#not enough dawon in this :
hyunin · 1 year
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thank you 💙
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honeydewtual · 1 year
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Dawon - Puzzle MV
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seokwoosmole · 5 months
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jaeyooniverse · 1 year
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soohyuk&sanghyuk besties.............
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flowerygn · 2 years
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i'm still not over the fact that i got an extra chani 😂
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mioyeo · 8 months
Watch your back: chapter 10
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Once you don’t value what you have someone else learns how to take care of what used to be yours
Synopsis : 8 men supposed to give her all the love they promised end up leaving her behind without a valid reason
Pairing : girlfriend Reader x PolyAteez !
Warning : this chapter contains mentions of Ateez being careless , lots of crying , Mingi lashing out on everyone, Seonghwa being a douche bag , Y/n destroying her room , Hongjoong manhandling Y/n , Y/n finally having enough , huge character death , heartbreak, Wooyoung and Yunho being emotional wrecked, Hongjoong being cruel , Huge huge Angst etc Please reminding me if I forgot something
Hold in your tears because this is the penultimate chapter of the Watch your back series :(
Tag list : @legbouk , @scarfac3 , @m4rsluv , @hcyaa , @jackinmyarea , @layzfeelit , @loverlele , @mulletjoonsupremacy , @veneziamadness , @belle643 , @gugggu6gvai , @atinytinaa , @voidcupidz , @atinyreads , @baguette-atiny , @parkthothwa8 , @hwadump , @owjohny , @miaatiny , @honeyymon , @tunaasan , @riririyuhn , @vixensss
Word count: 3,6k
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The fresh sheets made her feel like she could sleep forever and not get up
It smelled like freshly squeezed lemons and strawberries for some reason
Y/n stretched and opened her eyes slowly feeling herself pressed against someone
The memories from the night prior invaded her mind making her sigh and look at him
She admired his facial features as he slept peacefully with nothing bothering him at all
" See you later "
The girl whispered and kissed his cheek and stood up to collect her clothes before leaving his room carefully
It was time to go home , a place she didn't even want to go to
It was time to see everyone else , the people she didn't even want to see
Y/n grabbed her high heels and held them in her hands together with the plastic bag her dress was inside after Dawon had washed in and placed it in the living room for her to take
Unlocking the door to the boys door she went out and started walking home just to save time and prepare herself for the mental draining talk with whoever decided to gang up on her
She wanted to change and treat herself better , she wanted to be with someone who wanted her for her and not whenever they feel like they needed to love her all of the sudden
Her phone luckily survived since she didn't jump together with it into the water
Remembering the audio she send yesterday , she quickly checked if he had seen it but sighed in relief when the check marks where still grey and hadn't turned blue so she deleted them
It's not like she succeeded for it to still be there so it was kind of embarrassing for her
" Young Lady wait a minute ! "
Someone shouted and ran after her
" Can I have a moment please ? It's quick "
" Sure it's not like I have somewhere to be urgently, how can I help you "
The man smiled and took out a business card
" You look really beautiful and I would like to ask you if you had ever thought about modeling before? It's ok if you have no experience "
The girl chuckled and looked at the card and back at the man
" I have not thought about it before , I'll call if I'm interested in doing this "
" Take your time , I'm available until next Saturday before I have to leave for a business meeting in another city "
He bowed and left after thanking her
Walking for some minutes until she reached home her mind kept thinking about the offer but she didn't really pay mind to it
Punching in the code the door unlocked so she could walk in , Y/n removed her shoes and I walked into the kitchen to drink something
" Where have you been ? "
She continued to drink ignoring the said person who stood there eyes bloodshot starring at her sleep deprived
" I asked where you have been "
Y/n finally looked at the person and chuckled
" I don't know if I want to answer you or even look at your face so please let me be "
" Why are you behaving this way ? I'm worried and I couldn't sleep until I knew you where home and safe "
" Cut it out , if you cared you would add me to  the reservation list , but guess what I made a fool out of myself because I thought they did a mistake when in reality you never added me "
" Baby i forgot to , and I'm sorry "
" Don't baby me , im not about to take this apology and walk with it , the way you guys treated me yesterday was not it "
She opened the cabinets and scoffed
" And don't open my stuff when im not home "
He sighed and went closer to her
" My love im sorry I know how fed up you are but forgive me this once "
" Seonghwa I want to be fed up and I have the right to , I'm not doing well and it was just to much these past weeks and months "
Seonghwa looked at her rubbing his eyes
" Whatever I just wanted to make it up to you but you're being a bitch about it "
He stood up and left making her angry
" I'm being a bitch about people hurting me all the time ?! , do you even hear yourself! "
She yelled after him hitting his back
" Seonghwa do you realize who you've become? , you where literally trying to gaslight me into accepting your apology! "
He looked back and scoffed
" Darling that's not called gaslighting , don't say things out of context "
" I don't even care at this point, you know what hurts the most ? "
" What is it again , now you're home and I can go back to sle-"
" Having loved all of you was the hugest mistake i have ever committed , each day I discover more of your rotten personality "
Y/n stared at him and laughed
" You should be glad someone loved you in the first place , and if you're so tired leave "
Seonghwa scoffed once again and went into his room
" Oh so I need to leave now because you are a bad partner? "
" You're the ungrateful one , you have eight boyfriends and it's still not enough "
" Yeah exactly , look who's talking you literally found another girlfriend behind my back and not only that , she doesn't even pay rent but I have to ?  I still don't understand "
Seonghwa rolled his eyes and sighed once again wishing he had just went to sleep instead of waiting like a maniac
"  Y/n I'm starting to think that you're jealous of Rin lately, you always speak with so much hate about her it's never something good "
He turned around and looked at her in a weird type of way
" Me jealous of her ? , Seonghwa you clearly don't know the meaning between despising someone and their behavior and actually hating them as a person "
" Yeah you're clearly jealous, just because she's young and beautiful and carries herself like the beauty she is doesn't mean you have to always punch her around
The moment he said those words was when her tears started building up
" Maybe if you dressed up more and showed off your beauty we wouldn't have started dating her in the first place "
Y/n laughed smiling and left towards her room before she unpacked all her memories with Seonghwa and all his clothes to the ones he gifted her and started throwing them inside a bag and placed it out her room as she wiped her tears
All the dresses she had worn as , all the pictures and jewelry and not to forget the big frame she had once thrown on the ground was laying in front of her door with glass scattered around once again alarming nearly everyone
" What is wrong with you !
Yunho woke up and gasped as he saw her front door and the way she was trashing her room
" Y/n Stop this nonsense right now ! "
Hongjoong sprinted into the room furiously and grabbed her as he impulsively grabbed her hair
" Are you insane ?! , why are you trashing your room for in this morning "
" What is wrong with her lately?"
Yeosang whispered as he stared at Hongjoong manhandling Y/ln
" I was talking to you , what is your issue "
He said angrily starring deeply into her eyes
" I'm done with Seonghwa, I don't want anything to do with him anymore neither do I want his stuff anymore I hate him "
She cried before freeing herself from his grip
" And when have you two broken up for you to act this way? "
" Today right now , and matter of fact I'm breaking up with all of you "
" Y/n you can't do that "
" Oh I can and I just did , I'm done playing the punching bag in this relationship "
The girl watched as all their faces dropped making her laugh
" Shocked ? , i thought that's what y'all wanted the most to happen no ? "
Mingi looked at her with a frown as Wooyoung held his back because he knew he'd cry
" Y/n are you out of your mind? You can't just break up with us because you want to "
" Jongho , I'm sick of y'all neglecting me and treating me like trash I've done this already for four years and I'm tired , I lost my child and my passion for most of the things I loved , not only that but I was degraded by my now ex boyfriend who told me that if I dressed myself up or was prettier you guys wouldn't get together with Rin , and I just realized that this is not what I want anymore "
San looked at her and bawled his fists
" You're really throwing away all our battles and love even after we lost Sanie ? "
" No , you guys threw all the love away  "
Y/n grabbed her duffel bag and started packing her belongings and everything she needed to leave
" Baby please I'll change just don't leave me "
Mingi cried out and kneeled in front of her as he held her legs
" You can't just throw out our memories "
She chuckled and wiped her eyes
" I can't believe Mingi is the only one begging for mercy , it just shows show much he cares unlike you guys "
Packing her stuff she left the bag on her bed and started texting Rowoon to come pick her up
" Please don't leave Y/n , im begging you to not leave me for the sake of my love for you "
Mingi was a crying mess as everyone stared at him making a fool out of himself when she ignored his rants
" I-I wanted to propose to you yesterday but you weren't there so I couldn't "
He pulled out the red velvet box showing the beautiful golden ring with green diamonds on top as he wiped his runny nose with the back of his hand making her turn around
"Mingi you're not being for real now "
Yunho asked in disbelief as he looked at him
" I love her , and I wanted to propose to her yesterday in front of everyone else "
Y/n looked at Mingi with tears as he stared right back at her
" And you didn't discuss this with us first "
" I don't need to discuss anything with you , I loved her first before Seonghwa even pursued her even though he knew I had a crush on Y/n"
" But she's our girlfriend too so you had to at least tell us about the proposal "
" Besides did you consider Rins feelings ? "
Wooyoung sighed and looked at Rin that fiddled with her fingers
" Y/n is my number one priority and she knows how much I love her, I feel like an idiot for not standing up when you guys ganged up on her , have you guys forgotten about your vows when we first started dating her ? "
" You think you're better because you wanted to propose to her ? "
" See this is what I'm talking about! ever since you guys started dating that kid y'all have become so ignorant ! "
Mingi yelled and stood up and pushing Yunho out off pure rage
" We were a perfect family, but you Hongjoong you destroyed everything since the day you introduced us to Rin ! "
Y/n watched things unfold in front of her eyes as she had never seen Mingi that angry let alone push his best friend
" Mingi please calm down "
" No they have to listen, especially San who I still need to understand why he's defending the one that made  him loose his opportunity to become a first time dad "
" You can't blame her it was her friends that did it "
" She commanded them too hurt her ! are you that delusional Yeosang?! Stop making up things to justify her behavior "
He yelled at Yeosang frustrated who looked shocked and held his chest
" And Rin I've never loved you like the way I loved Y/n , I felt like I was forced to love you somehow "
The boys looked at Mingi surprised as he hovered over Rin who backed away
" I've seen your tricks and plays but never said anything for the sake of the others , I can't believe a woman can degrade herself and be so disgusting to her own kind "
He looked at her with pure disgust in his eyes as he watched her tear up in shock
" The words must have hit home right ? You yourself know what you did "
" Mingi that's enough "
Seonghwa grabbed him and harshly looked at him
" Don't touch me Seonghwa, you out of everyone disappointed me the most "
Y/n just stood there in shock seeing everything unfold before her eyes
" I'm tired of you guys , and one thing I know is that I want to stay with her and I'll move out "
He grabbed her hand and left the house in a hurry
" Mingi slow down I'm gonna fall "
she panted and held onto his hand as he stopped on the sidewalk
" I-I I just couldn't bear it anymore , I was tired of them hurting you only  if you had  heard the things being said yesterday at the dinner "
Mingi teared up as he looked at her
" It's like you never existed to them , they just remember you when they need you or something "
She chuckled and looked into his glossy eyes
" thats why I am leaving, you don't need to worry about me being hurt anymore "
Mingi held onto her as he teared up once more
" I'm so sorry for treating you like trash , I can't believe I turned away from the person that helped me overcome my darkest times these past years "
The girl couldn't help but hug back as she snuggled onto his embrace
" I love you so much , I don't ever want to leave you so please stay with me "
" I-I want you to stay with me Y/n "
She remained silent as she held onto him unable to answer
" I'm begging you please stay with me , you don't need to get married with me now just stay "
Her eyes glossed up as she saw the familiar car pull up from the distance but she couldn't bring herself to let go of him
" Please Y/n say something anything "
He stuttered as he feared of her leaving him
" Mingi I-I can't right now I need some time "
She sniffed detaching herself from him as she saw Rowoon get out the car in his black hoodie and jeans leaning against the car door
" Please don't leave me "
He mumbled once again as she stepped back and looked at him as her heart shattered into million pieces
" Mingi I'll text you later "
She slowly grabbed her bag and started walking away towards Rowoon's car leaving Mingi sobbing to himself on the side of the road while he watched her leave
" Please drive I can't bear to see him like that please "
She mumbled looking away as she entered the car feeling her heart clench ten times harder that before
Rowoon didn't even dare ask as he just started driving past Mingi who yelled after the car as he ran to catch up with them
Y/n closed her eyes and lowered her head in shame
She felt like crap for breaking his heart that way , especially because she knew how sensitive and soft Mingi was
The thing that scared her the most was that he'd fall back into his old ways to coupe with reality
" Has she ate anything yet ? "
Jaeyoon came into the living room where the other boys sat down watching tv
" She hasn't been feeling like it since hours now , I tried giving her some bread at least but she remained unresponsive "
Rowoon sighed as he made himself comfortable on the couch
" I don't know what went down at they house but it seemed pretty ugly , she texted me suddenly asking me to pick her up "
" Do you think she broke up with them ? "
" That's what I have guessed by the way one of them chased us after I started driving off , he screamed and cried like crazy made me feel bad for him "
The boys all looked at each other as the atmosphere turned into a gloomy one
" Gosh look what love does to someone "
Inseong shook his head as he skipped trough the channels until he landed on a specific one
" Guys look at this "
They looked at the news headlines with frowns especially Rowoon as he froze
" Someone committed suicide by jumping of their home building not long ago "
Hwiyoung grimaced not wanting to imagine as he covered his eyes
" Now why would someone do that ? "
" Why are you looking so shocked? do you perhaps know the guy ? "
" That's one of her boyfriends , the one that we meet down town one day sitting at the bench "
" The undercut guy that worked at the convenience store , sharp jaw and cat like eyes "
" The guy from the dance studio we frequented Taeyang what's his name ?! "
" You mean San ? "
"Yeah that's him ! ,I never knew he was her boyfriend "
Rowoon lowered his head sighing as he felt bad especially for Y/n that had yet to receive the news
" But why did he do that ? , do you think it's because of their break up ? "
" Bro i can tell you from experience that I was depressive as well when  I broke up with Hana "
Zuho sighed and rubbed his head
" Love hurts man it really does "
The boys didn't notice that she stood there in tears accompanying the news together with them
her vision blurred as she felt her heart pump in pain
Not being able to continue listening she bolted out of their apartment bare feet making the boys look at each other before Rowoon ran out after
As much as it hurt running on the cold wet side walk it pained more losing someone who she once called the love of her life
Running and running which felt like hours as the rain poured on her soaking all her clothes until she reached the scene seeing the sirens of the ambulance and police cars in front of the building
Within each big breath she took as she approached the mass of people standing there watching she felt her hart shattering
" Let me pass please , I need to get to him "
Whispering as she tried to squeeze herself between the people to get to main scene
Her feet burned and ached from falling and stubbing her toes on the rocks along the way
Every single step she took she wished it wasn't true , every single breath she took she wished he could tell her that it was all a bad dream since the beginning
And that they could restart everything despite all the heart break in the past weeks and months
But that all would be a dream come true , because right in front of her two eyeballs  stood Wooyoung sobbing in a squat position as everyone else sobbed circling around him
" No No , please San please don't do this to me "
Her messy self ran after the men that carried the stretched into the ambulance
" Please don't take him away from me please "
Tears streamed down her face as she begged the man who looked at her feeling her pain
" Miss we need to carry the deceased away "
" Please let me see my boyfriend one last time "
Someone yanked her away from the stretched before pushing her to the ground
" How dare you show yourself after what you did to him ?! How heartless are you ! "
Yunho yelled at her in rage before pushing her back down as she tried to get up slowly
" You killed San ! You took him away from his family and us ! I hate you so much "
Wooyoung yelled as he charged towards her his rage the double of what everyone felt
" I have the right to be here , I love San "
She hiccuped out refusing to put him in the past tense
" You should be ashamed of yourself to show up here after today "
Jongho looked at her in disgust
" You didn't only take San away from us but you destroyed Mingi, he's locked inside his room with Hongjoong because he fell back into his old ways "
She shook her head sobbing loudly
" I n-never wanted this to happe-"
" Shut up ! You just wanted to be together with that other guy , you broke up with us because of him "
Yeosang scoffed as he looked down on her face while Seonghwa stood there his eyes glossy refusing to approach her
" You're a monster and you disgust me "
The strangers just watched and filmed the scene in front of them without butting in
" Stop This instant , stop filming ! "
Someone yelled with angry tears trying to shoo away the crowd
“ Stop filming her , please go away ”
Miss Cha hugged Y/n who hyperventilated clutching her face as the rain poured on her
“ How can you guys turn your back on her ! She lost someone too !”
She yelled hitting Yunho who sobbed as he looked at Y/n
Hongjoong came out after making sure Mingi slept soundly his eyes red and puffy
“ Guys get inside, I’ll drive to the hospital ”
Seonghwa slowly gathered everyone with Rin who looked at her in disgust
“ I don’t care about why you’re here , I’m just making it clear that I don’t want you around our house anymore after what you did today don’t even think about contacting Mingi or Sans family, don’t you even dare to appear on San’s funeral ”
Hongjoong looked at her with hatred before walking towards his car and driving away towards the hospital
The only thing that took it took for her heart to shatter fully without any way of turning back we’re his words and the heavy rain pouring onto her and Ms Cha who held her tightly against her chest
Love hurts , but this hurt a million times worser
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chanis-banani · 10 months
Hellooo, could I request making out with SF9 when you get a sec? Thanks
Note: I wasn't sure which format to go with for this request and I've been sitting on it for a while. Eventually I decided to go with headcanons for different kisses for each member. I hope you like it! :) Note 2: Thank you @lost-inthedream for helping me brainstorm
Genre: suggestive - minors dni!
Contains: marking, wall-pushing, teasing, gentle biting
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Youngbin - hungry kisses
There's something about his kisses, a certain kind of despair, as if he needs your touch to survive
This man is such a hungry kisser. He just wants to eat you up. He will lay his hand in the back of your neck and wrap his remaining arm tightly around you, almost like a snake
Once you start making out, you can never give him enough. He's always so hungry for more. It's almost like you're his oxygen and when you pull away he nearly struggles to breathe
Sometimes he'll lay down on his back and pull you on top of him so he can hold you tightly against his chest while you make out
This position also allows him to stroke his fingers through your hair and rub circles on your back
The way he kisses you is almost like he's giving you a taste of something more... Like he's hinting to other things he could do with his mouth
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Inseong - spontaneous kisses
He likes to leave little pecks on your lips and cheeks out of nowhere
Very gentle with you. Most of the time his kisses will be rather soft and cute
Will tenderly cup your face and stroke your cheeks with his thumbs when he kisses you
When you're doing simple stuff together, like putting the groceries away, he will often distract you with a short, sweet kiss on the lips or forehead
Also leaves a lot of kisses on the back of your neck and top of your head every time he walks by
And when you stay over for the night, be prepared to be woken up with more of his cute kisses
He usually gives you quick little pecks, so sometimes after he kisses you, you have to pull him back to get more
But he also shows a bit of a cocky attitude at times, making cheesy remarks in between kisses
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Jaeyoon - playful kisses
Such a tease in everything he does
He will hold you tightly against him, kissing you with an almost overwhelming passion
And then, just when you're getting completely into it, he pulls away with a big smirk on his lips, knowing how needy you can get when he interrupts you like this
He likes to see how your lips become red and swollen when he kisses them
He loves nothing more than to see your reaction to the things he does to you
Will definitely place his leg between yours and use it to apply some pressure to your sensitive area
Wants to make you squirm and ask for more and he won't be satisfied until you're nearly trembling in his arms
If for whatever reason, you'd want to rile him up even more, you have to say little praises against his lips
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Dawon - sloppy kisses
A very horny kisser. Even the slightest peck on the lips can sometimes be enough to make him hard. Let alone having a full-on makeout session with tongue.
Even if the kiss starts out nice and gentle, he gets carried away so easily
He'll place his hands on your cheeks or neck to pull you close while he makes out with you, pulling you in for an even deeper kiss
Doesn't mind at all if things get a little sloppy. In fact, he likes it that way and might just make a mess on purpose
Like when you pull away from each other and he looks at your lips to see that they are glistening from his saliva
Even if it's a little filthy, it just makes him so so hungry for more...
And to make things even worse, he has the terrible tendency to grind against you every time you make out
Needless to say, almost every time you kiss him, it quickly escalates
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Zuho - dangerous kisses
Making out with Zuho can be a dangerous game. He doesn't need much provocation to push you against a wall.
Don't even think about biting his lip unless you enjoy having a hand on your throat
Seriously, it's very dangerous to mess with him. Every time you try anything to rile him up, no matter how small, he takes it as an opportunity to mess with you
After all, there's nothing he loves more than to tease you right back
He might refrain from kissing you completely, only to let his tongue travel along your neck instead while you entertain him with your squirming and whimpering
While Dawon tends to escalate into more than just making out, Zuho is an expert at making you want more, without giving it to you
Once he has you where he wants you, he's very patient
His kisses can be both a reward and a punishment
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Rowoon - possessive kisses
When Rowoon kisses you, it's a bit like he's marking his territory
Because will quite literally mark your neck, for example
Definitely cups your face with his hands and pulls you tightly against him
Will engage in PDA with you, to show everyone how you're his. He won't go far with it, since he knows how to keep things classy, but little things like holding you by your waist and giving you little kisses on your cheeks
Also he finds it very cute when you have to stand on your toes to reach him for a kiss
Another thing he will do a lot is hold your chin to make you look at him. He won't do it roughly like Zuho, but rather tenderly, like he just wants to make eye contact with his special person~
One of his favorite things is to have brief makeout sessions in the car and watch you get out completely flustered
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Taeyang - demanding kisses
Taeyang likes to toy with you
When he kisses you, he always makes you hungry for more, but you never know whether he might really give it to you
His kisses are demanding but not in a needy way. Rather in a way that makes you needy
He will bite your lip because he is Taeyang and he can do what he wants, and he follows it up by pulling away to see your reaction with a big grin on his lips
Runs his fingers along your waist to tease you and pull you closer to him
Basically Taeyang's kisses are almost always a way of challenging you, riling you up. He wants to activate you to do more with him without giving you any guarantee there will be more
Sometimes he'll stop mid-kiss to look at you and observe you for a bit. If your expression is desperate enough, he'll be satisfied and leave it at that, leaving you hungry for more
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Hwiyoung - attempted careful kisses
He is kind of conflicted when he makes out with you. On one hand he wants to be careful and gentle, yet at the same time, he struggles to do that because he gets needy
Usually things will start slow and gentle
But he doesn't need much to lose himself in the pleasure. Small things like wrapping your arms around his waist can be enough
Or even worse: when you stroke your fingers through his hair
This will drive him crazy in an instant, leading him to lift you up and place you on some surface like a table or kitchen counter
He loves to let his fingers wander along your body, gently stroking your neck, shoulders, chest and sides
And if you whimper enough, he won't stop there (if you catch my drift)
It's interesting to see him switch from sweet and tender to needy and a little rough so quickly
And it's especially adorable when he switches back to his gentle self suddenly, placing the softest cutest kisses on your forehead
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Chani - sleepy kisses
Chani feels so comfortable around you, he tends to get sleepy sometimes. He can let his guard down with you. But since he likes to spend time together, he tries his best not to fall asleep and that's how the makeout sessions often start
He presses his lips against yours to stay awake and soon you can feel his tongue
It doesn't take long for a full, lazy makeout session to unfold
You'll often be cuddled up in bed or on the couch together when suddenly you feel Chani's hand reaching out to your thigh. While he struggles to keep his eyes open, he reaches out to kiss you
Such a needy boy. He's very bad at hiding it when he's aroused. Not that he really tries to hide it anyway
He will interrupt the kisses to bring his mouth to your neck and lick from your collarbone up all the way behind your jaw
Feeling his nose agaisnt your skin when he kisses your neck
Maybe a bulge oops
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lost-inthedream · 1 year
Love your sf9 stuff!
Was wondering if you could write an SF9 reaction to their s/o being horny in the middle of the night?? Thank you!
Sorry for the late answer. Thank you for requesting!
SF9 reaction to their s/o being horny in the middle of the night
Pairing: SF9 x female reader
Warnings: oral, fingering, masturbation, mentions of sex, everything in this piece happens with consent.
Bonus song rec: UFO, by Gemini ft. Seori.
smut content under the cut
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You deliberately wake him up, but with kind touches. Once he asks what the problem is, you say you need his help. "Nightmare??" he supposes pulling you closer, which obligates you to be explicit. He chuckles with a hint of malice and tells you to undress both of you then he is gonna do the job. The way he penetrates you is rather romantic at this time.
Waking him up is harder than you expected. However, the more you talk profanities into his ear as you lay very closer to him, the wetter you get. "You nasty" he finally moans back in a low tone. "Yes, I'm the nastiest!" you whine out excited. "Will you fuck yourself on my dick right now?" he asks with a jerk, knowing that this is all you want. You just need to climb on top of him.
Jaeyoon immediately smiles at your filthy approach under the sheets but he is lazy. He slowly palms you back to reach your folds. "Are you wet?" He sounds curious but also hazy. Anyways, he is pretty caring and starts pumping your hole with two fingers as soon he figures out that you are lubrificated.
This boy is easily woken up. The first complaint that reaches his ear gets him alert. "Yes, doll". When you kiss him in the mouth, he gets it right away. You won't even need to move, he blindly goes to your bottoms and removes them, you are curious to discover what's he's going for. Maybe he will eat you out, maybe he will tease your entrance with those thick fingers of his.
He wakes up so lost and confused, you have to kiss him into comprehension. Since your kiss is much dirtier than he expects in the middle of the night, he slowly understands that there's something off. He places his hand spread onto your butt cheek and massages its flesh. "Oh shit, my princess needs to be fucked back to sleep". He will do it still half-asleep and still clothed but it's perfect to have your eyelids heavy again.
Dragging him out of dreamland this late is harder than anything. He turns to the side and purrs at your approach. You are almost giving up, resigned to only sucking on his fingers when he suddenly asks if you need your pussy eaten out. "Please, my love" you cry, pulling his damp fingers out of your mouth. He clumsily slides underneath the blanket, intruding between your legs.
Yoo Taeyang:
Taeyang having a hard-on even though he is asleep is quite frequent. He often fix it without bothering you when his cock wakes him up. It goes differently when you are the one opening your eyes to your wet pussy instead. You palm him tenderly, with a pouty in your lips and kisses onto his neck. "What's it, baby girl?" he asks, feeling his member hardening into your fist. "Give it to me" you implore. Just a few more strokes and he stretches you out.
He can't do nothing but whine once you interrupt his rest so you apologize. It's embarrassing but you're still very needy. You spread your legs, intent on taking care of yourself when Youngkyun start sucking on your shoulder and covers your hand with his. He stops the circles you were making with your fingers and checks your arousal without a word. Your fluids are enough to coat his digits thus he rubs your clit with ease.
You all have established something similar to free use, hence you start touching his body as your whines fill the room. He takes a while to wake up, you humping his front with effort. At some point, he hisses a curse and grinds back on you before sliding his hand between the two of you. Just a small movement and his half-hard shaft is free for you to play with.
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divinefireangel · 1 year
Hi dear¡! ♡
Can I ask SF9 how they showed their love to their partner? (Hugs, kisses, physical touches, loving words, etc)
Sorry for my english 🥺
Your English is fine hun! Plus the language is kinda stupid hehe
SF9's Love Languages 🩷
Warnings: These are what I think are SF9's top love language. Of course it is impossible for such lovely people to have just one 😔. Mention of food/cooking in Tae's. Tea is Chani's.
I will literally physically fight if anyone disagrees with me lol. Our man is so wise and sweet and his voice is just is soothing so I just think that his ultimate way to show you appreciation will be through words. Plus man's a great and creative lyricist.
Quality time
Well, it's mostly just him trying to make you laugh by saying and making up the stupidest jokes, if you can call them that, ever. I'm also a strong believer that this man just wants to annoy you enough to start a debate with him cuz he's bored lol
Physical Touch
Maybe this is me projecting my needs maybe it is not okay idk. But let's be honest here, this man is the cutest ever and he will want to squish your cheeks, irrespective of squishyness quotient. He also likes to hug you, literally engulf you in his broad af chest and baby you although you want to baby him don't we all
Acts of service
I just love him sm 😭. See, he's the kind to leave you sweet sticky notes with reassuring words and a drawing or something stupid on the back lol. But yeah it's all the small things that he'll do like buying you a new chapstick before your old one gets over, bringing your water bottle around even when you tell him you won't carry it, letting you use his arm as a pillow during the long car ride to your destination although it definitely hurts after some time, fixing your hair when you're distracted, etc. Bye I need a Sanghyuk
Words of Affirmation
He is so much different that Youngbin tho lemme tell you. So Bin uses maturity and juju uses his baby voice(?) aka he does aegyo and makes you feel all mushy inside. I mean, he is cute.
Gift Giving
It won't necessarily be stupid gift all the time, he does give you good ones occasionally like a sunscreen stick for example. Most of the time it is something useless and weird like a spoon pillow or some shit but it's the thought that counts right?💀
But no on a real note he's super thoughtful when he gives you gifts and he thinks of it as something that'll remind you of his love when you use it.
Yoo Taeyang
Acts of Service
It could be doing your laundry or cooking for you or putting you phone on charge. It's the little things that you need in your daily life that sometimes get so difficult to manage. But don't worry, our teddy Tae is here to be your little lovely helper fairy, even if you don't ask or notice it right away.
Physical Touch
Yes he hates skinship from members but you, no. He loves clinging to you and hugging you and kissing you. He's like a mama cat and you his kitten and he wants to kith and protecc and love you so much till you physically have to be away from him lol
Quality Time
It doesn't even have to be like an eventful couple of hours. It could just be him laying on your lap taking a nap and you reading you book and playing with his hair, giving him a head massage or tracing his cute facial features. It could also be sitting on the rooftop with hot tea cups and talking about life while nuzzling into each other for warmth.
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jemmo · 1 year
ive just been lying in bed, thinking about the eighth sense, this whole morning, trying to figure out and put together my thoughts and my conclusion is I just can’t do it. bc everything i read, all the dream theories and hallucination theories and meds and alcohol and when does it stop being real, I just can’t figure out in my head what I do actually believe. bc that’s not far-fetched, I know it. I mean look at that sequence in blueming where dawon has that whole imaginary sequence with his parents and siwon. that was all very clearly a dream sequence, like with the context of the scene prior and how people interacted, I could tell it wasn’t real right away. this, i just don’t know. bc I believe very easily that this is something jaewon would do. after the conversation with his therapist and his night of drinking and what taehyung brought up, how angry it made him, Jihyun’s words of comfort and then what happened in the morning, the camera breaking, his father. all of that is reason enough for jaewon to snap and do something spur of the moment and kind of crazy but actually seek out that escape and relief he needs. his emotions are so heightened, this isn’t just something he can just cover with a mask and get on with, he needs release. and jihyun’s words are a lifeline that he clings onto hoping their genuine.
i love that scene where jihyun is bringing up the logical things about having no clothes and not preparing to stay over and jaewon just reiterates that line. you said when I’m having a hard time, i can contact you. he is so used to being nice to everyone and never wanted to cause a fuss or upset or disagree. He doesn’t want to be a burden, but the way he then says that, kind of pathetic and kind of desperate and kind of defensive yet he states it so clearly. Bc so often when someone may they go about their trip and decide what to do next, sleeping on the beach only to then get a hotel room, surfing then sleeping together then surfing again. it’s all very erratic bc i think that’s how jaewon feels and is acting, and jihyun is just along for the ride. idk how to judge how jihyun feels in all of this bc if we take everything at face value it kind of is a lot to take in and to then be intimate while jaewon is in this headspace feels fast and not smart, but then again jihyun doesn’t have to be smart. he has been shown to want to do crazy stuff, to try things, to get out of that country bumpkin bubble and when he loves and cares for jaewon, i don’t think anything he does on this trip either is out of the realm of possibility. and I think that plays very well into the ending. they are both being kind of reckless, especially jihyun bc it’s established he can’t swim, or at least can’t swim wellc, so an accident could easily happen, and no matter how bad the accident is, it’ll be horrific to jaewon. a person he cares for getting into an accident with him in the sea, it’s a perfect, horrid mirror, and for him it’ll only reaffirm what he already believes. idk what that thing is yet, whether it’s arbitrary ‘bad things happen around him’, or he’s irresponsible or can’t trust himself to do something or powerlessness that he can’t do anything or feeling inadequate bc he can’t help, nevertheless he puts all the burden of the accident on him. After all, he was the only person there. He was the only person that could’ve done something, could’ve changed the outcome and he didn’t, or more likely, wouldn’t.
But with these kinds of accidents, what jaewon needs to see is that that burden is not his to bare, at least not alone. so many other things and factors lead to things happening, and ultimately an accident can be just that; an accident, something he can do nothing about and has to deal with grief but not guilt.
All this is to say, I do ultimately think this happens. Choppy cutting and dreamy looking camera work is all something that yes while you can analyze it for meaning, is also an artistic choice and can be read a number of different ways, one of them being that jaewon does see this time with jihyun as a dream. it’s closed off and private and secluded and quiet and he’s with someone he loves, he can see that as perfect, as dream-like, and then that final scene is a sudden, terrifying change that is amplified to him. and I think it actually happened bc I think it needs to happen for the story. the most natural progression of this plot is for an accident to happen and for jaewon to distance himself because of it. And it bodes well that this is happening at the end of ep 6 and not ep 8, bc nowthe aftermath and and the repercussions of this and an eventual reconciliation can be given the time it needs and deserves. this isn’t just about a thing getting between jaewon and hugging only for them to overcome it and be together as happens in many other shows. if anything, the relationship is secondary, it’ can now only be a result of jaewon making progress mentally in whatever form that will take.
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theboyzism · 1 year
[SF9] nicknames they would call their partner
➳ genre: fluff ➳ ficstyle: bulletpoints ➳ requested: "nicknames sf9 would call their girlfriend? could you also do it for seventeen? (not sure if you write for them, if not just sf9 please) hope you're doing well 🫶" seventeen version here
he strikes me as a very classy boyfriend
nicknames with him would be rather simple
i can see him going for darling as his go-to
would also love to call you babe or prince/princess
heavily depends on his mood
if he's feeling rather funny he'd probably have a special nickname just for you
may also call you silly little nicknames like buttercup to get on your nerves throughout the day lmao
other than i think he would call you my love or honey
another one that strikes me as someone that would rather go for classy nicknames
calls you babe so often it might be your actual name atp
would also love to call you sweetheart
probably also someone who makes up a special nickname just for you
mans made up a nickname just for you
i feel like he's someone who would just try different things to see what works best and fits him and his partner the most
it would be a long process, days filled with him just throwing random nicknames at you
but in the end it would be so worth it
sign me up pls
i cannot say this loud enough
he'd call you his sunshine
cause when he's with you he's just pure bliss and happiness 🥺
maybe also kitten during more sexual moods?
because you literally are the most precious person in his life
idk from that one interview where he talked about his ex gf he just strikes me as someone who see's his partner as the most treasured thing in his life
plus when he falls in love he falls so deep
may also use other nicknames, but this would be his go-to
darling and sweetheart
well that's what he would call you most of the time
i feel like he is also a very sensual person?
he'd definitely have more spicy nicknames for the private hours too though
pls tell me why angel came to my mind immediately
hwiyoung strikes me as someone who also would compliment his partner with nicknames?
mainly because i don't see him as the person who would feel awkward complimenting you too often, so he'd call you these nicknames to reassure you and to compliment you without directly complimenting you
i can see him calling you beautiful UGH it would sound so good coming from his lips
if you're older he'd call you noona/ oppa for sure
i think he would also give you a silly nickname?
to annoy you he would also call you something like pookie until you end up twisting his arm and he gives up
also calls you babe
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zhaozi · 10 months
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the only man brave enough to tell dawon to shh
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moondark00 · 9 months
what turns the member on was sie anmacht
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Youngbin: Wenn du mit deinen Augen rollst: du forderst ihn ein wenig damit heraus, vor allem wenn du genervt wirkst, dann kann er nicht anderes. Du weißt schnell was los ist wenn er dir dieses kleine hämische Grinsen und einen Blick zuwirft, der dir soviel vermittelt wie" du wirst sehen was du davon hast". Eng vers
Youngbin: If you roll your eyes: you're challenging him a little, especially if you seem annoyed, then he can't help it. You quickly know what's going on when he gives you that little malicious grin and a look that says "you'll see what you get out of it."
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Wenn du über seine Witze lachst: Er liebt es wenn du über seine Worte oder Aktionen lachst, er bekommt nie genug davon, deswegen passiert es oft, wenn er dich währenddessen betrachtet, dass die Situation sich in eine andere Richtung lenkt. Eng vers
Inseong: When you laugh at his jokes: He loves it when you laugh at his words or actions, he never gets enough of it, so it often happens that when he looks at you during it, the situation takes a turn in a different direction.
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Jaeyoon: Wenn du dir auf die Lippen beißt: besonders wenn du konzentriert bist und dir unbewusst auf deiner Unterlippe rum kaust, er muss dich nur dabei beobachten, das ist alles was er brauch damit seine Gedanken in eine andere Richtung gehen.
Eng verse Jaeyoon: When you bite your lip: especially when you're concentrating and unconsciously chewing your bottom lip, he just needs to watch you do it, that's all he needs for his thoughts to go in a different direction.
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Dawon: Wenn du ihm die Stirn bietest: Du weißt wie sehr es ihn anmachet.Obwohl er es weiß das du es ab und an mit Absicht machst, lässt es ihn nie komplett kalt, deswegen wird er dir genau das geben was du dir davon erhoffst und noch mehr um es dir auch wirklich zu zeigen. Eng vers
Dawon: When you stand up to him: You know how much it turns him on. Even though he knows that you do it on purpose from time to time, it never leaves him completely unmoved, so he will give you exactly what you want from it and more more to actually show you.
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Zuho: Wenn du Zweideutige Anspielungen machst oder schmutzige Witze: Er liebt deinen Sinn für Humor und diese schmutzigen kleinen Witze, die du machst. Es passiert häufig wenn ihr mit den Member unterwegs sind. Während alle über deine Witze lachen, kann er nicht anderes, als zu schwer zu schlucken und an etwas ganz anderes zu denken Eng vers
Zuho: If you make double-entendres or dirty jokes: He loves your sense of humor and those dirty little jokes you make. It often happens when you are traveling with members. While everyone is laughing at your jokes, he can't help but swallow hard and think about something else entirely
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Rowoon: Wenn du zu ihm aufschaust: immer wenn du vor ihm stehst oder sitzt, und deinen Kopf nach oben neigst, damit du ihn mit deine großen Augen ansehen kannst, kann er sich nicht mehr zügeln. Eng vers
Rowoon: If you look up at him: whenever you stand or sit in front of him and tilt your head up so that you can look at him with your big eyes, he can no longer control himself.
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Taeyang: Wenn du seinen Hals berührst: Sein hals ist ein sehr empfindliches Körperteil, wenn du deine Arme darum legst oder ihn sanfte Küsst, geht es führ ihn los. Eng vers
Taeyang: If you touch his neck: His neck is a very sensitive part of the body, if you put your arms around it or kiss him gently, it will set him off.
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Hwiyoung: Wenn du schüchtern und/oder Verlegen wirst: Es macht ihn an, weil er genau weiß das nur er dich zum erröten bringen kann, du fängst oft an zu stottern und siehst immer so süß aus, wenn du versuchst dich zu verstecken, er kann nicht anderes als dich weiter zu necken. Eng vers
Hwiyoung: When you get shy and/or embarrassed: It turns him on because he knows that only he can make you blush, you start to stutter a lot and always look so cute when you try to hide, he can't other than continuing to tease you.
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Chanii: Wenn du die Führung übernimmst und aktiv wirst: Sobald du ihn stürmisch küsst oder dich rittlings auf sein Schoß sitzt, ist er wie hypnotisiert und würde glatt alles für dich tun Eng vers
Chanii: If you take the lead and take action: As soon as you kiss him hard or straddle his lap, he'll be mesmerized and willing to do anything for you
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jaeyooniverse · 1 year
i need to consume this song in every way possible
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yootaesowlwrites · 2 years
“Workout” - Dawon
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A/N: I started this with enough sleep and by the time I finished this, I was sleep deprived, all thanks to my countries wonderful electricity system.
Warnings: Smut, Gym sex, shower sex, love confession, Dawon is big on consent, explicit language, descriptive scenes, nudism, fingers, clit stimulation, boob play, hand job, protected sex, aftercare.
W/C: 3.6K
Age Warning: I will not take responsibility because you wanted to read this, but if you’re under the  age of 18+, DO NOT INTERACT OR READ. Do not take this as educational, this is fiction!
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You step into the gym and pause as you see Dawon warming up, you’ve known him for a few years now and only recently decided you wanted to join him in the gym, this was the first time you’ve shown up to the session you were scheduled with him, so you weren’t surprised that he had already started since you kept bailing on him every time.
You watch as he was lost in his own thoughts while running on the treadmill, his shirt had already been removed and sweat was just starting to glisten on his skin. You step more into the gym and pause to put your water bottle and bag down on the floor. He had told you that he usually came after hours, that way he wouldn’t be disturbed and could focus on his workouts.
“Ahem,” You clear your throat. He looks up and spots you through the mirror and moves to turn the machine off. He stops off it and picks up his water bottle and makes his way to you.
“This is a shock,” He teases as he opens the bottle. “I didn’t expect to see you here,” He takes a big sip from his water before closing the cap and putting it down on the floor.
“Well… I figured I bailed on you too many times,” You say. “And I do want to come and see how it is to exercise with you,” He nods his head. “Do I also need to run on the treadmill?” He chuckles and moves to pick up his towel.
“You can spin if you want to, row also,” He says. “Rowing will probably be a good warm-up for you,” You nod your head and follow him towards the machine. “Fifteen minutes, it’s just to get your heart rate up and your body warmed up also.”
“Will you be torturing me?” You ask as you sit down on the machine. He chuckles and shakes his head.
“No, no, I won’t be doing that,” He says. “We’ll do something easy,” You nod your head and begin with the rower. “I’m just gonna set everything up,” He moves away from you, and you watch as he begins getting everything you would both be using ready.
The time quickly passed, and you found yourself next to him, finishing the workout he had planned for you both, sweat coating you both, your shirt clinging to your skin as you pant loudly. You had been distracted the entire workout through and had barely paid much attention, which ultimately left him a little frustrated with you.
“One last thing,” He mutters, but you were so distracted by his muscles bulging as he picks up the weights to put them back. “Are you listening to me?” You blink and shake your head, trying to clear your mind.
“I uh… not really,” You say sheepishly. “What did you say?” He nods his head and places the final weight on the rack before stepping closer to you. Fuck, his skin, and his tattoos, and his muscles, glistening in sweat, his chest rises up and down as he breathes deeply.
“I think we’re done for the evening… let’s head to the showers,” He says with an edge to his tone. “Clean up before we head home,” You nod your head and slowly pick up your gym bag, ready to hit the showers and try to clear your mind. Hoping a moment with cold water will help. “What’s on your mind?” He suddenly asks. “You were very distracted during the session.”
“Well…” You trail off, unsure how to exactly tell him that he was the reason for your distraction. “It’s nothing,” He steps closer to you, making you swallow and fight the urge to take a step back yourself.
“It’s not just nothing,” He says. “Because you couldn’t focus at all, unless you just hate the gym in general, or I was a horrible teacher,” You quickly shake your head.
“No, no, trust me, that’s far from the case,” You say. “You’re an excellent teacher, anyone new to the gym would be really lucky to have you if you ever want to become a personal trainer,” He nods his head and stops in front of you, only centimetres away from you, and fuck, the smell of him quickly invaded your lungs.
“Then… what’s wrong?” He asks slowly and carefully. “Was it something here that distracted you?” You swallow as you meet his eyes. “Should I have worn a shirt?”
“I mean, maybe it would have helped,” You say without thinking. Your eyes widen, and your hands fly to your mouth, a smirk begins forming on his lips. “I…”
“I see,” He says. “So my body was distracting?” He asks. You blink rapidly, and your heart drummed loudly in your chest. “My muscles bulging, my skin glistering with sweat.”
“Sanghyuuukk,” You whine out, only to earn a smirk from him. He places his hands on your shoulders before turning you around and guiding you to the showers.
“Am I allowed to touch you?” He asks. “Am I allowed to have you against the tiled shower wall?” Your walls clench, and you almost stumble over your own feet at his words. “Consent is important, you need to want to do it also, otherwise I’ll turn around right now and let you shower in peace,” You swallow loudly. You’ve known him for a long time, and you’ve liked him also, but fuck, did he like you back or was this just going to be a quick fuck to him?
“It all depends,” You say. He pauses right in front of the bathroom door, his fingers pressing into your shoulders. “What do you see this as?” Your voice wavers for a moment. “A quick fuck… or something more,” You feel him lean against your back and then feel his lips on your ears.
“Since we’re confessing tonight, I would love for it to be more, I would absolutely love to take you home every night and ravish this absolutely goddess-like body, leave my mark behind on it and admire it as you try and cover any marks in visible places,” You swallow again. “But, if you don’t want more from this, then I understand…”
“And what if I do want more from this… what If I want to be taken to your place every night and struggle to cover up those marks?” You ask. “What then?” His hands slide from your shoulders, down your arms until he grasps your hands.
“Then I need your consent right now, and I’ll ask you out after our shower,” He says. “And then take you on an official date tomorrow night,” You bite the inside of your cheeks.
“Yes…” You whisper. “Yes,” You say a little with more confidence. “I want this, I want all of that also… I want you,” And then you were guided into the bathroom and towards one of the shower stalls. He releases you and turns on the water as you drop your bag to the floor, he then turns to you and pulls you in closer to him, his lips touch yours hastily and his hands immediately reach for the hem of your shirt while your hands move to the waistband of his sweatpants.
“Almost unfair how you have an advantage with undressing me,” He manages to say between kissing you and pulling your shirt off. “Fuck, and the bra also,” He tosses your shirt aside before moving his hands underneath the elastic of your sports bra and lifting it upwards, your hands momentarily leaving his sweatpants again. “Next time, our gym session should be in our home, and you can do it naked.”
“And what about you?” You ask and push his sweatpants down with his boxers. “Will you be naked also?” His hands grip your sweatpants, managing to grip your underwear with them.
“If you want me naked, then I’ll be naked,” He says before pushing your pants and underwear down. You release his boxers and pants, letting them tumble to the floor and pool around his ankles. “Wear sweatpants next time, not leggings,” He bends down and pulls your pants down and helps you step out of them completely.
“They were most comfortable,” You say and smirk down at him. “Don’t you look handsome at that height also,” You move one hand to his hair and run your fingers through it.
“Are you hinting that I eat you out?” He asks, and you can see the glint of mischief in his eyes before he leans closer. Your insides twist as you feel his breath his your mound before his lips touch it, leaving a kiss behind on it.
“Fucking hell, Sanghyuk,” You breathe out and close your eyes. He chuckles and stands upright, your hand gripping his hair tighter before you open your eyes.
“Another time,” He says before pulling you into the shower stall and pushing you up against the cold tiled wall. You gasp at the cold touch hitting your warm and sweat-coated skin, and he closes the door. “You’re so damn beautiful,” His hands move over the side of your thighs before slowly sliding one hand up the side of your body and cupping your boob. His palm instantly presses down against it before he dips his head down.
“Hmm,” You couldn’t help but moan. His lips move over the curve of your boob and down to your nipple. His other hand slowly moves over the top of your thigh before cupping your mound and slowly sliding his hand between your legs to cup your pussy. Your hand moves to wrap around his cock and slowly stroke along it.
“Oh, ohh, so good,” He mumbles out, his voice wavering for a moment at the feeling of your hand around him. His fingers slide along your folds, and you could feel yourself growing wetter by the second, water droplets splash onto your skin and his as the shower door quickly became fogged. His fingers dip between your folds and slid over your clit, making your breathing deepen and become louder.
“Fuck…” You breathe out and lean your head back against the tiled wall. His lips move over your nipple and take it into his mouth, you could hear and feel his breathing becoming deeper against your skin as he begins sucking on the bud. You twist your hand around his cock as you slide it along the length, you could feel the prominent vein on it quickly growing as he grows harder from your touch. His fingers stroke over your clit a few times before he slides them towards your entrance and pushes a digit inside you. “Ohh, fucking…”
You could hear the squelch over the sound of the water hitting the tiled floor, you suck your bottom lip between your teeth for a moment before releasing it. You feel his finger push into you until his knuckles touch your pussy lips, and he begins sliding it out of you.
“Sanghyuk…” You breathe out as your eyes flutter for a moment. “Ohh…” You feel him sucking a little harder on your nipple before his tongue runs over the bud inside his mouth. “Fucking…” You move the palm of your hand over the head of his cock and earn a jerk from his hips. “Feels good?”
“Hmm,” He hums against your nipple, the vibrations go through your tit, and you feel it travel down to your pussy. Your hand slides over his cock, spreading his pre-cum over him and over his balls, making sure to knead your fingers into them. “Hmm,” You lick your lips and take in a deep breath.
“Fuck…” You sigh. His fingers move in and out of you faster, and you could feel your arousal slipping from you, and you were sure that his finger, if not his hand, was already coated in it. “Sanghyuk…” You feel another finger probe at your entrance before it slipped in. Your legs twitch as you feel the light stretch of your walls and the shape of his fingers sliding into you. “Ohh… my…” You swear a new layer of sweat started building on your skin, his palm presses against your clit and your insides twist and tension begins building in your abdomen.
He slight curls his fingers inside you, giving a curve to them as he pumps them in and out of you, making sure to constantly push his fingers against your walls. Your toes begin to curl at the feeling, and a tingling feeling slowly starts travelling up and down your spine.
“Hyuk, oh… fucking…” You gasp out and press your head harder against the tiles. You squeeze your eyes shut and feel a third digit slip into you, your walls stretch more, and you felt his fingers move faster in and out of you, causing your arousal to splash against the inside of your thigh and on his forearm. His palm presses more against your clit, and he pulls away from your nipple with a popping sound, gasping for air.
“Fuck, your hand…” He whimpers out. “Slower, fuck, slower, or I’m gonna cum,” Your hand movements slow down before you halt your hand on his cock. “Fuck…” His hands move faster, and you could see the veins on his arm starting to pop out. “I need to be inside you, but you need to cum first.”
“Fuck…” You whimper out. You try and squeeze your legs together, but his hand on your tit quickly grips onto one of your legs and lifts it around his waist. “Fuck, ohh, fucking…” His fingers press more against your walls, and you feel his palm rub against your clit, your breathing picks up, and you feel a heat going up your legs. Your back arches and whimpers fall from your lips. “Hyuk… Hyuk, I’m gonna…” His fingers slip from you and e drags them over your clit before taking the nub between his fingers. “OH MY!” Your hand releases his cock, and you grab onto his forearm, your nails dig into his skin. “FUCK!” He tugs your clit as he rolls it between his fingers, toying with the throbbing nub.
A wash of relief crashes into you, the tension in your abdomen rips free, and you come undone, your legs shake, and you almost lost balance, if it weren’t for his hand steadying you, you would have been on the shower floor. Stars dance behind your eyelids and your mind spin in the clouds. As you come down from the high, you felt his cock rubbing between your folds and over your clit, easing you through the aftershocks of your high.
“Fuck…” You whimper out. “When did you…” Your back arches as you feel his cock slide over your clit. Your hand slides up his arm, and you grip his biceps. “Hyuk…”
“Condom?” He asks. You could only nod your head, not trusting your own voice. He steps back from you. “I’ll be right back,” He steps out of the shower, quickly moving towards a spot where he knew the gym kept condoms, for whatever reason. It didn’t take him long before he stepped back into the shower, rolling the condom over himself. “Fuck, it’s throbbing to be inside you,” He pushes up against you and moves his hand between your bodies.
“Ohh, my fuck,” You gasp as you feel him push hissed between your folds once again. “Fucking…” You feel his cock slide over your pussy before feeling the head push against your entrance.
“Ready?” He asks. Already breathing hard, he was eager to be inside you.
“Yes, fuck, yes, please, put it in,” You say, sounding desperate for him to be inside you, and at that moment you didn’t care if you were. “Fuck,” You gasp as you feel him slowly pushing his cock into you, making you feel every inch of him. “Hyyuuukk,” You could feel him slowly fill and stretch you, your lids flutter at the feeling, and you could feel your walls pulsing around him.
“Fuck, so good,” He mutters. You were sensitive from your first orgasm, and you could feel your insides pulling together as another starts building almost immediately. “Ohh,” His breathing becomes shallow as he bottoms out. His hands grip your hips, and he lifts you, pressing your back more against the wall, you feel his pubic bone rub against your clit as he holds you in such a position that would cause it to rub against the sensitive nub each time he rolls his hips into yours.
“Move, please, fuck… feels so good,” You whimper out, gripping onto his shoulders, one of your hands slides over the back of his neck and into his hair. “Fuck, Hyuk,” You could hear the squelch of your wetness move over the sound of the water still running, and fuck, you sounded sinfully wet. “Oh my…” His cock easily slides out of you halfway before smoothly pushing back into you. The sound of your breathy moans and his groans quickly fills the shower stall, and the sound of skin slapping against skin soon joins in as his hips roll into you.
“Fuck, ohh, you’re just sucking me right in,” He groans out. The feeling of his cock rubbing along your walls, pushing you towards another high, felt ecstatic. “I don’t think I’m gonna last long, not after how you pumped it,” You let out a low moan and clench around him.
“Me too,” You gasp out as you feel his hips push against yours, his pubic bone rub right against your clit. “Fucking hell, Hyuukk,” You could feel your arousal splattering everywhere with the pace he was thrusting into you. “Fuck, so good,” Your nails begin digging into his shoulder while your other hand presses against his scalp.
“Fuck…” He breathes out. He could feel a heartbeat quickly moving along his cock before it throbbed in the head of it. “Fucking…” His hips move faster, and his movements become uneven. “Shit…” You could feel your legs starting to tremble as a familiar heated feeling travels up them. He pushes himself more against you, pushing his body flush against yours.
“Fu—uck,” You whimper out and squeeze your eyes shut. Your walls contract around him and with a harsh thrust that caused his cock to rub against your sweet spot, you come undone. Your legs tighten around his waist as you cum around his cock. “Hyuk, Hyuk, oh my, Hyukkk,” He lets out a low groan and tilts his head back as he feels your cum surrounding him, it quickly sends him over the edge as he feels your arousal slip down his balls and drip onto the floor.
“Fuck, ohhh, fucking…” He groans lowly and ruts his hips into yours, making you gasp. His load quickly fills the condom, and his thrusts quickly slow down to just a rocking motion to ease himself and you through your high. “Next time… I’ll make you cum more,” He mutters as he slowly lowers your legs, which felt like jelly.
“Do you want me gone?” You jokingly ask. “Because I possibly wouldn’t survive it,” He chuckles and lets out a groan as he slowly slides himself from you, you let out a whimper as the feeling of his cock disappears.
“When I have you on my bed, you won’t have to worry about standing,” He says, which quickly makes you clench. He steps back and leans against the opposite wall and begins to take off the condom. “You’ll look so pretty spread out for me,” You let out a whimper and lean forward, wrapping your hand around his cock and quickly sliding it over him before retracting your hand, earning a hiss from him.
“Shh,” You mumble. He opens the shower door and tosses the condom into the nearby trashcan. “Don’t say that unless you plan on keeping your promise,” He closes the door and picks up the soap.
“Oh, I plan on keeping that promise,” He says. He quickly lathers up his hands with the soap before sliding them over your body, trying his best to clean you without a cloth. “I have a nice big shower at home, you’re free to use it if you don’t feel clean after this,” You only nod your head as you enjoy the feeling of his hands roaming over your body. “Are you okay?”
“Hmm, I am,” You say. “That was… something I never thought I would do in a gym,” He chuckles and slides his hands over your thighs.
“Any discomfort?” He asks as he carefully washes the inside of your thighs.
“None, nothing,” You say, he nods his head before rinsing his hands and pulling you halfway underneath the water to rinse the soap. His hand cups your pussy, and you gasp as you feel his fingers slide through your folds, making sure to clean most of your pussy with clean water.
“All done,” He says. “That probably doesn’t feel clean,” You chuckle and nod your head. He pulls his hand away from your pussy and rinses it. “My shower when we get back to my place.”
“Your place?” You ask. “Are you asking me to stay at yours?” He nods his head as he rinses himself with the water.
“I am… I need to make sure to tend to you tonight after what I just did,” He says. You couldn’t help but smile a little. “Pampering you, making sure you’re okay tomorrow morning also.”
“That… sounds,” You trail off. “Very sweet,” He smiles and closes the water.
“Breakfast is included,” He says. “Courtesy of me, and if you want, another workout like we just did,” You reach for him, only for him to grab your hand and bring it to his lips and leave a soft kiss behind on them. “But… before we do that again, I say we go on a real date.”
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chanis-banani · 1 year
SF9 - submissive headcanons
concept: what I think each member would be like when letting you dominate them
genderneutral reader
mentions: dirty talk, brat behavior, praise, degradation, overstimulation, hair-pulling, marking, spanking, swearing, bondage, masturbation, tickling, choking, biting, blindfold, temparature play, oral, voyeurism, teasing
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a gentle and charismatic leader - but what if you take the lead?
Youngbin would get flustered pretty easily when you do stuff to him, but he would like it
rather than feeling weird or embarrassed about being so vulnerable for you, it would make him excited
a very vocal sub - he would make lots of nervous little noises as you toy with him
wants you to be vocal too - moaning his name and praising him
is a slut for dirty talk
like when you put your lips closely to his ears, so he can feel your breath on his skin as you whisper dirty things to him
it will give him goosebumps and send shivers down his spine
will definitely beg for lots of kisses and whine when you pull your lips away from his
3 step plan to make Youngbin lose his mind: 1) stroke your fingers through his hair - 2) moan his name against his lips in between kisses - 3) continue doing step 1 and 2 while you fuck him - bonus step) have fun watching how he becomes a little mess for you
would love to fall asleep in your arms after you've finished
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a brat, but not a very brave one
will rile you up - then act all innocent like he didn't do anything, in the hopes of getting away with being disobedient
most of his bratting would be all talk anyway because this man talks a lot in general
he would surrender very easily once you physically overpower him
you don't even have to tell him when it's time to start begging, because he will easily start doing it on his own
loves attention, whether it's by getting praised or degraded
also hates loves to get overstimulated
when he cums and you keep sucking until he screams for mercy >>>
speaking of screaming, Inseong is LOUD
he will whine, moan, beg, tease, scream and cry out your name until it drives your neighbors completely crazy
I don't care that he's tall, Inseong is the small spoon
make sure to stroke his head as he falls asleep
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the switchiest
so when he's being dominant, he will do a lot of dirty talk and leave plenty of marks, etc
but when he wants to get dommed, he makes sure he gets dommed hard
like Inseong, Jaeyoon will talk back at you a lot and then act all innocent
but while Inseong would act innocent so he can safely surrender, Jaeyoon just acts innocent to catch you off guard
just when you're about to go easy on him, he jumps up and pins you down beneath him, laughing at you for being a weak dom
he gets hard just from seeing the frustration on your face
and even harder when you spank him with your heart-shaped paddle to get revenge
likes to be degraded
a very short scenario: Jaeyoon is kneeled down in front of you, breathing heavily. You hold him tightly by his hair, forcing him to look up at you. "Why did you try to overpower me just now, you filthy bitch?" you ask him with a low voice. He blushes and bites his lip a little. "Because I like it when you get angry..."
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yet another brat
I really mean this with lots of love, but this man is so annoying
and probably even more so in bed, because he will do anything to get a reaction out of you
he will mock you when you threaten to punish him
and even during his punishment, he will make kissy faces at you to show that you're not punishing him hard enough
aside from slight scratches and hair-pulling, actual pain isn't really his thing, so there are only two good options for you to get your revenge in a fun way:
option #1: tie him up and make him watch as you start masturbating on the other side of the bed/room
option #2: tie him up and tickle him until he can no longer breathe
and to top it off: make him say "thank you" for being punished
wants you to be rough with him nonetheless - pushing him around, tugging his hair, rough kisses and light choking
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a good boy
it takes a little while for him to get fully comfortable with the situation, but once he's relaxed, he can completely lose himself in your touches, forgetting about the world around him
once you get him in that state of mind, new doors will open for you to play around with him
he will completely surrender himself to you on a very intimate level
slow, deep movements are the best way to drive him to his limit in no time
and if you play around with his neck in the meantime, he will just melt in your arms
pressing kisses on his adam's apple, licking his neck just below his jaw, and especially biting are some of the things that will make him feel overwhelmed with bliss
biting the side of his neck like a vampire, to the point that tooth marks are still slightly visible the next day >>>
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not the submissive type initially, so it takes a lot of convincing before he agrees to getting dommed
actually he mostly agreed because he was sceptical about how dominant you could really be in the first place
even while he's getting tied up, he makes some teasing remarks at you like: "are you sure you can do this?" and "ppfff, I could easily untie these ropes, but I'll let you have your fun"
man, what a mistake...
the next day you send him off to practice with hickeys all over his body
because of this event, you had discovered something that neither of you expected... Rowoon liked being tied up
the thought of him, a very tall and strong man, being dominated by somebody smaller than him turned both of you on
most of the time, he still takes the dominant role
but since that little experiment, every once in a while you would get this very specific look from him, telling you it was time to get the ropes out
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two words: sensation play
just wearing a blindfold alone will make him twice as horny and you can continue to build from there
stroking a feather along his chest to give him goosebumps
dripping hot candle wax on him to make him arch his back
dragging ice cubes along his thighs and lower belly to make his entire body shiver with pleasure
just watch him buck his hips in the air while you drag the ice cube along the base of his cock
these types of play do more for him than the idea of the power exchange itself
but there is one way of making him feel like a submissive little toy that gives him butterflies in his stomach
when you grab his chin and lift his head up, forcing him to make eye contact with you
he doen't get shy that easily, but when you do that....
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most of his submissiveness just comes from how whipped he is for you
if you order him to go down on you for two hours, he will do it without whining and without asking questions
in fact; he will gain lots of pleasure from it
but his favorite thing might just be to watch and admire you
you could stand still in front of him without doing anything and he would get on his knees and praise you for how gorgeous you look
he would even enjoy to watch you masturbate, delighting in the sight of you and the lewd noises you would make
loves it when you perform oral on him as well
when you push him firmly into the mattress and tightly hold his hips as you suck him off >>>
only cums with your permission and doesn't mind if you tease him first
will be the big spoon afterwards
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acts tough at first, but very easily reaches his breaking point
all you have to do is squeeze his nipple once and he becomes a squirming little sub for you
is overstimulated very easily
but hates to be teased at the same time
one thing you like to do to him a lot is bringing your hips very close to his, but just out of reach - and it drives him absolutely crazy
has a habit of clinging on to you
another short scenario: Chani had his arms wrapped tightly around your neck while he desperately kept grinding his dick back and forth against your pelvis. His tight grip and heavy breathing against your neck told you exaclty how needy he was for any friction at all. "Aww, what's wrong baby?" you chuckled at him, making him loosen up his grip a little to look at you. "Please, I'm so horny. I need you." He gulped when he saw the smirk that grew on your lips. "Alright then," you replied as you pushed him into the mattress, getting ready to fuck his brains out.
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