#my mutuals are so cuuute
scribblyshipping · 2 months
(Suggestive audio warning)
been haunted and vexed by this audio never selfship with a weird al character
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ashes-writing · 2 years
more than a feeling pt II | stranger things ; e munson
A/N ; As promised, the second part to my new girl!reader x Eddie Munson fic thing.. Okay, well I didn't exactly promise and I dunno if anybody but me actually wanted this to happen but... Here we are. I thought this idea was cute when it came to me whilst washing dishes, so I wrote it all down in a rush.
There miiight be more to this sooner or later. There will definitely be a third part bc I have to conclude the events of this little part if nothing else.
Pairing ; Eddie Munson x newgirl!Fem reader.
Timeline / Other Stuff to Note ;  part I can be found here. We're playing it fast and loose with the timeline. This does take place in 86, however.. I doubt I bring in any of the stuff that actually happens on the show because honestly, do we wanna relive it? So this is just a 'slice of life' teen rom com type thing, I guess. This chapter is maaybe two to three weeks from the last chapter. And we'll just assume that while Eddie has never been to readers grandparents place, reader has been to Eddie's trailer on more than one occasion.
Tag List ; @rampagewriting, if you don't wanna see this please feel absolutely free to ignore, bb! if you'd like to be added to my taglists for anything including Stranger things, please let me know or add yourself -> here.
Warnings ; that awkwardly cute moment when boy really sees girl. lotsa cute and fluffy stuff aaaand.... a grandmother who ships it when it comes to Reader and Eddie Munson. A mention of a church carnival too.
Other Stuff ; tag list doc || my rules - fandoms and some characters I write for || requests are open (pls.. pls... send me things) but they're limited to headcanon asks + filth/fluff alphabet letters and I'm not accepting wrestling / wrestlers in my ask box. Any other fandom/character but wrestling that I happen to write for is fine and I beg of you -> send me things.
I do not consent to my work being reposted elsewhere or copied/reworked/rewritten and reposted here or elsewhere. You don't own this, I do. So like... don't steal my shit.
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You could hear  your little sisters running around downstairs. Your grandma shouts out from the kitchen and the landline is ringing. Outside, the sound of your grandpa starting up the old tractor floats in through the crack in your window. You’re lying on your stomach in bed, a romance novel open in your hand.
If your mom wasn’t a variable, you think to yourself, you could get used to this, the little noises and the smells that make your estranged grandparents two story farmhouse a home. You could get used to Hawkins… To Eddie, to the freshman kids Mike Wheeler and Dustin Henderson that your grandma paid thirty bucks to babysit the hellions known as your twins Lulu and Lola.
The surprising thing in all this is you’d be willing to let your guard down with Eddie just a little more if only you knew you’d be calling Hawkins home. The thought brings a quiet and thoughtful sigh and you lay down the book on your nightstand when your bedroom door bursts open, two little giggling 4 year olds bolting inside with brownies in their hands -and chocolate all over their faces. 
“Okay, you two. Grams said not to get into those, they’re for that carnival at the church later.” you raise to sit. Lola nudges Lulu and whispers. You grab hold of both, tickling them on their sides until the three of you are a heap on the floor of your mother’s childhood bedroom.
Then Lola ends it by making things weird because she’s Lola, that’s what she does, and she grabs your face to give you a cow lick on your right cheek. 
“Mimi said you gotta come too. To church tonight. Said she wants her friends to meet ya. One of ‘em’s got a really cuuuute son.” Lola giggles as she says it and you bite your lip, pausing. Your grandma must be up to her little matchmaking tricks again… Whether it be trying to shove you together with new friends or some boy who knows or is related to one of her old friends, and so far, you’ve managed to dodge every single attempt made. Well, aside from Chrissy Cunningham but maybe that has everything to do with the naive little sister vibe she puts out into the world and you feeling some kind of responsibility towards her because of the fact that her so-called boyfriend was a cheating prick and you’d kind of spilled the beans about it.
But it wasn’t a real friendship… Right?
And you’re only friends with Eddie and the two freshman boys who come by to babysit for your grandmother when you can’t because you’re working down at the  diner… Eddie just kind of made himself a place in your life. The two boys, you’re just polite with because everyone else treats them like outcasts and to you, that really sucks.
None of the above were real friendships. And the boys your grandmother was always accidentally introducing you to, good lord.
You wouldn’t even get started thinking about that.
You laugh softly. “Oh she does, huh?”
“Mhm.” Lulu is the one who answers, a soft smile. “And I wanna show you what we made Ma in Sunday school.”
“Sweetie, I dunno, I mean… Pretty sure that lightning will strike the place and burn it to the ground if I set foot inside.” you protest, but then the two little hellions give you their best begging pouts and you know you’re about to cave in. You find yourself thinking that maybe if you do, it’ll get Grams off your case a little bit. Maybe she’ll give you a break, stop trying to push you into friendships -and relationships, so often when she’s gotta know your mom’s just going to get out, collect the three of you and move you away from Hawkins.
Even if maybe, you don’t really want to leave now. You’ll have to, because she’s your mother and she’d never survive on her own.
“Pretty please?!” they chorus and you groan quietly. “Okay, alright, fiiiiine. You two want me to go so bad, go find me a dress, alright?”
The twins rush the overspilling chaotic mess you call a closet -most of the clothes inside belonged to your mother when she was your age, most of your clothes are either bolder and somehow wilder or they’re more subdued and neutral, there is no in between.
After what feels like a lifetime, the two twins are rushing back over to where you’re sitting on your bed, their arms full of dresses.
You laugh softly. “They’re cute.” you sift through the pile and you settle on the soft pink one for some reason. It’s got straps that tie at the shoulder and hopefully it’ll be long enough to at least be close to decent. It had to have been your mothers, she’s the one who had the penchant for soft pink and all things girly like your twins have. Like you would have if say, you hadn't conditioned yourself to be your mother's polar opposite for the most part because you can't let yourself repeat her cycle.
Your sister Lola brings over a soft red and black plaid flannel shirt and you wrinkle your nose. “I dunno this will work, pixie dust.”
“It’s pretty. And red makes you happy.” Lola shrugs, shuffling dirty bare feet against dark wooden floorboards. You mull it over. It’s not as if you intend to return to the church your grandmother attends religiously every wednesday and sunday of every single week, rain snow or shine. And you’re not trying to make any sort of impression, because you gave up caring what anybody thinks about you when you were around the age of your little sisters.
“Okay, alright. Guess I better go get dressed.” you shrug. And you pull yourself up off the bed, preparing to go throw on the dress and the flannel shirt.
The doorbell sounds on the floor below and the twins jump up and race down. You peer out of your bedroom window, curious.
And you flatten yourself against the soft pink walls of your mother’s old bedroom when you spot Eddie Munson’s van parked idle in the long dirt driveway leading up to your grandparents farmhouse. “What the hell, Munson? How… Okay, I never told the guy where I lived. How’d he find out?” you wonder to yourself just as the twins race back into your bedroom, the door banging shut behind them.
“You gotta get dressed. C’mon.”
“There’s a boy.” Lola wrinkles her nose. “He smells funny, kinda. Like smoke.”
“And he’s soooooooo cute. So cute.” Lulu gushes, leaning dramatically against your bedroom door.
You palm your face at your little sister despite knowing damn well that deep down, her statement is exactly what you think about Eddie sometimes. Especially when he’s focused on practicing his guitar or he’s got his nose buried in Lord of the Rings and trying to give you a dramatic reading just so you can't focus on your own horror novel of choice.. Or he’s driving around town with you with Black Sabbath or Kiss playing soft and low in the background.
But he just doesn’t see you like that.
Chrissy, yes. Yes he does. But not you.
It stings a little but knowing you’ll be leaving sooner or later somehow softens the blow. And you’re gearing up to try and shove Chrissy and Eddie together somehow because you’ve seen the way he looks at her and you know him well enough to know that if he’s looking after her when you’ve  gone, she’ll be protected.
Grams calls up the stairs to you. “You’ve got a visitor, sweetie. Make it quick, alright? We’re leavin for the church carnival in ten, soon as the red beans n’ rice are done. You’re comin too.” and you can’t tell by the tone whether the hurry up is her, giving you a little time alone with your friend or telling you to make it quick because she doesn’t want him in her house.
You throw on the pale pink sundress and the oversized flannel and you’re just tugging on your boots when you hear the twins high pitch squeals from down below. Just to keep them from swarming Eddie with a million little questions or trying to climb him like a goddamn jungle gym -something you also secretly wouldn’t mind doing, you step out of your room and make your way down the stairs.
Lola, of course, has demanded to be picked up. Eddie is currently holding her on his right hip. Giggling. Lulu is holding out his arm to admire the black ink bats that adorn the skin of his forearms. “They’re pretty! Are they birds?”
Eddie snickers. “Bats, actually.”
Your grandma locks eyes with you and you are… Not prepared for her little teasing grin. Or the way she nods her head in his direction while laughing softly and fanning herself just to make your cheeks flame hot.
“Girls, c’mon. We gotta put those costumes on, right?” Your grandmother adresses your little sisters.
“Yeah! I need my fairy wings!”
You laugh as Lola climbs down from Eddie’s arms and bolts up the stairs with lightning speed. Lulu is on her tail fussing. “The purple one is MINE. Not yours, okay?”
Your hand finds your face and you suddenly have not one clue what to say. Your grandmother wanders out of the kitchen and shoves a plastic bag into your hands bearing the name of the local department store downtown. “It’s a costume thing, lil bit.” she purrs, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, “Picked you up somethin.”
“Grams, no. I’m not a baby.”
“Would you relax?” the older woman pauses with a hand on her hip, “It’s just a pair of cat ears or a flower crown thing. Flower crown would go with that interesting combo you’ve got goin on, come to think of it. Sides… It’s not like I got to do any of this stuff when you were little. Indulge an old lady, will ya?” she throws another wink at you as she ascends the stairwell, vanishing from sight.
This leaves you and Eddie all alone in the foyer of your grandmother’s farmhouse. And suddenly, despite having worn shorter dresses or skirts than the one you wear currently, you feel naked. Dare say, vulnerable.
Doe eyes scan your body and blink slowly. Eddie wants to stop staring but he just can't. It's become a huge problem for him lately and the only comfort he has is the knowledge that you insist that as soon as your mom comes back, you'll be gone. And it's really not a comfort, he thinks to himself as his eyes roam your body while you're busy digging in the bag and thankfully, not looking at him at all, because he just doesn't want you to leave. He's not looking forward to the inevitable end, to when he won't see you, he won't be sharing a book with you in sex ed first thing in the morning. When you're not popping up at his uncle's place with leftover burgers and fries fresh off a shift after school down at the diner in town.
You occupy yourself with digging in the bag, laughing to yourself quietly as you produce the flower crown headband and pop it on your head. Laughing as you finally manage to glance up at him. All you can do is shrug. “So uh… what brings you by, Munson?”
Eddie shuffles dirty sneakers against the floor and drags his hand through frizzy brown hair. His mouth opens and closes because the whole way over, Dustin’s pep talk had been right there, spurring him on and now, suddenly.. Seeing you like this. Without the leather jacket and the little smirk or the bold red lipstick and heavy mascara, well… It’s like every thought’s left the boy’s head on sight.
He’d come over to ask if you wanted to come hang out at his uncle’s trailer tonight. Just watch horror movies and laugh at how dumb they were, how realistically, things would go way different. Gareth and Jeff would be there like usual, he just… Wanted all of his friends there.
He really wanted you there. Maybe he wants to pretend this is a date. He wants to spend the night with you, maybe in his mind he can tell himself that you'll get scared during a bloodbath on screen and bury your face in his shoulder.. Something sappy like that.
“Eddie.” you step closer, laughing. You jump up a little to snap your fingers in his face. “Earth to Munson. Come in, Munson. Do I need to get the holy water and a priest, sir? Have you been possessed? Blink twice if you’re in danger, man.” you’re teasing and laughing but all Eddie can do is stare. And try not to sniff you when the combination of strawberry shampoo and soft baked goods fills his nose and makes his mouth water like it always seems to lately.
If he keeps this up, Gareth is right. He will manage to make it awkward.
You step even closer, your body bumps up against his lightly. He bites down on the inside of his cheek and finally, the fog in his brain at the sight of you like this is clearing away. “I uh… I wanted to stop by and see if you wanted to watch horror movies out at my place tonight.” he manages to stammer out, “Gare and Jeff are going to be there too.”
Before you can answer the question, your grandmother speaks up from behind you. “She’ll be there.” and she fixes her gaze on you with a little smirk that tells you she’s definitely up to something. “I should have some brownies left. I’ll send ‘em over.” she pauses. “The special ones. The ones in the yellow dish, sweets.” she clarifies and your mouth drops open.
There is absolutely no way she’s just said what she’s said. Not only is she practically shoving you at Eddie right now, she's offering up the brownies you baked earlier to feed the guy.
“Grams, I don’t..” but she silences you. “You’re going to take that boy brownies, sweetheart. Looks like he hasn’t eaten a good meal in weeks, let alone dessert.” and promptly turns to Eddie, smirking. “Wait til you taste ‘em, oh man.” she laughs softly.
“Girls, get your sweaters. We’ll go start loading everything up in the car. Your grandpa left a little while ago, he’s in charge of the hayride.” your grandma is rushing your little sisters out the door and the door bangs shut behind the three.
It leaves you all alone with Eddie a second time. And there’s this thickness to the air. It’s smothering, sweltering even. You almost can’t breathe.
But.. you do manage to ask the question you’re dying to know the answer to. “So uh… Not that I mind or anything but like..” you pause to glance down and fidget with the sleeves of the flannel as they cover the tips of your fingers, “Who told you where I live? I really don’t mind, I swear.. It’s just..” you gesture to the door your grandmother has taken your little sisters out of, “It’s a little chaotic around here… Especially those two, they’ll climb you like a jungle gym.”
Eddie snickers. "They were kinda cute. Real talkative. Guessing that gene kinda skipped you, hm?" he's teasing you a little and you pout up at him. Fidgeting again, you can't seem to stop and he can't help but notice it. Or the way the flannel shirt is three sizes too big and it nearly swallows your hands.
And if he were one of the cockier boys to roam Hawkins High’s halls, he’d almost think the little stammering you just did or the way you’re fidgeting and you can’t look at him quite as easily as you tend to all mean that you’re flustered. But he's not, so when the thought surfaces, he pushes it aside. Because there's no way he can fluster you. Not you with the dry wit and the loud mouth, not you who can name several alternate names for a penis or tell a joke so dirty it'll make him look at you sideways and wonder where in the hell and how in the hell it came out of you to begin with.
Eddie shrugs. “Apparently Dustin and Mike babysit your sisters? And Dustin, he told me where you live.”
You smile. “Well, now you know.. You can come by, ya know.. I don’t mind.”
Eddie chuckles quietly and steps a little closer. Towering over you as he stares down at you. Biting lips you’ve fantasized about kissing way, way, way too much recently. You remind yourself that you’re setting him up with Chrissy for both of their own good and try -while failing at, shoving any and all thoughts of Eddie’s lips and what you’d like to do to them out of your mind for the moment. “Is this you admitting that maybe having a friend isn’t the worst thing in the world, midget?”
“Hey! I am not a midget. I’m fun sized, damn it.”
“Oh, I bet you are.” Eddie’s words fall away and his hand raises, smoothing hair back out of your eyes. You clench your thighs and shuffle your feet because the warmth of his hand and the coolness of the metal adorning his fingers is a contrast and it’s one that you could get used to feeling, if only you’d allow yourself.
“Save the innuendo for your little lover girl.” you snort, pretending to be the tough girl like he’s used to. You smirk up at him and tease quietly, “Yes, I know about your thing for a certain cheerleader. It’s cute. Kinda sweet in a weird and dorky way.” you shrug.
It is sweet. You just wish he looked at you like he looked at her.
But again, the knowledge that you and your sisters won’t be here much longer is what keeps the sting out of it and keeps any jealousy you might be inclined to feel at bay. And it makes things a little less awkward in that you can joke and tease him about it and knowing you’ll leave sooner or later makes it a little easier to just go with the flow.
All you want is the tattooed rocker standing almost body to body with you in your grandparents foyer to be happy. It just sucks that you’re almost willing to bet your actual life on the fact that you won’t be the one who makes him happy. Because you’ll have to leave.
It always happens.
“So uh… What time?” you ask after a few long seconds when you can feel your breath catch in your throat at least two times. Eddie shrugs. “What time are you gonna be able to slip away from the thing?”
“Well, I did say I’d stay, do stuff with my sisters. Probably like an hour or two? So around 8?”
Eddie grins. Still shocked by you without all the sass and the leather jacket and the makeup he’s used to seeing, it’s thrown him for quite the loop.
“8 works for me.” he answers quietly. Stepping even closer before he can stop himself from doing it. “Hope you’re okay with blood and guts.”
You cluck your tongue and tap a boot against the floor. “Do I look like the kinda girl who isn’t?” you ask but internally, you are probably just a shade squeamish. Reading true crime and horror like you tend to, that’s totally different. Seeing it, especially with your whole thing about mass amounts of blood… You’re just not sure how well this is going to go.
Eddie walks you over to the Impala and opens the driver door for you. And it happens again, you find yourself body to body with him and instead of sinking down to sit in the driver seat like you were about to, you hesitate. You raise a hand to brush some hair out of his face and you laugh softly. “I’ll uh.. See you then.”
“Yeah.” he gives you that lazy grin and after you sit down, he shuts the door to your car. You watch him as he walks away to his waiting van and you let out several long and ragged breaths as you lean your forehead against the steering wheel.
And you tell yourself for the millionth time that you cannot, you absolutely cannot fall in love with Eddie Munson.
But somehow, you know deep down that it’s too late and you’re fucked with a capital F.
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jammingjaem · 5 months
assign opm songs to your moots and answer why in tagalog GO
omg sge, pero pasensya na sa moots ko na kailangan itranslate lahat ng sinabi ko HAHAHA— UPDATE: MY GOD ANG HIRAP😭
okay, starting off strong with my bffie, si ky (@lixizpixi), she is ‘simpleng tulad mo’ by daniel padilla. wagmuna kayong sumigaw kasi si deej yung nasabi ko pero!! pagnalaman niyo naman si ky, talagang sweet na taong to. actually nga, magiging 2 years na namin sa feb YUHH. anyways, kasi nga, simpleng tao lang talaga si ky pero ang saya kong kausapin siya. palagi kami nasa facetime at palagi kami sa text. masaya talagang kausapin si ky, siya talaga yung kanta.
sge so si janani (@jnnul)? i think yung kanta niya… ‘habang buhay’ by zack tabudlo. hindi lang kasi siya na mabait si janani so. ang saya tingin ng vibes at aura niya so i think na yung kanta na ‘to, talagang? pwede HAHA, nawawala yung tagalog ko, my god. anyways. di lang yan, ha. guys, yung work ni janani, yung kanta din pwede sa mga nasulat niya, especially ‘lowkey’, yung jaemin drabble niya. wow guys, di ko lang sinabi yun kasi si jaemin yung bias ko ha? wag niyo ko tignan LMFAOO.
okay so si nini (@hugs2doie) nanay ko yan ah- umumum i think ‘ligaw’ by moonstar88 ft. chito miranda yung bagay na kanta? mabait na tao si nini at parang vibes niya yung kanta especially since yung work niya din nakakasaya. sa totoo lang, palaging naglalaro yung kanta na ‘to pag binabasa ko yung texts niya (only kung nakikinig ako sa spotify). okay ba yun HAHAHA. no pero yung work niya na ‘flirty!classmate!nct dream x reader’ parang bagay sa kanta— or hindi? ewan guys. kakagising ko lang 😭
okay so si titi (@00127am) i thinks, ‘daunted’ by ysabelle cuevas. yung kanta na ‘to at si titi ay yung vibes na nakuha ko when naging mutuals kami. sa theme din niya, parang vibes din ng kanta. yung smaus din niya ang cuuute at yung doyoung smau niya, talagang kanta na ‘to. i mean, di naman sila nagmeet sa party diba pero pagnakikita niyo yung vision ko, sabihin niyo sakin. pag hindi, edi wag na / j.
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missamyrisa2 · 1 month
miss amy !! I used to peruse your content ages ago and finding you again here feels like an exciting reunion of sorts !! I’ve spent so many hours scrolling your blog here and even though I usually have a pretty strong appetite for other people’s giggles, laughter, gasps and wriggles, (including yours <3) sometimes the way you dote on someone you’re teasing just hits *so* right, it totally disarms me. that’s a new and refreshing twist for me. I’m curious how you’d react to someone who didn’t necessarily want to have a tickle fight, but a tickle trade? just going tit for tat, giggle for gasp if you will. to be doted on, tickled and teases by a tickler who is themselves giggling and being teased and doted on
signed, a longtime admirer who would love to turn some loving tickles and titillation on that precious belly and bellybutton of yours <3
eeeee omg omggg~~ I'm sooo blushyyy flattered and I can't process soooo much sweetness so I'll justttt squeak and giggle for a bit if that's okayyy with youuu~!!
At leasttt, until I get my teasyyy bearings and pay you back for such kindnesssss by trailing my fingers across your bellllyyy and tell you how cuuuute you are for comng back to my little purpley menagerie ~ you're just drawnnn to the gigglesss aren't youuu? You wanna be allll affectionate and affected upon, to be wrapped up in the silkyyyy feeels until you're nothing but a wigglyyy squiggly mess huhh? I knowww I knowww darling, I absolutely knowww becauseee I'm sooo the same mmmhmm I knowww you wannnnt it and want to give ittt to be soooo ~ensconced~ in the mutual giggles and gaspssss like a snuggly blankett~
We can brush our blushyy cheeks and giggle in each other's ears like tinglyyyy silliesss while admiring the twitchiness of each tummmyy~ oooh and if you're up for my crazinessss we can dooo something I adoree even as it is completely absurd and sooo ~wrecklyyy~ which is to snicker and giggle ourselves silly while letting our tummyyys brush and kisssss ~ sharing those gigglesss in the most direct way possible~~ before one of us invariably falls apart which means that's who getssss tickled to the floor with the most lovinggg strokes and squeezessss ~
Mmmh I'd love nothing more for that to be meeee~ soo that you'd meltttt me to pieces with attention on my ridiculously sensitive bellybutton~ in as much as I'd want that to be youuuu~ so I could sooo tease you with my vulnerable button while I trace around yourssss and give you endlesssss adoring tummy kissesss between my gigglyyy comments about your cuuute giggle and the way you wiggle~<33
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sunnitheapollokid · 1 month
CONGRATS ON 200!!!!! we lit j became mutuals like 2 days ago but ur my bff and i love u and i’m SOOO HAPPY FOR UUUU !!! i have to do thirteen going on thirty cz i acc dont watch movies or shows that much and get so much hate for it 😒😒 but anyway omg ummm i’m an infj taurus hopeless romantic (taylor wrote so high school ab me trust) ANGST HATER 😬 i physically mentally spiritually cannot deal w angst sorry….. i’m a huge perfectionist and super organized (idk if you’ve watched b99 but my friends say i remind them of amy!!) and an ambivert like not even leaning i genuinely believe i am 50/50 LOL i play tennis and read (i love reading i could read a 1k page book in one sitting but cannot watch a 2hr movie LOL) and study … yes i’m considering it a hobby atp 🙁🙁 i also LOVE greek mythology like outside of pjo LMAOOO my top 3 pjo chars r jason and percabeth (cannot forget the ogs) honestly this is all off the top of my head i can’t think of much LMAO lmk if u need more AND CONGRATS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
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BABBBBBEEES swear. i know we only became moots like days ago, BUT I TOO THINK YOURE MY BFF 🥹 i’m so glad we’re mutuals and we get to interact more often,, i’m so serious i had a tumblr blog girl crush on you URRR LAYOUT AND UR ENERGY SO CUUUTE! <3 ALSO I LOVE B99!? I JUST STARTED AND IM SO JAKE PERALTA?? u may be the amy santiago to my jake peralta.
which is why,, your movie is “ENCHANTED” <3 by kevin lima!! IT MAY SEEM UNEXPECTED BUT JUST HEAR ME OUT!! enchanted is so cutesy, and such a magical and incredibly charming movie and it’s exactly how i see you.
in the first part of the movie, giselle deeply wants things to go perfect for her wedding, and the male lead i actually see as a perfectionist!!
it’s also such a sweet rom-com, just like a fairy tale you read in books about shooting your shot and that love would always overcome hate. it’s also not a super angsty movie!! maybe just a few parts that add to the plot, but other than that, it is such a comforting and fun watch.
ALSO THE WHOLE AESTHETIC IT HAS?? totally matches with yours. like princess, royal-core!!!
i personally freaking love this movie, i grew up with it, watched it with my mom countless of times. so if i love this movie, associate it with you, IT JUST MEANS I LOVE YOU *stretches arms,* this much.
since you’re a jason girlie, i also would think he’d 100% love this movie and would watch it with you. he’d love giselle’s charming personality, and the how the romance builds up.
cyn, you’re my sweet, a hopless romantic softie princess-core gal, and this is exactly your 2000s movie babes. 💛
i hope it’s accurate and you like it!! 🥹
lots of love and sunkisses to cyn, — sunni!
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edowardoelric · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)
was in a cabin with shitty wifi in arkansas when i first saw this and completely forgot to reply until now... sorry!! thanks for sending 🥰 i got this once before so i'm going to try answering differently than last time
we road tripped to arkansas last week and got to see the total solar eclipse! totality was about 4 minutes and it was amazing
my sister officially became a nurse earlier this year
work has been pretty hell recently but i made a new work bestie and i like her a lot, we're getting through it together. we're going on a business trip this week and thankfully have the same flights as each other
saw a frog on my car the other night when taking my brother into work... it was so damn cuuute <3 couldn't get a picture bc i had to get it off the car though for its own safety
the fact that our city has a t-rex as our mascot. he's a statue that they dress up every holiday, he has a name and the local walmart even has a mural of him <3 i hate my state but love this city actually. i would share certain videos of him but then i'd be revealing my location lmao
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fairy-hub · 8 months
Hello! You've been tagged! You don't have to do anything if you don't want to, but if you'd like, ist 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! Learn to know your mutuals and followers! also, heylo
Thank you! 💕 this was so much fun and so cuuute
1. My hubby! His warm comforting hugs, his goofy smiles, his soft long dark hair, the way he kisses my forehead and holds me before we fall asleep. When he makes food for me, how he helps me clean up the house paying attention to how I want things done and doing it as such. His big dick-
1. I had to do another one cause my furbabies I adore all of them so much. Along with the one at my work which is too feral to catch and put into my home so I’ll do my best to make them a home there.
2. Sun rise or sun set, the moon, the trees swaying in the wind, owls hooting, crickets chirping, birds chirping, the smell of burning fire wood, the smell before a storm, the feel of rocks, earth and grass beneath my feet. The sparkle of a lake when the sun or moon hits it. The glittering stars in the sky, the soft fluffy clouds, low hanging fog, thick dark gray clouds. Soft rain, heavy rain, gentle snow that swirls before landing. Blowing in fuzzy wishing flowers, finding mushrooms and ant hills.
3. Cozy warm blankets out of a dryer, a giant pillow that is half my size that firm offering good neck support but let’s my head sink in. Feeling my cats tiny paws as they walk across the bed finding a place to lay around my hubby and I.
4. Chocolate, caramel, coffee, fruit smooths, yummy warm fried shrimp, sushi especially if it has crab and or shrimp. Garlic bed with thick cheesy on it. Curry that as my nose running as I try and chase the spiciness with a mango lassi. Thick fat steak burgers with some salty ass fries. A fruit salad, or the house salad they give right before my sushi.
5. Sharing something with a friend/my hubby, making a positive memory to look back on.
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runawaycarouselhorse · 6 months
[Yuki no Joou ~The Snow Queen~ Episode 24] (spoilers)
I really want to watch something, but couldn't think of what, so thought to continue to what I already started/nearly completed and Yuki no Joou~The Snow Queen~! I missed hearing Gerda's voice...
Episode 24 (so I have about 12 episodes left!) and they're doing The Little Mermaid!! Bouncing excitedly in my seat. There's so many pretty mermaid statues.... the character based on Hans Christian is very noisily doing a puppet show, ffff, cuuute.
The young mermaid Gerda meets isn't as selflessly kind as the mermaid in the original tale, she won't sacrifice herself for someone who doesn't know she exists or someone who is "almost friends" with her... but she can be loyal, for someone who mutually cares for her. Reciprocity is important for her.
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She stole the most precious thing from Gerda, the loupe that was Kay's father's gift to him, which Gerda intended to return to Kay as soon as they're reunited....
But when Lily heard Gerda defend her to Ragi, when he suspected Lily stole it, Lily regretted her actions, realizing Gerda was the true friend she had given up hope of ever finding, so returned the loupe, and threw herself into the sea, believing she'll turn to sea foam.
A happy ending for this mermaid too, though, as Gerda's voice crying out for her was seen as the precious thing Lily stole. ;3;
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novelist-becca · 10 months
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(Sorry @fallenflowersfromgrace, I “answered” it before without answering it by accident, so here’s a repost)
From this ask game
You’re my: mutual that I don’t see often, but still love seeing your stuff in my notifications!
How I met you: I think we officially started talking to each other after you gushed about one of my fics? It was rlly nice ^^
Why I follow you: no particular reason, I just like seeing you (did that sound weird?)
Your blog is: chill and friendly
Your URL is: sounds very majestic
Your icon is: a drawing of a doggo? Cuuute
A random fact I know about you: I know you’re good at taking photos
General opinion: even though we don’t talk very often, I like it when we do, and I think you’re very cool!
A random thought I have: 🤷🏼‍♀️
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sheepory · 2 years
List 5 things that make you happy, and then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Learn to know your mutuals and followers 🤍
ohh this is so cuuute oh my godd! okay okay lets go:
lemon poppyseed muffins
the scent of pine! and mint!
when you open the curtains after waking up and get those lazy rays of sunshine <3
smooching. kissing. the sparks in your chest of connecting with another person
submerging your body in warm water
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ayahimes · 11 months
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ cuuute
cosmos !! i am sending you these too bc i will follow you on every blog . i know we've written before even though not on here , but i enjoy qissy and you so much . your presence on my dash is very much appreciated and i love just reading about all your headcanons for her and the updates on your life , like your book ( i hope it's going smoothly ) !! you're def one of my fav blogs and i'm happy we're mutuals ~
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switchytransboy · 2 years
Ah so my teases do get you! Nice to hear you say it~ cuuute
Hehe very incredibly subtle clues! You'd have to like really look into it but you won't have to I'll tell ya who I am like super soon! Cant anonymously tease a mutual for tooooo long, no fun without the payoff of revealing who it was the whole time :]
youre really building up so much suspense here hahaha but im looking forward to finally finding out who it is (:
noted that we’re mutuals already 👀
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mynameseri · 3 years
(I couldn’t wait any longer to post this and we all know my granny ass gonna pass out any minute here!)
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You already know the world needed to see Kaley x Howl Supremacy so!!!
I’m still cracking up that we both commissioned smol.tish for each others birthdays NOT EVEN KNOWING WE BOTH DID THAT FOR EACH OTHER. We really are the same ass bitch just in different states. 
Wish I could be there with you celebrating the day you blessed this earth with your existence, but we will make up for it soon enough 👀 I fucking love you TONS!! I have endless good things I could say about you but to summarize: I’m beyond happy to have met you and you have brought so much happiness into my life. You’re irreplaceable and such a bright light in my life!!
Happy birthday Kaley (I’m a few hours early but still) 🌸✨
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Miss You Babyboo 😤
you’re so sweeet!! missed you too, lovely! 💗
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but look I’m baaack now! (might be off on another holiday soon but I’m here for now haha)
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natolesims · 2 years
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Sooo... things happened
Rambling and announcements under the cuuut- (pls read!)
Hello! Long time no see, guys. The queue might be running, but I shine thanks to my absence. But here I am, once again :'v
Thing is, I had a very rough end and beginning of year. Some of the highlights of these past weeks are:
My dog died
My other dog was poisoned. He later died, too :)
My cellphone got a fatal error and then- kaput (DON'T BUY THE POCO M3 I'M BEGGING YOU)
I lost super important data of my work.
All my family got covid EXCEPT me, my parents, grandpas and brother (they are all fine, so no worries!)
I've been waiting for a payment from France for over a month by now :')
I fell from a bus. A moving bus.
Yes, I'm that clumsy.
Yes, half my body hurts.
I returned to work
Hopefully, I'll get hired in a new job (same museum, dif. department) but the paperwork was tremendous. Wish me luck!
I got food poisoning.
Acne is part of me now.
My internet said NOPE and the service was reinstalled yesterday
So... yeah. It hasn't been ALL bad- some good things happened, too! (We have baby goats :D) but my energy level is -1231234 at this point. I started to feel overwhelmed, so I guess it's time to step back a little and fix my mess xD
I've been intending to update the chrono links in the posts for a while now, have time to catch up with your stories (I've seen bits here and there but I'm missing a lot of stuff ;A;) and prepare the story posts calmly. Maybe I'll try a mini-challenge for a change. Who knows? Either way, the stories will be on hold for a couple of weeks, but I'll be around! That's the whole purpose, in the end. I really want to read a lot of stuff!
Also, I'm sorry I couldn't thank properly before but I WANT TO GIVE A HUGE THANK YOU TO @payte @wannabecatwriter @simatrix @linnamyoui @pinkbloodmei and @chummysims for all the love you gave to the stories the past days. It didn't go unnoticed and it made really happy!!! Thank you thank you thank you.
And honestly, thanks to all of you. Maybe I'm getting emotional because of reasons, but I truly appreciate all of my simblr frens (even if I'm like a ghost mutual sometimes xD I'm sorry, I'm shy and a mess. I get intimidated easily). I've been reading your comments and cherishing your asks (not ignoring, I promise!) and you seriously lift me up in this little happy place of mine! Thanks <3
But anyway, that's about it. I'll return to see what's up with all of you, lovely people, and your sims, and recover my simming pace.
Toodles :D
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myimaginedcorner · 2 years
Hi wish that you are alright, I really like your story and maybe I am already in love with one of the ROs. *cough* *Professional stance* Now i would like to ask :What would the ros think of an mc who is adorable when they are mad? Like the angriest cinnamon role? Also how would they react if the mc was mad at them but still needed to be touching them? Like holding hands but not wanting to look at them.
Hi!!!! Omg thank you, you don't know how much it means to me to see that people enjoy my work despite me being so off the media lately!! 😍😍 (Uni is hard hahaha, I'm glad I take this *meanwhile* as a hobby for my own mental peace).
And that's such a cuuute question, I love this kind of dynamics in a relationship!! 🥺
S: Well, S would consider any MC cute whenever, be it angry, happy or sad. They see you as absolute perfection and there's no way to change their mind. If an MC got to grab their hand while still being mad at them, S would quickly die from a heart attack, coming back to life only to redeem their sins and make you smile at them again.
V: V would find it so amusing, that there would be no way on Earth and beyond for them to get angry at you in return. They wouldn't be able to handle your cuteness, their own complaints would vanish instantly. In the *expectable* case when only you would get mad at them, yet still hold their hand, V would not protest nor take their hand away ‐ they would turn towards you and smile with warmth, their eyes full of dancing demons. "Oh, dear, my hand has been stolen! However, it does suit you quite a bit... so let's leave it there, shall we?"
R: R would rather focus on the issue than your behaviour, as they would be way too concerned about you. They would focus on your words and listen to you carefully, trying to solve the problem between the two of you as soon as possible. If that doesn't work, yet you continue to grab them, they wouldn't move and would let you use them as a source of comfort no mattwe what, waiting for you to calm down and talk things through with them peacefully.
A: Another actual cinnamon role. Well, not always, for in front of their armies they would preserve a proud and majestic stance. With you, however, their emotions would make them as cute in their anger as it is only possible, and so there would be a competition on who gets distracted by it first. The hand thing is also quite an A thing to do – be it you or them who got angry, there will be no physical separation as a matter of mutual support, and you will be able to sit like that for hours until you both finally forget why you argued in the first place.
Thank you so much for the ask!!
I hope I'll be back soon, but I won't promise anything, for uni is a priority!! However, I love my story, so I am still working on it every time I can🥰
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