#love when bitches r stupid and giggly!!!!
Calling ticklish spots “silly spots” >>>>>>>>
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aboutkiyoomi · 11 months
bed peace
synopsis: after a very hurtful breakup, osamu takes his time to help you heal and takes the time to call suna out on his bs. at graduation, osamu offers up a deal that you almost can’t pass up.
genre: hurt/comfort, fluff 
pairings: osamu x g!n reader (mentions of past suna x g!n reader)
pre a/n: not proofread so don’t eat me up but this is a second part to my angst suna x reader oneshot, linked right here 📍
a/n: it’s kinda funny how this was requested since i only wrote that because it was my personal situation that i turned into a oneshot to feel better. you guys r so cute haha (thank you to @multi-fandom-fanfic for the req and reblog!)
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‘ after the breakup, you were notably upset. everyone in a 5 mile radius could tell you were heartbroken.
‘ suna avoided you like the plague the entire duration of exam week. he couldn’t bear the guilt of seeing you.
‘osamu ignored suna for a couple days for how he treated you, claiming that he needed to “think about how much of a dickhead he was being”
‘ osamu made sure to lift your spirits as much as he could, it was so sweet.
“why does y/n look so sad all the time? i thought you guys were on good terms?” atsumu asked as he sat down between suna and osamu during graduation rehearsal.
“nah. we’re done, like for good.” suna mumbled, not even bothering to look up as he continued to scroll on his phone.
“what happened?” atsumu asked, his eyebrows raising at suna’s nonchalant demeanor. it was unusual to see suna ever talk about you with such lackluster eyes.
“dumbass over here was all cuddled up with some girl during the third year picnic.” osamu answered before suna could get the chance, glaring at him slightly.
“wha- you guys were on a break then, no? sunarin, wtf?” atsumu spoke, his face curling up in a displeased way.
“i wasn’t even doing anything. like you said, it was a break. they took it personally i guess because they thought we were getting back together.” suna started with a harsh sigh, eyes refusing to look up because he knew osamu and probably atsumu were now glaring daggers at him.
atsumu and osamu considered you a really good friend. when suna introduced you to them, you guys immediately bonded. the twins treated you as a sweet little sibling and always made sure to threaten suna for hurting you.
“you are such a dickhead. i hope you know that.” osamu scoffed, his irritation for the whole situation was strong. 
after the picnic, osamu made sure to text you after seeing you walk off with tears staining your face. he wanted to give you space but wanted to make sure that you were alright because he cared for you a lot more than he led on. after a couple of days of sulking, osamu pulled you aside after your chemistry exam and asked you what was wrong. you explained everything and he immediately began comforting you. he went straight to suna and asked about the sitaution, wanting to hear both sides of the story. after hearing suna’s, samu immediately chewed him out. 
“it was a break, samu. i didn’t even do anything with ayako. i don’t know why you keep bitching about it.” suna spit, his phone finally shut off and his head shot up in irritation.
“maybe because you literally broke, y/n? you led them on for weeks, ever since our last volleyball game. texting them and saying that you loved them. who wouldn’t think you wanna get back together after that? they were so hopeful, just to see you all cuddled up and giggly with some girl. you’re such a dick, you don’t even feel bad. you could at least apologize, have some fuckin’ decency.” osamu’s voice raised slightly, his hands shaking as he moves toward suna.
“that wasn’t my fucking intention, they should’ve never took it to heart. if you care about y/n so damn much, why not go fucking date them. how much longer are you gonna chew me out? i know what i did was fucking stupid, i’ve tried apologizing but they blocked me on everything. what else do you want me to do?” suna yells, passerbys begin to look over at them. atsumu finally steps in and tells both samu and suna to keep it down because you were sitting not far across the room with a group of your friends.
“maybe, apologize in person and i’ll stop chewing you out. if you just act like you actually loved them and maybe, just maybe, sunarin, you would never be in this situation.” osamu spit before standing up and stalking off to go sit by himself, closer to y/n.
suna looks over to atsumu and begins to open up his mouth but atsumu cuts him off with a quick dissapointed head shake before speaking, “no, you fucked up. ya gotta fix it, sunarin.” and walks off to join his brother, leaving suna in his silence.
graduation rehearsal ended and you spent most of the free time sitting with your friends and the twins, laughing about silly school memories. it had been 2 weeks since the break up and although you were busy, you were still really upset. even after it all, osamu stayed by your side and tried to make you smile and laugh as much as possible.
as you said goodbye to your friends, preparing to walk home you heard someone call your name. you turned around to see suna, standing there. your eyes widened and you spun on your heels, ready to walk away.
“wait, y/n. please, i just want to explain.” suna spoke, his eyes pleading as he walked closer to you.
“what.” you spoke, not bothering to look up, passing off an irritated voice.
“um..i just wanted to explain. i’m sorry if i lead you on, i never really intended on getting back toget-” suna started, his fingers fumbling with the edges of his shirt.
“i’m gonna stop you there. if that was the case, you could’ve said something. the reason for that break was for you to be honest about what you wanted. so don’t try and say that you “didnt mean too,” you spoke and suna retaliated in an embarrassed silence.
“i’m sorry..you didn’t deserve that and you should know that nothing was ever going on with me and that girl, from the third year picnic. i really wish you the best, i’m sorry...again.” suna said, making sure to finally look up at your state. your eyes lacked their normal shine and your face wasn’t as radiant as it used to be, the guilt and regret was hitting him like a bus.
“not saying we’re gonna be cool after this but i appreciate it. have a good life too, suna.” you finished before walking off in the opposite direction, leaving suna to his thoughts again. it seems that it was now suna’s time to be heartbroken.
graduation day
“i can’t believe it, we’re finally graduates. it’s so cool that we’ll be going to the same college.” you said to osamu as you guys waited for atsumu to finish crying over his high school days being over and saying goodbye to nearly the entire population of third years.
“yea, seems like you’re the only one excited.” samu says, somber smile gracing his features.
“tsumu still pissed at you?” you asked, patting his shoulder sweetly.
“yup, only talked with me when our ma’ wanted pictures. he’ll get over it, he’s excited to see me open up a restaurant, he just won’t admit it.” osamu spoke with a sigh as he leaned his weight on you. both of you chatting before osamu noticed suna glancing over at you with sad eyes.
“hey, y/n. are you okay? after ya know, suna almost ruined the end of your third year.” osamu asked gently, pushing you back slightly so he can look you in your eyes.
“it sucks but he apologized and honestly, i’m over it. it was what it was. i’m ready to move on.” you said, confidently as you smiled happily at osamu who’s face lit up with warmth.
“oh and y/n, you deserve real love and someone who’s willing to give it to you.” osamu said, his eyes never leaving yours.
“maybe i’ll find them in college.” you replied.
“or maybe, it could be me.” osamu said, smile growing larger as he watched your eyes widen slightly in shock.
“i like you a lot y/n....you don’t have to answer now. there’s a lot of time for us to become....us.” samu said before pulling you in for a quick hug, allowing you to relax at how comforting osamu had always been.
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salaciousslut · 4 months
R&B is one of my top genre's as of lately 🤭 i would love any R&B recs you have<3 I'm better with change now but i struggled for a while!
You really are such a good friend sweetheart<3 also wtf!! Its so cool that yall live in the same apartment complex as one another! Im a lil jealous they get to hang out with you so easily</3 🫣 I ended up drinking two bottles of soju with my friends since we bought a fee bottles and then decided to hang out at someone's house rather than actually go out. I think it wouldve been so nice to have you in my lap tonight. I know you wouldve taken any and every shot i gave you<3 i barely managed to get away from my friends all night
For reals, I hope we both get better with expressing ourselves this year!<3 and i low key call it that too 🫣 but ive been able to cry a little more and actually talk to people how i feel a bit better these past few months :)
Maybe one day when im less shy i'll send you my discord and we can call and talk for a bit?<3🥺 i know you sound pretty, like its just obvious to me like of course a pretty princess also has a cute voice<3 like i know you make pretty little sounds<3 also my stitch impression is a little out of practice so lemme work on that a little more<3 hehe
Lemme know if you like it, i could use some constructive criticism on how i smell since sometimes i think its a little strong. But i know saving up a little would be nice to just spring for some polo red🤭
Im jealous!! Ive been wanting to get myself a candle warmer!! Ive just been so broke lately i havent been able to :( and im also guilty of that!! But trimming the wick also reduces the amount of soot accumulation so im on top of that with my candles 🫣 i dont burn them a lot though! Also that guy was fucking stupid, the person's supposed to like it otherwise whats the damn point?? I'd feel honored if you were moaning cause it felt nice, but then again i was taught to love women<3
I'd love to cuddle with you!! Some ppl do find me intimidating though im not gonna lie. I got like dead eyes until you show interest in my existence, but i think its cute that my height wont intimidate<3 i would love to cuddle with you and your lil blue cow devil stuffed animal ☺️❤️ and im 22, so basically an exact year give a few weeks 🤭
i get soo nervous rec'ing songs so maybe later hehe!!
omg i love soju so much!! i typically have 2 bottles before im drunk tho hehe so keep them coming! but i hope you had a fun and safe night last night!! wish i could come and take care of u this morning too. so i can have a bit of a lazy day
yes discord someday! dont be a stranger okay? youre always welcome into my dms whenever you feel comfy! plus i love calls and stuff! i just love listening to people so i send voice messages all the time too.
hehe yes i love my candle warmer!! i wanna spoil i and buy u one now!!! and yes i love wax play! it just makes me sooo happy and giggly and i think its so pretty!! especially on my tits and stuff. he was stupid anyways. really a low point in my life when i was talk to him.
noooo i also have a bit of a resting bitch face so i understand. plus! ill let u be lil spoon if u want too! i like both big and lil spoon so we can take turns! and cuddle with your shark too!!! cant leave him out of this!! hehe 22 thats perfect! come here and lemme spoil u
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glattandblade · 3 years
Fluff Alphabet with Quackity!
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By Author Glatt
warnings: none
alphabet: @magical-warlock
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?  
Games! He loves to play stupid roblox games, or minecraft with you! Its fun, especially when you get competitive, he loves to see you excited about it.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them? 
Quackity loves your smile, that and your voice. It just sounds so nice, especially while singing.
Quackity like his hair! He doesnt show it on stream, but without the beanie, he thinks he looks almost better without it, although you joke with him and say its illegal without his beanie.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.? 
Quackity would probably try the distraction method, asking if you want to play games or watch a movie, or if you want him to play you a song
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o? 
All he knows is he wants to live with you and spend his days with you, he hasnt really thought about the finer details like kids/marriage and all that crap.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive? 
He’s rather passive, hes not too dominant outside the bedroom, except when he’s bein a little bitch to his friends n shit-
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Quackity would be one to forgive easily, especially if its you, although you guys get into alot of joke arguments.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Yes! He thinks about it alot, and he adores you for it. He’ll give you things in minecraft and small things irl here and there.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything? 
I think the only secret quackity would have is the secret gc with karl and sapnap in it lol
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Quackity has gotten way more hyper (somehow..) ever since you guys got together, on streams hes even louder and giggly, especially when you end up showing up.
You’ve gotten louder aswell, you’re not afraid to yell around the house if need be, thats for sure.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
I would say so, he’d get kinda defensive, although some of its just joking with his friends, sometimes its serious.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Quackity is a good kisser, even when you first met him, you were kinda surprised.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o? 
Either playing minecraft and annoying the shit out of you or blowing your phone out at like 2 am and being like hey bitch guess what? Ur my boy/girlfriend now ha
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like? 
It wouldnt matter to him, you’re still his partner, but if you suggested you wanted to, he would propose at night, going to some random park you guys frequent and sitting looking at the stars with you
N icknames - What do they call their s/o? 
Mi amor, hermosa/o, mi vida, sweetheart, he prefers mi amor and hermosa/o the most!
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings? 
Its.. pretty fucking obvious, he keeps joke flirting with you infront of others, although not a joke to him, being a fucking simp just in gen
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He’s shy to kiss if hes streaming or anything, he likes to keep it to just hugging and holding hands, off camera though he’ll take a kiss when he wants, even if others are watching. Hes upfront about the relationship and he likes to brag!
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Well, his singing definitely comes in handy, whether it be you had a bad day, cant sleep, etc. it always seems to help.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He tries to be romantic, although he fails alot of time time, he mainly just tries to be goofy and play it off, or he’ll actually be romantic and surprise himself, hes rather cliche.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Of course! He always believes in you, and he is willing to do anything to help you.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Quackity is fine with a routine, he wont mind anything to spice up the relationship, but he wont go out of his way to spice it up besides like getting you chocolate filled croissants and coffee for breakfast instead of eggs and sausages.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
It depends, some days he’s got you down to a T, sometimes he misses the mark by alot… but he is very empathetic!
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Your relationship is worth more than his career! He loves you alot!
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Quackitys love language is touch! He’s always holding your hand, or is touching you somewhere, it comforts him
 X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Very! He loves giving you forehead kisses and being the big spoon! He cherishes cuddles.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Texting them alot!! Snapping silly random pics and sending them, hoping for silly stupid pics back to save, that and facetiming.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He has his boundaries, but he’s willing to do a good amount, he’d sacrifice his career.
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mega-bastard · 3 years
ɢ ᴏ ᴏ ᴇ ʏ
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frat boy! oikawa tooru x iwaizumi's gf! reader
warnings: cheating (everyone's cheating in this frat house tonight), drugging (reader thought she was doing coke, actually percs), drug mentions: coke, weed, percs, non-con, gas-lighting, manipulation, iwai and oiks are shitty frat boys what can i say
wc: 1.9k
a/n: my piece for the intoxicated collab hosted by the whore house <3 you can check it out here! i have never written for this pretty rat bastard but I kinda like this version of oikawa that now lives in my brain. he's a shitty bastard but meh. this is very, very, very, v e r y loosely based on a real experience i had with percs ( i don't condone the use of percs !! ). also, do not mix drugs if you are doing them, especially percs with alcohol!
you know you're fucked as the last of the pretty white line vanishes through the end of a cut-up straw and into your nose. that too pretty smile tooru's wearing almost looks sinister as the feeling of prickles dances across your brain and the feeling of slight numbness snakes up your appendages. it's cemented further when drowsiness sinks in.
worst of all, you know you've lost when tooru's featherlight touch across your bottom lip has you sucking his thumb like your boyfriend isn't somewhere else in the same house
leading up to the frat party, you were excited ! time spent with your roommate was always fun, your partner in crime for getting wasted silly before proceeding to call your boyfriends to be picked up and continue the fun from there.
their frat's parties are always choice, thematic some days and just a reason to drink and make poor choices others. your poison of choice always being egging hajime on throughout the night to be fucked dumb when he's pushed beyond his limit-- the perfect fun for you.
but there's always tooru.
it's been too many times to count where you think you've finally got hajime right where you need him and then tooru's there to effectively whisk hajime away-- always with a snide reminder that you're there with your roommate, his girlfriend so 'why don't you go find her, she'll get lonely!'
ironic, considering that if she and you were up to trouble together he'd badger you over being negligent of hajime.
regardless, you fully entitled to enjoy yourself tonight-- tooru be damned.
before you could fester longer on the leech that was tooru, your roommate poses a comment about the outfits planned for tonight. it's enough to steal away your attention, and you find yourselves trying and tossing off clothes interspersed with chatter and gossip of all manner. by the end of it, you look downright sinful-- dressed in a silky feeling black bodycon with lace trim.
the intention is to rile hajime up, get him irritated having to be watchful over you to keep his sleazy frat brothers away. except for tooru, he's always the exception. he couldn't let any of his other brothers be the exception? you'd take temperamental kyotani over tooru any day. it's only a minor bonus kyotani is nice to look at.
by the time your roommate is ushering you to the uber you're quite tipsy, still aware of yourself but relaxed enough to giggle along to the lame jokes your uber throws over his shoulder at you two. idly, you think he's kinda cute.
the party is in full swing by the time your uber pulls up, people idling out on the lawn in stark contrast to the blaring music coming from the house itself. hajime and tooru are waiting outside for the both of you as you exit the uber. giving the uber a sweet smile before closing the door.
you try to ignore the lingering look tooru fixates you with as you make your way to the boys.
" tooooruuuu~" your roommate all but throws herself into her boyfriend, giggly and happy to see him. he returns the embrace, peppering her cheery face in kisses before returning her greeting "hi princess, you look ravishing as usual."
you fight to keep the cringe of your face at the nickname, opting to ignore their sugary-sweet pda in favor of hajime. you link your arms behind his neck before blinking up at him, pressing a chaste kiss to his chin before grinning cheekily " hi bubs, missed you today". his own hands settle on your hips, rubbing softly at the material of your dress before smiling down at you. he mumbles his own greeting before pressing a kiss to your temple, beginning to drag you inside.
you don't miss the familiar stare of someone staring down your neck.
all too quickly, between games of cup pong, kings cup, and random shots; your separated from hajime and squished between hanamaki and matsukawa on a ratty couch in the garage with an odd group of people. you're vaguely aware of matsukawa's arm thrown over your shoulders.
you don't try to move it.
you're half engaged in the conversation going on, between being drunk and swimming in the heady smell of weed, you're just kinda sitting there zoning in and out. there's a sizable bong being passed around, and despite only having met them a handful of times prior, hanamaki and matsukawa seem to know better than to offer you a hit-- at least that's what you tell yourself. across from you, there's a blond girl cutting lines of coke on a handheld mirror, looking up briefly with a raised eyebrow in question. you've met her prior, you've literally done lines with her, but her name is escaping you.
you feel stupid.
you're about to nod along when matsukawa's arm is thrown off you, two hands coming down on your shoulders in a bruising grip. you wince when you meet tooru's chocolate eyes.
he looks kinda pissed.
"y/n ! I've been looking alllll over for you !" his voice is as princely as ever, but the sneer on his face and the barely there anger under his tone pisses you off. you decide to push him before he starts pushing you.
"where's 'princess' at? can't believe you left my poor roommate all alone in this house" you tsk and pout, shaking your head. tooru's face momentarily sours before he's looping around the couch and dragging you to your feet, pulling you to the door without a word. you glance back briefly at hanamaki and matsukawa, but they look just as put off as you.
you follow, not sure if it's curiosity or just being drunk for you simpered obedience. you're led past hajime's room where you hear noise-- notably hajime and someone else but you can't think too hard about it with tooru's tightening grip on your wrist. this would be nice if it were hajime pulling you along. you stop in front of a door at the very end of the hall.
it's tooru's room.
volleyball trophies and keepsakes line the shelves, along with other commemorative keepsakes. a picture of him and your roommate, him and hajime, a group picture of the four of you as well. you're about the prod for answers when he beats you to it.
"don't worry about my 'princess', she with hajime right now!" he sneers down at you, loving the confusion that crosses your pretty little face before continuing "i figured i'd come check in on you since hajime seems to be doing a shit job of it." you're only partially surprised by the drop from his usual cheerful speech and vocabulary, but to hear him come at hajime unabashedly is strange.
it's actually really fucking weird all things considered.
"what do you mean by that? why's he with her..." and not me? the sentence practically finishes itself and tooru's sneer grows as your mind begins to tumble over itself. " you know, maybe he just can't handle you anymore? he's always bitching to me about you" tooru sighs, hand raised to his chin thoughtfully. something in your chest aches at the thought, mind nowhere near sober enough to see past tooru winding you up.
"you know, I tried arguing with hajime about it on your behalf. sure you're needy as hell and a borderline nympho but you're soooo cute! if i wasn't dating my princess, I wouldn't hesitate to steal you away~" it comes out teasingly, but his words are downright awful. you're not needy...right? sure you like sex, but hajime never complained about it.
you kinda feel like shit.
turning on your heels, you make for the door before tooru latches onto your wrist again. that same bruising grip back again, you whirl on him ready to lay into him before he shakes an orange pill bottle in your face. eyes narrowed, you glare up at him. what the hell is he up too?
"to make it up to you for bumming your night and causing you to miss out saeko's cheap shit, why don't we have a little pick me up?" his sneer is gone now, simmered down to what could be a genuine smile. you weigh your options, dull red flashing lights go off in your mind but safety be damned-- you need a pick me up. "fine, fine. i'd rather get something from you than just anybody." tooru looks a little surprised at your admittance, but you plop yourself on his bed before you can stare up at his pretty face any longer. he turns his back to you in favor of his desk, clearing space and procuring his debit card and a dollar bill before popping the lid on the pills and grabbing one.
you don't watch him crush the pill, and that's your fatal mistake.
all too soon, zoned out staring around the room while lost in your pitiful thoughts, tooru calls you over. "you're a big girl, I'm sure you know how to snort it" his voice is teasing, but you fail to notice just how focused he looks staring down at you. you grab a cut straw, no longer than two inches, and line one end to your nose and the other to the white line.
it feels wrong.
you know you're fucked as the last of the pretty white line vanishes through the end of a cut-up straw and into your nose. that too pretty smile tooru's wearing almost looks sinister as the feeling of prickles dances across your brain and the feeling of slight numbness snakes up your appendages. it's cemented further when drowsiness sinks in.
worst of all, you know you've lost when tooru's featherlight touch across your bottom lip has you sucking his thumb like your boyfriend isn't somewhere else in the same house.
god this so wrong, but the way tooru ushers you backwards until the back of your knees meet his bed, and you fall on your back feels nice. everything feels nice, his thumb in your mouth, his comforter on your back. the way he's staring down at you, laser-focused on just you... it's very nice.
but incredibly wrong.
hajime is in a room nearby, the fact eats at you.
tooru withdraws his hand from your face, thumb briefly pressing along your plush lips before crawling over you. he buries his head in your neck, nibbling and sucking along the length of it like a starved dog. you whimper, it's wrong but why does it feel so good? a particularly nasty bite forces a moan from your mouth, mind spinning at the pleasure despite the numbness.
you're terrible for getting off on this, you're a terrible girlfriend. tooru, evidently, is a terrible boyfriend. he drugged you but who's gonna believe you? you did agree to do it, you didn't ask what it was. your thoughts are spiraling.
tooru's hand leaves a blazing trail up your thigh, sliding up underneath your little dress and squeezing your upper thigh. you don't like this. weakly, you grab onto tooru's wrist in an attempt to halt his movements. he shakes it off, kissing along your jaw before mumbling to what you assume is more-so to himself than you.
"knew i was gonna fuck you when you strolled up in this, hajime's really missing out tonight"
tears bubble to your eyes.
you really don't want this.
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guqin-and-flute · 4 years
the real question is - in the 3zun Raise A-Fu AU which of that generation's dads has the worst dad jokes? or do they all just have different flavours of dad humour? I feel like Mingjue has the most classic Dad Vibe(TM), but if Zixuan has more kids on the way then surely at some point he will succumb to dad-isms...
(Now, now these are vibes and not necessarily 100% accurate to the universe)
Nie Mingjue Dad Vibes™ -- ‘Are ya winnin’, son?’, [glowering intimidatingly at your romantic partners when they first meet], Most likely to accidentally break something while playing, s h o u l d e r  r i d e s, will not stop cracking his knuckles, most likely to stub his toe and yell ‘GOOOD DAMMIT’, fucking loves grilling shit, most likely to turn into a mischievous Bad Ideas Man when tipsy, will try to cook something experimental and get the family to eat it while eagerly insisting ‘it’s good!’, big hands, always smells like he was just tending a fire and doing yard work but in the good way that smells like grass and sunshine and woodsmoke, misuses memes to make you squirm, most likely to suggest that he goes to ‘talk to’ your bully, LOUDEST fucking laugh, banned from helping with homework--gets too frustrated
Lan Xichen Dad Vibes™ -- [puts on glasses to look at thing you handed him], ‘hello, ___, I’m dad’ when you’re is whining about something, ‘Oh, well if your friend is having trouble, they can just come stay with us!’, most likely to laugh at his own jokes, The Peacekeeper, ‘I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed’, gets very enthusiastic about his hobbies, The Snuggliest Dad, gets excited when your friends come over, will let you sit on his lap to see what he’s doing, Giggly Drunk Dad, will immediately let you sleep in his bed if you have a bad dream, Sweater Vests and Glasses Chain Gang™, 'you should know better :(’, puns accompanied with wide eyed innocent look of barely contained laughter when he’s glared at, all the other parents have a crush on him regardless or gender or sexual orientation, teaches you math and never gets mad
Jin Guangyao Dad Vibes™ -- Usually living a Fun Dad Life but when he is mad it is terrifying, most likely to embarrass you in front of your new friends by telling a story about when you were young and adorable and probably doing something stupid, In front of the kids: jeez-o-Pete In Front of his partners: Son of a bitch, Dad alone at the party holding beer he never drinks while he vaguely and benignly interacting with the kids as the other dads stare. They are confused. Does he think he’s too good for them?? (yes), the best at playing pretend, ‘well I guess we don’t need dessert, then :) ‘, most likely to Full Name You, squints at memes and just shakes his head, complains about your homework because they’re teaching you the Wrong Way
Jin Zixuan Dad Vibes™ -- Gets really into woodworking there for a while??, ‘Go ask your mother’, initially really self conscious about being seen being cutesy in public but turns into a baby talking, crying-about-the-flowers-in-his-daughter’s-hair, ‘yes we are princesses and this is a tea party, do you have a problem?” Dad about 6 months in, is so awkward around your friends--he tries he really really does. what do kids like nowadays? Pogs?, slightly grudgingly lets you braid his hair. might bring it up again sometime. not that he wants you to or anything you just probably need the practice, most likely to be horrified at the behavior of people in prank videos, puppet shows for life lessons, Does NOT Get Memes Will Not Get Memes, 10,000 pictures of his phone of his kids and half of them are blurry and he never deletes any of them, ‘Take Your Kids to Work Day Is Important’, is so confused by your homework--did we learn this? we never learned this. honey what the hell does this mean?
Lan Wangji Dad Vibes™ -- all your friends are scared of him, just has to say your name calmly to make you cut that shit out, Eyebrow Raise, ‘it’s the dollar store. how good can it be?’, never has to give you a lecture--you already know what you’ve done, ‘your child punched someone!’ ‘did they deserve it?’, all the other parents at the science fair get very flustered by him, ‘dad can I do this?’ ‘*shrug* sure, I trust you.’, catches you breaking the rules and shakes his head--do better next time. what were you thinking? socks are much sneakier, sits in silence at your extra curricular activities but paid attention the whole time, crosswords, ‘Isn’t my baby cute?’ ‘....sure.’, hates parent teacher conferences, does not have a lot of time for kids not blood related to him, weirdly competent? at everything?, grimaces at your homework. says you should go in early and ask the teacher
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god my brain is fucking imploding with bastard thots and i blame you and you alone (lovingly)
while playing among us al was doing upload and didnt see race walk in so when he finished race was suddenly there and al jumped so hard and let out a very creative combination of expletives
they do a try not to laugh and everyone thought race would be the first to go but he never cracked meanwhile al was a giggley bitch
al has a butterfly knife and learned to use out of spite. dont ask him about it unless youre prepared for a 5 min rant on why theyre fucking stupid and “a knife is a failure of a weapon if the whole gimmick is trying not to lose a finger!” hes gone on this rant three times on camera. the first was prompted by a q&a and the other two by race because he finds it hilarious
(side hc that may just be me projecting but he really likes knives and swords but not in an r/iamverybadass way but more like a could talk about how rapiers were used in the renaissance for a solid ten minutes)
okay and the hc of al w/ glasses?? race didnt know he wore them until he accidentally walked into a stream with them on and you can see race just... stop working. al doesnt even realize until twitter has blown up again
they took a narcissism test for shits and giggles. the closer your score is to 40 the more likely it is that your a narcissist. race got like a twelve (very bottom of the average score) and al got a fucking zero
after the face reveal despite unconditional support, al was still really nervous and did a twitter poll asking if they wanted face cam because he was convinced that they wouldnt want to see his face every video. the poll came back in favor of face cam 98% to 2%
anon it is unbelievable how perfectly you understand the characterization of these fucking characters omg
i’ll gladly accept the (loving) blame if you never stop sharing the thoughts with me cause i love them
- for someone who plays a lot of horror games with a perfectly straight face he jumps at little things a lot. like,,,, he laughs at FNAF but will have a heart attack if race stands too close to him in minecraft
- albert is a giggly bitch i said what i said. he laughs SO EASILY at LITERALLY EVERYTHING. race has a really good poker face from skits (he got tired of constantly ruining takes with laughing so he learned how to school it) and the main characteristic albert has in those skits is literally “director/live laugh track” (yes, that’s exactly what race put in the credits) so not laughing isn’t albert’s strong suit
- y e s. albert is 100% a bladed weapons nerd. race manages to get him going no less than once a week on stream and it never fails to make him laugh his ass off.
- honestly there’s a lot of moments where “racer.exe has stopped working” or “red.exe has stopped working” is 100% applicable cause they’re simps and every single time albert wears his glasses is a sure fire way to make race cease to function. so far the worst (or best, ig) example of this is the time the we’re doing a charity stream and albert did the ice bucket challenge for 50k so he had to go change and he came back in one of those shirts with the massive arm holes that show your ENTIRE torso cut out and wet hair and glasses and race just could NOT. like he literally forgot how to speak live on stream and everyone (lovingly) made fun of him on twitter and in chat
- of course al got a zero. twitter was like “b a b e y n O” cause the lack of confidence is SO UPSETTING. also race would do it as a complete joke and get a really high score (like,,, 36 or something) and albert would make him take it again for real to prove he’s not actually a narcissist
- oh absolutely. the 2% was a bunch of annoying spam accounts, all of 3 people who hate albert Just Because™️, and a few people who misclicked and retweeted it with a “SHIT NO I MISCLICKED i do want a face cam i’m sorry 🥺”
✨i honestly don’t even care if just me and anon are having fun with this cause all of this is pure serotonin to me and that’s all that matters✨
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wildandsexyjacks · 4 years
Mocktails & (Not So) Useless Company Parties
Seungyoun + #11 from this holiday prompt list
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: alcohol consumption
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You love your job, you tell yourself over and over again, looking at your own reflection in the mirror of the ladies room. You do what you’ve always wanted to do, what you’re good at, what makes you happy. It pays extremely well too, so really no complaints there either. The real problem is your boss. The old cranky son of a bitch has no life of his own and for some reason, he believes you don’t need one too, which is why he’s making you stay in town for Christmas when in fact you should be back at home eating your mom’s cookies and drinking hot cocoa with tons of marshmallows.
This stupid event is not even that big of a deal, to be honest. It’s just a boring business award ceremony, filled with fancy-dressed people from the entertainment industry drinking mocktails (mocktails!!) and bragging about their achievements this year and YOU are what your boss has to brag about right now. You know your cooking show’s been pretty popular lately, with a lot of celebrities wanting to join in as guests and its rating points only going up every week, so it was obvious he’d want to show you off... But it’s Christmas. Your favorite holiday and you’re spending it in an expensive designer dress with uncomfortable heels, looking pretty and greeting people who don’t give one real fuck about your show or the story behind it, only its numbers.
While you stare in the mirror and hate everything, the giggly pair of girls who got in the bathroom right before you come out of their stalls, so you smile and wait for them to wash their hands and leave. As soon as they close the door, you take a silver flask from where you previously stashed it under the sink and pour it in your drink. After taking a sip, you put the flask back in it’s hiding spot and fix your hair one last time before exiting.
The moment Mr. Yang - executive producer of your show and close friends with the company CEO - said you’d be his date for the year-end events it became obvious you couldn’t be sober for this. However, the CEO’s wish to hold the party at his wife’s art gallery and the fact that she abominated alcohol had you mastering a plan to do it under everyone’s nose.
It was all going very well up until your third visit to the bathroom for refills. Someone storms inside without warning and catches you red-handed.
“Oh, sorry, this isn’t the-.” the guy frowns “Are you okay?”
It’s when you realize you’re probably a bit tipsier than originally intended. You look from him to the mirror again, taking in your reflection one more time: shoes discarded on the floor, flushed cheeks.... you’re obviously looking at least somewhat drunk. With your glass set on the sink and the open flask in your hands, there’s no point in trying to pretend this isn’t exactly what it looks like, so you just mumble a yeah and resume spiking your drink.
His brows furrow even more.
“Don’t you think this is a bit too...? Um, okay.” The man moves forward, grabs your arm and takes the flask from you, then smells it and instantly makes a face “Woah... Would you like some eggnog with your rum?”
You look him dead in the eye.
“This is the ladies’ room.”
“Well, I admit to my mistake.” He closes the flask, and puts it into the inner pocket of his blazer “But you don’t look too good right now so is there something I can help you with before I leave? It’s Y/N, right? You’re representing tvN so we’re both under CJ and it’d be bad form to leave you like this... I also happen to really like your show, even tried the pear risotto at home and no one died after eating.” You laugh, and he smiles, seemingly taking pride in that “Seriously, I’m a big fan.”
That’s funny because you’re looking at the Cho Seungyoun, a.k.a WOODZ, hip-hop and r&b star and variety show king. He looks ridiculously handsome in an all-black suit with his hair pushed back, which makes you vaguely embarrassed of your current state so you try to discreetly fix your appearance.
“You look beautiful, don’t worry, that’s not what I meant.” he leans against the marble sink and crosses his arms in front of his chest “What’s the matter? I mean why are you sneaking booze into a company event?”
You roll your eyes and mirror his posture, sighing.
“I don’t know what I’m doing here, my boss won’t even let me promote my show. I’m only allowed to greet people and smile while he does all the talking. This is so stupid, I should be on a plane to Toronto right now but I’m in this useless party wasting my time instead.”
Seungyoun rubs his chin, pondering his next move. After a while, he nods to himself and glances at you, arching an eyebrow.
“I can’t send you to Toronto but maybe I could help fix the other issue. How quickly can you sober up?” You shrug and bend down to put your shoes back on while he downs your drink, grimacing at the taste “Ugh, awful.” 
You laugh again while checking your make-up, then wash your hands and hold onto the arm he’s offering so you can both exit the bathroom.
And for the next couple of hours, Seungyoun does the absolute most, introducing you to everyone he knows and talking about your show with enthusiasm. He wasn’t lying when he said he was a fan, you notice. He talks in detail about the dishes and the guests from previous episodes and seems truly interested in what you have in store for the next season when you explain it to higher-ups from other CJ subsidiaries. 
It’s a blessing Seungyoun be so charismatic and funny because everyone is too busy falling in love with him to pay attention to the way you lean on him for balance and laugh just a little too much. By the time they start handing out the awards, you’re sober enough to go up on stage with Mr. Yang, who gives a quick speech thanking you and the staff - and you do the same. After that, you’re free for the rest of the night and Seungyoun makes good use of that, tapping your boss on the shoulder as soon as you get up from your seats when the ceremony ends.
“Excuse me, sir, can I borrow her for a moment?”
Busy talking to other executives, Mr. Yang waves his hand, barely looking at him, and you take that as a yes.
“Thanks for saving me.” you say as he offers his arm once again “I had a lot of fun tonight.”
“Don’t mention it. I know it’s hard to believe but I’m actually kind of shy so it was nice to have your company.” he pats your arm, glancing at you “Have you seen the paintings here? They’re pretty awesome.”
You shake your head no, so he takes you to the first open room he can find. The sign by the door says the exhibition is called FLOWERS ON A RIVER, a series of gongbi flower and bird paintings by a chinese artist named Chen Zhifo.
When you go inside, there’s no one else there, the guest using up all their time for networking instead of art appreciation. Seungyoun drags you to study a very long line of flower paintings hanging on the wall, reading their titles and descriptions out loud and making funny comments about the birds.
“You know,” he starts when you reach the last painting “I’ve never been invited to guest on your show even though we’re from the same company...”
He glances quickly at you, pouting and blinking several times, and it makes you laugh. Yes, you both come from sister companies but no one could call that a real connection. Not to mention you didn’t even know he could cook before earlier tonight, anyway.
“My boss picks the guests.” you shrug. “Sorry.”
“I see. Well then maybe I could cook you dinner at my place, say, later this week... and you could put in a good word for me with your boss or something...”
You look up at him, surprised. Maybe you’re still a little drunk, but you muster up the courage to take a step closer and ask him what’s on your mind.
“Are you trying to buy your way into my show or ask me on a date, Seungyoun?”
“Oh, I don’t care, whatever helps me see you again the fastest.” he leans down a little, bringing his face closer to yours while staring at your lips “Which one do you prefer?”
“I think right now I’m gonna go with the date and we can talk about work later.” you decide, wrapping your arms around his neck and standing on your tiptoes to meet him halfway for a kiss.
“Ho ho ho.” Seungyoun mumbles, smiling against your lips.
It’s Christmas and you’re in a stupid useless party, but now you don’t regret it anymore.
it’s still christmas where i live so..... happy holidays everyone 💜
also i’m a time management disaster so i missed seungwoo’s birthday because when do i finish anything on time right? but i WILL have the next ysay chapter finished before the weekend so wooseungdans stay tuned xx
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peach-mangos · 4 years
Third Floor Soulmates
☾ byun baekhyun/do kyungsoo ☾ soulmates au/neighbors au/fluff/first meetings ☾ 2.1k ☾ can also read here
“Ahem—Mr Byun?” the cab driver says tentatively, afraid to startle his passenger, “we have arrived, sir” 
Baekhyun, despite his driver’s carefulness, startles in a fit of snorts and disgruntled sounds sitting upright squinting at his surroundings.
“M’right, kay’—” Baekhyun slurs. “Thank you, please, keep the change” he says handing over a wad of cash to his driver. It’s more than enough for the ride and then some. 
The cab driver takes it gratefully bidding Baekhyun goodbye as he watches him drunkenly stumble out of his cab. Waving goodbye, he then digs through his pockets in search of his keys as he tries to make his way towards his building. 
“Fuck” Baekhyun groans realizing his keys are missing. ‘You have got to be kidding me’ he thinks to himself. ‘Did he leave them at the club? Or did he leave them at home? Had he dropped them in the cab?. Without his keys there’s no way for him to get the building’s gate open, much less his own apartment door. 
He stares down at his phone and sighs. 
It’s nearly four a.m, there’s no way Jongdae’s awake. The nerd’s been asleep for hours by now, Baekhyun’s fooling himself if he thinks there’s any way his best friend’s going to hear the buzzer. 
Still, that doesn’t stop him from leaning against the building gate wall as he presses down on the buzzer waiting for a response. In the meantime, he also dials Jongdae’s phone number and hopes either of the two disturbances wake him up. 
“Worst roommate ever” Baekhyun hiccups letting up on the buzzer. He dials one more time, but of course, no answer.
lost my keys...love this for me
ur lit rally the w o r s t roommate?
dead to the world...i could be getting murdered in cold blood?
and you’ve got ur phone on do not disturb mode?
fuck u dae ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
im just gonna buzz everyone on our floor till I get an answer good luck looking at ur neighbors in the eye after tonight
After sending an onslaught of text messages to Jongdae, Baekhyun pockets his phone and looks back at the platinum square with an array of buttons and sighs. 
Squinting suspiciously, he recognizes Amber and Krystal’s apartment number right above his and Jongdae’s button and presses it praying to the lord almighty either of his upstairs neighbors are up.  
“Hello?” greets Amber, giggly and slightly slurred. Baekhyun heaves a sigh of relief.
“Dude, why’re you still awake?” he snorts when he hears the girl hiccup and burp all at once, shaking his head with a full on fond grin on his face. He’s got a bit of an idea why she’s still up by the sounds of her voice. 
“Well what the hell are you doing ringing my buzzer at nearly four in the morning?” she retorts.
“S’a valid question,” comes Krystal’s voice from somewhere near the speaker.
“Glad you asked. Might’ve lost my keys at the club. Might’ve left them home or honestly I might’ve left them inside the cab I just took home. Can’t really say at the moment” Baekhyun confesses.
“Wild night?” Amber muses, and Baekhyun snorts.
“Wildest. Buzz me in would ya? These leather pants are literally suffocating me, and I’m getting cold”
The last thing he hears is Krystal’s laugh before he’s being buzzed in. The gate unlocks and he is able to make his way inside their building. 
It is then that upon entering the building’s premises, Baekhyun encounters yet another problem. 
The front doors are locked, and as his luck would have it, the night shift receptionist and security have seemed to have taken a break. 
Damn it! Baekhyun cursed inwardly, tonight really just wasn’t his night was it. 
He should’ve listened to Jongdae and stayed in. But no, Baekhyun just had to go and be a thirsty little bitch and accept Chanyeol’s offer to go out. He’d promised him he’d get Minseok to come along, and if Baekhyun was being honest, he’d been itching to get into the older man’s pants ever since they shared a heated makeout session at Kim Junmyeon’s housewarming party—read; rave—last month. 
But alas, all men do is lie, and Chanyeol is no exception to that statement. 
Now, Baekhyun could have waited for the receptionist and security guard to come back, but quite frankly he was over tonight and all he really wanted was to get inside his apartment and pass the fuck out.
So he did what any other person would do. He went around the side of the building and began to count windows. Once he’d somewhat figured out which window led to his and Jongdae’s apartment, he pulled down the rusty and quite frankly, loud, stairs attached to the apartment window steel balconies. 
After three flights of stairs and two nearly falling of happenings, Baekhyun finally reaches his apartment window and cheers, praying Jongdae once again forgot to lock it before bed—he normally does, and Baekhyun has to remind him constantly that just because they live on the third floor doesn’t mean they’re immune to potentially getting robbed. 
“When the fuck did we move our couch?” Baekhyun grumbles as he swipes their curtains aside and comes face to face with the back of their couch.
He shrugs it off not having the energy to think about it much, then climbs over said couch falling face first into it and promptly passing out.
Kyungsoo huffs out a tired breath as he shuts down his laptop, removing his glasses to rub fiercely at his tired eyes.
After an entire day’s worth of research, brainstorming and writing, he had finally finished his History report and he was well due for some rest. He stretches on his desk chair, groaning as his stiff bones crack and pop in place after the long hours of him being hunched over his desk.
His eyes widen when he checks the time and sees it’s half past three. 
However, he realizes it’s Sunday, and aside from looking over his paper once again with fresh eyes and turning it in before midnight, he really doesn’t have much planned. He relishes the thought of being able to sleep in and sighs happily making his way towards his room.
“Finally” he groans as he pulls off the duvet on his bed and crawls into it, sighing in satisfaction as his head hits his soft pillows.
Kyungsoo’s halfway asleep when a creaky sound pulls him back into full consciousness. He waits a couple seconds, and when he hears nothing once again, he sinks back into his pillows and tries to slip back into slumber.
Not even a full minute later and Kyungsoo’s jolting awake at the sound of his living room window being pried open. Afraid he’s going insane from the lack of rest, he waits a bit before he hears the tall tale sounds of someone intruding into his home.
Shit, he thinks, the one time he forgets to check his window and this happens.
Nearly braning himself on his bedside table in his haste to search for a weapon, Kyungsoo detangles his socked feet from his bed sheets and rumages his room. He almost finds himself empty handed until his eyes land on his umbrella.
He almost cheers out loud.
Quickly grabbing it, he slowly turns his bedroom door knob, and carefully opens his door. 
Tiptoeing down the hall towards his living room, he holds on tightly to said umbrella, heart hammering in his chest. If he dies tonight, Kyungsoo thinks, it would be such a shame he spent his last day on earth typing up a stupid History research paper. 
For a second there, Kyungsoo regrets not being more social and spontaneous. 
He finally reaches the living room, eyes scanning the immediate area, gaze landing on his open living room window then falling down to his couch where a large lump lies, curled in on itself. 
Judging from the whiny noises and soft breathing, Kyungsoo gathers it’s another human being.
He walks closer towards his couch, lowering his umbrella and stares at the sleeping person—sleeping boy to be exact.
He seems to be of no danger to Kyungsoo, if anything it appears—and smells—like he’s just drunk. Kyungsoo figures he must’ve gotten lost and confused in his inebriated state and somehow ended up in his living room.
Heaving a sigh of relief, Kyungsoo places his umbrella on the ground and inspects the boy slumped over his couch. 
He’s dressed in all black, in what appears to be a black cotton v-neck that’s ridden up to reveal a tummy and lower back splattered in beauty marks. He’s also in what appears to be the world’s tightest pair of leather pants, and Kyungsoo wonders for a second how long it must’ve taken to get those on. 
The intruder’s face was mostly covered by his bangs and Kyungsoo itched to push them back just to see if he recognized the boy currently drooling all over his suede couch. He couldn’t help but stare at the boy’s familiar pouty mouth. 
Kyungsoo had an inkling of who this could be, and his heart stuttered in his chest. Not sure of what else to do, he crouches near the stranger and pushes away his hair to get a better look and sure enough it was exactly who Kyungsoo had thought it was.
Byun Baekhyun of apartment 1C.
Unsure of what to do, Kyungsoo bites the inside of his cheek nervously. Should he wake him and send him on his merry way home? Or should he just let him sleep off the alcohol, and deal with this whole thing the following morning? 
Before he can decide anything on his own, Baekhyun twitches in his sleep startling a squeak out of Kyungsoo and sending him straight to the floor. In turn, Baekhyun jolted awake and frantically stared around.  
“Who are you?” Baekhyun questions, vision impared by his drunken state, as well as by his shaggy bangs. 
Kyungsoo’s breath gets caught in his throat, hand subconsciously rubbing at his chest as he stares in awe at Baekhyun. How is it that he’s been living in this apartment complex for nearly a month now, and this is actually his and Baekhyun’s first actual face to face encounter?
He clears his throat and chuckles, carefully choosing his words, not that it matters what he says. He’s pretty sure whatever leaves his lips now is surely marked on Baekhyun’s chest.
“Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that? You’re the one in my apartment after all” Kyungsoo says smiling softly, much too softly for someone who is talking to a supposed ‘stranger’ that just broke into their apartment.
“Oh my god, it’s the cute boy from 6C” Baekhyun mumbles, cheeks going crimson, his features going from conused to surprised to embarrassed in the span of a second. “Oh my god—did you—are we…” Baekhyun babbles finally registering their entire exchange.
“I guess so” Kyungsoo breathes out airily from his spot on the floor. Baekhyun in turn chuckles a little hysterically and flops back onto the couch. “Unbelievable” he mumbles to himself, and were it not for the smile on his face, Kyungsoo would’ve thought he was upset at their sudden discovery.
“Do Kyungsoo, by the way” Kyungsoo introduces himself, and he still can’t believe this is literally the first time they’ve ever spoken to one another since he’s moved in.
“Byun Baekhyun” he offers, with a small smile.
“Yeah, I know” Kyungsoo says sheepishly, and this time it’s his cheeks going crimson.
“You do?” Baekhyun asks tilting his head to the side.
“Jongdae” Kyungsoo tells him, “brought over some cookies from the both of you when I first moved in. Didn’t place a face to the name until a week later, but yeah, that’s how” he explains. “You think I’m cute?” Kyungsoo then asks a few beats later, slightly teasingly. 
Baekhyun groans throwing his arm over his face. 
“This isn’t happening” he wails.
“I mean that’s alright, it just so happens I think my soulmate is quite cute as well” Kyungsoo confesses.
“God I’m so drunk right now, is this really happening right now?”
Kyungsoo laughs softly and brushes Baekhyun’s bangs away from his face.
“You can crash on my couch, want a change of clothes to slip into?” Kyungsoo asks, “I doubt those are any comfortable to sleep in” he eyes Baekhyun’s pants and smirk.
“This is really happening” Baekhyun laughs in disbelief, “yeah, if it isn’t too much trouble, I’d really appreciate that”
Kyungsoo nods, and scurries off into his bedroom to search for an oversize t-shirt and some sweatpants for him.
“Thanks” Baekhyun says softly, gladly taking the spare change of clothes, cheeks once again flaming pink. 
“Night, Baek. See you in the morning. How do pancakes for breakfast sound?”
“Devine” Baekhyun smiles.
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alckzandria · 5 years
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Is that ALEKZANDRIA "ALEK" ADDINGTON? Wow, they do look a lot like VIOLETTA KOMYSHAN. I hear SHE is a EIGHTEEN year old FRESHMEN who are studying BALLET at Luxor University. Word is they are an ARISTOCRAT student. You should watch out because they can be WILY and  VAIN, but on the bright side they can also be SPIRITED and PERKY. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself.
Hey friends !! Mimi here, bringing back this lovely cupcake: Alek.
For those of you who don’t know, I also play Jackson King. HMU for plots with either but READ ON to learn about my sweet angel child. (There is a “too long, didn’t read” summary at the bottom lol)
☆*:.。. Alek is bubbly asf. She is talkative, she is giggly, she is full of energy, she is always goofing off and laughing about stupid things, she is truly a ray of sunshine
☆*:.。. At the same time though, Alek can be very devious. The way I always describe her is that she is the type of girl to be dragging you over a “No Trespassing” fence to sneak into the back entrance of a private party, whilst giggling the entire time
☆*:.。. A lot of Alek’s rebellion is related to the fact that she has had such a controlled upbringing. Because of who her family is, she is always expected to be on her best behaviour and essentially, the second her parents aren’t looking, it’s like she flips a switch
☆*:.。. Alek loves meeting new people and learning all about them. She is the girl who will get along with the conceited, preppy kids but also a girl who could sit with the loner kids at lunch, and know their life story by the time class starts again
☆*:.。. I imagine her as the girl who can talk gossip with the gossipers, be bitchy with the bitches and just overall be chill and get along with nearly everyone
☆*:.。. Although she doesn’t seem to take many things seriously, she is highly competitive and can be very cut-throat when it comes to the things she involves herself in professionally or otherwise
(Basics, values, education)
☆*:.。. Alek is 18, a freshman and is a Libra Sun, Leo Rising, and Aquarius moon
☆*:.。. She started at Luxor Academy at the same time as the Carnifex/Luxor merge, so she’s been here since May of 2019. Unlike most students who arrived at that time, she isn’t coming from Carnifex Academy, but her family has  traditionally attended Carnifex since the inception of the school and she is well aware of the rivalry between the schools
☆*:.。. Alekzandria’s family is extremely elitist. She, personally, doesn’t hold these beliefs but she is (among a handful of other family members) an outlier in that regard
☆*:.。. While Alek doesn’t hold these same values as her family, having grown up around them and around other elitist families, she has grown accustomed to blending in with them when she has to
☆*:.。. Anyone who is anyone will know Alek’s family in some capacity because they are one of the most influential families in America, in media, entertainment, politics, finance, etc.
☆*:.。. Alek was expected to attend Carnifex with the rest of her family, but from a young age, she didn’t want to attend such a school for what it would represent (following in her family’s footsteps and being forced to live by their values.) Instead, Alek transferred from Vaganova Ballet Academy, Russia (more on this later lol)
(Family, wealth/careers, lifestyle)
☆*:.。. Alek has a twin brother named Lévi, a younger brother named Éliphas and an older sister named Merri and more than a dozen cousins.
☆*:.。. Her family is of old money, and the Addingtons, as a dynasty, have been within at least the top 5% of earners, to the top 0.1% of earners in America since the early 19th century, making her family one of the riches families in America (and even having made Forbes’ annual list of 400 wealthiest Americans) Her immediate family making the top 1%
☆*:.。. The Addingtons could be compared to the Rockefellers or the Kennedys in terms of household names. People may not know exactly what they do but they have at least heard the name
☆*:.。. The Addingtons have been a part of nearly every influential position in society since the 19th century. Her entire family making up of politicians, public company executives, television journalists, financiers, philanthropists and some of America’s top businessmen. Alek’s mother being a television executive and her father being a politician and philanthropist.
☆*:.。. Although Alek isn’t necessarily classist, she does tend to be significantly unaware of her privilege. She doesn’t see life at all the way someone from the middle class would see it. She has never known life any different than being able to fly to England for a day trip, be picked up in her mother’s private jet or ordering 20 different custom dresses by the world’s top designers just to test them out for an upcoming event... To put it simply, the world has literally always been Alek’s oyster.
☆*:.。. In the same breath however, Alek also hasn’t known a life that didn’t involve responsibility. She has always had to maintain her family’s appearance, and ensure that the people she surrounds herself with do as well. She has had to be careful with where she goes in public/where she is seen in public
☆*:.。.  Alek’s entire life has involved attending social events, opening nights, expensive restaurant debuts, etc. She has always traveled and spent vacations at her family’s condos
☆*:.。. Alek, along with her siblings, is expected to go into one of these major professions to continue the Addington’s expansion and influence over the country and the world
☆*:.。. Despite endlessly enjoying her money, Alek has never wanted to fall into the corruption her family has adopted in their years of wealth and power. A part of that resistance had always made Alek resistant of Carnifex Academy. After years of begging her mother to attend Luxor instead, their compromise was being sent to attend Vaganova Ballet Academy in Russia when she was 11 years old.
☆*:.。. This allowed Alek to be free from her family from the ages of 11 and 16 years old and transferred to Luxor just after the merge between Luxor and Carnifex
☆*:.。. Alek is bubbly as fuck, she’s a ray of sunshine. At the same time she is devious as fuck and will giddily lure anyone over a “No Trespassing” fence to sneak into the back entrance of a party they were already rejected from entering.
☆*:.。. Alek loves meeting new people and learning all about them. She is the girl who will get along with the conceited, preppy kids but also a girl who could sit with the loner kids at lunch, and know their life story by the time class starts again
☆*:.。. I imagine her as the girl who can talk gossip with the gossipers, be bitchy with the bitches and just overall be chill and get along with nearly everyone
☆*:.。. The Addingtons are rich as fuck. Overall, they make the top 0.1% of wealthiest Americans. The Addingtons’ net worth as a dynasty is enough for them to be wealthier than all of the Luxor families combined
☆*:.。. The Addingtons could be compared to the Rockefellers or the Kennedys in terms of household names. People may not know exactly what they do but they have at least heard the name
☆*:.。. Anyone who is anyone will know Alek’s family in some capacity because they are one of the most influential families in America, both in media, entertainment, politics, finance, etc.
☆*:.。. Alek attended Vaganova Ballet Academy in Russia until just after the merge between Carnifex and Luxor Academy
☆*:.。. Everyone in Alek’s fam are multilingual. Alek herself, is fluent in English, Russian, French and knows a bit of Spanish
☆*:.。. Alek spends a lot of her time outdoors
☆*:.。. She doesn’t take it too seriously, but she has a cute little book that she uses for attempted poetry as a cute art journal
☆*:.。. Alek has been begging her mother to attend Luxor Academy rather than Carnifex for Y E A R S. Her mother wouldn’t allow her to, as Carnifex was a part of her family for many generations. Alek’s ballet teacher was meant to be transferring to Carnifex and ultimately got a job at Luxor once Carnifex was destroyed … which, is the only reason she was allowed to transfer
Major: Ballet Minor: Entrepreneurship
Yoga/Hot Yoga
( crossed out are classes she took in high school and is no longer taking )
Advanced Psychology
Advanced Level Ballet
Data Management
Is the Prima/Principal dancer in Luxor’s ballet company
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unclejuho · 6 years
🚨 Weewoo weewoo 🚨 You've been held back by the love police! 👮 Say something nice to 10 of your mutuals and pass the message around 👮 Let's spread love not hate ❣️
ooaabhjdbhj this took me so long to answer but here i go!!! im late!!! and im repetitive!! but all these people make my heart go u*u
@jaevoon  ((((her name is liz?????))
liz,,, you were like the solid first person i came to talk to on tumblr bc of your stupid lizard youngbin ask n then made the greatest decision to watch about time with the squad. i love your loyalness to jaeyoon, your even more loyalness to doyoung and your tags that always make me angery wheeze. and uh. i guess youre actually most loyal to yoelin, h u h. your soft huevos tag says it all. and i love your personal blog
moving on to my next target, dear miss dawONSt,,,, i cant compliment you the same as liz bc loyalness, dont know her. im actually surprised roro is your icon. guess you really love seafood huh ;))) i love your face and your love for all your mans. like.. your obsession with shownu sim is still my favorite thing about you, but recently i havent had the pleasure of seeing him in the chat,,, hmmm,,, maybe you and liz should do your next spam with shownu sim.
louise im feel like i always say this but youre lowkey my absolute favest blog on this entire flop site… i know we dont rlly talk but dbhjbhbh youre such a dear mutual to me???? like you just make my dash the best it can be and ugh. i love your love for sf9 so much its so cute and so pure and god youre so funny and also. french??????  je aime a french bitch!!!! anyway yea you make me soft and i just highkey always wish to remain mutuals bc when we do talk its so much fun and you always make me smile so much  ♡♡♡
SAMMMMM UGH… my sweetest???? my loveliest?????? i just have a soft heart attack whenever youre online in the chat bc like. i love talking to you ashhjsbhs honestly??? youre so easy to converse with it feels lovelie. youre so cute and your gifs are!!!! so good!!! and so much goals!!! honestly you deserve to be the top tier blog out of all the rose, day6 and got7 blogs if youre already not!!!! i love you sam!!!
LARA SO I KNOW WE HAVENT TALKED IN A WHILE EITHER which is all bc of my dramatic switch of blog styles but i love you so much and asdbbhsj youre my favorite ravi stan ever???? who honestly deserves HIM so much??? if not you deserve more which… how is that even possible tbh… but omg youre always so cute and so nice to me nnn,, even though lettuce is your favorite food (ill never forget it im sorry i just)) youre one of my favorite people on this stupid site abhabhsh. honestly i hope you do get to see ravi bc i havent asked you yet bc if you dont i may actually cry… your instagram is also so PRETTY LIKE i get a heart attack whenever i see you on there i sometimes forget youre a 100/100 goddess like… i love you so much
OUR QUEEN OF TALENT??? OF DRAWING??? OF BEING SOFT AND JUST????? BEING so amazingly sweet im??? bawling???? ugh im still smad we couldnt meet up when you were in holland like.. i need me to go to canada asap… ugh i love how nice you always are to everyone plus,,, your cartoon drawings… im actually obsessed.. i cant believe youre actually gonna make me a juwoon one someday too… sO NICE.. and like i just love you so much asdbhahbsbh youre always so sweet and you just make my day when i see you on my dash its actually a bit embarrassing but shhhh… i also love sassy soph that we so rarely get to see ;))))
another QUEEN??? just (hwiyoungs) queen of general being the most amazing??? oof em i have so much respect to you and everything you do like. your gifs are so amazing and youre overall so nice to everyone and just. whenever you rb a post of mine and compliment smth i do i just get giggly and proud and ugh you make me so happy!! plus youre so cute and asdbhjhb i love talking to you… also your selfie tag gives me butterflies hows the aesthetic like that. do you remember when we all trolled you as ems 8)
ALE??? MY SWEET ALE WILL YOU ACTUALLY SEE THIS??? omg alex honestly the first thing i think of is us voice calling and just. shbjhadhbj talking to you is so much fun ugh… im smad we havent talked in a while but ALL IN GOOD PEACE since i know youre busy and go you.. so good at staying away from the web.. anyways alex i love you sm ugh.. youre always so funny n so cute and hhhhhh i just thought of your selfie n i choked again that hair was on fleek and youre so gorgeous!!! you and youngbin jaeyoon would be so cute im sure of it… my otp 8(((((
miss sflop9???? my dearest inseong anti?????? my gOOD hwi stan friend???? my UNNIE??? sahdabbahds god.. or should i say,, heol??? omg shi talking toyou is so much fun n we’re always the same with our spams.. n our thirst abt our mans even tho you say you hate inseong n all he stands for but i KNOW DEEP DOWN in your bONES you love that guy a whole much! also its so funny ahsbjd your love for drama… a true kpop stan… ugh i know you dont like showering me with love but ill continue to shower you with my love till the end of times bc thats just how it be!!! heol youre just so funny n im glad we r talking like we r because you make my days a lot more progressive hhh and im glad to be sharing these fine men with you.. even if you call juju zaddy which. im still not on board with but whatevs!!!!!
I SAVED THEBEST FOR LAST???? my lovlie inna!!!!!! im lov you forever!!! and you know no one can take that away! i hope you know im always here for you and you can always come to me
13 notes · View notes
sssquiddles · 7 years
This is really long so I’ll put the whole things (including the blank form) under the cut
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Layla L'équilibre Dæmôn/Kjær. Based off old roleplay character’s name, Lexis Køhler which was a female version of Lukas Køhler, from Hetalia. Middle name means “the balance” which I assume (came up with it awhiiiiile ago) is based on the fact that in her story her two souls makes her the balance between good (her) and evil (her sister’s soul). Kinda stupid.
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
Just Mage, as of most recent version of the story. Mage Layla.
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory?
Yeah kind of. Grew up in a loving household with her twin sister, getting into lots of trouble etc etc. Don’t have many fond memories though bc she repressed them after her parents died. Bad memory would be when her mansion burned down and killed her parents.
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
Uhhhhhhhh dead. Parents names were Luna and Leon.
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
Three siblings. Eldest is sister Lea, then Leo, and her and her twin sister Laura. Lea and Leo are both dead (lost at sea) and Laura is dead but her soul resides in Layla’s body so whenever Layla meditates she get’s to see her sister. They have a somewhat healthy relationship. Laura’s powers boost Layla’s.
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Very proficient. And graduated early. She didn’t really enjoying much but she had a boyfriend (Emil) for a little while. Lots of drama, almost died killing the demon king or something. They don’t have colleges, so she got the highest education she can. Enjoyed alchemy, disliked magical theory.
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood?
Nope. Only “friend” was her sister, really.
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
Had a “pet” wolf that was her familiar, and kept up to adulthood. Adopted black cat later around age 19 after her pseudo brother died. She loves animals. Would have probably been a furry in the real world tbh.
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
Yeah definitely to both.
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
Not super fond of children, is kind of afraid of them dying in her care, so she’d probably never have children. Plus she’s somewhat of a nomad(?) bc she likes to travel a lot. Or used to.
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
Nope, nope, nope, nope.
12. What is their favourite food?
Stew made with monster meat
13. What is their least favourite food?
Doesn’t really have one, but she isn’t a huge fan of vegetables.
14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
Better at baking pastries than cooking meals. She loves baking for her pseudo sister, and her sister loves the sweets.
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
Collects books on the past and of magic spells. She keeps them both in her private library and in her room.
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
No cameras. She paints a lot though, and she hangs the good paintings up in the house and sells them too.
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
Books: history. Music: classical. No tv, movies or video games.
19. What’s their least favourite genres?
Books: philosophy. Music: Anything else?
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
Loves music and musicals. She usually hums along, taps her foot.
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
Not much of a temper and it kind of takes a lot to make her lose it. She’s very patient. She doesn’t get shouty-angry, but rather she’ll cry and make you feel bad. She’s a “nothing is ever my fault” kind of person, and her pseudo brother h a t e s it. Also her eyes turn red when she’s angry because it’s her sister (bad) taking over.
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
She’d rather be sneaky about being mean to someone, like a prank that could never be traced back to her. She’s almost never mean to people’s faces, or really in general.
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
Bad memory, long term. Better with faces than names.
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
Falls asleep late, wakes up late. She usually sleeps on her back. Soft mattress with lots of blankets and pillows, with her cat on her chest.
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
Situational humor. People tripping, or just being clumsy in general. She’s not funny.
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
Smiles bright, hums, laughs a lot.
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
It definitely does not take much to make her cry. She cries at anything that could be even remotely considered sad. Her flowers accidentally got stepped on? Cries. She sees a dog tied up outside in the heat? Cries. Random broken window? You bet your ass she’s sobbing. Cries openly, people are used to it now.
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
Biggest fear is everyone around her dying, and herself dying. She’s startled easily. When she’s scared her eyes turn gold and she freezes.
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective?
Probably sympathizes since she’s probably also afraid of that thing.
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
Goes on a run every morning and other basic work out things. Pregames with protein and postgames with sweets.
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
Nope. Probably either a sad drunk or a giggly drunk. Hungover involves crying, probably a little swearing. Kind, caring.
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
Lots of light colors and dresses/skirts. She mostly makes her own clothes. Wears a short nightgown to sleep. No make-up. Neat waves and sideswept bangs.
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
Comfortable, but not granny.
34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body?
Lean, fit. 5’0”. Probably wishes to be a little bit taller, but knows her size and physique is ideal for her fighting style which involves a lot of quick movements.
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?
Guilty pleasure it sweets. She could probably eat everything in a bakery. Unguilty pleasure is reading. She’ll probably read an entire novel in one day. She probably once read three books in one day, pulling an allnighter so she could finish the trilogy.
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
She can play the violin really well, and the piano somewhat skillfully. This is due to her noble upbringing though. She enjoys the violin more than the piano. She loves playing with her animals (is that a hobby?) and painting, and reading. She has a voice that is somehow worse than a whale that’s dying while giving birth.
37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?
Love love loves reading. Very fast reader. Doesn’t like poetry, too much symbolism and over thinking things. Both.
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
Courage, definitely. The ability to mask emotions. She wishes she could dance.
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging?
Letters only form of long distance communication.
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
Energy drinks fuck her UP, so no. Her increased heart rate scares her. Loves sugary food though. Naturally stays awake for long periods of time, but not very alert while doing so.
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
Straight. She finds tall-ness and strength (P and M) attractive. And doing small sweet things like stealing a kiss between sentences, leaving cute little notes, etc. She needs someone who can handle and deal with her constantly changing emotions.
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
Her goal is probably to find some true happiness. She would sacrifice anything/everything for the safety and wellbeing of those around her. Her secret ambition is to completely master every spell known to man. Probably never going to happen though.
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
Somewhat. She doesn’t pray or anything, but she does believe in a higher power. She doesn’t really have an opinion on either.
44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most?
Favorite season is spring, for sure. She loves the rainy days and sunshine. She does better in cold, because she loves curling up by the roaring fire wrapped in fluffy blankets with tea and a good book.
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
Other people see her as needy, probably. Overly emotional and annoying. She sees herself as kindhearted, and emotional.
46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?
First impression is probably of bashfulness or kindness, so yes. She usually doesn’t introduce herself, but needs someone else to do it. Too shy.
47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
Uncomfortable, stiff. Not a fan of black tie wear, probably. Loathes the whole event. Would rather be at home baking or playing with her familiar.
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend?
Pajama parties, probably. Has never organized a party in her life, and never will.
49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
Most valued object is the locket with a picture of herself and her sister when they were younger. She’s very sentimental, and carries a picture of her dead bro everywhere she goes.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
Books, weapon, snacks.
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory?
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood?
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
12. What is their favourite food?
13. What is their least favourite food?
14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
19. What’s their least favourite genres?
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective?
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body?
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging?
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most?
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?
47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend?
49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
0 notes