#nori enomoto
relaxinjourney · 10 months
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2023.7.5 pm9:38 おまゆ♡
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dyingenigma · 2 years
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phone folders by nori enomoto
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supertvkidharaso · 10 days
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①2023年4月、初任給で買ったnori enomotoのバッグ(jeudi soir/white)のレシート🧾nori enomotoかわいくてずっと欲しかったので念願叶ってうれしかった〜〜!しかし!Gジャンでめちゃくちゃ汚してしまい、もうタンスの中の伝説となってしまいました。
これ楽しかったな、海鮮丼食べてビーチバレーみたいなのして超ご機嫌♪で、いざ映画始まってみたらなんかフランスのナゾアニメ映画みたいなんはじまって、しばらくしてスーシャンが「これはずっとこの調子で続くの?」つってきて笑った その後わたしが「もうこれみたくない。」つって早々に映画祭を後にして、どっかのサイゼに入った
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そんときわたしの財布を包んでた紙に貼ってあった羽咋の切手がかわいくて珍しくて、このノートに貼った 羽咋って地名がそもそもかわいい
わたしは父方の祖母に「そーちゃん」と呼ばれています てかちっちゃいころはそーちゃんてよばれてた そうすけくんかよ
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{Original Characters Masterlist}
A place for me to keep track of my OCs, and for others to peruse if they so please! Not all of them have been featured on here as of yet, so apologies if your curiosity goes unsated for the timebeing!
Feel free to ask about them if you so desire. I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Twisted Wonderland
Robin Redfearn Persephone Amaryllis Neko Fawkes Wilder
My take on 'Madame Medusa' as a Twst teacher {Undeveloped}
Dungeons & Dragons
Yoranise Auroraelux Adivina Geovanna Auroraelux ("Geo") Pai Tarka
Obey Me!
Vampire Hunter D
My Hero Academia
Hirata Nui
(Private RP with JupiterPrincessHouou)
Yamasaki Kouka Matsumura Shunsuke Enomoto Hiromi The Fukumori Sisters (Kasumi, Aya, Emi) Manodake Shinobu Ishibashi Nori Lena Pyeong Chu-ja/Hiraoka Akiko
Thank you for dropping by!
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boyeonlee · 2 years
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Nori enomoto
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jinsei-pika-pika · 2 years
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chisatokou · 2 years
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nori enomoto
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requiescat-aria · 3 years
Sympathy for the Devil | Testimony 2 | Chapter 5
Jim remains quiet, other than another two taps of his cane on the floor. This time, the sound of a screen door rusting on its hinges squeaks into your ears from the other end of the house -- a back door opening, and heavy footsteps following.
The sound of coming home is a matter of perspective, you realize; sometimes it rings like the sound of an intruder.
Another figure stands in the doorway.
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Jules looks at everyone in the room in turn, then at his own hands. The realization of what is happening dawns on him as he looks down at his own dead body in the chair. He looks perturbed for a brief second, then deflects and gives his own corpse a wink and double fingerguns.
"Hey there handsome."
He then sees the chaos and carnage in the trial room, and Ryuji bleeding from his head. 
“Man, I wasn’t enough? I got you rearing to go for more? All up in your murder jibblies? Do you want me to kiss your booboo to make it feel better Ryuji?”
That loosens him up even more, and he cocks his head back and starts laughing, the palm of his hand pressed against his forehead.
“Well, that’s not my problem anymore I suppose. So, this is it, huh? End of the line? You hear my final sad words and thoughts and then I become a puddle of goo and am forgotten? Maybe tears of regret for the people I've killed?"
Julio's head snaps back down and he gives a steely glare, with a wicked smile on his face.
"Well, too bad. Because I don't regret any of it. Not a single one. I gave them a chance to stop me, every time, and they were outsmarted by me each time. And even if I was generous and count someone's petty opportunism as beating me, I still win. 22 to 1."
His smile widens.
"That's right. 22. I murdered Jinghei Jia. Maybe I can talk about that in our last little chat here?" He takes a step towards Ryuji and cocks his head. "Maybe you want to hear about how I did it? The rush I felt as I snuck behind her with a garrote and wrapped it around her neck, pulling as she thrashed and choked and tried to break free? I was in it so much I didn't even notice her stab me. Not that she hit me anywhere important, or that it mattered in the end."
"You know exactly what that sensation is like though Ryuji, you've been in my memories after all. It was the most fun I had in months. It'd be more fun if I was, y'know, still alive. But we can't always get what we want, can we? Maybe you can share that with everyone else when I'm done. One last little favor for me."
He then turns to Enji, and squats down, with his chin on his hands and his elbows resting against his leg. He's still all smiles.
"And you were never subtle by the way, 'darling'. But being the kind and generous man I am, I figured I'd spare you the embarrassment. I hope you can still find happiness despite my best efforts." He blows a kiss and winks.
"Want to know what her last words were, Enomoto?"
There's a cold, mocking tone in his voice. As long as he keeps talking, he keeps being able to exist. If everything ends here, he's going to make sure he won't be forgotten.
"Do you think she was crying out for you? Or for Ryuji? Or her dear sibling Mingzhu? Who do you think Jinghei was begging to save her as she flailed around kicking and screaming?"
Julio then makes a bunch of fake choking and gagging noises, tilting his head to the side and putting his hands over his neck while his tongue is lolling out. He continues this for a good ten seconds, not breaking eye contact with Enji the whole time until he lets out a loud gasp, then stands back up like nothing happened.
"There you have it. Her last words. Hopefully that brings you peace."
Stepping back towards the middle of the room again, Julio puts his hands in his pockets and looks up the ceiling. He's making a point of not looking at anyone as he addresses the next person.
"And you. You know who you are, you son of a bitch." He huffs and furrows his brow. "How did it feel? Did you watch as I drank my espresso, not knowing any better? Did you feel that glee, that ecstasy as my fate was sealed and I didn't even realize it?"
"How did it feel seeing a man die over several minutes, right in front of you, by your own hand? Knowing that there was nothing he could do to stop you as you took his life? The pain he was in? His futile struggle as he tried to power through it? Seeing him refuse to give in, but knowing it was inevitable?"
"I bet you enjoyed it, didn't you? You little freak. You are the kind that'd like that part of it. Me? Well, I always preferred to end someone's life directly. Out of respect, really. And that gives you a rush no matter what. But it wasn't what I was primarily doing it for. That was more... an aperitif."
"But the real question is, what about after? What did you feel after I was gone, and everyone was scrambling in confusion trying to find out what the hell even happened? And you got to sit there quietly knowing, your name is not even on everyone else's lips?"
"How did you do, huh bud? Did you worm your way out of this one? Did they even suspect you? It felt good when you led them down false trails and in circles, didn't it? When they tore their hair out in frustration?"
"That? That's the beauty of the game. And I know that you're more like me than you would care to admit, my dear friend. I know that you, of all people, will understand the game in all of its glory."
This makes him start laughing again. He pinches the bridge of his nose some, and still refuses to look at the person he's addressing.
"You better not have cracked. I won't forgive you if you crumpled up like a sheet of paper and sang in front of everyone. You better not have started boohooing and begging for mercy and putting up a sob story, you piece of shit."
"If you got away with it - and I truly hope you did! - then that's my parting gift to you. Now you know. And now nothing else will feel quite as good. It'll never be the same again. You are going to walk down the same road I did, whether you want to or not. It may not be right away. It may be months. Or years. Or maybe when you hit your midlife crisis. But mark my words: you will feel the urge again. And you will kill. And it'll feel even better the second time. Because you stooped to my level, and you're a changed man."
Slowly, the smile fades from Julio’s face though, and becomes something more somber. He does have things to say to people who matter. First, he turns to Kousuke. 
“You understand now, right? This is why I didn’t want to let you bloody your hands. You become a monster like me. Obviously in my state I don’t know if our plan worked but…” He sighs, and fishes for a nonexistent cigarette pack before resigning to put his hands in his pockets. 
“I’m not someone you should mourn. Someone you should hold the flame out for. You’re better than me. No matter… no matter what happens Kousuke… forget about me. Focus on you, your happiness. Be yourself, unconditionally. Not what others want you to be. Live for your own sake. Feel for your own sake.” 
“...which I guess goes counter to my whole ‘oh don’t cry for me’ shit, don’t it? Well, if that’s what you decide to do I can’t stop you. Just… If you’re gonna, give that piece of shit Hiromi a kick in the dick for what he did to you. Two. One from me and one from you.” 
His voice gets even more somber, more monotone. “As pathetic as it sounds Kousuke, I actually think you were my first true friend. I had family, acquaintances, people I was close to, a husband… but there was always a wall between us. Even before I became like this just a fundamental barrier that kept me from being genuinely myself with them. Being truly, unconditionally open without fear of being rejected. They all were close to a barrier I put up. But I guess, Idunno. Maybe this is what having an actual functional family is like.”
“I enjoyed getting to experience that at least once. Thanks.”
Unsure if he can physically interact with people in this state, Jules settles for giving Kousuke a thumbs up. 
“I don’t have much to say for the rest of y’all. Nori- sorry I didn’t get to help you with what I promised, at least not as much as I had wanted to. Aki- grow a fucking spine and stop with the whole hurting romantic bullshit. I will haunt your ass if you keep that shit up oh my God. Evelyn- ...girl I’m genuinely worried for you sometimes like please think and maybe count to ten before you do headass shit like eat makeup and charge into walls. Please.”
“Masaji… I didn’t end up needing it I guess but thanks for helping me with peace of mind and all. I hope… I hope you get to see your daughter again at least. Truly.”
“Ricardo… I have nothing to say to you.”
“And Irina… I think you’re from the States, right? There’s a law office in Orlando, Ortega & Sisko… if you can reach out to a man there named Joe Ortega… he’s my cousin, and was my Divorce Attorney. Let him know I’m… gone. And that I kept everything under Cameron’s name. He should be able to get in contact with them with that. If you could have Joe convey a message to Cam…”
“Don’t tell them about… what I was. There’s nothing they can do with that knowledge, it’ll only hurt them. But just… let them know that Julio Reyes is sorry he couldn’t be more honest with them. He’s sorry that he didn’t appreciate them enough. And that… all he wants is their happiness.”
“And tell Rose Cordova… her dad is sorry he never got to see her grow up. Be there for her. That he’s sorry his absence will cause so much hurt in the future… and that even though we’ll never see each other, he knows she’s going to be incredible at whatever she puts her mind to. And that he loves her.” 
He’s quiet for a bit after that, but still doesn’t disappear quite yet. Instead he turns to the last person he has words for- Jim. 
“If I… if we succeeded in our plan. The Boss’ little incentive… they never said I’d have to be alive to benefit from it if we overcame the majority. So if they didn’t find me guilty, then send Kousuke Watanabe back to the land of the living. And if they did figure it out and we failed then uhh, go fuck yourself I guess Jim. Long and hard.” 
Finally he starts fading away. Maybe Jim is pulling the plug realizing Julio is stalling for time to stay un-goo’ed. He gives a little salute motion, and grins. 
“Anyways, I’ll be seeing you in your nightmares. Don’t cry too much when I’m gone.”
Though he’s already started to fade, your eyes are once again too heavy to keep open for a split, dark second. The screen door slams shut, and the doorway is empty when your eyes open again.
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requiescat-aria · 3 years
After You || Aki || Trial 5.9 || RE: Ricardo, Votes
Aki watches the votes fall in, and his heart sinks. Ricardo didn’t do it. Ricardo didn’t do it.But Aki’s still so, so terrified. In what world would Ricardo kill? In what world would he see Ricardo die? 
Not this one.
He’ll force those votes to change if he must.
With the back of his chair still gripped tightly in his hand, Aki can’t disguise how much he began to tremble. And it was becoming more and more difficult to choke down and breathe past the nerves that burnt his chest and throat. Only one thing holds him back enough from cracking at this point:
The voice that said his name, and Ricardo’s reaffirmation of his innocence.
If there’s something he can trust wholly, it’s Ricardo’s word, and Ricardo says he didn’t do it. Yet ire remains in his tone as he speaks to Enji and Ryuji.
“Please don’t misunderstand. I’m not threatening just you. If Ricardo dies... Ah, well... I don’t understand why I wouldn’t follow him in that case, too. So, I have every intention to take as many of you with me as possible.”
“You, Enomoto-san. Ryuji-san... Manaka-san...” Aki’s eyes shift across the room as he lists everyone, “Nori-san, Danilova-san, Flores-san...”
And finally, Aki’s gaze drifts to the table.
“I suppose... I’m using this threat as leverage. I don’t believe Ricardo killed anyone, truthfully, but... I don’t think I’d like to take this risk. I’m sorry...” 
“I don’t believe the punishment will kill us either, so...”
With a final pause, Aki bows.
He full on bows. He is desperate. He is begging.
“If Ricardo’s lead could be followed, and we abstain for both murders, I think it would be alright. Please.”
"We'll know the truth once the assessment ends, regardless of how it ends, so... Please..."
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requiescat-aria · 3 years
A Good Title || Aki || Trial 5.5 || RE: Enji
Irina’s words weren’t even meant for him, and yet Aki turned his head away with shame. It was a motivational message from her overall, but ultimately landed like a condescension. This underlying shame from Irina colors the look of concern he gives Nori, and the glance of appreciation toward Ricardo.
It even sits under the wary look he gives Enji, coloring his expression with what can only be described as pathetic. But he always looks like that.
“You told me that you don’t bother caring about others before, Enomoto-san, and you’ve told me that you don’t have an interest in getting close to anyone. You told me you didn’t care when Ken died. So, I don’t think I can be expected to believe you care Jinghei-san died...”
“I can’t trust anything you say, Enomoto-san. No one can.”
Aki reclines in his seat with a frown.
“...It’s alright to say his name. I haven’t been subtle... It’s something I’ve made sure everyone understands. I don’t tolerate ill-intent toward him... I don’t appreciate people antagonizing him... And I think it’s worked, so far. He’s still safe, after all.” 
There’s some glee in his tone that he’s unable to hide. Ricardo, they are out here talking about you right in front of your whole face.
Well, at least he’s safe for now. Enji’s reminder does not fall on deaf ears.
“I don’t like to make gambles, Enomoto-san. I’ve never been one to take risks. I didn’t kill Jules-san, but... I understand there’s no evidence to prove that I didn’t.”
Aki speaks the following softer— tiredly, even.
“...There’s no evidence to prove that you or Ryuji-san didn’t either...”
It’s a very frustrating situation. He can review the evidence in his mind as much as he likes, but it ultimately comes down to it being one of the three of them. Aki can only be certain of his own innocence, and between Ryuji and Enji...
He really has no clue. 
Aki withdraws to himself as he falls into his own head. There has to be something he’s missing. He draws his hand to his face with a sigh as he recalls Ricardo's point.
"...We can't be certain Kousuke's guilty, either..."
This is such a mess.
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