thev01dd · 2 months
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"I will burn to keep you alive"
au!moodboard (25/?)
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hellionil · 2 years
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aka-diarmuid · 24 days
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It's always so much fun to draw Colt because he's the opposite of Dee's body type.
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fgoships · 2 years
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swiftscion · 16 days
Diarmuid has arrived just in time, it seems.
With the return of an alum and her strange... "photo-artifex", excitement for the upcoming ball seems to be rising with the tide. When he stands watch in hallways, students' chatter reaches him - in the knights' barracks, too, people talk about dates and dances with an excited reverence. Their whispers are hardly hushed, and their excitement is contagious. A ball!
He is not the perfect-courtly prince he'd like to be, but he can't deny the allure of a ball. Would it be odd to go alone? This, he is unsure of, but he does not have to go alone.
It is late when he finds her. Against a fountain, her hair shimmers near-silver in the moonlight, liquid mercury. A soft smile is on his face as he takes a seat on the marble edge, the spray of water against his back.
"Larcei," he says, bearing her name like a gift, familiar-fond and near giddy. "I was wondering if you'd like to go to the ball with me?"
There is little uncertainty in his tone. He has known her and she has known him just like they've known the passing of years. The smile he gives her is a reliable-old thing, shined clear without a hint of rust.
"As friends, of course! Oh, but if you already have someone you're going with, I don't want to impose. You'll have to tell me about them, though, if that's the case!"
He folds his hands in his lap and waits, then, watching her face like a memory, taking her in as if she holds the world.
(Maybe she does.)
She wonders if she should take a quick dunk.
Larcei’s day has been a long one. It began with the rise of the early sun, and blazed on through her training, errands, and buzzing around her mother after class had ended. She poured her heart into everything she did, and for that reason, she has decided to take a break by nightfall. 
Her arms are propped against the fountain, head held back in its warmth and slight-sweatiness. As her eyes begin to wander, they land on the surface of the water. Only stars glimmer in the reflection. It looks so… Cool. So refreshing. A small deliberation goes on in her mind, and she decides that on the count of three she’d treat herself to a splash. One, two-
Fire toasts her cheeks as she turns to meet the sound of her own name. For a moment, she believes it to be one of her professors. Probably here to scold her for acting like such a child, and rightfully so. But Diarmuid’s familiar features draw a breath out of her, and with it she exhales much of her embarrassment. “Yo,” she greets, with a small wave–trying to act all cool-like. 
He goes on, and she listens. But the mention of the ball brings back her discomfort. Her face begins to flare, fingers squeezing into a fist by her side. Is that… All she is to him? Are they not friends–have they not ever been friends? Has Diarmuid only ever seen him as a girl–a potential suitress waiting to be wed? Is he no better than the last guy that tried something like this?
(And seriously, could he have not picked a more romantic setting?)
But just as she is about to open her mouth to speak, he offers the rest. Her heart stills. The last few seconds have been a rollercoaster for her, so when she speaks her voice sounds rocky, like she had nearly gotten the wind knocked out of her, “Oh, that? I’m… Shocked you even heard about it. ‘Never pinned you as the kind to care about dancin’, y’know?” 
She tries a laugh, but even that comes out awkwardly. “Sure, Diarmuid,” she finally just spits, knowing at her core that she wants and trusts him to take her. Anyone she grew up with shouldn’t even have to ask, actually. “I’ll come with. As long as you’re by my side though, I’ll make sure you have fun. Got it?” 
Speaking sets things back into place for her. She wears a smile, and unfolds his arms by the wrist. The Sun is then whisked away by the Star, off to go to bed, off to endure the many preparations for their next meeting. They'll need matching suits and a plan of action and for Diarmuid to know how crazy the last few balls have been. But their conversation fades into the background.
The whole while, Larcei subtly shakes her head at herself. Who was she kidding? The guy’s got his head on straighter than most. If anyone is sensible enough to not make stupid mistakes in the name of love…
…Strangely, it’d be him.
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charmblooded · 1 month
@diadic asked:
  “ Diarmuid! That's you, isn't it?? ”  It's been some time since the two have seen one another, but once Leif recognizes it is the blond he's thinking of, he immediately moves to accost him in the hall. “ I assumed with Ares and Nanna here, it was you who was looking out for Agustria in their stead, fighting on Ares's behalf... But knowing you, you had something put in place, right? ” Even for the brief time where Diarmuid was separated from Lord Seliph and instead fighting for Leif's own ranks, Leonster's prince noted the other man's competency as a military officer, being exceedingly easy to work with and good for the army's productivity. If Agustria had him in its counsel, Leif was confident about its direction, but... He's here for a reason surely? Leif leans in a bit, speaking a bit more darkly and in hushed tones, wondering,  “ ...Or did something happen to Agustria??? ”
Diarmuid startles for a moment, but only briefly - the brown hair is a familiar sight, and his tense stance eases as he recognizes the other.
"Lord Leif!"
The other's name falls from his lips with glee, an echo of the way his own name had risen off the young lord's lips, and he opens his arms in way of greeting.
"It's good to see you well," and there is so much more he could say, so much more that struggles to reach his lips, so he settles for throwing an arm over Leif's shoulder, hoping that the warmth of his touch can bridge any gap words fail to reach.
When Leif's voice lowers, he presses his head towards the other, letting their whispers hang in the air.
"Augstria is fine," he promises, a promise he cannot truly be certain of, but he has put as many a measure as he can to assure such a thing. "I was worried about Lord Ares. I.. didn't get any letters from him for quite some time. I want to make sure he and the others were alright!"
A warm smile and warmer cheeks - he's a bit embarrassed by the fact he'd felt the need to see for himself, truth be told, when so many people relied on his presence to keep things stable. A selfish act. An indulgence.
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ladyofspringcourt · 5 months
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🌻 When the Princess of Vallahan, Ingrid Aesir, was taken to Prythian as a hostage to force her father to negotiate for peace, she did not expect to return home alive.
But the Mother has other plans.
Burdened by bonds she did not want, Ingrid must claw her way out or Prince Diarmuid, her captor and the second son of the Spring Lord, will devour her alive. And she will rather die with her dignity as Princess of Vallahan in tact before she is cowed into marrying Prythian's warmongering Spring prince.
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The Ladies of the Ruling House of Cynara by Aurea Rosid.
IN THE WEST OF SPRING COURT, there is a small house on a cliff that overlooks the Red Sea. The people of Fionna called it the Tulip Castle, an ambitious name that caused a few laughter for those who have seen it upclose. It wasn't anything grand. Just a simple two story house with a wooden upper floor and a stone foundation, lined with a grand staircase leading to a small garden with what used to be a gilded fountain and a gazebo. It was a vacation house for the Cynara Family before the Siege of Aithne more than a millenium ago—now it lay abandoned, ivy growing on the stone walls.
However, as ancient-looking and enigmatic the castle might be, what many do not know was that the castle was only built after High Lord Diarmuid ascended the throne. Before, the cliff was a barren land. No trees grow on nor around it. The soil was dry and pale, too harsh for any form of life to thrive on. It was the only part of Spring that cannot nurture life—that small cliff overlooking the Red Sea, a bald patch of dirt that was completely useless.
For that, many saw the cliff as a sign of hope. Against the invading armada. Against the stark gray of the never-ending wars.
But legends have it that after Ingrid of Vallahan, the future Lady of Spring, bled on the barren soil while defending the borders of Spring from the Summer Armada, soul-trapping flowers grew around it.
That legend alone has fascinated the entire court for centuries. Lady Ingrid, or Princess Ingrid as she was formally styled before her marriage to the High Lord, was a foreigner with no Spring Fae blood in her veins. The people from Vallahan did no favor magic either. They are a conquering class, who wielded swords and shields a thousand times better than their Prythian counterparts.
And yet her blood gave birth to the same rare soul-trapping flowers, Spring's most scared fauna, which grew only in the gardens of Rosehall. The same flowers that can gather pillars of sunlight and sow it back into the soil. Many found it mysterious and chalked it up to her mating bond that inevitably tied her to the lands.
Evergreen trees soon grew after the battle, slowly filling the foot of the cliff until it towered over every new shrub, every new plant—until its steady shade covered the near Village of Fionna.
But now, it is a symbol of death.
They say that when the Lady Ingrid died in Rosehall Manor in the Village of Lachlan, a strange light appeared in the castle's garden, shooting into the night sky until it devoured fge moon. A solar eclipse that threatened to devour the moon entirely. Many believe that her soul was trapped in that house—and that is why the her son never visited Fionna when he became High Lord. Why he stayed far away in his Manor on the other side of the Court.
They say Lady Ingrid's haunted castle is the reason why the Beast of Spring never ventured too far west, even when the King of Hybern demanded a welcome during the Second War. She wanders in its hallowed halls like a ghost, still in her blood-stained clothes, unable to passl.
If you are a fae of Spring, you might be familiar with this story already. Lady Ingrid is famous among Spring Faeries when she was alive—for her grace and her benevolence—that the countless analects from her youth had been the topic of numerous ballads and stories up until today.
That said, I'd like to argue that everything you have read above may just be an sanitized version of a far more interesting tale.
Remember that our history, the history of Spring Court, is never formally written. Unlike the other courts of Prythian, we kept our folklores and stories alive through words of mouth; through ballads, poetries, and bedtime stories. Such recollections, which got more and more dramatized at every retelling, did not preserve the integrity of the characters and their personal history.
It never explained why Ingrid of Vallahan, of surprising mixed descent, was mated to the then most powerful of the seven High Lords. Why her blood gave life to a dead cliff. Why her closetest son, the Bronze Prince, the High Lord Tamas Lin, never visited the west of his territory in his three-hundred years of Lordship.
We made theories about it, romanticized the bits and pieces we were given until we have a mangled fairy tale in our hands.
But now, as I embark on this journey to put our history in ink, as per the order of the High Lord as part of our rebuilding efforts, let me dedicate the following chapters to the story that unfolded more than 500 years ago. The story of the promising Prince of Spring who would later become one of Prythian's tyrannts, and his mate whose name and identity I will attempt to give back.
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Hello, Ran here!
So this is an fanfic idea that I have been playing with for a very long time (if you scroll through my profile, you'll know). Anyway, I wrote the intial draft a long time ago but decided not to publish it because Diarmuid and Ingrid have a canonically toxic relationship and I was scared that the fic will be taken the wrong way.
But you kmow what, SJM never fleshed the characters so I'll do whatever the fuck I want with them. Just remember to take the story with a grain of salt—it is afterall inspired by the Story of Kunning Palace and the Medici. Xie Wei and Lorenzo are not exactly prince charmings so...yeah, enjoy ig?
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louvay · 6 months
We're asking Jugdral questions? Oh cool! Let's see...
-Who wins in a girlboss competition: Lachesis or Hilda?
-Speaking of Hilda, how would she react to being locked in a room with Deirdre (since they likely interacted in canon and no one ever seems to talk about this?)
-Who is most likely to be mistaken for a Disney prince and/or princess?
-Which of the Tirnanog kids would be the most competitive at Mario kart?
Yup, glad to answer any question!
-Interesting match up because they’re both in classes with A rank in alot of weapons and have Charisma but i’ll give it to Lachesis because she’s the first ever female character in FE to use an axe. Also she can get sweet revenge on Chagall while Hilda tends to be on the receiving end of these types of things.
-Hilda will try to strike up a conversation with Deirdre and be pushy about it in order to garner her favor since she is the empress but will soon realize Deirdre is alot like her niece and will then, in her irritation, try to excuse herself from the room. Also she will have a pen and notebook ready to list the things Deirdre says Julius likes.
-For likely to be mistaken for a Disney prince, absolutely Diarmuid. Dude is practically prince charming and people underrate his dialogue with Leif in Fe5 if Nanna is dead. Genuinely a stand up guy in the midst of tragedy. As for Disney princess, I think of Ethyln and how she’s as stubborn as her brother yet that stubbornness comes from a place of compassion. She convinces Quan to join with Sigurd in saving Edain and when she gets the Lighbrand from Deirdre after checking up on her sister-in-law, you’ll start to use her more for combat with it.
-Lester would be devilish in Mario Kart, like the type of guy who doesn’t even show mercy to Lana or Seliph while playing against them. Knows when to drift perfectly as well as the perfect timing to use Koopa shells & Bob-ombs. Still loses to Oifey tho.
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loopingpyre · 8 months
I love how Thracia 776 does Fire Emblem Gaiden/Fire Emblem Echoes Alm plotline, of like, the secret heir caught up in revolution.
But it's just in the background, incidental, entirely missable.
You can have an idea of it through a couple of magic swords, but would you notice?
Would you take Beowulf's Sword off Diarmuid, a prince entrusted to your army by Seliph, the Scion of Light and give it to a mercenary who got into a seeming drunken fight with a Munster solider?
When you get the sacred sword that can pierce the main villain's plot armour, would you think to give it to a simple mercenary you've had since the close to the start of the game who hasn't had any screentime since, or the main character youve had to deploy every chapter who has a personal grudge?
And yet, nothing ultimately is stopping you from recreating FE2/15 yourself, and having a carefree mercenary stare down the Evil Duke and take him out for good.
Your only hint besides this is his ending screen- casually mentioning rumors of him being a long lost prince, the son of a legendary knight.
If he lives in the first place.
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caemthe · 3 months
@darabeatha said.º
ANDDD KISS MARRY KILL for cú✨ also same rules
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Ashwatthama: Ash is handsome, hot-blooded, great company, and a good fighter, which means Cú would totally ask him to lean down after they're done sparring so he can give him a kiss, and then go for drinks. Dunno, Cú is the type to go with the flow, likes affection and doesn't whack his brain about kissing his buddies. As long as they're having fun, all is fine.
Diarmuid: Something similar to Ash but with the bonus of them belonging to the same homeland and culture so Cú wouldn't have to worry about doing something that might get misunderstood or crossing boundaries. Whenever he felt like it, he would like 'hey, dia! come over here?' and steal a few kisses during a mission or while they're hanging out. Very cute, simple, refreshing.
Constantine: He likes the mild-mannered kings with unbreakable willpower and a sense of duty that can take on a crude tone during emergencies, what can I say? Ademas, Constantine resuelve 💅✨ Even though Cú never cared for it, he was a prince so that part checks out. He was also great at maths (administration) and at war tactics, especially when it came to taking the offensive and turning the tables, which I think would be quite convenient for Constantine. Sure, Cú would prefer to be leading the armies than talking to diplomats but he's willing to compromise for the wellbeing of the people and to give Constantine a break.
Gilgamesh (archer): He's not that Lancer from that hgw, but would only need to be called mutt / mongrel once to know why he needs to kill this guy. It's okay, he has class advantage and protection from projectiles, he'll do Chaldea a favor and get rid of the evil-
Jason: This guy complains too loudly and talks too much about Heracles. You can bet Cú has (lovingly) thought more than once about kicking him off a ship and watching him struggle and asking for help before doing anything about it. And that's how he would accidentally kill Jason.
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scabopolis · 2 years
Ooooh Austen talk!! I basically want to know ALL your opinions but that is very vague, haha, so okay - how has watching/reading them all so close together affected your opinion of the adaptations? Are there any patterns or choices you've noticed that make some adaptations work and not others?
Sarah! All the Austen talk. You know how I love it. I did not realize how long I was going to make this, so the second question is under the cut.
1. How has watching/reading them all so close together affected your opinion of the adaptations?
In the case of Emma as well as Sense and Sensibility (and I'll be curious to see if this happens when I watch all three versions of Persuasion together) watching them in quick succession basically creates a microscope effect where the differences that go beyond aesthetic and into interpretation pop. You see those distinctions all the more clearly when watched closely together.
For exmple, the nature of the relationship between Emma and Knightley is vastly different from one interpretation to the next. In the Kate Beckinsale-Emma, Knightley and Emma have this very antagonistic combative relationship. They don't spar as much as fight and yell. Knightley delivers almost all his lines yelling, actually. I told @best-laid-plaids that it was Knightley as Rochester. Whereas GP-Emma and Knightley manage to strike this tone of "friends from college slept together once, and 10-years later they still sometimes imagine the other peron naked", if that makes any sense. In the 2009 version, their relationship feels very lived in; like they really have known one another their entire lives. And in 2020 it is pretty clear from the start that they are very attracted to one another, but maybe don't know what to do with that.
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(JLM's little point before he waves is so cute, my goodness.)
This microscope effect also calls to attention those details that remain from one version to the next as well as those that are altered. In the 19996 Kate Beckinsale version, as Knightley holds his niece, he says to Emma something like "I once held you this way." Again, when Knightley proposes, they bring it up. Emma says something like "do you like me as well now as when I was a child?" Now...is a version of that in the book? Yes. Is it an odd choice to keep in a 90s film adaptation? Also yes. It's noticeably the only Emma adaptation that is this explicit about the age difference. When you pair that with the Rochesterification of Knightley (™ @best-laid-plaids) and the highly combative relationship between Emma and Knightley, it's hard not to infer that between Andrew Davies' script and Diarmuid Lawerence's direction, they wanted to depict a more aggressive relationship where part of the attraction for Emma and Knightley was the large age difference. Other adaptations gloss over the ickiness of the age difference - this one embraces it.
There's a YouTube compilation of all four proposal scenes, and I think watching them one right after the other you see this even more clearly.
That all brings me to your second question.
2. Are there any patterns or choices you've noticed that make some adaptations work and not others?
Yes, absolutely, and I think it really comes down to this question: what have the screenwriter/director decided are problems with the source texts and how have they decided to go about resolving them?
Okay, so bear with me here, but it reminds me of the live action Disney Beauty and the Beast movie that came out several years ago. It was like the writers/directors of that movie consumed every clickbaity "This is why Beauty and the Beast is the WORST Disney movie" video they could find, and wrote a live action script that specifically addressed every one of the concerns. Lindsay Ellis has an incredible video breaking this down. Oh! according to the animated version, the prince was turned into the beast as an 11-year old. "DON'T WORRY! WE FIXED THAT!" Okay...cool. We were fine, though? That movie is obsessed with fixing problems that aren't problems.
I think when you watch so many Austen adaptations, the nature of the 'problems' adaptations are trying to fix become quite apparent.
Are the Austen heroines too passive and beholden to the whims of the men in their lives? Don't worry! We'll fix that by showing they are actually active and cuttingly witty (Fanny Price in both 1999 and 2007, Anne Elliot in 2022). Also, we'll make it clear the heroine doesn't hold very much affection for her sucky family (Emma in 2020, Anne in 2022, Fanny in 1999/2007). Are the male heroes seemingly lackluster? No problem. Just have them physically threaten the rake character (Colonel Brandon in 2008), chop firewood and ride angrily (Edmund in 2008), be more overtly jealous to show they have FEELINGS (Knightley in 2020), etc. etc. etc. Are you worried the audience isn't going to understand why a hero/heroine pursued one person and then quickly pursued another? Might I suggest giving a very long subplot to a side character to further explain their POV (Frank Churchill in 2009), or maybe make it clear the hero/heroine had no interest actually (Wentworth in 2022), or imply that the current suitor is better b/c they will help fix a deficiency in our hero/heroine's character (Colonel Brandon will 'tame' Marinne according to 2008, Knightley is the only one who can handle Emma in KB-1996, Fanny was the perfect woman all along and Edmund actually loved her the whole time in 1999/2007 but also she's a little prettier now)?
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Look. I don't really know if there's a way to make a completely faithful Austen adaptation. Her books end quite abruptly, everything is wrapped up quickly with little explanation, and they often include a series of flash forwards that can be quite jarring. She also introduces side characters that can easily lift out but also communicate vital information and all of that exposition has to be accounted for somehow. It's very tricky! In order to bring all of that to a visual medium you have to make choices and decisions, and sometimes that means adding things and sometimes that means deleting things. You're worried that the audience won't understand the heroine's motives? Sure! Take Austen's prose and use that as the heroine's thoughts/intentions (Fanny in 1999, GP-Emma in 1996, Emma in 2009, Anne in 2022). I might not agree with the choices of what is attributed to a character's thoughts each and every time, but I understand the mechanism. It's more with extratextual inclusions (Anne and Frederick have a very long DTR talk in 2022, for example) where I question whether these writers/directors are solving problems or unintentionally creating new ones.
You know what happens when you make Fanny Price super active and verbally willing to spar with anyone? Her outright rejection of Henry Crawford makes little sense and her stalwart love for Edmund makes even less. What happens when you have Wentworth and Anne analyze where their relationship went wrong? You suck all dramatic tension from their relationship. What happens when you spend a lot of time psychoanalyzing Frank Churchill and drawing out his man pain? You're elliding Austen's point that wealthy men who are well connected act impulsively simply because they can and rarely think of the consequences.
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🎶✨ when you get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶
Diarmuid by SYR (Been really into Celtic Folk and Rock recently)
Monster by Dodie (first influenced me to make a Rhaenicent playlist and is influencing my very very slow Rhaenicent fic)
It’s Never Over (Hey Orpheus) by Arcade Fire (Gives me too many thoughts and Its always in my head)
Always Gold by Radical Face (I will force this song onto every relationship I can, especially close platonic ones. Always brings me back to Mordred though)
Last Forever by The Mowgli’s (Just really enjoy this song)
Thank you @prince-aemond-targaryen for tagging me! 💚
Tagging: @rusalkascave @emoclownemoji @myheartisbro-ken @amatres @maester-of-spreadsheets @darkenedlittlecorner @honeyslow @marichxt @alicunt-hagtower @los-cafeteros if y’all want to
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novena-proxy · 2 years
Ascension 1: Oh I'm more human now thank goodness. I did not enjoy being reminded of my time as a Lindworm. Also My tail kept bumping into things and my horns were rather inconvenient.
Ascension 2: oh my fangs, you think their cute. Why thank you master, that's very sweet of you to say.
Ascension 3: how do I look? I like having a lot of layers on it keeps me warm as I run a tad cool. You think it's suits me rather well ahh you are quite the charmer master
Ascension 4: I'm happy to be human again and you've helped me become that way. You've been very kind to me and put up with some of my … uh let's say eccentricities. Thank you very much master, let's go forward together shall we?
Default: Prince Lindworm is a character from the Prince Lindworm fairytale. His mother disobeyed the advice of a witch and as a result he was born as a Lindworm. He had a younger brother and being the eldest son he demanded a bride before his younger brother could marry. He ate his first 2 brides but the third bride on the advice of the witch broke his curse and turned him human.
Summoning Line: Hello, Caster class servant… well my name is not important, you can call me Prince Lindworm if you like. Also please keep your distance from me if I'm not needed.
(He's not mean and he doesn't dislike master he says this as he doesn't want to hurt them in his 1st most lindworm like ascension)
About the Grail: The Grail oh well I do have a wish for it, actually I'm split between 2 wishes one for my mother to have only eaten 1 flower or to have my 2 wives well not be dead.
April Fool: Rose-Type Servant Not quite a snake but also not really a dragon this servant likes roses he also his first 2 wives he feels quite bad about it. He still has some leftover dragon like behaviors so if he's ever acting odd that's probably why
Likes: I like roses of all varieties, oh and Milk any will do I'm not particularly picky.
Dislikes: lye, onions, and dragon slayers, they always tried to kill me when I was a lindworm they mistook me for a dragon
(Also sidenote he's not going to get married again he and marriage don't mix. He'll still be a devoted and good partner but he ain't putting a ring on anyone's finger)
If you have Merlin: oh there's someone here called the mage of flowers here! I love flowers roses especially, maybe we could talk about them! Ehh be careful around him he's a prankster and quite mischievous you say. I'll take that into consideration when I meet him. Thank you for the warning master.
If you have Diarmuid Lancer : A man with 2 spears approached me when I was in the cafeteria. He had a mole under his eye as well, He asked if mine was cursed. I told him no, as far as I'm aware it's just a regular beauty spot. He seemed conflicted about my answer. I think I may have upset him somehow.
If you have Siegfried: "how interesting he's like me except he started out human, oh what he's a dragon slayer, well best to avoid him then"
If you have Assassin and Caster Shuten: a girl with horns came up to me and said she heard I eat people, Oh it was so embarrassing and scary!! I only did it twice, I deeply regret it and I'm never doing it again. I hope she doesn't spread that across Chaldea. I don't want the other servants thinking I eat people all the time
If you have Marie (Caster and Rider) : I met the most delightful and charming white haired women. She said she's heard of my fondness for roses and invited me to try some Rose Petal tea with her!
If you Have Mori Nagayoshi: a very large man with sharp teeth was at the tea party with me and Marie. He's very… enthusiastic he said he'd let me try his Macha tea. I've never had it so I said yes, he seems like a passionate man. He's a bit intense but I think we'll get along alright.
If you have Rama: I met a man with long red hair and a sword who was talking about his wife. I mentioned my 2 deceased wives and my 3rd wife, he seemed so depressed after I mentioned my wives. I didn't mean to make him so upset. I hope he doesn't hold it against me.
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einjelique · 2 years
i’m in love
Just breathe.
The shopping district was full of chatter, most people too engrossed in their own activities to notice the poor Nordion girl panicking on the street corner. She wasn’t bothered by the noise, nor the amount of people passing by and nearly hitting into her in their ignorance-- but rather, what she would be shopping for...and who would be accompanying her. 
Though they had once been enemies, Altena was a trusted ally-- and now a good friend. Nanna knew her to be a good person who would see her no differently...even if she was to marry the wyvern rider’s brother. She could only imagine what the knight would do if she ever dared to hurt Leif (not that she ever would, not on purpose,) though it would be no different than what Diarmuid would do to the Prince if anything ever happened to Nanna. It...was a bit concerning, even if she knew deep down that it would never come to it.
No, Altena was far from the person causing her anxiety. Her mother in law, Lady Ethlyn would also be joining them. A woman she never thought she would have the pleasure of meeting, and regardless of her kind and warm attitude, Nanna could shake off the pressure of someone so important being in her presence-- and soon in her life.
The final nail in the coffin was her own mother. She had only been a newborn when Lachesis left her in Finn’s care...and it was only a few years ago that she had come to terms with the fact that they would never meet.
And yet here she was. 
Only once she met Lady Ethlyn, alive and well, did she regain hope in ever finding her mother. Even if she had died there was a chance she would return-- and return she did. And well...Nanna wasn’t actually equipped to deal with the emotional baggage that came with it.
But she had no choice, not after she told Lady Ethlyn she would be going dress shopping with her and her mother once she was found. Luckily Altena would be accompanying them. Small comforts are still comforts in the end.
Now all she had to do was wait for them to arrive to the dress shop, praying to any god who would listen to calm her beating heart.
@ladyleonster or @luminousrider
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charmblooded · 13 days
—𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞.
Initial Class: Free Knight
Birthday: November 23rd
Basic Info: A member of the Liberation Army and one of the princes of Nordion, carrying minor Hodr blood.. A big brother figure to those who grew up in Tirnanog. Loyal and openhearted, but sharp with a sword.
—𝐂 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤.
Likes: idealistic knighthood, his family, horse care, riding on boats, winter sunsets, hair gel
Dislikes: bonfires, cold soups, being misunderstood, loneliness, feeling powerless, corrupt nobility
—𝐁 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤.
Hobbies: equestrian, reading farming almanacs
Talents: charming others, even-tempered strategy
Background: Raised in Tirnanog alongside many others, like Larcei and Scathach. Became an older brother figure, and got used to caring for them. After the war, he became Ares' right hand man.
—𝐀 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤.
Height: 5'6" | 5'4"
Ring Size: 7.5 | O 1/2
Personality: Reliable and sunny. Focuses more on supporting others than on himself, to a the point of a fault. Passionate and dreams of emulating his father, who he imagines as an ideal knight. The best ally at imitating bird calls.
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gascon-en-exil · 2 years
7, 20, 34, 37
7. Who’s your favorite character?
Probably Dimitri. Lord privileges + blue lance lord + good character arc + tons of gay subtext.
20. Least favorite (canon) pairing?
See my comment on a previous ask about canon pairings in FE, but with that in mind Sigurd/Deirdre is astonishingly half-baked for all its plot relevance.
34. Who’s a character you find underrated?
Diarmuid, the charming and possibly gay prince of House Nordion. One day he'll get in Heroes with the rest of his family....
37. What’s a weird theory or headcanon you have?
In the same way that Three Houses comes with some mild inspiration from Game of Thrones, Blazing Blade takes a few cues from Harry Potter which was at the height of its popularity in the early 2000s. FE7 has
A trio of teenagers as its main characters, two boys and one girl. Fandom of the time even came up with a very similar shipping war to the notorious one in HP, with a companionable friendship vs. bickering UST in both cases. (Not that you'd know that these days from how many people ship Elihec and Lyn/Florina, but it was a much more het-dominant time.)
A villain wearing a turban who removes it during the climax for a grotesque reveal, like the antagonist of the first HP book.
The main threat for most of the game, the Black Fang, is a ominously-named private group rather than the army of another country or territory like in every other FE. At least they have a bit more nuance to them than magic Nazis, though....
A guy who's basically Dumbledore, dramatic death scene and ambiguous relationship to the main villain and all (although I don't think all of that had come out in HP by 2003?).
This does, at the very least, help explain why Blazing Blade deviates from the standard FE plot more than any other game in the series, which is rarely remarked on although once you see it you really can't unsee it.
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