#orphaned dualscar x reader
yanyan-stuck · 2 years
Can you do more redrom Yandere Dualscar? But with a reader who is oblivious to his affections and just thinks he’s torturing them because he hates them?
Yandere Dualscar with an Oblivious S/O
-I feel like it would be a very bittersweet thing for him, he just wouldn't know how to feel or act, whether he wants you to realize or not.
-One half of him is hoping you'll stay in the dark forever, to preserve his own safety and insure that you won't use his feelings against him.
-The other half is hoping that you'll notice his feelings. If you can't notice them, then you'll probably never return them either.
-He would almost feel stuck in the situation, and his behavior would become increasingly erratic through the length of your captivity until you realized.
-He is lucid enough to realize that he's self-sabotaging, but he isn't lucid enough to stop himself from flipping between seemingly heartfelt sentiments and affections and scarring you both physically and mentally.
-You would feel more confused the longer you don't realize. How can the man hugging you, holding you so gently and whispering about how much he loves you even be the same troll as the one who comes in at seemingly random times to slash at your limbs with knives?
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dancingbabya-notes · 1 year
Scarred Troubles
Dualscar x mermaid reader
I never got to really write what I wanted so you have full context, and since I don't take notes on what I want to write and just type the idea as I go there is missing information that I don't have sorry.
­­­The water burned in my lungs as it spewed up out of my mouth. The light of the moon burned as my eyes finally peeled open and the deafening crash of the waves caused me to pull tightly into a ball while accommodating my body to the noise. The subtle rocking motion was only making my want to force my eyes closed as my think pan buzzed with pain.
“Cap’n she’s awake,” calls a figure dangerously close to me.
Sitting up I glance around trying to say something, anything, but as I do nothing comes out. Grabbing my neck, I realize that my pendant is gone. With a glare, I feel the tears start to prick my eyes as I hear the sharp clicks of boots. Standing before me is a man donned in Violet, a royal blood color, sharp eyes match the robes he wore, and slicked black hair frames his face. But what caught my attention most was the double scars that raked across his face and seemed to damage his vision in the slightest way.
“That she be. What were you doing so far at sea, lass?” he asks a gruff voice with a slight wave to his words.
I try to speak and quickly reach to my throat again, trying my best to signal that speaking was impossible. He quirks a brow and looks me over.
“Can ye speak at all?” he sends me a pointed look.
I shake my head, but then remember that I can write. Signaling as best I can, I make it look like I’m writing.
“Ye can write?” he asks quite interested.
I nod violently, he pulls me up to my feet and I quickly become aware of the multiple pairs of eyes on me now. I'm on a fucking ship, and to make matters worse I need my pendant to speak and I don't know where in Davy Jones it could be. He sits me in a chair and shoves a paper in my hand with a pen of some sort. I quickly and neatly scrawl on the parchment and show it to him.
‘ye believe me now? I don’t know how I got so far, but did I ‘ave a pendant on me?' looking up at him I wait for a reply.
“No ‘idn’t see one on ye. Might I ask what it’s for?”
‘Status and my mother gave it to me. Had it ever since she died?' I write sending him a shrug.
“Oh, sorry ta hear about ye mom, what status do you ‘ave?”
‘Not, important. If you could drop me off at next port I wouldn’t mind. Or keep me I’ll be of as much use as I can be,’ I offer.
“Sides writing, what can ye do?” he asks crossing his arms.
A sharp feeling in my sides forces me to curl, I quickly glance at my abdomen and lift the shirt inspecting the slivers that run from my waist up to my ribs, bright ivy was dripping from them sending my mind into a panic. He quickly moves over to me and inspects as well. All know the story of the beings that brought upon our world. As time went on some things digressed to a former planet's past. People enjoying the feeling of being at sea, since most of our home was the sea.
“Ye be a sea dweller as well?”
I send a curt nod. He begins cleaning my wounds and bandaging me up, he doesn’t explain a thing and locks me in a room that so happened to be next to his. I sit still for a long moment before inspecting my surroundings better. On the far wall sits a mirror as if a lady had resided here before, a trunk at the end of the bed containing robes and many dresses of jade, a desk with paper’s and beautiful scrawls spread across the parchment, a half empty ink bottle with the pen still inside. Sitting back in the bed I look carefully at the bandages. How had I been hurt? Where was my pendant? What even was my title? A voice suddenly intruded in my thoughts. "Do you swear to lie?" Swear to lie? I'm knocked from my thoughts when the handle on my door begins to shake. And in comes two whispering boys both bearing a striking match to the captain. They slowly come to a stop and stare at me, and I tilt my head in response.
“Are you the girl that they found drifting along sea?” asks the youngest one, he’s got a cape matching the captain and pushes up his glasses on his face like they’re too big on his small face.
“She can’t speak! Ya ninny, pa told you that even before he told us where to go!” shouts who I think is the older one, his hair is slicked back and he stands proudly without a cape to don his proud stature.
I slowly get up and walk over to the desk looking for a blank piece of parchment. Finding a whole stack in the drawer of the desk I quickly scribble a reply to the child.
‘Yes, I am. Is the captain your father?’ I show them the paper and I giggle silently as the younger one begins reading the note aloud slowly.
“He’s still learning to read,” states the older one.
‘What are your names?’ I show them the paper and as the shy wavy voice of the younger one asks me the same.
“We shouldn’t have to tell you ours if we don’t know yours,” the older one adds.
‘I don't have one, I have a title but that's hard to remember for some reason,' I sigh blowing my bangs from my eyes as I show them the note.
“Oh, then why don’t we give you a name?” offers the shy one.
“Really you wanna name everything that gets put on Pa’s ship don’t cha?” the proud one accuses.
"N-no, wouldn't it be hard to call her ‘you,' ‘girl,' or ‘sea dweller?" he counters with a frown.
‘I don’t mind the name, really. But I think my title has something to do with swearing to Lye,’ I think for a moment and scrawl a quick phrase ‘Lyeswear.’
“Hmm, cool title. If it is your real title, but let’s call you, (y/n)” states the proud one.
“Since you have a name now you can know ours, my name is Eridan,” smiles the young one bowing slightly.
“I’m Cronus, but you can call anytime,” winks the older one.
‘How about not, I’m old enough to be your ma. Besides you’re both so cute I wish you were my kids,” I chuckle.
“Pretty sure if Pa keeps you long enough you will be,” Cronus laughs.
I send him a pointed look and shake my head. ‘No, I asked him to keep me, as long as I am useful. I need to find my pendant so I can return to where I was.'
“What does it look like?” Eridan asks sitting next to me.
I quickly draw a gem wrapped in cord, ‘the gem is the same color as my blood.’
“Oh, I think I saw something like that in Dad’s room,” Eridan gasps running out of the room.
“Eridan, stop running away,” groans Cronus running after him.
I sit still and notice the captain leaning on the door frame, he walks over to me and looks me over again.
“Ta Lyeswear?” he quirks a brow and chuckles looking me up and down. “Pretty short to be that person, and lacking a lot of fins.”
‘Well, the boys wanna call me (y/n) so either way you address me I won’t really mind,’ I scribble. ‘Are they your boys?’
“Does it matter?” he sends me a narrow glare.
‘They’re beautiful. Remind me of you as a child. Eridan seems like he wants to be like you and Cronus is suave?’ I pause thinking for a moment. How would I know what this man was like as a child?
He raises a brow at me and shakes his head, “How would ye know what I was like as a child?” With another shake he pushes off the idea. “You’ll be with them for about an hour or two every day. Teaching them to write that is, and when we stop to port you will stay in here and not wander.”
I roll my eyes and quickly scribble a reply. ‘Aye, aye cap’n.’
He makes his leave and I continue to survey the room, two small desks sit up against the wall that is flush with the headboard of the bed. Quickly the small pairs of running feet return and I whip back to glance in their direction. Eridan falls trying to catch up with his brother and I quickly react by jumping from the bed and righting him. As he faces me I instantly notice the welling of translucent violet tears, wiping the tears I smile at him and pat his head gently to signal that everything is okay.
“I got the thing,” Cronus states proudly holding a gem wrapped in chord, but I know it isn’t my own.
I smile and accept the gift bending down for him to put the necklace on me.
“So, what are we learning today?” Eridan asks no trace of the sadness from before.
Grabbing the paper, I was writing on I quickly scribble a reply of ‘How about you both show me what you know so far, I’ll grab some paper for the both of you.’ I move over to the desk and then turn around to see them pulling paper form the other desks. I sit down on the bed and watch as they work away on the papers, it felt like almost a few second before Eridan was jumping from his seat to show me the scrawl that he had been working on. I take the paper and begin reading over it, so basic sentences and words maybe helping him with his reading too would be good. Cronus slowly slunk over to me with his paper, glancing over it I notice that he was having problems differentiating between certain words and writing some backward.
‘I’ll have something ready for you two tomorrow, if you want you can go now.’ I quickly write as I move over to the other desk and start writing on the paper what I will be doing.
“Would it be alright if we stay here?” asks the shyest of voices.
I nod knowing that I didn’t have anything for them to do now seeing as I was planning out what to do for tomorrow. Suddenly a shiver dances up my spine when I feel small hands in my hair, turning back slowly I realize that Eridan and Cronus are both playing with my hair. I ignore the unsettling shivers as I continue to write. For some reason, I remember the feeling of someone pulling on my hair and it bothering me to the point of cutting it.
“You have really long hair, (Y/n)” Cronus states catching me just the slightest bit off guard. (If you don’t just pretend you do)
I pause and turn back sending him a smile as a thank you. Not long after I realize they have both fallen asleep behind me and I smile again putting the pen back into its bottle. Knowing that I’m not going to be sleeping for some time, I carefully lay the boys out and placing a blanket on them. It was like a routine every day for weeks while at sea the boys would come into my room for their lessons and I would start working on the next day’s lesson as they played with my hair. Eventually falling to sleep for their father to take them out later. Two months I have been on this boat, and I refused to leave my cabin. Eridan and Cronus would take their meals with me and that was about it. So while I was writing waiting for Eridan to walk in with his twin brother in tow as a knock came to the door of my cabin.
“The cap’n told me to fetch ye,” shouts the voice.
I stare at the door making sure to grab a paper and pen to communicate with him. I walk out of the room looking around as I followed for the short walk to the Captain’s cabin. He didn’t seem excited or even like his mood changed ever, the tall man with the scars raking across his face watched as I walked in and stood by the door.
“So this is the little Ivy blood you’ve been keeping Duey?” smiles a woman dressed similarly to the Captain but with cerulean colors donning her.
“Shut up and figure out her name or where her wretched pendent resides so you can return to your boat and leave me alone to my business,” he demands with a sharp glare in her direction.
“Alright, fine. All you said was to find it out,” the woman remarks signaling for me to take a seat.
Hesitantly I make my way into the wooden chair, confusion etched lightly into my features. She walks closer taking care not to get too close that was out of the window when she decided to check my torso for any marks.
“What did your boys decide to call her?” the woman asks not looking at him and poking one of her long slender fingers against my gills that were all healed up.
I immediately react with slapping her hand away glaring, I hear a snicker from the captain while I push her away and push my top back to cover my body.
“(Y/N) is what they decided to call her,” he answers with an eye roll
“Well, she is indeed an Ivy blood. I’ll see if I can get her pendent for ye, but I’m going to have you lend her to me afterward for your payment to teach my wriggler to read or at least do numbers,” the woman smirks trailing a finger along my chin.
“We will see about that. You know better than I, that you will take whatever you want regardless of an agreement,” he spits as she leaves from the cabin.
I look over at the captain and scribble across the page with confusion, ‘Should I leave now?’
“No,” he shouts making me raise a brow and leer at him. “Where are you from?”
I glare scribbling. ‘If I knew I wouldn’t be in your hair, now would I?’
“I suppose you are correct,” he chuckles.
‘Why did you want me to stay?’ I write confused.
“To find out why the boys don’t wish to leave you alone,” he mumbles.
I roll my eyes and get off the chair walking to the desk. Placing a piece of paper in front of him and write. ‘I have to finish with the boy’s lesson. If you would like to sit in for the lesson, that is more than appreciated. Cronus said that he would like it a bit better if you spent more time with them.’
“Fine if it’s so important,” he grunts standing up.
I just roll my eyes and walk to the door waiting for him, the bags under his violet eyes seemed to have gotten deeper since I have gotten on the ship. With a stressed sigh I walk with him to my cabin where Cronus and Eridan are already starting their work. As soon as we walk in, Cronus frowns and pretends not to see his father as they both run over and embrace my waist. A silent laugh rumbles through my body as I pet their heads shooing them both back to their work.
“What are you doing here?” demands the small male crossing his arms.
“What’s it to you, go back to your work,” argues the older male.
With a heavy sigh, I quickly push Cronus into his chair instructing him to work. Then I grab paper scribing angrily and shoving the paper in his face. ‘If you are going to bother them, then I’m gonna have to ask you to stop, you are being childish.’
“He started it first,” he argues.
‘Cro is a child. Sit in my chair and you will be the one grading their arithmetic,’ I frown rubbing my temple slowly.
“You don’t tell me what to do,” he counters.
‘My class my rules.’ I furrow my brow.
He sits down without anymore grumbling, I share the small space that is left and start on the next plans I had. I learned very much about the woman who had resided here before and was writing a story with spelling errors for them to revise. The Captain watched me closely and that was staring to become quite aggravating. Eridan was finished with his work and when he attempted to hand it to me, I pointed toward his father. He reluctantly handed the stack of papers to the large man sitting back at his chair, I watched from the corner of my eye to see how he handled the assignment. Scrawled on a page close to him I had written that Eridan was working on determining which verb was correct and that Cro was still working on the difference between certain letters.
Duey examines the paper carefully taking my spare pen and writing corrections and little notes across the page. When he had finished with Eridan’s paper Cro had walked up with his paper. Eridan and Cro had found spots behind me plaiting my hair in odd ways, and I left Duey to the paper to edit.
“I suppose then that the lesson is over then,” the Captain inquires while brushing off invisible wrinkles in his clothing still sitting.
I send a small nod. ‘If you want to leave it’s fine by me, but I don’t think the small children sleepin on you would agree.’ I write showing him the paper.
He turns slightly and see that Cro had curled into his father’s cape like a babe, a calm look etched on his usually serious face while he slept. Somehow Eridan had nuzzled his head on his father’s leg, and I let lose a silent chuckle.
“Do they always fall asleep after their lesson?” he quirks a brow.
I nod slowly, ‘Yes, quite often they do. I don’t mind and usually keep myself busy somewhere in the room.’ I shrug showing him the paper.
“I am just dying for the moment we find your horrid pendant,” he grumbles.
‘Oh, and why’s that?’ I write raising a brow.
“So, I don’t have to wait for you to finish writing to see what you’re trying to say,” he grunts.
‘I suppose that might be a problem,’ I sigh leaning close and brushing some hair behind Eridan’s ear.
I smile and turn toward Cro, before I do anything I notice Captain Duey watching me with a close eye. Without hesitation I reach up and trace one of his long scars down his jaw and bite my lip before quickly going back to adjusting Cronus’ sleeping position. Looking back at the captain I see a troubled look scratched into his sleepy eyes.
“Do you like them?” he asks a bit like its being forced out of his mouth.
‘They’re your children, but I do enjoy their company,’ I write slowly and show him.
“Would you be willing to care for them if I left them to you?” he mutters.
‘Duey?’ I write confused.
“I can’t keep them running all over the ship, especially if we have to keep moving,” he sighs.
‘I’m only here as long as you need me to be,’ I write smiling.
“Will . . . Will you stay forever then?” he mumbles.
“Just look after them for me, I’ll give you everything you need. Just keep my guppies safe,” he looks at me with a frown.
‘No, look at me. Wait for a little bit longer please, sure they need a mother, but they need you more not me. I’m just a lusus if you look at it correctly. It’s what sea-dwellers call a guardian that isn’t blood related, how hard do you think it would be for them to live with me? I’m an Ivy blood not a fuchsia or violet blood,” I frown shoving the paper in his face.
“They need someone who can actually give them the attention that they need,” he counters.
‘You can give them that attention, you just have to choose the right time. You can’t just wait for work to finish to spend time with them. Hold on,” I write and hand him the paper before walking over to the boy’s desks.
Ruffling around in the drawer I find the papers that I’m looking for and walk over and hand it to him. I watch as he reads over my handwriting first.
“What is this?” he questions.
I point to the paper trying to get him to read it. Sitting on the bed and waiting for him to finish I look toward him, looking at him again so many months later it didn’t feel any different than if I had known him my whole life. He was relaxed, Eridan was still cuddled onto his lap and Cronus had managed to swing around to the other side and lay against Duey’s other leg.
“They wrote this,” he asks, and I answer with a nod.
I grab a paper and scrawl out a response, ‘They don’t wish any ill will toward you. And just by spending time with you I realize all they want is to spend some time with you. They want you and no one else.’
He nods and strokes both of their heads gently, it was slightly awkward cause here was with large angry looking man petting his two children as they slept. Suddenly I felt faint, but like I was underwater. So, it was no surprise to me when I had found that my gills were bleeding and that I was slowly crumbling to the ground. Duey watched in horror as I fell to the ground gasping for air, or more like water. Both boys shot up and tried with all their might to pick me up and lay me in the bed. Duey finally out of his trance called for the medic and some sea water after gracefully laying me on the bed and checking me over for any wounds. I could see everything that was happening as if in slow motion, Eridan and Cro fought against their father to get to me just to sit by my side as the medic of the ship looked over my body. And it hit me like a plate to the ground, that woman had put something on my gills before I smacked her hand away.
I lay there for a long time and I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do when I finally regained consciousness. Eridan and Cronus had set up permanent residence in my cabin, and I noticed that the Captain had kept his distance. It felt like an eternity in my room, but I found that only a month had passed. When I climbed out of bed slowly, I noticed that Cronus had run from the room probably to retrieve his father.
“(Y/N) can you come outside with us?” Eridan asks grabbing my hand.
I nodded and stood as best I could following the small boy. No one stopped us, and I found that quite peculiar seeing as how I was often stopped when attempting to adventure around the ship before. Cronus followed after us and I smile as both boys help me down toward the sand. It felt foreign immediately, but I just followed both boys as they glanced at the water. I attempted to sit on the sand while they wished to play in the water, but I was stopped.
“Come in the water with us, it should make you feel better, that’s what the book told us,” Eridan urges.
I stare at the two violet bloods and let out a silent giggle before following them into the water. Since they were so small the water was only up to my thighs when it got close to their waist. I motioned for them to wait there and moved farther back into the water, my skin n longer dry and the gasping feeling my body had felt before was gone. With a grin on my face I swam back toward them and hugged them tightly.
“You look better than before,” Cronus comments with a giggle.
I nod and kiss his forehead, turning to kiss his brother on the forehead too. Before I could make the walk out of the water I felt two large arms around my waist, and my seaweed green eyes met with vibrant laughing purple eyes. I pushed away gently holding back a silent giggle as Duey held me and his children in his arms. After a few moments in the water we left it to take a rest, as soon as we set foot on the sand I sat down and closed my eyes taking in the suns rays. But suddenly there was a new familiar weight on my collar bone, opening my eyes I see the emerald pendant that I had lost more than three months ago. I looked up and launched myself into the Captains arms hugging him tightly.
“Thank you,” I whisper.
He went rigid under my touch when he heard my voice, ivy green tears dripped from my eyes.
“Thank you for this, I really appreciate it,” I smile.
“Not a problem,” he grumbles setting me down to be attacked by the boys.
Eridan tackles me to the ground in a giggling fit a huge smile plastered on his lips, “The man was right, You’re all better now (y/n) I’m so happy.”
“Yeah,” I giggle hugging him close and sitting up so Cronus would come and join us.
“Are you going to leave now that you have your pendent?” Cronus frowns.
I look up at the captain, “Am I leaving Cap’n?”
“No, she’s not done teaching you both, yet is she?” he asks raising a brow.
Cronus smirks and hugs his father tight. “Are you goin ta marry her?”
“Uh, that’s a question for a different time,” he chuckles ruffling Cronus’ hair.
“Before or after we get a new sibling?” Eridan asks.
I blush a deep ivy hiding my face as best I can.
“So that’s a yes,” Cro asks.
“Alright let’s get back on the ship there’s business to tend to and now that the person with the best reading skill can speak there is a lot more jobs we are able to take,” Duey shouts.
Both boys groan as I smother a giggle while we walk back in the boat, the days passed quickly and felt like they were bleeding together. We were doing well with work and Eridan was picking up reading quicker now that I could help him out more, Cronus was being sneaky as ever and would pull pranks on me to get me riled up. It felt like only a few weeks had gone by, but it was already a month after I had been given my pendent back, I was extremely happy and content with the way life was going. But there was a sickening feeling boiling slowly in the pit of my stomach and it was very unsettling when I would get in the ocean.
“(Y/n)! Are you alright?” asks the shaky voice of Eridan.
“I’m fine guppy. Do you need something?” I mutter as a slow burning pain started forcing its way under my think pan.
“Can I stay in here with you?” he mumbles.
“Of course. Fighting with Cronus?” I whisper ruffling his hair.
“No, father is worried about something and it’s hard to sleep with his pacing,” Eridan sighs as he climbs into my bed.
“Well sleep here for tonight. Your father told me that we are meeting two princesses tomorrow, and I hope you are excited,” I chuckle while pulling him close to my body, so he can rest easy.
It didn’t take long for him to fall asleep and even less time for him to be completely unconscious, just as I was getting ready to fall asleep the door slammed open. Duey’s usually pushed back hair was all over his face and he looked as if he had just woken up form a nightmare.
“Thank the moon he’s in here,” he gasps slumping to the ground next to my bed.
“He heard you pacing from his room, so he came here.” I smile reaching over to push his hair back in place.
“I’m not sure about the visit with the Empress tomorrow,” he sighs, his eyes were obviously lacking the proper amount of sleep.
I shift in my bed climbing out and sitting on the floor facing him.
“It will be fine.” I frown as he looks away. “Look at me, everything is going to work out fine. Do you understand me, King Ampora?”
“Call me anyfin but that,” he groans looking at me with a frown.
“Alright, but you can do it tomorrow understand?” I confirm.
He nods and places a chaste kiss on my forehead making my face fill with color. I smile standing up and turning to pick up the small boy sleeping on my bed, but instead am pulled down into a warm embrace. The sinking feeling in my stomach is burning now. When morning rolls around we are all rushing to finish getting ready. Cronus was nowhere to be found no matter where we looked, everyone was on deck searching for the boy.
“Duey, what could have happened?” I gasp, almost tripping on the garment that I was given. “He was there when we woke up. Why isn’t he here now?”
“(Y/n) calm down. He will be found, please just sit down and breathe.” Duey commands forcing me to sit on one of the crates sitting by the ships edge.
I wait patiently looking around worried as the time feels to drag on, when my eyes lock with small scared purple orbs.
“Cronus,” I shout jumping to grab the child bringing him to my chest.
“I just went for a swim before we had to go to the Palace. I saw some shells that I thought you might like and it took a little longer than I thought to persuade a grumpy crab for a trade,” he grumbles.
“I was still worried. Well, all’s well now that you are found,” I sigh as I push his hair back slightly.
“Geeze if I didn’t know any better, I would say you’re acting like a mom (Y/n),” he rolls his eyes.
“Would you like to get smacked?” Duey growls.
Cronus slips from my death grip and runs behind me, and I laugh shaking my head shooing the small boy away to get dressed.
“I will have to do something grand to make her forgive me for being late,” he groans.
“From what you have relayed to me about this Empress she is an appriciater of fine jewelry, correct?” I ask with a smile.
“What are you planning you little vixen?” he chortles.
“Something that should make her be accepting of your tardiness,” I smile running to the cabins.
As I fly down the stairs I quickly dig through the trunk laying at the wall of the room, and quickly pull out an intricate piece of jewelry covered with pinkish purple gems. Since being an ivy blood, this color didn’t suit my fancy, so I thought it be better if someone else have it.
“Come on mom,” calls a shaky voice.
I pause and whip my head around locking eyes with Eridan, and a smile walking over to the small boy. With a grin plastered on my lips while we walk back to the deck.
“Someone seems to be in a wonderful mood after almost losing their cool not too long ago,” Duey chuckles.
“Come on Father, Mother is only happy cause we have a great gift to apologize for being late,” Cronus chirps up grabbing both our hands.
We all board a carriage and make the silent ride to a wondrous palace. It was decorated in fuchsia and black with gold accents to brighten the rooms. While walking through the doors I kept a bit farther behind the children and almost ran into Duey’s back when he came to a stop.
“King Dualscar, you’re late. I will let it pass since we have more important matters to attend to,” bellows the tall woman. “Have your little tanked guppy look after the children.”
Duey turns to me and the boys with a weak smile, “Both of you know where to take her right?”
“O’ course we do dad, leave it to us,” Cronus chuckles.
Both boys grip my hand tightly and before I can get my bearings I’m being dragged quickly down a maze of halls. When we approach what I would consider a normal height for doors, I can hear laughing inside.
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sludgewolf · 1 year
hello!! can you write cronus being friends with human eridan’s matesprit (m or gn)? ty!!
thanks for sending this ask this is such a different and cool idea, im so sry it took so long ;-;
Warning: none rly, just some sibling behavior between the Amporas/ maybe foul language
Disclaimer: do not copy, repost, take or feed to AI or NFTs anything I post
A Spy on the Inside - platonic Cronus x Eridan's human matesprit!reader
Despite how clingy Eridan is with you he's still very privy about his personal life
not with you, but with his "extended family"
it took him some perigees being with you before you to even met his lusus
in Eri’s defense his charge has a horrible temper and has hated everyone he met before meeting you
But Cronus is a whole different thing
Eridan told you multiple stories when you were meeting each other of his great ancestor, a troll legend that worked under )(er Imperious Condescension herself, the Orphaner Dualscar
and now that he met pre-scratch Dualscar and it was just bizarre to say the least, and to be honest, he didn't really like him at all
he actively avoided the older Ampora every chance he got
and he would do anything in his power to keep you as far away from the sea douche as possible
When you asked him about it he waved his hands around telling you that you're just to handsome and precious for Cronus to not flirt with you 
Eridan also told you of the not at all pleasant experience he had when he met Cronus
and with that you decided that you yourself didn't really want o meet the failed Orphaner 
Especially because of all descriptions you heard of him from the others, he sounded like a creep, a weirdo and someone you wouldn't aproach without at least bear spray and a taser
But as always, fate had other plans for you
Today you were going out to grab yourself some coffee, take a walk to get out of the house for a bit and have some time for yourself
Cronus, who just can't mind his damn business for the life of him, saw you for afar, he immediately recognised the scarf Eridan "lent you" and approached you
fortunately not with the intention to flirt or even bother you, but with a plan to piss his little dancestor off as much as possible
Cronus ended up actually being someone fun and easy to talk to and once he revealed to you his diabolical plan, you were immediately on board
Every time you saw each other you would tell some of the most embarrassing stories of Eridan that would come to your minds or coming up with various different pranks you could pull on the small troll
and next time you saw said troll you'd drop little hints that you knew of some stories he has too embarrased to tell you
But as time went on you started to hang out more and more just for the fun of it, to enjoy each other’s company 
And once the little violet found you out he was pissed
as well as worried for you
But when he found out you and cronus were just being little shits together, no second intentions, he went back to being pissed
for a whole ass week he didn't talk to neither of you
not until you showed up at his door with ice cream and some shitty fashion police episodes
Little Danny really missed you and jumped into your arms as soon as he opened the door
He knew he couldn't do much about your new friendship other than cutely pout at you while you laughed
Eridan loves your laugh and always tries to make you smile, but not when it is because youre laughing at his old wiggler photos Cronus got from Skyhorse Dad
Despite all the teasing and joking around you still loved him and didn't just want to make fun of him
so you and Cro started to work together, once more behind Danny’s back, but this time to craft him a surprise
Together you wrote him a short story of a prince who was prophesied by angels to use their magical powers to defeat a great evil, said destiny being passed down to them by their ancestor who failed to fulfill it 
ok, cronus came up with most of the plot and ofc, the self centered bitch had to insert himself in some way
but the idea was just so fun that you just needed to write it
besides, it didn't need to be super good, it just had to be readable and fun for Eri
Once you present the gift to him all the pouting and grumbling is gone and in it’s place you got an arm full of matesprit 
As much as your fish prince pretends that he doesn't like magic you can literally see how his eyes light up and how his ear fins flicker with curiosity when it comes to it
And while reading your story its no different 
the troll curls up on one of his softest piles, dragging you with him for cuddles, and reads it all in one day 
Eridan just absolutely loves it all, the overused plot, how the main character is “just so like him!”, the grammar mistakes you ended up overlooking 
by nightfall he’s purring to you until you fall asleep as a thanks, he will maybe talk to Cronus next night, right now he’d rather be spending some time with you
since cronus stole you away for some nights for this -3-
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caffeinatedmoth · 2 years
Homestuck writing blog
I’ll mostly be writing for the ancestors but on occasion I’ll write for whatever character I feel the need to
Reader will generally be gender neutral but also depends on what I’m feeling or if you request something specifically
You can request headcanons or scenarios if you want but this blog is mostly a stress reliever more than anything
Just know I mostly write when I drink so I might not get to it idk
I don’t write for everyone but I’ll write for most
I do write nsfw so minors dont interact thnx
I’ll mostly write for comfort tho so idk
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yandere--stuck · 2 years
💛 and 🤖 for Dualscar?
 💛 How would they confess their love to their crush?
It's less of a confession, and more like him making you aware that you are his matesprit now. There's no choice in the matter, with no space for chance of rejection or refusal. Be and his men force you upon his ship, where you are to stay by him and keep to yourself within his quarters. If it's at all possible, he'd keep you complete isolated from even the other members of his crew.
You were all his now, and he'd make sure it stayed that way.
 🤖 What do they fear the most?
Dualscar knew he had gone too far, taking the life of the jade blood that the Marquise had kept to herself.
He had only done it to get back at Mindfang, but part of him knew that killing the jade was probably the most merciful thing he could do in such a situation. The jade's mind was not her own anymore, controlled by the Marquise to enact romantic fantasies. She was a passenger in her own life, trapped inside her mind as she was controlled like a puppet. What Dualscar did was merciful, especially for a seadweller, even if his intentions weren't pure.
But, with you... He's terrified of Mindfang doing the same to you. It near paralyzed him with fear. Made him hold you tighter in an embrace at the thought of losing you to her.
Never. Never. He'd never let her get the chance, would never let her hurt you. He promised.
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stuckonscenarios · 3 years
Do you feel comfortable taking requests for Dualscar scenarios??? If so… how would he feel having a flushed crush on a human???
(so sorry if this is ooc; i’m not incredibly far into hs and have not gotten to the ancestors. i just read up on him and am doing my best. a lot of it is what i interpret might happen, so again, sorry-V)
Dualscar w a flushcrush on a human 💜♒️
-oh my. a flush crush on a human? he honestly feels a tad icky.
-don’t get me wrong; he think’s you’re incredible. you’re a work of art in his eyes, but a human
-he’s entirely confused on what to do. nothing like this has ever happened, not to mention to a highblood
-he’s shellshocked, if you will. (bad pun, i’m an egbert kin what do you expect)
-this is simultaneously the worst and best thing to happen to him.
-finally, he buckles and asks you out. for a high blood, he sure is nervous. he shouldn’t be, he knows. people bow at the sight of him, but it’s you for crying out loud!
-get ready for the pampering of a lifetime. this troll WILL spoil you rotten.
-and rip to anyone who even looks in your direction. mans. is. jealous.
-rip that 😺 ayy
-lovely pair, the two of you. congrats on your new boyfriend.
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dalishthunder · 3 years
wet dream anon here again but,,, dualscar edition 👁️👁️ he's woken up by reader rutting against him and to enhance their experience ™️ he just slides right in there (reader and dualscar have discussed this before so it's consentual even though they're asleep, consent is important homies 😌)
I want you to know that this ask made me feel some kind of way anyways here's a smutty little drabble. L00d under the cut
Rating: E Pairing: Dualscar/Reader Words: 703 consensual somnophilia
He couldn't sleep... it was like that most days but having you beside him always helped mitigate some of the more noxious thoughts that crept into his head from time to frequent time. Watching you sleep, so soft and warm next to him and so so trusting with your alien fragility. You knew he could tear you to shreds, break you without any real thought to it, Gl'bgolyb knew he'd done it to countless others, but you simply trusted him not to. And he wouldn't.
His swim bladder was filling with pity in his old age... Not that he was particularly old by seadweller standards, but by human standards he was ancient. And your life was so fleeting so transient and yet you chose to spend it with him instead of your own kind.
He always enjoyed your expression, your face relaxed and soft like your skin... unguarded, and he closed his eyes for a moment to bask in your human warmth.
You mumbled out his name and he almost thought he'd woken you, but your eyes were still closed. You breathed out his name again with a little more desperation and he trailed his fingers along your cheek. He felt you shift against him and let out a soft moan and he could smell the change in the air; the earthy tang of human arousal.
You ground against his leg, such a sweet thing you were as you whimpered out a "Dualscar, please." How could he not feel so flushed for you when even in your sleep you had nothing but desire for him.
He bounced his leg against you, and you let out a wanton moan. His bulge was already beginning to peak out of its sheath.
The two of you had discussed it at great length, whether or not it was copacetic lend a helping frond to each other in situations like this, and you had both come to the agreement that you both were comfortable taking care of each other. It was about trust.
He whispered out your name, his hand coming to stroke the inside of your thigh trailing up to rub against the moistening fabric of your underwear. You rutted shamelessly against him and he quickly adjusted, careful of his claws.
You called out his name again and he pulled your underwear aside so he could slip into you, cooing soft praises and trilling softly because you were a human; Blending quads was normal for you. You didn't mind his pale noises.
And vast glub you were so hot, searing against his bulge as he inched into you. You rocked your hips against him, driving him deeper as you panted out your needy little alien moans. He undulated inside of you and you absolutely keened as he pressed against that spongey spot on your front wall.
He let out a moan of his own as you squeezed down around him with your strange, crushing nook. "Come on sweetheart, I have you." He purred, groping your chest protrusions and tweaking their little nubs.
Your eyes fluttered open, panting out his name again. "Fuck...." You managed to get out, curling your fingers in his hair and pulling him down for a kiss and you clamped down around him again. "You really know how to wake someone up."
"And you really know how to get someone up." He said, hoping that he was using the human turn of phrase correctly. You rewarded him with a laugh and he grinned, kissing you again.
You were getting close, he could feel the desperation in your thrusts, and he reached down to rub your pleasure nub carefully with his knuckle.
You absolutely screamed out his name as you came, fluttering around him and dragging him with you before he could even begin to ask if you'd prefer a bucket or not. He spilled into you with a groan, throwing his head back and biting his bottom lip hard enough to draw out some of his noble violet.
You were both breathing hard, and you giggled a little bit again and his pump biscuit swelled a bit. You licked your lips, grinning mischievously before pushing him onto his back and climbing on top of him.
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yandere-homestuck · 3 years
Masterlist Ancestors
♋ The Signless/The Sufferer 🩸
Yandere!Signless - “You’re calling me a monster? Who do you think made me this way?”
♈ Handmaid 🥢
♉ The Summoner 🦋
♊ The Ψiioniic 💛
Yandere!Psiioniic x Troll!Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Psiioniic x Reader Headcanons General and NSFW
Yandere!Psiioniic x Reader Drabble Opinion on Restraints
♌ The Disciple 📜
♍ The Dolorosa 🪡
♎ Neophyte Redglare ⚖
Yandere!Redglare x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Redglare - “It’s your word over mine. Who do you think they’re going to believe.”
♏ Marquise Spinneret Mindfang 🦾
Yandere!Mindfang x Reader Headcanons [Explosive-molly]
Yandere!Mindfang x Reader Headcanons Falling for Dualscar’s S/O [Yanyan-stuck]
♐ E%ecutor Darkleer 🏹
♑The Grand Highblood 💜
Yandere!Grand Highblood x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Grand Highblood x Reader Headcanons Cuddle
Yandere!Grand Highblood x Reader Headcanons Stockholm Syndrome
Yandere!Grand Highblood x troll!Reader Oneshot First meet
Yandere!Grand Hightblood x Reader Headcanons General and NSFW
♒ Orphaner Dualscar 🌊
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons NSFW
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons Darling Silently Asking to be Pet
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons Broken Darling
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons Affectionate Darling
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons Potential Soft Spots
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Oneshot Escape Attempt
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Drabble NSFW
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons Asking for sexe
Yandere Dualscar Slipping Up in his Horrible Actions
Yandere Dualscar with a Darling Asking for Matespritship
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, H, I, Q, and Z)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (C, F, and G)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (E, K, L, and R)
Emoji Themed Yandere Headcanons (💛 and 🤖)
♓ Her Imperious Condescension/The Condesce 🐙
Yandere!Condesce x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Condesce x Human!Reader Oneshot [Petar-yandere]
Yandere!Condesce x Reader Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
The Condesce Stealing Dualscar’s Matesprit  [Yanyan-stuck]
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ao3feed-karezi · 6 years
Dragonstuck reader insert (homestuck au fanfiction) (Spanish Version)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2M0rvX6
by FreeCatnip329
IN HIATUS - Tenías 7 años la primera vez que viste un dragón ...
 (Publicado en Wattpad como Dragonstuck x reader (homestuck au fanfiction) by HealerSilverEyes)
Words: 6269, Chapters: 6/?, Language: Español
Series: Part 1 of FreeCatnip329´s Homestuck au Reader Inserts (Spanish Version)
Fandoms: Homestuck
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Karkat Vantas, Aradia Megido, Tavros Nitram, Sollux Captor, Nepeta Leijon, Kanaya Maryam, Terezi Pyrope, Vriska Serket, Equius Zahhak, Gamzee Makara, Eridan Ampora, Feferi Peixes, Kankri Vantas, Damara Megido, Rufioh Nitram, Mituna Captor, Meulin Leijon, Porrim Maryam, Latula Pyrope, Aranea Serket, Horuss Zahhak, Kurloz Makara, Cronus Ampora, Meenah Peixes, The Signless | The Sufferer, The Handmaid (Homestuck), The Summoner (Homestuck), The Psiioniic | The Helmsman, The Disciple (Homestuck), The Dolorosa (Homestuck), Neophyte Redglare, Spinneret Mindfang, Darkleer (Homestuck), Grand Highblood, Orphaner Dualscar, The Condesce (Homestuck), Reader, John Egbert, Dave Strider, Jade Harley, Rose Lalonde, Jane Crocker, Dirk Strider, Jake English, Roxy Lalonde
Relationships: Sollux Captor/Aradia Megido, Tavros Nitram/Vriska Serket, Gamzee Makara & Tavros Nitram, Terezi Pyrope/Karkat Vantas, Jade Harley & Karkat Vantas, Nepeta Leijon & Equius Zahhak, Rose Lalonde/Kanaya Maryam, John Egbert & Vriska Serket, Eridan Ampora & Feferi Peixes, Eridan Ampora/Feferi Peixes, Terezi Pyrope & Dave Strider
Additional Tags: dragonstuck, AU, alternative universe, universo alternativo, Dragons, dragones, Alternate Universe - Dragons, Universo Alternativo - Dragones, Reader-Insert, Reader can talk to dragons, Reader puede hablar con los dragones
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2M0rvX6
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ao3feed-rosekan · 6 years
Dragonstuck reader insert (homestuck au fanfiction)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2w68j6V
by FreeCatnip329
You were 7 years old the first time you saw a dragon ...
 (Posted in wattpad as Dragonstuck x reader (homestuck au fanfiction) by HealerSilverEyes)
Words: 1128, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Homestuck
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Karkat Vantas, Aradia Megido, Tavros Nitram, Nepeta Leijon, Sollux Captor, Kanaya Maryam, Terezi Pyrope, Vriska Serket, Equius Zahhak, Gamzee Makara, Eridan Ampora, Feferi Peixes, Kankri Vantas, Damara Megido, Rufioh Nitram, Meulin Leijon, Porrim Maryam, Latula Pyrope, Aranea Serket, Kurloz Makara, Horuss Zahhak, Cronus Ampora, Meenah Peixes, The Signless | The Sufferer, The Summoner (Homestuck), The Handmaid (Homestuck), Mituna Captor, The Psiioniic | The Helmsman, The Disciple (Homestuck), The Dolorosa (Homestuck), Neophyte Redglare, Spinneret Mindfang, Darkleer (Homestuck), Grand Highblood, Orphaner Dualscar, The Condesce (Homestuck), Reader, John Egbert, Jake English, Rose Lalonde, Roxy Lalonde, Jade Harley, Jane Crocker, Dave Strider, Dirk Strider, Original Characters, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Sollux Captor/Aradia Megido, Tavros Nitram/Vriska Serket, Gamzee Makara & Tavros Nitram, Terezi Pyrope/Karkat Vantas, Jade Harley & Karkat Vantas, Nepeta Leijon/Equius Zahhak, Rose Lalonde/Kanaya Maryam, John Egbert & Vriska Serket, Eridan Ampora & Feferi Peixes, Eridan Ampora/Feferi Peixes, Terezi Pyrope & Dave Strider
Additional Tags: dragonstuck, AU, Alternate Universe, Dragons, Alternate Universe - Dragons, Reader-Insert, Reader can talk to dragons
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2w68j6V
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yanyan-stuck · 2 years
headcanons with dualscar if his darling actually asked for sex?
Dualscar with an S/O Who Asks for Sex
-Honestly, he wouldn't really trust it in the slightest, and likely would not take you up on it, at least not immediately.
-Most likey, he would wait a few days, or even weeks before be has sex with you, and he would try to change you surroundings from your typical ones, simply due to his suspicions that you might be plotting something, be it a way to escape or to hurt him, with the surroundings.
-He would however take it as an invitation to have sex with you much more frequently, even if you begin to have your complaints with it. If you are able to continue to want more from him though, he will eventually soften some, and be more gentle.
-Once this happens, he would be a lot more willing to have sex when you want, but he will also use you to get himself off anytime he feels like it, whether you complain or not. If you complain too much or fight back though, he'll likely stop letting you choose the times as well.
-However, if you fold the first time he tries to have sex with you after you ask, no matter how rough he was, he'll probably start doing it even more often, and be more mocking and almost bitter during it.
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dalishthunder · 3 years
a few weeks ago you mentioned that cronus and dualscar would give reader stuff with the aquarius insignia and i was thinking,,, since dualscar doesn't wear normal t-shirts and he's also way too tall for any of his clothes to fit reader without like two feet of fabric dragging along the floor, he'd hire someone to make a shirt for you but since he can't just ask for the reader's measurements he tells the seamstress to guess,, he doesn't take into account that humans are built slightly different than trolls so it ends up being a little too big and the reader ends up wearing it to sleep,,,, and when he wakes up he sees them cuddled up to him, hair messy from turning in their sleep, the shirt slightly off the shoulder and with the bite marks he'd left there last night he just sighs and smiles at you (and when he notices them waking up he acts like he wasn't just staring at them for 15 minutes straight) -wet dream anon
Wet dream anon you are my muse, my light, my love. Your mind is just as huge as your meat. Spitting pure sermons with every ask. Coming to me with visions like an oracle to a humble scribe.
Your proportions were so different from a seadweller's your neck nowhere near as wide or sloping, shoulders slimmer, limbs shorter, not to mention just... smaller in every single aspect than he was. He supposed he should have specified that the garment would be for an alien, not just a seadweller on the short side of things, so when it hung loosely around you, he couldn't help feeling like the most moronic imbecile in the entire cosmos.
You'd told him you'd loved it even though the silk draped around you and drooped off your body. Deeps, he couldn't help but to avoid you for days afterward. But you'd worn it when he'd come back, and you really, really were adamant about liking it.
He couldn't resist unwrapping you from it like a gift, kissing you hard enough that your lips would probably feel bruised because you were such a perfect little alien. So appreciative and sweet even when his screamstress didn't make your garments correctly... which was partially his fault.
So warm as he writhed inside of you, ass so plush as he squeezed it, your alien nook so tight and crushing, everything about you so, so perfect. And so, so his.
Dualscar bit you hard enough to draw blood, sweet and metallic as he lapped it up with his tongue while you squirmed. And he couldn't help but bite you again as he pumped you full of his slurry like the universe's most beautiful bucket. Like a mammal being bred, claimed, and by the Empress herself did that do it for him.
He grabbed some sopor, smearing it on his bites to help your wounds heal a little faster and prevent infection because miraculously that worked on your alien anatomy just as it worked on a troll's.
You'd put on the robe he'd gotten made for you much to his chagrin, saying that it was perfect for sleeping in, so comfortable. He was pretty sure you were just saying it, but as you curled up to sleep beside him, sleeping contentedly he couldn't help but admire the visible marks he'd left on your skin. How perfectly it draped along your shoulders showing the entirety of his teeth marks perfectly. Deeps how his swim bladder filled with pity for you.
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dalishthunder · 3 years
Another excerpt of one of the rqs im working on bc life is long and full of work hours
It was late when Dualscar showed up to your room. He'd missed your party, but you honestly couldn't hold it against him. He'd probably have just gotten drunk and into a fight or two. Cantankerous old bastard he was.
"Miss me, sweetheart?" He leaned against the doorframe, and if you didn't know any better, you'd think he were suave... (un)fortunately you did know better. "Was the party any good?"
It was always good. You were excellent at parties... sort of, but it had been nice seeing all of your friends in one place so you answered, "Of course."
He just gave you a disgruntledly fond look and made his way over to the bed, crawling in beside you and nuzzling into your neck.
Dualscar was a very bad quadmate. You were 100% positive on that. Quads didn't always make sense to you, and you still were trying to wrap your head around them all, but from what you did know, you could see he obviously had a lot of issues.
It wasn't just the hot and cold thing that he did a lot; The presents and grand declarations of affection he would make, then abruptly ignore you for two days. It wasn't even that he had a serious drinking problem that he was most definitely not addressing even though he said he was handling it.
Dualscar's romance squares were more rhomboidal in shape and you felt even that was generous... at least a rhombus had four sides.
Not that you particularly minded, it's not like you were the one committing some social faux pas. And even if you were, it was kind of a stupid social contract, but alas you had no say in the rules.
So when Dualscar would get all touchy-feely and emotional after pailing, and started to get "pale" or whatever, you didn't care. In fact you kind of found it sweet how vulnerable he would get sometimes....
He took a deep breath in. His hand tightened around your waist, not quite hard enough to bruise, but enough that you could very much feel it. He took another breath, a low, faint growl in his voice. "I can smell them all over you."
"Yes, I had a lot of friends at my party. I'm not surprised." Came your bland reply, you could feel him open his mouth like a cat did when it sniffed a particularly pungent shoe. "Besides, we're supposed to be in the red quadrant, if anything human friendship is a lot more like the pale diamond one."
You could hear that faint growl again for a brief moment before he grabbed your ass, dragging his lips along your neck until he met your ear and breathing out, "Call me selfish but I don't want anyone else to touch you."
You should probably reprimand him because encouraging him meant he'd probably be more difficult later on, but you also had to admit it was kind of fucking hot.
He nipped at the lobe of your ear.
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yanyan-stuck · 4 years
this one might be odd, but what if the darling was affectionate with dualscar from the beginning? or just generally someone who wants to give and get affection!
Yandere Dualscar With an Affectionate S/O
-He doesn't trust it at all. He thinks you're trying to lower his guard and escape, so he'll progressively act worse and worse towards you.
-If you keep being affectionate towards him, he might start to be less aggressive towards you, but it'll be just as, if not more, gradual.
-Once he's certain that you are being genuine, and that will take quite a long time, he's really nice when he's alone with you. He'll also be really affectionate, and he'll pretty much let you do whatever as long as you aren't hurting him or trying to leave without him.
-He'll still be a bit mean if you're around other people, but the anger is always directed at them, and never at you.
-If you do end up cracking and get more withdrawn, he'll probably still give you affection, but it'll mostly be him attempting to make you uncomfortable with his constant touching because this is what you wanted, right?
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yanyan-stuck · 4 years
Does dualscar even have a soft side? And if yes any headcanons? (NSFW and/or SFW)
Yandere Dualscar
-He would have a soft spot for his darling, but they would have to completely win his trust for him to reveal it.
-If he believes that his darling does genuinely love him, he'll start to be slightly nicer to them. It'll take a very long time though, he doesn't trust easily.
-It also has to be timed perfectly. If his darling shows that they love him even a day earlier than he expects them to, he'll be worse towards them for a couple of extra months.
-He'll still act horribly to his darling when they're with others, but he'll apologize for it when he's alone with them.
-If they do anything, even something small, that breaks that trust even slightly, he'll go back to how he was at the beginning of their captivity, and won't give them a second chance.
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yanyan-stuck · 4 years
how would dualscar react if his darling broke?
Dualscar with a Broken Darling
-He's a little bit disappointed, he was enjoying the challenge of getting you to fall in love with him.
-He's not going to let it affect him or your relationship, though. He acts pretty much the same as he normally does, and the only thing that changes is that he no longer has to punish you.
-He may try to get you back to how you used to be, but he wouldn't try that hard, and it probably wouldn't work.
-After his initial disappointment, he'll get used to it, and start to appreciate it. He's glad that you don't fight back anymore, even if you don't go out of your way to show that you lover him, either.
-He'll definitely use this to his advantage, testing the limits of where you start to show discomfort, and when you don't, he'll keep going.
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