#polin my beloved
dollypopup · 1 month
I think a lot of people kind of miss the whole point of Polin.
There's conversation now about whether or not Penelope will accept Colin's proposal at the end of episode 4, and the cliffhanger being his infamous 'For God's sake, Penelope, will you marry me or not?' line from the books. And at first, there was all this buzz about how she'll say no and that's the cliffhanger because what if she picks someone else instead? What if he has to spend Part 2 convincing her?
In fairness to the fandom, that was dashed rather quickly. Firstly, we all know she won't say no to continue some semblance of a love triangle, because Debling is the personification of if flour was a spice, and he's not in part 2. Furthermore, it doesn't make much sense to have part 2 be Colin convincing her, when something much more pressing is hanging above them. Because the fandom caught on quickly as to the real conflict:
Does Penelope say yes to Colin, and continue hiding the fact that she's Lady Whistledown? Does she say no out of concern and part 2 is the unveiling? Or does she say no, and confesses?
And I think in our heart of hearts we already know: Penelope will say yes.
And in doing so, she will lie to him. Hide from him. And Lady Whistledown becomes the guillotine over their heads in part 2.
1: Penelope is on a narrative of self growth in Season 3. All leads are, but Penelope's narrative of growth is specifically to come out of the shadows. To be honest and open and brave in the light with nothing but herself and her own voice. And being those things? Yeah, not her strong suit as a character. It's the biggest pitfall she has, and it will not resolve halfway through. Penelope changes her outward appearance, and it still doesn't bring her full peace. Nicola herself has said that. She changes outwardly, but not inwardly, and that's where the real work has to be done. Lady Whistledown is proof that work has not been committed to. She is the manifestation of Penelope's fears of being herself aloud. A literal anonymous persona that can say what she feels she cannot aloud. Lady Whistledown is Penelope hiding, a wallflower in a masquerade mask. She's not going to be brave enough by Episode 4 to tell Colin. That's a whole season long arc. Furthermore
2: We would *all* say yes. All of us. We would all lie and hide in her circumstances. Here is the man she loves, who she has loved for years, coming to her and saying he wants her and cares for her and wants to marry her. She's not putting that in jeopardy. She says no to Debling (thank god, the man's an NPC in every definition of the word, Penelope deserves better) and so her options have narrowed, and really, she only *ever* wanted Colin. He has always been the ultimate desire of her heart. So she says yes to Colin. She wants to and she will. She wants *him*, and now she can have him. And in doing so, she fully solidifies herself as Marina's parallel. WHICH IS THE POINT.
2. a. sidequest: Marina is a vital part of Polin's story, but the fandom has missed that point. Instead of seeing what she as a character was meant to represent in their grand narrative, the fandom has instead demonized her. But in the same way Debling is a plot device to Polin's love story, so was Marina. Now, Marina at least got her own narrative, unlike Debling, who ONLY exists to be a plot point, but this is an analysis of Marina as a player in a narrative that isn't her own. I think Marina is a wonderful character, and I have a lot of sympathy for her, but the fandom saw her and villainized her. Which is SO not the point of her role in Polin's love story. The writers are all but slapping us in the face about that. EVERY character has sympathy for Marina. The narrative wants us to understand she was in difficult circumstances and did what she thought was best as a vulnerable young woman to survive. Which is the same, I imagine, it will do for Penelope in Season 3.
No, Marina's purpose in that particular narrative was to prove who Colin is as a suitor and a potential romantic match. That Colin is warm and open hearted, he is caring and empathetic, he is romantic, and most importantly, Colin is *forgiving*. When he says he would have married Marina regardless of her life altering and reputation ruining secret, that is to set him up for marrying Penelope regardless of her life altering and reputation ruining secret!!! That is the *whole* point!!!
And just like Marina, Penelope hides her truth from him, in fear of losing all that she has. I hope that kind of parallel FINALLY inspires some sympathy in our fandom for both these women, who, in Ruby Barker's wonderful words, are just players in a crappy game.
3: Even in being a sympathetic choice, it is still a cruelty she commits unto Colin. Because up until that point, they really don't owe each other much of anything. Yes, they have a friendship, and that comes with expectations, but in accepting a proposal, she owes him honesty. And she cannot give that to him. Colin lays all his cards down on the table for her to see, and she keeps her own hidden. Just like Shonda said, this becomes a relationship built on the foundation of a lie. It's the cracking open of that lie that finally allows them to be a fully realized couple. Colin loves a version of Penelope that isn't fully real, just like Penelope loved a version of Colin that wasn't fully real. An idealization of their selves. His temper, how he can sometimes say the wrong thing, his jealousy, his bitterness: she does not KNOW these things. But Whistledown unearths them. Just like he doesn't see *her* jealousy and bitterness, her temper, and how SHE can say and do the wrong thing. And, once more, *Whistledown unearths them*. They're not a happy perfect couple by the end of Part 1, because she lies to him. She accepts his proposal, and in doing so, she starts the clock. Tick Tock, how long does it take to tell him?
4: She doesn't tell him. I am fully of the mind that he has to find out on his own that she's LW. Perhaps Eloise sets a time limit for her, that she HAS to tell her brother (she's afraid, of course. what if he's mad? what if he doesn't want to marry her anymore?) (and what of him? what of Colin? does he not deserve to know?), or she'll tell him herself, but Penelope will likely try and then shrink back. She *wants* to tell him. I think that'll be the crux of Part 2. She wants to be honest with him, but she's afraid. So, like most of us when it comes to difficult circumstances, she'll hold off on it. And hold off on it.
Until he finds out on his own.
5: He'll find out on his own. And he will be *brutally betrayed by the news*. Not necessarily that she's LW, though that's a gut punch in and of itself, but more so that she kept it from him. That they've been intimate together, and bare with each other, and that she kept it from him. Keeping it from him as a friend is considerably different than keeping it from him as a lover and a fiance. They will be sharing a life together. A name, a home, and any punishments that befall her. The *Queen of England* is in her pursuit, she is, essentially, tying him to her in all events with the binding of marriage, and he sinks or swims with her. That's a pretty hefty thing to keep from a partner. And on top of it, he'll be hurt by the *lies*. That she could not confide in him. That he told her the truth, but she couldn't tell him the truth, and that will be painful. When it came to marrying Marina, it wasn't the pregnancy, the circumstance itself that he felt was a betrayal, but the lie. Same with Penelope: it isn't that she's Lady Whistledown, it's that she kept it from him. She also slagged him off plenty in it if rumours are anything to go by, and that (SPOILER) at the end of Episode 1, she trash talked him in the article right after they made amends, and is relatively horrified that she wrote it in anger and it was published after everything smoothed over. Even still, she has hurt him with that publication, too. It's a firestorm of things for him to be upset by.
6: And he still marries her. Here is a woman who has arguably hurt him the worst, done a greater harm and insult to him than anyone else, and he chooses to still marry her. Because he's angry, but he loves her. She betrays him and insults him and lies to him, but he loves her. She knew him, got close to him, let him speak to her of things that he would blush to speak to with anyone else (that line from S2 was WILD Colin, I see you, trusting boy), and she slags him off in her public article, and she pretends like she has nothing to hide, and she says yes to him even though she knows he doesn't like LW and that she'll have to tell him eventually, and what does Colin do? He forgives her. He forgives her and he asks her to stay and he loves her. He's jealous of her success, and he's upset that she lied to him, and he absolutely blows up. But after all that facade is stripped away, after all the lies and secrets are flayed aside and they are just Col and Pen, who are imperfect people with a hell of a devotion to each other, they know they're living a really beautiful love story. No pretenses, no pretend, just him, and just her, in the light, holding hands.
Because the whole point of Polin is being seen. Being seen and being accepted. Sometimes, you don't like what you see of a person. Penelope didn't like all she saw of Colin, and Colin won't like all he sees of Penelope, but they come to appreciate those parts of each other because in loving one another, they recognize that these imperfect, unsavory aspects of them make them who they are. And so they come out of it stronger.
So yes, Penelope says yes. Yes, Penelope lies to him. And yes, we'll have debates about it when Part 1 comes out, of 'she would never do that to him!!!' or 'well, she did it for xyz and oueyigohp;wfnd'
but in the end, I think it makes the most sense that she has to make this fuck up (and it is a fuck up, absolutely it is) so that they can grow from it. In the same way he had to fuck up so they can grow from it.
And that's the whole point.
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sweet-marigold · 17 days
Since I’m yapping so much today anyone here know bridgerton ☺️
Cuz I rly wanna do a blitzfizzarozzie bridgerton au hehehe
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polin-erospsyche · 7 days
I don’t know what I’m more baffled by, the fact that he apparently refers to her as my beloved Penelope or the fact that he thinks about her when he thinks about home so essentially she’s his home
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yaralulu · 18 days
Living out my elucien dreams as I watch the new bridgerton season (I’m literally losing it as I wait for their book announcement )(I’m also losing it as I watch this season).
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sea-owl · 10 months
Penelope: You know you're talking a lot of shit for someone with two perfectly good eyeballs. Each priced at about 762 pounds on the black market.
Colin: . . .
Penelope: Maybe more since green eyes are rather rare
Colin: *pulls Penelope close* But then how am I able to take in your beauty?
Penelope: You'll still have hands
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w-tsugua · 3 months
Feeling super sexy as a “Justice for Colin Bridgerton” bitch today 😘
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bestie help I’m back to rewatching the carriage scene on a loop 🫠
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pricelessemotion · 3 months
the person i am going to become when bridgerton s3 comes out 👹👹👹
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greeneyessmize · 10 days
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Popping in here with more theories!
(Admittedly, some of these I had in a reply to another person's post, but I think they can stand on their own.)
I think Polin will end up across the street in the Featherington estate because I am pretty sure they are setting it up for Pen to have the first Featherington boy. (I am also hoping for twins with a girl first for the sheer drama of pissing off her sisters and annoying Portia because that means Colin and Pen will be straightening out the very shady Featherington estate and her power will be null & void. She could control Harry or Albion. She won't get any traction with Polin. It has also been indicated that the actress playing Prudence will not be back next season.)
That would mean we would see Polin potentially as much as Kanthony. Maybe more if it is Eloise's season since I am really hoping that Peneloise will be back up and running. I have read that the higher ups have referred to Penelope as the heart of the show. You can't remove the heart and keep moving forward at all well.
On that note, I also think that the LW reveal will be limited to the Bridgertons, the Queen, and a very small amount of other people. Losing the LW narration device is probably not something they are willing to do any time soon. Why mess with something beloved?
I also believe we are going to see at least a one year time jump if it is Eloise's season next. There has been no whisper about Marina so far, and for there to be Eloise and Phillip, there cannot be Marina. And there has to be time between Marina dying and Phillip and Eloise being together, even in a loveless marriage you cannot remarry immediately in that era. Having the twins still be so very young would eliminate a lot of Eloise's growth as a character, imho, because those kids take her on a wild ride.
It makes more sense to have Benedict go next. He is aimless this season and needs roots. The issue, though, is that facets of his story with Sophie are probably not going to make us like him much unless there are some big changes. The whole "be my mistress because you are too low born to be my wife" just gives me the full ick. If we can just get around that at the very least, I think we can move forward somewhat gracefully.
The beginning of Francesca's book could really fit in the spaces of both seasons, neatly around the edges. We know she loves John. But those of us who have read the books, we know the end destiny.
That's all I've got for now!
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penspolin · 1 month
Colin fights his jealousy after watching Penelope and Lord Debling dancing together at a ball, is teased by Benedict, and seeks advice from Violet.
The silver beads threading Penelope's hair seemed to glow like tiny moons. If he'd had parchment and pen, Colin might've noted the perfect juxtaposition of fiery red locks and sparkling silver. He noticed everything--the way her dress swayed so effortlessly against the floor despite her stiff grip on Lord Debling. Was it only Colin's imagination, or did her gloved fingertips hover an inch from his shoulders?
…perhaps he was only imagining it. He reminded himself that Penelope's stiffness was for the sake of propriety. Of course she’d want to touch Debling. He was a gentleman, for one, and even Colin had to admit that he had his own upper-class swagger. A little posh for Colin’s tastes, but from the looks being cast his way across the ballroom floor, Colin knew the lord had made a lasting impression on this season’s eligible debutantes.
Colin hastened for a sip of wine, only to discover that he had drained his glass. He turned away as a certain red-headed beauty twirled across the floor (more gracefully than he had ever allowed himself to notice). He nearly dropped his glass as he struck Benedict in the chest.
“Steady there, brother,” Ben said, putting a hand against Colin’s heaving chest. “What’s the hurry?” He cast a glance over Colin’s shoulder, and the pieces seemed to fall into place. “I’ll say, your friend seems to be enjoying herself. If ‘enjoying yourself’ is best expressed by a scowl, that is.” He tipped his glass. Colin shot him a glare, even though his heart lifted a bit at this last sentiment.
“Oh, don’t be such a grouch,” Ben said, pushing his glass into Colin’s available hand. “While you’re at the table, fetch me another drink, won’t you?”
“I’m not your waiter,” Colin huffed, stifling the urge to turn back to the dance floor once more. It was like an itch, only scratching it burned like a rash.
“You could do with a break. Somehow my ‘sturdy’ little brother has spent the night looking quite pathetic in the corner.”
“I’m not pathetic,” Colin said, and pain tightened his chest. 
Ben rolled his eyes, still looking across the dance floor. “Say, maybe I ought to have a word with this Debling fellow. See if his eye for art is as keen as his eye for a wife.”
“Give him my best,” Colin grumbled, sounding more pathetic by the second.
Benedict gave him a sturdy pat on the shoulder. “And you, give Ms. Featherington your best while I do it. Now, hurry along now and get those drinks before the dance is over.” With a wink, he rejoined the sea of lords and ladies.
Colin gazed across the open floor once more. The waltz was approaching its conclusion. Pen’s hair looked on fire in the torchlight. His mind wandered to the fragments of a dream—Pen in the garden, her eyes twinkling a magnetic blue, her lips a luscious pink. He had leaned in just enough to catch the scent of her hair—like the wisteria garden, only…newer, fresher, somehow, and then—
“Colin, dear. Are you feeling alright?” His mother’s voice stopped him in his tracks. Her brow furrowed, and he hurried to right himself, as he had taught himself to do long before Penelope had pounded her way into the forefront of his mind.
Some things, it seemed, had not changed. He had a guard up, and even his beloved mama could not crumble it.
“Very well, mother,” he managed, swaying slightly on his feet. “Merely...looking for a refill.”
“Not feeling up to a waltz tonight, I take it?” The look she gave him suggested she knew there was a particular reason for it—Colin was not one for skipping dances. 
He had been avoiding his mother, he realized. Was that a flicker of hurt in her eyes? More than his brothers or sisters, Violet Bridgerton had always had an eye out for these things. And if that was the case, should he not be using her knowledge to his advantage?
“Mother,” he began, aware of the blush suffusing his cheeks. “Forgive me, I know we are in company, but I must ask. Do you believe the best foundation for love is friendship?”
She smiled, crinkling the skin around her eyes. Lovely eyes, so open and trusting. He suddenly hated himself for having avoided her, even if it was unintentional. Perhaps it was because of this conversation that he had kept himself from her. 
And something told him that she knew this as well as she whispered, “I think you already know the answer to that.”
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dollypopup · 23 days
interesting that people are still saying that they need to see Colin humbled and criticizing him for being 'smug' in the first views we have of Season 3
almost like. . .they don't actually understand his character
almost like. . .they don't want to
Colin is a character who is consumed externally. Through other people's eyes. Through Marina's and Penelope's and Anthony's viewpoints, through the ton's viewpoint. And that makes him a character you have to dig into and *actively* consider his POV in order to properly grasp the extent of him, since he has been largely denied that POV by the narrative. And when you do that, when you consider his perspective, you realize that the 'smug' veneer people are criticizing? Yeah, that's not actually Colin. It is the view of him. It's the persona he wears. That he shows us. That we consume without question.
Because we? We are the ton. We are who Colin criticizes as only seeing him as an empty charmer. As a smug flirt. As a man with no substance.
Colin is *already* humbled, and his suave exterior is the protection of such, the armor to shield him from society, because when he didn't have it? He was hurt.
Colin loses his father at 12 years old. Colin is sent off to boarding school away from his family almost immediately after Edmund dies. Colin grieves alone. Colin is made fun of by his older brother. Colin is teased for being a virgin, for being earnest, for being a romantic. Colin's first foray into love ends with a public blowup of his engagement. Colin is humiliated to his entire community. Colin is depressed in Season 2. Colin tries finding escape in new places and drugs and letters. Colin is hardly even noticed by his own mother. Colin tries talking about his experiences and people roll their eyes at him, so he stops talking about it. Colin writes on his travels a second time and barely gets a response back. Colin is ghosted by his best friend with no explanation. Colin apologizes. Repeatedly. Wholeheartedly. To Penelope. To Will. To Marina. Colin is told off to his face and *accepts it*. Colin is accused of being a foolish boy caught up in fantasies and bows his head and says 'very well'. Colin is informed that he hurt Penelope and called cruel and immediately apologizes. Takes accountability for what he said with no excuses, praises her, and offers to help her achieve her goals.
When Colin says that charm can be taught, he speaks from experience. He was a sad, lonely young man in Season 2, he is playing a role in Season 3. That's the whole point. Colin *is already humble*.
But furthermore. . .so what if he is more confident in Season 3? What did he do exactly that was so horrible that we need him to be knocked down several pegs? When he is already overlooked even in his own family? And the answer is. . .he didn't love Penelope soon enough.
But that's also not true. Colin has loved Penelope more than anyone else, out loud, and unhesitatingly. It hasn't been romantic and sexual, but that doesn't mean he hasn't loved her. Who asks how Penelope is faring? Colin. Who is the only one in the sitting room in Season 1 to bid her a good day? Colin. Who is the one who is praising Penelope for being smart and sharp and witty and funny and warm and clever? Colin. Who is the one writing to her on the off season, keeping her company? Colin. Who is the one who looks to her home, no doubt wondering how she's doing? Colin.
This fandom has a grudge against him for increasingly infuriating reasons. This is the season he falls in love, and the grand majority of people don't want to understand him, his motivations or characterization. Going so far as to immediately think he's ignoring Penelope in the first 5 minute clip, when she is hiding in the bushes. When the entire family walked down the stairs and didn't notice her right in front of them. We will bend ourselves into pretzels to justify hating on him or insulting him or wanting to see him ground to nothing, and yet accept the most surface level reading of him possible. You can't do that with a character like Colin. His conflict is internal, and the narrative has not given us much glimpse of it. Regardless of whether or not it has gotten overt screentime, Colin is a complex, deep character.
We, however, are a shallow audience.
We are the ton.
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thequietesthing · 21 days
Bridgerton S3 Part 1 REVIEW!!!
Gentle readers, the time is finally upon us…
SPOILERS AHEAD - books and tv show 
Read at you your own risk
let’s go storyline by storyline
Polin: I LOVE THEM YOUR HONOR. they are great. the first episode you wanna smack CB up and down bc he behaves like an ass. Pen my darling i love you but some of your scenes give me second hand embarrassment and i had to watch them thru my fingers lol. I enjoyed the insertion of the character of Lord Debling; he was there, he did his part, which was basically making Colin more evidently jealous. In the books there is no need for that because we follow the thought process of the characters, but in a visual adaptation they have no way to do that so they used the old fashioned jealousy trope, that never disappoints. Confession time, I’m really not a big fan of friends to lovers because a lot of times there is the risk of falling into a series of banalities, BUT in the series, like in the books, it was really really well done. I like how they showed the progressive obsession that Colin has with Penelope, (and I feel like the best is yet to come), because of one thing you can be sure is that that man is OBSESSED with his (future) wife. Scene in the carriage: NAILED IT. Personally I’m also really fond of the scene in the book when he follows her and finds out that she’s LW, which from the promo for the second part I assume will happen (yey!). ALSO THE MIRROR SCENE. I’M WAITING.
Moving on
Francesca: my beloved. Not only do we share a name, but also a core deep awkwardness and the inability to be at the center of attention for more than two minutes straight; not to mention a deep appreciation for silence. I’M LOVING her storyline, I think it has great potential, and we’re finally discovering something more of the mysterious Bridgerton. The way I SCREAMED when John presented himself at Bridgerton House!!!! He is also a sweetheart and they are absolutely lovely together (this characterisation is needed as it will serve as a counterbalance for Michael later). Also Hannah Dodd is just the sweetest tootie-patootie and has such an angel face (which makes me really eager to see her in her season, IYKYK). Idk if you can tell that her book is my favourite lol.
Eloise: my girl, I cannot blame you. Like, let’s be honest, when a friend keeps something from you, especially of such magnitude, you can’t help of being a bit mad. I do think that she still has a great love for Penelope and it shows during these first four episodes. Also, only Eloise can make Cressida Cowper nice apparently. I think it’s going to be very interesting in the second part see her trying to protect her brother from Pen’s secret, but I do believe that in the promo that they showed us there are mostly scenes from episode 5 and 6. She has embraced the mentality if you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em, which makes her less “contrary” to society but she still has her quirkiness and wit that distinguishes from the rest.
Kanthony: they are happy, they are in love and they are enjoying their marital bed, and honestly who can blame them?! I love that they are happy and that they are showing us them being happy. I feel that is something that lacked with Daphne and the Duke because of actors unavailability, but I’m happy that both Johnny and Simone decided to continue. Especially Johnny because I have to say I’m a sucker for Anthony as “father-figure” for the youngest siblings, so I’m hoping for a scene with Frannie/Eloise/Gregory/Hyacinth and Anthony, even in future seasons.
Benedict/Violet: I really think that the next season will be Benedict season, and I will elaborate later why, because my man here needs a change of scenery. 3 seasons, every single time the same freaking storyline for my beautiful Benny that is a precious soul and could do so much more than to shag the first person that comes across his path. Violet is really sweet. She worries for her children a lot, like it’s normal for any mother but she’s learning, with a trial-error approach, how to let a bit go. I’m not entirely convinced of this Marcus guy. I think that Lady Danbury needs to sit Violet down and come clean of why she and her brother are estranged because she (being me) needs to know. 
Mondrich family: they are so cute, but I feel (and hope) that we will be able to close their story this season because it’s starting to feel a bit dragged on.
All in all, the first part of S3 gets 4,5/5⭐️
Now, my predictions: like I said before I do think that the next season will be Benedict turn, and not Francesca or Eloise, for the following reasons
1.They don’t know what to do with the poor guy anymore, every season a different person but his story arc feels a bit incomplete. They did something last season with the whole art school debacle but we are mostly back to square one.
2.Eloise has not given any indication that she has started writing to Mr.Philip. I think she will start at the end of this season or beginning of the next one.
3.Since we don’t have anymore debutantes for a while, I think next season will begin with Francesca and John’s wedding, and as a secondary storyline they will start to show more of their relationship + they will introduce Michael and all their dynamics. 
4.If they continue, I believe Eloise will have the fifth season , with her running away after Benedict (her favourite brother) gets married. 
ALSO, and this is more a personal curiosity, I wonder what they will do with LW. Technically, in the books Penelope is discovered and LW dies out; in fact in E/F/H/G we don’t have any LW at the beginning of the chapters but extrapolates of letters from the main character to other characters. It’s interesting I think because, if they do decide to cut her out completely, it will change the format of the series quite a bit as it has become such a core part of how the show is perceived by the audience. Which leads me to a reflection on how they decided to promote/present the show. If Benedict is actually next, I think it will be a bit of a transitional season. Let me explain myself; I don’t think that the queen (and the court in general) will have a big role like she’s been having for the past seasons because the next Bridgerton debutante will be Hyacinth, which is quite a few seasons away. We won’t have anymore LW (technically) and also the stages set in the books, especially for E, but also for F partially, takes place far way from London. If they actually manage to get to H/G seasons (which I hope because I want to see Garrett and Lucy), they will bring back the entire London setting. OBVIOUSLY ASSUMING THAT THEY FOLLOW WHAT IS WRITTEN IN THE BOOKs AND DON'T DECIDE TO SWITCH IT UP AND MAKE EVERYTHING HAPPEN IN LONDON (honestly, I hope not)
All this to say that I think that they split this season for two reasons: one of purely economical nature; being the fact that they have been absent from the screens for very long and in order to keep the people talking about the series more (and for longer) and to regain all the money spent, is very strategic to split it in half, keeping engagement high for all the time before/in between/after. The second reason I think is of narrative choices, if we assume that I’m right and Benedict is next, for the reasons I told you before. They want to show a bit of a detachment between the Bridgerton we have known until know and the one that will come later.
Ok I’m done. Gosh, how I ramble.
I have a sixth sense that I need to add this, just to be sure: these are my opinions, feel free not to share them just please be nice if you want to manifest your disagreement.
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pennybridgertons · 3 months
When with my beloved polin return from the war?
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sea-owl · 4 months
I’ve been a huge lover of all of your Bridgerton AU’s (The Polin ones are just 🤌) and The Seasonal Wives AU is just so !!!!! I’m absolutely in love with it and already so excited to see how the brothers react to the new priestesses 👀
SEASONAL WIVES MY BELOVED! While Spring's Rebirth is my baby, Seasonal Wives has to be my next favorite of the aus.
Speaking of the au . . . I should add the next part.
The girls' main worry is that the cermonial robes for the companion of the season was more showy than their normal robes. More specifically, their chests where the mark of seasons used to go over the companion's heart. What ultimately ended up being decided was the girls would use makeup to hide Kate's birthmark. Can't risk offending one of the seasons just because your birthmark just so happens to look like one of the marks of old.
For the ceremony, Kate would need to meet the season upon the first day of fall at the border between the world of mortals and immortals. Dressed in the colors of fall, she is to be followed by her three "bride's maids," aka other pristesses, who will sing the ceremonial hymns and act as witnesses.
On the first day of fall, Kate knelt at the border with her friends behind her at three different points, forming a half circle. Her veil covered her face and slightly obscured her vision. She wondered what her friends were seeing from their standing positions. Their faces were also covered by veils, but she remembers other pristesses saying that they could never see the land beyond the border. Often, it looked like you were looking into a foggy mirror or murky water.
Woof! Woof!
Kate blinked. Was that a dog barking?
Woof! Woof!
"Oh!" Kate gasped as a small, fat, mass of corgi ramed right into her. One arm wrapped around the dog while the other flung out to steady herself.
Her friends faltered in the hymn, but she waved that she was alright.
The corgi wiggled happily in her lap, tail wagging, his snout kept trying to lift or remove Kate's veil.
"Newton!" A voice called.
Looking up Kate could see a man she's only seen from a far before. The Season of Fall. He was rather handsome up close with his dark chestnut hair, and a presence that would leave no one guessing who was I'm charge.
The corgi, now dubbed Newton, whined, burying himself further into Kate's lap.
Fall sighed and knelt down. He took hold of Kate's veil to lift up as his next part in the ceramony. "I apologize for him. Usually, he doesn't leave my side."
"It is alright, my lord," Kate said, her vision now becoming clearer without the veil in the way.
Fall froze. "Kate?" He whispered.
The hymn stopped. Kate stared at the season. How did he know her name? One of the final steps of the ceremony was for her to give him her name. Also, there was something familiar? His brown eyes looked scared like he was in a dream, and soon, he might wake up, but also, there was a tiny spark of something else, hope?
A name came to Kate. "Anthony?"
Anthony? Who was Anthony?
Fall yanked Kate into his arms, Newton trapped between them, though the corgi seemed to like it. Kate glanced over her shoulder at her friends who all seemed ready to step forward.
Fall caught the movement and released one arm and loosened the other just enough so Kate could see better. He sent a wave of wind just strong enough to knock off the other veils of Kate's friends.
If Fall looked like he was in a dream before now he looked like he was seeing the dead come back to life.
"You're all alive," he muttered.
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SMB Author's Life Update:
Have I been MIA? Yes.
Am I ok? kinda.
Real Talk:
To put it bluntly my fellow romantic lovers/writers, I am experiencing my own type of Penelope/Polin love story right now in real time..... And we have just reached the will they/won't they point of the plot.
As in: A confession has happened... And now we wait......
This man..... Ooooh this man.... Is either going to be the death of me or the greatest adventure of my life.
Unfortunately, he is very much like our beloved Colin Bridgerton in that "Penelope is my friend" sense yet his actions are saying so much more.
Im currently terrified outta my mind because holy shit I have so many emotions right now, but I'm healthy in both mind, heart and soul.
I don't know how my story will end, and with this Bridgerton s3 halfway break, I can't even find an escape through my comfort characters 😭
So in saying that, I officially won't be updating any of my Bridgerton work until after s3 is completely over.
The best thing about falling for someone who was your friend first, is that if the friendship is healthy and strong enough, they know how to best be gentle with your heart....... And he's a good one to give mine too.... Even if he can be a bit slow to process ( y'all I literally didn't hide anything beyond actually having to near spell it out to him💀😂. He asked me "What's a song you know all the lyrics to?" And i stared straight into this man's eyes and said "Hopelessly devoted to you by Olivia newton John from grease" and he was just like " Oooooh that's a good one!" 💀)
Either way, I miss writing, I miss my dear readers, and I especially miss losing myself in Polin/Bridgerton ficideas etc.
If anything, this man is probs to thank for all the inspiration he's given me for my Polin ideas 😂😂
But yeah..... I'm alive......
But also.....
Wish me luck x
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Bridgerton Season 3 Episode 2 Initial Reactions
I'm late I know, but I didn't get to post these reactions so here they are.
ooh the historical pineapple reference!! I love the set design people they just keep delivering these little gems.
Edwina beloved! I think this confirms the marriage to the Prussian prince. Good for her, go be a princess babe.
Charlotte's wig is so beautiful and elaborate
Not Kate getting called old and hopeless on the marriage mart like free my woman from these allegations.
Nicola is eating up these green looks
"But have no interest in other debutants" not Benedict sniffing out my imaginary lesbian love story here.
Pen regretting her latest column
Penelope being so awkward at flirting is giving baby gazel trying to walk for the first time. it's vv endearing
Oh no is this foreshadowing Francesca diamond allegations? I read the books but I've forgotten this bit
Tbh I'm loving Featherington women they are peak bimbo
The actress for Phillipa has such a good voice it matches the character perfectly
Portia Featherington don't be controlling challenge
The most realistic representation of regency era sex ed I fear.
Colin threesome? See I said it was a slutty summer.
Not to nit pick/slut shame but at the least an hour needs to pass between your sinning and then being around your future love interest.
Aww Polin first meeting reminiscing.
You know nothing Colin Bridgerton you could have Apollo gift you with prophecy and you would still know nothing!
Aww they're apart and not in the same bed. They're really cute.
Yes madam Delacroix encourage these women to take fashion risks.
So Francesca wants to get matched to avoid attention? But she welcomes the prospect of marriage, hmm…
Bridgerton family cuteness
Hyacinthe being good at cards and a menace! I'm loving the younger kids being brought into this season.
Secret Polin meeting the tropes are troping.
Colin getting offended when Pen is like "you" bahaha
"Your eyes are the most remarkable shade of blue..." Colin was shooketh that boy is living in his "romancing mr.bridgerton" era.
Not her finding his musings on his smutty summer and getting turned on.
To paraphrase: "Were you reading my smutty journal Penelope?" like do you not know how nosey she is??
They’re touching hands and staring into each other's eyes your honor.
Girl what was this "lesson" even, I enjoyed it but still
Honestly same girl I too would vibe with pretty jewelry.
Colin wants the tea for the Pen and Eloise drama so bad!!
"how is she" spoken like a true divorced couple Eloise
Eloise speaking fax about how strange Colin and Pen's arrangement is.
Queen Charlotte back with a banging wig and more disparagement
Francesca: I was promised a music man, and I shall like one right this instant.
Mr. Dankworth and Mr. Finch we finally learn their names! Or maybe I have terrible memory?
Not them getting abandoned by their wives lmao
Not Portia acknowledging Mr. Dankworth's Kenergy "You are so pretty" and then the Kens are terrified of her this family is giving me too much entertainment
Colin "If you speak to one man tonight you can read of my sexploits" Bridgerton
"His horse recently died" ma'am this show is so unserious
Also not usually very caring of this but their height difference is everything
Eloise's talent would have been stand up commedy if it were not 1815.
Benedict’s commitment issues continue I see
It's the way this scene with Benedict has explained the complexity of all these society rules being in place solely for the sake of the marriage mart institution
Hannah Dodd so beautifully portrays a music nerd that just wants to be alone
Volet-Danbury shenanigans are afoot
Also Lady Danbury's outfits are so cute this season
Omg Featherinton sex talk is 10/10 comedy
"Inserts himself? Inserts himself where?" was delivered so perfect no notes just me gasping and dying laughing. Mr. Finch idk what your game is but I am deceased.
Oh no these girls are pirannahs and they smell blood
Aww Pen meeting a Whistledown fan in the wild is so sweet.
Also, she has a caller! Thank you Lord Remmington!
Oh no, oh no, oh no no no no their scheme is exposed poor Penelope will have to ruin her own reputation.
While I feel terrible for Pen she kinda deserves her serving of karma
Lady Danbury you are a level 1000 master manipulator here for Francesca.
Oh no Fran looks so distraught this is everything she was against
Ok I'm seeing the commentary they want to set up with the Kent’s situation
Visitor- sounds controversial Lady Danbury
GO off Eloise defend your cancelled wife!!
Ok Cressida has some points here.. that still doesn't endear me
Omg it's the first Polin kiss scene!!
"But you would be dead" best comedian right here give him his award!
Also, that was one passionate kiss for helping a dear friend out. These two dorks are so in love they can’t even see it (facepalm).
You can see it on his face he has unlocked something, he doesn’t know what but it’s something.
Tbh the maid is the MVP here she has allowed all of this to happen.
I'm starting to see where the plot is going and I approve. I will say the Polin story line is going well and I have no notes but a lot of other characters do not get screen time. There are no Lady Danbury Penelope interactions. It does feel at times there are too many characters due to these interactions.
Overall good, the ending odiously was the strong point I gave it 10/10.
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