#peridots are the gem quality variety of the mineral olivine
tiredwitchplant · 7 months
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Peridot
Peridot (The Tears of Pele)
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*Yes Peridot from Steven Universe is here. She demanded to be added okay!?
Color:  Olive Green to Yellow-Green
Rarity: Easy to Obtain, Harder to higher quality
Hardiness:  6.5 – 7
Type: Orthorhombic (Gem form of Olivine)
Chakra Association: Heart and Solar Plexus
Angels: Achaiah or Raphael
Deities: Pele and Isis
Birthstone: August
Astrological Signs: Leo, Libra, Gemini, and Capricorn
Element: Earth
Planet: Venus and the Sun
Origin: Brazil, Hawaii, Myanmar, Egypt, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, USA
Powers: Purification, Cleansing, Wealth, Happiness, Prosperity, Protection
Crystals It Works Well With: Rutilated Quartz, Rose Quartz, Sunstone, Carnelian, Tourmaline, and Citrine
How It is Created: Peridot is the gemstone variety of olivine, a mineral made up of magnesium, iron and silicate compound. The higher proportions of magnesium and iron are used to identifying the key features in the gem, while the chromium and nickel impurities contribute to its beautiful green color. Some specimens of peridot can even appear in meteorites called pallisites and found during volcanic activity on the island of Oahu in Hawaii.
History: The Egyptians mined peridot on the island of Zebirget, which is located in the Red Sea. Egyptians used the gem for over 4,000 years and was even said to be Cleopatra’s favorite. It is regarded as a sacred stone during Medieval times and was even used in the design of the Shrine of the Three Kings in Germany. Peridot crystals found in the black volcanic sands of Hawaii are said to be the tears of the Goddess, Pele. Now most of the world’s peridot comes from Arizona or Pakistan.
What It Can Do:
Keep away evil spirits and great for protecting aura
Releases and neutralizes toxins on all levels
Purifies the subtle and physical body and mind
Opens, cleanses, and activates the heart and solar plexus chakra to release “old baggage”
Clears the feelings of burden, guilt, and obsession
Guides you to better influences
Alleviates jealousy, resentment, spite, anger and stress.
Enhances confidence and assertion without aggression
Sharpens the minds and opens it to new levels of awareness
Banishes lethargy, bringing to your attention all things you have neglected
Is said to heal and regenerate tissues and strengthen the metabolism
How to Get the Best Out Of: Peridot works best near the throat area and heart area of your body so a peridot pendant or necklace would be best.
How to Cleanse and Charge: Cleanse using smoke or running it over water. Charge it by placing it under a windowsill during a full moon.
Social Media Talisman
Peridot ring, worn on the hand you scroll with
Moon water
1 small piece fresh or dried valerian root
1 fresh lemon slice
Cleanse and empower your ring with the ability to dispel feelings of envy and inadequacy.
Gather your materials in a sunny area during a waning moon.
Fill the chalice with moon water.
Take the valerian root in your hand and hold it in the direct sunlight.
Say, “Valerian root that calm sting, add self-assurance to my ring.” Visualize it absorbing the sun and pulsing with a gentle, light. Place it in the chalice.
Hold the lemon slice up to the sun, feeling the illumination and bright energy coming from it.
Say, “Bright yellow lemon with a bite, filter that which befalls my sight.”
Squeeze the lemon slice so the juice goes into the chalice.
Now the chalice holds a soothing brew imbued with calm from the valerian, confidence from sunlight, and optimistic realism from the lemon.
Put the peridot ring in the chalice and let it sit in the sun for about an hour.
Retrieve your peridot ring from the chalice and wear it. Pour the water into the earth.
The ring help ground you in reality while filtering your impressions of what you consume on social me protecting your self-confidence and dispelling any feelings of jealousy or inadequacy.
Perform this spell in direct sunlight, if possible, to illuminate the truth and soothe uncertainty. If you don’t have a chalice, use a bowl, or any kind of cup. Moon water is water that has been left outdoors under the full moon to absorb its power.
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gemsbuild · 1 month
Unveiling August's Gem Trio: Peridot, Spinel, And Sardonyx
By Gems Build
Intriguing and mysterious, the birthstones for the month of August are a captivating trio: peridot, spinel, and sardonyx. Each gemstone possesses its own unique set of characteristics and benefits, making them exceptional choices for those born in this summer month. 
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The Significance and Symbolism of Peridot 
Peridot, also known as the "gem of the sun," is a stunning green stone that has long been revered for its healing properties. It is believed to bring abundance, joy, and renewed energy to its wearer. The vibrant green color of peridot symbolizes growth, prosperity, and the beauty of nature. It is often associated with August due to its lush and vibrant appearance, which mirrors the abundance of summer season. 
Peridot is also believed to have protective qualities, shielding the wearer from negative energy and promoting a sense of well-being. In ancient times, it was thought to ward off evil spirits and nightmares. Today, peridot is still considered a stone of protection, helping to create a shield of positivity around its wearer.
Characteristics and Properties of Peridot 
Peridot is a gemstone from the mineral olivine family and is known for its vibrant green color. It is one of the few gemstones that occur in only one color, although the shade may vary from light yellow green to a deep olive green. The amount of iron in the stone affects the vibrancy of the green color. 
In terms of hardness, peridot ranks at around 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale, making it relatively durable for everyday wear. Its luster is vitreous, giving it a bright and glossy appearance when cut and polished. 
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Benefits and Healing Properties of Peridot 
Peridot is believed to have numerous benefits and healing properties. It is said to aid in reducing stress, promoting relaxation, and relieving anxiety. The stone is also thought to enhance confidence, motivation, and assertiveness, making it an excellent choice for those seeking personal growth and empowerment.
In addition to its emotional and spiritual benefits, Peridot has physical healing properties. It is believed to support the immune system, improve digestion, and detoxify the body. Moreover, peridot is linked to the heart chakra, where it supports emotional recovery as well as forgiveness and compassion. 
The History and Origin of Peridot 
Peridot has a rich history dating back thousands of years. The gemstone was highly valued by ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. In ancient Egypt, peridot was known as the "gem of the sun" and was believed to have fallen from the sky in meteorites. It was often used to adorn the jewelry of pharaohs and was also considered a protective talisman. 
Peridot has been mined for over 3,500 years on the island of Zabargad in the Red Sea. The Egyptians were the first to discover and mine this precious gemstone, and it remains one of the most significant sources of peridot to this day. Other notable locations for peridot mining include Myanmar, Pakistan, and the United States. 
The Significance and Symbolism of Spinel 
Spinel is a gemstone of vitality and inspiration. It is known for its vibrant hues, which range from intense reds to mesmerizing blues. The red variety of spinel has often been mistaken for rubies throughout history, leading to its nickname "the great imposter." However, spinel possesses its own unique beauty and characteristics that set it apart from other gemstones. 
The captivating colors of the spinel symbolize passion, energy, and creativity. It is believed to stimulate the mind and encourage new ideas and perspectives. Spinel is often associated with strength and resilience, making it a popular choice for those seeking motivation and endurance in their lives. 
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Characteristics and Properties of Spinel 
Spinel is a mineral of various colors, including red, pink, blue, purple, and black. The most desirable color for spinel is a vibrant red, often referred to as "ruby spinel." However, spinel can also be found in shades of pink, blue, and purple, each with its own unique allure. 
In terms of hardness, spinel ranks at 8 on the Mohs scale, making it a durable gemstone suitable for everyday wear. It has a vitreous to Sub adamantine luster, giving it a brilliant shine when cut and polished. 
Benefits and Healing Properties of Spinel 
Spinel is believed to have a range of benefits and healing properties. It is said to enhance vitality, boost energy levels, and promote a sense of well-being. The stone is also thought to stimulate creativity and inspire new ideas, making it a popular choice for artists, writers, and creative individuals. 
In addition to its mental and emotional benefits, spinel is believed to have physical healing properties. It is said to aid in the treatment of various ailments, including digestive disorders, skin problems, and blood-related issues. Spinel is also associated with the root chakra, grounding and stabilizing the body and mind. 
The History and Origin of Spinel
Spinel has a fascinating history and has been treasured for centuries. It was often mistaken for other gemstones, such as rubies and sapphires, due to its similar appearance. In fact, many famous gemstones throughout history, including the "Black Prince's Ruby" in the British Crown Jewels, were later discovered to be spinels. 
Spinel has been mined in various locations around the world, including Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, and Vietnam. It was highly valued in ancient times and was often used to adorn crowns, jewelry, and ceremonial objects. Today, spinel continues to be a sought-after gemstone for its beauty, durability, and symbolic significance. 
The Significance and Symbolism of Sardonyx 
Sardonyx is a unique gemstone with distinctive bands of brown, red, and white. It is known for its strength and protective qualities, symbolizing courage and stability. Sardonyx has been cherished for centuries for its ability to bring balance and grounding to its wearer. 
The bands of color in sardonyx represent different aspects of life and energy. The red bands symbolize passion and vitality, while the white bands represent purity and clarity. The combination of these colors creates a harmonious stone that encourages strength, courage, and resilience. 
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Characteristics and Properties of Sardonyx 
Sardonyx is a variety of onyx, a type of chalcedony quartz. It is characterized by its distinctive bands of color, which can range from brown and red to white. The stone has a smooth and glossy texture, giving it an elegant and refined appearance. 
In terms of hardness, sardonyx ranks at 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale, making it relatively durable for jewelry purposes. It has a vitreous to waxy luster, depending on the quality and cut of the stone. 
Benefits and Healing Properties of Sardonyx 
Sardonyx is believed to have numerous benefits and healing properties. It is said to promote courage, confidence, and self-control, helping the wearer overcome challenges and obstacles in life. The stone is also thought to enhance focus and concentration, making it an excellent choice for students and professionals. 
Sardonyx is believed to provide healing qualities for the body in addition to the mind and emotions. It is said to support bone health, strengthen the immune system, and improve overall vitality. Sardonyx is also associated with the root and sacral chakras, promoting stability, grounding, and balance. 
The History and Origin of Sardonyx 
Sardonyx has a rich history that originates back to Egypt. It was highly valued by the Greeks and Romans, who believed it had protective qualities and bestowed courage upon its wearer. Sardonyx was often used to carve cameos and intaglios, creating intricate designs and symbolic imagery. 
The gemstone has been mined in various locations around the world, including India, Brazil, Germany, and the United States. Sardonyx continues to be a popular gemstone for its unique beauty and symbolic significance, making it a cherished choice for those born in August. 
Peridot, spinel, and sardonyx are truly captivating birthstones that hold a significant place in the world of gemstones. Each stone has its own unique set of characteristics, benefits, and symbolism, making them exceptional choices for those born in August. Whether you choose to wear one birthstone or incorporate all three into your jewelry collection, these gems offer a beautiful way to celebrate August birthdays with their stunning beauty and meaningful symbolism. 
Intriguing and mysterious, the birthstones for the month of August are a captivating trio: peridot, spinel, and sardonyx. Each gemstone possesses its own unique set of characteristics and benefits, making them exceptional choices for those born in this summer month. 
Peridot, known as the "gem of the sun," is a stunning green stone that has long been revered for its healing properties. It is believed to bring abundance, joy, and renewed energy to its wearer. Spinel, on the other hand, is a gemstone of vitality and inspiration. Its vibrant hues range from intense reds to mesmerizing blues, creating a truly mesmerizing allure. 
Lastly, sardonyx, with its distinctive bands of brown, red, and white, symbolizes strength and protection. This stone has been cherished for centuries for its ability to bring stability and courage to its wearer. 
Each of these birthstones has a rich history and origin, and their significance varies across cultures and time periods. Whether you choose to wear one birthstone or incorporate all three into your jewelry collection, these gems offer a beautiful way to celebrate August birthdays with their stunning beauty and meaningful symbolism. 
Immerse yourself in the enchanting realm of birthstones! Delve into the fiery intensity of garnet, the tranquil peace of amethyst, and the hopeful radiance of aquamarine. Discover resilience through diamond, affection through emerald, and enchantment through alexandrite. Spark passion with ruby, seek serenity with peridot, and uncover wisdom with sapphire. Embrace the lively spirit of tourmaline, the comforting warmth of topaz, and entrust your path to either tanzanite or turquoise.
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finessefinejewelry · 9 months
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Peridot is the rare gem-quality variety of the common mineral olivine, which forms deep inside the Earth’s mantle and is brought to the surface by volcanoes. In Hawaii, peridot once symbolized the tears of Pele, the volcano goddess of fire who controls the flow of lava. Rarely, peridot is also found inside meteorites. #Finesse #jewelry #peridot #birthstone #august
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trendingfashionupdate · 10 months
Everything You Need to Know About Silver Gemstone Jewelry
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When set in silver, the distinctive and uncommon beauty of the gemstone is emphasised. The beauty of Silver Gemstone Jewelry is undeniable. When combined with a gemstone that has several advantages, the calming and soothing silver offers many advantages. The Silver Gemstone Jewelry has a long history and appears elegant and sophisticated. Each gemstone has special qualities and mystical powers that are enhanced when combined with the tranquil energies of silver.
Each vivid gemstone has a unique meaning and symbolism. Silver is a metal that represents accomplishment and wealth. The gleaming silver stands for grace and refinement. It is impossible to deny the charm of silver when it is combined with brilliant gemstones. You may heal yourself physically, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually using Silver Gemstone Jewelry.
History of Silver and Gemstones
Both the silver metal and the magnificent gemstones have a rich history. They have been cherished and loved even by your ancestors. The usage of silver dates back in time, even the people of ancient civilizations have utilised silver for its numerous benefits. Different civilizations are known to have used silver, and each of them had its unique ideas about the metal. Silver, in the eyes of the ancient Aztecs, was a creation of the gods.
Ancient Sumerians from Mesopotamia, which is today known as southern Iraq, used silver. The magnificent, gleaming silver was highly prized and regarded as precious by the ancient Egyptians. On the other hand, gemstones have become incredibly popular and valuable over time in many different places of the world. Each person is drawn in by the stunning silver when it is combined with a gemstone. Silver Gemstone Jewelry has been worn for centuries due to its many perks, including its astrological benefits.
The Trending Silver Gemstone Jewelry
Moonstone Jewelry Jewelry made of moonstone has a beautiful iridescence that draws in a wide audience. The gemstone is stunning and has profound implications. The shimmering Gemstone has a magical meaning and several other qualities that would enthral everyone. Moonstone and silver combine to create stunning Silver Gemstone Jewelry. Moonstone is reputed to resemble the enchantment of the moon. Moonstone carries the divine feminine energies.
Moonstone Jewelry would give you strength and power. Passion and love are said to be brought to you by moonstone. Moonstone would protect you from harmful forces and ensure your security. Your heart chakra, third eye chakra, and crown chakra would all be activated and balanced if you wore Moonstone Jewelry. According to astrology, silver is a great complement to the stunning Moonstone.
Peridot Jewelry Peridot, a stunning olive-green gemstone from the olivine mineral family, is a valuable stone. Another name for peridot is the olivine stone. The oldest gemstone is said to be peridot. Peridot is one of a kind and is found in only one shade which is green. Though the intensity of the hue could vary from stone to stone. The birthstone for the month of August is this stunning green gemstone, which captures nature's green splendour. Wearing Peridot Jewelry offers significant benefits to anyone born in the month of August.
Your general well-being would be assured and you would gain from the peridot in many ways. When paired with silver this exquisite Silver Gemstone Jewelry would work as a potent tool in healing you. Peridot is such a stone that would save you from any evil eye or negative energy. Wearing Peridot Jewelry will increase your vitality and heal any lung, spleen, or breast diseases you may have. You would receive warmth and nobility from peridot. Wearing Peridot Ring would help those who experience feelings of rage, fear, or worry.
Larimar Jewelry Larimar is a stunning gem from the Dominican Republic that comes in a variety of alluring blue tones. Larimar's colours can range from pale blue to blue with a green tint, and they can also be found in deep shades of blue. Larimar possesses calming energies that are similar to those of water and high waves. Wearing this attractive blue gemstone is highly advised for those who were born under the sign of Leo. Larimar Jewelry would aid in overcoming anxious thought patterns.
Larimar has your back if you don't have the confidence or the capacity to communicate effectively. Wearing Larimar Ring will increase your self-assurance and help you develop your communication skills. Wearing this stunning blue Larimar Jewelry would energise and balance the highest chakras, including the crown, third eye, and throat chakra. Larimar is claimed to clear any chakra obstructions. Larimar would aid you in achieving emotional equilibrium and locating your authentic voice when combined with silver.
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What Are The Different Shapes Of Pearls?
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Introduction What is Peridot? Peridot is a gemstone that has been prized for thousands of years. It's a variety of the mineral olivine, which is also known as "chrysolite." Peridot's green color comes from iron content in its chemical composition and its name means "yellow-green" in Arabic. Peridots are typically found in volcanic rock deposits throughout the world, but they're especially abundant in Arizona and Egypt--and those two locations account for most of what we find today! The largest peridot ever found was about 2 pounds (1 kilogram), but most specimens weigh between 1/2 ounce (14 grams) and 1 ounce (28 grams). Peridots have been used since ancient times for jewelry making because they're beautiful gems with an interesting history behind them; however, their value depends on several factors including size and clarity as well as where they were mined from originally What is Emerald? Emerald is a green variety of the mineral beryl. It's also known as "beryl". Emeralds are often confused with peridot because they're both green and have similar chemical compositions. However, emeralds are much more rare than peridots, which makes them more valuable. In fact, most emeralds are mined in Brazil or Colombia--and even then they're difficult to find! Comparing Peridot and Emerald Peridot and emerald are both beautiful gemstones that can be used in jewelry. They both have their own unique qualities, but it's important to know the differences between them before you make your purchase. Here are some key points to consider: Value: Peridot is less expensive than emeralds because it's more abundant and easier to find. However, if you want a large piece of either stone or one that has exceptional clarity and color (which will increase its value), then it may cost more than an equivalent-sized emerald or peridot. Rarity: Emeralds are rarer than peridots on average because they're harder to find underground; however, this doesn't mean there aren't any deposits of these gems available today! You just need someone who knows where those deposits might be located so they can help guide you through the process of finding them yourself. Quality: The quality of any given piece depends on several factors including cut shape/size as well as clarity grade. Instagram Gallery 4415 406 6472 66 4234 203 6138 918 9308 709 1799 179 4907 181 6304 199 3691 891 8835 38 7605 289 6754 881 2351 140 6065 999 1789 299 8435 636 7510 968 4754 896 Recent Posts - What to know before wearing a Garnet stone? - What is Blue Sapphire? Why Blue sapphire is the most Powerful Gemstone? - Can I wear Emerald stone (Panna) without consultation? - Unheated Ruby vs. Heated Ruby Peridot For you - 3.70 Carat Oval shape Natural Peridot Govt. Approved Lab GII India Certified ₹14,000.00 ₹7,400.00 - 4.40 Carat Oval shape Natural Peridot Govt. Approved Lab GII India Certified ₹12,000.00 ₹6,600.00 - 3.80 Carat Oval shape Natural Peridot Govt. Approved Lab GII India Certified ₹10,000.00 ₹5,700.00 Contact Us FIND YOUR BEST STONE FROM BELOW COLLECTION Blue Sapphire Yellow Sapphire Emerald Ruby Opal Amethyst Catseye Blue Topaz Yellow Topaz Feroza Garnet Malachite Pearl Red Coral Akik White Coral Peridot Citrine Aquamarine Round CVD Cushion CVD Oval CVD Princess CVD Heart CVD Emerald CVD Radiant CVD Asscher CVD Baguette CVD Pear CVD Marquise CVD Round HPHT Cushion HPHT Oval HPHT Princess HPHT Heart HPHT Emerald HPHT Radiant HPHT Asscher HPHT Baguette HPHT Pear HPHT Marquise HPHT 1 Mukhi 2 Mukhi 3 Mukhi 4 Mukhi 5 Mukhi 6 Mukhi 7 Mukhi 8 Mukhi 9 Mukhi 10 Mukhi 11 Mukhi 12 Mukhi 13 Mukhi 14 Mukhi 15 Mukhi 16 Mukhi 17 Mukhi 18 Mukhi 19 Mukhi 20 Mukhi 21 Mukhi Gauri Shankar Garbh Gauri Shankar Savaar Sidhha Mala Jaap Mala Indra Mala Ganesha Ganesha Read the full article
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timehuntress · 6 years
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UFO (unsuspecting flying olivine)
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Assign me and/or shauntal a gemstone 👀
YOU are epic peridot… peridot is the name given to gem quality, transparent olivine (opaque olivine often has the same slicing/shine effect that star corundum does, giving it the moniker of “cat’s eye” olivine), and is also sometimes called chrysolite (not to be confused with chrysotile, which is a type of fibrous mineral used to produce asbestos). the green color is dependent on iron inclusions within the gem, and the lime-green variety is most sought, but peridot can come in all shades of green from a pale mint to a deep emeraldish green. peridot occurs in basalt, and one of only two gems formed not in the earth’s crust, but in molten upper mantle. because of this it has an incredibly high melting point, and oxidation does not occur at natural surface temperature and pressure. it’s the birthstone of august and has historically been prized for its alleged ability to drive away nightmares!
shauntal is tanzanite! tanzanite is the blue/purple variety of zoisite, the color being caused by inclusions of the element vanadium, and it belongs to the epidote group. it’s named for the only place it’s found, tanzania. it’s strongly trichroic, meaning it can appear up to three different colors depending on the light and orientation of the crystals—most often blue, violet, and sometimes burgundy. tanzanite is brownish to clear when rough, and requires heat treatment and irradiation to bring out the blue-violet of the stone, since vanadium is a metal that reacts to heat. tanzanite has never been successfully synthesized in a laboratory due to the intense heat and pressure we assume was involved in its creation almost 600 million years ago, so it’s very rare due to the fact that all of it on earth is genuine, but several other stones (like cubic zirconia, synthetic spinel, and even colored glass) have been used to imitate it. it’s said that tanzanite is supposed to bring repressed feelings to the surface, and is associated with creativity and recovery!
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maturebabywitch · 4 years
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Peridot (/ˈpɛrɪdɒt/ or /ˈpɛrɪdoʊ/) (sometimes called chrysolite) is gem-quality olivine and a silicate mineral with the formula of (Mg, Fe)2SiO4. As peridot is a magnesium-rich variety of olivine (forsterite), the formula approaches Mg2SiO4.
Crystal system: Orthorhombic -geometric arrangement having three unequal axes at right angles.
Mohs scale hardness: 6.5–7
Color: Yellow, to yellow-green, olive-green, to brownish, sometimes a lime-green, to emerald-ish hue
The Healing Qualities of Chrysolite Stone: The Chrysolite stone is used for general healing purposes on a daily basis. It is known to increase strength and vitality and will protect you against anxiety and feelings of hurt.
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nidhijewels · 4 years
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Peridot Gemstone Beads Necklace , Natural Gemstone Beads Necklace , Semi Precious Faceted Beads Necklace Peridot is gem-quality olivine and a silicate mineral with the formula of (Mg, Fe)₂SiO₄. As peridot is a magnesium-rich variety of olivine, the formula approaches Mg₂SiO₄. Its green color is dependent on the iron contents within the structure of the gem. 
Peridot is a crystal of positive power, a talisman for recognizing and honoring the Creator's frequency of Love, the source of all abundance. Used with right intent, it helps expand one's ability to receive from the Universe on all levels of life.
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viddiegems · 3 years
Peridot, sometimes called chrysolite, is gem-quality olivine and a silicate mineral with the formula of (Mg, Fe)₂SiO₄. As peridot is a magnesium-rich variety of olivine, the formula approaches Mg₂SiO₄. Its green color is dependent on the iron contents within the structure of the gem. . Associated Month: 🇦 🇺 🇬 🇺 🇸 🇹 Weight: 8.25 Carat Dimensions: 11.30*11.30*8.60mm . Dm for Price https://www.instagram.com/p/CSKqlopgdQ2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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scrabdoodle · 7 years
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So I have this theory
So you all know the whole “What determines a gem’s caste rank” debacle. Well, I may have an answer that makes sense. Som let’s start off with the word Gemmy. I will be using this word a lot throughout my explanation.
So, Gemmy means: how often a gemstone is desirable, along with how many desirable traits the gemstone has.
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Let's start with the Diamonds. Diamonds are INCREDIBLY gemmy. Some of the most often used gemstones in jewelery making. It makes sense for them to be so high ranking. They are incredibly precious. Let me also say that their rarity and hardness on the mohs scale has nothing to do with my explanation. Rarity may affect the quality of the gem in real life, however.
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Aquamarine, a higher ranking gem, is more often not treated because beryls are often gemmy by nature. Emeralds are most often only oiled to enhance their strength. But, this does not mean other beryls are never treated for color or stability. This would explain why Emeralds, Morganites, and Aquamarines are so high up in the caste system (assuming morganites are high ranking, as the one mentioned in the show did own a pearl), due to how often they are not majorly treated by heating, one of the more “drastic” treatments.
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Topazes are not always gemmy, even when faceted correctly. Some colorless ones are often heat treated to get a desirable color, such as blue. Also, raw topazes rarely feature undesirable inclusions of air or other minerals, causing their value and gemminess to decrease. But due to their color, variety, and lack of undesirable impurities/inclusions, they are commonly used as gemstones, and Topazes on Homeworld are high ranking, but not as much as Aquamarines.
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Sapphires can come in almost every color, with the exception being red. Due to this, sapphires are often able to be more gemmy than rubies due to the amount of sapphires there are. Rubies are incredibly rare due to only coming in one color. This leaves much less room for error than sapphires, affecting their quality.
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Peridots are not often very gemmy, as olivine is not a very desirable gem altogether. Peridot is the rarer, gemmy version of Olivine. It, like rubies, has less room to be gemmy than other minerals, due to only being a variety of its base mineral, (olivine and corundum respectively.)
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Quartzes are incredibly common, but due to their wide range and commonality, they are often very rough and not usable for gemstones. Most include internal cracks, undesirable inclusions, and so on. Althought they are commonly faceted, they commonly have inclusions of things such as rutile or air, lowering their quality. Their commonality is also an obvious indicator as of why Quartzes are so expendable.
Agates, a form of Chalcedony (the micro-crystalline form of quartz) on the other hand, do not often have inclusions and commonly form cleanly without any noticeable cracks or inclusions. Holly Blue, a soft blue Agate, is no exception. In real life, it is actually a decently desirable form of Quartz, possibly making Homeworld Agates higher ranking than other Quartzes.
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Lapis Lazulis are considered to be moderately gemmy. They are more often considered to be ornamental like Jade due to their softness and ability to be carved. They most often have inclusions of pyrite, which lowers their value. But due to their vibrant blue color, this outweighs the undesirability of pyrite inclusions. Lapis Lazulis are terraformers, and are most likely only high ranking because of their vibrant blue color.
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Pearls, Bismuths, and Rutiles are not considered very gemmy, if at all. Pearls, in real life, often come out misshapen and deformed. It’s rare to find pearls fine enough to use in rings or necklaces. Only the desirably ones are used, in real life, and on Homeworld
I’m going to couple Rutile and Bismuth together because of one reason: They are NEVER used as actual gemstones. Rutiles are thin, brittle, and are practically never cut into gemstones (at least I’ve never seen one). Bismuth is a metal. A metal that melts at very low temperatures. A little over 500 degrees °F. It is also very soft and can’t even be used as plating for rings or other jewelry. It’s a surprise gold can even be used on jewelry, seeing as how soft it is, too. It makes a bunch of sense why Rutiles and Bismuths don’t have extremely high ranks. So, I hoped you enjoyed my theory and take all of this with a grain of salt, as I do not claim that any of this is 100% true. :)
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australianopal-us · 3 years
Gold Earrings Buyers Guide
Whether you are buying gold earrings as a gift or for yourself it is important to know the true value of the jewellery you are buying. The first thing to mention is the carat purity of the gold. This is the purity index used to evaluate the amount of gold in any piece of gold jewellery. At the very bottom of the scale is 1ct. This means that for every milligram of gold, other metals make up 23 milligrams. Normally jewellery begins at 9ct purity. Gold plated jewellery can have a carat value for the plating and different metals making up the bulk of the object. Any solid gold jewellery needs a hallmark to be sold in the United Kingdom but the hallmark alone does not guarantee the jewellery is gold. Silver and platinum jewellery also needs a hallmark to be sold in the United Kingdom. A three digit number should be engraved into the metal which indicates its purity. These numbers range from 375, which is 9ct and 999 which is 24ct.
Gold Opal Stud Earring Designs
Firstly, the classic hoop gold earrings are often too large to be made solid so they are hollowed out for comfort but the metal they are made from can still have high carat purity and this determines the price. Next is the classic tear drop shape gold earring. As opposed to hoop earrings these are normally smaller and can be made from solid gold. When the main section of the earring is attached directly to the bar which holds them in place, this is known as a stud earring. This design is also small enough to be made from solid gold and may be embellished with one or more precious stones.
Gemstones for Gold Earrings
Diamonds are a very popular stone to use for gold earrings. Depending on the carat mass of the diamond, the stone can account for the majority of the price. Although diamonds are one of the strongest substances known to man, they can be split from specific angles. Skilled jewellers are able to set diamonds in such a way that means none of these angles are exposed once the stone is in place. Another widely used gem is Peridot, this stone is vibrant green in colour and although Olivine (the constituent mineral) is a relatively abundant, gem quality Peridot is quite rare. You may also find earrings set with Opal. The majority of this mineral is produced in Australia. This gem can be found in a variety of colours ranging from white to black. The most common being white and green while black and red is the rarest. Amethyst is a precious type of quarts. Formed in volcanoes, these stones are generally violet but when exposed to heat they become yellow. Modern production techniques mean that this stone can be manufactured as opposed to being mined. Distinguishing natural and manmade amethyst is very difficult. Another gem commonly used in earrings is Topaz, at its purest Topaz is transparent but often impurities give the stone a hue. Topaz is often processed to give it a particular colour. Rubies are also used for earring decoration. Stones made from corundum which are not red are classified as sapphire.
At the time of writing this article, a gram of pure gold costs around £23-£24. You could expect to get a set of 9ct solid gold earrings, set with Opal, Topaz or Amethyst for under £100 whereas rubies or diamonds significantly change the price and depending on their size and quality can account for upwards of £200. The carat mass of the gold used will also make a significant difference but remember to check if they are simply plated or solid gold.
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kandiriyorumherkesi · 4 years
Jewellery Birthstones
Ever pondered about what gemstone would it be a good idea for you to set on that extremely extraordinary wedding band? Do you need additionally importance put to it, as opposed to simply unmitigatedly purchase the most costly ring you can manage? Or then again you simply need to give somebody a ring that they can value until the end of time. You ought to consider getting their Birthstone! Birthstones are customarily given to somebody as a blessing. The stones rely upon what month the proprietor was conceived. Various nations really have various records in the previous occasions, leaving gem specialists confounded with regards to what truly is the "standard" birthstone list. In 1912, with an end goal to normalize birthstones, the (American) National Association of Jewelers formally embraced a rundown, presently known as the cutting edge birth stones. Here are the accompanying stones that you may consider to get set on your valuable wedding band.
Garnet - The birthstone for January. Garnet is found in Brazil, Russia, East Africa and India, with the best Garnets being found in Sri Lanka. Garnet is an extremely mainstream gem. It is utilized for adornments, for example, rings, pieces of jewelry and arm bands. Garnet can be red (which is the most famous), pink, green, dark and yellow.
Amethyst - The birthstone for February. Amethyst is presumably the thirteenth most well known stone on the planet. Amethyst is purple hued quartz. At the point when warmed, amethyst can be yellow which produces citrine. Amethysts are found in geods of which most are found in Brazil. The profound purple shade of amethyst has been referred to for a considerable length of time as the shade of eminence and is even piece of the British Crown Jewels Engagement Rings Perth.
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Sea blue - The birthstone for March. Greenish blue really implies seawater. You can nearly hear the thundering waves when you gaze into the sparkling aspects of greenish blue. It is said that it's splendor even opponents that of a diamond's. Pearl quality greenish blue is found as hexagonal gems which might be up to thirty-nine inches in length (1 meter) and faultless. Greenish blue in the nineteenth century was wanted to be green in shading.
Precious stone - The birthstone for April. It is a definitive gemstone. At the point when they said they are perpetually, they were dead serious. The main way that a jewel can be cut or chipped is by getting hit with another Diamond. These stones are obvious to such an extent that Loose Diamonds can be sliced to the point that they radiate a specific "fire" in their brilliance. On account of their qualities, they are the most utilized pearls for wedding bands.
Emerald - Emerald is the birthstone of May, the long stretch of resurrection and festivity of life. An emerald pendant are customarily given to mothers on Mother's Day. Emerald is a straightforward green. Emeralds are once in a while faultless. The stones are regularly oiled to fill in the breaks of blemished emeralds. At the point when they oil the emeralds they frequently help upgrade shading. The best emeralds originate from Columbia, yet there are other acceptable sources like Australia, India, Austria, Brazil, South Africa, Egypt, U.S.A., Norway, Pakistan, and Zimbabwe.
Pearl - The birthstone for June. All things considered, a Pearl isn't really a gemstone. A pearl is a hard article delivered inside the delicate tissue of a living shelled mollusk. Much the same as the shell of a mollusk, a pearl is comprised of calcium carbonate in minute glasslike structure, which has been kept in concentric layers. The perfect pearl is totally round and smooth, yet numerous different states of pearls happen. The best quality regular pearls have been profoundly esteemed as gemstones and objects of excellence for a long time, thus, the word being utilized as an allegory for something uncommon, fine, excellent, and significant.
Ruby - Ruby is the brirthstone of July, and is so solid and solid, it is second just to jewels. An ideal jewel for ordinary wear as a ruby ring or ruby pendant. An unadulterated immaculate red ruby is esteemed in excess of a precious stone. Ruby is a standout amongst other gems settings. It might be red, pinkish, purplish or earthy. The shading relies upon the iron substance of the stone. In the event that rubys crack it might be a result of consistent twining. Gem crystals are hexagonal with tightening or level closures. As rubys develop they structure more layers.
Peridot - August's birthstone. A Gem-nature of the mineral olivine are called peridot by gemologists. Peridot has an olive or container green shading that is because of the nearness of iron and an unmistakable sleek or oily radiance. It has a high birefraction. So multiplying of the back aspects can without much of a stretch be seen in bigger examples. When seen from the front, great quality precious stones are exceptionally uncommon.
Sapphire - The birthstone of September. The dark blue shades of sundown are caught in the extraordinary distinctive tones of sapphire. Incredibly strong and consistently in design, a sapphire ring in white or yellow gold will never become unfashionable. All quality corundum that is hot is sapphire yet this name is prominently connected with blue. Variety in shading that is because of iron and titanium contaminations traverses numerous shades however the most important is an unmistakable dark blue. A few stones called shading change sapphire show various shades of blue in counterfeit and normal light. Great quality sapphire is found in Mynmew, Sri Lanka and India.
Opal - The birthstone for October. Opal has been a prized gemstone around the globe from the earliest starting point or written history. Societies all through time have respected opal as an image of expectation and virtue. The sparkling rainbow of hues inside each opal has propelled the creative mind from the old Romans to the poems of Shakespeare. Opal is solidified silica gel ordinarily containing five to 10% water. It is in this way non translucent not at all like most other diamond stones. It might even dry out and break. There are two assortments of valuable opal which glimmers of shading luminosity. Contingent upon the point of review a typical or potch opal, which is frequently murky, opal shows no luminosity.
Topaz - The stone for November. In a scope of various hues topaz fluctuates of profound brilliant yellow and pinks are frequently the most significant of topaz. A blue topaz is practically unclear from a sea blue from the unaided eye. Some topaz have an air pocket in the inside. At the point when a gas bubble is in a topaz in can cause harm, for example, breaks to happen, so you better pick a decent free Topaz before having it set.
Turquoise - The birthstone for December-borns. Turquoise was one of the absolute first of jewel stones to be mined. Due to the dark blue to green shading turquoise is exceptionally esteemed. Turquoises shading shift because of how much iron or copper is in the stone. As turquoise ages it might create splits. In the event that you wax Turquoise after it splits it can keep up its appearance. Despite the fact that the best sky blue turquoise is from Tibet, the turquoise from Iran is more strong.
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abigailskoda · 4 years
Jewellery Birthstones
Ever pondered about what gemstone would it be advisable for you to set on that unique wedding band? Do you need additionally importance put to it, instead of just outrightly purchase the most costly ring you can bear? Or on the other hand you simply need to give somebody a ring that they can love until the end of time. You ought to consider getting their Birthstone! Birthstones are customarily given to somebody as a blessing. The stones rely upon what month the proprietor was conceived. Various nations really have various records in the previous occasions, leaving gem dealers confounded regarding what truly is the "standard" birthstone list. In 1912, with an end goal to normalize birthstones, the (American) National Association of Jewelers formally received a rundown, presently known as the cutting edge birth stones. Here are the accompanying stones that you may consider to get set on your valuable wedding band.
Garnet - The birthstone for January. Garnet is found in Brazil, Russia, East Africa and India, with the best Garnets being found in Sri Lanka. Garnet is a well known gem. It is utilized for gems, for example, rings, neckbands and arm bands. Garnet can be red (which is the most well known), pink, green, dark and yellow.
Amethyst - The birthstone for February. Amethyst is likely the thirteenth most well known stone on the planet. Amethyst is purple hued quartz. At the point when warmed, amethyst can be yellow which produces citrine. Amethysts are found in geods of which most are found in Brazil. The profound purple shade of amethyst has been referred to for quite a long time as the shade of eminence and is even piece of the British Crown Jewels.
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Engagement Rings Perth Sea blue - The birthstone for March. Greenish blue really implies seawater. You can nearly hear the thundering waves when you gaze into the sparkling aspects of greenish blue. It is said that it's brightness even adversaries that of a diamond's. Diamond quality sea blue is found as hexagonal precious stones which might be up to thirty-nine inches in length (1 meter) and perfect. Sea blue in the nineteenth century was wanted to be green in shading.
Jewel - The birthstone for April. It is a definitive gemstone. At the point when they said they are always, they were completely serious. The main way that a precious stone can be cut or chipped is by getting hit with another Diamond. These stones are obvious to the point that Loose Diamonds can be sliced to the point that they discharge a specific "fire" in their brilliance. Due to their qualities, they are the most utilized pearls for wedding bands.
Emerald - Emerald is the birthstone of May, the long stretch of resurrection and festivity of life. An emerald pendant are customarily given to mothers on Mother's Day. Emerald is an extremely straightforward green. Emeralds are once in a while faultless. The stones are frequently oiled to fill in the splits of flawed emeralds. At the point when they oil the emeralds they frequently help upgrade shading. The best emeralds originate from Columbia, yet there are other acceptable sources like Australia, India, Austria, Brazil, South Africa, Egypt, U.S.A., Norway, Pakistan, and Zimbabwe.
Pearl - The birthstone for June. All things considered, a Pearl isn't really a gemstone. A pearl is a hard item delivered inside the delicate tissue of a living shelled mollusk. Much the same as the shell of a mollusk, a pearl is comprised of calcium carbonate in minute glasslike structure, which has been stored in concentric layers. The perfect pearl is entirely round and smooth, yet numerous different states of pearls happen. The best quality common pearls have been profoundly esteemed as gemstones and objects of excellence for a long time, subsequently, the word being utilized as a similitude for something uncommon, fine, honorable, and significant.
Ruby - Ruby is the brirthstone of July, and is so tough and solid, it is second just to precious stones. An ideal diamond for regular wear as a ruby ring or ruby pendant. An unadulterated faultless red ruby is esteemed in excess of a precious stone. Ruby is a standout amongst other adornments settings. It might be red, pinkish, purplish or caramel. The shading relies upon the iron substance of the stone. On the off chance that rubys crack it might be a result of steady twining. Gem crystals are hexagonal with tightening or level finishes. As rubys develop they structure more layers.
Peridot - August's birthstone. A Gem-nature of the mineral olivine are called peridot by gemologists. Peridot has an olive or container green shading that is because of the nearness of iron and an unmistakable sleek or oily radiance. It has a high birefraction. So multiplying of the back aspects can without much of a stretch be seen in bigger examples. When seen from the front, great quality precious stones are uncommon.
Sapphire - The birthstone of September. The dark blue shades of nightfall are caught in the exceptional striking tones of sapphire. Amazingly tough and consistently in design, a sapphire ring in white or yellow gold will never become unpopular. All quality corundum that is hot is sapphire yet this name is famously connected with blue. Variety in shading that is because of iron and titanium polluting influences traverses numerous shades yet the most important is a reasonable dark blue. A few stones called shading change sapphire show various shades of blue in fake and characteristic light. Great quality sapphire is found in Mynmew, Sri Lanka and India.
Opal - The birthstone for October. Opal has been a cherished gemstone around the globe from the earliest starting point or written history. Societies all through time have adored opal as an image of expectation and virtue. The gleaming rainbow of hues inside each opal has motivated the creative mind from the old Romans to the poems of Shakespeare. Opal is solidified silica gel typically containing five to 10% water. It is in this manner non translucent not at all like most other pearl stones. It might even dry out and split. There are two assortments of valuable opal which blazes of shading radiance. Contingent upon the point of review a typical or potch opal, which is frequently dark, opal shows no radiance.
Topaz - The stone for November. In a scope of various hues topaz shifts of profound brilliant yellow and pinks are regularly the most significant of topaz. A blue topaz is practically vague from a greenish blue from the unaided eye. Some topaz have an air pocket in the middle. At the point when a gas bubble is in a topaz in can cause harm, for example, breaks to happen, so you better pick a decent free Topaz before having it set.
Turquoise - The birthstone for December-borns. Turquoise was one of the absolute first of pearl stones to be mined. On account of the dark blue to green shading turquoise is profoundly esteemed. Turquoises shading differ because of how much iron or copper is in the stone. As turquoise ages it might create splits. On the off chance that you wax Turquoise after it splits it can keep up its appearance. Despite the fact that the best sky blue turquoise is from Tibet, the turquoise from Iran is more sturdy.
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angelartist135 · 4 years
For just $39.95 Peridot Crystal Healing Pendant for Beauty and Happiness- healing crystals, best crystal shop, best crystal shop online,crystal pendant, healing crystals, best crystal shop online, How Crystals Help me, healing crystals, best crystal shop online, gems-gemstone crystal jewelry, bottle necklace, best place to buy crystals online shop, Peridot Crystal Meaning Peridot Gemstone meaning A tiny island known as Zabargard (owned by Egypt) is documented as the first source of peridot, dating back as far as four thousand years. Early Crusaders who visited St. John's Island (now called Zabargard) introduced this gem to Europe upon return from battle. Peridot is mentioned in many ancient references as chrysolite. It is mentioned throughout the Bible, and early Christians considered it sacred. Today still, Catholic Bishops traditionally wear a ring of peridot and amethyst as a symbol of purity and morality. The peridot was believed to be a stone of springtime by ancients who considered it a gift from Mother Nature. Napoleon once made a gift of peridot to Josephine as a symbol of undying love and admiration. In ancient times, it was said that a dream about peridot foretold impending danger. Healing qualities of peridot Peridot is a stone of lightness and beauty. Only spiritual or clear-minded persons should use peridot. The person with too many earthly problems will not be able to understand the beauty of the Peridot. The very spiritual can wear peridot in a necklace with the stone at the base of the throat to feel its soothing effect. Used in a necklace, peridot is a protector against negative emotions. Peridot has been known to have healing effect on the gall bladder and liver. Sources of peridot Peridot is a gem variety from the olivine mineral group. The bottle green color is called peridot. Yellowish green is chrysolite. Olive green is olivine. Sources of peridot include: St. John's Island (Egypt), United States (Arizona and Hawaii), Myanmar, Burma, A...
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Peridot Gemstone. Peridot is a gem-quality variety of the mineral olivine. It belongs to the forsterite-fayalite mineral series. Some even refer to peridot as 'olivine', but when it comes to the gemstone, 'peridot' is the correct term. Peridot is an idiochromatic gem, meaning its color comes from the basic chemical composition of the mineral itself and not from minor traces of impurities. Thus, peridot is found only in green. In fact, peridot is one of the few gemstones available that can be found only in one color, although the shades of green may vary from light yellowish to dark brownish-green. Origin- Most gemstones are formed in earth's crust, but peridot is formed much deeper in the mantle region. Peridot crystals form in magma from the upper mantle and are brought to the surface by tectonic or volcanic activity where they are found in extrusive igneous rocks. Historically the volcanic island Zabargad (St. John) in the Red Sea was the location of the most important deposit. It was exploited for 3500 years before it was abandoned for many centuries; later, it was rediscovered around 1900 and has been heavily exploited ever since. Today, the most important deposits are found in Pakistan (in the Kashmir region and the Pakistan-Afghanistan border region). Beautiful material is also found in upper Myanmar (Burma) and Vietnam. Other deposits are found in Australia (Queensland), Brazil (Minas Gerais), China, Kenya, Mexico, Norway (north of Bergen), South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and the United States (Arizona and Hawaii). Recently, China has become of the largest producers of peridot. Photo by- @skyviksigni One 25mm macro lens (at Ratna Kamal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBqVAOmAofK/?igshid=93drpmru2j4a
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