Sollux: ye2 kk, the tv remote ii2 in your a22
Karkat: WHERE?
Sollux: up your a22
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and i draw parallels solely on the cinematographic basis of “when my man is no more than a millimeter away from perturbation at all times but you give the Whole Right Half Of The Screen 3/4 Closeup of Harrowing Recontextualizations” like that’s right. we’re living it up
#i mean i guess it counts lol. said generally similar cinematographic approachs for said very generally similar scenarios#(a) when a guy shows his hand (shit) & the Team Experience is in shambles & you're two sec away from shooting him for real....#nemik not even being around for said ''oh so this guy is like that then apparently'' but Insisting on giving cassian his manifesto when we#all knew like oh f you're gonna get it lol. unsurprised but not unmoved that nemik's manifesto is the source of that Quoteth....#paraphrasing closely from memory the frontier of the rebellion is everywhere even the smallest act of insurrection pushes our lines forward#the imperial need for control is so desperate b/c it is so unnatural tyranny requires constant effort it breaks it leaks....#(b) when against all odds you busted out of island forever factory labor electric containment torture execution jail and made it to a phone#make a risky call home to relay to your mom that you're alive and all only to be informed that she is not#and both still like serving as [major turning points] naturally. end of ep six; end of ep eleven of twelve....#love some drama. even on top of ''oh we knew you'd die but now we know you're dying'' and then like escalation on escalation like umm what's#our bestie here talking about. oh i see. oh he's getting quickdraw blown away right on really at this point; makes sense in this position;#still what a surprise lol truly....that we Aren't surprised maarva dies not only b/c it's heavily cued but also We find out at the ep start#like the one guy dying in prison while we Know that's coming but heaping drama on drama as the doctor tells them what happened on floor two#and we get yet more Acting Wins as andy serkis (lino?)#(nah looked it up & i spoonerized that lol. kino loy. i Only Just Now have one name per each of that heist team down i think lol) so anyways#andy kino loy serkis is getting to be the king of Harrowing Recontextualizations in that moment. ugh just great shit going on throughout#there was a Lot of great [i'm perturbed to harrowed] acting all across the board. its being by and large a cast of characters who are all#like wary and continually endangered with varying degrees of urgency. like the rec abt this series as [tfw depiction of police state life]#star wars ///#andor#truly cassian my [he has the face of a friend] cassian#he really does have this key energy of like your insta new best friend and comrade....nemik's delivery w/''i wrote abt you last night.'' Fun#again like also unsurprising he'd already land on cassian out here like ofc i'll give my crucial legacy work to that guy who just showed up.#and And I Insistingly....and he's right
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axellis-archv-2 · 1 year
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yourturntositcom · 2 years
Megumi: If you are not in my office in 15 minutes
Megumi: I am putting you on unpaid suspension for a week.
Mishima: I don't even work here
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queenie-arts · 2 years
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*rattles bell* today we have uhhh memery
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metaphysicsinwater · 2 years
CELIA—. No? when Nature hath made a fair creature, may she not by Fortune fall into the fire? Though Nature hath given us wit to flout at Fortune, hath not Fortune sent in this fool to cut off the argument? ROSALIND—. Indeed, there is Fortune too hard for Nature, when Fortune makes Nature's natural the cutter-off of Nature's wit.
William Shakespeare, As You Like It, 1.2.
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puella-1n-somn10 · 4 days
Rewatching the SM anime, specifically Alola Open House, and I'm once again sad over how Soph's parents were dragged into the sidelines so muchhhhhhhhhhhh-
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willel · 2 years
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"We'd never have to work", so quoteth the other crime twin
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gaymurdersalad · 5 months
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[ Hello everypony! Don’t mind the ritual robes. Dress for the job you want, ya know? And all I want to do is serve our lord and savior Godred!
I thought as a fun little thing to do in between sacrifices, I would give out some headcanons— well. These are my guys, are they headcanons? Not really. Uhm, facts, I guess— on how they do their holidays! Take ‘em or leave em, you’ll soon find I love rambling about the guys. You might regret this.
Peter and Caroline used to do the whole Catholicism thing, so they definitely did celebrate a good Christmas! However after the whole “disappearing for several years and coming back with a phone for a head” thing that Peter did, all faith in God was lost, but they still like to give eachother presents. The star on top of the tree is a grim reminder of a lordless plane. Except for the almighty Godred, mind you!
Steven sits alone in his restaurant with vague feelings of something or other. The establishment doesn’t even close— because why would it, it’s a Fazbender’s— so he has plenty of time to sit in an empty restaurant and think about nothing. Peter has invited him to Christmas but quoteth Steven, “That sounds great and all, but I’ve actually got my own plans.” Of which are trying to remember what the fuck a “Christmas” is and why it has any value to people other than market value. If it piques your interest at all, him and his boyfriend semi-celebrated but not really, as Steven was raised Christian {LONG since abandoned} and his boyfriend was Muslim. That’s all gone now, though, unbeknownst to the phone-man in question.
Dee spends time with the souls in the Flipside. She enjoys it very much, despite the grimness of it all. Even though she would much rather being alive and spending time with her family, she knows she has responsibilities.
Henry works. On stuff. He’s just sitting in his office right now, I could totally waltz in there and sacrifice him to Godred. Just pick that bastard up and get goin’. Oh, he’d be kicking and screaming, but he’s a midget with small hands and can’t do nothin’ against an ethereal phone creature with a complete and utter devotion to almighty Godred... Maybe after this.
Oscar doesn’t celebrate Christmas, and actually hates it. Finds every bit of Christmas decor annoying to his astigmatism and just grating anyways. Oh, fucking shit, the jingle bells never stop. Everything is annoying. He cannot enter his beloved coffee shop— Fazbucks; it’s like Starbucks but they don’t donate to stupid bullshit! The CEOs just spend the money on bribing health inspectors throughout Fazbender chains! What? No, no, they still pay their workers in faztokens— without being utterly assaulted by MIRIAH. Even if Christmas wasn’t annoying, he wouldn’t celebrate it anyways, because he’s Jewish. So is his family! Where the hell is his family? Where does— Where the hell does Oscar live, does he have a house? I- I’m realizing I didn’t get to know him that much, I think he just… Showed up here. You- Uhh, you get the point.
Dave has a ritual and has been performing this ritual for three years straight. First, he wakes up in the dumpster of the week, gets dressed, and climbs out of that disgusting sucker. Normal morning routine ensues, Y’know, he takes a couple random pills for the hangover and pops a thing of LSD if he’s feelin’ chipper, shaves with a switchblade he usually finds in the Fazbender Ballpits, and sets out onto the world. Since it is a special day— not in accordance to any religion, but to his own fucked up morals and values— he breaks into a liquor store and takes what he pleases! All assortments of liquors and cigarettes, and he stuffs them all into a duffel he usually manages to scavenge for beforehand. Once he’s a proper Santa Claus with a bag of stolen substances slung over his shoulder, he jacks a piece of shit car— he figures he’s doin’ them a favor, ‘cause who would want to own this shit box anyway?— and drives 90 to the Old Sport residence. Once he arrives, parking his car in the yard and fucking up the grass with those giant fucking tire tracks, Jesus Christ, Sportsy’s gonna have to fix that, he stomps up to the door with the duffel and knocks fifteen times with the palm of his giant fucking hand. If Sportsy don’t answer, more knocking ensues, probably followed by several obscenities and slurs. Eventually, Old Sport opens the door, and before the stout fucker can beat him with the baseball bat he stole from a bar in Las Vegas, Dave slips in and throws the bag down on the floor. Sportsy, after experiencing this for the past couple years, holds his head in his hands and groans. Loudly. Dave wraps Old Sport in this big hug, pickin’ him up off the ground all while Sportsy frowns in discontent. They spend the rest of the evening sitting on the couch boozing and watching shitty Christmas specials, and Dave crashes on Sportsy’s couch at 8 PM.
Until the arrival of Dave, Jack sits in bed. Don’t even bother to put on makeup. In the back of his head he kind of knows that the wretched purple beast will show up at his house, but he maintains a little hope that he won’t. He always does. He supposes it’s nice to have a day where Dave isn’t spending a day with him solely to recruit him into the whole kid-killing business again, but… Man, when the liquor hits, he realizes just how sad it is that his only consistent friend is a child murderer. Fuck. Once Dave crashes, Jack is usually stuck underneath him as some sort of pillow, and at this point, he’s so burnt out and sad and happy and bitter that he just lays there. Watching those shitty Christmas movies. He’s going to wake up with the worst headache tomorrow.
Legacy does not do anything special and David stopped trying to a while ago. Business carries on as usual. Maybe David would like to go out and do something or have Legacy sit still for one measly second so he could give him some kind of gift, but knowing the Orange Bastard, he’d likely reject it or throw it out. Maybe spending time with Legacy is a gift in of itself, David thinks, incorrectly.
Was that everyone? There are so many of the guys! Good lord, half of them are maniacs too. I couldn’t be prouder!
Well, I’ve got some sacrificin’ to do! Goodbye! Remember: Godred Loves You! ]
~ Mod Chribs
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"Enough of Your $#&@#%!"
To quoteth
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devondeal · 9 months
Some Barrissoka ask game questions for you my dear 💚💙
Oooo why thank my love 💙💚 I love these things, please y'all send me MORE. It was hard having answers you didn't already know 🤣 Enjoy.
3. What do their Masters think of their relationship and would they show their support?
Anakin would probably not care but I think he'd still be surprised that Ahsoka would be with Miss Barriss "Goody Two Shoes Straight A" Offee and low key be nervous that Ahsoka might learn a thing or two from her 🤣 I think he'd high five Ahsoka for and I quoteth "Yeeeaahh Snips GETTIN IT!" Then he'd just walk off leaving poor Ahsoka confused and annoyed.
Luminara would probably be happy about someone making Barriss happy but she'd still def keep a close eye on Ahsoka since she's protective of her daughter. I think Luminara would wait until Barriss tell her about the relationship before showing open support out of respect that it's Barriss's truth to tell (unlike Anakin).
6. Whose Master is more likely to walk in on them in a compromising position?
Oh Anakin absolutely 🤣 The man is an idiot and wouldn't notice the sock on the doorknob.
8. What do the Clones think about their relationship?
Rex is def Ahsoka's wingman and covers for her much like he does for Anakin. Poor man has a notebook full of excuses for them. But he adores their relationship and is happy Ahsoka could find solace in someone during a miserable war.
Gree loves how Barriss seems looser and more relaxed when Ahsoka is around so he is all for it and gives Barriss all the tips for the best places in town to take a lady out.
13. Who is more likely to give the "shovel talk," Luminara or Anakin and how?
Oh def Luminara. Anakin doesn't care enough to. Luminara however, knows how deeply Barriss feels and what it takes for her to open up to someone so she absolutely will want to make sure her girl is safe.
She would do it inviting Ahsoka to her room to "have a cup of tea" (Headcanon that the Jedi who know Luminara well know that the cup of tea means a beat down). She would use plenty of high vocab and innuendo for what she would do to a person who makes Barriss cry.
18. How would Ahsoka express her affection to Barriss?
I feel like Ahsoka would be very physical so she would love touching Barriss's hair, playing with it, learning to style it. She's a big cuddler and whine if Barriss gets too far away in bed.
She'd also love doing tasks like fixing, building, running errands, driving the speeder, etc. cuz she is THAT dyke.
19. How would Barriss express her affection to Ahsoka?
I feel like Barriss is BIG into gift giving and also loves feeding Ahsoka whether that's making her a meal or taking her out somewhere nice and fancy.
21. Whose more likely to initiate intimacy first?
Barriss. Girl might be the quiet one but it's always the quiet ones. Ahsoka while she seems more aggressive, I feel like would be SUPER shy about intimacy. Girl doesn't even let anyone sit on her bed according to the novel 🤣
23. How do they comfort each other?
They hold and cling to each other because it's what they did in life or death situations in the Clone Wars. Listening to the other's heartbeats help calm them down.
31. How would Ahsoka bond with Luminara?
In my and @jedimasterbailey's headcanon, Luminara loves speeder bikes. Ahsoka loves tinkering so naturally they basically car gals together and Barriss gets so bored when they nerd out over this.
I do think their bond started with Cloak of Darkness though even before Barriss.
33. What do the other Jedi think of their relationship?
Yoda would ADORE them together and non stop affectionately troll them. Plo Koon is happy that Ahsoka found someone to calm her restless spirit. Mace is glad the Luminous Lineage may tame the Disaster Lineage. Obi Wan at first is confused and worries about the two girls in a war situation and how that could affect them but in the supportive protective dad way.
45. Share your Barrissoka headcanon.
Ok so not a unique one I'm sure but I have this headcanon that it's Barriss who gives Ahsoka her diamond choker she wears in her second Clone Wars outfit and even though she doesn't wear it anymore, she kept it or maybe used it to make her new white lightsabers back when she didn't know if Barriss survived Order 66 as a way to comfort herself.
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fioletowyfacet · 1 year
You’re lucky you’re more likable as a bird -Quoteth ‘possibly’ from Aster.
"If you like birds so much, then marry one..."
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brokenhardies · 2 years
quoteth @witchofinterest
“*angry and indignant marc noises in the background*”’ the first couple chapters of decode
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schadenfreudich · 1 year
What does Franz today at 6 am? Quotes a meme that came from german youtube drama from a few years ago.
My reaction was to start talking with "You quoteth"
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asmolboy · 1 year
Quoteth my tws in my summary:
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datmoongamer · 1 year
I have been roasted by three different friends in real life for “becoming a destiny shitter” (quoteth from friend 2) sorry I didn’t want it to be this way either
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