#not trying to say that queerbaiting isn't a thing tho
min-kit · 2 months
The whole “Buddie buildup for seasons!” thing is so funny to me as someone who’s been watching from the start. The very moment Eddie appeared in the first ep of season 2 and talked to Buck (which was pretty charged and slightly negative) people started shipping them and demanding for them to get together based on chemistry alone, with no build up or backstory. It obviously continued as the show went on and more moments happened but as someone who shipped them back then they actually made MORE sense when the ship and chemistry was fresh imo, in seasons 2 and 3, and no one debated it as then. Now that Tommy appeared now suddenly it’s all “3939 seasons of buildup!”. Especially weird when there were some seasons where there was negative buildup for Buddie. Again, I used to ship them so it’s not like I’m against the idea but saying Buddie makes more sense than BuckTommy only because of madeup is BS.
warning: this is long!!
I actually came into the show with buddie goggles on. I think my first episode live was 4x4? It was either Future Tense or the episode RIGHT after Future Tense, idr which but I had a mutual or someone I followed on twitter who was really into the show & would share ppl's edits. Now I knew they weren't canon & even then I didn't need them to be (i like a good "queerbait" as the kids call it, tho i have arguments for what actually constitutes queerbait. I simply call it "shippable"). But as someone who went in knowing about their ship, I looked at EVERYTHING with those goggles on. So yeah I shipped them hardcore for those seasons. Then s6 happened and I packed my bags on that ship to ever actually happen in canon and resolved to watch the show a bit more casually season 7 onwards (and I would've done too had I not heard the rumors about bi Buck!! haha)
But I did start rewatching the series through the reactions of someone who did not have those goggles on a few months ago and it really shed some light on certain things. All that is to say, I do agree with you. If it was something that was ever gonna be done, during s2 & 3 makes the most sense. I think ppl forget that fanon is not the same as canon & things that work in fanfiction do not work in the actual canon world of the show. Now that Buck is bisexual, I do fully believe & adopt the headcanon that he had feelings for Eddie early on & just didn't realize it, but they developed fully into friendship.
I don't think they're going to make Eddie canonically queer too. I just don't. I'm not sure why I ever thought they might give both coming out stories (maybe it's because I watch a lot of Asian BL). Unfortunately, that is just not how network television works in America. The fact they made Buck queer 7 seasons in is already HUGE. I'm not gonna hang my hopes on what's probably an impossibility when I have this beautiful canon queer storyline happening on my screen already & I genuinely like Tommy & think he's the perfect LI for Buck.
I think here is what people need to realize too. Once again fanon =/= canon. There are no so many years of build-up. Unless and until they make buddie canon, those years of build-up do not exist because, currently, they're not trying to build anything up. Tim has said they aren't currently planning it, Ryan again and again has said how much Buck & Eddie's friendship means to him to see on television because you don't see male friendships portrayed that way (and you don't! especially not friendships between 2 "macho" men both in their 30s, 1 of whom is canonically queer. This too is an important storyline to tell).
People watch this show with buddie goggles feeling like they're owed these 2 to get together but that just isn't the case. Tim will tell the story he wants to tell & ppl viewing are signing up to watch THAT show. If you don't like that show, stick to fanon because that's something you can control.
And, one day, if they do decide to go in that direction (and I'm firmly in the camp they're not going to & if they do it's gonna be in the final season, but I truly think ABC wants 911 to be another Grey's Anatomy; something that can go on for 20 seasons so who even knows if these actors will want to stick around that long) it's not going to be the story of Buck & Eddie realizing they've had feelings for each other all this time. They won't be able to convince the GA of that. It'll be them falling in love for the first time on screen. But first they need to convince the GA that Eddie is whatever brand of queer they decide on (it's not going to be gay, I will say that right now. As much as I understand why people headcanon him as such & even agreed for a long time, that is not the reality within the show's canon. The show is not trying to lie to people about Eddie enjoying sex with women, they would make it more obvious for the people who don't sit online analyzing if that were the case. Personally I've started reading Eddie as aromantic but I know most ppl here would never be cool with that since it puts a damper on buddie too).
If people want to continue living in a delusional world where these things will for sure happen, then that's on them and is their right. Have fun with it! Fandom belongs to the fans. You can do anything here. But to get upset and angry because other fans might not agree, or the people in charge of the show don't go the direction you want? Well that's just silly. We are viewers (& also writers can NOT use the things fans say. They could get in serious trouble for that). You can be active in a fandom space, but at the end of the day, being a viewer is a passive job. The writers write the show, then they film it and put it out to the world & a viewer views it & enjoys the art that these hundreds upon thousands of people created.
And, also, there's a lot more passive viewers than there are active members of fandom. And people forget that. If every single hardcore shipper stopped watching right now, the views would hardly dip. They won't lose anything just because they decide not to make fandom's favorite ship canon.
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satorugojoswiife · 8 months
in light of the previous anon's ask, are there any confirmed/canon ships in jjk? i just got into the series this year and i've seen a lot of people claiming satosugu is canon, as well as yutamaki.
Kenjaku x yujis dad.
There aren't really many, if any canon ships in jjk now that I think about it??? There seems to be something between hakari and kirara but nothing has ever been officially confirmed.
They are both very popular ships, but neither satosugu or yutamaki are canon. I understand why lots of people ship them though.
I'm not 100% sure but I think a big reason for lots of people saying stsg canon is due to the 'my one and only' line in jjk0, but that is actually exclusive to the viz translation.
The direct jp to eng translation is 僕の親友だ。たった一人のね -> "It was my best friend. The only one I have"
Viz's version, 'my one and only', still technically works but tbh I kind of feel like they worded it like that on purpose, almost borderline queerbaiting, but yeah.
Aside from that the ship does have lots of other things going for it tho! Definitely an important relationship in the series and whether people would like to interpret it romantically or plantonically is up to them. As far as 'canon' goes I'd say it'd be platonic (as of right now with the information we have).
While love is a very prominent theme in the series (the most twisted curse of them all, 'teaching' sukuna about love, ect.) I feel its mostly explored in otherways than romantic. Whether it be familial, platonic, or whatever. jjk is definitely not a romance focused series, so I'm not sure if we ever will see any canon ships explored. I guess mechamaru was heavily implied to have a thing for miwa, but.. . well, we know how that ended 💀
omg so sorry I went off on a tangent there !! I feel like people focus too much on what is and isn't canon. But idk who cares about canon, just ship what you like 💖 I hope everyone enjoys shipping their fave ships and has a good day 👍💖
Also ily satosugu and yutamaki shippers I don't mean for this post to come off as dismissive of your ships I was just trying to be as factual as possible. Ignore me tho and continue loving your ships!!
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dearweirdme · 3 months
anon I get the frustration and disappointment, but tae never asked us to defend him from this rumour, neither him or jn have spoken out about this, we don't really know what went on behind the scenes, are they friends, was it a contract, what's the deal with gurumi, why was it even done in the first place?
the reason why everyone got so heated is cus the fandoms really hate each other and didn't want to have that connection, but tae and jn are not their fandoms and the entertainment industry is really all about business, I think people trying to make sense of this whole thing are just running in circles, we'll never know the whole truth of it unless they confirm they actually dated and it was the most pap looking non-pap walk ever lol
doing the walk doesn't negate him being apprecative of queer art which imo is more important than the matter of his sexuality, he has highlighted queer artists and continues to shine a light on lesser known artists and their work and their celebration of queer love, I hope he does more in the future and is even louder about it, no matter his actual sexuality
also I don't think any of the bts members or anyone for that matter owe anyone their sexuality, I can speculate about it all day, at the end of it, until they speak out, I don't assume they could be anything definitively, a lot of people think he's gay, the possibility of him being bi imo is just as high, so is the possibility of being straight but just an ally, also queerbaiter allegations on real people are ridiculous, just gonna put that out there, the only instance I'm mad at is homophobic idols playing up the fanservice for clout
anyway this isn't very cohesive, more just some of my thoughts jumbled up together, I will say tho anon, queer idols that are out are very brave and I hope it gets better for them and the whole lgbt community in korea, also holland's frustrations were always understandable to me and I don't believe he intended for the matter to get out of hand, he has every right to be frustrated with kpop shippers all in his live asking him about everyone in the industry, it's ridiculous to expect he would ever out someone that way and to expect that he knows every queer person in korea
Hi anon!
Great points!
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I love your blog! Your manga analysis is just brilliant.
I'd love your opinion on something I've been thinking about for a while. Do you think Yuu and Mika love each other in a romantic sense? Or at least one of them does? I know it's a shōnen, but I just get some total vibes from these two.
I'm not going to lie - I'm totally shipping them either way 😂
Hey, thank you! Honestly, mind boggling that you'd say that when I kinda just do random shit on my blog but I appreciate that!!
Anyways, about Mikayuu. They're definitely intended to give us vibes. I'm certain the creator wants us to see them as more than friends or family. And I do. See them as romantic, I mean. Even the other characters have acknowledged that they are completely obsessed with each other. They are always talking about saving each other, Yuu is affectionate and describes Mika as his reason to live, even to the point of wanting to kill himself if Mika is dead; Mika blushes around him constantly, wanted to run away with him etc. It's barely even subtext, it's just text.
But are they gonna get together? No. I don't think so. It's just queerbaiting, tho I do think that Mika might actually be canonically in love with Yuu, at least he's queercoded. Not only did he say I love you, even if that can be interpreted in different ways, he also has proven several times that Yuu means the absolute world to him and matters more than his own life, sacrificing himself to save Yuu and all that.
After all of this, I even believe that it'd be quite rude, if not blatantly disrespectful, if they don't get together in the end. I mean, they're so obvious it hurts.
Now, some people still disagree that they're romantic and I think that might be because of Shinoa and it being a generic shonen manga. Shinoa is the leading girl and that's her only role. Being in love with Yuu. Even Mika acknowledges that and even wants Yuu to be with her because, as I see it, he doesn't see himself worthy or capable of making Yuu happy. So he tells Yuu to be with someone else in hopes that Yuu can have a more normal, happier life without him in it.
But Yuu doesn't seem to care about Shinoa romantically at all. Are they still gonna get together in the end? Yeah. Most definitely. At least, I'm like 99% sure. Because it's a generic shonen. So the boy gets the girl, saves the world and everything's great. The end. That's what the story has been leading up to it seems.
Another thing. Mika is thousands of years old and Yuu was created Frankenstein style in order to resurrect him. He was literally made for him. And while that sounds romantic or like they're soulmates, their feelings could therefore be called artificial too. Or they have a reason to be so fixated on each other. Kagami makes it out to be as if their feelings for each other aren't real and that's why they can't be together.
Another thing to consider: the manga is trying to stay close to biblical canon, saying angels don't have a gender. What they also don't have is sexuality, so maybe Mika isn't even capable of attraction. If the plot is trying to be religious and Kagami wills it then God in this verse might be homophobic. That would be horrible...
Whatever. So the way I see it. Mika is in love with Yuu but doesn't want to be a couple. Yuu is oblivious and stupid, because for some reason that's what his character has been made into (he had potential to be smarter but since chapter like, 30 he's been dumb af) and doesn't understand romantic emotions yet, his own or others'. All he cares about is saving people.
So in the end, assuming everyone survives, Mika is gonna be a human because that's what Yuu promised him. And Yuu is gonna be a human too, who can finally concentrate on other things now besides saving everyone and keeping Mika, so he could eventually figure out his feelings for Shinoa and they'll be together. Mika isn't gonna mind it because he wants Yuu to be happy, so he's just kinda there.
I'd want Mikayuu to be together so badly but my expectations are low cause I'm sure they won't be a thing. And again, I do think that'd be disrespectful and I'd be angry because I've never before seen such blatant queerbaiting.
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jawsofbalmung · 2 years
1, 2, 13, 14, 17
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Honestly? Blackmadhi. They barely interact, it just feels like ppl trying to force a ship that's not there. I have. Other reasons for hating it too but at its base it just doesn't make much sense to me.
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
I think the person I rbed the meme from said the same thing, but benbaro. And gumworth. Also idk if it counts but I see vanlock as strictly fwb. Some dynamics are better platonic I think. -Most predictable thing for an aromantic to say.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
I think this question is supposed to come w a character on it but since aai2 is fresh on the brain I'm gonna say that Sebastian Debeste is a perfect precious darling boy and everyone better be nice to him immediately or I'm gonna start breaking things. Also idk how unpopular this is I just wanna say that I hc him changing his last name to Courtney post-canon. He deserves it.
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
I am a wrightworth shipper, I am, you all know I am, but speaking also as an aro, y'all need to calm down so much. Miles is extremely aro-coded. Miles specifically also has a lot of trauma and trust issues baked into his character arc. Is there a lot of lines that can be read as romantic? Absolutely. Do I personally think they're in love? For sure. But I think y'all need to also consider/respect other readings. No, "unnecessary feelings" isn't ~exclusively~ romantic, like that's literally not the context of the line. Fandoms in general, especially ones with a major, near-universal ship like this, tend to flatten interesting dialogue and character arcs down to plain romance and I feel like it's a massive disservice to the story that the creators are trying to tell. Also it always turns into overzealous amatonormative fans accusing creators of queerbaiting because they do not know the meaning of that word. I'm a hypocrite tho, I also talk about how canonically married they are, but like. Idk I feel like that's just another huge dose of reading comprehension that all fandom people need in general.
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
Honestly nothing so concrete comes to mind but there are a few cases that I would have liked to rewrite. The very end of turnabout revolution, for example, or all of dual destinies, or maybe exploring some interesting avenues like what if Justine really was the culprit at the end of aai2 (tho I do adore who the culprit ends up being, I just want Shi-Long to be right for once), but while it's straying away from the original prompt a bit, I think the biggest thing I would change about aa is to give Klavier more depth of character, explore his feelings relating to his brother and how he handles the fallout, and for the love of god have him come back more. There is so much potential for tragedy in a character like him, but I feel like they rush any angst he may have and it's a major disappointment. I lie awake at night thinking about what he could have been.
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hii finished sk8 and also watched the cindereki project!! i really love how reki's character arc played out it was very satisfying to watch and he's just a really well written protagonist imo! very much NOT a huge fan of whatever happened with adam bc it's just so.. ugh. like how is it fair that a seventeen yr old who was creeped on by this adult has to go on and teach the adult how to regain love for his hobby?? like dude. just. also. that ending scene between adam and tadashi was uhmm. well. it was something and i can't say i liked it very much. to be fair i should have seen it coming but still sjkdhkajshfs (it was kind of suggestive wasn't it? like i'm not overthinking??)
the cindereki project tho!! i loved it sm it was so cool and JOE BEING THE MUSCLE FAIRY DFJDJHLKLJFSKDHFSD it's just so well made!! one of my fav moments was when cherry just started writing all over miya's and shadow's faces dfhjhkjds also now i definitely see what you mean about renga not just being queerbait or whatever. having a dream of getting happily married to your Totally Platonic bestie??? i Know what You Are.
another thing is that i usually prefer watching subs instead of dubs but i've heard good things about the sk8 dub so i checked out a compilation and oh my god. the gems that are 'hey girl, are you hungry?' and 'don't worry bae, i'll protect you!' shdjhsdjhajkhd adam saying 'what's up bitches bros and nonbinary hoes' was surprising. if there's one thing i did not expect it was for the creep and asshole to be an ally to trans people. i mean good to know ig?? overall just voice wise i do prefer the original but joe's english voice is pretty good!
y eah. like i'm glad langa didn't let ad*m die because ya know langa is seventeen and doesn't need to be faced with death again, but like. there is No way that he has forgiven ad*m or isn't scared of him. i mean, reki is Literally scared of ad*m. no 100% you're right about the scene with ad*m & tadashi :/
YES THE CINDEREKI PROJECT MY BELOVED !!! omg i love when cherry wrote on their faces jhgfgyuijuygf i love cindereki so much it is SO GAY
ah, i get what you mean. i personally think the eng dub is gayer and also because of the neruodivergence, i can't really start watching a sub because i have trouble paying attention and then i usually try to watch it in the original with sub After i already experience it, you know? that's v valid! i love ad*m's eng va like he made ad*m so nasty and just did a Great job! also fun fact about the "hey girl, are you hungry" line: before grace and i started dating, we jokingly said this to each other some times ✌🏻
i am SO glad you enjoyed it!
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lauranthalasah · 10 months
So, I read this excellent post about representation and left me thinking.
Since the end of BBC Sherlock* I've had a big problem in the way fandom demands representation sometimes, the way that if it is not exactly what they want then it is worthless. Let me explain myself.
For a long long time a lot of people have seen Holmes and Watson as a couple, and in new recreations of Doyles' work people get more and more hype for a possible in screen representation of this "headcanon", because new times gives hope to them that sooner or later Holmes and Watson ARE going to be gay (sooner or later they are gonna get it, tho).
Now, my issue is that Holmes and Watson have always... ALWAYS been a representation of something that is very dear to me, you see, Sherlock seems to me like asexual and aromantic, while Watson is very clearly heterosexual, but THEY ARE A COUPLE. They are life partners, they are! They just are not interested in each other in a sexual/romantic way, but they very much construct their lives around each other, at least for a while.
BBC Sherlock gives us that end, they end up raising a child together even! For me, the show that gets it right and makes it obvious is Elementary, they purposely made Watson female (and I think heterosexual? maybe bi?), and Holmes is quite sexually active (he might be pan), and then they proceed to give us a story in which they never fell sexually and romantically in love with each other. But do you know what they are at the end of everything?! Life partners!
For a long time people have been trying to put Holmes and Watson's relationship into one tag, when they are a perfect representation of another one that it needs its due representation as well. Like, the day someone finally makes them gay I'm gonna be okay with it, because it is gonna happen and it is gonna be a blast, but I need people to understand that there are other things that are valuable too.
The same happens with Good Omens, there are interesting representations going on there from season 1 (and the book if you want too). But because the author explained that the two protagonists we love were not MEN therefore they were not GAY** a round of "queerbaiting" accusations raised against it. Like they are undoubtedly queer, but because they were not explicitly gay then it was queerbaiting. And I don't like that. 
How many opportunities we'll have of seeing two people fell in love, one of them usually male presenting, one of them however they want to present themselves, both of them in which gender is literally a choice, both of them loving each other, I'll say romantically at least, not necessary sexually, but it could be (more after season 2 I guess). How many times are we gonna see this kind of complexity in a love story? And it is queer! Is so damn queer that we don't have the words for it! They are not humans! But it is a representation of love beyond heterosexual conventions without a doubt.
Also, tell me that Aziraphale and Crowley's romance is the only representation in that show! Or that even Aziraphale and Crowley are the ONLY characters who represent queerness on it?! Tell me that Crowley's gender fluidity isn't fucking amazing! I haven't watched every show in the world, but Good Omens is the most gender transgressive fictional show I have ever seen!
To be fair, I do think we need more queer representation, my point here is that we shouldn't stomp on one kind of representation simply because it is not the one we wanted from it. I don't think any piece of fiction is ever going to meet everyone's expectations of it, it is impossible, but we need to start thinking critically about it. Even when it represents part of what and how we are, it might not be perfect. It might not reflect my reality (there's no fictional work that has ever done that for me), but it doesn't mean it is not representing someone's reality. There's not a singular individual who is going to experience the full spectrum of anything except for their own personal experience of it.
What we need to learn to do is to look around us, to other people that are in similar boats as us who might be telling us "oh wait… I'm sorry that is not you, but that's me!", and we are not listening, and by condemning those fictional works we are kinda telling those people that they are not worthy of representation, or that their representation is less valuable than ours… and I don't like it! Just... just look around once in a while.
*Once upon a time I defended BBC Sherlock over the queerbait allegations against them because the creators were always clear they didn't intend to make Holmes and Watson gay in their show. Later on I realized that not everyone who watches a show watches interviews, cons, etc., but everyone who watched the show would get all those little jabs that, mostly Watson, would get about him and Sherlock being a couple; and I understood why people were so angry and disappointed. They were right to be. So this is not a defence of BBC Sherlock and the shit show they created. I just use the show as an example about Holmes and Watson in general because it's well known on Tumblr.
**I hate that the two examples I used were of gay couples that fandom wanted, I use those because are the cases I know the best, and I truly believe a canon gay Holmes/Watson is just a matter of time.
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write-nerdy-to-me · 3 years
Everytime I see you post something defending ‘imperfect’ representation I wanna start cheerleading. Hell yeah! Keep going! Everyone who doesn’t get it is now assigned homework: Knowingly consume one censored undeniably queer work in good faith and recognize it still has value even if not fully explicit. Bonus points if the fandom doesn’t fight about whether it’s canon. I promise it’s more palatable when you’re not constantly looking for ammo to win fights against antis and homophobes.
nonnie, omg, i so deeply appreciate this, you have no idea. 
i think part of the problem is that a lot of these people are growing up in a time -- because of the hard work of queer elders and queercoding like the hays code --where Being Queer can be their whole identity and not be shunned for it. for the most part. they don’t know the still-living history of queer people fighting to even have a right to exist in the same place. that’s not to say that’s these people’s faults, necessarily, that they don’t know. however, it does fall on them when they try to devalue legitimate queercoding and the like, as it wasn’t “enough” for them. especially when they’ve got, idk, other people who have studied queer theory and lit crit telling them, “hey, maybe, uh, don’t.” idk, maybe i’m just weird for listening to people who, like, have degrees in this specific thing.
i never want to try to come across as though i don’t want more queer stories or better representation -- of course i want that -- but i don’t think it’s fair to look at media from, hell, a decade ago and go, this isn’t queer The Right Way and therefore is not worth our time. like that-- that’s not how things work. how the hell do you think we got to where we are in the first place?
and saying that in order for a story to be deemed Queer Enough, lest The Straights(tm), antis, and homophobes won’t “get it,” is already fundamentally flawed. our stories don’t need the approval of people who willfully continue to misunderstand us. our stories are not for them and they’re not supposed to be.
the idea of “good representation” is... well, i see the point it’s trying to make, but it falls short. as i said in my other post, everyone’s idea of “good” “representation” is different. and that’s always going to be an issue, as long as we continue to disregard queercoding as inefficient and “queerbait.” 
queercoded stories are just as important as the ones labeled unequivocally queer from the start.
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popsicle-parfait · 2 years
❗This is a MAJOR rant, you're not obligated to interact and it if YOUR FAULT if you do so!❗
Warning: mentions of r❌pe
Please for the love of all things holy if I see ONE MORE "I'm the only girl in an all boy ____!" I'M GONNA SCREAM. THEY NEVER MAKE ANY SENSE!? Oh the school just became unisex and you're the only one to attend!? You're trying out the new unisex program for the future!? YOU'RE SO GOOD AT (INSERT SPORT) THEY LET YOU ON THE MALE TEAM!? YOU ACCIDENTALLY ENROLLED IN A BOYS SCHOOL BECAUSE YOUR NAME IS UNISEX AS IF THEY COULDN'T JUST LOOK AT YOUR STUDENT INFORMATION FOR YOUR GENDER/SEX!? "Oh no! I have to cross dress as a dude! I hope no one finds me!" THEN PROCEEDS TO QUEERBAIT IN THE FIC. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD THEY WANT TO GIVE F!READER A FUCKING HAREM SO DAMN BAD PLEEEAASEEE. AS IF YOU COULDN'T JUST APPLY BY NORMAL RULES AND GAVE SOME BACKSTORY AS TO WHY THE READER HANGS OUT WITH THEIR HAREM INSTEAD OF "IM THE ONLY GIRL IN A ROOM OF BOYS!" another thing tho! THE BEST FRIEND TROPE! Not the bitch peer pressuring the reader into dating someone they probably don't even like/know! "If you don't confess to him I WILL" BITCH PLEASE I DARE YOU I'LL DROP YOUR ASS, CONTACT DELETED HOE. "omg! Why are you looking at that guy? DO YOU LIKE HIM?" HONEY, I STARE AT SPIDERS CUZ THEY OFFEND ME, DO I LIKE THEM TOO!? " Dude you two would look great together, DATE👹" MA'AM YOU CANNOT HOOK PEOPLE UP JUST BECAUSE OF YOUR WEIRD SHIPPING FETISH, YOU ARE ONE STEP AWAY FROM BEING A 2016 FUJOSHI "yaoi is love, yaoi is life😩" HEADASS. Next thing you know they're like "omg! Let me help y'all get together!" WEE🚨WOO🚔 HELLO!? RED FLAGS PEOPLE 🚩No, VANESSA I DON'T WANT YOU AND TOUR FRIEND TODD TO SPY ON US WHILE WE DO A HUNTING PERIOD. SOMEONE NEEDS TO REALISE THIS STUFF ISN'T OKAY! "but it's a cute friendship thing!-"NO IT'S REALLY NOT. WHERE DID THESE STEREOTYPES COME FROM!? WHO'S FRIENDS ARE LIKE THIS, GET NEW ONES. AND BEFORE I FORGET THIS ONE! "omg you should come to this party even though it's not in your comfort zone!" "idk man I don't really-" " who cares! You're going anyways!" *2 mins later reader gets almost r❌ped* "Omg I can't believe that happened!?" HOW DO YOU- H U H!? PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME HOW THIS IS A COMMON STEREOTYPE!
Men ≠ Top
Women ≠ Bottom
This can be interpreted in two different ways;
There DOES NOT have to be a "man" and a "woman" in a relationship, you can be two subs and still be perfectly fine. No one HAS to take on a more masculine character/role, if the relationship works like that then fine but all I'm saying is that there doesn't have to be set roles in a relationship whether it be irl or in a fanfic.
TALL MEN CAN BOTTOM AND I STAND BY THIS. WOMEN CAN TOP AND STILL GET FUCKED THAT IS WHY DOM AND SUB EXIST BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE IS THE SAME. I hate the weird rule where "the tall person is the top" or "you can't be cute if you top" PLEASE💀The bottom in a fanfic doesn't always have to be a femboy who never learned what sex was, get that outta you head please. Being a bottom doesn't mean you're an innocent flower who cries over spilt milk. What's that one manhwa term, white lotus? White lily? THAT. LOOK THAT UP AND YOU'LL KNOW WHAT I MEAN. REMINDER, There is nothing wrong with being a femboy or whatever I'm just saying that there shouldn't be specific standards for what a relationship is. YOU COULD LOOK LIKE HUNNI FROM OHSHC AND STILL HAVE A BIG DICK AND TOP THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR S/O.
In conclusion, stereotypes suck. Real. Bad.
Tumblr media
Also if I get a comment telling me to take down this post without giving me a real reason I won't even bother with you.
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apathetic-revenant · 5 years
(1/8) hey, this isn't a hate message, i promise. i'm one of the people who is mad about GO and i want to assure you that it's not because i don't want ace representation. if you write a book about ace characters, that's awesome. i hope you do. i hope more people do.
(2/8) i'm frustrated with neil because i feel like he's just throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks at this point re: any possible label that isn't Gay, and i feel like he's dehumanizing aroace (and agender) ppl in the process with his reasoning of "they're not humans! they don't have sex, or genders!"
(3/8) obviously that's a matter of opinion. im personally uncomfortable with ppl using "they're [identity] Because they're not human" logic about identities that aren't their own. but i'm not going to tell you how You should feel about that, just telling you where at least one other person is coming from re: not being happy about that tweet.  
(4/8) if he really wanted to write them as aroace, frankly i think he should have come forward from the start and said "ive realized This is the label that fits these characters and this is how the show is going to go!" and also not had moments like characters mockingly suggesting that they're dating.     
(5/8) it also doesn't help that the book itself is full of "mildly" homophobic digs at crowley and aziraphale's expense. i think you're right that the 30 years of fan interpretation has played a big part in this, but i also think it was irresponsible of neil not to address that head-on.                                            
(6/8) tldr i for one would never be upset by ace characters in a story that is clearly marketed as an Ace Story, or at least one that isn't marketed as a Gay Story (unless of course it's both). not that Good Omens was necessarily marketed as gay (tho thats a gray area i think) but i'm trying to more specifically address what you're worried about re: your own work.                
(7/8) I promise this isn't new, and I promise people successfully navigate it, and you can too. Representation is always going to be tricky, because there's a lot of us jostling for what feels like limited space. I'm a creator myself and I worry about things like this all the time.            
(8/8) At the end of the day all any of us can do is tell our stories, and try to be responsible about the way we present them, and the way we respond to fans who interpret them a little differently than we intended. There is space out there for all of us, it's just hard to really Feel that when we're the ones who have to carve it out          
well dude, you can feel however you feel about it. I don’t much feel up to the task of trying to convince anyone otherwise this morning. I’ve already expressed my feelings about why I agree with the stance he took on this and there’s no sense repeating myself.
although, I will say, Neil didn’t say “they’re aroace because they’re not human.” he didn’t say they were aroace at all. he said he didn’t want to explicitly define their relationship in human terms because they’re not human, but that he wanted to allow them to be read as having that kind of relationship by people who felt that way about them. also, I remember a couple things in the book that didn’t age well, sure--that Neil apologized for and said he wasn’t including in the show because of that--but “full of mildly homophobic slurs” seems a bit of a reach.
but I gotta tell you, it doesn’t make me feel a lot better to know that it’s okay to write ace characters as long as they’re in clearly labelled Ace Stories. because ace stories are great, but mostly what I want to write, and to read and to watch, are stories that happen to have ace characters in them. and I want to write, and read and watch, stories where characters can have strong and important relationships that aren’t romantic, and aren’t treated as being less important because of that.
how clearly do I have to label my stories as Ace Stories to make them okay? what if I write a story set in a setting where that label doesn’t exist as we know it? do I put a disclaimer at the front? a sticker on the cover? if you don’t find out the character is ace until late in the story because it wasn’t marketed to you as an ace story, is that a betrayal?
what if I write characters who are not ace but who have strong platonic relationships with each other? when does that become a problem? how do I portray that without ever, possibly, hinting to anyone that they’re in love? do I make them stay six feet away at all times and never say anything nice to each other? do I have to stop in the middle of the plot and have them have a conversation where they affirm that they are not attracted to each other? because if there’s one thing I’ve learned from being on tumblr, it’s that what I think comes off as romantic and what other people think is romantic very often have little overlap.
I’m concerned about writing characters who are ace, but someone doesn’t like that and thinks they shouldn’t have been ace because they don’t think the character acts like an ace person should, or has chemistry with another character, or is too much fun to write sexy fanfic about, or they just don’t believe ace people exist at all. I’m concerned about writing characters who were meant to be ace, but someone decides I didn’t define that in clear enough terms for them, or that I led them on by not making it clear enough from the outset even if there was no reason for it to come up in the story until it did. I’m concerned about writing characters who are not ace, but who I did not intend to be in a relationship, and then being told that uh, actually they clearly are in a relationship and I didn’t make it canon because at best I was too clueless to see it and at worst because I’m a queerbaiting coward.
I’m not going to let that stop me, but that doesn’t mean I have to be happy about it.
but thank you for being polite about it.
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magic-can · 2 years
It's less of a complete debunking and more of a compilation of dreams actions w.r.t his biggest controversies: Here.
Some parts could be expanded as some smaller offences thrown around are missing, or not explained how I personally think they could be and there are a couple sections I noticed some bias wording/beliefs and a negliable error that I might bring up to OP if I can find them - but it's overall neutral and just lays out the situation for people to take as they see fit.
& Yeah, it's completely valid to not accept apologies - I just think even if you don't accept them you should mention it if your going to bring up something he did that's wrong and you know it's been addressed.
I only mentioned pewdiepie before because him and dream have been in an among us lobby once and dream click baited him in the beginning of his career. I don't doubt dream was a fan even despite his more problematic humour esp. before his own platform and he got a bit more social awareness - though he had twitter beef with another creator before because dream was advocating for not including edgy jokes in minecraft videos because the audience leans young lol so its a bit ironic in how he's perceived today. I would agree that associations do reflect somewhat on someone's morals depending on the actions of both people, I just meant that cancelling by association when the association itself is weak (i.e. a one time interaction) isn't good.
So some of these things I didn’t know about and tbh they’re pretty ridiculous, such as people accusing Dream taking from/supporting Cry (which, I can see the comparisons because even I noticed some similarities between their online personas, but as said in the doc Dream didn’t know about cry but even if he dis he established said persona before everything about Cry was revealed. Accusing him of something based on info that nobody knew at the time is ridiculous) and about the extent to which people have tried to get him to talk about his sexuality (which I hated seeing even when I didn’t know the full extent of it. Demanding someone tell you their sexuality and saying that them being affectionate with their friends is queerbaiting is fucked up, no exceptions) or the “kitten” thing (just. get your minds out of the gutter guys he’s just comparing his fans to something very lovable).
I’m not gonna give my personal perspective on the racism accusations as it’s not my place to talk about it (I’m white) however there are some other things I wanna bring up:
First off, the whole ADHD medication thing. This whole situation and the r slur situation is what really made me wary of Dream in the first place. I’m not gonna try to say that Dream opening up about his experience with medication and ADHD are bad things. However, even as someone who also has ADHD, I really wouldn’t have guessed that from the video. He did a really messy job of conveying what he meant to convey and regardless of intent a lot of people took an anti-medication stance from it. I’m glad that Dream realized what was best for himself (though he should NOT have stopped cold turkey because that’s just a generally risky thing to do), though. Also, the r-word situation: I’m glad he changed his mind. I knew about it since before that update and I wish I knew about that update when it came out.
Secondly, as you mentioned: the doc author absolutely has a bit of a bias. Not discrediting the doc with that, it’s just that “someone initially being okay with RPF of them and their bud is okay because RPF is common just get used to it lol” is a TERRIBLE way to look at it wtf and also them saying that Dream didn’t mean to downplay doxxing when like. okay yeah that can very well be the case but he still downplayed it by implying that it doesn’t have that big of an affect on some people. But other than that this is a well made doc. You should mention the biases you noticed to OP tho.
And on that last point: oh yeah when it’s a weak association deplatforming is not justified lol. But yeah, I’ll admit again that I jumped to conclusions (though my mind on Dream’s fanbase, at least on a grand scale, is unchanged) and I went off of what I’ve personally seen. But I think everyone does that to an extent, just some more than others. Denying that is denying something people just naturally do. If your biases make you act out, acknowledge it and learn from it. Apparently a lot of people online don’t get that, lol.
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lucymont · 7 years
I saw some posts calling out bungou stray dogs for queerbaiting and i'm so confused by it. The art can pander a bit, but the actual anime and manga don't. The only actual romantic interactions are lucy and maybe kyouka with atsushi and higuchi with akutagawa. Dazai dropping atsushi in the first episode seemed to purposely try and subvert that. And there really isn't anything romantic in canon between chuuya and dazai. They straight up dislike each other.
I guess they say it so they can justify their mlm ship? I am not sure. If you look at the cast most are bishies and kind of have that look of yaoi - but this doesn't make it queerbaiting. It's due to Harukawa's drawing style and even then, if you look closer at it, there are characters that are more versatile and less of bishies like Lovecraft, Katai, Kaiji, Goncharov, the Orphanage Headmaster etc.Story wise there are no indication of anything. The only romantic aspects you could see is Hawthorne and Mitchell and Lucy's crush on Atsushi maybe as well as Higuchi and her crush on Akutagawa, which by no means have a lot of meaning in the overall plot.Again, fans like to analyze every inch of things and maybe they say it's queerbaiting to justify their ships interaction, indicating that there were canon romantic moments, which is bs. Or it could be antis of the show saying it's queerbaiting just because there are pretty boys which is also bs, because the canon manga never put any romantic aspects into it and doesn't try to pander fujoshis (tho I would say there are a lot of them in the fandom - but i don't think this was Asagiri's intention)The only queerbaiting I see is Bones pandering in official arts, and it's mostly soukoku
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katie-pidge-holt · 7 years
hey you super duper failed at not being condescending. a lot of ppl choosing to believe that a studio that HAS delivered on gay ships before will do it again, doesn't mean you gotta treat those people like tiny babies who somehow haven't heard of the VERY well known phenomenon of queerbaiting. crushing other queer people's reasonable hope isn't a good look.
Are u talking about studio mir & lok? They might try but korrasami was barely canon because nickelodeon didn’t want that jazz and dreamworks isn’t exactly better than most major animation studios
I explicitly said I’m being critical of those who know of queerbaiting and aren’t saying a damn thing??? I’ve barely seen a mention of what is likely queerbaiting a young and widely lgbt crowd, and it’s frustrating to watch all these young lgbt people get their hopes up while older fans say nothing
Also don’t call other people the q slur without permission. If ur just talking about yourself fine but like, I’m not crushing anybody’s “reasonable” hopes, I’m trying to be reasonable myself
U can come back when klance happens tho and I’ll give u twenty dollars
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nikiforoov · 7 years
i think the main problem with this "victuuri queerbaiting hysteria", is that we are just afraid. we're afraid this actual healthy same sex relationship is to make money from fujoshi (again). and many of the (lgbt) fans are clinging to show praying isn't just YET ANOTHER lie.
(first of all i’m going to apologize for sort of going off on a tangent after like two sentences. i swear i had a point but it kind got out of hand and of turned into this long stream of thoughts.....)
yeah i know what you mean (been there too many times to count), and i understand (and partly share) the fear. i wish they’d explicitly state victuuri being canon (which i 100% believe it is) because of the reasons you mentioned. i think that if we look at victor and yuuri’s relationship from the perspective of the yoi universe where there’s absolutely no discrimination towards being lgbtqia+, then in theory, what we’ve seen should be enough to confirm that they indeed are in a romantic relationship with each other.
h o w e v e r, since we as a real world society really aren’t there quite yet, and with all the queerbaiting running rampant in the media, it would be so so so important for them to officially state that victuuri is indeed as canon as we are interpreting it to be. it doesn’t help that kubo tends to speak in a very unclear and “messy” way, and sometimes contradicts herself in different interviews. she did ask us not to pay attention to the things she says tho.
what we should remember is that yoi is sayo yamamoto’s brainchild as well, in fact it’s even more her’s than kubo’s. this is important because yamamoto’s creations have featured canon lgbtqia+ characters before and they have never been presented as queerbait. she is the main reason why i don’t think we are being baited here. i know it’s difficult to open ourselves up for another potential disappointment but please, try to have faith in her! she’s the one with the main authority over the series and i firmly believe we are in good hands.
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