#repo! au
vagrantclown · 8 months
Woke up from my anxiety medicine nap thinking more about my repo!au for trigun
Gonna bounce some ideas around below the cut
So I don’t want to give people one-to-one role changes (like how Nick doesn’t PERFECTLY fit the role of graverobber, nor does Vash perfectly fit Shiloh) because I think it’s not great for their characterization
I think like a convoluted fucking jigsaw puzzle of traits I’m going to Frankenstein this bitch and shove pieces of each character into the trigun verse. Like some parts of Luigi largo will go to Knives but some are going to go to legato. I think Legato will be some mix of features from Luigi and Pavi, while I’m saving most of Amber’s traits for Elendira.
Add to this—Elendira and Legato aren’t Knive’s kids, and Knives isn’t dying. But Knives IS the CEO of Geneco (or whatever I decide the company will be called. Haven’t figured that out but I am keeping zydrate)
I do want to give some of Nathan’s role(s) to Livio/Razlo specifically because I love Nathan and his alter and I think they’d go really well with Livio & Razlo. But I’m trying to wiggle that into my idea of LR not being a direct caretaker to Vash.
Idk maybe there are “safe houses” scattered around no man’s land after the organ failure epidemic where you’re supposed to be safe from repo men. But god help you if you’re alone.
Maybe no man’s land was once really prosperous but it’s all collectivized into December or July
I should think more on this when my brain isn’t sludge from medication
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riddleblot · 1 year
Riddle as shilo and his mom as Nathan is FUCKING GENIUS I LOVE IT SM!! it's gonna live in my head for a few weeks now thank you
AHHH thank you!! :DDD I honestly was just minding my business listening to the soundtrack again and when Legal Assassin started playing I couldn't get the image of mama Rosehearts as Nathan-- it only got worse during my rewatch during Let The Monster Rise Nathan and Mag are my fav Repo! characters so hitting Nathan with the mom beam was NECESSARY!!! and the thought of Riddle rebelling and regretting it in the end... Chefs kiss.
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kaysdenofchaos · 10 months
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Family portrait for @extended-family-au !!! Been a while since I touched this project but def wanna get back into it sometime soon .3.
Commission Info
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volumebaixo · 25 days
Is there anyone better than her, honestly?
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Amber my beloved (she's so terrible you can't fix her, she can only get worse)
Enjoy my HC design!!
Xo Xo 🩷
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miniyunart · 1 year
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SPARE PARTS (Don’t always fit, but they make something beautiful instead)
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maxicaiman · 4 months
ratchet moment
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The boy’s dads and fam are in the stands and ready to cheer them on!! Are you?
TMNT AU competition: @tmntaucompetition
Extended Family AU: @extended-family-au
Co-creators of the EF au:
@cookiekate @kaysdenofchaos @alexthenerdbird @emmyawards201 @ariel-gremlinzkeep @wh0rkestra
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llovelymoonn · 11 months
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edgar degas and his ballet dancers
dancers, pink and green (c. 1890) \\ ballet at the paris opera (1877) \\ le foyer de la danse à l’opéra de la rue le peletier (1872) \\ three dancers at a dance class (c. 1888-1890) \\ danseuse au repos \\ the star (1879-1881) \\ two dancers (1893-1898)
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flowery-laser-blasts · 2 months
'Repo! The Genetic Opera' Kim Possible AU
The image below is a spoiler for the ending of the movie Repo! The Genetic Opera. If you don't mind spoilers (and a bit of blood) go ahead! :)
(Also warning for this movie is filled with body horror, blood and other adult themes so it's not everybody's cup of tea).
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"And we will always have each other, in our time of need... Tina you're the world to me."
Based on the final act of the movie. Also note that this isn't a Kim x Drakken in any way. It's a father daughter parental relationship.
REPO-AU SYNOPSIS: James Possible and Drew Lipsky work at HenchCo. James' new bio tech could revolutionise the medical field in ways no one could imagine but something has gotten in the way. Jack Hench instructs Drew in private to kill James Possible and leave no witnesses, as to why is unknown but the reward would be "A cure for your dear wife's illness.". Drew, out of fear for Jack and the hopes of saving the life of his beloved wife Shego, accepts the order to kill his colleague and only friend. Unbeknownst to James, Drew is in actually the Repo-man; a hitman who brings in their 'test subjects' a.k.a. people who are overdue on their pay to Jack Hench.
That same night Drew breaks into the house and manage to assassinate James along with his wife Ann. He then hears a cry coming from one of the rooms. He finds a little baby girl crying in her crib. Drew can't get himself to harm her and makes the decision to take her in so he and Shego can raise her together. Once the bodies are taken care off, Drew brings the baby into his house only to find out that Shego has passed.
Heart broken and a puppet for Jack Hench. The only thing that keeps Drew from losing it is raising his daughter Athena (Tina for short), in secret. Keep her safe and sound. She's a constant reminder of his sins as the Repo-man.
Massive thank you to @gothicthundra for suggesting this movie to me. I enjoyed it thoroughly!! The characters, world building and music. It's just so good!!
Nathan is a tragic character and while watching the movie, him switching around and taking on his repo-man persona (and way of deranged singing at some parts) just inspired me... Had this WIP for months and months in my folders but got inspired because I've been looking up some similair themed stuff for work (no I'm not a hitwoman, I'm too clumsy for that). This is probably one of the rare occasions I make angsty stuff.
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nardos-primetime · 1 month
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Seperation Au but the boys are all with Evil Mutant Dads and its not actually that bad their dads just really don't know how to parent in most cases and/or are in some shitty situations.
Timeline is a little different (as evident by ghost bear) because Lou and Baron pulled some bullshit (couple squabbles you get it). But they have a whole thing going on in the background.
I'm calling this the League of Single Father's AU even tho ghost wasn't in that lineup bc I find it amusing (and even tho at least 1 of them isn't single forever) (two are complicated (situationships amiright?))
Anyway I love them be nice to them because I sure won't be!
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Results for Round 1
Gemini AU vs. Separated Leo AU - Tie
The Night vs. How I Met Our Brothers - The Night
Ripples and Fate vs. Split by Space - Ripples and Fate
Mikey's Imaginary Friends vs. Michelangalone -  Mikey's Imaginary Friends
Diamond in the Repo Yard vs. Through the Thicket -  Diamond in the Repo Yard
Sometimes Plans Change vs. Magic and Masks - Tie
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forbiddentaako · 17 days
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let the monster rise
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ethers-moth · 3 months
Autistic people with the same special interests (the two of you) are about to have a field day.
So. Repo! The genetic opera. The magnus archives. The Archival Repo!. The Repo! Archives.
Shiloh is developing corruption
- bug collector
- not a full blown avatar but is kind of in the Jonathan Sims position to be influenced by a LOT of them
- feeds on Nathan’s anxiety (she thinks it’s her illness, but it’s more likely just dread that he’s a failure of a parent. He is.) (I love him why is he like that)
- 17 has her say “I always longed for true affection, but you compared me to a corpse”, so when she leaves at the end of the movie that signifies her evolution into an avatar (or rejection of it?) bc she is left with nothing but her bugs. We don’t really know
Nathan is either Slaughter or Hunt
- I definitely am more inclined for hunt for Nathan
- the hunting at the beginning and later when he and Shiloh are on the phone he definitely could do it a lot faster and less dramatically
- he definitely enjoys it is my point
- “thankless job” is also a prime example of his feelings on this job and or its moral implications
- obviously he’s unstable too and that influences jt but he kind of reminds me of Daisy Tonner where he’s over the ethical issue mostly
Luigi is definitely slaughter
- there’s not a really a need for question man is violent and angry I feel like there’s no question he shanks and yells and gets half naked for fun.
- his treatment of the gentern bringing coffee is a great example, he had no reason to freak out other than. Being like that. And also bc he can
- that’s about it actually he feeds on subordinates fear of his unforgiving temper it’s pretty CUT and dry
Pavi is. Hmmm. Flesh??
- I’m stuck on this one, however I think flesh fits best
- his face stealing reminds me of specific serial killer behaviors (usually due to parental issues) that involve using others body parts, usually skin (Ed Gein with his skin suit of his mother I think??) though I think his environment is part of why the face thing is a little less wrong in canon. Idk he’s a fucking FREAK okay
- also we never see his actual face so I feel an argument that it’s tied with dysmorphia isn’t unreasonable
- Pavi feeds off of adoration (even if it’s fake) from the Genterns as well as the fear of having your face skinned
- seriously what is wrong with him
- with the Genterns his boisting of “ask a gentern who they prefer” and overtly unacceptable sexual behavior (“my brother and sister should fuck”) feel like someone who wants validation and attention even if it’s not positive attention
Amber is Flesh too
- I think for a different reason from Pavi, she doesn’t have “inferiority” Dysmorphia that I think he has
- instead, I think Ambers behaviors are “superiority” dysmorphia (both terms I made up)
- in Ambers case she’s changing her appearance to cope with a shifting sense of self and strive for perfection caused by her notoriety and never being told no
- Amber feeds off of being desired and seen and is one of the most famous people in the known canon universe, but her blatant jealousy of Mag really depicts her motivation for perfection
- she also feeds herself to graverobber for drugs (deleted song ‘try my new parts’) I don’t care how good their surgical techniques are nobody is healing their hole that fast without hurting themselves somehow
- basically if Pavi is MAG 90 Amber is MAGP 2
Graverobber is End or Buried
- the end is for obvious reasons with corpse robbing and his lack of fear or caution around death @brainvomitintheparkinglot ‘s idea
- for buried, he’s literally a crack dealer
- he basically feeds the entire cities drug supply (trapping them in addiction that is hard to escape)
- the web usually deals with addiction but I don’t think he has manipulative or controlling motivation, he just works the system against other people
(Rottis corporation supplying everyone is the web, graverobber is a chunk of dust caught in it)
- as shown with Amber, he wont supply without money either, hypothetically pushing his clients into further debt (esp if they have geneco loans) AND addiction
- graverobber feeds off of the metaphorical suffocating nature of debt and addiction as mentioned, and well as literal suffocation
- following the drug thread, I will be treating zydrate like Heroin, in the idea it can be a powder or liquid (even though we only see it as a liquid in canon)
- like most painkilling drugs it can be assumed zydrate can induce vomit and therefore asphyxiation OR in the case of a powder that is inhaled, generally that isn’t optimal for breathing
- also graverobber is probably covered in corpse dust and like. Anthrax
Rotti is web (again, thank you @brainvomitintheparkinglot)
- his company owns the entire city (corporatocrocy)
- he literally controls everyone, his money controls his fucked up kids, and the entire system is his
- the rift with Shiloh and Nathan was organized by Rotti, and I feel like Ambers problem with Mag is somehow his fault too
- as far as I know, Mags blindness is never canonically explained, Rotti could easily be responsible like he was with Marni
- Rotti feeds off the obvious, control over everyone. He also is disappointed his kids found ways around his authority, and yet they’re STILL in his web (addicts and also fucked in the head bc of the circumstances he raised them in)
Mag is. The eye
- yeah. This one is the most direct
- I have a headcanon that she can see through cameras (how she found Shiloh) and how she seems to know all about what is happening in Shilohs life
- mag is both a victim and an avatar of the eye, she sees everything going on around her with the people she loves, but all eyes are always on her, trapping her where she is.
- literally had to do a Melanie king except she didn’t escape, the web and the eye often work in opposition in TMA while also being quite similar, she and Rotti much the same.
- “take these eyes I’d rather be blind” is an inadvertent argument with Rottis control of the web, he kills her for it
Lastly, Marni is either End or Desolation
- she’s not actually present in the film
- End is bc she died and yet is still so so important to the plot
-desolation is bc her actions are kind of why everyone in the story has issues
I could make a whole separate post on Rottis fucked up crack zydrate addicted kids
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volumebaixo · 1 month
Except it's an AU
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Yes I HC his name as Roger, because me and my friend think it's funny lmAOO
It looks silly and cool in a way
Maybe I'll talk more about this AU sometime
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lackablazeical · 1 year
Filler post :] Repo!!!!! My fave evil mutant of the show 💕💕💕
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It was probably either Mikey or Don that fucked his face up bc they got bored and decided to harass him (also I'm sorry but him having no pants in Canon drives me crazy, he gets pants here)
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maxicaiman · 4 months
repo!transformers au is on my mind
Immediately designed two characters that aren't really relevant to the plot
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