the-brave-and-the-dumb · 11 months
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Here we go again
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cypr24 · 10 months
Nikozja zablokowana przez cysterny
Po wczorajszym proteście rząd zapowiedział konkretne kroki
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vipnoviny · 1 year
BBC Okna jsou pokrytá fotografiemi představujících zabité lidi vakcínami na Covid
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Lidé chtějí znát pravdu o experimentálních „vakcínách“ proti covidu. Videozáznamy z Velké Británie ukazují stovky samolepek nalepených na oknech studia BBC v Londýně, které symbolizují milované osoby, o kterých se věří, že byly zabity experimentálními vakcínami. https://twitter.com/JohnnyB61605603/status/1614441727892553730 InfoWars hlásí: Několik obrázku bylo spojeno dohromady, aby vytvořily frázi „Řekni pravdu“ a „Očkování zabíjí“. Transparent visící před budovou také říká: "BBC je virus!" BBC – společně se zbytkem mainstreamových médií – následovala oficiální vládní vyprávění, aby od samého začátku pandemie vyděsila veřejnost ohledně COVIDU, odmítala pokrýt cokoliv, co se odchyluje od scénáře, a démonizovala každého, kdo kritizoval lockdowny, vakcíny, nebo oficiální příběh o původu viru. Mnoho uživatelů na sociálních sítích chválilo protestní akt a vyzývalo k těmto pokojným a silným demonstracím, jako jsou tyto, aby se rozšířily do USA, Kanady a celého světa, a do lékařských ordinací a nemocnic. Další lidé tuto demonstraci sdíleli na Twitteru a komentovali: „Tohle by se mělo udělat v každém městě a velkoměstě Spojeného království.“ https://twitter.com/Nelia23893053/status/1614558332974497792 „Jaký skvělý způsob komunikace.“ https://twitter.com/CharlieMango1/status/1614560535101440001 „Měli by je začít zveřejňovat v nemocnicích a ordinacích lékařů.“ https://twitter.com/Spartachris1979/status/1614616745221754882 „Tohle je třeba udělat celosvětově; USA, Kanada, Velká Británie a všude!“ https://twitter.com/Faithfulone77/status/1614612302233489409 „Zločin proti lidskosti, za pomoci zkorumpované BBC.“ https://twitter.com/UFO_ET_craftsDj/status/1614592456670019584 Read the full article
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annamboland · 2 years
Okruchy z ostatnich miesięcy
Kilka okruchów z ostatnich miesięcy. Co słychać, co czytam, co się dzieje.
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mistofstars · 1 year
Ich sage das jetzt einmal und dann wahrscheinlich noch 100 mal.
Klaas Heufer-Umlauf ist blond. Dunkelblond. Straßenköterblond. Nicht brünett.
Ist mir egal, was der Rest der Welt sagt. Ich habe etliche Beweise 😂
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nedavimobeograd · 11 months
Šta je smešno?
Premijerka Srbije Ana Brnabić izazvala je veliku pažnju svojim neprikladnim ponašanjem, kako na društvenim mrežama, tako i u Skupštini Srbije. Brnabić je na svom Tviter nalogu objavila montiranu verziju fotografije koju je prethodno objavio predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić, a na kojoj se pored njih nalazi i ministar finansija Siniša Mali, uz komentar "Mnogo nas je više nego prošli put. Još malo pa ćemo na Gazelu!", a zatim je u toku zasedanja Skupštine odgurnula mikrofon i opsovala šefa poslaničke grupe Narodne stranke Miroslava Aleksića.
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cgvijesti · 1 year
Paljeni kontejneri, bačen suzavac na protestu
Na ulice Atine i Soluna u petak uveče izašlo je nekoliko hiljada građana zbog propusta koji su doveli do teške željezničke nesreće u kojoj je stradalo 57 ljudi, a više se i dalje vode kao nestalo. U Atini je posle mirne molitve i paljenja svijeća za žrtve nesreće u Tempiju došlo je do okršaja policije i demonstranata. Grupa ljudi sa kapuljačama napala je policiju na trgu Sintagma i zapalila…
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zoranphoto · 1 year
Stotine tisuća Francuza izašlo na ulice: 'Ne želimo raditi do 64!'
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MIROVINSKA REFORMA Stotine tisuća ljudi izašle su u subotu na ulice diljem Francuske na prosvjede protiv planirane mirovinske reforme vlade, koja uključuje podizanje dobne granice za odlazak u mirovinu sa 62 na 64     Stotine tisuća ljudi izašle su u subotu na ulice diljem Francuske na prosvjede protiv planirane mirovinske reforme vlade, koja uključuje podizanje dobne granice za odlazak u mirovinu sa 62 na 64. Nakon što su ove godine organizirali tri štrajka u cijeloj zemlji, sindikati se nadaju masovnom izlasku na ulice poput onog 19. siječnja, kada je više od milijun ljudi prosvjedovalo protiv planirane reforme. "Ako nisu u stanju čuti što se događa na ulicama i ako ne mogu shvatiti što se događa s ljudima, onda se ne bi trebali čuditi kada to u nekom trenutku eskalira", rekla je 43-godišnja medicinska sestra Delphine Maisonneuve na prosvjedu u Parizu.   Francuzi provode najviše godina u mirovini u usporedbi sa stanovnicima drugih država članica Organizacije za ekonomsku suradnju i razvoj OECD-a, što je pogodnost od koje većina ljudi ne želi odustati, pokazuju ankete. Predsjednik Emmanuel Macron tvrdi da je reforma "nužna" kako bi se osigurala održivost mirovinskog sustava. Prve procjene pokazuju da se broj sudionika na prosvjedu u Parizu povećao za otprilike 20 posto u usporedbi s prethodnim prosvjedom u utorak, objavile su novine Le Figaro. Sindikati su se nadali ogromnoj izlaznosti na prvom ovogodišnjem prosvjedu koji se održava za vikend i želja im je bila privući ljude iz svih društvenih skupina kako bi pokazali vladi opće nezadovoljstvo glede reforme. Tportal.hr Foto i video : Twitter Read the full article
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peterjancic · 1 year
Z Jenullom bosta kot pacienta zaradi slabe ureditve zdravstva stavkala tudi Golob in Mesec
Z Jenullom bosta kot pacienta zaradi slabe ureditve zdravstva stavkala tudi Golob in Mesec
Stavka pacientov, torej bolnikov ali drugih uporabnik zdravstvenih storitev, bo danes popoldan. Tako že dalj časa napovedujejo mediji, ki so naklonjeni vladi. Glavni pacient, ki protest organizira, je Jaša Jenull, ki je z levimi protestniki sedanjo vlado pomagal spravit na oblast. Pred protesti Jenull zagotavlja, da to nikakor niso protesti pacientov proti sedanji vladi. So za to vlado.…
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balkanin · 2 years
Buenos Aires: Hiljade ljudi na protestima protiv inflacije u Argentini
Buenos Aires: Hiljade ljudi na protestima protiv inflacije u Argentini
Hiljade ljudi okupilo se u srijedu na ulicama glavnog grada Argentine na, kako su ga nazvali “maršu protiv inflacije”, nakon što je istaknuti radnički sindikat upozorio da bi to mogao biti prvi od mnogih protesta, prenosi Anadolu Agency (AA). Građani koji su prisustvovali maršu u Buenos Airesu pozvali su vladu da pomogne u zaštiti njihovih plata i kupovne moći, koje su teško pogođene inflacijom i…
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prijedor24 · 2 years
Danas protesti ispred OHR-a: “Nije vrijeme da šutimo i čekamo”
U Sarajevu će danas biti održani protesti građana protiv odluke visokog predstavnika Christiana Schmidta da izmijeni Izborni zakon BiH i Ustav Federacije BiH. Protesti su zakazani večeras u 19 sati ispred zgrade OHR-a, a na njih su pozvali SDP, Demokratska fronta, Dervo Sejdić, Građanski savez, PDA i druge stranke. “Drage građanke i građani Bosne i Hercegovine, kako sada stvari stoje, Visoki…
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soliti · 2 years
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Wrote something short for the Little Lucky AU, the Ace interaction prompt really got me itching to write
What'cha Got There?
Yandere Straw Hats + Ace x Child Reader
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“Does he think we’re stupid?”
Sanji’s lighter flickered to life and lit his cigarette. He took a long drag and exhaled it with a huff, sparing a glance towards Nami before zeroing back in on the sight in front of them. “It certainly seems like he does,” he ground out.
The ‘he’ in question being Luffy’s brother, Ace. 
No one thought much of it upon seeing how well he got along with Lucky. You’re a sweet kid, and he seems like a fun and level-headed adult, so there’s no harm in letting you play together. There was, admittedly, a twinge of jealousy when he managed to get her to call him ‘uncle Ace’ within like 24 hours of meeting, but they were all trying to let it go.
Now though, when he’s walking around with a suspiciously child-shaped lump under his clothes while trying to leave, Sanji and Nami are feeling much less generous about it. They were currently standing between him and where his boat was tied to the side of the Going Merry, arms crossed and expressions unamused. 
Ace cringed at the sight, shifting and adjusting the lump that just giggled from being jostled, “Hey! I’m gonna be leaving now, thanks for letting me tag along with you guys for so long. It was really generous of you.”
“Why are you wearing your cloak again?” Nami asked accusingly. Ace was wearing the same cloak he’d had on while they were hiking through the desert, a strange sight to see with how minimal he tended to be in regards to clothing.
“Oh, this? I uh… I got cold?” He offered, not looking like he was even buying what he was selling.
Nami scowled, wanting to reach out and slap the back of his head for telling her the dumbest and most obvious lie she’s ever heard. An impressive feat given what she hears from Usopp on a daily basis. “You, a man with a fire based logia devil fruit, are cold?” She hissed, putting a heavy emphasis on the last word.
Ace looked back and forth, his expression resembling that of a dog being asked why the couch was chewed up, “Yes?”
Sanji pushed off from the railing he was leaning against and began circling around Ace, “I know that you ate a lot at the last meal, but you sure have packed on a shocking amount of weight since then.” Sanji leaned over and poked the lump, watching as it flinched and snickered from the prodding.
He raised an eyebrow at this, “Seems like you’ve got quite the case of indigestion going on there, Ace. Maybe you should rest here another day until it passes?” His foot was tapping very aggressively, and if it weren’t for the fact that you’re currently on Ace’s person, he would have kicked him by now.
“That’s alright!” Ace interjected, hoisting up the wiggling child under his clothes and whispering for you to hush, “Don’t worry about it, I’ll work this off in no time flat!” He tried to step around Sanji, only to promptly bump into Nami.
Nami had had enough of this charade by now and ripped the cloak open, and what do you know, there you are! You froze briefly, eyes wide and mouth opened in surprise, only to then dissolve into laughter from being caught.
“See! I told you it wouldn’t work!”
“Well maybe it would have if you weren’t in there giggling and squirming the whole time!” Ace attempted to defend himself, poking at your cheeks with each word.
“Nuh-uh! You’re silly!” You grabbed onto his one hand with both of yours and tried to push it away, not that it really worked.
“Don’t ‘nuh-uh’ me!” He switched tactics and started tickling your sides, making you wrench away from him and shriek with laughter.
Despite their previous annoyance towards the attempted kidnapping, Nami and Sanji felt the urge to smile upon seeing you so happy. Nami shook her head. No! She needs to get you back before he tries making a break for it.
She stormed forward and snatched you right out of his arms. Instead of being grateful for the rescue, you were protesting and holding your arms out to Ace again. “Namiiii! We were playing!” You whined.
“No, Lucky, he needs to leave. He’s got important things to do, right?” Her eyes were narrowed and boring into him, daring him to contradict her.
Ace sighed and scratched the back of his head, shoulders slumped because Nami was correct, “Yeah, yeah, you’re right.” He shrugged the cloak off his shoulders and stuffed it into his backpack unceremoniously. 
As he approached you and Nami, noting how Nami clutched you tighter when he was in arm's reach, he bent down to your level and offered you a smile as warm as he was, “I’ve got to get going now, Lucky.”
“But you said we were gonna go see your other brothers,” you pouted, crestfallen over not being able to go on a trip with him. “You promised!”
He winced, feeling bad about not being able to keep to his word at this moment, “And we will! Later. I’ve got some business I need to take care of, but as soon as I’m done we’ll go. Promise!”
You eyed him with a high degree of uncertainty, “Hmm… pinky promise?”
Ace stared at your extended pinky for a second before chuckling. He held out his own, completely dwarfing yours and making the super serious pact, “Yeah, pinky promise.”
“When were you going to tell us about this promise?” Sanji seethed. “You can’t just run off with her whenever you want!”
“What? She can’t go and spend time with her favorite uncle once in a while?” Ace smirked, knowing full well how jealous they were. “I just thought maybe you guys would want a break or something.”
“Well we don’t,” Nami deadpanned.
Boisterous laughter cut through the air, and Luffy bounded over to leap onto his brother’s back, “Oh relax, Nami! Ace is just joking around!”
He absolutely wasn’t, and they knew it. And he knew that they knew it, but instead he just smiled innocently at Luffy and agreed. Liar. 
Lucky’s brows furrowed and she looked back and forth between everyone, appearing confused and hurt, “You were? But we pinky promised!” You didn’t know what was the truth anymore.
Ace visibly panicked, “No, no! I meant it about you visiting them, I just,” he fell silent, trying his damnedest to find an answer that would please everyone. “I was joking about it just being the two of us, all of you can come meet them later!”
Luffy accepted this answer at face value, but Nami and Sanji just rolled their eyes, not believing that for a second. Ace would absolutely run off with you the first chance he got, but at least that first chance wouldn’t be today.
You were still pouting, not loving the answer because you were excited to make some new friends, “Fiiiiine.”
Ace laughed and ruffled your hair, “Aww, don’t be like that! It’ll happen soon enough!” He opted to push his luck one last time before he leaves and take you back into his arms for one more hug. Nami was glowering at him, but chose to let it slide since Luffy was still actively clinging onto him. She knows he won’t let you leave.
Visibly torn, Ace forced himself to hand you over to Luffy so he could actually leave now. He leapt onto the wooden railing, looking over his shoulder at the crew members on deck, “I guess it’s time for me to go, see you later everyone.” He made eye contact with you, specifically, “Bye, Lucky!”
“Bye-bye uncle Ace!” You cheerfully chirped back, waving at him enthusiastically.
Ace dropped onto his boat and made quick work of getting it ready for the latest voyage, smiling to himself despite knowing how perilous it was going to be. At least he had something to look forward to after it was all over.
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yourtongzhihazel · 13 days
Under our DOTBs, sanctioned violence is that which serves the interests of capital; of which that control and pacify our class dictatorship. Thus, violence which resists occupation by western capital is labeled as the utmost villification: terrorists; rogue states; enemies. The BLM and First Nations protesties are "terrorist enemies"; The Palestinians are "terrorist enemies"; the Chinese/Koreans/Vietnamese are "enemies which represent national security risks"; the Congolese are "terrorist militias". It is all a propaganda game to swing the western prolerariat in favor of western capital and imperialism. Sooner or later you will have to reckon with your allegiances now. Did you serve the oppression of the world; or did you the liberation?
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seksilelulaatikko · 11 months
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Ajattelin ensin, että kirjotan tästä aiheesta ihan asiallisen postauksen, mutta paskat, kun herra Orpo kerran sanoo, että ”Minusta se on poliittinen päätös eikä asiallinen päätös”, niin ei sitten olla asiallisia.
Jumalauta jos ihmisoikeudet on Kokoomukselle "omatunnon kysymys", niin millä oikeudella ne valittaa siitä, että Helsinki Pride järjestönä tutki omaatuntoaan ja totesi, että Kokoomus ja Keskusta eivät todellakaan ole toimineet meidän ihmisoikeuksiemme puolesta.
Petteri Orpo sanoo päätöksen jättää tänä vuonna puolue yhteistyön ulkopuolelle ”loukkaavan monia ihmisiä”. Onko Orpolla aavistustakaan kuinka monia hänen ja hänen puolueensa päätökset ovat loukanneet? Eikä vain loukanneet, vaan vaarantaneet. Tämä kertoo tasan siitä, että Orpo ei todellakaan ole aidosti LGBTA+ yhteisön puolella, jollei se satu nostattamaan hänen imagoaan.
Me saatiin translaki vihdoin läpi, mutta se oli enemmän Kokoomuksen ja Keskustan linjauksista huolimatta, ei heidän tukensa ansiosta. Jos nämä puolueet todella olisivat meidän puolellamme, linjaus olisi ollut selvä: "Äänestämme lain puolesta, jos äänestät yhteistä kantaa vastaan, seuraa sanktioita", mutta ei.
Orpo voisi haistella sitä omaa persettään ja miettiä mikä meni vikaan.
Ja kiitos Matias Mäykkynen, ehkä demareilla on vielä toivoa.
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ilpianistasultetto · 2 months
Uno nasce per vivere in pace e i politici, invece, ti trovano sempre un nemico da combattere.
Da ragazzino, il mio nemico era Ringo, il cane del fornaio sotto casa. Non ci siamo mai piaciuti. Quando scendevo ero obbligato a passare davanti al fornaio e quel cane, non ho mai capito di che razza fosse, un marrone chiaro di stazza media, non mi aveva in simpatia e io, per non farmi correre dietro, dovevo camminare piano senza dare nell'occhio.
Qualche volta facevo tardi a scuola, cosi uscivo di corsa dal palazzo ed ecco quel cane; se almeno avesse abbaiato me ne sarei accorto subito, ma quel bastardo senza cuore mi arrivava dietro silenzioso; lo sentivo zampettare veloce e ringhiare, quella cosa che fanno i cani prima di morderti. Dovetti accelerare, ma lui era più veloce di me. Nemmeno la chiamata di Ginetto il fornaio, il padrone di Ringo, lo fece desistere. insomma, il cane tentò di mordermi ma io ebbi la freddezza di fermarmi di botto e gridargli sul muso: "fermo Ringo! Devo andare a scuola!"
Non mi crederete ma il cane si fermò di botto, quasi mortificato, probabilmente non mi avrebbe mai morso, era solo chiacchiere e distintivo.
Altri nemici si formano con il tempo, ma sempre roba di poco conto, avversari in amore, avversari nello sport, avversari a scuola, come Falasconi e Tardiola, due esseri insopportabili, due geni in matematica da fare schifo, capitati per mia sfortuna nella mia stessa classe.
Oggi, la politica mi offre dei nuovi nemici: i russi, i terroristi islamici, i cinesi, i coreani del nord, gli africani che c'invadono, il povero che ruba il reddito.
Scelgono loro per me, decidono chi devo odiare. Tu non puoi scegliere, altrimenti sei fuori dal sistema democratico. Se non hai pianto per la morte di quel tizio russo sei un filoputiniano! Se non ricordi ogni giorno il 7 ottobre israeliano, sei antisemita! Se parli di pace e antifascismo, sei identificato! Se protesti in piazza per la Palestina libera, ti manganellano.
Taci che il nemico ci ascolta..., il nemico di chi?
Povero Ringo, quante sgridate che si è preso, ma almeno lui abbaiava solamente, questi, oltre ad abbaiare, pretendono che tu lo faccia insieme a loro.
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