#por la tarde
deardiaryilovesarah · 4 months
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s-a-d-h-u-m-a-n · 9 months
Tiempo después respondió mi mensaje, pero ya no quise leer...
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etinfernum · 10 months
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ann3xia · 21 days
Una noche te vas a dormir y al despertar, descubres que eres un gato.
¿Cuáles serían tus colores y que nombre crees que tendrías?
Jajajajaja yo creo que ya soy un gato,tengo la misma vida, actitud,conducta ..que ellos.
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Pero sí eso pasara, sería un gatovaca y me llamaría MariLuz, Mari para los amigos y Luz para los conocidos.
Un besote😘
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ashvvton · 7 months
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“ ¿qué crees que signifique? ” pregunta va dirigida al aire, su mirada manteniéndose fija en la enorme pintura exhibida en la pared. “ para serte honesto nunca he entendido todo esto del arte, aunque quizá sea cierto cuando dicen que una imagen vale más que mil palabras. ”
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la-jos · 10 months
"solía rechazar la idea de enamorarme. Bueno, querida yo de hace años, ahora no podemos odiarle y le lloramos cada tarde"
-profundo rechazo.
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crazysaru99 · 1 month
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Headcanon: Gabriella and "Gabri" are same person
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y0nain · 2 months
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─ # CUBIERTA SUPERIOR : si bien había oído la advertencia de acercarse a este sitio, no puede evitar pasarlo por alto cuando el ambiente en las mesas y el bar le traen a la mente una época con más recuerdos negativos que positivos. por vez perdida la cuenta, en un intento por despejarse, sale hasta el exterior por algo de aire. con una ficha en mano ante la familiaridad de la figura, es que habla: "un módica suma de dinero por tus pensamientos" suelta, al mismo tiempo que se apoya en la baranda y busca la mirada de su compañía. "o puedes solo pasarme y no hablar. aun podría darte la ficha" dice alzando el objeto frente a su rostro.
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mxwin · 3 months
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deardiaryilovesarah · 5 months
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elquiu · 2 years
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the greil mercenaries but they're dressed as the best seasonal banner ever
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amigas me va a ir tan mal en el oral mañana. en mi defensa diré que iba bien de ritmo de estudio pero como me han cambiado la clase se me ha ido todo a la mierda y aquí estamos. las doce de la noche con un epígrafe entero por memorizar y todos los supuestos escritos por hacer. de locos 👍
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knightzp · 20 days
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thelastconfessor · 9 months
Everything that a few complaints have woken up in 12 months: the visible and invisible changes in the National Team during the World Cup More freedom, better conditions or the commitment of Luis Rubiales, among others.
Sydney - Why does the national team travel on a charter flight? Why do they stay in the best hotels? Why do they have a nutritionist? Why does Rubiales never leave their side? Why have the players felt so close to their families? It is impossible to explain without mentioning 'Las 15'.
They should be left alone, they have enough on their plate. I can think of few crueller scenarios for them - for those who have been left out of the World Cup. But it is impossible. It is impossible to explain what is happening - internally - in Australia and New Zealand without talking about them.
Because yes, there have been changes. And yours truly, who got fed up of saying that there hadn't been any - at least, important ones - is seeing them. During these days, Rubiales has been tired of saying that they had listened to the players, that they were going to give them everything they had asked for. A stance that contrasts with the previous speech, the one before the World Cup, in which it was implied that if the players wanted to return, they would have to jump through hoops. In other words: take it or leave it. In other words, it seemed that there was nothing to change, that everything was fine.
I suppose it would be the best strategy to give the impression that those who returned did so for their own good, for their ambition and for the oft-repeated "It's a World Cup…". That too, of course. And so that the feeling with those who did not return was that their "tantrum", as it was called by many -many-, had served absolutely no purpose. A brilliant communicative move, really.
The "capricious" and "blackmailing" women were not so far off the mark…
The truth is that after 36 days at the World Cup, between Australia and New Zealand, there have been changes. The "capricious" and the "blackmailers" were not so misguided and there were aspects to improve. At least to try to compete with the best and aspire to win a major tournament, not just to participate.
With the exception of the setback in Palmerston - a bitter memory for many - the rest of the World Cup has been placid. As placid as a tournament played between two countries where the distances are anything but short. But the national team has travelled in the best conditions, the right conditions for rest and good performance. Something that did not happen, or not completely, before the turning point of the 'Las 15' conflict.
Before, it was a juggling act for the players to see their families or their partners or whoever they wanted. Some even had to give the blood group of their partner - read ironically-. Too many restrictions and too little freedom. In New Zealand -Spain only visited Australia for the World Cup final-, the opposite was true. The players have enjoyed more days off than ever before and the family reconciliation plan has -ostensibly- improved their quality of life at the tournament.
For example, both Ivana Andrés and Irene Paredes have spent the World Cup with Jara and Mateo and Ana and Lucía. Their respective children and wives. Another of the most common scenes of the World Cup has been to see the players' families in the stands and, practically, in the hotel next door, as happened in Wellington. Seeing them in the hotel cafeteria playing cards or watching one of the World Cup matches with them. No pressure, with freedom.
The change of Luis Rubiales
Not to mention Rubiales. The president of the RFEF has not been separated from them. He arrived for the first match and is still here. It is common to see him at training sessions, in the moments before the match and in the day-to-day running of the national team. It was a request, that Rubiales should be at the side of the national team, of the players. And the president has complied. Never before has he been so involved and committed to the players. He is remembered for those Europa Press breakfasts when Spain were travelling to Australia for the Nations Cup and he looked for Jorge Vilda among the attendees. Someone in the audience told him he wasn't there.
It seems incredible that we have to talk about this, but until the World Cup Spain did not have a nutritionist. Something that seems necessary in a national team that was supposed to be top level. That is another of the changes. In addition to more physios - four in total, one more than at the European Championship - and a large and numerous staff of around thirty people.
Even Jorge Vilda has 'changed', at least as far as football is concerned. As some of the players have publicly acknowledged, the changes that the coach has made during the World Cup have paid off and have been, for the most part, the right ones. "He would never have dared to be so brave," say those who know him. Although there is still much room for improvement, both in communication with the squad and in the management of the group. But that's another matter and I'm afraid there is no 'Las 15' that will change that.
The truth is that if we look back, the national team is different. By different, I mean that it is now a national team that lives up to what was expected of it, but which did not exist before 'Las 15'. With its freedom, with its committed president, with its optimal conditions, with its staff, etc. Although it is no consolation, 'The 15' have achieved many things -some of them, the minimum required-, but at what a price?
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cherrysfeelings · 6 months
People in Europe right now because of the wind
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ggvas · 1 year
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'¿de que estás hablando?, ¡claro que le atiné al aro!, está más claro que nada que ahí cayó primero antes de rebotar y salirse, debe contar para algo.' chilla hacía el trabajador del puesto y señala entonces al pequeño jueguete que quería, un pequeño robot sin chiste alguno que prendía luces de colores. '¿al menos un llavero?, ¡eh!, ¿tú si viste que entró, cierto?' cuestiona a la persona a su lado, casi suplicandole que hablara a su favor.
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