#no i go to sleep at like 9 at the latest and wake up between 4:30-6:30
What were you thinking about when that buzzer sounded?
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Pairing: König x Reader
Summary: You’re determined to find out why everyone thinks König is so scary, afterall he’s just some guy that’s taller than most people right? He’s probably harmless! Well, he’s a little scary, but you still like him anyway.
(No use of y/n or mention of gender/race)
AN: The latest chapter is finally here, and it is the penultimate chapter of the series. I hope to update this soon so you aren't left hanging too long for the finale, so fear not, I will put every effort into getting it written! Love you guys, and appreciate all the asks and comments you send me 🥰
Part 9 of A Rocky Start - Full Masterlist Here
For a moment, while you swam between waking and sleeping, everything was dark. The floor felt like it was shifting from underneath you. Piercing noise filled your ears and rattled throughout your entire body. Barely a few seconds later your retinas were scorched by sizzling orange light. 
This isn’t right.
What’s happening?
You felt yourself frown despite the crackling ache that hammered into your skull, the wrinkle in your brow was more like a molehill. Even in the brilliant glow of the light around you, you couldn’t make anything out. You were only seeing hazy shapes and thinking thoughts that were barely more coherent. The piercing noise turned into a low buzz, though the room still felt like it was on an unsteady foundation. 
What happened?
Where were the others?
You strained a moment, breathing heavily and stretching your body out. Were you lying down? You looked downward at your crumpled form and groaned. You’d confirmed it alright, as if the cold damp ground weren’t proof enough. It was difficult to tell how long you’d been laying like that, however if the prickling in your arms and legs were anything to go by it had clearly been a while. 
You were struggling to try and work out what had happened. It felt like you were fighting for the last plank of wood in a shipwreck, your head feeling like it had been knocked and rolling in the foaming waves for some time before you’d come to. Though finally through the spray of racing thoughts you were able to grasp onto something more, a dull thudding sound that rhythmically beat behind you. A groan of anguish followed not long after, and then something that sounded like a string of choked curses. 
“Looks like your friend has awakened, Captain. Shall we give you a break…?”
You frowned deeper, but you didn’t get long to work out who those words belonged to before you were seized. Suddenly Your body was being hoisted up by a pair of rough hands and you were all but thrown down in a deeply uncomfortable metal chair. As if that wasn’t enough to contend with, the unexpected movement sent your stomach and head roiling into green sickness. As you slowly started to snap out of it, you came to realise you were being bound to the chair that you’d been slammed into. A couple of pairs of hands were grabbing you and fastening you tightly to the cold metal, leaving you all bound up like a christmas turkey. 
“You don’t look so good, Sergeant,” the voice from before taunted, sounding from somewhere above you. “But that makes sense, ah? My men already gave you quite the head wound back at the market. I wonder…are you even hearing me right now? Has your head been cracked open too many times now?”
You choked down the lump that had sat heavy in your throat and jerked your head up, facing the dark shape that had cast such an oppressive shadow over your eyes. Whoever it was, was standing in front of the light. You had no hope of seeing them, trying as you were.  
“Fu-...fuck you,” you muttered, blinking your eyes up at the silhouette of your tormentor. 
The man chuckled, a raspy sound that came from deep within his chest. 
“You’re not lost to us yet, I see.”
You gritted your teeth and continued to desperately try and focus your eyes on the man. Something within you was burning, there was bile trying to force itself upwards the longer you held your head up, though intuition told you it wouldn’t be much of a shame if you spat up on whoever it was that had captured you. 
“Who-oo are you?” you demanded, throat too dry to carry the threat you wanted.
“Oh, Sergeant, your condition might be worse than we’d feared. Don’t you recognise me?”
You shook your head up at the shadow man, growing tired of your confused state. Even tied to a chair you still couldn’t seem to piece together how you got there. The last thing you could recall was telling Soap and Ghost to run, warning them of an oncoming party of men that were approaching the back of the truck.
The trucks. 
That’s right, you’d stolen yourselves away on the trucks - you’d all been waiting to see where they’d set up camp. Except…. They hadn’t stopped at any kind of base. The trucks had stopped so that they could get some respite after having to quickly pack up and leave their old haunt - it had been Soap that had said something about that. Soap had translated something they’d said. 
Then König had said something through the comms…what was it again? He’d said-
“Am I not keeping your attention, Sergeant? How rude.”
If the disembodied voice wasn’t enough to tear you out of your thoughts, the slap that knocked your teeth together was. 
Fresh pain blossomed over your cheek and you groaned out. It only served to make you even more acutely aware of the sorry state your body was in. Everything was hurting and nothing felt right. You’d been in some scrapes in your life, but for the second time you were sure this was going to be the end of you. Slowly but surely, whoever it was that held you captive was going to rip you to shreds. 
At the very least, you decided you weren’t going to give him the satisfaction of finding it pleasurable. You weren’t going to beg for him. 
“Maybe you need a familiar face to wake you up properly.”
You glared up at the man above you, ready to spew vitriol that could outspark a petrol fire, but you didn’t get the chance. The wind was knocked from you when the chair was kicked on its side and you’d gone tumbling with it. Back on the grimy floor again, you thought, maybe if I’m lucky I’ll fall in a puddle and drown. 
Self pity had stopped you from immediately looking ahead. Though the moment you managed to concentrate on anything other than the searing pain that was winding itself around your wrists, ankles and back, you were unpleasantly surprised to see a thunderous face over on the other side of the room. One that looked much like you felt. 
“Price?” you croaked, locking gazes with his wide eyed stare.
He couldn’t answer you back. Price’s mouth was gagged with a thick piece of cloth, something like an old tshirt scrap. The fabric was wrapped tightly around his face and it was trapping all the expletives he’d normally be hurling from exploding into the tiny room. You strained as you looked at him, what was that that was dripping from his face? Had he been bleeding that much? It looked too thin to be blood alone.
You’d never seen the Captain like this before, he was in a sorry state. His face was sporting a rainbow of different bruises, and, from below that, swollen skin that had bubbled up into painful lumps. His armour and his weapons had been stripped from him, his jacket and hat as well, his hair was limply slicked back on top of his head. His shirt had been partially torn and that too was wet, it looked like they’d used a knife on him - you could see the bloody evidence in the form of a thick cut that striped roughly through his pecks.
“Price,” you said again, not quite sure what else to say. “Captain!”
You’d never seen him look so vehemently possessed by rage. He hadn’t even been this angry when he’d called you out for the whole König debacle. No, now that he was faced with you lying on the ground and lost for words he was the most furious you’d seen him in his life. If it weren’t for the gag, you’d have been convinced that he’d have spit fire.
“Speaking more confidently, Sergeant. This is good. Maybe now we can begin, yes?” 
“Begin what?” you spat. “You think you can learn anything from me?”
The man chuckled, the sound emanating as if from a wide rocky cavern. The sound filled the room uncomfortably, squashing you, causing you to wince just before you were picked up by the back of the chair and set right upright again. 
It was when you finally widened your eyes, that you were more clearly able to see the man in front of you. The sight of him made your heart drop. It was John Rousseau himself. His determined gaze was set on you as if he’d ripped himself free out of the photographs on your briefing documents and sprung to life in all his terrible glory. Though unlike the photographs, - taken when he’d been captured earlier on in his life- he was smiling now. He held something of a more deadly glint in his eyes. 
You were left speechless then. What were you to say to the man you’d been chasing all that time? Now that he was standing in front of you in the flesh, tight black clothes showcasing his rippling arms and powerful legs. You weren’t going to last long if he was going to keep kicking and hitting you, you knew that then. 
“This isn’t an interrogation, soldier - I don’t need to learn anything from you. We’re in the middle of making a very special video, a little gift for your superiors. They will get the benefit of seeing that you are alive - mostly. And they will know we are serious in our demands. In return they will give us back my brothers. If not then…you will not remain alive for much longer, will you?”
Rousseau’s widening smile reminded you of a venomous snake slithering out a dark crevice for the hunt. If that weren’t enough to unnerve you, the sound of something metal being scraped across the ground and the following rush of sloshing water lapping against its edges was enough to do the trick. All at once you realised exactly what Rousseau intended to do. 
Price roared from the otherside of the room, in the corner of your vision, struggling futilely against his impossible bindings. Though you didn’t focus much on him. A shadow crossed the room and you painfully twisted your head to meet the barbarian that made it. You watched as another familiar face, the man from the market that had killed his associate, stood silently above you. He held a cheap old digital camera aloft in his hands and smiled slyly, giving you your last glimpse of cruelty before a cloth was forced over your face and the world went dark once more. 
They were going to do to you exactly what they had done to Price. Finally you knew why he was so wet. Your body shook.. You could hardly breathe. Though you had to. Your training demanded it. You’d been waterboarded before, though now it wasn’t going to be a test. This was the real deal, there was no end goal in sight. You could hear the bucket being lifted off the ground, it was almost too late to remedy your panic.
No, you had to steel yourself. 
Deep breath in, soldier. 
And Hold it.
Hold it.
Ghost and Soap stood over the group in front of them with expressions so solemn that they could've dropped birds from the sky. Soap kept wincing as he’d shift his weight and forget his bad leg, and Ghost couldn’t stop staring off to the side, clearly replaying what had happened, turning it over and over in his mind until his eyes glazed almost grey. It was clear to see that neither one could reconcile with what had just gone down. 
After a moment of empty silence, considering what to say, both the men eventually recounted what had happened to the others, facing Laswell and the rest of the men with their blank eyes and flat voices as they tried to stay professional. No matter how hard they tried though, their minds still lingered on the soldier they’d left behind, ceaselessly wondering what had happened to you.
Around halfway through your impromptu truck ride, with you on top while the two men hid inside, Gaz had reported that his group had reached exfil and regrouped with the rest of the team. Most of the remaining soldiers had made it there, along with a very rattled Laswell who’d explained to everyone that the safe house had been compromised and Price had been taken by surprise, caught in a trap laid out by the first rogue truck that had left the compound. Ghost, Soap and you of course had heard this through Gaz’s comms, one of the last lines to remain working - the other’s had faced multiple blasts and close combat bouts.
From that moment, now that they had contact and were aware of where Rousseau was headed, everyone was concentrating on regrouping with your team. They were tracking your signal and speeding along in the last of the working vehicles, hoping and praying they could reach the trucks and bring everyone back.
The men’s eyes flicked between each other as they let the story unfold, remembering what it was like standing in the almost pitch black of the cargo container while you lay above them. The tension that had yet to leave their bodies, only had them straining their tired muscles more. 
Soap told everyone about you hissing over the line from above, telling him and Ghost about the trucks slowing down. You’d asked for orders and Soap had looked warily at Ghost then, watching as the man loomed over him and quietly searched for an answer. He’d curtly told you to lay low and stay quiet, tell them if anyone got out. It wasn’t long before you reported just that, and Soap had plastered himself to the doorway, straining to try and hear what they could be saying out there. 
His French was rusty, rustier than his Spanish, but he was able to make out parts of a conversation that had broken out. They were talking about how glad they were that they could finally stop, one said something about needing to piss, the other laughed with him and said it was a wonder he’d managed to hold it in through the blasts. Another man had approached them and shouted over, saying that they needed to check the cargo first and ensure it wasn’t damaged or he’d make sure they’d never piss right again. 
It was at that point, that it was evident that you all had to move. Though none of you could think of a way to make it past the small army undetected, especially if Ghost and Soap were required to burst from the creaking metal doors. Therefore, they’d decided to go with the distraction that you’d come up with, not a great one, but one that gave them a semblance of a shot to get away nonetheless. 
König had intervened, he’d cut into the conversation with a new level of fury and demanded that you rethink your plan. ‘You can’t do this! Don’t you dare go ahead with this suicide mission!’ He thought it was sheer stupidity to throw a frag out into the middle of the group and just hope that they were too distracted by the fallout to track the direction it had come from. He’d all but ordered you to wait for the team to reach you all, but you’d argued back, saying that they couldn’t count on not being discovered until then. They were too far away. 
You’d told him you loved him over the line, seemingly uncaring what the rest of the team thought of it now, and said that he had to let you work. Next thing they knew, you were informing Ghost and Soap that you were sending the frag out. It was difficult to hear König’s frenzied screams after that, they were just higher notes floating on top of the discordant din that was soon to follow. 
When you’d pulled the pin all hell had broken loose.
Ghost and Soap clattered from out of the truck and you scrambled down from the top, rejoining the two men before sprinting like hell into the thin treeline. The wood’s were no longer as lush in the place they’d stopped, probably by design so they would know if they were being approached. Unfortunately it meant they were able to track your group running away as well. You could hear the distant sound of their cries start to get closer again. 
Gunfire had broken out, peppering the air with loud shots. What seemed like hundreds of soldiers but was probably a group of around twenty, chased you all down and shot at your feet. They were demanding that you all stop, shouting in English and French and possibly other languages too. 
For a wondrous minute it had seemed like you all might get away with your lives, but just as you hit a thicker portion of the woods, a single grenade was tossed in your direction and all of you were sent flying. 
Ghost took over the report then. Soap’s voice cut out as he remembered the sickening churn of his stomach just before he’d blacked out. He was struggling to keep aloft. Only the thought of you out there somewhere kept him standing, the thought of your determined eyes as you fought like hell for the two men that had been intent on icing you out. All because they thought you were going to break up the team from your fooling around… And what did all that matter now?
Ghost slyly knocked his elbow into Soap, getting him to stay out of his mangled thoughts before he continued. He told everyone how Soap had been knocked out when he’d hit the ground, but you and he were still awake. 
Soap had managed to rouse again, but he was hardly up to walking after his dodgy landing - never mind running unassisted on that bad right leg. Ghost wasn’t feeling a hundred percent either after being slammed into a thick tree trunk, but he was able to carry on. He’d tried to insist that you should help with Soap and you could all run together, but you’d shaken your head and denied him any assistance. You’d told him to take Soap and send the others forward, he had to direct them to you, or they’d never find you all in time you’d said. You could defend yourself from there, you’d assured them you could do it.
Ghost had tried to reason with you, pleaded with you not to be a fucking idiot, but you weren’t hearing any of it. You pulled out your gun, like a knight drawing their sword for the last stand, and told him simply that he could insult you after the job was done and you’d recovered Price. You’d reminded him that when you were all home safe, there would be a meeting to discuss your forbidden relationship, and he could get all of his famous remarks on record as well. Ghost’s face soured at the memory, but from there everyone was all caught up on what had happened. 
He and Soap had reached the others and then they had pushed forward. Only, they didn’t find you by the rocks, or in the place where the trucks had been. That spot was empty save for a few men that had stayed behind to try and fight them off and prevent anyone from following. It was then that they knew they’d lost you and Price and the mission was over. They had failed completely. 
König had heard enough. He’d been listening to their little tale with a curled lip that quickly turned to a full sneer and with every passing second that he spent revising over the details of their quest of incompetence, he felt his body temperature rise by another degree. He was so angry, he was shaking. 
He stormed forward, slicing through the team of men that stood between him and Ghost with precision, ramming the Lieutenant down before he could think to do anything. It wasn’t possible to stop him, he’d borne down on Ghost with an animal force and soon he was swiping and clawing at him like he might take out his throat. The screams that were bursting out of him were nothing short of feral. 
“It should have been you! You should’ve stayed behind, you rat fucking bastard. You lead your team on a suicide mission and yet here you stand telling us all about how we failed. You failed, you failed Ghost! You failed Sneak! Do you hear me? I will tear you apart! I will rip the skin from your bones and burn what’s left of you and then I will piss on your ashes, you fucking swine!”
Horangi tried to be his voice of reason, but König was too far gone. He was incensed. 
As if it weren’t bad enough that the love of his life had professed their love while they actively ensured their own destruction, he now had to listen to the Lieutenant prattle on about what had happened as if you hadn’t been pressured into being the sacrificial lamb. It was too much to bear. His head was ringing with your love confession and with the thoughts of what those men could be doing to you even as he tried to tear Ghost apart. The images were inspiring him to further cruelty, echoes of past sins and future vows. 
König continued to pummel Ghost, trying to target his weak spots with prejudice, but he didn’t get to keep the upper hand for much longer. The Lieutenant wasn’t going to allow himself to be turned into mince. He wasn’t any good to Price or you if he let himself face König’s punishment.
Ghost grabbed out at König’s wildly swinging fists and caught one, using the moment of struggle to punch him in the ribs and swing round so that he was on top of the Austrian. König howled and flailed like a banshee, but he couldn’t do much of anything once he was on his back. Gaz and Horangi had joined Ghost, they assisted in pinning König down and now his shouts were reduced to heavy breaths as he stilled against the pressure. He was like an alligator with its mouth taped shut, the moment that the binding came off he was determined to strike again, bite through his prey in one clean motion. 
Soap stood watching in horror from above the little skirmish. His face was paling to an ill shade. It was then that it finally occurred to him that maybe you hadn’t thrown away your position on a stupid fling. You weren’t turning your back on your family, you had just found someone else worth letting in. Why else would König sound as if he was ready to face death itself for you? You both had to be far closer than anyone could have comprehended. 
Soap was left blinking silently as he gazed up at Ghost and then to Gaz, wondering, had they realised the same thing?
“König you need to calm down,” Ghost advised, voice straining as he fought through the pounding headache that blossomed in the base of his skull. 
“Ghost…” König trailed, thinking on his words for a moment. “Unless Sneak is returned safely, I will never be calm again. In fact, I will make it my personal mission to break you. I will take you to some god awful hole somewhere and make sure that you live long enough through your torture to forget what daylight looks like. Only once you’re empty, will I bury the shell of you alive!”
Ghost’s left eye twitched, the lid took a moment to settle. König could hardly have known that he’d strike a nerve, but as he saw Ghost’s expression behind his mask he let his mouth curve into a smug grin behind his hood. Even if he couldn’t hit him physically he could settle for mental warfare. 
Ghost struggled not to take his revenge. There was a brief moment of inner turmoil where he wanted to reach out and smash every tooth out of the mercenary’s head, but there was a voice in his head that demanded he didn’t. They needed every resource they had to retrieve their missing Sergeant and Captain. As much as he hated König, he couldn't deprive the team of an effective member, and loathe as he was to admit it he knew you’d need someone to come home to.
Ghost rose up off of König then, silently glaring down at him before he looked over at Laswell. His golden lashes caught the light, and then so did his eyes, showcasing the dangerous glint that settled just underneath the surface. 
“Well, until we find Sneak and Price, why don’t you just keep yourself under control. Yeah?” He said gruffly, stepping away from König before he got second thoughts about beating him to a pulp. 
König was allowed back up again, only when the others were sure he wouldn’t try and tackle Ghost. He hated having all their eyes on him. He’d never felt so afraid in all his life and now he was being put under a microscope by people that, as much as he tried not to for your benefit, he despised. 
Horangi was his saving grace. His old friend turned to the others and shooed them off with a jerk of his head before he turned back and gave König a sympathetic tilt of his head. He knew better than to try and offer any words of comfort or to try and stick around. König was beyond calming, it was obvious to see from his flexing hands and narrowed eyes. 
König’s mind was a storm of emotions. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so much, so deeply. He was furious with you, upset that you would throw your life away just to try and save the stupid teammates that had gotten you into such a predicament in the first place. His heart tore thinking of you trying to salvage your relationship with your brothers while they let you fall to the enemy.
Most of all though König felt terribly frightened. For once he had no control over the situation. He couldn’t smash his hulking body at the problem, nor threaten his way to the outcome he wanted. He just had to wait and hope that you would be alive somewhere and that you were ok. He could feel his breaths shorten at the thought of you being hurt by those awful men. Men just like him - men with no qualms about ignoring any sense of empathy in order to get a job done.
Was the world punishing him?
For some reason König couldn’t help but feel that whatever happened to you was his fault. Was it the divine justice? After all the people he’d torn through, all the faces he’d beat unrecognisably in the name of getting the job done, was one of his most treasured people going to be lost to him in exchange for his misdeeds? You were the one that had called him out on it all, how could you be the one to pay? 
König felt dizzy, as if the world were spinning double time and the sky was waving and distorting in his vision. The light blue and purple hues were starting to fade with the closing light, and soon enough the sky would fall completely to black. Were you being kept somewhere dark? Did they have you bound and screaming? 
He thought he was going to be sick. 
All of a sudden he was locked in a glass cage, everyone around him was muffled and his body was constricted. He couldn’t breathe. He was cursing internally, gasping for air all the while. 
Why couldn’t you have fucking taken me instead?
König’s eyes flicked up, he jerked when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Suddenly he realised he’d been standing with his arms wrapped tightly around his body like a safety harness and let his hands drop to his sides. He peered down at the man connected to that stupidly brave hand and then locked eyes with Soap.He sneered, throwing the appendage away from himself before he gave into the compulsion to break it.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” König hissed.
“Laswell’s ordered us to move, mate,” Soap answered softly. 
König looked off to the spot that everyone had been gathered in before, and realised that they’d all begun dispersing into the transports. Everyone was heading along to the beaten up trucks and piling in like cartoon clowns. Ghost was at the head of them all, König didn’t miss him, keeping a wary eye on Soap and König  as he directed everyone else. 
König laughed darkly to himself and started walking. Ghost didn’t need to worry yet. There was still time to save you, they were all safe for the time being. While you remained alive. 
“Kind of you not to leave me behind,” König said, his voice coming out harshly through his gritted teeth. “Better you stay away though. You’ll convince me give into my temptations if you give me too much opportunity, Sergeant.”
König expected Soap to turn tail and run ahead of him then, but was surprised and annoyed when he noticed him keeping pace as they walked to the trucks together. It made König wonder if Soap wanted him to break again. 
“You and Sneak have been seeing each other off base, haven't you?”
König stopped in his tracks again and locked eyes with Soap, looking for whatever evil had to be lurking in the abyss of blue. However if there was any ill intent, he couldn’t see it in his body language. Soap looked at him in earnest.
“Why would you bring that up?”
Soap ran a hand through his frayed mohawk and looked away for a second, nervously meeting König’s eyes again once he gathered his courage. 
“Well you’ve been…” Soap paused for a moment, searching for the right word, “datin’, right?”
“This is hardly the time for your morbid fascination with our relationship,” König sneered, finally walking ahead again. 
“It’s not morbid fascination.”
“Then what?”
“This team has been Sneak’s life for a long time now - we’re a family. When I thought they’d gone behind our backs and fooled around, was going to break up the team for the sake of some fun I was angry…but I know that’s not what it was now. So I just wanted to say I'm sorry.”
“Sorry? You’re sorry are you? I would never ‘fool around’ with Sneak,” König growled. “You all wanted to see our relationship with each other as a stupid crush because none of you think of me as a person. I’m not some dog that they picked up off the side of the road, I’m a man the same as you. I love Sneak with everything that I have. And now you’re claiming to love them too after the way you acted? Sorry doesn’t cut it. You and Ghost, fuck, the whole 141 failed Sneak. Don’t come to me with your pathetic apologies, Sergeant.”
König didn’t give Soap any time to answer his verbal lashing, not that he had much of anything to say to that. How could he stand and defend himself when he’d been the cause of your guilt and the reason that you’d felt pushed to send him and Ghost to their safety while you fell? He was motionless as König picked a truck to settle into, picking a relatively empty section of the bed that only grew more sparse as the other men inside scrambled to keep their distance.
Soap stared a minute longer, but he was forced to move when he realised he was one of the last to load up. His feet marched automatically, but his head never left the conversation. He’d think about it until the moment he knew you were safe again. He had to be able to get his chance to apologise properly, he had to prove that he loved you no matter what, even if Price wouldn’t let you stay on the team. He could live without working with you, but he couldn’t go on knowing he’d been the cause of your death. 
König watched Soap trudge toward Ghost and closed his eyes, willing his breaths to remain steady and for his tears to stay safely welled behind his lids. He couldn’t let himself cry. It felt too much like admitting that you were dead already. Then where would that leave him?
Instead, he put his hand into his trouser pocket and clasped at the little wooden bird that had stayed safely hidden inside. His thumb traced along the smooth stretch of the swallow’s back and towards its beak, gently landing on the tip. He silently hoped that wherever you were, you’d feel the gentle kiss of his spirit and know that you would be safe again. However improbable that was - it was the only thing that could give him any thought of comfort.
It’d been a long and sweaty ride over to the next town, for the start of the journey anyway. Toward the end, night was falling and the temperatures cooled dramatically, suddenly leaving the soldiers glad for all of the heavy layers they were wearing. It made some of them look at König, Horangi and Ghost jealousy, for once, wishing that they too had full face coverage in the chill of the dark winds.
Ghost’s eyes had remained far away for the duration of the ride. No matter what Soap or Gaz said, they couldn’t get him to focus much on them. He was completely distant. It was as if his consciousness was held hostage from within his body, like his mind was replaying the days events over for him and holding him to his mistakes. Though when Soap had been brave enough to try to confirm his suspicions of Ghost’s guilt he was greeted with a ‘fuck off’ for his efforts. 
Gaz put his hand on Soap’s shoulder, then gave him a gentle look. It had Soap swallowing thickly at the lump in his throat and soon enough he was looking away, doing everything not to turn into a screaming wreck in the wake of his dark eyes. Gaz looked away too. 
“We’ll get them back,” Gaz mumbled, patting Soap’s shoulder again before he removed his hand. “At least for now, we know that they have each other.”
“Aye, and how do we know that?” Soap said bitterly.
“What do you mean?”
“We don’t know that they’re together. They could be holding them separately or could have them blindfolded and gagged. Hell, they could’ve killed one of them and only taken one back with them - there’s a lot more risk having two soldiers. We have no idea if Price and Sneak are-”
“Shut the fuck up, Soap,” Ghost growled. 
Gaz and Soap’s eyes flashed over to Ghost in an instant. His tone was hard, and his slouched posture straightened back and returned all of his missing height. 
“We’ll get em’ back,” he vowed. “Or we die trying.”
Ghost had no way of knowing quite how daunting that promise would be in light of things to come. Though when they finally reached a safe place to stop and reconnect with command back home, the severity of the situation landed upon all of them like a ton of bricks. 
Laswell and Ghost managed to wrangle an empty room and took a private call with General Morrison. It was then, in the dark of that claustrophobic room, that they learned about the ransom video that had been sent over during their journey to their makeshift base - a tiny village with a few homesteads and farm land. 
The general didn’t seem to want to give much detail about the video, he was shifty with them both. It was only from some not so polite prodding from Ghost, that the General revealed that they weren’t permitted to have any dealings with the terrorist group. 
“They’re going to splash this all over the fuckin’ press general. This is going to be a disaster, and you’re saying that our response to this is to just do nothing?” Ghost spat.
“It’s all about optics, Lieutenant, you know that. The Captain and Sergeant will be a great loss, but we can’t be seen to be releasing criminals like stray dogs after said dogs were convicted of kidnapping civilians and blowing up markets. We can’t make the deal.”
“Then fuck the deal!” Ghost said, glaring into the camera lens with hot fury.
Laswell baulked, quickly realising that Ghost was going to get himself into trouble if she didn’t step in. She put a hand on his arm and looked pointedly toward the laptop, hoping to appeal to any shred of decency that might be lingering in the greying general’s arsenal. 
“I think Ghost is trying to suggest that we put a team together and we track them down. We get our people back and take down that bastard Rousseau once and for all, sir.”
The harsh lines in the general’s old leathery face settled and his stare was neutral once again. Laswell untensed too. Only Ghost was left seething, he wasn’t going to be calmed at a time like this. The only thing that would put him at ease was knowing that you and Price were going to be returned safely. That wasn’t going to be anytime soon.
“John Price is a good man,” the general said after a long pause. “I can grant you a small team, but it can’t be on record. If this blows up, you’re on your own.”
“And if it goes well it was all a great effort organised by the cunning officers who sat bravely by their desks.” Ghost muttered. 
Laswell kicked out at Ghost from under the table and was grateful that the general didn’t seem to catch his snide remark from through the terrible connection. She quickly smiled toward the laptop and nodded curtly. She could work with a few men, and she was pretty sure she knew of where to get a few more. 
“Thank you, General Morrison. We’re grateful for the aid. I’ll have my people try to find out what we can and once we gather enough intelligence we’ll move in on the target.”
“Good luck, Laswell,” The general said warmly, face going cold when he stared to her left. “Ghost.”
From there the screen went black. Ghost and Laswell were left discussing plans, Laswell messaging her contacts as they talked, both agreeing that they would find a way to reach out to Farah while they formed a potential team. It was all a matter of muscle memory. They sparingly used your names while they were talking. It helped to keep emotion out of it. 
However, they didn’t get to remain like that for long. 
They had to find the video so that Laswell could send it to her intelligence sources and as soon as they were exposed to those first few painstaking seconds, it was all so real again. This wasn’t one of their usual jobs, this was a rescue effort to save two of their own. Two of their family members, that as they were speaking, were being hurt in all manner of horrible ways just to emphasise the sincerity of Rousseau’s threats. He was so morbidly calm as he stood making his demands from in front of the horrible abuses just inches behind him. 
When it came time to tell the others what was going on, Ghost and Laswell were practically as flat toned as the general. It was taking a lot for them to go through it all, to explain that at that present moment they had to sit tight and wait for transport to take them away so that they could go back to base and refresh and resupply while you and Price passed the hours in unknown amounts of agony. 
No matter how matter of fact they tried to keep things, it didn’t stop König from speaking up and forcing everyone into reality. He waited until everyone had been dismissed to reappear in front of Ghost. His steps were heavy and slow, his strides purposeful as he got into the Lieutenant’s face once again.
“I want to see the video.”
Ghost’s answer was simple, no nonsense. There was no room for discussion. He folded his arms and straightened his back, ensuring that he was able to steady himself against the bigger man’s potential attacks. Luckily for him he could see Soap and Gaz nearby should he try to start a scrap again. His personal animal control unit. 
“What do you mean no?” König grit out.
“It’s not a good idea” Ghost reaffirmed. “You don’t need to see that.”
“I have to see it. I have to know what they’ve done! Show me the Video!”
“It won’t help, König,” Laswell said, appearing at Ghost’s side. “We watched it to the end and it was…it’s something that will haunt me for a long time. It was bad, but Sneak and Price don’t seem to have any permanent damage. Take that as a comfort and refrain from watching that awful thing.”
König clutched harder at the little bird inside his pocket, holding it so tightly that the beak felt like it was going to pierce a hole through him. He was so hot. Even despite the dreadful cold of the night, he felt like he was going to overheat and his limbs were going to vibrate out of their sockets.
“No permanent damage,” König repeated. “What have they done then?”
Ghost and Laswell exchanged a brief glance. The air was thick between them, like they were looking through water. 
“We need to know,” Soap said, coming to stand by König. “When we find them, we’ll need to know how bad they are.”
“Soap, don’t do this,” Ghost sighed.
“He’s right,” Gaz said, taking his stand between the two parties. “Tell us what happened.”
“Or show us,” König said darkly. 
Ghost glared through the dark hollows of his skull mask,  it really did feel like he was the grim reaper. He was the harbinger of doom. It chilled him to have to think about the horrible sounds and the terrible things he’d seen. He even wished he had just looked away at some point, but he couldn’t, he had to force himself to face it. It was his fault they were suffering, he’d thought to himself.
“They were waterboarding them,” Ghost revealed, “beating them too.”
Everyone was quiet, taking in the information. 
“That’s not all, is it?” König asked.
“They stripped them down with knives and left em’ tied up and naked on the chairs while Rousseau spoke. They posted it up on social media, the video is everywhere despite the efforts to get it deleted. They weren’t doing very well. I think Sneak had taken in a lot of water, they were covered in sick.”
König felt his palm slicken and looked down, tilting his head when he noticed his trouser pocket turn from beige to bright scarlet red. One of the swallow's wings had broken off under the stress of his grip and lodged itself splintered side down into his hand. Now he stood motionless, looking down at the mess with empty fascination. He didn’t even feel the sting of it. He couldn’t get past the sight of his blood, the same colour as the tint in his vision. 
He slowly withdrew his hand and inspected the tender flesh, gently pulling the wing from his cut and depositing it back into his ruined trousers with the rest of the broken bird. From there his plasma continued to drip, a flow of bright red washing over his hands like a tiny trickling fountain. 
“You said, your people are on this Laswell, yes?” König asked, not looking up to see the disconcerted stares of the 141. 
“...yes,” Kate confirmed, hesitating to answer. “They’re trying to see if they can find a source or get any clues from the room they’re in.”
She was scared that this was going to König’s final tipping point. The room was too quiet, there was too much electric energy charging through the air. It felt too much like the calm before an earthquake. 
“Ok,” König replied, his voice sounding far away. “I should go deal with this…I will clean this up. I will fix it. It will all get fixed”
With that he disappeared like a spectre, trailing out of the room and out into the night as if he might completely disperse into nothing. It was like watching a plastic bag float away in the wind, no one could be sure of where he was off to. 
“Should one of us…y’know?” Gaz asked, directing his head toward the open doorway. 
“Maybe go find Horangi and see what he says,” Ghost shrugged. “He knows König best.”
“And the rest of us?” Soap asked, feeling his own fists clench at the thought of the video. 
“We rest up and wait until we can give those cunts the pincushion treatment,” Ghost said, looking down to Soap’s leg. “You think you’ll be able to heal?”
“I feel better already knowing we’ll take those fuckers down,” Soap said, a ghost of a smile playing on his face. “Payback’s gonna be a bitch.”
“Bloody hell.”
Your eyes snapped open and you looked over to Price, watching as he slowly rose up against the wall and struggled to right himself. Your gaze flashed off to the side as soon as the ratty old blanket that’d been draped over him started to slip. Not that you hadn’t seen what was underneath it already, at that point you were just trying to do him a courtesy. 
“Good to know you haven’t left us,” you said weakly. 
From out of the corner of your eye you noticed him rush to fix his blanket, the whoosh of material sweeping up his body was like music to your ears. Knowing that he had the wherewithal to cover himself seemed like a good sign. You offered him the best smile that you could, more of a grimace really, and scanned over his face. It didn’t look much better than from when he’d been sleeping. His left eye was swollen almost completely shut and his mouth was still flecked with dried bits of blood and god knows what else that had stuck to his beard. 
If there was anything to be grateful for in that moment it was the fact that they’d dropped the buckets of water over you after they’d finished recording that awful video. It’d at least cleared the putrid sick from crusting into your battered bodies. Some relief. Not that it helped with the pain that pulsed through you like a lightning strike. 
“Where the fuck are we?” Price groaned, spitting out a clump of phlegm to his side. 
You winced.
“No idea. I only woke up maybe a few minutes ago,” you sighed. “I remember them dragging us down a hallway and then being outside…I dunno, things are spotty for me.”
Price nodded and cast his sore eyes around the cell, looking from the dark metal walls to the crackling painted floors, to the little lamp in the corner that cast long shadows from your bodies and to the few feet between you, and finally he looked to the solid door on both your right sides. He groaned then and shifted his position, almost fumbling and crashing forward as he forgot to account for the bindings on his wrists and ankles. 
“Fuck me!”
You remained quiet, glueing your eyes to the floor. There was something that felt so inherently disrespectful about looking at Price when he was like that. You’d never caught him in such a moment of vulnerability before. It was like seeing your father cry. 
“I think we’re on some kind of transport, a truck maybe,” you said quietly. “They probably have us on the move so that they can’t be infiltrated again.”
Price grunted, barely acknowledging you as he struggled piteously from his side of the tiny cabin. 
You tested your own restraints again, peering down at the cable ties that were painfully stretching around your wrists from over the scratchy blanket. The fabric was old and stained, a faint smell of fish emanated from it that you preferred not to think too much about. Nothing about the situation gave you any hope- it seemed awfully like you were the characters in the movie that wouldn’t make it. Maybe they’d give you both a few medals for your sacrifices.
You shivered at the thought.
“Have you tried to break the ties?” Price asked, pointedly breaking you out of your stupor. 
“I attempted it when I woke up, but I don’t have much strength,” you said. “My ribs feel fucked. They’ve bruised them, if they haven’t broken them all the way. Hurts to move.”
“Bloody mediaeval cunts!” Price cursed. “They must’ve been planning this for months now. We fucked ourselves listening to anything those animals had to say to us.”
“I guess we underestimated how far Rousseau was willing to go to get his brother back. All those other men too.”
“Didn’t count on a snake like him to get sentimental.”
“Well, he seems plenty sentimental. Got us back something bad for that little redecoration job we forced him to make,” you noted, seething as you tried to laugh off your predicament. 
“Some upgrade he got,” Price said sourly, “Wonder how the fuck he managed to set all this up. By all rights he should barely have any men left after what we’ve done.”
“I dunno, he had a whole lot of pick up trucks and a couple transports on the move. Probably had about one hundred men still loyal to him in just that group. No telling who else he has scattered around.”
“There were other trucks? I only saw two. The one that I was chasing and the one that came up behind us. How many did you see? Matter of fact, how’d you even end up here in the first place, Sneaky?”
You held your breath - though not for long. Your lungs still dully ached from doing that too much already. At the sound of the whooshing air leaving your body and bouncing off of the metal walls, Price immediately narrowed his one good eye. 
“What happened?”
“It’s…a long story,” you said quietly. 
“I have time,” Price snorted, looking around the cabin for effect.
You huffed out a breath at him and clutched at your side, feeling the pain shattering up your ribs like the crack of a whip. This was it. Who knew if you were going to live to even see the end of the day. You didn’t even know what day it was, or if it was even day time at all. You were finally going to tell him the truth.
“Me, Ghost and Soap were all tracking the trucks after they blew the old base. Gaz, König and Horangi went to exfil to try and regroup with the other teams. We were all supposed to reconvene and try to find you together but...we got held down by their forces and Soap took a bad hit to his leg.  I told Ghost to take him and go get the others. They didn’t make it in time though,” you said, voice cracking as you recalled the foggy events like a broken down projector.
“Why the hell would Ghost leave you by yourself against an entire force of men?” Price growled, body snapping to attention. 
“Because I forced him to.”
“Because they can go on and do some good, they’ll be able to avenge us and keep taking down the Rousseaus of the world. I wasn’t worth saving,” you said bitterly. 
“Don’t you fucking dare say that. Why the fuck would you say that, Sneak?”
The look in his eyes was enough to shatter a million hearts. His anger could’ve melted the walls down, it beat so palpably between you both. It only made you hang your head in shame to think you were going to disappoint him. To think that that fierce protectiveness was going to be overridden by disgust.
You couldn’t keep lying to him anymore. You couldn’t leave the world weighed down by your secret. 
“Because I was only going to be kicked off the team after this mission. I…I went against your orders. I’ve been seeing König for months now. The guys found out about the relationship. It wasted time and caused an argument that could’ve got us killed if we’d hung around the base much longer. I fucked up Price, I went against my word to you and I’ve only gone and gotten us killed! This is all my fault!”
You threw your head against the metal behind you, feeling the tears weigh you down like canon balls and sobbed. No matter how pathetic you felt, you were at a complete loss of control. Everything hurt, your throat constricted and dried like sand, the noises you emitted were barely human. 
It was all crashing down on you, the full weight of your cursed  fate coming to fall on your lap. 
This was all you deserved for going behind the team's back. You were probably going to die a slow horrible death, getting thrown in front of camera after camera until there wouldn’t be enough of you left to send back home. Every piece of you would be ripped away by whatever dark hole they chose to make a stop at, until you would become another part of the world’s fabric. Another soul for someone with willing hands to take.
Even despite that horrible line of thought, the thing that hurt you most was knowing that König would remember your last moments together spent in bitterness, and that would be all he’d have to hold onto. He’d think that you had turned on him again, he would be so full of hatred for what you’d done to him. You’d burst down his walls only to go and reinforce exactly why he’d had them in the first place. You wished you’d told him more than just that you’d loved him. You wished you could tell him that despite everything that had happened, he was worth it all, you loved every second that he shared himself with you. 
You would still rather walk willingly to your death a thousand times than put König or anyone else at risk. 
“...Sneaky. Hey! Are you listening to me…fuckin’ hell. Oi! Sneaky!”
Price’s voice somehow managed to break through the impassable swell of your emotion and soon his face was in front of yours, demanding to be looked at. You felt yourself frown, sniffling as you wondered how on earth he’d managed to shuffle all the way over to you in his condition. Even with his hands and feet tied, and his vision probably barely there, he had launched himself over to you and exploded through the barrier of your guilt. 
“Listen to me. Breathe. In and out. In and out. Breathe with me! In and out. In and out…”
You gulped sickened gasps of air and tasted the salt of Price’s body in the back of your throat. It didn’t matter though. You didn’t care that he, and probably you, fucking stank. It was just nice to have him there, bringing you back from the brink of a full on mental collapse. 
The same mental voice that had coached you through your torture, was the same that gruffly directed you now. Price always had your back. He didn’t let any of his soldiers go easily, and he had always tried to do his best for you. Even if you had spited him for keeping you from König, he was always going to be the man that felt like another father to you. 
“Sneak, do you really think that this is your fault?” Price asked, finally breaking from his instructional regime. “Do you think it really matters to me who you’ve been shagging right now? I need you to stay on the level with me here Sneak, you’re not to blame for any of this happening.”
“Why?” you asked, coughing harshly as your throat tried to adjust. 
“Why aren’t you to blame?”
“No, why aren’t you angry with me?” you wheezed.
You could hardly believe it. Your Captain was perched in front of you, a blanket barely covering his battered skin, and he was telling you that he was ok with the fact that you deliberately disobeyed an order. Had the torturers knocked a screw loose after all? You gawped him as if to convey just that. 
“We might very well die here. I’m not going to waste my last moments angry with you. Especially when the reason I warned you off of that man in the first place, was in case he got you killed…It already happened once. I already lost Alex to love on the field, I didn’t want to lose you too, not to a man with enemies in the numbers of god knows what. Now you’re trapped here with me because you were too stuck on your own guilt to save yourself. You didn’t fail me or anyone else. I failed you, Sneak,” Price affirmed, bowing his head in shame.
The rough spikes of his hair were glistening and the skin on the back of his neck was washed out by the pale white light. He looked like a ghost of himself already. You shivered and bit the flesh inside your cheek, trying to process everything that he’d said. 
Had you really been absolved? Just like that?
He slowly lifted his head up and offered you a small smile, his grime speckled moustache lifting cartoonishly with it. You found yourself choking back your stupid tears and smiled at him in return, relaxing into the wall and soon into Price as he ambled to the wall and laid back with you, settling into your side. 
“On the off chance we do find a way to survive this, I need you with me, Sneak,” Price said, his hoarse voice buzzing through you. “You can’t check out on me, ok?”
“Is that an order, sir?” you deadpanned.
“Affirmative. And If you go against this one, just know that my Ghost is going to make your ghost move puddles and dig ditches in the afterlife. Got that sergeant?”
“Loud and clear, sir.”
“Do you understand what you’ve done! You are sending your precious special forces to their deaths! Know this; fellow brothers and sisters around the world,” Rousseau shouted, his voice booming off the dour cement walls. “Your government does not care about you, it is you the people that must rise up from nothing and take what is rightfully yours. I will continue to take down your soldiers until you give me back my family and allow us to take our territories without interference. Let's see how many deaths it will take until your governments take us seriously, uh!”
You winced as Rousseau grabbed you by the neck, though you could barely summon the strength to fight back. He’d taken you out from the transport and into dark deserted buildings more times than you’re sure that you can accurately collect. There was so little of you left anymore, you could barely hold onto your promise to Price. That last blow would be the one that ended you. 
You cast a weary eye over to Price, tilting your head slightly to your left, watching him as he struggled to stay upright. He’d been wheezing for days now. There was a time you’d become convinced he’d already died on you. You couldn’t really remember when that was. They hardly fed you or allowed you to drink. They didn’t want to deal with the toilet trips - or the open bucket trips more like. 
You’d both held on far longer than what you might’ve predicted, but now your time had run out.
You’d kept Price entertained with your stories about König, tried to force him to stay awake. After telling him a little about your relationship, they started flowing out of you like a great epic. You'd told him about the time you’d made him wear a bright floral surgical mask after he’d lost a bet to you, and then an old lady had approached him to say how stylish he was. You’d laughed till you’d fallen into a coughing fit when you remembered him surprising you back at your little apartment that you shared together with a rose in his mouth, and you’d had to clean the blood after he forgot to remove a thorn - he’d moaned for days about his stupid cut lip. You’d melted at the thought of him hugging you tightly after, not telling Price that König had huffed out to you in a pathetic whimper, telling you that he was sad he couldn’t kiss you with his mouth so sore. 
Oh, König.
You whined, closing your eyes as you watched Rousseau arcing his thick metal bar high above you. Rousseau was ready to strike, this was really it. For both of you. He was going to make Price watch his Sergeant die and then he would surely be next. 
You zoned out, falling back into the dark recesses of your mind.
Even if he was far away, it felt like König’s lips were whispering quietly in your ears. His spirit was with you, even if his form was elsewhere utterly devastated. 
Think of better things. Think of me, Schnuckiputzi, and how you’d threaten to slap me for calling you that. I love you.
There’s nowhere you can be sent to that I won’t find a way to reach you.
Just keep your eyes closed and think of me. 
Next Part Here
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byeghostsily · 19 days
MUN INTRO: hi folks! happy soft opening, jia (s/h, 21+) here. i'll be writing for daeun, and if she reminds you of d*phne from scooby doo... yeah. ims/discord available for plotting- please ask! ♡
MUSE INTRO: baek daeun, 22, also @danidanidaeuni on the interwebs. making a living out of yapping about gruesome murders (read: disappointing her parents). back in town for her mom's birthday dinner... or so she claims, with a camera and idea for a shiny new series in hand.
when did your muse first arrive in yuseong bay?
got here literally a couple days ago!!! is staying at her parents', but dear god is she regretting it. is already looking at alternative accommodation. has been doing her best to work off the jetlag, but its really mostly been andante for coffee and back to her place to sleep/work.
what does an average day look like for your muse?
wake up somewhere between 9-10, get caffeine in her. hunt down her latest victim for an interview, or whoever was unlucky enough to be scammed into bringing her around. with luck, she gets some footage. sometimes she's got an episode to record, so the yuseongers are rid of her for a couple hours. stay up til she falls asleep on her laptop. what a life, baby!
where can your muse usually be found?
andante, nursing a drink and going cross-eyed staring at her screen. her blue light glasses make her look like a dweeb, and yes, you can laugh. she has no qualms about asking to share a table <3 / lemon martes, wandering around like a lost ghost. she just likes looking at the displays, ok? / staring dubiously @ pierrot's clown mascot, the lighthouse, antique shop, the old mines, and hovering around the mouth of the woods. its like shes trying to stare them down.... see if something goes bump
how does your muse feel about hanhwa resort?
i don't think she even knows about the resort.. jk! its hard to miss a gigantic building smack dab where she used to go crabbing. there's probably a sense of nostalgia for what things used to be, but she understands that capitalism is a necessary and unstoppable evil. if her parents nag her about marriage one more time, she's booking a room there.
is there an aspiration for your muse to stay in or leave yuseong bay?
the expectation's always been that she'll leave--- while she doesn't have a return ticket booked, she's based in the us, and once she's got enough footage, she's gonezo.
extra, extra!
list your muse’s three favorite songs.
sza's saturn (yes, she's always the problem in every relationship) niki's split (asian diaspora reppppp) the japanese house's sunshine baby not a big fan of hearing men talk
describe your muse’s wardrobe.
she likes looking good, and her personal style leans more feminine. doesn't shy away from bright colours, but likes neutrals because she thinks she's taken more seriously like that </3 for brands, she's partial to hermes, chanel (tho she thinks they're losing their touch a little...) and miu miu!
what is a color, word, and emoji that you feel describes your muse?
purple, why?, 🧋
three strong likes and dislikes for your muse.
likes: windy weather, fruit (thinks korea is insane... wtf do u mean grapes are $10), reading comments dislikes: being rushed, not being organised, a meeting that could've been an email slash call that could've been a text
three positive and negative traits for your muse.
+ compassionate, sincere, enthusiastic - oblivious, naive, condescending
three talents and shortcomings for your muse.
has the ability to make you feel like you're the only two people in the room; a wonderful conversationalist, she's always focused on your conversation. good with names AND faces. you're the center of her universe! insane interpersonal intelligence. / no qualms dropping her (parents) money on things. need a loan? sure! some say its buying affection, but hey, she'd do anything for a friend :) / extremely open-minded. realises when she makes a mistake, and is quick to apologise and do her best to learn from it. someone who can put her pride down easily! condescends unintentionally, even though she has nothing but the best of intentions. it’s just what being so out-of-touch with the working class folk does to you, unfortunately. / she eats. so. goddamn. slowly. like its actually terrible. she takes an hour to finish one sandwich, because she chews so carefully, and then wants to say something but refuses to talk because her mouth is full. your muse is offered a meal in exchange for an interview? expect to spend at least 2h, MINIMUM with her. in that vein, also no respect for others' time / you've probably caught on by now, but she is always her first thought. she'll take her own sweet time doing things, and hates being put on others' timeline. everything is framed through her experience, which is an extremely privileged one.
what is a book/tv series/movie/video game character that you feel your character relates to? (you can include who you would say they’re alike, and who they would say they’re alike.)
she was heavily inspired by daphne blake from scooby doo, and even her name's a homage to that! daeun would like how she stays true to herself (and has great style!) while still kicking ass! she thinks daphne was ahead of her time, retaining her femininity while still pulling her weight and being useful to the scoobies in her own way.
a relevant goal or arc for your character to overcome.
accept she'll probably never make her parents proud, fully accept and move on from that. also pay her own bills, damn. something something true independence....
anyway. pls like to plot and i'll slide into ims :^)
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up-to-some-good · 5 months
Traditions (2/9)
A little later than intended, but here it is: second year, second tradition
Previous Part
Next Part
December 1972
Second year was tough for Sirius. Regulus was finally with him at Hogwarts, but across the castle in a different house and refusing to be seen talking to his brother. They still spoke, but Regulus insisted on hiding in broom closets and leaving separately, lest someone report back to their parents that he had been seen with the traitor.
His parents were getting progressively more insufferable. At first, they had sent him a weekly Howler, bemoaning that he couldn't be more like Regulus and that he kept getting into trouble. Thankfully, that didn't last very long. By his thirteenth birthday, they were completely ignoring him, not even sending a note for the rest of term, even though he knew they'd been told about the Marauders' latest antics.
The next he heard from them was a short note, just one sentence sent by owl the day before winter break began.
"Your presence is neither required nor welcome home this holiday."
He showed the note to McGonagall immediately, added his name to the list of students staying over the break, and watched with resignation as his brother left with everyone else to go home for Christmas.
His only saving grace was that he wouldn't be alone in Gryffindor tower, as Remus was staying over the holiday too. The full moon fell too close to Christmas for his comfort, and his parents were visiting his great-grandparents who he had never met for the holiday, so he had opted to stay at school too.
There weren't any other Gryffindor students staying behind, although there were a few scattered between the other houses, but Remus and Sirius had the tower to themselves. They spent their days playing in the snow and warming up by the fire in the common room, playing endless games of chess. They once again made a gingerbread house and ate the whole thing just the two of them.
The problem came at night, when Remus was already asleep and Sirius found himself wide awake, staring out the window and wondering what was going on at home. Was Regulus having fun? Did he know that their parents had asked Sirius not to come? Or did he think it was his brother's idea? Had anyone asked about him at all?
On Christmas Eve, Sirius found himself in the same place as midnight drew closer. He knew he wouldn't be receiving any gifts from his family, not even Reg, and for the first time wondered if he should just suck it up and try to be a better son.
He jumped and turned to see Remus staring at him groggily from his bed.
"Why're you 'wake?"
"Couldn't sleep," Sirius whispered back. "Go back to sleep, Rem. I'll be okay."
Remus shook his head and sat up. He rubbed his eyes before reaching for a book at his bedside and gesturing for Sirius to come over.
He obeyed easily, going to sit next to Remus, leaning against the headboard. Remus pulled the covers over their legs and opened his book to a dog-eared page.
"My mom used to read this to me before bed every Christmas Eve," he explained. "It would help me sleep even though I was overexcited about the next day."
He shifted until he was lying down properly and pulled Sirius, indicating that he should do the same.
"Close your eyes, Sirius," he whispered.
Sirius stared at his friend across their shared pillow for a moment, grey eyes meeting brown in the dark dorm. Finally, he closed his eyes and Remus began to read.
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
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i-gotyou-dontworry · 10 months
What time does your day start? I can’t imagine eating dinner at 9pm, because my morning starts at 5am so I’m in bed by 11 at the latest!
Probably my schedules are very bad, I should sleep more😅. Now I am not going to university (until August) I wake up at 9 am. When I was going to university, I had classes at 7am so I had to get up at 5am and I went to sleep at night at 12am, yeah very bad🤣
In my case, I can't imagine having dinner so early because, for example, here between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m, we eat something ( merienda)
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Mate or coffe with something similar to croissants
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Or with cookies or with bread and this is the same thing we eat for breakfast too,generally we drink mate always, no matter the time
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sequinsmile-x · 1 year
Dreams That Are Mine Anyway
Emily had never felt exhaustion like it.
Just some nice fluff to get you all through to the end of the week <3
Words: 2k
Warnings: Pregnancy
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
She wakes to the familiar squeeze of her husband’s hand on her shoulder, the feeling paired with a gentle shake to wake her up. 
“Em, sweetheart,” Aaron says, his voice soft, “You’ve got to get up.” 
She opens her eyes to be greeted with a smile on his face. She becomes more aware of her surroundings and realises she’d fallen asleep sitting on the couch as she waited for him to finish getting ready. They had only just returned home from a case, just in time for an event at Dave’s house to launch his latest book. 
“I didn’t even realise I’d fallen asleep,” she grumbles, immediately leaning into Aaron’s side as he sits next to her, “I don’t think I’ve ever been this exhausted in my life.”
Aaron smiles and kisses her temple, his arm resting over her shoulders, “We can stay in if you want,” he says, smiling at her when she tilts her head to look at him, “It’s not like Dave’s book launches are a once in a lifetime thing.” 
She chuckles, shaking her head at him, “No, we’ll go. It will only create more questions if we don’t,” she presses her cheek into his shoulder, “Although I can’t promise you won’t find me fast asleep in his bathroom though.” 
“I’m sorry,” he replies, running his hand up and down her arm.
“So you should be,” she grumbles half-heartedly, although he can hear her smile. She presses her hand to her still flat stomach, “It’s your fault.” 
He shakes his head at her before placing his hand over hers, his thumb tracing the back of her hand.
“I seem to remember you being a pretty willing participant in it all.” 
They’d been trying for a while, just long enough that Emily had started to lose hope. The sparkle in her eyes fading bit by bit whenever he mentioned expanding their family. Aaron knows he’ll remember the look on her face when the test came back positive for the rest of his life. Joy and love in equal measure made her eyes flood with tears that eventually fell against his shirt as he held her close, the pregnancy test still clasped in her hand trapped in between them. 
She was now 9 weeks along, and according to her doctor, everything was perfect. His wife, he knew, would disagree with that. 
Nausea had been the first symptom that she’d been struck by. It had come on fast and vicious, leaving her bitterly complaining to him that whoever called it morning sickness was an idiot. The exhaustion had crept up on her and now it was bone deep. Her limbs felt heavy and she was always fighting off sleep. 
No one else knew yet, and they wanted to keep it that way for a few more weeks. The news seeming precious, something they didn’t want to share with the world just yet. 
Something just for them. 
“I can’t even have coffee,” she complains, yawning again, she flashes him a quick smile, “Worth it though.” 
Aaron leans down and kisses her, his lips firm against hers, “Come on sweetheart, the sooner we get there, the sooner we can get back.” 
She nods and stands up, stretching as she does so, and he watches her, a wide smile on his face. He can’t help but imagine what she’ll look like a few weeks down the line when the already subtle changes that had started to happen would be obvious to everyone, her stomach blooming with the evidence of their child. Of their love. 
“What?” She asks, and he looks up at her face, sees her raised eyebrow and amused smile, and he stands up to join her, his hand on her hip. 
“You look beautiful,” he replies, and she rolls her eyes at him. 
“Well, enjoy it whilst it lasts, honey,” she says, patting his chest and rearranging the collar of his jacket, “In a few months I’ll be massive.” 
“All the more to love,” he says, and she shakes her head, laughing at him. 
“You’re ridiculous,” she says, kissing him quickly before she pulls away, “Come on, let's go.” 
She falls asleep in the car almost as soon as Aaron starts the engine.
“Are you ok, Em? You don’t quite seem yourself.” 
Emily smiles at Penelope as she nods, “I’m ok, Pen,” she says, her body betraying her as she starts to yawn, groaning as it ends, “Just tired. I think this last case took it out of me.” 
JJ raises an eyebrow at her, a smirk flashing across her face as she lifts her drink to her lips to take a sip. 
“Are you sure that's it?”
Emily finds herself grateful for the political training she’d received almost as soon as she learnt to speak. Her extreme control over her emotions, her reactions, means she simply just looks at her friend, a slightly curious look on her face despite the anxiety she felt bubbling in her stomach. They’d been careful in the few weeks since they found out she was pregnant. Aaron still brought her coffee every day just like he always had, quietly switching to decaff without anyone noticing. She was now working from precincts, or conducting witness interviews, when they were away on cases, a mutual agreement between the two of them that the field was not the right place for her. She knew they were walking a fine line with that one, that eventually the team would question the distribution of work, but she hoped they could get away with it for another few weeks. 
Emily shrugs, “What else would it be?” 
She’s grateful when Aaron approaches, his arm wrapping around her from behind as he passes her another drink. It was soda water dressed up to look like a fancy cocktail, and she smiles when she thinks about how much her husband must have tipped the bartender to prepare her drinks like this all evening, an attempt to avoid any questions. 
“Here you go, sweetheart.” 
“Thanks, honey,” she says, smiling up at him as he holds her a little closer, his palm briefly ghosting over her stomach before settling at her hip. She looks back at her friends and sees them exchange a small look and she narrows her eyes, deciding to change the subject before anything else was said, “Dave really knows how to throw a party doesn’t he?” 
They all laugh, and JJ nods, “Between mine and Will’s wedding, yours and these book launches, I think he’s got another career option in case he gives up working at the FBI.” 
“Please,” Emily says, rolling her eyes as she leans back against Aaron, letting him take some of her weight, “The only way that man is leaving is if he’s fired...and even then Aaron would have to have him removed from the premises.” 
“What’s that Prentiss?” Dave says, appearing from nowhere, and Emily smiles teasingly at him, always ready to wind him up.
“Nothing Dave,” she smirks, “Just saying how good you are at throwing parties.” 
He rolls his eyes at her before looking at Aaron, “Your wife is giving me a headache,” Emily’s smile deepens, and Aaron’s hold on her hip tightens a little, a small sign to let up on their friend, “Things will start winding down soon, you could all stay for a couple more drinks if you want?” Dave offers, “I could get the good scotch back out from its hiding place.” 
Emily tilts her head up to look at her husband and sees the question in his eyes, and she knows he’d leave if she wanted to. That they’d make their excuses and he’d take her home via whatever fast food restaurant she wanted, because of course he’d have noticed she hadn’t eaten any of the food Dave had paid to be served. All of it was too rich for her permanently unsettled stomach, or something she couldn’t eat because of her pregnancy. 
But she can see that he wants to, that he’s having fun. A rare night where they were having fun with their friends without work or anything else getting in the way. Something that would get even rarer in about 7 months when a newborn would be taking up most of their time. 
She places her hand over his on her hip and squeezes, smiling at him as a silent conversation passes between them before she looks back at Dave. 
“Sounds good to us.” 
At first, Aaron doesn’t even realise she’s fallen asleep. The weight of her against his side was familiar, a comfort to him as much as it was to her. 
They are sitting next to each other on one of Dave’s couches, pressed up against each other to make room for Penelope on Emily’s other side. She’s got her head on his shoulder, and her arms wrapped around one of his, almost hugging it to her chest. It’s more of them, of how affectionate that they were behind closed doors than they would allow other people to see - even the team. From the very start, even after the team found out about them and as their relationship shifted from dating to engaged to married, they kept a certain amount to themselves. So much of their lives was shared with their team, their family, that it was important to them to keep some things just for them. 
It was part of why they were still keeping Emily’s pregnancy to themselves, something just for them for a little while longer. 
“Hotch,” Derek says from the other couch, gaining Aaron’s attention. As soon as he does he tilts his head towards Emily, and Aaron looks down, smiling softly as he sees his wife is fast asleep against him. Her cheek is pressed into his shoulder, her mouth open slightly, and he knows he has to wake her before she drools on him. 
She’d never forgive him if he let her do that in front of the team.
“Oh my poor, Peaches,” Penelope says, a small pout on her face, “She’s been so tired.”
“It was a long case,” Aaron says automatically, and he misses the look Penelope and Dave exchange over his head as he leans down to gently wake up his wife, “Sweetheart, you’ve got to wake up so we can go home.” 
She shifts, waking suddenly, her head lifting up off his shoulder as she takes in her surroundings. She winces as she looks at the team, all of their focus on her. 
“Sorry,” she mumbles, stretching her back out a little as she sits up straight, putting a tiny bit of space between her and Aaron, “It-”
“Was a long case,” JJ finishes for her, making Derek hide a smile in his drink. 
“I should take you home,” Aaron says, squeezing Emily’s hand before he stands, tugging her up so she stands up too, “So you can get some actual rest.”
“Yeah, sounds good,” Emily replies, turning to look at the rest of the team, “We’ll see you all on Monday.” 
The team all stand, and they exchange goodbyes and hugs like it would be weeks before they saw each other again, not only a couple of days. When they are done, Aaron puts his arm around his wife and leads her out of the room, leaving the rest of the team to settle back down, watching them go with interest, their conversation fading as they get further away. 
“So when do you think they’ll tell us?” Dave asks, leaning over to pour JJ and Derek some more scotch.
“Oh, they’ll try and keep it a secret for another few weeks,” Derek replies, a smirk on his face, “But it’s so obvious.” 
“Poor, Em,” Penelope says, leaning back into her seat to get more comfortable, “She looks so happy but so tired.”
“Wait,” Spencer says, his eyebrows knitting together, “What’s going on?”
The rest of them chuckle, and JJ looks at him, a sympathetic look on her face, “Spence…Emily is pregnant.” 
“She’s what?” 
Tag list:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @sneetchestoo, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattiss22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger
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Alright, just like I have done for my other multi-chapter story It Doesn’t Change Anything Between Us the other day, I have also made some kind of list/summery for my series Someone Worth Racing For as well, since this series is actually already going on since years (since September 2019 to be more precise 🙈).
So it’s very relateable if some of you (including myself 😅) have already forgotten about certain things/some details and since it’s slowly but sure getting serious I have wanted to take a look back about all those things that have already happened so far and refresh our memories 😉
So beware, there are many spoiler underneath the cut and I will update (not reblog) this post after every update of that story and will link it to the new chapter on AO3, so you can read though it whenever you think you have missed something/to refresh your mind. I really hope I haven’t missed anything.. 😅
latest update: 15.01.2023
Tomorrow Will Be Kinder
- Spa 2019
- Lando dealing with Anthoine’s accident and his death
- Carlos is there for Lando to comfort him
- Carlos stays by Lando’s side during the night for the first time
- Carlos’ birthday
- Lando’s and Carlos’ DNF 
- campfire with all the drivers
Somone Worth Racing For
Chapter 1:
- Monza 2019
- Carlos and Lando sleeping together in one bed became routine since Spa
Chapter 2:
- Singapore 2019
- they are still sharing a bed
- Lando is frustrated about his qualifying, Carlos is there for him
Chapter 3:
- Sochi 2019
- their fly back home into the UK
- while Lando sleeps in the airplane he dreams about the massage Carlos has given him the other day
- they spend the night together in a hotel in London
Chapter 4:
- Japan 2019
- they go clubbing together with Max and Nico
- they once again spend the night together
Chapter 5:
- Japan 2019
- Lando has a hangover 
- they go bowling together
- FIFA day
- play fighting
- movie night
- bowling, Carlos touches Lando’s exposed thighs, he likes his smooth legs
Chapter 6:
- Mexico 2019
- Lando jokes his leg is broken, Carlos worries about him
- frustrating race
- Carlos, Caco and Lando go clubbing 
- they get drunk and almost kiss
- Carlos takes care of drunk Lando
Chapter 7:
- the day after their night out
- they wake up next to each other for the US race a few days later, Lando can feel and also see Carlos’ morning wood
- Coca Cola shooting
- on Friday Lando is in a bad, sorrowful mood because he fears Carlos and he won’t stay friends forever, but Carlos comforts him and promises him that they will always stay friends, not matter what. Forever.
Chapter 8:
- time between two races
- Lando is at home by his parents
- Lando has to admit to himself the feelings he has for Carlos, he can’t no longer deny them and it makes him feel desperate and sad why he is crying one night
- in the meantime, Carlos is out with his friends in Spain and has a good time, Lando sees so in his Instagram story
- Carlos calls him when he sees Lando is still up at this hour, they talk and tell each other that they miss to have the other close
- Carlos wants to ask Lando if he wants to visit him in Spain so they can spend some time together, but Lando has already fallen asleep
Chapter 9:
- my Thank You chapter
Chapter 10:
- Brazil 2019
- Lando’s birthday, Carlos singing him happy birthday 
- birthday party
- they sleep together in the same bed again
Chapter 11:
- Brazil 2019
- Carlos bad qualifying
- a frustrated Carlos comes over to Lando’s hotel room while he was still taking a shower
- sleeping together only in their boxers
- race, Carlos gets P3, his first podium in F1, they celebrate together and also party later
- they almost kissed in the elevator
- they once again only sleep with their bosers on in the same bed
Chapter 12:
- their fly home from Brazil
- they plan to spend some time together in the UK
- Carlos takes Lando to Rupert’s place, he cuts his hair
- Carlos also takes Lando to his place for the first time
- Lando falls asleep while it’s Carlos’ turn on the SIM, Carlos lets him sleep at his place, they sleep together in his bed
- they go for breakfast together before they got to the MTC
- later they go ice skating
- following they drive to Carlos’ place again and Lando finally dares to tell him what he wants -> to sleep over at his place once again, of course Carlos allows it
- at the MTC the next day he colours Lando’s hair pink
Chapter 13:
- Abu Dhabi 2019
- Carlos almost catches Lando jerking off
- he still gets it what was going on before he has come over because of Lando’s reaction
- they once again fall asleep next to each other
Chapter 14:
- Abu Dhabi 2019
- Lando has a wet dream, Carlos tries to wake him up but only succeeded with kissing him awake, since Lando was moaning his name in his sleep
- they kiss again after Carlos has asked Lando if he wanted him to kiss him again after Lando has told him that he had been dreaming about him
- Lando then tells Carlos by the way that it was his first time kissing someone
- Carlos freaks out about that and gets scared
- he even regrets kissing Lando just like that, why he finally leaves
- it’s the first night they don’t sleep in one bed together when they actually could have done so
Chapter 15:
- Lando’s feelings and thoughts after Carlos has left him back alone
- we also get to know about Carlos’ point of view
Chapter 16:
- how Lando was feeling the next morning
- Lando tries to look and act more matured, he wanted to change himself for Carlos so he will want to be together with him
- Carlos wanted to talk to Lando before the last race of the season, but he wasn’t in his hotel room anymore
- Lando feels bad after the race, but he also didn’t want to ask Carlos for comfort and he also didn’t want to disturb his happy mood, since his race has been great and the team celebrated him
- Carlos was worried about Lando’s being and after what has happened in the race, but Lando is already gone once again when he wants to check on him
Chapter 17:
- Lando goes with Max and Daniel together for the drivers’ dinner at the end of the season and following also to the after race party
- Carlos once again tries to talk to Lando before the dinner, but he isn’t in his room anymore
- they watch each other over the entire evening and Carlos watches out for Lando in the club
- when he can’t find him anymore he goes looking after him
Chapter 18:
- Carlos finds Lando crying outside
- they finally talk
- Lando wants to be together with Carlos but Carlos tells him that they can’t be together because he wants to protect Lando
- they kiss again because Carlos adores Lando and can’t resist -> it’s the proper kiss he has actually deserved as his first 
- they tell each other that they have feelings for each other, love confessions
- Lando asks if they could spend the night together, just that one night before everything changes, pretending like they could just be together like their hearts actually wants
- Carlos agrees and they go to Lando’s room
- Max and Daniel are worried about Lando’s being as well and look after him, Carlos and Lando see them holding hands and they assume that they aren’t the only ones on the grid to be in love with another driver
- they talk for some more and also fight
- Carlos tries to tell Lando all those reasons why they just can’t be together, why they can’t risk it
- Carlos also tells him about his first time and that Lando has almsot made the same mistake as he has done back then and Carlos also thinks that Lando just can’t be sure about his sexuality yet
- Carlos says Lando should wait for some more and make experiences first
- Lando asks Carlos if he will wait for him and Carlos promises him that he will, even though he is aware about that Lando will forget about him and lose his interest on him at one point
- Carlos also tells Lando to never change, for no one, especially not for him, because he is perfect the way he is
- Lando wants to have sex with Carlos
- cliffhanger
Chapter 19:
- next morning, Lando thinks they really had sex but he can’t remember about it anymore
- Carlos then tells Lando that they haven’t slept together
- plot twist: Carlos suggests to spend some time at his place in Spain in the off season together so they can figure things out and Lando can make his decision since Carlos has changed his mind after thinking about it for the entire night, he wants to give them a chance and also for Lando to find out what he really wants in life
- they both agree to it
Becoming a Man
Chapter 1:
- off season 2019/December 2019
- Lando is at home and can’t wait to see Carlos again, he flies over to Spain after just 6 days at home
- Carlos picks him up from the airport, they go for lunch together before they get over to Carlos’ place
- after they kiss for the first time in Spain, Lando asks when they will finally have sex, Carlos says they still have so much time for that and don’t need to rush anything
Chapter 2:
- after Carlos has showed Lando around and has prepared their dinner, Lando’s mood changes because he suddenly becomes nervous about having his first time soon and also because he doesn’t want to lose Carlos since he thinks he will only want to become his boyfriend if they have sex
- Carlos tells him to not worry about it, because it’s not even true
- Carlos also promises him that he will be patient and won’t pressure him to anything he doesn’t want
 - they agree to sleep in one bed together like they actually do since Spa
- their first day in Spain
Chapter 3:
- they go cycling to a nice vantage point
- later they also cycled to a lonely beach and had a picnic there, they also took a nap, before Carlos wanted to show him something
Chapter 4:
- Carlos showed him a little cave, they make out there for the first time
- Lando gets quiet and thoughtful because he thinks that Carlos has already taken someone to this place and has kissed them by the cave as well before, but it was actually the first time Carlos has brought someone he cared for to this place, but he also tells Lando that even though they won’t be able to experience everything for the first time together, there will still be many things they will do for the first time together. And for the rest, they just create better memories than the one Carlos already had.
- later they make out at home again, Lando gets a hard one and becomes ashamed about it
- they talk about sex and they once again agree to take it slow
- they also talk about Carlos’ first time and how sex between two men actually works
- they go to bed only with cuddling and kissing
Chapter 5:
- they drive with Carlos' bike over to the Sainz’s karting track
- they meet Carlos’ friends and Caco there
- they all go for dinner together later and plan to spend the next days together
- Carlos tells Lando that his friends don’t know about his sexuality, only his family (including Caco) does know about it
- at home they make out and dry hump, Lando comes untouched
Chapter 6:
- they spend the day with Carlos’ friends and Caco together on the Sainz’s yacht
- in the evening they make a campfire and Caco watches the two of them skeptical when Lando cuddles closer to Carlos
- back home Lando wants to take a night swim in the pool
Chapter 7:
- they get rid off all of their clothes and make out in the pool, dry hump underneath the water
- when they get out, Lando doesn’t want Carlos to see him naked
- Lando jumps over his own shadow and steps later to Carlos into the shower, they see each other naked for the first time
- dry humping in the shower, Carlos strokes himself while Lando watches him and it is enough for him to fall over the edge as well, they both come in each other presence for the first time
Chapter 8:
- Lando doesn’t feel well the next morning why they cancel their plans with Caco and Carlos’ friends and stay at home instead
- Carlos takes care of Lando
Chapter 9:
- Lando has a wet dream, Carlos asks him if he should help him with it
- Lando agrees and Carlos is allowed to touch him for the first time when he jerks him off
- later Carlos jerks himself off as well in Lando’s presence and while they kiss
Chapter 10:
- they drive over to Carlos’ parents the next day
- Ana, Blanca and her family are there as well
- they want to stay over the night and have to sleep in the same bed because Blanca and her family have the guest room
- they lay naked in Carlos’ bed and make out, Carlos jerks Lando off before Lando tries to return the favour for the first time
Chapter 11:
- the next day they go rallying together with papa Sainz
- after having lunch, Lando lays down in the shadow while Carlos was with papa Sainz in his office
- Carlos tells Lando how it has been to come out to his family, especially to his father and how his reaction has been
- Carlos promises Lando that he will be there for him when he feels ready to tell his own family abou this sexuality
- Lando’s fly back in the UK would have been the next day but Carlos asks him if he wants to stay for some longer
- Easteregg
Chapter 12:
- after finishing each other off, Lando falls asleep and doesn’t realize about Carlos talking about that one meeting he has the other day
- they have a nice day at Carlos’ place, until Carlos once again tells Lando he has to work tomorrow and Lando gets angry about it and also starts sulking
- Lando doesn’t want to talk to Carlos anymore, even when he leaves to the office the next morning for that one meeting he can’t postpone for any longer
- Lando doesn’t know what to do on his own, he is bored so he wants to play iRacing together with Max, they talk about their situations and also about their relationships, why Max finds out about Carlando and Lando about Maxiel
- Lando plans a surprise for Carlos after Max has talked some sense into him and he feels bad about the way he has treated him yesterday and this morning
- later when Carlos comes home again, Lando apologizes by him and he also tells him that Max does know about them
- Carlos thinks it’s good Max does, so Lando has someone to talk to, because he is sure that one day Lando needs someone to talk to, to talk about him
- Easteregg
Chapter 13:
- they go for a walk on the beach before going to bed
- they go skinny-dipping into the sea, Carlos finishes them both off at the same time on the beach
- the next day they wake up pretty soon the next day because of Lando’s surprise
- they cycle to that one vantage point again, where they have already been at Lando’s first day here in Spain
- Lando finally has to fly back to the UK
Chapter 14:
- Christmas 2019
- Lando moving into his new place
- Lando’s Christmas present to Carlos
- Carlos tells Lando about Max’s and Daniel’s invitation to spend New Year’s Eve together
Chapter 15:
- Carlos comes to the UK
- Lando showed Carlos his new place
- Lando asks Carlos if he can watch him come, they dirty talk (kind of), Lando jerks Carlos off, Carlos finishes Lando
- later they were finishing each other off once again to make up the missing closeness of the last days
- Carlos gives special attention to Lando’s nipples, Carlos takes a taste of Lando for the first time, he also comes on Lando’s body for the first time
- they fly over to Monaco to visit Max and Daniel
- Lando’s mood suddenly changes and everything finally becomes too much for him when Daniel starts asking questions about their relationship
Chapter 16:
- Carlos comforts Lando and also calms down his nerves
- the boys talk about their relationships
- from then on they a have a good time together
- Lando get insecure again when Carlos asks if he can kiss him at midnight in front of their friends for the first time
- new year’s night Carlos gives Lando his first blow job
- Lando takes a taste of Carlos for the first time
- Easteregg
Chapter 17:
- Daniel and Max tease Lando becauset they have heard him/them last night
- Max and Lando have some kind of heart-to-heart conversation
- Lando decides that he finally wants a real relationship with Carlos and doesn’t want to wait any longer
- Lando pratices his deep throating skills with a lolli pop in front of his friends and Carlos
- they have some more quality time in Monaco together before they fly home again and Lando finally confronts Carlos with that he wants them to be in a real relationship
- Carlos tell him his worries but also that he doesn’t love him fully yet, because he is afraid to get his hopes up and get hurt in the end, because he fears that Lando could change his mind again, he still tries to hold back because of the promise he has given to Lando to first let him find out what he really wants in his life
- they finally come together and Carlos doesn’t hold back anymore when he kisses Lando and the boy comes untouched
Chapter 18:
- they had one more week together before the preparations for the new season will begin soon, they have a good time together
- they also go to the cinema together with Lando’s friends
- Carlos starts to doubt himself if he is the right one for Lando since Carlos is so different compared to the people Lando usually hangs out with
- Lando gives Carlos a blow job for the first time
- Lando goes out with Alex and George, they later find out out about Carlando and they also find out about Alex and George being a thing
Chapter 19:
- Carlos comes back from Spain
- they want to go golfing together with Lando’s friends but Carlos is sick so they stay at home and Lando takes care of him
- Lando gives Carlos a blow job and lets Carlos come inside his mouth for the first time
Chapter 20:
- Lando wants to come out and make their relationship public, Carlos talks him into to wait for some more and they both agree to decide what to do next before the beginning of the new season
- they go to the Netflix permier of Drive To Survive together
- Lando gets penetrated by Carlos’ finger for the first time
- because of the nasty comments Lando finds on the internet the next morning, he doesn’t want to come out anymore
- but they plan to tell their families during the summer break and Caco already after the launch day
Chapter 21:
- Launch day 2020
- Valentine’s Day, Lando is nervous because he thinks he will have his first time with Carlos that day
- but the Valentine’s Day turns out way different to what Lando had expected
- Carlos tells Lando that he knows he still isn’t ready for his first time, why Lando plans to speed things up..
Chapter 22:
- Lando has ordered a dildo because he wants to speed things up with it, prepare himself and help Carlos so they can finally have their first time together
- it backfired and Lando hurt himself with it
- Carlos noticed and took care of him
Chapter 23:
- they tell Caco about their relationship
- testing days in Barcelona 2020
- Carlos  penetrating Lando for the first time again after the dildo incident
Chapter 24:
- they have their first time together
Chapter 25:
- they have their second time together
- Australia 2020
- they fly back to Spain together for self-isolation
Chapter 26:
- self-isolation in Spain
- Lando flies back to the UK alone
Chapter 27:
- Lando’s self-isolation in the UK
- Carlos tells Lando that he will be able to be by his side again in two days
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dreamhot · 1 year
are you an early bird or a night owl?
i think i'm more of an early bird these days. back when i did shift work at sbux, i had no concrete sleep schedule, so there was no way to feel truly awake at any hour LOL but since getting a monday to friday 9-5, i've discovered i thrive better in the mornings than some people i know. i wake up between 630-730am depending on whether or not i'm going to the gym that day, and on weekends it's generally in the 7-8am range because the internal clock is Very strict. i'm also fucking old ig cos i need at least seven hours of sleep during the work week or else i feel like dying
HOWEVER i can still last longer into the night than some people i know (including my siblings, who are younger than me). if i'm out with friends on the weekend, i'm perfectly happy to be awake until 2am lol but that's probably my latest cos my body WILL still wake me up at like 8am regardless. i cannot physically sleep in IT SUCKS
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dailybeastarsthings · 2 years
Chapter 37 – A Day In The Life Of Legoshi
My mornings aren’t that interesting usually, but since I started “working” for Gouhin, they have been pretty challenging. After I finish training at around 5 AM, I run back to school. If I’m lucky with the traffic lights, I can get back by 5:45, which means, I almost have an hour to sleep, which is admittedly not much, but it’s still better than nothing.
I usually don’t get up for the alarm, which the others set for 6:45, though. It’s been true for the past and it’s even truer now. To wake me up, the others, usually Jack or Collot, literally drag me out of bed onto the floor. By that time, it’s usually 7:15 or 7:20, which is quite close to when the cafeteria opens for breakfast. Others say that I look super gloomy when I wake up, which tends to linger with me until after breakfast, but in reality, I’m just really sleepy.
After getting up, I try to convince Voss to leave his bathroom ritual for after breakfast so I can get ready, too. I usually take a speedy, five minute shower, and then get dressed. Sometimes I forget how to tie my tie, though, so I ask Jack. I’m usually ready by 7:30, so by the time we arrive for breakfast, there are already a few students waiting in line for their meal.
As you might already know, the day’s menu is hung right next to the entrance for all students to see. We usually have egg salad sandwiches, bean paste buns, French toasts or something with high protein value for us, carnivores. However, we sometimes take the herbivore meal from time to time, if we fancy fruits, vegetables or salads.
During breakfast, we talk about the programs and activities for each of us. We do this to know about each other if one of us needs a hand in something or gets lost. We usually also discuss the latest episodes of our favorite series, The Lost Souls of Crimes. The others keep telling me that the main character looks a lot like me. I think his name is Miyagi but I cannot recall anyone telling me that we would be related. We’re definitely not. He’s way too handsome for him to be any relative of mine.
After breakfast, I usually have my morning classes in the Eastern wing of the school. These classes are from 9:00 AM to 1 PM and usually include the more difficult subjects, like maths, languages or sciences – the ones, which require more concentration to learn. This is a practice, which benefits the students, since our brain is (supposedly) more fresh and awake in the morning and we can pay better attention to our teachers. I must be the exception in this study, since I find it extremely difficult to stay awake during my morning classes. Since I started my training with Gouhin, I cannot stay awake for more than 20-25 minutes of the lesson. After that, I always fall asleep, and I’m usually woken up by the bell. Several of my teachers gave me negative feedback because of this and it is clearly visible on my grades, but I can’t do anything about it.
Lunch break is between 1 PM and 2 PM. I don’t always have lunch, but when I do, I always go for egg salad sandwiches in one of the school supply shops. One day I never miss is Friday. The sandwiches are best on Friday. They used to be the best on Wednesdays, but they probably moved those eggs to a latter day of the week on purpose. Nobody believes me that the sandwiches would taste better on Fridays, though. During lunch, I usually meet up with the others to discuss the events of the day and to share notes. Well, to get notes from the others so I can study...
Afternoon classes are between 2 PM and 6 PM. During these classes, we have more relaxed subjects, like history, culture, art and music. I’m not really fond of these subjects. Especially PE, it is my worst subject. I know, how ironic. A strong and physically well-developed wolf being terrible in PE, doesn’t make much sense, right? Well, here I am, basically suffering during dodgeball games not being able to catch any of the balls thrown at me. If I can, I try to sneak in some extra sleep in my classes at the moment. Thankfully, most of the students are allowed to leave the last class at 5:45 PM in order to avoid them being late for extracurricular activities. This doesn’t really affect me being asleep until the bell rings, though…
Sometimes I have free periods, during which I try to cram as much as I possibly can. My grades dropped a lot, however, even if I’m not one of the top students anymore, I’m still somewhere in the average category, fortunately.
Extracurricular lessons are usually between 6 PM and 8 PM and include clubs and extra lessons for those who need a bit of extra training in a subject. The time is not set in stone, however. I often have to stay in a Drama Club meeting after way later. There were instances when we would be dismissed only at 11:30 PM or even later. Since I started training with Gouhin, I’ve been able to excuse myself by 8:30 at most.
Dinner is served between 7 PM and 9:30 PM. For dinner, they usually serve ramen, sushi or egg rolls with different kinds of dipping sauces. Sometimes, dessert is also served in the form of cakes or other sweets. Nowadays, I don’t have dinner with the others. I usually pick up something from a stall on my way to Gouhin and eat it when I arrive there. Sure, it would be nice to discuss the day with the others but I wouldn’t really be able to tell them about anything since I sleep through half of my day… Plus, my training is more important at the moment. I want to find the culprit who killed Tem. I miss my series, though…
I start my training by warming myself up. We then discuss the plan for the job with Gouhin. Usually, there are about two-three “patients” we need to capture. The most efficient tactic seems to be that Gouhin distracts them and I attack them while they are not paying attention. It works out really well. It is not an easy job, though. I have several injuries and scars of biting and clawing incidents from the past few weeks, which hurt a lot. Fortunately, most of my wounds are no that deep, so they won’t leave a mark.
After the session, Gouhin locks the patients up and I treat my wounds. He doesn’t interfere or help me, only if the wound is on a large area or if it’s bleeding a lot. There was one case where he had to stitch it together, but other than that, it’s not that horrible. I would like to get less work related injuries, though…
When time’s up, I run back to school and start the process all over again.
During the weekends, we get up later, usually at around 9 or 10 AM, so our first meal is lunch. At weekends, we usually clean the room and make sense of the chaos we create during the week. We also study a lot for tests and play video games, too. Well, at least the others do. I have to cram and sleep a lot. Sometimes, we go to B-Strike and have a good session of playing fetch. Not to brag, but I still hold the all-time high score there.
Other than that, the training session part is the same. There’s no time to waste with that. It seems harsh and difficult at times, but I know deep down that I’m doing the right thing. I’m training to become stronger so I can protect the herbivores. Especially one… Louis.
I’m not gonna lie, I was pretty surprised to see him in the ring of the Shishigumi lions. Though his secret is safe with me, I’m glad that now at least I know where to search for him if I want to meet him. It is pretty difficult to hold myself back, though. And my dreams about him… about us are not helping my situation either. But one day, I’ll visit him there. I don’t know how I’ll do it or get inside again without causing any havoc, but I’m positive that I’ll finally be able to meet my sweetheart.
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alicedoessurveys · 2 months
1 - When was the last time you spent over £100 in one transaction? What did you buy?  the food shop, huzzah for cost of living crisis
2 - Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Would you judge a grown adult for doing so? I do. I have a stuffed sloth teddy (my emotional support sloth). as a teenager I was embarrassed about it and worried people would judge but now as a 28 year old I don't give a shit.
3 - Would you describe yourself as fashion-conscious, or do you just wear whatever feels comfortable?  I mean, I care what I look like but I will always choose comfort over style.
4 - The last time you got up from where you’re sitting, where did you go and what did you do? 
5 - Would you rather read an erotic novel or watch an erotic film?  neither thank you 🙈
6 - Who taught you how to tell the time on a proper analogue clock?  primary school teachers I guess
7 - What’s your favourite way to make your home smell good? Do you spend a lot of money on making this happen?  reed diffusers and plug in air fresheners. they don't have to be expensive, I get mine from Aldi
8 - How long have you had the computer/tablet you’re currently using? Does it need replacing or upgrading?  gotta be almost 10 years now. and because its apple its starting to give up life. but I can't afford to replace it.
9 - When you’re home alone, do you make sure all your doors are kept locked? I live alone, I always keep my doors locked unless I know someone is coming round.
10 - How often do you light candles? Do you just like regular ones or do you prefer scented ones or ones that make pretty patterns when they melt?  I have SO many candles and vary rarely actually remember to light them. I like scented ones.
11 - Are you any good at taking care of plants?  it is impossible for plants to survive in my care. I don't understand it. they just die. all the plants in my home are artificial.
12 - How many surveys have you taken so far today? Will you take anymore surveys today once you’ve finished this one?  this is the second one today. I plan to play sims after this.
13 - What are the main two colours in the room you’re currently in? Did you pick these colours out yourself?  the room is mainly white/cream but the wall behind me is painted with pink, blue and grey asymmetrical triangles. I decorated it myself.
14 - What was the last hot drink you consumed? What about cold drink?  had a toffee nut latte a few hours ago. current drinking cream soda.
15 - Do you have piercings anywhere except your ears? How many and what are they?  I have no piercings.
16 - Do you prefer taking baths or showers? How come?  I like a good bath, but it always results in my kitchen flooding because there's a leak so I tend to have showers. but my shower has shit water pressure and the temperature fluctuates between too hot and too cold so I don't enjoy showers.
17 - What time do you need to wake up tomorrow morning? What is it that you have to be up for?  8.30am.. 9am at the latest. I have church in the morning and its mothers day so I have to make sure I don't forget to take her presents
18 - If you work, how often do you get paid? Would you prefer to get paid more or less often?  I get paid at the end of every month which is fine tbh, just would like to be on more than £8 an hour
19 - What does your favourite pair of pyjamas look like? Do you wear them to sleep or just to be comfy around the house?  they're Hufflepuff ones. yellow long sleeve top with the house badge on, and yellow checkered leggings. super soft, suuuuuuper comfy.
20 - How often do you wake up in the night needing a pee?  not often.
21 - What apps do you use the most on your phone?  insta, Tumblr, WhatsApp, snapchat, bible
22 - Do you prefer cats or dogs? Do you own any of either?  I like both, but I LOVE dogs cause I work with them. I don't personally own any, but my family do.
23 - Do you have one of those fridges that has an ice-maker in the front? If not, would you find one useful?  I don't but I wish I did.
24 - Do you like wearing hats? What’s your favourite style?  I do. I like beanie hats. also don't mind wearing a cap in the summer.
25 - If you live in a household with pets, who is responsible for their care - both in terms of finance and the physical tasks involved? Im a single paw-rent to a house rabbit so all responsibility falls on me.
26 - What’s your opinion on leggings as pants? literally my work uniform
27 - Have you ever driven in bare feet or do you think that’s too dangerous?  I don't think I have. I think ive driven in socks before but it was uncomfortable
28 - Have you ever walked out of a job before? What were the circumstances and did you ever go back?  I have. I worked in a primary school during the pandemic. the covid rules at the time meant each class was supposed to be its own 'bubble' and wasn't allowed to mix with other classes but this school fully ignored it and had kids from multiple classes mixing together in a small room. the kids were always coughing on each other, licking things, one kid constantly had snot running down his face. it was a germ factory and I have health anxiety. I was also stressed because my 3 year old niece was in hospital and one day it just got too much and I had a panic attack and walked out. my boss had no understanding at all, turned it round to paint herself as a victim and basically was a bitch so I quit. and thank God I did because 2 months later I got hired as a dog walker :)
29 - Do you collect anything? Are these things worth money or are they practical/sentimental items?  I collect funko pop figures and yes I take them out the box. they have sentimental meaning to me because most of them were gifts from my best friend who died last year. we would always buy them for each other at Christmas
30 - Do you have anything hanging from your ceiling apart from lights?  nope
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synthetic-psychedelic · 8 months
Wake Up Asks
1. What time do you usually wake up if you don't set an alarm?
2. What is your first thought when you wake?
3. Do you check your phone right away?
4. Are you a morning or a night person?
Mid Day Asks
5. At what time of the day do you feel most productive?
6. Morning, Mid day or Night Sex?
7. Do you have any daily routines?
8. What is your favorite and least favorite days of the week?
Night Time Asks
9. What do you usually wear to bed?
10. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
11. Are you a Stomach, Back or Side sleeper?
12. Do you have any pre bed routines?
1. I’m not gonna lie if I don’t set an alarm I’m not rising till earliest 11 am. Latest usually 1 pm. I don’t usually sleep well so fall asleep at like 4 am if I have nothing to do but the next day.
2. What is your first thought when you wake up?
Usually I’m thinking of how comfy I am and how I don’t want to move. Or genuinely first thought is ugh 😅
3. Usually yes because I’m switching an alarm off but even on my days off it’s my first instinct. Plus I genuinely can’t get out of bed without music so I usually put Spotify on first thing.
4. Night person for sure, deffo not a morning person don’t talk to me before 10 am
5. Usually between 1pm-7pm on a usual day if I’m in work just 9-5 and then all motivation leaves me when I clock off 😅
6. Honestly couldn’t bother me as long as it’s not scheduled or routine I like spontaneity.
7. I usually wake up, play music, do my skin care, stretch, have a hot drink, go on a walk, come home and tidy my space and then I don’t plan anything else for my day. I have night routines too but that’s just skin care and reading or journaling and of course more music.
8. My fave day of the week is usually Thursday just because I have Ariel hoop on that day and I look forward to it all week. I don’t really have a least fave day. Maybe Sunday I think it’s the most boring of them all 😅
9. Baggy tshirt and bike shorts or I have like a lot (too many) on sets too they all vary some are shorts some are pants some are fancy some are scruffy as hell 😅🫣
10. I usually lie on the right side of my bed because my beds pushed into the corner and I love laying next to a wall I always have I don’t know why. Maybe cos when I’m to hot I’ll put my arms or legs against the wall and the walls usually cool maybe it’s cos it makes me feel boxed in and that makes me feel secure and safe Idek
11. I’m a side sleeper, I wish I could be a back sleeper but I hate it 😅
12. Oops kinda answered this but I have a nightly skincare routine which I usually do watching friends or new girl and then I usually journal or read, then I listen to music or a podcast whilst I drift off.
So sorry this took so long but this was a lot of questions. I had so much fun answering them tho thank you!
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
Ooooof I am very sleep deprived and have reached that mania level where I know I'm just going to crash at a moment's notice. My fuckhead cat woke me up at 4am demanding food. He starts by plopping his 16 pound heavy ass on my chest with his butt in my face to start. And that's just the beginning of his psychological torture. Then he'll move onto hopping onto my nightstand and knocking stuff off till I shout at him to get off. And he'll move to my dresser across the room and knock stuff off.
Lately, he's figured out he can jump onto the bookcase in the living room which has the tv on it. A tv which is on a stand which is kinda precariously held on to said tv stand and is liable to just fall off if you hit it too hard. And last night's latest trick was him using that to try and pull his cat carrier which is sitting on top of a pile of junk in a corner I never touch because it's loud and noisy. And will prolly fall down on said tv, on the cat and just ruin my fucking night.
This of course is in between him loudly running back and forth from the living room to my bedroom like his tail is on fire. He's an asshole. He knows I will eventually cave to his psychological torture and will feet him so I can just go back to sleep. I fed him some kibble and he KEPT AT IT. This greedy motherfucker wanted MORE FOOD. I am legitimately getting scammed by my own cat like he's a 1920's gangster and I'm some poor schmuck . I'm not I am simply sleep-deprived and this is the shit my tired brain comes up with. It amuses me to picture my cat in a three-piece suit like he's Don Felix D. Cat or some shit.
So I feed him more and he IMMEDIATELY goes to sleep. Do ya'll know the amount of self-control it took for me to NOT constantly poke at him and wake his ass up at random times today? Like, I kinda lowkey want payback even though this is a CAT who doesn't understand complex concepts like revenge and fucking war crimes or yanno the Genova Convention.
But again, sleep-deprived brain. Somehow I survived work, all things considered, it was a slow night for the most part.
I did manage to write some stuff at lunch which was very funny TO ME at the time but yanno...again sleep deprived El maybe isn't the best judge of anything right now. I am definitely feeling floaty right now. Going to try and make it to midnight and might make it an early night so Genji can continue to torture me at 4 am tomorrow.
I know I am only making things worse by catering to his terroristic behavior. But I need to get what sleep my insomniac ass can get to begin with.
I'm seriously debating if a timed feeder is a thing I want to invest in. The problem with that is he's a fat-ass who needs to lose weight. I was free-feeding him for too long and didn't really know I shouldn't be doing that. So he's on a hills science diet weight loss kibble. But aI also fedt him two cans of wet food a day. So realistically he's only supposed to be getting like 100kal of kibble a day which is like maaaaaaaaaaybe 1/3 a cup. I tend to feed him little bits throughout the day rather than like one or two big meals. So he'll get like maybe a tablespoon or so every 4-5 hours depending on how shit is going. I'm not super strong on measuring out and it's working. He's dropped from almost 20 to 16.4 as of last week at the vet in about 7-9 months-ish? It's a process but we are making progress.
I might research and see how little the portions the auto-feeder could do. And watch me spend 100 bucks on it and he get too terrified of it because it makes noise and not even use it.
I don't know, I am so fucking exhausted and loopy right now.
EDIT: Huh looks like auto feeders aren't as crazy expensive as I was assuming. This one on amazon is 40 bucks, can do up to 9 feedings and 10 grams or more. And has an app too. Shit it's 40 bucks, my sanity is worth that much.
We also should not trust sleep-deprived El with a credit card and a Amazon account but WHELP. SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY DADDY BEZOS.
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salemwritesxx · 3 years
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↳ bottom bakugou(32) x top reader (32)
request: Could I request Bakugo wanting to surprise you after you get home from a rlly long mission, so he greets you on the kitchen by wearing only an apron and a buttplug on after you put the children to bed. Breeding and impregnating him AGAIN with your child. Maybe ends w/ their children coming to their room cuz they heard some noises and was scared <//3
w.count: 5040
content warning: fluff and smut; fluffy smut with lots of kisses, male pregnancy mentioned, breeding and impregnation mentioned, baku and y/n already have two children (2 and 4), mention of c-section scars
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“Welcome home.”, he grinned at you with that glint in his ruby eyes, arms crossed and leaning against the wall.
“Ah…”, you just came through the door, when your husband greeted you, a smile immediately on your lips as your own e/c eyes shimmered, “I’m home.”
And before Katsuki could say anything anymore, you were already in front of him, strong arms wrapped around him as he was pressed against your body; immediately, he relaxed into the embrace, his own arms slung around your back and his hands gliding up your spine almost timidly as if you were just some hallucination and he had to make sure you were real.
It had been over a month since he last could hug you, due to your mission having been so stupidly long. Though before any of you could say anything, you already heard squealing.
“Daddy!! IT’S DADDY! DADDY IS HOME!”, your four year old screamed excitedly as he rushed down the staircase, hence you and Katsuki detangled again, just so you could kneel down and catch Haruki who was jumping into your arms.
“Hahaha, Daddy missed you too, Haru!”, hearing your happy laugh truly melted Bakugou’s heart, before you both got interrupted by a whiny “Daaaddyyy!” coming from your two year old who stood on the edge of the staircase, thus activating Bakugou’s fatherly instincts instantly.
Though before he could rush up the stairs, you said, “It’s okay Nao, just wait a bit, Daddy will get you.”, hence you stood up, Haru on your arm.
As you walked past your husband, your free hand brushed along his back for a moment, a fleeting gentle touch that immediately made him feel all warm and fuzzy, his own hand drawing along your arm until he reached your hand and had to let go once you were past him and walked up the staircase.
Meeting Naoki at the end of the stairs, he immediately wrapped his arm around your neck when you grabbed him with a “There we go.”, both of your sons cuddling into your arms.
“Shouldn’t you two be asleep already, hm?”, you chuckled as you walked back into the hallway, Bakugou, who finally got changed properly, as he had been standing there in mere pants due to him freshly coming out of the shower when you came home, then crossed his arms and shook his head.
“I let them stay up.”,
“Oh…”, you simply smiled, which only made your husband softly smile as well when he saw how much they cuddle into you; Bakugou knew how excited they were when he told them about Daddy being on his way home – honestly, it was his own fault, but he was also pretty happy and excited to have his husband back home soon.
“AND! I was not sleepy at all! Nhn! Haru was not sleepy!”, to which Naoki approvingly nodded with a “Not sleepy!”
Both you and Bakugou looked at each other with an amused smile on your lips, before you said, “I know, I know, you are big boys already, huh? But now even the strongest little heroes need to sleep, right, Dad?”, you then looked to Katsuki who stepped closer just to ruffle Nao’s spiky hair that was so similar to his, “Right. So they can wake up and save the world again tomorrow.”
“Uhhggh but DAA-AAD! Nao and I want to play with Daddy now!”, Haru whined loudly, though one glance from Katsuki was enough to make him pout and cross his arms.
“I know, but Daddy is tired, right? And you promised me you will go to bed once Daddy is back home.”, he looked at you for a little help, one glance enough so you kneeled down to put your kids onto the ground, even if it was only 9 pm, but it was way past bedtime for your little ones.
“That’s right. Daddy was gone so long, he is really tired. But I promise we will play tomorrow, okay? Haru? Nao? Promise?”, you smiled at them and offered both of your pinkies, your sons immediately hooking their own into them.
“It’s a promise, Daddy!”
“Pwomise!”, Nao excitedly threw the other hand into the air, making your heart seriously melt as you nodded.
“Okay, now. Be good little heroes and go into your bedroom, Daddy will be there in just a second, okay?”
Haru was still pouting a bit, though he nodded as he took Naoki’s hand so they slowly walked up the stairs just how you and Bakugou showed them (Naoki going down the stairs was, however, still something Katsuki liked to monitor until Nao was a little bit older), leaving you and your husband, who had just watched the scene silently, alone for a moment.
“I love you.”, he said out loud so suddenly it surprised you, though in a good kind of way as you couldn’t hold back your grin when you grabbed him around his hips to whisper an “I love you too, Baby.”
If he wasn’t already a puddle because he just loved the way you talked to your sons, Katsuki sure as hell was very close to being one right now, literally melting in your arms, not wanting to let go, though he knew he had to.
“Will you join me in the kitchen later? I’m starving!”, Katsuki whispered so seductively that you had to really bite your lip in order not to let your emotions get the best of you, since he exactly knew what he was doing with his choice of words.
“I will, just let me take a quick shower and then we can eat.”, the smirk on your lips and the twitching of your eyebrows only made Bakugou’s grin a little wider as he let go of you to walk up the stairs to tuck your kids into bed.
While you were busy in the shower, Bakugou quietly sneaked into his bedroom to prepare the surprise he had been planning ever since you left for the mission, because even though you were married with two children didn’t mean the love and desire he felt for you had faded over time – if anything, it had just gotten stronger.
Thus, when he was in the kitchen, doing something at the counter, your whistle immediately made him grin and turn around a bit.
“Hmmm, now that’s what I call a feast.”, your own grin spread across your face as you approached him. You didn’t even bother putting anything on after showering besides a fresh pair of underwear.
“You like it?”, it was barely whispered when you were close enough that his breath was tickling your cheek. An apron was merely covering his body, and a little heart shaped diamond was sneakily peeking out, revealing the buttplug he had inserted.
Katsuki was pressed against your body once more, arms wrapped around you tightly and your own also holding him close, while your face was buried in the nook of his neck – inhaling his scent.
“I love it. Hmm fuck, I missed you! My handsome, gorgeous husband. I was so lonely!”, you mumbled against his skin, feeling his beautiful body melting against your own so perfectly as he also buried his face at your shoulder.
“Me too… I missed you so fucking much. Even though Haru and Nao kept me quite busy…Haha look what you fucking did to me? I can’t even fall asleep without you anymore. I’m all mushy now.”, he laughed, hugging you even tighter.
“Hmmm, I’m glad I’m not the only one.”, pulling back a bit, you also giggled.
Then, you leaned in, your foreheads touching for a moment and just relishing those quiet seconds, before he closed the distance between your lips, his nose brushing against your own, then his lips against yours as he barely whispered an “I love you.” again, just to connect them at last after your mumbled “I love you, too.”
And it truly was like little fireworks as he held on to you desperately, softly moaning into your mouth when your hands traveled down to his tiny waist, you immediately taking the chance to slip your tongue between his lips, brushing against his and entwining them.
“Mhhhh”, blissfully groaning, Katsuki twitched when you grabbed his small, firm butt with your big hands eventually, just to openly moan the moment your fingers sneakily pushed against the heart shaped diamond at the end of the plug, moving it like that.
“Y/n…”, he breathlessly gasped when he pulled back just an inch, his ruby eyes shimmering when he whispered, “Let’s have another brat… What do you think?” catching you so off-guard for a moment that you stopped every movement just to stare at him.
“Wait… Really? You mean it?”, your surprise from before faded away and was replaced by a big, wide happy grin that made Bakugou laugh excitedly, knowing how overjoyed you were. Nodding with a big smile on his face as well, he then confirmed, “Yes. I mean it.”
Immediately, Katsuki felt your grip tightening around him, only to gasp in surprise when you suddenly grabbed and swung him around as if he was a mere piece of paper, just to giggle and squeeze you also tightly.
You both had talked about a big family even before Haruki was born, but after your latest son’s birth, Katsuki kind of didn’t mention it again, probably because you both had to settle into your new role as parents of two very agile boys. That’s why, hearing your husband say he was ready for another baby, was just overwhelming.
“Let’s go upstairs!”, was the thing you declared, only to make your husband yelp your name in embarrassment when you threw him over your shoulder so easily, exposing him and the buttplug completely.
“Y/n! You are so stupid!”, though he couldn’t help but chuckle even though he was ‘punching’ you in the back all ‘angrily’ when you carried him upstairs and into the bedroom, glad that your two baby boys were sleeping soundly in the room opposite of yours.
Closing the door behind you quietly, you didn’t waste much time and thus, Katsuki fell into the big bed with you crawling on top of him, his arms however instantly welcoming you as he wrapped them around your neck.
“Hmmm, you know… I wouldn’t mind if you’d cook for me dressed like that.”, you purred deeply as you pressed open-mouthed kisses against his neck, making him shiver and groan blissfully.
“I- I’ll remember it for the next time… when…the boys are at their grandparents’ ...”, giggling and sort of moaning at the same time, his body reacted instantly, pushing himself against your hands that were roaming his body and sneaking underneath it to play with the strings of the apron.
“You are so… beautiful. God, how did I get so fucking lucky?”, your words were enough to make him softly blush and kick you, though very harmlessly, because you knew exactly he didn’t know how to respond properly to compliments like that.
“Anh, Y/n-“, arching his back slightly, your big hands had opened the strings around his waist, giving Katsuki the chance to pull the apron away from his body completely and thus exposing himself.
And so, you kissed down to his chest where you started leaving little bite marks and kisses; every time his sensitive skin slipped between your teeth, his body reacted way too violently, twitching and moving and his lips escaping cute, lewd sounds.
“So pretty… Hmmm.”, your lips against his skin vibrated so deliciously and made him squirm a bit, only for Bakugou to quietly groan when you flicked against his bud, just to moan out when you bit and pulled gently.
“You’re gonna be all full again when you’re pregnant… And leaking all the time…Just like the first two times…hmmmm I can’t wait!”
“Y/n…”, he hated to admit it, but your words really turned him on, knowing how feral you were during his past two pregnancies, because something about his pregnant body just made you so horny and wild, not even giving him a chance to feel insecure or bad about himself.
“And your belly… So cute and round.”, slowly wandering down with your lips, you kissed all over his body that had some stretch marks from the previous bumps and wasn’t as firm as it was in his younger years of being a hero.
The pregnancies had left their scars on his bodies and for a while, Bakugou was insecure about them, especially having been so well-trained and having big muscles, to his skin being scarred with stretch-marks – it truly was a transition to liking himself again, but with your help, it was easier.
Kissing past his belly button, you then stopped when you reached his c-section scars and the loose skin, your hands that had travelled with you down his sides resting on his hips as you laid between his legs.
“You really want to go through this a third time, Baby?”
He was a little surprised when he raised his head to look down and into your own shimmering e/c eyes, though he just smiled and reached out his hand to touch your cheek.
“Yes… I want to have a big family with you. So even if it means I’ll get more flabby skin and a third scar, I don’t give one fuck about it! Just promise me… you will still fuck me from time to time, even if I look horrendous.”, Katsuki grinned, maybe to hide his actual feelings, you didn’t know, but you didn’t have to, because the moment those words escape his lips, you sat back up and crawled on top of him again.
“Katsuki! Don’t say that.”, you leaned in, lips brushing against his as you continued in a hushed voice, “You will always be gorgeous in my eyes. I will always love and desire you.”, as you pecked them in between, making him gulp as he tried not to get emotional – and he wasn’t even pregnant yet! – before wrapping his arms around your neck and smashing his lips against your own.
Letting your lips melt against each other and your tongues dance passionately, you grinded your covered cock against his, Bakugou instantly moaning into your mouth so lewdly as his own hips started moving with your own, rubbing against you.
“Mhhh Ahh!”, he didn’t hold back blissfully groaning and moaning against your lips, especially when you pushed him into the sheets like that, with your hips rolling so deliciously against his, only to almost sadly whine when you stopped and broke the kiss, Bakugou, however, following you with little pecks against your lips, not wanting to stop yet, until he was physically unable to raise his head any more, earning your chuckle and “You’re so cute!” that made him groan a bit.
“Y/n…”, barely whispering your name, he watched as you traveled between his legs again, this time however, not stopping and going past his scars, following the soft blonde hair until you reached his leaking cockhead, letting your tongue swirl around it to taste his precum and earning his delightful moan as you licked along his hard shaft down to his balls, sucking on one of them softly.
“D-Don’t play- with me!”, he choked out, though you didn’t listen, your index and middle finger that were wrapped around the heart-shaped end of his buttplug pulled on it lightly to make him moan, before you started moving it a bit.
“Hmmm, but… you did all of this for me, no? Might as well enjoy it a little, hmhm.”, you chuckled and he whined as a response, as well as his hands clawing at your shoulders and leaving scratches as he tried to pull you back up.
So in the end, you complied and sat back up, meeting your husband eye-to-eye once more.
“So demanding.”, a soft giggle escaped your throat as you brushed your nose against his, Bakugou barely grunting and giving you little kisses – he missed you. Not feeling each other over a month made him very, very needy for all the love.
With his legs spread, your hand kept moving between them, Katsuki wantonly moaning against your lips and holding on tightly as you pulled the buttplug out just a bit, spreading his hole and then thrusting it back in.
“Ahnh Y/n… I love you. Fuck, I missed you.”, he whined, lips brushing against yours, giving you no other chance but to connect them for deep, demanding kisses while your free arm was slung around him so you could hold him against you protectively.
And then, Katsuki’s hand slowly started wandering as well, until your own deep groan got lost in his hot mouth when he snuck underneath your underwear to wrap his digits around your throbbing cock.
Spreading his legs a little more, he completely melted against your side while his hand moved inside your pants. Smearing around the precum on your tip and rubbing his thumb against the sensitive underside of your cockhead, just to hear your own grunts and lewd moans.
“I’m gonna… pull it out, yeah?”, you breathlessly whispered against his lips, his approvingly whined “Mhm” everything you needed to hear before you properly took the heart-shaped end of the buttplug and pulled on it, earning your husband’s loud grunting and blissful moaning; the plug spread him wide open, until it quietly popped out, leaving his hole twitching and gaping for more.
“Please… breed me. Fuck me! Impregnate me! Y/n!!!”, Katsuki moaned out and bucked his hips, wanting to be fucked so desperately, his half-closed ruby eyes gleaming with want and lust and tears pooling in the corner of them.
“Hmm, you don’t have to tell me twice!”, the low purr against his lips made Bakugou all giddy, his hand that had been pumping your cock, now slipping away so you could get rid of your underwear.
Katsuki just watched you with half-closed ruby eyes and softly panting as you reached for the lube, his hands lightly shaking with excitement and one lazily stroking his own dick while he waited for you, before he opened his arms willingly when you were crawling on top of him once more.
Digging his nails into your back, your lips collided and melted into each other ones more, soft moans getting swallowed in the process. Spreading his legs, he waited, though not for long when he vividly felt your cockhead pressing against his sloppy hole, just for him to moan and whine loudly as you spread him open.
Guiding your cock for a few inches, you eventually thrusted inside of him balls-deep, earning his delightful grunts and mewls when you filled him out fully, Katsuki’s eyes closed and face twisted in pleasure as he relished the moment of being connected again.
Just looking at him, your heart quenched, wondering how you deserved someone so amazing and beautiful by your side, hence startling him a little when you buried both of your hands into his spiky hair, his ruby eyes fluttering open in surprise.
“I love you… I love you so much. And I missed you so, so fucking much.”, your barely choked out, only to connect your lips once more, Bakugou’s instinctive reaction being to also wrap his arms and legs around you, being smushed together deliciously, your heavy body pressed against his own hot one.
“Me to-… Ahnh!!”, he didn’t have time to articulate much more when you started moving, a blissful moan leaving his lips, before you stifled it as you kissed him, Katsuki instantly returning the desperate, passionate gesture as your tongues entwined and fought, drool trickling down his chin in the process.
At first, you were moving rather slow, barely grinding your cockhead against that sweet spot inside of him, before you increased your pace at last, his nails digging into your back while your own were buried in his scalp and shoulder, holding him close against you and not letting him go.
Your balls slapping against his ass with every vigorous thrust sent Katsuki higher and higher into the clouds, drifting away on a wave of pleasure. Drops of sweat dripping down his temple over his cheek, due to his quirk but also because of the sheer passion you shared, mixing with his hot tears he couldn’t hold back from overwhelming emotions of pleasure and love.
“Y/n! Y/n! Ahnh AH!”, at last, he had to pull back and throw his head into the pillow, moaning while trying his best not to be too loud because of your babies, though it was hard when you penetrated him so skillfully. Ramming your cock into his ass, marking what was yours over and over again as you rearranged his insides once more.
“Ahnh! I mi-miss-ed thi- HANH!”, Katsuki gasped and sobbed, sweaty bodies moving together so deliciously, the heavy scent of love making filling the air, your own natural scent mixed with your soap clouding his mind more and more as he only knew how to hold on desperately, loving the way you were pressed together.
You missed him so much, even if you said it out loud multiple times, Bakugou could feel it in your movements and the way you held him.
As you gently tucked on his hair, he followed your demand as you tilted his head a bit, giving you a bit more room to work with, only to bite his bottom lip in order not to moan too loudly and lewdly when you pressed kisses onto his neck once more. Your tongue catching a few drops of his sweat as you licked over his Adam’s apple, before you caught his sweet, delicate skin between your teeth to suckle softly.
Bakugou usually was more careful when it came to hickeys and love bites, wanting them in places that could be easily hidden with clothes, but in that moment, he didn’t care, he only moaned and spurred you on, his heels pressing into your hips as they irregularly jerked against his ass.
“Y/n!! Y/n!”, sobbing and hiccupping your name, Katsuki felt the hot waves in his lower abdomen becoming stronger and stronger. He was close.
As you raised your head to look at him, the sight alone made your stomach turn as a strong wave of lust swept through your body, seeing your husband enjoying himself so much – he looked so cute and lewd.
“Y/n- I… I’m gonna…”, Katsuki tried to warn you, but you just leaned over him and pecked his lips, saying in a hushed voice and out of breath as well, “M-me … too- fuck!” before you got pulled in as he had captured your lips once more, another sloppy kiss igniting.
“HmhhMM!!”, with suppressed and stifled moans against your lips, Bakugou’s tightened the grip from his legs around your hips, almost giving you no room to move, yet, you didn’t care as your hips rapidly jerked against his ass.
The last few thrusts against his sweet spot were enough at last, Katsuki’s nails almost drawing blood on your sweaty back as he moaned and whined, his sounds thankfully getting stifled due to kissing you. However, as you fucked him through his orgasm, his cock bouncing so pathetically as he released all over his belly with big spurts of cum, Katsuki’s body was shaking and spasming in your arms.
His insides fluttering around you and tightening were almost too much, your vigorous thrusts coming to a halt just a few moments after his own orgasm as you buried yourself balls-deep into his ass one last time.
Pulling away from his lips, Bakugou opened his eyes the moment you threw your head back, watching attentively as your Adam’s apple moved and your faced twisted in pleasure, it sent another jolt of pure lust through his body – this was because of him. He could make you feel this good.
“Y/n-“, barely choking out your name, you also just gasped his in response.
For a moment, you looked into each other’s eyes, before you pressed a soft kiss against his swollen, red lips, just to rest your head against his shoulder, Katsuki’s cheek instantly leaning on it as he hugged you against his sweaty body, feeling your weight pushing him down so perfectly, your legs tangled and both of you heavily gasping.
After a few minutes of just silence that was disrupted by heavy breathing, you eventually managed to raise your head and push yourself back up and onto your elbows.
“I’m gonna pull out, okay?”, brushing your lips against his, sweet, innocent little kisses were shared as Katsuki nodded, barely breathing a “Hm”, before a delightful hiss escaped his dry throat as you slowly pulled back until your cock slipped out.
Rolling over, you fell beside him into bed.
Bakugou could vividly feel your seed inside of him, drops of cum dripping from his hole – the sheer bliss of being bred was making him shiver; rolling over as well and snuggling into your body, your arm instantly wrapped around him to hold him.
“Hm?”, you turned your had to look at him.
“I’m glad you’re home again…”, Katsuki tiredly smiled, before his ruby eyes closed when you leaned down to smooch him.
“Me too. I missed you and the babies so much.”, and like that, you had rolled over a bit to have a better position while kissing him, Bakugou happily sighing into the soft kisses, tongues lazily brushing against each other.
“Hey… we should go clean…”, he whispered against your lips, though with how he was still clinging to you, you just giggled and rolled around so he was pushed back in the mattress again.
“Hmmm, already? How about… a little bit more?”, the way you giggled, so utterly smitten and in love as you kissed him over and over, it was quite contagious as his deep, raspy giggle was also heard.
“Just a little…”
“Hmmm just a little.”
And as you slipped your hand down his torso to play with his already soft dick, Katsuki’s hand simultaneously wandered down as well, both of you insatiable and needy for some more love.
--- A few hours later ---
Sighing in bliss as he stepped into the cool room, he walked towards the bed while you walked over to the window you had opened before your shower to get rid of the sex-heavy, stuffy air in your bedroom, before you joined Bakugou in bed – freshly showered once more that night.
“Hah…”, Katsuki sighed as he cuddled closer, one arm wrapped around your torso and his head resting on your chest, “I fucking missed this…”
“Me too.”, slinging your arms around him, you peppered kisses onto his freshly washed hair and face, earning his raspy chuckle.
“Just being able to have you in my arms again after that mission feels like heaven.”
“Yeah… same…”, he barely whispered, before he looked and reached up.
Your foreheads touched and he softly caressed your cheek, exchanging a few last little kisses before you cuddled into the bed and the blankets so you could both finally get the rest you deserved after thoroughly making love again.
However, it must have been less than 30 minutes later when you were both startled as a quiet “Daddy?” made your head perk up.
“Haru?”, you tiredly mumbled his name, your hand reaching out to your nightstand to turn on the lamp.
“Hey, champ, what´s wrong?”, Katsuki, who was laying on your chest still, also raised his head to look at his son who was scurrying to the bed, only to then see the tears trickling down his face.
“I had.. I had- bad dream…”, the little one then broke down as he had tried to keep his tears at bay before that.
Bakugou and you looked at each other for a split-second, then you already reached down to pick up your son.
“It’s okay, Haruki. It was just a dream. Everything’s going to be okay now.”, softly cooing, Katsuki was the one who pressed a gentle kiss onto his son’s cheek as he scooched closer to you and him once more.
“That’s right. No one can hurt you as long as Daddy and I are here.”
“R-really?”, his big, round e/c eyes that clearly were so similar to yours looked at you and Bakugou so innocently, and when Haruki saw both of you nodding, he was a bit relieved, his sobbing calming down a little.
“Dad and I will always protect you and Naoki. Right, Dad?”, you whispered and kissed his forehead, hand gently combing through his spiky h/c hair.
“Mhmh. We will always be there to protect you, Haru.”, Bakugou approved and smiled at his son, something, no one would have ever thought he could do just mere years ago, but having his own kids just… changed him.
Thankfully, your reassuring words helped Haruki to calm down, a few last tears trickling down his cheeks as he nuzzled into your chest; your hand combing through his hair and Bakugou gently caressing his back.
Both of you were quiet for a few minutes, just tending to your little one, until you both heard Haruki evenly breath, telling you he was fast asleep once more, hence you made a small gesture with your head towards the door. After your husband nodded, you carefully stood up and carried your baby back into his room and bed.
Waiting for you, it only took a few moments before you snuck back into the bedroom, softly closing the door and then jumping back into bed to your husband.
“I’m glad he fell asleep so quickly again.”
“Hm.”, Katsuki approvingly nodded and cuddle closer again.
“Tomorrow, make sure to spend lots of time with them, they really missed you.”, he mumbled into your neck, hence you pressed a soft kiss onto his cheek and whispered, “I will.”, making your husband tiredly smile, ruby eyes feeling heavy as he slowly closed them at last.
“Good night, Kat.”, was the last thing he registered before he drifted off, now that you were back, finally being able to fall asleep again, because even though he hated to admit it – he couldn’t sleep properly without you, he was lonely and anxious, but now… Everything was okay.
Because Daddy was finally home again, right where you belonged.
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@salemwritesxx || do not repost, edit, modify or translate my works
writer’s note: I’ve worked on this… for a LONG time but I am pretty happy with how it came out! Just being all smoochy smoochy with baku is perfect and I love reunion and reunion sex it’s just and mpreg and just… it was a perfect request👌🏼 thanks again anon!
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w00wzerz · 2 years
~I Choose You~
A short Mark and Lola fanfic
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Lola released a disturbed groan when she awoke to the loud, repetitive buzzing from her phone that rested on the dresser beside her bed. She pat her fingertips across her face, carefully locking them beneath the cushion of her pink sleeping mask. Pulling it above her forehead, she peeled an irritated eye out and stretched an arm out for her phone. A frown instantly played about her face when she quickly adjusted her eyes to the brightness of the screen.
It was 4:30 am, only a few hours away from her wake time for court at 9. She scrolled her thumb through the multiple text messages from Robin, apologetically informing her that he would have to cancel his flight for the thousandth time, despite his latest promise to make it by the weekend to celebrate Baily’s fifth birthday at the county fair.
Since Bailey’s birth, Robin tried his best to be as involved with his family as he could. However, his duties with the FBI in Chicago, San Diego and Vegas, continuously got in the way of his relationship and efforts with Lola and Bailey. Lola soon found herself kissing her baby girl to bed most nights alone, wishing desperately for her husband's grand return from work.
However in her husband’s absence, Mark was present every step of the way. He often facetimed Lola before Bailey’s bedtime to sing her lullabies and read folklore tales that only he would find amusing enough for a four year old.
After Mark and Amy’s abrupt separation after only being engaged for a year, Mark found a lot of time on his hands, outside of his affairs from work. So he decided to occupy that time by creating more memories with his best friend Lola and her baby girl, Bailey.
Lola’s stomach swarmed in blatant disappointment as her eyes stung from withholding the tears that threatened to fall. What was the point in being married if she never got to see her husband.
She huffed out a loud sigh, consuming the silence of her room when she roamed her thumb over to her contact list. She cautiously lingered over Mark’s name for a few minutes before giving in and immediately beginning to text.
Lola: Hey are u up?
She stared at her phone quietly, patiently hoping that her best friend was awake to provide her comfort like he always did when she couldn’t sleep. A few minutes blew by when three chat bubbles appeared below the screen. Lola’s heart almost skipped a beat in anticipation as she awaited a reply from Mark.
Mark : Hey Lo, are you ok?
Lola’s chest tightened slightly at his question, she could feel the tears begin to swell her eyes once more, but this time she didn’t stop them.
Lola : Actually no … I’m not.
She continued to type her response when she suddenly felt her phone buzzing between her fingers. Mark’s caller ID hung from the top of the screen when Lola answered hastily. If there were anyone in the world that she’d rather speak to right now, it was him.
“Lo, what’s wrong?” Mark’s raspy voice rang through the phone, his tone seasoned with concern.
Lola released a quiet sob, reminiscent of a baby’s cue. “It's Robin, he canceled - again.”
Mark was shirtless in bed, staring at his bedroom ceiling when his thick brows furrowed. “Again? That’s the tenth time this week.”
“I know!” Lola groaned loudly, “Bailey’s fifth birthday is this Saturday for goodness sake. We planned to take her out to the county fair toge-ther, how am I supposed to look that baby girl in the eye and tell her that her father won’t be able to make it for her freaking birthday?”
Lola was frantic now, the tears flowed freely from her eyes when Mark responded promptly.
“I’ll go with you.”
He rubbed a hand over his eyes and continued “I’d be happy to fill in for Robin this Saturday, if it’ll make you happy.”
Lola was at a loss for words, she struggled to find a response to Mark’s offer when he continued, “It’ll be fun, I’m sure Bailey would love to see me,” he sang sarcastically, evoking a slight chuckle from Lola.
“I’m sure she would,” Lola grinned, swiping her free arm across her face. “I don’t know what it will take for Robin to finally choose his family over his job, I wonder if he’d even entertain the thought.”
“There’s no use in pondering on the what if’s Lo,” Mark began again, “I’m sure that wherever Robin is right now he probably feels just as horrible for cancelling his trip to see his daughter on her special day.”
Lola sat in silence, observing Mark’s words. She knew that he was probably right, but it all the more angered her that she had to become accustomed to Robin’s frequent cancellations.
“Even so,” Mark’s voice lingered, Lola could tell that he was on the brink of falling back into a deep slumber, “ It doesn’t matter because I’m here and I choose you.”
Lola’s heart fluttered at Mark’s words when a sheepish smile crept its way across her lips. She held the phone tight to her chest, almost to imitate a hug through the phone when she finally opened her mouth to speak, “And I choose you too, Mark.”
After a few moments of silence, Lola giggled lightly at the slight snores from the other end of the phone. She whispered “goodnight,” before placing the phone on speaker and resting it on the pillow beside her. She tugged gently at her plush pink sleeping mask before closing her eyes and returning back to sleep.
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imjusttpeachy · 3 years
the early bird gets the panini (c.h.)
well this is quite the change of pace isn’t it. lmao i figured u guys needed a break from the crying so here’s... whatever this is
thank u all new followers!! u jus made a big mistake💞🦋
u guys should search up “my very real collab with 50 cent” by corpse if you haven’t heard it yet, i ascended the first time i listened lmaoooo
the wombats - greek tragedy
aminé - heebiejeebies
free nationals - beauty and essex
the marías- let my baby stay
summary: Corpse interrupts the reader’s morning livestream after she left him alone in bed that morning. Fluff and fuckery ensues.
word count: 2, 326
WARNINGS: she/her pronouns, coarse language
“Okay, Tom Nook is the most bitch-ass motherfucker I’ve ever met. I could fold him like a panini with a slap I swear to god.”
Mornings were definitely one of your favourite times to stream. Of course, you loved staying up into the early hours of the morning only kept awake by the energy drinks running through your veins and the screaming of your friends over your headset, but nothing could beat the sweet simplicity of waking up with your watchers. It was always so calm, your anxiety levels at a low with the small audience building up slowly as more of them woke up. Reading those good morning messages saying that you helped to start their day off on a good foot— nothing would beat that.
The only downside to these scheduled morning streams was having to tear yourself away from the cozy warmth of your bed, especially if there was a certain someone blanketed over you silently persuading you to stay there forever. It was always a rare sight, bruised eyes sealed shut, long eyelashes kissing pale cheeks as small snores escaped from slightly parted lips. Glancing down at the messy black mop that rested on top of your chest, you sighed softly. You knew he’d only been asleep for a few hours, if that, thinking back to the night before where you crawled into bed alone after kissing him goodnight before leaving him to finish editing for his latest video. He worked too hard, but despite you reminding him this every single time he stayed up into the dark hours of the night to finish his work, he always never seemed to be satisfied. Most of the time you were able to coax him from the stuffy confines of his gaming office, bribing him with sweet kisses and promises of cuddles; when he was in the zone, though, nothing could steer his sore eyes away from the monitor. So with a sweet kiss goodnight, you’d make your way to the bedroom, falling asleep to the faint click-clacks of his keyboard.
It was funny how different you were in that aspect. You always loved mornings, the sun shining through the blinds always brought a smile to your face holding the promise of a bright day ahead. It felt good to never be in a rush, to enjoy the still air, and watch the world around you wake up as people settled into their daily routines. The day’s chaos always seemed to leak through into the dark of the night, but in the morning everything felt new and refreshed; the perfect new beginning to another chapter in the story of your life. Though, allowing yourself the guilty pleasure of staying in bed tangled together with your favourite person every so often wouldn’t hurt anyone.
Okay, maybe it was almost every day.
But who could say no when those strong arms encased you so perfectly, holding you so close you couldn’t figure out where you ended and where he started? Who could say no to his warm skin pressed against your own, the weight of his body grounding you as you pulled yourself from the darkness of sleep? Who could say no to being able to study his face up close, running your fingertip ever so lightly along the curve of his jaw, the bridge of his nose, the apples of his cheekbones, watching his eyelids flutter as he stirred softly in his sleep? Who could say no to the pillow talk you shared once those pretty eyes opened, the deep grumble of his morning voice that prickled goosebumps over your skin as he muttered those 3 sweet little words?
Definitely not you.
Well, not often anyway.
Reluctantly pulling your gaze away from the sweet face resting on your chest, you glanced over to the alarm clock on the nightstand. Red numbers reading 9:37 AM that seemed to be glaring back at you pushed any thought of indulging in your morning pleasures straight from your mind. You’d need to be live in 20 minutes. Puffing another sigh from your lips you slowly worked your way out from underneath your personal weighted blanket, trying your best to maneuver him softly onto the pillows to not wake him. Of course, you’d never be that lucky. Hissing through your teeth as your feet hit the icy top of the hardwood floor, you whipped your head around as a warm hand encased your wrist in a loose grip. Beneath messy bed head that could barely be seen from underneath the comforter that you had pulled back on top of him, you see the glimpse of tired eyes clouded with confusion peering out from underneath.
“Angel?” The deep grumble muttered underneath his breath almost made you throw all your plans to the wind and crawl right back into the fluffy clouds you longed to once again get lost in. Huffing out a sigh you slowly turned around, pulling your hand from his grasp only to bury it in the dark locks buried among the pillows. You leaned down softly, pushing your hands through his hair to reveal soft pleading eyes staring back at you, doing nothing but making your heart ache for having to leave so soon. Trancing your thumb along his eyebrow to try and smooth the small furrow that had made its home between them, you sighed softly.
“It’s Thursday, gotta stream puppy.” You watched as a small flash of recognition passed across his bleary eyes, a puff escaping his lips from under the comforter as you watched his chest fall slightly. Pulling his head up from the comforter, you smiled as you felt chapped lips press a small kiss to the inside of your wrist in understanding. Allowing yourself a bit of fun you leaned down pressing your lips to his briefly, giggling softly as a whine escaped his mouth as you pulled away. “Promise I won’t be long, I’ll be back before you even have time to miss me.”
“Too late for that.”
Smiling as you glanced up at your monitor that held your live chat, you watched as your viewers lost it with your threat to an animated shopkeeper. Times like this are what remind you of how grateful you are to your subscribers, they were practically family at this point and you felt you couldn’t be luckier to have such genuine, warm-hearted people that wanted to watch; even when you were cussing out characters that did nothing to you. You were laughing as you read some of the chat replies out loud when you saw your phone light up with a text from where it was sitting on your desk. Excusing yourself for a moment from the stream you grabbed your phone seeing a message from Corpse. 
Corpsie💞💞: did you order coffee? someone knocked on the door and there’s a paper bag on the step
Cursing to yourself quietly for forgetting, you answered him quickly saying that you just needed to cut to a break on stream and you’d be out in a minute to grab it. He was wary of even opening the front door these days, and honestly, you couldn’t blame him. The last time you had driven out to pick up whatever was sent into his P.O. Box, there were people waiting outside the building. When you went inside to grab everything, you asked the teller what exactly they were waiting for, to which he told you that they were hoping to catch a glimpse of this faceless internet star as this is where he’d go to get his mail. You don’t think you’ve ever walked faster to your car— trying your best to not grab their attention though your body was shaking with adrenaline, knowing they might’ve seen him while he was waiting there for you. Practically throwing open the driver's door, you tossed everything haphazardly into the back seat, telling Corpse to pull up his hood and mask as you started the car and peeled out of there. That was the last time he left the house.
You sighed, dropping your phone back on your desk as well as the switch that had been sitting in your lap, beginning to explain that you needed a quick break to get your coffee and starting to click through the settings to set up your break screen when you saw your phone light up again.
Corpsie💞💞: nah don’t worry i got it
You barely had time to sit back in your chair as you stared at your phone in disbelief before there was a soft knocking on your office door. 
“Just kidding guys, apparently we have a kind guest who’s bringing it to me instead.”
Corpse hearing your voice from behind the door, it swung open to reveal your mop-headed lover sporting his cute plaid pyjama pants and yesterday’s hoodie as he held your coffees and bag in his hand. You grinned to yourself, moving out of the frame of the webcam as you reached out to grab everything, placing it on your desk before turning back to him with a wide smile. Reaching back for his hand, you pulled it down toward you, his body following as your other hand reached up to bury itself in his bedhead. You leaned forward and pressed a small peck onto his lips, mumbling a soft thank you against them as you kissed him once more. While this may have looked like the most simple gesture you knew how difficult it must have been for him, almost wanting to cry at how sweet he was to go to those lengths to do something a little special for you. As you pulled away, you smiled as his face mirrored yours, those soft rosy lips pulled into the sweetest grin you’d ever seen. Resting his forehead against yours, he mumbled back a small “anything for you princess,” the deep rumble of his morning voice sending a chill up your spine as you leaned forward again to steal another sweet kiss. Finally pulling away from you he stood up to his full height, a yawn escaping his mouth; though as he looked back toward the door you could sense his hesitation and grinned widely up at him.
“Do you wanna sit with me for a bit? I can just turn off the camera.” Giggling softly, you watched his head practically whip back toward you nodding a yes as he squeezed your hand, still intertwined with his. Reluctantly pulling it from his grasp, you pulled yourself back toward your monitors as you began to click through your stream settings. 
“Well, your favourite guest has decided to grace us with his presence for a little so I’m gonna have to turn off face-cam, but I don’t think you guys will have a problem with that.” You laughed out, watching as your chat began to surge with messages about him. Making sure there was no way you could accidentally turn on the webcam again, you gestured him over to you starting to stand from your chair to grab the other one sitting in the corner of the office when a hand grasped yours, a strong tug pulling you completely off it with; a small yelp escaped your lips as you fell clumsily into your boyfriend's chest. You could hear his laugh from above you as he maneuvered you around in his arms before falling back onto your chair and pulling you into his lap, his face burying itself into the crook of your neck where you could feel that smug grin that was surely painted on his face. With his arms wrapped around you completely, holding you securely to his chest you knew you weren’t going anywhere. Looking up at the chat a laugh was pulled from your lips as your watchers conspired against you, message after message accusing you of doing something unspeakable behind the camera as being the reason you turned it off.
“Guys, literally nothing is happening.” You laughed out, watching as the chat passed so fast you couldn’t even read a full sentence. “Corpse just decided he wanted to share a chair instead of getting his own.”
“Yeah, my bad.” With no trace of any remorse in his monotone answer, another laugh escaped from your lips. Leaning forward to grab your switch and actually start playing again, you settled back into Corpse’s lap knowing this is exactly where you wanted to be. You were only a few minutes back into the game, Corpse and you occasionally reading out some live chat comments excited about his surprise appearance as viewers slowly climbed— his own watchers joining to watch the stream, when he inevitably started to fuck with you. A chill snaked up your spine as you began to feel small kisses trailing up your neck, you should’ve known this was one of the reasons he wanted to have you in his lap— it was easier to get your attention this way. You could feel that smug little smile drift back onto his face as he heard your voice start to shake slightly; at those moments he’d pull away and start replying to messages before turning back and starting all over again. It was the fourth time he began to press those soft lips to the base of your throat when you shrugged him off and shoved the breakfast sandwich you were snacking on into his face.
“Okay, if you want to share a chair you’re gonna have to behave.”
“Okay, okay. Sorry baby, sorry.” Corpse laughed out, voice muffled from behind the sandwich; taking a bite of it and placing it back in front of you, his chest still shaking with laughter. Deciding to hook his chin over your shoulder instead, he went back to watching the live chat, chatting and answering questions— that is before he came across a certain comment that had him furrowing his brows in confusion.
“What’s this about you folding Tom Nook like a panini?”
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