#pu erh
teapot-studies · 2 years
My current thesis-writing setup! The thesis is about the interaction between the Scandinavians and the Irish during the Viking Age. Since I recently found out that I likely have ADHD, I'm learning how to deal with it while writing my thesis, which is both difficult and rewarding <3
Today's tea: pu erh, grown and fermented in China.
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bapsi · 1 year
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sum pears
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rottencore · 2 days
up at 3am making tea blends based off the daedric princes wyd...........
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buffetlicious · 10 months
Went to Canton Paradise (乐天小香港) at Junction 8 after praying at the temple. We were seated at two different tables, so each ordered their dishes separately. This Braised Peanut & Chestnut was the appetizer they placed on the table. Whole savoury peanuts with sweet chestnuts perked up the tastebuds as we poured ourselves the Glutinous Rice Pu-Erh Tea (糯米沱普洱茶).
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We started off with the classic dim sum Siew Mai or Steamed Pork Dumpling (鱼子蒸烧卖皇). The pork and prawn filling with sprinkling of flying fish roe adding specks of colour is both meaty and wholesome tasting. Then came the Har Gow or Steamed Prawn Dumpling (笋尖鲜虾饺) with chunky succulent and crunchy prawn enclosed inside the translucent skin.
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The Steamed Xiao Long Bao (上海小笼包) or soup dumpling is also another must order item. Pick it up gently with chopsticks into a soup spoon. Take a small bite in the dumpling skin and proceed to suck out the soup (beware, it's hot) then popped the whole thing into the mouth.
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puppun · 7 months
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"I forgive you – but only because you're charming."
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bosspigeon · 9 months
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i drew this self portrait of me inside a tea pitcher at work and when i showed my coworker they mimed furiously shaking it
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vegehana-food · 2 months
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✿ 普洱茶 | Pu’er Tea ・普洱茶(プーアル茶)。中国の雲南省原産のお茶の一種です。地名から付けられた呼び名で、漢字では「普洱茶」と書かれます。プーアール茶と呼ばれることもあります。プーアル茶も緑茶と紅茶、烏龍茶などと同じ「チャノキ」の葉から作られるお茶です。 ・中国のお茶は大きく分けると緑茶・青茶(烏龍茶)・黒茶・紅茶・白茶・黄茶の6種類に分けられますが、プーアル茶は黒茶の一種。 蒸してから茶葉を揉み、積み上げて微生物によって発酵させ、再び揉んで乾燥させるという作り方で、独特の風味を引き出します。紅茶も発酵茶と呼ばれますが、実際には紅茶の「発酵」には菌は関与していません。一方で一般的なプーアル茶の「発酵」を担っているのは麹菌。高温多湿状態で積み上げておくことにより、空気中の麹菌を茶葉に棲みつかせて作るのだそうです。こうして熟成させたプーアル茶は「熟茶」と呼ばれています。麹菌を使わずに熟成させた「生茶」と呼ばれるプーアル茶も存在しますが、日本で飲まれているのはほとんどが熟茶です。 ・おいしいプーアル茶は透明な濃い赤色で、芳醇な味わいと後味の甘さがあります。 烏龍茶や緑茶は花やフルーツの香りに例えられることが多いですが、プーアル茶の香りはより落ち着きのある、大地を思わせるような香りです。貯蔵はすればするほど香りがよくなるといわれ、ワインのように30~40年もかけてじっくり発酵させたものが極上品なのだそう。ちなみにまろやかな甘みのある味わいの「熟茶」に対して、「生茶」は緑茶に近いさっぱりとした味わいです。
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thedrinkingg33k · 1 year
Just settling in for the evening.
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leatherbookmark · 4 months
i finally bought a "chai masala" tea to see what it is, because i think i've had a "chai masala" flavoured coffee but not a tea, and it's such a popular "flavour" (well, mix of spices, but) but i've never had it properly, so i was like time to try it! and well it is exactly and to a t what my mother puts in her coffee
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knightposting · 1 month
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Today's tea is Oolong "For An Organic Future" which I brewed grandpa style because I don't fucking care today.
I did not have high hopes for this tea, mostly because in my experience tasty things don't need to give you a paragraphs long mission statement on the back of the bag.
However, this tea was a pleasant surprise. Turns out it's baked Jin Xuan, aka Milk Oolong (why they didn't advertise this as such confuses the hell out of me) and has a pleasantly woodsy and kinda nutty taste to it. Pretty good for something I only bought to avoid paying ten bucks in shipping.
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imanes · 9 months
i’m down to one coffee every two days and i don’t get headaches anymore <3 i think i’ll have my last coffee for a while on sunday and just drink my beloved teas that i have neglected. the weather is mild enough that i can drink hot beverages without feeling like tossing my insides out of the window to stop feeling so hot all the time
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jukeboxjunk · 6 months
hello blog. I bought overpriced pu-erh at Whole Foods today and really love the flavor. It’s fermented green tea leaves so unlike coffee and black tea it doesn’t have an acidic note. the flavor profile is really unique, like something earthy and ancient, waterlogged wood and leaves breaking down into soil. if I stick with it maybe I’ll get one of the genuine tea cakes from china
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bitter-panacea · 1 year
This question has been stuck with me for weeks and I cant decide on a satisfying answer. So I'm sharing to hear other's opinion. Do we think layton is a real tea connoisseur, or is he just British and doesn't actually know anything about tea? 🤔
For example, is there canon footage of him using tea bags ?
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everymanpdf · 6 months
girl in class went “no Red Bull today?” hey.
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tea-posting · 9 months
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Yunnan Sourcing Nan Po Zhai Pu-erh cake
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skaphander · 1 year
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Tea time 🙂
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