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"You know in Birth by Sleep when they go to cinderella world and he hangs out with cinderella and he escorts her to the ball? Look at me. I know for a fact he is in that moment thinking 'haha if a fairy godmother appeared and did this for me too it'd be pretty cool. If i could go to the ball for one night as a beautiful woman that would be really nice :) That doesn't mean anything though.' and then he forgets it for the rest of the game and thats why all of that happens to him. It's about staking your claim on personhood and identity and fighting for your own right to exist against your evil father but in a distinctly transgender way. It's about being seen as someone else in everyone else's eyes but knowing in your own heart who you are. She's got a second chance now and she can use it to take estrogen." - @planet4546b
Reminder: Submissions are always open! Submit here!
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night-dark-woods · 19 days
15, 21, 23, 24!!
THANK U ECHO this got so long oops.
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
hmmm not destiny-specific (i dont have any d2 specific gripes i dont think) & i mostly follow cool gay & trans ppl so this is much less of an issue than in the wider fandom (every so often some Main Fandom Art makes its way to me and i do a full double take) but like. i knowww they are almost all the same character model in-game but can we please get some characters who arent super skinny supermodels in here. please.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
not to sound like an edgelord but. the traveler. if we can acknowledge that the Darkness isnt ontologically Evil, i think we can (PLEASE) acknowledge that the Light isnt inherently good. and im not talking about the superpowers we get, they've (narrative team) made it quite clear that individuals choose to do what they will with based on their own morals. but the traveler is, imo, positioned as a Morally Good Agent Of The Light far more than the witness is Of The Darkness, and i think we need to talk more about the traveler's agenda!!! again, this complexity isnt completely absent from the narrative, but it doesnt feel like those interpretations are... metatextually supported igss? like zavala's frustration with the traveler leaving feels more like a very christian (as someone who was not raised religious) test of faith that zavala (and the canonical YW) have Passed and will be Rewarded.
where's tevis my best friend tevis. we need more characters with that pov. god is real god resurrected you god gave you a second chance at life with no memories of your past and a guardian angel (a "chattering oversoul," to quote toland) to tell you where to go and who deserves to die and raise you every time you fail just to throw you back into the divine crusade. like. lets talk about that a little more!!!
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
this is hard bc i am in general very willing to "yes-and" ANYTHING with a hint of chemistry or a fun dynamic. it may not compell me but if you can point out a narrative similarity btwn characters i will almost always be down. unless its one i hate ("hate" being a strong word. really its just the strongest possible apathy) bc i contain multiudes :thumbsup:.
i can't think of a pairing i started out disliking and then changed my mind about due to fandom unfortunately. the closest would be igss that i hate crow/amanda as its written in the text BUT my perhaps controversial opinion is i think transitioning could fix crow specifically the version of crow i have in my head who did not get uldren's memories back. SotL was so good for the overarching plot of d2 but so so so bad for the type of awoken-enjoyer i am & imo the like... thesis statement of what a guardian is lol!
so unfortunately i dont have an answer for this one (i dont think "i like the pretend version i made up in my head" counts as coming around on a ship lmfao), bc you can pair any two destiny women and ill be like yeah for sure! and i have curated my online space well enough that i rarely see any other kind of ship, and when i do its gay men (o14, uldren/jolyon, someone i follow is cooking something with saladin/drifter which is inspired. i love whatever is happening there) which is like cheering absently for a sports team idc about but support on principle.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
mara. its always fucking mara. literally spent an hour and a half last night rehashing d1 mara-course in a server with someone who has not read any lore. which is fine! thats a fine way to engage with the game! its a valuable perspective! but use i-statements and accept that you are coming to the table with 10% of the facts about the character.
honorable mention goes to anything about redemption arcs (and savathun specifically)- most recently that fuuucking saint killing sav repeatedly lore tab. and if you (general) cant be assed to care about evil women (skill issue, but whatever), thats also backsliding YEARS on saints characterization and i dont even care about saint!!!
so really the answer is misogyny lmfao.
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eliasdrid · 26 days
would def rec the game citizen sleeper if you haven’t heard of it!! that one rocks
I love Citizen Sleeper 💕!!
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raspberry-ripley · 4 months
so in agreement with you on that hexbug post. btw whats your favorite color hexbug personally i love the blue and orange :)
it would be so fun to be a skittery little robot!!!! honestly HARD AGREE the blue and orange is so funky i love it. greatest colour combo of all time perhaps??
i do also love this one i just found. cool as hell
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never knew anything about hexbugs but damn they got all kinds of these things. crabs?? dragons??? there should be giant articulated centipedes i think
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c-53 · 10 months
you should listen to the black dresses i love all of their music but creep u and mindcrushed are especially good
Oh fuck yes. i love both, but I’ve listened to mindcrushed at least 10 times now, i love this thank you!!!
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backupranger · 9 months
🐉 for buckwheat, 🖍️ for …rabbit… !!
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I'm not gonna lie friend I've never played a Flight Rising, hope this fits though.
.Rabbit. is an artist :)
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suolainensilakka · 16 days
character opinion bingo for tifa!!
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HI i dont have as many Active Opinions abt the teefert as i do some of the other ff7 characters (and i also avoid interacting with the wider fanbase if i can help it) but she still lives in my brain so so much and i adore her . Genuinely one of the most fascinating characters in the entire original game and i miss her so so bad oouuuhhh
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planet4546b · 11 months
not even 50 notes on that post and someone had something weird to say about mara. NOT ON THIS BLOG!
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krownest · 20 days
get to know me 🌻
tagged by @sunriseverse :)
do you make your bed?
yes...if i'm not in a rush....
what’s your favourite number?
16 because that was my assigned number in primary school which was based on the first letter of your surname
what is your job?
currently working as an environmental tech! erm daily i am acid washing glassware and other lab things. i will be on a boat doing sampling soon though so i am looking forward to it
If you could go back to school would you?
planning to do an msc this fall but i haven't actually set anything in motion yet.....
can you parallel park?
yes bc you have to if you drive in hong kong. drive through parking spots are a fantasy there
a job you had that would surprise people?
went up to arctic and lived on military base for 4 months doing environment stuff and it was very cool esp the polar night
do you think aliens are real?
statistically they probably are maybe? idk i'd have to see the science but right now i'd say no.
can you drive a manual car?
no.....that sounds scary.......
what’s your guilty pleasure?
same as spinecorset i do not generally do guilty pleasures but probably like. eating a big bowl of creamy pasta then watching a film or tv show while pleasantly sleepy in a food coma
no because parents would skin me and also because i love going to onsens too much. i would get a little peregrine falcon somewhere if i could. and also something silly and food-related like a sweet potato or a vitasoy carton
favourite colour?
depends on the situation as i love many colours!! blue or purple but i'm picky about shades (e.g. i have a strong dislike for intl klein blue...reminds me too much of blue screen of death)
favourite type of music?
my spotify likes are a huge mix but i'd say hozier/the crane wives/folk songs/songs w narratives in general/cantopop (70s to 2010s)/melancholy opening/closing themes of cdramas/dramatic fight background music
do you like puzzles?
am a hater because 1. i have no patience, 2. i am bad at it and it requires sitting still and 3. have too many hobbies i would rather be doing
any phobias?
spiders, worms, centipedes (<- pretty standard boring normie ones sorry) but it's to the point where if there's a photograph or realistic drawing in a book i can't open said book
favourite childhood sport?
badminton but not competitive and tbh i really only enjoy it more now as an adult. tbh snowboarding is my eternal favourite even though it's been a few years + snow presence is getting worse
do you talk to yourself?
yes in my head when i am Struggling (uni, during a difficult run)
what movie(s) do you adore?
infernal affairs (2003), princess mononoke (1997), belle and sebastian (2013), hunt for the wilderpeople (2016), kung fu hustle (2004), painted skin (2008)
coffee or tea?
both but not at the same time (don't understand appeal of yinyeung), i LOVE milk tea (hk, thai, malay esp 3-layer tea) and tbh i put a lot of sugar/condensed milk...i also do like coffee (caramel latte w whipped cream and syrup). anyway i love hot sweet drinks in general
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
vet bc i like animals but thankfully i moved past it (i genuinely think becoming a vet is more difficult than becoming a dr. also the mental toll is extreme)
tagging: @eusuchia, @zoronoas @daydreamey @bluebeetletedkord @planet4546b @pepsi-maxwell @yu-tap and anyone else who wants to play!
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night-dark-woods · 13 days
16, 20, 35, 50!!
16. Favorite trilogy.
favorite genuinely good trilogy: FIFTH SEASON!!! series of all time. as ive said, should be required reading.
favorite good-bad trilogy that brings me great joy: Kushiel's Legacy (Phèdre's trilogy, specifically). world that's just western europe slightly the the left (and also what if we had a pantheon of angel-gods that sprang from fantasy-jesus's blood and were in a polycule)? check. load-bearing plot-essential bdsm? check. first person retrospective narrative with frequent interjections from current-Phèdre about her past-self's mistakes? check. i think ive read it 3 times and never been disappointed.
20. answered!
35. Least favorite trope in your most favorite book genre.
hmmm this is hard bc i do genuinely like most fantasy tropes, what usually annoys me is when they are poorly done, so this might be a cop-out answer as its not reaaally a trope but i HATE no-homophobia (or othet structural oppression!) worldbuilding in fantasy especially bc that is directly counter to the majority of the VERY essential tropes/features of the genre. people keep the societal Results of the power in the structures and relations without examining whether those structures would even *exist* without it!!! like a no-homophobia world CANNOT then have hereditary rulers! in a world where it is socially accepted that some unions will not have children, it just doesnt make sense!!! tip of the iceberg on that but i am at a hockey game lol!
50. What kind of book have you never read but always hope to find at some point in the future?
ive actually never made it thru a full poetry collection and i would like to! the closest ive come is anne carson's sappho translation, which i have read all the way thru but doesnt really count imo.
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eliasdrid · 1 year
recs for old/classic sci fi? (or modern sci fi with pulp sci fi vibes!!)
Oh yes, I got you. Here's a few I've been thinking about recently.
🌐 The Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov (1954), detective Elijah Baley must solve the murder of a spacer on Earth ground with the help of R. Daneel Olivaw. This is one of my favorite books ever, I have read it a few times and there's also a Radio Drama from the late 80s by the BBC somewhere out there which I enjoyed.
🌾 La Invención de Morel by Adolfo Bioy Casares (1940), a fugitive finds himself in a deserted island, one day tourists show up and he believes it necessary to hide - least they turn him in. He falls in love with a woman from the group and eventually decides to confess but strange events keep them apart.
🎲 Solar Lottery by Philip K. Dick (1955). There are small bits of this book I don't like but that's just life, overall it's interesting. It's also PKD's first published novel. Anyway, summary (grabbed from wikipedia because I couldn't find words to explain it myself)
Lotteries are used to choose the next leader as well as a new assassin, whose job is to try to kill the leader or "Quizmaster". Everybody in society has the opportunity to be selected as a leader or an assassin. Benteley unexpectedly gets chosen to be a member of the committee trying to assassinate the new Quizmaster and he must decide what he is going to do.
🌠 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke (1968). Not too long, well written, beautiful. Arthur C. Clarke does some really nice descriptions honestly. If you like this one, I recommend the rest of them (2010, 2061, 3001). This was published after the movie so it's similar in many ways but I think it manages to stand out very well on its own; being a different medium, you get a different perspective.
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raspberry-ripley · 3 months
sweet smile you should get kentucky route zero it’s one of the best games i’ve ever played and because of the way it’s organized it has a TON of replay value you can always find something new!!! the only game with not one but TWO plays that you have to sit and watch mid game!!!! and caves as well!!! and transgender robots!!! and a giant eagle!!!!
to be fully honest as i was reblogging that post from you i was hoping you might have something to say about it dskjhfsjdf
this sounds sick as fuck. i'm sold!!!!
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c-53 · 10 months
8, 17, 43 for the oc questions!!! ^^
Do they collect anything? If so what and why?
morbid answer: dead pilots. He's up to 27! really good at that one real answer: he doesn't physically collect anything, thats a little too conspicuous since he tries to maintain a low profile. however he does stockpile footage of missions, and conversations in his hangar. He's prone to reminiscing, and even more prone to beating himself up over his past mistakes.
How easily would they be convinced to do something that goes against their morals?
near impossible. He is VERY staunch in his beliefs, and would rather fully shut down in the middle of a battlefield than do something he doesn't agree with. and he has done so before.
Can they handle stressful situations?
He tries his best, but not really. He's intensely paranoid, jumps at shadows, and will very easily work himself up over nothing. Put him in an actual dangerous situation and he is either overly cautious, or outright shutting down. Literally.
In his current line of work, he's used for bomb diffusal and taking leftover automated weaponry from the war offline. So that jumpiness is a good thing, very good at staying alive, but can't be pushed too hard. When he was actively being used in battle, it was TERRIBLE, and he had a bad habit of spontaneously malfunctioning, so he couldn't be deployed, or locking up and playing dead in the middle of combat, so enemies would pass over him.
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synnthamonsugar · 4 months
Otter o Otter, how would the Hive Gods dress? From most fashionable to fashion disaster (including their kids)
OOOH this is a fun ask. I don't know whether you mean in their canon forms or as humans so I'm going with general vibes rather than specifics.
Honestly so much of this is up to individual tastes that I don't feel right ranking them. I put the worst-dressed at the end, but the others I think you could make arguments for in any direction.
Savathun. Inclined toward theatrically feminine styles, like if a drag queen was a woman. Stylistically at a juncture between "witch", "gothic" and "catholic-core": you know the girls who are all about cathedrals and stained glass and crowns and beseechingly eyeing the heavens for the aesthetic. Florence Welch but more. However, she understands the assignment and will dress accordingly. There's a picture of her for each point on the butch-femme chart.
Oryx. Nice. Classic. Understated pieces in quality materials. Think handcrafted cashmere sweaters and pima cotton shirts and wool trousers. More than one tailored three-piece suit. Likes hats and can pull them off. Cassocks and stoles for his religious duties, these are more ornate than his day-to-day wear given their ritual significance.
Xivu Arath. @planet4546b once described her as (paraphrased) a "varsity femme jock" type and that's always stuck with me. Very girly, very sporty, lives in athleisure when she isn't dressed specialized for activities e.g. fencing suits or soft armor for sword fighting practice. You know when she takes her helmet off she's going to have immaculate hair/makeup. (How?) Holds onto and still wears her varsity jacket. Likes leather; has at least one studded motorcycle jacket / pair of motorcycle boots / skirt in the material. Piercings.
Ir Yut. Elevated dark academic. Bit of a librarian vibe. Tailored pantsuits, blazers and pencil skirts and stockings. Plaid and jewel-tones. High heels always. Glasses.
Ir Anuk & Ir Halak. Elegant gothic lolita. Matching everything. Red & green colorways, but stylishly. Prominent musical theming, staffs and notes on their skirts. The silliest little pointy fascinator hats you ever did see, but they pull it off.
Nokris. GNC as fuck. Takes after Aunt Savathun. Classic goth with witchy vibes. So much eye makeup. No hive symbol goes un-blasphemed; whatever the hive equivalent of the "inverted cross necklace" is, this guy's wearing it.
Dul Incaru. 90s-adjacent whimsical gothic. Silk, velvet, long slip dresses, corsets, boleros/shrugs, chunky jewelry, stars and celestial patterns.
Crota. Styleless fail son. Goes to walmart in his fuzzy Cookie Monster pajama pants, Monster Energy shirt and lime green crocs. Ill-fitting suit for formal functions. So bad it almost circles around to being a fashion statement.
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norfre · 3 months
Playlist tag game:]
Tagged by @fulcrvm thank you!!!
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up!
From my car jams playlist:
1. Backstabber - Kesha
2. Everything Is Going Great - Tiny Stills
3. It Tore Your Heart Out - Dirt Poor Robins
4. I Love You Too - Gill Landry
5. Flaws - Bastille
Tagging: @slainbanjos @super-sock @loukabloo @phloolie @komicxre @planet4546b @captains-price @pinecoe @mooshroomgirlfriend @frog-bucket @bookerdwitt @datastate @p1sce @fruityculture @enjoyslurm and anyone else who'd like to participate :]
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