#reyes cod
fic-heaven · 1 month
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Was it that hard to say? (Reyes x Reader)
Angst/Nsfw/ happy ending
Reyes is a difficult man, you knew this and so did your heart. But even the most patient and understanding people have their limits and Enzo always tended to push everyone's buttons. He loves you, he believes that you do as well, so in order to make YOU confess he goes too far and you crumble. It'll be up to him to pick up the pieces and fix your broken heart.
You thought Reyes loved you.
Or maybe he was figuring his feelings for you, liked you, or at the very least respected you.
Months of working with one another as fellow operators for SpecGru during missions of any kind made you bond surprisingly fast, your easygoing nature and wit paired up perfectly with his hot temper and hunger for action. Enzo helped you sharpen your mind and strengthen your spirit under difficult moments and in return you calm him down keeping his anger in check and help him think twice before making reckless decisions. You smoothed his sharp edges and he sharpened yours. "Like jelly and butter", Team Leader once said.
That said.
In the midst of a tense covert operation, you and your team found yourselves navigating the treacherous terrain of an abandoned building dangerously close to your base in Germany. To make the matters worse, your mission had taken an unexpected turn when you guys were ordered to collaborate with another military unit from KorTac, who had been trying to recapture three fugitives heavily armed for interrogation.
The tension was thick. The loss of two KorTac operators at the hands of these three maniacs had taken a terrible hit on the moral of the other team, it's operators were tense, anxiously seeking to accomplish their mission fast to properly mourn the loss of their fellow comrades.
As the mission proceeded, you couldn't help but feel Enzo slowly drifting away from you. It wasn't weird for him to do this, but it has been going on for a week and you were starting to get a little worried, often getting brushed off when you asked him if he was alright, your playful banter cut short by his short grunts in dismissal. You understood it was because this mission was important and the loss (Even from another team's members) stuck to you guys. The faint touches you used to share with Reyes went ignored, maybe he was far too focused for your silent comforts, sadly the only thing the Canadian acknowledged were your worried glances with huffs and glares of his own.
"Yo, mae. It's alright, he can be an ass sometimes." Gus reassured you with a light squeeze on your shoulder.
"He has been like this for a whole fucking week, must be on his period." Nila spat rolling her eyes.
His close friends, Nova and Gus, had known him long enough to get his game, but at times they admitted he could be infuriatingly unpredictable.
It was clear when they shared a short shocked look amongst each when the darkness of the night buried it's claws in the sky and in the short pause you made to rest, all of you noticed Reyes sneak out of the provisional camp with the barracks bunny. A KorTac operator nonetheless.
He didn't even hide it, as soon as the blonde walked by sharing a heated look to Reyes' crouched form, he got up and followed her from where you guys and some others were resting near the only not-busted torch you had illuminating one room of the retched building.
The break took ten minutes. In those ten minutes you planned to approach Reyes to figure why he was in such sour mood. Though you chose to ignore the closed door to your left switching seats with some of your comrades and speaking a little bit louder in order to NOT hear the muffled noises from the other room. You couldn't stand the pitied looks some of them gave you, that's how you were sure they knew something was up in that room.
After the quick break, Reyes almost broke the door down startling some of the resting soldiers, you on the other hand, ignored his sudden entrance. He seemed less tense, chest puffed proudly, not like his usual broody self. You clenched your jaw when you saw the stunning operator walking out from behind him with a nasty look on her face. How dare she look like that when she just took the man you had been pinning over for longer than you'd like to admit?
Shit, you weren't even supposed to think this way about him. It wasn't even allowed.
Your chest burned with unspoken feelings, the indirect rejection making the corners of your lips curl down. A stern look from Nila made you straighten your spine and focus on the mission ahead, she was pretty much the only person directing your attention to what truly mattered at the moment, and that was turning into a mindless soldier whose only fuel to live was to serve. Time to be professional.
The mission went smoothly, the fugitives were recaptured and the only trouble you all faced right now was keeping Horangi, König and some other soldier's nerves in line so they wouldn't beat the bastards into a pulp. That was a task you took seriously since you were known to be the "therapy dog" to the most stubborn and broken members of any team you fell upon.
You now were kneeling in front of König a few meters behind your humvee, the hulking figure of the Austrian sat in the dirt and drills of the floor as he swallowed down heavy breaths, his hands shakily held the knife he previously threatened to use against the prisoners, your soothing voice helped the big man relax, both hands reassuringly squeezed and massaged his tense shoulders pressing your chest to his side comfortingly sharing your body warmth, you were one hundred percent sure he appreciated receiving due to the way he was leaning his weight on you.
"That's it, sweetheart... You are doing amazingly. I know it's hard," König sucked in a breath trying to interrupt you but you hushed him like a mother would to a scared child. "You are one of the strongest soldiers I have ever met. And right now the thing you are doing? The way you are halting your murderous instincts? It's one tough battle that I'm sure as hell you'll win." König softly looked at you, a whimper scaping his constricting throat as he blinked slowly taking in your words.
"You are tough, colonel, I admire you."
"Thank you..."
"No, thank you. You have done a great service. I appreciate it, I wish we could have met under better circumstances... I'm sorry for your losses..." You nuzzled his cheek with your finger comfortingly over his mask when he blinked rapidly trying to hold back the tears threatening to spill at any moment. Standing up from your position you took a step back from the now more relaxed soldier granting him some time alone to compose himself.
Suddenly a chill ran down your spine at the feeling of a presence behind you. You knew who it was, yet you said nothing as you circled the colonel heading to the humvee.
"Takin' too damn long as always, momma bird." Reyes spoke up, annoyance dripping from his tone. He really had the gal to sound irritated. "What? Did your big chick calm himself down? I can't believe you still want to play therapist to these KorTac bastards." He muttered following you. The way you turned around with an ice-cold face throwing daggers at the now startled Canadian could have made competition to one of Lieutenant Riley's deathly glares. He stood there confused, annoyance still present on his hardened features.
His hair looked soft over the vehicle's lights. Reyes always seemed to distract you even when he wasn't even trying to, but not this time, not with the bitterness eating your insides slowly, painfully, imprinting ugly images in your mind. Ugly images of the man you had been pinning over for almost the entire time you had known him, the man you loved fucking someone else so casually and then walking back to you like he did that every time he had the chance.
You didn't even have the right to feel this way. It wasn't even fucking allowed. But fuck... Fuck it hurts. Was it really all for nothing? The quiet times you spent together cuddling under the warmth of his poncho when it was your turn to keep watch and he stubbornly refused to sleep in order to spend more time with you, the short stories of his personal life he swore he had never told a soul before you, stories spoken with softness and trust, the way you silently promised to stay by each other's side even at your worse times, like finger and nail. Like lovers.
You loved Reyes, but he clearly picked random women around the base to make any short of intimate thing not thinking that perhaps YOU wanted to help satisfy his needs being more intimate. Fuck, but not like a one-time kind of thing, more like someone who truly cared, who loved him for who he was even when he was at his most annoying.
"What's up?" Enzo spat.
What's up? Did he really not know WHAT was up?
"Don't look at me, don't talk to me, don't even breath my way, Reyes. J-just... Stay out of my fucking sight." You couldn't hold back the hurt from your voice, your throat swallowing the upcoming words you wanted to say with sobs and tears in the rims of your eyes. Thankfully, the darkness of the night, your helmet and hair shadowed your face from the blinding lights of the vehicles and shielded your hurt expression from Enzo's suddenly stoic face. It takes you by surprise the way he gazes at you up and down approaching you cautiously with a carefully-put neutral expression. Like your reaction was expected. Like it didn't bug him to see you hurt, as if it was all planned.
"What's with the bitch attitude, bunny? You hurt?" The pretty nickname he gave you long ago being thrown at you this way almost sounded like a slur. He spoke mockingly testing your patience knowing you saw what you saw back in the building with him and the barracks bunny. In a normal situation you'd have playfully shoved him but feeling the betrayal you felt at that moment made you sniff soundly throwing Reyes a final glare, letting out some tears and hurriedly walk away with him still hot on your trail.
His plan succeeded, he thought. Now he had to wait for you to make the final move he was so scared of making. Except instead of turning around and confessing your feelings for him, you never looked back at him practically throwing yourself in the car alongside his now glaring comrades. Even Gustavo, his closest friend, the softest and most caring of his teammates gave him a cold look that spoke volumes of his disapproval towards his actions which he returned with a scoff sitting on the front seat.
He has to give you time, he thought, you'll come around eventually.
Two weeks went by.
The plan had backfired in the worst of ways, Reyes couldn't have predicted this outcome even when it was one of the most obvious scenarios this whole ordeal could have brought him into.
Initially he was supposed to make you feel some short of jealousy, and that way force you to confess your feelings for him. Reyes was sure you liked him back, he was simply too stubborn to admit his own love for you, so he desperately clinged to the idea that you'd strike the final move thanks to this damned plan.
But shit. You didn't look, talk or even try to be near Enzo's eyesight, you had changed your routine to not run into him, you no longer used your office to finish your paperwork often opting to do it in the privacy of your quarters, you even stopped going to the gym privately training with the 141 when you had the chance instead of going to the barracks with the others to spend your free time, you barely even spoke to Nila or Gus compleatly sideline-ing them from your heartbroken state. You loved your friends but you knew well they would give Reyes every piece of information about you they got after ignoring him for so long since he would most certainly beg them to spy on you. So against your open and friendly nature, you isolated yourself keeping the pain for you and you alone.
Enzo had tried randomly going to the gym or other places you frequented but it seemed like you had vanished, like earth had swallowed you whole even when every other personnel in the base claimed to have seen or interacted with you while he was there playing cat and mouse with a ghost. It frustrated him, feeding his anger and confusion as to why the hell you hadn't confronted him about your feelings yet. Two weeks had passed, damnit. How much longer did you need?
He couldn't have hurted you that much could he?
Reyes pondered over your last interaction while sitting in the rooftop of one of the main buildings from the base he totally wasn't supposed to be in. But this was your special place, often coming here to smoke the weed he was able to sneak in or gift you little trinkets and sweets he had stolen from others or found somewhere during missions or around the base. Now he was here basking in the silence of the night, your spot next to him empty and cold. (Y/n)-less.
His loud thoughts muffled the sound of the ladder behind him. "Have you come to your senses, hermano?" Reyes almost dropped the joint he was holding jolting on his spot from the scare the approaching Rican gave him. Gus fixes him a concerned yet stern look while he sat on your spot and Enzo pretended not to care. "What are y'doing here, super-cop?"
"C'mon I told you not to call me that. Ay bendito, I regret ever telling you about my old job..." Gus wined.
"I'm not gonna ask twice, Gusito." Reyes sighed bitterly, the annoyed tone was not missed by Gus.
"I'm here to talk, and um... Keep you company." He didn't say "to help you deal with your heartbreak" because he knew Reyes would give him the beating of his life and/or storm off, but Enzo understood that he meant well and silently thanked Gus for not phrasing it differently. Reyes grunted and handed him the joint he was holding, brown eyes shot to the horizon allowing the weed to cloud his mind and pretend he was sitting with someone else entirely, clouds of smoke fogged Gus' face and planted yours instead, and just for an instant he felt content.
They passed the joint until they finished it and Enzo kept the remnant butt on his pocket to not leave evidence. Both of them laid facing up the stars in silence, unlike Gus, Reyes appreciated the silence and glared at those who tried to make small talk, Gustavo learned that the hard way so they allowed the silence of the night engulf their stoned selves.
Reyes' muffled sobs didn't startle Gus from his high on the clouds state, he wobbly moved to sit up facing Reyes as the other man covered his wet face with both globed hands, Gus knew why he cried yet did not say a word as he patted his friend's shoulder comfortingly.
He fucking missed you. It was like you died and disappeared from his life and he didn't know what to do with himself. Not without you guiding him through the sorrow. Where was his anchor?
Days went by, the pain in your chest had lessened yet the remnants still ached nonetheless.
Laying curled on your bed had become costume after hours of crying over someone who clearly didn't love you back. Speaking with Soap and Gaz about your troubles had opened your eyes to the possibility that not all was lost. Thanks to this ugly experience you focused more on yourself, hours of training each day in hopes of ignoring the pain in your heart made your body tougher and fitter, you also noticed a remarkable improvement on your aim and resistance, TL couldn't be prouder.
Eventually, you started to interact more with Gus and Nova. Your friends felt relieved that you were doing better yet did not hold back their disapproval about your departure from the group without saying a word. So, today you decided to open up to them. Nila invited you to join them in the mess hall while almost everybody was out assuring you that Reyes was nowhere near. You sat next to Nova with your back against the wall, Gus to your right, the girl mentioned on your left fidgeting with a white, elastic hair band clearly still worried unlike Gus who drew random patterns on your forearm seemingly happy to finally have you at arms length and encouraging you to relax.
"I'm sorry guys. I love you but after that night I just couldn't handle the pain. I had to leave."
Nova tsked disapprovingly. "(Y/n) precisely because you couldn't handle it you should have relied on us. We are your friends." Gus nodded at this looking back at Nila. "We understand you needed space though, it's only natural after Enzo uh..." the girl shot Gus a glare making him backtrack and rephrase. "W-we are here for anything you need, but for us to help you you need to help us understand what you hide in that pretty head of yours." He softly spoke playfully poking your forehead with one meaty finger making you weakly smile.
"Fine... You should know by now that I... Fell for Reyes." Nova grimaced scrunching her nose and Gus nodded with a knowing smile.
"I know it's against the bloody rules, don't give me that look Nova... But there are some things, or feelings, that one struggles to keep in. Specially with a bond forged in battle." You let out a shaky breath. "It's just that... Our last mission, when he left with Barbara (I think her name was) I felt like all the trust and feelings I held for him shattered compleatly. It left me confused and hurt, I often craved to confront him about this, but honestly? What right do I have to do that? It's not as if we were something closer than friends to begin with... Fuck, i-it's against the rules!"
Gus pouted, Nila snorted "So is stealing shit, so is sneaking weed in the base, so is 'borrowing' evidence, so is going to the rooftops past curfew, so is ignoring direct orders from superiors..." You looked down and Nila lifted your chin to look back at her. "Enzo is a menace. We all know that. He's like the personification of narcissism and wilderness! He is one failed exorcism away from wearing horns and a pointy tail following us around and saying "do it!" every time we think about some fucked up thing. Love, he's made us do things we never thought we'd do. How often do I have to lie to our superiors to cover up his shit, Gus?" The man rolls his eyes and shakes one of his hands as if to say plenty with a huff.
"Falling in love is the less worrisome rule you would have broken being with us, (Y/n)." Nova continued. "And honestly? You said it yourself, there are things you can't stop from happening, and your feelings for Reyes? Those are real, forged in war and partnership. Your words, not mine." She lets a pause fall so you could swallow all this.
Gus spoke up before you could mutter a response "I've known Reyes for a very long time. And um... I'm not saying to forgive and forget, (y/n). Pero, maybe you should listen to what he has to say. Reyes isn't heartless as much as he wants to prove he is. He's very soft under that rocky exterior, for that I must ask you to give my brother the chance to speak, listen to what he has to say. Maybe then you'll find closure."
Your lower lip wobbles. Of course Reyes was soft under that bad boy mask he wore with pride. You knew this well, and for once in the weeks you spent mourning the loss of someone who wasn't yours to begin with, you decided to ponder on the idea that perhaps you didn't confront him about this issue because you were absolutely terrified that he'd confirm your fears of not reciprocating your romantic feelings.
Those butterflies at the pit of your stomach fluttered awake, but only slightly. You couldn't keep your hopes up.
But you had to give him the chance.
Reyes turned to Nova and Gus for guidance not so long after, hoping to find a way back into your heart and rebuild the trust that had been shattered during the ill-fated mission to hopefully come up with a plan to corner you and finally have the talk he craved to have. And like God had heard his prayers, Nova told him it wasn't necessary to force you to listen because you already agreed to talk privately. So that same morning, Reyes gathered his shit and went to find you. He gave Nova a nod in appreciation to what she shot him a tight-lipped smile with a silent threat to not fuck this opportunity up. It was hard enough to see you crumble and close yourself from afar, her and Gus wouldn't play mediators again if Reyes was to pull one of his stunts again.
Mopping the floor you peeked a look to your side spotting Reyes casually perching himself on the window's stool right behind you only a few feet away from the wet spot you were mopping.
"Been a while."
"Hello to you too." You sigh.
Nova and Gus left the hall with some other doomed recruits tired from cleaning duty to tend to another area further from you two.
"So..." Reyes urged you.
"So." You said crossing your arms after placing the mop away. The brunette stood there silent and expectant. "Got something to say?" He pushed. Is he serious?
Your brows could have very well reached your hairline, biting your inner cheek you took the mop again and resumed your task with urgency eager to join the others. Reyes growled frustrated at this roughly snatching the mop from your grasp and letting it fall to the floor with a loud clatter that echoed through the hall like a bell at the beginning of a fight. His dirty boots stepped on the wet space you were mopping with a face filled with rage, you two looked deep into each other's eyes seeking to intimidate one another, the tension could be cut with a knife.
"You gonna unlock your fucking office so we can discuss this properly or you wanna make an spectacle out of it for the recruits to talk about for the rest of the week?" Reyes says threateningly.
Your jaw hardened but you complied silently walking down the hall to your office with Reyes following behind in angry stomps, the anxiety and anger made your hands shake as you tried to place the keys in the lock to which he snapped, snatched them out of your hold and unlocked the door nodding you to go in first. How gentlemanly of him.
You walked to the old couch near the now closed door, looking at the dusty floor with your arms crossed. When he saw you weren't going to sit he refused to sit either walking right in front of you still looking pissed as if you were the one at fault for all of this shit. Reyes took a pause to relax his stance, breathed in and begun his "apology".
"You know I lie a lot. But not to you, never to you." His voice was even, for once not showing signs of murderous intent but that didn't ease you a bit.
"I know you are a liar, Reyes. I also know you are stubborn. Stubborn, prideful men take difficulty on admitting their wrongs. Sincerely and out loud, at least."
He smirks nodding his head in agreement, his tongue digging on the inner side of his left cheek then he proceeds to look away with a bitter smile, your little whip stung him.
"Yeah, but I can right 'em." Enzo said in finality then looked back at your melting eyes until they harden again "I'd very much prefer to right my wrongs by actions and not by meaningless words. Actions always speak louder than words anyway, bun-bun."
"Weren't you taking pride on being an honest man when it came to me? Does this mean whatever you say has zero or little meaning?"
His patience decreases drastically but you don't relent.
"I'd prefer you leave my office now than come here and waste my time giving me empty words instead of a proper apology-" His hand shot to your throat shoving you against the wall. Your breath hitched, hands lifting to your sides in surrender with a scowl, he licks his lips. Enzo's chest heaved and his pupils dilated, it wasn't out of rage but... arousal.
"You are a pretty whore with a big mouth."
"I've been patient enough with you. I'd like to spare my good side to less stubborn men whose words do have meaning." That seemed to crack part of his bad boy shell, Reyes quirked a brow, his body growing stiff in a blink, he tries to play it off by balancing his weight on his feet.
"Ah? Planning on replacing me already? Why. Cuz' I never liked good, pretty girls? Cuz' I always loved your wild side?"
"Now that I recall, you didn't think twice about replacing me for a pretty thing. Did she show you her fangs, Reyes?" You chocked out, his fingers digging uncomfortably on the tender skin of your neck taunting you.
Had you blinked you would have missed the little flinch he made when you called out his fuck-up. Enzo takes a moment then, running his tongue through his teeth, his expression stern desperate to hide the storm of guilt on the depths of his wooden eyes. You were still mad, you were hurting because of him. What right did he have to act mad and stubborn when you were obviously still affected by all this?
He never meant it to go this far...
"I don't believe it was my wild side what attracted you to me in the first place." You said softly, eyes glossy because of the burning restraint of oxygen. Enzo's gaze melts, his grip on your throat going slack.
Of course it didn't. Everything about you lured him in. From the very first moment he saw you, the way you handled yourself, your optimistic spirit during fucked up scenarios instantly filling the team with determination and hope, your focus about whatever the hell was put in your hands even when it exceeded your habilites never letting the frustration of defeat cloud your will to win. He liked the whole YOU package, specially the fact that you never belittled him even when he was at his most insufferable, he liked you, he loved you. Didn't you see that? Weren't his actions clear enough? Of course they weren't when he pushed your feelings aside doing something that he knew would burn you in order to seek a reaction out of you. He wanted your attention, he wanted you to snap, to claim him the moment you saw him go with the barracks bunny of the other team. He should have listened to Nova when she told him what he was planning would ruin you.
But instead of seeking him out, you, his darling, accepted his decision and suffered in silence.
Because that was you. His good pretty soldier girl who did everything perfectly and ate up reality quickly in order to adapt, to grow stronger. He didn't want to think you'd move on from him so fast because of this fuck-up. Shit, he didn't want to think of you moving on from him at all.
His palms left your throat in order to hold your cheeks with a tenderness so uncharacteristic of him your eyes widened. This was him, you though, this was your Reyes. He looked at you with so much emotion, with so much vulnerability you could feel your eyes burn with tears.
"You didn't think I'd fool around with her, right love?"
"I dunno, you tell me..."
"She wished. We spent the whole time in there overlooking the fucking yard in silence after I rejected her advances. C'mon, (Y/n). She's not even my type."
"And what is your type...? Who is...?"
He smiled a little with his head slightly tilting to the side, and you mirrored his movements. Because you knew the answer, and he knew that you did, but decided to entertain you because you needed those "meaningless words" though these words he knew weren't meaningless, not to him (for once) and most definitely not to you.
"You, obviously. You dramatic... Insufferable wench."
You laughed breathlessly as if this pathetic confession was the most beautiful poem someone has ever read you out loud. Silence engulfed you two, hesitation was written all over your pretty face, he started getting a little anxious, his palms still holding your cheeks went clammy and his chocolate eyes tried to figure what went through your head.
"Y-you said something about actions speaking louder than words..." Your hands weakly gripped his tense shoulders.
Reyes looked at you unsure. Would you push him away? Your hands took his cheeks before you smashed your pretty lips against his quickly erasing such foolish thought, forever gone in the void of his mind. The kiss was short but it seemed to heal both your hearts instantly.
"I love you, you big idiot." You mumble in between soft kisses planted all around his face, he laughs delighted, (a rare sound coming from him) relieved, not ever pulling away from you and the sweet taste of your mouth.
"I fucking love you," he groaned on your mouth, the kisses getting heated "I love you," one peck, "I love you," two more pecks, "I love..." And you had to hush him the only way your brain could process in that moment, by french kissing him so deeply a growl rumbled from the depths of his chest nearly sounding like a purr it's vibrations hitting your core. Your limbs tangled to the point of you two looking like a pair of octopuses. He sighed content, you moaned, wet kisses spared here and there with wondering hands exploring each other's bodies over your baggy clothes, his hands squeezed every part of your tender body, from your chin to your shoulders, to your breasts, to your ass, your lower tummy and finally your wet heat. Just as his hand took you, yours palmed his fully erect member over his pants. Both of you hissed clearly in need for more.
Reyes was always full of surprises. You loudly gasped when he fell on his knees lowering your sweatpants in a sharp tug, your wet panties were exposed to the cold hair, he kissed the wet trail of your slit shamelessly inhaling your arousal, his flaming eyes found your widened ones in silent question. "Y'better not make me beg. You already made me apologize-"
"You never apologized."
"I'm sorry."
The intensity of his stare and the feeling of his hot breath over your dripping sex was enough to simply let go of the matter. After all... you always forgave him, and Reyes wasn't going to lie to you, he has made that clear already. This apology as strange as it was, wasn't meaningless.
"You are forgiven. Now shut up and eat my fucking pussy."
He smirked not even trying to bite back the devilish chuckle that came after, you shushed him and Enzo rolled his eyes biting the delicate fabric of your panties and making a show of sloooooowly lowering the garment only using his mouth. "You look good on your knees..." you further teased to which Reyes responded by harshly slapping your ass with both hands before he squeezed your cheeks painfully hard earning a whine that made him twitch.
"God I love it when you get all..."
You moved your hips hovering his mouth with your pussy, a soft humming sound deliciously vibrated your aching sex. He glared up at you as if to say "so only YOU get to talk?"
"Actions speak louder than words. Prove it to me." He blinked with half lidded eyes. "Prove that you want me... Claim me." Fuck, you were driving him mad.
His head accommodated properly in between your legs, both of his hands squeezed and played with your ass and thighs shoving your heat closer to his mouth lapping vigorously demanding more and more of your taste, the lack of oxygen seemingly not bothered the hungry operator when his lips and tongue stubbornly wouldn't leave your dripping pussy, swallowing every fluid given and tasting your hardened clit and salty walls. You loved how even in this vulnerable position Reyes made a show of his dominance.
The first few hungry licks had you bucking your knees so he blindly guided you to the couch where you fell to your butt and he saw his opportunity to lift and spread your legs wider, the stubble of his beard made your soft skin itch deliciously, it didn't take long for you to bite on your hand to muffle the upcoming moans Reyes devoured out of you. He wasn't slow and gentle, his tongue licked and flicked on your pearl and your lips eagerly as if he was desperately searching for a treasure buried in the depths of your pussy. Enzo panted, huffed and growled letting out the most animalistic noises you have ever heard from someone eating you out, the roughness in the way he was gripping on your thighs while holding them up for him to push his mouth impossibly closer to your cunt as his tongue buried itself on the sticky walls of your insides made you moan in delight, hoping- no- Praying for him to mark the delicate flesh of your inner thighs with his grip until suddenly one of his hands abandoned your thigh to join his mouth on your pussy digging a finger inside your wetness to spread you while his mouth viciously attacked your poor puffy clit, fingering you in a way that increased your moans and made your cunt erupt in fast wet sounds.
One of your hands abandoned your mouth to grip his hair rocking your hips up to chase that delicious end he was quickly making you approach, Reyes shakes his head aggressively from side to side, his eyes looking at your tits bouncing with every thrust you made on his mouth until you curved your spine like a pornstar possessed, he kept his pace this time taking turns on swallowing the fluids coming out of your entrance and pinching at your clit. You were going to squirt and he knew it. With a grin he moved his head back, his lips broke from your cunt's with a wet pop . You cried in desperation from his change of heart but it went to deaf ears as he stood up unbuckling his pants.
"Don't you cry, baby... Y'don't think I'll let you cum before me right? Not after ignoring me for fucking weeks, making me worry you were moving on with someone else, you petty bitch..." He growled snapping the only button holding his pants up dropping them with a thud.
If he wanted hateful sex that's what you'll give him. Maybe then you'll let out the things you had been keeping to yourself up until now.
Your hand slapped Reyes' when he tried to take the one that went to play with your clit, your feet went to his chest pushing back to stop him mid way infuriating him further. "You fucking bastard. It was YOU who made ME think you fucked some cheap bitch from KorTac and expect some short of loyalty from me." His eyes darken at your words his hands pushing your legs away to reveal his fully erect dick, it's leaking tip twitching so much it looked painful.
"Now look at you, desperate to make a point." You sigh out. "And what point am I so desperate to make, as you say?" Reyes grins stroking himself angry that you are pleasuring yourself without him. "That no pussy will ever feel better than mine." He groaned at this stroking himself faster matching your pace. "That I'll forever ruin any further experience you'll have in the future because whoever you pick won't match what I'll make you feel." You purred but his expression changed completely from aroused to serious.
He harshly spread your legs and pushed them forwards until your knees where at both sides of your head, your cunt glistens with your juices, all puffy and pretty for his own enjoyment. Reyes salivated at the sight, his cock nesting in between your pussy lips. Reyes' face was millimeters apart from yours, the dilated voids of his eyes never cowered away from your flushed face. "Have you lost your god-damned mind, woman?"
Your eyes widen in confusion.
"If you really think once I get to fuck you I'll go seek other pussy to ruin you are mistaken." Enzo leaned to your ear and whispered lustily "I'll make you fucking mine. And I'll make sure you won't leave me either because from now on, (y/n) (l/n), there's no way- no bullet, no higher-up, no fucking devil that will keep me away from you."
You were about to say something but the words died in your mouth when a lust-filled scream scaped you the moment he harshly slid his cock inside you with force instantly reaching your cervix. You felt a burning ache in your insides, Enzo choked out a growl that sounded almost like a plead, his balls were fully pressed against your ass, the delicious squeeze from your gummy walls and your nails scratching his arms forced Reyes to make a pause because as embarrassing as it was, and he'd never admit out loud, he felt like he could cum right there at that moment, this whole situation altered his brain chemistry in worrisome levels, he felt like a teenager again seeking to explore the wonders of sex for the very first time. And don't get him wrong, it wasn't only the orgasmic feeling of your insides finally oh, FINALLY, choking his cock like vice and your nails doing wonders at breaking his skin. No. It was the fact that he had YOU looking up at him with a type of desire and love he thought only existed on his imagination all those nights he stroked himself imagining this moment seemingly unreachable.
You were right. You have permanently ruined sex with any woman for him, and he's so fucking happy he must show you how greatful he is.
The couch lowers to your sides when he gets one foot at a time in a way that has his cock somehow getting even deeper inside you, this new breeding position makes you shiver before you croak his name as Reyes begins jack-hammering his hips against your cunt, the relentless stimulation of your g-spot and the bite on your shoulder he harshly plants makes you cry in pleasure, he growls, a hand struggle to cover your mouth while holding one of your legs up with his forearm.
"Your voice is music to my ears, bunny... But you don't want none of them fuckers to catch me fucking you dumb, hm?" You whine and he hums mockingly, his pace never relenting "Now that I think about it I know you would. You'd like Team Leader or any of those cunts see this pretty pussy break around my cock... Right bun-bun? Y'want em' to see me filling your womb with my hot cum?" Reyes leans his hand back letting you take a deep breath, your face contorting in pleasure. "Y-yes daddy..."
"FUUUUCK... You sound way better than I thought-" he has to change his desperate pace or else he'll be done, so he slows but his thrusts become harsh bruising your insides, the pleasure so mind-blowing it has you drooling before he buries his tongue on your mouth growling as he swallows the sounds directly from your mouth. His balls pulsate, waves of fluids mix together as Reyes halts his painful thrusts to roll his hips lazily basking in the feeling of his fat cock stretching every inch of your dripping sex. Your head falls back to the cushions and Reyes licks a long stripe on your neck
"You feel like-... G-glory..." You moan. "Oh? Do i? My lil cockslut likes daddy's cock so much she's already mind-fucked?" Reyes teases until a hard slap across his face shocks him pausing on his movements, your hand takes his face shoving it closer pressing his forehead and nose against yours "Gotta try a little harder to melt my brain, fucker."
The smile that spreads across his face could be very well described with the word mad or simply diabolical. He liked this sudden change in you, how you showed teeth again eager to stand your ground even if you were quite literally beneath him spread so wide you'd struggle to walk at least for the rest of the day. His hips snap back to yours resuming the previous desperate pace, clapping noises mix with both your grunts, growls and screams echoing through the closed office you were sure people could hear outside. But frankly your focus was only fixed on the way Reyes looked down at you with this face filled with concentration, raw pleasure and desperation as his balls slapped the underside of your ass, his pink tip pressing quick repetitive kisses to your cervix.
The way his sweaty locks swayed at the brutal pace of his thrusts was hypnotic but not as hypnotic than the way his eyes switched from every detail in your face, so awestruck, so in love... Your walls squeezed him painfully hard and he yelled his orgasm almost louder than yours.
"I love you... I fucking- I- AGH-! FUCK!!! YES, YES- T-THERE! GOD!!!"
You both pant loudly feeling your ears ring at the force of your orgasm. Your nails dig into his nape as you felt your insides swell with Reyes' liquid love, his cum came in waves coating your walls white, the amount of it was so much it splurged out of your hole while he was still inside, it slithered down your ass to the couch wetting the spot, leaving physical proof that you two made peace in the quiet confines of your dirty office that now smelled of sex and Reyes' lavender deodorant.
"F-fuck Enz... You ruined my couch..."
The Canadian laughed out of breath, his eyes crinkling. "I'm balls deep inside of ya, freshly milked dry and this is the first thing you say?"
You nod slowly with a soft hum sounding like a purr so adorable it melts him on the spot. "You are so fucking beautiful..." Your hands brace Reyes' nape feeling the sweaty texture of his locks. It urges him to lean downwards, kissing your puffy lips slowly with passion. His knees adjust to your sides making his softening cock scape the wet heat of your cavern. You two hiss feeling your mixed juices splutter out of your cunt.
You smooch his lips again teasingly then plant another smooch to his cheeks, he hums enamoured before you feel his strong arms brace your body handling you to lay on your side as he does the same spooning your sweaty body.
"This... Isn't a one time thing." Reyes speaks in the valley of your neck, his voice and beard feeling ticklish on your ear. You smile at this turning your body to lay on your other side so you were now facing him. You admired how red his pale cheeks looked, the rhythmic movement of his chest as he catched his breath, his lips slightly turning upwards when he spots your little smile.
"Do you love me, Enzo Reyes?"
"How many more times do I have t' say it, woman? I proved it already didn't I?" The hand he had on your waist lowered to your puffy abused cunt making your breath hitch and your smile to widen.
"Kiss me then... But not like before..." You whispered and he looked a little puzzled. "Kiss me with feeling, Rey... Imagine this was the last time you got to kiss me, imagine this was the final chance you had to prove your love."
Enzo would have rolled his eyes at the dramatism of this request, but he decided to indulge you, after all, you had put up with so much of his bullshit you deserved a fucking reward. And if your reward had to be the most romantic kiss he could give you, he wasn't stupid enough to prive it from you. His light, his bunny, his love.
Reyes leans cupping your cheek, eyes half lid, mouth parting slowly until he met yours. The sweet soft texture of your lips against his made his body shag with an exhale and when you parted your lips to invite his tongue into your heat he hummed in delight, wet muscle intertwined with yours in an erotic dance, slowly, messily, he gulped down your saliva and shared his with you. You moved to climb his toned chest, he helped with his hands on your waist and thigh (only this once he'll let you on top), your mouths collided again, tongues exploring as much of each other's mouth as possible to the point of the only uncharted territory being the deepest part near your throat, too deep, too much. That didn't stop Reyes as he cupped the sides of your head digging his tongue deeper as much as he could, he felt you huff unable to meowl, your hips grinded down his reawakening shaft.
Oh he was in for a second round...
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chadillacboseman · 10 months
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Reyes' slutty little outfit literally called "Treat". The devs know what they're doing.
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reyesbignaturals · 10 months
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König this, Ghost that, where are all the Reyes girlies????
Tattoo shop au because it's /my/ mojo dojo casa house
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yawnderu · 2 months
Can I get a pic of your dick from above and pulling your underwear away can I get a pic of it from the front leaking and can. I get a gif from the side of it bouncing and twitching could I get a close up of the veins can you smack it on the camera lens at HD? can i
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597 notes · View notes
✨Cod characters as parents P2✨
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stormemes11 · 10 months
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i'm interested in three (3) fps games and i have a type
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gold0kapi · 11 months
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The Beach Episode
(Left to right: Gaz, Luna, Enzo, Ghost, Soap)
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callsign-bunnie · 4 months
Who makes more sounds during sex than their partners? (Asking for SoapGhost, Aledolfo and Korangi but you can include any other ships/characters)
I'll do a few ships!
Soapghost: Definitely Soap but only because I think Ghost is too insecure to make much noise in bed, which I think Soap takes as a challenge
Aledolfo: Alejandro, actually, but because he doesn't shut the fuck up. Rudy likes it though ❤️
GazAlex: Alex, Gaz is fairly quiet.
Korangi: Horangi moans like a whore. Koenig is way too socially anxious, look at him. I think he blushes and whines, but that's it.
Cheyes: I'm gonna be real, I think they're both about on the same level, it just sort of depends on the encounter
NikPrice: Price, you cannot look me in the eyes and tell me he is not loud and vocal in bed.
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cod-dump · 1 year
Soap after blowing something up: You think someone heard me?
Gaz: Astronauts heard you!
(In space)
Reyes: Holy shit- what the fuck was that?
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inncubus-honey · 7 months
fantasy cod au ii
yay!! more military personnel to dream about!!! the characters in this are a mix of specgru and kortac operators; some faves and some underrated faves (imo) but I also did a bit of ooc for them cause we don't that much about a lot of them, so im filing the blanks with some hcs. hope y'all enjoy, feedback is always welcomed <3.
cod operators x gn!reader
Word Count: 6.96k
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a/n: also includes poorly google translated sentences and cute original language nicknames <3
gromsko- glaive
due to seeing hussars’ as a child, gromsko always wanted to be one. a strong cavalryman, racing across the battlefield with a polearm in his hand as he was rode in on metal armor and his wings beating against the wind. normally they would sabres, but gromsko thought it was too short for close range fighting, so he ditched it in place of a glaive. they’re like a normal lance, but are forged with a small hook on the other side to catch riders off their horses.
as you gathered vegetables and fruits from your garden for that nights dinner, thundering sounds of hooves alerted you to look up from picking the food. making your way to the entrance of the grounds, the figure on the horse getting closer with clinking metal sounds also reaching your ears.
setting down the basket resting against your hip, the bigger figure came into view with metal wings on the back armor, red coat and twig covered helmet then bringing the horse to a stop. a smile spread across your lips as you raced towards the figure who held their arms out to you.
“sobie!” you would recognize your bear of a husband from anywhere. a soft smile graced his lips as he caught you in his arms, walking towards you and his home. engulfing you in a warm, bear hug that you had missed for the past two weeks made every moment of missing him worth it.
“moje perełko(my pearl)! i’ve missed you greatly…” his thick accent that rumbled into your bones, also made your heart flutter from the comfort it brought. he shoved face in the crooked of your neck, taking in the familiar scent of your skin and hair. closing his eyes and bringing your bodies as close as he could, gromsko took in everything he had missed in the time he was gone at battle.
“i thought you wouldnt be back until next week.” bringing your face out of his shoulder, you gazed upon his still sharp features and atlantic blue eyes. a hand was also brought up to his jaw which he gladly leaned into, resting upon it gently as his strong arms supported your body.
“we won, so we got to come home early. teraz daj mi buziaka, moje perełko (now give me a kiss, my pearl).” whispering upon your lips, you pressed them together and let out a content hum. gromsko secured you closer to his body, he made his way back towards yalls house so he could make up for time lost at battle.
gus- morningstar and shield
seeing royal guards visit through his village as a child, it really inspired him to join the guards to fight and protect his village. but they denied him from joining so he heard about specgru, a mercenary group that would allow anyone and everyone who wanted to join to do so. gus was excited to have found people who wanted to protect people just like him. when they started traveling around to different cities and towns, when he met you thats when he felt complete in his soul.
setting his weapons down by his tent for the night, gus then took a seat by the fire right next to you. he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, bringing you into his as he shoved his face into your hair.
leaning into his touch, you gave a soft sigh as gus traced a pattern into your exposed skin. the rest of specgru were talking amongst themselves around the tents, gus and you were contently eating stew that luna made that night.
“mi corazón de melón(my melon heart); you did wonderful out there today.” a soft whisper graced your ears as gus brushes his nose against your temple. a client had payed for us to track down someone who had stolen from them, under the act of an injured soldier.
unknown to us, the thief had a crew with them which meant they wouldnt had over the stolen goods easily. a soft giggle left your lips as gus brought his lips down your jawline and neck. bringing a hand up to rest upon his open chest as he brought your body to his.
“gus..oso(bear) what if someone sees u-us?” you squeaked as gus left little bites along the column of your neck. leaving one last kiss on your freshly kissed skin, gus pulled away to greet you with a smirk.
“just rewarding my brave warrior for all their hard work on the field.” whiskey colored eyes bore into yours, a hand was brought up to brush away baby hairs from your eyes.
“such a clingy oso…” a giggle left your lips as you stood up and dragged gus towards yalls tent.
“ooh, mi corazón de melón wants to celebrate tonight…” gus smirked, wiggling his eyebrows as you made your way into the tent.
luna- dual kamas
know for her grab and go abilities when specgru needed to find certain people. she also uses them as climbing tools which allows quick up and down movements for quick land surveying. luna kinda liked to keep to herself in specgru, but over time she got closer to everyone. also she does most night watches; she doesnt mind staying for long periods at a time and doing more survey work. (since luna is singaporean and they have four national languages, i went with malay cause its the official language, in case anyones curious.)
“mana matahari saya?! semua orang naik angin!(where is my sun?! everyone is getting on my nerves!)” luna mumbled to herself as she walked through the camp, looking for her partner, you.
after doing another quick survey upon reyes’ request when she was moving down the tree that she had climbed up, a weak branch broke under her causing her to fall the rest of the way. as she couldnt find you all over the camp, luna grumbled to herself as she took a sit at the campfire with zimo and reyes who were talking amongst themselves.
while you were out in the woods nearby, looking for any interesting new herbs for your medicines and just any to restock on other herbs. upon entering back into camp, you see your luna sitting at the fire, crouched over herself with zimo and reyes talking amongst themselves.
“im back.” you announced which caused lunas eyes to snap in your direction, looking over her folding arms that rested on her knees. you walked towards them with a basket full of herbs on your hip, a small smile graced you as saw zimo and reyes chuckle to themselves as they watched luna.
“matahari saya! where were you? Saya bimbang tentang anda?(i was worried about you).” luna jumped up from her spot, bringing you into a hug as she rested her head upon yours. you stifled a laugh as luna whined at you for being gone.
“i was out collecting herbs for more medicines, moony.” smiling up at her, you gently rested a hand upon her jaw as she pouted at how you shrugged it off. zimo and reyes also hid their chuckles from how moody she was acting; this caused her to snap her head their way with a sharp glare to her teammates.
“lets go back to our tent…i wanna hold you.” she mumbled as yall started walking back to yalls tent. she brought you back into her side, an arm around your shoulder, the boys snickers still heard in the background.
upon arriving back in your tent, she took the basket of herbs from you and placed them on the ground near your sleeping bags. she sat both of yall down, placing her head onto your lap and thats when you noticed twigs and leaves in her hair.
“did you fall again, moony?” you chuckled lightly as she sighed into your lap, hiding her red cheeks as you pulled out the twigs and leaves.
“i dont want to talk about it…” she mumbled as you made a small pile of the twigs and leaves next to you.
zimo- trident:
zimo feels like a trident guy, i dont why, but it fits him well that i cant think of anything else for him. he would definitely throw his trident at enemies, but he connected a chain to the end of it so he could pull it back to him. he heard about specgru after witnesses them in a bar fight in his hometown. zimo felt like there was a calling to him as he watched them fight the rowdy bar goers, paying for the damages then leaving like nothing happened.
he circled the chain around his hand as he ripped the trident from the enemies head, leaving them to drop dead onto the ground. zimo heard someone coming up behind him, but before he could raise the trident again, an arrow was lodged into the person's throat. another dropped to the ground like a fly; he turned to see his lover lower their bow with a smile on their face.
“qīn'ài de(dearest), that was an excellent shot.” he nodded as you walked up to meet one another, zimo tucked his trident behind his back and brought you into a quick kiss on your forehead. smirking at one another, your backs touched one another with your weapons drawn up at more enemies.
“well, your recoil was on point as well, lao gong(husband).” you both share a chuckle as enemies fell before yall. zimo made efficient work with his trident while you shot enemies down with your bow and arrow, swiftly pulling arrows from your quiver. your bodies danced like the ballet of swan lake; siegfried and odette dancing in the forest under the light of the moon after her first transformation.
“you flatter me too much, qīn'ài de, but thank you.” you heard the smile in his voice as you heard the chain of his weapon rattle. wind rushed past your ears as you released arrow after arrow into enemies that seemingly had no end. the entire of specgru had soon brought the horde of enemies to an end, thankfully. blood soaked the once bright green fields into a muddy brown with bright red pops, your boots were caked with blood and layered with mud as you took a moment to calm your breath.
you took a seat on a fallen log, your bow sitting next to you as your arms rested on your knees, zimo took a spot next to me with his own weapon next to him on the log. i sighed, placed my head onto zimos shoulder as he also took a moment to catch his breath.
“can we get some meat stew with a lot of potatoes?” zimo softly muttered, above you as his head rested on yours. a small chuckle left you as you nudged his jaw with your head.
“of course, lao gong…” you huffed with a small chuckle, zimo brought you closer into his side as he wrapped his arm around your waist. you felt a soft kiss being pressed to the crown of your head, zimo brushed his nose against your temple as the night slowly started set in, turning the heat of the battle field to a somber gravesite.
reyes- crossbow:
reyes would go hunting with his father when he was younger and his fathers choice of weapon was a crossbow while his father gave him a small dagger to help with gathering herbs and skinning whatever animal of choice they had for dinner. as he got older and started hunting on his own as his father got older; he gave reyes his crossbow. made of rich cherry wood with silver metal plates for a better grip, reyes took great pride in his father giving him his crossbow.
specgru had taken a job that allowed them to stay in a town with a cozy inn for everyone to grab a bed. you had taken a double bed near the back of the inn with the fireplace going upon the moment you entered the room. you took a moment to rest your head as you waited for reyes to get back from the town. zimo and him wanted to take a look around since it was a new town and didnt know what it could offer.
creaking wood alerted you for someone coming towards the door which caused you to open your tired eyes in time to hear a soft knock upon the wooden door. reyes figure tiptoed into the shared room, you sat up and rubbed the sleepiness from your eyes as he gave a small smirk.
“hello my nighttime meadow, did you just wake up from a nap?” his words were soft in the air as he sat next to you on the feather stuffed mattress. you chuckled at his nickname and cheesy actions, thats the kinda lover of reyes was.
“what did you do this time, foxtrot?” you chuckled as reyes gave a fake gasp while placing a hand over his heart. he gave you a silly shocked expression as you giggled and lightly hit his shoulder as he let out a small string of gasp.
“my darling meadow! the fact you accused me of doing something while out and about with our friend, zimo, is such a g-g-ghastly thing to say!” you both shared a smirk as he chuckled and gasped. he pulled something out of his satchel that rested on his hip; you leaned over to try and see what he was holding, but he hid behind his back with a smirk.
“whats that, foxtrot?” you raised an eyebrow at his sneakiness.
“close your eyes and i’ll show you, my meadow.” with a little sigh and roll of your eyes, you placed your hands over your eyes. you heard slight shuffling beside you felt a light metal chain be placed upon your collars bones. a light peck was pressed against your cheek when you felt he was finished.
“now you may open your eyes, my meadow.” removing your hands from your eyes, looking down at your chest you saw a small silver pendant sitting there. it was a tiny lily of the valley pendant; your favorite flower, but you also had so many you couldnt always name a favorite. but one that always came first or second was the lily of the valley.
“o-oh…reyes, darling. i love it…this is one of the best gifts i’ve ever gotten.” leaning closer to him, you pressed a passionate kiss to his lips with his arms wrapping around you. “it…it reminded me of you, meadow. you mean everything to me, darling…” reyes gently cupped your jaw, bringing you into a kiss only to release small giggles and laughs throughout it.
konig- battle axe:
a large double sided axe was always resting upon his shoulder whenever walking into battle. the bleached streaks running the front of his mask, harsh and watching stormy blue eyes piercing through his darkened outfit. his hulking form over the rest of his teammates, konig was unruly on the field then acted like a mouse whenever in their camp. careful movements, his eyes always observing everyone and their actions as not to frighten or hurt anyone
konig held his hands to his front as he moved around the inn, trying to keep small and thoughtful movements as he tried to find a place to sit. many of his teammates were sitting amongst themselves, already eating and talking, so he kinda stood in the middle of everyone as his head kept on a swivel.
“konig, over here!” you called from where you sat with horangi who was eating quietly. konig chest was relieved of the anxious feeling that was bubbling up in his chest, carefully and slowly he made his way over to you. sitting down with you and horangi and his stein of mead, konig let out a small sigh of relief.
“gott sei dank, ich habe euch beide gefunden.(thank god, i found you both.)” he spoke, reaching under the table to hold your hand as you drank your drink of choice. you returned a soft smile as you could tell he was smiling under his hood as it reached his eyes.
“horangi found the table for us while you were getting your drink.” you responded as konig gave a thankful nod to his friend. konig carefully lifted his hood to take sips mead as you talked about the fight that took place just moments before. excitedly, you spoke of what you thought was cool and what techniques you wanted to try again upon the next fight.
konig only stared you down with lovesick eyes as horangi ate his food in peace. konig was content, he had been since joining kortac and meeting you, his liebster(most beloved). upon meeting you when he joined kortac, it's like a puzzle piece that fits perfectly or like he could breathe clearly for the first time in forever. konig would go to the ends of the earth if you had asked him; anything you asked him to do, he would do in a heartbeat.
“-then that cool move nikto did, i asked him to teach it to me later. isnt so cool, konig?” you beamed a smile up at him. he zoned back into reality from his thoughts focused on you when you finished talking, you gave his hand a light squeeze as he shook his head back and looked at you with soft smiles.
“yes, liebster, im listening to you..” he softly told you as he leaned over to softly bump his head against yours. his loving gesture he would always do in public if he wasnt comfortable enough to lift his mask up to kiss you. you leaned against him with a soft hum leaving your lips. your foreheads rested against one another as horangi sighed and rolled his eyes at the pda before him.
“​​토할거야…(i'm going to throw up)” horangi mumbled to himself as his pushed away his unfinished food. you and konig left out chuckles at horangis actions, pulling away for the sake of him.
konig- battle axe:
woldo is traditional korean polearm. it gets its name from its curved blade, meaning ‘moon blade’. horangi handles his weapon with great pride and graced for his heritage, also maybe…to impress you. graceful hits with the woldo and harsh kicks to enemies as he gives subtle glances towards your figure as you did your own fighting. but upon anyone mentioning it, he would absolutely deny it while hiding his flushed cheeks.
“stop shouting, konig! they could hear you!” horangi shushed his excited german friend as they sat in his tent. konig couldnt contain his excitement for horangi as he learned of his secret feelings for you. he told konig hoping he would have some kind of advice on how to ask you out.
“thats so exciting, horangi! im hoping they will say yes to your proposal!” he exclaimed as he walked out, not giving horangi an answer as he let out a sigh and hung his head in defeat. moving to sit on his cot, horangi just decided to deal with it later, he laid down on his cot and got ready to take a nap. until you walk in with a small smile upon your lips.
“horangi? oh, are you sleeping?” you started to walk back out, but horangi jumped up from his position, smoothing out his clothes. he shot you a sheepish smile as you stood at the front of his tent.
“n-no! no…i was just resting my eyes for a moment. anyway what can i help you with?” he rubbed his neck, calming his nerves as he was in such a private place with you. you pulled something out of your satchel that rested on your hip, walking over to him you held out a tassel of red and white thread.
reaching out to take it, horangi inspected it closely. there was nothing much about it until he noticed a small moon pendant hanging along with the thread. looking back towards you as you gave your own sheepish smile.
“its a tassel for your weapon…i remember you saying that your other one had fallen during our last fight. i figured why not make you one to replace it…” you held your hands behind you as looked the ground, not daring to meet his honey orbs that bore into yours.
“i dont know what to say…this is amazing, yeobo(darling).” standing up from where he sat, horangi brought you into a hug with his face resting upon your shoulder. ever since joining kortac and getting closer with horangi, he has called you yeobo and you never knew what it meant.
“horangi, what does yeobo mean?” reluctantly you pulled away from the hug that just felt so natural; horangi once again rubbed his neck to calm his nerves as he thought of an answer to tell you. but he decided that now was finally time to tell you how he truly felt, no more hiding.
“yeobo is…a term of endearment..for couples in korea; it means honey or darling. i've liked you ever since getting to know you on a personal level…i understand if you don-” before he could finish speaking, you cut him off by pressing your lips against one another. his hands coming to rest upon your jaw where you moved your hands to rest upon his broad chest.
the kiss felt like it was forever, but it was only a few moments of gently dancing your lips against one another. horangi never wanted this moment to end with you, it was everything he wished for when it came to you. but soon you both pulled away to have air reenter your lungs, noses gently rested against one another as your breaths fanned across each others skin.
“i love you too, horangi…more than you could ever know.” you whispered to him with a giggle and smile across your lips. you both stood in horangis tent, holding each other in contentment as konig stood outside the tent, a smirk hidden under his hood as he was happy for his friends.
calisto- rapier:
as the house of bourbons only heiress, calisto grew up in a home of luxury and comfort. not having to worry about her next meal, warm bed, clean clothes and the ability to bathe. but she always wanted more to do than just have maids and servants weigh on her hand and foot, so she secretly started training in the rapier, an elegant weapon of choice, she thought. when she and her family were traveling through the countryside, she heard of the traveling mercenary group, kortac. that they traveled across the country and world, taking on missions people asked of them to track down people and recruiting whoever would like to join.
“mes biche…tu as l'air si paisible comme ça.(my doe…you look so peaceful like this)” calisto sat at your side, just coming back from a late night mission. you had stayed back as it was simple intel gathering, just wanting to breathe for the night. by the time calisto had gotten back, you were asleep. cuddling into calisto pillows, soft sighs left your lips as you wished for your girlfriend to be cuddling you.
calisto softly laid herself down the bed next to your sleeping figure, sapphire eyes watched your calm features closely. calming breathing sounds were the only sounds in the inn room, the fireplace had slowly gone out just before calisto entered the room. the soft shuffling of bed sheets and creaking of wood caused you to shift in your sleep, calisto rested a hand upon your hair and gave slow rubs to keep you asleep as she wished not to disturb your slumber.
“calisto…when did you get back, dearest?” softly the words left your lips, turning over to her person as she continued to play with locks of your hair in the quiet of the night. growing up in the house of bourbon, she never took much pride in the name or many things in her life. until she met you; her mes biche, her second hand in battle, the one she lays with at night.
trusting no harm would come to her as she puts her still body next to yours, but shes alright with that. she will take every opportunity to show you off to anyone who takes slight interest in you.
“i got in a few moments ago, darling. do you eat before going to bed?” she cocked an eyebrow at you as you turned your body towards her. calisto smiled back at you as a sleepy smile graced your lips.
“yes, calisto. i used some of my coins to have a meal downstairs before the kitchen closed. what about you, dearest?” she nodded as the comfortable silence returned in the moonlit room. you cupped the back of her head and brought her close to you and pressed a light peck upon her lips, calisto eagerly returned the kiss with a hand coming up to rest upon your cheek.
passion started building up between you two, harsher breaths released from one another's lips, calisto climbed upon your hips as your hands attached themselves to her waist. she rocked her body along yours as you boxed her close to your body.
“mes biche, god you’re amazing. je veux rester comme ça pour toujours(i want to stay like this forever).” her words were breathlessly whispered across your lips. you nodded wordlessly, hugging her closer to you and sucking harshly upon each other's lips.
“i wouldnt have it any other way, dearest.”
fender- two sided sword:
basically a wooden pole with long blades on either side. hes also a fan of molotov cocktails, but only uses those when he has to cause he only carry so many glass bottles without alerting people. growing up he never like he belonged in his mothers village as people stared at him with dirty looks from knowing what happened with his father and mother, so when hearing about kortac, fender took the opportunity to leave home. he left his mother a note then joined kortac for a new life.
fender always dealt with feelings of not fitting in, so he had a tendency to sometimes in his tent and stew in his thoughts. he was doing the same today, after setting up camp for the night, fender went straight to yalls shared tent, hugging his knees to his chest as he mind raced with a million thoughts.
you had been helping calisto set up her tent before noticing he was missing from the group. once she was set, you wandered around the camp that sat at the edge of the forest you had been traveling through. once you opened up the tent flaps to relieve fender in the fetal position, just staring at the wall before him.
“édesem(honey), whats wrong?” walking further into the tent, you slowly approached him and hugged his shoulder as he didnt flinch or make a subtle movement which was nothing new to you. bronze eyes were glazed over as he stared at the wall, unregistered to the world around him; slowly, carefully you lifted a hand up to rest upon his left cheek and turned him to look at you with worry etched into your brows.
“fender? do you want to be alone or can i help you, baby?” you whispered between the two yall. the longer you held fenders face in your hands, the sooner his eyes stopped being glazed over, showing something almost like recognition to your person. taking a deep breath, fenders eyes closed as his tensed body slowly uncoiled and he brought up a hand to rest upon yours.
“sorry, szívem(my heart)…i-i just got into my head too much f-for the moment..” he replied as the worry in your face melted away. the corners of his lips didnt meet the corner of his eyes showing the tiredness in his face. you knew that he was like a burden to the group, to you and he was hiding so he could think through what his mind was screaming to him.
fender felt his body curl into yours, just placing his head upon your chest. you still held his face in your hands, his body releasing all the stress and emotions he has been holding in for the past week or so. he crumpled like a sand castle getting washed away by the sea; just feeling content with warmth and comfort of a familiar person.
after the leaving of his father back to america, his mother was distant(i do believe fenders mother is a good mother, but this just for this scenario), which caused strong feelings of trusting people and opening up about his emotions. when he met you in the small town pub, you were working as a server, upon being served, fender took immediate notice of you as you rushed the crowded pub.
bringing around drinks and food, fender watched in awe as you held all the weight of the trayson your shoulders and wrist. so yall got to talking for the three weeks they would be stationed there. soon he convinced you to join kortac and you didnt need that much convincing to leave the shitty pub you worked in.
soon fender pushed you down onto the dirt floor cot as he hugged your body like he would disappear the next morning or he could possibly forget who you were and that was a fate worst than death for fender. a baby-like whimper left his mouth as cuddled into your body, you pulled the blanket up over both of your bodies.
“you’re okay, fender…im here for you when you need to talk.” you whispered to him, pressing a light peck to his forehead before he drifted into much needed sleep from his restless nights over the past week; fender deserved the good sleep.
stiletto- dire flail:
a double sided fail was her weapon of choice, liking how easily moveable it was and how she could multiple people at once. most people took to her with intimidation at her 6’ stature and the scar that traveled along her face(i like to imagine her 6’) she kept to herself in the group and was alright being by herself. until she met you that is; joining the group at the same time as fender when they visited your village, she was drawn to you upon seeing your bright smile and shining eyes as you laughed at a joke made by horangi.
sal stood behind the rest of the group as you all climbed up the mountain towards you next destination, she kept watch from the rear for the group as konig was at the head. you were near her person which made her content on the trek, she watched over your shorter stature. every so often you took glances behind you to see if stiletto was still behind you, gracing her with a small smile whenever you would see her figure again. (im going to switch between sal, salvatrice and stiletto btw.)
it would be another few hours until you all had reached the village where your next assignment for kortac. you all stopped at the local inn to rent rooms, eat some food and get rest for the night. salvatrice wordlessy followed behind you as you walked up the room they gave you, she had grabbed your hand the moment you both started up the stairs. setting your stuff down in your shared room, sal stood next to you as she watched you flop onto the bed.
“salvatrice, baby, lay with me.” you called out to her as you held your hand to her; softly smiling down at her lover. gently folded her hand into yours, stiletto placed herself next to you on the feather stuff queen sized bed and felt relief in her feet and body from the long trek.
“how are you from the hike, amorino(little love)?” her raspy voice was the only sound to echo between the wooden room, you turned your body towards her and smiled and smiled softly at her.
“im fine, tesoro mio(my darling). just a little sore is all.”.all…how about you, sal?” your hands danced in one another, your fingers tracing the lines that decorated her palm as she watched with glee in her pale blue eyes. soon a idea crossed your mind which caused you to sit up with a bright smile upon your face as salvatrice looked up with slight confusion now crossing her brows.
“lets go walk around town, tesoro! i would love to see what they have here.” you beamed a smile at her, sal chuckled lightly as she watched you drip with excitement. she took your hand in hers, sitting up from the bed and opened up the room for you. an excited squeal left your lips, running up to her taller figure and hugged her neck to which she nuzzled into the side of your head.
walking through the town with sal, you pointed out all the interesting shops to you. from an antique store to the biggest bookstore you had seen in any town yet. she gladly followed behind you in silence as you geeked out from everything you saw from a beautiful choker necklace in the antique store to a hardcover, first edition of one of your favorite books.
but whenever you saw the price of the items, your face fell as you saw how you couldnt afford it. dejected, you would place the respective items back onto the shelf and walked to a different part of the store. what you didnt know was salvatrice would grab the item the moment you walked away, walking up to check out and brought them for you without thinking. you’re her amorino, you only deserve the best in her opinion and she would give it to you.
still you held excitement for walking around the town, you both soon stopped for dinner as it got later in the day; pinks and oranges mixed together with a background of baby blue. as you both sat down and outside at the pub near the antique shop, sal brought your dinner to the table after ordering inside. you both ate in a comfortable silence as you slowly started getting tired from walking around the town.
.“oh man, im tired…thank you for walking around with me, sal.” you flopped back down on the bed with a small as sal took a seat next to you, resting a hand on your knee and gently rubbed your skin under her calloused hand.
salvatrices’ mind wandered to the necklace and book that rest in her leather hip pouch. she tapped your knee to get your attention, doing so successfully, you sat up with a content groan leaving your lips as you felt sleepy from the warm meal you just finished.
“i have something…for you, amorino..” she spoke which made you tilt your head in a slight confusion as you wondered what she had gotten you. maybe a flower or dessert from the restaurant, that would be nice to eat next to the fireplace. looking over at sal with a soft smile, you watched as she slowly pulled out the wrapped up vintage choker placed atop the first edition book that you saw earlier when out on the town.
“sal…tesoro. you shouldnt have…salvatrice, they were so expensive, you didnt have to…” you words were caught up in your throat as you swallowed your tears to the best of your ability. salvatrice held out the presents for you, softly you took the presents from her hands and placed them on your lap, gently opening up the brown wrapping around the necklace.
the firelight bounced off the onyx that was sewn into the velvet band; silver filaments bands surrounded the emerald cut jewel. you gently lifted it up to your eye level and got a good look at it in the soft lighting. before you could say anything to sal, she took it from your hands and moved it down towards your neck and gently clasped around your neck.
“i saw you eyeing it up in the antique store. you deserve it, amorino. my darling deserves all great things…”, salvatrice pressed kisses along the back of your neck, slowly getting to every inch of your skin,”the beautiful necklace that compliments their skin as it drapes oh so nicely along their collarbones.”
you muffled the low sounds leaving your lips as sal held your body close to hers, ravaging your neck, the soft skin of yours.
“s-sal, tesoro…” hot breaths left your lips as your lover showered your skin with hot kisses.
nikto- sodegarami:
a sodegarami was a weapon used in feudal japan. its like a two pronged ‘trident’ with spikes all over the prongs and two blades sticking out of the top of the polearm. nikto stole the polearm off of a body when he walked onto the battlefield after escaping his confinements; also ripping apart the owners clothes and using strips of cloth to hide the scars that decorated his face. he had been kidnapped by the enemy when he accidentally wandered across them burning a body; he was taken, tortured and held prisoner by the scum, when kortac and you heard about what was going on at the compound where they were also holding other people.
nikto always took showers in the dead of night, never wanting anyone to see how disfigured his features had gotten from the torture he endured from the man who kidnapped him. hearing the shuffle of bags and items that were set up inside yalls tent had woken you up to see niktos figure, hunched over and digging through his bag.
“nikto? darling, what are you looking for so late at night?” a yawn escaped your lips as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes, sitting up you pushed the plush quilt off your person as nikto turned his back to you.
“иди спать, не обращай на меня внимания, Пчелка(go back to sleep, dont mind me, little bee).” his voice growled out into the darkness of the tent and night. you made sure to keep your eyes still and trained onto one place, so nikto wouldnt have to keep stressing about you accidentally looking in his direction.
“nikto, obviously its important. let me help, Родна́я(dear). please?” softly your voice reached his stressed out mind. after unrobing to take his nightly shower, when he returned to yalls tent and he was putting on clean clothes. when he reached for his mask that he placed in the pocket of his bag so as not to lose it or get it dirty, he couldnt find it which sent adrenaline down his spine.
if it was the cloth he made from ripped up clothing, he wouldnt had cared so much, but after meeting you and getting to know you, you made him a new cloth mask which was one whole piece in one color. it meant so much to him after yall got to together, that someone would do such a sweet thing for him like this, it was his most cherished item ever.
“i..i lost the mask. i took it o-off to go shower, but when i g-got back, i cant find it. i-i swear i didnt me-mean to lose it-” carefully you reached out to hold his hand in order comfort him. you werent angry or upset, you understand that he didnt do it on purpose.
“its okay, nikto. sometimes we just misplace things, its not a big deal. how about you look on the left side and i'll look on the right and see if we can find it in our things.” you whispered to him, bringing up his hand up to your lips and pressing a soft kiss to the back of his hand. he turned every so slightly which allowed you to see his side profile.
you made out the shape of his nose and lips, those lips that you love to kiss or run your fingers across. nikto nodded at your suggestion and moved to the left and started shifting through yalls bags, looking for any sign of his beloved mask.
you made your way to the right doing the same, shuffling and sifting through everything in the bags. you could hear niktos grunts of frustration and huffing as he looked in one place then put everything back and moved onto the next place. soon under his towel, you found his mask folded up neatly where he left upon some of your clothes.
“Родна́я, i found it over here.” i held it out to nikto with my back to him, so he could allow himself to turn around. you heard a small ‘whump’ from nikto dropping the pile of the clothes he was looking through. his hand brushed against your skin, gently and took the cloth that was neatly folded in your hand.
you could hear the shuffling as nikto secured his face with the cloth again. then before you could say something or turn back around, nikto wrapped himself around you and buried his face in the crook of your neck. despite his nose and lips being covered you feel nikto move his in such a way that let you feel the kisses through the cloth.
“thank you, Пчелка. i-i dont know what i would d-do with you..” his voice was low and tired, returning the kiss on his cloth covered cheek, you moved you both to yalls palette on the forest floor. nikto curled his body around yours as yall got comfortable and drifted to sleep that night.
thank yall for so much love on the first part, im sorry this one took so long to get out as i go to night school 7 days a week, but yay i got this done
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lilchickie · 1 day
I was searching pics for an Enzo Reyes x Reader fic I was finishing on my @fic-heaven account and
Enzo's face model is beautiful as hell and it's sad he doesn't get much appreciation from the cod fans. He's a retired Sargeant called Rudy Reyes and Jesus Christ look at this man:
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Look at him! Gorgeous!
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fic-heaven · 14 days
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COD masterlist
Pick your drink=>
Feel free to request anything
Ghost (Simon Riley)
All for a pair of tits / part2 n.fw
Distant memory [AOT AU]
Good lucks kiss
Brown eyes (+Gus)
Jealous much? (+Price)
Last confessions
Soap (John Mactavish)
Nutella Doughnut
Friends doing friends things (messy unedited) n.fw
Price (John Price)
Jealous much? (+Ghost)
Reyes (Enzo Reyes)
Was it that hard to say? n.fw
Make it a twenty. n.fw
The three fools head cannons (1. 2. 3.)
Gus (Gustavo Rodríguez)
Fangs [masterlist] n.fw
I will try n.fw
Brown eyes (+Ghost)
Ice cream incident.
That one Halloween party (1.)
All I want for Christmas is you.
Fruta del pecado [masterlist] n.fw
The three fools head cannons (1. 2. 3.)
König (Andreas Dobler)
Say my name (1. 2. 3.) n.fw
Nova (Nila Brown)
The three fools head cannons (1. 2. 3.)
Graves (Phillip Graves)
But you belong to me.
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loth-moth · 10 months
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2022)
SpecGru Operators - Default Skins and In Game Biographies.
For all your creative/curious needs.
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All images, characters and writing belong to Infinity Ward and Activision. I've simply edited them down to full cards for the sake of accessibility. Enjoy <3.
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cloudofbutterflies92 · 4 months
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It doesn't matter where I am
I'm yours
Valentine's day gift for @themotherofhorses and her pairing Dove and Ghost 🌹(THESE TWO RAAAAAHH 😭💞💞💞)
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demoborg · 3 months
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Gus and Reyes
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Reyes : Hey doe-eyes? Can you call me other pet names?
Y/N, pouts : Why? Is there something wrong with 🌈My peepeepoopoo baby honey cakes bun bun?🌈 🥺
Reyes, is too soft on them : …No…
Reyes, pats their head : Nevermind I love that.
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