#once again never shutting up about the silly au Jerry and I made
jhebambi · 9 months
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The other side of the petal
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andyet-here-we-are · 3 years
I Would Get Into Millions of Accidents Just to See You, Chapter 3 (aka Nurse Geralt AU)
(Check the pinned post for the first two chapters please~)
The next day flows by in a blur for Geralt. He wakes up, takes a shower, prepares a quick but nutritious breakfast for Ciri, and makes oatmeal for himself.
On his way to the hospital, he thinks about Jaskier and wonders if he should call him now. He almost does that, but then he decides against it because he knows that Jaskier is busy having his fourth dream right now probably. It's too early to call him as much as he wants to do so. 
His mind wanders on how cute Jaskier sounds when he is sleepy—when he has just woken up.
Cute, but also usually a bit grumpy even though he denies it with every inch of his being.
"That shouldn't be legal," is what Geralt thinks when he steps into the hospital room, unable to take his eyes off Jaskier's sleeping figure. "I can't believe I'm supposed to do that. God, have some mercy on me. I love my job, I really do, but it sucks big time sometimes. Why should I suffer this way?"
A moment later, he is well aware of how dramatic he is being, and how hard he frowns, making a source face. It's not like him to act like this at all.
"That dramatic son of a flower must be rubbing off on me," annoyed at himself, he mumbles before he coughs as if that alone is enough to wake the musician up. 
"Good morning," he tries when Jaskier doesn't wake up and slightly turns to the other side of his bed instead.
"Mr. Pankratz, it's your medicine time."
Jaskier slightly opens his eyes just to look at him this time, and the first thing he mumbles is: "What happened to your ears?" before closing his eyes again. 
"What are you talking about?" The nurse questions, checking his ears with his free hand that isn't holding the medicine tray, wondering what he meant by that.
"Are you still asleep?"
"Yes... No. Maybe?" Jaskier mumbles again, half asleep as he rubs his eyes, trying to make sleepiness go away.
"You will have to pick one of them."
The musician opens his eyes after a while and smiles at Geralt.
"Morning. God, what a sight to wake up to."
Geralt must be used at this by now. Because whenever Geralt has to wake him up, no matter how much Jaskier complains at first most of the time, he always utters the same words eventually.
"What a sight to wake up to."
Yet, every time he does that, Geralt's heart flutters in his chest.
"You didn't sound too happy with my ears, though. What was that about?"
"Ah, about that. I had a dream that— promise you won't laugh?"
"Can't do."
"Anyway," Jaskier yawns and explains: "I had a dream that you were an... elf."
"I was a— what?" Geralt laughs.
"Hey! You said you wouldn't laugh!" The musician stares at him like he is ready to kill him. 
"I never said that," Geralt forces himself to stop laughing. "Well, that explains everything."
"Shh, stop interrupting me. It's mean."
"Sorry, I'm all ears. Not elf ears, though, sorry to disappoint you."
"Don't sweat it. Bad guys were trying to steal Mrs. Ansley's—who was a fairy, speaking of which—cookie recipe, which was also the key of a parallel universe, somehow. You were trying to protect the recipe, then puff. Some gingerbread men came out of nowhere to help you, but you tried to... eat them? Well, not just tried actually. You managed to eat their leader. Therefore they decided to join the dark side. Can't blame you, though. They looked pretty yummy. I was about to hop on my unicorn for help when you woke me up. A unicorn wearing a pasta costume. Pink pasta costume. Yeah, yeah, I know, that makes no sense, is there even a pink pasta costume?" He asks sleepily, raising an eyebrow. "Also, I had a magical lute, I think."
"You think that your whole dream makes sense, but just the pink pasta costume doesn't?"
"I've never seen a pink pasta costume, so..."
"Oh, sorry, right. I forgot you have seen everything else but that. The elf version of me, alive gingerbreads and all. My bad."
He chuckles at that lightly.
"Still more possible than a pink pasta costume."
"The most ridiculous dream you had this week might be this one so far."
Jaskier seemed to have taken it upon himself to tell Geralt about his dreams. This was the eighth dream he talked about this week, and it wasn't even Friday yet.
"It was like," he opens his arms wide as if he is presenting the name of his new song to the whole world, " 'Geralt and Jaskier in Wonderland' I blame the medicines. And you," he points at the nurse. "I also blame you. For looking like... " he then gestures at everything, "this."
"You blame me?" The other man snorts, amused. "If anything, you should blame yourself for having the wrong dream. Have you ever looked at yourself? You would make a good elf, not me. You are as bea— I mean, anyway, medicine time."
"I am what now? Wait, wait, wait, were you about to call me beautiful?"
"I was about to call you bearable, but then I thought that would be mean."
"I think you were about to call me beautiful, but then you thought 'That wouldn't be professional, you are his nurse,' or something along these lines. Also, that's not even how you start when you're about to say 'bearable' they are not even pronounced the— "
"That's not what happened."
"Nahh, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what happened, but eh, whatever helps you sleep at night, love."
"You're probably thinking you're still in 'Geralt and Jaskier in Wonderland', go back to sleep, you're delusional."
"I am so not! And that would be your problem even if I was. Wanna check my fever?" He says, giving the nurse a once-over, "I feel hot, suddenly."
"Well, that explains why you're delusional, doesn't it?" Geralt teases. "Take your medicine and you will be just fine."
Jaskier sighs and does as he is told.
"Geralt," Jaskier says before Geralt is about to leave, a grin on his face "I think you are 'bearable', too. "
Geralt means to call Jaskier.
He really does.
Yet, whenever he is about to call him, something comes up, and eventually, he just accepts that he is going to have to wait for his shift to be over. 
For some reason, he doesn't want to call him and get interrupted after a minute.
And he doesn't want to send him a text, because he prefers hearing his angelic voice instead.
So, yeah. He is kind of stuck there for now.
Geralt finds Ciri laughing at her own joke as she watches The Office when he gets home, and this reminds him of Jaskier since that's something they both have in common. Once again, he finds himself thinking about the musician.
“Shit, it hurts,” Jaskier says, holding his chest.
“Maybe it’s the universe’s way to tell you to stop laughing at your own jokes.”
“Oh shut up, the universe can kiss my ass.”
“Seems like it prefers to kick your ass instead.”
That draws an annoyed laugh out of him, which makes him hiss in pain.
“It wouldn’t send me here if it was trying to kick my ass, Mr. Should Have Been A Model But Became A Nurse For Some Reason.”
“I can't believe you still keep using that silly nickname unironically. Don’t you think that it is a bit long?”
“You may be right. Hmm, I’ll just call you ‘Mr. Handsome Nurse,’ from now on.”
“Please don’t. No.”
“How about just ‘Handsome’ ?”
“Still no.”
“Why not? It’s just a fact. You wouldn’t get mad at someone if they would point at a yellow wall and call it a ‘yellow wall’ would you?”
“That’s not the same thing.”
“I see no differences.”
“Then you better get your eyes checked.” 
“Speaking of which—” Jaskier reaches for his scratch book standing on the bedside table “can I borrow your eyes for a second?”
Geralt frowns, wondering what the musician is up to this time.
Jaskier opens his scratch book and stares in his eyes intently for a while and as he scribbles something. "Thanks," he says, "I just needed an accurate model of the stars."
"You know," the nurse shakes his head and answers smoothly: "you could just ask for a mirror."
Geralt can't help but smirk at his open-mouthed speechlessness. 
He hears a familiar voice singing, and for a moment he is sure that he has finally gone insane. 
Drying his hands on a washcloth, Geralt makes his way to the source of the voice, thinking "That must how Jerry feels when he follows the smell of a piece of cheese Tom tries to fool him with."
Jaskier's voice is irresistible to him, just like how cheese is irresistible to Jerry.
Absolutely irresistible, and hard to miss.
He could distinguish Jaskier's voice among all the rest if he heard it in a room filled with millions of men singing a song together.
This voice is coming from their living room. To be more specific, from Ciri's laptop—which she was supposed to use for searching her homework topic, but that can wait for now—
"Or I shall die," he hears Jaskier singing oh so sincerely and dramatically "or I shall die!"
"Dad! Please don't be mad, I swear to God I was going to start doing my homework, but—"
The first thing he does when he sits on the couch next to his daughter is grabbing the laptop and rewinding the video to the start. He then checks if the volume is at maximum.
"Shhh," he gestures, all of his attention is on the video he is watching.
He doesn't even realize that he takes a deep breath as soon as he sees the musician's face appear in front of him on the screen before Jaskier even starts singing.
He is as beautiful as ever in his ridiculous mint green shirt that he left the first four buttons undone.
It has cactus patterns on it.
Geralt can't help but wonder if Jaskier wearing this shirt is actually some kind of a secret message to him and him only.
Didn't he say that Geralt was just like a cactus?
"...prickly on the outside sometimes, but soft on the inside? A cactus in the desert.”
His words. Not Geralt's.
What does that even mean then? Something like "I wanna wear you on me like a shirt?"
Okay, he should probably stop because he is reading too much into this and—
"Anyway, so, this song goes to the cruel man who made me want to buy this shirt because it reminded me of him. You know who you are,"
Geralt's breath hitches.
He is not reading too much into this.
If anything, it's vice versa, because Jaskier dedicated a song to him.
Jaskier is thinking about him, too.
Thinking about him too much that he has decided he should dedicate a song to him.
The scene splits into five and one of the boxes on the screen shows Jaskier playing the piano, while in the other he plays the lute occasionally, violin in another one, and accordion in the other one. And in the other, he sings.
Good God. Is there anything this man cannot do?—Besides picking names for babies maybe, since picking names is definitely isn't his strong suit.—
"I tell myself what's done is done
I tell myself don't be a fool
Play the field have a lot of fun
It's easy when you play it cool"
"Does this mean he gave up on me because he got fed up with waiting for my call?" he thinks. But then again, why would he sing a song for him if he gave up?
While watching the video, Geralt is well aware of the fact that he will watch this video again and again and will take special care of each Jaskier— making sure not to miss even the tiniest of the mimic and gesture he does.
"I tell myself don't be a chump
Who cares, let him stay away
That's when the phone rings and I jump
And as I grab the phone I pray
Let it please be him, oh dear God
It must be him or I shall die
Or I shall die"
He was right, this isn't a song that screams: "I'm giving up." Thank God it isn't. Jaskier puts his hand on his chest as he sings, and Ciri sighs next to Geralt, resting her head on his shoulder as she watches the video with him. 
"Oh hello, hello my dear God
It must be him but it's not him
And then I die
That's when I die"
That dramatic son of a flower actually flings himself into an armchair.
"After a while, I'm myself again
I take the pieces off the floor
Put my heart on the shelf again
You'll never hurt me anymore"
While he sings the "put my heart on the shelf again" he puts a heart sculpture on his bookshelf with a serious look and frown on his face. He might have got this heart sculpture just for this video for all Geralt knows.
"I'm not a puppet on a string,"
At this point, Geralt wouldn't be surprised to see actual strings attached to the musician's body just so he could cut the strings. He really wouldn’t be surprised, at all.
Because Jaskier is that extra most of the time.
And Geralt loves that about him.
"I'll find somebody else someday
That's when the phone rings, and once again
I start to pray
Let it please be him, oh dear God
It must be him, it must be him
or I shall die, or I shall die"
The musician's voice goes up effortlessly into an unreachable octave as he sings the last part, and it's impossible not to be impressed. 
But then again, the man puts his heart into everything he does, therefore even doing something like folding a simple frog origami seems impressive when he is the one who's doing it, let alone singing as perfectly as this.
He then slowly walks towards the camera as the other boxes disappear and that one takes over the screen.
"Seriously though," he makes an aggressive 'call me' gesture, and the scene fades to black after that.
"Whoever keeps Jaskier waiting must be crazy," Ciri comments and gave a snort of disapproval and frustration. "He must care about this idiot of a guy a lot if he sings for him like this. What a jabroni. It would take him only a minute to call him."
"What? I'm right."
"That's not a nice thing to say," Geralt warns as he hands the laptop back to his daughter.
"I'm surprised that you watched the full thing, by the way. Actually, you don't seem too annoyed with me watching his videos nowadays, and you seemed quite interested in this one."
"I just love Vikki Carr," Geralt says. He has seen the title of the video, after all, so he knew this was a cover of her song. "I've wondered how he sang this song."
"Name five Vikki Carr songs then."
Geralt doesn't know five Vikki Carr songs— he can't even name two, let alone five.
"Okay, I think that's enough fun for you today," the nurse pretends not to have heard his daughter. "Do your homework while I go out to get some milk."
"We have milk at home."
"No, we don't."
"I put it in the fridge myself just this morning, so yeah, we do."
"We're out of these cookies you love, though."
"I thought you said they consumed way too much sugar so we were going to come up with a healthy and as I've read from your invisible subtitles, also probably boring recipe we can make together this weekend?"
"I— God, you ask a lot of questions today." Geralt whispers tiredly, pinching the bridge of his nose and letting Ciri's "boring recipe" comment slide.
Fuck him for not saying "I'm gonna go get some groceries," instead.
"I just asked one question, but okay. So? You changed your mind?"
"Yeah, I changed my mind, just for one more week, you can have it."
"Really?! Thanks!"
"Anything you want, pumpkin. Alright, I'm off!"
Geralt ruffles her hair before he grabs his wallet, keys, and most importantly, his phone.
Just before he closes the door, he can hear Jaskier's voice coming from the living room once again.
He cannot blame Ciri at all.
"If this is another spam call and not the important call I've been waiting for I swear on all my lute strings that I'll crush that damn phone on the ground and dance upon its bloody ruins! Actually, no, wait, that would mean the possibility of missing the call I've been waiting for, but you got my point."
As soon as Jaskier answers his call and starts talking, he feels like all the tiredness of the day disappears. Jaskier's voice manages to do that even when he is simply busy telling him off, having no idea who he is talking to. 
He can see that Ciri was right. He is an idiot for waiting for the right time.
"I'm seriously so sick of—"
Geralt finally cuts him off by saying: "Wow, I wouldn't wanna be a scammer or something right now, you aggressive Dandelion."
"Wait a second, this voice— Geralt?! Is that really you? Oh my God, you finally ca— I mean—"
Jaskier coughs as if he tries not to sound too excited, "Heey, the best nurse in the existence," Geralt can almost see his flirty frowning, yes, he manages to make even frowning look flirty for crying out loud, "How's it hanging?" he asks, his voice sounds deep, lazy, and dare he say, sensual.
"I should be asking you the same question. Are you still praying by the phone?"
"Someone does stalk me on social media, I see."
"And someone sings a song and makes a pretty impressive video clip for me, I see. My daughter was watching it, and that's how I found out about it. Just for your information."
"So you're not the one who stalks me online. It's Ciri," Jaskier says, and the fact that he remembers Ciri's name warms up Geralt's heart if he's being honest. "Sweet. Cool. Cool. I'm not hurt by that at all."
"Would you die if you let me be happy for just a moment? Not that I'm not happy to know that your daughter still watches my videos, but it would be nice to hear that you were the one who checked my account willingly."
"I'm sure I would see your video today anyway. Maybe it wouldn't be that soon, I admit, but I would see it."
"Is that so?"
"It is so."
But it isn't an uncomfortable one.
"Did you really find it impressive?" Jaskier asks, his voice is full of hope and happiness.
"Nah, I know it's impressive, forget that I asked," he lets out a long sigh, "If I knew making a video clip for you would make you call me right away, I would do that earlier. Were you playing 'hard to get' or something? You know... I find it kinda cruel to make someone who just got out of the hospital keep waiting on the phone for so long. For your information, that 'kinda' is kinda unnecessary here maybe. I call it 'the polite kinda'. Or 'the unnecessary kinda'. " 
The next moment, Jaskier's playful tone leaves its place to a caring, worried one as he keeps talking: "If something is going wrong with your life, I take it back though. Ignore everything I said in that case. Is everything okay? Are you okay?"
"Ah, about that— Don't worry, everything is alright," Geralt replies, "I was thinking about calling you today, but I couldn't quite find the time. I know that's not an excuse, and I know I could call you earlier, but I didn't want to call you only to say 'I have to hang up,' a minute later."
"I’m happy to hear that nothing is wrong. And well, even that would be better than leaving me hanging. Or a simple 'Hey, the best patient ever' text would do. You took so long that I would be lying if I said I didn't think about getting involved in another accident."
"I'd rather you didn't."
"I would get into millions of accidents just to see you, Geralt. Provided that I could have you as my nurse every time, of course. What's the point otherwise? I'm not a masochist."
"Such a flatterer you are, Mr. Pan—"
"I'm not trying to flatter you. Cross my heart and hope do die, I'm just scattering the facts around like they are glitters. Or cake sprinkles."
"God forbid! Accidents, death... Aren't we gonna talk about nice things at all?"
"I've been waiting for you to call me forever. I have every right to be bitter about it."
"I'll make it up to you, I promise. How about I start making up to you, starting now?" 
"Sounds like you have something in your mind, Mr. Handsome Nurse." 
"I do, indeed. Have you had dinner yet?" 
"Does strawberry yogurt count as dinner?"
"I highly doubt it. You were complaining about hospital food, and yet that's what you choose to have for dinner?"
"I've never said I count yogurt as quality dinner, but it's still better than the things you dare to serve people as 'food', I should admit, I thought you already came to terms with—"
"Maybe you should come over so I can show you how a proper, nice dinner looks like. I'm not half bad at cooking."
Jaskier is silent on the other end of the line.
"Are you still there?" Geralt asks finally, "I'm sorry if this was too forward of me or too soon, I just thought it could be nice. You could meet Ciri too, that way." 
"No! Yeah! I mean—" if Geralt didn't imagine it, Jaskier sighs and murmurs an angry 'get it together you dumbass,' to himself before he continues talking. "Yes, I'm still here. No, this wasn't too forward of you. I was just taken aback a little bit, sorry. I mean, not every day a handsome nurse who I've been waiting for his call for a decade calls and invites me over for dinner. I'd love that, Geralt."
"I'll send you the address, then." Geralt checks his watch, it's nearly 6 p.m. "Is eight okay for you?"
"Sure, that should be fine. Hey, Ciri still doesn't know, right?"
"I don't think I need to answer that."
"Huh? Why is that?"
"Don't you think she would just grab my phone and call you herself if she knew? Or reaching out to you on every social media possible? Shouting from the rooftops, even?"
"She really likes me that much?"
"She just called me, I quote, an 'idiot', 'crazy', and 'jabroni' after watching your video, so..."
"She did what?!"
"I mean, not directly at me since she doesn't know I'm the 'him' in the 'it must be him', but still." 
"Seems to me like you're in big trouble here."
"Don't even remind me about it."
"I'd be lying if I said that doesn't put some pressure on me though. I mean... What if she doesn't like me?"
"Wha— Ciri already adores you. She adores you so much that it's annoying sometimes."
"It's impossible not to like you," is on the tip of his langue.
"They say never meet your heroes. What if when she actually meets me, she goes 'Meh, that's it?' What if I disappoint her somehow?"
"Worrying about earth getting invaded by the aliens in pink pasta costumes and tutus would much more sense compared to this. Believe me."
Jaskier laughs at that, but Geralt can still sense that he is not completely convinced.
"If you say so."
"I know so, Jaskier. I know so."
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The Librarians
Summary: Jeremy Scalera (Jeremy sounds more natural than Janus...seriously who would name their kid Janus?! Sorry to anyone named that but you deserve better. JanICE does not count.) is the head librarian at Hawthorne Library and antisocial intellectual with a taste for being alone and silence. Logan Constell (short for constellation, not his actual last name in this fic) is strikingly similar. So what happens when these two antisocial and intelligent loners cross paths in an interview that was sure to change both their lonely souls.
Pairings: Loceit
Alternate Universes: Human Au, Vitiligo Au (Human! Janus Headcannon technically)
Warnings: Mentions of disabilities and a few mild swear words. A smidge of angst at the very end. Let me know if anything else needs to be added.
Hope you enjoy my dears!!
Edit: Chapter 2 is here! The Librarians Chapter 2
The Hawthorne Library was run by a bitter and short tempered know-it-all named Jeremy Scalera...He was exactly 5 foot 3 and 120lbs with a thin frame and even thinner shoulders. His skin was the color of milk chocolate but his smooth sweetness of skin was interrupted by a clash of white splotches scattering his body. Jeremy had been born with vitiligo which resulted in a crude nickname of ‘Dairy Cow’ all the way through his middle school years. This influenced him to hide as much skin as possible using gloves, scarves, and extensive wool jackets and sweaters. This wasn’t entirely odd since at the time he had lived in Minnesota and it was freezing all the damn time. Now he lived in Florida where you either were sweating or shirtless.
“Please let this be a quiet day...” He muttered as the door to the library slammed shut behind him. 
It was exactly 7 ‘o clock in the morning and the library was in need of opening. Jeremy was the only employee of the library and he practically lived there. Sure he still owns an apartment and everything, but he prefers the guaranteed silence at night with the library. His office had a small cot in it with a bathroom and a small kitchen fridge and a few counter-tops to hold his microwave, sink, and single cabinet. 
Jeremy’s morning consisted of walking down to the RelativiTea coffee shop down the street that was operated by one of Jeremy’s old classmates. One who hadn’t mocked him because he himself had a disability, Roman Sancleur had turret syndrome (is that right?). Jeremy might have even considered him a friend had they ever talked to each other than exchanging a coffee order.
“Morning Jeremy.” Roman said out of reflex. His fingers twitched every now and then along with the skin under his eyes, but that was more on the fact that Roman had had no sleep last night because he was too busy drinking coffee and teas left over from the day before and watching Disney movies. 
“Just the iced chocolate mocha today.” The librarian sighed and leaned on the counter. He always got here early to avoid the morning rush. 
Roman set a drink onto the counter already prepared.
“You’re too predictable Jerry. Why don’t you ever shake it up a bit?” Roman leaned over the counter getting a little too close for Jeremy to like. No romantic signs came from the barista, more so curiosity.
“First of all don’t call me ‘Jerry’ please, and second I like consistency. This doesn’t take too much out of my paycheck from the city and it’s tasteful.” Jeremy hissed and put a five dollar bill on the counter as he always did. The drink was actual $2.73 but he didn’t ever like change so Roman always got a pretty generous tip.
Jeremy walked out of the coffee shop without another word and entered back into his solitary space just a block away.
The head-librarian set down his coffee on the horseshoe desk in the center of the library and the jingle of his keys echoed.
“I hope I’m not intruding.” A smooth voice laced with calm sounded behind Jeremy and he jumped.
“Mother of damnation who the hell are you?!” The librarian spun around and gripped his hand on the can of pepper spray he kept on him at all times.
“I-I suggest no hostility, and I advise you keep your voice down...we are in a library after all.” The stranger raised his hands in defense. “I’m sorry to have startled you, but the door was unlocked and I assumed you were in your office.” The man was oddly calm despite the can of pepper spray aimed at him and the clearly hostile look in Jeremy’s eyes.
“My name is Logan Constell. I came to apply for a job here.” The presumed ‘Logan’ folded his hands behind his back and only then did Jeremy begin to notice his features.
Logan wore tight black framed square classes, a smooth black dress coat and a navy undershirt with a star-flecked tie across and brighter blue fabric making up the tie itself. His shoulders were broad and his chin sculpted almost so finely one could mistake him for a statue if he had been gray. 
Speaking of gray, his eyes were a brilliant icy blue-ish gray that sparked with intelligence Jeremy had never seen before. Then there was his hair, pitch black it seemed to be made of the dark matter of space itself. The lightness at which it was folded back and not a single sign of gel or any other product other than a mint smelling shampoo and conditioner. He was so put together with his black slacks and dress shoes to top everything off.
“It doesn’t make much...” Jeremy said steadily despite the rushing feeling running through his veins. He set the pepper spray down next to his coffee and Logan began to approach him which with every inch closer the head librarian’s heart beat a little quicker until it was skipping.
“I have no one to provide for but myself and my hydroponics garden.” Logan stated and held forward a piece of paper with a series of qualification statements and columns.
“I don’t need a resume...I just need you to answer a few questions.” Jeremy quickly said and slipped behind his horseshoe desk. 
“I would be happy to answer them.” Logan said blankly.
“As I would hope.” Jeremy glanced up at him as he sat down in the old roller chair with a creak. 
“Age?” He started.
“Twenty-Three years, seven months, and fifteen days.”
“Are you organized?”
“To a fault some might say.” Logan replied cooly.
“Do you have balance well on a 14 foot ladder?” Jeremy shot back.
“I’ve never tried, but I have a high pain tolerance and have been reported a fast healer.” 
“Then you’re hired.” Jeremy rose from his chair and stuck out his hand. Logan took it in a firm grip that shot sparks through Jeremy’s arm and heat shooting up his face then he let go and the sparks vanished.
“When do I start?” Logan’s eyes held the slightest hint of joyous feeling but it was masked behind the gray and blue storm.
“The library opens in five minutes which should be enough time to get your tag done.” Jeremy offered a smirk which was met with only the slightest twitch of the others lips and the flicker of those eyes casting over the librarians face.
~Time Skip~
It’d been three weeks since Logan had started working at Hawthrone and every glance or movement seemed to attract Jeremy’s attention. He had considered going to see a doctor at this point but the Library’s salary and the fact Jeremy didn’t have insurance wasn’t exactly ideal.
“Good morning Jeremy.” Logan said one day as he walked in. 
“Morning Lo.” The other responded calmly. This was about all that was exchanged by them verbally on most days.
The first three days at the library Logan had worn a simple silver band on his ring-finger then it had disappeared. Today seemed like an okay day to finally question his new employee about it.
“So...I noticed you stopped wearing the ring.” Jeremy said casually one day as he stocked the shelves. It was closing time and Logan was better at checking back in books than Jeremy.
“What ring?” Logan asked blankly, barely glancing up at the brown and tan head librarian.
“The silver band you wore the first three days you were here.” Jeremy clarified.
“I didn’t think it had any significance to my work here.”
“It doesn’t.” The conversation fell quiet for a few seconds before one of them spoke again.
“If you don’t feel comfortable with telling me it’s fine. It was just a silly question worth a bit of satisfied curiosity.” Jeremy said hurriedly as he started to ascend the ladder. The book he had in his left hand belonged at the top shelf.
“No...it’s just I don’t wish to make you uncomfortable or loose this job.” Logan rushed out.
“Why would I fire you? Or feel uncomfortable?” Jeremy asked slowly as he reached the fifth level.
“Because that ring was my tie to my ex-husband.” Logan said quietly, barely loud enough for the man on the ladder to hear.
“Oh...” There was a pause with only the sound of clicking keys and the steps of Jeremy climbing the ladder. “Well that’s nothing to ashamed of. Some people just don’t fit.” He quickly said after an extended period of time that felt longer than it should have and he reached the top and began moving books around to shelve the one in his hand.
“You’re not...going to judge me?” Logan seemed surprised.
“Well no. Who you choose to love is not up to me, and it’s not like I have anything against gays or bisexuals or any of the LGBTQ community. I myself am apart of it.” Jeremy reassured him and started climbing down slowly. The ladder rings dug into his worn shoes and hit against his old socks, further sinking into the bottom of his feet.
“Fascinating.” Logan muttered. Jeremy pretended not to hear and as silence once again claimed the room the sun began to send a orange glow over the dark gray carpeted floors of the house of books. Jeremy looked up to see the tangerine and apricot that now spilled through the windows like a waterfall to a lake. 
Jeremy didn’t stop his descend though and his foot caught on a ring, but before he could notice he slipped and fell. All the way from the seventh level down to Earth and before he hit the ground something snapped and pain rocketed through his left leg as black crowded his vision. Nothing existed except the abyss.
AAAAAAaaaaaand that’s Chapter 1. If this chapter gets some love or I get bored then I’ll check out getting a Chapter 2. 
Until next time my Foxlings! <3 <3 <3
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dgraymanimagins · 6 years
Could you do Alma fluff (where he lives so AU lol) where Reader finds out what happens in his past?
Your wish is my command!~
“Fuck off {Y/N}.” Kanda spurred at you while ordering his regular soba fromJerry. You were looking for Alma, usually he’d be out in the cafeteria during lunch time socializing with his friends, yet, he wasn’t,
“C’mon Kanda! You’re the only person I know that knows all of his hangout spots!”
You were apprehensive when you didn’t spot Alma at lunch, so you began a hunt to look for him. Not being around wasn’t like him,
“Maybe he just wants to be left alone right now genius.”
You shook your head, “Alma? Wanting to be alone? The one person that turns to people when he needs to recharge?”
“Could you hurry up Jerry-“
Kanda held his forehead in annoyance, wanting to just walk away or bash your head in, “Have you checked his room genius..?”
“Already looked.”
“The laborator-“
“Been there-“
“The training-“
“Check, check and check-“
Kanda groaned, his face heating up by the second. You were fully aware of the anger that was omitting from Yuu, but Alma was one of your very close friends, and his disappearance was concerning you. Right then, Jerry handed Kanda his lunch, “Here you go hon’!~” Kanda quickly grabbed it and gave a small ‘thanks’ before he scurried away from you,
“Kanda! I’m not done with you!” You jogged behind him, still prying him for more answers, “Check my room!” You stopped in your tracks when Kanda sat at his table, “What? Why?” The stern exorcist groaned even louder this time, “Sometimes he goes into my room where he knows no one else can find him but me. Just don’t touch anything when you’re in there, and get him out!” An odd hiding spot, yet made sense since Alma was closest to Yuu. You gave a small smile and ran off before thanking the grumpy exorcist, “Thanks Kanda!” “Don’t mention it.”
For some reason, Kanda’s door was quite intimidating, even though it looked like all the rest. Maybe it was the fact that everyone knew it was his room. Even still, that didn’t stop you from knocking your {S/C} knuckles on it. Three knocks resonated against it, leaving a tense silence right after. It felt like forever until you heard a faint voice come from the inside, “Hello? Yuu?”
You let out a deep sigh, recognizing Alma’s voice instantly. So he was in there, “No, it’s {Y/N} Alma, may I come in?”
“Kanda’s not in here-“
“I’m not here for him, I came looking for you silly.”
Alma became silent, not until shortly after opening the door slightly, peeking out of the crack to look at you. You gave a small smile, looking at him with a softness only he recognized, “Let me in Alma.. “ His eyes shot to the ground, shyness evident on his face. The usually energetic Alma only left the door cracked and submerged into the room. You followed inside, opening the door wide enough to slip in, only to close it after entering. The room was dark, not surprising for Kanda, but not for Alma. You spotted him sitting on the corner of Yuu’s bed, his legs folded into his chest while his head and arms laid on his knees. There was no bright aura surrounding him like there usually was, his eyes looked at you with a sadness sitting in them, “Did you need something {Y/N}?” The silence that filled the room was taken away by Alma’s deep downtrodden voice. A certain sympathy struck you, he seemed helpless and you’ve never seen him like this.
“No, I just wanted to check up on you, you haven’t had lunch. Plus you weren’t around and socializing like you usually are, so.. I got a little worried..” Alma’s expression became a little more gentle when you said that. He then buried his head into his knees, his hair spiking out and messing up as he rolled his face around. But then.. a small cry was heard from him. Your heart dropped, the pushed moans emitting from his throat made you want to hold him, “Oh {Y/N}.. I-I- just.. can’t.. seem.. to be.. happy..”
That’s what hit hard.
You couldn’t hold back, you had to. You ran to his side on the bed and held him close. Alma unraveled and wrapped his arms around you while crying into your neck. His legs fell over the side of the bed, letting his chest lay against yours, “Alma.. what happened to you.. please tell me..” His crying wouldn’t cease, the moans became louder as he dug his face deeper into your neck to muffle the sounds. All you could do was rub his back and comb through his hair for comfort, and sometimes that’s all someone needs. Soon Alma began to relax, his cries becoming quieter with each breath. You could feel dry tear stains on your skin, and saw them on his cheeks as he looked up at you, “Alma, will you tell me why you were crying now?” You asked while giving a small chuckle. Alma followed along with another chuckle, trying to wipe any tears that were still wet on his skin, “It’s just.. I keep having nightmares about what happened- you wouldn’t understand. You weren’t there-“
“Alma. Please.”
His pale blue eyes shot away from yours. Not wanting to face you with his past,
“I did.. something terrible.. a long time ago {Y/N}. A lot of people, lost their lives.. because of m-me-“ The black haired boy broke down once more, not being able to fight the tears threatening to fall. He held onto you again, but this time his head was shoved into your chest, and his arms grasped your lower back, “If- you knew- the things.. I did.. I fear that you.. would hate me-“ between each line of words, his breathing hitched. Your heart sank to your stomach. You had no idea what he was talking about, “Alma, maybe I won’t? Maybe I have the power to look past everything. You must be a different person than who you were before, and we can’t fix this if you don’t tell me..” Alma looked up once more to match with your eyes, your arms now found their way into his hair, “Please?”
He nodded.
Alma proceeded to tell you about the Second Exorcist project, and how he heard some of the scientists planning to put Kanda down, or in other words ‘kill’ him. He explained how hurt and distraught he was about it at the time. When he told the part about the homicide in the laboratory he committed, you couldn’t believe it. Alma? Do such a thing? As he went along with the story, more tears began to fall from his cheeks, “I-I.. was just.. so hurt at the time.. I grew to hate the Order.. they couldn’t take Kanda away from me- and I was planning to kill him too-“ more cries came. You have never seen Alma in such a state, so helpless, it made you want to cry as well,
“I never knew that Alma..” You whispered as he tried to stop crying once more,
“Y-you probably hate me! I would- understand if- you did-“
You’ve had enough. He was pulling himself down into a dark place by talking like that. So you did the only you knew that would shut him up,
A kiss.
“Mhmm-!” He let out as you leaned your lips against his. Your hands resting on his cheeks, while his arms held him up against the bed. He was shocked of course, he held his breath and remained still the entire time. But.. he didn’t pull back, or push back for that matter. He just, let it happen. Alma’s lips were slightly chapped, yet soft in some spots, making the kiss intense for both of you. Alma thought your lips were quite the same, only a little more wet that is. The both of you kissed a couple more times before pulling back to look at each other. The two of you stunned about what just happened. Yet still, you had a mission of course, and that was to bring back the Alma you knew, “I would never hate you Alma..” Alma stared into your eyes for a moment, replaying what you just said over and over in his head like a broken record,
“Alma?” You asked, the dumbfound look on his face wasn’t reassuring, “Are you ok-“
“I love you too {Y/N}!!” And just like that your sweet, energetic and extroverted Alma was back as he lunged forward and gave you a big fat hug. You started laughing when he started to kiss your face over and over again, “Your lips are chapped!! GROSS!” You let out before he landed one on your lips again, yep, that shut you up real quick. Yet the session was short-lived when a certain long haired exorcist slammed the door open. Both you and Alma shot eyes to the person standing in the doorway, who just happened to be the one and only Kanda,
“…get the fuck out of my room right NOW!”
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