#ro plant working
legendaryskyscale · 2 years
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Ooooh this outfit!! the emote!! Aurenthir’s so cute so adorable <3
I love him so much, my boy! T_T
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synonymroll648 · 1 year
opinion: ro’s character might be a lot more useful narrative-wise if her being a microbiologist wasn’t just acknowledged, but explored. 
in the books, we see her show the characters (and consequently, the reader) that she knows what she’s doing, and that ogres pride themselves on having a lot of knowledge when it comes to microbiology. particularly using that knowledge to make effective weapons, both almost harmless and lethal. 
but there’s so much more potential w/ ogre microbiology than just them having good weapons because of it. ogres (authorities, at least, like ro) being interested enough in expanding their microbiology knowledge that they’d be willing to collaborate more with other species? like how they cooperated with lady cadence on figuring out how soporidine works? it could open so many doors! 
we could have ro branching out to make ‘trial run’ alliances with other species (like elves, goblins, and most importantly, gnomes) to do joint studies of how certain things work on a microscopic and ‘normal’ scale. we could see that her being a princess doesn’t just mean she’s a good fighter and that she’s got connections, but she can also be a diplomat. it’d make her being in the lost cities a lot more important, plus, it’d be a great chance for shannon to flex some worldbuilding. ro could also flesh out connections she’s made in the lost cities (like with sophie’s bodyguards [i’m thinking of flori and sandor in particular] and elvin authorities she’s had to deal w/ like mr. forkle and the council) through sharing or gaining knowledge as a microbiologist. 
using ro as a character-driven plot device, ogres could add ‘willing to cooperate even with creatures we have negative history with for science’ to their reputation among other enlightened species. it’d make ogres more nuanced, and maybe, if shannon decided to go this route, cause problems for elves who claim their interspecies role is being peacekeepers. 
#i am having brainworms about the untapped potential of ro as a character ok#i wanna see her be more than the stand-in for wattpad sokeefe girlies!!#believe it or not this is the shorter version of what i originally wrote#like. she doesn't have to give up being an excellent warrior!! she doesn't have to give up being snarky!!#but she can be less 'oh look what i know and you don't hahaha LOSER'#and more 'listen if i give you this info will you tell me how this works?'#and it'd be so much more interesting!#also her maybe bonding with elwin over biology would be SUCH a win#strangers to 'you seem cool and we're also the closest keefe has to parental figures of sorts so we're bros now'#like. c'mon. it'd be so great man#also i keep picturing ro picking up flori and putting her on her shoulder#and walking around wildwood and going 'tell me how this works from your pov'#after pointing at some gnomish phenomenon#and then listening to flori ramble#and then when she's done going 'alright. that sounds funky in a good way. wanna see what science has to add?'#and then ro whips out a microscope she just has bundled up in one of her ten million pockets and runs a mini experiment with flori#manipulating the plant to do something and ro looking in the microscope and adding commentary on how that works on a cellular level#and them becoming friends!! perhaps. maybe even. because i have accidentally dug myself into a new rarepair hell. lovers#ogre queen ro being independent on the throne is something i love and is realistic#but it'd also be fun from a fanon point to have her just have a gnomish gf. or permanent fiancee. or wife#like. oh yeah i killed the guy my dad forced me to marry so i could get the throne after my dad died.#yeah i'm committed to this cute little gnome that i met because our charges were dating back when i was a bodyguard#pleeeeease. ro's snark + flori's genuine attitude towards everything?? them bringing out their main traits in each other??#plus the fucking HEIGHT DIFFERENCE?? it'd be so cute oh my god#as a lesbian of short stature i think flori deserves a tall buff lady to sweep her off her feet#also flori sweeping ro off her feet using a tree or something would be funny as FUCK#might ramble on ro and sandor tolerating each other better because of studying how transforming a corpse to gold works and then expanding#that concept to apply to other things would be cool to see#kotlc#keeper of the lost cities
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ideasengineering · 7 days
Unlock industrial-grade water purification with Ideas Engineering Works. Discover our robust SS RO Plant, engineered for superior performance and durability in industrial settings.
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fazalkhan2914 · 3 months
Electrical work in Bahrain:- Rock Spring Tech is a total technical solutions company that offers a wide range of products and services. Whether you are looking for technical solutions like electrical, water cooler, plumbing, mineral water bottling plant, or online solutions like digital marketing, web design agency, content marketing company, or E-commerce website development we have you covered. Contact us today. https://www.rockspringtech.com/electrical-services.html
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industrialroplant · 1 year
What safety measures should be in place for personnel working in an ETP?
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A huge amount of responsibility comes with being a plant manager in a wastewater treatment facility. Besides your immediate supervisor, you have numerous more higher authorities to answer to. Plant managers have a dual obligation to safeguard both their personnel and the general public's health. In any sector, this is a difficult work, but wastewater managers get to do it while being surrounded by sewage.
Here are a few quick recommendations to help you maintain your safety plan current and functional under these challenging circumstances.
Normative Safety Conditions
Equipment and machinery must be properly maintained. If your equipment breaks down, your facility will be completely unusable in addition to being hazardous. Your maintenance team should be viewed as repair preventers rather than repairmen. The finest upkeep is performed before a problem arises. As a result, there are less safety risks when machinery malfunctions or breaks down.
Organization and preparation are necessary for proper upkeep. All electrical and piping systems must have the proper labels. Identifying intake and output pipes as well as any machinery that poses a risk from an electrical flash is part of this process. Make sure the workers have the protective gear, proper equipment, and training before allowing them to operate close to live equipment.
Frequently, workers must stand on catwalks over open pits to do their tasks. Verify that all handrails are strong enough to avoid falls. Fall protection is necessary for any task that is done 6 feet above the ground or a lower level if employees are expected to execute their responsibilities in unsupervised locations.
Additionally, workers should adhere to any confined-space access. An employee can enter confined locations, which have limited escape and access points and are not intended for continuous labour. Any hazard zones must have warning signs that are clearly visible. Set up barricades to prohibit unwanted access.
Hazards Particular to Wastewater Treatment Facilities
Your plant's vats don't resemble or smell like a swimming pool. You don't want anyone to wind up falling in, not even yourself. This is regrettably always a possibility. Utilizing non-slip surfaces around all vats and on all catwalks is the first precaution you should take to ensure your safety. If more traction tape is required, apply it. Slip-resistant footwear should also be worn by all staff.
In case someone does fall into a vat, have emergency equipment on hand. There should be easy access to rescue hooks and flotation equipment comparable to those in a public pool. The extra personal hygiene standards must be understood by all workers in your plant. The best place to start is with routine hand washing with antibacterial soap. Use the right first-aid supplies to treat any open wounds or skin abrasions. It is strongly advised to offer a place for workers to change after their shift. You shouldn't wear work clothing home.
There are other regulations that you must abide by from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Specific risks that wastewater treatment facilities confront are covered by NFPA 820. Make sure you are aware of these rules for fire and explosion safety.
Just to sum up the entire article: whenever dealing with acids, always wear appropriate gloves, safety boots, safety goggles, safety masks, an apron, safety belts, and helmets. Additionally, check to see if the work area has respiratory protection masks with man pack cylinders, first aid kits, and fire extinguishers.
Be sure to report any issues if you find with the ETP or STP plant so that accidents can be prevented and workplace safety can be improved. Contact us by placing a call at +91-9650608473 or contact [email protected]  
Owners of facilities and businesses encourage employee participation in workplace safety initiatives. To make workers aware of the risk in the job, they might share injury data with them. Additionally, they may provide rewards for exhibiting excellent workplace safety behaviour. These modest actions may have a big impact.
Be careful!
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infamous-if · 6 months
Spicy Snippet #1: Orion
As a thank you for 6k, I will write a variation of romantic/suggestive stuff for the ROs. I don't usually write in those contexts because I like sticking to canon in order not to spoil it when the the time comes in-story, but I think we are overdue for some! Starting with Orion!
"This is inappropriate."
Even though the words are said through a throaty hum you can feel against your lips, you don't stop nipping at Orion's throat. He sits with one arm propped, the other on your back as you straddle him on the edge of the bed. Orion, with all of his complaints, is hilariously compliant. He moves his head to give you more space for his neck, shuddering when your biting turns to salacious swipes of your tongue.
"Should I stop?" you ask through your kisses, your words muffled. The question has Orion's arm gliding over you to hold you tighter, the answer loud and clear.
"Are you trying to give me a hickey?" he asks. His voice trails off when you lick just the right spot, making a small squeak of a whimper leave his lips. You've learned that Orion is a vocal participant, his breathy reactions only encouraging you further. "You know..." His throat bobs when he swallows. "Cameras." He can't even form a coherent sentence, which is the most satisfying part. "I will be on my best behavior."
"I doubt that—" In one swift move, Orion grabs you and rolls you over until he's hovering over you. You're breathless from both surprise and excitement. He has you pinned with his hands on either side of your face, and his cheeks are flushed.
"Can you imagine?" He says, leaning down to brush his lips against yours, featherlight. It makes your body shudder. "Us doing this in a room of executives?" He brushes his nose against yours with endless delicacy, teasing you. So close and yet not quite there. "Forced to watch?" His mouth goes to the hollow of your throat, his teeth grazing your skin until you're swallowing. "Think of the scandal."
Another thing about Orion Quinn? He's a cheeky bastard.
You can hardly breathe, especially not when Orion sits up, towering over you as he begins unbuttoning his shirt. His eyes stay on you, his fingers deft and skilled, your gazes never breaking.
"You—" You swallow, propping yourself up on your elbows. "You would faint if that were to happen."
A low laugh escapes him, but his gaze turns hungry, heated at the thought. Almost as if fainting isn't what he would do at all. "You're right. HR would have me ruined."
"You are HR!" You lift your hand to put it on the last button that remains, fully intending to unbutton it for him. Orion puts his own hand over yours, directing it over the buckle of his belt. Your mouth waters. You know exactly what he wants, and he's not shy about telling you. "Knowing you," you swallow, using two fingers to remove the loop of the belt from the buckle, "you would punish yourself." "Saying that in this context is quite suggestive." He grins, taking the belt off and tossing it aside. Your fingers get to work on the button of his slacks.
"I'm being completely serious." You bite your lip, your body heating when he grabs your hand and plants a chaste, loving kiss to the inside of your palm, removing his pants with his other hand. "Get your mind out of the gutter, horndog."
"Sorry," he says, not sounding sorry at all.
He proceeds to bend down, nuzzling his nose into your neck until you're letting out a surprised laugh, failing to swat him away when he continues to tickle you. Eventually, he stops. And then Orion Quinn begins doing something else that has you forgetting exactly what you two were even talking about. Doesn't matter.
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vendetta-if · 4 months
How do RO's feel about hickeys? Both giving and receiving
Giving: Definitely yes 👏 They love to let everyone know that MC is theirs.
Receiving: Kinda indifferent and if it’s MC’s thing, then sure, they don’t mind at all 😆 They’re not really shy being seen with hickeys because they just simply don’t care what other people think.
Giving: Doesn’t really mind. Where they’ll put the hickeys depends on their mood. But in general, they would probably put them in places that can easily be hidden simply because they are a private person and don’t really find the prospect of strangers having any knowledge about their intimate life appealing.
Receiving: They’re not really a big fan simply because of the reason above. They would complain if MC decided to give them one AND MC BETTER PUT IT SOMEWHERE EASILY HIDDEN 😤
Giving: Indifferent. They’d prefer to rain soft kisses on MC instead of leaving marks 🫣
Receiving: Kinda indifferent as well. They don’t mind if MC decided to plant some, just please try to leave them somewhere hidden because it’d be just embarrassing to go to work with those on full display 😳
Giving: Heck yeah! Is giving hickeys one of the love languages? Because if so, then it’s definitely theirs 😂
Receiving: Still heck yeah! They would not even try to hide it or anything and would proudly walk with them visible. MC’s love is not something to be ashamed of.
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wileys-russo · 7 months
childhood sweethearts (9) II a.russo x reader
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playlist one two three four five six seven eight
childhood sweethearts (9) II a.russo x reader
"-don't you have your own clothes?" you smiled in amusement, laid down on your bed as your best friend rummaged through your wardrobe, tossing things aside and mumbling to herself.
"yes but i have nothing to wear! like i told you before i came over here, keep up!" rory turned around and clapped at you making your eyes roll as you sat up and sipped at your drink.
"you my dear however are wearing this!" a few items of clothing hit you in the face as rory tossed them over her shoulder. "i thought we were just going to dinner?" you sighed as you peeled them off, the clothes in question a short black dress and an oversized black blazer for over the top.
"we are! but if we maybe end up somewhere else afterwards...we need to be dressed to show we're open to that." rory grinned with a wink as you only shook your head, having known her long enough to know there wasn't any point in arguing with the hard headed girl.
"so i saw that alessia followed you on instagram." rory mentioned casually, continuing her furious hunt through your clothing as you started to neatly fold everything she'd tossed aside in doing so.
"why are you stalking people again on social media? i thought we had this conversation ro!" you tutted, the girl notoriously known for a deep dive.
"i wasn't stalking! i just so happened to be looking for that picture of us when i visited you in australia and went to the beach which i know you posted. then i saw that our mutual followers had gained one and it was her." rory tried to defend, glancing at you over her shoulder as you fixed her with a look making her eyes roll.
"thought you two hadn't spoke in years?" "our mums reconnected, been to a few family dinners, we're talking again." "thats all i get?" "thats all you get because thats all it is!" you smacked her in the face with a tank top before putting it away, rory finally pulling a dress out she deemed acceptable and making a noise of happiness.
"well thats nice. it always was a shame you guys drifted and stopped speaking, you were inseparable growing up its always been super weird being friends with you both when you're not friends with each other." rory admitted, not ever having a clue you and alessia dated as most of your mutual friends had never known, grabbing your favourite brown leather jacket as you grabbed her wrist.
"you can wear this ro but i swear to god if you drop even a crumb of food on it we will no longer be friends."
"this feels illegal! it's a sunday!" you laughed, head buzzing and slightly tipsy as you and rory skipped through town hand in hand, off to your third bar of the evening.
"but you don't have work tomorrow so really it's more like a saturday!" rory grinned, london seeming to agree as the night life was no lesser on a sunday than it was any other night of the weekend, bars all packed out with drunkenly happy patrons.
"where are we even going?" you laughed as you stumbled, rory catching you and slinging an arm around your shoulders as she marched you both on with seemingly a clear destination and purpose.
"okay don't hate me, but we're going to test my skills as a wing woman." rory grinned, squeezing your cheeks together in her hand as she yanked you around a corner and into the line for yet another bar.
"no! no we are not." you shook your head firmly, trying to leave as her hands planted themselves on your shoulders, pushing you forward and toward the door.
"yes we are! you haven't slept with anyone since that horrid cow in australia and i love you so much but you're so fucking tense. you need a shag!" she kissed your cheek, the bouncer looking the two of you over and nodding for you to go inside.
"and just how do you know that! you don't know the ins and outs of my sex life rory." you scowled as she continued to push you toward the bar, the small venue cramped with people, majority crowded around the darts area on the other side of the room.
"what sex life?" rory teased, waving over the bartender as you scoffed and punched her arm. "can't believe you invited me out just to pimp me out, some friend!" you accused somewhat playfully.
"okay so you don't have to sleep with someone but what's wrong with a cheeky kiss? let your hair down baby! you're young, sexy and single." rory purred, shaking her shoulders suggestively and making you shake your head with undeniable amusement at her horrid dance skills.
"four jager bombs please." and with those buzzing through your head, you allowed yourself to be pulled onto the dance floor.
"ro you are the worst wing woman ever. that guy was like fifty and balding and that girl had a wedding ring on!" you managed to get out an hour later, now bordering on drunk as you clutched your stomach which was aching from how hard you were laughing.
"well i obviously didn't know that, i thought it was just a ring! queer woman love their rings." rory laughed, collapsing into you as the two of you huddled together on a table in the smokers area.
"see!" she held up your hands and pointed to the five rings scattered about your fingers. "hey if we're using that logic." you moved to grab her hands, pointing to her rings which only made the two of you laugh harder as rory extinguished her cigarette and the two of you returned inside.
"okay. what about him?" "no! balding again." "her?" "definitely straight." "him?" "definitely gay."
"her?" you glanced to the girl at the bar rory was obnoxiously pointing at, smacking down her hand with a laugh, though the sound died in your throat as the girl in question turned around and you recognized the blonde who was with her her right away.
"is that alessia?" rory gasped, already practically running over to the girl as you tried to grab her but it was too late. "rory!" you hissed, having no choice but to follow after her.
"less!" the blonde looked up, just having a second to put her drink down on the table and stand to her feet before rory launched at her. "oh my god! hi?" alessia beamed at her school friend, embracing her in a tight hug as you awkwardly hovered a few feet away.
you couldn't hear what else was said between them but you knew you'd been mentioned the moment alessia's head shot up, looking around until she saw you, rory already stumbling over and grabbing your hand.
"rory no i really don't think-" you started to quietly disagree but before you could finish your sentence you were at their table, multiple pairs of eyes boring up at you as you felt the back of your neck prickle uncomfortably.
rory introduced you both as you forced a smile and gave the group of girls a wave, only recognizing a few of them from when alessia played in the youth groups. "we went to school with alessia." rory explained, subtly pinching you as you still remained silent, nodding along with her words.
"well friends of less's are friends of ours, especially locals!" a girl you'd not met beamed, inviting the two of you to join them. "oh i'm sure they have their own plans!" alessia tried to save you, catching your eye and immediately noticing you were uncomfortable.
"oh we did but they backfired tremendously, turns out i am a terrible wing woman!" rory joked, pinching your cheek and yanking you down into a seat as you forced a laugh. one by one the girls introduced themselves as rory settled right in, joking around as if she'd known them for years.
"well well well, aren't ya a sight for sore eyes y/l/n!" you settled a little as you realised the body squishing in beside you was one you at least knew, ella pulling you into a hug. "all grown up now though!" the brunette joked, bumping her shoulder into yours as the two of you fell into conversation.
you could feel alessia's eyes bore into you from across the table where she sat, constantly glancing over to make sure you were okay. which is why it came to no surprise when you excused yourself to get another drink that she followed.
"i'm really really sorry, i genuinely had no idea you'd come here." the blonde apologized right away, eyes wide as the two of you hovered in a corner by the bar away from prying eyes. seeing the obvious guilt written on her face and not wanting to ruin her night you placed a hand on her arm.
"i don't own the night life in london less, you're more than entitled to go out wherever you want with your friends. i won't lie and say it didn't take me off guard a little though." you admitted with a somewhat awkward smile which the taller girl returned.
"i appreciate that you tried to redivert though. but we both know rorys quite the social butterfly!" you were quick to assure, having appreciated her attempt to let you leave and enjoy your own night.
"is this weird? because i can make some sort of excuse or distraction or something so we leave." the blonde worried, biting down on her bottom lip.
"no! no no please don't feel you have to do that, you deserve to enjoy your night with your friends. look it is a little bit awkward but friends do run into one another on nights out." you shook your head, nodding for the two of you to get a drink.
"don't even try it, i warned you next time i was paying." you joked in an attempt to lighten the somewhat tense energy between the two of you as were quick to pay for her drink,
"wouldn't have thought you were a gin girl." alessia smiled, nodding to the g&t in your hand. "rory's had me on jager and red wine all night, the gins a very welcome reprise." you sighed, the both of you sharing a small chuckle before someone pressed in between you.
"well hello there miss y/l/n." leah grinned at you, your cheeks going bright red at the obvious catching out. "failed to mention you two knew each other when you helped with the football sessions at the school less. care to explain?" she questioned, fixing the younger girl with a pointed look before ordering her own drink.
"we went to school together leah, there isn't anything to explain!" alessia shoved her playfully. "mm i think the lies call for a make up shot of apology." leah grinned wickedly, nodding to the three tequila shots in front of her.
you and alessia sharing a look leah wasted no time doing her own, gesturing for the two of you to hurry up as you sighed but placed your drink down, grabbing the shot in one hand and a lime wedge in the other.
"jesus christ!" you wheezed as the alcohol burnt its way down your throat. "leah no!" alessia groaned as the blonde ordered another round, her arm slinging over your shoulder as she grinned. "ah come on mate, live a little." she teased the striker beside her.
"was she this much of a drip in school?" leah whispered to you, purposefully loud as alessia shot her a glare. "no she's just never been able to hold her alcohol." you smiled, your head spinning from the first shot as leah let out a loud laugh and the two of you threw back the second, alessia following suit with a grimace.
"i like you." leah winked, smacking you on the back as the three of you returned to the table. your previous seat now occupied you found yourself sat beside alessia, pulled into a conversation with a couple of her other friends.
the alcohol flowing and all the girls incredibly welcoming your previous apprehension melted away and you found yourself much more settled. though really you could probably attribute that to the copious amounts of drinks bought for you.
which is how you now found yourself on the dance floor, singing along and dancing with rory as leah, ella and another two of their friends chloe and jess all joined in, some of alessia's group having called it a night and heading off having early flights.
"careful, you're looking a bit green there less." lotte mumbled to the blonde, whose eyes were fixated on you dancing now with chloe, in what could only be described as quite an intimate way. "what?" the striker frowned in confusion at the older girls words, though catching on her cheeks heated up a little and she smacked her leg.
"i told you lotte, we're friends and i'm grateful she's even allowed that. she can do whatever she wants." alessia shrugged, lying to herself and lotte who only hummed, turning back to her conversation with beth.
though as you slipped on your footing and went tumbling to the floor she was right to her feet, hovering for a moment as she watched ella and leah help you up.
"come on russo don't be a stick in the mud!" rory suddenly popped into her line of sight, grabbing alessia's hands as she swiveled her hips with a wink, dragging her onto the dance floor.
alessia shrunk a little in disappointment seeing you were no longer with the group, instead engaged in a conversation with a tall tattooed brunette a few metres away. "maybe not such a shit wing woman after all!" rory joked making a w with her fingers and gesturing to you as alessia forced a smile and a nod.
her eyes never left you as the brunette leaned in closer, the music loud as you giggled at whatever she said, her hands finding your hips and swaying the two of you back and forth.
alessia's stomach lurched at the way you grinned up at her, your eyes locked with hers and seemingly hanging off of her every word, nodding along as the brunette seemed to dominate the conversation.
the same way you used to look up at her, laughing at her jokes and hanging off of her every word. as alessia would stare right back down at you as if you were the only person in the room, because to her you'd always be the only one that ever mattered.
suddenly feeling a wave of nausea came washing over her she mumbled an excuse and darted off to the bathroom, ducking down and dabbing her cheeks with cold water, closing her eyes for a moment as the room spun.
"hey less you alright?" the striker jumped a half foot in the air at the voice of her captain, not having heard anyone follow after her. "yeah fine, just needed a sec to cool off." alessia smiled, trying to leave as leah grabbed her wrist, giving her a knowing look.
"hey, tell me whats happened."
having spent the last twenty minutes explaining everything to leah alessia almost welcomed the sticky atmosphere of the dance floor, a welcome distraction from the uncomfortable intimacy of pouring her heart out to her friend in the tiny bathroom.
leah wandering back to the table alessia tried to follow but ella pulled her back in to dance with them, pulling the puppy dog eyes and the excuse she flew back to manchester tomorrow and alessia owed her at least a few more dances.
and as much as she'd missed her boisterous best friend, it was you that her mind routinely drifted to, eyes flickering to where you now sat with the brunette from before, who still seemed to be talking your ear off.
everything seemed fine, and alessia began to try and accept that she soon would have to swallow her pride and watch you likely leave with this girl, no right or room to make any move to stop you.
but as the hours ticked away and the glasses on your table began to pile up, she wasn't the only one watching you cautiously as it appeared you could now hardly hold your head up, rory making her way over to interevene.
"hey, nearly ready to go?" you looked up through hooded eyes at your best friend who seemed to have grown a second head. "ro ro!" you slurred out with a grin, your head slumping to the shoulder of the gorgeous brunette beside you whose name seemed to escape you.
"she's fine, you and your friends should go." the girl smiled, though it didn't seem all that friendly as rory hummed, knowing you were far too drunk to be consenting to anything right now. "we will, but she's coming with us." rory spoke somewhat forcefully, you only giggling as your head lulled back and the room span.
alessia watched the whole interaction carefully, humming every now and then as ella rambled on beside her. she was content to let rory take the lead, however as the girl tried to help you up and the brunette beside her shoved her away, your head suddenly flying forward and crashing onto the table, she could no longer be a bystander.
"she can hardly keep her eyes open, she's leaving with us. so fuck off!" rory warned firmly, alessia squatting down and gently pulling you up to sit again, her hands shoved away by the brunette who you collapsed into with a laugh.
"do you want to leave with them love? aren't we having fun?" the girl asked you as you mumbled something incoherent.
"don't fucking touch her! she's practically passed out and she can't even say her own name let alone yes or no to your advances you creep. so unless you'd like us to call over security i suggest you walk away while you still can." alessia warned protectively, standing up tall and glowering over the brunette as rory slipped in to gently help you to your feet.
"whatever. she's not even worth it anyway!" the brunette scoffed, standing and walking away as alessia balled her fists, withholding the urge to run after her and knock some sense and respect into her, a feeling she'd not had in years, not even when she was pushed around on the football pitch.
"shit!" alessia hurried to grab you as rory tripped over her footing, also having had one too many drinks as noble as her intentions were as the two of you almost went crashing to the ground. "stay here for a second, i'll be right back." alessia helped you sit back down, leaning into rory who sat beside you and nodded.
"everything alright?" leah asked with a concerned gaze over her shoulder toward you. "they've both had way too much to drink and i can't let them get in a taxi like that alone." alessia smiled apologetically as she grabbed her bag, leah, lotte and beth all nodding in agreement.
exchanging hugs with her remaining friends and promising a stroppy ella that she would come and see her and mary in manchester the next weekend she could she hurried back to the two of you, leah following behind to help her get the two of you out the front.
"thank you leah, really." alessia hugged the older girl tightly once the two of you were safely sat in a taxi. "remember what i said yeah? right person, wrong time. if its meant to be, it'll be. if it's not, cherish what you had." leah reminded softly, kissing the strikers cheek and returning inside.
"where's your place less?" rory managed to get out, somehow having given the driver her own address as alessia gave the same. "i can't remember where she lives." rory winced, nodding to you who was now passed out entirely, face smushed against the cold window pane of the taxi, body curled into itself.
"i live a few streets away, she can stay at mine. i'm a bit worried leaving her by herself if she falls down and hits her head or something." alessia bit down on her bottom lip as rory could only nod, hardly able to keep her eyes open.
"you could stay too if you wanted?" alessia offered, reaching forward to tap her shoulder as the driver pulled away. "s'fine. my boyfriends home!" rory slurred with a shrug, alessia nodding and settling into her seat, glancing to you every now and then.
"we needa do breakfast or dinner or something!" rory stumbled out of the taxi as it arrived to her place, blowing alessia a kiss and making her way up the driveway, alessia requesting the driver wait till she got inside before driving off, nodding for him to go once she had.
the drive to her own house a little further away from town alessia's eyes fluttered closed as she crossed her arms over her chest, exhaustion starting to sink in as the time neared one thirty in the morning.
she jolted a little in surprise as something came crashing into her, but she relaxed seeing it was only you, your head resting on her arm as alessia carefully lifted your head and stretched out, allowing you to lean into her much more comfortably as her eyes slipped closed again.
she blinked tiredly as she felt the car come to a stop, rubbing her cheek and leaning forward, clumsily tapping her phone to pay for the ride, not even bothering to look how much it was.
"okay." she sighed looking down at you, popping her door open and carefully sliding out, propping you to lean back into the seat as she did. leaning in she unbuckled you, cradling your head in one arm as the other helped you out, balancing your shorter form which crumbled into her side as she kicked the door closed and walked toward her front door.
the stairs proving much too difficult she mumbled a soft apology well aware you had no idea what was going on, lifting you up and into her arms as she carried you up and to her doorstep as you mumbled incoherently.
setting you back down and rummaging through her bag she grabbed her keys, helping you inside and setting you to sit on her lounge. "lessi!" you managed out with a lopsided smile, eyes opening a little more as your head tilted to the side and you squinted up at her.
"yeah, its me." she smiled back, unable to resist as she ran a hand through your hair affectionately, moving your flyaways out of your face. but snapping out of it she snatched her hand back as if it had been burned, hurrying to lock her front door.
"okay, come on. bedtime!" alessia sighed, hauling you up and helping you to the spare bedroom, grateful she only lived in a single story apartment which meant no stairs. "we can't go to bed! we're not dating anymore silly." you slurred, poking her cheek.
ignoring your remark she sat you down, smiling a little as you laid down with a thump, star fishing in the bed as alessia wrestled your boots off. "okay. theres no way you can consent to this, how do we get you dressed?" alessia mumbled to herself chewing on her bottom lip, tapping her foot as your eyes slipped closed again.
noticing your dress was strapless an idea came to mind as she left you for a moment to pop to her own room, grabbing you some clothes to sleep in. "hey, we gotta get you changed." the blonde whispered softly, squatting down and tapping your leg, your eyes fluttering open as you nodded and forced yourself to sit up.
even though it was hours away alessia was already dreading the moment you'd wake up, knowing all too well the feelings of regret and embarassment which would likely flood your body. only selfishly she hoped unlike her you'd not run away before she woke up.
carefully slipping a large shirt on over you alessia helped you stand for a moment, tugging the strapless dress down and quickly helping you to step into a pair of shorts, leaving your bra and underwear on.
knowing the worst way to wake up was hungover with a face full of makeup it was to the ensuit she gently guided you to next, sitting you down on the lid of the toilet as she grabbed out the makeup wipes which always sat in here for when her friends stayed over.
"lessi!" you managed out again as she squatted down between your legs, gently holding your chin in one hand and wiping away your makeup with the other. "thats me." she promised with a smile as you hummed, closing your eyes as she wiped away your mascara, trying to be as soft as she could.
"missed you." you giggled, kicking her lightly as alessias smile turned a little more pained, knowing it was only the alcohol talking. "i missed you too." she still spoke quietly, popping the dirty wipes in the bin and sighing, her heart aching at the sight of you sat before her in her clothes, in her house, yet you were as far away from hers as you possibly could be.
helping you up and into bed she flicked off the main light, leaving the lamp on in case you tried to go to the bathroom later, pulling the duvet up to cover you in the dimly lit room.
"hey! stay." your hand shot out and grabbed hers as she turned to leave, eyes widening as yours remained squinted toward her. "you need to sleep." she forced another pained smile, gently pulling her hand out of your grip.
"stay lessi. please!" you whined now, rolling over and repeatedly patting the empty space beside you, looking up at her with a drunken pout. "i can't. you'd hate me if i did." she smiled sadly, running another hand through your hair, forehead warm to the touch.
"no. stay." you demanded again, though a little more tiredly as you patted the empty bed, eyes half closed as alessia hesitated, her entire body screaming for her to just walk away, and she should have, she knew that.
but, she didn't.
still dressed in the suit pants and vest alessia had gone out in she slipped in beside you, body tensing as you were quick to cuddle into her, tucking your face into her neck. "night lessi." you slurred out, hardly legible as you hugged her tightly, alessia slowly moving her arms to wrap around your midsection, doing her best to ignore the little voice in the back of her head screaming at her to get up and go.
but selfishly, she would take what she could.
your body eventually slumped into bed, breathing evening out as you finally fell back to sleep, alessia ever so gently prying your arms off of her, slipping back out of the bed.
if you noticed you didn't even stir, stretching out in bed with a deep exhale, mouth slightly ajar as you breathed soundly in and out. and if you'd have cracked your eyes open even just a few centimeters you'd have met alessia's hopelessly lovesick gaze bearing down on you.
or if you weren't so drunk you might have felt her lips press an affectionate kiss to your clammy forehead, lingering for a moment as she squatted beside you, other hand tangled in your hair as she inhaled deeply.
wrenching herself away she hurried out of the room, feet refusing to stop until she'd closed her door so quickly you'd think she was being chased and shutting out an intruder, her heart absolutely pounding in her chest as she slowly sank down, back pressed against the door as realization sank in.
alessia was still very much so head over heels, undeniably and most certainly problematically....in love with you.
chapter ten
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luveline · 10 months
Lovely Jade maybe you could write something about Roan finding a kitten on the street and hiding it in her backpack
thank you so much for your request! eddie and roan —roan's acting suspicious. you and eddie investigate. stepmom!reader, 1.5k.
Roan comes in through the front door with a sweet smile. Living in your cul-de-sac has meant you don't mind too much if she wants to go out to play alone, where before Eddie would insist on sitting on the porch of the trailer, worried someone would come barrelling down the road seventy miles an hour. 
"Hi, princess," you say, leaning down with your arms propped on the counter. You're putting the finishing touches on a drawing using the sunshine. Nothing special, just a sketch for fun. 
"Hey, mommy." 
You preen at the title. Being a stepmom is awesome, especially when she feels comfortable enough to call you mom. "Is it home time for Georgia?" 
"Yeah, she's gone home for dinner." 
"Are you hungry? Daddy's still at Uncle Gareth's, so I'm in charge of food."
You turn around when you get no answer, waving your pencil at an empty kitchen. "Roan?" 
"I'm coming back!" She shouts from the top of the stairs. 
You raise your eyebrows. "Okay!" you shout back. "I get to choose dinner, then? What's that, you want chicken pot pie?" You smile. Eddie loves chicken pot pie, especially when you make it. 
You put your sketchbook and pencil case on the kitchen table and spray down the countertops. The motions of cooking are well worn now; you know how to make every recipe for two and a half people. You wash your hands, grab the canned puff pastry, and get to work. 
Roan appears again as you're spreading a little bit of flour over the counter, running to the sink. She kicks her stepping stool to the counter and climbs up to wash her hands. She looks cagey.
"Anything I should know about?" you ask.
Roan squirts dish detergent into her palm, strawberry scented rivulets running between her little fingers before she's had time to rub it in. You set aside your rolling pin and pick up the soap to put a small dollop of it in her other hand.
"Say?" you ask, stroking her bedraggled hair away from her face. 
"Nothing for you to know about." 
You turn her head to yours, water spitting at your shirts as she washes her hands hurriedly. "Hey." You frown, gaze narrowing on a bloody scratch that's caught the bottom of her right cheek. "Aw, bubby, what happened?" 
"It doesn't hurt," Roan says flippantly. 
"You're gonna have to let me wipe it clean, still. Okay?" 
"Yeah, mommy. Whatever you want." 
You bite the inside of your bottom lip to tamp down an embarrassingly huge smile. "Okay. Good girl on the hand washing, you gonna help me make dinner, huh?" You kiss the top of her head. "I'm so lucky, my girl's so helpful." 
"Can I go get changed first?" she asks. 
"Yeah, bub. Want help?" 
"No!" she shouts hopping down off of stool. She'll probably have to wash her hands again when she returns, but you're too happy to care. She's gorgeous, she's a sweetheart, and she loves you like a mom. 
You turn back to the pastry and roll out the bottom of the pie. You'll refrigerate it while you make the chicken filling and the roux. Which one to make first? You might have done things in the wrong order. 
"Ro, are you almost done?" you shout, blinking back to attention. "Let me look at that scratch, babe!"
Arms around your waist. You thought you heard the door. 
"What scratch?" Eddie asks, dipping his face down to the juncture of your neck, where he plants a warm kiss. 
"On her cheek. I let her go out with Georgia, I hope that's okay. Only in our street." 
"That's okay," he assures you. He hugs you with kind arms, not squeezing like he tends to, completely and utterly loving. You can't hug him while your hands are covered in flour, leaning back instead to soak in all his affection. "What's the scratch from?" 
"Yet to be determined." 
Eddie hums and holds you. You cave in to dirtying him, painting his forearm with white fingerprints as you hug it to your ribs. You let your head flop back, tickled by his exhales where they kiss your neck. 
You and Eddie stand there in quiet bliss. Then, from upstairs, you hear a strange sound.
"Is Roan back in her cat phase?" 
Eddie tilts his head away from you. His hand retreats from your abdomen where it'd been resting, braced on your hips. "Ro…" He groans. "Not again." 
He takes your hand. "She has a cat in her room." 
The meows become clearer the further Eddie leads you up the stairs. You wipe as much of the flour on your hands onto your pyjama pants as you can, but it's a mess. Eddie can't complain —how often does he get car grease on you? 
"Roan Ayla Munson," Eddie says through the closed door. "I better not find anything in there that I'm not supposed to."
You startle at the use of her middle name. You didn't even know Roan had a middle name until a couple of months ago; you always thought Eddie skipped giving her one. Apparently he thought Ayla was the same as Aella, an Amazonian fighter who wielded twin axes. Ayla, in contrast, means a few things. Bringer of light, in Finnish. Circle of light around the moon, in Turkish. Oak tree, in original Hebrew. You love all three definitions, but bringer of light feels most accurate. 
Bringer of cats might be more astute at the moment.
"I don't have anything, daddy!" 
"I think you're lying to me. Last chance, bubby." 
A vehement shushing noise, a meow, and a defeated sigh sound through the door. Weight hits the floor, footsteps creeping closer. You and Eddie wait in apparently very different moods for her to open the door. 
Roan holds a wriggling kitten in her small hands. She's wearing a nightgown over her sweatpants like she'd started changing and forgotten. Her arms are covered in red scratches. The kitten yowls when it sees you and Eddie, likely finding you both to be more intimidating than your poor girl.
"Oh, babe," you fret breathlessly, "Eddie, take the cat." 
"Dad–" Roan starts. 
"Look at your arms," he interrupts with a tandem worry, taking the kitten from her.
You pick Roan up with ease, careful not to touch her pale arms. She tries to explain herself as you carry her down the stairs, "I found her behind Old Man Michael's house, she looked so sad and you said we should be nice to everything we meet, even if we don't like the way they look," she says. 
"I meant about spiders and ants and stuff," Eddie says, holding the angry cat in front of his chest cautiously. "You know, we don't have to kill little creatures if we don't have to. I didn't mean you should kidnap kittens." 
"She looked hungry." 
You put Roan on the clean bit of counter between the stove and the sink and frown at her arms. "Sweetheart," you murmur sympathetically, "don't these hurt?" 
"Well, I…" 
You shoot Eddie a look. He stares the kitten in the eyes rather than meet your own, seemingly distracted. Fine, you'll try parent by yourself, even if you're no expert yet. 
"What?" you ask patiently. 
"I was hiding her in my backpack, but she didn't like it. She thinks it's too small." 
"I bet so." You're thinking, Eddie, what are we gonna do? And, Ouch, these are going to hurt. "Ro, is this how you got the scratch on your cheek? You're lucky he didn't scratch you in the eye." 
"I think he's a girl," Roan says. 
This is less important to you than the scratches, but you amend yourself anyways. "She could've blinded you." 
"I think you're in trouble, Ro. We already talked about this before, didn't we? No stray cats in the house," Eddie says.
"I already told you, dad! Rufus and Steve let themselves in, I didn't used to do that." 
You wash your hands swiftly and grab the first aid kit from under the sink, pulling out the blue disinfectant spray that Roan hates. She winces at the sight of it as you expected, pulling her arms against her tummy. 
"It won't hurt anymore than the scratches did when the kitten did them," you say gently.
Roan shakes her head. 
You put the disinfectant between her knees and lean in. "I'll make daddy make cookies, yeah? You be brave and let me clean your scratches and we'll have warm cookies and ice cream."
Eddie breaks out of his stare off, taken aback. "It's her own fault," he says, though he's smiling. 
"She was trying to do a good thing. And look at her little arms, Eds, hasn't she been punished enough?" you ask. 
The kitten kicks its legs weakly. "What the heck are we gonna do with her?" Eddie asks. 
"We could keep her," Roan says. 
"Don't push your luck, Roro." 
You lift the disinfectant spray. Roan seems apprehensive still, so you look her head on and wink. "I'll try my best," you whisper.
Roan holds out her arms with a grin.
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lynn-w3st · 5 months
hii! can I request something with Syzoth? (if you write stuff with him in it of course)
can be headcanons or anything you prefer
[idea: maybe something with jealous Syzoth? That is jealous about reader that is not even theirs in the first place? Like they are friends but he wants it to be something more and is just jealoussssss and how he deals with it etc.]
have a nice day, if you don't feel like it - you can turn down this request I won't be mad don't worry :)
MK1: Jealousy At Its Finest
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Pairing: Syzoth x Fem Reader
Note: This took me a bit of time to plan. I tried my best so I hope you guys enjoy read it. Also, I started writing down a bit of Babysitting 101.
Warning: Slight Possessive Behavior, Jealousy, Johnny being Johnny, Szyoth is Pookie 🥺. Hope you guys enjoy 😊.
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Syzoth first met you when you accompanied Kenshi, Kung Lao and Johnny to go confront Shang Tsung but ended up imprisoned in his dungeon. But when all hope was lost, he came and saved not your life but your friends as well.
From that day forward on, Syzoth had became very close to you and formed a deep bond and attachment to you. He became a bit protective since you showed him kindness and gave him a second chance . He vows to always be there for you just like how you were always there for him.
Syzoth knew at that moment he had fallen in love with you. Your kindness and compassion made him feel special and loved by you. He often ask Ashrah on how to court you properly.
Every time you would pass by or simply waved a hello at him, Syzoth would feel his heart race at the sight of your lovingly and gentle smile. He badly wants to express his feelings to you.
But a part of him feels like why should you love a freak and monster like him. He lost his wife and kid to Shang Tsung. What if he loses you the same way . Is he destined to be alone?
Whenever Syzoth isn’t busy with missions, he often times seeks you out and often stays by your side the whole day, watching you work.
Being a medical doctor can be very stressful as you have to deal with a lot of injured monks and combatants. But you really appreciate it when Syzoth assists even if he doesn’t know much about Earthrealmers culture or anatomy.
As a Zatteran, he tries his best to court you by showing off his skills and ability but no matter how much he tries to gain your attention Kung Lao or Johnny steals you away . He gets very jealous on how Johnny or Kung Lao flirts with you or how close you are with the both of them.
“Hey (Y,N)! You should totally be in my next movie. Could use a beauty like you.” Johnny said as you chuckled and gave him a smile as you were hanging up the wet blankets up in the rack while Syzoth was helping you fold them.
“Thanks for the offer Cage but I’m good. I have other things to worry about besides fame.” You said as you smiled as you pick up the basket.
Syzoth gave an intense glare at Johnny and wrap his tail around your waist in which you didn’t mind thinking it was a friendly gesture.
“Oh come on!! You would be a very big hit in Hollywood. Imagine the fame!” He said as you just chuckled but before he you could do say anything else Syzoth stood close behind you and gave the actor a very judgmental looked.
Syzoth doesn’t get jealous often but he can be very clingy of you at times and this was one of them. He didn’t like the way Johnny place his hand on your shoulder but felt relieved when you brush it off and gave the actor a smile.
“Thanks for the offer Cage!” You called out as you and Syzoth left the courtyard and headed towards your estate to prepare some dinner.
Syzoth enjoys spending every moment with you as he is hardly stays away from you as he often helps you with daily tasks and activities. He would have a lovesick smile planted on his face whenever you would hug him. You always thought he was very attentive because how he would accompany you and assist you. Totally not because this how Zatteran court their mate.
Syzoth wants nothing more than to express his romantic feelings for you as he sees this as a second chance for him to have. He wants to marry you and start a family of his own again.
You mean the whole world to him and he would anything just for you even if he has to wait for you at the end of the realms and protect you.
Syzoth watch in envy the way you laugh and joke around with Kung Lao who was talking about the shenanigans that Johnny did during training and how amazing your cooking was.
“So you are saying that Madam Bo’s cooking is not good enough for you, Lao?” You tease at him which made him blush in embarrassment. Kung Lao blush in embarrassment as he grab your hand and gave you the puppy eye looks.
“(Y,N) please don’t tell Madam Bo that I said that. She’ll tear me a new.” He said as you just chuckled lightly before poking his forehead. Kung Lao smiled as he decided to confess his feelings for you. “(Y,N) would have the honor to accompany on a date to Madam Bo’s.” He said.
You stared at him with wide eyes but before you could speak something inside of Syzoth snap as he was at your side in an instant and brought you close to him and silently growl at Kung Lao.
“I’m very sorry Kung Lao but my hearts belong to someone else. I see you as a brother and I hope we can still be best friends.” You said sadly as Kung Lao frown but understood you.
Kung Lao knew at that moment that you were in love with Syzoth. His suspicions were now confirmed that you’ve had a feelings for him so that means Johnny owns him a meal at Madam Bo. He smirk at how Syzoth had a possessive embrace around you. He chuckled at the sight.
“Well Syzoth has something to tell you. Let me know when the food is ready.” He said cheekily as he went to go find Raiden and Johnny.
You turn to face Syzoth who frown and averted his eyes before gently grabbing your hands. “(Y,N).” He said shyly and nervously as you gave him a worried expression. “Would you give me the honors to court and mate you. I have loved you for a while.” He confess as you were stared at him speechless with your cheeks heated up.
“You showed me nothing but kindness and gave me a second chance after everything Shang Tsung did to me. I love you very much please allow me to make you mine.” He said softly as you gave him your famous smile that he had fallen in love with. His love for you is unconditional and would do anything for you.
You place both of your hands against his cheeks as you place a gentle soft kiss which made him blush before returning the gesture. The both of you broke away as Syzoth smiled lovingly. He brought you into a tight hug as he nuzzled into you. “I love you, (Y,N). You are my forever.”
I tried my best making Syzoth super jealous but sadly I’m a vanilla person when it comes to writing romance. I’m more of a wholesome romantic type of person in general. Spicy romance isn’t really my specialty 🥺😣.
If you guys have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me, I’m always happy to help and available anytime I can.
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ideasengineering · 27 days
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fazalkhan2914 · 3 months
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borderlandsresearcher · 5 months
MK1 Girlies x Reader:
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What She Smells Like 🪷
CW: suggestive, mentions of polyamory, gn reader, not proofread.
(A/N @ the bottom)
-lotus flower, cherry blossom, rose
* Kitana's fragrance is a comforting mixture of various native Edenian plants, as she spends most of her free time frolicking in the palace gardens. Every night she is greeted with a warm, steaming bath, littered with petals from her favourite flower. She loves nothing more than soaking in the essences of her homeland, feeling connected to both herself and nature.
* When she's on duty serving her sister, the leather from her armour overwhelmingly distracts from her natural scent. She found a way to kombat this by leaving small flowers in her pockets and spritzing on the perfume she made between each break.
* When you're not around, she misses your scent more than anything. She'll steal one of your shirts and cuddle with it until she falls asleep. She has gotten too used to you being around, and it devastates her everytime you leave.
* Because of this, you leave behind a bottle of your perfume for Kitana each time you know you will be gone for a long period of time. She is slightly embarrassed when she finds out you know about her habits, but is grateful for your thoughtfulness.
-dark cherry
* Smells like you/Tanya let's be honest
* She tries her best to maintain a consistent scent by using various products, ranging from perfumes to body creams to lip gloss!
* Her scent may be a little overwhelming at times, but with the amount of running around she does it tends to wear off throughout the day.
* She sweats quite often, especially during training. Neither you or Tanya seem to mind, expressing that you both love her no matter how smelly she is after training 😆
-lavender, sage
* She bathes in various flowers, similar to Kitana.
* During the mourning period of her late husband, she would burn many plants in his honour. She did this so often that the smoke would rub off on her, following her throughout the day.
* When she's feeling down, she allows her daughters to braid flowers into her hair, the aroma complimenting her feminine aura.
* Just like Kitana , she craves your scent whenever you aren't around.
* When Jerrod returns as Ermac, she is overjoyed. She now gets to revel in the warmth of her lovers, appreciating each of your unique scents.
Li Mei
* Li Mei learned all of her beauty tips from Sindel, including proper perfume application.
* Sindel gifted her with a vial of lavender perfume from her personal collection for her to sneak into the Umgadi inner sanctum, although she never used it ...
* That was until she was disgraced, and she deeply missed the smell of her empress. She wore it as frequently as possible, and as she climbed her way up the ranks to First Constable, she was able to afford as many bottles of liquid lavender as she desired.
* To you, it was simply the scent she enjoyed. But to her, it was a reminder to whom she serves, and the memories she had lost along the way.
-Almond, vanilla, coconut
*The Umgadi are strict on cleanliness, but not so much on luxuries such as perfumes or scented creams. It borders on the line of vanity, which they frown upon. Fortunately, Edenian women tend to value their hair above any other beauty aspect, a trend indirectly started by Empress Sindel.
*The Umgadi embrace this tradition, and allow for the sisters to indulge in frequent haircare, as long as it does not distract from their duties.
*Tanya takes advantage of this. She not only wants to look, but to smell good for both you and Mileena. She works scented oils into her hair, perhaps a bit more than what she actually needs, but anything to make an impression on her lovers. And if you're lucky enough to get some alone time together, she'll let you do it for her, as well as returning the favour.
*Begins to smell like you/Mileena if she's around you long enough.
-dragons blood, rose
* Demons emit a strong musk depending on their mood.
* When she's happy, she'll smell of dragons blood and roses, which is the one you are most accustomed to, seeing as your presence brings her joy.
* When sad, she smells of rain and moss. It is your least favourite scent for this reason...
* When she's lustful, she'll smell of cinnamon and other spices. You and Syzoth are the only ones to have witnessed such a scent.
-blood orange, amber
* Despite what you may think, Vaternians care quite a bit about the way they smell, as they are always seeking a potential mate.
* Although, these scents will usually consist of things that attract their own kind, such as human blood.
* But for you? She goes the extra mile. Bathing herself with citrus, spending the few coins she has on exotic Sun Do spices to rub into her clothes, and even changing her diet to animal blood as to not attract others. You are the only mate she desires.
-Tea tree, peppermint, coconut
* Like Tanya, she takes advantage of this loophole. Before she met you, she never really paid attention to how she smelled. The only requirement was that she was clean and presentable in the eyes of the royal family.
* When the two of you started seeing each other, she started to notice little things she normally wouldn't in other people. Your scent, the way you breathe, the way your heart beats fast when she lay on your chest during those rare private moments-- she noticed it all.
* All she wanted was for you to see her the way she sees you, so she goes to Tanya for advice. Now, the girls pamper their hair together, giving each other knowing looks as they do so.
A/N: Hope this was alright, lemme know your thoughts and whether you agree with my choices or not!!! I am open to constructive criticism :)
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wings-of-ink · 1 month
Hehe, sometimes it's nice to be kept on your toes until the twist has come and all angst gone in a second right??
I'm sorry for clogging your ask box, no pressure for answering ofc, I'll just leave my ask reaction here politely!!
MC coming to RO with a pout. "We have a problem. Huge problem", and holding their lovely face in their hands, "We haven't reached a daily kisses quota yet!"
And then starts showering ROs face with it, attacking!!!
(we have to repel angst amiright)
LOL, you are correct again, Anon. And now worries about living in my inbox, it’s warm in there, and I’ll come around to feed you when I can.
Very cute ask answers below:
Oswin:  Very embarrassed, very down to kiss too though. Several kisses in, he’s a bit overwhelmed, “Just how many is this quota!?” He breaks out into laughter before long and there is a very high likelihood of MC getting pulled into his lap for the rest of the day.
Zahn:  Meets the energy with no problem. They are so good at kissin', especially when there’s a quantity to satisfy. They want to kiss aaallll over, just to be sure the quota is thoroughly met.
Duri:  “You’ll have to work for it!” *plants a quick kiss on MC and runs away* MC and Duri basically play kiss-tag for the day, laughing like kids.
Rune:  Sits there with a sour look while being showered with kisses, the longer it goes, the harder it is for them to stay grumpy. They give up and kiss back, but slowly and all over MC’s skin - sweet and sensual. MC is a person they savor above all else.
???:  Grabs MC and gently pins them, keeping his very tempting lips just out of reach. “Quality over quantity, my dear.” MC is taken and breathless by the time he is done.
Thank you for the ask, Anon! ^_^
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romanreignseater · 1 year
So this is just a request but let’s say one day that Roman was on the game with his cousins cause they had a day off and one of the twins asked where was the reader and he said that she was “working” and they got back to talked but a second later they hear her choke and says “Ro….It’s to much” that there all laughing but she’s embarrassed because she can hear them threw his headset
Here you go anon!!! Thanks for the request.
*Tumblr didn’t even notify me that I had asks in my inbox 🙄.
Game On. (Request)
Roman Reigns x Reader
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut per usual.
GIF: @romanreigns
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Finally, time to himself.
Roman was on a little hiatus after WrestleMania, and what does he do with his free time? Play video games with his crazy ass cousins. But, he also likes to pleasure his wife.
Y/N laid top of Roman with his cock deep inside of her. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she bounced up and down on his length. His arms around her waist, and hands fiddling with his controller.
“Yo, I got left Solo, get right!” Said the older twin, Jimmy. Roman’s headset currently on mute to hide he and his wife’s moans. Until, the cousins on the other end called for him throw a grenade into the opposing sides fort.
“Joe, GET THEY ASS!! HIT EM’ WITH THAT GRENADE!” Jey’s voice booming through his headset. Roman shushed his wife and ceased her hard movements to softer, and lighter movements. “I got em’. Get my back.” The grenade hit the other teams fort and they went down.
The Bloodline won the round and were in the lobby, waiting to start a new round when they began to casually converse. “Finna go to Waffle House later tonight, get me a little uh-sandwich and all dat.” Said by the Waffle House fanatic himself, Jey Uso.
“Yo ass is always at some damn Waffle House.” The Tribal Chief spoke as his Y/N was still riding him softly. “Enough bout’ me. Joe where my sister-in-law at?!” Roman’s gaze fell to his wife agape face, crying in pleasure. “She working… working real hard.” A sly smirk plastered across his face. “She must be in that kitchen cooking your big ass some food.” The Enforcer spoke boldly.
“Watch your mouth, you’re not that far from me big boy.” The whole family began to laugh immensely. Then, Y/N picked up her pace as she was reaching her high. Roman’s face molded into an angry expression, as he didn’t want his cousins to hear what he was doing.
“Stop!! You want them to hear you?!” He whispered harshly. “I can’t… I’m gonna cummm.” Y/N moans getting louder and louder by the second. “You wanna cum, huh?! Well, imma make you cum.” Roman planted his feet on the ground and spread his legs. He pounded into her pussy at a fast pace, wanting her to literally explode all over him.
“Ro… it’s too much.”
“Nah, this is what you wanted, now you got it.” His massive hands let go of his controller and wrap around Y/N’s dainty little neck. “OHHHH MY GODDD.” Y/N’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as she reached the peak. She caught her breath as Roman spilled his seed inside of her. They began to kiss when a voice paraded his ears.
“Y’all nasty.” The Fatu Brothers now laughing up a storm at the encounter they heard. “This is what I do when on break.”
That’s Roman Reigns for you.
MY TAG SQUAD: @cyberdejos2 @thesamoanqueen @alyanarossi @nayys-world @mzv11 @babybatlover @vogueyonce
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attollogame · 5 months
hi! i went to look for physical descriptions of the ROs but the link isn’t working. is there an alternative link?
No but I can help you here!
Pariah is 5’5” with an athletic build to their body, mostly honed from all of the physical exertion their night job requires. Most often they wear riding gear (leather jacket, cargo pants, biker boots; basically attire appropriate for someone who rides high-speeds on a motorcycle) with a black motorcycle helmet that has red lights within it. The helmet is modified to allow Pariah to discern things at night, and also to withstand Pariah’s own powered abilities. Pariah also carries two sickles strapped at their waist. Their powered ability is shadow manipulation.
Without the helmet, they have short cut curly brown hair, tanned skin, brown eyes, and a scar on their chin. Here’s an excellent visual of them drawn by the talented @phanosis !
Vasilisa stands at about 5’11” with another athletic build to her body, again honed by her career as a detective for the C.A.P.D. She usually wears a white dress shirt rolled up at the sleeves, black jeans, timberland boots (closest I can describe them) and on occasion will have a black blazer on. Very often seen with a coffee in hand because her sleep schedule is as atrocious as anyone’s in Attollo. Her powered ability is emotion manipulation. 
Vasilisa has blonde hair she keeps tied back, pale skin, and blue eyes. She has a beauty spot under her one eye. Here’s an excellent visual of her drawn by the talented @exotic-inquiry !
Suha stands at 5’8” with a softer build. Her employment as a judge for the Crowes Court and her role in her own fashion business often keeps her quite preoccupied and on the go. Suha is a Muslim, and therefore wears a hijab. Her role in fashion means she dresses incredibly well, often preferring higher-brand clothes lines that are both comfortable and befitting of her personality. She prefers lighter colored clothes, as it contrasts the gloom of Attollo, even though her personality itself is quite serious. Suha’s powered ability is botakinesis, or plant manipulation. 
Suha wears cat-eyed glasses and has dark skin and brown eyes. Here’s a stunning drawing of her done by the talented @artsyaprilmr !
Operator stands at 5’7” and has a very lean build coming from his amazing ability to forget to eat half the time. He’s rarely seen without his black face mask and blue tech glasses, which enable him to see the ongoing of the city even when mobile. He usually wears a black turtleneck and black jeans, as well as sneakers that should really be changed in at some point. He does wear gloves as well when outside of his dwelling in the Under City. Operator’s powered ability is tech manipulation… among other things.
He has auburn curly hair and blue eyes beneath the glasses, as well as pale skin. @exotic-inquiry also did some lovely art of him (he is a little guy) !
Because Sysba is gender selectable, their appearance does tend to change depending on which you select, although not by much. Overall, though, Sysba is a very flamboyant being that dresses in a way they feel expresses themself best. They stand at 6’ all forms, with a toned form they somehow managed to retain despite their disastrous eating habits. They prefer colours like red, black, or white for what they wear, and they prefer fabrics like satin, velvet, or silk. Sysba often wears heels for the benefit of standing an extra few inches above everyone else. They also indulge with a lot of jewellery, including necklaces, earrings, nose rings, etc. Because they are an entity, their powers extend far beyond what most do; shape shifting, manipulation, and power absorption are a few of their abilities. If they could get out of Attollo, they would be travelling quite swiftly too. 
In all forms, their hair is black, their eyes are black, and their skin is a very sickly pale color. In male form, Sysba has short cut hair, in female form it comes in the form of a bob cut, and in the non binary form it’s short cut as well. The very talented @retconomics has art of them here, @phanosis was generous enough to draw them in their more ‘natural’ form, and @redjack even kindly made a 3d model!
Standing at 6’4” with a more built tone, one could say, due to his line of work (you don’t run a criminal organization without some intimidation on the side). Dreamwalker dresses very business-like in all aspects of his arrival, including in the dreams (although he did play dress up for those because it was fun for him). He prefers dark dress shirts, dress pants, and well-polished dress shoes. He wears a signet ring on his right hand. His powered ability includes dream manipulation and an ability to directly harm a sleeping individual through their dream, as seen with MC. He usually warps his features in dreams to make him indiscernible. On occasion, he wears a red scarf when not wearing a high collared shirt. 
Dreamwalker has dark brown, almost black hair with a slight curl to it. His eyes are a glowing gold with no discernible pupil unless you’re very close, in which case you will see it as a darker yellow color. He has a notable scar on his neck from a knife wound, and dark skin. The talented @bleruh drew art of him here (check out their operator as well!), as did @retconomics here and @/kill-a13 here among many others :)
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