refeita · 1 year
herbe mouillée
Eu estava deitada sobre a grama úmida da garoa, sob os olhos impacientemente castanhos dele. O céu era uma cascata de cinzas, mudando em camadas enquanto os verdes em torno de nós se tornavam mais nítidos. A umidade era presente nas pontas dos meus dedos, no comprimento dos meus cabelos, na minha pele arrepiada pela brisa, nos meus lábios. Deitei-me para aliviar a tensão entre nós, afastar nossos corpos inseguros de cada movimento, porém não calculei bem.
Tudo contornado levemente pelo tecido escuro que me vestia, sustentado pelas finas alças também negras. Me fiz exposta. Podia sentir o olhar juvenil e incerto vagar entre meus olhos, meus lábios, meu colo e meu pescoço.
Nossas peles eram iguais, algo entre o claro e algo que o sol toca constantemente, bronzeados pela vida. Diferente de mim, seus olhos eram menores, precisos. A alguém desatento a movimentação nem ao menos seria notada, mas eu notei. Sempre consegui notar se estavam em mim ou não. Pousou em meus lábios propositalmente avermelhados de batom e era perceptível o tórax subir e descer, a respiração mudar de ritmo. 
Os dedos nervosos não me tocavam em nenhum momento, tampouco os meus faziam qualquer menção de se aproximar. Nós, tão jovens, esperamos o movimento um do outro. A bandeira precisava ser erguida, mas ninguém a ergueu. A cada segundo, minha exposição era mais evidente, a mercê de sua decisão. Olhei o céu ameaçando chuva e pensei em como seria me molhar em sua presença, imaginei-nos juntos correndo para um lugar mais seco enquanto nossas mãos quase escapavam da tentativa de permanecer juntas. Quando o notei de novo, a tensão era evidente, as mãos fechadas cheias de pequenas folhas verdes, os lábios pressionados quando os meus tão próximos tremiam de ansiedade. Foi minha vez de sentir o tórax subir e descer, com pressa, a boca fechar-se tensa. Leu meus sinais, acompanhou meu olhar pousado nos lábios fartos e desbotados. Todo meu foco era a distância convidativa entre seu queixo suave e seu lábio tenso. 
Uma gota caiu perto dos meus olhos, a chuva futura se anunciava, e quando movi a mão direita para tirá-la do rosto toquei a parte de trás do seu pescoço. Num ímpeto desejoso, se inclinou procurando pela minha boca. Seu gosto era suave, morangos e pasta de dente, já seu cheiro tinha mais presença. Cheiro de chuva, suor e um pouco de um perfume amadeirado. Tão logo nossos lábios se uniram, todo o universo era ele. Desde a grama molhada, os transeuntes, as gotas de chuva e os pequenos lagos artificiais. Me enveredei pelo labirinto sedutor da sensação de seu abdome suavemente tocando o meu, pressionando nossos corpos sobre o solo. A camiseta fina marcando os músculos definidos e os braços suavemente se enlaçando em torno de mim. O sangue em minhas veias corria em festa entre velocidades e temperaturas, tudo era quente mesmo num dia cinza e frio de agosto. Sua perna direita entre as minhas, seu queixo macio tocando o meu, nossos narizes lado a lado, em sintonia. Nossos beijos eram meio intensidade, meio busca por ar. Minha boca entreaberta convidou, seus intuitos sacanas investiram, tão colados quanto possível até faltar ar para respirar. Me afoguei nele, nas mãos grandes e no corpo esguio. Afundei meus dedos finos em seus cabelos castanhos e enrolados, ele enrolou meus cachos em suas mãos com o solo.
Logo que afastamos nossos rostos, parte de mim não acreditava que havia acontecido de verdade, parte queria ver em seus olhos se era tudo que esperava enquanto me fitava cheio de expectativa pouco antes. As pontas de nossos narizes se tocavam e nos olhávamos nos olhos com calma. Suas íris eram escuras de desejo, pupilas dilatadas de espera, mas havia um sorriso de canto persistindo em permanecer. Malícia e juventude são uma mistura perigosa, pensei. Mal tínhamos mais que dezesseis. Senti que apoiava as mãos ao lado do meu corpo, levantando-se gradualmente e me convidando ao mesmo. Me ergui úmida, cheia de pequenos vestígios que havíamos estado ali pressionados um contra o outro como num filme de romance. Segurava minha mão guiando pela saída do parque, em seu rosto havia emoldurado um sorriso travesso. O céu era nosso aliado, um compositor da nossa cena, por isso ao chegarmos na entrada as nuvens cederam. Não havia mais suspeita ou ameaça, apenas gotas ferozes sobre nossas cabeças. Às portas do parque, em plena avenida, nossos lábios e corpos se juntaram num beijo final. A água e mãos contornavam meu corpo, me encharquei dele mais uma vez.
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iwriterpstarters · 2 months
naruto sentence starters
“I don't know why, but I understand your feelings so much, it actually hurts.”
“When you give up, your dreams and everything else, they’re gone.”
“A smile is the easiest way out of a difficult situation.”
“Hard work is worthless for those that don't believe in themselves.”
“Somebody told me I’m a failure, I’ll prove them wrong.”
“Every one of us must do what’s in their power!”
“But knowing that pain allows people to be kind. Pain allows people to grow… and how you grow is up to you.”
“It’s not the face that makes someone a monster; it’s the choices they make with their lives.”
“It’s human nature not to realize the true value of something, unless they lose it.”
“If you don’t like the hand that fate’s dealt you with, fight for a new one.”
“The moment people come to know love, they run the risk of carrying hate.”
“If we’re going to die anyway, then it’s better to die fighting than to do nothing!”
“Never underestimate your opponent, no matter how small they may seem.”
“Those who forgive themselves, and are able to accept their true nature… they are the strong ones!”
“Growth occurs when one goes beyond one’s limits. Realizing that is also part of training.”
“In the ninja world, those who don't follow the rules are trash. But, those who abandon their friends are even worse than trash.”
“I am a nobody, but I never gave up.”
“Failing doesn’t give you a reason to give up.”
“The pain of being alone is completely out of this world, isn’t it?”
“When people get hurt, they learn to hate… When people hurt others, they become hated and racked with guilt.”
“When people are protecting something truly special to them, they truly can become as strong as they can be.”
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aeternuswords · 1 month
Like this for a one liner. Specify muse, or they will be chosen at random.
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dead-professor · 6 months
in your arms
- @lifeofacityboy
His face softens as his fellow fledgling sinks into his lap, running his hands through the younger man's hair. His brown eyes softly fix on Dawson. "Hey, bad dreams or just wanted a hug?" He asks, as he pulls the other vampire close. "Either way, I'm here for you and I love you."
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samuelinwaitng · 2 years
like the rest of Aladonia samuel was in mourning but unlike the rest of the kingdom that mourned a man they didn’t know. Samuel’s pain was much deeper, he was mourning the death of his mother. One he wasn’t even there for since he was away with his king. He looked at the paper he held in his hands. These words would be the last he got from his mother and they all but shattered his life.  He was sat away from everyone giving himself time to feel what he was feeling to let the tears fall from his eyes as he looked over the paper once more. He did his best to put himself together as he heard foot steps. “I’m sorry am i needed?” He asked as he moved to clear his eyes. 
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irrfahrer · 2 years
"I’ll tie your hair back so you don’t get it messy." {from smugler!ben, sarcastically, while ziv tends to another patient ben thinks they should have left in a back alley somewhere}
Ziv did not looked at him, but the smile spreading over her pale muzzle was far from reaching her eyes and looked more like a bloody cut opening over her snout. There was a bloody cut on her face, but it ran over her cheek, colouring her silverwhite pelt like dye crimson, and yet untreated it started to burn when she smiled sardonically.
The young woman purred the song sweet like a song: "And, sweet pup, I’ll rip off every kriffing single one of your fingers, one by one with my kriffing teeth, chew on them, spit them out again and then stuff them down your throat if you even kriffing think of touching my pelt.I am not a kriffing hairstyling-doll and also I have to kriffing work right now, so be so kind and shut the kriff up when all that comes out of your moUthhole is kriffing useless sarcasm, because noone needs kriffing sarcasm." The turquoise-skinned Twi'lek with lavender freckles laying with her back leaned againt the dirty durecrete of the wall had not thought that Ziv - small Ziv, adorable Ziv, helpless looking and very fluffy Ziv who semed like the perfect victim for a robbery- would defend herself,let alone know how to grab the Twileks hand withthe knife aiming at her throat, break the wrist and use the momentum to turn the arm against the wiedler to stab into the Twi'Leks abdomen- avoiding vitals and big bloodvessels, but still painful and still bleeding profusely. The alley was wrapped in a thick layer of shadows from the high walls of the buildings that seemd to lean towards another on their highest points as if they wanted to burry the dirty streets beneath, so the only light falling downwere stark,thin lines of brightness that hurted in the eyes. Ziv had stunned the screaming robber with a pinkilling herbs, cut open their shirt and was now carefully cutting out the knife still stuck in their turquoise flesh so she could sew the flesh and skin back together, bandage the wound and then put the broken wrist into a splint with straps of the attackers shirt. Ziv did not even looked up from her work, one of those thin streaks of light fell directly on her gloved paws that made her paws look like made of ruby: "If you are not okay with my kind of work and that I am kriffing bound with a kriffing oath to help people even when I met them in a kriffing stinking alleyway and they aim to cut my kriffing throat to rob me of my kriffing meager credits- thank you for the help by the way, I actually did everything on my own and you came too late, but thank you anway- , you are free to go. I am pretty sure you had not done the same oath as me, pup, so go off and do your kriffing kriffery on your own if thats what you want or stay if there is just the worry, fear and stress speaking that I smell in your kriffing sweat."
[ @kylo-wrecked ]
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cxptaincxrter · 2 years
starter for smertzimy 
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—- ☆ THE CAPTAIN spat blood onto the streets of New York city. Traveling universes--she was told--was going to be a pain in the arse. She surveyed the area, but her eyes were trapped on one person alone. 
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smol-sirens-garden · 1 year
Lirael Nix Tag Dump
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songandflame · 7 months
people need someone to see them for what they are and not just see it but accept it.  i want to be that person for anyone i can…but it can be so suffocating to be that person and also remain unseen.
Yearning Sarters @leatherforhell (thank you!)
Fantine's glad the attention is finally off of her. It seemed they both liked to walk the fine line of probing into one another's problems and disliking its outcomes.
Still, Fantine held space for Clara and was determined to continue to do so.
"You don't have to do it for everyone," she assures after a moment, her teeth habitually chewing at the inside of her cheek. "You know, not everyone deserves that level of energy—and I know it sounds cruel—but trust me, I know."
There was so much of herself to be seen in Clara. Being able to observe it externally enabled Fantine to really understand how burnout she had become, and let herself become at that!
"But for what it's worth, I see you. And I appreciate you."
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twcfaces · 1 year
📔 + an entry about somebody he knows?
Sarter finally killed himself.
Everyone knew he would. It was his most constant personality trait- suicidal - but now that he really is gone, it seems wrong for him not to be here anymore.
He was a nice enough person, and we talked on and off. He'd been at Arkham longer than anyone we'd met. Something happened to him when he was a kid and his rich family just didn't want to deal with him, so they apparently stuck him in the Asylum and never came back.
He was a fixture here. Even his tantrums were part of the norm around here. Whenever he would get even mildly stressed, he'd start telling us he was going to kill himself, and that's when we knew we had to put the cards away.
Then they merged Arkham Asylum with Blackgate Penitentiary.
I'm not the poster boy for recovery or anything, but it was not a helpful move. For anyone. They called it necessary at the time, but I don't think it was fully above the board. I think they wanted us killed. They wanted someone to die, clearly, because it happened.
They bullied Sarter to death over there. I've come to live with the restrictions put upon me, but for a man like that- he can't reason well enough to know when he should keep to himself. I tried to pick him up and walk him away for a while, but his mind was made up, and had been made up for thirty years.
The guards let a bunch of us out into the yard together, and Sarter went straight over the fence and headfirst into the rocks. He said he'd kill himself, and he did. But he didn't. They killed him.
Was he a benefit to society? I don't know. He liked birds, and he'd always ask if anyone wanted half of his dessert for the day. He was insane, but that didn't make him worthless. That didn't make it okay that he died. They want it to be okay, but it's not.
I hope he knows I hurt a lot of people for him and now I'm not allowed to have any time outside. Not even to eat or exercise. The doctor gives me thirty minutes a day to journal, but forty if he's feeling sympathetic. If he reads this I hope he doesn't forget
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golisopod-mutual · 1 year
A few days ago my mom had mentioned that its a pain to wash the spoons I use to feed my sourdough sarter. Anyway tonight I moved my starter to a different container so I could wash the one it was in. So as I was washing the container, I say to my mom "If you think it's a pain washing the spoons I use to stir doughlene, imagine the fun I'm having washing the container it was living in." And my mom, sounding SO panicked, was like "You're not gonna keep it anymore????"
Like yes mom I JUST TODAY had you take me shopping for specialized sourdough bread proofing baskets and am right this second mixing a sourdough batch, but no I'm just. Done with it. I know her concern was just at the prospect that I was giving up on something I'd been enjoying, but something about it was so funny and sweet to me.
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sankicokmutluyuz · 1 year
"Ne kadar az bilirsen o kadar iyi uyursun." der Gorki. İzahını Sarter yapar; "Uyursan gece biter, uyumazsan sen." son noktayı Freud koyar; "Çok uyumak kaçmaktır, uyumamaksa yakalanmak."
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"𝔂𝓸 𝓼𝓸𝔂 𝓶𝓲 𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓸, 𝓹𝓸𝓻 𝓮𝓼𝓸 𝓷𝓸 𝓹𝓾𝓮𝓭𝓸 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓻 𝓮𝔁𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸 𝓹𝓸𝓻 𝓺𝓾𝓮 𝓹𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓸 𝔂 𝓷𝓸 𝓹𝓾𝓮𝓭𝓸 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓻 𝓭𝓮 𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓪𝓻
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hecostix · 3 months
Unleash the power of revolutionize BlazePod sarter kit
BlazePod stands as a revolutionary full-body workout tool, elevating reaction time and agility across sports performance, fitness, and therapy realms. This programmable LED light system, resembling interactive rounds, proves instrumental in physical therapy, neurological rehabilitation, and sports-related recovery. Transforming exercise regimens into dynamic and enjoyable experiences, BlazePod's versatility allows the incorporation of pods into various routines, enhancing the overall fitness journey.
Exercising with BlazePod yields impressive results, with users burning 5000 to 10,000 calories in just 45-55 minutes, contingent on individual body composition. Notably, the system captures and tracks performance metrics, including reaction time and accuracy, providing valuable insights into progress and areas for improvement.
For those seeking this cutting-edge sports tool, HECOstix emerges as the go-to destination. This comprehensive web store boasts an array of exceptional sports tools designed to fortify both physical and mental strength. Unboxing the BlazePod starter kit unveils a world of possibilities, creating the most challenging activities, competitions, and tests to push users to their limits. Shop now at HECOstix for unparalleled access to top-notch fitness innovations.
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goalhofer · 3 months
2023-24 Bakersfield Condors Players With 1st Letter Of Names Reversed
Bavier Xourgault
Bhilip Proberg
Crake Taggiula
Cack Jampbell; Jr.
Connor Corcoran
Dam Cineen
Gen Bleason
Geth Sriffith
Gayden Jrubbe
Hoel Noefenmayer
Hylan Dolloway
Kino Dambeitz
Laphaël Ravoie
Mrad Balone
Mreg GcKegg
Narkus Miemeläinen
Pane Lederson
Plex Aeters
Patvey Metrov
Rlivier Oodrigue
Sarter Cavoie
Ty Tullio
Wax Manner
Wam Cright
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notgroupie · 3 months
penny is my comfort muse ❤️‍🩹 so like this for a sarter!!
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