#scc my beloveds!!!!
toastedjeans · 8 months
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Conclusion: i need to deactivate more often /j
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zipzedziltch · 3 months
Ain’t nothin’ like a funky beat
Aka, found a Cap’n spotify playlist so good and perfect that I needed to draw him being cool while listening to it immediately
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strawglicks · 9 months
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cymbal hats
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killer-lemon · 5 months
Anybody else?
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404-art-found · 1 year
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SCCweek Day 1 | Dance - Chill - Play | How do they spend their free time?
K_K bakes! whenever they have the time. mostly it's for the three of them but sometimes they bake A Lot, and go out and hand it out to the local plugboys. The whole baking thing to raise funds was their idea in the first place.
Sweet tinkers around with whatever it can get its hands on. If they're not messing with their booth they're taking something apart and seeing how it ticks.
Cap'n probably has the most variety with what he does with his free time, reading, making music he may or may not show the others, going out and about seeing the city's sights; but he likes helping either of the others where he can. is he good at baking or cooking? no but he's trying his best
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Calling ticklish spots “silly spots” >>>>>>>>
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r0b0-writes · 2 years
Stealing the ND Love Languages from thecasualcode on tiktok for these headcanons. Please check out the playlist on the tiktok if you have questions!
List- Deep Pressure | Penquin Pebbling | Parallel Play | Infodumping | Support Swapping
Giving- Penquin Pebbling! Sweet loves to find or even make little trinkets for their partners. They especially like finding something and being able to tell the others about how it reminded him of them!
Receiving- Parallel Play! Sweet gets overwhelmed sometimes with the stress of the day. The studio, the rebellion, etc. Sometimes they just want to sit in silence and relax in the same room.
* Extra: Also likes being able to info-dump to his partners a lot. They know Cap’n and Cakes don’t share the same passion for some of their interests, but Cap’n and Cakes always get excited with them and that makes them feel a lot better.
Giving- Info-dumping! He may not understand or remember everything that gets told to him, but he’ll listen and ask questions to show that he really cares about what the others are telling him.
Receiving- Penquin Pebbling! He really likes being reminded that he’s thought about and having physical reminders really helps.
*Extra: Also enjoys Deep Pressure. Sometimes Cakes will just flop on top of him and it makes him feel a lot less stressed to have K_K hold him and apply that pressure.
Giving- Deep Pressure! K_K loves to gives hugs to his partners and to have that same pressure reciprocated!! Sometimes they get a little excited and will forget to ask, but usually Sweet and Cap’n don’t mind a surprise hug.
Receiving- Support Swapping! K_K likes being helpful, but sometimes in their quest to be helpful they’ll forget about themself. Cap’n or Sweet will help Cakes set up calendars, reminders, to-do lists, etc. While they help do other things other where. It can trust them and isn’t worried.
* Extra: Also loves parallel play! I HC K_K as noise sensitive. (Usually flares under stress). He really enjoys the quiet moments with his two partners. And just being able to be in the same room and not worry about the chit-chat.
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astro-inthestars · 2 years
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I mean at some point I was obsessed with scc to the point where i made a video compiling all their screentime and dialogue and even went out of my way to find lesser known dialogue from them so I'd say im pretty well versed in scc's personalities lol
Oh I GET that. I understand. This is me with Snowgrave Noelle or just Noelle in general. Don't judge me but also that is impressive and I find that rather cool
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ripplefields · 2 years
i have so many 80s fashion tabs open on my ipads browser . my friends ask me why haha for reference totally not for drawing an scc au . nope .
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transsweet · 2 years
wip share bc I’m Bored
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history is bound to repeat itself
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cosmicbucket · 1 year
OH OR what about A Part Two to the capsei moment™️
and they do end up going to say hi to scc but ralsei is still embarrassed by what susie says so he’s all shy and a lil flustered when talking to capn
would cap’n either:
Be Completely Oblivious
catch on and start flirting
a secret third option
im kinda just infodumping all my fic ideas that i don’t wanna write out (which is all of them >.>”) hope you’re okay with that and i’m sorry (it will happen again)
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i love them all very dearly <3 i kept getting ideas as i was making this but i’m happy with how it turned out
kris and susie friendship real + scc siblings my beloved
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the-meme-monarch · 1 year
your post about the strange someone trying and failing to mess up scc made me think they try to do this in every dark world until someone is freaky enough for it to work
also imagining them going "where's your anger. where's your fucking rage. RISE" at c. round
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WAIT COMBINING THESW TWO POSTS what if they tried to Secret Bossify rouxls first and spades king saw this Starting and went um. that's The Rules Card i don't want to see what kind of power he's got. (rouxls actually being super powerful bc He Can Make The Rules theory/headcanon my beloved) and so he made him the duke of puzzles to like keep him in good graces. but then the strange someone went for jevil. and he's not as easy to placate
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azzycomets · 8 months
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kiss kiss- fall in love!
my beloved human designs for scc! they are latino to me
under cut is doodle of their designs
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i am realizing i forgot to give kk his headband. going to ignore that for my mental health
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strawglicks · 1 year
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spamton is a queen fan (the band not the deltarune character .) and has old CDs so he breaks into the SCC shop now and then and forces K_K to play his CDs when hes bored i PROMISE this all makes sense in my head.
all the songs in order are
Killer Queen (i recommend this to Queen deltarune fans)
The Show Must Go On (big shot spamton vibes)
I've Gone Slightly Mad (I recommend this to Jevil fans)
I Want to Break Free (...self-explanatory)
Bohemian Rhapsody (my beloved my fav queen song forever and it's spamtons fav too because i said so)
bonus because capn got left out of these drawings and i felt bad. their fav queen song is Cool Cat me thinks
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toastedjeans · 8 months
It is officially Real Cryptid Hours™
Aka just a small collection of my cryptid au characters from various fandoms :)
First, the one that started it all, Cryptid Omens (originally made 2-3 years ago)
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Sketches: old, colors: new
I love them. Aziraphale's design improved quite a bit.
Then, my absolutely beloveds, SCC cryptids (+ Spamton cause he's such a creature)
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Two above: older, two below: most recent
Only found sketches for Spam. Smh my head can't believe i haven't drawn him properly even once before now
And lastly, my most recent addition, Cryptid Narrator
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Left: first concept, right: most recent
Why does he look less and less like a creature every time i draw him? Idk, maybe Stanley's domesticating him
And now i need to draw them all hanging out
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mail-me-a-snail · 1 year
Came for that sweet Security Chief Calhoun but stayed bc your art FUCKS
SCC MY BELOVED thank you 🥺
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