickens.
Secret Characters (No minigame attached besides some): Callum Crown, Marla Crown, Milton R. Wallace, Jack Kennedy, Steven Stevenson, Lola, Phonald Ringin, Frongles The Clown, Civilian
How to unlock characters: You play their minigame once. That's it. Mysims party character unlocking sucked i am NOT making other people go through that. You have the dateables and Gingi by default.
More about characters: Every character has 4 stats. Power, Running, Stamina, and Luck. Every minigame has preferred stats. For my sanity I won't be giving the stat numbers for every character so you'll just have to use your imagination for now. During festivals and after playing a minigame the preferred stats from the minigame played will have a point reduced on the characters stat. (Example: if a minigame had a preferred stat of running and power. Randy's power stat of 2 and running stat of 4 would be reduced to 1 and 3 respectively. A stat can go no lower than one.)
Minigame Structure: Every minigame will have 4 players and each player is represented by a Dialtown character or a custom dialtowner made in the player character's house. Each minigame will have a task and whoever can complete the task the best wins!
Special gimmick: In Mysims Party if you were to play as a character and then play as that character in their minigame the host for the minigame would be wearing a different costume. I would like to bring that to dialtown party. An example is that if you play as randy and then play the Randy minigame randy will be throwing swans at a randy wearing red clothes.
This section will list every characters minigame. This will be a LONG section.
Randy Jade's minigame: Ready, Set, Swan! Description: Randy now on a better course of his life is trying to overcome his fear of swans and needs your help! Grab swans around the enclosed area in the Dialtown park and throw them at Randy who is running around said area. A successful hit with a swan is one point. If you hit Randy with a special gold swan that's 3 points! Player with the most point wins.
Oliver Swift's minigame: The Wrath of Oliver Swift. Description: Oliver invites you to his horror house for a real scare of a time. Though looks like you're the one getting scared! It's up to you to avoid getting scared by Oliver. There are various hazards around the arena that might stun so watch out! Once you get scared once you get eliminated. Last player standing wins.
Karen Dunn's minigame: Painting Paint. Description: Karen needs help for her next piece! Each player gets their own canvas and must draw as many paintings as possible in order to win. each new painting requires a specific sequence of inputs. Most paintings by the end of the time limit is the winner! Bigfoot's minigame: Bananasssssssssssssssssssss Description: Bigfoot is craving some bananas and is asking for your help! Collect the bananas around the woods and give them to Bigfoot in the middle for him to eat. There's 1 banana, 3 banana, and 5 banana chunks around the area. Watch out though, every player can steal your bananas with a simple kick that can knock your chunk out of your hands. Player that gave the most bananas wins! (Idea suggested by:@fishy-sandwich)
Sgt. Norm Allen's minigame: Norm Allen's Shooting Range. Description: Norm is rootin' tootin' cowboy so it's time to see who can shoot the most targets scattered around the area. This is a first person shooter minigame where targets will appear at random. Bad guy targets are worth 1 point and super bad guy targets are worth three. Norm's wife targets are a -3 points so be careful before shooting. Player with the most points wins!
Mayor Mingus's minigame: Rugnapping. Description: Mingus is taking a cat nap, but her rug is so comfy and nice... it's up to you to take it out of her office! Slowly make your way through her office but be sure to play dead when she suddenly wakes up or otherwise you'll be stunned even when holding the rug. Once you have the rug you need to leave the room with it but watch out players can punch it off. Whoever leaves with the rug wins! If no one can get the rug out of her office by the time limit whoever held the rug the most will win.
Jerry Gould's minigame: Sheep Jeep. Description: Jerry needs to wrangle some sheep into their pens and needs your help. Direct the sheep into your team color's pen to gain points. Whichever player has the most sheep at the end of the time limit or when all the sheep are wrangled win!
Abel Brannigan's minigame: Funfair Agony. Description: Abel's self loathing is at a breaking point and you need to run the funfair while he's yelling at Randy. Direct funfair guests to the ride they want to. The ride a guest wants to go will be indicated by the icon above their head. Be careful of the other players and guests. Every guest taken to the correct attraction is one point. Every guest taken to the wrong attraction is -1 point. Whoever has the most points when the time limit ends wins!
Bunny's minigame: Bunny Stacking. Description: Bunny think he's the best but somehow needs help making burgers. Use a cursor to pick various toppings like lettuce, tomato, and onions and patties and buns to make the burger that Bunny wants at the moment. Everytime a player gives the right burger that player gets a point and Bunny will now ask for a new burger with different fixings. Player with the most points at the end of the time limit wins. Nathan Hanover's minigame: British People... Description: Nathan wants to talk to you, but unfortunately no one can understand what he says... Nathan will say something and you need to pick the correct translation of 4 options. If you get it right you get a point. If you get it wrong you get stunned. The player to get 5 correct translations first wins!
Peter Kennedy and Roger Jones' minigame: Factory Maintenance. (2v2) Description: Peter and Roger need help with their factory work! Each team will be given a set of items to collect. One team will have have to go to Peter and one team will have to go to Roger. The team that collects all of the items first wins! Harry Fitzgerald (And Jack Kennedy's) minigame: Bear. Description: Harry's boss is quite demanding so he enlists your help in getting orders for his job at a pizza joint. Each player will have their own line and must grab items in the kitchen like pepperoni pizza, breadsticks, and wings, and then put the items on the player assigned customers colored tray. If you did the order right you get three points and if you get it wrong you get nothing. Player with the most points after the time limit wins! Hobo's Minigame: Omelette for God. Description: The Local Hobo craves an omelette. Button mash in order to put as much food into your omelette as possible. Whoever button mashed the hardest in the time limit wins!
Little Billy's Minigame: Harassing the Swift. Description: Little Billy feels like annoying Oliver today so it's up to you to help distract Oliver while Little Billy sneaks up on him. Whenever Oliver feels like turning around click the right button above Oliver in order to get his attention again. If you fail to click the right button or don't click the button at all Oliver will notice Little Billy and yeet him and you immediately lose. With enough successful button presses, Little Billy gets to Oliver and scare Oliver and you win! Multiple people can win this minigame! Pierre's minigame: I Don't Think This is Therapy... (1v3) Description: The single player will be serving drinks (non alcoholic) to the other three players. The single player must serve the drinks via a long button combination while the other three will be talking about their woes via short button combinations. Whoever finishes the button combinations first gets a point. Whichever team gets the most point by the end wins! Curie's minigame: Drink Roulette. Description: Curie has put something in one of four drinks that is not very nice. Each player will pick a drink and one person will drink the bad drink and be eliminated. The three leftover players will then pick 1 of 3 drinks with one of them also being tainted and then the person drinking the next bad drink will be eliminated leaving 2 left. There will then be 2 drinks and one is also tainted. Whoever drinks the good drink here wins! Zimothy Bunsen's minigame: Bunsen BURNS. Description: Zimothy's comically large amount of bunsen burners are all going haywire. Traverse his lab in order to turn off the bunsen burners when they turn on. A bunsen burner turned off is one point. If you find the prototype for Zimothy's virus on a table that's five points. Most points by the end of the limit wins! Craig's minigame: Emergency Contact. Description: Craig is in a situation where he might need an emergency contact. Wait for when Craig has a button above his head and whoever presses the button first wins! Lorraine Deere's minigame: Conspiracy Conspirator. Description: Lorraine loves her conspiracies. Lorraine will say a conspiracy and it's up to you whether or not it's true. It's all about remembering what you got right before and what you got wrong before. Getting a question right gives one point while getting it wrong gets nothing. Player to get 5 correct answers right wins! Terrence "Tango"'s minigame: It's Tango Time! Description: Tango wants help in giving Mayor Mingus a gift. Tango will ask for something around the main hall and the first person to grab it and give it to Tango will get 1 point and then Tango will ask for another item. Whoever got the most points by the end of the limit or all things have been given in the main hall wins!
Theoroar Rustlebelt's minigame: Battle of the Rustlebelt. (1v3) Description: Theoroar places his faith in the single player and puts the other three players in a cage. the first player can send various animals onto the three players with certain button prompts and if the three players make contact with an animal they get eliminated. If the three players are all eliminated by the end of the time limit, the single player wins and if not the three players win.
Stabby and Shooty's minigame: Battle of Knives and Guns. (2v2) Description: One player on each team gets a knife while the other gets a knife. Each player will have 5 health points and the players can use the weapons to reduce the health of the enemy. The knife is close range while the gun is long range. Whoever has both teammates health deplete first loses while the other team wins. Gabby's minigame: Gabby Gabs. Description: Gabby needs your help working the counter at her shop. Each player will be assigned a spot and a customer will walk up to the players. The customer will put down a cash amount and then show what they want. There's a board on the screen showing how much everything is. You need to see what they want and then see if they can afford it. If they can afford it you press the yes button and you get a point. If they can't afford it you press the no button and you get a point. If you incorrectly guess whether the customer can afford the items you get no points. Whoever has the most points at the end of the time limit wins! Narrator's minigame: Gingi is Insane Actually (Cooperative) Description: Gingi has gone feral and Narrator needs everyone's help to guide them along the roads of dialtown. Everyone must work together in order to win. Gingi moves via the directional input each players give which is up, down, left, or right via a roulette. Each player rolls a direction then gingi moves in order of player 1 to player 4. If Gingi makes it to the end of the track within the time limit everyone wins! Frank's minigame: Bank Problems Description: Frank the Dialtown Bank Bodyguard is in need of help. Observe the bank visitors and when one has an exclamation mark above their head it means they're about to do a heinous act and you must run up to them and press a button in order to call Frank and throw them to the curve. Each time you successfully throw a person out you get one point. If you throw out Hobo doing a heinous act it's 3 points. Player with the most points at the end of the time limit wins! Ebenezer Dickens' Minigame: What The Dickens? Description: Mr. Dickens needs your help running the Scare Shack! All the faulty wiring and other faulty technology need fixing. When something breaks, mad dash to there and mash the button that's above the broken tech in order to fix it. Fixing it nets you one point. As time progresses more things will break at a time. Player with most points at the end of the time limit wins! Phonegingi/Typegingi's Minigame: Gingi Trash Exploring Description: Gingi wants to go dumpster diving. Use a button to clean through the trash and collect any collectables you might find. Each collectable has it's own point value. Whoever has the most points by the time limit or when all collectables are found, wins!
After completing all the festivals there will be a cutscene with Mingus visiting his grandfather at the nursing home. Mingus will tell his peepaw that the festival was a huge success and that Mingus is more liked by the community something that she thought would never happen after what she's done. Callum isn't responding that much, but soon enough Mingus pulls out the postcard that Mingus used to be so focused on and gives it to Callum. "I don't need this anymore," She says and bids his peepaw farewell. The despondent Callum Crown finally shows some movement and picks up the postcard that was on his lap. Callum stares at the postcard for a long while before putting it aside. Callum closed his hypothetical eye and sleeps. CALLUM CROWN'S MINIGAME: ??????????? Description: This is more of a cutscene than anything. The minigame introduction is in an indecipherable text and when you go to the character select screen the only option is... Callum Crown. The minigame shows the usually start graphic but there's no timer. It's a flashback to the time when Callum took the photo for that postcard. You talk to the townsfolk slowly gathering everyone up to make that fabled photo. Everyone is in place and Callum says "Say Dialtown everyone!" Right as this happens it cuts to current day where a similar photo is being taken except it's everyone in Dialtown that you just did all the minigames with. and then the credits roll.
--CONCLUSION-- Secret Character Unlocks: After you beat the game you unlock Callum Crown, Milton R. Wallace, and Marla Crown. No one acknowledges how they're alive or how Callum remembers anything as their appearances are non canon in an already hypothetical non-canon game! You unlock Jack and Steven via scoring well in Harry and Jack's minigame. You unlock Lola by doing well in Randy's minigame. You unlock Phonald Ringin, Frongles The Clown, and Civilian with cheat codes.
In conclusion: I hope you had a fun time reading this hypothetical. Feel free to take this post and do whatever you want with it like draw fanart of the minigame concepts or whatever. Overall though I just hope you enjoyed a Dialtown superfan's rambles!!!
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butchdykekondraki · 11 days
NOW ACTUALLY I MUST ASK? OUT OF ALL THE DT CHARACTERS YOU CAN THINK OF. which ones are tfem and tmasc. cause i have my own Insane Arrangement of Thoughts on that
YEESSS YESSSS HUGE WIN FOR MEEEE!!!! uhh just gonna like list em off hold on
tmasc; oliver, callum, hobo/god, gingi, jerry, & mr dickens i guess
tfem; NORMMM NORM. TGIRL NORM I AM SO PASSIONATE ABOUT HER. ok whatever anyways, shooty & stabby, gabby, karen, mingus perhaps maybe?, theoroar, RANDY!!!!!!!, uh harry roger & peter if they count at all, MAYBE pierre too. for funsies, bunny, & abel
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