#paramedic!jake seresin
sarahsmi13s · 22 days
The Surfer and the Paramedic
paramedic!jake 'hangman' seresin
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9-1-1, what is your emergency?
when jake was a kid he had wanted nothing more than to play pro-baseball. he loved the sport and worked his tail off to succeed. and he had great prospects to go pro. he had already committed to the texas longhorns, going to college to further his experience before going pro. he never thought he would need a back-up plan... not until his senior year when a raging storm tore through texas and devasted the towns in its path. jake and a few of his friends had made the horrible decision to chase it. only for it to turn around and chase them. the memory of the event is hazy. the visuals of it anyway. the pain? jake remembered it vividly. his leg, from the knee down, had gotten crushed by debris. it was a devastation to his life plans, his dreams. the debris crushed more than his leg... but something came out of that. jake had been saved. his got to keep his leg because of the paramedics and fire/rescue team that managed to pull him out. and that is where jake found a new opportunity. and that's where he met you. the surfer who would change his life as he saved hers...
hey guys! i know i don't usually leave comments under these but i did mention in this post that this will have a fic to go with it! and once i can get the muse to cooperate with me on things, i will have it written.
and i do want to apologize for not getting this up last week like i said i would. i haven't been feeling quite like myself lately, but im trying to get back to it because i want to share my ideas with anyone that wants to see them. 💜
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thewulf · 7 months
I'm All In Darlin' || Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Summary: Request - Hi! Reading one of your fic got me this idea: hangman x reader, she isn't a pilot, maybe a paramedic or nurse or something like this. She goes to the hard deck because her best friend works there on the weekends and she became friends with the daggers... Read Rest Here
A/N: Love me some Jake as always. Changed up the ending a little bit. Very fluffy. Thank you anon!
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Y/N
Word Count: 2.4k +
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“Hi Jake.” You hummed setting your glass down next to him on the high-top he and a few other Daggers were already occupying.
He gave you a once over as you slid into the bar seat next to him. Quirking an eyebrow up he sat up a bit straighter in his seat while turning towards you ever so slightly, “No scrubs today?” Jake asked seeing you in your nicer clothes. You’d been a nurse ever since you graduated college. You’d met your best friend Emily at the hospital not too much longer after that.
Nodding your head your took a drink from the beer, “Yeah, Emily convinced me to look nice for once. I have to admit though, jeans suck compared to scrubs.” You answered him once you took a drink and pointed towards your friend who was snuggled up to her ‘not-boyfriend’ Javy. While your roommate tried to deny the situationship you couldn’t deny seeing the man at your shared apartment every other night.
Jake grinned, “I like your scrubs. Not that I don’t like that outfit either. But you look cute in scrubs.” He rambled on as you smiled at him. The relationship between the two of you was… complicated to say the least. You weren’t the hookup type and Jake wasn’t really a relationship type. As much as you adored him you couldn’t put yourself through that knowing how much jealousy would rip apart the very friendship you’d already loved and adored with the man.
“Thanks Jake.” Your cheeks burned every so slightly with the look he was giving you, pure adoration. God, you wanted everything and more with this man. You’d grown to love him over the month and half long friendship you’d harbored with him. He was everything and more that you wanted in a man. It left you wondering what fucked up past relationship made him so allusive to a commitment. You’d prayed deep down it was some sort of defense mechanism and that maybe just maybe one day you’d have a chance with the man. But even you knew you couldn’t wait for forever.
He nodded, “You look cute tonight too.”
Your already there smile widened as you took in his sweet words, “You’re being awfully nice right now.”
He shrugged, “You know I don’t lie darlin’.”
“In that case, thank you Jake.” Your eyes traced over his face as he nodded once more at you. His eyes drew over your shoulder seeing a group of men pointing in your general direction. You noticed Jake’s own eyes darken as he moved to the other side of you, shielding you from the view of the men at the bar.
Clueless to his actions you gave him a confused glance once he settled down on the other side of you.
He sighed, “Group of Army boys visiting from Virginia. Some joint training exercise with another squadron on base. They’re not the best company.” You knew he wanted to say more but bit his tongue.
He stood from his seat clearly still unsettled, “Come on, let’s sit outside. It’s a nice night out anyway.” He held out his hand for you to take. Without a second thought you took his hand in yours and let him lead the way. Both of you so stuck in your own little world that you didn’t notice the snickers from his own squadron mates.
When Emily saw that the both of you had in fact left the bar she turned to the group, “So, how do we get them together?”
“Pot calling the kettle black.” Natasha smirked eyeing how Emily was practically in Javy’s lap.
Em shook her head, “Not about me right now. It’s about those two idiots.”
Fanboy’s eyes lit up as he jutted in, “Make her jealous? Classic case of having Jake bring a girl here or something? That always works.”
Javy shook his head, “Not with Y/N it won’t.
Natasha smirked even further, “Been spending a lot time over at Y/N and Emily’s place huh? That how you know so much about her?” She challenged.
Javy shrugged, “Like Em said, not about us. It’s about them right now.”
Nat just shook her head, “Whatever. I agree with him though. That’s a stupid plan Mickey. This isn’t a movie.”
He shrugged, “You come up with a plan then.”
Nat sighed, “Just give them some time. They’ll figure it out. Not like either of them have eyes for anybody else.”
Em nodded, “So, stay the hell out of it?”
Nat grinned, “For now.”
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You’d arrived back at the Hard Deck the next Friday for your usual routine of flirting with Jake until Penny shut the bar down. It had become a welcomed Friday tradition, the two of you getting lost in each other’s conversation.
When you scanned the usual location for Jake you frowned when you couldn’t spot the blonde hair you’d become so accustomed too. Reluctantly, you sat down next to Emily. Your eyes didn’t stop scanning the crowd to see if
“Seresin isn’t here.” Mickey spoke up seeing you still searching for the man.
Your frown only deepened, “Oh, no?”
He leaned forward whispering into your ear, “No, on a date with some pretty blonde girl or something like that. Saw him walking her to his car earlier for dinner.” You could tell Fanboy was feeling a little more sloshed than he normally was for a Friday outing with the squad.
“Oh.” Your eyes looked in every direction but at him, “Good to know, I guess.”
You didn’t notice Javy and Em sneaking side glances at your ongoing whispered conversation with the pilot. But he knew something wasn’t right seeing your face go from annoyed to upset in a matter of seconds. It dawned on him almost immediately that Mickey set to motion his very stupid, very idiotic plan.
“Y/N. What kind of beer do you want tonight?” Javy spoke up after seeing your downcast eyes.
You forced a smile on your face knowing you needed to think of a fix to your situation quick, “I’m actually feeling kinda shitty. Think I’m just going to head home for the night. I’ll see you later Em?”
She nodded, “You sure? I can order some food?”
You shook your head, “Positive. Just need to lie down for a while.”
“Alright. Call me if you need anything.” She gave your hand a quick squeeze letting you know she was there for you. She always was.
You nodded, “I’ll see you guys later.” You waved before rushing out the door not wanting to explain the oncoming tears. Jake on a date? Jake on a date with a pretty blonde girl? Fuck, you were fucked. You thought you had at least some exclusion with him. But why would you think that? You were just friends. Nothing more, nothing less. No matter how badly you begged him for just a little bit more. No matter how damn obvious you made it seem. It wasn’t going to happen, and you had to just accept it.
While you were letting yourself mope in bed for the night Jake and his sister, the pretty blonde, made their way to the Hard Deck. He’d talked you up the entire night, not being able to wait to introduce the two of you. So, when he walked in and didn’t spot you with the group Javy pulled him to the side explaining what had happened.
“He what?” Jake asked quickly, afraid he might have lost you in all the ground he’d been gaining with you over the last month. Jake had decided quickly once he met you that he was going to pursue you. You were everything that he wanted in a partner, just as you thought of him. Kind, sweet, caring and beyond sharp. Jake couldn’t help but to fall just as helplessly in love with you too. He was just taking it slow. He wasn’t going to spook you. No, he was going to do it right with you.
Javy nodded slowly, “It was a stupid idea. He was just trying to help the two of you. He wasn’t trying to fuck it all up.” Javy defended his overly intoxicated friend as best as he could.
Jake noticed his sister looking down probably feeling uncomfortable, “It’s fine, just tell her the truth when you see her next yeah?”
He grabbed his sisters elbow, “This isn’t going to plan.”
“Did I mess it all up?” She frowned clearly overhearing the conversation between the two men.
“No, it’s just stupid pilot shit.” Jake sighed sitting down, “She’s not picking up though. She always picks up.”
“Text her the truth. Let her be for the night and try again tomorrow. That’s all you can do. Give her some space.” Jake’s sister always leveled him out. Always made sense of the madness he always seemed to be in a state of.
Jake nodded, “You’re right.”
She grinned, “Always am.”
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Jake knocked softly on your apartment door hoping you were home, and he could desperately explain the situation. A miscommunication that was all. He was head over heels for you and only you.
Jake’s relief of the door opening vanished when he saw Emily on the other side, “Jake. This is a surprise.”
“You know what happened?” He asked your roommate.
She nodded, “We told Mickey not to. He was drunk.”
“Is Y/N alright?” Jake asked peering in to see if you were awake.
“Define alright… She’s in her room. Came out for some food earlier.”
Jake frowned, “Can I see her?”
Emily stood there for a brief moment contemplating the options before stepping aside and inviting Jake in, “Just, be kind.”
Jake nodded heading right to your room, “Always.”
He knocked softly once he reached the other side. He waited a moment before knocking again.
“I’m fine Em.” He heard your
“Not Em.” Jake replied sending you straight out of bed.
“Jake?” You asked walking over to the door completely forgetting how you looked, like a troll who hasn’t seen the sunlight in days. Nevertheless, you opened your door spotting the blonde boy you loved so dearly giving you the most desperate look.
“Hey darlin’.” He gave you the best smile he could knowing the situation unfolding beneath him against his best wishes.
“Hey.” You looked him over quickly before looking back towards the ground.
Jake didn’t want to waste a second, “That was my sister. She came to surprise me. I swear it wasn’t some random girl.” He grabbed at your hand seeing the hurt look in your eyes.
You nodded, “I heard.”
“You heard? Why didn’t you text me back?” He asked gently. He wasn’t mad, no. He just wanted to understand. Understand you and why you were hurting.
You took a second before looking back up at him, “I don’t know… I guess I was just embarrassed.” It wasn’t easy for you to admit but here you were. Looking like a troll and bearing your damn soul to the man you loved.
Jake shook his head, “Don’t be darlin’. Can I tell you something?” He asked hoping you’d look back up at him.
And you did, “Yeah?”
“You not texting me back or calling? That scared the hell out of me. I knew how much you meant to me before but the thought of losing you…” He paused trying to find the right words, “I can’t bear the thought of that Y/N. I need you in my life. I adore you. God, what I’m trying to say is I like you. More than a friend. And I understand if you don’t believe me. My reputation isn’t the greatest.” He laughed it off as best he could, “But I’m all in on you darlin’. I’m all in.”
You looked back up to him with the widest set of eyes, “You like me?”
He smiled sweetly at you in your disheveled state. You were cute, as always. As messed up as it was it warmed his heart slightly at the thought of you being so torn up at the thought of him just going on a date.
“I like you a lot. A whole lot, sweetheart.” He nodded taking both your hands in his, rubbing the backs of path your hands with his.
Your grin slowed his anxious heart just a little, “Seems like we have a good problem on our hands Jake. One that’s easily solvable.” You smiled that genuine smile right back up at him, “I like you too. A whole lot.” You stepped forward letting your body rest near his.
“I’ll offer a solution.” He watched you closely as your cheeks warmed up under his intense gaze.
“Which is?” You asked all too curiously playing into the game.
He continued watching you under that lustful gaze that had you squirming, “Me taking you out tonight. A nice restaurant and a walk on the beach after? You get to look pretty, and I can put on my finest suit. Call it a date?”
The blush that spread through your cheeks made Jake’s knees a little wobbly. You had no damn clue the effect you really had on him.
“You really want to? With me?” You asked letting your insecurity get the better of you.
“Darlin’, there’s nothing else I’d rather due. And only with you.”
You grinned nodding your head, “It’s a date then.”
“I’ll see you tonight. Pick you up at 6. Can’t wait to see you.” He bent down giving you a soft kiss on the cheek.
As he turned around to walk out you called out to stop him, “Jake?”
“Yeah sweetheart?” He turned giving you one last look.
“Will you kiss me?”
He smiled nodding his head at the same time, “Of course, tonight. After the best date of your life. When you’re sure of it. 100% sure of it.” He leaned against the doorframe watching you with that hungry look in his eye once more.
Now it was your chance to be a little bolder, “What if I told you I was already 100% sure of it?” Your eyes flicked down to his lips before meeting his gaze once more.
“Well, in that case.” He grinned taking three large steps back to you.
He took your head in his hands looking down at your face, “You’re sure?”
“Never been surer.” You nodded as best as you could. Cheeks heating under the intimacy of the moment.
Before he kissed you he mumbled, “You’re so beautiful.” Letting you know you were in this one for the long haul. Jake was your endgame. You could just feel it.
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Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @mayhemmanaged @hardballoonlove
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ficsilike-reblogged · 8 months
Invisible Smoke - Five
Summary: There is something going on with Jake’s favorite mechanic. And everything comes to an end. Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin/F!Reader (No Y/N) Word Count: 26.5k (from the bottom of my heart…my bad) ABSOLUTELY NO MINORS ALLOWED A/N: This is the final chapter! Thank you for all the love on this little story of mine, I truly appreciate it. Warnings: Naval and medical inaccuracies, stalking, bodily injury, hospitals, blood, unprotected sex, female-receiving oral, my love of happy endings, pregnancy and children, and overuse of italics.
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Jake hated hospitals.
He hated the scent of bleach and the crinkle of the overwashed sheets on the tiny beds. He hated how everything was said in gentle murmurs while machines beeped and hummed in every nook and corner. But he would sit in this stupid, uncomfortable plastic chair for a week straight if it meant that he would be told how you were doing.
Everything since your house had been a blur of blood and flashing lights. He nearly fought the paramedic that shoved him out of the way to get to you, adrenaline keeping him focused on you. There had been blood everywhere. He still had some dried beneath his fingernails. The cops that had shown up had, for a moment, believed Jake had been the one to hurt you until your neighbor had yelled about a man running through his yard, covered in blood.
But they lost him.
The cops lost Luke somewhere in the next neighborhood over and you were taken away in the back of an ambulance before Jake could even get the chance to climb in beside you. They then spent another hour and a half getting Jake’s statement and taking pictures of his bloody clothes before telling him not to leave town. It was a fucking mess. Three more cops, who looked like they were more interested in getting a blonde nurse’s number than protecting you, were stationed around the hallway of the emergency room waiting area.
It had been hours since they had rushed you into surgery. No one would tell him anything about you because he wasn’t listed as your emergency contact. The nurse behind the desk did seem to take a modicum of pity on Jake–with a grim look on her face that had Jake’s stomach sinking–and told him to be patient and that the emergency contact had been left a voicemail and she hoped that they would be arriving soon.
What kind of emergency contact doesn’t pick up the phone?
Jake scrubbed a hand over his eyes, stinging and tired. But he couldn’t leave. Wouldn’t leave. Not until he knew you were okay. The one thing he did to help pass the time was telling the group chat which hospital you’d been taken to—but he kept his phone on silent when almost everyone asked what had happened. They’d probably be able to connect the dots if they were on the way to your house. There was blood smeared out onto the front stoop and into the driveway. It would paint quite a picture. The only person he actually replied to was Rooster, who had texted him outside the group.
It was him, wasn’t it?
All Jake could think to type in return was, Of course it fucking was.
He jumped when someone fell into the seat beside him and it took a stretched moment for Jake to realize that it was Maverick. He hadn’t even seen the other man walk in.
“How’re you holding up?” He asked.
“I, uh, I guess I’m fine.” That was a blatant lie but neither man commented on it. “Why are you here?”
“Rooster is calling her brother and sister, and the Kazanskys, keeping them updated. He’ll be here soon but he wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Cotton was stuffed between Jake’s ears as he stared at the older pilot, mind buzzing. “Rooster is her emergency contact, isn’t he?”
Mav nodded but had his eyes trained on the cop currently flirting with the nurse at the desk.
“What does he know? Does he-”
“He was only told that she was in surgery. As soon as he’s done with her family, he’s coming here, too.” Maverick’s voice was calm and even, the tone Jake knew he used when talking to his students.
Jake wasn’t sure if he should feel insulted or comforted. So he settled on neither. “He doesn’t know anything? Seriously?”
“They couldn’t give him an update every minute. They’re concentrating on keeping her alive.”
Jake smashed his tongue between his teeth so he didn’t say something that would get him brought up in front of Cyclone or Warlock. “Fine,” he said through clenched teeth.
The doors to the waiting room opened again and Rooster jogged in, eyes wide as they swept the lobby before they landed on the two pilots. He was then yanking Jake up and out of his seat and wrapped him in a tight hug that smelt of more bleach and sweat. And Jake froze for a moment and his arms hung limply at his sides before returning the embrace. “She’s gotta be okay, right?” His voice was strained like he was trying to speak while pulling Gs.
Jake only nodded. You had to be okay. Selfishly, he didn’t want to just have a taste of what it was like to have you only for you to be ripped away from him, bleeding out under his hands. He had felt your heartbeat slow and your body go slack. He had seen your eyes roll back, unseeing. The last thing he’d heard from the paramedics when they were shoving you into the back of the ambulance was, “she’s crashing! She’s crashing!”
But Jake still had to hope. He didn’t know what else he could do.
Rooster stepped back after a moment before Maverick suggested checking in at the nurse station to see if he could get an update. He was quick to do so and Jake watched the nurse turn to her computer, heart in his throat. Her eyes darted to Jake for a moment before she whispered something to Rooster. The other man’s hand clenched into a fist on top of the desk before relaxing again as he nodded and turned away.
Before Jake could even open his mouth, Rooster said, “they don’t know how long she’s going to be in surgery. But they’ll tell us as soon as she’s out.”
“That’s it?” Jake bit out. “That’s all they could tell you?”
Jake stepped away for a moment, shoving a hand through his hair. Screaming in the middle of the waiting room wouldn’t help. You would still be on a table in a room he couldn’t get in and he’d probably get thrown out of the hospital. That wouldn’t help you.
He just wanted to see you again. Wanted to know you were going to be okay.
“Listen,” Rooster started, “I’m sorry it took me so long to get here. I had to call Georgie and Danny and Georgie was afraid she’d gone into early labor as I was telling her. Then I had to call Sarah just as Bob and Phoenix showed up to clean up Punch’s house. We didn’t want her to come back to a mess after all this is settled.”
If she gets out was left unsaid. Truthfully, Jake wasn’t even sure you would want to go back to your house after all of that. Hedidn’t want you to go back, but that was a different argument.
Maverick stood, slapping his hands on his thighs as he did. “I’m grabbing coffee. I’ll bring you back a cup.” He didn’t let either of the other men argue before he was setting off down the hall where he’d surely come back with three cups of brown sludge.
Rooster sank back into a plastic chair and Jake slowly followed his lead.
The cops hadn’t even turned their heads when Jake had yelled. There was no way he was leaving until he knew you were safe. “Is Georgie okay?” Jake finally asked after a stretched silence.
The barest hint of a smile pushed at Bradshaw’s mouth before quickly fading. “Yeah. She’s okay. Baby is, too, and has a few more weeks before her due date. I had to convince her not to get on a plane and come down here.” He sighed. “Danny said he’d come down only if Punch asked him herself. He knows how she gets about people wanting to take care of her.”
Jake almost laughed. Yeah, he knew that, too.
“But I think he called the chief of police here and is threatening legal action for their shoddy work already.”
“Her entire family operates on a different frequency, huh?”
Bradshaw’s eyes cut to him for a moment. “I think they’re gonna like you.”
That made Jake smile. Just for a split second. Just until he remembered that you still had to pull through in order for him to meet them. He didn’t want to meet them at your funeral. “You think so?”
“Yeah.” It was soft. Softer than anything he’d ever heard come from Rooster’s mouth. It twisted behind Jake’s ribs. “You just gotta, you know, actually get your head out of your ass and ask her to dinner or something.”
Jake huffed, another trace of a smile on his face. He could refute that claim, tell him that you had promised to go get steak and that Jake saw a future with you that he would tear the world apart to see. But he didn’t. That was your secret for now. “What did you tell everyone?”
The man sighed. “The truth: Punch was nearly killed by a crazy ex-boyfriend with a vendetta.”
It was an oversimplified version of the truth, but it was a kindness, Jake supposed, to keep the gory details unspoken. You would tell the Daggers if you wanted. A small bit of shame bit at the back of his mind when he realized how intent he had been about learning your secrets. Did you resent him for it? He hoped not, but he would closely guard your secrets anyway. If he was given the chance, he’d keep all your secrets.
Rooster shook his head, letting his head fall against the wall with a dull thunk. “Georgie knows most of what happened with Luke but apparently Punch made her promise not to tell Danny that the money she gave their parents to pay off his medical bills came from Luke’s father paying her to keep her mouth shut.”
Jake screwed his eyes shut with that revelation. You were always taking care of someone else.
Maverick came back with three cups of coffee that did actually taste like tar but Jake choked it down anyway. Just as he threw his cup into the trash can, a door down the hallway opened. A woman in dark scrubs stepped out. Jake watched her step to the nurse’s station and say something before the nurse pointed at their small group.
All of them stood as she approached and Jake’s blood roared in his ears as she asked which one of them was Bradshaw. He stepped forward and Jake felt a small glimmer of hope start to spark in his chest when she smiled. “She’s a fighter. She coded twice but she came right back each time. Her lung did collapse but the second stab wound missed anything vital. If she makes it through the night, I would consider it an ‘all clear.’ She’s going to need to take it easy for a few weeks after she gets discharged here, but I am almost certain that she’ll make a full recovery.”
The rock that had settled over Jake’s heart disappeared.
You were going to be okay.
You were going to be okay.
He was going to take you to get steak. He was going to take you on that promised date. He was going to make you smile again, make you laugh. You were going to be okay.
“Can we go see her?” Maverick asked.
The doctor nodded. “She’s sedated and we’ve moved her to a private room, but I’m a firm believer in surrounding yourself with people who love you helps with the healing process. Visiting hours are over, so you’ll need to keep it down but I’ll bring you to her.”
The square hospital hallways seemed to stretch on forever and the elevator actually did stall between floors but soon Jake was pushing into your room, ignoring the pair of uniformed cops on either side of your door. There were machines everywhere and an IV drip, too.
He must have paused in the doorway because Rooster clapped him on the shoulder before scooting by him to stand at your side.
“She’d want you to be here.”
Jake looked to see Maverick standing at his side, more than a little uneasy with the glint in the older man’s eye.
“I’m not blind, Seresin. If I hadn’t known before, the way you acted tonight made it glaringly obvious.”
Shit. This could be bad. Maverick could report the ‘relationship’ to the brass and you both could be reprimanded if not worse. “Mav-”
“But I can turn a blind eye when necessary. She means a lot to you, to Rooster. The entire squadron is either cleaning up her house or waiting for word on how she’s doing. This thing, whatever it is, makes you both happy. I’m not going to stand in the way of it.”
The smallest bit of tension slid off Jake’s shoulders with that. Maverick was known for breaking the rules when he thought he was doing the right thing. If he was grouping Jake and Punch into that, he wouldn’t fight him on it. So, he offered the other man a nod, thinking it was better to keep his mouth shut anyway.
“I’ve been told she’ll have a guard at her door for the entirety of her stay here. I’ll have an orderly take down the names of anyone you’re allowing to visit.”
Rooster nodded and Jake imagined he was probably making a list of all the Daggers’ names, the Kazanskys, and a few of the other ADs to have written down.
You looked so fragile. So breakable. Of course, Jake was well aware how finite life could be. He was a fighter pilot–he knew the chances of dying could always be slim to none when it came to real dogfights or combat. But there was something different about you. You weren’t supposed to be in this hospital bed and he wasn’t supposed to be waiting for you to wake up. Not like this, anyway. He had once thought about how it would be to wake up beside you in his bed, with blankets and sheets that smelled like you and your perfume. Not of bleach and metal. You were supposed to be full of life and giving him shit, all with a smile. Not this. Not confined to a hospital bed and unconscious.
Slowly, he followed Maverick into the too-small room and took the chair on your bed’s left side while Rooster and Mav were on your right. The chair at least had a bit of padding and his spine didn’t feel like it was trying to rip itself out of alignment. But he saw how still you were. Your chest was barely rising and falling with each breath. He couldn’t hear your breaths over the beeping machines. There were thick bandages covering both of your palms, held together with sticky medical tape. A fresh wave of anger stormed at the back of Jake’s mind for a moment. He hadn’t even realized your hands had been hurt when he had rushed into your home. There had been too much blood all over you; he had only seen the two stab wounds, pumping blood out of holes in your ruined shirt. What else had Luke done to you? It was a small solace to see that most of the blood had been washed away. There were still splotches of dried blood around your fingers and beneath your chin, staining around the crux of your elbow in a ring, just clean enough for all the machines to patch in, and even more beneath your nails. Just like Jake. You had fought so hard.
“I wanted to get steak with you.”
The simple sentence you had labored to say had echoed in the back of Jake’s mind since the paramedics had ripped you away from him. Had you been scared? Were you trying to say goodbye with those words but wanting to soften the blow?
He wanted to reach out and just feel the warmth of your hand in his again, just to give himself some peace that you really were alive. That you made it out. But the furthest he reached was right beside your unmoving hand. Just out of reach. What if he hurt you? What if he was the reason everything went wrong now? He couldn’t do that to you.
“I’ve called Cyclone,” Maverick said, breaking the tense unquiet. “He has notified the MPs and said we could formally request Naval security and he would personally make sure it gets approved.”
Jake looked to Rooster to see him already looking at him. “I’d prefer that.” The cops haven’t exactly proven themselves to be reliable; the fact that Luke had managed to evade the cops while covered in your blood didn’t exactly give them any credibility in their ability to keep you safe. Jake needed you safe. Knowing someone like Cyclone was willing to throw his weight around to make sure you were as safe as possible was a calming thought, as calm as anything could be in this situation.
“Me too,” Rooster agreed.
The three men were quiet as another doctor came in a few minutes later to look you over and read your chart. His eyes did seem to flit from Bradshaw and Mav to Jake and he wasn’t subtle when he checked the time on his watch. But there was no way they were leaving. He did seem to get the hint–or the cops outside may have helped–because he didn’t say anything about them being in there well past visiting hours and said that you may wake up in a few hours. He then left the room without a look back. It wasn’t a great deal of information, but maybe they’d get more out of the day shift.
After Rooster yawned for the third time, Maverick suggested they all go home for the last few hours before dawn. “I don’t think we’ll be much help here anyway.”
“I’m gonna stay with her,” Jake said immediately. He wasn’t going to leave you now. What if you woke up and you were all alone? Someone needed to be with you until you woke up. And Jake wanted it to be him. It needed to be him.
Rooster nodded, as if expecting that, as he stood and wiped at his tired eyes. “I’ll bring you food when I swing by tomorrow.”
It was a simple enough sentence. But Jake knew what it was. Approval. They trusted him to take care of you. Sure, they trusted him in the skies and enough to help in the infrequent bar fight at the Hard Deck. But this was different. This was you.
Rooster squeezed his shoulder on the way out the door and Maverick nodded at him in goodbye before saying, “you have my number if you need anything. You call, I’ll answer.”
Jake wordlessly nodded and told them to get home safe before turning back to you. You hadn’t moved. God, he wished you would have, selfishly. He just needed to know you were going to be okay. Again, he wanted to reach out and just touch you. His hand inched across the bed and fell short again. His one comfort was feeling the warmth of you start to soak through the bedding and into the starchy sheet beneath Jake’s palm.
But he still couldn’t touch you. Not yet.
Hours ticked by and Jake tried to not yell when he heard the repeated squawks from the cops’ radios outside your door, continuously saying that they hadn’t found Luke. It was like he had vanished. Then, when he tried to watch the tiny television screwed into the wall on the other side of the room, it was tuned into a local news station that was, of course, broadcasting their story about a “violent domestic disturbance” with your house in the background lit up in blue and red lights. “Police say that the suspect is still at large.” He quickly turned the television back off with a grimace and a matching curse. There was no way to make the chair more comfortable and Jake settled for leaning forward to settle his arms across the bed near your legs and drop his head onto his hands. This could work, right? And he hadn’t meant to fall asleep, but a few minutes later, he was snoring.
Jake woke to the sound of poorly hidden whispers scratching at his ears and a crick in his neck. His eyes slowly opened, squinting against the brightness of the room to see Bob and Phoenix bickering not-so-quietly near the door. Both had large bouquets of flowers in their arms, along with a small bag from a diner down the street, and were dressed in their khaki uniforms; they must have stopped by before heading to base. A quick glance at his watch let Jake know that it was still fairly early, probably not even close to proper visiting hours.
“You owe me ten bucks,” Phoenix said. “I knew he wouldn’t leave her.”
“I refuse to acknowledge a bet right now.” But Bob still pulled out his wallet and handed over a crisp bill to his pilot. “Ridiculous.”
“I am clinging to the fact that she’s alive enough for him to fall asleep at her bedside, all right? I need a little joy.”
“And ten dollars, apparently.”
“I’m awake, you know,” Jake groused as he sat straight. Both his neck and back popped noisily and Bob grimaced at the noise but Jake hardly cared as he turned to look at you, hoping that your beautiful eyes would be open and you could smile at him again.
But you were still unmoved on the flat pillow. Nothing had changed.
As if on autopilot, Jake reached out to grab your hand but stopped short, curling his fingers into his palm before his hand fell back into his lap.
“I’m surprised you slept at all,” Bob said as he took the flowers from Phoenix and filled a vase–that he apparently brought with him–with water and dropped both bouquets into it before setting it near the window.
“It was an accident,” Jake said, turning his head left, then right, eliciting another pair of pops. He probably should get up and splash some water on his face at least. Maybe he could ask Rooster or Javy to swing by his house and grab him a change of clothes. He scrubbed the sleep from his eyes as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw a text from Maverick telling him that he had been cleared to take the day off. He hadn’t even thought about that. All of his thoughts had been consumed by you. Phoenix handed him the diner bag and said it was from Rooster but he caught the knowing look in her eye. It didn’t matter. None of it mattered right now. He didn’t care about hiding how he felt about you now. To be fair, she had probably suspected something at brunch.
Bob hummed and took the chair Rooster had used last night before scooting closer to the side of the bed. He carefully took one of your hands in his, mindful of your bandaging and the wires and tubes connecting you to the machines, and kissed your fingers. “Hi, Punch,” he whispered.
Jake looked away, feeling a bit like he was intruding. He knew how much this must be hurting Bob, too. To know that the man that he had saved you from once, had tried to kill you again.
Bob had no problem touching you. So, why couldn’t Jake? He just needed to reach out and touch you. Just slip his fingers beneath yours and give himself that small bit of peace. He continued to war with himself when Phoenix leaned over just enough to kiss your forehead. “I have so much to tell you and I have so many questions, but you have to get better first, all right?” She whispered. “First you need to get better.”
Jake stood and gave them a moment, moving into the small ensuite to freshen up as much as he could and scrubbed a bit more blood from under his nails. When he glanced at himself in the mirror, he nearly grimaced. His hair was a mess. He had dark circles beneath his eyes, and his shirt–not the one that was covered in your blood, that one had been handed over to the cops–grabbed from his gym bag in the backseat of his truck, was rumpled and smelt of hospital. He texted Javy and asked for him to bring a change of clothes and his toiletries go-bag if he had the chance after work. It felt like his entire universe had shifted on its axis ever since Phoenix’s text had come through. How many different ways could he tell himself that he nearly lost you? Still, he pushed out of the bathroom to see Phoenix flipping through the charts usually clipped to the end of your bed, and Bob slowly pulling away from you as he stood.
“I don’t think you’re supposed to be going through those, Phoenix.”
But she waved him off, eyes flicking over the papers. “My sister is a neurosurgeon, you know. I helped her study all the time. I can read a chart just fine.” The other pilot looked over your charts in silence before dragging her gaze to him. “Rooster said you were the one who found her before the paramedics arrived.”
It wasn’t a question but Jake still nodded with his stomach curling into knots.
She snapped the chart shut and clipped back onto the edge of your bed. “You helped save her life. Keeping pressure on her wounds likely kept her from bleeding out before they could sew her back up. Your hands helped her then, they won’t hurt her now.”
Bob stepped to his pilot’s side with a sigh, halting anything Jake could have said. “We should probably get back to base.” He then clapped Jake on the shoulder with a small smile. “Let us know if you need anything. Either of you.”
Phoenix essentially did the same and turned toward the door. Just before she disappeared into the hall, she turned back to Jake and set her mouth in a firm line. “You are two of the most stubborn people I’ve met. But don’t be stubborn with this. Okay?” And then she turned and left, leaving Jake alone with you again.
They won’t hurt her now.
He had to believe her. He had to. Slowly, Jake sat back down and reached out. His hand hovered over yours for a moment before gently falling over yours, mindful of your bandages. You were warm, so warm. Alive. Tears stung at Jake’s eyes as he curled his fingers around yours. He had nearly lost you. He could still see your scared eyes looking up at him. He could still see the blood on your teeth. He could still see it all. Jake raised your joined hands to his mouth and he brushed a kiss to your fingers. “I’m right here, Punch. All right? I just need you to wake up for me. Show me those beautiful eyes, darlin’.”
But you didn’t open your eyes. You didn’t move. And Jake had to continue to hope that you would soon.
A nurse came in a few moments later and looked you over, carefully poking and prodding before injecting something into one of your IVs. The twitching of your fingers grew slower and slower until it stopped.
“What did you give her?” Jake asked.
The nurse threw him a look over her shoulder before scribbling something in the chart. “Just something for the pain. She’s going to be uncomfortable when she wakes up. That should just take the edge off for now, until we can figure out how she’ll respond to other pain medication.”
Before Jake could even think to ask if they knew when you could wake up, a familiar face was bursting through the doorway and nearly leveling the nurse who was trying to leave. Sarah Kazansky was a flurry of movement as she came in, looking like she’d sprinted out of her house at first light to arrive at the hospital.
“Oh, my sweet girl.” Sarah’s voice shook as she took the chair at your side and set both her hands over yours. “What has he done to you?” The woman sniffled and moved to press the back of her hand to your forehead, the standard mom move to check a kid’s temperature, before setting her hand on your cheek. Sarah was quiet for a moment before she slowly turned to look at Jake with tears in her eyes. “Bradley said you found her.”
Apparently Bradley had told everyone more information than he had let on. “Yes, ma’am.”
She nodded. “I’m glad it was you.” It was a strange thing to say, but Jake didn’t voice that opinion. Sarah knuckled at the corners of her watery eyes. “You know, I always wanted another child—it wouldn’t happen, but then she came barreling into our lives and she just fit, like she’d always meant to be mine. Always meant to be the third kid for me and Tom. She knew exactly how to help me when I needed it, knew what Tom needed without him needing to ask for it. Lord knows he’d never ask for anything.” She huffed, a wet laugh. “She might not have come out of me, but she is mine. She’s my girl. And she looked at you like you hung the moon, you know.” She smiled at him then. “I’ve never seen her look at anyone like that. And then you looked at her like she had done the same.”
Jake didn’t particularly know what he was supposed to do with that observation, but he found himself smiling. Maybe he hadn’t been as good at hiding it as he had once hoped. And you had let your guard down enough in the home of the family you loved to be open enough to show how you felt. “Sometimes, I think she did.”
Sarah’s smile widened a fraction but still didn’t quite reach her eyes. “She deserves that. She’ll make you work for it though.”
“She’s already put me through my paces, I promise,” Jake said with a small smile of his own. “But she’s worth it.”
The older woman looked at him then, quiet and calculating, and Jake once again found himself fighting the urge to stand a little straighter in the presence of a Kazansky woman. She must have found something in his face because she gave a shallow nod before turning back to you. Her thumb swept over your knuckles. “Thank you for saving my girl.”
Both of them were quiet for a stretched moment, not needing to say anything else to each other. Sarah did stand when yet another doctor walked in and grabbed at your chart. “What can you tell me about her prognosis?”
The doctor, a man who looked like he’d been waiting for this exact question, nodded with a small smile as he folded his hands over the chart. “The fact that she needed little more than observation overnight is only good news. From what I understand from the surgeon, she is resilient. Once she wakes up, which should be shortly, she may be in a great deal of pain. It will only be temporary and I can assume that she will make a full recovery if she has the support she will need.”
“She’ll have it,” Jake said. You would have him no matter what you needed.
Coming back to yourself felt like swimming through tar, slow and strenuous. Even opening your eyes was a herculean effort and you immediately hated how bright the room was. It felt as if you’d tried to inhale an over-bleached towel and you tried to swallow any spit to help with the dryness but only ended up coughing. That was when your body decided to remind you that you had been stabbed twice. The pain stretched across your body like a whip of heat lashed out from your stomach. You bit back another cough and grimaced as it only made your throat ache. You looked to the side to see if there was a glass of water or something you could sip on and the room tilted for a moment.
“Fuck.” You hurriedly shut your eyes to keep your stomach from lurching. A section of the bed falling near your knees had you slowly opening one eye.
It was Jake.
Your Ken.
And he was sticking a bendy straw into a small cup of water before holding it near your mouth after pushing the button on the side of the bed to get you into a slightly elevated position, sitting instead of fully on your back. “Small sips, okay, Punch? Don’t overdo it.”
The water almost had you wincing as it filled your overly dry mouth but you still took a few more sips, breathing easier when your throat didn’t feel like sandpaper anymore. As you took a final sip, straw falling from your lips, you were still looking at Jake, feeling a little less like a human bobble head, but still a little strange.
He only stepped away from you for a moment to call for a nurse before returning to your side again. He didn’t say much, but his eyes were roving all over you, making you think he was trying to find something you were hiding. In your hazed mind, you wondered what you could possibly be hiding. Did you take his car keys?
The small bit of confusion continued as a nurse swept into the room and started to ask you a few questions you blearily answered and then had to sit still while a doctor looked you over, too, pressing lightly at your side and checking the weird tube and patch jutting out under your arm. By the time they finished and you were nodding along when they said they would be back to check on you again later in the day, you felt a little more settled in your skin.
Jake, who had stood near the window the entire time and hadn’t moved aside from nodding when the doctor or nurse told or asked him something, moved to stand at your side again. “How’re you feeling? What do you need?”
“Are you okay?” you asked in return.
Jake’s smile was shaky and you could tell he was tired–you couldn’t miss the rumpled shirt and matching hair, nor the dark circles beneath his eyes. But he was still beautiful. “I think I’m supposed to be asking you that, Punch.”
“I feel like I’ve been stabbed twice and then put in one of those spinners at the state fair.”
“Well, you look great, all things considered.” His fingers brushed your cheek and you leaned into it as best you could.
“You’re such a liar. I know I look like shit.”
“You’re beautiful, same as always. Just a little banged up.” And he said it so sincerely that you almost had tears in your eyes.
You hated that it took being stabbed twice for you to give yourself permission to really try to be happy again. Jake could make you happy, wanted to make you happy, would make you happy. You knew that even with the residual effects of the anesthesia and everything else falling on your shoulders.
You just had to let him.
“Do you still want to get that steak dinner with me?” You asked, hating how small your voice sounded.
Jake smiled—fucking smiled—and moved to smooth a hand over your forehead before brushing a kiss to your temple. “Let’s get you cleared for solid foods first, okay?”
“Is that a yes?”
“It’s a hell yes. But let’s make sure you can move without tearing a stitch.”
You smiled, ignoring how you felt one of your lips start to crack. “I’ll even let you pick me up.”
Jake’s sea glass eyes sparkled in the shitty fluorescent lights. He’d always been so pretty. “And you’ll let me pay? What about bringing you flowers, can that be negotiated?”
Just for a moment, you paused as thoughts raced through your mind. This was different. He wasn’t Luke and you weren’t scared of him. “Only if I get to take you out to ice cream afterward.”
“Oh, you’re already thinking you’ll make it to dessert?” He teased with a smirk you could feel pressing into your skin as he brushed another kiss against your forehead. “Presumptuous.”
“I have it on good authority that you may like me, even when I look like death.” You hoped your smile was convincing as he stepped back, warm hand still holding the side of your throat.
His thumb smoothed a gentle path across your pulse as his green eyes locked with yours. “You look like you beat death back with a stick.” He paused and you knew he was trying to choose his words carefully. “It’s a good look, you know. But I’d appreciate it if I never have to see you like this again.” His words held none of his usual bravado or confidence and your heart dropped when you noticed just how sad he looked. And not just sad. Scared.
You blindly reached up to grasp at his hand, curling your fingers over his thumb in an attempt to prove to him that you were okay–you could deal with the slight ache in your hands later. You just needed him to be okay, too. “It was a baseball bat, but I can promise you I have zero intention of trying to do it again.”
“Good.” He pulled in a slow breath and you felt him twist his hand in our grip so he could pull your joined hands up and he pressed a kiss to your fingers before holding your hand gently between both of his on the edge of your bed. It was like he couldn’t stop touching you and you reveled in it. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”
The simple sentence had your entire chest flooding with warmth. Feelings you had tried to ignore were pushing at the tip of your tongue but you couldn’t form the words. Not yet. Not even with Bradley’s words ringing like a bell at the back of your mind. “I’ll try to make sure you never have to find out.”
The look in Jake’s eyes had the warmth in your chest growing hotter. It was too knowing, too wanting, too…
His mouth opened and then shut again and Jake shook his head. He hooked a foot around the leg of the chair behind him and lowered himself into it as he kept a hold of your hand. “I have to tell you something.”
“What is it?” You asked, feeling your face scrunch in confusion.
Jake licked at his lips and took a deep breath in. “They still haven’t found him.”
“What?” The single word cracked on your tongue as familiar claws of dread started to close around your heart. “What do you mean?”
“The cops lost him somewhere behind your neighbor’s house but-”
“No, no, no, no. Don’t tell me that.” One of the machines at your side started to beep and flash. This wasn’t happening. This couldn’t be happening. “Jake. Don’t tell me that. They-they have to ca-catch him! How-”
Jake moved to smooth his hands up your arms until he was gently grasping the back of your neck and he pushed his forehead against yours. “They’re out there, right now, looking for him. They’re not going to stop until they catch him. And he is not evergoing to touch you again. I won’t let that happen.”
“J-Jake.” His name broke in your throat and you hated that the tears you knew were forming in your eyes only brought you more pain and embarrassment. This had to be a nightmare. Had to be. There was no way you nearly died and Luke was still out there. “He…he…”
“Luke is not going to touch you ever again. I swear it.”
Tears blurred your vision despite the strength shading Jake’s words. “You don’t know that.”
“I do because I’m going to make sure he never touches you again. I don’t care if I have to put him in the ground, he’s not putting his hands on you again.”
The machines were still whirring, sounding your distress out into the room and letting it echo like a wraith in the sterile air. But Jake did not pull away, did not tell you that you needed to calm down or negate anything that you were feeling, but he held you through it until your breathing evened out again and you slumped further into your flat pillow but did not pull away from Jake. “I can’t do it again,” you whispered.
“You won’t have to.”
You blinked away the tears in your eyes and pushed Jake back just enough to look at him. The fear you saw in his face was gone now, replaced by a steely determination you only usually saw before climbing up into the cockpit of his jet. He was going to do anything for you–the thought was equal parts horrifying and comforting. “I don’t want you to get hurt for me either.”
“We are going to be fine. Both of us. And we’re going to go get that steak.” He reached up with his other hand to carefully cup your cheek and you remembered that he held you like this when he’d kissed you in your living room. It all seemed like ages ago now. And you wanted his words to be true, to know that you'd both be okay when this was finally finished. But something whispered at the back of your mind that you and Jake weren’t safe. Not yet. Not when Luke was still out there.
A knock at the door had you separating and looking to see a grim looking MP walking into the room. “There’s a detective here to speak with you,” he said, looking at you. “I can send him away if you’re not available.”
Jake looked at you, waiting for your answer. “Let him in. I should probably get this over with.”
The MP nodded and stepped out again before escorting a man in an ill-fitting suit into your room. “I’m Detective White, I just need to ask you a few questions.” He held out his hand but quickly retracted it when you reached out with your own bandaged one and then hurried to grab a small pad of paper from inside his jacket and tapped a pen on the top of it with a terse smile. “It won’t take long.”
Instead, Jake squeezed your hand with a small smile. “I’ll just be right outside.”
Would it be ridiculous for you to want him to stay? To say that you felt safer with him in the room? You could feel the detective’s eyes on you and you hated it. You hated how stupid you felt in that moment and how insecure and ridiculous. “Can he stay?”
Jake immediately said your rank and last name, making sure to put enough emphasis on it that he knew that was the correct way to address you. It made you smile for a moment, knowing he meant it as a way to protect you. “I’d like him to stay.”
The detective’s eyes darted to Jake for a moment before he squeakily cleared his throat. Your name and rank soon followed and he tapped his pen on his pad of paper again. “That isn't standard procedure.”
“Look, I have two holes in me that shouldn’t be there. Jake held me together and kept me alive until I could get to the professionals. And I’d still like him to stay.”
Jake hid a smirk behind his hand before he sank into the chair by your bed.
“Okay, well,” the detective started as a ruddy blush blotched across his cheeks, “we can work with that.”
The interview took hours. You only stopped once to sip on some water and poke at the bland hospital food that was delivered and that was mostly at the behest of the bedraggled nurse who came in to check on you. And Jake did not move from his post at your side. When you had paused to catch your breath, embarrassed, angry tears biting at the back of your eyes, Jake always managed to keep you steady without even needing to say more than, “it’s okay, Punch, you got this.”
Detective White did actually shake your hand on his way out and you tried to ignore how his grip made you innately aware of the stitches in your palm. “We’ll get him, I swear it.”
You hoped he had more confidence in his police work than what you heard in his voice. He sounded unsure. When the detective left, you turned to Jake to see him frowning, yet again. “You feel as good as I do about that, huh?”
He sighed and shook his head. “They haven’t exactly proved to be reliable. Or competent.”
You laughed—it was worth the sharp ache in your stomach. You had to laugh otherwise you may cry again. “Well, I guess we will just have to wait and see.” What else could you do?
Another knock at the door pulled your attention and you were thankful for the distraction, even more so when you realized it was Rueben and Mickey now sticking their heads into the room. You quickly waved them in and let them shower you with movies and books they had brought to help you pass the time and you laughed when Mickey said you now had no excuse to not start watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. The pilot and WSO were always kind and funny, but you could tell they had questions and you set the Blu-ray set aside before taking a deep breath. “You can ask. ‘s all right.”
You had always thought the bond between pilot and WSO was intrinsic and nearly magical, and you got to watch it in action when Reuben looked to Mickey and they were quiet for a moment before turning back to you. “Are you okay?” Reuben asked gently.
Your shoulders slumped. They were always so nice to you. “I’ve been told that I’ll be okay eventually. I just need to take it easy for a while.”
They asked if you needed anything in particular and didn’t take your ‘no’ for an answer and promised to bring you every unhealthy food they could think of once you were cleared for “real people food,” as they called it. Mickey’s watch beeped a few minutes later and he sighed. “Time’s up for us, Mav’s only given us an hour each.”
“Apparently he thinks that Cyclone would notice if we all just didn’t show up today.”
You had to smile at that. Captain Mitchell creating a timetable so all the Daggers could come visit without higher brass permission to skirt duty was probably the most on-brand thing you could think of him doing. It was a kindness, truly. Perhaps you should have confided in him—Tom had trusted him, Bradley, too. But maybe trusting people implicitly would take more time.
You said your goodbyes to Mickey and Rueben and Jake somehow got a blu-ray player delivered to your room and set it up quickly after belatedly pointing out the flowers Bob and Natasha had brought you—they were your favorites. You’d have to text them a thank you later.
“Look at you go, Ken. So handy. Next I’ll have you painting walls and tightening leaky faucets.”
A lazy wink was thrown over his shoulder in your direction. “Whatever you need, Punch. I’m pretty handy.”
You laughed and tried to ignore the stinging bite that came with it but you still set your hand over your stomach as if that would help disguise what you were feeling from his gaze. It didn’t work at all and Jake abandoned his task to hurry to your side. “I’m fine,” you said, pushing a smile to your face and hoped that would be enough for him to ignore how the heart rate monitor beeped erratically for a moment as you tried to breathe through the new wave of pain.
Jake shook his head. “You don’t have to lie to me. I’m here to help you.”
You sighed. That would be another thing you would have to work through. “Sorry. I just…” Your words trailed off as Jake once again took your hand in his. He might be fond of touching you, but you knew you were fond of him touching you. He was always so gentle with you. “I just don’t want to cause a fuss.” Which you knew was stupid because you were in the hospital after being nearly murdered.
“You are worth the fuss.”
Was it pathetic to think of that as romantic? Maybe. But your heart still leapt as he looked at you but a familiar, self-satisfied smirk started to push at his mouth when your heart rate monitor betrayed you and let out a happy little beep-be-beep and there was no way you could talk your way out of it.
His smirk faded the slightest bit before he said, “I mean it. You’re worth the fuss. You’re worth a lot more than what you’ve been given.”
The fact that Jake wanted to be the one to prove it to you was even better. You just had to let him, you reminded yourself.
“Am I interrupting something?”
You and Jake retreated from each other (you mostly just pushed further into the pillow at your back) as Callie and Neil came in with balloons and another bouquet of flowers. They told you how the Daggers and other ADs were keeping it quiet about why you were currently in the hospital, but the Top Gun hopefuls did send along their well wishes that you supposed they mostly meant (except Royal, who you knew didn’t have a sincere bone in his body).
When they left, you got exactly seven minutes and twelve seconds into the first episode of Deep Space Nine before Billy, Logan, and Brigham came in with a teddy bear wearing a miniature version of their flight suits and your last name stitched over the heart. They also told you that there has been increased security stationed at every entrance to the base with extra protocols in place for entry.
Good. Luke probably wasn’t quite dumb enough to try anything on base, but knowing your friends would be safe on base was a comfort.
Javy was the next to visit, a small duffle bag in hand for Jake and wearing a suspiciously wiggly coat. He unzipped it with a wink and a familiar dog was carefully placed on your bed. “Sweet Pea!” You happily squealed at the sight of the tenacious Pekingese. She was quick to clamor up your legs to offer you a lick at your chin in greeting before immediately making herself comfortable in your lap. “You’re breaking so many rules right now,” you said, more traitorous tears stinging your eyes as you sank your fingers into Sweet Pea’s soft fur. You had watched Sweet Pea for Javy during his deployment a few months ago and had fallen head over heels for the dog immediately, even going so far to ask Javy for weekly updates, which he readily gave.
Javy waved it away and gave you a quick kiss on the temple. “You’re worth it, Punch. And she was missing you anyway.”
Jake nudged him with a halfhearted scowl but you hardly cared when your fingers sank into the dog’s fur again. You didn’t even mind when Sweat Pea started to gnaw on the teddy bear, she was your favorite and the bear was probably machine washable anyway.
Javy eventually left after a close call with a doctor who came in to administer another dose of pain medication and to check on your stitches. You and Jake eventually settled in enough to watch a few episodes after he changed into the fresh clothes Javy had brought him.
(“What is this show even about?”
“I have no idea.”)
After another gelatinous meal was presented to you and Jake only half heartedly tried to get you to eat it, you were handed a new set of pills by your doctor who told you that they would help stave off infection and probably make you a little sleepy, too.
“I do recommend you take them with food,” the doctor said after spying your uneaten lunch pushed off to the side.
Well, that certainly wasn’t going to happen but you said you would eat it before taking the pills just so he would leave the room.
“You’re not actually going to eat that, right?” Jake said in a low and disgusted voice as soon as he was sure the doctor was out of earshot.
“Absolutely not.”
“Good. I’ll grab you a smoothie or something from the cafeteria downstairs. Do not take that without eating.” And then he was dashing away, startling one of the MPs at your door by the sound of it, too. When he returned, your favorite smoothie in hand, you had a hard time keeping the smile off your face even as the large pills stuck briefly in your throat. No one had really taken care of you like this. Not since you were a child, anyway. Red tape had kept you alone after Luke’s first two attempts on your life and you had to heal alone and in silence. This was new. Different. And for the umpteenth time, you realized that Jake wanted to do this for you. All of it.
You really needed to have a talk with him. A real talk. Unfortunately, it seemed the doctor’s warning that the medication would make you sleepy was an understatement. As soon as you finished your smoothie, you were already fighting to keep your eyes open. Jake took your empty cup from you and threw it away and you saw him starting to settle into his chair again, a wince already scrunching his features.
“You need to go home and get some sleep.”
Jake’s eyes cut to you with a frown. “I slept just fine here last night. And it is barely past lunch anyway.”
You sighed but the fondness clouding your lungs had it sounding a little forced and your limbs were sagging with the need for sleep. “Stubborn man. You have work tomorrow. I won’t have you falling asleep at the controls because of me.”
“I could just not go in,” he muttered like a child.
“Ken!” You chided, fighting a smile, lips twitching at the corners. “I’m not worth going AWOL.”
His face scrunched, as if he was insulted. “I already told you this: you’re worth a lot.”
God. He was infuriating and adorable. And usually only used one of those words when describing him. “I need you to go to work, all right? After getting a goodnight’s rest in a bed.” You watched him open his mouth and quickly added, “and no, I can’t just scoot over to make room for you in this one.”
Jake was quiet again, mulling over his options, before standing. “I can be back in time for dinner, or whatever slop they give you in a few hours, and-”
You raised a lethargic hand toward him and sighed when he laced your fingers together, letting his sentence go unfinished. “I need you rested, all right? I need you flying; that’s where I know you’re safe. Happy.” You yawned, the ache you’d been fighting settled into your bones, low but manageable. Damn, those pills were something else. And so were Jake’s eyes.
“I can be happy here, too.”
“Go home, sweet man. Visit tomorrow. Take a shower. Sleep.” You definitely were about to fall asleep. Everything felt so warm and loose, almost like you had one too many drinks to be tipsy.
“You saying I smell?” He asked with a laugh, but he still leaned down to press another kiss to your forehead.
“Yes—like blood and hospital. But you’re still so pretty. Pretty Ken.”
He chuckled and you felt him stand rather than saw him as your eyes finally closed. “Yeah, my pretty darlin’. You win this round.” With another careful kiss to your temple and his thumb pressing at the edge of your chin, he was gone and you were out like a light.
The next afternoon, you woke up to the sun shining in through the window and Bradley setting a bag onto the chair beside your bed. When he noticed you were awake, a slow smile started to push across his mouth. “Hey, sleeping beauty.”
“Hey,” you replied, the single syllable slow and syrupy with sleep.
He moved a little closer and you could see the circles beneath his eyes and his caramel waves were in a bit of a mess. But his service khakis were still neatly pressed—that was good. “You were asleep when I came in yesterday. Seresin said they gave you some pretty heavy duty stuff. How’re you feeling?”
That pain medication must’ve truly been something else because you mostly just felt uncomfortable rather than anything else. “I’m okay. Might be hungry though.”
Bradley’s smile widened a fraction and he opened the bag and pulled out a sandwich from the deli just off base that you frequented, usually with Bradley, and your cellphone which had almost 200 notifications. “I asked, like, four nurses if you were cleared for real people food and they said as long as you don’t overdo it, you should be fine.”
You weren’t entirely sure how you could overdo eating a sandwich, but you weren’t about to ask in fear of them taking the sandwich away and replacing it with the slop you managed to evade yesterday. It felt like heaven in your hands when Bradley (carefully) set it in your grasp. “Yeah sure,” you said, suddenly much more awake than you had been moments before.
But he also held out a bottle of water and shook it. “Water first. Sandwich later.”
“Then you should have led with the water,” you grumbled but you still drank it with careful sips after he glared at you after you sputtered over your first overzealous mouthful. He let out an exaggerated sigh when you pouted as he put your medication on the little table beside your bed and said you needed to take those, too. He really did bait and switch with the sandwich. A true big brother move that you begrudgingly accepted with a smile you tried to hide behind your water bottle.
(The sandwich in question was delicious and you didn’t even care that Bradley told you to slow down twice—you should have listened because you felt nauseous for a solid hour after polishing it off. Worth it.)
Bradley sat and watched an episode of Deep Space Nine with you before he told you that Sarah was planning on stopping by again today and that Bob and Natasha would probably try to swing by after being dismissed for the day, too. “Your sister is a very avid texter, by the way.” He pulled out his phone and showed you the fifteen texts he’d received from Georgie in the last two hours. They were all about you, obviously, and your stay in the hospital. Toward the end of her barrage of texts was a quick, also, Danny is wondering who this ‘hangman’ is. Might want to give both of them a heads up.
You almost laughed at that. After noticing your parents’ complete detachment from you, Danny had taken up the self-imposed role of ‘protective brother’ and had tried his best (either from a hospital bed or across state lines or both). It had always made you smile because he was more likely to throw a textbook at someone and then run away than to actually throw a punch. He was a good man. Gentle. A good brother to you. You knew he and Georgie would like Jake, even if they pretended not to for a solid five minutes.
“I’ll handle her. Promise. How was everyone yesterday and this morning?”
“Hangman was a little distracted.”
“Was he okay? Did he-”
“He’s fine,” Bradley said, fighting a smile. “But he did pull some stupid stunt when Royal was about to get tone on him.”
“Oh? It must have been something else if you’re calling it stupid,” you teased, earning a halfhearted glare in return. But this was good. Almost normal. Like you weren’t in a hospital and Bradley wasn’t taking a day of leave to stay at your side. Then you remembered… “Oh, Bradley, your date with Natasha! I ruined it! You were supposed to go to dinner, weren’t you? Natasha had a plan-”
Bradley’s hand settling over your arm quickly halted the rest of your rambling. “Please chill out.”
“Okay, but, what if I don’t?”
“They’ll probably have to sedate you,” he said, trying to keep a straight face and failing. “It is fine. Really. We rescheduled.”
“Easy as that?” You asked. Guilt still twisted your stomach. They had been in love with each other for years and had one date and then you had to get stabbed and ruin their second.
But Bradley nodded. “Easy as that. I took my time to get off my perch, I don’t mind waiting a little longer for a second date. We both would have just been worried about you anyway.”
You grimaced, guilt still gnawing at your bones. “I’m sorry anyway.”
“You did not purposely get stabbed so we couldn’t get a second date,” Bradley said, voice more serious than it had been just a moment ago. “Please don’t beat yourself up about it. We have time. We made time.”
You moved to set your other hand over his with a sigh. “If you say so.” God, you hoped it was true.
It would be a long recovery, you knew that. But it seemed a little easier this time, even with the extra damage, because you had people that cared about you. You weren’t lonely and twiddling your thumbs alone in the hospital room, waiting to be released and being told to keep your mouth shut or to report to the brass as soon as you were discharged. This was different.
It was different when the Daggers still took turns visiting you and your fellow ADs did, too. Sarah stopped by as well, and made you video chat with Junior and Lily who both worried over you until you promised that you would be fine. They both offered to visit, or in Lily’s case she offered to smuggle you out of the hospital, but you declined and told them to both just focus on wedding planning or classes. “I’ll be fine!” You even winked for good measure.
Yeah. This time was different. Recovery wasn’t exactly a walk in the park and the tube coming out of your side was always annoying and bordering on itchy, but you got through it because you had people who cared about you. To your delight and dismay, Jake was the most frequent visitor to your stuffy hospital room. He brought food and books and seemed to be watching Deep Space Nine on his own because he was never lost when he sat down to watch an episode or two with you.
It was good and gentle and god you wished you could kiss him again. But it seemed he was trying to give your poor heart a break and rile you up at the same time. You had never been treated so…delicately before. Like you were something, someone precious. But god you wanted to kiss him. Even more so when he was the one to wheel you out of the hospital, complete with boyish car noises when he would speed around a corner. You weren’t even a little surprised when he drove you to the temporary housing on base instead of your house, only relieved. Bob and Natasha had been the one to tell you it was probably a good idea for you to not stay at your house for the time being and had set up your stay on base. You didn’t need a ton of convincing; you weren’t sure if you’d ever be able to step foot into your little bungalow again without seeing Luke hiding in the shadows or your blood staining the floors.
The temporary housing was little more than a hotel room with a kitchenette, but you weren’t about to complain. Not when all of the Daggers and your fellow ADs were waiting inside with balloons and your favorite junk food to welcome you ‘home.’ Natasha and Bradley had brought all of your clothes and a few of your pictures, too, to help make it seem a little more like home. Over a glass of a virgin Bee’s Knees, whipped up by Penny who asked you if you were taking your medicine with a motherly look, you caught Jake’s eye across the small living room as he spoke with Callie. He smiled and raised his beer in your direction with a wink.
Oh, what an asshole. It should not be allowed for him to look like that and not want to kiss him senseless. Or have him kiss you senseless. Either way, someone should be getting kissed senseless. But he had been almost resolute in not kissing you. A small voice at the back of your mind whispered that maybe all of this, the stalking, the blood, the stress, the hospital stay, had all been too much for him. That you had been too much for him.
But he had been sweet. He kissed your cheeks, your temples, the tip of your nose. He held your hand and made you smile and laugh when you needed it most. He wanted to be near you. Didn’t he? You hoped so. He never seemed to care when you called in the middle of the night with another nightmare filled with Luke and hidden knives, making the drive across base to sit with you in the low light of your temporary living room, sipping on hot chocolate and watching Golden Girls reruns in silence until you fell asleep again. “If you call, I’ll come,” he had said. And he did. Every time. Didn’t make it any less confusing though.
It was entirely unsurprising to be put onto desk duty when you were finally able to report back to base two days later. Admiral Bates was kind and popped his head into your office every other hour to make sure you were comfortable. “You can leave at any time, if needed. Please take it easy.” Admiral Simpson also seemed to be doing the most to not even give you paperwork to do. They were being kind but you were so bored. It didn’t feel like you worked if you didn’t have oil soaked into your skin by lunch. The other ADs kept you up to date on what each of the jets needed every day so you could jump right back in when you were cleared for it.
You actually volunteered to take on the extra paperwork from the other ADs so you could still feel like you were contributing a few days into your new duties. It sometimes had you staying later than everyone else but you slowly started to enjoy the quiet of your office when almost everyone had gone home, especially on Fridays before the start of the weekend.
Almost everyone.
A knock at your door had you looking up to see Jake leaning against the frame and you hated how your heart leapt at the sight of him…and how the sleeve of his service khakis strained against the bulk of his arm. “Hey, darlin’.”
“Hey stranger,” you replied, setting your pen down. With the outgoing of the Top Gun graduates and the incoming of a new class, Jake had been busy alongside most of the Daggers. There were rumblings of a deployment, too, so you tried not to take his absence personally. If you had been out in the hangar or on the flight line, you would have seen more of him. Also, a lot of your free time was filled with check ups with your doctor and your new therapist. Both seemed to be hopeful for you. Your writing was going well, too, if you did say so yourself. Both Natasha and Bradley were still buzzing in that new relationship glow and you were so happy for them to finally be together—you even made sure to have them do the necessary paperwork as soon as possible so nothing would take them off guard. Detective White and the rest of the cops on your case were apparently following leads about Luke’s whereabouts but didn’t have much more to say other than, “when we know something, we will let you know.” You tried not to dwell on it, focusing on what made you happy. And you hardly left base anyway.
“I’ve got a question for you.” He walked into your office with a smirk playing on his mouth and an arm tucked behind his back.
“I’ve got an answer.”
When he reached the edge of your desk, he pulled an almost comically large bouquet of flowers out from behind his back. It was a beautiful mix of sunflowers, peonies, and tulips and you took them carefully as you stood, your heart in your throat. “These are for you.”
“They’re gorgeous, but that is not a question, you know. Questions are meant to gain an answer, or elicit information from another party-”
Jake groaned, rolling his eyes. “Busting my balls after I give you flowers? I should have expected that.”
You laughed and brushed your fingers against the buttery petals, delighting in the soft aroma of the bouquet. “Probably.”
“But my question was,” he started, pausing either for dramatic effect or just to rile you up. “Would you like to go to dinner with me?”
The smile that split your face almost hurt and you attempted to hide it behind the flowers for a moment before Jake hooked a finger in the wrapping and slowly pulled it down with a smile of his own. “You sure did take your time asking.”
Jake’s smile grew. “Technically, you asked back at the hospital, but since you never followed up on it, I figured I could be the bigger person and ask you.”
Your mouth opened then closed again as an embarrassed heat started to inch its way up your throat. “That…is not fair. You technically asked back at my house.”
“And I’m asking again.”
God, he was something else and you couldn’t help but let the growing smile split your face as you nodded. “Then yes, I am saying yes again.” What else could you possibly say?
“Perfect. Phoenix has a dress and shoes waiting for you in our locker room and I will meet you back out here in thirty minutes, okay?”
“Oh, you thought of everything, huh?” You asked with a shake of your head.
“I had some time. But you don’t—our reservation only has a five minute window.”
You grumbled good-naturedly to try to keep the butterflies you felt rioting in your stomach at bay. “Fine. I’ll be back.” And if your steps to the locker room were a little hurried, he thankfully didn’t mention it. The dress Natasha picked out for you was perfect, midi length with a slit up the thigh with a floral print—she must have found it at the back of your closet. The shoes were sensible but cute, found in a box you had kept at the back of your closet, too. Damn, she knew you so well. There was a sticky note on the dress’ hanger: Have fun! But not too much! Your makeup bag was on the shelf above and you hurriedly touched everything up before meeting Jake out in the hallway with your heart thrumming a happy beat behind your ribs. He had changed, too, into a smartly tailored pair of black trousers and a button up shirt of the same shade tucked in. It was almost unfair how beautiful he was.
Another smile broke across his face as he looked you over and you felt like one of your heroines when he reached out for you. “You look beautiful.”
As promised, he drove you to the ritzy restaurant and you delighted in the weight of his hand on your thigh the entire time as your flowers were safely kept in a vase in the backseat. It wasn’t until you pulled into the filled parking lot that you realized that you hadn’t looked out the window once in search of a black charger.
You felt safe.
He held the door open for you and tucked your chair into the table. It really was like a dream, even when the waitress flirted with Jake. Why? Because he simply reached across the table to curl his hand over yours as you fiddled with your silverware roll.
Gentle. He was being gentle and choosing you.
The conversation was quiet and easy as you ordered and you tried not to laugh when your original waitress was nowhere to be found.
“There’s this Italian place a little up the coast. We should try that next.”
While you enjoyed this peaceful bubble, you couldn’t resist poking at him like you always did. You cocked an eyebrow as you cut into your perfectly done steak. It almost melted in your mouth as you saw Jake glance at you as he cut into his own. “Oh, I was presumptuous by thinking we should get ice cream after this but you’re already planning the next date?”
His fork froze just in front of his mouth and you watched his eyes go wide for a moment. “I…”
“Relax. I’m always game for pasta.”
Jake’s answering smile split his face and couldn’t hide the tinge of pink on his cheeks. “Good. That’s good.”
As promised (after bickering over who got to pay for dinner), you had Jake pull over into the parking lot of a small ice cream shop on the way back to base and you each ordered their version of snickers ice cream. You both happily ate it as it tried to melt down to your fingers when you watched the moon’s reflection over the ocean after Jake found an overlook a few minutes down the road. As you licked the remnants of the treat from your lips, Jake hopped out of the truck and you watched him jog over to your side and pull open the door. He reached over you for a moment, letting his expensive cologne flood your senses again, and turned up the radio. Some old country song—yes, you would make fun of him for this later—filled the truck but you still put your hand in Jake’s when he held out a hand for you to take.
“Dance with me?”
The singer crooned about love and the moon and you laughed as Jake spun you under his arm. This could have been a scene from one of your books, you could scurry home after this, write it all down, and sell a million copies of your next book just because of this scene. But you knew you wanted to keep this just for yourself. This was just for you and Jake. You’d never feel like this before; happy, desired, fulfilled but hopeful for more. Hopeful for more with Jake.
Just for a few beats of the song, you wished you hadn’t waited so long. Hadn’t tried so hard to keep him at arm’s length. Hadn’t let Luke win for so long.
One song turned into two, turned into three and you only separated because a car drove by and honked obnoxiously. You laughed and pushed your face into Jake’s chest for a moment, listening to the rumble of his own chuckle. When your giggles subsided, you tilted your head to smile at him, probably looking like a loon but you hardly cared when he brushed his knuckles against your cheek.
He leaned in slowly, giving you enough time to pull away if you wanted, but you didn’t move. His lips pressed against yours gently before you surged forward, making it abundantly clear that you were not going anywhere. His warm hands held you firm as they slid up your arms to frame your face. There was no resistance when he licked at the seam of your lips, and you didn’t even care about the happy sigh you let out, hands scrunching into his soft shirt. He tasted like ice cream and that damned minted toothpick and you couldn’t get enough, pressing closer closer closer to let him keep kissing you in any way he wanted.
It wasn’t until your lungs protested that you broke away, chest heaving with the need for air. Jake stole another quick kiss anyway, letting you feel his smile against your mouth. “Let me get you home, darlin’.”
You nodded with a smile you hoped wasn’t too wide and let him buckle you in after he opened the truck door for you again. The smile, however, couldn’t be contained when his hand once again found a home on your thigh. When he pulled into the small parking lot in front of the stretch of temporary housing buildings, you let out a laugh when Jake all but bolted out of his seat to run around to your side of the truck and open your door, your flowers in hand. You slipped your hand into the crook of his offered arm and let him walk you toward your door.
“I had a great time tonight,” you murmured as you looked at him out of the corner of your eye. The dim light from the nearest streetlight cast him in a buttery light and almost made him look like some sort of old Hollywood leading man—you’d never tell him that. His ego was big enough.
“I did, too.” The warmth in his tone matched the soft look he sent you as you stepped up to your door.
You could have asked about the Italian restaurant he had mentioned earlier or bargained with him that you get to pay for dinner next time and he could pay for dessert as a reversal of what happened tonight, but instead, you listened to the butterflies in your stomach and asked, “would you like to come inside?”
Jake paused for a moment before nodding, almost hesitant.
You unlocked the door and waved him in, watching as he set your flowers on the small table beside the door. After setting your purse on the couch, you turned to face Jake and tried to resist the urge to wipe your slightly sweaty palms on your dress as you kicked off your shoes. Maybe you had misread everything. Or maybe he was still trying to “treat you right,” by his standards and take things slow. You wanted to respect what he wanted. “You don’t have to stay, Ken.” But god, you wanted him to.
Jake huffed before shaking his head. “You gotta know that I don’t want to leave, Punch. But I don’t want to hurt you. I would never-”
“I’m okay,” you let out in a rush. “I promise.” The smile you tried to keep from your face pushed its way free anyway as you shuffled a little closer to him.
“And I want to keep you that way.” Jake shook his head and you almost shivered when he let his fingers trail down your arms before dropping back to his sides, like he just needed to touch you. “Trust me, there’s nothing more I’d like than to keep this date going, but I would not be able to live with myself if I set you back in your recovery because I did something.” The slightest bit of pink dusted his cheeks as he said that, too.
It was so sweet. So adorably kind that all you could do was smile. “I’m not in danger of dying right now, Ken.”
“That’s not funny.”
You sighed and reached out to grasp his hands, pulling at them until they were pressing at your hips. “I’m here. Upright and mobile. I’m okay.”
“Your doctor said-”
“That I was cleared yesterday,” you said with a growing smile. That appointment had been a bright spot of your week for several reasons.
There was a slight pause before his hands tightened on your hips. “Yeah?”
“Yeah, Ken.”
You felt his fingers drum against the low of your back before he leaned closer. “So, for twenty four hours, this entire date, I’ve been trying to be a gentleman and you-”
“Oh, just kiss me.”
And he did. His kiss immediately dominated all of your senses, hot, heavy, and hard. Your back hit the wall beside the door and you could feel Jake’s smile again as you giggled against his mouth. This was perfect.
The smile faded as Jake’s mouth slid down the side of your neck, no doubt feeling your thrumming pulse, and a breathy moan slipped from between your lips.
“I’ve hardly touched you,” Jake said, words vibrating against your heated skin as you let your hands grasp at his shoulders, needing to anchor yourself to something. “You already singin’ for me?”
Your laugh was just as embarrassingly breathy, too. “Can’t help it.” You really couldn’t. Every nerve ending was starting to spark and burn delightfully, your mind already hazing. He kissed you again and his grip tightened on your waist before trailing up your sides.
He pulled back just enough to breathe against your lips. “You want this?”
The question cleared your mind for a moment but only served to send a bolt of soft warmth straight through you. “I do. I want you, I want this,” you whispered in return.
You could feel his answering smile before he kissed you again, harder and bordering on desperate.
You wanted him.
He wanted you.
Jake pawed at the top of your dress until your breasts were spilling out, nipples instantly hardening against the air conditioned chill of your room. “Fucking beautiful,” Jake muttered before diving down to press a searing kiss right over the swell of your heart. His large hands yanked the rest of your dress down just enough for him to grab at your chest, squeezing your breasts together as he lathed attention on one and then the other and then back again. Kisses turned into licks, turned into the lightest scrapes of his teeth that had your breath stuttering and knees shaking.
“Jake…” Your voice was little more than a moan, torn from your throat.
Big sea glass green eyes peered up at you, nearing sparkling in the low light of the room, as he continued to bite and suck and kiss at the exposed skin. But then, as if knowing you were already too far gone for words, his lips closed around a nipple and tugged, pulling a keening whimper from you as your hands wove through his short blond hair, drawing him closer. The heat of him, of his talented mouth, was all consuming. You couldn’t control the tightening in your lower stomach, nor the whimpers that left your kiss-bitten lips as he switched to the other side.
“So perfect,” he said, words muffled as he burrowed his nose into your sternum. “Perfect for me.” He glanced up and your heart stuttered at the heat in his gaze. The green of his eyes was nearly entirely gone, eaten by the black of his pupil.
Your grip on his hair tightened the slightest bit, dragging him up again to press an open mouthed kiss against his wanting lips. “Take me to bed,” you panted.
It was a blessedly short trip to the bed on the other side of the room and as soon the backs of your knees hit the soft bedding his hands skimmed up your sides, dragging your dress with it. His lips followed, lathing heat against your skin and up your sternum. Then he slowly, carefully pulled the offending fabric off, taking care to not jerk your arms up too high or too quickly. But his attention was soon back on your skin, pressing his mouth against the swell of your breasts.
“So fucking beautiful,” he said, words muffled against your heated skin. He could probably feel your heart beating a mile a minute beneath your ribs. But you knew he did when he took a moment to press kisses to the raised scars that now littered your torso.
It was almost too much for you and you pulled him up and fumbled with the buttons on his shirt before shoving it off his shoulders and then did the same to the button on his trousers and shoved them down before grabbing handfuls of his unfairly toned thighs and squeezing. You didn’t let go when he had to step out of his shoes and shoved his trousers off the rest of the way. God, he was warm everywhere. “You’re pretty,” you murmured against his neck, letting his expensive cologne and heat keep your mind buzzing.
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” You had to laugh but it quickly faded when Jake’s roughened hands slid down the expanse of your thighs, and his mouth followed, sliding along the soft skin on your right leg and then the left, making sure to press a hard kiss to the scars there, too. The simple touch had you quaking beneath his grasp. “It’s only fair, darlin’. You know how much I love these legs of yours.”
“Y-you’re ridiculous!”
“Maybe, but you’re still beautiful.” His thick fingers slipped under the lace edges of your underwear and quickly pulled them down and you just as readily kicked them away. A hot kiss was pressed to your right hip and then your left before he gently shoved you back onto the bed, your legs falling open. Wider shoulders had your legs spreading further as he shoved his way between them and he licked a bold strip through your folds and nearly had you wailing. “And you taste so good, too.” Again and again Jake licked and sucked and nibbled until the heat that had started burning with the first brush of his lips overwhelmed you and stars burst behind your eyes.
When you came down, your thighs were wrapped around Jake’s head and shaking but he didn’t seem to care as he pressed a slick kiss to each of your thighs before carefully helping you set your legs back down before helping you lay further back across the bed. “Yeah, still beautiful.”
With aftershocks still shaking your fingers, you pulled him up again, tasting yourself on his tongue when it slipped between your lips. “Still want you,” you murmured, unabashed.
“You’ll get me. You’ve got me.” Jake curled his body over yours as he took your mouth again. You greedily shoved at his boxer briefs and let out a sigh when you felt the length of him press against the meat of your inner thigh. “Condom?” He asked.
“Got a clear bill of health and just renewed my birth control prescr-” The rest of your explanation was cut short when he kissed you again and you felt him press at your entrance. The first push knocked the wind right out of your lungs. “O-oh!”
“God, you’re so warm.” His words were pulled taut and his knuckles were nearly white as they pressed into the blanket beneath you.
You pawed at his shoulders as he sunk further, further, further. God, he was so deep. “J-Jake!”
“Almost there, darlin’, you’re taking me so well.”
When his hips finally touched yours, each breath was ragged and short as you tried to breathe through the burn that came with his size. He was so deep. Jake pressed gentle kisses across your jaw, murmuring to take all the time you needed but you saw his arms shaking on either side of your head.
“Move,” you said.
“You sur-”
“Move!” You laughed, but it was quickly taken over by a broken moan with Jake’s first thrust. Every drag and pull of him had new sparks sizzling up your spine until you were nothing more than a heap of shaking limbs and heated skin. “Jake, please!” It was all you could say. What you were pleading for, you wouldn’t be able to articulate, but it didn’t matter because Jake seemed to know as his thrusts grew more forceful, pushing you further up the bed and dragging a hand down your leg to squeeze at the dough of your thigh and having it tighten around his hip so he could reach further into you. “Jake!”
“Give it to me, darlin’. C’mon. I know you can.” His whispered words were scalding against your ear and you let out a wail as he hit something deep inside you again again again again. The feeling only grew when his hands swept beneath you on the bed and hauled your hips higher as he drove into you. “Is that it? That where you need me?”
All you could do was moan and hang on as he continued to hit that spot you had never known existed. Your legs lifted, too, wrapping around his waist and that seemed to be the right thing to do as Jake slid one hand down to grab at one, widening you up to his thrusts—and with just a handful more snaps of his hips, you broke into a million little pieces of stardust.
With just a few more thrusts, Jake met his own end, shuddering above you. And you were glorious, beautiful, sated. He had never seen anyone look so wonderfully undone as you. Jake pushed up onto his knees and could only smile down at you before stealing a kiss against your mouth and then another and another until he got what he wanted: a soft laugh, breathy and satisfied, if he did say so himself. The simple sound had his already thundering heart leaping. Then you reached up and pushed a few errant strands of hair away from his forehead. The words he wanted to say were on the tip of his tongue but he bit them back—he wanted to tell you with flowers and something sweet, not when you could think he was just caught up in the endorphin rush.
“You’re impossible, you know,” you said, snapping him out of his train of thought.
“You’re still so pretty after all that? Impossible.” You punctuated it with a soft tug at his hair before your hand swept to his cheek and your thumb smoothed an easy path on the half moon beneath his eye.
God. He could look at you forever. “If I’m pretty, then you’re-”
Your fingers pressed over his lips as you halfheartedly rolled your eyes. “You already got me in bed, Ken. Don’t need to butter me up.”
Jake kissed your fingers before pulling your hand away from his mouth and leaning down to steal another kiss. “I think you should be told how beautiful you are every day.”
Jake felt you freeze for a moment, rigid under his grip. “Sounds exhausting.”
“I’m up for the challenge.” He could have said it then, too. Almost did. Instead, he carefully pulled out and smirked at your moan with the movement. Jake swept a hand down your sternum to your belly before rolling off the bed and walking into the bathroom. He quickly found a washcloth and ran it under some hot water and wrung it out before walking back out.
God, you were beautiful. Still trying to catch your breath on the rumpled blankets (and if Jake felt a little zing of pride and seeing you so debauched, so be it), Jake slid next to you and carefully cleaned up the mess he’d made of you. He couldn’t stop touching you. Didn’t ever want to stop, but he did eventually pull away to drag his underwear back on and brushed his lips against your palm as you reached for him, curling your fingers around his cheek. But even with you still on his tongue and your body heart bleeding over him, he felt the first tendrils of doubt start to creep up the back of his mind.
Did you want him to stay? Did you regret it? Did-
“Will you stay?” You asked, voice much quieter than you had been all night. It reminded him of when you were surprised he had wanted to go to Junior’s engagement party. Maybe you were nervous, too.
“Of course I’ll stay, Punch.”
Your answering smile was near blinding and you wiggled around on the bed just enough to pull the blankets down to invite him under the sheets beside you—wow, you both really just fell onto the bed, absolutely no patience. After you washed up in the bathroom and turned off the rest of the lights, you slipped beneath the sheets too, eyes bright in the moonlight streaming from the small window.
He could look at you forever. He just had to tell you that. Some day.
Things were good and fun and wonderful. Jake took you to that Italian restaurant and then you danced in your little living room. You went out to the movies and laughed behind your bucket of popcorn when the horror movie victims lived up to their cliches. Jake would press smiling kisses to your mouth in good morning in the shadows of the hangar. But he was also fond of swallowing every sound you made while driving deep and holding you close and you got to find out what it felt like to have the weight of him on your tongue.
Yeah, things were good.
Things were good even when Detective White called to tell you that Luke might have been spotted back on the East Coast—at least he wasn’t still lurking somewhere in the shadows of San Diego, waiting for you. It was good because you only had about a week left on desk duty and Bradley and Natasha were still annoyingly in love and Bob had agreed to (eventually) meet the woman Jake said was “perfect” for him. Georgie had given birth to a healthy, happy baby boy and you had plans to visit in a few weeks’ time with Danny.
You may have still had those words waiting on your tongue, unspoken and waiting, but you knew they were going to spill out sooner or later, especially when Jake kissed you so sweetly. Everything was strangely easy with him and you knew it was a little too early to think of the future when it was so soon into whatever this was with Jake, but maybe it really could be this easy. There were short tiffs, of course, but it was good.
Things were good.
“Hey, darlin’. Can I talk to you for a moment?”
You looked up from the paperwork on your desk to see Jake standing in the door of your office. A joke was on the tip of your tongue when you spied the envelope in his hands. You knew what that envelope meant. You knew that look in his eyes. “How long?”
“Eight weeks.”
“Oh.” You swallowed the lump in your throat and set down your pen with unsteady fingers. “You leave next week, don’t you?” You already knew the answer—Admiral Simpson had been heard talking about it yesterday.
Jake set the envelope down as he rounded your desk and pulled you up and close, pressing a kiss to your forehead, your nose, then a slow kiss to your lips before standing straight again as his hands settled on your hips. “I don’t want-”
“You and I both know that the Navy doesn’t care what we want, Ken. You have to go. And I’m going to be waiting for you when you come back.” You tried to smile but you knew it looked more like a grimace. So, you tried a different tactic. “It’ll fly by.”
Jake pulled his lips into his mouth for a moment before sighing but you could tell he wanted to laugh. “That was a terrible pun.”
“I think you like me anyway.”
Jake smiled then, all softness and sweet. “Yeah, I think I’ll keep you around.” He pulled you close again and had you giggling the moment his lips touched your neck.
“You went on plenty of deployments before me and there will be deployments after-”
“Don’t say ‘after you,” Jake grumbled. “I don’t want there to be an after you.”
The words had your heart leaping. “I wasn’t going to say ‘after me,’ Ken. I was saying that after I’m cleared, you’ll have a few more with me. Okay? It is just this one.”
A small bright spot was knowing Javy, Callie, and Neil were also going with him. You and Jake tried to make the most of the week you had left before his deployment. There were quiet dinners in your small room and falling asleep in your bed as reruns of old sitcoms played on the television. There were quickies, too, of course, that always left your legs shaking and his come running down your thighs. But you still weren’t entirely sure what you were with Jake. He obviously wasn’t picking up women at the Hard Deck and spent most of his nights with you, slotting into place like he’d always meant to be there. But neither one of you had put a label on it. But you remembered Bradley’s scolding. You remembered that Jake himself had said that he knew you felt the way about him the same way he felt about you.
You tried and failed not to think about it too much as you walked with Jake through the muted crowds on the dock near the carrier. Dawn had just started to break on the horizon and your fingers brushed against Jake’s for the fifth time as you neared the ramp onto the hulking mass of steel. You only broke away to hug the others and wish them luck and safety before coming back to Jake’s side. There were too many eyes out here. Your relationship—no matter how undefined it was—was still unapproved and discouraged by Naval Regulation. There could be consequences if you kissed him goodbye now.
But you wanted to.
“You stay safe, okay?” You murmured as you turned to him.
“I’ll try my best, darlin’,” he said in return, grip tightening on his bag for a moment before letting loose again. Like he was fighting the urge to touch you, too.
The most you allowed yourself to do was hug him like you did the others while you blinked back the tears stinging your eyes. You should say it now. Say it. Say it. Say it. But wouldn’t that be cruel, to say it now when you couldn’t do more?
As you pulled back, it looked like Jake wanted to say something—his mouth opened and—
The carrier’s horn blasted and halted anything he might have said. You watched him shake his head before his hand fell to your shoulder. Only the careful swipe of his thumb against your pulse separated the touch from anything platonic. “I’ll be seeing you, Punch.” And then he was turning and walking away, a tightness in his shoulders you hadn’t seen since the hospital.
Something inside you cracked at the sight of it, growing larger with each step he took away from you. Every deployment could be dangerous. Hell, every time he got into the cockpit was dangerous. You could lose him.
And he wouldn’t…
“Jake!” You called out, his name bursting out from between your lips.
He turned back to you, brows pinching.
This was it. You didn’t want to hide. You would handle the consequences, no matter what they were. You needed to tell him. You pushed through the crowd and Jake dropped his bag at his feet and he reached for you just as you reached for him.
Your hands slid over his broad shoulders and up to cradle the back of his head as he curled his arms around your waist and hauled you close. You kissed him. You kissed him and didn’t care who saw as you felt him press at the seam of your lips and happily let him lead you through the unhurried but all consuming embrace; he had wanted this, too.
“Come back to me, okay?” You whispered against his mouth as you broke away, chest heaving. “Promise me.”
“I promise,” he said, voice strong despite the desperate look in his eyes. “I’m coming back to you. No matter what.”
“I love you, you know that?” There, you’d said it. For better or worse.
Jake’s smile started slow but soon lit up his entire face and he kissed you, pressing his lips to yours so intensely that you thought he might be trying to sear the touch into your marrow. “I love you, too. I have for a long time, I think.” And then he kissed you again and didn’t step back until the carrier let out another horn blast. “I’ve got to go but I will be back. I’ve gotta come back to my girl.”
You could only nod as he slowly walked backward toward the carrier, trying to keep you in his sight for as long as possible and taking your heart with him.
Jake hadn’t been expecting to be called into the Admiral’s temporary office before he had even put his duffel on his tiny bedroll, but here he was, standing in front of Admiral Simpson, hoping beyond hope that this wasn’t what he was thinking it was.
You loved him. You loved him and he didn’t want to have it ruined by something as stupid as regulation.
Cyclone crossed his arms over his chest before sighing. “I should have you formally reprimanded and have her moved to a different squadron, if not an entirely different shore station. You and I both know that, Lieutenant Commander.” He was quiet and Jake felt a bead of sweat roll down the back of his neck. He couldn’t lose you. Not now. “But I made Kazansky a promise. I promised to keep that young woman safe whenever she stepped foot on base. She is a remarkable AD and has proven herself to be an irreplaceable part of this team. The Daggers are better with her, and she is better with the Squadron.” He was quiet again and Jake tried not to feel too hopeful as the man continued. “I will require the necessary paperwork on my desk by 0700 the day after we are back stateside so I can pretend that you two went about this correctly and I won’t have someone with more stars on their collar trying to rip this squadron apart. Am I understood?”
“Understood, sir.” Jake didn’t even care that he was supposed to be on shore leave for two weeks after every deployment. He would get that paperwork to Cyclone an hour after docking if he had said so. Jake would happily do a thousand pushups before dinner and be grounded for a month if it meant that you didn’t have to hide, that you wouldn’t be separated because of protocol or paperwork.
Cyclone nodded. Just once. “Good. Dismissed.” If Jake sprinted out of Cyclone’s office, neither of them mentioned it. But the Lieutenant whom Jake would be sharing a bunk with definitely asked why he was smiling like a mad man when they finally crossed paths.
Jake didn’t care.
Come hell or high water, he was going back to you.
If Bradley asked if you were okay one more time, you were going to steal his lunch.
“I just worry about you!”
“Get away from me, Bradshaw. I swear to god-!” The rest of your rant was cut off by sweet Bob pulling you into a different classroom and handing you a water bottle.
“Drink this.”
You did as you were told and by the time the bottle was empty, you felt marginally less prone to lunch thievery. When you handed the bottle back to him, Bob sighed. He seemed to do that a lot lately and it had only been a week since Jake and the others had gone. “I’m bad at this, aren’t I?”
(The rest of the Daggers had been given a hard launch of you and Jake being together after Callie posted a photo to the group chat—it was supposed to be of her and Neil before they got on the carrier but you and Jake were clearly seen in the background kissing.
Not your finest moment but everyone seemed to be happy for you both and Admiral Bates chuckled after calling you into his office to tell you to fill out the required paperwork—how he found out was anyone’s guess but you were thankful that he was fine with it all. While the stack of red tape was a bit of a slog to get through, you finished it as quickly as you could despite being told that you’d have to wait to formally file it until Jake completed his, too. The stack of paper was kept safely in the bottom locked drawer of your desk, just waiting for Jake.)
“I’ve been told it gets easier,” Bob said with a small smile. “It’s only been a week, Punch. Give yourself time.”
You sighed and leaned just enough to press your forehead against his shoulder. Maybe tensions were high (with you in particular) because today was supposed to be your first day back in the hangar and…it rained so everyone was grounded until the weather cleared. “I mean, whenever you guys would get sent out I would worry, but this feels different. Is that stupid? Or am I just losing it?”
Bob sighed and you felt his hands start to press careful, patient lines up and down your back. “Not stupid and not losing it. But I think ‘s different when you care about the person leaving.”
“I care about you,” you muttered into his shirt.
“Not the same way and you know it.” His hands continued their careful touches and you relaxed a little more. God, whoever earned Bob’s love was going to be so lucky. “If I was a betting man, I would say Seresin is probably feeling the same way except he’s stuck in a tiny metal room.”
You laughed and a tiny bit of tension slipped from your shoulders. “Thank you, Robby. I promise to not throttle Bradley or steal his lunch.”
And now it was Bob’s turn to laugh. “Reasonable.”
The rest of the day didn’t exactly crawl by but you were still thankful to walk out to the parking lot by the end of the day, even if you knew you were still only going across base to watch more Golden Girls with a frozen meal. You’d get through this.
You knew it.
Just as you pulled into your usual spot outside your temporary home, your phone rang. Detective White’s name flashed across the screen and you sighed, bracing for no new news, before answering.
“Have you been to your house today?” He asked instead of a greeting.
“We need you to come here, take a look at things.”
You were struck silent, sitting in the driver’s seat of your car. “I…” What were you even supposed to say to that? “Yeah, okay. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” The drive to your little bungalow was done in a haze, you didn’t even remember turning down your street or pulling into the driveway. Three patrol cars and a beat up Cadillac were parked along the curb, too. Two uniformed cops were waiting by your front door and checked your ID when you asked for Detective White before waving you inside.
Just for a moment, it did actually feel like coming home. This had been your home for almost two years and…
“It’s been a long time, hasn’t it, baby?”
The cruel echo of Luke’s voice had you flinching before the faded scent of bleach did. Your next breath stuttered in your throat as you glanced toward the bookcases and the floor beneath them. You had nearly died here. Nearly bled out in your home. It looked like all of your books had been placed in boxes, stacked at the mouth of the hallway.
You hardly saw any of it as your eyes were drawn to the broken glass that littered your kitchen floor and then the terrible deep, dark red paint splattered on the wall above your television.
“Good, you’re here.”
You jumped at the sound of Detective White’s voice and turned to face him with an unsteady smile. “I’m assuming you called to tell me about this?” You asked, hooking a thumb over your shoulder at the crude paint job.
Detective White nodded. “Yeah.”
“I thought you said Luke was on the East Coast?” Keeping the angry disbelief out of your voice was a Herculean task—one that you failed, spectacularly, if the detective’s flinch was any indication.
He tapped his pen against his stupid pad of paper. “We had a tip that he was.”
“But nothing concrete? Have you stopped the search for him around here?”
“No, we still have the tip line open here, too.”
“Tip line,” you bit out. “But no one is looking? You’re just hoping that someone will spot him and you’ll be able to catch him this time?” Dragging a hand over your mouth, you tried to suck in a steadying breath that only marginally worked.
“We follow up on each one,” he said as if that would help.
“Sure. Of course you do. Is there a reason you needed me to come here?”
He then went on a spiel about you needing to look around to see if anything was missing or broken because there had been a series of break ins in the neighborhood and they just wanted to make sure that this was connected either to Luke or to the low level thieves before proceeding.
It took you about three and a half minutes to realize nothing was missing other than one of the knives from the block but you had a hunch that it was probably in an evidence bag, if the cops had found it at all. Your anger at the cops swiftly disintegrated into fear when you realized that it meant Luke was now back in the city. Or he had never left. Neither was a great option and you told Detective White what you thought and only earned another tap of his pen against his stupid fucking notebook.
You seethed as you stomped to your car and tried to pull in a soothing breath when you buckled yourself in. It didn’t work. But fine. You just needed to get back to base and slip beneath your room’s mostly soft blankets and pretend this didn’t happen for at least a few hours. Sure. You could do that.
But, just as you pulled onto the highway, your low gas light clicked on. Perfect, just perfect. There was a gas station just off the next off-ramp so you took it, hoping for a quick stop. But, of course, when you pulled up to the pump, there was a sticker over the card reader, stating that you’d have to pay inside. With a sigh, you locked your car and started toward the gas station. You made it two steps before coming to an abrupt stop when a bright red car screeched around you and came to a stop at the pump just beside your car. Whatever. Not your problem.
You heard the other car’s door open and close and then…
“Hi, baby.”
There was no way he was here. No way. No. Every hair stood on end and it took you a stretched moment to even muster the courage to turn to face him.
“Luke…” His name cracked in your throat as your heart hammered against your ribs. It only increased when you caught a flash of something in his hand, shining and terrible.
A gun.
You took a step back and then another and another as your eyes bounced around the parking lot, looking for someone, anyone to help you. And you saw no one, nothing except other empty cars.
“Don’t do this.”
Luke smiled, all teeth. “I’m having fun with it now, baby. I wonder how many times I can shoot you before you actually die? Maybe I should have gutted you, you know, see what you’re hiding inside you that keeps your heart beating.”
The more he spoke, the more you realized that he was drunk, every few syllables slurred and messy. Your next step nearly had you toppling over as your heel collided with the curb. Pain lanced up your palm as you blindly thrust your arm out to keep yourself upright by grabbing the concrete pillar. Luke took a step forward and raised the gun-
The lights of a car coming into the gas station pulled his attention for just a moment and you made the split second decision to dash into the gas station when his head was turned. You nearly bowled over another woman as soon as you were inside, the bell above the door screaming your arrival, and you quickly bit out an apology before yelling, “he’s got a gun! Please—call the cops!”
The man behind the register immediately pulled out his cell phone and you saw him dial 9-1-1 before your blood ran cold when you heard the bell chime again. All the air in the tiny shop was sucked out when the telltale sound of a gun’s hammer being pulled back filled the air. You knew if you looked behind you, you’d see Luke pointing a gun right at your head. Without sparing a look back, you dove down the nearest aisle, nearly bashing your head against a row of chips. You heard the shot tear through one of the freezer cases before the cacophony of screams and shouts of the other patrons rang out, too. Before you could even crawl behind another row of snacks or curl into a protective ball, the screech of the bell came again and the gas station was silent and still.
Instinctively, you knew he was gone again. In the wind.
You didn’t particularly remember the police arriving nor the “escort” down to the station. Giving your statement a handful of times felt robotic, detached. You didn’t react when the responding officers said Luke likely fled when he realized there were other people in the gas station. You barely flinched when Detective White came in and you saw him tap tap tap his pen on his notepad.
“It was Luke,” you muttered. “You can probably see it on the cameras.”
Your drive back to base hours later wasn’t exactly memorable and you sat on the small couch in the dark for a stretched moment until your phone rang. It felt like your arms had fallen asleep as you fumbled to get it out of your purse.
“Hi, sweetheart.” The sound of Sarah’s sweet voice immediately had you sobbing.
Unsurprisingly (but still embarrassingly), Sarah was in your little room within the hour and didn’t mind at all when you slouched into her lap as more Golden Girls reruns played on the television. Her soft fingers traced flowers and stars into your arm after your tears eventually ran out. She said nothing when you had told her what had happened other than a soft, “I’ve got you, sweetheart. I’ve got you.”
Four weeks into the deployment, Jake was finally given allowance to make a video call to you—he had been told that he was allotted two calls every two weeks but so far he’d only been able to call his mom once. The entire deployment had been a clusterfuck. Jet malfunctions mixed with food past its expiration only added to the usual stress that came with a deployment of this scale. Having Javy, Omaha, and Halo with him was nice—Javy much more than the others, if Jake was being honest—but he still wanted you. He didn’t want to be away from you, especially not with how things were left when he had been called away. The fact that Luke still hadn’t been caught had bit at the back of his mind daily. He knew you were safe on base but…
The call rang twice before your pixelated face came into view and Jake felt something shift behind his ribs, like he was waiting to take another breath until he saw you again. “Hey, darlin’.”
“Hey, Ken.”
Jake’s spine went rigid at your tone. Even with the shitty connection, he heard how tired you were. “What’s going on?”
Your answering sigh crackled through the connection. “I’ll tell you when you get back, okay? How…how is everything going? Are you doing-”
Jake leaned a little closer to the tiny camera as if that would help you understand what he was saying. “No, c’mon, Punch. Don’t do that, not to me. You can talk to me, remember?”
You rolled your lips into your mouth for a moment. “Fine. But first I need you to know that I’m safe, all right?”
Ice ran through Jake’s veins. No one should have to start a conversation with that. “Punch-”
“No one was hurt. I, um, I’m not really leaving base anymore—but I will be there to pick you up when you come back in. Luke seems skittish with crowds anyway. I’ll be safe there, too.”
“Just tell me what happened,” he said, voice a little harsher than he wanted and his anger dissolved when he saw you flinch. “Jesus, sorry. I wasn’t yelling-”
“I know,” you murmured. “I know you weren’t.” Another sigh pushed through you before you shook your head. “Luke found me at a gas station. He had a gun. He’s a lousy shot and took off when he realized there were other people around. Sarah and the Daggers are on a rotation; someone is with me all the time. Admiral Bates also had even more security put on each entrance to base, too, after I had to tell him what happened.”
Jake nodded, knowing that it was standard protocol to tell your commanding officer if something happened and the civilian authorities had to get involved. Knowing Admiral Bates was stepping up security was a small relief but Jake wondered how quickly he’d be court martialed if he just flew back to you.
“Don’t do anything stupid,” you said next.
“I wasn’t go-”
He might have laughed if this were a different situation. Realizing you knew him well enough to pinpoint exactly when a thought as stupid as flying back to you was crossing his mind, if you would be able to call him an idiot to his face and say something about using his two remaining brain cells to only make moronic decisions, he might have laughed about it. But he couldn’t so he didn’t. “What can I do?”
You were quiet for a moment before the smallest hint of a smile pushed at your lips. “Can you tell me something funny?”
Jake didn’t have to rack his brain a lot to find something, but he hoped it could keep that smile on your face. “Well, I’m on this boat with another aviator, right?”
“I know how deployments work, Ken.”
“His callsign is Honey.”
“Don’t throw stones in glasshouses, Hangman.”
Jake almost smiled then, too, and continued on. “But his backseater’s name is Badger.”
The quiet laugh you let out would have to be enough for now—it seemed like that small sound was all you were capable of right now. But the tight line of your neck and shoulders unraveled. So, for the rest of his allotted time, he took every opportunity he had to make you laugh. Before he was kicked out of the little room, you made him promise to keep himself safe.
“I love you,” you whispered.
“Love you too.”
He didn’t think he’d ever get tired of saying it.
You waved to Bradley and Tasha as they stood like guard dogs near the entrance to the parking lot. They’d come with you without a grumble but they appreciated the pastry and coffee you brought them as a thank you anyway. God, you just wanted to set eyes on Jake again. These past few weeks had been so fucking weird. Not leaving base had been fine, mostly. Having a friend or Sarah with you every night was nice for the most part but you did always feel like you were interrupting their lives with your bullshit. But even without that, the threat you had always managed to ignore or push to the back of your mind was now front and center.
Luke wanted you dead, no matter the cost.
And you, no matter how cliche it was, felt like you had just started living.
People had started to trickle off the carrier’s ramp and you tried to shake off the nerves you'd been living with for weeks. This was supposed to be a good thing. You scanned the crowds and spotted Javy’s girlfriend, Hope, and Neil’s parents beside Callie’s wife, and then you had to squint at the next group you spotted. Green eyes. Blonde hair. All of them. You knew them, didn’t you?
They seemed to spot you, too, and quickly turned course toward you. And then it dawned on you.
Oh god.
This wasn’t how you wanted to meet Jake’s mother and sister.
Sandra was leading the charge with one of her daughters behind her. There was no mistaking it now, they were headed right toward you.
“Hi there!” A delightful Texan twang hit your ears over the excited din of the crowds and you hoped your answering smile didn’t betray how nervous you were as you held out your hand for her to shake.
“Punch!” Sandra finished for you before she threw her arms around you in a tight hug. And there was little fight in you to do anything but reciprocate. She rubbed your back for a moment then stepped back, holding you at arms length with that same warm smile on her face. “Oh, I am so happy to meet you, officially.”
“It is wonderful to officially meet you, too. I’m sure Jake will be so happy to see you both.”
Sandra laughed with a shake of her head as she dropped her hold. “We will probably just be an added bonus—you’ll be the star of the show, I’m sure.”
A surprised chuckle escaped you, a little strangled. What exactly did they know about you? What had Jake said? “Agree to disagree.”
Sandra was quick to introduce Mia, who also gave you a quick hug. “Kelly and Alex weren’t able to take off work but they’ll probably demand to FaceTime later.”
“I didn’t know you all were coming! Did you have trouble finding the port?” You asked, feeling a bit like you were intruding.
“Oh, not at all. And don’t you worry about us stealing too much of your time with Jacob,” Sandra said with a wink.
It immediately made your stomach twist. Oh god. This was embarrassing. “N-no, I, um-”
“You’re killing her, mama. Let her breathe,” Mia said with a smile. “Jacob probably still hasn’t grown a pair and said-”
“Mia!” Sandra scolded. “Language!”
Both you and Mia snorted (Mia more so than you) before her mother huffed and shook her head. “But she’s right. We’re just in town for a few hours and then heading up the coast to a cattle auction. We figured we could see him for a bit, we hope you don’t mind.”
You shook your head, chest warming at learning how adorably close Jake was to his family. “Of course not. I know he’ll be happy to see y-” Your words cut off in a scream as familiar arms wrapped around your waist from behind and hauled you into the air for a moment as you were spun in a circle. As soon as your feet touched the ground, you turned and poked at Jake’s chest. “Don’t do that! You-” His lips on yours quickly stifled any halfhearted argument you may have had, too. At least for a moment. When he pulled back, a familiar smirk on his face, you were quick to say, “that's so rude. You can’t just kiss me-”
He kissed you again and probably would have continued if someone hadn’t cleared their throat behind you.
“Please tell me my mother isn’t here.” His words vibrated against your smiling mouth as he stood stock-still with you still in his arms. Oh, this was hilarious.
“I don’t think the Jurassic Park Tyrannosaurus Rex rules apply to your mom, Ken. She can definitely see us.”
“Yes, she can see you,” his mother said, a laugh muddling her words.
Jake gave you one last kiss before stepping back and hugging his mother, trying to will the intense blush he felt blotting his cheeks away. He really hadn’t been expecting them—he had only had eyes for you as soon as his boots hit solid ground. And the fact that he hadn’t slept properly for eight weeks might have muddled his thought process anyway.
“Surprise!” Mia exclaimed.
He was quick to hug her, too, happy to see her smiling in person again. After his mom explained that they were only in town for a few hours, you suggested getting a bite to eat at one of the diners down the road. That worked for everyone and Jake started to herd the small group of women toward the parking lot, only pausing when he saw you stop to speak in low tones with Phoenix and Rooster. It seemed the pair needed a bit of reassurance to let you leave their line of sight but Phoenix eventually poked Rooster’s side with enough force to have him relent. Jake raised a hand in thanks to them before you rejoined his little group and he let you lead him to your car as you gave directions to the diner to his mother. The ride was short, thankfully, but he was happy just to feel the warmth of your thigh beneath his hand as you drove.
The hostess was quick to seat them when they arrived and his mother made sure to shove Jake onto the same side of the booth as you with a wink that had another blush inching its way up his face. She’d never been subtle.
“Well,” his mother started with a smile as her gaze moved between you and Jake after you all had ordered, “it seems like we may have been left uninformed about a few things.”
“It’s…new,” Jake said, feeling like he did when he was twelve and had been caught with his hand in the literal cookie jar.
“It doesn’t seem new.”
Jake kicked his sister beneath the table and earned a boot to his knee in return. She hadn’t even flinched. “What does that even mean?”
“It means that you guys seem settled, happy.” Mia paused, unsuccessfully hiding a smirk behind her hand. “Like an old married couple.”
Jake felt your eyes on him and it did little to deter that thought of you in a white dress and a smile on your lips walking toward him. Married. Jake knew he had thought of you in that way for months before he even knew what it was like to kiss you, but to hear someone like Mia say it? It felt like…
“Either way, we’re happy to see you both so happy,” Mia said with a wink, giving him an out. “And now we get to finally learn all about you. Jake was pretty sparse in the details he gave about you. Other than your ability to keep him on his toes and the way your eyes seemed to stare straight through him.”
His face was on fire now and the temperature only grew when he heard your laugh. “Straight through you, huh? What else has he said?”
“Nothing. I’ve said nothing.”
You patted Jake’s leg with a laugh. “Let the women talk, Jacob. You can try and fail to tell me that you didn’t say any of it later.”
The food arrived by the time Jake’s ears were burning and you were laughing like old friends with his sister and mother. He couldn’t help but laugh, too, at a few of the stories they told about him.
“Oh, but enough about Jacob,” his mother said, “tell us more about you. What do you do when you’re not keeping him safe at work?”
You smiled around the straw to your strawberry shake. “I’ve had some time on my hands lately, so I’m trying to write a book.”
“You write?” Mia asked, setting her fork down to give you her attention. “What do you write?”
Jake couldn’t resist teasing his sister and his tired brain forgot a key piece of information when he opened his mouth next. “Oh, c’mon, Mia. You’ve read her books, I gave them to you, remember?”
The silence that followed swallowed the table.
It took two stretched moments for Jake to realize what he had revealed and it washed over him like a wave of cold salt water. “Oh shit.”
You leaned forward to set your head into your hands for a moment before sighing. “Did you knock something loose when you were in the air, Ken?”
“I’m sorry!”
“You’re Georgia Torrance?”
You nodded as you sat back with a small, uneasy smile. “I am. I hope you liked the books.”
“She loves those books! She and her girls talk about them all the time!”
It was Mia’s turn to blush. “Thanks for that, mama,” She grumbled. Mia fiddled with her fork for a moment before her shoulders slumped. “Please tell me my brother hasn’t inspired your books. I’ll never be able to read them again if he did,” she said, only half joking if the strained chuckle she let out was any indication.
Jake hadn’t thought about that. Where did you find inspiration? While it may be a bit of a stroke to his ego if you did see him as a book worthy romantic lead, he could understand why his sister would never want to read them again. He watched you smile and set your hand over Mia’s across the table.
You leaned closer with a glint in your eye that told him whatever came out of your mouth next was probably going to leave him fighting for his life in front of his family. “He wishes.” And then you winked as Mia giggled. As his sister’s giggles petered out, your smile grew, but maybe a little less sharp at the edges. “I just wrote about what I wanted most in the world at the time. Someone gentle and strong and understanding.”
“And they’re gorgeous.”
“Oh, of course. I mean, not everyone is going to think all of my leads are their cup of tea, but if someone finds a bit of joy in my book, I think that’s just as good. I wrote most of them when I was at my loneliest, but I think the stuff I’m working on now is just as good. I hope you still like it.”
Mia’s smile grew and Jake watched her set her other hand over yours. “I’m sure I’m going to love it.”
“We could talk about it later, if you want? I’d love to get your input.”
“I’d love that. Really.”
The rest of the meal flew by and you earned a motherly frown from his mom when you managed to pay for everyone’s meal without them noticing just as they noted it was time for them to hit the road again. You and Mia walked ahead out to the parking lot, exchanging numbers and giggling about something he didn’t hear—but the sight of two of his favorite people getting along made Jake smile, too.
His mom grasped at his arm and pulled him to a top with a gentle look he knew well. Jake was about to be told something she thought he should know already. “She’s wonderful, Jacob. And you’re so happy with her.”
“I am happy, mama.” And he was. He hoped you were, too.
She reached up and gently patted his cheek. “You let me know when you want Gram’s ring.” Then, after kissing his cheek and reminding him to still call on Sunday, she said she loved him and she and Mia were gone.
And, really, who could blame Jake for thinking about the antique diamond and white gold ring on your finger? No one.
“They’re nice,” you said as you climbed back into your car a few minutes later. “I might like them more than you.”
Jake groaned, letting his hand find its usual spot on your thigh as you pulled out of the lot. “I don’t think I’ve ever been dumped for my sister or mom. That would be a first.” He then squeezed your thigh for a moment, earning a squeal.
You halfheartedly slapped at his hand as you pulled out onto the road, heading back toward base. He watched you bite your lip for a stretched second. “We would have to be together for me to dump you.”
What were you talking about? “Do you…”
“Look,” you cleared your throat, “I know we don’t have to put a label on things, but I’d like to know where we…stand. Together.” You then steadfastly refused to look at him as you took another turn.
And, really, Jake couldn’t really comprehend what he had just heard. “Punch, I was under the impression that we were together since you asked me to dinner at the hospital.”
You were quiet for a moment before letting out a soft, “oh.”
So, Jake continued, knowing he needed to lay all his cards on the table. “There is no one else I would do all that paperwork for, you know. I am all in. I’ve been all in with you since before I knew that you snore in your sleep.”
“I do not snore!”
“Yes, you do,” Jake said with a laugh. “But I am happy to hear it. All the time. Whatever you want, I want, as long as it is with you. You’re my girl.” This felt just as important as telling you that he loved you.
“And if I want the whole nine yards? Marriage, babies, a home?” You looked at him out of the corner of your eye. “For a long time, I didn’t think I could get any of that, deserve any of that.”
When you rolled to a stop at a red light, Jake reached out to tip your face in his direction. He wanted to make sure you knew he meant every word. “You deserve it. You do, all of that and more. And I would be honored to be the one to make sure you get it. I love you, darlin’. And I want everything with you.”
It was good to have Jake back for several reasons. One of them was that he took over all the “guard dog” duties (as he called them) at night so your other friends could get back to their normal lives. And you would never mind waking up to him on the pillow beside yours in the morning.
Knowing that you were on the same page with everything and this relationship was just…perfect. Something wonderful to focus on instead of knowing Luke was still out there.
Your name being called pulled you away from Natasha and Bob’s jet and you wiped your hands on the rag you kept in your jumpsuit’s pocket as you turned to look at Admiral Simpson a few paces away. “Sir?”
“I need you in my office. Now.” His mouth was set in a firm line with his hands on his hips. That was never a good sign.
A few of the other ADs looked at you as you followed the man out of the hangar and you tried to smile reassuringly at them, despite not knowing just what the hell was happening as you followed him all the way to his office. The grim look on his face didn’t budge even when Jake walked in a few moments later.
“Good. You’re both here.” He turned to grab paperwork from his desk. “I don’t want to be having this conversation. I want you both to know that.”
The rest of what he was saying was little more than a dull ringing in your ears as you realized what he was holding, what that paperwork meant. Something cold ran down your spine when you read one of the names signed at the bottom. You immediately recognized it. It was one of the big brass people who went golfing with Luke’s dad. It felt like the world had been taken out from under your feet and you were falling falling falling with no hope for a soft landing.
“We went about this the right way,” Jake argued, voice cutting through the sudden fog that had permeated your senses. “We filed the paperwork, we-”
“This comes from someone higher up than me, Lieutenant Commander.”
“Well, then what is going to happen?”
Admiral Simpson sighed and your heart dropped when his eyes landed on you. “The easiest route would be to have one of you reassigned.”
You knew it would be you. You were outranked and easily replaceable, all things considered. It would be you. And that was what Luke had wanted to do: to rip your home away from you, to leave you alone in the world again. But you just…
You looked at Jake and saw him already looking at you when you had spoken in unison.
“There are protocols that need to be followed. If it was up to me, this wouldn’t be an issue. Both of you have proven to be professional while on the flight line. But it is out of my hands. I don’t have a choice.”
“But I do,” you argued, turning to look at him. You rolled your shoulders back, wanting to stand as tall as you could with what you said next. “Please consider this my official acknowledgement that I will not be reenlisting at the end of my contract.”
“Punch!” Jake’s shout only strengthened your resolve.
“You do not have to make this decision now.”
“I do. I…I made a family here. I’m not going to lose it by being transferred to a different shore station.”
Jake whispered your name but you couldn’t look at him now. Not just yet. Not when you had all but set everything in stone.
“Are you sure this is the route you want to take?” Simpson asked, a surprising softness to his tone.
“I am. You can tell your superiors that this situation will be wrapped up in a neat little bow in a few weeks’ time.” You could feel both Jake and Admiral Simpson’s gazes pushing into you as you took a moment to glance down at your boots, trying to keep the resolve you had felt only a few seconds before.
Simpson was the one to break the silence. “I’ll get the paperwork started for you. I’ll have it on your desk by lunch tomorrow.” He paused and you looked up at him to see his mouth set in a sharp downturn. He shook his head before extending a hand out to you and you took it with a small smile. “It was a pleasure serving with you,” he said, making sure to enunciate your name and rank, too. You saluted him as he stepped back and then excused himself after a pointed look at Jake, leaving you alone.
“Punch…what are you doing?” Jake’s voice was soft but you could hear the tension hiding behind each syllable.
“I had to. I am not going to let Luke take this away from me. I have friends here, my best friends. I have made a family here. I…I have you here. I’m not going to let this all go. I won’t.”
Jake was quiet for a moment, sea glass eyes searching your face. But then a small smile pushed at his lips. “All in?”
“All in.”
And when he kissed you, you could feel his smile against your own. This was good, the start of something new.
Jake knew that the Daggers would take you leaving like a blow to the chest. When you asked them all to come to the Hard Deck, a place you felt safe in, a little before opening the following Saturday after your discharge papers were filed, there had been yelling and finger pointing and then tears.
Bradshaw had been the one to pull Jake aside when you were distracted by Harvard and Yale trying to get you to apply for one of the civilian contractor positions on base so you’d never be “too far away.”
“This is about Luke, isn’t it?” He asked.
“Yeah. Punch thinks his dad called in a favor with his buddies and had had our paperwork pulled. God knows what he said to his dad to make him think this would help, but-”
“I’ll kill him,” Rooster said through gritted teeth.
“Which one?” Jake asked, not laughing.
“Doesn’t matter. Both of them deserve it.”
The group eventually turned into an impromptu goodbye party for you as the bar opened, despite you still having a few weeks left of your contract. Drinks were bought and shared and Jake noticed how you smiled through it all.
“Are you sure this is what you want?” He asked quietly as he twirled you beneath his arm.
“It is,” you said with a soft pat to his chest. “I told you I wasn’t a lifer. Sure, this wasn’t exactly how I pictured getting out, but…I think I’ll be okay.”
“I’ll make sure of it,” he murmured before reaching up to carefully hold your face.
The night continued and Jake bought a round for everyone after Javy announced that Hope had accepted his proposal. Hope showed off the gorgeous ring (which Jake helped pick out) to almost everyone with a bright smile and then Javy asked Jake to be his best man while you were pulled away by Bob and Phoenix for something. By the time Javy had told Jake the entire proposal story and Jake had already started a mental list of possibilities for his bachelor party, you had disappeared from view.
Jake was not entirely too proud to realize he started to panic when he didn’t immediately find you in the steadily growing crowd, but his heart settled when he spotted you on the back deck. You and Phoenix were talking out on the deck, dying sunlight painting both of you with a golden light. You were rolling your water bottle between your palms while Phoenix stared out toward the waves.
You were telling her about Luke. You were telling her everything. He could tell by the way you held yourself, back straight and uncomfortably rigid, only relaxing when Phoenix reached out to lace her fingers with yours.
“You’ll be good to her, won’t you?”
Jake turned to see Bob and Rooster both looking at him. Jake might have laughed if he didn’t see the sincere looks on their faces.
“I will. And she’s doing this so she can still be near you guys, it isn’t like she’s being sent across the country.”
Bob looked at Rooster, some silent communication passing between them before Rooster nodded. “Still, be good to her.”
“I plan to, for the rest of my life.” And he meant it.
The rest of the night passed with you beneath his arm, smiling and laughing with your friends. It loosened something tight in Jake’s chest each time he heard your laugh. You were going to be okay.
By the time midnight rolled around, the party had quieted a bit, Jake pulled you out to walk a little ways down onto a quieter stretch of the beach in front of a restaurant that had closed for the night, so you could watch the waves again, making you elbow him when he said it was “romantic because it was like our first date again.”
“You’re a sap.”
“Tell anyone and I’ll deny it.”
You hummed, a happy noise, and turned to rest the point of your chin on his chest as you wound your arms around his waist. “Yes, I know. You have a reputation to uphold.” But you still stood there with him and watched the waves until you shivered, the night air coming off the sea cutting through your thin dress.
“Ready to head home?” His hands traced slow circles into the low of your back, earning a soft sigh in return. You were content. Happy. That’s what he wanted for you.
“Yeah,” you murmured.
The yawn you let out next only made Jake smile. “Yeah, let’s get you tucked in.”
“You gonna rock me to sleep?” You asked with a lazy wink as you started to walk toward the parking lot.
Jake groaned only so he wouldn’t have to admit that the line worked on him. “Awful. Truly awful.”
You only laughed. “C’mon, Ken. Let’s go.”
He let you guide him up the bank to the restaurant's empty parking lot—he really did love watching your hips sway with each step. Just as you both stepped onto the asphalt, you froze and Jake didn’t realize you had stopped until he bumped into your back. “What is it?” Jake asked, looking up and trying to find what you were seeing but his blood ran cold when he spotted it. Spotted him.
It was Luke, lurking like a beast in the shadows of the lot’s street lamp.
“Get behind me,” Jake said, already pushing you to his back.
“Come out and fight me! What, you have to wait until she’s alone again?”
You wrapped a hand over Jake’s arm as blood roared in your ears. You needed to leave. Now. You didn’t want Jake to get hurt, you wouldn’t allow it. “Jake-”
But Jake gently shook out of your grip and took a few steps toward Luke. “I’m here now, what’re you gonna do, huh? She’s not alone now—but that’s never stopped you from failing on doing anything worthwhile. You really are the biggest fuck up I’ve ever heard of.”
You knew what he was doing, goading Luke into attacking first so there could be plausible deniability. Jake wouldn’t be the aggressor if anyone asked. But still, you just wanted to leave. To leave and never see Luke again. You swallowed hard and moved to stand at his back again, hand tightening on Jake’s arm, ready to run. “Jake, c’mon.”
“How many times are you going to try to kill her, man? How many chances do you need to actually do something? Don’t you think it’s a little pathetic that you can’t do anything right the first time? And when you can’t, you need your father to come in and clean up your messes.”
Luke gritted his teeth, shining in the moonlight. His hands were curled into fists at his sides and muscle memory had you wanting to run. Hide. Or try to calm him down. But you couldn’t, not now.
“Shut your fucking mouth. You don’t know shit.”
“I know that you beat a woman for doing your job better than you because you liked the bottle more than keeping your pilot alive.”
“I was good at my job!”
Jake laughed, low and rumbling. “And you’re a shit liar, too. You don’t even believe that.”
And that was enough. Luke charged at Jake and you tugged you both out of the way, watching in muted horror as Luke pulled a knife from his pocket and swung blindly. When he swung again with a shout, you shoved Jake to the side and managed to step back just enough to only feel the air rush by your neck.
Jake stumbled and you saw his eyes go wide before he pivoted and threw himself forward, catching Luke around the waist and tackling him to the pavement. He reared back just enough to haul his arm up and landed a blow to Luke’s face. But Luke was not finished either. His head snapped to the side only for a moment before you saw the knife still in his hand.
“Jake!” was all you could scream. Not him. Not your Jake. He couldn’t take him from you.
But you weren’t fast enough. The moonlight caught the blade just before it arced across Jake’s chest as Luke threw his entire weight behind the move, shifting them both to the side. Blood bloomed and soaked through Jake’s shirt as he let out a sharp yell before he wrenched backward, away from Luke who was slowly sitting up, poised to try again.
You dove for them and your knees slammed against the pavement, skidding into Jake’s thighs. Your shaking hands wrapped around Luke’s hand and slammed and slammed and slammed it into the pavement until his grip on the knife loosened and you wrenched it away with a guttural scream of your own.
Luke ripped his hand from yours just enough to backhand you. Pain rippled across your face as white spots danced in front of your eyes for a moment but you hardly had time to recover before a punch left you gasping for air—Luke snarled something, drool gathering at the sides of his lips, but you hardly heard it over the ringing in your ears.
And then you were shoved backward, your spine flattening against the pavement with a muted shout of your own. Luke pushed himself up onto his feet, looming over you for a moment, cloaked in shadow. But you couldn’t be scared. Not now. You kicked, your heel connecting with his crotch, and sent him to his knees again.
“You bitch!” He seethed. “You-”
The rest of his threat was cut off as Jake’s arm wrapped around his throat, you hadn’t even realized he had moved. Luke reached up to claw at Jake’s skin but he didn’t falter, even as he thrashed in his grip.
Heaving yourself back onto your feet, you watched Luke’s face get steadily redder and his attempts to get out of Jake’s hold grew more sluggish by the moment. A small bit of you liked it, liked seeing the man who had tried to ruin your life and murder you over and over again be so utterly helpless. You looked at Jake to see him looking at you, silently asking for you to tell him what you wanted.
So, you said nothing. Nothing until Luke’s eyes rolled into the back of his head and he went entirely limp. Jake let go of him after you nodded and you almost laughed as you watched Luke’s face bounce on the pavement just as red and blue lights started to bleed across the street. You weren’t surprised someone had called the cops, maybe they’d do something worthwhile this time.
Jake reached out for you as the sirens grew louder and you happily set your hand in his before carefully pressing your lips to his. “Thank you,” you whispered.
“I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”
By the time the paramedic had cleaned the thankfully shallow slash on Jake’s chest, Luke was being read his Miranda Rights and you had given your statement to the responding cops.
You watched Luke get shoved into the back of the cop car; one of the cops actually pushed his head down with a palm on the back of his neck like a disobedient puppy.
When Jake stepped in front of you and gently cradled your face, you sagged into his grip, all the remaining fight and tension bleeding out of you in a moment. “It’s done,” was all you could say.
“You finished it,” he said softly.
“We did. And I…” The words stalled on your tongue. “What happens now?”
Jake shook his head before pulling you close to press a kiss to your forehead, your temple, then your lips. “I don’t know, darlin’. But we’ll figure it out together.”
The dance was slow and easy, you and Jake simply swayed to the beat as other couples moved around you.
“How are you tonight, Mrs. Seresin?”
You laughed with a shake of your head. He called you that more than your name, more than “Punch,” more than anything else. It had been five years since you’d surprised all your friends and family at your Ugly Holiday Sweater Party that it was actually your wedding and he still didn’t get tired of calling you Mrs. Seresin. But you didn’t think you’d ever tire of hearing it, either. “I’m fine, Captain Seresin.”
His pleased smirk grew and he pulled you a little closer. Well, as close as your bump would allow. Just for a moment, he let go of your hip to smooth a hand over the silk of your gown stretched across your growing bump before resuming your dance.
Your fingers inched up his shoulder to push into the hair at the back of his head, ruining his carefully coiffed style. He was so handsome in his dress whites. The tinge of grey starting to grow at his temples only added to his enduring appeal—and he was all yours. “Your speech was wonderful,” you added with a smile.
He chuckled and shook his head, glancing at another dancing couple beside you. Bradley and Natasha were in their own bubble; it was to be expected at their wedding reception. But you did get a chuckle out of Natasha stealing her husband’s dress white’s hat and wearing it atop her carefully styled hair. To be fair, it did match her gown, too. Their son, welcomed two years ago with the help of a surrogate so both parents could keep flying up until they took their parental time off, was happily eating cake in Bob’s lap at a table in the corner. Bob’s wife was making a valiant effort to keep crumbs off Bob’s dress trousers while Pete kept a napkin beneath the toddler’s chin in an attempt to help. Today had been beautiful and perfect, exactly what you wanted for your best friends’ wedding.
“Thank you for looking it over for me.” He leaned down to brush his mouth against yours and you could feel his smile.
It had been a blissful five years. You may have been a bit of a naval cliche, getting married within a few months of really dating but it worked for you. You were happy. Getting out of the Navy allowed you more time to write. Your publisher was nearly ecstatic with the increase in productivity and offered you a new royalties deal. While it still wasn’t Stephen King money—and you knew you’d never reach that level—you were proud of it.
Jake had made sure the house he bought on the coast had an office for each of you and he happily helped you paint it a soft green that you swore helped you write. When you offhandedly mentioned that it reminded you of his eyes, he fucked you bent over the pricey cherry wood desk he’d bought for you after your latest book hit the best seller’s list. If your math was correct (it was), that was when your first child was conceived. Little Elsie came screaming into the world a few months later and immediately had Jake wrapped around her tiny fingers. She was currently being babysat (aka spoiled) by Grammy Sandy while you and Jake took the weekend for Bradley and Natasha’s wedding—you were a bridesmaid and Jake a groomsman, so you had quite a few things to take care of. The house was filled with pictures of quiet moments you cherished, like Elsie asleep on Jake’s chest a few weeks after she was born, and then more rambunctious moments, too, like the last Halloween party you attended where you were dressed as Ken and Jake was your Barbie. Apparently Jake looked good in everything, including hot pink. Pictures of the Daggers and their families were hung up beside pictures of Danny at his first lecture after earning his PhD and Georgie with her husband with her little boy on her hip. A picture of you and Jake surrounding Mia at her wedding a few months ago was on the mantle above the fireplace beside a picture of you and Lily with Sarah, Junior, and Taylor at Junior’s wedding, too.
Luke had been sent away for a few decades after pleading guilty to attempted murder and aggravated stalking. You doubted he would ever be a threat to you again but you and Jake had both been granted restraining orders against him, too. From what you had heard from the grapevine (Beau mentioned it in passing with a knowing smile), Luke’s father quietly retired from his position in the Navy before the trial and all of the relationships he had cultivated over the decades of his service crumbled when they’d learned of how he had paid for your silence. The ordeal had been exhausting and had left you reeling day after day when you needed to relive all of it while on the stand. But you had a support system. You had the Daggers, your siblings, the Kazanskys, your in-laws, and Jake. Your Ken. He never left your side.
“Is my son giving you any trouble tonight?” It was a recurring question since he learned you were pregnant again. Elsie had given you a few scares in utero and he wanted to make sure you were comfortable.
“He’s on his best behavior.”
“Good.” Jake stole another kiss and then you stole one right back.
It wasn’t always perfect. No relationship was. You still had to deal with deployments and growing pains that came with expanding your family, and the infrequent disagreements that arose. But it was good. It was worth fighting for. Jake had given you a home that could never be taken from you.
“I love you,” you whispered after he spun you under his arm.
“I love you more.”
A/N: that’s all she wrote, folks! thank you so much for going along on this ride with me. I hope you enjoyed Xx
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ohtobeleah · 8 months
Sixth Sense // Mickey Garcia
Summary: A freak accident occurs at the Hard Deck and Fanboy is faced with the challenge of being left to care for you, his not so official girlfriend.
Warnings: Mickey Garcia x F!reader. Hurt/Comfort. Gas explosion resulting in hearing and vision loss.
Word Count: 1.7k
Author Note: Day Three of Whumptober. Prompt I chose: Sensory Deprivation. Thank you to @ailesswhumptober for the prompt list.
Whumptober Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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“Holy shit, what the hell was that?” It all happened so fast, so fast in fact that the explosion that ricocheted through the Hard Deck didn’t register a sound until a few seconds after the fact. 
Patrons laid strewn across the bar, ducking for cover under tables and bars. Glass from the windows had sliced unsuspecting patrons as it blew apart from the force of the blast. Food and beverages littered the floor, thrown in the panic of the moment as all inside ducked. 
“Everybody okay?” Jake Seresin stayed shielding Natasha Trace with his entire body. “Is anyone hurt?” His arms pinned her down against the hardwood floor at either side of her head. Seconds ago—they’d been arguing over a long standing disagreement over who could tie more Cherry stems with just their tongue in three minutes. Now, Phoenix had never been this close to a man she could hardly stand. 
“Yeah—we’re good!” Rooster replied as he looked around, he’d been knocked on his ass by the bast. Coyote was right beside him, as was Payback. The three of them had been indulging in a game of darts to see who could knock Hangman down a peg or two on the leaderboard. “Bob? Fanboy? You guys okay?” 
“I think we’re alright?” Bob groaned as he pushed himself up off the ground—peanuts were crushed all over the ground around him. Mickey sat back on his knees scanning the Hard Deck. He couldn’t see you. There was a small cut on the side of Mickey's face but other than an artificial flesh wound, he was relatively unscathed from the unsuspecting blast that had pummeled through the Hard Deck. 
“Anyone seen Y/n?” Fanboys eyes continued to scour the entire expanse of the Hard Deck as he rose to his feet and dusted himself off. “Yo, guys—anyone see Miss Barkeep?” 
“She was heading out back to help the gas guy change out the—“ Bob didn’t even need to finish his sentence before he’d connected the dots. “Oh god, Y/n.”
A gas explosion. 
Mickey took a few seconds to register where his best friend's mind had gone, but then he realised. In those few seconds where Fanboy couldn’t breathe he knew he couldn’t live without you before he had a chance to really have you. 
Sure, the two of you were friendly. Probably more than most friends would be. Sure, you sometimes spent the night in Mickey's bed after he’d stay back and help you shut the Hard Deck up. Sure, he spent lazy Sunday mornings with you in the kitchen making breakfast and drinking coffee more often than not. And sure, the two of you enjoyed each other’s company, blatantly flirted beyond belief and made sure to always text each other when you got home, finished work, and stole secret kisses here and there when it was just the two of you. But. You weren’t official. 
And that may have been Mickey Garcia's biggest mistake. 
“Y/n!?” There you were. “Oh my god!” Lying unconscious on the ground a few meters away from where the gas bottles were kept behind the Hard Deck. Penny kept a tight ship—they were locked behind a wire cage that made sure patrons couldn’t fuck around. Something must have gone wrong during the change over, because the gas man wasn’t too far away from you. 
“Hey—hey!?” Mickey was by your side in an instant, the second his eyes caught your body lying there—thrown away and discarded like you weren’t the most important person to him, he was by your side. “Amor? Can you hear me?” 
Rooster had already called for paramedics to attend the scene while Hangman and Phoenix had begun to do whatever they could with their advanced first aid training—using the Hard Decks first aid kit to fix small cuts and abrasions on patrons from lying shards of glass. 
“Y/n?” You had a pulse, Mickey knew that much. But you weren’t waking up. “Please—come on Amor, you gotta wake up for me.” 
“This guys dead—“ Payback calls out. Mickey's mind fills with worst case scenarios the longer you were down for. “He’s got no pulse and the back of his head’s cracked.” He’s an ex paramedic, he knows. “I'm gonna start chest compressions, see if I can bring him back, how’s the kid?” 
You weren’t just shy of Fanboys age, he was the youngest in the group after all. Top of his class, intellectually gifted enough to graduate highschool three years earlier than most ever would. But to Paybacks forty one? You were still a child, in his mind anyway. 
“She’s breathing.” Is all he says before your stirrings. “Hold on! I think she’s waking up!” There’s nothing but a ringing in your ear. A sharp high pitched buzzing that’s incessant and ear piercing. You groan at the sound as you try to blink away the clouded vision that’s plaguing your eyes. But nothing can get rid of the thick fog like blur. “Y/n—it’s me, you’re okay, I’ve got you—“  But you can’t make out who it is. You can’t hear anything but that annoying ringing that won’t go away. Your head hurts, holy shit what the hell happened? 
“I—“ You stutter out. “I can’t see.” It sends Mickey's heart racing inside his chest, even more so than it already was. “I—I can’t see—“ You can't even hear yourself talking so you just assume you’re talking far too quiet. But in reality you're screaming, screaming so loud you’re straining your neck. “I CAN'T HEAR!” 
“Hey—I’ve got you.” Mickey doesn’t know what else to do besides try and calm you while medics make their way around the Hard Deck. “I love you, yeah?” Payback hears Mickey say it before you ever do and his heart breaks. You don’t deserve this. Neither does Fanboy. “You’re gonna be alright Amor, I’m right here.” 
But all you do is cry. You can’t hear a single thing being spoken or see a single thing in front of you. All there is before you are shadows of light and darkness. Mickey's hands squeeze yours and you feel it. His signet ring—the one his Abuela brought him many moons ago. But you know in the darkness and uncertainty that it’s Mickey at your side. 
“If she’s lost senses, Mick, it's gonna be a head trauma of some sort.” Payback keeps going with his chest compressions. “Is there any sign of blood?” You squeeze Mickey's hand a little harder as he goes to pull away to check. You squeeze so hard that he can’t let go, you’re far too afraid of being left alone in the dark. “Fanboy?”
“I—I dunno, probably! She probably hit her head on the ground!” Mickey manages to wiggle free just one of his hands so he can push your hair out of your face. “Shhh—I’m right here.” He tries to soothe you once again, but your cries are just too heartbreaking. “Amor, I am right here with you—I’ve got you.” 
“Please don’t let me die here alone.” Was all you mumbled out. You didn’t know what Mickey was saying or if he was saying anything at all. The ringing was all too deafening. But when you begged him to stay, to not leave your side. Mickey's heart shattered into a million different pieces. “Please don’t leave me.” 
“I’m not going anywhere, I’m right here.” He traced your face with his fingers, just letting you know he was there with you. Your grip on his hand began to falter as you slipped into unconsciousness again, just trying to find some shelter from the ringing. “I’m right here with you.” 
“Without the surgery your daughter might regain her vision but it’s only a slim chance Mrs Y/l/n—“ Doctor Perry spoke to the woman on the other end of your phone. Mickey had called her on your behalf from the other side of the country, she was already packing her things for the flight she’d booked to be by your side. “I’d say it’s barely twenty percent.” 
“What about with the surgery?” Mickey asked as his eyes looked over you. You looked too peaceful to be in this situation. You knew he was there just by his touch alone. He made sure you knew it was him by his ring as he ran his thumb across your palm. “What’s the odds of her getting her vision back with the surgery?” 
“Almost one hundred percent—if the surgery were to go well. If it doesn’t then she runs the risk of being permanently incapacitated for the rest of her life.” Doctor Perry was a little too blunt for Mickey's liking, but he appreciated the direct route. “She’ll regain her hearing, hopefully, her ear drums were significantly damaged in the blast but they should recover.” 
“Do the surgery.” Your mother barked on the other side of the phone. “My daughter can’t be deaf and blind—what type of future would she have then? What kind of quality of life would she have?” Mickey couldn’t take his eyes off you as you slept. It was better this way, to keep you sedated. That way you couldn’t panic. But he thought about it while the doctor droned on to your mother about the surgery, that no matter the outcome you’d have a life with him. He’d take care of you—learn how to adapt, help you with anything you ever needed. Do anything you ever needed him to do. 
A freak accident that took away two of your six senses shouldn’t be the reason your life ends. You were still alive and oh how Mickey Garcia was grateful to whatever God was on duty that day. 
“Mrs Y/ln?” Mickey interrupted as he turned the phone back his way. Your mother silenced herself mid sentence to listen to what Mickey had to say. “I know we haven’t formally met before but I just want you to know that I’ve been head over heels in love with your daughter since she served me for the first time.” He explained all the while his eyes never left your perfect face. A face he really wouldn’t mind waking up to every day. “And I know there’s a hell of a lot of uncertainty about what may come, but I just want you to know that her quality of life doesn’t diminish if her sight can’t be restored or her hearing doesn’t improve.” Mickey could feel the tears streaming down his cheeks as he squeezed your hand, and as much as he wished none of this ever happened, he knew he couldn’t leave you know. Not ever. 
“I’ve got her ma’am—“ 
Whumptober Tags 🏷️ @xoxabs88xox @oldermenaremyreligion @slut-f0r-u @emma-is-cool @armydrcamers @topguncortez @topgun-imagines @kmc1989 @els-marvelvsp @blindedbythelightt
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sunnysidevans · 7 months
Hopelessly Devoted To You - J.Seresin.
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Summary: After an accident that has you toying on the edge of life and death, you find yourself agreeing to save your beloved. You are then face to face with who you truly are and where you truly are supposed to be.
Pairing: Hades!Jake Seresin x Goddess!Reader
Warnings: 18+, mentions of death, mentions of blood and accident related injuries, swearing, fluff, arranged marriages(like so tiny) - like one mention of (y/n) but mostly none.
A/N: Helloooooooooo world!!! I am here with a halloween fic, I have not seen any of these written for Jakey yet and I wanted to give it a shot. I know this can be inaccurate to greek mythology but I have attempted to put a mix on that along with disney's hercules. Forgive me for not producing any work recently. I am endlessly thankful for all of you.
italics indicate flashbacks.
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Red and Blue hues with the wail of the sirens seemed out of reach. The world seemed to stop under the fluorescent lighting of the hospital. The words on the paramedic’s lips fell on deaf ears as she wheeled in the gurney.
The doctor yelling for doctors was almost muffled as you stood there, dress torn and blood dripping down your arms, some of your own blood falling against your eyelashes as you blink.
“Sweetheart” the voice was soft, a comforting hand placed on your skin as you jump, looking over at her. The woman smiled sweetly, a gentle arm around your waist as she began to lead you through the emergency department.
“C’mon honey, let's get you cleaned up” her voice is soft, her touch even softer. She tried to hide your eyes from the curtained room, your feet stopping the two of you, breath catching.
“The curtain is closed” you whisper as she nods slowly, running a comforting hand up and down your back, “yes hon”. Looking over at her, your lip quivers, “that means he’s dying”. She shakes her head and encourages you to keep moving down to the room at the end of the hall.
As she closes the curtain, she hands you a gown. “Let's get you out of that” she smiles at you softly and begins to help you pull the stained dress of your body and tying the blue hospital gown around you.
“This is gonna sting” her voice is muffled again as your eyes stare out into the active emergency room.
Doctor after Doctor made their way into the curtained room, you watch as another white coat makes their way in and another comes out, pulling bloodied gloves off their hands. You walked away with only scratches, skin stained red from not only your own blood but his.
“Here sweet girl, I got you something to drink '' the same nurse pulls you from your thoughts, a small smile on her lips as she sets the cup with ice and can of ginger ale beside you.
“I know it’s not much but” she shrugs with a smile, opening the can and pouring the liquid in. “Is he gone?’ she was surprised at the sound of your voice as she looked up from the cup. She sets the can down and moves to stand in front of you. Pulling the stool over she sits down to be more level with you.
“They are doing everything they can for him” she reaches out and rests a hand on your knee. “I promise you, now, is there anyone I can call for you?” it had been hours you’ve been there and this was the most she got out of you, with a shake of your head she nods and hands you the cup of ginger ale.
You sip on the straw slowly as she smiles sadly and makes her way out of the room and shutting the curtain gently behind her. You stared blankly at the white sheet.
Stepping into the room the nurse stops short at the now vacant room, the gown sat on the floor in a pile, “we’ve got a runner!” she yells and quickly runs back to the nurses station. The rain poured as you ran, not a care at the burning of your feet against the pavement. The way your chest was heaving as you made it up the church steps.
You push open the door as the priest turns at the intrusion at such a late hour. “Ma’am, are you okay?” He is quick to set aside his book, rush down the steps to meet you at the open doorway. Your chest heaves as you shake your head, walking ahead past the pews and to the front of the church.
Falling to your knees in front of the cross you close your eyes and pray.
“I will do anything for him to stay” you whimper, hands together in prayer as the church then goes dark. “Will you do anything?” The voice was soft, gruff but almost comforting. Opening your eyes, you look around you. Everything was dark, a shiver down your spine at the cool breeze.
“Anything, please” you pleaded as the voice chuckled darkly, “oh child, all this for a man?” your eyes follow the room, unsure of where the voice was coming from. “You know how the saying goes now don’t you?” he questions your silence as you shake your head quickly, a sniffle on your lips.
“A soul for a soul” his grin was cheshire as he stood behind you.
Watching the sobs shake your shoulders, he reaches out to place a hand on your shoulder but then a hand replaces his own. A gasp is ripped from your body as you are then back on the church floor on your knees and a paramedic is beside you and lights shone brightly in your face.
Days went by, days spent beside your beloved’s hospital bed as you continued to think about the saying playing over and over.
A soul for a soul.
Taking his hand into your own, you sniffle and watch as his fingers shift slightly. You stand from the chair slowly, “Zack?!”. You are quick to drop his hand and run to the door pulling it open quickly.
“Hurry! I need a doctor in here!” you are then gently shoved from the room as nurses and doctors make their way inside. You go to protest as the gentle hand is placed on your arm, “Sweetheart”.
Turning at the sound of her voice, she smiles gently. “C’mon, let's give them time and get you some coffee?” she questions as you turn back to the room. You nod after a few minutes, following her to the elevators. The room was full of white coats, multiple doctors it seemed almost euphoric, the whole room in white.
“How long have you and Zack been together?” the nurse whispers, sitting across from you as you look up at her, hands around your own paper cup. “Um, 3 years” you reply, taking a sip from the flimsy lid. “How sweet” she hums as she watches over your face, the way your eyes were everywhere but hers.
“We were uh, on our way to eloping, uh when the accident happened” she nodded sadly, “I’m sorry”. You set the now empty cup down and look at her with a sad smile, “do you have a chapel here?”. 
The nurse, you now learned her name was Doris held open the door for you, the chapel was cold and vacant. You walk in slowly, looking back at her with a small smile, “thank you”. She nods and heads down the hall with her own soft smile.
Looking around the room, you take the candlestick and use the matches to light it. Walking to the front of the room, you kneel to your knees and close your eyes. You felt the cold chill again as you began to pray.
Praying to anyone who’d listen. Your eyes open and the room is dark, looking around you, the room is the same as it was in the church a week ago. “Still willing to do anything for him?” The voice is softer than before, still gruff. You nod, eyes looking around the room for him. “Anything” you whisper, eyes falling on the figure at the back of the room, only making out his silhouette.
“A soul for a soul dear” he breathed as you turned to face the front of the room, looking at the faint reds that danced around the black.
“What does that mean?” you ask softly as he chuckles, “I give him his soul and I take yours in exchange” you gasp as he’s in front of you then, “and you will come with me, stay with me here” he motions to around him, the dark fog lifts as he motions to the dark but subtle kingdom.
“Are you the devil?” you whisper, eyes looking up his silhouette till you meet his eyes, green and soft. “No Darling '' his grin is wide as the cheshire cat, he holds his hand out to you “Hades, King of the underworld”.
The hand on your shoulder is gentle, pulling a gasp from your chest as you turn to face the hand attached. “Sorry” the voice is soft, attached to a small smile. You smile at her, “Hi Natasha”. She smiles and holds her hand out to you as you take it gently.
“Are you okay?” she asks as you follow beside her, hand staying in hers. “Yes and no,” you reply. You’ve been in the underworld now for years. “What is it?” she holds the door open gently as you follow her in the dark room, it was time for dinner.
“Thinking about my old life is all” she nods softly as she motions for you to sit. “Are you unhappy?” The voice is gruff as he enters the room, dressed in casual black slacks and a black vest. You roll your eyes, turning to face him with a raised brow “would it matter if I was Jake?”.
He unbuttons his sleeve, rolling up the one and moving onto the other. He never let you refer to him as Hades, always his name before he became the king. Jake. “I suppose not,” he smirks, sitting down at the head of the table and pulling himself closer. You sigh, sending Natasha a small smile and sitting down in your respected chair. “How was your day?” he asks softly, setting his fork down gently. “It was okay” you reply, looking over at him with a raised brow, “and your own, your majesty?” he chuckles, shaking his head.
“I’m not a king here” he replies as you shake your head. “You are a king wherever you go” he smiles and nods slowly. “Did you finish the library?” you ask softly as he looks up from his plate and sets his napkin down.
“Why don’t I show you?” he stands and holds a hand out to you. You take it and follow behind him. 
The underworld wasn’t bad. You had to admit you were almost happier down here than you were above. It was hard to be upset and unhappy when the man beside you gave you anything you requested. The halls were quiet as he pulled the ring of keys from his back pocket, you watched closely as he unlocked the door and held it open for you. “Go one” he encourages as you smile, walking past him as a gasp falls from your mouth softly.
The walls were lined with books up to the ceiling. You turn to him, a smile on your lips. “Thank you” you turn back to walk along the wooden bookshelves, running your fingers along the spine of the books. “You know” he makes his way beside you, hand falling to the small of your back. His touch was gentle, which always shocked you.
“Hm?” turning to the side, you smile at him slightly. “You ask and I deliver, do I not?” he grins as you giggle and nod. “You do Jake, you do” you whisper, running a comforting hand along his shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. “I appreciate it, it makes me feel connected to my life” you whisper as he chuckles, nodding. “Are you missing it?” he asks softly as you nod slightly. “I miss… sunshine sometimes and flowers but I’m not unhappy” you look at him as he nods, shoving his hands into his pockets. The door creaks as it is opened slowly, Hermes peaks his head in, “Sir”. Jake rolls his eyes, turning to his friend, “Bob, please just Jake” he nods and adjusts his glasses.
“Uh, Zeus is here and uh he’s insisting”  he is shy around you, as you smile kindly and send a small wave towards him.
“I’ll be right there, will you be okay?” he turns to you, hand on your shoulder gently moving to the nape of your neck, thumb against your jawline. “Go, sounds important” you nod against his palm as he kisses your temple gently and makes his way out the room.
He walks beside Bob, adjusting his sleeves, “she's adjusting'' Bob makes note as Jake chuckles. “She is slowly, thank you” he nods as he pushes the door open to the banquet room, dark and covered in grays and reds. Zeus stands in the middle with hands on his hips.
“Zeus, what do I owe this pleasure?” Jake asks as Bradley turns to face the god. “It’s far from a pleasure Hades” he seeths as Jake can’t help but roll his eyes. “Then why are you here?” His places his hands on his hips as Bradley sighs. “I’ve kept your secret long enough but there has been some developments” Bradley looks at him through his lashes. “And those developments are what?” Jake asks with a raised brow.
“She’s Ares’s daughter” he whispers as Jake’s movements stop.
“Excuse me?” he asks as Bradley nods. “He was talking about it today with Poseidon.. How his beloved daughter was now fully missing” Bradley shoves his hands into his dark slacks.
“How-” Bradley cuts him off as he nods. “Him and Aprodite thought it may be better for her to have a better life without this… mess” Bradley continues, “they lost contact with their source who’s been following her, they know she's disappeared". Jake sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
Leaning against the door frame, you can hear the soft grunts from behind the mahogany door as well as the two raised voices. “My lady” Bob’s voice is soft as he calls to you, turning to face him, he smiles. “He would kill me if he knew you were standing here” you shake your head and turn back to the door at the raise of Jake’s voice. “She agreed to come down here! She agreed to this life and just because she is Ares daughter changes nothing!” he seeths.
You frown, your father was a god?
You step back from the door quickly as it's then ripped open and you are face to face with Zeus. You push past him to walk into the room, “Jake?” he has his back towards you, the black of his suit almost darker in the room. “Is what you say true?” you fight back from almost seething towards him.
You stand taller as he keeps his back towards you, “talk to me Hades''.
His shoulders slack at the sound of your voice, deep and also filled with pain. “You’ve kept me down here knowing my parents are up there” you whimper, the tears flowing down your cheeks in rivers. “I’m sorry” his voice is gruff as he turns to face you.
“Ares is your father. But, you agreed to come down here and live this life in exchange for his life” Jake reminds you as you approach him slowly, pushing a finger in his chest.
“I never knew them, remembered anything about this world and you’ve taken this from me” you whisper, rushing out of the room quickly. 
The kingdom was silent for days.
You spent days in the library. Locked doors and Cerbeus sat in front of them, growling anytime Jake approached. “You are my protector you know” He crosses his arms over his chest as the hound growls again.
“Sweetheart” Jake stands at the door, hands in his pockets as he looks at the door, almost pleading and praying you’d open it. He hears the lock click and you open it gently.
“Good boy” you pet one of the three heads on the dog, letting him into the room and onto the black couch. “Yes?” you ask, hand on the door as you had the urge to slam it into his face. “I think, I think we should talk, '' he pleads as you raise a brow. “Should we?” you tilt your head as he sighs, head falling in shame. “Yes,”  he nods. “I see” you nod watching his face. “Over dinner?” he asks as you nod slowly, moving back into the room and shutting it behind you.
“You have to give her time '' Natasha makes note from her place at the end of the hall. “I-” she shakes her head to stop him, “You do, she is hurt and feels betrayed by you Hades" He sighs as he looks at his friend. “Bring her for dinner please?” he asks as she nods.
You lean against the door, listening to the two of them as Cerbeus watches you from the couch, leaning his heads down with a heavy sigh.
Two hours later, you hear her soft knock against the wood. “(Y/N)” she whispers as you sigh, opening the door to her smiling face which slowly falls as she takes in the look in your eyes. “I know” she nods, moving past you slowly as you close the door behind her. “I don’t know the full details…” she trails off as you sit back down in the maroon arm chair.
“He lied to me. I belong in the upper city not down here” you snap, head falling as you shake your head. “It’s not your fault” you whisper as she moves to sit in front of you on the coffee table, placing a hand on your knee gently.
“I am not taking his side, or anyones but hey” she reaches over to gently encourage your chin up to meet her eye. “He’s a mess since you’ve been ignoring him, I think you should listen to him” she whispers as you roll your eyes with a small smirk. “You of all people encouraging me to talk to hades?” she laughs as you smile. WIth a nod, you stand and pick up the dress she left on the sofa.
Making his way into the dining room, Jake’s heart was quite literally on his sleeve. He was nervous you would stand him up and stay locked away in your library. He stops at the sight of you standing by the table, standing in a dark emerald dress that fell to the floor, a small smile on your lips.
“Hades” you nod to him in respect as he stands in front of you, hands at his sides, almost stunned. “I should’ve never shunned you out. You deserve to tell me your side of the story…” he nods slowly, walking closer to you. “Come, let’s go talk” he holds his hand out as you take it, following him out of the dining room and down the hallway. He opens the door in front of him, encouraging you out into the garden of his home.
Smiling, you walk out into the plants that lined each side of the walkway. He watches the way your eyes filter along every flower that lined the garden. Sitting down on the bench, he sits beside you with a slight huff.
“How do we know he’s my father?” you ask softly after a few minutes of silence. “The word has gotten around Olympus of your disappearance, he’s put it out there from what I understand” he responds, neither one of you looking at the other.
“I’m sorry you had to witness that conversation” he adds as you shake your head. “Bob warned me I shouldn’t have been listening,” you admitted as he nodded beside you. “I um-” he swallows almost nervously as you then look over at him. 
He takes in the softness of your eyes, the small smile on your lips. “If you would like to go to the upper city I am not going to stop you” he whispers as you furrow your brows slightly.
“But I-” he shakes his head, “you’ve been here with me for almost five years… I think you’ve done your time” he nods sadly as you nod. “Jake” you reach over, taking his hand gently in your slightly manicured fingers. “I appreciate all you’ve ever done for me” you whisper as he nods at you sadly. “I will set it for you to head up there in the morning then?” he asks as you nod.
“I will let Zeus know” He stands, hand dropping from your own as he makes his way inside, not daring to look at you over his shoulder.
Morning came a lot faster than you expected. Before you knew it you were there ready to board the boat that would take you to Olympus. Natasha stands beside you at the docks, Cerberus at her side. You turn to face her as the boat arrives, hugging her tightly.
“I appreciate you” you whisper, hugging her tighter as she smiles, arms wrapping around your waist. “Be safe my dear, bring your light to the upper city” she whispers as you smile, pulling back to bend at the knee to the hound beside her. All three heads leaning forward to lick your cheeks, you giggle.
“You behave for everyone down here” you scratch under each of their chins with a smile. “Ma’am” the seaman stands from the boat, a slight scowl on his lips.
You stand, looking back at Natasha and make your way to the boat. You climb on with the help of the seaman and pull the bag with you, sitting down where he instructed. The underworld got smaller and smaller the further you went, Natashas small wave could be made out in the distance.
“Next stop, Olympus!”
Everything was so much brighter. It almost was blinding as you made it to the docks of Olympus. Looking around at all the people around you, standing slowly as the boat comes to a stop. Multiple signs of “welcome home!” or “she has returned!”. You frown slightly, climbing off the boat as Zeus, who introduces himself as Bradley, meets you at the end of the dock.
“Welcome home” he smiles, hand held out to you.
“I have someone who’d like to meet you” he grins as you take his outstretched hand, looking around at all the people. There were more people than you were used to. “I will get you settled of course but this someone has been itching to see you” Bradley adds as you nod slowly, the knock on the wooden door pulls your focus back to the home you stood in front of.
An older woman opens the door quickly, a gasp on her lips.
“Ares!” she screeches, moving down the steps and wrapping you in her arms. You stand still for a moment, almost frozen. Soon, an older man is behind her at the door and has a smile on his lips. “My oldest daughter,” he smiles. The two of them stand back in front of you, smiles on their lips.
“Ares and Aprohdite, I present to you, your oldest daughter” Bradley grins as you smile at the two of them. “You can call us Sarah and Tom” Aphrodite points to herself and then to the man beside her.
“Come, let us get you settled” Tom’s hand reaches out to you as you gently take it and follow the two of them inside. 
Olympus was bright. Flowers thrived in the gardens as well as the sun shined brightly. Settling into it was hard for you, it was nothing compared to the underworld.
You’ve been in Olympus for almost a month. “We are holding a gala” Aphrodite smiles, hands together in pride. “To celebrate your homecoming” she holds her hands out to you as you nod, slowly pushing food around with a fork, almost like a teenager. “Honey '' Tom sits up in his seat, setting his fork down onto his plate with a clank. “What is it?” he asks as you shake your head,setting your own fork down and turning to him with a smile, “nothing, that sounds lovely”.
The two smile and resume their meal, you couldn’t help but wonder if Jake would make an appearance at this gala. “Will Hades be invited?” you ask softly, looking at your parents who both drop their silverware. “Of course not” Your mother seeths, you nod slowly.
“Sorry I asked” you reply and take your plate and stand from the chair, walking out to set it in the sink and out into the backyard. Sitting down on the grass you sigh, looking out at the clouds. 
“You are miserable” Natasha comments, setting the suit out on his bed, Jake paces the room, dressed in his slacks and undershirt. “I am aware” he seeths, pulling the button-down over his shoulders. “You miss her” she smirks proudly as he sighs. “You are in luck then” she adds as the envelope is held between her two fingers. He looks at the envelope with furrowed brows, “what is this?” he asks, taking it and stopping himself from ripping it open.
Your handwriting.
He knew the soft pen stroke as well as the small heart you added at the end of his name. “They are holding a Gala in Olympus for the return of Ares' daughter, and it seems she wants you there '' he opens the envelope slowly.
Please take this as a formal invitation to the Gala here in Olympus. The homecoming of the beloved eldest daughter of Ares and Aphrodite is to be celebrated!” 
He tilts his head. “She did not write this” he comments as Natasha sighs. “Do you want to go? I will arrange it with Hermes” she crosses her arms over her chest, in a scolding manner as he sighs. “I do not know” he replies, tossing the envelope onto his desk, walking out of the room with a slam to the door. She sighs, hands on her hips.
Jake sits in the dining hall, Cerberus sat beside him and lays his heads in his lap with a deep sigh.
“I know” he reaches down and scratches at the top of one of his heads. “I miss her too” he whispers as Natasha smirks in the doorway. She pulls the invitation from her pocket and makes the RSVP and gently slides it back into the return envelope.
The day of the gala approached quickly. You were thrown into gown fittings quickly. Every single gown didn't feel like you. As you sat in the backseat of the limo. The maroon gown sat against your skin delicately.
Your mother wanted you in a white gown but that felt too pure for you, almost a reminder how you made it here.
“Miss” you look up at the sound of the driver's voice, you’ve learned his name is James. “Yes?” you ask, sitting up slightly as he smiles at you in the rearview mirror. “We are here” he adds as you nod slightly, looking out to the crowd of people. You gulp, sitting back in the seat and twiddling the strap of your handbag. “Ready?” he asks as you nod, smiling at him as he climbs out the seat and makes his way to your door, pulling it open.
As soon as the door opens the lights are almost blinding as you climb out with the assistance of James. “Thank you” you whisper as he nods, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze. Your eyes land on your parents, quickly making a beeline to them, following behind them in the venue with a smile on your face.
“You okay sweetheart?” Your moms voice is soft, hand on your arm as you nod and give her a reassuring smile. “Let’s mingle!” she encourages, arm linking through yours.
The soft clinking of glass quiets the chattering room, you stand beside your father, glass of champagne flute in hand. “Thank you all for being here tonight” Ares’s voice booms through the room, a grin on his face.
“We can't thank you all enough for coming” he looks over at Aphrodite and then back at you. “My girl is home” he holds his glass up as the crowd cheers.
You smile, looking around the room as you notice the door at the end of the room opens and closes quickly. “It’s been a long journey but I can’t thank the gods enough for my girl” he pulls you into his side, a kiss to your temple as your eyes stay trained on the back of the room.
“And now we have our new Hera” Aphrodite adds as your eyes snap to hers quickly.
“Excuse me?” you ask, now moving from your fathers side as she smiles. “Bradley is searching for a wife and it's you” she whispers as you are quick to shake your head.
“I am gonna have to object” the voice is deep, a gruffness that you knew immediately.
You turn and there in his black suit, maroon dress shirt tucked into his slacks, stood Hades. “Jake” you breathe, a smile spreading on your berry stained lips. Jake was never so happy to see that smile.
He tucks his hands into his pocket, “This is no wedding” Ares adds as Jake nods, looking at him with a smirk. “Sure, but there will be no wedding happening” his green eyes follow over to you, lifeless until they meet your face, a small smile makes its way on his lips.
You are quick to move from your fathers grasp and down the steps into Jake’s awaiting arms. Wrapping your arms around his neck you tangle your fingers in the small hairs at the nape of his neck, holding him tightly against your body. “Shhh” he whispers in your ear, holding your body closer to him as if molding the two of you together. 
The sound of glass shattering pulls you from the bubble you tried so hard to grip onto tightly. You turn to the sound and find your father seething. “What makes you think you have any right!” He points towards Jake, making his way to the two of you.
Jake is quick to put a protective arm around your waist and push your body behind him. “I don’t but I know an unhappy woman when I see one” Jake adds, your hand grips his bicep tightly.
“You have no right to make a claim against her” Jake laughs, a full belly laugh. “Technically I had made a claim on her first, she agreed to come with me” Ares’s face is burning as he looks between the two of you.
You move from behind Jake and look between your parents. “I love him” the two of them gasp. “He’s protected me and cared for me all these years and yet you didn’t have the decency to come looking for me!” you breathe as your mother places a hand over her heart.
“I’ve been with Hades for over five years! On Top of the years I spent in that shitty place with the shittiest man I ever met!” you yell, tears are now flowing down your cheeks. “Yet, Hades came to me, he came to me and let me save a man who did not love me, who had not once cared for me” you turn to Jake who stands there with his hands in his pockets, head down.
“And yet the most heartless man of Olympus cares for me" you look back at your parents. "He turned his whole world around for me” you walk to Jake as his head snaps up, looking at you. Taking his hand you turn to your parents.
“So no, he does have a right to claim” you smile at him sadly then back to your parents. “And I am not going to be the next Hera and will not be marrying Zeus" you smile towards Bradley who has a friendly smile on his lips.
"I am going back to the underworld with Hades, where I belong” you whisper, giving Jake’s hand a squeeze as you turn back to him.
“Take me home” you whisper as he grins, wrapping an arm around your waist, following beside you out the door. "Sweetheart” he whispers, stopping you at the end of the steps.
“I am hopelessly devoted to you and only you Hades” you face him, sniffling as the tears roll down your cheeks.
“I meant everything I said, I meant all of it” you whisper as he reaches up and cups your cheek and gently catches the tears with his thumb. “I’ve been devoted to you since you first came to me, since you first agreed to come live with me” he whispers a smile on his lips. "From the days you fought so harshly to get away from me" he grins as you can't help but giggle.
The sound triggers him to look up from his book as Jake raises a brow. He then hears your screams as he drops the book and takes the steps three at a time. He is quick to make it to your room and pushing the door open quickly.
You continue screaming, throwing the vases against the door, knocking over furniture. "(Y/N)" He makes his way into the room, dodging the framed photo being thrown at him.
"Hey!" he grabs hold of your hands as you scream. "Why are you keeping me here like a prisoner!" you push his hands off you as he sighs. "You agreed to this" he reminds you shake your head, sobbing.
"I just want to be free! I didn't know I'd be locked away in a tower like a princess!" he sighs, hands on his hips. "You have free reign here, you choose to lock yourself up in here, what do you want? I will give you anything you want" you sniffle, turning away from him, "I just want my life back".
"He's moved on you know" Jake whispers as you turn to him, "what?".
He nods, hands on his hips, "he found someone new, shortly after you were brought down here with me"
Panting you move closer to him, pushing against his chest as you seeth. "you monster"
“Hades has a heart in there?” you rest a hand on his chest over where his heart sits, he chuckles. “I’ve found it more with you” he admits, pulling you closer to him.
“I am sorry about the way you came to me but I am not sorry for bringing you to me” he admits as you nod, sniffling and standing up on your tippy toes to pull him down from his neck.
“Shut up and kiss me Hades” he grins, pulling you in by the waist, kissing you as if his life depended on it. You grin, arms wrapping around his neck as the two of you part, nudging his nose against your own. “Let’s get you home” he grins, arms wrapping around your waist securely. 
“Cerby!” you squeal, running to the three-headed dog that meets you at the door, you fall to your knees and catch him, laughing as he tackles you to the ground, licking over your face.
“Hi!” you laugh as he pants above you, letting you stand back up, kissing all three of his heads. “Someone's home” Natasha smirks from the top of the stairwell, as you smile up at her.
“Yes, yes I am, you are stuck with me!” you grin, watching as she makes her way down the steps. Jake’s arm wraps around your waist from behind, a grin on his lips. “But, her things must be moved into the suite” Jake grins as you smile, looking over at him with a chuckle.
“Is that so?” Natahsa questions as then she notices the slight shimmer of the rings on both of your left fingers. “Oh my god!” she laughs, running to hug the both of you.
You smile as you embrace her tighter, this is where you belonged.
In the underworld beside your beloved.
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If you enjoyed this, you can find all of my other work here, in The Library.
likes,comments and reblogs are always welcome! I love hearing everyone's opinions!
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ash5monster01 · 1 year
Hey lovely writer,
just stumbled across your rooster fic. Are you up for a request concerning Bradley Bradshaw or Jake Seresin and a fem reader or oc. Some sick/hurt reader fic and protective boys?
Lot's of love 💗
Pairing: Rooster x Hangman x FemReader (platonic, romance can be implied)
Warnings: mentions on injury, angst, worry
Summary: Rooster and Hangman never get along, not even for your sake. Didn’t matter they were both your best friend, they didn’t agree on being friends with each other. That is until you get hurt. (I couldn’t decide on just one of the boys so here’s a short little blurb where they are both worried for your safety)
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Rooster and Hangman didn’t agree on many things. Most of the time they butt heads, made snarky remarks at the other, and competed until they were bone tired. The only thing they did agree on was you. Having known Rooster from childhood, and being best friends with Hangman through flight school, you found you loved them both equally. It just sucked that they couldn’t learn to love each other as well, for you.
Instead they’d compete over who was closer, Rooster always pulling the known you longer card, and Hangman pulling the being a better pilot than him to back it. You didn’t mind, your friendships with each were very different. You were still young with Rooster, him knowing every version of you. With Hangman it was more lighthearted, like old college pals you drank too much with. You didn’t need them to be close because they both understood versions of you the other didn’t. The only thing about their relationships with you being the same is how much they cared for you.
So during flight practice, when your plane malfunctioned, they were officially a team. The only person who can be on your side when you’re watching a plane with your friend plummet to the ground, is the person who cares for them just like you do. Rooster and Hangman had no jabs to shoot at each other while they rushed to get information. You had pulled your chute, but not without hitting your leg on the canopy on your way out.
“Shit Y/N” Rooster cursed as they rushed across the runway where paramedics were setting you in a stretcher. Your leg was visibly broken, probably a few bruised ribs from the way you winced, and a scrape across the side of your face.
“Are you okay?” Hangman asked as they finally reached your side, the paramedics ready to take you away.
“Could be worse” you quipped, usual banter coming from you. “Told me I got a good scrape through the brow. Might be able to pull off one of those cool split eyebrow looks. Whaddaya think?”
“You could pull anything off” Rooster told you, forcing away tears now that you were okay and in his sight. If he lost you the same way he did his Dad, he didn’t think he’d ever recover.
“You might think different once it actually heals” you grinned but then winced as the stretcher moved. “You boys don’t go having a heart attack now”
“Easier said then done” Hangman said as he squeezed your hand and you chuckled as they finally lifted you into the ambulance.
“I’ll see you on the other side” you saluted as they shut the door on your two pilot best friends. Rooster and Hangman watched still on edge as they pulled out, ready to tend to your wounds.
By the time they reached the hospital you were already in surgery. They hadn’t shared any words as they sat and worried for your safety. At least they could breathe knowing you survived but you still had to heal and the idea of you hurt was worthy enough to be worried about.
“She’ll be okay” Rooster finally broke the silence and Hangman looked up at him from his hunched position in the waiting room.
“I know, she just gave me quite the scare” he didn’t like the idea of being vulnerable with his competition but he knew he felt the same way.
“Me too, and only Y/N could continue to make jokes as she’s being rushed to the hospital” Rooster said and Hangman chuckled.
“We’re real lucky to have her, probably drives her nuts that we can’t get along” Hangman told him, sitting upright from his hunched position.
“I think she secretly enjoys it” Rooster responded and Hangman laughed again.
“We should mess with her and pretend we’re best friends after this” Hangman suggested and Rooster smirked. Hangman didn’t have many idea she agreed with but he kind of liked this one.
“She’d probably think she had a brain injury” He said and Hangman for a moment thought he wouldn’t agree. “Let’s do it” the two boys laughed as they clapped hands in agreement.
“Man I can’t believe she deals with us” Hangman said as he shook his head and Rooster shrugged.
“Let’s just be glad she even likes us”
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blurredcolour · 8 months
Shake It Off
Summary: Called to the Lee/Hamilton wedding near the start of your shift to aid an eighty-year-old woman experiencing chest pains, you hope against hope not to run into someone from your past. But the man you meet there might just be your future.
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Paramedic!Reader
Warnings: Medical Scenarios, Awkward Social Situations, Dress Whites, Language, Military Inaccuracies, Paramedical Inaccuracies, Rating - T.
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Author's Note: Inspired by the song Shake It Off by Taylor Swift, written for @laracrofted's 1989 Challenge! Thank you very much for hosting the challenge, Amelia!
Word Count: 3075
Maybe he won’t be here.
The thought was fleeting, and born of desperation, as you pulled up to behind the fire truck in front of the Horton Grand Hotel.
There are plenty of people with the last name of Lee, the fact that this call is taking us to the Lee/Hamilton wedding doesn’t mean he will be here. Maybe it won’t even be a Navy wedding.
Jumping out of the driver’s seat of the ambulance, your hopes were immediately dashed as a tall man in dress whites stepped forward when you reached the rear doors.
“Damn, angel, you are devastating.” He drawled smoothly and you fairly felt his eyes, mostly obscured beneath the brim of his combination cap, tracing down your uniform as you reached forward to help your partner Delgado unload the stretcher.
“Good evening, sir.” You replied with crisp professionalism. “We’re here because someone called 911?”
“You brought one of those AEDs, right? Because I think you stopped my heart…” His peach-pink lips stretched back into a grin to reveal two rows of perfectly straight, white teeth.
“You’re our 80-year-old woman, sir? Please describe your chest pain.” Delgado replied flatly and you bit your lip to prevent your smirk, loading your gear onto the gurney.
Delgado was your first regular EMT partner since your move to San Diego nearly a year ago, wooed by the $50,000 bonus Falck offered to try and stabilize their work force. He was young, his social skills more than a little rough around the edges, but he worked hard and knew his stuff. Listened to your personal woes without too much complaint and was quite honestly the closest person you had to a friend here - working the graveyard shift as a paramedic really did not afford a lot of social opportunities.
And right now, you did not at all mind that he was there to get between you and the pretty boy in uniform. Because that meant he might be willing to run interference with someone else if the need arose.
“Ms. Mable is just this way, follow me.” The handsome stranger replied easily, undeterred, and turned to lead the pair of you through the lobby, smoothly tucking his cap under his arm as he stepped inside – a well practiced move you did your damnedest to ignore. Particularly the flex of his bicep.
Following just a few steps behind him, you guided the foot of the stretcher as Delgado came last, pushing the head of it. The lobby was narrow, no more than a tiled hallway really, with a wall of windows overlooking a New Orleans style courtyard – currently filled with women in formal dresses, men in suits, and a sea of dress whites. You quickly ducked your head, focusing on following the shoes of the man in front of you.
“I’m honestly not sure what happened, she seemed to be having a great time, dancing and laughing…and then she started clutching at her chest, having trouble catching her breath.” You perked up as he finally began to say something useful.
“Did the firefighters move her somewhere more quiet?” You asked as he led the pair of you past the sign welcoming guests to the Lee/Hamilton Wedding and over to a door beside the front desk.
“Yes, we were using this space for the wedding party anyway, so we set her up in the meeting room, just here.” Pulling open the door, he gestured for you and Delgado to proceed inside.
The crew from the fire truck had set a makeshift bench out of banquet chairs for her to sit upon, the wheeled meeting chairs pushed into a corner to make as much room as possible, but it still felt cramped. The patient was resting comfortably while Lombardo, their firefighter/paramedic, was assessing her vitals and reviewing the cardiac monitor.
Ms. Mable was all of five foot two, a cloud of perfectly styled, white hair upon her head, not a strand out of place despite the dramatic turn her evening had taken. Her face was etched with the lines of a life well-lived, yet she was easily holding court amongst the crew of physically intimidating individuals, animatedly recounting a story about the cutting of a cake with a sword, based on the few words you were able to catch. They stood in their suspendered Nomex trousers and heavy boots, entranced by her performance, as a woman in her mid-fifties sat close at hand, keeping a watchful eye on the proceedings.
“Thank you for your assistance, sir.” You quickly tossed back over your shoulder to your guide before diving right into the scene, pulling on your nitrile gloves, all concern about the possible presence of a certain individual vanishing in the face of your job.
Once Lombardo had fully handed the scene over to you, as it was quite apparent that this was most likely a case of angina for which the woman already carried a prescription of nitroglycerin, you settled in to talk with Ms. Mable yourself. The departure of the first responders made the room feel infinitely more spacious.
“I hear you were tearing it up on the dance floor this evening…” You smiled warmly as Delgado continued to track her vitals.
“I’ve always had a hard time saying no to good-looking pilots….my Gerry was a pilot, you know. Fifty-three years together and he got away with everything. So, when this handsome, blonde flyboy from Texas kept asking me to dance there was no way I could turn him down.” The corners of her eyes creased with mirth, and you grinned warmly as the woman laughed beside her, shaking her head fondly.
“Breathing and cognition are good.” You turned back to Delgado who added the notes to the electronic file with a nod. “How many sprays of nitroglycerin did you end up taking, Ms. Mable?”
“Two, five minutes apart, just like the pamphlet says. I really am feeling much better, I’m so sorry to have made such a fuss but my daughter, Deborah, had already dialed before I could stop her.”
“No apologies necessary, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.” You nodded to her daughter reassuringly. “Are you local or just in town for the wedding?”
“Oh, lived here for the past forty years ever since Gerry was stationed at Miramar. Once you give up snow for palm trees and sand it’s impossible to ever go back. I saw you’re not wearing a ring, dear, is that just for the job?”
Delgado snorted indelicately and if it were not for the paperwork involved you would have delivered a swift kick to his shin.
“No, Ms. Mable, just haven’t found the right man yet.” You steadily increased the volume of your voice to drown out Delgado’s utterance of ‘not for lack of trying.’ “You have a cardiologist whom you see regularly?”
Mable blinked a little at the sudden change in your tone but answered all the same, “Dr. Atwal, same age as my grandson. But he knows his business, so I listen to him. San Diego is a fabulous place to meet a young fellow you know, so many eligible men out there. A lot of handsome pilots especially…even here tonight.”
A flash of movement, accompanied by a swell in the noise of the reception down the hall, caught your attention and you raised your eyes to see the face of your guide from earlier peering through a small gap in the doorway.
“Lieutenant Seresin…” You heard Ms. Mabel sigh fondly before her heart rate began to increase alarmingly. Your eyes snapped to the cardiac monitor to review the screen for evidence of any abnormal rhythms, aware of Delgado doing the same in your periphery.
“Now Ms. Mabel, how many times do I have to ask you to call me Jake…” He drawled and that’s when you placed his accent…Texas.
He was the handsome fly boy at the centre of all the tumult then. Somehow this did not surprise you at all.
“Where would the fun be in that, Lieutenant?” Came Mable’s repartee with a wicked grin and you straightened, well aware that you needed to put a stop to this before she reached her maximum doses of nitro just for a little flirting.
“Lieutenant Seresin, would you mind stepping out so we can do our jobs? Thank you.” You turned to look up at him authoritatively, wishing you weren’t able to see how green his eyes were in this light. How his hair reminded you of spun gold, especially when it was highlighted by the medals and pins and buttons of his uniform.
“Apologies Miss, just wanted to check on Ms. Mable here…” You noticed the way his grip tightened on the wood of the door and his eyes flitted to the floor guiltily.
He was not the first nosey by-stander you had asked to step back, nor would he be the last, and yet your heart spasmed as though you had kicked his puppy.
“Much better, and she’ll continue on that path if we can finish up, thank you.” You found yourself reassuring him, willfully ignoring Delgado’s scoff.
Whether your boot knocking into his was intentional or an accident was something he, thankfully, did not question. With a sigh of relief, the Lieutenant closed the door, and you were able to turn your attention fully back to your patient, whose heart rate was normalizing, yet her eyes were full of mischief.
“Quite the catch, isn’t he?” She fairly crowed.
You cleared your throat forcefully to refocus and looked over everything once more. “Ms. Mable, I really don’t think you’re having a heart attack. Of course, we do recommend going to the hospital to have everything checked out by the doctors there.”
She was already shaking her head halfway through your statement. “Absolutely unnecessary, young lady. Where’s the thing to sign? I don’t need another ambulance ride.”
“Mom, are you sure? She said they recommend…”
“Deborah, no. If you want, you can drive me, but this is excessive.”
After a little more back and forth, Ms. Mable ended up signing the ‘refusal of service against medical advice’ form and you and Delgado packed up your gear.
“Have a good night Ms. Mable, but maybe stay away from blonde pilots from Texas?” You teased warmly before making your way back out to the lobby.
“I’m gonna use the bathroom. Finally, a chance to pee somewhere with nice smelling soap.” Delgado excused himself, leaving you alone next to a circular table near the front entrance.
The sound of the wedding party drifting through glass doors behind you in the courtyard fanned the banked coals of your anxiety into roaring flames once more now that the distraction of your duties had been removed. Brigham had to be here somewhere, this was surely his pilot’s wedding…
You surged forward toward the front doors, wanting to at least wait outside, and nearly ran headfirst into Lieutenant Seresin.
“Easy there, angel. Sorry about that. Already on your way to your next call?” He steadied you easily, hands on your shoulders. Enveloping your shoulders.
Shaking your head quickly, you laughed once at yourself. “Just heading outside to wait for my partner, the gurney takes up a lot of space.” You stepped out of his grasp and swallowed thickly. “Have a good night, Lieutenant.” You tried once again to make your escape but found him walking along with you, on the other side of the stretcher. Helping.
“Ms. Mable refused to take a ride with you?” He asked, sliding his cover onto his head as you stepped outside.
You shrugged softly, not really at liberty to discuss it, opening the back of the ambulance and loading the stretcher inside. “Thank you for your help, I appreciate it. I hope you enjoy the rest of the party.”
He smirked, leaning against the back of ambulance unhurriedly. “You seemed to be missing the part where I’m much more interested in getting to know you, angel.”
You opened your mouth to try and summon some form of polite refusal when you heard his voice.
“Yo Hangman, are you harassing anything in a uniform these days?” Followed by that irritating laugh that you had never really had a chance to try and find a reason to love.
You watched the muscle between Lieutenant Seresin’s eyebrows twitch before he turned to face the jokester, revealing Brigham “Harvard” Lennox. He looked exactly the same as your second and final date nearly six months ago, appearance slightly improved by the dress whites, though you noticed his cap was negligently still tucked beneath his arm. His arm upon which a dewy-skinned, long-limbed, glossy-haired woman hung.
He blinked a little in recognition as his eyes fell upon your face and you offered a polite smile.
“Nice to see you again…” he said a name, not your name, but at least the first letter was the same. For the sake of letting this agony end, you would have let it go, if not for Delgado’s untimely return.
His reflexive correction of your first name as he walked through the group to hop up into the back of the ambulance without a second’s hesitation immediately thickened the ambient tension.
“Oh right, yeah, been a while huh?” Brigham grinned vacuously, not even having the grace to appear embarrassed. “Lookin’ good…” He added disingenuously, glancing over your uniform with less than kind eyes, moving his arm to wrap around his date’s silk-clad waist. You watched as her perfectly manicured gel nails came to rest on his bicep, a silent proclamation that her job, if she had one, was nothing like yours.
“Oh shit, this is that pilot who ghosted you a while back.” Delgado blurted out from over your shoulder where he was stowing the last of the gear, and you clenched your fists.
“Weapon systems officer.” You snapped despite your desire to keep the exchange civil, but halfway through the correction, you realized you were speaking in unison with Lieutenant Seresin.
You didn’t miss the way Brigham’s jaw clenched in dismay before turning to see Delgado backing away with both hands raised in surrender. “Whatever, I’ll be up front.”
“So, which one of your ‘exam questions’ did she fail, Harvard?” Lieutenant Seresin asked, tone light and playful but with a dangerous edge to it.
The latter scoffed and shook his head. “What are you even talking about Hangman?!” He protested loudly.
“Baby, I’ll meet you at the car, ‘kay?” Brigham’s date pulled back, patting his chest, and tottered away on her heels.
“No really,” Lieutenant Seresin dropped the friendly façade and looked over his colleague seriously. “Which was it then? Exclusivity? Kids? Careers?”
As he listed each topic his eyes flicked between your face and Brigham’s increasingly scarlet and annoyed expression. You tried to keep an impassive mask but there was a slight tick in your jaw as you involuntarily clenched your teeth at the word ‘career.’ You had long suspected that had been the reason his texts had stopped coming. The fact that you wanted one and he wanted someone to dedicate their lives to supporting him in his.
Lieutenant Seresin’s eyes flashed in recognition, and he rounded on Brigham. “Apologize to the lady for ghosting her over having career ambitions, Harvard.” He said firmly.
“What the hell are you even talking about Hangman, you don’t even know…” Brigham sputtered in protest and a small part of you wanted to tell Lieutenant Seresin not to worry about it.
“You were an idiot, Brigham. Now apologize.” He repeated firmly and any thought of excusing Brigham’s behaviour died in that instant, because it was true. He had been an idiot and it had been painful. You had been rather convinced it was going nowhere fast, but sudden and complete silence had hurt all the same.
You almost missed the apology as the first time Brigham delivered it; he used that wrong name again. Lieutenant Seresin’s eyes narrowed into an icy glare, and it was quickly amended to your proper name.
“Now go find your date before you screw up that relationship too.” Lieutenant Seresin gestured with his chin for him to go away before barking after him, “Cover!”
Brigham slammed his cap onto his head and only walked faster toward the parking lot as you chewed on your lower lip savagely lest you do something unseemly like indulge in laughter at his expense. You took a steadying breath before turning back to face your unexpected ally.
“Come on, they’re holding calls!” Delgado shouted from the front seat, and you exhaled with that withheld laugh. One that Lieutenant Seresin echoed.
“In an effort to restore the reputation of the United States Navy, and prove to you that Brigham Lennox is an aberration, will you let me take you out for a drink?” He tilted his head with an inviting curl of his lips.
He had absolutely no right looking that attractive, or being that good of a man, or putting Brigham in his place so handily.
“I…I’m sorry I just started my shift at nine…” You fussed with your stethoscope nervously, trying to pull it into place around your neck even though it was already right where it was most comfortable.
“What time do you get off, then?” He persisted. “I’ll buy you breakfast.”
You frowned in thought, weighing the pros and cons of spending more time on another Navy boy, when an all-call came through the radio, drowning out your internal dialogue.
–  All available units, MCI northbound interstate five just after First Avenue underpass, please respond –
Your eyes widened as Delgado immediately picked up the receiver.
“Medic 3-6 responding, approximately seven minutes out.”
“Lieutenant, I have to go.” You looked to him quickly, stepping up into the ambulance, closing one door and reaching for the second as he swung it towards you. You stopped it suddenly with your palm, yanking a business card containing your station information from your front pocket and slid it into his free hand.
“My shift ends at nine, won’t be ready before 9:30. As for when I get off…” You couldn’t hold back your smirk any longer, your heart skipping a beat, making you thankful you weren’t hooked up to the cardiac monitor just then. “…we’ll just have to see about that.”
His blinding grin was the last thing you saw before you pulled the other door to the rig shut, shouting for Delgado to pull out, lights and sirens ablaze.
>>> return to main masterlist
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justabigassnerd · 9 months
Night Scare
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Pairing - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x daughter!reader
Word count - 1,275
Warnings - inaccurate medical scenes (I tried), worried Jake, fluff
Summary - a night time asthma attack turns a normal evening into a worry fest for Jake
A/N - wow... about two weeks later I'm finally posting a fic. I am so sorry for delays I've been struggling with writers block, it's still not fully gone but my guilt is catching up to me so I'm literally forcing myself to write. this was an anon request and I hope I did it justice. as per y'all please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!!!
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Living with asthma is something you had just learned to deal with growing up. Always had to make sure your inhaler was on hand and learned to know when you could be on the verge of an asthma attack.
One evening, while your dad and Bradley were downstairs watching a sports match, you remained in your room, relaxing and scrolling through your phone. As you sit on your bed, scrolling through your phone, you began to cough occasionally but you shook it off, assuming it was just the ending of the cold you had just recovered from. Then your chest began to feel tight, like it was slowly being squeezed. You instinctively grabbed the inhaler that sat on your bedside table and took a puff of the medicine, settling back against the pillows and waiting for the medicine to do its job. After half an hour, you realise the inhaler isn’t working so you take another puff of the medicine and fight back a coughing fit that suddenly attacks you, taking your breath away from you as you struggle to recover it. Not wanting to risk losing your footing in your panic to get downstairs and risk hurting yourself, you open your phone and find your dad’s number, opening your messages and typing out a text.
Jake raised an eyebrow when he felt his phone buzz and saw your name above the text. He debated calling up to you but something in his gut was screaming at him to open the text, so he did.
‘I think I’m having an asthma attack’
“Call 9-1-1.” Jake says, leaping to his feet and heading for the stairs, leaving Bradley confused in the living room.
“What?!” Bradley calls up to Jake just as he disappears up the stairs.
“Call 9-1-1, y/n is having an asthma attack and I’m not taking any risks.” Jake calls down to Bradley who immediately pulls his phone out of his pocket and dials 9-1-1 while Jake bursts into your room to find you sat bolt upright and struggling to breathe. He could tell you were trying to keep calm so you could control your breaths a little better, but he could see the panic in your eyes.
“I’m here, sweetheart. Take another puff of your inhaler for me, okay? Rooster’s calling the ambulance now they’ll get here as quick as they can.” Jake says, sitting next to you on the bed and taking the small inhaler from your hands and holding it to your mouth so you could take a puff, he kept a close eye on you, seeing how you were doing.
Before too long, you heard the front door opening and Bradley talking downstairs before you heard footsteps heading up the stairs and you see two paramedics enter the room, equipment in hand as they approached.
“We’re going to need you to step back, sir.” One of the paramedics says, making Jake press a kiss to the top of your head and whisper reassuringly before he gets up from the bed, allowing the paramedics to assess you. The paramedics ask Jake for your name and what medication you are on which he gives, grabbing the medical information card he had and handing it to the paramedic, so they knew everything they needed to in order to help you. The paramedics help you downstairs to where a stretcher was waiting after assessing and concluding that you need to go to the ER for some medicine and observation. Jake is given permission to ride in the ambulance with you and just as he goes to follow you, Bradley stops him.
“I’m going to head home and get out of your hair. Keep me updated and I’ll come by when I can.” Bradley says and Jake nods, clapping Bradley on the shoulder.
“Thanks for calling the ambulance. I’ll see you around.” Jake says as the two walk out of the house, closing the door behind them. Bradley nods in acknowledgement before crossing to his Bronco while Jake gets in the back of the ambulance with you as the paramedic did what he needed to do. You were given an oxygen tube and some medicine, and your attack was seeming to wane thanks to it.
When the ambulance pulled up outside the hospital, the paramedics eased the stretcher out and wheeled you into the ER and one of the paramedics and Jake eased you onto a bed while the other paramedic filled in the nurse on what had happened. When you’re settled on the bed, the paramedics head back out to their ambulance while the nurse comes to your bedside.
“Hi, y/n. I’ve been informed that you’ve received some treatment and oxygen on the way over here and you seem to be doing better but we just want to keep you in for a few hours just in case you have another attack, okay?” The nurse says cheerfully as she inputs some final things on the tablet in her hand. You nod at her words as does your dad and the nurse then excuses herself to continue her rounds.
“You feeling okay?” Jake asks softly as he watches you.
“Feeling a lot better than I was earlier.” You say with a smile, making Jake smile gently and finally let himself relax.
“It was a little scary though.” You admit, looking away from your dad who softens at your words, reaching out and taking your hand gently in his own.
“I bet it was sweetheart. I thought it was scary just from my perspective I can’t imagine what it was like for you.” Jake says, watching you carefully as you shift your gaze to look back at him briefly.
“The important thing is you’re okay now. We’ll stay here for as long as the nurses want us to and then we’ll head home, and you can get some sleep and you can rest as much as you want tomorrow as well. We’ll take it easy.” Jake says reassuringly, giving your hand a small squeeze as well.
After almost three hours of lying on the hospital bed with constant check-ups, the nurses allow you to go home for the rest of the night, confident that you won’t have any more attacks for the night. They urge Jake to book you a doctor’s appointment as soon as possible to check how everything is going with your lungs and then you are cleared to go. As you exit the hospital, Jake is checking on the status of the Uber he booked and before too long it pulls up and the two of you get in the back seats and begin the journey home. By the time you get home, you’re just about ready to collapse into your bed. You immediately head up to your room and get into your pyjamas, quickly burying yourself under your duvet and curling up. It didn’t take your dad long to knock on the door and enter with your permission. He crossed to your bed and bent over to kiss the top of your head.
“Sleep well, sweetheart. If you need me, I’m just next door.” He whispers as you nod, eyes slipping shut instantly and Jake lets out a soft chuckle, pulling the duvet over you a bit more and leaving the room, turning the light off as he goes.
Jake returns to his own room, getting in his bed and lying on his back, staring up at the ceiling. He had just been through a scare that may taunt him for a while, but he knew you were just next door sleeping peacefully and he’d look after you as best he can.
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topgunslut · 1 year
rescued (part 1)
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pairing: jake ‘hangman’ seresin x f!reader, established relationship
read part two here!
cw: near-drowning, protective jake, slight panic, probably drowning inaccuracies, paramedics, crying, loving penny <3, jake being an asshole, probably navy inaccuracies, hospital, undressing infront of a doctor, slight medical terminology 
requests are open! 
the football drifted farther into the wet sand as the wave pulled the tide back, getting ready to crash. you chased the oblong ball as it rolled back with the current.
it was dog-fight football day. after the uranium mission, the dagger squad made it a weekly occurrence to play offense and defense at the same time in front of the hard-deck.
usually, you and penny sat on a blanket on the sand, having a small picnic while gawking at your boyfriends, respectfully. but today you decided to join in on the game, which everyone, especially jake, had been begging you to do.
the football halted when it met a rock, and you reached down to grab it.
“y/n!” urgent screams from the shore bounced into your ears.
confusion was written over your face but it soon disappeared as you looked up at the massive wave that towered over you. as if it were in slow motion, you watched as the wave descended right onto you. your body plummeted to the ground, knocking the wind out of you. on cue, you tried gasping for air but instead ocean water filled your throat.
that was the last thing your remembered until you felt somebody carrying you bridal style back up to the shore. “y/n, open your eyes for me,”
you started coughing aggressively, the salty water going all over your chest or spilling back into the ocean. jake, who you figured out was carrying you let out a relieved sigh as he continued the short walk back to the rest of the gang.
your throat burned not only at the seawater coming back up, but also embarrasment from your stupidity. hiccups combined with sobs and coughing were definitely not pleasant on their own but when combined, it felt like you were slipping under the waves again.
“put. me. down!” you managed to get out with the cocktail of emotions and physical reactions in your way. you wanted to just act like whatever just happened didn’t, you just fell jokingly and jake ‘saved’ you, showing his heroic side.
“not a chance, sweetheart” his words caused you to start flailing around, trying to get free of his grip while more panic to set in. his grip around your frail frame got stronger.
“stop moving, you’re going to hurt yourself,” jake scolded you, sounding angry and it did nothing but make you feel more embarrassed. your plan would have fallen through anyways because penny was already on the phone with the paramedics and the dagger squads concerned faces met yours.
jake set you down on your towel that was already laid on the sand from your earlier attempt to soak up the sun. the sun was about to set and jake had his raybans ontop of his dirty blonde hair, getting a better look at you. he brought his lips down to the top of your wet head, pressing a small kiss into your salty roots.
“yeah, she’s concious,” penny spoke into the phone. you were grateful for the group of friends that you had and for the fact that they stayed calm in high stress situations juxtapose to yourself.
immediately your bloodshot eyes went to find the eyes of the man who pulled you out of the water, jake but instead they met with everyone elses. you groaned and tried to speak but nothing came out but small coughs. phoenix came up behind you and gently rubbed your back.
you hissed when the adreneline lowered and you felt a sharp pain in your thigh, glancing down to see a long scrape that had yet to be bleeding. thankfully it didn’t go any deeper than the dried skin on your leg, but it still hurt like a bitch.
jake had appeared, sitting behind you on your towel so you could lean on him.
“there you go,” jake gently rubbed your arms. maverick popped a squat in front of you, with a tiny flashlight in his hand. he shined in it each of your eyes, making you see spots.
“pupils are PEARL,” he said. after the uranium mission, maverick thought it was a good idea to get everyone in the dagger squad some sort of medical training. he had already had some, from being in the navy for so long.
“i’m fine, i promise, guys,” you said hoarsly, “i just took a little bit of a tumble!”
“a tumble my ass, you nearly drowned! you went unconscious for fucks sake,” jake said, his tone making you feel like an idiot. for some reason, jake had been acting cold.
“tumble or not, the emts will be here in a few,” maverick said, tucking the flashlight back into the small first aid kit.
soon enough, the paramedics parked on the street and after a few examinations, they instructed jake to take you to urgent care so that you could be seen by a provider. he decided he and maverick just take you over to miramar where he could get you right in at the infirmary.
you sat up in the hospital bed, looking at all the ivs in your arm, anxiously waiting for the scan results. your grumpy boyfriend who went outside to talk to maverick didn’t help. based on his attitude, you wouldn’t be surprised if he just left.
“how’re you holding up?” penny walked past the curtain with a bottle of apple juice and your phone in her hand. you eyed your phone.
on cue, the infirmary doctor walked in and scanned his card on in the computer, logging him in. “y/n, how are you feeling?” he continued to type a few things into the computer.
“horrible, like i got hit by a big fat bus,” you whined. penny set the apple juice and your phone down on a near table and felt your forehead. her motherly instinct was enough to make you at least try to smile.
“i’m sorry, that’s usually normal. you’re very lucky you got out of there. when you were pulled out of the water, do you remember coughing up fluid?” he asked, rolling over to the bed on his stool on wheels whilst pulling his stethoscope off and putting the tops in his ears. you nodded.
“just going to listen to your lungs, make sure there isn’t any unwanted fluid in there. can i ask you to slip the top of your gown off?”  
you didn’t care that some man was going to probably be looking at your tits but the cold man who would soon walk through the door sure did. you were too exhausted to feel uncomfortable or awkward, it was purely medical.
without much effort, you pulled one of the strings in the back of your hospital gown and the top of you was left uncovered. the slight chill of the hospital made your nipples stiff which was to say the least a little embarrassing but it wasn’t like you were turned on.
he pressed the cold metal piece just below your left breast and then your right, instructing you to take a few deep breaths. in the midst of your second deep breath, the door swung open to reveal a not so calm jake.
he didn’t know how to feel once he saw you but he slowly shook his head at you with a glare, that felt like an arrow shot into your fragile, already cracked heart. you looked away from him.
“alright, your lungs sound nice and clear,” the doctor grabbed a freshly printed paper from the hidden printer next to the computer and scanned the results. “matches your ct scan results perfectly.”
penny helped you tie your hospital gown back on.
“everything looks normal, i’ll get the nurse to help you with your ivs and your discharge papers,” the doctor walked out of the room, making sure to sign out of the computer.
“tylonol will be your best friend for the next 48 hours. if you still have aches in three day, pop back in and we’ll see what’s going on,” the nurse carefully removed the ivs and gave you the clipboard with the papers proclaiming your discharge. you gave her a forced but grateful smile as she left.
you swung your legs over the side of the hospital bed to get into the clothes that penny had grabbed from your house before she came by.
“i’ll give you two some privacy,” penny stepped out, leaving you with jake. aches flooded your body as you stood to grab the clothes but you put on a brave face even though your eyes prickled with tears.
minus the bra, you eventually got dressed while jake stayed leaning against the wall, watching you the entire time. “you just want to show the whole world your tits, huh?” jake mumbled while he grabbed your hand, helping you get up. that was the last straw.
“i’ll be at pennys for the next few days,” you said, frustrated with your boyfriend, opting out of staying in your shared home. the best you could, you walked out of the hospital room.
by the time jake followed after you, you and penny had left.
let me know if you want to be added to my taglist! 
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oh-surprise-its-me · 8 months
I watched some rodeos today so that means I desperately need to write about 20 year old non pilot Jake being a cowboy and terrifying his New York dads. (Here’s prequel to this fic)
Chris, David, Wolfman and Lucas are all up on the fences watching. They all are used to this kind of thing. Oh the joys of growing up in Texas.
Tom, Ron, and Hollywood are in the stands. They all keep flinching when people get tossed. Tom’s nails are digging into Ron’s arm. He gasps every time someone lands wrong. He can’t believe they let their kid do this.
They’re in Vegas. All things considered a fun trip. They all took vacation time for this. Promised that if Jake used his fake ID they won’t call him on it. This is the final day of four for the rodeo.
Jake’s good. Too good. Ron can’t stand to watch him most days. Terrified that their kid is going to slam his head and not get back up.
Lucas promises him that he’ll be over the fence first before anyone else can be. Ron supposes an ER nurse is better then the paramedics they’ve got on ground.
Jake is hopping in place. He can feel the energy of the stadium, he watches them put the bull in the corral, Hell Maker is his name. Jake slides his helmet on and climbs the fence. He settles on the bull.
He hears the announcer.
“And now. Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin. He’s one of the best twenty year olds competing he’s got a real chance at winning this Frank.”
“You’re so right Shawn. His father rode in Texas circles, Chris Seresin is in the crowd tonight. We’ll remind y’all listeners that the Seresins have a long history in riding rodeo.”
Jake shakes off the nerves. He knows he’s best. He can make it twelve seconds. Has to.
As he’s flying through the air it’s in slow motion. He made it nineteen seconds. He beat the records in place. Jake is going to make his dads buy him so many drinks tonight.
He slams into the ground. He tucks and rolls. He leaps up and takes off for the siding. Makes it over right at the bull slams into the wall.
Suddenly Jake is being held in the air. He shrieks, David and Wolf have him on their shoulders. Chris and Lucas are standing grinning up at him. Chris opens his arms and Jake jumps down and into them.
“Baby you did so good. I’m so proud of you.”
Jake sees his pa and tata make their way over to him. He’s surrounded by everyone suddenly. He’s so overwhelmed. He has to blurt it out now or he’s going to explode.
“I think this is going to be the last pro competition I do. Gonna go to med school.” They all stare at him for a second. “I’m not going to stop riding. Just no more getting thrown off intentionally.”
Ron is the first to react. “Chickie thank god.” He scoops Jake into a hug. Tom hugs him from the side. Chris plucks the hat off Jake’s head and kisses his hair.
He’s then passed to all of his uncles. Lucas looks like he might cry. He holds Jake’s face for a second. “You’ll be incredible.” Jake grins at him. “Wanna be a nurse like you. Help people.” Lucas lets the tears go down his face now. David loops his arm around his neck.
Jake is grabbed by Hollywood and Wolfman, Holly is grinning at him. He passes over two hundred bucks. “What the fuck?” Wolf blushes. “We made a bet on which career you’d follow. Decided you’d get the money no matter what happened.” Jake laughs. He grabs the two of them into a hug.
A photographer comes over and asks to take a photo of Jake with his dad. Chris smiles and agrees. Women still practically faint for him at points. Ron and Tom smile at the two of them. Jake is every bit his dads son.
Jake ends up getting a trophy. He’s proud of it but is even more proud of the money he wins at slots two nights later. All of them insist he cheated. He didn’t he’s just lucky.
In his thirty’s he talks Bradley into going to the rodeo, Bradley thinks it’s insane that Jake’s dads let him do this. Jake points out Mav and Goose had Bradley up in planes when he was definitely too young.
Bradley leans over while they watch the kids rodeo, “our kids are never doing this.” Jake stares at him. They’ve barely talking marriage. Fuck, Jake wants kids with Bradley. He flushes, “okay. They’re learning how to ride horses though.” Bradley nods. He presses a kiss to Jake’s head. “Anything you want sweetheart.”
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
Alpha!silverfox!Steve Rogers
Asylum!Steve Rogers and nurse!Reader
Brave New World
Breathe You In
Curtis & Mousey
Jake Jensen & Pretty Girl
Jake Jensen & Princess
Lloyd & Pumpkin
Lycan!Steve Rogers & barista!Reader
Photo ask game drabbles
Silverfox!professor!Ari Levinson & his librarian
Silverfox!Bucky & Sweet Girl
Silverfox!Johnny Storm & Little flame
Silverfox!mechanic!Steve Rogers x nurse!Reader
Silverfox!paramedic!Bucky Barnes & Bambi
Werewolf!Ari Levinson & Sweetpea
Wildest Dreams
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Six sentence smut — thick thighs, Stucky x reader
Johnny & Jake & plus-sized reader
Sugar & Spice welcome home Wednesday
Thick thighs save lives take out Tuesday
Mob!Andy & mob!Lloyd
Three reasons why…YAY Steve
Three reasons why…BB&B
Jefferson gets angry and runs off his cat familiar
Colin Shea hockey
Werewolf!Ari sleepy Sunday
Monster match-up orc!Curtis Everett
White werewolf!Bucky Barnes
Lycan!skinny!Steve Rogers
Lucas Lee university soulmate
Bucky and his ex wife (Bucky is an asshole)
Bucky loses Reader (Once Bitten, Twice Shy)
Steve x reader x Natasha (bisexual!reader)
Fae!Stucky find cat!shifter!Reader
Silverfox!Ransom Drysdale meets reader’s child
Silverfox!Nick Fowler
BT Ransom takes his omegas shopping
Chubby!Bucky takes care of Becca while reader’s gone
Demon!Curtis Everett x human!Reader
Death!Bucky Barnes x life!Reader
Demon!Curtis confronts readers ex
Pipsqueak makes a good tray for Nick and the team
Fae!Jefferson and his reader go to a festival
Construction!alpha!Curtis Everett
Nick introduces pipsqueak to his teammates
Silverfox!Nick Fowler
Kitty!Reader is saved and housed by fae!Curtis, her defender when Jefferson comes to collect her
Ceo!Ari meets plus-sized!Reader at her bakery
Alpha!biker!Steve and alpha!biker!Ari meet pregnant!omega!Reader
Chris Evans (rpf) x pregnant!one night stand!Reader
Demon!Curtis teases reader
Here’s Your Perfect (drabble)
Ari is in a rut, Ice Princess has to help him out
Werewolf!Curtis Everett meets his luna!Reader at his work
Soft!dark!Steve Rogers and his wife
Soft!dark!mob!Steve Rogers and his wife
Jake Seresin gets protective
Silverfox!biker!Steve meets Ladybug
Silverfox!cowboy!Curtis meets his bride at the airport
Silverfox!cowboy!Curtis & reader sleep together for the first time
Bucky meets Steve’s assistant (HFY)
Cop!Andy Barber x arrested!Reader — how they meet
A/b/o angst
Silverfox!lawyer!Andy Barber
Silverfox!mob!Steve Rogers
Werepanther!Andy Barber gets set up with human!Reader
Merman!Curtis Everett x nurse!Reader
Silverfox!Steve Rogers x Ladybug
Werewolf!Curtis Everett x human!Reader
Fae!Ransom Drysdale x human!Reader
Silverfox!cowboy!Curtis gives reader a sad goodbye
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callsigndragon · 1 year
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Seeing Red | Ch. 52: Epilogue ✍️📲
Word count: 2.3K
Warnings: mentions of death (as a memory), nightmares, pregnancy innacuracy probably, soft fluff, Liam's bday party AND ASH'S SECREEEEEEET
A/N: THIS IS A WRAP! Oh my gosh, I still can't believe that this began less than a month ago and it's been a hell of a ride. I've laughed and cried with this fic, I've met beautiful people and I discovered a lot of me while writing it. This isn't the end! I will definitely come to them in the future, Jake and Red have a very special place in my heart and it's time to let them go for a while and focus on the new pair... Rooster and Ash! I hope that some of you stay around for Tasting the Ashes. There's gonna be some mystery and also... well, you'll see. It's gonna be funny and crazy and I love it already.
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It’s been months since that dreadful night, but it feels like yesterday. 
When you walked out of the house, dozens of police officers walked in, guns in hand, ready to get the two men who had kidnapped your kid. Nobody seemed to know yet that you and Gibbs had ended the job. 
Maverick and Rooster were there, playing with Liam, who had woken up at last. Paramedics checked on him, and even though he was fine, they wanted to take him to the hospital to run some tests. Just to make sure that he was completely okay. 
Maverick hugged you two tight, tears running down his face because his kids were okay. Yeah, Mav started to call you Red Mitchell that day. When you asked him what they were doing there, he simply said, “I couldn’t stay behind and do nothing. I came to help.”
It was like getting back the father you had lost so many years ago
Rooster had been taking care of Liam since he woke up and somehow managed to convince him that it had all been a nightmare. Both boys were playing with Liam’s Mater toy that Bradley had brought all the way with him. You almost cried when you heard Liam’s giggles. 
He was okay. Jake was okay. You were okay. 
And so was baby Seresin. She was perfectly fine and healthy. Yes, Jake was right. It was a baby girl, Jake’s little princess. Little Maeve had her father wrapped around her little finger before she was even born. He cried when you told him the name you wanted for her. 
Maeve was his mother’s name. You wanted to remember her in some way because, while she didn't always make the best decisions to protect her son, you could understand her desperation and how she believed that harming her child was the only way to spare him a life of suffering like hers. You had only been in Gregory’s presence for less than an hour, but it was enough to make you consider all the possible options and scenarios. A part of you could understand how scared Maeve must have been. 
While Liam was okay, and you were absolutely glad about it, Jake and you had to face another reality: the aftermath. You couldn’t sleep for weeks without waking up with fast breathing and sweat soaking up your clothes, running to Liam’s room, and checking that he was still there. Jake had it worse; he had to hold Liam’s lifeless body between his arms while your bloody one lay in front of him. He lost it all in his nightmares, just to wake up and realize that his family was there, that Liam was asleep in his room, that you were alive, and your baby bump was growing bigger each week. 
You eventually moved out of the house, filled with so many bad memories that neither of you was able to sleep without nightmares coming to haunt you at least once a week. 
Now both of you live in a beautiful house you bought outside the base with the money Jake inherited. Oh, yeah. A lawyer came to the base a month after the kidnapping, looking for Jake. He had inherited the company, the mansion, and a lot of money, most of it dirty. He didn’t know what to do with it. He asked for advice, but you didn’t think it was your place to say what he should do or not with that money. 
Jake eventually sold the mansion, donated half the money his father had owned in his life to different organizations that helped victims of terrorism or war, orphans, victims of domestic violence, etc. He wanted to give the money to people who really needed it. But he didn’t give it all, because, as much as he wanted to destroy the whole company and dance over its ashes, there were thousands of families that depended on it. Men and women who worked on making those weapons and whose money put food on the table. 
Jake Seresin was the owner of that company, but he didn’t run it. He left that burden to other people. It was better that way. 
He was a Lieutenant Commander now; he didn’t have time to run a company, be a father and the leader of the Dagger Squad. 
It turns out that Jake Seresin had been given a recommendation to get a promotion after the uranium mission, but Cyclone kept it hidden because he didn’t want Jake to become more insufferable than he already was. Or that’s what the ex-vice admiral stated in his court-martial. Jake had received several recommendations over those three years. The first was Maverick's, and that was the one that Cyclone first ignored. The second was by Captain Kerner, after the Dagger Squad worked on a mission under his command. Cyclone also hid that one. The third one was from you; a month after you came to base, watching the spectacular leadership skills he had, you thought that he deserved to be a rank higher than he was.
With all the things that happened, you completely forgot about the recommendation. But when Iceman started investigating Cyclone’s hidden agenda, he found out everything. Jake got promoted the day before Cyclone’s court-martial, so when you two walked in there the next day, Jake had his new shiny badges on, and Cyclone’s face was worth every waiting second. He didn’t actually do anything wrong, just hid information, was an asshole, and tried to get a good aviator kicked out just because he was jealous of him. 
He was dishonorably discharged, and you don’t have to care about him anymore. 
Dagger Squad is now led by two Seresins, even though one of them is gone due to maternity leave. 
“Sweets, are you okay?” 
Jake’s words pull you out of your daydream. “Oh yeah, I was just remembering everything.” 
He sits next to you on the sofa, his hand instantly moving to your belly. He finds it extremely fascinating how there’s a tiny little human inside you, growing every day. “It’s all in the past now, love. Now we have to think about the present.” 
“I still can't believe Liam is turning three today.” You chuckle when Jake presses his lips against your bump. “You love her more than me.” 
“Honey, you are my wife, and I’ll love you till the end of my days. But these kids are the love of my life.” 
You feel tears coming to your eyes at his answer. “You love them more than me?” 
Jake bites his bottom lip to stop himself from laughing, he knows that this reaction is due to the hormones. This second semester is making you cry a lot. You have been crying at the most random things: you cried when you ran out of peanut butter, when Ava started pre-k, when you and Jake went to the store to buy some new clothes for Liam and the t-shirt you wanted wasn’t in Liam’s size… 
He knows he shouldn’t laugh, but it’s hilarious. “Of course not, Mama Seresin, I love you more.”
“But a parent should love his kids more than anything.” You retort, hot, wet tears running down your face.
“I love your pregnancy hormones.” Jake giggles, kissing your pouty lips and cleaning your face. “We need to go, they’re all waiting at the Hard Deck.” 
Jake goes to get your shoes and helps you wear them. “Penny is so wonderful for closing the Hard Deck to celebrate Liam’s birthday party.” 
“Yeah, she’s the best memaw ever.” 
Charlotte walks in with Liam in his arms. “Someone said party?” 
"Look at her, she's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." Jake says, hugging Charlotte, who had been staying a few days with you. 
“I’m not beautiful anymore? Is it because I’m fat? It’s your fault there’s a baby inside me.” You say, crying again. 
Jake doubles in laughter. He loves your pregnancy hormones. 
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“Why would Ash call Rooster instead of me?” You ask Jake, reading the conversation over and over again. 
“I don’t know, love. Perhaps she realized she was in love with him." 
“Nah, Ash doesn’t fall in love that easily.” You explain, watching Javy and Nat walk towards you. “You two are so cute together.” 
“Please, don’t cry again.” Nat begs, caressing your baby bump. “Maeve you need to get out of there soon enough or your mama will fill a pool with her tears.” 
“She needs to stay there for another four months, thank you so much.” 
Rooster walks into the bar, gift in hand, his mustache days are over, and he's rocking a short boxed beard. “I made it! I’m not late! You can’t yell at me.”
“I mean, I could.” Mav says, smacking Rooster’s head. “Why are you late to Liam’s birthday party?” 
“You didn’t read the chat?” 
“No, I was playing with the birthday boy.” Mav looks at his phone and groans. “Son, maybe you should forget about her.” 
“Wait, what? Now that she's looking for me?" Rooster shakes his head. “No chance in hell.”
All of you sigh at the same time, knowing that he’s completely in love with the mysterious girl she has seen a few times. He doesn’t even know how she is in reality, but he’s in love with this idea of her he has. 
“Okay so… now that we’re all here, and before we call the kids inside to start Liam’s party. Penny, my dear, can you come here?” Mav asks, looking around while searching for his wife.
Penny, and Ames too, go to stand next to Mav with a white envelope in her hands. You smile, knowing the secrets that the envelope hides inside. 
“I got a present for you, Jake.” Penny hands the envelope to Jake, and smiles, eyes glistening. “Open it, sweetheart.” 
“It’s not my birthday.” Jake chuckles, opening the white paper envelope and grabbing the folded papers that are inside. He unfolds it and has to sit down when he reads the big black letters at the top of the page. “Adoption papers?” 
“Your life has been an absolute disaster, Jake, and you deserve better than that. You deserve a loving family and doting parents that care for you, celebrate your victories, and are always ready to offer a helping hand in case of need.” Penny explains, hugging Mav’s arm. “And we want to be those parents.” 
“You want to adopt me?” Jake manages to say, nose red, and tears welling up in his eyes. 
“It was my idea, actually.” Ames stands in front of Jake, with a pen in her hand. “You’re my brother, and I want everyone to know that. Want to join the Mitchells?” 
“What happened with Benjamin-Mitchell?” He asks, grabbing Amelia’s pen. 
“It was a mouthful. Now sing those papers, you dingus.” Ames is on the verge of sobbing. 
Jake signs the papers and looks at you. “You knew about this?” 
“Of course I knew. It was a secret.” You kiss his cheek. “Guess we’re the Mitchells now.” 
“A big and loud family.” Penny says, hugging you and Jake, Ames, and Mav joining her too. “Charlotte, can I ask your daughter to call me mom?” 
Charlotte laughs and nods. “She’s gonna need you once I go back home.” 
“She has a boyfriend now. She's gonna leave me and run away with him.” You wink at your mom, and she laughs. You’re happy that she has found another person who loves her as much as your dad did. She deserves it. 
“You have to call me dad now.” Mav says, wiping the tears from his face. 
“Can I call you dad too?” 
You look around, trying to find the owner of the voice. Who said that? You see Ash standing behind Mav. At first, you don’t understand what she’s doing here. 
Then you realize that she just asked Mav if she could call him dad. 
And after that, you see the big baby bump she has. 
“Ash, you're pregnant?” You question, looking at her. “Wait, you want to call Mav da- Oh.” 
“I think I’m lost here.” Penny says, looking at Mav. “You know her?” 
“I-I don’t think so.” Mav glances at Ash, tilting his head. “Do I know you?”
“You remember Barbara?” Ash says, ignoring Rooster, who has moved to stand next to her. He’s going to pass out in a moment. 
“Babs? Your mom is Babs?” Mav looks at Ice, who has been sitting in the back with Mickey and Payback. “Ice, you knew about this?” 
“How was I supposed to know?” He groans, looking at him. 
“Babs was your friend!” 
“That doesn’t mean that she told me every secret she had. And she certainly didn’t tell me about you having a daughter.” Ice places a hand on Ash’s shoulder. “Sweetie, you want to sit down?” 
“Don’t worry, I’m okay. Twins make the belly look bigger.” 
You get up from your stool, walking over to her with a finger raised. “Excuse me, young lady. You come here on the day of my son’s birthday, and not only have you finally found the man you were looking for all these months, but you also happen to be pregnant with twins, and you didn’t tell me?”
“You would have told Rooster!” 
“And what does Rooster have to do with this?” 
“He’s the father!” 
“He’s what!?” You say, looking at Rooster. “You said you used protection!” 
You point at Ash’s belly. “YOU SURE ABOUT THAT?” 
Rooster looks between you and Ash, closing his eyes and rubbing his temples. “This can’t be fucking happening.” 
Jake pats Rooster in the back. “Congrats, man. You’re finally having that baby you wanted.” 
Rooster's face goes blank before he passes out, Jake and Javy catching him before he falls to the floor. 
“Disasters follow this family wherever we go.” You say, sitting down next to Nat, watching as the guys move Rooster to one of the chairs. 
“Well, at least this is a happy disaster.” She says, before raising her beer. “Congratulations, Dada Bradshaw.” 
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sarahsmi13s · 1 month
|| week 11 poll! ||
alright now that we know we will be seeing Jake take up a role in Five Nights at Freddy's on Friday, it's time to choose next weeks board!
i gave you a wider spread this week 😉
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I’m sorry but I’m a whore for poly relationship with hangman, Bob, rooster and reader :) Could you do a civilian reader and maybe she gets into a car crash when their away, super angsty and fluffy. If not then reader gets really sick (flu) when their gone, again fluffy!
A/N: Please for the love of everything good, do NOT apologize for being like me! At least you guys are letting me write all the angst I want, I love hurt reader and the boys being broken over it. I'll do you two better though not only will  reader be Mavericks daughter so we get that angst! But I will also be making this a soulmate au! Why? Because I want them to be legally married in this and it is still frowned upon for poly couples. I'm living in my own little world and you can't stop me. Plus another request had come in that wanted a soulmate au and how else can I write a hurtful angst turned adorable fluff????? Also, the reader is a high school teacher. The other request was this one
Background: When soulmates meet their names get colored in, you don't receive those names until you turn 18 and the names appeared on your write wrist. Having multiple soulmates allows marriage with multiple people
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There was always a loneliness that you had felt when your husbands were away on missions. You barely got to see them and when you did most of the time it was over a quick face time call. This time they were gone for two months and would be gone for another two weeks before coming home to you.
Today you couldn't stand it anymore and were on your way to go see your dad at his hanger. You were a lot like him in this way, you couldn't fix this situation but you would fix whatever was wrong on his plane. Plus you always got to hear stories about the stupid stunts he did in the sky. You were both very close and while you knew he wasn’t perfect, he did the best he could for you, sometimes going  above and beyond what other fathers would.
You had a pile of snacks in the driver seat of your truck, you knew if you didn’t bring something to eat that you both would forget to eat as you both got too involved in the plane. Something kept telling you to not take your muscle car today. It drove your husbands insane that you drove it but you never drove recklessly since you met them, they meant too much to you. They also knew the car was special because you and Maverick would spend a lot of your teen years fixing it up. So you had listened to that gut feeling and just took your pick up truck.
Everything was going good until you were going through the green light. Suddenly, a guy was running through the red light and t-boned you. Everything had blacked out for your as your truck flipped. Then you were breaking in and out of consciousness as paramedics came, the only thing you could feel was the hot blood running down your face, you tried to keep it out of your eyes but you couldn’t stay awake anymore. The last thing you saw was their names on your right wrist ‘Bradley Bradshaw’ in a sunset orange, ‘Robert Floyd’ in a baby blue, and ‘Jake Seresin’ in a forest green.
Pete was rushing to the hospital after he heard, he went to the front desk "Excuse me, my daughter just came in from an accident, Y/N Mitchell?" he said, his voice panicked. The nurse was checking through the system and found your information. She brought him to the waiting area, "She is in surgery. The damages were extensive, they are working on her right now. Someone will be out with more information soon. Sir, we tried to reach her soulmates, is there any way you can contact them?" she asked. Pete nodded shakily, "Uh... yes. Sorry, they're currently off on work. They're naval aviators" he said, pulling out his phone. It wasn't for 20 hours that Pete was finally allowed to see you and not for 24 that the news finally got to Bradley, Robert, and Jake.
They were calling Pete frantically and Pete had to tell them. "She is currently not breathing on her own and is in a coma. She has a broken leg, broken ribs, and had internal bleeding. It is still a coin toss on if she'll make it. The doctors are saying that her vitals are getting stronger. She is covered in bruises and she had a really bad cut on her forehead... you guys don't want to see her right now, not over the phone" He said, trying to save them from seeing you. You looked like you were dead, it actually looked like you had barely any blood to your skin. Bradley shook his head, "Mav, we've got to see her. Please" he said. Pete reluctantly showed you to them and he could hear them trying to not cry. He was looking at you, trying to will you awake.
It wasn't for another three days until you woke up, you started choking and tried to get the tube out of your throat in a panic. The nurses quickly came in and because they couldn't get you to calm down, you were sedated. This all had happened while Pete had stepped out to get a coffee and made a few phone calls to get the guys to be back home sooner. When he came back an few hours later, he was shocked to find you just waking up and with no tube. He set the coffee down and rushed over to you, placing a hand on your face carefully "Oh my baby girl" he whispered, tears rolling down his face. You lifted a hand carefully and wiped the tears away. He could tell you had no energy to talk but the way your eyes moved around to find your husbands made his heart ache. "They're still on the mission sweetie. I pulled a couple strings, they should be getting back sooner now. I don't know when though" he explained. You could only nod, your eyes closing again in exhaustion.
A day later, you were talking with Pete in your room. You were still a little lost on what happened but appreciated the love everyone was giving you. There were flowers in your room and get well soon cards from everyone your dad and husbands worked with. You also had lots of cards and little trinkets from all your colleagues at the high school along with from your students. Your period 1 class made you a large, two foot high card that was totally not made while they were supposed to be reading The Great Gatsby. All the students and their parents were sending you love because you were one of those teachers that everyone loved. You gave respect and earned it, you took the time with the kids. You had become one of the teachers that if someone made you upset, the entire school made that child miserable without you knowing it until they apologized.
You were sitting up and had a lot more color back to your face, no longer looking dead. You tried to call your husbands a few times but got voicemails each times. Everybody came to visit when they could, the ones you appreciated the most though were your dad, Penny, and Amelia. You had been sitting there, helping Amelia with her English assignment, just needing to do something when a few nurses came by, "Y/n Mitchell? There are some people here to see you" one said. Your husbands then came in, wearing their uniform and you teared up.
Your eyes teared up and they rushed to set their bags down, coming over to you, each kissing you deeply. “We leave you alone for two months“ Jake laughed, brushing the hair out of your face. You grinned, “I’m okay, really” you said and Bradley raised a brow, looking you over, you rolled your eyes playfully “The doctor said all the bleeding was mainly internal! It’s where the blood is supposed to be” you said cheekily. Robert groaned, you hadn’t noticed the others slip out of the room, “You are so lucky that you’re cute baby” he said, shaking his head.
Two weeks later, you were released from the hospital and struggling to get around. You weren’t used to the giant cast on your leg. Right on the foot in big letters was ‘BRADLEY’ ‘JAKE’ and ‘ROBERT’. How they managed to fit all their names was beyond you. You were moving around the house and all of them had started to fuss over you, none of them were letting you out of their sight for long. You appreciated it though because you were struggling to do anything and had a lot of work to catch up on.
Most of your time was spent watching movies and snuggling together on the couch, you were never happier then when you were spending the time with them.
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aaronsmith94 · 2 years
@h4ngm4n I saw that post and ran with it. Have some AU Hangster.
“You can let go now; I’m fine I know you have other patients,” 
The sentence from Bradley Bradshaw makes Jake sigh as he focuses on the computer in front of him, the thought of lashing out is present, but Jake remembers he is trying to be the bigger person. 
“Bradley, I had to intubate you in the field,” Jake says without looking away from the computer he is charting on, 
“You were unconscious and not breathing; let me state that for you again, Dr. Bradshaw. You were not breathing!” 
“Here, I think it was going to be a normal day, a simple ride-along with the paramedics for my MICN certification renewal. Instead, I arrive on the scene to find you laying out in the middle of the road because some dumb ass drunk thought it was a good idea to get behind the wheel and drive.” Jake spoke through gritted teeth, his eyes burning with unshed tears. 
“You were hit by a moving vehicle Bradley,” 
“And a kid died because of me. Because I couldn’t reach him in time,”
“Damn it, Bradshaw!” Jake shouted, looking at him finally, the bruising on Bradley’s face making Jake want to reach out and touch him. 
“When are you going to get through your head that you are important? This ER doesn’t run without you; I had to walk through those doors today squeezing an ambu bag as everyone looked on in fear.” Jake spoke, his face masked behind his professional nursing demeanor. 
“You have got to stop with the self-sacrifice bullshit; you are the best attending physician this ER has; you treat patients like they are human. I’ve been able to keep nurses because you refuse to let bastard physicians practice here.” 
The sentence hangs in the air, Jake silent as he checks Bradley’s IV again, making notes of how much saline is still in the bag. And try as he might, Jake can not keep quiet, 
“I’ve already lost you once this year,” Jake spoke softly “I’m not risking it again.” 
Bradley reaches his hand out for Jake’s and holds it; Jake hears the minuscule sound of the IV pump running; he looks at the monitor watching Bradley’s heart rate rise ever so slightly. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“I know you are,” Jake sighs. 
“You have stood by my side through everything,” Bradley whispers “Jake, if it weren’t for you, I would have let a man die. I let that bastard take a year of my life. I was so angry.” 
“Bradley, not many people are faced to treat the man who killed their father in cold blood.” 
“It doesn’t matter, and I took an oath. My dad took an oath, and he would have been ashamed of me.”  
“Bradshaw, I doubt that. We are faced with moral dilemmas every day; it’s a part of our job.” 
“You gonna be a good nurse and give me a sponge bath?” Bradley asks, waggling his eyebrows and changing the subject. 
“Bradshaw, don’t make me sedate you. I know Ice will give me an order for Ativan, and it will be the full 2 mgs.” 
“I’m offended, Seresin, I always give you the best orders for medication. Name the last time I’ve only given an order for .25 mgs?” 
“Keep it up, and I’ll tell the interns you need a catheter.”  
“You wound me, I’m down for the count, and you still wound me.” 
“Yet somehow, I am willing to go out on my only 15-minute break and get you actual food instead of cafeteria food,” Jake says, preparing to step away. He pretends he doesn’t feel Bradley squeeze his hand. 
“A double cheeseburger extra pickles-“ 
“And an order of onion rings and a chocolate shake.” Jake finishes knowing the go-to order from the diner located right across from the ER. “I swear, Bradshaw, you eat worse than your own patients and have the nerve to talk about diabetes and high blood pressure.” 
“Yet you love me.” 
“That I do, Bradshaw, that I do.” 
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indynerdgirl · 1 year
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I posted 8,185 times in 2022
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#top gun - 302 posts
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#tgm fanfiction - 95 posts
#jake seresin - 82 posts
#bradley bradshaw - 73 posts
#catholic - 66 posts
#tumblr - 64 posts
#bradley rooster bradshaw - 50 posts
#glen powell - 49 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i'm thankful to be working at a company that realizes that having one person do the work of 2 or 3 people isn't going to work in the long ru
My Top Posts in 2022:
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We lost a giant today.  Alice Von Hildebrand, who has been described as "one of the greatest women Catholic intellectuals we have today", passed away early this morning on January 14th, 2022, at 98 years old. Eternal rest be granted unto her and may perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. “The devil is clever and we are stupid. He knows full well that if he can destroy femininity, he can destroy the Church, marriage and the family.” --Alice Von Hildebrand
173 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
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Flight 77
Flight 175
Flight 11
Flight 93
The Pentagon
The Twin Towers
24 Police Officers
37 Port Authority Officers
43 EMT's and Paramedics
343 Fire Fighters
3,019 Civilians
Never Forget
195 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
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She hasn't heard from you in decades.
215 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
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Shout out to all of my fandom mutuals!
283 notes - Posted December 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Prayers desperately needed for a young woman from my parish (who I've known since she was a kid & used to babysit) who gave birth to her first baby today, a little girl named Isla. The baby experienced severe birth trauma and is critically ill and it sounds like a desperate situation. Mom's name is Jillian. ❤️
293 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
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