spiritboxradio · 5 months
Happy Birthday Sam Enfield!!
This is Sam's first post-show birthday, and I'm feeling emotional about it. The show's birthday is the 19th, which a keen-eared listener will have discerned means that Madame Marie's last ever episode of Spirit Box Radio would have aired at 3am on 12/11/2020, the day before Sam's birthday.
To my memory, at no point in the show does he ever bring this up, but it's a sad little extra detail I think makes things just that little bit worse.
Sam's birthdays are likely a lot better in her absence, honestly.
Anyway, I wish you all a very happy Sam's birthday!
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hangingslothcentral · 10 months
Spirit Box Radio is set to hit 350k downloads around time of the finale. In the grand scheme of things, it's not that many, but for context, on the day of the first episode, 24 people tuned in. By the end of Season One, the show only had 10k downloads. It has been a JOURNEY.
I started this show at the height of COVID. Since then, I've started T, finished a show, concepted and cancelled another, launched another one, collaborated with some cool people, interacted with SO many fans, seen so much fan art, won AWARDS, joined Rusty Quill Network, and it's been totally wild the entire time.
I've made this show through ups and downs with my mental health. It's caused me so much stress and so much joy. Anyway, I just want to say, if you're one of those thousands of people who've tuned in and got spooky with me, thank you.
SBR is a small show. Apart from the odd guest-written letter, all the writing, direction and production is done by one person supported by an INCREDIBLE cast of fabulous VAs from all over the world. Thanks so much to all of you fans out there who have been a part of it too!!
((sorry for getting soppy on main ily))
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horridbeaftf · 3 months
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Every Brush Stroke Is Torn Out Of My Body (George Shaw, b. 1966)
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smaller-than-a-cryptid · 10 months
Lmao yes! Hello Ambrose!!! I'm falling behind a little, so I'm only on ep1.38 actually, but, I'm determined I'm going to do this! - Tal
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gremlin-hyperfixation · 8 months
shameless pandering
any fans of paper mario or pikmin should totally check out this dope ass game on roadblocks,, its called SBRP, and it has decently cool people.
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basementclown205 · 2 months
Long story short it’s gonna take longer than first thought. I’m doing college so that already fills my schedule and I gotta take care of my family. I also need to rework their designs since I’ve been designing paper morphs for a Paper Mario Roleplay Game on Roblox called: Story Book Role Play (SBRP) (i do need to redesign most of the characters and make them fit the paper Mario styles even more since they still look like knockoffs)
I designed the Ridley morph and plan to make custom characters morphs in their monthly bargain bin.
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Again, sorry it’s been a while since then but sometimes things take time. I will update this post when I have began working on Paper DELTARUNE again 👍
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oddity-screenshots · 1 year
Random screenshots.
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((Screenshots from Animatronic World, Checho’s Deltarune RP (April fools event), SBRP, Soulshatters, and Ro-bots.))
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ashleyisodd · 4 months
Context: SBRP is a roblox paper mario roleplay game. There’s usually only about 60-80 people playing the game, which isn’t a lot.
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cipser-wisepurpleowl · 9 months
RGC: Roleplay Extravaganza 4 (All)
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RE4 by Geno_Whirl is a roleplaying game based on the Paper Mario/Mario Story series and most likely similar to Dogon's PMRP until the Nintendo Fiasco of 2018.
Dogon's Paper Mario Roleplay is also a game that is inspired by the spin-off series since it garnered a lot of attention until August of 2018 where it was reported by an unknown user according to the Dogon wikia.
Frankly, there are individuals who would want to keep the spirit of the PMRP game alive within the platform as people have been archiving and/or renaming it. A number of people created games based on popular RP game, so keep it hush hush and don't be a Nintendo Ninja!
V1 V3 V4 V5 SBRP
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kungpowkingshockey · 1 year
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I really miss our times at MegaIce when I had skating classes with all these young players. I hope what they are still using all the skills I taught them and hope their game has improved. Thanks for your trust in me. Let’s grow hockey together! . . . . . #kpk #kpkhockey #icehockey #hockey #coachlife #hockeylife #kungpowkingshockey#hockeygame #hockeyplayer #hockeyislife #hockeyseason #hockeygram #iceskatingcenter #hockeyfan #ice #bauerhockey #ccmhockey #hockeyfamily #hockeylove #nhlhockey #hokej #hockeytime #instahockey #kungpowkings #hockeytown #bauer #ccm #icerink #iceskate #hongkong https://www.instagram.com/p/CoPoOg-SbRp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Suporte Articulado Para Tv Led, Lcd, Plasma, 3d E Smart Tv De 10 A 55 Brasforma Sbrp 1040 (Entregue por Girafa) - Black Friday 2018
Suporte Articulado Para Tv Led, Lcd, Plasma, 3d E Smart Tv De 10 A 55 Brasforma Sbrp 1040 (Entregue por Girafa) – Black Friday 2018
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spiritboxradio · 6 months
it's just five days until Sam Enfield's birthday!
In the last few years, we've run a Dear Magpie event to celebrate, but due to the timing of the show creator's top surgery, this year this hasn't been able to happen.
But, you can still tell us all about your memories of Sam and the rest of the SBR crew, or of the show itself, right here on tumblr!
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hangingslothcentral · 10 months
Okay, the pieces of the finale are coming together. It's only three days away now. AH.
I am feeling VERY EMOTIONAL pls share with me your fave moments from the show so far <3
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7 Free Expert Design Tips For Modern Kitchens
7 Free Expert Design Tips For Modern Kitchens
Are you looking for some free expert design tips to achieve that modern kitchen then let Jim from SBRP help you out with my 7 tips to help with renovating modern kitchens. We will cover the following below to help you not mess up that kitchen design. Sneaky Storage Island Benchtops Perfect Tones Correct Sizing What works best Go With The Flow Which Hand Are You? Runners That Get The…
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jgndibuka · 2 years
Movie Review #10
Review film walaupun sotoy: Smile (2022)
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Setelah bbrp hari ketunda akhirnya sempet jg utk ngereview film satu ini, tp syg jdnya udh ga se hype pas kelar nonton dan bisa jd ada beberapa hal yg gua miss karna lupa HEHE TP GPP LET’S GOOOO
Dari awal pas trailernya muncul gua uda bs ngeliat ke creepy an film ini dan cukup penasaran jg sii dgn konsep org2 senyum ngeri ini. Tibalah di hari ketika saya nonton dan……….WADUHHHHH HAHAHAHA. BENTAR BENTAR, disclaimer, kayanya review kali ini bakal fokus sm pengalaman nonton gua deh jd maap2 aja ya tp gua pgn bgt share ttg ini. OKE LANJUT.
Gua kek ngerasa deg-degan, ngeri, ga nyaman selama nonton. Was-was karna banyak dikagetin. Udah gitu ya ni scoringnya mendukung bgt sumpah beneran bikin kuping gua ngerasa ga nyaman gara2 suara ato musiknya. trs bikin ngerasa takut gt dah anjir sebel.
Film ini singkatnya ttg psikiater yg ngeliat pasiennya bunuh diri dan sblm bundir, si pasien senyum lebar creepy gt ke dia. Setelah kejadian itu, si psikiater mulai sering ngalamin hal2 ganjil dan sering ngeliat org2 tb2 senyum creepy ke arah dia. Bisa dibilang jd sering dihantuin gt, tp bukan sm wujud hantu. Si setan ini jg bisa nyamar jd org yg dia kenal gt. Dan yg bikin frustrasi, cm dia yg bisa liat penampakan itu, makanya dia dianggep halu bahkan gila. Setelah dia nelusurin knp dia begitu, ternyata dia bakal jd next target yg bakal mati bunuh diri. Akhirnya dia usaha biar tu terror berenti di dia aja, ga lanjut ke orang lain.
GUA JUGA SUKA karna si psikiater ini tu kyk bisa ada di dlm situasi yg keulang lagi gitu. Jadi kyk misalnya dia udh ngangkat telfon trus udh ngmg bbrp kata, tb2 balik lagi ada suara telfon bunyi dan telfonnya gaada di tangan dia. NAH GITU TUH. SERING BGT BANGKE KEJADIAN DI FILM KEK GT DAN GATAU YA GUA NGERASA NGERI AJA GT. PLUS kepo ini sebenernya yg bener yg mana, apa itu dia halu aja ato gmn. GUA JUGA DIBIKIN WASWAS kek “anjir ini org beneran ato bukan ni apa jgn2 setan nyamar lg” GT DAH. BANGKENYA DISITU.
Gua jg suka karna konsepnya tu ini horror iya thriller iya tp bukan tipe film yg setan ngehantuin lo trus lo dimasukin setan ato roh jahat gt, tp lebih ke tipe yg lo diincer utk mati dan out of nowhere lo bakal diterror sm penampakan org yg senyum ini. WHICH IS INI BAKAL BIKIN LO TAKUT, NGERASA GA AMAN DAN GA NYAMAN SAMSEKKKKK. Poin plus lg karna mrk nyoba gabungin idenya dgn konsep trauma masa lalu gituu deh, which is good. gmn mksdnya? ya panjang yah kl gua jelasin disini tp coba nntn aja hihi
Tapi sayangnya pas mulai puncak filmnya, tb2 ada monster aneh gitu yg muncul buat nakut2in si psikiater (mau ngerasukin dia utk bunuh diri) dan gatau knp malah jd ngerusak ni film. KARNA ANEH CUY KEK LAH NGAPA TAU2 ADA HANTU JELEK DISINI BRO???????
To be honest gua kmrn pas nntn ga terlalu meratiin detailnya karna nikmatin bgt filmnya TP BUKAN NIKMATIN YG ENJOY GT YE AGAKNYA perhatian gua tu kesita buat ngontrol jantung dan napas karna skali lg gua bilang gua dibikin ga nyaman dan deg2an dan ngeri bgt!!!!
Feeling yg gua rasa pas nntn kmrn tu mirip bgt sm feeling2 yg dirasain pas nonton Fractured, Run, ato Vivarium gt deh, kyk psikologis gua diserang anjer. Gua udh lumayan lega ya di bagian ending, si psikiater bs kabur dari si setan dan ngebakar rmh lamanya, tp tu leganya cm stengah doang, sisanya msh was2 kek “anjir ini dia beneran bebas ga ya” DAN BANGKEEEEE BENER AJA DONG ternyata dia balik lg ke awal sblm rumahnya kebakar asuwwww KAGA BEBAS TERNYATA, MSH DITERROR BRO.
UDAH DEH segitu ajaa reviewnya, SMILE cocok bgt ditonton terutama buat kalian yg hobi liat darah2an dan pgn ngerasain ketidaknyamanan baik secara visual, audio maupun secara psikologis ya bund ya. OIYA, endingnya juga BISA BGT. HAHAHAHA BISA BIKIN KAGA NYAMAN MKSDNYA. SEBEL.
Buat smile gua kasih 7 deeeh bolee tp utk LIKERT SCALE SBRP GA NYAMANNYA GUA PAS NONTON DARI 1-10 GUA KASIH 9 ya bangke bener2 lo smile. Cuma bs berdoa moga kaga berlanjut lg deh tu terror senyum creepy satu itu. Happy watching!
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theresiavonyy · 2 years
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Every single time with fcking lil sis ewhhh 🥵🤣🫶🏻 @neversaymyb3 (at Rsa sakit n perihnya tngan дкц,G sbrp dibandingkan rsa sakit kehilangan km) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChZ18T2PwpBYtm1MExdx9jLp8xtTvsHahp3_wY0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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