#sealed god's test
we-stan-cale · 14 days
Since I've talked about almost all the other important parts during my reread, I didn't want to forget the sealed god's test.
It's just... So good I'm not even sure where to start. Like, this is a moment where Cale really shines.
Cale. Rok Soo, which we're told means 'to always grow green, even in winter'.
And we see that in this test.
The sealed god throws him into one of the worst moments of his life, expressly to make him despair.
Instead, Cale takes that moment and uses it to rewrite the past, and erase all his regrets.
This is where we really get to see what post-apocalyptic Korea was like. And over and over again we learn how badly things went then, even as Cale makes sure it doesn't happen like that again.
We also see some of his years of experience, and maturity. Especially with how he handles Park Jin Tae, who was a bully and a tyrant - and also died in Cale's first life, fighting to save everyone in the shelter.
You can see what we've seen all along. Cale doesn't judge leaders by the petty stuff. He judges them on how well they take care of their people.
This is also where Cale, Choi Han, and Alberu really become an amazing trio.
Choi Han, who bargains a large chunk of his life away (just the time he'd be alone, as he ties the length of his life to Raons) in order to join Cale in his test.
And Alberu, who the Sun God helps possess a monster called the Dark Tiger when his real body is sleeping.
Those three are so tight knit now, it's beautiful. Real ride or die friends.
Especially when you remember where they all started.
It's also, as always, a time where you have to pay attention to the subtleties. This is Cale's past, and he's focused on making sure everyone survives... But Choi Han and especially Alberu can see the desperation, the struggle, and the near starvation of all the survivors. Alberu has a couple of moments when he's out of the test and giving updates to their friends, and you see him struggling. Because Cale asked him not to overly stress them (the kids especially) and basically say it's fine... And Alberu's like 'how can I tell them that?!?'
And then, naturally, there's Choi Jung Soo and Lee Soo Hyuk.
Younger versions, and not the ones Cale knew. But still, we get to learn more about his earlier found family.
We also see things going on back at home. Since his physical body is still there, his friends have to rescue him.
And we see how they're able to perform, even without Cale to call the shots.
We especially see how well Raon has grown, as he makes important decisions on how to find the monster statues.
Even more importantly, we have this at the end.
– Do you really think that this moment is the end of despair? Cale looked down at the rose gold lights burning in his hands. He opened his mouth to speak. ‘Is this moment the end of despair? No. Absolutely not.’ “This is just the beginning of the despair in this world.” It was just the beginning. Despair would reveal itself in many different forms in this world from now on. “But people have hope now.” After about a year since the world had turned into a mess… The people who had always lost, struggled, and barely managed to survive will be victorious for the first time. They would destroy this despair known as an unranked monster. The sealed god who had been silent for a moment asked as if he was sneering at Cale. – Do you have hope as well? It seemed to be implying that Cale was someone who could not have hope. That was how it sounded to Cale. Cale slowly shook his head. “No.” He did not have hope. However… “I have certainty.” Cale needed something more certain than hope. Finally, he had gotten it. “This place will draw a different future than my past. I’m certain of it.” He was certain that more people would survive than in his past. He was certain that they would have better lives. That was not speculation. Although it was a future that was yet to come, Cale believed it to be the truth. In fact, Cale wanted to be the one to finish the first step toward that certainty. The burning rose gold thunderbolts moved away from Cale’s hands. He started to speak again. “This is the first time I’m saying this to a god.” Toward the silent sealed god… To the god who had tried to give him despair… Cale said the following. “Thanks.” He really meant it. “My memories didn’t end in despair thanks to you.”
It's not that he defeated despair. That despair will no longer exist.
But there's hope, and he is certain that the future will be better.
And even more so - he is grateful that he had this chance to change his memories.
He took this thing that was supposed to break him, and used it to fix himself instead.
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crazydaymycrazyway · 2 months
During the sealed God's test, in Earth 2
Somebody: Have you guys ever done something like this before?
Choi Han: Something dangerous? Or idiotic?
Alberu, waving his shiny majestic mane: That's a yes to both
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birb-catto · 5 months
To summarize Alberu's Korean arc experience thru an Isekai title:
“In another world to save my crazy dongsaeng who got kidnapped by a god and wow this bastard is a transmigrator along with his swordmaster who's secretly a grandpa which I never really expected and oh I also became a tiger monster because of some god and I am now a part-time shampoo commercial model!”
(With how much the Korean arc emphasized the Dark Tiger's lustrous and majestic mane every time he shakes it, you'd think Alberu became a shampoo commercial model in another world 🤣)
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nerdpoe · 1 month
Clopeh becomes a Saint. Like, for real. From his devotion to Cale.
And the crazy fucker is horribly smug about it.
Cale, however, is having a mental breakdown.
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topaz-mutiny · 1 month
So the episode is over and I am stuck on the giant green glass column that spans a mile and more vertically of this underground city.
Because the first thing I said when it was described, before we found out the Weave Mind (I'm assuming that's the 5 minds) are inside of it, was: "That's a big-ass trammel."
... And then I thought about it.
So, what if? What if that's literally what it is.
A giant trammel piercing through the crust, piercing Predathos. Probably one of a few.
But maybe you only need to pull out one to release a god-eater from its binds.
Perhaps the Ruidian flares, said to be ushered in by the Weave Mind themselves, are their attempts to pull the trammel out.
The flares are getting more frequent, more powerful, because of an increase in their attempts, and the aid being given to them through the Ruidusborn and Ludinus.
If it's true, if this ties into the lore from all the way back in the last arc of C1 I'm going to scream.
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blueteller · 1 year
I really love your theories so I have a question for you, what do you the sealed tests were ?
Reading it, I felt like they had way to much informations and stuff happening in it to not be a real world somewhere and then Raon kinda said he sorta remember Dodam so it can't really be another earth because I feel like Raon would not be feeling Dodam either so maybe another timeline ?
Do you think they'll come back at some point ?
That's an excellent question! I've given it a lot of thought, myself.
Personally, I think the twist is that instead of all tests being illusions, each one worked on completely different mechanics: it was to fool the people undertaking the tests to make them stuck for as long as possible, if not indefinitely, and absorb their despair at being trapped.
The first test was an extra one: unofficially called "test of despair", courtesy of Clopeh.
This test was an "illusion of conditionally alternative reality". The world itself was fake, however, the God of Despair had limited influence over it, due to it being heavily based on the TCF reality. I imagine the God of Despair used up a lot of his power for that one.
That reality was altered in two key ways: one, Cale Henituse did not exist. As in, he wasn’t a member of the Henituse family and was never born there. Two, the White Star was replaced by an avatar of the God of Despair, who made himself look like Cale Henituse. It was to trick Cale's group into fighting an "evil Cale", then display the footage in the real world and present it as "Cale's group betraying him". This scheme ultimately failed, because of the God of Death's cintamani. I am not sure what the passing requirement actually was in that test – because the Sealed God himself destroyed that test before it was finished. He probably figured he had a better chance of tricking Cale into using Embrace on him and using it to control him, somehow. Another scheme failed because of the God of Death – who had Cale use his Divine Item to seal him.
The rest of the tests followed the "standard format" of the Sealed God's temple: sadness, sloth, failure, indignity, and wrath.
The test of sadness was based on a person's memory. That was all there was to it. No alternations, no changes. Pretty simple. To pass it, you needed to "accept your sadness" – the same way Cale had to "accept the despair yet to come" in his test back on Earth 2.
The next test was a lot trickier. It was still based on memory, but it had specific properties: indulgence and numbness. It made the person gradually forget that they're in a test at all. It might seem simple on the surface, but in my opinion, it was the most dangerous test of all. Because once you forget you're in danger at all, how can you defend yourself? Luckily, it seems all of Cale's friends managed to pass that one somehow, even thought the passing requirement was never quite made clear to me. I suppose you just needed to "let go of indulgence" and move forward to face the difficulties of the real life.
The test of failure is where things get interesting. It was intended as an "impossible task" kind of test. As Choi Han's case with Harris Village had shown, it was a test where you experienced a failure of your past in a continuous loop. Try as hard as you can to correct your failure, it was an illusion where reality was actively against you. Choi Han should have no problem returning to Harris Village on time, knowing there was an attack coming. And yet the test made him fail over and over. Choi Han was implied to eventually out-stubborn the test, which is truly impressive, as Clopeh believed such a thing was not possible, and the solution was to "accept failure" in order to proceed.
The test of indignity is the strangest of them all; because all signs show that it was the only one where an Actual Alternate Reality was involved.
From what we know about Single-Lifers, such as Choi Han, they’re the only ones who are able to travel between dimensions in their own bodies without issues – of course in Part Two (slight spoiler alert!) we are introduced to Cale's mirror, another Divine Item from the God of Death. However, even with the mirror or the Hunters, they're all required to pay a price for such travel. Even during their travel to the murim world, Cale and his group needed to change appearance in order to "fit in".
That's because regular people are not meant to dimension-travel. Such things seem to be usually only for Gods, Wanderers or other divine beings. For Variables, such as transmigrators, it's necessary to change bodies to "native" ones when they change dimensions.
It is no coincidence that while Choi Han just got dropped into the TCF universe out of nowhere, Cale's soul was placed in the body of a local. That's because he couldn't be simply transported in his own Korean body. Notice how in each test, except the indignity one, Cale and the others were in their own bodies. Only in this one they were all temporarily transmigrated into someone else – although with how 20-year-old Kim Rok Soo was still inside Cale during the Sealed God's test, it's clear that the God of Despair doesn't switch souls, but temporarily places a second soul in another person's body.
That's why I'm 100% sure the indignity test was the only one with a real other universe involved. There were also differences Cale noticed, such as the absence of the Super Rock in the villa. It wasn't an illusion world based on his memories. It was a different world entirely. But it was still similar enough for the Sealed God to choose it his test target, as the same thing happened with Earth 2.
And finally, we got the last test: wrath.
While the extra test was an illusion of an alternate reality, sadness was a memory, sloth was a mind-numbing trap, the failure was a time loop, and indignity was another world… wrath is the only one which is 100% fiction.
It is a world crafted by a sneaky temple AI for one purpose only: to piss you off.
The thing is, if Cale hadn't thought that nonsense of how "kids complaining about food" et cetera are things that "make him angry", his test would probably be a little different. Because, let's be clear here: if the White Star truly had won over Cale, he would never let him live peacefully with the kids. Especially not comfortably enough for them to complain about such mundane thing as food.
The temple took Cale's absurd suggestions and meshed them all with the vision of what truly pissed Cale off: the White Star winning and doing whatever the hell he wanted. If the White Star had won, he wouldn't leave a single one of Cale's allies alive. …Especially not Raon, whom that bastard threatened to cut his heart out of and feed it to Cale.
The point is: logically, the wrath test made no sense. There wasn't any internal consistency to it – even illusion!Eruhaben himself pointed out it did not make any sense. Clopeh's version of the wrath test was seeing Cale and his group in jail and awaiting a trial, as if that would ever happen! If Cale got caught, they would have tortured and killed him, not involving any legal procedures. What would even be the point?
From my observation, the only way to pass this test is to cool off – so unless you're able to defeat whatever it is that "makes you angry", you'd be stuck. Which, honestly, doesn't seem like a very effective trap to me… but I suppose making someone pissed off enough makes them reckless (as seen by Cale bleeding and all over the place and beating up the White Star with a rock like there's no tomorrow…), which is quite dangerous in itself. And if a person manages to pass all the previous tests without issues, it would make sense that anger could be their final weakness.
To answer your final question - do I think Dodam!verse will come back at some point?
Yes. Absolutely.
So yeah - that's my take on the Sealed God's temple tests. I hope you enjoyed it!
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robins-on-lea · 2 years
SGT!Kim Rok Soo: Can I be frank with you guys?
Og!Cale: Sure, but I don’t really see how changing your name has got anything to do with saving your hyungs in the future.
TCF!Cale: I know me and adult Cale(aka, Og!Cale) here already talked about it, but I’m actually hoping to keep the name “Cale Henituse”.
TBOAH!Cale: Can’t both of you adults be quiet? Frank is trying to say something.
TBOAH!Cale, turning to SGT!Kim Rok Soo: [Grins] So, Frank, what is it that you wanted to say?
Og!Cale & TCF!Cale: [Smirks]
SGT!Kim Rok Soo:
Part 2859462939 of my nonexistent Reaction fic
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ayowuzap · 2 years
Posting this here cuz my phone's notes can't handle me anymore help
*This is just an idea! Anyone can use and/or take inspiration from the thing that i wrote but please don't driectly copy my thing please!*
TCF FIC IDEA CUZ WHY NOT LMAO will edit later ig
Summary probs idk more of a prompt i think: KRS!Cale's Indignity Test: Alberu Crossman meets his "version" of Cale Henituse except Alberu knows that Og!Cale being trash is just an act and attempts to make him either a dongsaeng (cuz of TCF!Alberu's actions and IT!Alberu having visions of those two interacting) or an ally for future purposes. (Its actually just an excuse to write these two heh)
i.e. thengalulu convo between these two ye:
Alberu then looked straight in the eyes of the notorious trash, Cale Henituse, as if he was initiating challenge, before starting to skim through the Henituse Records. (10mins and 14secs)
"Richard, a butler-in-training and servant, was fired for theft and embezzlement, Nala, one of the head maids, was accused of harassing lower ranking maids and the young master and young mistress' Basen and Lily, and was promptly fired later on by the Count and Countess themselves, Vroyz, a citizen in Rain City, kicked out of the  territory after people testifying of him attempting sexual assault, property damage and theft and succeeded in most attempts, Helen, one of the higher ranking knights, was kicked out of the Henituse Brigade after being accused of harassing the new countess..." (22mins and 17secs)
This went on for who knows how long but it still effectively confused but made the suspicions of the disguised dark elves and some human servants loyal to the first prince, more solid and clearer than ever towards the young master, while also making Cale forget that he was in front of a decent amount of people and the crown itself, and broke his act slightly as his not so drunk eyes widened in shock everytime a certain name was mentioned in the records.
'Fuck, I've been found out.'
Cale clenched the wine glass that was graciously given to him prior to this mess and gritted his teeth, opening his mouth to at least save or salvage some of his left over reputation that he worked so hard to build for the past years that was quickly getting trampled down but was promptly stopped by the noise of papers smacking onto the table.
"These are the recorded files of the fired employees of the Henituse County for the past nine to ten years."
He saw Alberu's hand hover his hands softly like a fluttering bird's feather over the papers, with the gaze of his eyes as soft as a doe's and smile as bright as the sun, contrasting his previous actions greatly of practically throwing the files on the table and nearly making them fly. (will probably keep the exaggeration idk)
Gentle blue yet sharpened sapphire eyes (im sho shmart) moved towards the red head's, whose face is as red as a rose and eyes shook with emotions that could not be distinguished but is usually seen as between irritated drunkenness or absolute annoyance. (9mins and 32secs)
However, Alberu knew.
"These were the people that the infanous eldest young master of County threw a bottle or four at, prior to their punishments."
He knew it was raw anger and pure fear for his family's safety.
The crown prince smiled gently and youthfully towards the fuming red head, as if he hadn't just dropped a dangerous information bomb for and against a neutral noble, and tilted his head mockingly, asking the other to just give it up.
What the blonde didn't expect, however, was that he would actually comply. Cale downed the whole glass of wine in his hand that he nearly splintered to pieces if he was any stronger, and slammed down the now empty glass, still skillfully maintaining his elegance all throughout his outburst.
1) "The Henituse Family bows to the collective Royals, not because they were forced to or chose to."
Rust colored eyes beneath the still, slightly bowed head peeked dangerously between the veil of hair and towards the young sun. (npi)
2) 'But because they see no reason to go against them.' (1 and 2: 5mins and 42secs)
The hand that was still holding onto the empty wine glass tightened until the knuckles turned pale white. (2mins and 19secs)
"Yet you seem to be testing my limits here."
Cale finally let go of the sole object that would normally give him a false sense of calmness, crossed his arms and legs in an extremely graceful manner and cocked his head aloofly with the most unrelaxed-relaxed face in existence. (8min and 22secs)
"I will give you what you want that I can with my power, excluding future territorial and political support, in exchange of not coming anywhere near my family."
A finger settled on his bicep started to tap restlessly as his patience wavered as he raised his brow.
"So? What do you want?"
'What do you want from a son of a neutral family?'
Cale was genuinely curious. The crown had not just found him out-the people who were supposedly there, how come they didn't know? Why? Did they not care enough to know what he was trying to do? what he was risking for that was much more valuable than his life? why-and just practically wasted his time and effort and taking advantage of his wide network full of information of different nobles, kingdoms and empires alike just for what, to exploit a weakness of the son neutral family? Or is there something more than that? (13mins and 2secs)
"Why, of course..."
A human servant clasped his hands to his mouth and a disguised dark elf's gaze had darkened in wariness as they both knew what was happening and what was going to come.
3) Alberu said with unreasonable pride, smiling impossibly brighter than before as he settled his chin on top of his crossed fingers that is placed on the table with his elbows propped up. (the fanfics that ive read good lord-)
4) 'Never mind, we don't know what's happening anymore.'
5) Said human servant unintentionally smacked his hands towards his forehead as the disguised dark elf bit her lower lip, both faces deadpan. (3, 4 and 5: 17mins and 56secs)
Cale sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose understandably.
p r a i n b o w e r
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musclesandhammering · 10 months
Spn season 4 au where most stuff is the same, but Cas is in her 1901 female vessel the whole time, and she realises from the beginning that Sam and Dean think she’s a demon so she just rolls with that and pretends to be one for like the whole season. Also, she hates Dean right off the bat and is only associating with him begrudgingly (he prob makes some gross sexual comment to her on first meeting and that’s what did it idk).
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svtskneecaps · 1 year
ayo shoutout to revali for being the champion whose ability i have used the least since obtaining
#i have not obtained urbosa's fury bc sand seals are scary and the camel makes me nervous#i've used mipha's grace at least three times bc i'm bad at the game but i'm also a coward so i don't die but when i DO die. i DIE.#and shoutout to daruk bc i can't parry for shit but i love exploding the spiders#not kpop#shut up vic#that's a lie i'm getting better at parrying i killed at least two walking guardian spider boys entirely on my own#and i can consistently get the decaying guardians first try#but like. i suck. lmfao.#if a shrine is anything above a minor test of strength i literally turn tf around and walk out#like yes medoh was my most recent divind beast but 'most recent' was last week#i have done most of naboris; explored mount lanayru; found a stable i somehow missed; combed the eastern islands; finished eventide;#tidied some sidequests; killed a talus using only bombs; killed another talus; cried in the temple of time; dyed half of my clothes purple;#found fifty more koroks; finally found the second to last memory i need; combed faron woods looking for the spring of courage because#my theory is that it's there (i'm still looking lol); killed a monster camp out of spite; picked a fight with every yiga i saw out of spite;#combed the gerudo highlands; finished two labyrinths; wandered into castle town; wandered into castle town again;#entered castle town with the intention of murdering every guardian i saw; killed the yiga leader; helped build tarrey town; killed a molduga#activated the tower in hyrule field; explored hyrule field in stealth mode bc i'm a pussy and guardians scare me; found and paid the last#great fairy; found and paid the horse god; found and tamed a third horse for the quest at dueling peaks; furnished links's house#upgraded most of my clothes to their highest level; tracked down the other two pieces of the zora armor; found more berserker armor;#killed a lynel because i walked in on it and decided that meant it had to die even if i died too#my point is i've done a lot of shit and in that time i have used revali's gale. twice.#me staring at a wet cliff: well. my only options are to wait it out or go around.#i can't stress that this isn't me willfully sticking it to the birdman i literally just forget i have it i am. dumb.#long tags
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myaoiboy · 5 months
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we-stan-cale · 26 days
You know what else is amazing?
When the sealed god sent Cale to the moment he was most likely to despair...
And Cale took that as a chance to erase his regrets.
We saw that he has a rough relationship with the leader of his group of survivors.
And this could have been a moment for revenge, or for Cale to somehow turn the tables and lord it over Park Jin Tae.
And instead Cale decided he was going to save the guy too.
Oh sure, we also learned Cale felt that Park Jin Tae ultimately saved his life. And over the years Cale also realized that perhaps the shelter would have fallen apart of Park Jin Tae hadn't favored ability users so much. We know the guy wasn't all black or white, and even lost his life trying to save everyone in the shelter.
That's why Cale decided he could work with the guy. His criteria wasn't whether the guy treated him right, or was 'good' in general. It was about whether they stepped up to take care of the people under their care.
No real revenge (though Lee Soo Hyuk sure made up for that later), no real enmity.
Cale decided he was going to work with the guy, and he did.
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hazzzyrider · 7 months
Nobody's perfect. This one time when I had a crush on a friend they really liked bbc sherlock but I absolutely hated it but I was foolish and affectionate so i suffered/binged the three whole seasons out at that point in a weekend just so i could have a conversation with them about it. And watching the show only made me realize I might not like them as much.
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readingwriter92 · 1 year
Nooooo stress cleaning my entire kitchen bc I smashed a glass is a great way to end my night thanks for asking
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47-protons · 1 year
i think the fun thing about the pesticide training. outside of the absolute fucking hours long droning lectures. is that so very very very much of it focuses on “what are alternatives to chemicals?” like hey, if there’s a way you can handle the issue without spraying, how do you try that first? or like. start with the lowest dilute rate effective per the label and then work your way up. they emphasize “hey don’t fucking go hog wild on the chemicals. cool your jets.” don’t over apply the product because that can leave residue and that’s how you can end up with resistant generations. it’s interesting.
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pseudowho · 2 months
Operation: Babymaker-- Wet Dreams
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When it comes to trying for a baby, Nanami Kento always works overtime. And the reader had better be ready 💛
When the busy days and exhausted nights keep you and Kento apart, things get a little...creative 💛
💜 💛 Part 1 LINK HERE: A Trip to the Tailors
💜 💛 Part 2 LINK HERE: Benchpress
💜 💛 Part 3 LINK HERE: Ditch the Party...again
💜 💛 Part 5 LINK HERE: Honeytrap/Maid Café
Warnings: 18+ throughout, breeding kink, fertility/infertility discussion, somnophilia (m receiving and f receiving)
"I miss you. So much. I'm going to be home so late, I know it."
Kento could picture you now, leant against the wall, the heel of your palm pressed to your forehead, trying to massage away the impending headache. Eyes drifting closed, he sighed, craving you back home.
"I'll wait up for you," Kento assured, smiling as you sighed, feeling that soft breath whisper over his ear instead. You had been gone for days, and Kento had resisted every urge to stroke himself to the thought of you, knowing he should save himself for when you were home.
Images of all that cum, dripping from you, and being pushed back in with his fingers, and the sound of your voice, had his cock swelling embarrassingly fast. Picturing your disappointed face over the last two months, the small pile of negative pregnancy tests, he felt a competitive surge, a challenge. Kento shivered, jaw clenched, cracking his fingers in anticipation.
"And if I do fall asleep," he half-joked, wicked, "do feel free to have your way with me."
A giggle, a hushed moan ("Kento, stop-- you'll give me ideas"), making him twitch against his pyjamas. Kento reached down, trying to squeeze his cock into submission. Hand shaking, hooking himself out of his pyjamas to sit, hot and heavy, leaking onto the honey-blond hair of his belly, Kento begged, low and husky.
"Tell me more," he hummed, edging himself with no intention to finish, stroking his slit with one pre-cum wet thumb, "about those ideas."
You were right about being late home.
At 2am, you crept through the doorway, stripping all the way to the bathroom, moving seamlessly from front door to shower, finally feeling the grime of the day wash off you in glorious wet heat.
You heard soft snores from your bedroom as you stepped out, hair wrapped and drying. Reaching out to where you knew Kento had left his t-shirt for you-- clean, but with just enough him smell on it to make you feel deliciously his, your face softened at his sleeping form.
Half upright, propped on pillows, Kento's hands rested on a folded book across his chest, face sideways, warm and relaxed in his slumber. You crept over to him, needing to touch him, scratching your nails languidly through his sleep-mussed hair.
Kento groaned, his chest rumbling in his sleep, and you felt a stir of want in your belly to see his hips twitch upwards, as if he were between your legs in his dreams.
Biting your lip between your teeth, remembering your conversation on the phone, you ghosted your hand over Kento's bare navel. Scratching your fingers down his happy trail, you were delighted to see his belly twitch, his eyebrows pinching together.
Possessed, you climbed slowly onto the bed, your hips either side of Kento's knees as you reached into his bedside drawer, retrieving the little remote control vibrator he hid there.
"God, Kento, you're so beautiful," you whispered in the dark, lowering his pyjamas just enough to free him, soft in your hand, "you don't even know it."
Leaning forwards, lightly squeezing Kento's cock, you slipped the vibrator inside your underwear, sliding it between your rapidly wetting folds, switching it on. You hushed your own moan by opening your mouth, and sealing it around Kento's twitching cockhead.
His mouth had dropped open in his sleep, one hand slipped from his chest to fist at the duvet, a shivering gasp in the night. You let the spit collect in your mouth, tonguing his cockhead, wet and warm, sucking the blood to his length. Awash with the eroticism of him hardening, completely unaware, inside your mouth, you rolled your pussy against his legs, using the pressure to rock the vibrator against your clit.
You swiped your tongue around him, feeling him grow between your lips, his tip hitting deeper with each bob of your head around him. You tasted salty pre-cum, licking it down with a swallow, thrilled by his unadulterated twitches, gasps, and slow sandy moans.
Half-hard against the roof of your mouth, you released Kento, and he whimpered in protest, fucking himself up into your spit-wet hand. You were captivated by him, obsessed with the way his body reacted so viscerally; hips twitching, brows furrowed in anguished pleasure, pre-cum dripping out into your hand...
...you could have cum then and there, jerking him off faster and harder to have him spill in your hand. Instead, you slowed, stretching out your tongue to taste him again. Spitty, mewling around his length as you edged yourself with the vibrator humping against his legs, you moved your mouth fluidly as you pictured Kento awake, knuckles deep in your hair while he fucked your mouth.
Solid and throbbing in your mouth now, Kento panted, hair mussed, cheeks flushed as one hand fisted the duvet, and the other reached up behind him to squeeze the pillow, his fingers rolling over something absent mindedly in his dream.
"Is it me?" You whispered against him, painting your lips against his cockhead while Kento shuddered, "Is it me, in your hands? I hope so." You felt his thighs and back twitching rapidly, feeling his impending orgasm, desperate to feel full with him, desperate for the day you could finally surprise him with his morning coffee and two sweet blue lines--
Giving him one final lick as his hips bucked up towards you, you stripped your underwear, holding your vibrator in place as you held his cock upright, rubbing it against your entrance. Kento's gasps were shuddering and desperate now, words ghosting over his lips, his hands shaking, white-knuckle-clenching the sheets.
You quickly lowered yourself, taking his whole length in one smooth drop onto his hips.
"Oh fuck, Kento--" you mewled, not pulling him out at all, rocking him inside you and feeling his tip kiss your deepest walls, already fluttering around him and desperately close to orgasm, "-- feel so good-- so full-- cum inside me please please please--"
You begged him like this as you pleasured yourself on his cock, circling the vibrator over your clit in trembling little movements. Kento mumbled, your name on his lips, teeth gritted as his pleasure began to peak, lost in the wettest dream.
Rutting yourself down onto him, hips wiggling just a little harder to feel him in your belly, Kento grunted, euphoric and convulsing beneath you, and you encouraged it as you came with him, clamping down around him, lost in a blissful haze with his reflexive orgasm inside you.
"Fffuck.. that was amazing," you smiled to yourself, full of admiration to see Kento relax, marshmallow soft and slumped against the pillows. You pressed a kiss to his chest, slipping him out of you with a shiver, legs clamped together, snuggling yourself under his arm as you put his softening cock back into his pyjamas.
You fell asleep like this, ecstatic that you had shared your wicked little ideas with him before you got home.
Kento woke early, to the birdsong dawn and you, soft and snoring, under his arm. Wakefulness came to him slowly, unsure why he felt sticky inside his pyjamas, why there was a pair of your underwear on his belly, why the vibrator he liked to pin between your legs was now under the covers, pressed against his thigh--
All the puzzling couldn't stop the way his cock answered the question for him, that morning testosterone whoosh making it rock solid against his belly in seconds.
"What have you been up to, you dirty little minx?" Kento whispered, low and conspiratorial as he snaked one arm under your head and neck, the other lazily lifting your leg over his hips as he shucked his pyjamas down, kicking them off.
Kento's other hand grazed down the front of your body, moaning to feel your thighs and pussy, soaking wet and dripping with more than just your arousal.
"Did you fuck me while I slept?" He whispered against your ear, feeling your body squirm against him, far away in your lavender clouds, "How...presumptuous of you. I should rather have been awake." Kento's fingers dipped between your folds, sliding easily into your entrance, fingering you with his own cum. He groaned to feel your walls flutter around him, pressing three fingers into you as you mewled, twisting against him.
Kento laughed softly, deep and sleep-gruff, "Come now...you've had bigger than that," he teased, teeth clenched with the taboo thrill of using you while you slept, "and just a few hours ago, too...shall we fill you up some more?"
Kento was possessed, overtaken by the squelch of his fingers pistoning into your sloppy cunt, biting his lip with husky groans to feel you jolt and wiggle, whining against him. Adding his thumb over your puffy clit, tightening his arm over your neck and chest, Kento felt his cock leap against you as you sank your teeth into his arm, mewling in your sleep.
"Good girl," he encouraged, "we'll fill you up again, hmm? Have you all fucked-out and dripping, all tucked up in bed..." Kento moved his fingers faster, reaching as deeply as he could, pressing against your spongey sweet spot, "...and then I'll make you breakfast...and fuck you some more."
You cried out, twitching weakly as you came, wet and clenching around his hand, and Kento was so far gone, lost in how good you'd feel, all pliable and blissful in his arms. Locking your thigh over his hip, Kento began to push easily into you, clasping you against him with his other arm across your chest.
Feeling you, floppy and sleep-warm against him, had Kento biting into the back of your shoulder, nuzzling and nipping, resting his cock in your tight walls for just long enough to pull himself back from the edge.
"...haaah, darling-- too good...s'too good-- fuck, 'm not letting you out of bed today--"
Kento started to move within you, drunk on the wet drag of himself through you, moaning, shuddering into your neck. He kept this torturous pace, fast enough to feel you shiver with pleasure, and slow enough to keep you from waking.
Kento's hand roamed your body unashamedly; squeezing the soft pouch of your belly, trailing fingertips lazily along stretch marks and cellulite, the softness of your hair, the full plush of your breasts and thighs, rolling your nipples in a way that brought him faint, distant memories of his dreams that night.
Eyes closed, deep in the sensual little cocoon of your bed, Kento whispered dirty little thoughts to you, the sunlight warming his back, casting shadows on his hips as they rolled into you; "--send to you work tomorrow-- haaah, fuck-- cum dripping down your legs-- your panties in my pocket-- lock the staffroom door and-- and--shit--"
Hips stuttering, groaning and burying his nose into your soap-scented hair, Kento came, holding you by the belly as long spurts of seed painted your cervix white. Feeling you shuffle and whimper, Kento bit into you with a growl, instinctively trapping his cock inside you. Grunting as his cock twitched weakly, emptying him of the last few spurts of cum, Kento felt you twist your head towards him, sleepy as you nuzzled the side of his head.
"...mmmm...morning, gorgeous."
Receiving a fractured little groan and hot, fast pants in response, the rest of your body began to wake, and you wiggled with a smile to feel Kento's cock, warm inside you.
"...sorry," offered Kento, sheepish, "...couldn't resist." You giggled, accepting musty morning kisses from him as you pictured him the night before, fast asleep, irresistible, book folded open on his chest.
"I know what you mean. Want to go out for breakfast?" Kento groaned, eyes still closed as he manhandled you onto your back, pressing sloppy kisses onto your face as you giggled, being rocked from side to side.
"Another day," he begged, voice low and persuasive "you're too busy today-- got a baby to make."
My pussy wrote this, and she hopes you liked it 💛
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