#my mom described it as shakespearean and she is SO right
Sorry everyone, every time I rewatch Report to the Mirror it just becomes all I can talk about for 2-3 business days lmao.
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galaxygolfergirl · 3 years
Things to make Attack of the Clones possibly a better movie
Stuff about Anakin
Anakin would take after Matt Lanter’s portrayal in the Clone Wars in terms of charm and personality, though not that Hayden Christensen doesn’t do a good job. Here me out; when not speaking that terrible dialogue, Haydensen brings the right amount of sensitivity, physicality, and frustration in Anakin’s evolving maturity. 
I’d like to think Anakin would be like a romantic-era poet in the body of a jedi (like a samurai John Keats?). After all, I can see some of Lucas’s intent with him spouting off that half-baked prose in the movies. When he’s Darth Vader, he does a better job with wordplay and Shakespearean themes. Anakin more likely resembles a Byronic hero, “Historian and critic Lord Macaulay described the character as ‘a man proud, moody, cynical, with defiance on his brow, and misery in his heart, a scorner of his kind, implacable in revenge, yet capable of deep and strong affection’”
In wooing Padme, Anakin has secretly been an avid scholar of galactic literature (reading stuff the Jedi order would frown upon) in hopes to try and meet her on her level and mature. He’s a fan of space fantasy novels (in the likes of Edgar Rice Burrough’s John Carter of Mars, but for Star Wars), and is a hopeful romantic. He wishes to explore more that the galaxy has to offer and feels constrained by the rigidity of the Jedi order. He and Padme connect on that level of Byronic romance.
As I said in my previous post, the age gap between Anakin and Padme is considerably smaller. (only about 3 years; he’s 23 and she’s 26)
Anakin is much less predatory around Padme than in the original film. I’d more rather have it that they’re both into one another but tragic pining ensues because they find out how much they get along after they’ve been apart.
I don’t know how to solve the mass murder of the tusked raiders scene; I wish it wasn’t there and I wish his mom didn’t get fridge as hard as she did
If there had to be a more docile option, maybe Anakin arrived on Tatooine and learned his mom died years before and he didn’t know about it until just then. It’s too literal to have him holding his dead mother in his arms, and I would think it’s much more cold and painful to learn that your loved one died years ago and you were unaware of it. 
His “early turn to the dark side” scene could involve him being more reckless and cutting down flesh and blood enemies during the arena scene, perhaps he kills Jango???
Stuff about Padme
Padme is much more proactive and #thatbitch when it comes to standing up against the rising imperial/fascist mentality within the senate, one of the reasons why some people might want her dead; make her AOC but in spaaaaaaaaaace
Darth Sidious wanted Padme killed for her opposition to the Military Creation Act which would allow the creation of an army to fight the Separatists for the Republic. Since Sidious was manipulating both the Separatists and the Republic, he put a bounty on Padme's head as Nute Gunray's grudge against her was powerful enough that he demanded her death as the condition for secession of the Trade Federation from the Republic
However, not only because of that, but also through her own investigative journalism, Padme discovers the Trade Federation’s shady business practices and ties to the growing separatist alliance and exposes this to the public, thus causing more of a demand for her death and exacerbation of tensions
She’s been having a hard time forming true relationships because of her position of power and being under public scrutiny all the time, thus after coming to respect and care for Anakin, resolves to minimize that scrutiny as much as possible
Stuff about Obi-wan
Jedi Mullet? I don’t think so. Make it more like this
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(something a little less mullety, still luxurious, and he keeps the beard)
He’s not necessarily a paragon when it comes to no attachments, and he uses his attractiveness to his advantage and he knows it. 
Anakin does serve as his foil, but when he’s on his own it would be nice if he had a companion as well to mirror Anakin and Padme’s journey together. Perhaps an introduction of Satine, thus developing their relationship early on? A different female foil? Or just a buddy from work like Quinlan Vos? Idk.
He’s still in the sort of learning curve when it comes to being a master, and there can be a few times Anakin can prove him wrong. Obi-wan comes to respect his initiative by the end of the film and not be so critical of him (I mean Anakin had just lost an arm and all)
His relationship with Padme is still amicable, but meets a point of tension when discussing Anakin’s behavior and development. Their points of view differ when it comes to how Jedi can express themselves and she critiques some of the more questionable morals and practices of the Jedi
Things about the plot
Officials within the Republic government knew about the clones (and so did some Jedi). Palpatine organized a committee (engineering the pointless war behind the shadows) and they ordered the clone army after the whole Naboo crisis ten years prior to the events of Attack of the clones. Everyone knew tensions were brewing between the potential Seperatists and the Republic and the Republic wanted to beat them to the punch.
Which Jedi in particular knew? 
(Ooh! Ooh! What if some Jedi, even on the council, had already turned to the dark side and were working for Palpatine, and in the end by the time of Order 66 they help bring down the order, only to then be killed themselves by Palpatine and Vader (rule of 2)?)
The fight scene between Sidious and the jedi would have them turning against each other while Sidious finishes them off to show the ineptitude and corruption of the once pure Jedi order
Syfo Dyas was the Jedi ambassador to the senate and was convinced/manipulated to assist Palpatine; he helped order the clones and was ready to defend the republic, but when the full plot was revealed to him, he tried to make a run for it and tell the Jedi Order, only to end up assassinated. The order of the clone army a secret was kept until the Separatists fully declared war on the Republic. 
Count Dooku also knew when he was still a jedi and on the council. However, he had secretly turned to the darkside and was working for Palpatine/Sidious as a spy until he ultimately left the order to become the leader of the separatists. He had prior knowledge that Palpatine had engineered the war (note: an addition to my Phantom menace post, Syfo Dyas and Dooku would make appearances in Episode 1 to establish a precedent to the plot of this movie).
@whatlomalikes​  @cinna-wanroll​ y’all like Star Wars, right?
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mattiebluebird · 5 years
That’s the topic, but oh, do I have more to say.
Let’s start at the beginning, when Hearth was described as Magnus’s surrogate “mom” who takes the day shift, and then later when we saw him for the first time (platinum blond hair, all dark clothes except for a candy cane striped scarf) and discovered he was deaf.
I knew immediately he was going to be one of my favorite characters. Just. Immediately. Fucking. Knew.
Like, what??? You’re gonna give me a blond deaf emo with a strong b(romance) with another main character AND acts like another main characters (Read: Magnus’s) mother, and you expect me NOT to freak out???
Later in the book, we really get into Hearthstone and Blitzen’s dynamic.
Oh-ho-boy, do I have things to say about that.
Let’s start with the symbolism. Hearthstone is the day (comes from Alfheim where’s it’s always light, can’t stay conscious for long without sunlight, has light skin, eyes, and hair), yet he’s dark (personality, emotionally, and past-wise), and Blitzen is the night (from Nidevellir, where it’s always night, and turns to stone in sunlight, has dark skin, hair, and eyes), yet he’s the lighter counterpart (personality- and emotion-wise if not in past)? BEAUTIFUL. PERFECT. BELONGS IN A SHAKESPEAREAN PLAY, THAT DOES.
Then we REALLY start getting into Hearthstone’s character, and asdfghjkl???!!!!111!? I don’t even know how to articulate my thoughts right now, it’s 2:30 AM, what am I doing.
Anyways, let’s start off with more of the Hearthstone-Blitzen dynamic: I don’t think I have ever, I repeat, EVER, loved a “friendship” so much in my entire life. I love protective and loyal friends, and Hearthstone just, is the physical embodiment of all of that, and I almost died while reading those Blitzstone moments.
In fact, I specifically remember a point where I was reading a Blitzstone moment very early in the first book, and I thought, “They’re gonna ship them, aren’t they? Dear gods, I hope so.”
(AND YOU DID. Thank you, fandom~)
Then, we figure out Hearth can do MAGIC, but AT A PRICE, and his PARENTS SHUNNED HIM FOR BEING DEAF. Also, since Blitzen and Hearth have been watching over Magnus for two years, and Blitz says he’s twenty, that means (assuming Hearth and Blitz are the same age) that when they first met on the streets, Magnus was fourteen, and Hearth and Blitz were eighteen. Just think about that. Do you know how hard it must’ve been to trust these two older, slightly threatening men when you’re a fourteen-year-old who just lost his mother, thinks he’s going insane because she was killed by wolves with glowing eyes and wolves don’t have glowing eyes, and also is on the run from authorities and scared and alone? Can you imagine Blitzen or Hearth trying to coax Magnus out from some dark alleyway or something? MY HEART.
And also, since (in my opinion -I could be wrong) Hearth and Blitz were together for AT LEAST a year before they met Magnus, that means they were at the most seventeen when they met, and that just really melts my heart for some reason.
Side note: I don’t have a copy of the book with me at the moment, but at some point in time I remember Hearthstone saying he used the unlocking rune (forgot what it’s called) on the day he met Blitz. DOES THAT MEAN THAT HEARTHSTONE LITERALLY BROKE INTO BLITZEN’S HOUSE?!? Like, imagine seventeen/sixteen-year-old Blitzen coming home to find a pale, blond, deaf elf curled up on his living room floor, near death, and his first thought is, “Quick, a tanning bed!” Also, I like to imagine Blitzen running into a dwarven hardware store at two am and buying a bunch of ultraviolet lights (unless he just had them lying around, which is a topic that needs to be discussed), and the cashier just spends the rest of his life wondering why that strange dwarf was so anxious to by twenty UV lights and several UV lamps.
ANOTHER SIDE NOTE: Also, Hearthstone's dad (he doesn’t even deserve a name) implied that he had met Blitzen before? And Blitzen implied he had been to Hearthstone’s house before (or, at the very least, had been told a lot about it). WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN? HOW DID BLITZEN REACT TO HEARTH’S SHITTY UPBRINGING AND EVEN SHITTIER PARENTS? WAIT, AND DID INGE HAVE A CRUSH ON HEARTH AND DID BLITZ REALIZE? ARRRGGHH!
Also: Blitzen and Magnus both learned an entire language for Hearthstone, and Blitzen probably didn’t even have around anyone to translate. He and Hearth probably went through a very frustrating period where Hearth had to point at something then do the sign for it in order for Blitz to understand, or had to write it down then sign which must’ve brought up horrible memories of his childhood.
And, again, Hearthstone’s upbringing, like, oh my gods.
I love how it ended up being a sort of explanation for how emotionless Hearth is, and actually explained certain parts of his personality, like why’s he so attached to Blitzen (more on this one paragraph down) instead of just “here’s an emo, enjoy!” (and Uncle Rick totally could’ve done that, because everyone loves an emo and we wouldn’t have complained).
Also, how attached Hearth is to Blitzen. It totally makes sense when you know how they met (I mean, any friendship can become strong through time, but this one especially). Like, Hearthstone, a teenager who's been ashamed of himself his whole life, falls into Nidevellir, the world with no sunlight. He feels awful and knows he’s going to die soon, but breaks into a dwarven apartment with the hope that someone will save him (maybe that’s how it went down, it’s free to interpretation). And then the first dwarf he ever meets -probably the first person who wasn’t constantly sneering at him or trying to get on his good side- a race he’s been raised to hate, actually HELPS him, and CARES about him. And, like, actually doesn’t shun him for being deaf?? What is this witchcraft???
To Hearth, Blitzen is the one who pulled him out of the dark. Again, the SYMBOLISM. The night pulls the day from the dark, and in return, the day swears to protect the night? BELONGS IN A PLAY, I’M TELLING YOU.
Hearthstone as a character is just too powerful. The fangirls are screaming.
I feel like since I’ve been ranting about Hearth’s relationship with Blitz, I should talk about his relationship with Magnus.
Asdskjekjdgcf???!!!1?/jgdhfgjya are basically my thoughts about it, but I should probably be a little more clear for those who don’t speak fangirl.
Magnus’s interpretation of Hearthstone is amazing. Like, how a faint smile and the sign for Yay is essentially estatic fanboy screaming for Hearth, and Magnus knows that, is amazing. The fact that Magnus knows how much Hearth and Blitz mean to each other, is amazing. The fact that Magnus knows everything is right with the world as long as Hearth and Blitz are together, is amazing.
And the fact that Hearth somehow manages to be sarcastic with Magnus in sign language is amazing. I just love how Magnus jokes with everyone. I love him. I love them.
I just love everything about Hearthstone so fucking much I felt the need to write an essay about it.
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galadrieljones · 5 years
23 Questions Meme
tagged by @thevikingwoman. thnx babe!!
Nicknames: gala!
Hogwarts House: I swivel between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. I think that under the Sorting Hat, I’d choose Ravenclaw. Gryffindors always seem to be causing a ruckus and getting into trouble and that’s not really my jam lol. I like to keep a low profile.
Zodiac sign: Aries
Height: 5′3″ / 162cm
Last movie I saw: This amazing black comedy horror movie called Mom and Dad. The premise is so simple: Parents everywhere are overcome with the mysterious urge to kill their own children. It sounds fucked up and is, but the tone of the movie is ironic and darkly hilarious, and it’s Nicholas Cage being Nicholas Cage and Selma Blaire who I love. It was honestly the best movie I’ve seen since Thoroughbreds, which had a similar sort of arthouse horrific humor going on.
Last thing I googled: Um, not sure. One of the last things I remember googling is “rodeo” lol. I needed to know the exact terminology for a bull rider, as I reference one in my last chapter of A Funeral. It’s just bull rider lmao.
Favorite musician: Regina Spektor, Neko Case, Fiona Apple
Song stuck in my head:  “Night Still Comes” by Neko Case. I’ve been singing it to my baby. It’s very pretty. And she has no idea it’s actually a bitter break-up song lol.
Other blogs: I have an abandoned art blog (@gala-art) and a semi-active The Last of Us blog (@thelastofgala). If you like The Last of Us, follow me there, as it’s sure to blow up again once we get more news on TLoU 2 (ie: the whereabouts of my fuckin murder husband WHERE IS JOEL, NAUGHTY DOG).
Following: Holy shit way too many. Like 700 I’m not even kidding.
Followers: More than I currently understand lol. What I’m learning is that there is a lot more crossover appeal for vampire slayers, lost elf boyfriends, and sad cowboys than I previously realized.
Do I get asks: sometimes? Usually when I post asks memes, but also a few random ones. You can always send me asks!
Amount of sleep I get:  About 7 hours, broken down into 3ish hour increments lol. I have a newborn.
Lucky number(s): ???????
What I’m wearing right now: Blue sweatpants and a blue tank. I am shrinking and can fit into some of my old clothes again lol.
Dream job: Maybe still teaching but a fraction of the time. I just want to write, basically.
Dream trip: Bhutan and Tibet. Iceland.
Favorite food(s): mac n cheese, super crispy french fries
Instruments: I played the flute for maybe ten years, quit after high school. I also sing.
Language: English, with some solid tourist Spanish.
Favorite song: Lol impossible question. But you know what “Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey is RIGHT in my aesthetic to an intense degree. So let’s go with that.
Random fact: I really love snow leopards.
Describe your aesthetic: Pretty much the entirety of the Harmony Korine movie Springbreakers, ie:
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and yes James Franco is entirely inside my aesthetic
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tags for...hmm.....i am sorry if you’ve already been tagged!! i’ll try to mix it up: @wardsarefunctioning @morgan-arthur​ @a-shakespearean-in-paris @idrelle-miocovani @lyrium-lovesong @wrenbee​ @bearly-tolerable​ and anyone else who’d like to do this!!
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I want you to answer all of those pure and sweet asks😢💕 you seem so interesting and friendly🌹
Awww ofc!!!
🐰- do you believe in soul mates?
yes, but not everyone has one
💌- diary or journal?
is...there a difference?
✨- which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?
Anne Shirley
💕- are you crushing on someone?
no one who actually exists (Julian)
💋- kissing in the dark or kissing in the rain?
I have no preferences. I’d appreciate anything. I’m desperate.
🐝- describe your aesthetic in emojis
oh dear. i’m on my laptop so I don’t have emojis. just insert a bunch of fox emojis XD
🍼- what is your favorite memory?
My parents bringing home my baby brother from the hospital (almost 16 years ago!!)
🌸- what is your favorite flower?
💖- have you ever been in love?
nope. what’s it like
🍰- strawberry or vanilla?
🍯- describe your favorite smell
🎂- if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
1) to find love soon 
2) that my future novels will be successful
3) that my best friends and I will be best friends forever
🍪- cookie dough or cookies?
☕- coffee or tea?
🍃- would you rather live in a sea with mermaids or a forest with fairies?
in a sea with mermaids!
🍂- what’s your middle name?
💫- what is your sun, moon, and rising sign?
I’ve been searching this on Google for like 15 minutes and,,,,,,I still have no clue, sorry
🌧️- favorite thing to do on rainy days?
🍭- how tall are you?
💒- which show would you want to live in?
Ouran High School Host Club? lmfao
🎄- what is your favorite holiday?
my family doesn’t really celebrate holidays...but i ADORE Christmas!!!
🍦- what scented candle is your favorite?
idk, i don’t have a lot of those, 80% of the time i live at school and we can’t have candles there, plus i don’t know the names of any candles i’ve ever liked lmao
🎶- favorite song right now?
Out of Love by Alessia Cara
💘- 3 ways to win your heart?
1) food
2) food
3) food
🍩- current mood?
stressed, blessed, and a little depressed
❄️- what is your favorite season?
💍- your current relationship status?
single af
📷- a photo of yourself
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(picking up the dogs the day after I got back earlier this month, this is Maggie and she loves all of you!!)
💅🏻- do you like being spoiled?
idk, i’m broke and everyone else i know is broke
🕊️- 3 habits you have?
1) procrastination
2) eating too fast
3) self-pity
🦄- how do you perceive yourself?
as a weirdo
🦋- how do you think others perceive you?
as a weirdo
🌈- things I find attractive in girls/guys
i try not to be shallow by letting what i like become make or break things
in guys, i find the following attractive:
he’s gotta be a romantic (my dad isn’t a romantic [obviously that’s concerning my mom], and he doesn’t always show his emotions, which is fine, i mean that’s just who he is, but i would like to be around a guy who can comfortably channel his emotions)
i like tall, dark, and handsome
facial hair can be really nice, but he’s gotta be able to grow it well
🍓- one secret about yourself
idk if i really have any secrets, i’m a pretty open book
it’s not really a secret, but I have a huge fear of being hit in the head/killed with a hammer. idk why, just.....the idea of the kind of pain that you have from severe head trauma just terrifies me. so the combination of my fears of home invasion/being killed in my house/bed and being hit in the head/killed with a hammer is the WORST and terrible for my anxiety even though i know it’s irrational, and it sometimes keeps me up all night
🍒- how do you act when you have a crush?
ummm...it’s been a while, but my roommates last semester told me i act out in order to get attention (idk if that’s true but that’s what i’ve been told)
💔- the reason behind your last breakup?
nothing, i’ve never been in a relationship
💬- what your last text message says?
🎥- what show are you currently binging on?
America’s Got Talent
⛅- what is your morning routine?
wake up, curse the sun, go back to sleep, get woken up by mom, get up out of bed 40 minutes later after checking up on all my social media, try to get something for breakfast before it becomes lunchtime
💗- who do you miss?
my two best friends ;-;
🥀- last time you cried?
2 nights ago, i was v stressed and i found and read a note my mom had left me my first semester of college, so lots of sentiment there and sentiment makes me cry
🎁- when is your birthday?
July 3rd!
🔪- scariest/creepiest experience?
we almost got killed/affected by a bulldozer attack when we lived in Jerusalem, Israel
💤- date someone younger, older, or same age as you?
older, but no more than 5 years or it’d feel weird to me
🎀- any question you want
you didn’t specify this one, so please send me another ask with it so i can answer!!
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sassylavellen · 6 years
I was tagged by the wonderful @a-shakespearean-in-paris and @elevanetheirin! :)
The rules are pick three fandoms and answer the questions.
I’m really only active in the Dragon Age fandom at the moment, but I’ll also pick Mass Effect and the MCU. I’d normally do Star Wars but honestly I’m a bit frustrated with it right now.
Your OTP
1. Leliana x Warden! My first Warden Sophia was created not knowing you could do romances, and when I gave her the flowers she mentioned in her story, I thought I was just being nice, not initiating a romance. I was surprised that Leliana began flirting with me and kept it going. The rest is history!
2. Kind of a rare pair, but I actually like Garrus x Tali. My first playthrough my Shepard romanced Kaiden and towards the end of ME3, Garrus and Tali started having a thing for one another and I felt happy for them.
3. Captain America x Peggy Carter. Words do not describe how much I miss Peggy in the MCU and she was essentially only in one film as a full character. We did get the TV show with her, but without Cap it wasn’t quite the same. Still good tho.
A character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
1. ANDERS. Sorry all you Anders lovers out there, but once he started blackmailing my Hawke (who was romancing him) and began badmouthing Merrill and Guard Mom (Aveline), Mari hit the breaking point with him. And then he blew up the Chantry. So yeah. Motives were justified, not the murders.
2. Honestly? Kaiden. I don’t hate him by any means, but I kinda wish his character became more developed. I feel like he had part of a character development in ME1, but since the “Kaiden or Ashely” choice, both of them end up become half-developed characters in the following games, and I feel like Kaiden gets the shorter straw on that end. I mean, I’m sure Ashley is the same way, I just haven’t played the ME3 with her yet.
3. Black Widow. Again, I by no means hate this character. I just feel like as the movies went on, she started out at a low point, got really interesting in The Avengers, got even more interesting in Captain America Civil War, but then tanked after Age of Ultron and I have to keep reminding myself she was even in Infinity War.
Three Favorite Characters (in order of preference):
1. *pulls out huge textbook* Boy where do I begin? Well it’s obvious that Scout Lace Harding is my #1. She’s just so sweet and adorable and I love her. #2 is Leliana, she’s badass and cute! #3 is a little harder, it might actually be a three-way tie between Varric, Merrill, and Alistair.
The Character You Never Expected To Love So Much:
1. Leliana. Like I said above, I wasn’t intending to romance her, but once I was there, I had 0 regrets.
2. Jack. I did NOT like Jack when I first met her. Now she’s my favorite Mass Effect character. I did not expect the amount of character development that went into her story!
3. The Hulk. More specifically Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk. I didn’t really care for Edward Norton’s version of the character and had lower expectations for Ruffalo’s portrayal. MAN WAS I WRONG. I love the Hulk now.
The Character You’d Slap:
1. Solas. I’d slap an egg.
2. Kai Leng. Like, dude. What are you even doing in this series. Go back to Bioware school man.
3. Thanos. *Infinity War flashbacks* And now I have the feels.
The Character You Relate/Understand The Most:
1. Merrill. My life is also a mess and I’m afraid of saying the wrong thing 24/7. I’m also thinking about cute animals most of the time.
2. Again it might be Jack... in a weird way I think understand her the most. I don’t really relate to her at all, but I understand and sympathize with her. AND I’M PROUD OF HER TURNAROUND IN MASS EFFECT 3 SO SUE ME.
3. Peter Parker. I am also a nerd who just wants to do the right thing and messes everything up most of the time.
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all the ones with 8 in them
This was a lot and kept me busy and thinking. Thank you! I answered 8 already so I skipped that one, here’s everything else :)
18. talk about a moment where time stopped
I love this one a lot. 
16 years old. In Paris France, the city I have dreamed about all my life. Well, it’s raining and it’s cold, and we’re in the part of the city that tourists don’t go to. It’s so clinical looking and dull. we were stuck at a bus station for two hours before that. We’re about ready to get on a boat ride on the river seine and we have to walk. I’m wearing shorts and sandals and I’m freezing. Well, we’re walking toward the eiffel tower, and something in me warms up. We get on the boat, and it starts to move as I hear the music of French accordions playing. The city scape passes me by and then we go back round to the Eiffel tower, now lit up, and everything is beautiful. Perhaps all the more beautiful I found Paris because of what happened previously. On that boat in Paris, time did stop for a moment. Yup. writing about this still makes me tear up. 
28. who are you? describe yourself!
Hi everyone I’m a Shakespearean, though I’m actually Cheyenne, and there are so many pieces of “Cheyenne” that make it hard to pinpoint exactly what each little idiosyncrasy does when looking at the whole picture. She has doubts about herself but she doesn’t let that stop her, and above all she wants to do something that helps people. Being useless is her biggest fear. She wants to look back at her life at the end of her days and knows she would do it all again. 
And that was very dramatic, haha. Leave it to the Shakespearean. I could have just said I like Shakespeare, am a nerd, and belongs to house Ravenclaw. But subtlety also isn’t my strong suit when it comes to certain things :) 
38: Mom or dad? 
Oh don’t make me pick...I’m an only child and I latch onto both of them equally. I have a different relationship with both of them and the dynamic with both changes. My mom is my emotional support while my dad makes me laugh and vent. let’s just say when I’m mad at my mom it’s dad and when I’m mad at my dad it’s mom :)
48. what does the sky look like right now? clear? cloudy? pink? blue? rainy?
It’s dark night, cloudless.
58. were you/are you in a fandom? if so, what?
Well, looks like I’m officially in the Dragon age fandom, haha.
68. how often do you say "i love you"?
to my loved ones, almost every day.
78. do you listen to your own advice?
Not always. I should listen more, especially when it comes to eating ice cream after dinner. Yeah it’s halo top and healthier, but yeah...
80.  tell us about your favorite halloween!! what did you dress up as? did you get a lot of candy?
I was around eight or so, and I was cleopatra. I wore a leopard dress, had a wig and my mom did my makeup. I got a lot of candy and then later I passed out some at my house, and I remember doing an Egyptian style dance and a bunch of people lining up for candy. some day I plan to dress up as Scarlett O’hara!
81.  first memory that pops in your head, talk about it.
well since I mentioned Scarlett O’hara I’m thinking of my dog, who is named Scarlett, and I remember sticking my hand in a box of puppies and the little black one coming right toward me and licking me. So I picked her up and she put her head right on my shoulder, and yup...l’amour, l’amour. Since Gone with the wind was/is my favorite movie I had to name her Scarlett :)
82. how are you? what are you feeling? how has your week gone?
Thanks for asking! I’m good! I was feeling tired because I had a bridal shower I was hosting today, (it was a lot of fun and the bride had a great time!) but now I’m filled with energy again! Week has improved tenfold since I finished my GRE on Wednesday and saw my friend and hung out Friday where she gave me the best belated Birthday gift, a wonder woman funko pop. Also my newest commission came in and I’ve been drooling at it since :p So week has been very good :p
83. rant.
Broadway musicals of today suck. Sure there are exceptions (hamilton of course, and perhaps a few others) but modern day musicals miss what brings people to musicals...music! in these modern musicals maybe there’s one, two good songs, but the rest are forgettable. think about the sound of music, king and I, even Phantom of the opera. awesome and catchy song after another. all of them are amazing. Hamilton is amazing because all the songs are catchy. Make musicals great again by making ALL your must great again. 
84.  do you worry about something a lot? if so, what?
I worry about making the right writing choices when it comes to certain things I’m writing. I know I am, but self doubt can be a nagging beast. 
85. do you think long distance works?
Depends on the people. I think for me it could if only for a little while, like he’s getting his degree somewhere. There has to be trust in the relationship though.
86. would you date someone younger than you? older than you?
It’s all about mental maturity. So sure.
87. name some people you'd love to meet
Tom hiddleston, Shakespeare, or at least the man we know as Shakespeare, even though I believe that Shakespeare the guy named Shakespeare, but that’s a whole other story for another day. you fine people on tumblr seem like a cool bunch too :) Also, the guy I’m going to marry would be a nice person to meet. (maybe i’ve met him already...)
88. what were some things you were scared of as a kid?
The clown from the It miniseries. Damn it tim curry. Also I watched this haunting documentary and that scared the caboodles out of me too. I also didn’t like spending the night at someone else’s house. 
89. tell us about your favorite birthday
I turned 13 in disney world. We were in Epcot and I ate delicious German food, we rode some awesome rides, and my parents bought me a kimono which I still have :)
98. describe what you think afterlife is like
being surrounded by the ones you love.
whew! thank you again! 
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beselten-pitch · 7 years
Mutually Assured Destruction
Alternate last year at Watford fic, written by the previous owner of simon-and-basilton
Chapter One / Chapter Two / Chapter Three / Chapter Four / Chapter Five / Chapter Six / Chapter Seven / Chapter Eight / Chapter Nine / Chapter Ten / Chapter Eleven / Chapter Twelve / Chapter Thirteen / Chapter Fourteen / Chapter Fifteen / Chapter Sixteen / Chapter Seventeen / Chapter Eighteen / Chapter Nineteen/ Epilogue
Chapter Seven
Everyone at the Watford School of Magicks knew that Simon Snow and Baz Pitch hated each other. It was considered fact. Students found it amusing to count how many times one of them would glare at the other during class. Teachers exchanged horror stories of trying to break up their fights.
Everyone at the Watford School of Magicks knew that Simon Snow and Baz Pitch hated each other.
They were all really fucking wrong.
Baz had once wished that Simon would look at him like he was made out of stars and fireflies. He had once dreamed of days when Simon’s gaze would fall soft against his shoulders, rather than digging into his spine.
Now, he and Simon held hands when they walked in the dark and no one was looking. Now, he and Simon closed the door to their room and kissed instead of glaring at each other in silence.
But Simon’s gaze still felt like an assault. He looked at Baz like he wanted to eat him alive. Like he wanted to take Baz apart with his lips.
Baz had once called himself a one-man tragedy of Shakespearean proportions. He’d called himself hopeless.
He may not have been a tragedy, but he was just as hopeless as ever, if not more so.
In class, he struggled to pay attention. His eyes were always dragged back to Simon, always Simon. Their gazes would meet across the room, and for just a moment, they’d forget to pretend to hate each other. And then they would remember that they were supposed to want each other dead, and they’d narrow their eyes and glance away.
Baz had once said that if he couldn’t love Simon, killing him was second best.
But now that he loved Simon, he was still killing him. Every gaze broken off too soon, every kiss left unfinished because Penny knocked on the door, it killed them both.
Mutually assured destruction. Doomed.
Fall had finally arrived in earnest, leaving frost on the ground in the morning and icing over the windows in the morning. The heat wave was over—for everyone else, at least.
For Simon, the heat wave never ended.
It started every morning when he woke up to the sight of Baz on the bed opposite him. Fire in his stomach, sending hot little tendrils spreading up through his gut and through his body. It only got worse over the course of the day.
He’d never felt this way with Agatha, and it made him wonder if she’d been right to end it. Did every relationship contain this much fire?
(They hadn’t really discussed whether it was a relationship or not. Neither of them had said the word boyfriend yet, or dating. They’d talked quite a bit, though. About everything else. Because, as it turned out, Baz Pitch was a fascinating person when he wasn’t pretending to hate you.)
Simon had once thought that he was in love with Agatha.
Now, he didn’t know what to think. Because if that had been love, this was something words didn’t exist to describe.
Simon sat just in front of him in their Latin class, and it was maddening. Baz had counted and recounted the moles on the back of his name a million times before this year, but now he had memories of counting those moles with his lips.
Crowley, it was maddening.
The way Simon’s hair curled slightly at the base of his neck. The way he chewed on his pencils when he was confused…
Dev and Niall were starting to worry about him. Hell, Fiona was starting to worry about him, and she’d only spoken to him twice since he and Simon had started doing whatever the fuck they were doing. Neither of them wanted to label it, because it seemed too fragile. The sort of thing that could be broken at any moment, by the next move on the Old Families’ part or the Mage’s or even the Humdrum’s.
They’d talked about everything from the orphanage where Simon had stayed over the summer to Baz’s mother, but they’d avoided talking about the war. It had only been two weeks, and this whole thing was still precious and impossible. Every time Simon kissed him was a surprise. Every time Simon let Baz run his fingers through his hair it shocked him.
They weren’t ready to deal with the fact that they were still enemies yet.
Not that they wouldn’t have to, and soon.
War was still an ominous, looming thing. The first shots had been fired, and no one knew what to expect.
It was a single word, brief and whispered, but it was enough to make him snap to his feet.
“Sir. You’re back.”
The Mage was standing with his arms crossed. Simon wondered how long he’d been waiting there, watching him fail at declining Latin nouns.
He was sitting on the Great Lawn waiting for Baz to get out of his Greek class, which always dragged on for an impossible amount of time.
“Yes. I’m back, but not for long. I’m leaving soon, and I’m taking you with me.”
“What?” Simon’s voice quavered, just a bit.
“You’re leaving. It’s too dangerous at Watford right now, especially for you. The Old Families have openly threatened to attack me, and the Humdrum is as unpredictable as ever. I’m taking you somewhere else. Somewhere safe.”
He hadn’t realized he was going to say it until he had. He’d never refused an order from the Mage before—it unsettled him.
“No? I don’t think you understand, Simon, but you’re very important—”
“I said no. I’m not leaving Watford.”
“Are you listening to me? You’re in danger. The Old Families have become violent, they want war—”
Simon crossed his arms over his chest, his notebook still in one hand.
“Really, sir? Because from what I hear, you’re the one who attacked them. You killed someone.”
The Mage let out a short, angry breath, “I don’t know who you’ve been talking to, Simon, but I haven’t killed anyone. The Old Famil—”
“My answer is no. I’m not leaving.”
“This isn’t a request.”
Simon shook his head again, clenching and unclenching his fists. He wasn’t used to this, to disagreeing with the Mage. He was used to saying “Yes, sir,” whenever he was expected to and following orders like a good little solider.
But Simon, you aren’t a soldier.
There was Penny’s voice again, making a guest appearance in his brain. She was his voice of reason, he figured.
“Simon, the Old Families have taken their issue with me from being purely political to being violent and—”
“And whose fault is that?” Simon asked. He paused a moment and considered adding ‘Sir’ to the end of his statement, but at that point, it was too late.
The Mage stopped rubbing his beard and stared at Simon in shock. “Excuse me?”
There’s no backing down now.
“I asked you whose fault it is that the Old Families have been forced into violence. They didn’t burn down anyone’s house. They didn’t kill anyone.”
The Mage narrowed his eyes, and the unhappy look on his face deepened into a full-fledged frown, “Simon, I don’t know what you’re talking about. But I can assure you—”
“You don’t know what he’s talking about?”
Baz stalked from the shadows, and he looked every bit as evil as Simon had always thought him to be. He looked perfectly vampiric, with his gray eyes darkened by the nighttime and his pale skin even brighter in contrast.
Simon wanted to kiss him on the mouth until he gave in to one of his rare smiles and stopped looking so damn villainous.
Baz stepped closer, standing toe to toe with the Mage. Simon had never realized how short the Mage was until he saw Baz looming over him.
If it came down to a fight, he wasn’t quite sure who he wanted to win.
“You said you don’t know what he’s talking about?”
The Mage met Baz’s eyes, “No, Mr. Pitch. I don’t.”
He stood there for one moment longer, and the night air filled with a tense, heavy silence.  The Mage just gave a single, firm nod, as though he’d accomplished something. “Well, Simon, I hope you’ll consider what I said. With the Old Families—” he looked pointedly at Baz, “and, of course, the Humdrum still a threat, your safety has to be a priority.”
Then he was gone, striding across the Great Lawn. The Mage’s Men fell in behind him, making him seem much more important than a small man with a pointy beard.
“I think he’s lying.”
Simon looked at Baz, with his eyes still angry and his lips still pressed into a tight line. He considered suggesting that maybe the Mage had nothing to do with the attack, that perhaps he was innocent after all.
But then he just nodded and took Baz’s hand in his own. Because he was weak, and wanted to feel Baz’s fingers. And because he didn’t want to have that fight quite yet.
And also, maybe, because he was starting to doubt whether the Mage was innocent or if Penny’s mom and Baz’s family had a point.
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ultralaser · 6 years
so i was talking to my mom about this old book she inherited from her great uncle joseph cummings chase, who was apparently some kind of big deal portrait painter (like he painted some presidents and everything) and it’s wild because i have vague memories of her mentioning that she had this like 200 year old book in a safe deposit box but no memory of her ever mentioning ‘oh yeah also my great uncle was a big deal painter and here are books of his paintings we’ve had forever’
like to the point that she’s telling me stories of how jcc would paint the face first while the person he was painting was available to sit in the studio, but then when he had to finish the paintings would just use whoever was around so like my great uncle jack would just flip through these book looking at painting after painting all ‘yep, those are my hands, and again here, my hands’
anyways so she described this vivid memory of the one time she actually met the guy a year-ish before he died in 65, of how his amazing apartment (in st louis?  chicago?) had this life-size painting of stage actor charles coburn in shakespearean costume hung up on, like a stairwell landing or something big and notable right when you walked into the place
and i’m trying but i cannot find ANY IMAGES OF THIS PAINTING easily (i mean, just googling, i should go in and talk to someone at the library) BUT i believe i have identified it as this painting of charles coburn as orlando in as you like it, by joseph cummings chase, which is in the new york public library on fifth and 42nd in nyc
um so anyways next time someone is at that library, if they have it on display, maybe take a picture
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